



2019 年托福高频词汇表: sparse什么意思(附翻译及例句 )sparse 英[sp ɑ:s]美[spɑ:rs]adj. 稀疏的 ; 稀少的稀疏的 ; 稀疏 ; 稀少的 ; 成员稀少疏落词形变化:比较级: sparser比较级:sparsest派生词: sparsely sparseness sparsity双语例句1 . He was a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparsehair.他 50 来岁,头发稀疏,身材矮胖。

来自柯林斯例句2 . Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation.很多山坡都是石头地,植被稀疏。

来自柯林斯例句3 . The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.那一排稀稀落落的观众没留意到任何不寻常之处。

来自柯林斯例句4 . Traffic was sparse on the highway.公路上车流稀少。

来自柯林斯例句5 . the sparse population of the islands那些岛上零星的人口来自《词典》网络释义-sparse1.稀疏的rebuff 断然拒绝 sparseadj.稀少的;稀疏的spar水疗2.稀疏...索引4.3获取相关矩阵的信息 4.4 改变矩阵的大小和形状 4.5 矩阵元素的移位和排序 4.6 对角矩阵 4.7 空矩阵,标量和向量 4.8 完全矩阵和稀疏 (sparse) 矩阵 4.9 多维数组第 5 章 M文件程序设计第 6 章程序调试和优化第7 章错误处理第8 章数据输入和输出第9 章使用数据工具箱函数第 10 章.3.稀少的rebuff 断然拒绝 sparseadj.稀少的;稀疏的spar水疗4 .成员稀少疏落名字释义—耿希炯...假借为“稀”。




severe的用法总结大全severe的意思想必大家都有所了解吧,那你们想知道severe 的用法吗?今天给大家带来了severe的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。

severe的用法总结大全severe的意思adj. 严峻的,严厉的,剧烈的,苛刻的变形:副词:severely; 比较级:severer; 最高级:severest;severe用法severe可以用作形容词severe的基本意思是“严厉的”,指完全没有松弛、轻浮、柔软可言,可形容人及其面容、行为、思想、言论,也可形容与人有关的事物,如作风、法律、刑罚等,偶尔也可形容天气,指气候恶劣、严寒。

severe还可指“朴素的”,例:a severe literary style(朴素的文体)。

severe用作形容词的用法例句The premier came under severe criticism.这位总理遭到严厉的抨击。

Hes suffering from severe mental disorder.他患有严重的精神病。

A severe storm turned the small village down to ground.一场剧烈的风暴把小村夷为平地。

severe用法例句1、We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.我们正在经历现代最严重的一段经济衰退。

2、I got a severe telling off for not phoning him.我因为没给他打电话,被狠狠训斥了一顿。

3、She had quite severe bruising and a cut lip.她身上有严重的淤伤,嘴唇也破了。

词汇精选:severe的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj.严重的;剧烈的;凛冽例句:Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm 严重的损害表明了暴风雨的破坏力。



inset v 插入(in进入+set→安置进去→插入)reset v重放,重排(re重新+set→重新放)upset v 打翻a 不安心的(up向上+set→[把底]向上放→打翻)187 sever=earnest,表示“诚恳”severe a 严肃的;严厉的persevere v 坚持不懈(per始终+severe→始终诚恳→坚持不懈)asseverate v 正中申明,断言(as一再+sever+ate→一再诚恳表示→郑重申明)188 sight=vision,表示“眼光”sightliness n 悦目,好看(来自sighly好看的)insight n 洞察力(in进入+sight→眼光看进去→洞察力)insightful a 有洞察力的oversight n 疏漏(over越过+sight→越过[漏洞]没看到;参考,overlook疏忽)189 som=body,表示“身体”somatic a 躯体的,肉体的(som+atic)chromosome n 染色体(chromo颜色+some身体)psychosomatic a 身心的,身心失调的(paycho心理+som+atic→身心的)190 sort=kind,表示“种类”assorted a 各种各样的(as+sort+ed→把各种东西放到一起,如:assorted candy 什锦糖果)assortment n 分类,各种各样(assort把….分类+ment)consrt v 陪伴,结交(con共同+sort→同类相聚→结交)191 spin=thorn,表示“刺”spine n 刺;勇气;脊椎spiny a 多刺的;困难重重的porcupine n 豪猪(pore猪+upine[=spine刺]→有刺的猪→豪猪)192 splend=shine,表示“发光”splendid a 辉煌的,灿烂的splendor n 光辉,光彩respledent a 光辉灿烂的(re一再+splend+ent→一再发光→光辉灿烂的)193 stall=place,表示“放”forestall v 预先制止(fore预先+stall→预先放上东西→制止)install v 安装;就职(in进+stall→放进去→安装)installment n 安装;分期付款(install的名词)194 stigm=mark,表示“标志,斑点”stigma n 污点;不名誉的事stigmetize v 玷污,诽谤(stigm污点+atize表示动作→给[别人]污点→玷污)astigmatic a 散光的;歪曲事实的(a无+stigm+atic→看不到污点→散光的)195 strat=spread out 表示“扩散”,引申为“层次”strata n 层,地层(stratum的复数,strat+um→层层扩散→层)stratify v 使成层,使分层prostrate v 使俯卧,使沮丧(pro前+strate→前[后]回一贯层次上→俯卧)substratal a 基础的,基本的(sub下面+strat+al→在下面一层→基础的)196 sult=leap,表示“跳”assault v 进攻,攻击(as一再+sault=sult→一再跳起来→进攻)desultory a 散漫的(de分散+sult+ory→没有目标的跳→散漫的)exult v 欢腾,喜悦(ex出+sult跳→[高兴地]跳出来→欢腾)insult v 侮辱(in进入+sult→踩到[别人的脸上]→侮辱[别人])result n 结果(re反问+sult→反回来的东西→结果)197 surg=rise,表示“升起”surge v 浪潮;涌来insurgent a 起义的,暴动的(in内部+surg+ent→内部升起来→暴动的)resurgent a 复兴的,恢复的(re再次+surg+ent→再次升起来→恢复的)198 tach=nail 表示“钉子”attach v 附上;使属下(at=tach→钉子→附上)attache n 使馆随员(attach+e)detach v 分开,拆开(de分开+tach→把钉子上的分开→拆开)tack v 钉住;缝合199 tail=cut,表示“剪,割”tailor n 裁缝curtail v 缩短;削减(cur短+tail→减短,参考;curt简短失礼的)detail n 琐事;详情(de加强+tail→不断剪下去→琐事)retail v 零售(re再+tail→再监一次→零售)entail v 使承担,把…遗传给(en使+tail→把剪下的东西给别人)200 tard=slow,表示“慢”tardy a缓慢的,迟的tardiness n 拖拉(tardy的名词)tardigrade a 行动缓慢的(tard+I+grade步伐→步伐缓慢)retard v 延迟,妨碍(re一再+tard→一再慢下来→延迟)201techn=skill,ability,表示“技术,能力”technical a 技术上的technology n 技术(学)(techn+o+logy学科)polytechnic a 多种工艺的(poly多technic技术的)202temn,tempt=scorn,表示“藐视”contemn v 藐视,轻视(con共同+temn→大家一起看不起→藐视)contempt n 轻视(con共同+tempt→大家共同看不起→轻视)contemptible a 可轻视的;下贱(contempt+ible)contemptuous a 瞧不起人的(contempt+uous)203terr=frighten表示“恐,怕”terrible a 可怕的(terr+ible)terrify v 恐吓(terr+ify)terrific a 极好的(terr+iflc带来→带来可怕→好到了让人害怕的地步→极好的)terrorist n 恐怖分子(terror恐怖+ist+sit表示人)deter v吓住,威慑(de不动+ter[=terr]→下得不动了→吓住)deterrent a 威慑的n. 阻化剂(deter+r+ent)determent n 制止(deter+ment)204 troph=nutrition 表示“营养”atrophy n 萎缩,衰退(a无+troph+y→无营养引起的→肌肉等衰退)dystrophy n 营养不良(dys坏+troph+y→营养坏)eutrophic a 营养良好的(eu好+troph+ic→营养好)trophology n 营养学(troph+o+log+y)205 toler=endure,表示“容忍”tolerable a 可容忍的(toler+able)tolerant a 心胸宽大的tolerate v 宽容intolerant a 心地狭窄的(in不+tolerant心胸宽大的)206 touch=touch,表示“摸,碰”touch v 摸,接触retouch v 再摸(画)润色(重新用画笔接触画面→润色)untouchable a 不可接触的(un+touch+able)207 trench=cut,表示“切,割”trench n 壕沟(被雨水切割出来的沟)entrench v 用壕沟防护,确立…地位(en在…里面+trench→在壕沟里面)trenchant a 一针见血的(trench+ant→象刀切进去一样)208 trop=vturn,表示“转”trope n转义;比喻(转出来的意义)tropic n 回归线(太阳回转的地方)tropical a 热带的(tropic+al)trophy n 奖品,胜利纪念品(经过轮番努力[turn again andagain]而得到的东西)209 tru=true,表示“相信,真实”truth n 事实,真理truce n休战,停战(相信对方而停战)truism n 不言自明的真理distrust v 不信,猜疑(dis不+trust)entrust v 委托;相信(en给予+trust→给予相信→委托)210 trit=rud,表示“磨擦”attriton n 磨擦;消耗(at+trust→给予相信→委托)detriment n 损害,不利(de坏+tri[=trit]+ment→磨坏了→损害)trite a 陈腐的(像被磨破了一样)contrite a 悔恨的(con共同+trite→身心全部磨擦→悔恨交加的)211 tut,tuit=protect,表示“保护”tutor n 保护人,导师tutelage n 保护;教育(tutel[=tut]+age)untutored a 未受教育的(un没有=tutor教导+ed→没有被教导过的)tuition n 学费;教导(tuit+ion→受教育的费用)intuituon n 直觉(in不+tuit→不加保护而来的[感觉]→直觉)intuitive a 直觉的212 typ=type,表示“模式,形状”type n 种类,v.打字typewriter n 打字机(type+weiter用来打字的东西)typical a 典型饿(tyo+ical→成模式的→典型的)atypical a 不定形的;变态的(a不+typival典型的)prototype n 原型,典型(proto原始,第一+type→原始模式→原型)typography n 印刷术(typo+graphy写→用模型写→印刷)typology n 类型学(typ+o+log学科+y→研究模式的学科)213 wrin,ur=urine,表示“尿”urine n尿urinate v 排尿(urin+ate)urinal n 尿壶;小便池urology n 泌尿学(ur+o+log学科+y)214 vapor=steam,表示“蒸汽”vapor n 蒸汽vaporize v 汽化(vapor+ize)evaporate v 蒸发(e出+vapor+ate→以蒸汽的方式出来→蒸发)evaporation n 蒸发(evaporate+ion)215 veil=cover,表示“盖上”veil n 面纱,借口unveil v 揭穿(un打开+veil→打开面纱→揭穿)reveal v 揭露,显示(re反+veal[=veil]→反盖上→不让盖上→揭露)216 vent=wind,表示“风”vent n 通风口,出气孔ventilate v 通风(vent+ilate表动词)ventilation n 通风,换风217 vestig=footprint’track,表示“脚印,踪迹”vestige n 痕迹;残余investigate v 调查,侦察(in进入+vestig+ate→根据踪迹调查→调查)218 vibr=swing,表示“摇摆”vibate v 摇动,震动(vibr+ate)vibration n 振动,摇动vibrant a 震动的;有活力的revibate v 震动(re再次+vibrate震动)219 vid,vis=separate,表示“分开”divide v 分开,划分(di分开+vid+e分开)individual a 个人的,个体的(in不+divide+ual→不能再分开了→个人)division n 划分,区分(divide的名词)dividend n 股息,红利(di+vid+end→分享的股息)devise v 设计,想出(由古义“分开“转化而来)220 vil=base,表示”卑劣“vile a 卑鄙的revile v 辱骂(re一再+vile→一再[使别人感到]卑劣→辱骂[别人])vilify v 诽谤(vil+ify→做卑劣的事→诽谤)villain n 坏蛋,恶棍(vill[=vil]+ain人卑劣的人→坏人)221 vir=man,表示”男人“virile a 男性的,阳刚的(vir+ile表形容词,如:fertile肥沃的)virago n 泼妇(vir+ago→象男人一样的女人→悍妇)virue n 美德(有男子气概→美德)viruoso n 艺术名家,大师(virtue美德,技能+oso表示人→技能之人→大师)virtuosity n (技艺)精湛(来自virtuoso)222 vot=vow,表示”发誓“devote v 投身于,献身(de加强+vote→拼命发誓→献身)devotion n 献身;虔诚(devote+ion)devotional a虔诚的(devotion献身+al)ote v 投票(投票前需要发誓以示诚实)223 ware=watch,表示”注视“wary a 警惕的;谨慎的aware a 警惕的,戒备的(a+ware)unaware a 不知道的(un+aware意识到)awareness n 意识,知觉(aware+ness)224 zeal=ardor,表示”热心“zeal n 热心,一心一意zealot n 热心者,狂热者(zeal+ot表示人,如;hekot奴隶)zealous a 热心的(zeal+ous)ealous a 妒忌的(jeal[=zeal]+ous→对…热心而得不到,所以妒忌)第五部分:abol=do away with(消除)ablish v 废除accoutr=dress (穿着)accoutrement n 装备acm=top (顶端)acme n 顶峰adip=fat (肥)adipose a 肥胖的adjut=assist (帮助)adjutant 副手,副官advant=ahead (前面)advantage n 利益,好处avant n 先峰agger=heap (堆积)ecaggerate v 夸张alacr=swift (迅速)alacrity n 迅速,敏捷ald=old (老)alderman n 市政议员alesc=grow (成长)coalesce v 结合,联合amen=pleasant (愉快)amenity n 舒服,愉快amenable a 通情达理的amic=friend (朋友)amicable a 友好的angu,anx=distress (苦恼)amguish a苦恼的anxious a 焦虑的anth = flower (花)antholigy n 选集chrysanthemum n 菊花(chrys黄色anthem花+um)ap=bee (蜜蜂)apiary n 养蜂场aper=open (开)aperture n 开口,孔April 四月(开花季节)apex=aummit (顶峰)aquil=eagie (鹰)aquiline a 鹰的,似鹰的ar=plow (犁地)arable a 可耕种的ar=dry (干)arid a 干旱的arefavtion n 弄干arbor=tree (树)arboreous a 树木的arboriculture n 种树业arch=chief (主要的)architect n 建筑师archipei ago n 群岛arch=bear (熊)arctic a 北极的(在大熊星座下)antarctic a 南极的(ant相反+arctic)ard=burn (燃烧)ardent a 热情的arson v 纵火(ars=ard)ardu=difficult (困难)arduous a 劳累的aren=sand (沙)arena 角斗场(以沙铺地)arom=apice n (香料)aroma n 芳香aromatic a 芳香的arter=pipe (管道)artery n 动脉articul=joint (关节)artivulate v关节结合;咬字清楚asin=ass (驴子)asinine a 像驴在的;愚蠢的asper=rough (粗糙)asperity n 粗暴exasperate v 激怒;使恶化asthm=panting (喘气)asthma n 气喘病athl=contest (比赛)athlete n 运动员atmo=vapor (蒸汽)atmosphere n 大气层atroc =cruel (残酷)atrocious a 残暴的atrocity n 残暴aur=gold (金)aureate v 镀金auriferous a含金的;产金的aur = ear (耳朵)aueiform a 耳状的auricular a 耳的;听觉的auster=severe (严重的)austere a 严肃的;朴素的austr=aouth (南方)austeal a 南面的Australia n 澳大利亚(在南半球)auxili=help (帮助)auxiliary a 辅助的aval=kownward (向下)avalanche v 雪崩(aval+lanche滑—向下滑)avar=greedy (贪婪)avarice n 贪婪axi=worthy (有价值)axiom n 公理,真理badin=jest (说笑)badinage v 打趣,逗笑bank=bench (长椅)bank n 银行(由柜台转化而来)banktupt n 破产者(bank椅子—柜台+rupt断—柜台断了—破产)bard=beard (胡子)barber n 理发师(兼修理胡子)bard n 倒钩;刺人的话(像胡子一样刺人)barbar=stammer (胡说)barbarian a 野蛮的(野蛮人说的话听不懂)barr=bar (栅栏)barrier n 障碍embargo v 禁运(em进入+bar禁止+go状态beat=blessed (有福的)beatify v 祝福beatific a 快乐的;天使般的bell=fine (美好)embellish v 装饰(em使+bell+使—美好)belle n 美女bever=drink (喝)beverage n 饮料bey=expect (期待)abeyance n 暂停,中止(a在+bey+ance—在期待中—观望,暂停)bias=slant (斜)bias n 偏见bib=drink (喝)imbibe v喝入,饮bibulous a 吸水的;喜喝酒的blas=bamage (毁坏)blasphemy v 亵渎神灵(blas+phemy神的显示)blem=stain (弄脏)blemish v 玷污bombast=cotton (棉花)bombast n 吹牛的话(像棉花一样膨胀)bon=good (好)bonus n 奖金boon n 恩惠bor=dweller (居民)neighbor n 邻居(neigh附近+bor人)bord=side (边)border n 边境transborder a 横穿边境的bosc=feed (喂)proboscis n 象鼻子;吻针(pro前面+boscis,象用鼻子喂食)botan=erb (草)botany n 植物学bouch=mouth (嘴)debouch v 流出;走出bov=ox (牛)boving a 牛的brack=vomit (呕)brackish a 令人恶心的broch=pierce (刺,缝)brochure n 手册(用线缝在一起的纸)broach n 钻孔器v开瓶塞;提出问题bry=sprout (发芽)embryo n 胚胎,萌芽burl=mockery (嘲笑)burlespue n 滑稽戏(burl+espue反缀,如grotespue古怪的)byss=borrom (底)abyss n 深渊(a没有+byss—没有底)cadaver=corpse (尸体)cadaverous a 死灰色的,苍白的cal=beautiful (美丽)calligraphy n 书法kaleidoscope n 万花筒calam=misfortune (不幸)calamity n 灾难,不幸calend=first day (每月第一天)calendar n 日历call=vhard skin (硬皮)callous a冷漠的,无感觉的can=dog (狗)canine a 狗的capr=goat (山羊)caprice v 突变;任性caper v 欢蹦,跳跃carcer=prison (监狱)caric=load (过分)aricature n 漫画;讽刺文caten=chain (链)concatenare v 把—连在一起cathar=pure (纯洁)cathartic n 泻药catharsis v 导泻;精神发泄cathol=general (普通的)catholic a 普遍的,一般的caul=stem (根,杆)cauliflower n 花菜(从根上长出花来)caust=bun (烧)caustic a 苛刻的;腐蚀性的holocaust n 大火灾(holo全部+caust—全部烧光)caval=horse (马)cavalier n 骑士cavalry n 骑兵ceal=hide (藏)concea v 隐藏cel=heaven (天空)celestia a 天的,天空的ceiling n 天花板(ceil+cel)celebr=honor (荣誉)celebrate 庆祝celebrity n 名人celib=single (单个)celibacy n 独身celibate n 独身生活的人a独身的cem=sleep (睡)cemetery n 墓地cephal=head (头)acephalous a 没有头的ceram=earth (陶土)eramic n 陶瓷erebr=brain (脑)cerebrum n 大脑cess=stop (停止)cessatinon n 停止,中止incessant a 无穷无尽的chame=ground (地)chameleon n 变色龙(chame+leon狮子—地上的狮子—变色龙)chondr=cartilage (软骨)h软骨ypochondria n 臆想病症(hypo在下面+chondr+ia病—在软骨下的病—人的臆想病)chtys=golden (金色)chrysanthemum n 菊花ciner=ash (灰)incinerate v 焚烧inerary a 骨灰的cinct=bins (捆)succinct a 简洁的cist=box (盒子)cistern n 贮水桶cla=break (打破)iconoclast n 反对崇拜偶像者clandestin=secret (秘密)clandestine a 秘密的clys=dash (猛冲)cataclysm n 洪水(cata向下+clysm)col=strain (排水)cpercolart v 渗滤,渗透colander n 漏勺oll=neck (脖子)collar n 衣领accolade v 奖励,授骑士士爵位礼(把奖品挂在脖子上)com=sleep (睡)coma n 昏迷,昏睡cintamin=pollute (污染)contaminate v 弄脏,污染cop=abundance (丰富)copious a 大量的cornucopia n 丰富;丰饶角(corn角+u+cop+ia——象征丰收的角——丰饶角)cori=skin (皮)excoriate v 剥皮;严厉批评corrig=correct (改正)incorrigible a 不能改正的corusc=glitter (发光)coruscate v 闪耀,闪烁cost=side (旁边)accost v 向人搭话;调情cras=mixing (混合)idiosyncras (人的)特性crastin=tomorrow (明天)procrastinate v 拖延(明日复明日)creas=flesh (肉)pancreas n 胰腺(pan接近+creas——像肉的东西——胰腺)crepit=burst (爆裂)becrepit a 衰老的(脾气不再火爆)crimin=ceime (罪)crimina n 罪犯recriminate v 反责;反诉(crud=raw (生的)crude a 粗糙的;原始的recrudesce (病等)复发(re再+crud+esce——再次变粗糙——复发)crust=shell (外壳)crustscean a 甲壳纲的(动物)culin=kitchen (厨房)culinary a 厨房的culmin=top (顶)culminate v 到达顶峰cmul=heap (堆积)accumulate v 积累cumulus n 积云cup=desire (渴望)cpidity n 贪财,贪心curt=short (短)curt (说话)短而粗暴的curtail v 截短;缩短(讲话、节目等)custod=guard (看护)custody v 监护cylind=roll (卷)cylinder n 圆柱体dama=conpuer (征服)adamant a 坚定的,坚固的(a不+dama+ant——不可征服的)de=god (神)deity n 神diefy v 神化deb=owe (欠债)debenture n 借据;债券dibit n 借方;负债debt n 债务dibil=weak (衰弱)dibility n 衰弱debilitate v 使衰弱deleter=destroyer (毁坏者)deleteriois a有害的delect=delight (愉快)delectable a 愉快的delir=mad (疯)delirious a 神志失常的,妄想的deterior=worse (更坏)deteriorate 恶化didact=teach (教)didactic 教训的,教导的digit=finger (手指)digitate 有指的,指状的dogm=opinion (观点)domga 教条dogmatic 教条主义的domin=lord (主人)dominate 统治dominion 领地;统治domit=tame (驯服)indomitable 不可征服的dors=back (背)dorsal 背部的indorse 背书;同意(在背后签子)dot=give (给)antidote 解毒药(anti对抗毒)anecdote 轶事;短故事(an不+ec出+dote——not published——没出版的小故事)dra=perform ( 表演)drastic 剧烈的drama 戏剧dubi=doubtful (怀疑)dubilus 怀疑的indubitable 明确的,无可怀疑的ebri=drunken (醉)inebriate 陶醉的,酒鬼eleg=lament (悲伤)elegy 哀歌emul=equal (平等)emulate 模仿;超越et=being (存在)entity 存在nonentity 不存在;无名之人entom=insect (昆虫)entomology 昆虫学equ=horse (马)equine 马的ero=love (爱)erotic 色情的ert=erect (直)alert 警惕的(al+ert站直了看——警惕的)escal=ladder (梯子)escalade 攀登escalate 逐步上升esoter=inner (内在)esoteric 秘传的estim=value (价值)estimate 估计,估量esteem (尊敬)estimable 可尊敬的;可估计的ethn=nation (民族)ethnology 人种学ethnic 种族的etymo=true (真的)etymology 词源学(词的真实来源)fam=hunger (饿)famine 饥荒famish 挨饿fan=temple (庙)fanatic 狂热的,盲信的(在庙里盲目信仰)fascin=enchant (迷住)fascinate 使---入迷fatig=weary (疲倦)fatigue 疲劳indefatigable 不知疲倦的fatu=silly (笨)fatuous 昏庸的infatuate 使糊涂,使迷醉febr=fever (烧)febrile 发烧的fecund=fruit (果实)fecundity 肥沃;多产(果实很多)felic=happy (幸福)felicity 幸福;得体femin=woman (女人)feminine 女人的;温柔的fer=wild (野)ferocity 凶猛feral 野生的;凶猛的ferr=iron (铁)ferreous 铁的,含铁的fisc=pruse (钱包)fiscal 财政的confiscate 没收,把---充公fiss=split (分裂)fissure 裂缝,分裂fissile 易分裂的flagell=whip (鞭子)flagellate 鞭打fluctu=wave (波浪)fluctuate 波动for=bore (打孔)perforate 打孔fratern=brother (兄弟)fraternity 兄弟情谊fraternize 亲如兄弟;友善fraterm=fresh (新鲜)fresco 壁画(用新鲜颜料画的画)fresc=shine (果实)fructufy 使多产;结果实fulg=shine (发光)effulgence 光辉,灿烂refulgent 光辉的fulmin=thunder (雷声)fulminate 大声怒吼fulminous 怒喝的furt=steal (偷)furtive 偷偷摸摸的furc=fork (分叉)bifurcate 分成两叉furcal 叉状的fusc=dark (黑的)obfuscate 混淆;弄黑暗fuscous 暗褐色的;深色的gain =against (反对)gainsay 否认against 反对galax=milk (乳)galaxy 欢蹦,跳跃(用腿蹦跳)garr=chatter (唠叨)garrulous 唠叨的gastr=stomach (胃)gastric 胃的gasreitis 胃炎genu=knee (膝盖)genuflection 曲膝ger=bear (带有)belligerent 好斗的(bell战争)glomer=ball (球)conglomerate 合并,联合glomerulus 小球glut=devour (吞吃)glut 吞吃glutton 饱食者(gluttony 暴饮暴食)gorg=throat (喉)qorge 吞咽,峡谷gorgeous 壮观的;美丽的gross=great (大)engross 正式写成(议案、决议等);大量(或全部)收买,独占gross 总共的;重大的gymn=naked 裸体的gymnasium 体育馆(脱衣服锻炼的地方)harm=fitting (适合)harmony 和谐charm 魅力吸引力(harm的变体)haught=high (高)haughty 高傲的hein=odious (可恨的)heinous 憎恨的hemo=blood (血)hemorrhage 大出血(hemo=rrhage流出)hemer=day (一天)eohemeral 转瞬即逝的(一天就消失了)hom=man (人)homicide 杀人者(homi+cide杀)homage 尊敬,崇敬(把别人当人看)host =enemy (敌人)hostile 故意的hostility 敌对hum=moist (湿)humid 潮湿的icon=image (形象)iconoclast 反对崇拜偶像者iconography 肖像画法ident=same (相同)identical 一样的identify 认出,识别ign=fire (点火)ignite 点燃igneous 火的,似火的incip=begin (开始)incipient 开始的intim=inmost (内心的)intimate 亲密的暗示isol=island (岛)isolate 孤立isolable 可隔离的isthm=narrow pass (狭道)isthmus 地狭jac=lie (躺)adjacent 邻近的,毗连的circumjacent 周围的jacul=javelin (标枪)ejaculate 突然说出(像把标枪扔出去一样)jaculate 把—向前掷去jubil=shout of joy (欢呼)jubilation 欢庆,欢腾jubilant 欢快的laver=torn (撕开)lacerate 割碎;伤害lass=weaty (倦)lassitude 疲倦,无精打采lat=wide (宽)latitude 纬度;自由laud=praise (赞扬)laudable 值得赞美的laudatory 表示赞美的,褒扬的lemma=argument (争论)dilemma 进退两难(di表示二,二种争论——进退两难)lent=loose (松)relent 放松;宽厚(re再+lent——再放松)relentless 无情的leth=oblivion (遗忘)lethargy 昏睡(leth原意是“忘川”,喝了忘川水,一切都忘记)lethal 致命的(忘了,死了)lig=bind (捆绑)ligament 韧带;纽带ligature 绷带lign=wood (木头)ligneous 木质的lignivorous (昆虫的幼虫)食木的loft=sky (天空)aloft 在高处,在空中lofty 极高的;崇高的lop=run (跑)elope 私奔interloper 入侵者,干涉者(跑入二者之间)lubric=slip (滑)lubricate 使润滑lubricant 润滑油luc=light (灯)lucubration 灯下工作lucid 清晰的lug=mourn (悲伤)lugubrious 悲伤的,伤心的(lug+ubr工作+ious——悲伤起作用)lup=wolf (狼)lupine 狼的lyr=lute (笛子)lyric 抒情诗maci=lean (瘦)emaciate 使憔悴;瘦弱macilent 瘦的macul=spot (斑点)maculate 弄上污点immacvulate 无缺点的mall=hammer (锤子)malleable 可锻造的,可塑的mallet 小锤子mamm=breast (奶)mammal 哺乳动物mascul =male (雄性)masculine 男子气的emasculate 阉割mastic=chew (嚼)masticate 咀嚼;三思matin=morning (早上)matinee 日场戏me=go (走)permeate 渗透medit=ponder (思考)meditate 思考premeditate 预先思考medl=mic (混合)medley混合(品)mell=honey (蜜)mellifluous (声音)甜美的melan=black (黑)melancholy 忧郁(的);令人伤感(的)(原指伤心得胆汁发黑)melior=better (更好)ameliorate 改善,改良mendic=beg (乞讨)mendicant 乞丐mer=lake (湖)mermaid 美人鱼(maid女人)mol=meal (饭)immolate 焚祭,作祭品(给神吃饭)mol=heap (堆)molecule分子demolish 破坏,摧毁(de去掉+mol+ish,把堆起来的东西毁掉)morb=disease (病)morbid 病态的myth=fable (寓言)mythology 神话学narc=numbxx 神话学narcotic 麻醉的nebul=cloud (云)nebula 星云状的nebulous 星云的;朦胧的nec=kill (杀)internecine 自相残杀的negat=deny (否认)negative 否认的abnegation 否认;自我克制nom=pasture (牧场)nomad 游牧成员nomadic 游牧的;流浪的nu=nod (点头)innuendo 暗示,含沙射影(点头表示)nugator=trifle (烦事)nugatory 无价值的numism=coin (钱币)numismatist 钱币学家nupti=wedding (婚礼)unptial 婚姻的;婚礼的obed=obey (服从)obedient 服从的obeisance 敬礼;敬意obes=fat (肥)obese 肥胖的obit=death (死)obituary 讣告obliv=forget (忘记)oblivion 遗忘oblivious 疏忽的obsol=decay (腐烂)obsolete 过时的obsolescent 逐渐被废弃的ocul=eye (眼睛)ocular 眼睛的oculist 眼科医生od=road (道路)odometer 里程表(meter仪表)odi=hate (恨)odium 憎恨odious 可憎的odyn=pain (痛)anodyne 止痛药(an没有+odyne痛)ole=oil (油)petroleum 石油oleaginous 产油的;油质的olfact=scent (味)olfaction 嗅觉olfactoty 嗅觉的omin=omen (预兆)ominous 凶兆的abominate 厌恶,憎恶(ab离开+omin+ate—离开凶兆—憎恨凶兆)opl=armor (盔甲)panoply 全副武装(pan全部,全身都是盔甲)ornith=bird (鸟)ornithology 鸟类学oscul=kiss (吻)osculate 亲吻;接触ostens=appear (出现)ostensible 表面的,明显的ostentation 夸示的;虚饰的ostrac=tile (瓦片)ostracize 流放;放(古希腊人投瓦片表示放入出境)ov=shout (叫喊)ovation 大声欢迎;鼓掌pachy=thick (厚)pachyderm 厚皮动物;脸皮厚的人pan=bread (面包)pantry 面包房company 同伴;公司(共同有面包吃)pat=walk (走)peripatetic 巡回走动的(peri来回+pat+etic)phem=speech (讲话)blasphemy 亵渎(blas坏+phem+y—讲坏话)euphemism 委婉的说法(eu好+phem+is—m—讲好话)phen=show (显示)phenomenon 现象(phen+omen预兆+on—显示预兆—现象)pher=bring (带来)periphery 周边,周围环境(peri四周)ping=fasten (系紧)impinge 撞击;侵犯(im进入+ping+e—紧迫进入—侵犯)pinn=peak (顶)pinnacle 顶峰,尖顶plais=please (高兴)complaisant 讨好的plas=mold (模式)plaster 膏药plastic 可塑的protoplast 原物型pleb=people (人们)plebeian 普通民众的pleth=crowdx (挤,多)plethora 多余,供过于求supplicant 恳求者 a.哀求的(跪下去求别人)plum=feather (羽毛)plumage 羽毛plume 整理—羽毛;骄傲pneumon=lung (肺)pneumonia 肺炎pol=smooth (光滑)polish 抛光,擦亮plite 有礼貌的postul=demand (要求)postulate 要求;假定存在expostulate 规劝,忠告pragm=deed (行为)pragmatic 实用主义的(以行为为最重要)psych=soul (灵魂)psychology 心理学psychical 心理学;灵魂的pud=shame (害羞)imoudent 无礼的,不知羞耻的pudency 羞怯,害羞puer=boy (男孩)puerile 孩子气的,幼稚的pulver=dust (灰尘)pulverize 把—弄粉碎pusill=mean (卑微的)pusillanimous 胆小的,胆怯的(anim生命)pyr=fire (火)pyre 火葬柴堆empyrean 苍天,太空(em进入+pyr+ean,进入火—进入太阳—天空)quarant=forty (四十)quarantine 隔离检查(被隔离40天)quer=complain (抱怨)querulous 抱怨的quarrel 争吵rab=rage (怒)rabid 狂怒的,狂热rabies 狂犬病radi =ray (光线)radiant 发光的irradiate 发光,(光)漫射ram=branch (枝)ramify 分叉,分枝ramiform 枝状的reg=king (国王)regnant 国王的,皇家的regicide 杀害国王regn=reign (王朝)regnant 统治的,占优势的intrerregunm 无王时期remn=remain (留下)remnant 剩余物rest=stay (停留)arrest 阻止,逮捕redtless 不安的;得不到休息的(和restive 是同一意思)retic=silent (安静)reticent 沉默的rever=awe (敬畏)。



2019年托福高频词汇表:essential什么意思(附翻译及例句)essential英[senl] 美[snl]adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的n.必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西必不可少;至关重要;本质的;基本词形变化:复数:essentials派生词: essentiality essentialness双语例句1 . Jordan promised to trim the city budget without cutting essential services.乔丹承诺在不减少基本服务的前提下,缩减市政预算。

来自柯林斯例句2 . Party membership was an essential prerequisite of a successful career.成为党员是事业有成必不可少的先决条件。

来自柯林斯例句3 . "Aromatherapy oils" are not pure essential oils but dilutions.“香薰精油”并非纯精油,而是经过稀释的。

来自柯林斯例句4 . It is essential to feel at ease with your therapist.在治疗师面前放松下来是很重要的。

来自柯林斯例句5 . Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health. Excess is harmful, however.多不饱和油对健康很重要。


来自柯林斯例句网络释义-essential1 . 必不可少Protein is essentialto life ., 蛋白质是生命必不可少的.2 . 至关重要Searching is essentialfor computer - game board games ., 博弈树搜索对于计算机博弈至关重要.3 . 本质的...反义词:relevant(相关的); apposite(适当的);intrinsic(本质的); essential(本质的)(记) extran(外面)+eous→ 外来的(例) The editor cut the ext.4 . 基本3. the essentialgoodness of human nature 人性善良的本质来自《词典》4. a lack of essentialnutrients 基本营养的缺乏来自《词典》相关词条-essential mineral1 . 知矿物essential ejecta 同源喷出物essential mineral 知矿物essexite 厄塞岩-essential oil1 . 精油...如,用红色素浸染的麸皮掺入辣椒粉中,黄土掺入花椒粉中,掺伪成为价格恶性竞争后的一种必然现象, 精油,essential oil,又称挥发油,volatile oil,是采用水蒸气蒸馏或超临界萃取等方法,从芳香类植.2 . 香精油essential nutrients 必需营养素essential oil 香精油essential plants 芳香植物-essential content and essential1 . 本质内容与本质on essential content and essential form of law ., 论法的本质内容与本质形式.-essential essential factor1 . 必要要素This also guaranteed Sa Debei displays stably essential essential factor ., 这也是保证萨德贝稳定发挥的必要要素.。










4. [答案]C[翻译]活塞会在水上漂浮而石头则会沉下去。


[分析]to一般跟preferable搭配在一起,构成preferable to,意思是“更好的,更合意的”。



[分析]in charge of的意思是“负责,主管”;in favor of的意思是“赞成,支持”;in place of 的意思是“代替”;on behalf of 的意思是“代表”。





2019年托福高频词汇表:seldom什么意思(附翻译及例句)seldom英[seldm] 美[sldm]adv.很少,罕见;难得;不大很少;不常;难得;少双语例句1 . Even Ford, who seldom smiled, laughed out loud a few times.即使是很少笑的福特,有几次也笑出声来。

来自柯林斯例句2 . They seldom speak.他们很少发言。

来自柯林斯例句3 . I've seldom felt so happy.我很少感觉如此幸福。

来自柯林斯例句4 . We were seldom at home.我们常不在家。

来自柯林斯例句5 . He had seldom seen a child with so much talent.有如此天赋的孩子他以往没见过几个。

来自《词典》网络释义-seldom1 . 很少...的动作以及存有的特征、状态等,常与often, always(总是), sometimes(有时),usually(通常), once a week(一周一次), every day(每天), seldom(很少),never(从未)等时间状语连用。

2 . 不常... . . .目录1 2 1举例1.频率副词是表示与次数,频率相关的副词,如: always(总是),usually(通常),frequently经常often经常sometimes(有时),seldom(不常),rarely极少never从不once(一次),twice(两次)等2.频率副词等级.3 . 难得1388. constantly ad. 不变地,经常地1389. seldomad. 不常,很少,难得1390. unfortunately ad. 不幸,遗憾地4 . 少It is seldomthat such things happen here ., 这类事情在这很少发生.相关词条-we seldom1 . 我们很少we seldom hear such a strange story ., 我们很少听到这样奇怪的故事.-I seldom1 . 我很少Oh , no ! I seldom eat cakes , biscuits and candies ., 哦 , 不 ! 我很少吃蛋糕 , 饼干和糖果.-not seldom1 . 常常not one's day 不顺利not seldom 常常not so much A as B 与其说A不如说B-he seldom1 . 他很少i guess that he seldom goes to visit his teacher , does he ., 我猜他很少去看望他的老师 , 是吗.。




快来看看店铺为你准备了英语单词sever所表达的汉语意思,欢迎大家阅读!sever的汉语意思英 [ˈsevə(r)] 美 [ˈsɛvɚ]第三人称单数:severs现在分词:severing过去分词:severed 过去式:severed及物动词分离或分开; 切制; 分离:断决(例如,关系)不及物动词切开:切开或打开; 分开:相互分开或分离相关例句不及物动词1. The church severed into two factions.教会分裂为两派。

sever的单语例句1. Hangmen gauge the length of rope needed to snap the neck of the condemned but not to create enough force to sever the head.2. About 1 percent of victims contract a sever neurological disease, such as meningitis or encephalitis.3. The requirement that most Party and government publications sever ties with their government agencies was the crux of the plan.4. The requirement that most Party and government publications sever ties with their government agencies is the crux of the plan.5. North Korea has long insisted that the US desist from a campaign to sever its ties to the international financial system.6. Last week he established a policy of requiring advisers withlobbying ties to sever them or leave.7. A US Treasury Department decision Wednesday ordering US banks to sever ties with Banco Delta Asia appeared to fall short of expectations.8. The country will sever the flow of aid to the DPRK except humanitarian assistance, he said.9. The attacks were in response to the transfer of eight imprisoned PCC leaders, a practice authorities use to sever prisoners'ties to gang members outside prison.sever的词典解释1. 切开;割断;切下;割下To sever something means to cut completely through it or to cut it completely off.e.g. Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident.理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的.右脚。






前缀"se-"表示"apart"或"twofold"的意思,而后缀"-verus"表示"inclined to"的意思。

因此,"severus"这个拉丁词可以理解为"twofold inclined"也就是"严肃、严厉"的含义。














跟我背CET4核心词汇:severe severe严峻的,猛烈的causing serious harm pain, worry or discomfort严峻的,严厉的not kind or gentle in treatment困难的,严峻的,辛苦的likely to cause failure or show up weakness; difficult朴实的,纯朴的completely plain and without decoration同义词a. austere,hard,spartan,terrible词汇辨析earnest,serious,grave,severe,solemn,sober这些形容词均有严厉的之意。

earnest 指严厉,仔细,含恳切和热忱意味。

serious 指具有关键、严厉或严峻意义的事情。

grave 侧重严厉和尊严,需要仔细思索,含令人担忧意味。

severe 指面孔的严厉,法律的严峻,伤病的严峻。


solemn 指人表情或场景气氛严厉,侧重威武名印象深刻。

sober 侧重因掌握或抑制自己的感情而表现出的庄重。

参考例句1. Competition for the job is very severe.这份工作的竞争是很激烈的。

2. Autism is a series of disorder that can range from mild to severe.自闭症是一种可以导致从稍微到严峻的一系列紊乱。

3. Otherwise we shall certainly inflict upon you very severe punishment.否则我们肯定会已很严峻的刑罚加予你。

双语释义1.ADJ You use severe to indicate that something bad or undesirable is great or intense. 严峻的例:...a business with severe cash flow problems.一个有严峻现金流转问题的企业。




以下是severe的用法总结:1. 形容一种严重的情况或问题:- There has been a severe drought in this region for months.- The country is facing severe economic hardships.2. 形容一种剧烈的疼痛或病症:- He suffered from severe headaches for years.- She was hospitalized with severe pneumonia.3. 形容某人或某组织的态度或行为严厉、苛刻:- The teacher's punishment was severe for such a minor mistake.- The government has implemented severe restrictions on immigration.4. 形容某事物的程度、强度或程度高的程度:- He faced severe criticism from the media for his controversial remarks.- The storm caused severe damage to buildings and infrastructure.5. 形容天气条件恶劣或极端:- The town experienced severe winter storms that caused power outages.- The area is prone to severe thunderstorms during the summer.总之,severe常用来形容严重、剧烈、严厉的事物、情况或状况。



2019年托福专业词汇表:Critical什么意思(附翻译及例句)critical英[krtkl] 美[krtkl]adj.批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的,危急的;决定性的;[物]临界的关键的;临界;临界的;关键双语例句1 . I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge.据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官。

来自柯林斯例句2 . I hated my father. He was hyper-critical and mean.我讨厌我父亲。


来自柯林斯例句3 . If someone says something critical I take it to heart.如果有人提出批评,我会十分介意。

来自柯林斯例句4 . The paper is openly critical of the strong-arm president.该报纸对这位铁腕总统实行公开的批评。

来自柯林斯例句5 . Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city's pollution is its population.环境保护主义者说造成该城市污染问题的一个关键因素是其人口数量。

来自柯林斯例句网络释义-critical1 . 关键的temporal 暂时的critical关键的demographic 人口统计的2 . 临界任何国家的质量必须达到某种一定标准,不能超越界限者,不予记分,这就是临界(critical)的解释。

3 . 临界的...rain refining(晶粒细化),grain-size control(晶粒大小控制);又如从critical(临界的),可扩展到criticalpoint(临界点),criticalrange(临界范围),crit.4 . 关键criteria 准则;标准;尺度critical临界;关键;严重;临危criticalacceleration 临界加速度相关词条-criticize1 . 评论...criticism a. 爱挑剔别人的,批评的,重大的,决定性的criticize v. 批评,评论,非难criticise v. 批评,评论,非难-criticism1 . 批评...不合格的,地方的,大众的知识的重新显现(re-appearance),知识的反抗力量才得以显示出来,所谓的批评(criticism),也才能真正发挥作用.2 . 诟病荷兰(Netherlands)在改造踢法之后向来让人诟病(Criticism),但不得不招供的是就成就上来说荷兰(Netherlands)是看到了很是大效果的,没有弄清对方的底细,决不能掏出你的心来。



2019年托福高频词汇:flee什么意思(附翻译及例句) flee英[fli:] 美[fli]vi.逃走,逃掉;消失vt.逃离,逃避出走;逃窜;逃避;逃走词形变化:过去式:fled 过去式:fled 过去式:fleeing 过去式:flees双语例句1 . A trickle of refugees began to flee the country.难民开始三五成群地陆续逃离该国。

来自柯林斯例句2 . Later, he suffered the indignity of having to flee angry protesters.后来,他不得不极不光彩地避开愤怒的*者溜走了。

来自柯林斯例句3 . For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee .有那么一会儿,凯瑟琳很想逃跑。

来自柯林斯例句4 . Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland.很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。

来自《词典》5 . Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility?她为什么总是逃避责任?来自《简明英汉词典》网络释义-flee1 . 出走Heathcliff ' s anger and flee, three years later , Catherine has become valid marry Edgar ., 希思克利夫愤而出走 , 三年后致富回乡 , 凯瑟琳已嫁埃德加.2 . 逃窜the enemies were forced to flee, leaving behind then dead bodies and weapons ., 敌人被迫逃窜 , 留下很多尸体和武器.3 . 逃避ancient a. 古代的,古老的fleev. 逃走;逃避fleefrom 从…逃离; 避免4 . 逃走丛林遇bee(密蜂)因匆忙flee(逃走)摔伤了knee(膝盖)相关词条-us flee1 . 我们逃跑a flea and a fly flew up in a flue . said the flea , Letus fly the fly , Let us flee ! so they flew through a flaw interlude .一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。




severe的用法例句:She has contracted a severe fever. 她感染上了严重的热病。

He was subjected to severe criticism. 他受到严厉的批评。

She crumpled under the lawyers severe questions. 在律师的严厉质问下,她瘫倒了。

The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan. 对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。

The old man was laid up with a severe stroke. 老人严重中风,卧床不起。

So beyond, well class nine you do look at in the analysis, but beyond class nineare severe accidents. I should correctmyself. 所以超过了,你们在分析中看到的,第九种,但是超过第九种了的就是,很严重的事故,我要更正一下。

In some years, the impact can be mild while in other years it can be quite severe.在某些年份,其造成的影响可能是轻微的,而在其他年份可能会相当严重。

Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help rightaway. 当然,如果你已经有严重的抑郁症状,那么应寻求正确的帮助。




以下是severe的用法总结:1. 形容词用法:- Severe (adj.):严重的,严厉的,剧烈的。

2. 用于形容事物的严重性:- A severe injury (严重的伤势)- Severe weather conditions (恶劣的天气条件)- A severe headache (剧烈的头痛)- Severe drought (严重的干旱)3. 用于形容疾病或症状的严重程度:- A severe illness (严重的疾病)- Severe pain (剧烈的疼痛)- Severe symptoms (严重的症状)- Severe allergic reaction (严重的过敏反应)4. 用于形容情感或言语的严厉程度:- Severe criticism (严厉的批评)- Severe punishment (严厉的惩罚)- Severe scolding (严厉的责骂)- Severe warning (严重的警告)5. 用于形容问题、危机或紧急情况的严重性:- A severe economic crisis (严重的经济危机)- Severe social problems (严重的社会问题)- Severe security threat (严重的安全威胁)- Severe environmental damage (严重的环境破坏)6. 用于形容行为的苛刻或严格程度:- A severe teacher (严格的老师)- Severe discipline (苛刻的纪律)- Severe rules (严格的规定)- Severe restrictions (严厉的限制)7. 其他常用搭配:- Severe weather warning (严重天气警告)- Severe consequences (严重后果)- Severe impact (严重影响)- Severe measures (严厉措施)。



serve是什么意思serve既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道serve做名词和动词分别都是什么意思吗?下面店铺为大家带来serve的英语意思解释和相关例句,供大家一起学习!serve作名词的意思:网球等发球;发球权;所发的球serve作动词的意思:提供;(为…)服务;任(职);端上serve的英语音标:英 [sə:v] 美 [sɚv]serve的时态:现在分词: serving 过去式: served 过去分词: servedserve的英语例句:1. Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares.等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。

2. The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞作鸟巢足够大。

3. Remove from the heat, add the parsley, toss and serve at once.端离炉子,加上欧芹,颠起翻面后就立刻上桌。

4. There are only 35 staff to serve 30,000-plus customers.只有35名员工,却要为3万多顾客服务。

5. The landlord refused to serve him because he considered him too drunk.酒吧老板觉得他已经喝多了,拒绝再给他添酒。

6. To serve, top the fish with the cooked leeks.上菜时,把炒好的韭葱覆在鱼上。

7. Do not toss the salad until you're ready to serve.到快上菜时再轻轻搅拌色拉。

8. Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup.在快要准备上汤前再在上面加点装饰菜。



·severe·adj. [sɪ'vɪə] ( severer/more severe; severest/most severe )··双解释义·严重的,剧烈的causing serious harm pain, worry or discomfort·严厉的,严肃的not kind or gentle in treatment·艰难的,严峻的,辛苦的likely to cause failure or show up weakness; difficult ·朴素的,纯朴的completely plain and without decoration·基本要点•severe的基本意思是“严厉的”,指完全没有松弛、轻浮、柔软可言,可形容人及其面容、行为、思想、言论,也可形容与人有关的事物,如作风、法律、刑罚等,偶尔也可形容天气,指气候恶劣、严寒。

•·词汇搭配••severe black dress 朴素的黑裙子•severe illness 严重的疾病•severe test 严峻的考验•severe discipline 严格的纪律•severe looks 严肃的神情•severe weather 恶劣的天气••increasingly severe 日益严重••severe in countenance 表情严肃•severe in criticism 严厉批评•severe on〔with〕 sb 对某人严厉·句型例句•用作定语▲~+n.There is a severe shortage of fuel.燃料严重短缺。

The general had a severe manner.那位将军态度严肃。

This troop has severe military rules.这支部队有严格的军纪。





1. The patient’s condition is severe, and we need to take immediate action.(病人的情况非常严重,我们需要立即采取行动。

)2. The storm caused severe damage to the city, and many people lost their homes.(暴风雨对城市造成了严重的破坏,许多人失去了家园。

)3. The teacher gave the students a severe warning for cheating on the exam.(老师因考试作弊向学生们发出了严厉的警告。

)4. The company faced severe financial difficulties and had to lay off many employees.(公司面临着严重的财务困难,不得不裁员。

)5. The government implemented severe measures to control the spread of the virus.(政府采取了严格的措施来控制病毒的传播。

)6. His severe criticism of the film caused a lot of controversy among the audience.(他对电影的严厉批评引起了观众的争议。

)7. The winter in this area is always severe, with heavy snow and freezing temperatures.(这个地区的冬天总是非常严寒,有大雪和严寒的气温。

)8. The judge gave the criminal a severe sentence for his heinous crime.(法官因犯罪嫌疑人的凶残罪行而给予他严厉的判决。


In some years, the impact can be mild while in other years it can be quite severe.在某些年份,其造成的影响可能是轻微的,而在其他年份可能会相当严重。
Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help rightaway. 当然,如果你已经有严重的抑郁症状,那么应寻求正确的帮助。
This is just what happened with the judges: when reminded that they would oneday die, they were more severe in punishing those who violated their worldview.这正是发生在法官身上的现象:当被提示总有一天会死去后,他们更加严厉的惩罚了那些亵渎了他们世界观的人。
severe critic
severe criticism
severe depression
She has contracted a severe fever. 她感染上了严重的热病。
He was subjected to severe criticism. 他受到严厉的批评。
And then beyond class nine are the severe accidents that are not part of thedesign basis. 然后,超过第九种的是很严重的事故了,那不是设计基础的部分。
This country is in severe trouble -- how can we not see that? 这个国家正处在严重的困难之中,我们怎麽能视而不见?
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severe英[sv(r)] 美[svr]
比较级:severer 比较级:severest
派生词: severely severity
1 . We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.

2 . I got a severe telling off for not phoning him.

3 . She had quite severe bruising and a cut lip.

4 . In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.

5 . She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.

1 . 严重
...编码,“左腹部严重疼痛”即“severepain in the left abdomen”,首先确定需要表达的概念主体是“腹部疼痛”(abdominal pain),其他修饰语作为“腹部疼痛”的限定词包括“左”(1eft)、“严重”(severe),所以最终后组配式表达如下: 2152200
2 . 厉害
The pain of the wound was severe., 伤口痛得很厉害.
3 . 重症
Surgical therapy for severepancreatitis by abdominal flushing with U - typed double cannula ., U 型双套管腹腔灌洗术治疗重症胰腺炎.
4 . 重型
emergency micro - neurosurgery treatment of severebrain injury in high - altitude area ., 高海拔地区重型颅脑损伤的急诊手术治疗.
1 . 几个

2 . 几种
young as he is , he has mastered several languages ., 他虽然很年轻 , 但已掌握几种语言了.。
