

Lecture 12 英文询问信

Lecture 12  英文询问信

Yours cordially,

询问信 模板1: Dear , I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide some information regarding . Currently, I am doing / planning / organizing , and am in urgent need of the following things. First of all, . Secondly, . Thirdly, . I would also like to inquire if . If so, could you please . Your prompt attention would be highly appreciated, and thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Ming

询问信范文 Dear Sir or Madam, I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your town. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the following information, First of all, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its theme anti what objects arc on display? Secondly, what are

Lecture 12 增词法

Lecture 12 增词法

• 12) With these unique and revolutionizing abilities, humans have been able to cope with their environment without mutations. Human culture became the new, nonbiological way of having fur in the arctic, water storage in the desert, and fins in the water. • 由于具备独特的、彻底变革环境的能力,人类不 用经过生理上的突变便能很好地应对周围的环境。 生活在北极离不开皮毛,生活在沙漠离不开水, 生活在水中需要鳍,所有这些,通过人类创造的 文化,也就是经过新的非生物途径都能得到解决。
• 13) We all have a responsibility to protect those vulnerable to discrimination, whether based on race, religion, nationality, language, gender, sexual orientation or other factors. Practising tolerance can serve as the antidote to prejudice and hatred. 我们大家都有责任保护弱势群体免遭歧视,无论此种歧视 是基于种族、宗教、国籍、语言、性别、性取向或其他因 素。奉行宽容有助于消除偏见和仇恨。
Of Studies
• 3.For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. • 东旭译文:因为虽然有实践经验的人能完成特定工作,而且也许还能 对个别的事情一一作出判断,但是宏观的建议,以及对事务的筹划和 安排,绝大多数都是出自有学问的人。 • 王楫译文:阅历丰富的人虽能逐一判断或处理具体问题,但出谋画策, 统筹全局,惟有博学之士最能胜任。 • 王佐良译文:练达之士虽能分别处理细事或一一判别枝节,然纵观统 筹、全局策划,则舍好学深思者莫属。 • 廖运范译文:那些有实际经验而没有学识的人,也许能够一一实行或 判断某些事物的细微末节,但对于事业的一般指导、筹划与处理,还 是真正有学问的人才能胜任。 • 曹明伦译文:虽说有经验者能就一事一理进行处置或分辨,但若要通 观全局并运筹帷幄,则还是博览群书者最能胜任。

lecture 12洛必达法则

lecture 12洛必达法则

显然 若g(x) x, g (b) g (a) (b a) , g '(x) 1,
f (b) f (a) f ( ) g(b) g(a) g '( )
f (b) f (a ) f ( )(b a )
第二节 洛必达法则
本节研究: 函数之商的极限
1 cos x
x sin x
sin x x cos x lim
x0 x sin x
0 () 0

0 () 0
(L) cos x cos x x sin x lim
3. 1 , 00 , 0 型
3. 在满足定理条件的某些情况下, 洛必达法则不能解决 计算问题 ----失效
1 x2 x
( L)
x 1 x2
( L)
1 x2
x x

1 x 2 lim
1 x2


f F
( (
x)不存在( x)
则在开区间(a, b)内至少存在
O a 1
2 b
一点 (a b), 使得
f (b) f (a) f ( )
注: 结论亦可写成
f (b) f (a ) f ( )(b a )

Lecture 12 cohesion andcoherence 英语词汇学 教学课件

Lecture 12 cohesion andcoherence  英语词汇学 教学课件

Conjuncts have a fundamental role in the cohesion of a text and may have various functions
Listing (indicating that what follows is a list of propositions) To start with, First, Second, Third
Chapter 12 Cohesion & Coherence
Revision Causes for Meaning Change in Words
1. Historical 2. Social 3. Psychological 4. linguistic
Pencil”, for instance, is from a Latin word meaning “a little tail” or “a fine brush”, like our Chinese “pen”. Later, when it was made of wood and graphite, it was still called a “pencil”. “Engine” originates in Latin word “ingenium, natural ability”. But when stream power was developed in the first quarter of the 19th century, the term “engine” comes to mean “a railroad locomotive”, and in contemporary English it means “any machine that uses energy to develop mechanical power, esp., a machine for starting motion in some other machine”

Lecture 12 Carry_Trades

Lecture 12 Carry_Trades

12. Carry TradesMoney is constantly flowing in and out of different markets, driven by the economic law of supply and demand; likewise, markets that offer the highest return per investment will generally attract the most capital. Countries are no different—in the world of international capital flows, nations that offer the highest interest rates will generally attract the most investment and create the most demand for their currencies.In foreign exchange trading, the carry trade is an easy way to take advantage of this basic economic principle. A very popular trading strategy, the carry trade is simple to master. If done correctly, an investor can earn a high return without taking on a lot of risk. However, carry trades do come with some major risks, and the chances of loss are great if you do not understand how, why, and when carry trades work best.How Do Carry Trades Work?A carry trade is the buying of a currency that offers a high interest rate while selling a currency that offers a low interest rate. Carry trades are profitable because an investor is able to earn the difference in interest—or spread—between the two currencies.*For example, assume that the Australian dollar offers an interest rate of 7.25%, while the Swiss franc offers an interest rate of 2.75%. To execute the carry trade, an investor buys the Australian dollar and sells the Swiss franc. In doing so, he or she can earn a profit of 4.50% (7.25% in interest earned minus 2.75% in interest paid), as long as the exchange rate between Australian dollars and Swiss francs does not change.Why Do Carry Trades Work?Carry trades work because of the constant movement of capital into and out of countries, and interest rates are a critical reason why some countries attract a great deal of investment as opposed to others. If a country’s economy is doing well (high growth, high productivity, low unemployment, rising incomes, etc.), it will be able to offer those who invest in the country a higher return on their investment. Another way to make this point is to say that countries with better growth prospects can afford to pay a higher rate of interest on the money that is invested in them.Investors prefer to earn higher interest rates and investors who are interested in maximizing their trading will naturally look for investments that offer them the highest rate of return. When making a decision to invest in a particular currency, an investor is more likely than not to choose the one that offers the highest rate of return, or interest rate. If several investors make this exact same decision, the country will experience an inflow of capital from those seeking to earn a higher rate of return.What about countries that are not doing well economically? Countries that have low growth and low productivity will not be able to offer investors a high rate of return on investment. In fact, there are some countries that have such weak economies that they are unable to offer any return on investment, meaning that interest rates are zero or very close to it.When Will a Carry Trade Work Best?Carry trades work better during certain times than others. In fact, carry trades are most promising when investors as a group have a very specific attitude toward risk.Peoples' moods tend to change over time—sometimes they may feel more daring and willing to take chances, other times they may be more timid and thus prone to being conservative. Investors, as a group, are no different. Sometimes they are willing to make investments that involve a good amount of risk, other times they are more fearful of losses and look to invest in safer assets.In financial jargon, when investors as a whole are willing to take on risk, we say that they have low risk aversion or in other words, are in risk-seeking mode. On the other hand, when investors are drawn to more conservative investments and are less willing to take on risk, we say that they have high risk aversion.Carry trades are the most profitable when investors have low risk aversion. This statement makes sense when you consider what a carry trade involves. To revisit, a carry trade involves buying a currency that pays a high interest rate while selling a currency that pays a low interest rate. In buying the high interest rate currency, the investor is taking a risk—there is a good deal of uncertainty around whether the economy of the country will continue to perform well and be able to pay high interest rates. Indeed, there is a good chance that something might happen to prevent the country from paying this high interest rate. Ultimately, the investor must be willing to take this chance.If investors as a whole were not willing to take on this risk, then capital would never move from one country to another, and the carry trade opportunity would not exist. Therefore, in order to work, carry trades require that investors as a group have low risk aversion, or be willing to take the risk of investing in the higher- interest-rate currency.Carry trades are the least profitable when investors have high risk aversion. When investors have high risk aversion, they are less willing as a group to take chances with their investments. Therefore, they would be less willing to invest in riskier currencies that offer higher interest rates. Instead, when investors have high risk aversion, they would actually prefer to put their money in “safe haven” currencies that pay lower interest rates. This would be equivalent to doing the exact opposite of a carry trade—in other words, investors are buying the currency with the low interest rate and selling the currency with the high interest rate.How Do You Know if Investors as a Whole Have High or Low Risk Aversion? Unfortunately, it is difficult to measure investor risk aversion with a single number. One way to get a broad idea of risk-aversion levels is to look at the different yields that bonds pay. The wider the difference, or spread between bonds of different credit ratings, the higher the investor risk aversion. Bond yields can be found in most financial papers. In addition, several large banks have developed their own measures of risk aversion that signal when investors are willing to take risks and when they are not.In general, holding a carry trade is considered to be a risky, longer-term strategy, because an investor has to be willing to hold the position with very wide stop-loss provisions in order to avoid getting taken out by the “noise” of shorter-term currency price movements. However, by utilizing the carry trades at the appropriate times, traders can reap the added potential of interest rate differentials, which is why this strategy rarely loses popularity.*Please Note: When you trade against a carry trade, or when you sell a currency with a high interest yield and in exchange buy a currency with a low interest yield, you will pay interest, thus increasing your loss on the trade.。

实用翻译lecture 12 attibutive clause

实用翻译lecture 12 attibutive clause

In-class practice ------discussion oriented

1. The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. 在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。 2. They have fostered several youngsters who had no home to go to, till they got started in the world. 他们抚养了几个无家可归的少年—直到他们开始在社会上自立。 3. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them. 我们将对参与此次袭击的恐怖分子和那些庇护他们的人严惩不贷。 4. We must ensure that globalization benefits not only the powerful but also the men, women and children whose lives are ravaged by poverty. 我们必须确保受益全球化,也就是说,既要保证强势群体受益,也要 保证贫困的弱势群体受益。
Approaches available

4.译成状语——偏正 He didn’t remember his father who died when he was 3 years old. 他不记得他的父亲,因为他三岁时他的父亲就去世了。 (原因) Mrs. Smith, who has been married to her husband for nearly 20 years, still doesn’t know him very well. 史密斯夫人尽管结婚快20年了,但她仍不太了解她的 丈夫。(让步) A driver who is driving the bus mustn’t talk with others or be absent-minded. 司机开车时,不许和人谈话,也不能走神。(时间)



T 16. n 0 (T ) n Tc
3 2
由14.结果 n n0 (T ) n 0 (T )

T Tc 时 n0 不能忽略
T 3 2 T Tc 时, n0 与 n 有相同量级 17. n0 (T ) n 1 Tc 18.玻色凝聚 n n0 1)绝对零度时,根据能量最低原理, 粒子将尽可能占据能量最低的状态 1 2)对于玻色粒子,量子态上的粒子数 不受限制 3)绝对零度时,玻色粒子将完全占据 T Tc 基态 0 1 4)右图显示: T Tc (T 0) 时,已经有 粒子凝聚在基态,温度越低,凝聚在基态上的粒子数越大
的定容热容一致 CV
3 Nk B 2
3 2
T Tc
21. 液氦 4 He 的定容热容
(T T )
T 2.17K T
Tc 3.13K T
(T T )
伦敦提出:低温下的液氦超流性是玻色凝聚现象 实际情况:液氦 4 He不是理想玻色系统。
14. T Tc 时,求和变积分应该表示为:
1 n V

1 2

2 32 n n0 (T ) n 0 (T ) n0 (T ) 3 (2m) 0 h
e k BT 1
e kBT 1
n0 (T ) :温度为 T 时, 0 能级上的粒子数密度

x 3 2 dx 3 1.341 x e 1 4
2 2 ( n) 2 3 由11.结果 Tc (2.612) 2 3 mk B


– as low as 1°
• Low-strength materials involved • Probable role of water in saturating
sediments and reducing their strength
Grand Banks 1929 – Submarine Turbidity Current
• Artificial fill
– Unconsolidated sediments
Landslides - Role of Water
Swelling-Shrinking clays
Bedding Planes
• Sedimentary rocks have bedding planes • Metamorphic rocks have foliation planes • If these planes are parallel to the slope,
• Earthquake (star) triggered a turbidity current • The area of the deposit is roughly the size of Quebec
Turbidity Currents
When will a slope fail?
• Fs = Safety Factor • Fs = (shear strength)/(shear stresБайду номын сангаас)
– Earthquakes – Floods – Volcanic Activity – Storms/Torrential rain
Mass Movement
• Can be either slow (creep) or fast (landslides, debris flows, etc.)



• • • • pseudo pseudo-science pseudo-experts pseudonym
Listening 1 Answer Key
• Numbers 40 3480 ·
15 20a 115 30b 380 14d
Telephone Numbers • 482634 721506 • 697224 564380
• The interpreter accused of miming nonsense defended himself as a "champion" signer, but said he suffered a schizophrenic episode during the event.
10:45 3:15
Abbreviation of Addresses
• • • • • • • • • • blvd. Ave. Rd. St. Dr. Ln. Ally. Apt. Dept. PO.box
Listening 1 Answer Key
• Abbreviations Dr. Smith Bond St. Eton Ave.
1. 前后缀法
解除好友关系 unfriend 隐婚族 pseudo-singles 代排bowl seeker
The Translation of buzzwords
2. 合成法 秒杀 蚁族 seckill antizen 角色扮演 cosplay If you are a Chinese girl or Chinese boy and you did not “seckill anything” this summer, you are really out of date. (People’s Daily Online, September 14, 2009)



第十二讲 Interrupt
•必须在C的ISR中采用interrupt关键字 •没有入口参数 •没有返回值 •由C编译器完成环境的保护 •利用IER/CSR cregister进行中断的禁止/使能 •建议:内部避免程序调用
BIT / TI 第十二讲 Interrupt 20
第十二讲 Interrupt 3
引自:Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
概述— C6000中断
• • • • • 中断事件——32个 中断源——同时处理14个(15) 中断事件选择 外中断信号4 (8/12)个 8个控制寄存器
对中断进行整体使能/禁止 中断使能 中断状态标志 手工设置IFR中的中断状态标志 手工清除IFR中的中断状态标志 中断向量表的起始地址 存放不可屏蔽中断的返回地址 存放可屏蔽中断的返回地址
-->GIE -->poll
第十二讲 Interrupt
控制寄存器 地址
第十二讲 Interrupt
• 给出中断向量表的基地址 • 256-word 边界对齐 • 用于IST的重定位 • reset向量必须在地址0处
BIT / TI 第十二讲 Interrupt 18
• 保存在ISR中使用的寄存器 • 如果需要嵌套中断,必须保存CSR和IRP • 可以应用堆栈,在汇编程序进行环境保 护 • C编译器可以自动完成有关环境的保护

lecture 12 USA-people英美文化

lecture 12 USA-people英美文化

most people think of people like him
or people like him
the first “american” people
The area that is now the USA was inhabited by thousands of Indian (Native American) tribes for over 27,000 years who originally came from Mongolia.
All the cultural aspects that you bring with you are mixed together or melted to form a new culture.
mosaic? 马赛克 p.174
Distribution of people
most people live around cities
ethnic [noun, adjective]
a group sharing the same racial, national background
made up of lots of different elements
who are “Americans”?
slavery (“unwilling immigrants”)
racism in the south
Laura Nelson was lynched in Okemah, Oklahoma in on May 25th, 1911 trying to protect her son. They were lynched together.

lecture12_Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)

lecture12_Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
• We cannot detect W2IS or W0IS, but they affect the way the spin system relaxes. One has a rate close to twice w, while the other one is almost zero (proportional to energy difference). So one will be related to very slow motions, and the other one to fast tumbling... • If we now put all this in a big equation (the Solomon equation) we get something that will help us see several things. We have NOE enhancement factor of nuclei I when nuclei S is saturated :
bb ()
(**) ab
ba (**)
W1I aa (****)
• W represents a transition probability, or the rate at which certain transition can take place. For the system in equilibrium we can have W1I and W1S transitions, which represents single quantum transitions.
Nuclear Overhauser Effect (continued)

Lecture 12-电位分析-

Lecture 12-电位分析-

电池的图解法表示: 电池的图解法表示:
利用氧化-还原反应区分阳极和阴极 • 阳极 阳极: :发生氧化反应的电极 • 阴极: 阴极:发生还原反应的电极 利用电极的正负程度进行正负极区分 • 正极 正极: :两电极系统中电位较正的电极 • 负极: 负极:两电极系统中电位较负的电极
2.303RT lg a(m) nF
ϕ 膜 = ϕ 外 − ϕ内
ϕ ISE = ϕ内参比 + ϕ m = k +
2.303RT lg am外 nF
RT ln a阳离子 nF RT E膜 = K − ln a阴离子 nF E膜 = K +
电分析化学及在环境分 析中的应用
一、电分析化学定义: 电分析化学定义:
使待测对象组成一个化学电池,通过测 Part I 电分析化学基础 量电池的电导,电流,电位,电量等物 理参数,实现对待测物质的分析。
二. 电化学分析法的特点
• 易实现自动化和连续化( 易实现自动化和连续化(在线控制) 在线控制) • 易实现小型化( 易实现小型化(活体或特殊场合使用) 活体或特殊场合使用) • 价格便宜 • 可用于成分分析和电化学性质测定
+ 0.0591lg a Ag +
1/ 2
Ksp Ksp2 1 , aC O 2+ = = 2 4 aCa 2+ aC2O4 2−
5、膜电极 膜电极, 膜电极,具有敏感膜且能产生膜电位的 电极。 电极。膜电位产生于被分隔两边不同成分 的溶液, 的溶液,测量体系为: 测量体系为: 参比电极1|溶液1|膜|溶液2|参比电极2



由于各品类媒体投资曲线的差异,使媒体的投资量出现高低不同的淡旺季。整体而言, 在广告需求量较大的旺季期间价格较高
媒体投资淡旺季所带来的另一影响为干扰度的不同。干扰度的提高,将致使品牌广告 效果的降低,与竞争品牌之间的互相干扰所抵消的露出效果,也必须列入行程考虑
媒体投资效 率 执行层面的 考虑
尽量符合品牌消费曲线,防御竞争品牌 的乘机切入 尽量集中在品类消费高峰期间,此时具 有较大生意机会,显示媒体的投资报酬 率将高于其他时期 尽量避免与竞争品牌直接对抗
• 媒体覆盖率受季节性的作息变化发生变化,比如,学生阶层在寒暑假期间,空闲时 间增加,提高电视及电影媒体覆盖率等 • 特别的活动也会影响媒体覆盖,比如奥运会


讯息记忆与遗忘曲线 品类销售与消费季节性 消费者动线与心境 行销策略与竞争态势 广告活动类型 传播活动行程的整合 媒体环境与执行层面考虑

媒体露出之前,消费者对讯息的印象越加清楚深刻 当消费者对讯息已经完整认知,传播效果达到高限,媒 体露出的效果主要在维持记忆
连续 模式




How Radiation Threatens Health如何辐射威胁健康As worries grow over radiation leaks at Fukushima, is it possible to gauge the immediate and lasting health effects of radiation exposure? Here's the science behind radiation sickness and other threats facing Japan。


The japan earthquake and tsunami on match 11,a powerful,magnitude 9.0 quake hit northeastern japan,triggering a tsunami with 10-meter-high waves that reached the U.S. West coast.Here’s the science behind the disaster.在比赛11日日本地震和海啸,强大,日本东北部发生9.0级地震,地震引发的海啸与西方10-meter-high波,达到美国coast.Here灾难背后的科学。

The developing crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami has raised concerns over the health effects of radiation exposure: What is a "dangerous" level of radiation? How does radiation damage health? What are the consequences of acute and long-term low-dose radiation? 发展危机福岛第一核电站在3月11日地震和海啸后引发了担忧辐射对健康的影响:“危险”水平的辐射是什么?如何辐射损伤健康?急性和长期低剂量辐射的后果是什么?Though radioactive steam has been released to reduce pressure within the wrecked complex's reactors and there has been additional radiation leakage from the three explosions there, the resulting spikes in radiation levels have not been sustained. The highest radiation level reported thus far was a pulse of 400 millisieverts per hour at reactor No. 3, measured at 10:22 A.M. local time March 15. (A sievert is a unit of ionizing radiation equal to 100 rems; a rem is a dosage unit of x-ray and gamma-ray radiation exposure.) The level of radiation decreases dramatically as distance from the site increases. Radiation levels in Tokyo, about 220 kilometers to the southwest, have been reported to be only slightly above normal.尽管放射性蒸汽被释放减少受损的反应堆内压力和有额外的辐射泄漏的三次爆炸,产生的辐射水平激增并不持久。

教材分析lecture 12

教材分析lecture 12

• Language teachers try to adapt, adjust, and extend the patterns of classroom communication so as to maximize student’s opportunities to participate in classroom events, which will in turn promote communication in second language classrooms.
• Teachers’ knowledge represents a combination of personal and professional knowledge about teaching. • Usually, the philosophical principles, belief systems guides teachers’ expectations and decisions. Beliefs are formed early in life through process of cultural transmission, and help shape the ways in which we construct an understanding of ourselves. Such beliefs are rooted in images based on early experiences as students. (Harste & Burke, 1997)
• If you are new to teaching, what kind of teacher do you want to be? • What kind of language learning experiences do you hope to create for your students?
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KMEM 1168 Engineering MechanicsLecture 12: Kinetic of Particles: Work and Energy12.1 Introduction 12.2 Work of a Force12.3 Principle of Work & Energy12.4 Applications of the Principle of Work & Energy 12.5 Power and Efficiency 12.6 Sample Problem 13.1 12.7 Sample Problem 13.1 12.8 Potential Energy12.9 Conservation of Energy 12.10 Sample Problem 13.6 12.11 Sample Problem 13.312. 1 IntroductionPreviously, problems dealing with the motion of particles were solved through the fundamentalequation of motion a m F rr =∑. This chapter introduces 2 additional methods of analysis.•Method of work and energy : directly relates force, mass, velocity and displacement. 222111V T U V T +=++−•Method of impulse and momentum : directly relates force, mass, velocity, and time.2121L Fdt L t t =+∫∑12.2 Work of a Force• Differential vector dr is the particle displacement •Work of the force isdzF dy F dx F ds F rd F dU z y x ++==•=αcos r r• Work is a scalar quantity, i.e., it has magnitude and sign but not direction.• Dimensions of work are Force x Length. Units are,1 J (Joule) = 1 Nm• Work of a force during a finite displacement,• Work is represented by the area under the curve of F t plotted against s .• Work of a constant force in rectilinear motion,•Forces which do not do work (ds = 0 or cos a = 0):a) reaction at frictionless pin supporting rotating bodyb) reaction at frictionless surface when body in contact moves along surface c) weight of a body when its center of gravity moves horizontally12.3 Principle of Work & Energy•Consider a particle of mass m acted upon by a force•Integrating from A 1to A 2,•The work of the force is equal to the change in kinetic energy of the particle.• Units of work and kinetic energy are the same:12.4 Applications of the Principle of Work & Energy•The bob is held at point 1 and if we wish to find the velocity of pendulum bob at point 2, we have to consider the method of work and energy. Force P acts normal to path and does no work.•In this method, unlike the method of Newton 2nd Law, we can find velocity without having to determine expression for acceleration and integrating.•All quantities are scalars and can be added directly. Forces which do no work (eg. In this case is the tension in the cord P)are eliminated from the problem. Principle of work and energy cannot be applied to directly determine the acceleration of the pendulum bob.•The tension in the cord is required to supplement the method of work and energy with an application of Newton’s second law.•As the bob passes through A 2,12.5 Power and Efficiency•Power = rate at which work is done.vF dt r d F dt dU r r r r •=•==•Dimensions of power are work/time or force x velocity. Units for power are• Efficiency is the ratio of the power output to the power input,12.6 Sample Problem 13.1An automobile weighing 4000 N is driven down a 5oincline at a speed of 88 m /s when the brakes are applied causing a constant total breaking force of 1500 N.Determine the distance traveled by the automobile as it comes to a stop.• Evaluate the change in kinetic energy.()()m N 15488008810/4000sm 88221212111⋅====mv T v0022==T v•Determine the distance required for the work to equal the kinetic energy change.()()()()x x x U 11515sin 4000150021−=°+−=→()0115115488002211=−=+→x T U Tm 6.1345=x12.7 Sample Problem 13.2Two blocks are joined by an inextensible cable as shown. If the system is released from rest, determine the velocity of block A after it has moved 2 m.Assume that the coefficient of friction between block A and the plane is μk= 0.25 and that the pulley isweightless and frictionless.• Apply the principle of work and energy separately to blocks A and B .Block A:()()()()()()()()()221221221120024902220:N490196225.0N 196281.9200v F vm F F T U T W N F W C A A C A k A k A A =−=−+=+======→µµBlock B:()()()()()()()()2212212211300229402220:N 294081.9300v F vm W F T U T W c B B c B =+−=+−=+==→•When the two relations are combined, the work of the cable forces cancel. Solve for the velocity.()()()()22120024902v F C =−()()()()221300229402v F c =+−()()()()()()2212215004900300200249022940vv=+=− s m 43.4=v12.8 Potential EnergyThere are 2 kinds of potential energyi) Gravitational Potential Energy, V g ii) Elastic Potential Energy, V eGravitational Potential Energy (V g )• Work of the force of gravity W ,2121y W y W U −=→• Work is independent of path followed, it depends only on the initial and final values of W(dy).()()2121g g V V U −=→•Choice of datum from which the elevation y is measured is arbitrary. But always choose the lower position as the datum to avoid negative potential energy. Units of work and potential energy are the same:J m N )(=⋅==dy W V gElastic Potential Energy, V e• Work of the force exerted by a spring dependsonly on the initial and final deflections of the spring,2221212121kx kx U −=→• The potential energy of the body with respect tothe elastic force,()()2121221e e e V V U kxV −==→•Note that the preceding expression for V e is valid only if the deflection of the spring is measured from its undeformed position.=→21U 221kx12.9 Conservation of Energy•Conservation of energy equation,constant2211=+=+=+V T E V T V T• When a particle moves under the action of conservative forces, the total mechanical energy (E) is constant.•Friction forces are not conservative. Total mechanical energy of a system involving friction decreases. Mechanical energy is dissipated by friction into thermal energy or heat.ll W V T W V T =+==11110()ll l W V T V W g g Wmv T =+====22222212022112.10 Sample Problem 13.6A 20-N collar slides without friction along a vertical rod as shown. The spring attached to the collar has an undeflected length of 4 cm and a constant of 3 N/cm. If the collar is released from rest at position 1, determine its velocity after it has moved 6 cm to position 2.• Apply the principle of conservation of energy betweenpositions 1 and 2.Position 1:()()0024cmN 24483112212121=+=+=⋅=−==T V V V kx V g e ePosition 2:()()()()222221222212221102021cm N 6612054cmN 120620cmN 544013v mv T V V V Wy V kx V g e g e ==⋅−=−=+=⋅−=−==⋅=−==•Conservation of Energy:cmN 66cm N 240222211⋅−=⋅++=+v V T V T↓=s m 5.92v12.11 Sample Problem 13.3A spring is used to stop a 60 kg package which is sliding on a horizontal surface. The spring has a constant k = 20 kN/m and is held by cables so that it is initially compressed 120 mm. The package has a velocity of 2.5 m/s in the position shown and the maximum deflection of the spring is 40 mm. Determine(a) the coefficient of kinetic friction between the package and surface(b) the velocity of the package as it passes again through the position shown.(a) Use principle of work and energy equation,NF g N µ==60222111V T U V T +=++→021)(212122212+∆=−∆+x k s N x k mu µ()()222)04.012.0)(20000(2)04.06.0)(60()12.0)(20000(215.26021+=+−+g µ 20.0=µ(b) Apply the principle of work and energy for the rebound of the package.333222V T U V T +=++→ 2323222121)(210x k mv s N x k ∆+=−∆+µ2232)12.0)(20000(21)60(21)64.0)(60)(2.0()16.0)(20000(21+=−v g s m v /11.13=NB: Part B demonstrates that the final velocity at 3 is less than the initial velocity at 1. This is due to the loss of energy due to friction. The total mechanical energy is not conserved.。
