Capillary electrophoresis of proteins




Various questions can be answered with a serum protein electrophoresis
Confirm a pathological diagnosis in association with other parameters: inflammation, hepatitis, cirrhotic or nephrotic profile
a-1 acid glycoprotein a-1 antitrypsin Haptoglobin a-2 macroglobulin
Gammaglobulins C3 complement Transferrin
There is currently no alternate assay for determining the immunoglobulin monoclonality, evidence of a bone myeloma
By Genevieve HENNACHE
Director of SEBIA Diagnostic Department
Protein Electrophoresis (蛋白电泳技术)
The electrophoresis assay is easy to operate, not very expensive, and can be performed routinely in most pathology laboratories to separate, quantify or identify proteins in different fluids (serum, urine, CSF…)


























AbstractCapillary electrophoresis technology called high performance capillary electrophoresis. As a new kind of separation and analysis technology, with its rapid, efficient, low consumption advantages of experiment was Received widely attention, and its application in pharmaceutical analysis is rapid development. The analysis of Chinese herbal medicine in raw material identification and quality control, the TCM separation and determination and proprietary Chinese medicine preparations. But in western medicine compound preparations, widely used in antipyretic analgesics, the antihistamine drugs, expectorant and cough, antihypertensives and antibiotics, synthetic antibacterial agent and biotechnology product such drugs and preparation of separation, appraisal and analysis and the opponent of chiral molecule split, based on chiral Lord - object complexation of capillary electrophoresis chiral resolution, based on chiral dissociation of increase soluble adopted capillary electrophoresis chiral separation and based on protein affinitive capillary electrophoresis chiral resolution, and clinical medicine, shows its high efficiency, fast characteristic. Capillary electrophoresis technology is widely used in pharmaceutical analysis of each relevant sections, are becoming more and more attention by people.关键词:毛细管电泳技术药物分析应用Keywords: Capillary electrophoresis drug analysis application前言毛细管电泳(CE) 又称为高效毛细管电泳(high performance capillary electrophoresis,HPCE),它以弹性石英毛细血管为分离通道,以高压直流电场为驱动力,依据样品中各组分的淌度和分配行为上的差别进行分离和分析。



ν+ =ν电渗流 + ν+ef 阳离子运动方向与电渗流一致;
ν- =ν电渗流 - ν-ef 阴离子运动方向与电渗流相反;
ν0 =ν电渗流
(2)改变电渗流的大小和方向可改变分离效率和选择性,如 同改变LC中的流速;
Winj= (24D t )1/2 实际操作时进样塞长度小于或等于毛细管总长度的1%~2%。
散热过程中,在毛细管内形成温度梯度(中心温度高), 破坏了塞流,导致区带展宽。
第一次的自由溶液电泳;第一台电泳仪; 1948年,获诺贝尔化学奖;
利用电泳现象对某些化学或生物物质进行分离分析的方 法和技术叫电泳法或电泳技术。
按载体分类:滤纸电泳、琼脂电泳、聚丙烯酰胺电泳、 自由电泳;
传统电泳分析:操作烦琐,分离效率低,定量困难,无 法与其他分析相比。
改善方法: (1)减小毛细管内径; (2)控制散热;
蛋白质、多肽带电荷数多,有较多的疏水基,吸附问题 特别严重,是目前分离分析该类物质的一大难题。
细内径毛细管柱,一方面有利于散热,另一方面比表面 积大,又增加了溶质吸附的机会。
减小吸附的方法和途径:加入两性离子代替强电解质, 两性离子一端带正电,另一端带负电,带正电一端与管壁负 电中心作用,浓度约为溶质的100-1000倍时,抑制对蛋白质 吸附,又不增加溶液电导,对电渗流影响不大。



毛细管电泳-质谱联用技术及其在药物和生物分析中的应用周韦;刘易昆;陈子林【摘要】毛细管电泳-质谱(CE-MS)联用技术是在液相色谱-质谱联用技术基础上发展起来的一项新型分析技术,它结合了毛细管电泳具有的分离效率高、分离速度快、样品消耗量少以及质谱检测具有的高灵敏度和强结构解析能力等优点,现已成为倍受分析化学工作者关注的新型微量分析技术.目前,CE-MS联用技术是中药有效成分分析,体内药物分析以及生物样品,如氨基酸、多肽、蛋白质和多糖等分析的重要手段.本文对CE-MS联用技术中同轴鞘流及无鞘流纳流电喷雾等几种接口装置的研究进展,CE-MS技术在中药活性成分分析及多级质谱结构解析以及氨基酸、多肽及蛋白质等生物样品分析中的应用研究进行了综述,并对该技术的发展进行了展望.%Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS), developed on the basis of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, is a new hyphenated technique that combines the advantages like high separation efficiency, short analytical time, low sample consumption in CE and the high sensitivity, powerful molecular structure elucidation in MS.It has been paid great attention by analytical scientists and become a powerful tool for analysis of active components in Chinese medicine, in vivo drugs and bio-samples like amino acids, peptides, proteins and polysaccharides.In this paper, a brief review was given on recent advance in CE-MS and its applications, including advance in sheath-flow and sheathless nano-spray interfaces and applications in analysis of pharmaceutical and biological samples.The first part of this review summarizes the development of stable and efficient interfaces to improve the feasibility of CE-MStechnique.Several interfaces like coaxial sheath-flow, electrokinetic sheath-flow, liquid injection and sheathless interface with etching emitter have been reviewed.The second part introduces the application of CE-MS in the past few years.The applications are categorized according to the types of analytes, including the analysis for active components in Chinese medicines, in vivo drugs, amino acids, peptides, proteins and carbohydrates.Coatings for capillary inner wall, online processing strategies, sample preparation methods and other experiment methods have been discussed in each category.In the last part of this review, a perspective of this technique has been discussed.【期刊名称】《质谱学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)004【总页数】13页(P362-374)【关键词】毛细管电泳-质谱(CE-MS);电喷雾离子化接口装置;药物分析;生物分析;综述【作者】周韦;刘易昆;陈子林【作者单位】武汉大学药学院,湖北武汉 430071;武汉大学药学院,湖北武汉430071;武汉大学药学院,湖北武汉 430071【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.63毛细管电泳(CE)具有分离速度快、样品消耗量少、分离效率高等特点。



1. 流体力学进样方式 进样端加压、出口端抽真空、虹吸进样
2. 电动进样方式 毛细管一端插入样品瓶,加电压
3. 扩散进样 试样通过扩散作用进入分离柱端口处。
七、 应用 1、离子分析
采用MEKC模式, 鉴定违禁药物; 效果优于HPLG法
有关物质 有关物质 有关物质 有关物质
0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 -0.002 -0.004 -0.006
18.417分钟的是去丙氨酸-去甘氨酸-抑肽酶, 18.617分钟的是去丙氨酸-抑肽酶, 18.829分钟的是抑肽酶峰
(3)中性分子在胶束相和溶液(水相)间分配,疏 水性强的组分与胶束结合的较牢,流出时间长;
(4)可用来分离中性物质。 (5)色谱与电泳分离模式的结合。
4、 毛细管电色谱 CEC
在毛细管壁上键合或涂渍高效液相色谱的固定 液,以电渗流为流动相,试样组分在两相间的分配 为分离机理的电动色谱过程
固定相:依HPLC理论和经验选择,反相应用多 缓冲液:水溶液或有机溶液。
➢ 采用了0.05mm内径的毛细管 ➢ 采用了高达数千伏的电压
A、分离效率高:104理论塔板数,接近GC 空心管,无固定液,H = B/u;流型不同
B、 分离速度快:优于LC,接近GC C、进样量少:nL
电泳:带电粒子在电场作用下迁移 电渗:溶剂在电场作用下的单向流动



he first glossary of common and not-so-common terms and buzz-words for reference to high perfor-mance liquid chromatography (HPLC)columns and column technology was pub-lished in 1988 (1). It is time for an update because•many new terms have arisen or, in some cases, their original meanings have expanded or changed;•the various techniques of capillary elec-trophoresis (CE) have become well devel-oped and are used in many laboratories throughout the world; and•the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) published its massive undertaking titled “Nomen-clature for Chromatography,” which pro-vides guidance and changes in some of the more commonly accepted terms (2).This month’s “Column Watch” will update the earlier glossary and will expand coverage into techniques beyond HPLC.This glossary is not intended to be an in-depth or highly theoretical treatment. For example, we have elected not to cover the myriad terms used in instrumentation,detection, data handling, quantitative analysis, and validation associated with liquid-phase analysis but instead have cho-sen to use terms that analysts mayencounter in everyday laboratory work with columns, phases, and method development.The listing should be helpful to those just starting in HPLC, CE, and related tech-niques. It also may serve as a refresher for long-time users.The entire glossary also can be found on the LCGC web site at .A␣: See separation factor.A solvent: Usually the weaker solvent in a binary eluent or gradient elution separa-tion. In reversed-phase liquid chromatogra-phy (LC), the A solvent typically is water or a water-rich mixture.A term: The first term in the van Deemter equation. See eddy dispersion term and van Deemter equation.Absorption: The process of retention in which the solute partitions into a liquid-like coating.Activity: The relative strength of the sur-face of the packing in adsorption chro-matography. For silica gel, the more avail-able the silanol groups, the more active the surface. Activity can be controlled by adding water or other polar modifier that hydrogen bonds to the active sites, thereby reducing the surface activity.Additive: A substance added to the mobile phase to improve the separation or detection characteristics; for example, a competing base to negate the effects of silanols, a chelating agent to block metal sites, or a UV-absorbing compound to per-form indirect photometric detection.Adjusted retention time (t R Ј): A measure of the retention time adjusted for theholdup time; t R Јϭt R Ϫt M , where t R is the retention time and t M is the holdup time (the time it takes for a small, unretained compound that completely permeates the pores to be eluted from the chromato-graphic column).Adjusted retention volume (V R Ј):Adjusts the retention volume for the holdup volume; V R ЈϭV R ϪV M , where V R is the retention volume of the peak of interest and V M is the holdup volume (the volume corresponding to the total volume of mobile phase in the column). See also dead volume and holdup volume.Adsorbent: Packing used in adsorption chromatography. Silica gel and alumina are the most frequently used adsorbents inRonald E. Majors and Peter W. Carr This month’s “Column Watch” column is an extensive glossary of definitions and terms used in the liquid-phase separation techniques of high performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis,and capillaryelectrochromatography.The glossary should be useful to those just starting to use these separation techniques and can serve as a refresher for long-time users. It provides some of the newer nomenclature recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.Glossary of Liquid-Phase Separation TermsTRonald E. MajorsColumn Watch EditorColumn WatchColumnenzyme, antigen, or hormone — for the macromolecule of interest to a solid sup-port (or carrier). This immobilized ligand will interact only with molecules that can selectively bind to it. Molecules that will not bind will be eluted unretained. The retained compound later can be released in a purified state. Affinity chromatography is normally practiced as an on–off separation technique.Agarose: High molecular weight polysac-charide used as a separation medium in biochromatography. It is used in bead form,often in gel-filtration chromatography, with aqueous mobile phases.Alkoxysilane: A reactant used for the preparation of chemically bonded phases. It will react with silica gel as follows: R 3SiOR ϩϵSiOH →ϵSi–OSiR 3ϩROH, where R is an alkyl group.Alumina: A normal-phase adsorbent used in adsorption chromatography. Aluminum oxide is a porous adsorbent that is available with a slightly basic surface; neutral and acidic modifications also can be made.Basic alumina can have advantages over sil-ica, which is considered to have an acidic surface.Amino phase: A propylamino phase used in normal bonded-phase chromatography.It is somewhat reactive for solute molecules such as aldehydes or mobile-phase additives that can react with amines. The amino phase has found some applications as a weak anion exchanger, and it also is used for the separation of carbohydrates with a water–acetonitrile mobile phase. It is a rela-tively unstable phase.Amphoteric ion-exchange resin: Ion-exchange resins that have both positive and negative ionic groups. These resins are most useful for ion retardation in which all ionic materials can be removed from solution because the anionic and cationic function-alities coexist on the same material.Analyte: The compound of interest to be analyzed by injection into and elution from an HPLC column.Anion exchange: The ion-exchange pro-cedure used for the separation of anions.Synthetic resins, bonded-phase silicas, and other metal oxides can be analyzed in this mode. A typical anion-exchange functional group is the tetraalkylammonium, which makes a strong anion exchanger. An amino group on a bonded stationary phase is an example of a weak anion exchanger.Asymmetry: Factor describing the shape of a chromatographic peak. Chromato-graphic theory assumes a Gaussian shape and that peaks are symmetrical. A quantita-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Adsorption: The process of retention in which the interactions between the solute and the surface of an adsorbent dominate.The forces can be strong forces (hydrogen bonds) or weak (van der Waals forces). For silica gel, the silanol group is the driving force for adsorption, and any solute func-tional group that can interact with this group can be retained on silica. The term adsorption places emphasis on the surface versus penetration or embedding in the sta-tionary phase coated or bonded to a sur-face.Adsorption chromatography: One of the basic LC modes that relies upon adsorption to the surface of an active solid to effect the separation. Silica gel and alumina are the most frequently used normal-phase adsor-bents, and molecules are retained by the interaction of their polar function groups with the surface functional groups; for example, silanols of silica. Carbon also is used as an adsorbent in a reversed-phase mode.Adsorption isotherm: A plot of the equi-librium concentration of sample in the mobile phase per unit volume versus the concentration in the stationary phase per unit weight in adsorption chromatography.The shape of the adsorption isotherm can determine the chromatographic behavior of the solute; for example, peak tailing, peak fronting, and column overload.Aerogel: A packing prepared when the dispersing agent is removed from a gel sys-tem without collapsing the gel structure.Silica gels and glass beads used for size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) are exam-ples of aerogels that can retain their struc-tures even at the high pressures used in HPLC. See also xerogels.Affinity chromatography: A technique in which a biospecific adsorbent is prepared by coupling a specific ligand — such as antive measure is the peak asymmetry factor,which is the ratio of the distance from the peak apex to the back side of the chro-matography curve over the distance from the peak apex to the front side of the chro-matography curve at 10% of the peak height. Other measures of asymmetry are commonly used, especially the U.S. Phar-macopeia (USP ) method. See Figure 1. See also Foley–Dorsey equation.Asymmetry factor: A factor that denotes band shape. The asymmetry factor is calcu-lated from the chromatographic peak by dropping a perpendicular at the peak apex and a horizontal line at 10% of the peak height; at the intersection, the distance to the tail of the peak along the horizontal line (distance B ) divided by the distance along the horizontal line to the front of the peak (distance A ) produces a ratio called the peak asymmetry factor (see Figure 1). The ratio is 1 for a symmetrical peak, less than 1 for a fronting peak, and greater than 1 for a tailing peak. The higher the value, the less symmetrical the peak; values greater than 2are unacceptable.Atmosphere (atm): A measure of the pressure drop across an HPLC column; 1atm ϭ14.7 lb/in.2(psi). See also bar and pascals.B␤:See phase ratio.B o : See permeability.B solvent: Usually the stronger solvent in a binary eluent or gradient separation; typi-cally the organic modifier or modifier-rich binary mixture with water in reversed-phase LC.B term: The second term of the van Deemter equation. See also longitudinal diffusion and molecular diffusion term.Backflushing: A column-switching tech-nique in which a four-way valve placed between the injector and the column allows mobile-phase flow in either direction. Back-flushing is used to elute strongly held com-pounds at the head of a column. It can be used for analyzing these compounds or merely removing them from the column.Band: Refers to the chromatographic peak as it moves down and is eluted from the column.Band broadening: The process ofincreasing width and concomitant diluting of the chromatographic band as it moves down the column. The peak is injected as a narrow slug and, ideally, each separated component would be eluted as a narrow slug of pure compound if not for the process of band broadening. The measureFigure 1:Example of a tailing peak. (Modi-fied with permission from reference 3.)of band broadening is bandwidth (t w) or, more correctly, the number of theoretical plates (N) in the column. Sometimes called band dispersion or band spreading. See Figure 2.Bandwidth (t w): The width of the chro-matographic band during elution from the column. It usually is measured at the base-line by drawing tangents to the inflection points on the sides of the Gaussian curve that represents the peak. Small bandwidths usually represent efficient separations; also called peak width. See Figure 2.Bar: A unit of pressure measurement in HPLC equal to 1 atm, ϳ15 lb/in.2, or 0.1 MPa.BET method: Developed by Bruner, Emmett, and T eller (BET), a method for measuring surface area that uses nitrogen adsorption–condensation in pores at liquid nitrogen temperature. Pore volume and pore size distribution also can be obtained from BET method calculations. Bidentate silane: A specific type of bonded phase in which a short hydrocar-bon bridge connects two silicon atoms in a silane that is bound to the surface through two siloxane groups.Binary mobile phase: Mobile phase comprising two solvents or buffers.Biocompatible: A term to indicate thatthe column or instrument component willnot irreversibly or strongly adsorb or deac-tivate biomolecules such as proteins. Fre-quently means metal-free or ceramic sur-faces and components.Bonded-phase chromatography: Themost popular mode in LC in which aphase chemically bonded to a support isused for separation. The most popular sup-port for bonded-phase chromatography ismicroparticulate silica gel, and the mostpopular type of bonded phase is organo-silane such as octadecyl for reversed-phasechromatography. Approximately 70% of allHPLC applications are performed usingchemically bonded phases.Bonded-phase concentration: Seecoverage.Boxcar chromatography: See columnswitching.Breakthrough volume: The volume atwhich a particular solute pumped continu-ously through a column will begin to beeluted. It is related to the column volumeand the retention factor of the solute. It isuseful to determine the total sample capac-ity of the column for a particular solute.Buffer: A solution that maintains con-stant pH by resisting changes in pH fromdilution or addition of small amounts ofacids and bases.Buffer capacity: A quantitative measureof the potential of a buffer solution(defined as the number of equivalents ofstrong acid or base to cause a one pH unitchange in 1 L of a buffer solution) or sim-ply the ability of a buffer to withstandinjections of a buffered sample solutionwithout changing mobile-phase pH; capac-ity determined by pH, buffer p K a, andbuffer concentration.CC term: The interphase mass transferterm of the van Deemter equation. See alsomass transfer and van Deemter equation.C8: See octylsilane.C18: See octadecylsilane.C4, C8, C18, etc.: Refer to the alkyl-chainlength of a reversed bonded phase.C S: See Langmuir isotherm.Capacity: See sample capacity.Capacity factor (kЈ): Old term for achromatographic parameter that measuresthe degree of retention. Now defined as theretention factor(k)by the InternationalUnion of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC). See also retention factor formethod of calculation.Capillary column: Refers to columnswith inner diameters less than 0.5 mm.Capillary electrochromatography (CEC):A hybrid technique in which capillarycolumns are packed with chromatographicsorbents and electroosmotic flow ratherthan pressure moves mobile phase throughthe column; technique has the surface-mediated selectivity potential of HPLCand the high efficiency of capillary elec-trophoresis (CE).Capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE):A technique in which a capillary is filledwith, or the walls coated or covalentlybonded with, cross-linked polyacrylamideto simulate slab gel electrophoresis; thispolymer network uses a sieving mecha-nism; used for protein, carbohydrate, andDNA separations such as fingerprintingand sequencing.Capillary isoelectric focusing : Separa-tion is based on isoelectric points of pro-teins; the capillary is filled with solution;the sample is introduced into the capillaryin the presence of ampholytes; under theapplication of an electric field, the proteinmigrates until it reaches a pH at which it isneutralized and maintains that position inthe capillary.Capillary LC: Generally refers to HPLCperformed in a fused-silica or other type ofFigure 2:Widths of a Gaussian peak at various heights as a function of the standard deviation (␴) of the peak. (Modified with permission from reference 2.)Column performance (N ): Refers to theefficiency of a column; the number of the-oretical plates for a given test compound.Column plate number (N ): Denotes the column efficiency; the larger the plate number, the more theoretical plates the column possesses; a typical well-packed column with a 5-␮m d p porous packing in a 15 cm ϫ4.6 mm column should provide 10,000–12,000 plates.Column switching: Using multiplecolumns connected by switching valves for better chromatographic separations or sam-ple cleanup. Fractions from a primary col-umn can be switched to two or more sec-ondary columns, which in turn can be further diverted to additional columns or to detectors; sometimes called multidi-mensional chromatography.Column volume (V c ): The volume of the unpacked column; V c ϭA c L , where A c and L are the cross-sectional area of the tube and the tube length, peting base: Adding a small basic compound such as triethylamine ordimethyloctylamine at 10–50 mM concen-tration to the mobile phase in reversed-phase chromatography to inhibit basic ana-lytes from interacting with residualsilanols; works by the law of mass action because concentration of competing base is much greater than analyte. See also addi-tive.Comprehensive two-dimensional chro-matography: T wo-dimensional chromatog-raphy applied to every fraction. See also two-dimensional chromatography.Controlled surface porosity support:Same as porous-layer bead and pellicular packing.Counterion: The ion in solution used to displace the ion of interest from the ionic site in an ion-exchange process. In ion pairing, it is the ion of opposite charge added to the mobile phase to form a neu-tral ion pair in solution.Coupled columns: A form of column switching that uses a primary column con-nected to two secondary columns by a selector valve. Fractions from the first col-umn can be selectively transferred to the second and third columns for additional separations. This term also is used to describe two or more columns connected in series to provide an increased number of plates.Coverage: Refers to the amount of bonded phase on a silica support inbonded-phase chromatography. Coverage usually is described in micromoles percapillary column; the inner diameters typi-cally are less than 0.5 mm; has also been called micro-LC.Capillary micellar electrochromatogra-phy: The CEC version of micellar electro-kinetic capillary chromatography (MEKC).Capillary tubing: T ubing to connect var-ious parts of a chromatograph and direct flow to the proper places. Most capillary tubing used in HPLC is less than 0.020 inner diameter. The smallest useful inner diameter is approximately 0.004 in.Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE):CE performed in an open fused-silica cap-illary tube with and without various addi-tives and capillary coatings; also called open-tube capillary zone electrophoresis.Capping: Same as endcapping.Carrier: A term most often used in affin-ity chromatography; refers to the support that binds the active ligand, usually by a covalent bond; can also refer to the sup-port in other chromatography modes such as liquid–liquid chromatography.Carrier gas: The mobile phase in gas chromatography (GC).Cartridge column: A column type that has no endfittings and is held in a cartridge holder. The column comprises a tube and packing contained by frits in each end of the tube. Cartridges are easy to change and are less expensive and more convenient than conventional columns with endfit-tings.Cation-exchange chromatography: The form of ion-exchange chromatography that uses resins or packings with functional groups that can separate cations. An exam-ple of a strong cation functional group would be a sulfonic acid; a weak cation-exchange functional group would be a car-boxylic acid.CE: Capillary electrophoresis.CEC: See capillary electrochromatogra-phy.CGE: See capillary gel electrophoresis.CZE: See capillary zone electrophoresis.Chain length: The length of carbon chain in the hydrocarbon portion of a reversed-phase packing. It is expressed as the number of carbon atoms (C 8, C 18,etc.). It specifically excludes the short chains — typically methyl, isopropyl, and sec -butyl groups — that also are attached to the silane.Channeling: Occurs when voids created in the packing material cause mobile phase and accompanying solutes to move more rapidly than the average flow velocity,which in turn allows band broadening tooccur. The voids are created by poor pack-ing or erosion of the packed bed.Chemisorption: Sorption caused by a chemical reaction with the packing. Most of these interactions are irreversible and usually occur on packings with reactive functional groups such as silanol or bonded amino phases. Chemisorption is common with metal oxide phases that have strong Lewis acid sites.Chiral recognition: The ability of a chi-ral stationary phase to interact differently with two enantiomers leading to their HPLC separation.Chiral stationary phases: Stationary phases that are designed to separate enan-tiomeric mixtures. The phases can becoated or bonded to solid supports, created in situ on the surface of the solid support,or exist as surface cavities that allow spe-cific interactions with one enantiomeric form.Chlorosilane: A chemical reagent used to prepare siloxane bonded phases; reactiv-ity changes from a monochlorosilane Ͻdichlorosilane Ͻtrichlorosilane; the alkyl portion (octadecyl, octyl, etc.) will dictate the hydrophobicity of the resulting bonded phase; alkoxysilanes can be used but are less reactive.Chromatogram: A plot of detector signal output or sample concentration versus time or elution volume during the chro-matographic process.Chromatograph: As a noun: a device used to implement a chromatographic sep-aration. As a verb (IUPAC): the act of sep-arating by elution through a chromato-graphic bed.Classification: The process of sizing col-umn packing particles; generally in HPLC,small particle-size distribution provides better efficiency and a greater permeability because of the absence of fines. Classifica-tion can be performed by sedimentation,elutriation, and centrifugal air techniques.Column back pressure: See head pres-sure.Column chromatography: Any form of chromatography that uses a column or tube to hold the stationary phase. Open-column chromatography, HPLC, and open-tubular capillary chromatography all are forms of column chromatography.Most often refers to open-column chro-matography used for preparative-scale work.Column length (L ): The length of chro-matography column in HPLC or capillary in CE used to perform the liquid-phase separation.square meter or in terms of percentage car-bon (w/w).Critical micelle concentration: The con-centration of an ionic surfactant above which a micelle is formed by aggregation; micelles added to a mobile phase improve the separation of nonionic substances in HPLC and CE (MEKC) by a partitioning mechanism.Cross-linking: During the process of copolymerization of resins to form a three-dimensional matrix, a difunctional monomer is added to form cross-linkages between adjacent polymer chains. The degree of cross-linking is determined by the amount of the monomer added to the reaction. For example, divinylbenzene is a typical cross-linking agent for the produc-tion of polystyrene ion-exchange resins. The swelling and diffusion characteristics of a resin are governed by its degree of cross-linking.Cyclodextrins: Cyclic oligomers of sev-eral D-(ϩ)-glucopyranose units used in chi-ral HPLC and CE separations; popular ones are named ␣-, ␤-, and ␥-cyclodex-trins; they have a truncated cone shape, a relatively hydrophobic cavity, and primary and secondary hydroxyl groups at their ends; they separate on the basis of differen-tial inclusion of enantiomers; modified cyclodextrins with derivatized hydroxyl groups also are used for selectivity modifi-cation.DDead volume (V M): The column dead volume comprises the entire space accessi-ble to a small molecule that can fully per-meate all pores of a packing material. It includes the interstitial volume and the unoccupied pore volume. It is denoted as V M. The system dead volume includes the additional volume in the tubing that con-nects the injector and detector to the col-umn. The system dead volume usually is approximated by injecting a small, essen-tially unretained species. Uracil, acetone and thiourea are most commonly used species in reversed-phase chromatography. See also adjusted retention volume, holdup volume,and void volume. DEAE: See diethylaminoethyl. Degassing: The process of removing dis-solved gas from the mobile phase before or during use. Dissolved gas may come out of solution in the detector cell and cause baseline spikes and noise. Dissolved air can affect detectors such as electrochemical (by reaction) or fluorescence (by quenching) detectors. Dissolved gases also can cause pumps to lose their prime. Degassing isperformed by heating the solvent, heliumsparging, or using vacuum (in a vacuumflask) or on-line evacuation from a tubemade of a gas-permeable substance such aspolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).Denaturing HPLC: Using reversed-phaseHPLC to investigate genetic mutations bythe investigation of DNA base pairs.Desalting: T echnique in which low mol-ecular weight salts and other compoundscan be removed from nonionic and highmolecular weight compounds. An exampleis using a reversed-phase packing to retainsample compounds by hydrophobic effectsyet allowing salts to pass through unre-tained. Using an SEC column to excludelarge molecules and retain lower molecularweight salts is another example.Dextran: Polydextran-based packingmaterial primarily used for low-pressurebiochromatography; an example would beSephadex (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech,Piscataway, New Jersey).Diethylaminoethyl (DEAE): A popularweak anion-exchange functionality (typi-cally attached to cellulose or Sepharose[Amersham Pharmacia Biotech]) used forseparating biomolecules.Diffusion coefficient (D M or D S): A fun-damental parameter of a molecule in gas,solution (D M), or the stationary phase(D S). Expressed in square centimeters persecond. D M is dependent on the molecularweight of the solute, temperature, solventviscosity, and molar volume of the solute.A typical value for a 100-Da molecule inreversed-phase chromatography at roomtemperature is 10Ϫ5cm2/s.Diol phase: A hydrophilic phase that isuseful in normal and reversed phase. It is adiol structure (two –OH groups on adja-cent carbon atoms in an aliphatic chain).In normal-phase work, it is less polar thansilica. It has been used to separate proteinsand polypeptides in reversed-phase chro-matography.Displacement chromatography: A chro-matographic process in which the sample isplaced onto the column head and then isdisplaced by a compound that is morestrongly sorbed than the compounds of theoriginal mixture. Sample molecules thenare displaced by each other and by themore strongly sorbed compound. Theresult is that the eluted sample solute zonesmay be sharpened; displacement tech-niques have been used mainly in prepara-tive-scale HPLC applications.Distribution constant (coefficient) (K c):The total equilibrium concentration of acomponent in all forms or on the station-ary phase divided by the total equilibriumconcentration of the component in themobile phase; also called the distributioncoefficient or the partition coefficient inpartition chromatography. In partitionchromatography, K c is used when the con-centration in the stationary phase isexpressed per unit volume of the phase(V RϭV MϩK c V S). In a solid stationaryphase, K g is used and is expressed permass (weight) of the dry solid phase. Inadsorption chromatography with a well-characterized adsorbent of known surfacearea, the concentration in the stationaryphase is expressed per unit surface area.D M: See diffusion coefficient.d p: See particle size.D S: See diffusion coefficient.Dwell time: The time equivalent todwell volume; determined by the productof flow rate and the dwell volume.Dwell volume: The volume between thepoint of mixing of solvents (usually in themixing chamber or at the proportioningvalves in the liquid chromatograph) andthe head of an LC column. Important ingradient elution or in isocratic elution situ-ations when changes in solvent composi-tion are made so that the column experi-ences the composition change in theshortest possible time. Low-pressure mix-ing systems generally have larger dwell vol-umes than high-pressure mixing systems.Dynamic coating: The formation of in-situ coatings on the packing in HPLC oron capillary walls in CE by adding a sub-stance to the mobile phase that adsorbsonto (or absorbs into) the packing or atthe wall surface. The purpose of a dynamiccoating is to generate a new stationaryphase or to deactivate the packing materialor capillary wall to prevent unwantedinteractions. One simple example is theadjustment of the mobile phase or runningbuffer to less than pH 3 to protonatesilanols and negate their effect. Anotherexample is coating the phase with ahydrophilic polymeric material to preventadsorption of proteins.EE:See separation impedance.␧: See interparticle porosity.Eddy dispersion (diffusion) term (␭):The A term in the van Deemter equation.It is the contribution to plate height fromthe heterogeneity in axial velocities as aresult of the particle size and geometry ofthe packing, as well as wall effects; A ϭ。



电泳专业英语Electrophoresis: A Powerful Technique in the World of Biomolecular AnalysisElectrophoresis is a fundamental analytical technique that has revolutionized the field of biomolecular research. This powerful method harnesses the principles of electricity and molecular interactions to separate and analyze a wide range of biological macromolecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and even entire cells. The versatility and precision of electrophoresis have made it an indispensable tool in various disciplines, from molecular biology and genetics to biochemistry and forensic science.At its core, electrophoresis relies on the fact that charged molecules, when subjected to an electric field, will migrate at different rates based on their size, shape, and charge characteristics. This phenomenon is known as the electrophoretic effect, and it forms the basis for the diverse applications of electrophoresis. By carefully controlling the experimental conditions, such as the type of buffer, the applied voltage, and the gel matrix, researchers can achieve highly efficient separations of complex mixtures, enabling the identification, quantification, and purification of specificbiomolecules.One of the most widely used forms of electrophoresis is gel electrophoresis, which utilizes a porous gel matrix, such as agaroseor polyacrylamide, to facilitate the separation of molecules. The sample is loaded into wells within the gel, and an electric current is applied, causing the charged molecules to migrate through the gel matrix at different rates. The resulting pattern of separated bands or spots can then be visualized and analyzed using various detection methods, such as staining, autoradiography, or fluorescence imaging.Gel electrophoresis has become an indispensable tool in numerous areas of biomolecular research. In the field of molecular biology, it is extensively used for the separation and analysis of DNA and RNA fragments, enabling the study of gene expression, DNA sequencing, and genetic profiling. Similarly, in the realm of protein biochemistry, gel electrophoresis is employed to separate and characterize complex protein mixtures, facilitating the identification of specific proteins, the determination of their molecular weights, and the investigation of protein-protein interactions.Beyond the traditional gel-based approaches, electrophoresis has also evolved to encompass a range of specialized techniques, each tailored to address specific analytical challenges. Capillary electrophoresis, for instance, utilizes narrow-bore capillaries toachieve high-resolution separations with minimal sample consumption, making it particularly useful for the analysis of biomolecules in complex biological samples, such as blood, urine, or cell extracts.Another innovative application of electrophoresis is the use of microfluidic devices, which integrate electrophoretic separations with miniaturized sample handling and detection systems. These lab-on-a-chip platforms offer the potential for rapid, automated, and highly sensitive analyses, enabling point-of-care diagnostics, forensic investigations, and environmental monitoring.The power of electrophoresis extends beyond its analytical capabilities. It also plays a crucial role in preparative applications, where the technique is used to purify and isolate specific biomolecules for further study or therapeutic applications. In the field of biotechnology, electrophoresis is employed in the production of recombinant proteins, the purification of therapeutic antibodies, and the separation of stem cells or other cellular components for regenerative medicine.Furthermore, the advancement of electrophoretic techniques has fostered the development of cutting-edge analytical tools, such as two-dimensional electrophoresis, which combines different separation principles to achieve unprecedented levels of resolutionand sensitivity. These sophisticated approaches have enabled researchers to unravel the complexity of proteomes, identify biomarkers for disease diagnosis, and gain deeper insights into the intricate mechanisms underlying biological processes.As the field of biomolecular analysis continues to evolve, the role of electrophoresis remains pivotal. Researchers are constantly pushing the boundaries of this technique, exploring new materials, developing innovative instrumentation, and devising novel experimental strategies to address the ever-growing demands of modern scientific inquiry. From the study of genetic disorders to the development of personalized therapies, electrophoresis has become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of the modern biomolecular scientist, contributing to groundbreaking discoveries and advancing our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of life.。



生物药的药物分离纯化的一般工艺流程In the field of biotechnology, the purification process of biological drugs plays a crucial role in ensuring their safety and efficacy. The general workflow for the isolation and purification of these drugs involves several steps.Firstly, the initial step is the disruption of cells or tissues to release the target molecule. This can be achieved by various methods such as mechanical homogenization, enzymatic digestion, or sonication. This step aims to break down the cellular structure and release the desired compound into the solution.第一步是细胞或组织的破碎,以释放目标分子。



Next, the crude extract is subjected to an initial purification step such as filtration or centrifugation to remove insoluble particles and cell debris. Filtration methods like microfiltration or ultrafiltration arecommonly used in this stage to separate larger particles from the solution.接下来,粗提取物经过初步纯化步骤,例如过滤或离心除去不溶性颗粒和细胞残渣。

09-Capillary Electrophoresis

09-Capillary Electrophoresis

稳 定 层 (Stationary layer)—— 包 括 Stern 层和滑动面 slipping plane 以内的 部分分散层。稳定层与分散层内分散 介质发生相对移动时的界面是滑动面 (slipping plane),该处对远离界面的流 体中的某点的电势称为 Zeta 电势或电 动电位( δ- 电势),即 Zeta 电势是连 续相与附着在分散粒子上的流体稳定 层之间的电势差。

非自由溶液电泳:“移动界面电泳” 的缺点是难以分离电泳性能相 近的组分。为了克服这一缺点,四十年代晚期出现了一种新形式的 电泳,采用固体或凝胶为支持介质,通过电泳分离后,将多组分化
合物分离为一些不连续的区带, in 1950 Tiselius dubbed these methods
"zone electrophoresis".

构。未加修饰的毛细管内壁,在溶液(pH>3)中会形成大量带负电的 SiO-基团,吸引溶液中的正电荷,排斥负电荷,在界面上形成双电层。 Nhomakorabea
根据 Stern 双电层理论可将双电层分为两部分,即 Stern 层和分散层。 Stern层——由紧密吸附在固体表面的一层溶剂化的离子组成的溶液层

当带电离子以速度ν 在电场中匀速移动时,受到大小相等、方向相反的


INCLUDED : Resolutions adopted in Budapest (Hungary) 5th A.G. – 15 June 2007
Table of contents........................................................MA-E-INT-00-TABMAT VOLUME 1 Foreword ..................................................................MA-E-INT-01-AVPROP Layout and wording of OIV method of analysis ...............MA-E-INT-04-REDMET ANNEX A – METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF WINES AND MUSTS SECTION 1 – DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES General remarks ........................................................MA-E-AS1-02-REMGEN Classification of analytical methods (oeno 9/2000) .........MA-E-AS1-03-CLASMA Matrix effect for metals content analysis (oeno 5/2000) ............................................................MA-E-AS1-04-EFFMAT SECTION 2 – PHYSICAL ANALYSIS Density and Specific Gravity at 20oC (A 1).....................MA-E-AS2-01-MASVOL Evaluation by refractometry of the sugar concentration in grape musts, concentrated grape musts and rectified concentrated grape musts................MA-E-AS2-02-SUCREF Total dry matter (A 3)..................................................MA-E-AS2-03-EXTSEC Ash (A 6)...................................................................MA-E-AS2-04-CENDRE Alkalinity of Ash (A 7)..................................................MA-E-AS2-05-ALCCEN Oxidation-reduction potential (oeno 3/2000)...................MA-E-AS2-06-POTOXY Wine turbidity (oeno 4/2000)........................................MA-E-AS2-08-TURBID Method for isotopic ratio 18O/16O (Oeno 2/96)...............MA-E-AS2-09-MOUO18 Folin-Ciocalteu Index ..................................................MA-E-AS2-10-INDFOL Chromatic Characteristics (Oeno 1/2006) ......................MA-E-AS2-11-CARCHR SECTION 3 – CHIMICAL ANALYSIS SECTION 3.1 – ORGANIC COMPOUNDS SECTION 3.1.1 – SUGARS Reducing sugars (A 4) ................................................MA-E-AS311-01-SUCRED Glucose and fructose (enzymatic method) .....................MA-E-AS311-02-GLUFRU Dosage of sugars by HPLC (Oeno 23/2003) ..................MA-E-AS311-03-SUCRES Stabilisation of musts to detect Addition of sucrose (A 5) .............................................MA-E-AS311-04-STAMOU Detecting enrichment of musts, concentrat ed grape musts, rectified concentrated grape musts and wine by ²H-RMN.........................................MA-E-AS311-05-ENRRMN Polyols derived from sugars (Oeno 9/2006) ...................MA-F-AS311-06-POLYOL Glucose and fructose (pHmetry ) (Oeno 10/2006)............MA-F-AS311-07-GLCFR2 Glucose, fructose and saccharose (pHmetry ) (Oeno 11/2006)..........................................................MA-F-AS311-08-SACCHA



碳水化合物(carbohydrate)单糖(monosaccharide)寡糖(oligosaccharide)多糖(polysaccharide)醛糖(aldose)酮糖(ketose)蔗糖(sucrose)乳糖(lactose)麦芽糖(maltose)纤维二糖(cellobiose)多糖(polysaccharides)淀粉(starch)直链淀粉(amylose)支链淀粉(amylopectin)纤维素(cellulose)半纤维素(hemicellulose)糖原(glycogen)几丁质(chitin)糖胺聚糖(glycosaminolgycan)脂类(lipids)脂肪酸(fatty acid)甘油三酯(glycerol triester)亲水脂类(amphipathic lipids)蜡(wax)磷酸甘油脂(phosphoglyceride)甘油磷脂(glycerophospholipid)磷脂酰胆碱(phosphatidylcholine)磷脂酰乙醇胺(phosphatidylethanolamine)磷脂酰丝氨酸(phoshatidylserine)磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol, PI)肌醇三磷酸(inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate,IP3)二脂酰甘油(diacylglycerol,DAG)磷脂酸(phosphatidic acid,PA)磷脂酶A2(phospholipase A2,PLA2)磷脂酶C(phospholipase C,PLC)磷脂酶D(phospholipaseD,PLD)溶血磷脂(1ysophospholipid)鞘磷脂(sphingomyelin)神经酰胺(ceramide)类固醇(steroids)萜类(terpenes)胆固醇(cholesterol)麦角固醇(ergosterol)蛋白质 protein简单蛋白质 simple protein氨基酸 amino acid结合蛋白质conjugated protein多肽 polypeptide肽 peptide肽键 peptide bond介电常数dielectric constant范德华力 van der waals force层析法 chromatography 吸附层析法 adsorption chromatography分配系数 partition or distribution confficient活性肽 active peptide二硫键 disulfide bond兼性离子zwitterion一级结构 primary structure疏水效应 hydrophobic effectSDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 SDS-PAGE毛细管电泳(capillary eletrophoresis, CE)离子交换层析 ion exchange chromatography同源蛋白 homologous protein构象 conformation构象角 conformatiomal angle糖脂(glycolipid)糖基甘油酯(glycosylglyceride)鞘糖脂(glycosphingolipid)脑苷脂(cerebroside)N-乙酰神经氨酸(N-acetylneuraminic acid)神经节苷脂(ganglioside)硫酸脑苷脂(cerebroside sulfate)糖蛋白(glycoproteins)蛋白聚糖(proteoglycans)生物膜(biomembrane)膜脂(membrane lipids)膜蛋白(membrane proteins)脂质双层分子(lipid bilayers)外周蛋白(peripheral protein)外源性(extrinsic protein)内在蛋白(integral protein)内源性蛋白(intrinsic protein)跨膜蛋白(transmembrane proteins)流动镶嵌模型(fluid mosaic model)简单扩散(simple diffusion)协助扩散(facilitated diffusion)被动运输(passive transport)主动运输(active transport)介导性运输(mediated transport)非介导性运输(nonmediated transport)载体蛋白(carrier protein)通道蛋白(channel protein)离子通道(ionic channel)离子载体(ionophore)内吞作用(endocytosis)胞饮作用”(pinocytosis)外排作用(exocytosis)基团转移(group translocation)脂蛋白(lipoprotein)染色体(chromosome)染色质(chromatin)组蛋白(histone)核小体(nucleosome)病毒(virus)噬菌体(bacteriophage或简称phage)变性 denaturation沉降系数(S)Svedberg(S)抗体 antibody亲和层析法 affinity chromatography盐溶 salting in盐析 salting out二级结构 secondary structure三级结构 tertiary structureα-螺旋α-helix超二级结构 super-secondaery structure结构域 structure domain氢键 hydrogen bend疏水相互作用 hydrophoblic interaction肌红蛋白 myoglobin寡聚蛋白质 oligomeric protein无规则卷曲 randon coil复性 renaturation镰刀状细胞贫血病 sickle-cell anermia酶(enzyme)酶的专一性(specificity)单体酶(monomeric enzyme)寡聚酶(oligomeric enzyme)多酶复合体系(multienzyme system)酶活性中心(active center of enzyme)催化基团(catalytic site)酶原(zymogen or proenzyme)诱导契合(induced-fit theory)抗体酶(abzyme)酸碱催化(acid-base catalysis)共价催化(covalent catalysis)激活剂(activator)抑制剂(inhibitor)可逆抑制(reversible inhibition)竞争性抑制作用(competitive inhibition)非竞争性抑制作用(noncompetitive inhibition)调节酶(modulator)别构酶(allosteric enzyme)同配位效应(isosteric effect)变构效应(allosteric effect)变构激活(allosteric activation )正协同效应(positive cooperative effect)负协同效应(negative cooperative effect)效应物(effector)维生素(vitamin)维生素缺少症(avitaminosis)调节中心(regulatory center)催化亚基(catalytic subunit)调节亚基(regulatory subunit)诱导酶(induced enzyme)结构酶(structural enzyme)核酶(ribozyme)辅酶(coenzyme)比活力(specific activity)脱氧核酶(deoxyribozyme)酶工程(enzyme engineering)酶纯度(purity of enzyme)酶活力(enzyme activity)α-淀粉酶(α-amylase)β-淀粉酶(β-amylase)脱支酶(debranching enzyme)淀粉的磷酸化酶(amylophosphorylase)糖酵解(glycolysis)三羧酸循环(tricarboxylic acid cycle,TCA)磷酸戊糖途径(pentose phosphate pathway,PPP)生物氧化(biological oxidation)烟酰胺脱氢酶类(nicotinamide dehydrogenase)黄素脱氢酶类(flavin dehydrogenase)铁硫蛋白类(iron-sulfur protein)泛醌(ubiquinone)细胞色素类(cytochromes)细胞色素氧化酶(cytochromeoxidase)鱼藤酮(rotenone)安密妥(amytal)杀粉蝶菌素(piericidine)抗霉素A(antimycin A)底物水平磷酸化(substrate-level phosphorylation)氧化磷酸化(oxidative phosphorylation)化学渗透假说(chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis)化学偶联假说(chemical coupling hypothesis)构象偶联假说(conformational coupling hypothesis)甘油-磷酸穿梭途径(glycerophosphate shuttle)苹果酸-天冬氨酸穿梭途径(malate- aspartate shuttle)异柠檬酸穿梭途径(isocitrate shuttle)能荷(energy charge)肉碱(肉毒碱,carnitine)乙醛酸体(乙醛酸循环体,glyoxysome)乙醛酸循环(glyoxylate cycle)酮体(ketone bodies)饱和脂肪酸的从头合成(de novo synthesis)谷氨酸脱氢酶(glutamate dehydrogenase, GDH)转氨基作用(transamination)转氨酶(transaminase)磷酸吡哆醛(pyridoxal phosphate,PLP)谷丙转氨酶(glutamic pyruvic transaminase,GPT或 alanine transaminase,ALT)谷草转氨酶(glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,GOT或 aspartate transaminase,AST)γ-谷氨酰-半胱氨酸合成酶(γ-glutamyl systeine synthetase,γ-ECS)谷胱甘肽(glutathione)谷胱甘肽合成酶(glutathione synthetase)生物固氮(biological nitrogen fixation)固氮酶(nitrogenase)自身固氮微生物(diazatrophs)共生固氮微生物(symbiotic microorganism)硝酸还原酶(nitrate reductase,NR)亚硝酸还原酶(nitrite reductase,NiR)谷氨酸合酶(glutamate: oxo-glutarate aminotransferase,GOGAT)谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS)腺苷-5'-磷酸硫酸酐(adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate,APS)3'-磷酸腺酐-5'-磷酰硫酸(3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate,PAPS)5-磷酸核糖焦磷酸(phosphoribosyl pyrophosphaet,PRPP)天冬氨酸转氨甲酰酶(aspartate trsnscarbamoy lase)腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(adenine phosphoribosyl fransferase,APRT)黄嘌呤-鸟嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyl transferase,HGPRT)谷胱甘肽还原酶(glutathione reductase,GR)谷氧还蛋白(glutaredoxin)谷氧还蛋白还原酶(glutaredoxin reductase)胸腺嘧啶核苷酸合酶(thymidylate synthase)DNA复制(DNA replication)中心法则(central dogma)冈崎片段(Okazaki fragement)前导链(leading strand)滞后链(lagging strand)引物(primer)复制叉(replication fork)半保留式复制(semiconservative replication)模板(template)反转录(reverse transcription)转换(transition)颠换(transversion)错配修复(mismatch repair)核苷酸切除修复(nucleotide excision repair)碱基切除修复(base excision repair)同源重组(homologous recombination)特异性重组(site-specific recombination)转座子(transposon)启动子(promoter)限制性内切酶(restriction endonuclease )修饰(modification)单链结合蛋白(single stranded binding proteins, SSB)遗传密码(genetic code)读码框架(reading frame)移码突变(frame-shift mutation)简并性(degeneracy)同义密码子(synonymous codon)起始密码子(initiatlon codon)终止密码子(termination codon)摆动假说(wobble hypothesis)同功受体tRNA(isoaccepting tRNA)反密码子(anticodon)多核糖体(polyribisome)氨酰-tRNA合成酶(aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase)Shine –Dalgarno序列(Shine –Dalgarno sequence)起始因子(initiation factor)延伸因子(elongation factor)释放因子(release factor)转肽(transpeptidation)移位(translocation)分子伴侣(molecular chapeones)共翻译转移(co-translational translocation)翻译后转移(post-translational translocation)信号肽(signal sequence)信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle SPR)代谢(metabolism)代谢调节(metabolic regulation)共价修饰(covalent modification)反馈抑制(feedback inhibition)操纵子模型(operon model)衰减作用(attenuation)级联放大作用(amplification cascade)变(别)构效应(allosteric effect)诱导和阻遏(induction and repression)蛋白激酶 C (protein kinase C,PKC)第二信使(second messenger)受体(receptor)G 蛋白(guanosine triphosphate-binding protein)信号转导(signal transduction学习好资料欢迎下载钙调素(calmodulin,CaM)磷酯酶(phospholipase C,PLC)。












7.杂多糖(heteropolysaccharide)有不同种单糖或单糖衍生物聚合而成,如透明质酸(hyaluronic acid,HA)、肝素(heparin,Hp)等。












第1期(总第520期) 2021年1月农产品加工Farm Products ProcessingNo.1Jan.文章编号:1671-9646 (2021) 01b-0056-03食品中矮壮素与缩节胺的形成及其检测方法研究进展李雪楠,*袁媛(吉林大学食品科学与工程学院,吉林长春130062)摘要:植物生长调节剂是一种特殊的含有植物激素活性的农药,能够起到改善农作物质量和控制植物生长的作用,近年来植物生长调节剂的毒性及其残留危害吸引了众多研究人员的关注。

其中,矮壮素(C H LM)和缩节胺(MEP)作为常用的2种植物生长调节剂,其使用不当和残留危害所引起的食品安全问题并没有引起足够的重视。

最近的研 究工作将CHLM和MEP确立为大麦麦芽烘烤过程的副产品,而用于研究的大麦属于生态类型,经验证不含任何植物 生长调节剂。


CHLM和MEP作为新 的食品加工污染物已成为食品安全问题的研究热点。

对CHLM、MEP在食品中的形成进行了综述,并对其检测技术 进行总结,以期为CHLM和MEP的研究提供参考。

关键词:缩节胺;矮壮素;形成;检测方法中图分类号:TS207 文献标志码:A doi:10.16693/ki.1671-9646(X).2021.01.049Research Progress on the Formation and Detection Methods ofChlormequat and Mepiquat in FoodUXuenan,TUAN Yuan(College of Food Science and Engineering,Jilin University,Changchun,Jilin 130062,China) Abstract:Plant growth regulators are special pesticides with phytohormonal activity that can be used to improve crop quality and regulate growth. In recent years,the toxicity and residual hazards of plant growth regulators have attracted the attention of many researchers. Chlormequat (CHLM) and mepiquat (MEP) are two plant growth regulators commonly used in agriculture in China. But their toxicity and residual hazards have not received enough attention. Recent research work has established CHLM and MEP as by-products of the barley malt roasting process. The barley used for the study was of the ecological type and had been verified to be free of any quaternary ammonium pesticides. Therefore,CHLM and MEP are compounds formed by thermal processing of natural ingredients in food. As new food processing contaminants,they have become a research hotspot in food safety issues. In this study,the formation of CHLM and MEP in food were reviewed,and their detection meth­ods were summarized,in order to provide reference for the research of CHLM and MEP.Keywords:mepiquat; chlormequat; formation; detection method植物生长调节剂(Plant Growth Regulators)作为 农药在农业生产中被广泛使用,其通过外源物质进 入植物体,从而改善农作物的品质。



(2) 非连续pH电泳:缓冲液和电泳支持物间有不同 的pH的电泳,如聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状 电泳,等电聚焦电泳等。
界面电泳 :在没有惰性支持物的液体接界面上 进行的电泳。
区带电泳: 是在溶液中加入一些惰性物质或凝胶 物质作为支持物,泳动物质在支持物间隙中移动 的电泳方法。 避免对流的干扰。
1. 准备
醋酸纤维素薄膜的预处理:将薄膜小心放入盛有 缓冲液的培养皿内,使其漂浮在液面;用镊子轻压, 使其全部浸入缓冲液内。待膜完全浸透(约半小时) 后取出,夹在清洁的滤纸中间,轻轻吸去多余的缓 冲液,同时分辨出光滑面和粗糙面。 标记:在粗糙面上用铅笔距薄膜条一端 1.5cm 处 划线即为点样线并作好标记,同时标上学号和正负 极。
( Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, MECC)
胶束电动色谱:是以胶束为假固定相的一种电动色 谱法,是电泳技术与色谱技术的结合,因在毛细管 中进行,又称为胶束电动毛细管色谱。
1. 胶束的形成和特性
表面活性剂:由亲水基和疏水基组成。疏水部分为 直链或支链烷烃;亲水部分由阳离子、阴离子、两 性离子基团组成。
( 核水 酸平 电电 泳泳 ) ( 蛋 白垂 质直 电 电泳 泳 )
第二节 常用电泳技术和电泳方法
二、电泳方法简介 (一)纸电泳 指用滤纸作为支持载体的电泳方 法。是最早使用的区带电泳。



电泳分析报告1. 引言电泳分析是一种常用的生化分析技术,通过电场作用下的物质迁移速率差异来分离和测量样品中的各种成分。


2. 原理电泳分析的原理基于电场的作用,将带电粒子分离并移动至电场方向的不同位置。


2.1 电泳分离机制在电泳过程中,带电粒子受到电场力和摩擦力的共同作用。







2.2 电泳分析方法根据应用的不同,电泳分析可分为几种主要方法:•凝胶电泳:通过在凝胶介质中进行分析,利用凝胶孔道的大小选择性分离不同大小和形状的样品成分。




3. 实验方法3.1 样品准备首先,需要准备样品溶液,并根据样品的特性选择适当的电解质溶液作为电泳缓冲液。


3.2 电泳仪器设置根据实验需要,设置电泳仪器的参数,包括电场强度、电解质缓冲溶液的pH值和温度等。


3.3 电泳分离操作将样品注入电泳槽中,连接电极并加上合适的电场。





高效毛细管电泳测定α-乳白蛋白、β-乳球蛋白A及β-乳球蛋白B的纯度宋宝花;赵广莹;杨媛媛;李芸;丁晓静;王志【摘要】采用毛细管电泳分析手段,用校正峰面积归一化法同时测定了本实验室购得的α-Lac、β-LgA及β-LgB三个蛋白参考物的纯度,其值分别为75.4%、84.5% 和 76.9%,相对标准偏差分别为1.6%、0.7% 及1.4%.所得结果与应用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺平板凝胶电泳法的测定结果进行了比较,并讨论了造成二者差异的原因.结果表明毛细管电泳法是分析此类蛋白的有效潜在手段.【期刊名称】《河北农业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2010(033)004【总页数】4页(P124-127)【关键词】高效毛细管电泳;纯度;α-乳白蛋白;β-乳球蛋白A;β-乳球蛋白B【作者】宋宝花;赵广莹;杨媛媛;李芸;丁晓静;王志【作者单位】河北农业大学,理学院,河北,保定,071001;北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013;河北农业大学,理学院,河北,保定,071001;北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013;河北农业大学,理学院,河北,保定,071001;北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013;北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013;首都医科大学,公共卫生与家庭医学学院,北京,100069;北京市疾病预防控制中心,北京,100013;首都医科大学,公共卫生与家庭医学学院,北京,100069;河北农业大学,理学院,河北,保定,071001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O652.1标准物质是影响分析测试结果准确性的主要因素之一,色谱分析的新方法开发中,由于有证标准物质或参考物质(CRM)的缺乏,分析工作者有时从国际知名和大的试剂供应商处购得的已知纯度的、性质较稳定的实验室试剂、工业化学品试剂等作为参考物质来使用,并按供应商所提供的试剂纯度进行折算后对未知样进行定量分析,而对于一些性质不稳定、易降解的参考物质如维生素A和维生素E等,则需要进行浓度测定校正后再进行定量[1]。






主要参考文献1W Donald Graham.Nonionic Surfactants in Paper Electrophore-sis.Clinical Chemistry,1960,6:413—420.2Roxane Claeys1,Chris Groven1,Frans K.Gorus1.Capillary Zone Electrophoresis of Proteins in Body Fluids:Comparison of Cap-illary and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis.Clinical Chemistry.2001,47:967—970.3汤茶琴,张定.茶叶中γ-氨基丁酸及谷氨酸的纸电泳测定.江苏农业学报,2007,23(2):135—138.4胡岳,邓宏贵,魏晨曦.一种新型数控调光开关的设计与实现.电脑知识与技术,2008,3(9):2086—2089.5陈缵光,莫金垣.毛细管电泳专用高压电源的研制.现代医学仪器与应用,2001,13(4):6—7.6刘水平,罗志勇.琼脂糖凝胶电泳实验技巧.实验预防医学, 2006,13(4):1068.7朱正威,孙万儒,赵占良.高中生物选修1生物技术实践.北京:人民教育出版社,2006:64—70.8中华人民共和国教育部.普通高中生物课程标准(实验).北京:人民教育出版社,2003:10.9电子发烧友网.台灯调光器电路图[EB/OL]./article/88/131/ctrlsc/light/2007/200712116391.html, 2007,12:11.10华南师范大学.纸电泳操作方法.生命科学导论网络课程, /life/teacher/zhourc/life2005/Article_S-how.asp?ArticleID=31,2005,07:03.(E-mail:cjh6707@)1引言水螅(Hydra)是生活在清澈、缓流、有水生植物生长的淡水环境中的低等多细胞动物,是腔肠动物门的代表动物,是教学中良好的实验材料。



生物化学及分子生物学常用缩略语生物化学及分子生物学实验常用缩略语(教学团队的范浩讲师编制)英文缩写英文名中文名A(1) absorbance(2) absorbency 吸收率吸收Acr acrylamide 丙烯酰胺ADP adenosine diphosphate二磷酸腺苷,腺苷二磷酸AMP adenosine monophosphate腺苷一磷酸,腺苷酸Amp ampicillin氨苄青霉素AMV avian myeloblastosis virus禽类成髓细胞瘤病毒APS ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵AR analytical reagent 分析纯试剂ATP adenosine triphosphate三磷酸腺苷,腺苷三磷酸ALT alanine transaminase丙氨酸转氨酶BAC bacterial artificial chromosome细菌人工染色体Bis N,N’-methylene-bis-acrylamide N,N’-亚甲双丙烯酰胺BSA bovine serum albumin 牛血清白蛋白bp base pair碱基对ccc-DNA covalently closed circular DNA共价闭环DNAcDNA complementary DNA互补DNACE capillary electrophoresis 毛细管电泳Ch cholesterol 胆固醇CP creatine phosphate 磷酸肌酸DEPC diethylpyrocarbonate焦碳酸二乙酯DNA deoxyribonucleic acid脱氧核糖核酸dsDNA double stranded DNA双链DNAdsRNA double stranded RNA双链RNADTT dithiothreitol二硫苏糖醇EB ethidium bromide溴乙锭E.coli Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌EDTA ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid乙二胺四乙酸EGTA ethylene glycol bis (2-aminoethyl) tetraacetic acid 乙二醇二乙醚二胺四乙酸ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附测定(法)FAM Carboxyfluorescein 羧基荧光素FCM flow cytometry 流式细胞仪FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate 异硫氰酸荧光素FPLC fast protein liquid chromatograpgy 快速(蛋白)液相层析G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 葡糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶GFP green fluorescence protein 绿色荧光蛋白GST glutathione-S-transferase 谷胱甘肽S转移酶Hb hemoglobin 血红蛋白HEPES 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid 4-羟乙基哌嗪乙磺酸His,H histidine 组氨酸HPLC high performance liquid chromatography 高效液相层析Hsp heat shock protein 热休克蛋白IEF isoelectric focusing 等电聚焦IPTG isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside 异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷kb kilobase pair 千碱基对kDa kilo-Dalton 千道尔顿Km Michaelis constant 米氏常数LDH lactic dehydrogenase; lactate dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶mRNA messenger RNA 信使RNAMW molecular weight 分子量NBT nitrotetrazolium blue氯化硝基四氮唑蓝NC nitrocellulose membrane 硝酸纤维素膜oc-DNA open circular DNA 开环DNAOD optical density 光密度PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PCR polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链反应PKC protein kinase C 蛋白激酶CpI isoelectric point 等电点PMSF phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride 苯甲基磺酰氟RNase ribonuclease RNA酶PBS phosphate buffered saline PBS缓冲液RNAi RNA interference RNA干扰RPM round per minute 每分钟转数RQ-PCR Real-time quantitative PCR 实时定量PCRRT-PCR reverse transcription PCR 反转录PCR,逆转录PCRSDS sodium dodecyl sulfate 十二烷基硫酸钠siRNA small interfering RNA 小干扰RNASNP single nucleotide polymorphism 单核苷酸多态性SSCP single strand conformation polymorphism 单链构象多态性SWR standard working reagent 标准工作液TBS Tris-buffered sodium chloride TBS缓冲液TE Tris-EDTA buffer 含Tris和EDTA的缓冲液TEMED N,N,N’,N’-tetramethyl ethylene diamine N,N,N’,N’-四甲基乙二胺TLC thin-layer chromatography 薄层层析Tris N-Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane 2-氨基-2-羟甲基-1,3-丙二醇UV ultraviolet 紫外线X-gal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactoside 5-溴-4-氯-3-吲哚-β-D-半乳糖苷YAC yeast artificial chromosome vector 酵母人工染色体载体生物化学与分子生物学实验常用词中英文对照(教学团队的范浩讲师编制)Aabluent 洗洁剂absolute (ethyl) alcohol 无水乙醇absorbance (A) 吸光率,吸收率absorbency (A) 吸收性,吸光度absorption 吸收(作用)absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption spectrum 吸收光谱abstract 提取acetate 乙酸盐,醋酸盐acetic acid 乙酸,醋酸acidity 酸度,酸性acrylamide 丙烯酰胺adjustable micropipetter 可调式微量移液器/加样器affinity 亲和,亲和力,亲和性affinity labeling 亲和标记agar 琼脂agarose 琼脂糖agarose gel electrophoresis 琼脂糖凝胶电泳agitate 搅动A:G ratio A/G比率,清球比率alanine (Ala, A) 丙氨酸albumin 清蛋白,白蛋白alcohol 酒精,乙醇alcohol burner 酒精灯alkalinity 碱度,碱性alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶alpha complementation α-互补amino 氨基amino terminal 氨基(末)端,N-(末)端ammonium persulfate 过硫酸铵ampholyte 两性电解质amplicon PCR扩增产物amplification 扩增analytical balance 分析天平analytical reagent 分析纯试剂anhydrous 脱水的,无水的annealing 退火antibiotics 抗生素antibody 抗体antigen 抗原antiseptic 消毒剂,防腐剂apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白apoptosis 凋亡appearent molecular weight 表观分子量aseptic 无菌的,防腐剂autoclave 高压灭菌器automatic biochemical analyzer 全自动生化分析仪automatic gel image analysis system 全自动凝胶成像分析系统autoradiography 放射自显影azotometer 定氮仪Bbalance 天平base 碱基base sequence 碱基序列beaker 烧杯beaker brush 烧杯刷Beer’s law 比尔定律benchtop ultracentrifuge 台式超速离心机biochemistry 生物化学biochip 生物芯片biomacromolecule 生物大分子biotin 生物素biuret reaction 双缩脲反应blender 搅拌器,搅碎器blood 血液blood sugar 血糖blotting 印迹分析blotting membranes 印迹膜blotting paper 印迹用滤纸blue-white selection 蓝白斑筛选blunt end 平端bottle brush 瓶刷bromophenol blue 溴酚蓝buffer 缓冲液Ccapacity 容量capillary electrophoresis 毛细管电泳capillary electrophoresis system 毛细管电泳仪carboxy(l) 羧基catalyst 催化剂catecholamine 儿茶酚胺cation 阳离子cDNA 互补DNAcDNA chip cDNA芯片cDNA library cDNA文库cDNA probe cDNA探针cell 细胞cell culture 细胞培养cellophane 玻璃纸cellulose acetate membrane 醋酸纤维薄膜centrifugal force 离心力centrifuge 离心机centrifuge tube 离心管chromatogram 层析图,色谱chromatography 层析,色谱法chromatography column 层析柱clamp 夹子clone 克隆cloning vector 克隆载体CO2 incubator 二氧化碳培养箱coomassie (brilliant) blue 考马斯亮蓝coomassie (brilliant) blue staining 考马斯亮蓝染色coefficient 系数colloid 胶体colony 菌落colony counter 菌落计数器color reaction 呈色反应colorimetry 比色法competence 感受态competent cell 感受态细胞competitive inhibition 竞争性抑制作用complementary DNA (cDNA) 互补DNA component 成分,组分concentration 浓度condenser 冷凝器conformation 空间构象conical beaker 锥形瓶conical bottom culture tube 锥底试管constant temperature incubator 恒温培养箱constant temperature oven 恒温箱content 含量control experiment 对照实验cosmid vector 黏粒载体,科斯质粒载体counter 计数器creatine 肌酸culture dish 培养皿culture flask 培养瓶culture media 培养基culture shaker 培养摇床culture vessel 培养瓶culture tube 培养管cuvette 比色皿D2-D electrophoresis apparatus 双向电泳仪denaturant 变性剂denaturation 变性(作用)density 密度density gradient centrifugation 密度梯度离心desiccator 干燥器desiccant 干燥剂detector 检测器detergent 去垢剂,去污剂dialysis 透析differential display PCR 差异显示PCRdigital gel image analysis system 数码凝胶成像分析仪diluent 稀释剂dilute 稀释distilled water 蒸馏水DNA blotting DNA印迹(法)DNA chip DNA芯片DNA ligase DNA连接酶DNA marker 标准分子量DNADNA polymerase DNA聚合酶DNA recombination DNA重组DNA recombination technique 重组DNA技术DNA recombination technology 重组DNA技术DNA sequencer DNA测序仪dot blotting 斑点印迹dropper 滴管drying oven 干燥箱,干燥炉Eelectric stove 电炉electrical receptacle 电源插座electrode 电极electrolyte 电解质electromagnetic oven 电磁炉electrophoresis 电泳electronic analytical balance 电子分析天平electronic balance 电子天平electrophoresis cell 电泳槽electrophoresis system 电泳仪electrophoretogram 电泳图(谱) electrophorogram 电泳图(谱) electroporation 电穿孔electroporation instrument 电穿孔转化仪electrothermal incubator 电热恒温培养箱eluant 洗脱液,洗脱剂eluate 洗出液eluent 洗脱液,洗脱剂elution 洗脱enzyme 酶Escherichia coli大肠杆菌ethanol 乙醇exon 外显子exponential growth phase 指数生长期expression vector 表达载体extinction coefficient 消光系数extract ①提取,抽取②提取液Ffetal calf serum 胎牛血清filter 过滤filtration 过滤flask 培养瓶,长颈瓶flow cytometer (FCM) 流式细胞仪fluorescence 荧光fluorescence intensity 荧光强度fluorescence probe 荧光探针fluorescence quantified PCR 荧光定量PCR fluorescence spectrophotometer 荧光分光光度计fluorochrome 荧光染料fluorophore 荧光基团forceps 镊子formamide 甲酰胺freezer 冷冻冰箱frost-free refrigerator 无霜冰箱full size ultracentrifuge 大型超速离心机fume hood 通风橱Ggas chromatography 气相层析gel 凝胶gel chromatography 凝胶层析gel comb 凝胶梳gel dryer 凝胶干燥仪gel imaging system 凝胶成像系统gene 基因gene chip 基因芯片gene cloning 基因克隆gene expression 基因表达gene inactivation 基因失活gene knock-out 基因敲除gene library 基因文库genetic analyzer 全自动遗传分析仪genetic engineering 基因工程genome 基因组genomic DNA 基因组DNAgenomic library 基因组文库glassware 玻璃仪器glass graduates with scale 刻度量杯glass stopper 玻璃瓶塞globulin 球蛋白glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) 6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) 谷草转氨酶glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) 谷丙转氨酶glycogen 糖原gradient centrifugation 梯度离心gradient thermal cycler 梯度PCR仪graduated cylinder 量筒growth media 培养基Hhemoglobin 血红蛋白heat shock protein (HSP) 热休克蛋白heating bath 加热水浴箱heat-stable 耐热的,热稳定的heparin 肝素high density lipoprotein (HDL) 高密度脂蛋白高效液相层析,高效液相色谱法high pressure steam sterilizer 高压蒸汽灭菌器high speed centrifuge 高速离心机high speed refrigerated centrifuge 高速冷冻离心机high speed centrifugation 高速离心histidine (His, H) 组氨酸homogenate 组织匀浆homogenize 匀浆homogenizer 匀浆器homoiothermic 恒温的horizontal gel electrophoresis system 水平凝胶电泳仪horseradish peroxidase 辣根过氧化物酶host 宿主hybrid molecule 杂交分子hybridization 杂交hybridization in situ原位杂交Iice machine 制冰机ice scoop 冰勺immunoblotting 免疫印迹法immunoradioautography 免疫放射自显影inactivation 灭活incubation 保温,温浴incubator 培养箱induce 诱导induced mutagenesis 诱变inducer 诱导物induction 诱导作用infection 感染inhibitor 抑制剂insertion inactivation 插入灭活insertion sequence (IS) 插入序列in situ hybridization 原位杂交in situ PCR 原位PCRinsulin 胰岛素in vitro 体外,试管内in vivo体内iodacetamide 碘乙酰胺ion-exchange resin 离子交换树脂ion exchange chromatography 离子交换层析ionic strength 离子强度isoelectric focusing 等电聚焦isoelectric focusing system 等电聚焦仪isoelectric point (pI) 等电点isoelectric separation 等电分离Jjar 广口瓶Kkalium 钾kinase 激酶kinetic coefficient 动力学系数kinetic constant 动力学常数Klenow fragment Klenow片段,DNA聚合酶I大片段Llab cart 实验室样品推车lab sink 实验室水槽lab stool 实验凳laboratory notebook 实验记录本laboratory coat 工作服label 标签lactose 乳糖laser scanning confocal microscope 激光扫描共焦显微镜Lambert-Beer law 朗伯-比尔定律latex glove 乳胶手套ligand 配体ligase 连接酶liquid nitrogen 液氮liquid nitrogen storage tank 液氮储存罐loop 细菌接种环low speed centrifuge 低速离心机lysis 溶菌作用lysozyme 溶菌酶Mmagnetic stirrer 磁力搅拌器malonic acid 丙二酸marker 记号笔medicine dropper 滴管medium 培养液methylase 甲基化酶methylation 甲基化methylene blue 亚甲蓝,甲烯蓝microbalance 微量天平microcentrifuge 微型离心机microcentrifuge tube 微型离心管microliter syringe 微量注射器microinjection 显微注射microinjector 微量注射器microplate reader 酶标仪micropipetter 微量移液器micropipetter tip 微量移液头microwave oven 微波炉milligram 毫克mince 切碎mini gel system 迷你凝胶电泳仪mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 线粒体DNA mixer 混合器,搅拌器mobility 迁移率molecular cloning 分子克隆,无性繁殖molecular hybridization 分子杂交molecular weight 分子量monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体mortar 研钵multichannel pipetter 多道移液器multifunctional PCR 多功能PCR仪multiplex PCR 多重PCRmutation 突变Nnegative 负的,阴性的nick 缺口nick translation 缺口平移法non-protein nitrogen 非蛋白氮Northern blotting RNA印迹nucleic acid 核酸nucleic acid hybridization 核酸分子杂交nucleic acid sequencing system 核酸序列分析仪Ooligonucleotide 寡核苷酸orbital rocker 旋转混匀器optimum pH 最适pHoptimum temperature 最适温度outlet strip 电源插座板oven 烤箱Ppaper chromatography 纸层析,纸色谱法paper label 标签paraffin film 密封用石蜡薄膜PCR thermocycler 基因扩增仪PCR plate PCR板penicillin 青霉素pestle 研杵pH buffer pH缓冲液pH meter pH酸度计pH paper pH试纸pH testing strips pH试纸plasma 血浆plasmid 质粒pipette 移液管,吸量管pipette tip 移液器吸头,枪头pipettor 移液器polyclonal antibody 多克隆抗体polymerase 聚合酶,多聚酶polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 聚合酶链反应polymorphism 多态性,多态现象point mutation 点突变positive 正的,阳的power supply 电源precipitation reaction 沉淀反应pre-cast gel 预制凝胶板pretreat 预处理primer 引物probe 探针protease 蛋白酶protein 蛋白质protein chip 蛋白质芯片protein expression 蛋白质表达protein kinase 蛋白激酶purification 纯化purity 纯度Rradioactivity 放射性radioautography 放射自显影random primer 随机引物random priming 随机引物法reagent 试剂reagent bottle 试剂瓶Real-time fluorescence quantified PCR 实时荧光定量PCRreceptor 受体reference weight set 标准砝码系列refrigerator 冰箱relaxed circular DNA 开环DNArepeating pipetter 连续移液器reporter gene 报告基因restriction endonuclease 限制性核酸内切酶restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) 限制性片段长度多态restriction map 限制酶切图谱reverse transcription 逆转录ribonuclease (RNase) RNA酶RNase H RNA酶Hrocker 混摇器rocking platform 摇床rotor 离心机转头rubber pipette bulb 洗耳球rubber stopper 橡皮瓶塞Ssafety glasses 安全眼镜salt precipitation 盐析sample 样品sampling 采样,抽样scalpel 解剖刀scanner 扫描器scintillation counter 闪烁计数仪scissors 剪刀screening 筛选seal sample bag 密封样品袋semi-dry transfer unit 半干转膜仪separation 分离sequence 序列sequencing 测序sequenator 序列分析仪serum 血清shaker 摇床,混合器shoe covers 鞋套sodium tetraphenylboron 四苯硼钠solid medium 固体培养基solubility 溶解度solute 溶质solution 溶液solvent 溶剂sonic oscillation 超声振荡sonication probe 超声(探)头/端子sonicator 超声破碎仪Southern blot DNA印迹spatula 药匙specimen 样品,标本spectrofluorimeter 荧光分光光度计spectrophotography 分光光度法spectrophotometer 分光光度计squirt bottles 洗瓶standard curve 标准曲线steam sterilizer 蒸汽灭菌器stir 搅动stir bar磁力搅拌转子stopcock 活塞,玻璃活塞stopper 塞子substrate 底物superhelix 超螺旋结构supernatant 上清液syringe needle 注射器针头TTaq DNA polymerase Taq DNA聚合酶test tube 试管test tube holder 试管夹test tube rack 试管架test tube shelf 试管架template 模板terminal transferase 末端转移酶tetracycline 四环素thermoduric 耐热的thermometer 温度计thermostat 恒温器thermostatic oscillation incubator 恒温振荡培养器thermostatic oven 恒温烤箱thermostatic water bath 恒温水浴箱timer 定时器thin membrane electrophoresis 薄膜电泳tissue 组织tissue grinder 组织研磨器tissue culture 组织培养tissue homogenate 组织匀浆tracer isotope 示踪同位素transaminase 转氨酶transfer apparatus 电转仪transduction 转导,转导作用transfection 转染transformation 转化transmittance 透光度transmittancy 透射比tube brush 试管刷tumbling mixer 翻转混匀器Uultra freezer 超低温冰箱ultra purified water system 超纯水系统ultrabalance 微量天平ultracentrifuge 超速离心机ultracentrifugation 超速离心ultrafiltration membrane 超滤膜ultrasonication 超声破碎ultrasonator 超声振荡器ultrasonic cell disruptor 超声细胞破碎仪ultraviolet absorption 紫外吸收ultraviolet lamp 紫外观察灯ultra-low temperature freezer 超低温冰箱universal microplate reader 通用酶标仪urea 尿素UV spectrophotometer 紫外分光光度计UV/VIS spectrophotometer 紫外可见分光光度计Vvacuum drying apparatus 真空干燥器vacuum drying oven 真空干燥炉/箱vaseline 凡士林vector 载体vertical electrophoresis apparatus 垂直电泳仪vertical electrophoresis system 垂直电泳仪virus 病毒VIS spectrophotometer 可见分光光度计volumetric flask 容量瓶vortex mixer 漩涡混匀器Wwater bath shaker 水浴摇床water bath 水浴,水浴槽water bath pot 水浴锅water still 蒸馏水器wavelength 波长96-well plate 96孔板weighing paper 称量纸Western blot 蛋白印迹wild type 野生型wiper for lens 擦镜纸Xxerogel 干凝胶Yyeast 酵母yeast two-hybrid system 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Vladislav DolníkAlcor BioSeparations,Santa Clara,CA,USAReceived August3,2005 Revised September11,2005 Accepted September11,2005ReviewCapillary electrophoresis of proteins2003–2005This review article with304references describes recent developments in CE of pro-teins,and covers the two years since the previous review(Hutterer,K.,Dolník,V., Electrophoresis2003,24,3998–4012)through Spring2005.It covers topics related to CE of proteins,including modeling of the electrophoretic migration of proteins,sample pretreatment,wall coatings,improving separation,various forms of detection,special electrophoretic techniques such as affinity CE,CIEF,and applications of CE to the analysis of proteins in real-world samples including human body fluids,food and agri-cultural samples,protein pharmaceuticals,and recombinant protein preparations.Keywords:Capillary electrophoresis/Capillary isoelectric focusing/Polypeptides/ Review Proteins/SDS capillary electrophoresis DOI10.1002/elps.2005005671IntroductionPreviously,we have reviewed the use of CE for the analy-sis of proteins for the periods of1992–1997[1],1997–1999[2],1999–2001[3],and2001–2003[4].This review particularly emphasizes practical applications of CE,but also includes sections on technique and theory,including modeling migration of proteins and CE systems,sample preparation,coatings,improving separation,detection, and use of various modes of CE.In the application sec-tion,the analysis of human body fluids,agricultural prod-ucts,and pharmaceuticals are focused on.2Modeling electrophoretic migration of proteinsThere has been always a desire for an easy method that would allow predicting protein mobilities from,e.g.,pro-tein’s primary structure.The ability to predict protein mo-bility would make identification of proteins in electro-pherogram much easier.Also,a computer simulation would be sufficient for finding an optimum pH of a suitable BGE without laborious experimental optimization.So far,several models have been proposed to calculate protein mobility.They are more successful at extreme pH with full ionization of ionizable groups.A possibility to predict polypeptide mobility has been investigated by CE-MS of68peptides and experimental data were compared with existing models[5,6].The experimental data showed the best correlation with the Offord model[5].However,a more detailed comparison of the theoretical and experimental data indicated that the correlation is only weak[7,8].Combination of the Offord model with a corrected steric substituent constant and molar refractivity descriptors improved,however,the predictivity of the model,especially for peptides contain-ing basic amino acids[9].Similarly,CZE of five model proteins resulted in the conclusion that a primitive con-tinuum model is appropriate for predicting mobilities of proteins[10].Electrophoretic mobilities of peptides with post-transla-tional modifications were investigated by CE-MS[11]. Peptide digests from horse heart myoglobin,bovine hemoglobin,and human myelin showed some amino acids modified:some arginine residues were citrullinated, glutamine partially deaminated,and methionine partly oxidized.Three peptides were found to be phosphorylat-ed and arginine monomethylated,or dimethylated.Data from CZE analysis of charge ladders of bovine car-bonic anhydrase were compared to models based on Hückel theory,charge regulation,and linear regression [12].Only a qualitative agreement was found between experimental data and theoretical calculations.Correspondence:Dr.Vladislav Dolník,Alcor BioSeparations,2318B Walsh Avenue,Santa Clara,CA95051,USAE-mail:vdolnik@Fax:11-650-964-1945Abbreviations:ACE,affinity CE;CSF,cerebrospinal fluid;FQ,3-(2-furoyl)quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde;IgG,immunoglobulin G;PDMS, poly(dimethyl siloxane);SELDI,surface enhanced laser desorption ionization2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.deA simulation program accepting150components was used to simulate dynamics of IEF of proteins[13].Com-puter simulation of focusing dynamics of hemoglobin was found to be in accordance with experimental data.The theoretical background for quantitative predictions of stacking of proteins by a moving chemical reaction boundary was developed[14].Experimental data con-firmed the calculated predictions.3Sample pretreatment3.1PreconcentrationPreconcentration of low-abundance proteins prior to CE separation may be essential for their high-sensitivity analysis.Typically,electrokinetic preconcentration(ITP, transient ITP,or field enhancement)is applied or a con-centrator is constructed based on immunoaffinity online concentration,or a semipermeable membrane,or a hydrodynamic counterflow[15].On-line concentration of proteins by ITP in a column-coupling arrangement was applied to CZE of model pro-teins on a plastic chip[16].Metal-binding proteins of clinical relevance were concentrated in uncoated fused-silica capillaries by cationic transient ITP[17].125mM ammonium formate pH4.0was used as leading electro-lyte in transient ITP followed by CZE in1M formic acid, pH1.8.CZE itself showed separation efficiency of 165000theoretical plates/m,if it was preceded by tran-sient ITP;the separation efficiency increased to 230000plates/m.Transient ITP(here called electrokinetic supercharging preconcentration)was applied to pre-concentration of SDS-protein complexes[18].The meth-od requires low SDS concentration in the samples other-wise a significant deterioration of CE may result.Field enhancement sample injection was used to increase detection sensitivity of proteins and peptides analyzed by CE-MS[19].Another method for concentration of proteins by migrating SDS has also been developed[20].Zwitter-ionic stacking by transient moving chemical reaction boundary was also used to concentrate proteins[14].Solid-phase microextraction has been combined with CIEF[21].By using this method,R-phycoerythrin was analyzed with a detection limit of3.2610212M in30min.Fluorescently labeled proteins were concentrated on a microchip using a porous silica membrane between adjacent channels.Fluorescently labeled ovalbumin could have been detected at initial concentrations of 100fmol by combining field-amplified injection and the membrane preconcentration[22].A laser-patterned nanoporous membrane was prepared on a microchip at a junction of a cross channel to integrate electrokinetic injection and concentration of protein analytes[23].While smaller ions can pass through the membrane,proteins of molecular mass above the membrane cutoff(5700)are retained.The concentration of proteins is limited by their solubility and the porous membrane can be used repeat-edly.A mobility-based on-line preconcentration of pro-teins was achieved by connecting two capillaries with a dialysis hollow fiber[24].Similarly,a cellulose acetate-coated etched porous joint achieving concentration fac-tor65–800was also used[25].A preconcentrator for CE of proteins based on balance between hydrodynamic flow and electromigration has been designed[26].It consisted of PEEK tubing having two electric junctions,covered with a conductive mem-brane.The sample was pumped in with a syringe pump; the zones were captured by means of the electric field that counterbalanced the hydrodynamic flow,achieving up to40-fold preconcentration factor[26].A similar method for concentration of protein-SDS complexes based on hydrodynamic counterflow has also been developed[27].A slightly different method of protein preconcentration was developed that created a discontinuous electrolyte system in a pH junction and captured the proteins at their p I s here and concentrated them[28].Using this method, myoglobin was concentrated with the concentration fac-tor of up to1700in about20min.3.2DerivatizationA derivatization is typically necessary for sensitive LIF detection of proteins.Proteins can be labeled on-line and off-line with both covalent and noncovalent bonding.An automated system using a lab-on-valve has been developed for the derivatization of proteins,and their separation by CE[29].The system’s functionality was tested by the analysis of islet proteins(insulin,proinsulin, and c-peptide).An in-capillary method for derivatization of insulin with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate has been developed[30].Both insulin and reagent were introduced into the capillary by means of electromigra-tion.This labeling method enabled insulin and its two glycosylated forms to be separated and detected.A different strategy was used for fluorescent labeling of myoglobin:myoglobin was denatured with urea or low pH first and,as a result,a nonfluorescent heme group was released from its molecule.Then a fluorescent porphyrin (protoporphyrin IX or its zinc complex)was added and the2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.deElectrophoresis2005,26,0000–0000CE and CEC3protein was allowed to refold and,during this step,the protein incorporated the fluorescent porphyrin.The reac-tion could also be performed without denaturation.The low-pH reaction was unaffected by2000-fold excess of BSA[31].For noncovalent labeling of proteins,squarylium dyes have been tested[32].These dyes are poorly soluble in water and do not fluoresce much in water.One of these dyes,NN127,was found promising for labeling of pro-teins.Mitotracker Green was tested and confirmed as a mito-chondrial selective dye by labeling mitochondrial pro-teins,and comparing the electropherogram with the analysis of the same proteins labeled with3-(2-fur-oyl)quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde(FQ)[33].For a chemiluminescence detection of proteins,a deriva-tization with isoluminol thiocyanate has been introduced [34].3.3Other sample preparationsA nanoliter enzyme microreactor based on immobilized trypsin has been constructed for CE on a microchip, allowing digestion of picomole quantities of proteins[35]. The microreactor of the volume of30nL was connected to a separation capillary via a fluid joint.The system was tested by analysis of a-lactoglobulin.The overall analysis time,including both digestion and separation,was about 16min and separation efficiency for most peaks exceed-ed300000plates/m.A miniaturized pepsin-based reactor was prepared in a fused-silica capillary by incorporating a porous silica monolith coated with a gel-containing pepsin[36].The functionality of the microreactor was confirmed by online digestion of insulin and lysozyme.4Reducing wall adsorptionsIonized groups on the wall of capillaries or separation channels cause EOF and adsorption of analytes.To pre-vent these adverse effects,neutral hydrophilic coatings (both dynamic and static)are used[37].The dynamic coatings are usually applied as an addition of neutral polymers or detergents to BGE.Static coatings are typi-cally attached to the wall covalently.Even though dy-namic coatings are easy to apply,they do not eliminate EOF and adsorptions completely.On the other hand, static coatings are more difficult to make but they elim-inate EOF and protein adsorption more efficiently.It is a common practice to evaluate prepared coatings by measuring separation efficiency of selected model pro-teins.However,separation efficiency depends on many other factors(temperature,ionic strength,pH,capillary bending,capillary ID,injection procedure,etc.)and so we intentionally omit the number of theoretical plates given in the original papers to avoid comparing apples and oran-ges.Coatings can be also characterized by atomic force microscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy[38]but these studies are rare.4.1Dynamic wall coatingA number of dynamic coatings have been applied to fused-silica capillaries and microchips to reduce EOF and protein adsorption[39,40].Besides aliphatic polyamines [41–43],alkylaminosilyl monomers[44]and oligoamines such as triethylenetetramine and diethylenetriamine[45, 46]have also been used to reduce the surface charge and so EOF.Various surfactants have been used to reduce EOF and protein adsorption on the wall,including the cationic detergent didodecyldimethylammonium bromide[47], neutral surfactant Brij35modifying hydrophobic channels in a poly(dimethyl siloxane)(PDMS)microchip[48],zwit-terionic sulfobetains[49,50],zwitterionic1,2-dilauryloyl-sn-phosphatidylcholine[51,52],and1,4-didecyl-1,4-dia-zoniabicyclo[2,2,2]octane dibromide[53].The phospho-lipid coating was more efficient in reducing EOF,if it was stabilized by the addition of divalent cations(Ca21,Mg21, Zn21)or by working in the gel-state region of the phos-pholipid[52].Similar zwitterionic surfactants1-palmitoyl-2-oleyol-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine[54]and1,2-dio-leyol-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine[55]were also used as a dynamic coating,the latter after a free-radical-initi-ated polymerization.A dynamic coating based on mixed cationic/anionic surfactants(CTAB and SDS)has also been prepared[56].Various synthetic and natural polymers that not only affect electrokinetic potential of the wall but also increase vis-cosity at the capillary wall have been also used as a dynamic coating.Quarternary ammonium-substituted agarose[57],poly(N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide)[58],cati-onic polymer polyE-323[59],Polybrene[60],hyper-branched poly(amino ester)s[61,62],copolymer of2-ethyl-(2-pyrrolidine)methacrylate and N,N-dimethyl acrylamide[63,64],PVP and poly(methyl methacrylate) [65],poly(aminophenyl boronate)[66],and a commercially available polymer of undisclosed composition EOTrol [67]were used recently as dynamic coatings in CE.2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.de4V.Dolník Electrophoresis2005,26,0000–0000Some low-molecular-weight compounds have been used to reduce EOF in capillary including tri(ethylene glycol) terminated alkyl trichlorosilane[68],ionic liquids based on 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium[69],and1-(4-iodobutyl)4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2,2,2]octane iodide[53].The last compound interacts after its addition to BGE with the wall, and thus exhibits some properties of a static coating.A rather unusual dynamic coating is represented by a modification of the capillary wall with chicken egg white [70].4.2Static wall coatingStatic coatings are typically based on hydrophilic neutral polymers and,frequently,the same polymers,which are added to BGE as dynamic coating,can be permanently anchored on the wall as a static coating.There are several chemistries applied to polymer attachment on the wall: silane bifunctional reagent[71],Grignard chemistry[72], thermal immobilization[73],and vapor deposition.Historically,linear polyacrylamide was the first polymer used for permanent coating[71];however,its hydrolysis at high pH means a significant obstacle in its general use. Linear polyacrylamide has been used to eliminate EOF in both fused-silica capillary[74–76]and channels in PDMS microchips[77].Stability of the polyacrylamide coating was enhanced by cross-linking[78].Other permanent coatings were prepared with dextran on silanized fused-silica capillary[79],hexamethyl disiloxane plasma polymerized with2.3-epoxy-1-propanol on glass microchip[80,81],fluorinated aromatic hydrocarbons attached to PDMS by chemical vapor deposition[82],tri-methoxysilane-modified poly(dimethyl acrylamide)[83], poly(vinyl alcohol)thermally immobilized on oxygen plasma-pretreated PDMS[84],and PEG grafted on Plexi-glas surface[85].5Improving separationQuality of electrophoretic separation can be expressed in terms of resolution,i.e.,product of separation efficiency and selectivity.Whereas selectivity is the engine of separation,band-broadening(expressed as separation efficiency)does not contribute to the separation,and only determines how the separation is deteriorated by some adverse factors.EOF and protein adsorption on the wall are the most deleterious factors affecting CE separation of proteins.The separation efficiency can be improved by high-quality wall coating(see Section4).However,the composition of BGE affects separation efficiency,too. Several BGEs for CZE of proteins have been compared and120mM ammonium acetate and150mM ammonium hydroxyacetate,pH4were selected as the most promis-ing buffers for CZE of proteins[74,75].To increase selectivity of CZE separation,the pH of BGE is typically changed to optimize effective mobilities of the separated proteins,and achieve the full separation. Newly synthesized diamino sulfate isoelectric buffers with p I in the range of5.8–8.9have been used for pH-biased isoelectric trapping protein separations[86].Another iso-electric buffer synthesized for CZE was bismorpholine derivative of pivalic with p I6.5[87].Similarly,carrier ampholytes,which are typically used as spacers in ITP or in IEF to form a pH gradient,have been fractionated into 25narrow-pH-range mixtures,and the fractions well characterized in terms of conductivity,buffering capacity, and heterogeneity were proposed as BGE in CZE[88].There are several other ways to affect mobility of protein analytes,e.g.,ion-pairing with heptane sulfonic acid has been used to improve CZE separation of CNBr fragments of several types of collagen[89].In an approach reminis-cent of MEKC,liposomes based on1-palmitoyl-2-oleyol-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine were used as pseudosta-tionary phase for CE of basic proteins[54,90].Gradient field electrophoresis has been proposed to improve separation of proteins,and used for CZE of R-phyco-erythrin[91].6DetectionIn CE,proteins are typically detected by UV absorption, LIF,and MS.UV detection is a standard detection method today,but is less sensitive than LIF and MS.However,MS has gained popularity,and has been used with increased frequency in detection of proteins,especially in today’s effort to improve our knowledge of the human proteome.6.1LIFLIF is the most sensitive detection method for CE of pro-teins when a protein is labeled with a fluorescent dye either prior or after CE separation[92].A sheath-flow reactor was constructed for postcolumn fluorescence derivatization of proteins[35,93].A postcolumn labeling of a-lactalbumin with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde provided linear response in the range of 3.961027–1.261025M[93].A LIF detector is typically located at the end of CE column. Recently,LIF with whole column imaging was applied to CIEF of proteins[94,95](Fig.1).The system allowed scanning the whole separation column,and monitoring the course of the separation and the chemical reactions2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.deElectrophoresis2005,26,0000–0000CE and CEC5Figure1.Illustration of whole-column fluores-cence-imaged CE with a short capillary.Re-printed from[95],with permission.that may occur during the separation:denaturation, reduction,and carbamylation.The system was further modified to include a liquid core waveguide[96,97].Fluorescence of aromatic amino acid residues in proteins (Try,Tyr,Phe)can be also used for LIF detection when no labeling with fluorescent reagents is necessary.Deep UV LIF detection at266nm has been used to detect proteins separated by CZE on a chip[98].The utility of the system has been proved by CZE of proteins from egg white.6.2MSMS dominates today’s proteomic research.Soft ioniza-tion techniques such as MALDI and ESI allowed a com-bination of CE and MS[99–103].In CE-MS the proteins separated by CE are typically introduced into MS by an electrospray[104].Recently,some off-line combinations with MALDI have been introduced[102].When ESI interface is used to connect CE to MS,proteins are brought to MS by a sheath flow.If the capillary gen-erates EOF,a sheathless interface can be used[105–109]. Several sheathless electrosprays have been constructed for fused-silica capillary[107,110,111],glass microchips [112],and plastic microchips[113,114].A new design of CE-MS interface was applied incorporating directly the CE-MS probe orthogonal-spray ion source[115].If CE is performed in capillaries without EOF,a sheath flow gets separated proteins to electrospray.Formic acid has been tested as a sheath liquid and was found to be improving the signal intensity[116].Mass accuracy of the conventional MS(IT or quadrupole) is good enough to identify many post-translational mod-ifications of the intact proteins[117].ESI-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS(ESI-FTICR-MS)was combined with CE to provide high-reso-lution and ultra-sensitive analysis of complex protein mixtures[118,119].MALDI was used for detection of peptides and proteins separated by CIEF[51],two-dimensional HPLC-CZE [120],analysis of glycosylated analog of human eryth-ropoietin[60,121],and model proteins[59].CE-MS was compared to surface-enhanced laser de-sorption ionization(SELDI)MS[122].SELDI profiles of polypeptides from urine of patients suffering from glo-merulonephritis were sparser,showed lower resolution and mass accuracy,and also were much more con-centration dependent than CE-MS.By comparing urine from patients and healthy control,SELDI-MS identified three polypeptides as potential markers for glomerulone-phritis,whereas CE-MS found about200potential bio-markers among urinary polypeptides.6.3Other detection methodsChemiluminescent detection of peptides and proteins labeled with luminol was applied to CZE[123].For hemoglobin,a detection limit of1.261027M(0.6fmol) was achieved.The chemiluminescent detector was also modified for CE on chip[34].2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.de6V.Dolník Electrophoresis2005,26,0000–00007Special electrophoretic techniques7.1Affinity CEThis section is focused on affinity and immunoaffinity CE (ACE)of proteins.Immunoadsorbents have been used to capture selected proteins and thus concentrate them while eliminating interfering proteins[124–126].Many proteins,namely serum albumin,have been used for binding studies between protein and a low-molecular-weight drug.Since this review is focused on CE of pro-teins,we do not include these CE applications here.Besides the concentration of analytes,ACE with an affin-ity counterion or pseudostationary phase allows separa-tion of proteins.Separation of HSA and immunoglobulin G (IgG)in a column with immobilized Cu(II)iminodiacetate [127],protein glycoforms[128],model proteins on Ciba-cron blue3GA[129],or apolipoproteins using lipoprotein vesicle[130]demonstrated this fact.Immunoaffinity interactions can also be used for specific labeling of analyzed proteins.The analysis of recombinant erythropoietin in human body fluids serves as an example as erythropoietin binds fluorescently labeled fragment of mAb5F12[131].The analysis of guanine-nucleotide binding proteins by ACE is another example using a fluorescently labeled GTP analog[132].The separation on a chip with4-cm-long channel was completed in less than 30s with the detection limit of2nM(3amol).ACE was also used to measure molecular interactions between specific antibodies against BSA and healthy prion model[133]and for mobility moment analysis of molecular interactions[134,135].7.2CIEFThe popularity of CIEF continues to grow.In postgenomic era,the importance of protein separations increased sig-nificantly.CIEF as the most efficient technique for separation of proteins attracted substantial attention [136].Easy combination of CIEP and MS was an addi-tional attractive feature for bioanalytical chemists[137, 138].In CIEF,proteins are focused to their p I in a pH gra-dient generated by carrier ampholytes.Focused proteins are then mobilized by pressure or by electromigration of inorganic ions and detected by UV absorption at280nm. Recently,CIEF-focused zones were also mobilized by EOF from an additional uncoated capillary[139].Carrier ampholytes were originally developed for IEF on gel.They are also important in CIEF with UV detection since they form linear pH gradient and space individual protein zones,and thus allow their detection.However,when CIEF is combined with MS,the utility of carrier ampholytes may be questionable–they may interfere with MS of proteins and cause lower sensitivity of MS.To clarify this point,proteins were analyzed by CIEF in absence of carrier ampholytes[140].Without carrier ampholytes,CIEF separated proteins with poor resolution while the addition of carrier ampholytes resulted in15–45%loss of sensitivity but this was compensated by a significantly improved resolution.On the other hand, CIEF-MS/MS of serum proteins led to an opposite con-clusion as carrier-ampholyte-free CIEF identified844 unique peptides,corresponding to437serum proteins [141].Carrier-ampholyte-free CIEF was also used as an injection/preconcentration method for CZE[142].Con-centration of sampled proteins was increased by factor of 100.As CIEF focuses proteins into sharp zones,correspond-ing to their p I,the focused proteins do not have any macroscopic charge.This causes sometimes a limited solubility of proteins and they adsorb on the capillary wall causing additional problems[143].Although coated capillaries could reduce protein adsorption significantly, they could not prevent it.Protein adsorption is worse at higher concentrations,and may be a result of a self-amplifying process:adsorption of proteins in capillaries with already adsorbed proteins is faster than in a pristine-coated capillary.The loading capacity of a CIEF capillary is not fully used in standard CIEF.An attempt was made to enhance the sample load by extended continuous electrokinetic injection[144].Based on the mobility of model polypep-tides from Saccharomyces cerevisiae,it was estimated that the loading capacity of the capillary was in this case 8–45-fold of the conventional CIEF.Since CIEF only focuses proteins within a specified pH span,a method has been developed to also separate proteins with p I outside of the pH range of the used carrier ampholytes[145].CIEF is typically used in fused-silica capillaries with detection at a specific point.However,a growing number of research groups perform CIEF on chips[81,146,147]. Recently,whole-column detection was introduced to CIEF[21,94,97,148,149],which allows monitoring dynamics of CIEF.CIEF was used for the analysis of prion protein antibody [133],Ras-like G proteins[150],quantitation of myosin light chain phosphorylation[151],and model proteins including myoglobin A and carbonic anhydrase[65],also for determination of p I s of analyzed proteins[152],and,in micropreparative free-flow mode,to purify proteins for X-ray crystallography[153].2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim www.electrophoresis-journal.deElectrophoresis2005,26,0000–0000CE and CEC77.32-D separations of proteins involving CEMultidimensional separation with CE at least in one di-mension is a hot spot in protein separations,as they may dramatically increase resolution of separation[154].For example,RP HPLC combined with CIEF provides the peak capacity over10000peaks[155]and,because of its dynamic range and sensitivity,the method is suitable for use in combination with MS[156–158].A number of variations of2-D CE emerged during the last 2years.Heart-cutting2-D CE has been performed in a single capillary and evacuation and EOF were used to manipulate the protein zones[159].In some2-D separa-tions,CE has been combined with HPLC[106,160–162] also on a microchip with a valve-free gating interface[163].In2-D CE,in which both separation methods were based on CE,the capillaries for the first and second dimension have been interfaced with a microdialysis hollow fiber interface [118,164–168]and etched porous junction[169].A fully automated2-D CE system combining capillary gel electro-phoresis(CGE)with MEKC has been constructed[170, 171].A protein homogenate from Deinococcus radiodurans labeled with FQ was separated in this way,and detected by LIF detection.CGE generated150000theoretical plates, MEKC over900000plates.From the homogenate,over150 protein fractions have been obtained(Fig.2)[171],while the system provided peak capacity of550spots.In the first di-mension,the resolution is limited by diffusion of the proteins during a long separation,in the second dimension by the combination of a long transfer time and short separation time.The method was used to generate protein fingerprint from several lines of cells.The tryptic digest of several proteins(BSA,ovalbumin, hemoglobin)was analyzed by2-D CE combining MEKC (in a19.6cm channel as the first dimension)and CZE in a 13-mm-long channel as the second-dimensional method [172].The separation took less than15min,and pro-duced peak capacity of4200(110in the first dimension and38in the second dimension).The method allowed distinguishing human from bovine hemoglobin.Some2-D CE systems on a microchip have been con-structed including one using microfluidic valves[173]or having a single first-dimensional capillary interfaced to a second-dimensional array of multiple parallel capillaries [174].8Electrophoresis on-chipIn recent years,a growing interest in chemical miniatur-ization led to research and development of new CE methods and instrumentation on a microchip.CEon Figure2.2-D CE of protein homogenate from processed to resemble a silver-stained gel.(B)Image processed to resemble a landscape.Re-printed from[171],with permission.microchip is a promising technology since it offers an easy integration of many steps including sample prepa-ration,derivatization,and coupling of several separation procedures together[175,176].A hand-held device has been constructed for on-chip analysis of protein biotoxins in unknown mixtures[177, 178].The chip was housed in a microfluidic manifold, sealed with o-rings.The sample was introduced through a septum by a syringe.A miniaturized LIF detector with two diode lasers detected fluorescamine-labeled proteins at low nanomole level.The functionality of the device was demonstrated by a successful analysis of ricine.By definition,the microchip format is ideal for multi-dimensional separations involving CE(see also Section7.3).2-DE of proteins and protein digests increa-ses peak capacity dramatically by multiplying the peak capacity of the individual1-D separation methods[163, 172,174].2005WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim。
