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1. We have to drink our tea (没有)milk, because there isn't any milk in the fridge.

2. 一Be ! The floor is wet!

一Yes. We should look out!It's easy to fall down !

3. Sorry, I'm very busy now. Would you please call back?

4. 一Which city is the capital of ? 一Paris.

5. Jim was very fat and he couldn’t go _____________(通过) the small door.

6. Kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity about two ________(世纪)ago.

7. It was so _______(吵闹的) outside that the student couldn’t sleep well last night.

8. The little girl is never _______(担心的) because we take good care of her.

9. Go ________(径直地)on, and you’ll find the hotel on your right.

10. I am going to be a doctor to help ________(生病的) people.

11. He was one of the greatest _____________(工程师)in history.

12. That man ______________(注意) the small key and then put it into the box.

13. When you walk _____________ (经过) the bank,turn right.

14. Yesterday David asked me to fix his __________ (损坏的) bike.

15. Please check the /endʒɪ'nɪə(r) z/names again. We should make sure that all of them are here for the meeting today.

16. Are you (能够)to sing an English song?

17. We have about eight (百)students in our school.

18. The zoo is (西北)of the river. You can watch different kinds of animals there.

19. Mary is a polite girl. She will say hello to me whenever she .(经过)

20. I (突然)remembered that I didn't lock the door, so I hurried home at once.

21. She tried to drive the car, but she (失败).

22. Zhang Hua quickly ran back to his flat and (倒)water over his jacket.

23. Mo Yan is a famous writer.He can write good ____________ (文章).

24. If you are in (麻烦),come to me for help.

25. She never (担忧)about her study because she always works hard on all the subjects.

26. The air is much (very clean or cool) after the government has taken action.

27. It's (not careful)of you to leave your key on my desk.

28. The colour of the (消防员)bikes is not green.

29. Amy comes (二十)in the Maths exam.

30. My parents (同意)to take me to the art show if I could pass the exam.

31. — What did you learn today?

— The teacher told us to give to the old people on the bus.

32. — Jane, what are you looking for?

— My wallet. I think I it on my way to school.

33. —Don’t throw everywhere. Don’t you see the bin?

— Sorry, I will pick it up.

34. — Can you it? Something is so sweet.

— No, I can’t. Something is wrong with my nose these days.

35. — Which road should we take, Mum?
