中 州 学 刊
Ac a d e mi c J o u m ̄ o f Z h o n g z h o u
第 l 0期 ( 总第 2 0 2期 )
0c t . . 2 0 1 3 No . 1 0
【 经济理论与实践 】
城 镇 化 背 景 下 地 方 政 府 投 融 资 平 台建 设 研 究 水
3 9
中州学刊 2 0 1 3 年第 l 0期 基础设施 的经 济增 长关联效应 的同时 , 可 能使地方 政府变相 拥有货 币发行权 , 影 响宏观经 济的稳定 。龚强等人 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 在 财政分权 的框 架下通 过对 地方 政府债 务 的成 因、 影响、 管控 的相关理论分 析和经验研究的梳理后认 为 , 中 国的地方政府 城镇 化的视角进行 考察 的文 章并 不多见 。 中国发展 实践表
第一 , 基 于财政分 权的视角来考察融资平台。1 9 9 4年 的
财税体制改革是影响深远 的一次改革 , 多数学者 基于这一 视
角来探析地方政府融资平 台的产生 、 发展等 问题 。如贾康 等
人( 2 0 0 2 ) 认为为 了完善分税制 , 加 快地 方基 础设 施建设 和经 济发展等 , 有必要发展地方 政府 融资平 台。祝 志勇和高扬 志
文献评 述
关注地方政府融资平台 的多数文献是 较新 的研究 成果 ,
这与实际 中融资平 台的空前繁荣不无 关系 。从 内涵 上讲 , 地
方政府融资平 台是指 由地方 政府及 其部 门和 机构等 通过 财
城镇化关 系密 切。尽管 我 国《 预 算法 》 规定 “ 地方 政府 不得
发行政 府 债 券 ” , 然而 , 在各地城镇化发展 中, 由 于受 “ 唯
20121221_县域城镇化建设需重视投融资规划_徐志刚 侯明
公用公共设施建设规划 „„规划
城市发展战略 产业发展规划
空间及土地利用规划 市 新 型 城 镇 化 投 融 资 规 划 ** 区位条件 特色资源 市场需求 „„ 核心:完善基础设施,挖掘特 色,建宜居小镇 城市五位一体发展规划 对上:设市改革、财税倾斜 对下:引入龙头企业资本 区域开发建设投融资规划
科学编制区域开发建设投融资规划 投融资规划成果案例
是指连片或非连片的区域或关联性的片区开发,主要应用于新城开发、产业园 区开发、旧城改造或退二进三项目。 以城市发展规划、区域开发规划等为依据,通过对区域开发的系统分析,以区 域开发所涉及的拆迁补偿、基础设施、市政公用设施、公益设施项目、工业厂 房等的投资、融资、建设工作以及土地储备和供应为统筹对象,以政策、法规、 资源等为约束条件,以开发时序规划、土地收储和供应时序设计、投融资建议 等为目标,为系统解决区域开发中的问题、理顺融资需求、控制融资风险以及 可持续开发提供参考依据。
中小城市 • 如何科学统筹区域 财税资源、提高财 政资金使用效率? • 加快投融资平台发 展转型? • 争取国家政策性金 融和开发性金融支 持,加强基础设施 和产业园区建设?
小城镇 • 如何争取中央、省 市各级财政资金和 财税优惠政策支持? • 争取国家政策性金 融和开发性金融支 持完善基础设施? • 挖掘资源特色、科 学规划、稳步推进 公共服务基础设施 建设? • 完善集体土地流转、 农林地承包等制度?
课题组成员 : 贾康 、 赵 全厚、 刘军 民、 张立承 、 封北麟。
锯衔 辩宪考 考2 0 1 3 年第1 3 期( 总第2 5 0 1 期)
∞ 如 ∞ 如 加 m o
8 . 3 4三 ▲
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∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
倔钎 硒宪 考 考2 0 1 3 年 第1 3 期( 总 第2 5 0 1 期)
城 镇 T 匕进 程 中 的 地 方 政 府 融 资 研 究
财政部财政科 学研 究所课题 组 木
要: 地方 政府 是推进城 镇 化 的首 要 责任 主体 。本 文 梳理 了我 国城 镇 化 进 程 中
地方政府 的主要事权 与投融资责任 , 对城镇化融资需求进行 了估算, 并分析 了地方 政府投资权与融资权不相对称所导致 的制度 困境。最后 , 文章从加快健全地方税 体系、 推动地方政府规范有序负债 融资 以及 完善财政体制等方面提 出了打造 . 9 8个 百 分 点 ; 西 部
中, 作 为 城镇 化 推 进 责 任 主 体 的 地 方 政 府 面 临 着 巨 大 的投 融 资 压 力 , 需要 在矫 正 已有 的、 规 范 度 和 可 持 续 陛均 欠 佳 的 土 地 财 政 和 地 方 投 融 资 平 台 融 资 机 制 的基 础 上 , 深 化 改革 , 加快 制度建设 , 积极 打造 地方 政 府 推 进城 镇 化 的可 持 续 发 展融 资 机 制 。
城 镇 化 水 平 依 然 有 很 大 的提 升 空 间 , 特 别是 中西
部地 区 , 未 来 的发展 空间 巨大 。
支 出 责 任
( 一) 中 国城 镇 化 的 快 速 推 进 。 自2 0世 纪 9 0年 代 中 期 以 来 , 中 国 城 镇 化 呈
城市进入性研究框架(参考)第一部分:整体投资环境分析一、城市/区域属性研究(此部分仅针对全市型研究,如专题为区域研究,则以区域研究为重点,说明与全市的关系)1、城市结构、尺度和行政区划2、城市功能区域划分(主要商务区、主要商业区和产业园区概况)3、城市规划总体布局及发展战略(包括新的城市副中心等)4、城市核心发展趋势(带时间轴的重点发展片区及各片区职能规划)5、城市政治发展背景(细分层级,国家级/市级/区级政策,例如:国家级新区,领导人更替等)6、城镇化率及变化7、重点旧城改造区域及进度(如果有的话)8、城市资源(景观资源、历史资源、人文资源)9、城市交通现状及带时间轴的未来交通规划二、城市/区域宏观经济研究1、城市/区域GDP发展及与周边其它城市/区域的比较(仅限我司暂未进入城市/区域)2、城市/区域产业结构分析(此部分仅针对全市型研究,如专题为区域研究,则以区域研究为重点,说明与全市的关系)(1)支柱性产业(2)增长最快的产业(3)产业园区情况(规模能级、发展现状)、重点产业/重大企业(500强企业等等),未来规划升级情况3、城市/区域人口分析(近三次人口普查,此部分无论全市还是区域研究,均要对全市及区域人口进行数据分析)(1)城市人口分布地图(以街道标注热力图)(2)城市人口迁徙地图(3)城市/区域户籍人口、常住人口、外来人口比例及走势(4)出生人口(考虑二胎政策)(5)首婚年龄、首胎年龄(6)整体年龄趋势(老龄化率、少儿抚养比等……)(7)劳动适龄人口(8)学龄人口及小学入学人数(9)高校毕业生等级划分、毕业生数量、留本地的比例等(10)中高收入人群聚集地(11)城市/区域未来人口预判(12)产业迁徙与城市更替对人口变迁的影响(徐州、苏州、宁波必做,其他城市选做)(13)伴随购房决策人的变化(本地人与新移民、老年人与年轻人…),不同人群在购房区域选择,购房逻辑/驱动力上的变化(徐州、苏州、宁波必做,其他城市选做)4、购买力(1)人均可支配收入变化走势及支出构成(2)房价收入比(3)住房自有化率(4)房租/房价比(二手房活跃程度)(5)人均居住面积第二部分:整体房地产市场分析(若为区域研究,此部分仅为该区域市场研究)1、城市房地产相关政策发展历史及对应的市场影响2、2012年以来土地市场(宅地)成交量价分析3、2012年以来住宅供应成交量价分析4、2012年以来商品住宅存销分析5、结合全市未来的土地出让计划,对土地缺口进行分析和预判(住宅成交与土地成交剪刀差关系)6、全市层面年度top 10销售榜单(按照销售面积、销售金额等)7、整体住宅市场预测(1)供应量预测(仅反应广义库存,对未来年化供应难以形成判断),建议从房地产开工量等角度进行预测2015年以来成交土地的潜在供应量(成交土地,包括已开发土地和未开发土地)项目潜在供应量(区域、项目个数、项目体量和套数)这个指标很难统计(2)需求潜力预测(人口增长率、旧城改造、人均住房面积的增长、城市化进程等方面)建议增加一个维度,结合过往政策影响下的市场表现,对目前政策之下的需求走势进行判断。
城投转型产业的背景和意义-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述城投转型产业的背景和意义是当前经济发展中一个重要的话题。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:文章结构部分旨在向读者介绍本文的整体组织和安排。
( 二 ) 产 业 结构 调 整 和 产 业 升级
费收入 的一种财政模 式 ] 。具体来说 ,土地财政主要通 过以下 两个途径 为地方政府增加财政收入:通过 出让 、租赁国有 土地使用权等 获取土地 收益 ;通过收取依附于土地开发 的房地产业和建筑业 的相关税 费增加财
政收 人 。
土地财政 的产生有其一定 的实 际意义。一方面 , 低价 出让土地招商 引资拉 动了地方投资增长和经济增长 ;另一方面 ,高价 出让土地增加 了 预算外 收入 ,由房地产业和建筑业等发展带来的税 收增 长使预算 内收入 增加 。 ( 二 )土地金融 土地金融与土地财政相关联 ,是在城镇化快速推进 的过程 中,地方 政府 以土地财政为支撑 ,搭建地方政府投融资平台筹集资金 ,为城镇 化 建设筹 资。 土地金融主要通过以下两种方式筹集资金 :通过地 方融资平 台公 司 以土地作为抵押获得银行贷款 ,这种方式 占筹集资金的大部分 ;以土地 为担保发行城投债 。这两种方 式 的偿 债资金 基本全 部来 自于 土地 出让 金、房地产相关税收和财政收入。 ( 三) 目前投融资模式存在 的问题 在过去十几年 的城镇化进程中 ,土地财政和土地金融发挥 了重要 的 推动作用 ,但 目 前看来 ,这种投融资模式已经出现 了很大 的问题 。 首先 ,城市土地属于 国有 ,农村土地集体所有 ,土地财政 和土地金 融使得地方政府不 断征收农村土地 ,但其支付 的土地补偿 金很 低 ,损害 了农 民的利益 ,造成社会矛盾的加剧。 其次 ,土地的高价 出让金推高了房价 , 破坏 了市场规律 ,使 房地产 市场泡沫加剧 ,不仅损害民生 ,更使市场存在越来越高 的风险 。 五 、投融资模式的改进建议 ( 一 )完善 财政 支持机制 国家应该完善财政支 持机制 ,调 整财政 支 出结构 ,以 “ 人 的城镇 化 ”为重点 ,满足居 民 日 益增加的教育、文化 、医疗 、养老等公共服务 需求 , 且与可持续性发展的理念相一致 。 ( 二 )构建并完善城镇化 的投融资平 台 个完善的投融资平台可以 拓宽投融资渠道,为资金的 需求方和供给方 提供信皂咨询平台, 促进金融资源的有效利用,为社会经济的发展提供充足 的资金保障。因此, 各地方应积极构建并完善城镇化的投融资平台。
Self-financing urbanization:Insights from the use of Town Planning Schemes in Ahmadabad,IndiaShishir Mathur ⇑San Jose State University,San Jose,CA,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 3May 2012Received in revised form 7July 2012Accepted 17September 2012Available online 22October 2012Keywords:Land poolingMunicipal finance Infrastructure finance Developing countries Indiaa b s t r a c tThrough an in-depth review of the financing structures of two projects developed using land readjust-ment (LR)in the State of Gujarat,India,this article provides insights into LR’s ability to selffinance urban-ization.This ability rests on three intertwined factors.First,a rapid increase in the value of developed urban land enables local governments to generate substantial revenue from the sale of reserved land.Second,the local governments retain the reserved land for a significant amount of time before selling it,thereby benefiting significantly from increases in land prices.Third,a revolving fund system,wherein the revenues from older LR projects fund infrastructure in new projects,helps to finance the up-front infrastructure costs and eliminates the need to sell the land early or to seek loans.Furthermore,by using sensitivity analyses,the article shows that the timely accrual of betterment charges would bolster the revenue stream.Finally,the analyses highlight the concern that more land may be reserved than is required to fund the project and argues for more accurate estimates of the need for land reservation.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.IntroductionLed by increases in two demand side factors—population and income,the demand for serviced urban land is rising rapidly in many developing countries.However,significant infrastructure backlog,poor fiscal capacity at all levels of government—local,state and national (Bird,1999;Shah,2004;Vera &Kim,2003),and landowner opposition to compulsory land acquisition (Lall,2009)limit the supply of serviced urban land.This demand-supply mismatch is the primary cause of the rapid rise in the prices of serviced urban land.In such a scenario,an urban infrastructure finance mechanism that is acceptable to the landowners,unlocks the value of the land and allows for the capture of a part of the in-crease in land value to finance public infrastructure and services is welcome (Home,2007;Krabben &Needham,2008).Land readjust-ment (LR)is one such mechanism (Hayashi,2002;Turk,2008).Indeed,LR has been widely employed for rural-urban land conversion,for example in countries such as Japan,South Korea,Australia,Indonesia,Nepal and India (Archer,1988,1994;Hayashi,2002;Karki,2004;Lee,2002;Li &Li,2007;Sorensen,2002),and to redevelop urban areas in countries such as Holland,Germany,Turkey,Japan and China (see Hein,2010;Li &Li,2007;Needham,2002;Turk &Altes,2011).In LR,a group of land holdings are pooled to plan and provide public infrastructure and services such as roads,electricity,water and sewer infrastructure,schools,community centers,parks and open spaces.Some land may also be reserved for future sale.The remaining land reverts back to the original landowners in proportion to their original levels of land ownership (Archer,1992).LR can be initiated by the landowners (usually through a landowner association)or by the local government.In either case,the initiating agency can impose a fee on the landowners and/or sell land to fund the costs associated with LR.These include:the cost of preparing and administering the project,the cost of seeking government approval,and the cost of providing infrastructure and services (Yau &Cheng,2009).LR overcomes limitations of compulsory and negotiated land acquisition methodsIn developing countries,governments usually employ two methods to acquire land for planned urbanization—compulsory and negotiated land acquisition.However,both of these methods suffer from significant limitations.First,they require fiscally con-strained governments to expend significant up-front funds to ac-quire land (Cete,2010).Furthermore,landowners often complain about unfair compensation for their land,and hence oppose land acquisition.Even a small minority of landowners’being unwilling to sell their land puts the entire urban development project on hold,a problem commonly known as the hold-out problem (Turk &Altes,2010).Moreover,these methods create nd-owners benefit significantly without contributing to the project if their lands are not acquired (Cete,2010).For example,such0264-2751/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.cities.2012.09.004Tel.:+14083107856;fax:+14089245872.E-mail address:shishir.mathur@landowners benefit from the future increase in the value of their land due to the project(for example,a road construction project), while owners whose lands are acquired do not get the opportunity to benefit from such future increases in land values.Finally,nego-tiated land acquisition methods leave open the possibility that some land owners may be able to negotiate smaller land deduction than the others.1LR overcomes the above-described shortcomings of land acqui-sition methods.LR is equitable because landowners contribute land and pay fees in proportion to the benefits received from the project(Yau&Cheng,2009).The equitable nature of LR also min-imizes the hold-out problem(Turk&Altes,2010).Finally,LR does not require funds for land acquisition.Aim of the studyThe existing literature widely notes LR’s potential to self-finance urbanization(Cete,2010;Karki,2004;Turk,2008;Yau& Cheng,2009).However,only a few studies(see Archer,1988;Karki, 2004)provide high-level numbers to show how the projects are financed.None of the studies systematically document the project costs and revenues in enough detail to enable the reader to get a complete picture of the project’sfinancial structure.Policy makers and practitioners would not only like to know that LR can poten-tially self-finance urbanization or that it has self-financed urbani-zation in specific cases,they would also benefit from answers to questions such as:How large an area was developed using LR? What types of costs were incurred and revenues realized?When were these costs incurred and revenues realized?Which legal and administrative rules influenced the timing and magnitude of the cost and revenue streams?What was the relative contribution of revenues from the sale of land?Could less land have been re-served?Finally,how do factors such as construction delays and changes in the amount of land reserved for sale impact LR’sfinanc-ing structure?This article aims to answer these questions through an in-depth review of two projects developed using LR in the state of Gujarat, India.Focusing on the cost and revenue streams,and the corre-sponding legal and administrative enabling environment,the arti-cle identifies various factors that contribute to LR’sfinancial success in Gujarat.Finally,sensitivity analyses are conducted to demonstrate thefinancial impacts of time delays and changes to the amount of land reserved for sale.Literature reviewTurk(2008)provides a broad overview of the use of LR interna-tionally.Therefore,without duplicating Turk(2008),I focus on reviewing the literature that examines how LR projects can be made more equitable for the two major stakeholders—the land-owners and government,and hope that the literature reviewfind-ings would provide insights into devising an equitablefinancing structure for LR projects.Ways to enhance horizontal and vertical equity in LR projects Focusing on ways to enhance horizontal equity,2the literature calls for balancing the benefits from a LR project with the costs and risks associated with the project(Turk,2008;Yau&Cheng, 2009).In a government-led LR project,the landowners and govern-ment both bear risks during the construction period(called con-struction risks).The government usually assumes a larger share of the risks because it often bears the entire up-front cost of providing the infrastructure.The landowners’construction risks and their share of project costs increase if they pay a fee and dedicate land to fund the project.Furthermore,LR may be vertically inequitable3if the landown-ers are low-income(they are frequently small farmers)and have very little ability to pay the fee up-front.Moreover,to the extent that landowners have to sell land to provide their share of the LR project cost,such as in Finland(see Viitanen,2002),they bear very high con-struction risk,and receive smaller share of the future increases in land values.Therefore,it is customary to allow fee payment to be made in installments(Gielen&Altes,2007)and/or defer the fee until project is complete or until the landowners apply for a change in land use or a building permit.The amount of the fee also impacts vertical equity.In a situation where a majority of the project costs is recovered from the fee paid by the landowners,the amount of the fee can be very high and, therefore,burdensome for low-income landowners.The literature suggests several ways to keep the fee low.First,require the govern-ment to bear the up-front project cost(Viitanen,2002).Second, provide low-interest loans for the project(Turk,2007;Yau& Cheng,2009),or third,provide no,little or low-quality infrastruc-ture(Turk,2008).However,governments in developing countries are oftenfiscally constrained and credit markets are not well developed.Therefore,opportunities for low-interest loans are lim-ited.Furthermore,the governments’poorfiscal capacities limit their abilities to bear the project costs up-front.Moreover,LR pro-jects that provide no,little or low-quality infrastructure run the risk of providing sub-standard or un-serviced urban land or delay-ing the provision of infrastructure(Cete,2010).Finally,the project benefits are usually apportioned based either on the area or the value of the land owned prior to land pool-ing(Turk,2007).There is an agreement in literature that the land value based method is fairer,but it also contains warnings that high-level real estate appraisal expertise is required to implement this method fairly(Cete,2010;Yau&Cheng,2009).LR in IndiaIn the absence of a national-level enabling legal environment, the use of LR in India varies from state to state,is predominantly used in the state of Gujarat,and to a smaller extent,Kerala,4and predates India’s independence from the British.5First introduced in the country through the Bombay Town Planning Act of1915in the erstwhile Bombay Presidency,6LR was implemented through Town Planning(TP)Schemes.The TP Schemes were widely used in thefirst half of20th century to urbanize Bombay(now called Mumbai),the capital of the erstwhile Bombay Presidency and the present day state of rge parts of the city’s suburban neighborhoods of Mahim,Khar and Borivali were developed using TP Schemes.How-ever,the use of TP Schemes declined when the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act of1996chose detailed Development Plans (DPs)over TP Schemes.Furthermore,the TP Schemes suffered from two major drawbacks.First,the long period between scheme initia-tion andfinal government approval(an average of15years)made1I would like to thank an anonymous referee for pointing out this drawback of negotiated land acquisition methods.2The beneficiary-to-pay(BTP)principle operationalizes the horizontal-equity rule in publicfinance.The BTP calls for those benefiting from a public infrastructure or service to pay for it in proportion to the benefit derived.3Operationalized through the ability-to-pay(ATP)principle,vertical equity has its roots in welfare economics.In publicfinance,the vertical-equity rule calls for the rich to pay more than the poor for government-provided goods and services.4Recent media reports from India suggest that following Gujarat’s success with LR, several states are closely examining the feasibility of employing LR.5India gained independence from the UK on August15,1947.6The Bombay Presidency included,among others,the post-independence states of Gujarat(the entire state)and Maharashtra(the majority of the state).S.Mathur/Cities31(2013)308–316309the process very slow.Second,ownership disputes over a single par-cel of land could hold up an entire scheme.These two drawbacks,in conjunction with the shift in focus to the DPs,contributed to the abandonment of TP Schemes in Maharashtra(Interview with V. Phatak).Gujarat continued using TP Schemes,first through the Bombay Town Planning Act of1915,which it inherited after seceding from the Bombay Presidency after India’s independence,and later through the Gujarat Town Planning and Urban Development Act (GTPUDA)of1976.TP Scheme preparation process in GujaratThe Notification of Intention(NoI)is thefirst step in the TP Scheme preparation process.Issued by the appropriate local public agency(typically the municipal corporation or development authority),the NoI identifies the location and scheme boundaries. Next,the public agency collects the land ownership records from the state revenue department and other agencies,such as the vil-lage local governments.These records also include land parcel de-tails,such as the ownership type,encumbrances,the area and value of the land and,wherever applicable,the value of the existing structures on the land.The public agency must match and recon-cile the land ownership records through a site survey,and get the matched records certified by the state revenue department (Ballaney,2008).The site survey also notes the location of other man-made and natural features;infrastructure and services,such as regional water,power and sewer lines;and the location of major roads already constructed or to be constructed in accordance with the city master plan.A site base map is prepared based on this survey.Next,a layout plan and an infrastructure plan are prepared.The layout plan shows the street network;the new plots to be returned back to the landowners after taking a portion of the land;the loca-tion of various services and amenities,such as parks,schools, shops,and an electric substation;and the land parcels reserved for future sale by the public agency.The infrastructure plan shows the location of the various infrastructure systems,such as streets and the water,sewer,and electricity supply systems.The plan is accompanied by a detailed cost estimate.The next major TP Scheme step entails the determination of:(a) compensation to be paid to the landowners for the land taken from them by the public agency;and(b)betterment charges(the better-ment charges equal half of the difference between the pre-and post-TP Scheme land values)payable by the landowner to the pub-lic agency.The scheme costs that are not recouped from the better-ment charges are covered through the sale of the reserved land parcels.At this stage,the draft TP Scheme(comprising the layout plan, infrastructure plan,cost estimates,calculation of compensation payable to the landowners,and betterment charge calculations) is presented to the landowners for comments.Next,the scheme is modified to address the comments and forwarded to the state government for approval.Upon receiving the approval of the state government,the scheme is called the‘‘Sanctioned Draft TP Scheme.’’Until this stage,the TP Scheme preparation process usu-ally takes approximately14–17months,or one and one-half years (see Fig.1).Next,a Town Planning Officer(TPO)is appointed.A state town planning department employee,the TPO,undertakes three rounds of public hearings,in which the individual landowners can contest the Sanctioned Draft TP Scheme.Thefirst two rounds of hearings focus on the physical issues(such as the location,size and geome-try of a land parcel).After the scheme is modified by the TPO based upon these two rounds of hearings it is submitted to the state gov-ernment as a‘‘Preliminary TP Scheme.’’Upon government approval it is called a‘‘Sanctioned Preliminary TP Scheme’’(Ballaney&Patel, 2009).The third round of hearings focuses on thefinancial issues (such as the betterment charge).The scheme is again modified and submitted for government approval as the‘‘Final TP Scheme.’’Upon government approval,it is termed the‘‘Sanctioned Final TP Scheme.’’The TPO has1–2years to prepare the Preliminary and Fi-nal TP Schemes.The state government is given2months to ap-prove the Preliminary TP Scheme and3months to approve the Final TP Scheme.However,substantial delays occur in the post-Sanctioned Draft TP Scheme stage due to delays by both the TPOs and the state government(Interview with K.Gajjar;Ballaney, 2008).Therefore,a process that should ideally take3–4years may take more than a decade.Key features of the TP Scheme preparation processTwo key features of the TP Scheme preparation process have contributed significantly to the TP Schemes’popularity in Gujarat.(a)Early development of‘‘priority’’infrastructure:The develop-ment of roads is a major infrastructure project in any urban development scheme and contributes significantly to increases in land values.Under the GTPUDA,infrastructure could not be developed until thefinal state government approval of the TP Scheme,leading to long delays in the pro-vision of infrastructure.Therefore,Gujarat amended the GTPUDA in1999to allow local governments to appropriate land for road construction and other‘‘priority’’infrastruc-ture within the road right-of-way(such as water and sewer pipes,and electric poles and transmission wires)soon after the state government approves a draft TP Scheme,rather than afterfinal TP Scheme approval.Approval of the draft TP Scheme usually occurs within15months of scheme initi-ation(specifically,after the publication of a‘‘Declaration of Intent’’to prepare a TP Scheme).The approval of thefinal TP Scheme can still take more than a decade.(b)Land ownership disputes do not hold up the process:The TPScheme process does not settle land ownership disputes;it transfers them to the newly reconstituted plot.Therefore, such disputes do not hold up the TP Scheme preparation process(Interview K.Gajjar).Indeed,TP Schemes are the predominant urbanization tool for all major cities in Gujarat,including its capital Ahmadabad(Inter-view K.Gajjar).In Ahmadabad,18TP Schemes(2300ha)were pre-pared in the20years before the1999amendment.In contrast,50 TP Schemes(5028ha)have been completed since then,and an additional47(4,890ha)are under preparation.These post-1999 TP Schemes serve1.5million people,almost the entire increase in the city’s population(AUDA,2012).Case study LR projectsThis section reviews two TP Schemes—Bodakdev-1B,and TPS-50—located in western Ahmadabad,to illustrate the self-financing nature of LR in Gujarat(Fig.2provides a map of India showing the location of Ahmadabad;and the map of Ahmadabad showing the location of the two TP Schemes).Developed by the Ahmadabad Ur-ban Development Authority(AUDA),both schemes urbanized peri-urban rural land.Bodakdev-1B is a pre-1999scheme,where the infrastructure could only be provided after state government ap-proval of thefinal TP Scheme.TPS-50is a post-1999scheme,where the infrastructure development began immediately after state government approval of the draft TP Scheme.All infrastructure and services have been provided in Bodakdev-1B,while80%of road work is complete in TPS-50.Table1provides the scheme310S.Mathur/Cities31(2013)308–316preparation and infrastructure development timelines.Further-more,both schemes serve approximately the same area—209ha for Bodakdev-1B and181ha for TPS-50.Table2provides the land use breakdowns for the two schemes.TP Scheme costs and revenuesIn Gujarat,TP Scheme costs and revenues are estimated at the time of the preparation of the draft andfinal TP Schemes(Inter-view with K.Gajjar).As Bodakdev-1B is complete,the costs and revenues estimated during the preparation of thefinal stage of the scheme are available.These estimates were prepared in 1992.The TPS-50is still a draft TP Scheme;hence the estimates were prepared in2004,when the draft scheme was sent for state government approval.7The scheme costs include the cost to prepare the scheme (including staff salaries,legal expenses and publication costs), the cost of compensating landowners for the value of their contrib-uted land,and the cost of providing the road,water,sewer and electricity infrastructure.The landowners are compensated for land deduction at the pre-TPS Scheme land value rate(see Eq.(1)).C ded¼DÂL preð1Þwhere C ded is the compensation to the landowner for land deduc-tion,D equals land area deducted and L pre is the land value at the time of TP Scheme initiation.As per Eq.(1),a landowner with an initial land holding of1000 square meter valued at$5per square meter would be compensated $1000for a200square meter land deduction:200square meterÂ$5per square meter=$1000.The scheme revenues are realized from two sources:better-ment charges and the sale of reserved land.As noted earlier,the betterment charges equal half of the difference between the pre-and post-TP Scheme land values.Therefore,pre and post land val-ues are calculated for each land parcel individually(see Eq.(2)). B¼0:5½ðA preÀDÞÂðL postÀL preÞ ð2Þwhere B equals betterment charges payable by the landowner,A pre is the land area before the deduction,D equals land area deducted, L pre is the land value at the time of the TP Scheme initiation and L post is the estimated land value once the infrastructure and services are provided as per the TP Scheme.As per Eq.(2),a landowner with an initial land holding of1000 square meter valued at$5per square meter and who dedicated 200square meter of land,valued at$12per square meter after the provision of infrastructure and services,has to pay$2800in betterment charges:0.5Â[(1000À200)square meterÂ($12/ square meterÀ$5/square meter)],or0.5Â800square meterÂ$7 per square meter=$2800].The landowner pays the difference between the betterment charges and the land deduction compensation.This difference is called net demand(see Eq.(3)).N¼Eqð2ÞÀEqð1Þð3Þwhere N is the net demand.In the above scenario,the net demand is$1800:$2800À$1000. Payable at the time the landowner applies for a change in land use or a building permit,the net demand is realized over an extended period of time.Estimate of revenue from sale of landAll of the reserved land for Bodakdev-1B was sold during the 1988–2006period.The sale dates and price data provided by AUDA have been used in this nd sales for TPS-50have not begun. Therefore,Ahmadabad Municipal Corporation(AMC)staff was con-tacted for their advice on the2009land values in the TPS-50.The staff advised that prime residential and commercial land can fetch 30,000Rupees per square meter(Interview with V.Patel).A conser-vative land value estimate of20,000Rupees per square meter is used in this article because some of reserved land in TPS-50may not be in prime location,and may only be used for other uses that have much lower land values,such as civic centers and libraries.preparation process in Gujarat,India.Note:TPS is acronym for Town Planning Scheme.Source:Adapted from IDFC(2009).InPatel(2009).Using the Development Plan-Town Planning Scheme Mechanism to Appropriate Land and Building UrbanN.Mohanty,R.Sarkar,and A.Pandey.N.Delhi,India:Oxford University Press.7Construction cost for TPS-50is about18times higher than the cost for Bodakdev-1B likely for the following two reasons:a)Quality of infrastructure provided in the TPSchemes likely went up significantly between1992(when the cost estimates forBodakdev-1B were prepared)and2004(when the cost estimates for TPS-50wereprepared).For example,the specifications for sewer pipes and electric poles likelychanged during this period,driving up the scheme costs.b)The construction costincreased by more than the increase in the consumer price index for industrialworkers(CPI-IW)—the index used to calculate the NPV.Although recent data suggeststhat construction cost increases mirror CPI-IW,to the extent this was not the case inthe decades of1990s and early2000s,the NPV analysis might underestimateBodakdev-1B’s construction costs.S.Mathur/Cities31(2013)308–316311Net present value calculation of costs and revenuesThe construction costs,net demand,and land sales data are spread over a long time period.Therefore,to enable a comparison of scheme costs and revenues,the net present values(NPV)of all data were calculated for the end of December2009using the All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers(CPI-IW).CPI-IW data were consistently available for the entire study period (1992–2010),while the more region-specific orfiner-grainedAhmadabadAhmadabadIndiaFig.2.Location of the two case study TP Schemes.Source:Google Maps.Table1Town planning scheme timeline.Source:Town planning scheme reports from Ahmadabad Urban Development Authority.Scheme Stages in the TP Scheme preparation process Infrastructure milestonesScheme Sanctioned Final Roads OtherNotification Draft TP Scheme TP SchemeBokakdev-1B May1978March1982January19931993–2005TPS-50December2001June2004–80%Complete a–a As of December2010.312S.Mathur/Cities31(2013)308–316indices,such as the Ahmadabad-specific CPI-IW,the Construction Industry Development Council’s Construction Cost Indices,and the whole sale price index(WPI)were only available for part of the study period.Moreover,these indices closely tracked the CPI-IW(see Table3).8As per the AUDA staff’s2010estimates,almost all of the net de-mand from Bodakdev-1B has been realized,and the remainder is likely to be realized over the next few years.Therefore,for NPV anal-yses purposes,it is assumed that the net demand is realized over the 1993–2012period,a20-year period starting with the government approval of thefinal TP Scheme in the year1993.For TPS-50it is as-sumed that the net demand will be realized over the2004–2023 period,a20-year period starting with the government approval of the draft TP Scheme in the year2004.9Furthermore,because80% of the road infrastructure in TPS-50was developed by2009,it is as-sumed that the entire infrastructure will be developed by2013.Finally,the data from a TPS Scheme prepared by AUDA in2009, Bopal-3,are used to determine the NPV of staff salaries,publication costs and legal expenses for Bodakevdev-1B and TPS-50.Table4pro-vides results of the NPV analyses for the two case study TP Schemes.NPV analysesfindingsThe analyses of the TP Schemes’costs and revenues provide several insights into the schemes’financing structures.Thefind-ings are as follows:(a)Revenues from sale of land are a significant source of reve-nue for AUDA,far exceeding the agency’s expectations.The enhanced contribution of the revenues from the sale of landis primarily due to two reasons:first,rapid increases in land values in the scheme areas and,second,the large amount of land reserved for sale.An analysis of the sale prices of the residential land sold by AUDA in Bodakdev-1B reveals an annual land price increase of 15.2%(see Fig.3);this is much larger than the5.9%increase in the CPI-IW during the corresponding period.10Furthermore,AUDA reserves large amount of land for sale.For example,in Bodakev-1B,the revenues from the sale of land were expected to equal more than60times the minimum required to fully fund the scheme(see Table4,line12,column3).Indeed,I estimate that the actual revenues were approximately14times the required amount(see line12,column4).Similarly,in TPS-50, revenues from the sale of land are expected to equal more than8 times the amount required to fully fund the scheme(see line12, column7).AUDA staff note that the surplus revenues fund regional infrastructure,such as a water treatment plant serving several TP Schemes,and infrastructure within new TP Schemes.(b)Net demand funds a smaller proportion of the schemes coststhan was originally planned.For example,in Bodakdev-1B, net demand was projected to fund95%of the cost of the scheme.The charges ultimately only funded23%of the cost.Similarly,it is estimated that net demand will only fund about one-third(37%)of the cost of TPS-50,compared to the planned three-fourths(79%)(see Table4,line13).The reduced contribution of net demand is due to the fact that these charges are only paid by the landowners when they seek a change in land use or apply for a building permit.Therefore,the charges accrue to AUDA over a long period (two decades in the case of Boakdev-1B).Furthermore,the charges are not adjusted for inflation.Hence,in present value terms,the amounts of the charges decline over time.Indeed,these charges are estimated to be only2%of the total revenues for Bodakdev-1B,and7%for TPS-50(see Table4, line14,columns4and6).(c)The cost of providing infrastructure increases over time.AUDA does not budget for such cost increases and relies heavily on revenues from the sale of land to bear the con-struction cost increases.Sensitivity analysesInfrastructure development within Bodakdev-1B took12years and is estimated to take9years for TPS-50.The amount of time ta-ken to develop infrastructure impacts thefinancing of TP Schemes in two ways.First,the delay leads to increased construction costs.However,Table2Land use breakdown for the case study Town Planning Schemes.Source:TP Scheme reports from Ahmadabad Urban Development Authority.Land use Bodakdev-1B TPS-50Area(sq.m)Area(%)Area(sq.m)Area(%) Final land parcels to property owners1,556,866741,157,59164Infrastructure and public facilitiesRoads275,96313311,68517 Low-income housing38,242249,8603 Others a144,0537125,7409 Land reserved for sale76,4564166,5599 Total TP Scheme area(in ha)209181a Others include gardens,open space,social infrastructure,civic centers and playgrounds.Table3Price indices.Index Time period Average annual increase(%)CPI-IW1992–20097.2aCPI-IW1988–2009 6.9bCPI-IW2004–20098.8cCPI-IW2006–20117.6Ahmadabad-specific CPI-IW2006–20117.4CPI-IW1997–2005 4.4WPI1997–2005 4.4CPI-IW stands for Consumer Price Index-Industrial Workers.WPI stands for whole-sale price index.a Discount rate used to calculate NPV of construction cost,compensation for landdeduction and betterment charges for Bodakdev-1B.b Discount rate used to calculate NPV of revenue from sale of land in Bodakdev-1B.c Discount rate used to calculate NPV of construction cost,compensation for landdeduction and betterment charges for TPS-50.8Extensive efforts to gather actual cost and revenue data proved unsuccessful.Hence,estimates are used.9The amendments to the GPTUDA allow infrastructure development and land usechanges to begin immediately after the draft TP Scheme approval.10The land was sold during the1995–2006period.S.Mathur/Cities31(2013)308–316313。
区域经济Һ㊀安徽省新型城镇化建设融资路径探讨以铜陵市为例尹子彦ꎬ张珊珊摘㊀要:随着城镇化的发展ꎬ城镇化也带来了许多负面的影响ꎮ为了改变这种不良现象而提出建设新型城镇化ꎮ新型城镇化要求提高城镇化建设的质量ꎬ注重城镇居民的生活所需和必要保障ꎮ所以需要大量的资金ꎬ就产生了新型城镇化建设的融资问题ꎮ在分析了英国㊁法国和德国以及中国天津市之后ꎬ对这些先进的成功案例进行分析研究并获得了宝贵的经验ꎬ可以用于现阶段铜陵市的新型城镇化建设之中ꎮ关键词:铜陵市ꎻ新型城镇化ꎻ融资路径中图分类号:F291.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1008-4428(2018)05-61-05㊀㊀一㊁引言城镇化(Urbanization)由西班牙城市规划师A.Serda在1867年首次提出ꎬ这个英文单词另外既有城市化也有都市化的含义ꎬ外文文献对这三个含义的区分不大ꎬ但是基于我国国情考虑ꎬ在官方正式术语中通常使用 城镇化 ꎬ因为很大部分人生活在城镇上ꎬ这是介于城市与农村之间的ꎮ近年来ꎬ我国国民经济一直处于高速增长的状态ꎬ在即将形成 新常态 时期中ꎬ也是需要保持着中高速的增长ꎻ现阶段ꎬ我国正在努力建设全面小康ꎬ努力将全面建成小康社会在2020年完成ꎮ与这两项同时存在的还有一项国家重大政策ꎬ即建设新型城镇化ꎬ这与之前的传统城镇化有着本质的区别ꎬ这也关系着国计民生ꎬ在传统城镇化和新型城镇化中资金的需求都是不可忽视的最为重要的因素ꎮ国家希望通过确定一批城市作为试点城市来实施新型城镇化ꎬ安徽省作为首批名列其中ꎬ同时ꎬ安徽省在中部崛起中也扮演着重要的角色ꎬ另外ꎬ也在快速的建设着新型城镇化ꎮ那么在新局面下如何拓展融资路径?文章将就这个问题以安徽省铜陵市为例进行深入的讨论ꎮ二㊁新型城镇化建设及融资研究现状(一)研究背景自1978年以来ꎬ我国的城镇化建设在全国各地如火如荼地开展着ꎬ取得一些较为明显的进步和发展ꎮ党和政府对推动城镇化发展不断提出新的指导意见和方针ꎬ尤其是在2002年党召开了十六大ꎬ在其报告中ꎬ中央提出城镇化建设速度需要加快ꎮ依据世界银行公布的相关数据表明ꎬ在1994年中国的城镇化率已经超过了30%ꎬ2004年突破41%ꎬ年均增长速度超过了1%ꎮ但取得显著成绩的同时也暴露出了诸多的问题ꎬ例如融资路径单一和环境被破坏等ꎮ2015年2月ꎬ在国家发改委有关新型城镇化建设规划中ꎬ安徽省被列入其中ꎬ在这套名为«国家新型城镇化综合试点方案»中提到ꎬ安徽省城镇化相关情况ꎬ例如ꎬ在2013年其常住人口6030万ꎬ常住人口城镇化率47.9%ꎬ户籍人口城镇化率为22.9%ꎮ根据安徽省统计局统计的最新结果ꎬ2016年安徽省的常住人口为6196万人ꎬ户籍人口和常住人口城镇化率分别为29.5%和52.0%ꎮ安徽省城镇化率增长较快具有研究价值和指导意义ꎮ而铜陵市城镇化率曾长时间领先全省ꎬ更具有典型性ꎮ以人为本 作为建设新型城镇化的核心目标ꎬ它注重提高人民的生活质量ꎬ注重改善生态环境和注重健全社会保障机制等ꎮ因此ꎬ基础设施建设㊁社会保障㊁公共服务的不断完善都需要大量的资金ꎮ为了保障新型城镇化更加顺利的推进ꎬ需要比传统城镇化投入更多的资金ꎮ而传统的城镇化的资金来源主要是地方财政和土地转让所得ꎬ但随着土地资源的减少ꎬ财政投入也不能持久ꎮ所以就需要开发更多㊁更广泛的融资渠道以筹得所需大量资金ꎮ要想获得大量的资金需要我们学习㊁探讨国外新的和先进的融资经验ꎬ与我国实际的财政状况㊁金融现状等情况相结合ꎬ制订好适合我国发展新型城镇化的融资途径ꎮ(二)新型城镇化融资相关理论概念1.土地财政地方政府获得财政收入的一个重要途径就是土地财政ꎬ土地财政出现于20世纪90年代中后期土地有偿使用ꎬ有些政府通过开发土地ꎬ土地升值以及土地转让拍卖获得收入ꎮ由于这种获得财政收入的方式简单㊁直接和方便ꎬ很多地方财政都是将土地财政作为重要的来源途径ꎬ在城镇化建设中主要用于城镇化基础设施建设ꎮ2.PPP模式20世纪90年代ꎬPPP模式开始出现ꎮ2014年开始在我国大力推广ꎮ在这个模式中ꎬ公共部门和私人部门在基础设施㊁公共服务和公共事业设施的建设或运营上进行合作ꎬ双方发挥各自的优势并且一起承担风险ꎬ最终的结果是高效地完成建设项目ꎬ私人部门也获得盈利ꎮPPP模式的一般结构是政府部门通过政府采购的形式ꎬ和中标的企业成立新的合作项目公司ꎬ需要签订一份特许权协议ꎬ中标的企业需要对项目负责并且对其进行有效的运营管理ꎮ由双方共同承担风险和收益ꎬ政府将取得项目的最终所有权ꎮ这样的模式更加符合那些需要投入大量的资金ꎬ且成本回收慢的项目ꎬ例如水电供应和公共交通建设等ꎮ3.BOT㊁BTO和TOTBOT即建设 经营 转让ꎬ是指在协议规定的时间内ꎬ私人部门建设项目ꎬ并特许其通过合法的方式收取费用等来回收成本并获取利益ꎬ待超出协议时间ꎬ项目将移交给政府部门ꎬ根据协议可以采用有偿或者无偿的方式ꎮBTO即建设 转让 经营ꎬ是指私人部门根据协议建设项目ꎬ政府将接手建成后的项目ꎬ然后再由政府部门特许该私人部门经营项目ꎬ以获取收益收回投资成本ꎮTOT即移交 经营 移交ꎬ政府部门或国有企业根据相对公司提供的条件将已经完工的项目产权或者经营权转让给投资人ꎬ但是会有时间限制ꎬ投资人在所规定的时间内通过自己经营收回投入的成本ꎬ获得想要的利润回报ꎬ但在合同规定的时间期满后ꎬ要将该项目的所有权归还给原来提供项目的政府部门或国有企业的一种融资方式ꎮ4.资产证券化资产证券化分为房屋抵押贷款支持证券ꎬ资产支持证券和担保债务凭证三类是根据基础资产的不同划分的ꎮ其具体含义为ꎬ需要用基础资产的未来现金流作为偿还的支撑ꎬ通过这样来增加信用ꎬ在这样的一个基础下所发行资产支持证券的过程ꎬ为了保证发展的健康㊁稳固ꎬ需要二级市场的发达ꎬ投资者基础的深厚和发行量的稳定来保障ꎮ5.市政债券市政债券既称为 地方政府债券 也称为 银边债券 ꎬ是指地方的政府ꎬ或者由政府授权其他的代理机构ꎬ为的是满足地方为了建设公共设施所需要的资金而发行的有价证券ꎮ目前ꎬ西方大部分发达国家在遇到融资困难时都用发行市政债券的方式解决问题ꎮ从国际上的实践和惯例来说ꎬ发行市政债券也是各国在建设城镇化中融资的重要方式ꎬ市政通过时间可划分为长期和短期债券ꎬ短期一般在一年以内ꎬ长期则长于一年ꎬ一般短于三十年ꎬ也存在例外会有更长的时间ꎮ它的优势也很明显ꎬ例如免税㊁风险小㊁流动性强㊁期限灵活以及与居民关联度高等ꎮ依据世界银行的相关数据表明ꎬ当前市政债或者类似于地方债的债券占到了世界总债券的9.0%ꎬ能够占到政府债券的35.0%ꎮ(三)新型城镇化与金融业发展的关系城镇化的特征包括以下:产业支持ꎬ资金集聚ꎬ人口劳动力的汇集ꎬ这些生产要素的汇集成为经济发展的推动力量ꎬ有助于形成区域性的经济中心ꎬ与此同时城镇化的快速发展会产生金融需求的大量增加ꎬ刺激金融供给ꎬ随之也会提高金融业的发展水平ꎮ金融业作为现代经济发展的核心产业ꎬ金融业发展水平在一定程度上也会对新型城镇化的建设带来影响ꎬ金融发展水平的提高又为新型城镇化的建设融入更多的资金ꎮ新型城镇化和金融业的推动可以大致分为以下的三个阶段ꎬ分别是起步阶段㊁成长阶段和成熟阶段ꎮ在三个时期内城镇化和金融发展呈现不同的联系ꎮ第一ꎬ起步阶段ꎬ由于金融组织体系尚不完善ꎬ难以充分发挥其融资作用ꎬ这一阶段主要以城镇化发展为中心ꎬ这一阶段的城镇化主要依靠工业发展的促进ꎬ金融业则围绕着工业发展的需求而不断完善ꎬ城镇化的发展使生产要素集聚为金融发展提供了条件ꎮ第二ꎬ成长阶段ꎬ从这个阶段开始ꎬ金融发挥其集聚资金的功能带动城镇化的推进ꎬ工业逐渐淡化取而代之的服务业的深化ꎬ金融的进入在一定程度上让融资成本得到了下降ꎬ另一方面也让其资金的配置效率得到了提升ꎮ第三ꎬ成熟阶段ꎬ发展到了这个阶段ꎬ在这一阶段中城镇化与金融的发展密不可分互相促进推动ꎬ城镇化的集聚和辐射能力为金融发展提供良好的经济基础ꎬ与此同时金融发展也对城镇化建设提供有效的帮助ꎬ例如提供了充沛而可持续的资金支持ꎮ另外根据有关学者的检验表明:中国每增加1%的城镇化率ꎬ就可以提升当年的国内生产总值ꎬ增长了约1%到2%ꎻ另外人民币的各项贷款余额与城镇化率也存在着正比的关系及长期平衡关系ꎬ例如ꎬ若在信贷投放增加1%ꎬ将能够推进城镇化水平提高0.07%左右ꎮ这些都足以表明ꎬ新型城镇化和地方经济㊁金融等行业都有着密切的联系ꎮ三㊁国内外城镇化建设融资案例及其启示(一)西欧的城镇化融资成果案例分析图1㊀世界(局部)国家2010—2016年城镇化对比资料来源:根据世界银行官网数据整理得到ꎮ西欧的一些国家在建设新型城镇化的过程中不仅注重市场的主导作用而且也加强了政府的宏观调控ꎬ但是西欧是以发挥市场主导作用为主ꎮ这其中以英国㊁德国和法国为代表ꎮ根据图1世界银行的数据显示ꎬ英国的城镇化率在2000年的时候就达到了78.7%ꎬ而2016年增长到82.8%ꎬ达到5437万人ꎬ2016年增长1.1%ꎮ2000年的德国城镇化高达73.1%ꎬ而到2016年就增长到了75.5%ꎬ达到6242.2万人ꎬ2016年增长1.5%ꎮ法国2000年75.9%ꎬ到2016年为79.8%ꎬ达到5335万人ꎬ2016年增长0.7%ꎮ1.英国城镇化融资实践在世界上最早开始城镇化建设的国家是英国ꎬ也是发展较快的国家ꎮ英国采取的模式是政府引导配合市场主导ꎬ即政府与社会资本合作模式ꎮ英国对于政府与社会资本合作区域经济Һ㊀模式的应用规模和设计领域居于全球首位ꎬ其成立了专业的机构进行规范管理ꎬ确立了一套完备的评价制度ꎬ建立了成熟的私人部门参与公共建设项目的机制ꎮ另外ꎬ英国政府与社会资本合作模式的应用领域在不断增加ꎮ除一些常规的基础设施领域外ꎬ也涉及公共服务㊁国防㊁公共秩序和文化教育等其他的领域ꎮ2.德国城镇化融资实践德国城镇化建设的模式是一种以市场经济为主ꎬ同时还运用了一些计划经济的手段和方法ꎮ由政府采购其基础设施建设ꎮ政府采购模式的三个特点如下:第一ꎬ完全的市场化运作ꎬ政府招标选择企业建设项目ꎬ然后就由企业来负责ꎻ第二ꎬ对于城镇化建设的项目的管理工作则聘请专业的机构ꎬ这样可以减少政府支出ꎻ第三ꎬ建设项目的风险通过第三方审核来降低ꎮ3.法国城镇化融资实践法国在城镇化建设上所采用的是公共事业特许经营制度ꎮ在这种制度下ꎬ政府把建设项目交给企业负责ꎬ但当项目亏损的时候ꎬ企业要独自承担ꎮ但是根据承担风险的多少还可以再分成三种:第一ꎬ企业承担全部风险ꎬ这种适合应用于非公共设施建设上ꎻ第二ꎬ风险由政府部门和企业共同承担ꎬ但是初期的投入以政府部门为主体ꎬ企业仅仅只负责项目的建造和营运ꎻ第三ꎬ企业承担有限的风险ꎬ以公交公司为例ꎬ由企业运营管理ꎬ但不能获得收益ꎬ不过政府会对其进行补贴ꎮ另外ꎬ政府会充分调动各方的资金优势投入到城镇化建设之中ꎮ(二)国内城镇化融资典型案例分析就国内而言ꎬ天津城镇化融资较有代表性ꎬ值得分析和学习借鉴ꎮ天津市在面对 资金平衡 这个问题的时候ꎬ自己探索出了一套由政府引导㊁市场运作㊁统筹安排㊁资金平衡的城镇化建设投融资体制机制用于解决这一问题ꎮ2016年ꎬ天津市在其«政府工作报告»中明确指出ꎬ要在2020年前天津市常住人口城镇化率达到84.0%ꎮ而根据天津统计年鉴显示ꎬ截止到2010年ꎬ全市的城镇化率却只有70.5%ꎬ说明天津的城镇化建设速度非常快ꎮ其在融资方面的原因有以下两个方面:第一ꎬ天津市的新型城镇化需要金融业的大力支持ꎬ包括资金和政策的支持ꎮ天津市通过发展新型村镇银行的方式来给农村金融市场注入活力ꎬ解决了大部分资金问题ꎬ与此同时也有助于村镇银行管理和运营ꎮ金融市场活跃的同时ꎬ也相应加强对银行业的监管ꎬ防止活跃的同时发生投机现象等不良后果ꎮ第二ꎬ天津市的新型城镇化得到了天津市政府的政策支持ꎮ静海区政府与天津国家开发银行签订了开发性金融协议ꎬ天津市的基础设施建设资金得到了国家开发银行长期支持ꎮ国家开发银行积极支持滨海新区的建设ꎬ投放的贷款总额达到了800多亿ꎮ国家开发银行还为华明示范镇整合宅基地解决土地问题提供贷款ꎬ以土地作为质押ꎬ以土地收入偿还贷款本息ꎮ天津的城镇化在国家开发银行的支持下也为其他省市起到了示范带头的作用ꎬ国家开发银行的资金支持也吸引了民营资金的注入ꎬ充分带动民营资本的活力ꎮ(三)国内外融资案例的启示国内外的新型城镇化建设成功经验ꎬ给我们带来了以下的借鉴:第一ꎬ都通过金融体制改革来增加对外的融资渠道ꎬ国内外的城镇化建设都引入社会资本和政府共同投资ꎬ尤其是国外政府ꎬ利用各种渠道获得建设资金ꎬ运用各种筹集资金的手段来解决建设城镇化进程中的资金不足的问题ꎮ第二ꎬ要勇于突破原有的经济习惯和机制ꎬ进行投融资体制的改革ꎮ例如激励政府部门㊁税务部门㊁银行等金融机构参与项目建设ꎬ扩大资金支持主体ꎮ第三ꎬ需要多方协调的合作模式ꎮ市场导向的弊端由政府宏观调控来弥补ꎬ并且加强政府的政策支持ꎬ尤其是税收和贷款等的方面ꎻ市场快速反应解决效率问题ꎬ政府要建立高效的监督资金和相关方面的使用规范的系统ꎮ以西欧的模式为例ꎬ由政府发布法规和规范宏观约束ꎬ市场自由引导建设资金的使用ꎮ鼓励有关私人部门参与城镇化基础设施以及公共设施的投资建设ꎮ四㊁铜陵市新型城镇化建设融资路径的构建(一)铜陵市基本情况1.铜陵市简介铜陵市是一座资源非常丰富的城市ꎬ位于安徽省的中南部ꎬ位于皖中南中心以及长江经济带重要城市枞阳县ꎮ自2016年1月划归铜陵市之后ꎬ总共辖三区一县ꎬ人口总数达171万ꎬ总面积共3008平方千米ꎮ根据铜陵市 十三五 规划纲要ꎬ2015年生产总值(包括枞阳县)达911.6亿元ꎬ户籍人口城镇化率(包括枞阳县)为52.6%ꎬ常住人口城镇化率(包括枞阳县)为52.7%ꎬ预期在2020年将可能会达到62%ꎮ2.铜陵市财政㊁金融业等基本情况根据铜陵统计局的数据显示ꎬ累积至2016年底ꎬ铜陵市完成地域生产总值为957.3亿元ꎬ与去年相比增长了9.1%ꎮ其中的第三产业达到了338.7亿元ꎬ比去年增长了9.5%ꎮ铜陵市的常住居民人均可支配收入比去年增长了9.3%ꎬ已达到2.1万元ꎻ2016全年财政收入达153.8亿元ꎬ比上年增长了5%ꎮ2016年末金融机构的各项存款达1200多亿元ꎬ比年初时增加了120多亿元ꎬ比上年的增长超过了11.0%ꎮ到2016年年末时ꎬ金融机构的有关人民币的各项的贷款余额达到944.7亿元ꎬ比年初增加96.9亿元ꎬ比上年增长了11.4%ꎮ2016年末铜陵市共有上市公司6家ꎬ上市公司流通股的市价总值大约555.0亿元ꎮ全年保险业保费收入相比上年增长27.5%ꎬ达到18.1亿元ꎮ根据以上数据可以得出ꎬ铜陵市总体财政㊁金融及保险等行业均处于合理甚至较好的状态ꎬ因此财政㊁保险㊁金融等都为新型城镇化提供大量的资金ꎮ(二)铜陵市新型城镇化建设融资现状及困境1.铜陵市新型城镇化建设融资现状近年来ꎬ金融资源配置在铜陵市推动新型城镇化建设中发挥着重要作用ꎬ表现在以下三个方面:第一ꎬ通过扩展信贷投放的力度推进新型城镇化建设ꎬ例如2009年年末ꎬ相关城市建设领域贷款余额为25.1亿元ꎻ第二ꎬ积极创新金融产品ꎬ为铜陵市的中小企业提供有力的支持ꎬ促进其发展壮大ꎬ帮助解决了城镇化推进过程中所产生的剩余劳动力的就业问题ꎬ在铜陵市内的金融机构先后实现的创新包括小企业动产质押㊁青年创业㊁民企之星㊁光彩之星和银团贷款等品种ꎬ在一定程度上支持了铜陵市中小企业的发展ꎻ第三ꎬ稳步推进金融机构改革ꎬ建设培育金融服务新体系ꎮ先后对四家国有大型商业银行和农村信用社进行改革ꎬ也组成了铜陵皖江农村商业银行ꎬ另外引进上海浦东发展银行和交通银行两家大型股份制商业银行ꎬ2012年安徽银监局批复成立铜陵农村商业银行ꎬ银行业金融机构体系得到不断完善ꎮ虽然现阶段在金融领域取得了较好的成绩ꎬ但也仍然面临着一些困境ꎮ2.铜陵市新型城镇化建设融资困境(1)财政支出有限城镇化融资主要来源是财政资金ꎬ先期以财政资金引导带动民间资金投入更不失为一个极佳的融资路径ꎬ然而现阶段所面临的融资困境在于依靠现有的财政能力远不能满足未来城镇化建设的资金需求ꎬ且资金缺口较大ꎮ即便是铜陵市的财政能力较强ꎬ但考虑到我国的经济已经进入刘易斯拐点①ꎬ发展的速度也会变慢ꎬ但是我国需要投入大量的资金在建设新型城镇化中ꎬ政府也无法持续增资ꎮ我国的分税制改革是从1994年开始的ꎬ按照事权的划分标准地方政府在基础设施建设㊁公用事业发展和公共服务等方面都处于主导地位ꎮ但在地方政府却出现了关于财权和事权并不相匹配的问题ꎬ也阻碍了城镇化建设的进行ꎮ尽管随着新型城镇化的建设中央财政拨款有所增加ꎬ但基础设施建设所需资金的绝大部分仍然需要地方政府来支付ꎮ而现阶段的情况是ꎬ中央财政收入占全国总财政收入的比例不断上升ꎮ地方政府融资的责任和压力正在不断增加ꎬ迫使地方政府不断拓展融资途径ꎬ导致了土地财政以及有地方主导的融资平台的相继出现ꎮ而铜陵市在这方面所面临的困境与全国大多数城市是相同的ꎮ(2)土地财政收入有限自1990年后ꎬ土地的有偿使用制度得到推行并发展成了一种新的经济发展模式ꎮ但是ꎬ土地是稀缺资源ꎬ还有国家规定的18亿亩耕地红线不可动摇的指示ꎬ所以地方政府不能无节制地以土地资源作为财政收入的手段ꎮ依照财政部提供的数据表明ꎬ在2015年一年中ꎬ通过土地出让收入达3.4万亿元ꎬ同比下降超过20.0%ꎬ即使2016年这个数据达到3.7万亿元ꎬ同比增长了15.1%ꎬ但考虑到土地价格的大幅度上涨ꎬ仍然能说明国家的土地出让趋势是在下降的ꎬ根据铜陵市国土资源局提供的数据显示ꎬ2016全年土地出让金28.2亿元ꎬ而省厅每年都会下达新增耕地的任务ꎬ通常都是几千亩ꎮ所以可以看出ꎬ出让国有建设用地无法长久维持财政需要ꎮ(3)债务率较高在我国现阶段实行的预算法规定下ꎬ地方政府通过发行债券的方式筹集到的资金总额受预算法的制约ꎮ规定地方政府不得以除发行政府债券以外其他方式举债ꎮ分为一般和专项债务ꎮ据统计ꎬ2014年一般债务9.4万亿ꎻ2015年一般债务9.9万亿ꎻ2016年的一般债务限额是10.7万亿ꎮ在三个领域有这样的风险ꎬ分别是:区域性财政风险㊁系统性金融风险㊁经济和社会政治风险ꎮ区域性财政风险主要是因为其债务风险超过地方财政所需要的承受能力ꎻ系统性金融风险主要是因为地方债务大多与金融系统关联较深ꎻ而经济和社会政治风险的产生ꎬ主要是因为政府偿付不了债务ꎬ这会严重损害政府的信用ꎬ进而影响社会的稳定ꎮ(三)铜陵市新型城镇化融资的对应措施1.改变融资路径中政府作为主体的角色(1)规范土地收益分配规范土地收益的分配ꎬ至少要做好以下三步:第一ꎬ加强管理土地出让金ꎬ按照财政规划来使用ꎬ严格管控使用途径ꎻ第二ꎬ对于土地出让金的收取ꎬ应使用分期偿付的方式代替原来的一次性付清ꎻ第三ꎬ合理的配置和规划土地出让金ꎬ使其在推动公共事业和服务均等化的方向上贡献力量ꎮ(2)创新市场化的融资模式研究发行市政债券ꎬ世界上的大国经济体中ꎬ在城镇化建设中广泛采用的就是市政债或者类似地方债的形式ꎮ我国地方政府的信用随着我国经济水平的不断发展而提高ꎮ在2016年以前ꎬ也就是说在合并枞阳之前ꎬ铜陵不管是从人均GDPꎬ还是从财政收入ꎬ城镇居民可支配收入ꎬ再是农村居民纯收入都是位居全省前列ꎮ说明铜陵市经济水平良好ꎬ因此居民的投资需求较大ꎮ另一方面ꎬ政府通过市政债券从居民进行融资也降低了筹资成本ꎮ但是在发行市政债券之前ꎬ应该由中央或上级部门对该地区进行信用评估和合理的额度制约ꎬ如建立严格的发债审批制度和设立专门部门监管ꎮ深入研究关于政府与社会资本的合作模式ꎮ经过英国的广泛实践也具有了较成熟的经验ꎬ我们可以借用此类的经验应用到我们地区的融资上来ꎮ通过研究可以采用BOTꎬTOT或BTO等模式进行融资ꎮ通过这些方式刺激私人部门资金投入到城镇化建设上来ꎮ2.完善金融组织体系(1)进一步发挥好政策性银行作用ꎬ确立起指引导向作用政策性金融机构介入农业市场提供支持ꎬ可以缓解市场的信息不对称ꎬ提高资金配置的效率ꎮ让政策性金融为新型①即劳动力过剩向短缺的转折点ꎬ是指在工业化进程中ꎬ随着农村富余劳动力向非农产业的逐步转移ꎬ农村富余劳动力逐渐减少ꎬ最终达到瓶颈状态ꎮ。
ECONOMY| 1732012年中央经济工作会议指出,“城镇化是我国现代化建设的历史任务,也是扩大内需的最大潜力所在”。
不过,投资需求虽然巨大,但是还没有形成适应城镇城镇化背景下的城市建设融资体系文/本刊记者 沈 刚化资金需求的多元化融资机制,仅以地方政府财政投资将难以完成这个巨大任务。
新型城镇化建设进程中融资研究综述作者:曾繁荣王志锴方玉来源:《商业经济研究》2019年第03期中图分类号:F294.1; ;文献标识码:A内容摘要:新型城镇化是我国发展战略的重要组成部分,要实现这一复杂的系统工程,离不开融资的支持。
关键词:新型城镇化; ;融资; ;研究综述引言近年来,随着我国新型城镇化进程持续不断地推进,新型城镇化已成为国家发展战略的重要组成部分,是全面建成小康社会的重要途径,也是我国经济和社会发展的重要动力。
1.构建新型城镇化建设投融资体系要有新思路 [J], 李跻嵘
2.“城镇孵化”——科技园区融入塑新型城镇化建设的新思路 [J], 陈斌; 袁泽沛
——以福建联美建设集团有限公司为例 [J], 黄燕平;林坚
4.飞地合作:中西部地区城镇化建设的新思路 [J], 郑峰文
5.规划环评应用于新型城镇化建设的新思路 [J], 包存宽;周芳;曾广庆
1. 中小城市在城镇化进程中存在的问题及其原因;
2. 中小城市城镇化融资策略的现状及分析;
3. 中小城市城镇化融资中存在的问题及其原因;
4. 中小城市应对城镇化融资问题的可行策略及建议。
经济管理121城市市政公用设施投融资研究吉鸿玉 灌南县城市管理市政监察队摘要:随着我国城市化建设进程的不断推进,城市要想获得更进一步的发展,必须要依赖于投融资,但是当下我国城市市政公用设施投融资环境并不理想,不仅未能吸引更多的融资,同时以政府作为投资的主体也影响了投资环境。
关键词:市政公用设施;投融资;现状;对策中图分类号:F299.24;F830.593 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2016)033-000121-01前言我国当下的城市市政公用设施的投资、建设以及运营都还以政府为主导,尽管不断强调和积极推动产业的市场化进程,然而在政府的干预下,城市市政的投融资仍然只掌握在小部分人的手中。
【作者单位】福建社会科学院福建福州 350001
1.“三三制”解决城镇化建设的资金瓶颈 [J], 陈开朝
2.保障房资金瓶颈难解银行房企联手发力债券筹资 [J],
3.草根NGO的资金困境及筹资策略 [J], 邓集林;宗志勇
4.拓宽筹资渠道实施多元融资解决城市建设资金“瓶颈” [J], 马唯唯
5.强化自筹资金管理是控制固定资产投资的重要途径──部分省市重点项目自筹资金调查 [J], 周瑞谷
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第29卷第2期工程管理学报Vol.29No.2 2015年04月Journal of Engineering Management Apr.2015城镇化背景下的投融资规划框架研究程哲1,2,蔡建明1,杨振山1,王守清3(1.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101,E-mail:cz1251@;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049;3.清华大学,北京100084)摘要:为了破解城镇化进程中城市新城新区开发的投融资难题,保障城市规划的贯彻落实,建立城市开发的长效机制,基于项目管理和PPP理论,结合城市规划和开发实践的经验总结,构建了投融资规划的框架模型。
关键词:城镇化;新区开发;投融资规划中图分类号:F284文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-8859(2015)02-037-06DOI:10.13991/ki.jem.2015.02.008Research on the Framework of Financing Planning inthe Process of China’s UrbanizationCHENG Zhe1,2,CAI Jian-ming1,YANG Zhen-shan1,WANG Shou-qing3(1.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research,CAS,Beijing100101,China,E-mail:cz1251@;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100049,China;3.Tsinghua University,Beijing100084,China)Abstract:In order to solve the problem of investment and financing of urban development,especially new town,and ensure the implementation of urban planning,this article establishes the model of framework of financing planning based on theory of program management,PPP(Public Private Partnership)and experience of urban planning and development.The model introduces financing planning in urban planning system,synthesizes all of the regional programs,and adopts the strategies of linkage development and rolling development.Our model took the full advantages in linkage of projects in program,so it can reduce the cost,mitigate the risk,obtain the incremental benefit and achieve the sustainable development ultimately.A real case was examined to validate the feasibility and rationality of the model.It hopes that the model can be used as reference in the field of regional development in China. Keywords:urbanization;urban development;financing planning改革开放以来,我国经济持续快速增长,城镇化进程也呈现爆发式增长,2013年,我国城镇化已达53.7%,已有过半数的人口居住在城镇,城镇已经成为了人口、产业和社会经济发展的主要地域单元[1]。
1.2项目管理理论依据项目管理理论,项目管理分为三个层级:单个项目管理(Project Management)、项目集管理(Program Management)、项目组合管理(Portfolio Management)。
1.3PPP理论政企合作(PPP,Public Private Partnership)是近几十年出现的一种较为新颖的项目融资模式,是项目融资一系列具体方式的总称,包括BOT、PFI、ABS等[22]。
企业以特别设立的项目公司(SPV,Special Purpose Vehicle)为载体,通过未来的收益作为还款来源,以项目资产和特许经营权作为担保,进行融资、建设、运营,从而实现风险分担、利益共享。
对于投资人而言,通过PPP 可以实现有限追索、风险隔离、获取合理收益等。