2024年第10期现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry中日农业上市公司财务绩效对比分析邱晓婧(湖南农业大学商学院,湖南长沙410128)摘㊀要:农业上市公司诞生与发展是农业和资本市场发展融合的必然结果㊂本文对中国㊁日本两国农业上市公司的财务指标进行绩效分析,旨在通过比较分析,挖掘出我国农业上市公司的财务潜力并为其未来发展提供方向与建议㊂根据分析,中国农业上市公司盈利能力和成长能力强于日本农业上市公司,日本农业上市公司营运能力和偿债能力强于中国农业上市公司㊂基于此,建议我国农业上市公司从财务指标和非财务指标两方面提升营运能力㊂关键词:农业上市公司;财务绩效;中日对比中图分类号:F74㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2024.10.0150㊀引言中国作为农业大国,农业上市公司起步较晚,存在大而不优多而不强的问题,且近些年业绩分化明显,财务绩效中非农与背农现象呈扩张趋势,农业上市公司在专业化与多元化㊁是否 去农化 的问题上缺乏明确方向㊂日本地理位置与中国相邻,人口稠密,耕地很少,平均每人耕地不到0.1公顷,专门从事农业的人也很少,但发展成仅次于美国的第二大农业技术先进国家,依靠的不仅是专业化集约化的管理模式,还有政府强大的经济能力辅以政府为主导的农业技术推广体系,农业经济展现出巨大的活力㊂本文从财务绩效视角出发,通过对比中日两国农业上市公司的相关财务指标,希望取长补短,优化我国企业内部结构,提高管理水平,明确未来发展方向,提升国际竞争力㊂1㊀文献综述S.Brezuleanu使用平衡计分卡(BSC)模型来确定农业企业组织的维度,研究结果表明农业企业目标的实现,取决于公司财务,客户,内部流程㊁知识和学习㊁服务质量㊁市场份额等要素㊂Yi Huang认为在农村土地管理改革和开放政策之后,二战后的日本和中国之间有许多共同的地方和独特的特点,通过对这些布局和差异的分析,以日本的革命进程为重点㊂借鉴日本农业用地适度规模管理的成功经验,以改善我国的土地适度规模经营㊂黄琴峰(2013)在A股市场选取54家农业上市公司作为研究对象,通过对非农业经营率的偿付能力,盈利能力,运营能力,发展能力和资本扩张能力之间的关系进行因子分析,证实农业上市公司的综合绩效与非农业运营率呈负相关,表明农业非农业经营行为并没有改善农业上市公司㊂作者主张农业上市公司应注重农业主业经营,正确投资决策,从而提高农业上市公司经营绩效㊂姚金海(2016)认为我国农业上市公司应利用 互联网+ 重构农业产业链㊂加强企业物流建设,提高库存管理能力和资产周转率㊂王喜平(2008)通过DEA方法得出科技型㊁深加工型农业上市公司的绩效较好㊂这是未来上市农业企业的发展方向㊂2㊀相关概念及理论基础2.1㊀相关概念2.1.1㊀绩效的概念绩效(Performance)源于管理学,作为成绩与成效的综合指标,绩效是指一段时间内工作的工作行为㊁行为方式㊁结果和工作的客观效果㊂2.1.2㊀绩效评价理论体系的概念绩效评价理论体系(Performance Evaluation Theory System),基于生产效率理论㊁行为科学理论和战略管理理论的思想,广泛应用于现有的绩效评价理论的绩效评估系统,可以概括为,基于生产有效性的绩效评估方法㊂2.2㊀理论基础2.2.1㊀利益相关者理论(Stakeholder Theory)利益相关者理论是指企业经营管理者为综合平衡各个利益相关者的利益要求而进行的管理活动㊂利益相关者理论尝试通过使各种利益相关方的参与,而不局限传统股东利润的最大化来推动企业的发展㊂公司应该追求利益相关者的利益,而不仅仅是某个小部分特定主体的利益㊂2.2.2㊀企业价值评估理论(Enterprise Value Assessment Theory)自20世纪80年代以来,西方发达国家将定性指标作为综合评价体系的重要补充㊂在企业价值评估实践中,运用剩余收益理论和模型已经成为一种流行趋势㊂需要注意的是,企业价值评估具有一定的主观性,结论不可避免存在误差㊂3㊀中日农业上市公司财务绩效现状分析本文从资产负债率㊁现金比率㊁存货周转率㊁营业利润率和营业收入增长率5方面分析了中日农业上市公司的财务绩效,并进行现状分析㊂㊃34㊃现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry2024年第10期3.1㊀中国农业上市公司财务绩效现状中国农业类上市公司主要分传统农业㊁种子企业㊁养殖企业和饲料企业4类㊂本文在此4大类中随机选取了20家上市公司均选用2016年财务报表上的数据进行信息采集㊂日本农业类上市公司主要分为农业器械㊁植物工厂㊁农业经营㊁种苗㊁农畜产物五类㊂本文在此五大类中随机选取了20家上市公司在2016 2017年的财务报表上的数据并进行数据分析㊂由于修改后的日本新会社法下仍然不披露现金流量表,且不向报表信息需求者提供半年度报表和4个季度的报表,选择计算的会计科目也可能不完全包含本分析确切需要的所有数据㊂较为存疑的计算指标是现金比率和存货周转率㊂经研究,对进行披露了流动资产(流動資産),存货(貯蔵品)和应收账款(売掛金)的企业采取(速动资产-应收账款)/流动负债的计算方式;而对披露了交易性金融资产(デリバティブ金融資産)的企业采取(现金及等价物+交易性金融资产)/流动负债的计算方式㊂存货周转率中的指标,存货平均余额采取貯蔵品与商品及び製品两个科目的合为最终计算方式㊂结果见表1㊂表1㊀中日农业上市公司财务指标统计分析中国日本中国日本中国日本中国日本财务指标平均值最大值最小值标准差资产负债率0.440.540.790.830.现金比率0.970.92 4.01 5.120.13-0.020.84 1.16存货周转率 3.0320.3514.53112.420.55 1.79 3.0926.55营业利润率0.200.11 4.210.68-0.710.000.970.16营业收入增长率0.180.29 1.47 2.99-0.50-0.160.380.80 3.2㊀中日农业上市公司财务绩效现状对比分析由表1可知,中国农业上市公司的资产负债率平均值为0.44,日本农业上市公司的资产负债率平均值为0.54,二者无明显差异且均在合理范围之内㊂从整体上看,两国农业类上市公司的财务可行性指标均处于正常状态㊂中国农业上市公司的现金比率平均值为0.97,日本农业上市公司的现金比率平均值为0.92,二者也无明显差异,比例远远高于正常的20%底线,即两国的企业都有较高的现金比率问题㊂中国农业上市公司存货周转率的平均值为3.03,转换成周转天数即为120天;日本农业上市公司存货周转率的平均值为20.35,转换成周转天数即为17天㊂前者明显高于后者,且中国农业上市公司的120天高于实务中普遍认可的40-50天的合理值,这一结果可能与农业上市公司内部产业链条较长有关㊂中国农业上市公司的营业利润率平均值为0.20,日本农业上市公司的营业利润率平均值为0.11,前者明显优于后者㊂中国农业上市公司的营业收入增长率平均值为0.18,日本农业上市公司的营业收入增长率平均值为0.29,后者明显优于前者㊂4㊀中日农业上市公司财务绩效实证研究本文采用能够代表上市公司盈利能力㊁偿债能力㊁营运能力㊁成长能力的共计13个指标对所选中日农业上市公司进行绩效分析㊂具体指标见表2㊂本文中国样本选自中国上市公司巨潮资讯网沪㊁深两市的相关农业类上市公司,共14家,日本样本选自日本Kabutan株探网站,样本数据选自13家农业上市公司2016年的年度报表的13个财务绩效衡量指标,使用SPSS19.0软件进行因子分析法处理㊂表2㊀财务绩效指标评价体系测量维度具体指标性质盈利能力每股收益(X1)正指标销售净利率(X2)正指标净资产收益率(X3)正指标总资产收益率(X4)正指标偿债能力流动比率(X5)适度指标速动比率(X6)适度指标资产负债率(X7)适度指标营运能力存货周转率(X8)正指标应收账款周转率(X9)正指标总资产周转率(X10)正指标成长能力净利润增长率(X11)正指标总资产增长率(X12)正指标主营业务收入增长率(X13)正指标4.1㊀公共因子的命名本文采用最大方差法经过5次旋转后得到因子载荷矩阵,中日两国农业上市公司旋转后的因子载荷矩阵具体见表3㊂根据表3,在净资产收益率,销售净利率,总资产收益率这3个指标在F1上的载荷分别为0.953㊁0.95㊁0.93,这三者均在0.9以上,它们代表公司的盈利能力,故将F1命名为盈利因子;总资产增长率在F2上的载荷为0.771,它代表公司的成长能力,故将F2命名为成长因子;F3的流动比率和速动比率的载荷比率分别为0.942和0.934,这代表了公司的偿债能力,因此将F3命名为偿债因子;存货周转率在F4上的载荷为0.593,它代表公司的营运能力,故将F4命名为营运因子㊂表3㊀中日农业上市公司旋转后的因子载荷矩阵指标成份1234净资产收益率0.9530.0670.1670.078销售净利率0.950-0.1050.179-0.082总资产收益率0.9300.1810.169-0.066净利润增长率0.6320.0970.1140.448应收账款周转率0.5390.211-0.1120.014总资产周转率0.2550.872-0.070-0.191总资产增长率0.3220.771-0.1370.179每股收益0.082-0.616-0.2160.489资产负债率-0.3850.614-0.183-0.575流动比率0.202-0.0530.942-0.025速动比率0.122-0.0780.9340.061主营业务收入增长率0.187-0.016-0.278-0.751存货周转率0.098-0.183-0.2700.593 4.2㊀公共因子得分及综合得分本文采用SPSS19.0提供的回归分析法功能估计因子得分系数,中日因子得分系数见表4㊂㊃44㊃2024年第10期现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry 表4㊀因子得分系数矩阵指标成份1234每股收益0.061-0.244-0.1540.169销售净利率0.295-0.167-0.022-0.183净资产收益率0.261-0.033-0.011-0.030总资产收益率0.257-0.003-0.002-0.099流动比率-0.0310.0150.456-0.028速动比率-0.0620.0300.4610.033资产负债率-0.1020.223-0.020-0.206存货周转率0.0140.015-0.1470.346应收账款周转率0.1540.053-0.0990.000总资产周转率0.0140.402-0.0020.056主营业务收入增长率0.173-0.237-0.184-0.551总资产增长率0.0120.425-0.0410.276净利润增长率0.1230.1060.0090.267㊀㊀求解因子得分的计算公式如下:F1=0.061X1+0.295X2+0.261X3+ + 0.123X13F2=-0.244X1-0.167X2-0.033X3+ + 0.106X13F3=-0.154X1-0.022X2-0.011X3+ + 0.009X13F4=0.169X1-0.183X2-0.030X3+ + 0.267X13根据上述公式计算基于每个主要因素分数来计算综合得分的财务业绩,企业绩效的综合得分的计算方法是提取公因子得分根据相应的贡献比例和加权平均,每个因子的方差贡献率的贡献权重比例的各种因素的总累计方差贡献率㊂每个样本公司的财务表现得分和排名如表5所示㊂表5㊀财务绩效得分及排名F1F2F3F4F排名通威股份0.9293 3.71943-0.84871 1.36083 1.4423961登海种业 1.114-0.07633 2.15934-0.734730.7707932新五丰 1.14820.860690.29727-0.503850.7290563天康生物0.90588 1.13773-0.25778-0.393990.6147654隆平高科0.644130.35630.79271-0.513710.4654925クックパッド-0.47638-0.16971 3.685470.1590.4612216北大荒0.998390.27275-0.05036-0.301870.4540017华英农业0.339320.54018-0.37401-0.641210.158068丰乐种业0.007160.50505-0.02252-0.417220.0990649罗牛山0.253990.18660.0586-0.710230.0947510甜菜糖0.49351-0.691090.008490.219930.03314811ワタミ0.2715-0.50559-0.91942 1.64951-0.0276912神戸物産0.14583-0.954170.23807 1.28183-0.0309713亚盛集团-0.202710.156690.21453-0.32332-0.0341114モノタロウ-0.02184-0.337510.127870.319-0.0478415好当家0.145530.09263-0.63735-0.57905-0.0942316日清紡HD-0.14242-0.56830.059250.16514-0.1938617双日-0.15515-0.616540.157690.13241-0.1980518神栄-0.06882-0.47854-0.28460.05771-0.2133919セブン&アイ0.0982-0.81644-0.562530.72581-0.2212220ホクト0.11312-0.77612-0.931820.78255-0.2666821カネコ種苗-0.04314-0.96346-0.238050.45535-0.2905322サッポロHD0.03906-0.96291-0.734760.49997-0.3445123雪印0.13756-1.20594-0.756750.69583-0.3562324敦煌种业-2.586290.573190.434880.02263-0.8328725新农开发-0.56101-0.48274-1.43091-3.80627-1.0492726新赛股份-3.52695 1.20413-0.184610.39795-1.1213275㊀研究结论和对策建议5.1㊀研究结论5.1.1㊀中日农业上市公司财务绩效的评价(1)盈利因子的分析㊂登海种业,新五丰,通威股份三家公司在F1上的得分为1.11400㊁1.14820㊁0.92930都是比较高的得分,说明这三家公司盈利能力较强,综合排名占据前三位㊂新赛股份和敦煌种业在F1的得分最低,分别是-3.52695和-2.58629,他们的综合排名分别是25和27,排名垫底㊂由于这个因素是所有因素中最重要的因素,提高上市农业公司的盈利能力是提高公司财务业绩刻不容缓的部分㊂(2)成长因子的分析㊂在F2上通威股份,新赛股份的得分靠前,他们的得分分别为3.71942㊁1.20413,虽然新赛股份在成长能力上较强,但是由于它盈利能力低,在综合排名上成长能力没能帮助提升;而成长能力较弱的雪印,カネコ種苗,综合排名靠后㊂雪印和カネコ種苗后续需要通过提高公司的资本利用效率和生产经营效率,提高公司的经营能力,提高公司的财务绩效㊂(3)偿债因子的分析㊂登海种业和クックパッド在F3上为2.15934和3.68547,表现出了不错的偿债能力,㊃54㊃现代商贸工业Modern Business Trade Industry2024年第10期基金项目:2023年南京财经大学红山学院院级教学改革课题 线上线下混合式 金课 教学模式研究 以‘国际会计(双语)“为例 (JGYB2307)㊂作者简介:蔡芮(1996-),女,汉族,硕士研究生,助教,研究方向:财务会计㊁教学改革㊂但是敦煌种业在盈利能力和成长能力上表现得过差导致偿债能力的突出并没有帮助提升企业综合排名;新农开发和ホクト在F3上的表现分别为-1.43091个-0.93182显示出了他们较差的偿债能力㊂成长因子主要反映了企业的发展速度,也反映了企业未来的发展趋势,农业上市公司不仅要关注当前的管理水平,而且应该重视可持续发展能力的培养,但是公司也不能盲目追求数量的增长,忽视可持续发展能力,导致企业短期的增长,然后陷入长期衰退㊂(4)营运因子分析㊂通威股份,ワタミ和神户物产在F4上为1.36083㊁1.64951㊁1.28183,表现出了不错的营运能力;新农开发的F4为-3.80627,不仅是营运能力,四个指标分数很低,综合排名末位㊂对于偿债能力欠佳的企业,需要挖掘长期债务偿还能力,合理安排资本结构,充分发挥财务杠杆作用,促进企业综合效益和财务绩效的提高㊂5.2㊀对策建议表5显示,日本农业上市公司的盈利能力和成长能力较差,营运能力和偿债能力较强;中国农业上市公司普遍具有较强的盈利能力和成长潜力,营运能力和偿债能力普遍较差㊂日本农业上市公司可从资本结构合理化和适度控制企业资产负债率等途径提升盈利能力㊂中国农业上市公司可从财务指标与非财务指标两方面提升营运能力㊂财务指标:日本企业优于中国企业的地方在于日本的零库存管理,零库存的管理模式能够实现减少社会劳动占用量和提高物流运动的经济效益,这要求企业与企业之间,部门与部门之间有着高度的配合关系,并且企业要深度认可这种消除浪费的价值观才能深入贯彻㊂非财务指标:第一,员工的满意度和保持㊂员工促进客户关系,他们负责创新和新概念的提出㊂在未来,中国企业需要推进让员工在工作中更高效㊁更主动㊁更有创造性㊂在员工满意度和保留度的基础上,企业的管理将更加便捷有效,突出企业的整体运营能力㊂第二,市场占有率㊂市场份额对企业来说非常重要㊂一方面,它是反映企业经营绩效的关键指标之一㊂另一方面,它是企业市场地位最直观的体现㊂但市场份额不是企业的目标,而是实现目标的手段㊂通过分析适度的市场份额,公司的经营不会过于麻木,避免在后期影响到公司经营能力的评估㊂参考文献[1]S.Brezuleanu.Performance Assessment in Business of Agri-cultural Companies using Balanced Scorecard Model [J ].Cer-cetariAgronomice in Moldova ,2015:109-120.[2]Yi parative Study on Moderate Scale Managementof Agricultural Land in China and Japan [J ].Studies in Soci-ology of Science ,2012:66-69.[3]黄琴峰.非农化趋势下中国农业上市公司经营绩效评价与治理探讨 基于A 股54家农业上市公司的实证研究[D ].西南财经大学农业推广,2013:31-48.[4]姚金海.基于杜邦分析的中国农业上市公司效益提升路径 以美国ADM 为参照的一项研究[J ].世界农业,2016,(07):96-101.[5]王喜平.中国农业上市公司的绩效评价[J ].中国农学通报,2008,(01):531-534.线上线下混合式教育模式的应用研究以国际会计(双语)为例蔡㊀芮㊀郭梦飞(南京财经大学红山学院,江苏南京210003)摘㊀要:本文以国际会计(双语)课程为例,分析了传统教学模式下国际会计(双语)课程的现状与困境,探讨和实践线上线下混合式教学模式运用于国际会计(双语)课程教学的思路,分析其推行过程中在教学内容㊁教学方法㊁考核体系等方面存在的关键问题,并对其应用效果进行分析与反思,提出保证线上线下混合教学质量的有效方案㊂关键词:教学改革;会计课程;线上线下;教学模式中图分类号:F74㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀doi:10.19311/ki.1672-3198.2024.10.0160㊀引言2021年,教育部在针对‘关于高质量做好线上线下融合,推动教育事业健康发展的提案“的答复函中表示,高度重视教育信息化工作,全面加强教育信息化的顶层㊃64㊃。
传播学经典理论英文版[中文批注]目录一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖_____________________________________________ 2二、5W Box 5w 理论 _____________________________________________________ 2三、The Bias of Communication 传媒偏向论 __________________________________ 2四、The Spiral of Silence 沉默的螺旋 ________________________________________ 3五、Gatekeeper 把关人理论_______________________________________________ 4六、Selective exposure hypothesis 选择性接触假说 _____________________________ 4七、Knowledge Gap Theory 知识沟假说______________________________________ 5八、Agenda Setting Theory 议程设置理论____________________________________ 5九、Magic bullet theory 魔弹论 _____________________________________________ 5十、Information (Innovation)Diffusion Theory 信息(创新)扩散论____________ 6 十一、Uses and gratifications theory (UGT) 使用与满足理论______________________ 7 十二、Cultivation theory 教养理论 ____________________________________________ 8 十三、Limited-Effects Theory 有限效果论 ______________________________________ 8 十四、Marshall Mcluhan Media Theory 麦克卢汉的媒介理论_______________________ 9一、Opinion Leaders 意见领袖Active in information networks, have many information channels ,so they can often provide information and advice for others and can influence others.意见领袖是指在人际传播网络中经常为他人提供信息,同时对他人施加影响的“活跃分子”,他们在大众传播效果的形成过程中起着重要的中介或过滤的作用,由他们将信息扩散给受众,形成信息传递的两级传播。
英语教学论作业习题集Unit 1 Language and Language Learning1.What are the three views on language?1) Structural view on language:The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences. Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.This view on language limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary.2) Functional view on language:The functional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it. To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. This view on language adds the need to know how to use the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one wants to do.3) Interactional view on language:The interactional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts. This view on language says that to know how to do what one wants to do involves also knowing whether it is appropriate to do so, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it. In order to know this, the learner has to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.2. What are the views on language learning?1) Behaviourist theory:The behaviorist theory of language learning was initiated by behavioral psychologist Skinner, who applied Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire language (Harmer, 1983) The key point of the theory of conditioning is that “you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement”(Harmer1983: 30) Based on the theory of conditioning, Skinner suggested language is also a form of behavior. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. This theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism.2) Cognitive theory:The term cognitivism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than si mply repeat. It seems to be largely the result of Noam Chomsky’s reaction to Skinner’s behavioristtheory, which led to the revival of structural linguistics. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence, which enables him to produce language.3) Constructivist theoryThe constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows. It is believed that education is used to develop the mind, not just to rote recall what is learned. John Dewey(杜威) believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities. Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners. Therefore, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learne rs’ interests and curiosity for learning.4) Socio-constructivist theoryVygotsky (前苏联心理学家维果茨基 ,1978) emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD「可能发展区/最近发展区」 ) and scaffolding「鹰架/支架/脚手架」. That is to say, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners. With the teacher’s scaffolding through questions and explanations, or with a more capable pe ers’ support, the learner can move to a higher level of understanding and extend his/her skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.3. What are the qualities of a good language teacher?The main elements of a good English teacher are ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styles. (Then try to explain these three elements respectively according to your own understanding)Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching1. What is communicative competence?Hedge (2000: 46-55) discusses five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.Communicative competence entails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. Communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.2. What are the three principles of communicative language teaching?a) the communicative principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.b) the task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning (Johnson 1982).c) the meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.3. What are the six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities?1) communicative purpose2) communicative desire3) content, not form4) variety of language5) no teacher intervention6) no material control4. What is Task-based Language Teaching?Task-based Language teaching is, in fact, a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. It has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.Unit 3 The National English Curriculum1. What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum 2001?1)Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-oriented education.2)Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences.3)Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.4)Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.5)Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.6)Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.2.What are the goals and objectives of English language teaching?The new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learner s’ positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.3. What are the challenges facing English language teachers?1)English language teachers are expected to change their views about language which is not a system of linguistic knowledge but a means for communication.2)English language teachers are expected to change their traditional role of a knowledge transmitter to a multi-role educator.3)English language teachers are expected to use more task-based activities and put the students at the center of learning.4)English language teachers are expected to use more formative assessment in addition to using tests.5)English language teachers are expected to use modern technology in teaching, creating more effective resources for learning and for using the language.Unit 4 Lesson Planning1. Why is lesson planning necessary?Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class. It is obvious that lesson planning is necessary.Benefits:1) To make the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2) To help the teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them sothat the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.3) Proper lesson planning gives the teacher opportunity to anticipate potential problems that may arise inclass so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson.4) Lesson planning gives teachers, especially novice teachers, confidence in class.5) The teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed for the lesson.6) Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them. The teacher soon learns to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.7) The plan, with the teacher’s comments and corrections, provides a useful, time-saving reference when the teacher next plans the same lesson.8) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism.2. What are the principles for good lesson planning?Aims— means the realistic goals for the lesson. That is, the teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he / she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson.Variety—means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting ,motivation and never monotonous for the students.Flexibility— means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.Learnability—means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below thes tudents’ coping ability will diminish their motivation.Linkage--means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language3 learning needs recycling and reinforcement.3. What are macro planning and micro planning?Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time, for instance, planning for a whole program or a whole-year course.In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lessons but rather helping teachers get an overall felling or idea about the course and also get familiarized with the context in which language teaching takes place. Macro planning involves the following:1) Knowing about the course:The teacher should get to know which language areas and language skills should be taught or practised in the course, what materials and teaching aids are available, and what methods and techniques can be used.2) Knowing about the institution:The teacher should get to know the institution’s arrangements regarding time, length, frequency of lessons, physical conditions of classrooms, and exam requirements.3) Knowing about the learners:The teacher should acquire information about the students’ age range, sex ratio, social background, motivation, attitudes, interests, learning needs and other individual factors.4) Knowing about the syllabus:The teacher should be clear about the purposes, requirements and targets specified in the syllabus.Much of macro planning is done prior to the commencement of a course. However, macro planning is a job that never really ends until the end of the course.Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson, which usually lasts from one to two weeks or forty to fifty minutes respectively.Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.4. What are the components of a lesson plan?A language lesson plan usually has the following components: background information, teaching aims (what language components to present, what communicative skills to practice, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used), language contents (grammar, vocabulary, functions, topics and so on) and skills (listening; speaking; reading and writing), stages (the major steps that language teachers go through in the classroom) and procedures (detailed steps in each teaching stage), teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-class reflection.5. What are the 3P’s model and 3-stage model?The 3P’s model refers to presentation, practice and production.At the presentation stage, the teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriate.At the practice stage, the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and further to the exploitation of the text when necessary.At the production stage, the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communicative tasks. The focus is on meaning rather than accurate use of language forms.3-stage model is frequently adopted in reading lessons and listening lessons. It refers to pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading stages. The pre-stage i nvolves preparation work, such as setting the scene, warming up, or providing key information (such as key words). The while-stage involves activities or tasks that the students must perform while they are reading or listening. The post-stage provides a chance for students to obtain feedback on their performance at the while-stage. This last stage may also involve some follow-up activities, in which students relate what they have read or heard to their own life and use the language spontaneously.Unit 5 Classroom Management1.What are the main roles teachers can play before, during and after the class?Before the class, the teacher is a planner, who plans what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve. After then class, the teacher is an evaluator, who evaluates not only how successfully he/she has conducted the class but also how efficient the learning activities have been. Based on the functions that the teacher performs in different activities during the class, Harmer defines the teacher’s roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider (Harmer, 1983).2.How to give effective classroom instructions?Proper instruction is the precondition of accomplishment of activities. To give appropriate instruction, it is necessary to follow the following principles.(1) Economy with words: the teacher should use as few words as possible.(2) Simple and clear language at all points: language should be easy to understand.(3) Demonstration of what is needed.(4) Check of students understanding: the teacher can check individual students to make sure that students understand the instruction and know what to do.(5) Use the native language when necessary.(6) Vary the instruction now and then.3.What are the different ways for student grouping?The most common student groupings are lockstep, pair work, group work, and individual study.Lockstep (Whole class work) is where all the student are under the control of the teacher. They are all doing the same activity at the same rhythm and pace. Lockstep is often adopted when the teacher is making a presentation, checking exercise answers, or doing accuracy reproduction. When the teacher asks questions, the students speak either together or one by one, in turns or indicated by the teacher.Pair work is where the students work in pairs. It could be a competition over a game or co-operation in a task or project between the two students. They could also do certain exercises together or oral practice. When the students are doing pair work, the teacher usually circulates around the classroom, answering question or providing help when necessary.Group work is where the students work in small groups. Each group has 3,4,or 5 students, depending on the activity. What students do in group work is similar to pair work, only there are more members in the group.Group work is most beneficial when the activity requires contributions from more than two students. The teacher can join each group for a while, but only as a participant not as a leader or inspector.Individual study is the stage during the class where the students are left to work on their own and at their own speed. Usually they are doing the same task, but the teacher may give them a choice of tasks. Some activities cannot be done in pairs or groups, for instance, reading and writing. People read at different speed, so they cannot read together, though two people might share one book. It seems writing can be done in pairs or groups, but what they are actually doing when they are working together is brainstorming ideas, discussing, or revising. When it comes to the real writing stage students should work individually.4.How to ask effective questions?1)Questions should be closely linked with the teaching objectives in the lesson;2)Questions should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds;3)There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions;4)Wait time is important to allow students to think through their answers;5)Students should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers;6)A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and students’ opinions and ideas are valued.5.How to treat students’ errors in the classroom?There are different ways and techniques for correcting errors, such as direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole classroom correction, etc. As a general rule, indirect teacher correction is encouraged rather than direct teacher correction to avoid damaging students’ self este em and confidence. Also, self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correction.Unit 6 Teach Pronunciation1. What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?The goal of teaching pronunciation is not to teach learners to achieve a perfect imitation of a native accent, but simply to get the learners to pronounce accurately enough to be easily and comfortably comprehensible to other speakers.The realistic goals of teaching pronunciation:Consistency: The pronunciation should be smooth and natural.Intelligibility: The pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners.Communicative efficiency: The Pronunciation should help to convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.2. What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?1)sounds………the vowels and consonants of English2)combination of sounds…….pronunciation of words3)word stress….the stress in a word and shift of stress4)strong & weak forms…the importance of the different syllables in maintaining the rhythm of the speech, especially the model verbs and auxiliary verbs5)linkage of sounds……..the liaison of sound in natural speech6)rhyme & rhythm7)pitch & intonation…the function of pitch and intonation in conveying meaning8)filler words……the sounds which do not convey meaning but can help to maintain communication, e.g. uh huh, um, er, oh, ah, well.Unit 7 Teaching Grammar1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?Deductive method: the teacher presents the rule of the structure on the blackboard and explains it to the students. This would be followed by the teacher giving several examples and then asking the students to apply the rules themselves in some exercises.Inductive method: The teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents various language forms and the students are left to discover or induce the rules or generalizations on their own.The guided discovery method: is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities?Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.Meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures are used in process. Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice.Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary1.What does knowing a word involve?A simple answer would be (1)knowing its pronunciation & stress; (2) knowing its spelling & grammar; (3) knowing its meaning; (4) knowing how & when to use it to express the intended meaning.According to Hedge (2000), vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning. The first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.2.How can we present new vocabulary items effectively?1) Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connections of meaning2) Use real objects to show meanings;3) Mime or act to show meaning; ask some ss come to the front and teach some words of this kind, such as: catch, shave4) Use lexical sets. Or word series. E.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, and frill;5) Use synonymous and antonymous to explain meanings;6) Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaning;7) Use word formation rules and common affixes.8) Teach vocabulary in chunks;9) Provide different contexts in real life for introducing new words.3.What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?1) Labeling;2) Spotting the differences;3) Describing and drawing;4) Playing a game;5) Using word series;6) Word bingo;7) Word association;8) Finding synonyms and antonyms;9) Using word categories;10) Using word net-work;11) Using the internet resources for more ideas.Unit 9 Teaching Listening1.What are the characteristics of the listening process?Generally speaking, listening in real life has the following characteristics:a) spontaneity: we listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they aregoing to say ahead of time.b) context: the context of listening is usually known to both the listener and the speaker in real life.c) visual clues: most of the time we can see the participants’ facial expressions, gestures and other bodylanguage as well as the surrounding environment.e) listener’s res ponse: most of the listening in daily life allows the listener to respond to the speaker.f) speaker’s adjustment: the speaker can adjust the way of speaking according to the listener’s reactions.2.What are the models of teaching listening?1)Bottom-up model: listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions.2)Top-down model: listening for the gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.3)Interactive model: listening involves both bottom-up processing (recognizing sounds of words, phrases or structures) and top-down processing (inferring meaning from broad contextual clues and background knowledge).3.What are the common activities in teaching listening?1) Pre-Listening activities: predicting and setting the scene2) While-listening activities: listening for the gist; listening for specific information; no specificresponses; listening and ticking; listening and sequencing; listening and acting; listening and drawing; listening and filling; listening and guessing; listening and taking notes.3) Post-listening stage: multiple-choice questions; answering questions; note-taking and gap-filling;dictoglossUnit 10 Teaching Speaking1.What are the main characteristics of spoken language?a. in fairly simple sentence structuresb. in incomplete sentencesc. in informal, simple or common vocabularyd. with broken grammar, false starts, hesitation, fillers, etc.e. with a high proportion of repetition or redundancyf. largely unplanned organizationg. a low density of informationh. context independent (Background knowledge is necessary to understand exactly what is being expressed.)2. What are the characteristics of successful speaking activities?1) Maximum foreign talk: Problems: students spend too much time to speak Chinese; the teacher talks too much.2) Even participation: encourage speaking from as many different students as possible. The outspoken students do not dominate discussion.3) High motivation: vario us interesting tasks in line with the students’ ability.4) Right language level: the task should be designed so that students con complete it successfully with the language that they have.3. What are the main types of speaking activities?1)controlled activities;2)semi-controlled activities;3)information-gap activities;4)dialogues and role-plays;5)activities using pictures;6)problem-solving activities…Unit 11 Teaching Reading1. What are the main reading skills?Skimming: the reader moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get the main idea of the text, or sometimes decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.Scanning: the reader locates a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example, the reader may read through a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born.Inferring: reading between the lines. Make use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. Such as the writer’s opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text.【Strategic skills needed in reading:Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details; Skimming: reading for the gist or main idea; Scanning: reading to look for specific information; Predicting: guessing what is coming next】2. What are the main reading models for teaching reading?Bottom-up approach: The reader builds up the meaning of a text on the basis of decoding smaller units: first words, and phrases, then sentences and paragraphs, and finally working out the meaning of the whole text.Top-down approach: The reader uses his or her knowledge of the topic or of the type of the text and makes predictions about what the text will contain, then he uses these predictions to check his understanding of the text. In this way, the reader gets a global view of the text before he dives into the details of it.Interactive approach: The reader uses the above two approaches together, and the two ways interact with each other in the understanding of the text. That means the reader might predict the context of the text by using his knowledge of the topic (top-down), then look for key words (bottom-up) to check the prediction, or get the main gist of the text by skimming it quickly (top-down) and examine the writer’s choice of vocabulary for understanding the implied meaning.3. What types of activities can we use in teaching reading?Pre-reading Stage: The aims of the pre-reading stage is to arousing the students’ interest in the topic or type of text; motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; preparing the students for the content of the text.The activities for the pre-reading stage:1)predicting2)setting the sceneWhile-reading Stage: this stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the reader understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author’s purpose in writing it.The activities:。
管理学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "management" refers to the process of:A. Making decisionsB. Organizing resourcesC. Directing and controlling activitiesD. All of the above答案:D2. Which of the following is NOT a function of management?A. PlanningB. StaffingC. MotivatingD. Selling答案:D3. The process of setting goals and deciding on actions to achieve these goals is known as:A. OrganizingB. LeadingC. PlanningD. Controlling答案:C4. Which of the following is an example of a managementprinciple?A. Division of laborB. CentralizationC. DelegationD. All of the above答案:D5. In the context of management, "controlling" refers to:A. The process of ensuring that things are done as plannedB. The process of making plansC. The process of organizing resourcesD. The process of motivating employees答案:A6. The concept of "span of control" is related to:A. The number of employees a manager can effectively superviseB. The range of activities a manager is responsible forC. The level of authority a manager hasD. The type of control systems a manager uses答案:A7. The management function that involves influencing people to work towards organizational goals is:A. OrganizingB. LeadingC. PlanningD. Controlling答案:B8. Which of the following is a characteristic of effective communication?A. ClarityB. AmbiguityC. DisorganizationD. Lack of feedback答案:A9. The "scientific management" theory was developed by:A. Henri FayolB. Max WeberC. Frederick TaylorD. Abraham Maslow答案:C10. In the context of management, "empowerment" means:A. Giving employees the authority to make decisionsB. Centralizing all decision-making powerC. Reducing the role of employees in decision-makingD. Ignoring employee input in decision-making答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The four basic functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and ________.答案:controlling2. The management principle that suggests that there is an optimal span of control for each manager is known as ________.答案:span of control3. The management approach that focuses on the social needsof employees is known as the ________ approach.答案:human relations4. The process of identifying, selecting, orienting, training, and compensating employees is known as ________.答案:staffing5. A management style that involves a high level of task orientation and a low level of relationship orientation is known as ________ leadership.答案:autocratic6. The concept of "management by objectives" was developed by ________.答案:Peter Drucker7. The "Maslow's hierarchy of needs" theory suggests that people are motivated by a series of needs, starting with physiological needs and ending with ________ needs.答案:self-actualization8. In a ________ structure, there is a clear chain of command and a narrow span of control.答案:hierarchical9. The process of comparing actual performance with planned performance is known as ________.答案:budgeting10. The management function that involves setting goals and determining the sequence of actions needed to achieve them is known as ________.答案:strategic planning三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. What are the three key characteristics of an effective organizational structure?答案:An effective organizational structure should havethe following characteristics: clarity of roles and responsibilities, a clear chain of command, and a balance between centralization and decentralization.2. Explain the difference between leadership and management.答案:Leadership is the process of influencing, motivating, and directing individuals towards the achievement of organizational goals. Management, on the other hand, is a broader concept that includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources to achieve goals.3. What are the main principles of scientific management according to Frederick Taylor?答案:The main principles of scientific management includethe scientific selection and training of workers, the scientific selection of tasks and tools, the scientific determination of work methods, and the scientific scheduling of work and rest periods.4. Describe the four stages of the control process.。
theory的名词"Theory" 的名词形式就是 "theory"。
例如,你可以说 "The theory of relativity" 或 "The theory of evolution"。
在科学、数学、经济学、社会学等领域,"theory" 通常用来描述一套连贯的、经过验证的、对某个现象的解释或预测。
"Theory" 也可以用作动词,表示提出或发展一个理论。
例如,"He theoryed that the crime was committed by the defendant.""Theory" 的形容词形式是 "theoretical"。
这个形容词可以用来描述理论上的事物,例如 "theoretical physics"(理论物理学)。
此外,"theoretical" 也可以用作形容词来描述某事物是假设的或假设性的,而不是实际的或经验性的。
例如,"The theoretical model predicted that the drug would be effective, but the actual results were disappointing."在科学和数学中,"theory" 通常被用来描述一个经过验证和证明的学说或观点,而"hypothesis" 则是一个未经证实的假设或推测。
但是,"hypothesis" 也可以用作 "theory" 的同义词,特别是在非正式的语境中。
Unit 1~2Mercantilism 重商主义 Neomeicantilist 新重商主义者Trade surplus 贸易顺差Quota and tariff 配额和关税Government intervention 政府干预Zero-sum game 零和博弈Positive-sum game 常和博弈The theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论Factor endowments 要素禀赋理论Product life cycle 产品生命周期(+theory ……理论)Economies of scale 规模经济Diminishing returns 收益递减规律Green revolution 绿色革命Voluntary restriction 自动出口限制Deposit 佣金First mover advantage 先占优势Barrier to entry 进入(市场)壁垒Porter’s diamond theory 波特的钻石理论National competitive advantage 国家竞争优势The department of commerce 商务部Letter of credit 信用证Draft /bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading B/L 提单Sight draft 即期汇票Time draft 远期汇票Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑(+bill …汇票)Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票Countertrade 对等贸易Barter 易货贸易Switch trading 转手贸易Offset 抵消Counter purchase 互购贸易Compensation trade 补偿贸易Mercantilism suggests that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus -- to export more than it imports(重商主义就是保持贸易顺差以实现一国的最大利益---出口超过进口)Mercantilism advocates government intervention(介入) to achieve a surplus in the balance of trade (重商主义主张政府介入以便实现对外贸易顺差)It views trade as a zero-sum game - one in which a gain by one country results in a loss by another (将贸易看成零和博弈,一个国家收益一个国家受损)Absolute Advantage 绝对优势Adam Smith argued that a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it is more efficient than any other country in producing it亚当斯密认为一个国家生产一种商品比其他任何国家效率都高时存在绝对优势According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of goods for which they have an absolute advantage and then trade these goods for the goods produced by other countries 按照亚当斯密的说法,各国应该专门生产具有绝对优势的商品,然后用他们交换其他国家生产的商品The Benefit(好处) of Absolute Advantage and Free TradeThe Principle for International Division of Labor–Absolute Advantage 国际分工的原则---绝对优势The Consequence(结果) of Division of Labor and Free Trade 分工的结果和自由贸易1. To Production: the Flow of the Factor of Production 生产要素的流动; the Efficiency of Factor Distribution 要素分配效率;the Quantity of Production 产品质量。
心理学英语测试题及答案一、选择题1. Which of the following is NOT a branch of psychology?a) Cognitive psychologyb) Social psychologyc) Clinical psychologyd) Biological psychology答案:d) Biological psychology2. According to Sigmund Freud, which part of the mind operates on the pleasure principle?a) Idb) Egoc) Superegod) None of the above答案:a) Id3. Which of the following is NOT a type of psychological disorder?a) Depressionb) Schizophreniac) Bipolar disorderd) Archimedes' syndrome答案:d) Archimedes' syndrome4. Which theorist is associated with the concept of self-actualization?a) B.F. Skinnerb) Carl Rogersc) Abraham Maslowd) Ivan Pavlov答案:c) Abraham Maslow5. What is the primary focus of industrial-organizational psychology?a) Treating mental disordersb) Studying individual behaviorc) Optimizing workplace productivityd) Analyzing dreams and unconscious desires答案:c) Optimizing workplace productivity二、填空题1. The __________ is responsible for processing sensory information.答案:brain2. __________ is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.答案:Dopamine3. __________ is a defense mechanism in which unacceptable impulses are pushed into the unconscious mind.答案:Repression4. The __________ perspective emphasizes the influence of genes and biological processes on behavior.答案:Biological5. The __________ is a part of the brain that is important for memory and learning.答案:hippocampus三、简答题1. What is the nature-nurture debate in psychology?答案:The nature-nurture debate in psychology is the argument about whether human behavior is determined by genetics (nature) or the environment (nurture). Some psychologists believe that behavior is primarily influenced by genetics, while others believe that environmental factors play a larger role. The debate seeks to understand the relative contributions of nature and nurture in shaping human behavior.2. Explain the concept of classical conditioning.答案:Classical conditioning is a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a response through repeated pairings withan unconditioned stimulus. The classic example is Ivan Pavlov's experiments with dogs, where a bell (neutral stimulus) was paired with the presentation of food (unconditioned stimulus). Over time, the dogs learned to associate the bell with the food and began to salivate (conditioned response) at the sound of the bell alone (conditioned stimulus).3. What is the difference between operationalization and measurement in psychological research?答案:Operationalization refers to the process of defining and specifying the variables or concepts being studied in a way that can be measured or observed. It involves turning abstract concepts into concrete, measurable variables or indicators. Measurement, on the other hand, refers to the actual process of assigning numerical values or categories to the operationalized variables in order to collect data. In psychological research, operationalization and measurement are crucial steps in designing studies and collecting meaningful data.四、问答题1. How does cognitive psychology contribute to our understanding of human behavior?答案:Cognitive psychology explores how people perceive, think, and solve problems. It focuses on mental processes such as attention, memory, language, and decision-making. By studying these cognitive processes, cognitive psychologists aim to understand how they influence human behavior. For example, cognitive psychology has provided insights into how people encode and retrieve information, make judgments and decisions, andprocess emotions. This knowledge can be applied to various fields, such as education, marketing, and therapy, to improve human performance and well-being.2. Describe the main elements of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs.答案:Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that proposes that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs, with basic physiological needs at the bottom and higher-level needs at the top. The main elements of Maslow's hierarchy include:- Physiological needs: These are basic survival needs, such as food, water, shelter, and sleep.- Safety needs: Once physiological needs are met, individuals seek security, stability, and protection from harm.- Belongingness and love needs: People have a need for social connections, love, and a sense of belonging in relationships and communities.- Esteem needs: This refers to the need for self-esteem, respect from others, and recognition of one's achievements.- Self-actualization: At the top of the hierarchy, self-actualization represents a need for personal growth, fulfillment, and reaching one's fullest potential.According to Maslow, individuals strive to meet these needs in a sequential order, with each level building upon the previous one.五、综合题1. Discuss the main ethical considerations in psychological research.答案:Ethical considerations are important in psychological research to protect the rights and well-being of participants. Some main ethical considerations include:- Informed consent: Researchers must inform participants about the nature and purpose of the study, any potential risks or benefits, and their right to withdraw from the study at any time.- Confidentiality: Researchers should ensure that participants' personal information and data remain confidential and are not disclosed without consent.- Deception: If deception is necessary for the study, researchers must debrief participants afterward and ensure that they do not experience any harm or negative consequences as a result of the deception.- Protection from harm: Researchers should minimize any physical or psychological harm to participants and take steps to ensure their well-being throughout the study.- Voluntary participation: Participation in research should be voluntary, and participants should not be coerced or manipulated into taking part.By following these ethical considerations, researchers can uphold the integrity and trustworthiness of psychological research.。
Literary history as a challenge to literary theoryHans Robert JaussIn our time literary history has increasingly fallen into disrepute,and not at all without reason.The history of this worthy discipline in the last one hundred and fty years unmistakably describes the path of a steady decline.Its greatest achievements all belong to the nineteenth century.To write the history of a national literature counted,in the times of Gervinus and Scherer,De Sanctis and Lanson,as the crowning life’s work of the philologist.The patriarchs of the discipline saw their highest goal therein,to represent in the history of literary works[Dichtwerke] the idea of national individuality on its way to itself.This high point is already a distant memory.The received form of literary history scarcely scratches out a living for itself in the intellectual life of our time.It has maintained itself in requirements for examinations by the state system of examinations that are themselves ready for dismantling.As a compulsory subject in the high school curriculum,it has almost disappeared in Germany.Beyond that,literary histories are still to be found only, if at all,on the bookshelves of the educated bourgeoisie who for the most part opens them,lacking a more appropriate literary dictionary,to answer literary quiz questions.In university course catalogs literary history is clearly disappearing.It has long been no secret that the philologists of my generation even rather pride themselves in having replaced the traditional presentation of their national literature by periods and as a whole with lectures on the history of a problem or with other systematic approaches.Scholarly production o ers a corresponding picture:collective projects in the form of handbooks,encyclopedias,and(as the latest o shoot of the so-called “publisher’s synthesis”)series of collected interpretations have driven out literary histories as unserious and presumptuous.Signi cantly,such pseudohistorical col-lections seldom derive from the initiative of scholars,rather most often from the whim of some restless publisher.Serious scholarship on the other hand precipitates into monographs in scholarly journals and presupposes the stricter standard of the literary critical methods of stylistics,rhetoric,textual philology,semantics,poetics, morphology,historical philology,and the history of motifs and genres.Philolog-ical scholarly journals today are admittedly in good part still lled with articles that content themselves with a literary historical approach.But their authors nd themselves facing a twofold critique.Their formulations of the question are,from the perspective of neighboring disciplines,quali ed publicly or privately as pseudo-problems,and their results put aside as mere antiquarian knowledge.The critique of literary theory scarcely sees the problem any more clearly.It nds fault with classical literary history in that the latter pretends to be only one form of history writing,but in truth operates outside the historical dimension and thereby lacks the foundation of aesthetic judgment demanded by its object—literature as one of the arts.This critique should rst be made clear.Literary history of the most convenient forms tries to escape from the dilemma of a mere annal-like lining-up of the facts by arranging its material according to general tendencies,genres,and what-have-you, in order then to treat within these rubrics the individual works in chronological series.In the form of an excursis,the author’s biography and the evaluation of their oeuvre pop up in some accidental spot here,in the manner of an occasional aside.Or this literary history arranges its material unilinearly,according to the chronology of great authors,and evaluates them in accordance with the schema of“life and works;”the lesser authors are here overlooked(they are settled in the interstices), and the development of genres must thereby also unavoidably be dismembered. The second form is more appropriate to the canon of authors of the classics;the rst is found more often in the modern literatures that have to struggle with the di culty—growing up to and in the present—of making a selection from a scarcely surveyable list of authors and works.But a description of literature that follows an already sanctioned canon and simply sets the life and work of the writers one after another in a chronological series is,as Gervinus already remarked,“no history;it is scarcely the skeleton of a history.”By the same token,no historian would consider historical a presentation of literature by genres that,registering changes from work to work,followed the unique laws of the forms of development of the lyric,drama,and novel and merely framed the unclari ed character of the literary development with a general obser-vation(for the most part borrowed from historical studies)concerning the Zeitgeist and the political tendencies of the age.On the other hand it is not only rare but al-most forbidden that a literary historian should hold judgments of quality concern-ing the works of past ages.Rather,he prefers to appeal to the ideal of objectivity of historiography,which only has to describe“how it really was.”His aesthetic absti-nence has good grounds.For the quality and rank of a literary work result neither from the biographical or historical conditions of its origin[Entstehung],nor from its place in the sequence of the development of a genre alone,but rather from the criteria of in uence,reception,and posthumous fame,criteria that are more di -cult to grasp.And if a literary historian,bound by the ideal of objectivity,limits himself to the presentation of a closed past,leaving the judgment of the literature of his own,still-un nished age to the responsible critics and limiting himself to the secure canon of“masterpieces,”he remains in his historical distance most often one to two generations behind the latest development in literature.At best he partakes of the contemporary engagement with literary phenomena of the present as a pas-sive reader,and thereby becomes in the formation of his judgment a parasite of acriticism that he silently despises as“unscholarly.”What then should a historical study of literature still be today,a study that—taking up a classical de nition of the interest in history,that of Friedrich Schiller—can promise so little instruction to the “thoughtful observer,”no imitative model at all to the“active man of the world,”no important information to the“philosopher,”and everything else but a“source of the noblest pleasure”to the reader?Thesis .A renewal of literary history demands the removal of the prejudices of historical objectivism and the grounding of the traditional aesthetics of production and representation in an aesthetics of reception and in uence.The historicity of literature rests not on an organization of“literary facts”that is established post festum,but rather on the preceding experience of the literary work by its readers.R.G.Collingwood’s postulate,posed in his critique of the prevailing ideology of objectivity in history—“History is nothing but the re-enactment of past thought in the historian’s mind”—is even more valid for literary history.For the positivistic view of history as the“objective”description of a series of events in an isolated past neglects the artistic character as well as the speci c historicity of literature.A literary work is not an object that stands by itself and that o ers the same view to each reader in each period.It is not a monument that monologically reveals its timeless essence.It is much more like an orchestration that strikes ever new reso-nances among its readers and that frees the text from the material of the words and brings it to a contemporary existence:“words that must,at the same time that they speak to him,create an interlocutor capable of understanding them.”This dialogical character of the literary work also establishes why philological understanding can exist only in a perpetual confrontation with the text,and cannot be allowed to be reduced to a knowledge of facts.Philological understanding always remains related to interpretation that must set as its goal,along with learning about the object,the re ection on and description of the completion of this knowledge as a moment of new understanding.History of literature is a process of aesthetic reception and production that takes place in the realization of literary texts on the part of the receptive reader,the re- ective critic,and the author in his continuing productivity.The endlessly growing sum of literary“facts”that winds up in the conventional literary histories is merely left over from this process;it is only the collected and classi ed past and therefore not history at all,but pseudo-history.Anyone who considers a series of such liter-ary facts as a piece of the history of literature confuses the eventful character of a work of art with that of historical matter-of-factness.The Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes,as a literary event,is not“historical”in the same sense as,for example,the Third Crusade,which was occurring at about the same time.It is not a“fact”that could be explained as caused by a series of situational preconditions and motives, by the intent of a historical action as it can be reconstructed,and by the necessary and secondary consequences of this deed.The historical context in which a literary work appears is not a factical,independent series of events that exists apart from an observer.Perceval becomes a literary event only for its reader,who reads thislast work of Chrétien with a memory of his earlier works and who recognizes its individuality in comparison with these and other works that he already knows,so that he gains a new criterion for evaluating future works.In contrast to a politi-cal event,a literary event has no unavoidable consequences subsisting on their own that no succeeding generation can ever escape.A literary event can continue to have an e ect only if those who come after it still or once again respond to it—if there are readers who again appropriate the past work or authors who want to imitate, outdo,or refute it.The coherence of literature as an event is primarily mediated in the horizon of expectations of the literary experience of contemporary and later readers,critics,and authors.Whether it is possible to comprehend and represent the history of literature in its unique historicity depends on whether this horizon of expectations can be objecti ed.。
○ 易靖韬 张修平 王化成
摘要 本文选用科技部数据库中全 部 A 股上市公司作
研 究 发 现 , 有关高 管 过 度自信 的 大多 数 研 究 往 往 认
为研究样本,探讨高管过度自信对企业创新绩效的影响。 为过 度自信这一心理偏差会导致不利于股 东价 值( 企业
始 研 究 过 度自 信这一 特 征在 企 业 管 理 者中的 表 现 。 一 些
关 于文 献中的 不同 研 究 结 论, 本 文 认 为高 管 过 度自
研究表明,过度自信的管理者会选择更高的负债水平和 信与企业创新绩效的关系有可能条件依赖于企业异质性
更多的股权融资,[7] 进行更多的投资。[8]
本文的研究贡献主要体现在两个方面 :其一,与已 有 对 高 管 过 度自 信与 企 业 创 新 绩 效 关 系 的 研 究不同 ,[18 ,19 ] 本 文 通 过导入 企 业 异质 性 分 析 框 架 拓 展了过 去 的 传 统 分 析 范 式( 线 性 思 维), 补充 和丰富了决 策行为的 情 境 约 束 这一 新 的 研 究 视 角 , 突 破 了 现 有 研 究 基 于 企 业同 质 性 假 设 的 局 限 性 , 通 过 企 业 异质 的 情 境 约 束 可以 融 合不同 的研究解释。该研究从企业规模与企业负债两个异质维 度 进 行 拓 展 , 阐 明了在 不同 企 业 环 境 下, 过 度自 信 的 高 管对于创新绩效的影响具有差异性的表现。其二,由于 中国企业的专利数据较难获取,国内尚且没有利用专利 数据作为创新产出变量来研究二者的关系的文献,本文
Appraisal TheoryIt is within the general theoretical framework of SFL that Martin and White‟s (2005) Appraisal Theory evolved. The basic idea of SEL is that “language i s a resource for mapping ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning onto one another in virtually every act of communication” (Martin and White, 2005: 7). Appraisal Theory focuses on interpersonal meaning at the discourse level for three reasons. Firstly, the realization of an “attitude tends to splash across a phase of discourse, irrespective of grammatical boundaries - especially where amplified”; secondly, a given attitude can be “realized across a range of grammatical categories and we need to move out of lexicogrammar to generalize the evaluative meaning common to this kind of scatter”; and finally, there is grammatical metaphor “whereby meaning is not cooked twice as it were, introducing a degree of tension between wording and meaning” (Martin and White, 2005: 10). As Martin and White suggest, appraisal can be located as an interpersonal system at the level of discourse semantics. At this level it co-articulates interpersonal meaning with two other systems of negotiation and involvement, as can be shown in the following figure:Figure3.4Interpersonal semantic systems and tenor variable(Martin and White,2005:34)solidaritynegotiationpowerappraisalinvolvementAs can be seen from the figure, appraisal is one of three major discourse semantic resources construing interpersonal meaning (alongside involvement and negotiation). In this sense, we can firmly say that appraisal is mainly concerned with semantic sources for construing evaluative meaning in the interpersonal dimension at the discourse level.The notion of appraisal is used to cover the “resources for modalising, amplifying, reacting emotionally (affect), judging morally (judge-ment) and evaluating aesthetically (appreciation ).” (Martin 1995b: 28). In SFL terms, the appraisal system realises tenor at the level of discourse semantics and is constituted by three semantic categories: ATTITUDE, ENGAGEMENT, and GRADUATION, with further sub-divisions:Figure 3.5 An overview of appraisal resources (Martin and White 2005: 38)ATTITUDE is concerned with “values by which speakers pass judgements and associate emotional/affectual responses with participants and processes” (W hite 2001a: 1). APPRAISAL system holds the view that evaluations can be divided into three basic kinds – (i) the value of things, (ii) people ‟s character and (iii) people ‟s monoglossENGAGEMENT heteroglossAFFECT …ATTITUDEJUDGEMENT …APPRECIATION …FORCEraiseGRADUATION lowersharpensoftenFOCUS APPRAISALfeelings (Martin and White, 2005). Accordingly, ATTITUDE system involves three semantic regions which are termed AFFECT, JUDGEMENT and APPRECIATION.AFFECT construes emotion with the person experiencing the emotion being the Emoter and what evokes the emotion being the Trigger (Martin and White, 2005). JUDGEMENT construes attitude about character and is subdivided into two broad categories: judgements of social esteem (normality, capacity, tenacity) and judgements of social sanction (veracity, propriety) APPRECIATION construes attitudes about texts, performances or natural phenomena and is organised around three variables: Reaction, Composition, and Valuation. Reaction concerns the impact of the text/process on our attention (reaction: impact) and its emotional impact (reac-tion: quality). Composition concerns perceptions of proportionality/balance (composition: balance) and detail (composition: complexity) in a text/process. Valuation has to do with our assessment of the social significance of the text/process (Martin and White, 2005).GRADUATION is concerned with gradability and is divided into force and focus. Focus applies most typically to categories which are not scalable and functions to sharpen or soften the specification to indicate strong or weak sense of prototypicality. Force is divided into intensification and quantification. Assessments of degree of intensity can operate over qualities (e.g. slightly foolish), over process (e.g. It greatly hindered us), or over the verbal modalities of likelihood, usuality, inclination and obligation (e.g. it’s very possible that). The term …quantification‟ is employed to indicate assessment of amount that applies to entities. The system of GRADUATION can be shown in figure 3.6.Figure3.6System of GRADUATION(Martin and White,2005:154)ENGAGEMENT system adjusts a speaker‟s commitment to what he or she is saying (Martin 2000), and is related to what has traditionally been described as epistemic modality. Under the system, the following options are seen as enabling the textual voice to vary the terms by which it engages with alternative voices and alternative positions.Dialogic Contraction includes resources for disclaiming and proclaiming. Disclaim covers “mean ings by which some dialogic alternative is directly rejected or supplanted, or is represented as not applying ” (Martin and White, 2005: 117) and is accordingly divided into two sub-types: deny (negation) and counter. According to Martin and White (2005), Proclaim includes the formulations which act to limit the scope of dialogistic alternatives by representing a proposition as valid or plausible in order to rule out alternative positions. Proclaim is divided into three sub-types: concur, endorsement, pronounce. The category of c oncur involves formulations which “overtly announce the addresser as agreeing with, or having the same knowledge as, some projected dialogic partner” (Martin and White, 2005: 123). Endorsement refers numbermass/presencetimeQUANTIFICATION PROXIMITYspacetimeDISTRIBUTIONspacequality INTENSIFICATIONFORCE processisolatinginfusingFOCUSup-scaledown-scaleEXTENTto those formulations by which “propositions sourced to external sources re -construed by the authorial voice as correct, valid, undeniable or otherwise maximally warrantable” (Martin and White, 2005:126). Pronounce covers formulations which involve “authorial emphases or explicit authorial interventions or interpolations” (Martin and White, 2005:127).Dialogic Expansion includes those resources for entertaining and attributing a proposition. Entertain means that the writer “represents the proposition as one of a range of possible positions ” (White, 2002a:2). Under this sub-system the term attribution mainly deals with those formulations which “disassociate the proposition from the text ‟s internal voice by attributing it to some external source ” (Martin and White, 2005: 111) and is further divided into the two sub-categories of acknowledge and distance . Acknowledge covers those locutions which have no overt indication as to “where the authorial voice stands with respect to the proposition ” (Martin and White, 2005: 112. Distance , in contrast, involves formulations by which there is an “explicit distancing of the authorial voice from the attributed material ” (Martin and White, 2005: 113).Figure 3.7 The ENGAGEMENT System (Martin and White, 2005:134)denydisclaimcounteraffirmconcurconcedeproclaimpronounceendorseentertainacknowledgeattribut edistancecontractexpand。
加德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力(智能)理论与光谱方案
德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力(智能)理论与光谱方案第一节多元智力理论的产生背景与主要依据美国哈佛大学教授、发展心理学家加德纳(Howard Gardner)的多元智力理论(The Theory of Multiple Intelligences)在当前美国教育教学改革中产生了广泛的积极影响,并且已经成为许多西方国家90年代以来教育教学改革的重要指导思想。
据称,美国已有上百所学校自称为多元智力学校,还有数不胜数的教师以多元智力理论为指导思想进行教育教学改革并取得了显著的成绩(Kornhaber & Krechevsky,1995; Krechevsky, M.1998)。
从因为受到苏联第一颗人造地球卫星的发射的刺激而颁布《国防教育法》起,美国的教育改革就一直以提高教育质量为中心,如60年代的以科南特(James B. Connant)为首的新传统派运动和以布鲁纳(Jerome Bruner)为代表的结构主义运动乃至70年代“回到基础”运动,都是在作加强学术、重视智力训练以提高教育质量的努力。
rized This paper intends to facilitate understanding of enterprise technology for social good for future research in this field
seeking the welfare and sustainable development of human society On the basis of sorting out relevant conceptsꎬ this paper aims to put
forward the definition of enterprise technology for social good The characteristics and connotation are clarifiedꎬ the theoretical founda ̄
在建立一种思维模式 ( Mindset) ꎬ 而不是一种产品ꎬ
第 7 期 (2021 年 7 月)
需求ꎬ 而是以全人类福祉为中心进行产品和服务
在互联网界ꎬ 科技向善的社会思潮由来已久ꎮ
早在 1999 年ꎬ “ 不作恶” ( Dont be evil) 被写入美国
1 科技向善的概念
企业ꎮ 但同时ꎬ 我们希望以一种最有可能对环境、
1 1 科技向善概念的起源
the most well-known being the general theory 概述说明1. 引言1.1 概述在这篇长文中, 我们将详细探讨“the most well-known being the general theory”。
1.2 文章结构本文分为五个主要部分:引言、正文一、正文二、正文三以及结论。
1.3 目的本文旨在介绍和分析“the most well-known being the general theory”这一著名理论的核心思想以及它对相关领域产生的影响。
以上就是文章“1. 引言”部分的详细内容。
希望对您的长文撰写有所帮助!2. 正文一:2.1 主要观点一:One of the main points regarding the general theory is its application in the field of physics. The general theory, proposed by Albert Einstein, revolutionized our understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe. It introduced the concept of spacetime curvature caused by massive objects, explaining the force of gravity as a geometric effect rather than a conventional force.Additionally, the general theory also predicted the existence of black holes, which are incredibly dense objects with gravitational fields so strong that nothing can escape them, not even light. This prediction was later confirmed through various astronomical observations and experiments.2.2 主要观点二:Another important aspect to highlight is the impact of the general theory on cosmology - the study of the origin and evolution of the universe. According to this theory, the universe is not static but expanding. This insight led to groundbreaking discoveries such as the Big Bang theory, which suggests that our universe originated from an extremely hot and dense state billions of years ago.The general theory also provided a framework for understanding the distribution of matter in space and how it shapes cosmic structures like galaxies and galaxy clusters. Through its mathematical equations, scientists have been able to model and simulate these large-scale structures, further advancing our knowledge about the universe's composition and evolution.2.3 主要观点三:A third significant point pertains to technological applications stemming from the general theory. One notable example is GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. The accuracy of GPS relies on precise timing measurements using satellite signals traveling at high speeds relative to Earth's surface. However, without accounting for relativisticeffects predicted by Einstein's general theory, GPS calculations would yield errors exceeding several kilometers within just a day.By incorporating corrections based on relativistic principles into GPS algorithms, accurate positioning can be achieved. Therefore, it is evident that the general theory has real-world applications beyond scientific research, impacting everyday life and facilitating modern technologies.Overall, the general theory, with its profound implications in physics, cosmology, and technology, stands as one of the most well-known and influential concepts in scientific history. Its impact continues to shape our understanding of the universe and has broad applications that extend far beyond theoretical realms.3. 正文二3.1 主要观点一:在本部分中,我们将讨论关于"the most well-known being the general theory(最著名的是广义相对论)"的一些主要观点。
• nAff: the desire for friendly & closely interpersonal relationships
receiving wide recognition, particularly among practicing managers. 2.little empirical support
2.Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor proposed 2 distinct views of human being
Motivation Theory
§1 concept
• the willingness to exert high levels of effort toward organizational goals,conditioned by the effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need
• Need:some internal state that makes certain
outcomes appear attractive • Process:unsatisfied need---tension---drives---
search behavior---satisfied need----reduction of tension
3. Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Frederick Herzberg, individual’s relation to his work
Acculturation theory and evidence
Acculturation: theory and evidenceIn the modern world, many individuals immigrate to other new counties or different places to live or study. Generally, people have to experience a process of adaption to the new lifestyle and a new culture when they begin to live in the new area. Many researcher s name this period “acculturation”.The American researcher, Robin Scarcella, has outlined a four-stage theory of acculturation (1998). Also, Schumann (1986, p. 379) state that, “learner will acquire the target language to the degree they acculturate to th e target language group.” For this investigation an immigrant person to New Zealand was interviewed. His experience in discussed throughout this essay. This essay will discuss the experience of the interviewee in the light of the theory of acculturation, with final comments on the importance of understanding the process of acculturation.My interviewee is a 45-year-old man, from Indonesia, who has been in New Zealand for almost 13 years. The reason for his coming is improving his English. I would to call him Mike. Before Mike came to New Zealand, he could speak two mother languages and a little bit English. He had to study English for one and a half years when he first came here. Now, he works as a nurse in a hospital. For his future plan, he thinks New Zealand is his second home and he wants to stay here.According to Scarcella (1998), in the first stage of life in the new country, immigrant people are typically “a type of euphoria mixed with the excitement…” (Scarcella, 1998, p. 107) which is called honeymoon or streets of gold stage. However, according to my interview my interviewee did not mention he felt excited or pleased. The reasons could be his first coming was alone and he came here with his study goal. He did not think came to here for fun. Moreover, he did not know any information of New Zealand before he came.The second stage in the process of acculturation outlined by Scarcella (1998) isculture shock. In this stage people would face frustration peaks and they would feel fearful (Scarcella, 1998).When Mike first arrived in New Zealand, he felt left out and lonely, it was difficult for him to adept the culture. He told me that there was a big difference between his country and New Zealand. He used to eat rice in his country whereas he ate fish and chips when he lived in a Kiwi homestay family. Moreover, he said it was hot in Indonesia but New Zealand was a little bit cold at that time. Also, he missed his family especially his parents. At the same time, he suffered the communication barriers from New Zealand because he could not speak English well. “When learners attempt to speak a second language they often fear that they will appear comic.” (Stengal, as cited in Schumann, 1986, p. 382). Mike said that the biggest difficulty for him was he was afraid to talk to other people including his homestay family in English.Adjustment is sum up by Scarcella (1998) in the third stage of acculturation. During this period, new immigrants would begin to recover from the setback they met in a new environment (Scarcella, 1998). After few months, Mike began to adjust himself to adept a new life style and he felt more comfortable than he first arrived because he had found some methods to fix up the problems. He said he tried to read a lot of New Zealand books and magazines so that he could understand how New Zealand lived. What’s more, he used to hang out with local people; on one hand he can improve his English. On the other, he could know well about lifestyle of the local people. Second language learning is related to acculturated extent (Schumann, 1986). Mike had improved his English soon. After one and a half years, he finished his English course. At that moment, he tried to plan his further learning in university. Unfortunately, he said he made a wrong decision at the first time. Soon, he analyzed his situation and the society in New Zealand, then, he changed his mind again.Fully acculturation is the final stage in the process of acculturation that outlined by Scarcella. In this stage, people generally fully adept to a new lifestyle. (Scarcella, 1998). Nowadays, Mike feels his life is comfortable and stable because he is marriedand he has his own family. Also, he has a good job here. He has already thought New Zealand is his second home even he still misses his parents in Indonesia. Even though, he still wants to go back to his hometown, he said will not stay there for a long time. Now, New Zealand is more suitable for him. He told me that he has already had his own social life and he gets on well with a lot of friends here. During the holidays, he often goes traveling with his family and also he goes to pray with his family and many friends every night. According to the interview, he has gotten used to live in New Zealand. This process cost him few years but finally he fully adept to New Zealand life. The reason could be that, young generation is easier to adept to another culture(Scarcella, 1998).The experience of my interviewee closely matches the pattern stated in the theory of Scarcella. It can be showed evidence of experiencing culture shock, adjustment and fully acculturation. However, it is not clear that Mike pass through honeymoon. It might because Mike came to New Zealand to study English as his first goal so that he did not think he would stay here. Accidentally, he fully acculturated the lifestyle in New Zealand. Now, he has his happy family here.In conclusion, my interviewee went through three stages in the theory of Scarcella (1998). His experience proved the process of acculturation in Scarcella’s article though he did not experienced the first stage. At the same time, the experience of my interviewee is an evidence to prove another article which was written by Schumann (1986).REFERENCESScarcella, R. (1998). Patterns of acculturation. In Raimes, A. (1998). Exploring through Writing: a Process Approach to ESL Composition. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 106-109.Schumann, J. (1986). Research on the acculturation model for second language acquisition.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,7(5),379-392.。
網路銀行消費者行為之研究--創新擴散理論王文弘Wen-Hung Wang國立臺灣海洋大學、航運管理學系、助理教授林獻堂Hsien-Tang Lin國立臺灣海洋大學、航運管理學系、研究生摘要研究調查顯示,未來使用網路銀行人口有越來越多的趨勢。
關鍵詞:網路銀行、創新擴散、安全性、使用經驗A n E m p i r i c a l R e s e a r c h o f C u s t o m e rB e h a v i o r o f We b-B a n k i n g S e r v i c e,I n n o v a t i o n o f D i f f u s i o n T h e o r yAbstractWith the rapid growth internet users, the demand of web-banking is eager. Based on innovation of diffusion theory, this research wants to discuss the factors that influence consumer web-bank using behavior. Data collected from online survey and got 1030 usable samples.With the analysis of SEM, the analytic results showed that “Relative Advantage,” “Compatibility,” “Trialibility,” “Observability,” “Security,” and “Experience,” have positive significant effect on “Attitude;”in the meanwhile, both “Attitude,” and “E xperience” have positive significant on “Behavioral Intention;” furthermore, both “E xperience” and “Behavioral Intention” have positive significant effect on “Usage.”Based on the analytic results,suggestions are the managers of banks should enhance the attributes of web-bank by “Relative Advantage,”“Compatibility,”“Trialibility,” “Observability,” “Security” and “Experience,”in order to achieve both elevation of using behavior of web-bank and financial performance.Keywords: Web-Bank, Innovation of Diffusion, Security, Experience緒論現今台灣的金融環境,正面臨著一系列的改革與挑戰。
合法性:制度学派使用的合法性(Legitimacy )主要是强调 在社会认可的基础上建立的一种权威。周雪光p78.
合法性机制:指那些使组织采纳具有合法性制度的力量。 合法性机制基础:超越个人的私利,为大家所承认并接受,合
乎情理和社会期待。周雪光p82. 合法性机制既约束组织行为,又帮助组织提高社会地位,得到
权变理论(Contingency Theory)与效率规则表明:
组织结构等取决于组织的具体目标、任务、技术和规模等。 由于每个组织内部的这些情况不同,所以他们的机构、规则、
但是现实中出现了组织趋同现象。 以往的理论解释不了类似问题,这使得一些学者需求
技术环境要求组织有效率,即按最大化原则组织生产。周雪光p72. 制度环境要求组织要服从“合法机制”,采用那些在制度环境下“广
为接受”的组织形式和做法。周雪光p73. 制度环境强调的是组织遵从理性规范、符合正确的实施程序、存在恰
当的结构位置。斯格特《组织理论》p128. 总之:技术环境要求组织遵从效率机制,制度环境要求组织遵从合法
制度理论的“新”、“旧”之分标志是:1977 年约翰·梅
耶(John W Meyer)和布莱恩·罗恩(Brian Rowan)在 《美国社会学杂志》(American Journal Sociology )上 发表的论文《制度化组织:作为神话和仪式的正式结构》 (Institutionalized Organizations:Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony)。——见鲍威尔与张永宏的书
保罗·迪马鸠(Paul J.DiMaggio)和沃尔特·鲍威尔(Walter W.Powell)1983年在《美 国社会学评论》(American Sociological Review)上发表的论文《重访铁笼:组织域 中的制度同形和集体理性》(The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational) ,该论文对新制度理论学派的发展起到了非 常重要推进作用。 ——见鲍威尔与张永宏的书
Utility Theory An Introduction to the Concept ofUtility ValueThis paper provides an overview of utility theory, which is a concept used in economics to measure the value of goods and services based on their ability to provide satisfaction or utility to consumers.下面是本店铺为大家精心编写的5篇《Utility Theory An Introduction to the Concept of Utility Value》,供大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
《Utility Theory An Introduction to the Concept of Utility Value》篇1Utility value is a concept in economics that measures the value of goods and services based on their ability to provide satisfaction or utility to consumers. The concept of utility value is an important aspect of the field of utility theory, which is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals as they make choices about consumption and economic activities.According to utility theory, the value of a good or service is determined by the level of satisfaction or utility that it provides to a consumer. Utility can be thought of as a measure of the satisfaction or happiness that an individual derivesfrom consuming a particular good or service. For example, the utility value of a sandwich may be high for someone who is hungry, while the utility value of a new car may be high for someone who needs transportation to get to work.Utility value is different from market value, which is the price that a good or service commands in a market. Market value is determined by supply and demand, while utility value is determined by the individual"s subjective feelings of satisfaction or utility. For example, a bottle of water may have a market value of $1, but its utility value to a person who is thirsty may be much higher.Utility theory assumes that individuals are rational and make choices that maximize their utility or satisfaction. This assumption forms the basis for the rational choice theory, which is a branch of utility theory that studies the decision-making process of individuals.Utility theory has important implications for policy makers and businesses. For example, policy makers can use utility theory to measure the effectiveness of a particular policy in terms of the utility it provides to consumers. Businesses can use utility theory to understand the demand for their products and to design products that meet the needs ofconsumers.Overall, utility theory is an important concept in economics that helps to explain the behavior of individuals as they make choices about consumption and economic activities. By understanding utility value, we can better understand the choices that people make and design policies and products that meet their needs.《Utility Theory An Introduction to the Concept of Utility Value》篇2Utility Theory: An Introduction to the Concept of Utility ValueUtility theory is a branch of economics that focuses on the study of consumer behavior and the allocation of resources. The concept of utility value is a key component of utility theory, which posits that individuals make decisions based on the utility, or satisfaction, they derive from consuming goods and services. This theory helps to explain why people choose certain goods over others and how they allocate their resources in a manner that maximizes their overall utility or satisfaction.The concept of utility value is subjective, meaning thatit varies from individual to individual based on their preferences, needs, and desires. For example, one person may derive great utility from listening to music, while another may find watching movies more enjoyable. This subjectivity is important to understand when studying consumer behavior, as it helps to explain why people make the choices they do.In utility theory, the concept of utility value is measured in terms of units called utils. These units are used to quantify the amount of satisfaction or utility an individual derives from consuming a particular good or service. The utils are then used to create a utility function, which represents the relationship between the quantity of a good or service consumed and the total utility derived from it.One of the key principles of utility theory is the law of diminishing marginal utility. This law states that as an individual consumes more of a particular good or service, the marginal utility, or additional satisfaction derived from consuming each additional unit, decreases. For example, the first piece of cake may provide a person with a high level of satisfaction, but as they continue to consume more slices, the satisfaction derived from each additional slice decreases. Utility theory also helps to explain why people are willingto pay different prices for different goods and services. The theory posits that individuals are willing to pay more for goods and services that provide them with a higher level of utility or satisfaction. This is because individuals value goods and services based on the satisfaction they provide, and they are willing to pay more to obtain a higher level of satisfaction. Overall, utility theory provides a useful framework for understanding consumer behavior and the allocation of resources. By focusing on the concept of utility value and the law of diminishing marginal utility, utility theory helps to explain why people make the choices they do and why they are willing to pay different prices for different goods and services.《Utility Theory An Introduction to the Concept of Utility Value》篇3效用理论是一种经济学理论,旨在解释人们在做出决策时如何衡量和比较不同行动的效益。
hypothesis- driven studies -回复
hypothesis- driven studies -回复以下是一篇关于[hypothesis driven studies]的文章:标题:理论驱动研究:有效解答科学疑问的关键步骤引言:科学研究是人类对于世界的认知和探索过程,而理论驱动研究在此过程中发挥着重要的作用。
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Theory-Driven Evaluation: Conceptual Framework, Methodology,and ApplicationE-mail: hbc2@necessarily represent the views of CDC.•evaluation•Black -Box Evaluation: Assessing the relationship desirable outcomes?driven evaluation: Using a research method (e.g. RCT, survey, etc. ) as a basis to guide an evaluation design Intervention OutcomesProvide little information for program improvement transferabilityComic Book Changing smoking belief,attitude,and behaviorProgram theory: stakeholders’implicit and explicitconceptual framework for evaluating effectivenessPROGRAM THEORY Intervention Determinants OutcomesChange ModelWhy question : Why does the intervention affectthe outcomes? (change model)How question : How are the contextual factors and1.2.Assure an evaluation evaluates the right thing -up evaluation approachprogram “failed ”or “succeeded ”in reaching its goal, to(Ocabbot , Muchoborro , Philip Horrid, etc.) to save theComic BookChanging smoking belief, attitude, and behaviorand characterChange Model Underlying an Anti-Smoking ProgramFamily Planning Reduce fertility rateFamily planning programcouples’knowledge, skills, and favorable values on birthcontrolReduce fertilityrateinterventionPolice chief believed the policy was successful.New policyEnhancing performance as shown in the mileage of odometersIncreasing patrols in neighborhoodsReducing crime ratesNew policyEnhancing performance as shown in the mileage of odometersRaising officers’concerns on performance rating and payCruising highways around thecityAssures same salaries or increasing salariesNew policyEnhancing performance as shown in the mileage of odometersRaising concerns on performance rating and payImplementers : recruit, train, and maintain both: identify, recruit, screen, servePolicy makers are worrying that AFDC is creatingAction Model Underlying Learnfare Component Plan Actual implementationTarget populationletter regardingabsencesfrom school toImplementing organization Welfare agencies As plannedAssociateabsences and Ecological context Support fromdecision makersand the public As planned, but lacked understanding ofscope of programhighly successful.External ValiditypartnersConcept of unintended effects: Negative vs. positive2). Assessing the implementation of the action modelTutoring andrecreation activities Improving homeworkEngaging insports andoutdoor activities Reducing juvenile delinquencyUnintended effects? Enhancingschool performanceIntegrative validity model•EBIs : Interventions proven efficacious by rigorous •2. Effectiveness evaluation: Providing evidence ofits generalizability (external validity)3. Dissemination•••Many funding agencies, researchers and healthpromotion/social betterment evaluators are attracted to them.Limitations:1. 2. 3.4.EBIs can not be implemented by stakeholders with high ••National Cooperative Inner -City Asthma Study•food/refreshments during counseling,--frequent contacts with participants,--counseling sessions were held at regular hours, Many adaptations and changes.•Only 25% of the children completed the interventionWhat is a good intervention according to researchers EBIWhat is a good intervention according to stakeholders ’PROGRAM THEORY Intervention Determinants OutcomesChange Model•••••* The model is an expansion of the distinction of internal and external validity by Campbell and Stanley ’s (1963)Components:eCampbell: Internal validity (effectual validity): External validity (transferable validity)–Stakeholders: ?)••Methodology: Mixed methods (e.g., pretest -–Start with addressing viable validity (viable evaluation), then maximize effectual validity (efficacy evaluation)capable of transferability are worthy of efficacy evaluationEfficacy Evaluation Effectiveness EvaluationDisseminationEffectiveness EvaluationEfficacyEvaluationDissemination Top-DownApproachExample:Intervention: provide free condoms and educationalTransmission•Netherlands in 1984.••conducting effectiveness evaluations.•are used to evaluate the program andconfirmed its efficacy.••Researchers ’innovative interventions •(fidelity)? upon the implementation standardize it?assessment)Recognizing it as preliminaryevidence, indicating thatan intervention is on the righttrack。