中文How to write and publish a research paper
【转】论文写作(writepaper)做科研以及寻找研究方向和研究课题【转】论文写作(write paper)做科研以及寻找研究方向和研究课题这几天,我整理了一下近两年来我所收集的科研经验方面的知识,没有更细致的整理,希望能够对朋友们有些许的帮助。
No1 进入课题及寻找科研问题:1、如何了解课题背景?要了解课题背景,就要掌握以下一些信息:z什么时候开展的研究?z为什么要开展?z这个领域有哪些代表人物?z至今该研究分为几个阶段?每个阶段有什么特色?z目前该研究达到什么水平?z该研究还存在哪些问题?这些内容都需要做到心中有数。
3、你可以从一篇具有代表性的论文出发,从他的References 找起,一定可以找到很多宝藏,或者去查找Survey、Review、Research Issue。
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS
Several Issues Regarding the Title
Can title be a complete p sentence?
e.g. “Density of Amalthea(木卫五) Is Less Than That of Water”--- Science, 2005, 308: 1291.
“准确 完整 简练”
Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS
1.2.2 针对不同读者群的学术写作
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 专家(experts) 专业技术人员(technicians) 管理人员(managers) 外行(laypersons) 混合读者(mixed audiences)
1. 面向专家的写作
摘要、目录、引言、标题、参考文献 目录、
– 格式清晰
语言简洁:使用简单句避免过长复杂句 图表、专业术语
– 文脉清晰
仅仅传递需要的信息 仅仅 策略:通过聚焦达到简明 –清晰的引言 –详细的提纲 –文章长度和范围的控制 –附录的使用 –准确的图表
科学、工程和公共政策委员会,美国科学院,美国 工程科学院,美国医学科学院. 怎样当一名科学家— —科学研究中的负责行为(NAS(National Academy of Sciences).On Being a Scientist(2nd ed) .Washington,DC:National Academy Press,1995)
第一章 绪论 第二章 学术论文写作规范 第三章 学术论文与专利申请、会议文集 第四章 学术论文的发表过程和投稿技巧 第五章 学术期刊的评价体系、出版模式和发展趋 势 第六章 学术论文中涉及的科学研究诚信与科研道 德
[美]罗伯特·戴,巴巴拉.盖斯特尔. 如何撰写和发表 科技论文(第六版).(How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper(Sixth Edition)). 北京大学出版 社.2007 [美]查尔斯·李普森.郜元宝,李小杰译.诚实做学问: 从大一到教授. 华东师范大学出版社,2006 任胜利. 英语科技论文撰写与投稿. 科学出版 社.2004 [日]山崎茂明. 杨舰,程远远,严凌纳译. 科学家的 不端行为----捏造·篡改·剽窃. 清华大学出版社. 2005
How to write and publish a research paper
What to know before writing
What type of paper
Review, letter, or full research paper
The research work
Uniqueness The literature The results
The format of the journal: get a sample paper What are the expectations of the readers Potential referees
Why publish research papers
To make you work known to the scientific community To communicate with the top researchers in your area Publish or perish
To help your students or your advisor To raise the rank of the university To raise your income
Problems related to figures
For a smaller file, introduce figures using insert-figure command. For Excel files, copypaste as a picture. When drawing a sketch, use insert-objectword-picture (插入-对象-Microsoft Word 图 片) To avoid figures moving randomly, insert the figures into text instead of allowing them to float (click right key – 设置对象格式-版式- 嵌入型)
how to write a research paper《如何写好英文文章》
A leading international Publishing original researchMany experienced scientists are thinking of the journalImpact Factor and Journal Selection Many authors select journals on the basis of the Impact FactorThe Impact Factor is the average number of citations of papers in the journal1. A high impact factor will NOT mean that your paper will be highly cited.2. A high impact factor means that the journal selects papers that have the potential to be highly cited.3. Each journal is a brand exactly in the same way as noodle brands.Choose the right brand for publishing your paperDo not choose noodles when you need toothpaste •References ( it’s easier to understand the referencing system if youNow, write an essay about the Industrial Revolution inEngland….Read the ‘Guide for Authors’! Again and again! And follow it EXACTLY.•Apply the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even to the first draft(text layout, paper citation, nomenclature, figures and table, etc.). It will save your time, and the editor’s.•All editors hate wasting time on poorly prepared manuscripts. It is a sign of disrespect.• A poorly prepared manuscript will not be sent to referees. It will be rejected immediately.examples There is a careous boundary between quartz and feldspar. The boundary is generally convex with respect to the quartz…..Generally, tablesgive the actualexperimentalresults. In this case,the table is moredirect and clear. The graph ECOLOGICAL GROUPSupplementary data may include:Advance in international scienceDetailed conclusions Further workPaper highlighted in Editor’sChoice section of ScienceUniversity Registrar5µmpyriteFig. 3 Radiating textures suggest supersaturation with respect to pyritebeforeafterThe quality of EXCEL charts has improved but。
how to write a research paper
1. Topic Selection
For a research paper, essay, report or article, you learn information about a subject, then set forth a point of view and support it with evidence from authorities known as sources. All of your sources must be declared via citations, using the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and relevant websites for citing sources from the Internet, within the research paper.
Unsuitable topics: A research paper topic would be a poor choice if it were...
· Too broad: Should you try to cover the entire subject of Supply Management, the evolution of Purchasing or the Uniform Commercial Code in one research paper? No. You should narrow the scope of your topic to include only a portion of a broad subject.
How to Write a Paper
第一印象:吸引读者 Need to be accurate and informative for effective indexing and searching
读者的期望:在最短时间内找到最重要的信息。 典型的情况: 1.标题吸引人读者才会感兴趣 2.摘要要包含重要的新方法或新结果,读者才会读这篇文章。 3.对于读的论文,读者也会直接去找自己最感兴趣的东西。 明晰的文章结构可以帮助读者很快找到所需的信息。 文章的结构很关键,结构问题很常见! 想要读者不费力,必须自己先费力! 审稿人的期望:文章必须写得理由充分。没理由要找理由,有理由要强调! 文章在发表前必须经过审稿人的评审。 审稿人一般是相关领域的专家甚至是竞争者。 审稿是无偿的,无偿审稿使审稿人只审批感兴趣的论文。 审稿人的眼光挑剔,会尽力找文章中的毛病,甚至试图阻止文章发表。 在被别人挑剔之前,自己必须先鸡蛋里挑骨头,预先回答审稿人的可能质疑。
Publish or Perish
Publish or Perish
发表或灭亡! 不发表文章就走人! 不发表文章就毕不了业! 研究工作不发表就没有意义!
What is a Scientific Paper?
A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader. Papers are a central part of research. If your research does not generate papers, it might just as well not have been done. “Interesting and unpublished” is equivalent to “non-existent”. Well-written papers are read, remembered, cited. Poorly written papers are not. 科技论文是集假说、数据和结论为一体的概括性描述,以此向 读者论述。 论文是研究工作的中心部分。 研究目的不是简单的收集数据。 研究工作没有写成论文就等同于没有做研究。 研究工作有意义但没有发表就等同于没意义。 好的论文可读,能被记住,被引用,反之亦然。
How to write and publish
reference see:
to write and publish a scientific paper by Robert Day
Much of this presentation is inspired by this reference, with additional personal observations and opinions. I recommend getting a copy of this book and using it every time you start to write a paper. You can refer to the relevant chapters as you write each section of the paper. I buy this book ten at a time and hand it out to my students and postdocs.
the experimental design in sufficient detail that another person can replicate your experiment
is the cornerstone of Scientific Method – your work MUST be reproducible should be no secrets in your work
can be combined with the discussion, but always be sure that you, the writer, understand the difference.
How to Write and Publish a Scientic Paper, 5th edn
BOOK REVIEWHow to Write and Publish a Scienti®c Paper,5th edn.Ed:RA Day.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1998.£12.95,275pages.ISBN0-521-65879-9As he reminds us throughout,the author of this book should know what he's writing about,as he has been in the business a long time;Dr Day was,among other things,on the Publications Board of the American Society for Microbiology for some19years.A trans-atlantic approach®rst becomes evident on the second page of the Preface,with a reference to`graduate students',but apart from some differences in spelling and a few words or constructions which sound awkward to the English ear(`transmittal'for`transmission'),this is not a drawback.What is more irritating is a prevailing sense of smugness:when reading the Preface I assumed the author was tongue-in-cheek while writing`For those of you who share my tremendous admiration for How to Write and Publish a Scienti®c Paper,let me tell you a bit about its history',but by the time I'd®nished the whole book,I was not so sure.The author declares his intention `to make the reader laugh'and has weighed things down with what I suspect he would call a`leavening'of humour;he may be a good raconteur in the¯esh,but writing jokes down,one soon realizes,is a quite different talent,as my®rst quotation suggests.After the front matter,the text consists of no less than35 chapters,the longest±not surprisingly,perhaps,from an editor±`Use and misuse of English'and`The review process(how to deal with editors)',extending to15and13 pages;many occupy only three or four.To summarize the contents following the author's own analysis,the®rst three chapters deal with the development and de®nition of the scienti®c paper of today.The next nine take the format(Introduction,Methods,Results and Discussion) apart and deal with each ter chapters cover the more technical elements,including electronic publishing in Chapters20±23,and the preparation of reviews,theses, oral presentations and posters.Finally,the linguistic aspects of writing papers are considered,and seven appendices cover abbreviations,common errors,etc. The book contains useful advice,and for this can be recommended to beginners in the®eld.Dr Day points out, for example,that conference literature does not usually qualify as`primary literature',the corollary of which is that it is not eligible for citation in reputable scienti®c journals.Chapter13,`How to design effective tables',is itself particularly effective.There are also nuggets for the more experienced.I had always assumed,for example, that the form of names used almost without variation in American journals`Robert S.Jones'was another instance of that linguistic pomposity against which he quite correctly rails,but Dr Day informs us that it is required for indexing purposes(although apparently only in America?).He makes the very important point(virtually always ignored by researchers who have massaged data again and again until something reaches that P-value of 0.05),that`statistical analyses are often necessary,but you should feature and discuss the data,not the statistics'(p.39);ignoring that rule means that similar but not identical work cannot be compared.As a journal editor myself, another observation to which I warmed was`...keep abbreviations to a minimum.The editor will look more kindly on your paper,and the readers of your paper will bless you forever'(p.222).I would take the author to task on a couple of points.He says(p.35)that the results and conclusions should be given at the end of the Introduction±as well as in the Abstract and in the other appropriate places.Personally,I ®nd nothing more irritating than a brief article with a structured abstract±which is almost always in itself repetitive±and the main results and conclusions stated over and over again.No one reads the Introduction,I would suggest,who has not already seen the Abstract.The chapter on`Ethics,rights,and permissions'1read with interested anticipation,as this is a`hot topic'in scienti®c publishing today,but found to my dismay that it deals only with the ethics of publishing,not with the ethics of the work that is carried out and submitted.This is only one of a number of points at which I wished Dr Day had gone into his subject in more depth.He gives little advice on,for example,interpreting results once they've been obtained, or structuring a discussion which deals with several overlapping areas.While somebody carrying out formal research with senior academics might get this sort of guidance from them,a junior doctor in a smallish general hospital who bought this book hoping that a borderline paper might be pushed up a few notches could feel somewhat let down.#Blackwell Science Ltd Cephalalgia,2000,20,141±142141There are several competing publications,a number listed in the bibliography,not necessarily covering quite the same range of topics.I confess to not having read them all,which prevents my offering a comparative evaluation. However,the person starting out on a scienti®c or medical career could do a lot worse than to purchase this book,and their seniors might well bene®t from browsing through it once they've done so.I Moseley142Book review#Blackwell Science Ltd Cephalalgia,2000,20,141±142。
How to write paper
the components of the research generally.
Part 2 Writing the paper
Purpose: Summarize your contributions
Style . What is the problem . What is your work . Features of your work . Advantages of your work . Results Do not write an abstract. That can be done when the paper is complete.
Part 2 Writing the paper
Support (theoretical and experimental)
Purpose: Introduce your work
Theoretical analysis The methods must be described in such a way that another researcher can repeat exactly what is done. . Use references to describe standard or published methods. . Note any deviations that you have introduced in this work.
Part 2 Writing the paper
The title of the paper is the last thing you write. This is because the paper will change as you write it. It’s easier to finalize the title last. Use a working title or original title which can describe
HOW TO WRITE A REPOR怎么写报告(新编研究生学术综合英语学生用书第三单元section c)
HOW TO WRITE A REPOR选择你的主题Selecting your Topic1理解任务。
Understand the assignment. If your teacher, professor, or boss gave your guidelines for your report, make sure you read them (and reread them). What is the assignment asking of you? Are you supposed to inform your audience about a topic? Generally if you are writing a report for an elementary, middle or high school class, you will be asked to present a topic without inserting your opinion. Other assignments might ask you to persuade your audience about a certain way of perceiving your topic, or analyze a topic. Ask your teacher about any questions you might have as soon as possible.[1]•Keep in mind that if your purpose is only to inform your audience, you should not put your own opinion into your report or add any persuasiveelements.2选择你爱的好话题。
How to write and publish a scientific paper[1]
To make a paper readable: • Print or type using a 12 point standard font (Times, Geneva, Bookman, Helvetica, etc.) • Text should be double spaced with 1 inch margins, single sided • Number pages consecutively (preferably also lines...easier for reviewer) • Start each new section on a new page • Adhere to recommended page limits Mistakes to avoid: • Placing a heading at the bottom of a page with the following text on the next page (insert a page break) • Dividing a table or figure – confine each one to a single page • Submitting a paper with pages out of order
Consider: • Appropriateness for your message • Type and length of articles published • Impact factor (Thomson Scientific, Journal Citation Reports: /) • Likelyhood of publication • Journal circulation
怎样写好英文论文(How to write a research paper)
Manuscript Form
Center the title on the page about an inch and a half from the top or on the first ruled line. Leave the next line blank and begin the first paragraph on the third line. In this way the title will stand off from the text.
Manuscript Form
2. Indention: Indent the first lines of paragraphs uniformly, about an inch in handwritten copy and five spaces in typewritten copy.
Manuscript Form
How to Write a Research Paper
Introduction Procedure Discussion
general →specific
specific →general
Manuscript Form
Margins Indented Form Full Block Style Title
Samples of References
Newspaper or weekly magazine Matt Clark, Sharon Begley, and Mary Hager, “The Miracles of Spiced Genes,” Newsweek, 17 March 2003, p.69. Julie W. Munro, “A New Elitism in China?” Chronicle of Higher Education, 28 Nov. 1977, p.3.
How to Write and Publish Scientific Papers
How to Write and Publish Scientific PapersVol. 93(3): 000-000Author: Robert A DayPublisher: Organización Panamericana de la Salud, 2nd edition in Spanish, 525 Twenty-Third Street, N.W., Washington DC 20037, USA. US$ 18.00Every researcher has - or needs to have - a bit of the writer in him/her, since the purpose of scientific research is the publication of results. This view may worry mainly researchers who are starting their scientific career and feel they lack the skill to write, which may be seen as a consequence of their not having received an adequate training in the art of writing. Indeed, is not an easy task to put on paper our hypotheses, results, and above all, discuss them, since this requires time and training; let us not forget that, in our profession, we are assessed on our ability to convey our ideas and impart information. Thus, it is not surprising that several authors have dedicated themselves to the production of works that deal with scientific writing. Perhaps the earliest example of a book teaching how to write and publish scientific papers is found in Fishbein and Sunyer's work, published in English in 1948 and translated into Spanish in 1954, by Prensa Médica Mexicana, under the title Normas de Literatura Médica. Later on, many other books were published in different languages, including Portuguese. The most important example in Brazil is provided by the book Como Publicar Trabalhos Científicos, published by Dr Luis Rey in 1972, being re-published in1992, well extended, under the title Planejar e Redigir Trabalhos Científicos. It is an obligatory reference book and currently one the most consulted on this issue in Brazil. More recently, Organización Panamericana de la Salud has taken the initiative to translate into Spanish How to Write and Publish Scientific Papers, by Dr Robert A Day (1996).This book, in 30 chapters, five appendices and one glossary, instructs in a didactic and very clear style the guidelines authors should follow, in order to improve the quality of their scientific papers, theses and article reviews, among other topics.In the first chapter, Dr Day emphasizes that scientists ought to be learned and well-read, but he also points out that a scientific text is not a literary work and therefore, the language should not be overtly complex. Scientists should avoid the use of metaphors or anything that may alter the style and context of the paper. The author discusses the origins of the scientific terminology as we know it today, which is focused on Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion. In subsequent chapters, he presents, in a clear and objective way, all the necessary steps authors must take in order to make their paper worthy of publication. He also gives instruction on how to write the title and stresses that since this title may be read by thousands of people, scientists are advised to be cautious regarding its elaboration. He explains that a good title shall be brief, with carefully selected words, so as to describe appropriately the content of the paper. He draws attention to the importance of the syntax, since he believes that most grammatical errors are caused by flaws in word order. He warns against the improper use of titles in series aswell as abbreviations and slang, practices that must be avoided at all costs.In chapter five, he shows how to cite authors with their respective addresses in the text. My view is that in this chapter, the author could have been more objective, since six pages of his book are given over to discussing the position of each author in a scientific publication. However, as he himself argues, this is a delicate subject, devoid of a conventional set of rules, which in turn may lead to controversy and may raise ethical issues.In the following chapters, Dr Day describes in detail how to prepare the Summary, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. In his own view, it is wise to begin writing the article hand-in-hand with the research in progress, since this approach facilitates the task of writing. The summary should be an abridged version of the article; it should be written in the past tense and should contain no information or conclusion beyond those found in the article. References only rarely might be included in a Summary.Regarding the Introduction, he provides some practical rules including: (1) to expose the nature of the problem with insight, in order to catch the reader's attention; (2) to check carefully the relevant bibliography, with the purpose of guiding the reader; (3) to select the method, in such a way that the reader understands what the problem was and how it was solved; (4) to mention the principal results of the survey; (5) to define the principal conclusions suggested by the results. In his opinion, the reader must not be kept in suspense as regards the obtained results.In the chapter dealing with Materials and Methods, he explains that "this section has a critical importance because the cornerstone of the scientific method requires that the results be reproducible". According to him, a good referee should pay special attention to this section of the text; in case of doubt regarding the possibility of reproducing the experiments, he/she should reject the paper, even if the results and conclusions are outstanding.In the chapter on Results, he advises that the text be short and objective without verbosity. The data need to be presented simply and clearly, since they represent new knowledge emerging in the world. He warns against the tendency to repeat in words results already exposed in figures and/or in tables, a recurrent error, mainly in young researchers.Regarding the Discussion, once again he stresses the importance of avoiding redundancy and makes clear that in this section of the paper results are to be explained and commented upon, but never summed up. He asserts that scientists must be level-headed, but not shy, exposing with lucidity and courage the theoretical consequences and the possible practical applications of their researches.Even apparently simpler issues, such as the section of acknowledgments, have not escaped attention in his book. He also shows how to cite references and how to devise tables and useful illustrations. He provides instruction on how to write a thesis, how to prepare a lecture, how to elaborate a congress poster and how to produce a book report. He demonstrates how to proof-read scientific papers and how to deal with the editorial board of the journal where the manuscript was sent. He advises the issues of ethics and the rights of the author and discusses the care that is required to ensurethe originality of the paper, in order to avoid accusations of plagiarism or of any violation of intellectual property.Dr Robert A Day's book is, consequently, an important reference book for researchers, whether beginners or not, post-graduate students and referees of scientific reviews. It is written in clear, simple and humorous language. In my view this is what makes the reading of the book lighter and more pleasant than most texts on this subject, although it may be considered irrelevant by orthodox readers.The initiative by Oficina Panamericana de la Salud to translate the book into Spanish was commendable, extending its availability among biological and biomedical researchers, thus adding one more useful textbook on the art of writing scientific papers.Marli Maria LimaLaboratório de Biologia eControle de Insetos Vetores,Departamento de Biologia,Instituto Oswaldo Cruz,Av. Brasil 4365, 21045-900Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil。
how to write a paper
Logical order of a scientific paper
What was the problem? Your answer is the introduction. How did you study thje problem? Your answer is the materials and methods. What did you find? Your answer is the results. What do this findings mean? Your answer is the discussion.
How to list the authors
• It is easy to list the author. • The authors should be listed in order of importance to the experiment.
How to write the introduction
Good and bad titles
• Studies on Brucella (too short) • On the addition to the method of microscopic research by a new way of producing colour-contrast between an object and its backgroud or between definite parts of the object itself.(too long) • Action of antibiotics on bacteria.
Do you like fish? Do you like fishing? I will give a fish or fishing
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Follows international standards if possible(国际标准) If the procedure has been described in another paper, just cite the paper instead(引用已发表的论 文) Past tense, passive sentences, and third person(过 去式、被动语气、第三人称)
Why publish research papers
To make you work known to the scientific community(让你出名) To communicate with the top researchers in your area (结识名人) Publish or perish(发表或灭亡)
What to know before writing
What type of paper(确定论文类型)
Review, letter, or full research paper Uniqueness (新颖性或创新性) The literature(已有的文献) The results(你自己的结果)
Major issues
Compare your results with others’(比较) Tables and illustrations(图和表)
Format according to the sample paper(标准格
式) Be consistent: format, scale, and titles(一致性) Not too complicated or too much information in one table or graph(不要太复杂) Best quality possible(高质量)
If you have a good explanation, great Otherwise, you may say this should be further investigated(可以进一步研究) Do not stretch(不要牵强附会)
Results and discussion
Major components
Why do you want to do the research(为什么) The major findings(主要发现) Be concise(简洁) Report specific findings using numbers whenever possible (详细数据) Can use present tense.(可用一般现在时)
The sequence of writing(步骤)
Experimental Introduction Results and discussion Conclusions Acknowledgement References Abstract
Existing literature
Results and discussion
Present and discuss the results sequentially according to the experimental procedure(依 次讨论) Try to explain everything but not necessarily completely(可以尝试讨论所有现象,但不要 勉强)
To help your students or your advisor(互助) To raise the rank of the university (提升名气) To raise your income(提高收入)
Types of publications
Types of journals:
What for? (目的)
A reader who is
Deciding whether to read the full paper(要不要读你的文章) Unable to read the full paper(读不到全文的人可以了解)
no access no time Do not understand the language (if it is not in English)
Steps of publishing a paper
Write first draft(写一个初稿) Send the manuscript to a journal(送去杂志发表) Receive the referee’s comments(收到审稿意见) Revise and send it back to the journal(修改后再送) More but small revisions needed(更多小修改) Send the final version(寄出最后版本) Proof read the galley proof (审阅小样) Publish(发表)
Cite most important papers(引用最重要的文章) Cite most recent papers(引用最重要的文章) Cite yourself?(引用你自己的文章) Determines the angle of your paper(角度)
Important points (要点)
Provide specific information(信息)
material suppliers’ names and address(材料信息) Instrument make and model(设备信息)
Allow someone else to duplicate your experiments
The research work(对要发表的工作有深刻了解)
The format of the journal: get a sample paper(格式) What are the expectations of the readers(读者需要 什么) Potential referees(潜在的审稿人)
Refereed (有审稿过程的) Non-refereed and semi-refereed(不审稿或 半审稿的)
Types of papers:
Full research papers (正式论文) Short communications or letters(通信) Review papers(综述)
Objectives(目标) Approaches (技术路线)
Theoretical basis (理论)
Major issues(主要问题)
Use nomenclature or define every term (用一个符号表) Number all equations(标记公式) Cite basic theories (基本理论可以引用)
Major issues
Modeling and Experimental Verification of Dielectric Constants for Three-Dimensional Woven Composites • In order to determine the dielectric constants of 3D orthogonal woven single fiber type (SFT) and hybrid composites from their component dielectric properties, a theoretical model is proposed based on the rule of binary mixtures. The model shows that with the same fiber volume fraction, a component with a larger cross-sectional area perpendicular to the electric field has a greater contribution to the composite dielectric constant. For experimental verification, SFT basalt/epoxy and aramid (Kevlar 129)/epoxy as well as interply and intraply basalt/aramid/epoxy 3D orthogonal woven hybrid composites were fabricated and their dielectric properties were measured using the waveguide method at a frequency range of 8-12GHz. At 10GHz, the experimental results agreed well with the calculated results from the model for the SFT composites, while a positive hybrid effect on the dielectric constant was observed for the two hybrid composites.
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