11 Inference
决策层特征融合 decisionlevelidentityfusion
Decision-level fusion
Seeks to process identity declarations from multiple sensors to achieve a joint declaration of identity.
决策层特征融合 decisionlevelidentityfunce
Main technique – hypothesis testing
Define two hypothesis 1. A null hypothesis, H0 (原假设) 2. An alternative hypothesis,H1 (备择假设)
决策层特征融合 decisionlevelidentityfusion
Classical inference
Main technique – hypothesis testing
Two assumptions are required
决策层特征融合 decisionlevelidentityfusion
Decision-Level Fusion Techniques
Classical inference Bayesian inference Dempster-Shafer’s method Generalized evidence processing theory Heuristic methods
n trials, occurrence of k times
gginference 0.1.3 软件包说明说明书
Package‘gginference’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Visualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using'ggplot2'Version0.1.3Date2020-10-25Description Visualise the results of F test to compare two variances,Student's t-test,test of equal or given proportions,Pearson's chi-squared test for count data and test for association/correlation between paired samples. Maintainer Kleanthis Koupidis<************************>URL https:///okgreece/gginferenceBugReports https:///okgreece/gginference/issuesDepends R(>=3.5.0)License GPL-2|file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8LazyData trueImports ggplot2,rlang,stats,utilsRoxygenNote7.1.1Suggests knitr,MASS,rmarkdownNeedsCompilation noAuthor Charalampos Bratsas[aut],Anastasia Foudouli[aut],Kleanthis Koupidis[aut,cre]Repository CRANDate/Publication2020-10-3123:20:02UTCR topics documented:accidentsData (2)BirthDeath (3)BirthDeath2000 (3)12accidentsData births (4)DieselbioRon95 (4)FuelConsumption (5)ggaov (5)ggchisqtest (6)ggcortest (7)ggproptest (8)ggttest (9)ggvartest (9)LaptopRates (10)LivLab (11)MilkConsumption (11)m_anova (12)profits_df (12)questionnaire (13)randexperiment (13)Salary_Gender (14)Index15 accidentsData Car accident dataDescriptionA data frame showing the use of seat belt and the driver status after a car accident in Greece.UsageaccidentsDataFormatA data frame with383observations of2columns:record factor representing the driver statusseatBelt factor indicating whether the driver wore a seatbeltSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical AuthorityBirthDeath3 BirthDeath Number of births and death in GreeceDescriptionA data frame containing the number of births and deaths along with their rates from1932to2016.UsageBirthDeathFormatA data frame with71observations of5columns:Year years1932-2016Deaths number of deathsDeathsRate number of deaths per1000citizenBirths number of birthsBirthRate number of births per1000citizenSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical AuthorityBirthDeath2000Birth and Deaths before and after2000DescriptionA data frame containing samples with the number of births and deaths before and after2000.UsageBirthDeath2000FormatA data frame with30observations of3columns:deaths number of deathsbirths number of birthstype factor indicating if the number of births and deaths correspond before2000or after2000 SourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical Authority4DieselbioRon95 births Births in Greece,1976-1989DescriptionA data frame giving the number of births per1000people in Greece from1976to1989.UsagebirthsFormatA data frame with14observations of2columns:year years from1976to1989rate number of births per1000peopleSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical AuthorityDieselbioRon95Bio diesel and RON95consumptionDescriptionA data frame including a sample of bio diesel and RON95consumption in Greece.UsageDieselbioRon95FormatA data frame with24observations of5columns:region factor of Greek regionsDieselBio_consumption2006metric tons of bio-diesel consumption in2006DieselBio_consumption2016metric tons of bio-diesel consumption in2016RON95_consumption2006metric tons of ron95consumption in2006RON95_consumption2016metric tons of ron95consumption in2016SourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical AuthorityFuelConsumption5 FuelConsumption FuelConsumptionDescriptionA data frame containing the fuel consumption in Greece.UsageFuelConsumptionFormatA data frame with50observations of8columns:Geographic.area factor with geographic area of GreeceRegions factor with regions of GreeceRunits factor with regional units of GreeceRON95metric tons of ron95consumptionRON98_100metric tons of ron98consumptionDieselBio metric tons of bio diesel consumptionLPG metric tons of liquefied petroleum gas consumptionDieselC metric tons of heating oil consumptionSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical Authorityggaov Anova F test plotDescriptionVisualise anova F-test to determine whether group means are equalUsageggaov(t,alpha=0.05,colaccept="lightsteelblue1",colreject="grey84",colstat="navyblue")6ggchisqtest Argumentst an object of class aovalpha alpha level forfinding critical F valuecolaccept color for the acceptance region of the testcolreject color for the area of rejection of the testcolstat color of the statistic of the test lineExamples#21-th daychick21<-ChickWeight[ChickWeight$Time==21,]chickaov<-aov(weight~Diet,data=chick21)summary(chickaov)ggaov(chickaov,colaccept="grey89",colreject="black")ggchisqtest Plot for Pearson’s Chi-squared Test for Count DataDescriptionVisualise chi-squared contingency table tests and goodness-of-fit tests.Usageggchisqtest(t,colaccept="lightsteelblue1",colreject="gray84",colstat="navyblue",alpha=0.05)Argumentst a list result of chisq.test of"htest"classcolaccept color the acceptance area of the testcolreject color for the rejection area of the testcolstat color for the test statistic vlinealpha default set to0.05,choose confidence level for the plot as it is not stated in chisqtestggcortest7 Examples##Chi-squared test for given probabilitiesx<-c(A=20,B=15,C=25)chisq_test<-chisq.test(x)chisq_testggchisqtest(chisq_test)x<-c(10,86,45,38,10)p<-c(0.10,0.40,0.20,0.20,0.10)chisq_test2<-chisq.test(x,p=p)chisq_test2ggchisqtest(chisq_test2)##Pearson s Chi-squared testlibrary(MASS)sex_smoke<-table(survey$Sex,survey$Smoke)chisq_test3<-chisq.test(sex_smoke)chisq_test3ggchisqtest(chisq_test3)ggcortest Plot test for association between paired samplesDescriptionVisualise test for association between paired samples,using Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.Usageggcortest(t,colaccept="lightskyblue1",colreject="grey94",colstat="navy") Argumentst a list result of cor.test of"htest"classcolaccept color the acceptance area of the testcolreject color for the rejection area of the testcolstat color for the test statistic vline8ggproptest Examplescorr_test<-cor.test(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width)corr_testggcortest(corr_test)ggproptest Plot test of Equal or Given ProportionsDescriptionVisualise prop.test for testing the null that the proportions(probabilities of success)in several groups are the same,or that they equal certain given values.Usageggproptest(t,alpha=0.05,colaccept="lightsteelblue1",colreject="gray84",colstat="navyblue")Argumentst a list result of prop.test of"htest"classalpha alpha level for ploting distribution,when prop.test is used on more than2sam-plescolaccept color the acceptance area of the testcolreject color for the rejection area of the testcolstat color for the test statistic vlineExamplesx<-c(5,8,12)y<-c(8,9,13)pr_test<-prop.test(x,y)pr_testggproptest(pr_test)ggttest9 ggttest Student’s t-test plotDescriptionVisualise one and/or two sample t-tests on vectors of data.Usageggttest(t,colaccept="lightsteelblue1",colreject="grey84",colstat="navyblue")Argumentst a list result of t.test of"htest"classcolaccept color the acceptance area of the testcolreject color for the rejection area of the testcolstat color for the test statistic vlineExamplest_test<-t.test(sleep$extra~sleep$group)t_testggttest(t_test)t_test2<-t.test(x=1:10,y=c(7:20))t_test2ggttest(t_test2)ggvartest F test plotDescriptionVisualise F test to compare two variancesUsageggvartest(t,colaccept="lightsteelblue1",colreject="gray84",colstat="navyblue")10LaptopRates Argumentst a list result of var.test of"htest"classcolaccept color the acceptance area of the test,see colorscolreject color for the rejection area of the testcolstat color for the test statistic vlineExamplesx<-rnorm(50,mean=0,sd=2)y<-rnorm(30,mean=1,sd=1)var_test<-var.test(x,y)var_testggvartest(var_test)LaptopRates LaptopRatesDescriptionA data frame that contains sample ratings of18laptops,by three experts.UsageLaptopRatesFormatA data frame with54observations of3columns:laptop laptop id,1-18expert a character of expert1,expert2,expert3valuesrating ratings-5likert scale,5indicates a very good rateLivLab11 LivLab LivLabDescriptionA data frame containing a sample with the results of neuropsychological assessment before andafter serious game intervention in the living lab,Thess-AHALL(Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Aging Living Lab)of Medical Physics Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. UsageLivLabFormatA data frame with10observations of2columns:before score in a neuropsychological test before serious game interventionafter score in a neuropsychological test after serious game interventionSource</>MilkConsumption Milk consumptionDescriptionA data frame containing a sample of the number of cow,sheep and goat milk bottles sold.UsageMilkConsumptionFormatA data frame with13observations of3columns:k number of cow milk bottlesk number of sheep milk bottlesk number of goat milk bottlesSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical Authority12profits_df m_anova m_anovaDescriptionA data frame with the volume of new stores by category for urban,suburban and rural areas.Usagem_anovaFormatA data frame with54observations of4columns:Categories integer representing three categoriesUrbanAreas coding for urban,suburban and rural areasMonth integer representing three monthsVolume volume in cubic metersSourceThe original data are available at Hellenic Statistical Authorityprofits_df ProfitsDescriptionA data frame with the profits of some companies for5months,constructed for teaching purposes.Usageprofits_dfFormatA data frame with26companies(rows)of5months(columns).questionnaire13 questionnaire Questionnaire AnswersDescriptionA data frame containing a sample with the answers of students.UsagequestionnaireFormatA data frame with50observations of8columns:gender A factor with the student genderwriting.hand A factor with the writing hand of the students(left,right)fold.arm A factor with the top hand when the students fold their armspulse Integer with the pulse rate of students(beats per minute)exercise A factor with the frequency the students exercises(none,some,frequently)smoke A factor with the frequency the students smokes(heavy,regularly,occasionally,never) height Integer with the height of the students(in centimeters)age Integer with the age of the studentsrandexperiment Random experiment resultsDescriptionA data frame with128sample results of a repeated experiment.Success is noted with1and failurewith0.UsagerandexperimentFormatA data frame with128observations of1column.14Salary_Gender Salary_Gender Female and male salariesDescriptionA sample data frame with female and male salaries of a company.UsageSalary_GenderFormatA data frame with100observations of2columns:Male_sal male salariesFemale_sal female salariesIndexaccidentsData,2BirthDeath,3BirthDeath2000,3births,4chisq.test,6colors,10cor.test,7DieselbioRon95,4FuelConsumption,5ggaov,5ggchisqtest,6ggcortest,7ggproptest,8ggttest,9ggvartest,9LaptopRates,10LivLab,11m_anova,12MilkConsumption,11profits_df,12prop.test,8questionnaire,13randexperiment,13Salary_Gender,14t.test,9var.test,1015。
Context & InferenceJohn I. SaeedChapter 71. So far we have looked at primarily semantic issues or issues at the intersection of semantics and pragmatics: presupposition and aspect.Saeed claims that utterances are situated not abstract.i. Utterances have a context and ahearer needs to know context in orderto compute what is being said.What is the utterance composed of?ii. Structure of the language that is being used.iii. Discourseiv. Background information2. Why do context and inference go together?● You clearly need context to make successful communication and inferences.● All context is limited but we can still make inferences given limited context by using a series of guesses; this is consistent with Gric e‟s theories.“There’s a man lying in the street, the ambulance is on its way”What is the man‟s condition?Inference = in need of medical attention● It seems we continuously make inferences, right or wrong, with little context.● Inferences are contextually bound but there are cross-linguistic rules of how inferences can be made.3. How is it that Hearers understand what is actually said to them?● the language used● discourse● background information4. Calculations of Retrievability (Saeed)retrievability = hearer calculation→salient contextRetrievability is an interactional principle betweencontext and utterance: context is relevant to theutterance and can be referred to through theutterance.Pragmatic principle – hearer can identify the salientinformation within the context, and so can understandthe utterance.5. What is background knowledge?● common sense - don‟t‟ walk on ice● encyclopedic - learnt knowledge● socio-cultural- community knowledgei. common ground – Stalnaker (1974)ii. communal/personal - Clark (1994)●“real world” - scientific, expert, professional6. AmbiguityHow do listeners detect and resolve ambiguity?(Kess and Hoppe, 1985)John chased the dog with the stick.John chased the dog with the broom.John chased the dog with the white tail.John chased the dog with wound.Ambiguity fails on all but first because of our common background knowledge of dogs and people.7. Mutual KnowledgeSaeed vs. GreenBackground knowledge which involves the speaker making guesses about listener knowledge is not the same as mutual knowledge.Reflexivity of belief and intention (Green 1996). Speaker and listener can interpret intentions through regressive judgments as to mutual knowledge. (See next slide.) This view almost implies the Conduit Metaphor. If every body KNOWS what everyone else knows, communication would be effortless, or to put it another way, all context would be given.So Saeed concludes that background knowledge is not the same as mutual knowledge – it involves quick and efficient calculation of the context.8.Mutual Knowledge Philosophical Definition(Gibbs, 1987)● (S = speaker, A = addressee)S and A mutually know a proposition P iff:S knows that PA knows that PS knows that A knows that PA knows that S knows that A knows that P…Pragmatic problems: May involve infinite chain of calculations, supposes mutual awareness…9. Discourse & Information Structure●Speakers are continuously …marking‟ the structure of their ut terances.(marking is packaging of information structure thus it is grammatical)● Discourse structure makes use of the fact that speakers routinely make guesses about the knowledge accessible to their listeners and discourse development occurs.● Hearers routinely make calculations.10. Discourse Structure● Discourse structure helps us to disambiguate a whole set of expressions.● These include deictic expressions, shorthands, metonymy, synecdoche● These are clearly discourse bound.11. DeixisSaeed says:• indexical expressions are bounded by context• grammar has ways of encoding context• deictic expression is very content and language dependant12. Yup’ik (Eskimo-Aleut; Alaska)Extended Resricted Obscuredman‟a una …this (near SP)tamana tauna …that (near ADR)imna …the aforementionedone‟ukna …the one approachingthe speaker‟agna ikna akemna …the one across there‟qagna keggna qakemna …the one outside‟un‟a kan‟a camma …the one below, towardsriver‟Unegna ugna cakemna …the one downriver bythe exit‟Pagna pikna pakemna …the one up above‟13. Packaging:shorthands, metonymy and synecdocheSpecific ways speakers reference information. (Discourse tools they use).1.Shorthands“It‟s a struggle keeping the barnacles from off the crops.”2. Metonymy“I‟m looking for the new Wolfe”3. Synecdoche“It‟s good to see some new faces in here”These are examples of the routine calculations involved inmaking references, they are not special use of language.14. Information Structure:Intonation, Topic & FocusEnglish-intonationstress→prominence→new info→focusSomali-focus wordsAmina baa wargeyskii keentay.Amina FOCUS newspaper broughtJapanese- topic particleKuzira wa honyuu-doobutu desu.whale TOPIC mammal is15. Organization and Information Structure● Basic organization of sentence is related to the speakers decisions about information structure.● Information Structure is crucial to overall comprehension.16. Comprehension & Information Structurealtered markers = incoherent textThe sun‟s shining, it‟s a perfect day. Here come the astronauts. They‟re just passing the Great Hall; perhaps the President will come out to greet them. No, it‟s the admiral who‟s taking the ceremony………..It‟s the sun that‟s shining, the day that‟s perfect. The astronauts come here. Th e Great Hall they‟re just passing; he‟ll come out to greet them the president. No, it‟s the ceremony that the admiral‟s taking…….17. Givenness Hierarchy for English Nominals (Gundel et al)in focus > activated > familiar > uniquely > referential > typeidentifiable identifiableit > that > that N > the N > indefinite > a Nthis this Nthis N18. Sketch of Givenness hierarchy• Givenness = familiarity or not (to the hearer) of information within the discourse.• The grammatical form of nominal reflects its function (e.g. introduction vs. development vs. referral) in the discourse structure.“I‟m going to a party.” a = type identifiable“It starts at 9:00 pm” it = in focusThis seems to govern usage of pronouns and anaphors inEnglish.However……..there may be exceptions.“?? WOW! That was a par ty.”19.Grice’s Rules of Inference● Co-operative principle –a tacit agreementbetween speaker and listener to cooperate during communication.● Speaker wants to convey meaning even when there is conflict.● Are these principles ethical?● Saeed says“Grice‟s observations are focused at a different, more micro (restricted) level: if I am in conflict with you, I will still want to communicate my intentions to you, and assume that you will work out the implications of my utterance”.● Principle of rationality – speaker would like contribute a context for the listener to interpret that satisfies certain conditions for inference. Knowing the listener will make inference leaps.● context is provided→ meaningful inference made→ GUESSWORK20. Gricean MaximsThe Maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, i.e.1. Do not say what you believe is false.2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.The Maxim of Quantity1. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the currant purposes of the exchange)2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.The Maxim of Relevance (relation)Make you contributions relevant.The Maxim of MannerBe perspicuous, and specifically:1. Avoid ambiguity.2. Avoid obscurity.3. Be brief.4. Be orderly21. Maxims● Relevancea: Can I borrow $5?b: My purse is in the hall.(Implicature: Yes)● Quantitya: Did you drink all the bottles of beer in the fridge?b: I drank some.(Implicature: B did not drink them all)Does implicature survive linguistic relativity?22. Maxims are Assumptions – Not Rules (and can be broken)● Violating – when speaker secretly breaks them e.g. lying.● Flouting – when speaker overtly breaks them for some linguistic effect.“The thr ee of us were occupied in puttingglasses of stout into the interior of our bodiesand expressing by fine disputation theresulting sense of physical and mental wellbeing”. (Flann O‟Brien from At-Swim-Two-Birds.)23. Literal Language Theory and Flouting● Does the occurrence of flouting commit us to a literal language theory?● For Lakoff this would not be an issue – flouting is a common occurrence and actually it‟s not really flouting it‟s using figurative speech.“He lit up the stage with his talent.”● Grice – search for meaning and conclude that it is a metaphor.● Lakoff –metaphor was always there.24. Extensions on Grice● Q-principle R- principle (Horn 1984,1989,1996)Optimal amount of things to say so that relevance and quality are simultaneously satisfied.Q - principle scalesa. <all, some>b. <be certain that, think that>c. <succeed in, try to>“Did you drink all the beer in the fridge?”“I drank 3 of them”25. Relevance Theory (Sperber and Wilson 1995)● Principle of Relevance - Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own relevance.● Psychologically realistic? - Whilst the President might do this in his State of the Union Address, in every day conversation it does not seem very likely. There are other principles to consider: conversation, clarity, social constraints, given vs. new●If speaker followed this pattern we might get back to Conduit Metaphor.● You would portray exactly what your thoughts are and include only relevant information.Communication Is Guesswork。
作者情感判断词汇1.assess,estimate, appraise, assess, evaluate对客体的重要性形成定论,评估,估算,评价【辨析】estimate暗示评价的主观性和不精确appraise 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisalassess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而做出的权威估价evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值2. assume suppose假定, 设想,担任; 承担; 接受suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证据做出的见解,assume用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。
3. consistent, persistent【辨析】consistent 表明持之以恒,表明一种好的意志品质Persistent 也有坚持的含义,但有时表明顽固不化。
create,compose, invent, design, produce, manufacture创造, 创作, 引起, 造成【辨析】create指“创造出原来不存在或与众不同的事物”,compose 指“创作(诗、画、音乐或文章等)”com是在一起,manufacture 强调大规模制造5.evident, apparently.明显, 显著, 明白, 迹象Evident指明显的有根据,所以表达作者的赞成Apparently指看起来的明显,但事实并非如此,经常是假象。
6.factors element, ingredient,因素,要素,因数factor具有数学及解析意味,是一个整体的成分;element强调这一部分是基础性的,不可或缺的,如元素;ingredient只是表明构成一种混合物的成分。
7.Financial, fiscal, monetary财政的金融的fiscal, monetaryfinancial 常表示大额交易。
Fiscal 指战略及战术的区别,宏观及微观的区别。
OB2203_Demo Board Manual_(120W)
120W AdaptorDemo Board Manual(OB2203 + OB6563)Key FeaturesPFC is shut down when system goes to standbyStandby power less than 0.29W under 240V AC no loadHigh efficiency more than 87.7% under normal line with full loadOCP with line compensationProgrammable soft start Precise OVP Low components count Meet EN55022 EMI Pass 4kV surge test Pass 15kV/8kV ESD testOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chIndex1Adaptor Module Specification................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Input Characteristics...................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Output Characteristics................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Performance Specifications........................................................................................................................4 1.4 Soft Start.....................................................................................................................................................4 1.5 Protection Features.....................................................................................................................................5 1.6 Environments..............................................................................................................................................5 1.7 Dielectric withstand....................................................................................................................................5 1.8 Insulation....................................................................................................................................................5 1.9 Leakage current..........................................................................................................................................5 1.10 Printed circuit board...................................................................................................................................5 1.11 EMI.............................................................................................................................................................5 2 Adaptor Module Information. (6)2.1 Schematic...................................................................................................................................................6 2.2 PCB Gerber File.........................................................................................................................................8 2.3 Bill of material............................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Transformer Design..................................................................................................................................11 2.4.1 Transformer Specification.......................................................................................................................11 2.4.2 Transformer Winding data......................................................................................................................11 2.4.3 Boost Inductor Specicfication.................................................................................................................12 2.4.4 Boost Inductor Winding data..................................................................................................................12 2.5 Adaptor Module Snapshot........................................................................................................................12 3 Performance Evaluation. (14)3.1 Input Characteristics.................................................................................................................................15 3.1.1 Input Normal Characteristics....................................................................................................................15 3.1.2 Input current and Standby power..............................................................................................................16 3.1.3 Efficiency..................................................................................................................................................16 3.2 Output Characteristics..............................................................................................................................17 3.2.1 Line Regulation & Load Regulation.........................................................................................................17 3.2.2 Ripple & Noise..........................................................................................................................................17 3.2.3 Overshoot & Undershoot..........................................................................................................................18 3.2.4 Dynamic Test............................................................................................................................................19 3.2.5 Time Sequence..........................................................................................................................................20 3.3 Protections................................................................................................................................................22 3.3.1 Over Current Protection (OCP).................................................................................................................22 3.3.2 Over V oltage Protection (OVP).................................................................................................................22 3.3.3 Short Circuit Protection.............................................................................................................................22 3.4 EMI Test...................................................................................................................................................23 3.4.1 Conducted EMI Test ...............................................................................................................................23 3.4.2 Radiation EMI Test.................................................................................................................................23 3.5 ESD Test...................................................................................................................................................25 3.6 Lighting Test.............................................................................................................................................26 4 Other important waveform (27)On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch4.1 Vdd, FB, Sense& Gate wave form at no load/25% load/50% load/full load............................................27 4.2MOSFET VDS wave,Output diode V AK waveform at full load,start/normal/output short (28)FiguresRipple & Noise waveform....................................................................................................................................18 Overshoot and Undershoot waveform..................................................................................................................19 Dynamic waveform...............................................................................................................................................20 Time Sequence waveform.....................................................................................................................................21 Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate waveform............................................................................................................................27 MOSFET VDS,CS&V AK start waveform............................................................................................................28 MOSFET VDS,CS&V AK normal operation waveform.......................................................................................28 MOSFET VDS,CS&V AK output short waveform (30)TablesTable 1 Input current at full load...........................................................................................................................16 Table 2 Standby power at no load with LED (with PFC)......................................................................................16 Table 3 Efficiency with PFC part..........................................................................................................................16 Table 4 Line Regulation & Load Regulation........................................................................................................17 Table 5 Ripple & Noise measure results...............................................................................................................17 Table 6 Overshoot/undershoot measurement results.............................................................................................18 Table 7 Output voltage under dynamic test...........................................................................................................20 Table 8 Turn-on delay /hold-up/Rise time/Fall time measurement results............................................................20 Table 9 OCP value vs. input voltage.....................................................................................................................22 Table 10 OVP test result........................................................................................................................................22 Table 11 SCP test result.. (23)On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch1 Adaptor Module SpecificationModel number:OBPD120W-H240ARev.:011.1 Input CharacteristicsAC input voltage rating 100Vac ~ 240Vac AC input voltage range 90Vac ~ 264Vac AC input frequency range 47Hz ~ 63Hz25A maximum at 115V AC Inrush current at 25°C50A maximum at 230V ACInput current1.56 A rms max.1.2 Output CharacteristicsOutput V oltage 19.0V Output Tolerance ±5% Min. load current 0AMax. load current6.3A1.3 Performance SpecificationsMax. Output Power 120WStandby Power <0.5W @ 240V/50Hz, no loadEfficiency>85% @ normal line, full load , including power loss in input filters Line Regulation<1% Load Regulation<5% Ripple (Po: 10 to 90%) <350 mVpp Noise (F<640KHz) <200mVppHold up Time 16.7m Sec. Min. @100Vac with full loadTurn on Delay Time2 Sec. Max. @100Vac with full load1.4 Soft StartSettling time <15ms to within 1% at nominal loadOvershoot<3%On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch1.5 Protection FeaturesShort circuit Protection Output shut down with automatic recovery Over V oltage Protection <25VOver Current ProtectionOutput shut down with automatic recovery. The protection functionwill be enabled if output current exceeds 110%~140% of rated outputcurrent.1.6 EnvironmentsOperating Temperature 0 to+40℃℃ Operating Humidity 20% to 90% R.H. Storage Temperature -40 to +60℃℃Storage Humidity0% to 95% R.H.1.7 Dielectric withstandThe power supply shall withstand for 1 minute without breakdown by the application of a 60Hz 1500V AC voltageapplied between both input line and ground (10mA DC cut-off current). Main transformer shall similarly withstand3000Vac applied between both primary and secondary windings for a minimum of one minute.1.8 InsulationThe insulation resistance should be not less than 30 MOHM after applying of 500VDC for 1 minute1.9 Leakage currentThe AC leakage current is less than 3.5mA when the power supply connects to 264V/50Hz AC input voltage.1.10 Printed circuit boardTechnology Single sided FR2Dimensions134mm(L), 88mm(W) and 40mm(H)1.11 EMIMeet international standardsOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chOri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i cPWM Part:On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch2.2 PCB Gerber FileOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chOOOB2203 Demo Board Manual (OBPD120W_Adapter)Transformer Winding dataWinging Material Start Finish N1 Φ0.45*2 2UEW 不断线 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) 3 Copper Copper W =9mm P =0.02mm 5 4 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) N2 Φ0.60*2 三层绝缘线 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) 7 Copper Copper W 9mm P 0.02mm 5 8 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) N3 Φ0.12*3 2UEW 间绕 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) N1’ 0.45*2 2UEW TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) 13 Copper Copper 9mm P 0.02mm 5 14 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) 三层绝缘线16 N40.20*1 三层绝缘线17 TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y) 18 Copper Copper W 9mm P 0.02mmOri g ht co nf i de t i ChBoost inductor Winding dataWinging Material Start N1Φ0.20*10 利兹线TAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y)N2Φ0.20*1 2UEWTAPE TAPE W=10mm (Y)Adaptor Module SnapshotO rightconfidentohOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r m r i chOOOmraOR&N waveform@90Vac input with no load R&N waveform@90Vac input with full loadR&N waveform@264Vac input with no load R&N waveform@264Vac input with full load3.2.3 Overshoot & UndershootOf i de nt i al toCh a r mr i chOvershoot waveform@90Vac input with full load Overshoot waveform @90Vac input with no loadOvershoot waveform @264Vac input with full load Overshoot waveform @264Vac input with no loadUndershoot waveform @264V ac input with full load3.2.4 Dynamic TestA dynamic loading with low set at 1.26 A lasting for 10mS and high set at 5.0A lasting for 50mS is added tooutput. The ramp is set at 0.125A/uS at transient. All data was measurement at PCB end.On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i al toCh a r mr i chDynamic waveform @90Vac input Dynamic waveform @132Vac inputDynamic waveform @180Vac input Dynamic waveform @264Vac input3.2.5 Time SequenceOg ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mrTurn on waveform @90Vac input with full load Turn on waveform @264Vac input with full loadHold up waveform @90Vac input with full load Hold up waveform @264Vac input with full loadRise waveform @90Vac input with full load Rise waveform @264Vac input with full loadO-B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chFall waveform @90Vac with full load Fall waveform @264Vac with full loadProtections O CharmrichOht co n f i de nt i a l toChOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch3.5 ESD TestOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch3.6 Lighting TestOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch4 Other important waveform4.1 Vdd, FB, Sense& Gate wave form at no load/25% load/50% load/fullload.Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@90Vac; no load Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@90Vac; 25% loadVdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@90Vac; 50% load Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@90Vac; full loadVdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@264Vac; no load Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@264Vac; 25% loadOn -B ri g ht co nf i de nt i a l toCh ar mr i chVdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@264Vac; 50% load Vdd,FB,Sense&Gate wave form@264Vac; full load4.2 MOSFET VDS wave, CS wave and Output diode V AK waveform at fullload, start/normal/output short4.2.1 VDS ,CS & V AK start waveformVDS ,CS & V AK start waveform@90Vac; full load VDS ,CS & V AK start waveform@264Vac; full load4.2.2 VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveformVDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@90Vac; full load VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@90Vac; 2.4A loadOn -B ri g ht co nf i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chVDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@90Vac; 1.65A load VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@90Vac; 1.45A loadVDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@90Vac; 1.2A load VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@264Vac; full loadVDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@264Vac; 3.0A load VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@264Vac; 2.0A loadOn -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i chVDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@264Vac; 1.6A load VDS ,CS & V AK normal waveform@264Vac; 1.4A load4.2.3 VDS ,CS & V AK output short waveformVDS ,CS & V AK output short waveform@90Vac; full load VDS ,CS & V AK output short waveform@264Vac; full loadDisclaimerOn-Bright Electronics reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its documents, products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.This document is under copy right protection. Non of any part of document could be reproduced, modified without prior written approval from On-Bright Electronics.On -B ri g ht co n f i de nt i a l toCh a r mr i ch。
How to make reasonable inferences?
You may ask yourself the following questions to help you form inferences: 1. What is the author trying to suggest from the stated information? 2. What do all the facts and ideas point to? 3. For what purpose does the author include these facts and details?
• ____ As shrubs grow, they kill the grasses by preventing light from reaching them and also build up the soil in the area. • In addition, they attract animals that also ________________ enhance the soil. Pine seedlings (苗) the transitional words soon take hold and they grow, show theas logic (逻辑 ) they in turn shade out the shrubs. They are not able to shade out oak and hickory (山核 桃) seedlings,________________ however, that have found the forest floor suitable. These seedlings grew into large trees that eventually ________________ shade out the pines.
大模型训练 推理 精调 sft 名词解释
大模型训练推理精调 sft 名词解释大模型训练(Large-scale model training):指使用大规模数据集和计算资源对深度学习模型进行训练的过程。
Large-scale model training: The process of training deep learning models using large-scale datasets and computational resources. Large-scale model training often requires longer training time and higher computational power, aiming to improve the model's performance and generalization ability.推理(Inference):指在训练完成的模型上使用新的输入数据进行预测或推断的过程。
Inference: The process of using new input data on a trained model for prediction or inference. The inference process does not involve adjusting the model parameters butrather uses the pretrained model to make predictions or classifications on new data.精调(Fine-tuning):指在一个已经训练好的模型基础上,通过进一步训练模型的一部分参数,以适应新的任务或数据集。
1-5 Rules of Inference
Discrete Mathematics
Dr. Han Huang
South China University of Technology
Chapter 1. Logic and Proof, Sets, and Function
Section 1.5
Rule of disjunctive syllogism
Aristotle (ca. 384-322 B.C.)
p∨q ¬p ∨ r ∴q∨r
Rule of Resolution
[(p ∨ q) ∧ (¬p ∨ r )] → (q ∨ r) Tautology ¬
Logo Valid Arguments
(1) 附加 (2) 化简 (3) 假言推理 (4) 拒取式 (5) 析取三段论 (6) 假言三段论
p ⇒ ( p ∨ q)
p ∧ q ⇒ p
(( p → q ) ∧ p ) ⇒ q ( ( p → q ) ∧ ¬q ) ⇒ ¬p ( ( p ∨ q ) ∧ ¬p ) ⇒ q (( p → q ) ∧ ( q → r )) ⇒ ( p → r )
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Formal Proof Example
Suppose we have the following premises: “It is not sunny and it is cold.” “We will swim only if it is sunny.” “If we do not swim, then we will canoe.” “If we canoe, then we will be home early.” Given these premises, prove the theorem “We will be home early” using inference rules.
业 务 规 则
事 实
约 束
动 作 触 发 规 则
计 算
推 论
9.1.1 事 实
事实(fact)就是对业务的真实陈述,常常描述重要业务术语间的关联。 事实也称为不变量(invariant)————关于数据实体及其属性的不可改变的真实情况。 事实的例子包括:
每瓶化学品都有一个唯惟一的条码标识符。 每份订单都包含运费。 订单中每一行都代表一个特定的化学品名称、质量等级、容量和数量的组合。 如果购买的是不可退的票,旅游者如果改变了旅程,就要另外付费。 不对运费征收营业税。
9.1.2 约束
约束(constraint)限制了系统或它的用户可以执行哪些操作。有些词和短语可暗示说话人正在描述一 项约束,包.4 推论
推论(inference)是根据某个条件的真实性得出某些新事实的规则,有时也称为推导出的知识。 下面是一些推论的例子:
如果到期30天后还没有偿还应付款,则该账户是在拖欠债务。 如果接到订单5天后,卖方还不能发送客户订购的商品,则表明该商品延迟交货。 可能形成爆炸性分解物的化学品被认为在出厂一年后过期。 如果低于5mg/kg的剂量就能在老鼠体内形成LD50的毒性,则该化学品被认为是危险的。
9.1.3 动作触发规则
在特定条件下触发某个动作的规则被称为动作触发规则(action enabler)。 下面是一些动作触发类业务规则的例子:
如果化学品仓库中有所需化学品,则将现有的化学品交给申领人。 如果某瓶化学品到了失效日期,则通知其当前持有人。 每季度的最后一天,按规定生成该季度化学品使用和处理情况的OSHA和EPA报告。 如果客户订购的书的作者有多部作品,则在接受订单前向客户推荐作者的其他作品。
PoSI包:有效的后选估计 для线性最小二乘回归说明书
Package‘PoSI’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS RegressionVersion1.1Date2020-11-04Description In linear LS regression,calculate for a given design matrixthe multiplier K of coefficient standard errors such that theconfidence intervals[b-K*SE(b),b+K*SE(b)]have aguaranteed coverage probability for all coefficient estimatesb in any submodels after performing arbitrary model selection.Suggests MASSLicense GPL-3NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANAuthor Andreas Buja[aut],Kai Zhang[aut],Wan Zhang[cre]Maintainer Wan Zhang<***************.edu>Date/Publication2020-11-1810:30:07UTCR topics documented:PoSI-package (2)PoSI (3)Index812PoSI-package PoSI-package Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS RegressionDescriptionIn linear LS regression,calculate for a given regressor matrix the multiplier K of coefficient standard errors such that the confidence intervals[b-K*SE(b),b+K*SE(b)]have a guaranteed coverage probability for all coefficient estimates b in any submodels after performing arbitrary model selec-tion.DetailsPackage:PoSIType:PackageVersion: 1.1Date:2020-10-24License:GPL-3Author(s)Andreas Buja and Kai ZhangMaintainers:Andreas Buja<*************************>,Kai Zhang<****************.edu> and Wan Zhang<***************.edu>References“Valid Post-Selection Inference,”Berk,R.,Brown,L.,Buja,A.,Zhang,K.,Zhao,L.,The Annals of Statistics,41(2),802–837~(2013).See Alsolm,link{model.matrix}Examplesdata(Boston,package="MASS")summary(PoSI(Boston[,-14]))PoSI3 PoSI Valid Post-Selection Inference for Linear LS ModelsDescriptionUsed in calculating multipliers K of standard errors in linear LS reqression such that the confidence intervals[b-K*SE(b),b+K*SE(b)]have guaranteed coverage probabilities for all coefficient estimates b in any submodel arrived at after performing arbitrary model selection.The actual multipliers K are calculated by summary;PoSI returns an object of class"PoSI".UsagePoSI(X,modelSZ=1:ncol(X),center=T,scale=T,verbose=1,Nsim=1000,bundleSZ=100000,eps=1e-08)##S3method for class PoSIsummary(object,confidence=c(0.95,0.99),alpha=NULL,df.err=NULL,eps.PoSI=1e-06,digits=3,...)ArgumentsX a regressor matrix as returned,for example,by the function model.matrix when applied to a linear model object from the function lm;data frames are coercedto matricesmodelSZ the model sizes to be included(default:1:ncol(X)).This argument permits ’sparse PoSI’with,e.g.,modelSZ=1:5when only models up to size5have beensearched,or’rich PoSI’with,e.g.,modelSZ=(ncol(X)-2):ncol(X)when onlythe removal of up to two regressors has been tried.center whether to center the columns of X(boolean,default:TRUE,in which case the intercept will be removed)scale whether to standardize the columns of X(boolean,default:TRUE;prevents problems from columns with vastly differing scales)verbose0:no printed reports during computations;1:report bundle completion(de-fault);2:report each processed submodel(for debugging with small ncol(X)).Nsim the number of tests being simulated(default:1000).PoSI is partly simulation-based;increase Nsim for greater precision at the cost of increased run time.bundleSZ number of tests to be processed simultaneously(default:100000).Larger bun-dles are computationally more efficient but require more memory.4PoSIeps threshold below which singular values of X will be considered to be zero(default:1E-8).In cases of highly collinear columns in X this threshold determines theeffective dimension of the column space of X.object an object of class"PoSI"as returned by the function PoSIconfidence a numeric vector of values between0and1containing the confidence levels forwhich multipliers of standard error should be provided(default:c(.95,.99)) alpha if specified,sets confidence=1-alpha.(This argument is redundant withconfidence;only one should be specified.)df.err error degrees of freedom for t-tests(default:NULL,performs z-tests)eps.PoSI precision to which standard error multipliers are computed(default:1e-06)digits number of significant digits to which standard error multipliers are rounded(de-fault:3)...(other arguments)DetailsExample of use of PoSI multipliers:In the Boston Housing data shown below,the0.95multiplier is3.593.If after arbitrary variable selection we decide,for example,in favor of the submodelsummary(lm(medv~rm+nox+dis+ptratio+lstat,data=Boston))the regressor rm(e.g.)has a coefficient estimate of4.16with a standard error of0.41;hence the0.95PoSI confidence interval is found by4.16+c(-1,+1)*3.593*0.41which is(2.69,5.63)after rounding.Similar intervals can be formed for any regressor in any submodel.The resulting confidence procedure has a0.95family-wise guarantee of containing the true coefficient even after arbitrary variable selection in any submodel one might arrive at.The computational limitations of the PoSI method are in the exponential growth of the number of t/z-tests that are being computed:(1)If p=ncol(X)and all submodels are being searched(modelSZ=1:p),the number of tests isp*2^(p-1).Example:p=20;modelSZ=1:20==>#tests=10,485,760(2)If only models of sizes modelSZ=m are being searched,the number of tests is sum(m*choose(p,m)).Example:p=50;m=1:5==>#tests=11,576,300Thus limiting PoSI to small submodel sizes such as modelSZ=1:5("sparse PoSI")puts larger p=ncol(X)within reach.PoSI computations are partly simulation-based and require specification of a number Nsim of ran-dom unit vectors to be sampled in the column space of rge Nsim yields greater precision but requires more memory.The memory demands can be lowered by decreasing bundleSZ at the cost of some efficiency.bundleSZ determines how many tests are simultaneously processed.ValuePoSI returns an object of class"PoSI"whose only use is to be thefirst argument to the function summary.summary returns a matrix containing in itsfirst column the two-sided PoSI standard error multipli-ers K for the specified confidence levels or Type-I error probabilities.Additionally,in the secondPoSI5 and third column,it returns standard error multipliers based on the Bonferroni and Scheffe meth-ods which are more conservative than the PoSI method:PoSI<Bonferroni<Scheffe(sometimes Bonferroni>Scheffe).References"Valid Post-Selection Inference,"by Berk,R.,Brown,L.,Buja,A.,Zhang,K.,Zhao,L.,The Annals of Statistics,41(2),802-837(2013).Examples##Not run:#Boston Housing data from /ml/datasets/Housingdata(Boston,package="MASS")UL.Boston<-PoSI(Boston[,-14])#4.7sec(**)summary(UL.Boston)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.593 4.904 4.729##99% 4.072 5.211 5.262##End(Not run)#Just1predictor:X.1<-as.matrix(rnorm(100))UL.max.1<-PoSI(X.1)summary(UL.max.1)#Assuming sigma is known##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 1.960 1.960 1.960##99% 2.576 2.576 2.576summary(UL.max.1,df.err=4)#sigma estimated with4dfs##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 2.776 2.776 2.776##99% 4.604 4.604 4.604#small N and automatic removal of intercept:p<-6;N<-4X.small<-cbind(1,matrix(rnorm(N*p),ncol=p))UL.max.small<-PoSI(X.small,modelSZ=c(4,3,1),Nsim=1000,bundleSZ=5,verbose=2)summary(UL.max.small,df.err=4)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 4.2269.256 4.447##99% 6.73113.9887.077##Not run:#Orthogonal regressors:p<-10;N<-10X.orth<-qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p*N),ncol=p)))UL.max.orth<-PoSI(X.orth,Nsim=10000)#2.8sec(**)summary(UL.max.orth)6PoSI ##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.448 4.422 4.113##99% 3.947 4.758 4.655##End(Not run)##Not run:#Large p=50,small N=20,models up to size4: 1.3minp<-50;N<-20X.p50.N20<-matrix(rnorm(p*N),ncol=p)UL.max.p50.N20<-PoSI(X.p50.N20,Nsim=1000,bundleSZ=100000,modelSZ=1:4)#1.3min(*) summary(UL.max.p50.N20)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 4.309 5.448 5.490##99% 4.769 5.728 6.016##End(Not run)##Not run:#The following is modeled on a real data example:p<-84;N<-2758X.84<-matrix(rnorm(p*N),ncol=p)#---(1)Rich submodels:sizes m=84and m=83with more simulations(10,000)for precision UL.max.84<-PoSI(X.84,Nsim=1000,bundleSZ=10000,modelSZ=c(p-1,p))#2sec(*)summary(UL.max.84)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.494 4.49110.315##99% 3.936 4.82310.819##End(Not run)##Not run:#---(2)Sparse submodels:p=84,model size m=4,in p=d=84dimensions:#WARNING:17minutes(*)UL.max.84.4<-PoSI(X.84,Nsim=1000,bundleSZ=100000,modelSZ=4)summary(UL.max.84.4)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.553 5.80410.315##99% 3.966 6.06810.819summary(UL.max.84.4,df.err=2758-84-1)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.557 5.82310.338##99% 3.972 6.08910.855##End(Not run)##Not run:#Big experiment:full large PoSI for p=20#WARNING:13minutes(*)p<-20;N<-1000X.p20<-matrix(rnorm(N*p),ncol=p)UL.max.p20<-PoSI(X.p20,bundleSZ=100000)PoSI7 summary(UL.max.p20)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.163 5.855 5.605##99% 3.626 6.117 6.129summary(UL.max.p20,df.err=1000-21)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.171 5.908 5.624##99% 3.638 6.177 6.160##End(Not run)##Not run:#Big experiment:sparse large PoSI with p=50and m=1:5:##WARNING:22minutes(*)p<-50;N<-1000;m<-1:5X.p50<-matrix(rnorm(N*p),ncol=p)UL.max.p50.m5<-PoSI(X.p50,bundleSZ=100000,modelSZ=m)summary(UL.max.p50.m5)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.548 5.8718.216##99% 4.041 6.1338.727##End(Not run)##Not run:#Exchangeable Designs:#function to create exchangeable designs:design.exch<-function(p,a){(1-a)*diag(p)+a*matrix(1,p,p)}#example:p<-12;a<-0.5;X.exch<-design.exch(p=p,a=a)UL.exch<-PoSI(X.exch,verbose=0,modelSZ=1:p)#2sec(**)summary(UL.exch)##K.PoSI K.Bonferroni K.Scheffe##95% 3.635 4.750 4.436##99% 4.129 5.066 4.972##End(Not run)#(*)Elapsed times were measured in R version3.1.3,32bit,#on a processor Intel(R)Core(TM),2.9GHz,under Windows7.#2015/04/16#(**)Elapsed times were measured in R version4.0.2,64bit,#on a processor Intel(R)Core(TM),1.80GHz,under Windows10.#2020/10/26Index∗Family-wise errorPoSI,3∗LS RegressionPoSI,3∗LS regressionPoSI-package,2∗Model selectionPoSI,3∗Post-selection inferencePoSI,3∗family-wise errorPoSI-package,2∗model selectionPoSI-package,2∗post-selection inferencePoSI-package,2lm,2PoSI,3PoSI-package,2summary.PoSI(PoSI),38。
统计推断(Statistical Inference)第二版课后习题答案(上)
Solutions Manual for Statistical Inference
“When I hear you give your reasons,” I remarked, “the thing always appears to me to be so ridiculously simple that I could easily do it myself, though at each successive instance of your reasoning I am baffled until you explain your process.”
A major change from the first edition is the use of the computer, both symbolically through Mathematicatm and numerically using R. Some solutions are given as code in either of these languages. Mathematicatm can be purchased from Wolfram Research, and R is a free download from /.
8, 16, 26, 28, 34, 36, 38, 42 4, 14, 16, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 42, 54, 58, 60, 62, 64 36, 40, 46, 48, 52, 56, 58
2, 8, 10, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 32, 38, 40, 42, 44, 50, 54, 56 all even problems except 4 and 32
高中英语阅读理解单项选择题30题1. The story mainly takes place _____.A. at schoolB. at homeC. in a parkD. in a store答案:A。
B 选项“at home”文中未提及家庭相关的明显线索;C 选项“in a park”文中没有提到公园的场景;D 选项“in a store”也没有关于商店的描述。
2. The main character in the story is _____.A. a teacherB. a studentC. a parentD. a friend答案:B。
A 选项“a teacher”文中未体现其教师的职业特征;C 选项“a parent”文中没有父母相关的重点描述;D 选项“a friend”并非故事的核心人物。
3. What happened to the main character at the beginning of the story?A. He got a high score in the exam.B. He lost his book.C. He met a new friend.D. He was late for school.答案:D。
A 选项“got a high score in the exam”在开头未提及;B 选项“lost his book”并非开头发生的事情;C 选项“met a new friend”也不是开头的情节。
4. How did the main character feel in the story?A. HappyB. SadC. AngryD. Nervous答案:B。
LADDER OF INFERENCEYou have just arrived at the ABC company for a job interview. This job sounds like what you have been looking for; your title would be Director. You would be working directly for the VP of Sales and Marketing, who has now requested a private interview with you. You arrived on time and were met by the VP’s secretary, who apologized and said that there would be a delay. The VP was called unexpectedly into an important conference call and will be there for at least 15 minutes. In the meantime, the secretary informs you that you are welcome to wait in the VP’s private office.You enter the private office. You know that you will be alone here for at least 15 minutes. You look around the room, naturally curious about the person you may be working for....The office is carpeted in a short plush pile in light gray. You sit in one of the two emerald green club chairs to the left of the doorway. Between the chairs is a low table on which there is an empty gold glass ashtray. Next to the ashtray, there are two books of matches; one is from the Playboy Club and one is from a local restaurant. On the wall behind you is a picture of an old sailing ship in blues and browns. A rubber plant set in a brown and green woven basket sits against the side wall next to the other chair.There is a window on the far wall and you get up and go over to look out. Directly in front of the window is a sofa covered in emerald green and beige print. Two woven throw pillows in beige cotton lie against the arms of the sofa. The draperies at the window behind the sofa are a cream white woven material with a beige stripe. The view from the window is pleasant -- a few small shops bordering a small park.Your gaze turns to the square dark wooden table next to the sofa. Magazines are scattered in front of a black ceramic lamp with a cream white shade. The magazines are scattered recent editions of Time, and one copy each of Sports Illustrated, Ebony, The New Yorker, Omni.As you turn to walk back to your chair, you notice that the papers on the desk in front of the chair are your resume and that the statement of your sex has been marked with a felt tip pen. Since the VP may return any moment, you sit in the emerald green club chair to wait.EXERCISE 2 - PRACTICING ADVOCACY AND INQUIRY Your group has been assigned the task of making a presentation to the CEO of your organization on the learning organization. However, the CEO has rule for every presentation -- no more than five points can be made in one presentation, and they must be in order of importance. From the list below, choose the five most important characteristics of a learning organization that you would present to the CEO, and rank order those characteristics in order of importance. If there is one of characteristic that you think is critical to the learning organization and is not present on the list, feel free to add it. You may have one “new” characteristic in your f ive.1.When people in the organization get together, there’s a climate ofcollegiality and equality as we discuss issues and make decisions together.2.Teams, not individuals, are the focus of organizational performance.3.Planning and review are critical activities.4.People in the organization actively and aggressively challenge and testeach others’ ideas and beliefs.5.Developing people is considered on an equal plane with financial success.6.Up is not the only way to succeed. The organization rewards horizontalfast-tracking7.People get supported for taking risks.8.Reflective thinking is valued as highly as managerial action.9.The organization has a clear, precise image of the future which drivesdecisions.10.There is no punishment for asking tough or unpopular questions. Peopleare encouraged to speak up and speak out.11.People who demonstrate mastery of an areas of expertise are recognizedand respected.12.Understanding how your work affects others and finding ways to makethe “whole” system work better are encoura ged and supported.13.People have access to any information they need to get the job done.14.Managers and executives are encouraged and rewarded for being good.EXERCISE 3 - LEFT-HAND COLUMN1) Think of a concrete situation from your work from which you would liketo learn. Some examples are:•You cannot reach agreement with close associates.•You believe you have been assigned an unfair share of the work.•You believe someone else has not been pulling their weight.• A task is going in a direction you feel to be incorrect.•You believe that you are being treated unfairly.•You believe your point of view has been ignored. or discounted. •Meetings consist of repetition of familiar ways.•There’s a change you want to implement and you believe there will be resistance to it by individuals or the culture.2) In your journal, write a brief (one paragraph) description of thesituation, including the context and important facts. Describe what you tried to do (or imagine you would do) and what happened (or mighthappen).3) Using the right hand column of this worksheet, write down what youand the other person(s) actually said (or what you imagine you and they would say).a. Case Presenter - read aloud to your partner/coach the actual dialogueand your left hand column.b. Partner/Coach - Listen and ask coaching questions. Get a feel for whathappened externally and internally (left hand column).Examples of coaching questions:•Why didn’t you say what was in your left hand column?•What assumptions are you making about the other person(s)?•What was your intention? What were you trying to accomplish?•Did you achieve the results you wanted?•What were the costs of operating this way?•What were the benefits?•What prevented you from acting differently?Case presenter asks self:•How did (or could) I contribute to the situation not turning out the way I wanted?5) Switch sharing cases and roles.6) Recrafting your case. Now go back to your case and redesign theconversation, picking one or two approaches from the advocacy andinquiry protocols.The recrafted conversation. Include what you think the other person might have said。
例如:“He made an inference based on the evidence。
)“The inference was quite obvious。
a) 聊天时,通过对方的言辞和表情来推断对方的心情和意图。
b) 工作中,分析数据和趋势,以便作出明智的决策。
c) 阅读文献或新闻,提炼关键信息,判断事件的真实性和可能性。
d) 科学研究中,根据实验结果和理论推断,提出新的见解。
a) 积累更多知识和经验,为推理提供更多依据。
b) 学会提问和思考,培养好奇心和创新思维。
c) 掌握逻辑和批判性思维,避免盲目跟从和偏见。
d) 多参与讨论和辩论,锻炼说服力和判断力。
First, determine the goals and tasks of the research and development team.2.其次,收集和整理相关的模型训练数据。
Second, collect and organize relevant model training data.3.然后,进行数据清洗和预处理,以确保数据质量。
Then, perform data cleaning and preprocessing to ensure data quality.4.接着,选择合适的模型结构和算法进行推理研发。
Next, select the appropriate model structure andalgorithm for inference development.5.之后,进行模型训练和验证,优化模型性能。
Then, train and validate the model to optimize its performance.6.接下来,进行模型推理引擎的设计和开发。
Then, design and develop the model inference engine.7.紧接着,进行模型推理引擎的集成和测试。
Subsequently, integrate and test the model inference engine.8.另外,进行模型的性能评估和调优。
Furthermore, evaluate and tune the performance of the model.9.之后,进行模型推理引擎的部署和应用。
Afterward, deploy and apply the model inference engine.10.最后,进行模型推理研发流程的总结和反馈。
Finally, summarize and provide feedback on the model inference development process.11.这一系列流程确保了模型推理研发的顺利进行。
英语阅读技巧与实践1restatement and inference
Ex 3:
2. out of the question: impossible Out of question: no problem 3. the last man that I want to see: the man I don’t like to see at all.最不想见的人 4. in the blue: in low spirits沮丧,情绪低落 5. have words with sb: quarrel with sb 6. in good repair: in good conditions处于良好状态 Under repair:在修理中 7.Report sb: make a complaint against sb告发某人 Report to sb: 向某人汇报 8.soup of a kind: so-called soup 所谓的汤 Of a kind: 同类的,徒有其名的 Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚,人以群分
Part II of Unit II:
Restatement and Inference
Step I Basic Sokers and drinkers run a fifteen times greater risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat than non-smokers and non-drinkers. A.Cancer of the mouth and throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers and drinkers than in non-smokers and non-drinkers. restatement B. People who never smoke or drink will not get mouth or throat cancer. false C.Heavy drinkers who run have a greater risk of developing cancer than non-drinkers. false D.People would probably be healthier if they did not drink or smoke. inference
Day 11.integrated : adj.综合的;完整的;互相协调的①―We also try to take an integrated approach to our course structures, " he says.②The use of African languages is critical for the realization of an integrated, peaceful, prosperous Africa.2.paraphrase: n. v.释义;改述①It is hard, in the current political season, to read this book without hearing the sound of history rhyming, to paraphrase Mark Twain.②What it means is that in understanding a text, we are attempting to grasp it in paraphrase.3.independent : adj. 独立的;单独的①The Secretary-General(总书记) reiterates(重申) that there should be an independent, transparent and effective investigation into the killings.②The big networks have decided to be "open" toward independent programmers, to encourage them to write fun new software for them4.instant: adj. 立即的;紧急的①The penalty for helping Jews was instant execution.②Perhaps ten of those replied with an instant rejection, and I did the same.rubrics : n.评估准则;题目①Rubrics also provide an opportunity for students and teachers to reflect on their learning.②The assessment approaches of teaching portfolios(教学档案) are conference, interview, presentations, written evaluation, and rubrics and so on.5.benefit : n.利益,好处;救济金①This "going out" strategy will benefit Europe and should be welcomed.②The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in Northern Ireland rose again in May.6.flexibility: n. 灵活性,弹性,适应性①The integration of principle with flexibility is a Marxist-Leninist principle, and it is a unity of opposites.②It's a whole life(终身寿险) policy that gives the policyholder(投保人) flexibility over the insurance premiums(保险费).7.academic: adj. 学术的;理论的;学院的①She says one problem for PE teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects.②The university is nationally acclaimed for its academic prestige and commitment to student development.8.assess: v.评定;估价①First you assess the facts on the ground, then you present a new strategy.②This was actually a really smart guy because he was selfless and could objectively assess what he was really capable of doing at that moment in time.9.fairly: adv.公平地;相当地;简直①He is a fairly good player.②It is time for South Korea and Japan to treat US and other automakers fairly.10.respond: v.回答;作出反应①It also tries to figure out how and why we respond to sickness.②Were you walking away when they responded to your question?11.evaluate: v.评估;估…的价①How would your coworkers evaluate you?②An expert will evaluate the old furniture in this house.12.admission: n.承认;入场费;进入许可;坦白;录用①That issue involved a reverse discrimination claim by a white man denied admission to law school.②Also he has a history of more than casual drug use (again, by his own admission).13.certification: n.证明,保证;检定①Typically, the state only releases the shorter, computer-generated live birth certification when people request such documentation.②And as the demand for her services grew, she decided to receive formal midwife certification.14.agency: n.代理,中介;代理处①Shortly after the reorganization was announced, the agency's director, Elizabeth Birnbaum, resigned from her post.②Which agency would then wish to appear before Congress(美国国会)(作证)?15.applicant: n.申请人①What kind of person makes the ideal applicant?②Any applicant is encouraged to read carefully the project proposal application guidelines before deciding to apply.munication: n.通讯,交流①We want to talk about the creative aspect of communication.②For centuries, the Silk Road was the most important line of communication connecting East and West.17.registration: n.注册;登记;挂号①Can you tell me the registration process?②I'm filling out the online registration for your game.18.register: v.记录;注册;登记①It is his duty to register the names of the patients every day.②You must register with the police when you come to a foreign country.19.website: n.网站①"Our staff is committed to providing quality education in a Christian environment, " the school's website says.②So many people rushed that night to check the schedule that the company website crashed.20.available: adj. 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的①Now, they had some of the most modern digital and electronic equipment available anywhere.②Unfortunately, the team did not have a suitable group of Africans available for study.21.examinee: n.应试者;受审查者①This group must be representative of the population for whom the test is intended or else it is not possible to determine an examinee's relative standing.②One part of the validation process involves gathering examinee data and investigating whether scoring patterns and data associations make sense.22.interactive: adj.交互式的;相互作用的①Teaching is a complex and interactive process.②Even when one person is doing all the talking, a conversation is an interactive process.23.sample: v.取样;尝试;抽样检查① to sample the products②He then passes that sample to someone else and they do the same thing.24.purchase: v.购买;赢得①One of those is the once controversial notion of an individual "mandate"(受命) to purchase insurance.②During the housing boom, buyers could purchase a home with little or no money down(现款支付).25.certified: adj. 被证明的;有保证的;具有证明文件的①Such "certified emissions reductions" (CER) (有保证减排)can then be sold.② He is certified as a specialist in taxation and qualified as a solicitor in England.26.institution: n.制度;建立①Once more, the markets seem to be hanging on the fate of one big financial institution.②Like most of its rivals, Goldman is a difficult institution for outsiders to understand.27.inference: n.推理,推断①What inference can you draw from these facts?②Causal inference(因果推断) in folk science(民俗科学)is equally untrustworthy.28.simplification: n.简单化;单纯化①The truth is a reduction, a simplification.②We will continue to accelerate and drive through the simplification process at an even faster pace.29.insert: v. 插入;嵌入①to insert a bookmark into a book ②to insert a word in a line③I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.30.summary: n.概要,摘要①Then, write a quick summary of the conversation and why you are perfect for the job.②This introductory section should give the reader an overview of the disaster in more detail than the summary.31.factual: adj. 事实的;真实的①Taking root in factual living world is the only way out for the philosophy in modern China.②Education ministry officials have said revisions could be made only if factual errors were found.32.recognize: v .认出,识别;承认①Do you recognize your approach to work?②Some recognize others by the way they walk or by their voice.Day 233.paragraph: n.段落;短评;段落符号①This paragraph relates to the October Revolution.②Each subsequent paragraph of the resolution was developed by the young people of each city-participant.34.sculpture: v.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀①"For my parents' generation, that sculpture brings back many memories, " says Zhang.②Thus she is represented within the church, in a delicate sculpture by Stefano Moderno.35.stable: adj.稳定的;牢固的;坚定的①As their lives improve, the world will become a more prosperous and stable place.②"Having a strong, stable government is the key thing to investors, " notes tycoon Kith Meng36.require: v.需要;要求;命令①The problems require great attention.②We require you to come immediately.37.property: n.财产;性质,性能;所有权①Asians want to save and invest for their children and own their own property.②They said a slave-owner had as much right to his property as the owner of any other kind of property.38.discolor: v.使变色;使褪色①Water discolored the carpet.②The sunshine would discolor the paint.39.overcome: v.克服,胜过。
inference单词摘要:一、引言1.提到inference 这个单词2.解释inference 的含义二、inference 的词源1.拉丁语词根“infer”2.英语中的演变过程三、inference 的常见用法1.推理2.推断3.暗示四、inference 在实际生活中的应用1.科学研究中的推断2.日常生活中的推理3.文学作品中暗示意义的解读五、inference 与其他相关词汇的辨析1.推理(reasoning)2.推断(deduction)3.暗示(implication)六、总结1.强调inference 在日常交流和学术领域的重要性2.鼓励学习和掌握inference 的用法正文:Inference 这个单词在英语中具有丰富的含义,它既可以表示推理,也可以表示推断,还可以表示暗示。
在学术领域和日常生活中,inference 都有着广泛的应用。
理解inference 的含义和用法,有助于我们更好地进行沟通和表达。
首先,我们来看一下inference 这个词的词源。
在语言的发展过程中,inference 的含义也不断丰富,除了表示直接的推断,还包含了推理和暗示的意义。
在实际应用中,inference 可以用来表示通过已知事实、数据或信息进行逻辑推理的过程。
此外,inference 还可以用来表示文学作品中的暗示意义。
这种对暗示的解读,也是inference 的一种表现形式。
在英语中,inference 与推理(reasoning)、推断(deduction)和暗示(implication)等词汇有一定的关联,但它们之间也存在区别。
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Image time series
Design matrix
Statistical parametric map (SPM)
General linear model
Statistical inference
Gaussian field theory
Independent Voxels Spatially Correlated Voxels
A Bonferroni correction is appropriate for independent tests
A correction for multiple comparisons
Bonferroni is too conservative for brain images
• resolvable element correction (RESELS)
p(corrected) = p(uncorrected) * resolvable elements
• False discovery rate
6.7% 10.4% 14.9% 9.3% 16.2% 13.8% 14.0% 10.5% 12.2% 8.7%
Inference at a single voxel
NULL hypothesis H: activation is zero
a = p(t>u|H)
Reject Null Do not reject Null α
p-value: probability of getting a value of t at least as extreme as u. If a is small we reject the null hypothesis.
• no correction for multiple comparisons • Bonferroni correction
p(corrected) = p(uncorrected) * number of tests
Occurrence of Familywise Error Control of False Discovery Rate at 10%
Resolution Elements (RESELS)
False Discovery Rate
• V - volume of the search region • FWHM – the effective full-width at half maximum of the Gaussian smoothing kernel
– Hk k – H = H1 = {1,…,K} H2 … Hk HK
If we reject a voxel null hypothesis at any voxel, we reject the family-wise Null hypothesis A FP anywhere gives a Family Wise Error (FWE)
Percentage of Activated Pixels that are False Positives Penny
Levels of Inference
voxel-level P(c 1 | n > 0, t 4.37) = 0.048 (corrected) At least one cluster with unspecified number of voxels above threshold
u=2 t-distribution
Inference for Images
Use of ‘uncorrected’ p-value, a=0.1
11.3% 11.3%12.5%10.8% 11.5%10.0%10.7% 11.2%10.2% 9.5% Percentage of Null Pixels that are False Positives Signal Using an ‘uncorrected’ p-value of 0.1 will lead us to conclude on average that 10% of voxels are active when they are not. To correct for this we can define a null hypothesis for images of statistics. Penny Penny
If v=0.05 then over 100 voxels we’ll get 5 voxel-wise type I errors. But we’ll get a much higher α. To ensure α=0.05 choose: we need v=0.0005 !
Bonferroni correction
Control of Per Comparison Rate at 10%
Critical Threshold Determination
11.3% 11.3% 12.5% 10.8% 11.5% 10.0% 10.7% 11.2% 10.2% 9.5%
Percentage of Null Pixels that are False Positives Control of Familywise Error Rate at 10%
a = p(t>u|H)
p-value: probability of getting a value of t at least as extreme as u. If a is small we reject the null hypothesis.
u=2 t-distribution
PeNull Hypothesis
Use of ‘uncorrected’ p-value, a=0.1
FAMILY-WISE NULL HYPOTHESIS: Activation is zero everywhere
• Family of hypotheses
• False Discovery Rate (FDR)
The Bonferroni correction
Given a family of N independent voxels and a voxel-wise error rate v the Family-Wise Error rate (FWE) or ‘corrected’ error rate is α = 1 – (1-v)N ~ Nv Therefore, to ensure a particular FWE we v=α/N
RESEL correction
Independent Voxels Spatially Correlated Voxels
Lattice representatio n
RESEL correction is more appropriate for brain images
FIL Methods Group
Critical Threshold
t-statistic 1.00 2.00 3.00 Z-score 1.64 2.33 3.11 P-value .05 .01 .001
Inference at a single voxel
NULL hypothesis H: activation is zero
Selection Bias in Functional Neuroimaging
Reject Null Do not reject Null
Reject Null Do not reject Null
Type I Error Correct Decision
Alpha and Beta
Null is True Null is False 1-β= power β
– Bonferroni correction – resolvable element correction (RESELS) – brain volume correction – small volume correction (SVC)
Bonferroni Correction
Pcorrected = TESTS * Puncorrected
Use of ‘corrected’ p-value, a=0.1
Family-wise error rate = ‘corrected’ p-value
Critical Threshold Determination
• no adjustment for multiple comparisons • Family-Wise Error (FWE)
set-level P(c 3 | n 12, u 3.09) = 0.019
inference estimation
At least 3 clusters above threshold n=32 cluster-level P(c 1 | n 82, t 3.09) = 0.029 (corrected) At least one cluster with at least 82 voxels above threshold