



计算机网络第一章试题及答案一、选择题1.计算机网络中可以共享的资源包括()A、硬件、软件、数据B、主机、外设、软件C、硬件、程序、数据D、主机、程序、数据2.网络协议组成部分为()A、数据格式、编码、信号电平B、数据格式、控制信息、速度匹配C、语法、语义、定时关系D、编码、控制信息、定时关系3.在TCP/IP体系结构中,与OSI参考模型的网络层对应的是( )A、网络接口层B、互联层C、传输层D、应用层4.在OSI七层结构模型中,处于数据链路层与传输层之间的是()A、物理层B、网络层C、会话层D、表示层5.完成路径选择功能是在OSI模型的()A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、运输层6.在TCP/IP协议簇的层次中,保证端-端的可靠性是在哪层上完成的?()A、网络接口层B、互连层C、传输层D、应用层二、填空题1.TCP/IP协议从下向上分为________、________、________和________4层。



4.计算机网络是利用通信线路将具有独立功能的计算机连接起来,使其能够和________ 和________。







计算机网络技术概论1.一个系统的协议结构有N层,应用程序产生M字节长的报文,网络软件在每层都加上H 字节长的报头。

请问网络带宽中有多大比率用于报头信息的传输?答案:总共有N层,每层加H字节,在每个报文上附加的头字节的总数等于HN,因此头消耗的有关空间所占的网络带宽的比率为HN /(HN + M)。


每20km/h的速度等于0.0056 km/s,跑x km 花费的时间是x/0.0056 =180xs,所产生的运载数据的速率等于[ 168/(180x)] Gb/s,即[933/x ] Mb/s,设933/x>155,得到x<933/155 = 6 km。

因此在6 km的距离范围内,骑自行车的那个人的数据传输速率比155Mb/s的ATM线路高。





它们中的每一条都有4种可能性,即3种速率以及没有线路;因此总的拓扑数等于410 = 1 048 576。








1.计算机存储数据的基本单位是()A.bitB.ByteC.字D.字符2.多年来,人们习惯于以计算机主机所使用的主要元器件的发展进行分代,所谓第四代计算机使用的主要元器件是()A.电子管B.晶体管C.中小规模集成电路D.大规模和超大规模集成电路3.在计算机的不同发展阶段,操作系统最先出现在()A.第一代计算机B.第二代计算机C.第三代计算机D.第四代计算机4.运算器的主要功能是进行()A.只做加法B.逻辑运算C.算术运算和逻辑运算D.算术运算5.计算机硬件的五大基本构件包括运算器、存储器、输入设备、输出设备和()A.显示器B.控制器C.磁盘驱动器D.鼠标器6.关于冯.诺依曼计算机,下列说法正确的是()A.冯.诺依曼计算机的程序和数据是靠输入设备送入计算机的寄存器保存的B.冯.诺依曼计算机工作时是由数据流驱动控制流工作的C.冯.诺依曼计算机的基本特点可以用“存储程序”和“程序控制”高度概括D.随着计算机技术的发展,冯.诺依曼计算机目前已经被淘汰7.冯.诺依曼计算机的核心思想是(),冯.诺依曼计算机的工作特点是()(1) A.采用二进制 B.存储程序 C.并行计算 D.指令系统(2)A.堆栈操作 B.存储器按内容访问C.按地址访问并顺序执行指令D.多指令流单数据流8.一个完整的计算机系统包括()A.主机、键盘、显示器B.主机及外围设备C.系统软件与应用软件D.硬件系统与软件系统9.下列软件中,不属于系统软件的是()A.编译软件B.操作系统C.数据库管理系统D.C语言程序解析:计算机的软件分为系统软件和应用软件。







第一章:计算机网络体系结构1、以下关于计算机网络的定义,正确的是()A 把分布在不同地理位置的多台具有独立功能的计算机通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统和通信协议的管理下实现资源共享的系统B 以能够相互共享资源的方式互联起来的自治计算机系统的集合C 把分布在不同地理位置的多台计算机通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统的管理下实现资源共享的系统D 以能够相互共享资源的方式互联起来的计算机系统的集合答案:B解析:计算机网络是指将分布在不同地理位置的具有独立功能的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统、网络管理软件及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。

选项 A 中“在网络操作系统和通信协议的管理下”表述不准确;选项 C 中缺少“自治”二字;选项 D 中没有强调“自治”。

2、在计算机网络中,能将异种网络互联起来,实现不同网络协议相互转换的网络设备是()A 集线器B 路由器C 网关D 网桥答案:C解析:网关能实现不同网络协议之间的转换,从而实现异种网络的互联。

集线器工作在物理层,只是简单地将信号放大并转发;路由器主要用于网络层,根据IP 地址进行路由选择;网桥工作在数据链路层,用于连接两个相同类型的网络。

3、以下关于 OSI 参考模型和 TCP/IP 模型的说法,错误的是()A OSI 参考模型有七层,而 TCP/IP 模型有四层B OSI 参考模型的网络层对应 TCP/IP 模型的网络层C OSI 参考模型的传输层对应 TCP/IP 模型的传输层D OSI 参考模型先于 TCP/IP 模型出现答案:B解析:OSI 参考模型的网络层对应 TCP/IP 模型的网际层。

第二章:物理层1、在下列传输介质中,哪种传输介质的抗干扰性最好?()A 双绞线B 同轴电缆C 光纤D 无线介质答案:C解析:光纤具有抗电磁干扰能力强、传输速率高、传输距离远等优点。

计算机网络题库(附答案 修正版)

计算机网络题库(附答案 修正版)

计算机网络题库(附答案修正版)计算机网络题库(附答案修正版)题1:网络基础知识1. 什么是计算机网络?简要描述计算机网络的定义和功能。



2. TCP/IP协议族是计算机网络中的重要协议,简要介绍TCP/IP协议族的主要协议和作用。



3. 什么是HTTP协议?简要描述HTTP协议的特点和应用场景。




题2:网络通信与传输技术4. 简述物理层的作用和功能,以及常见的物理层传输介质。




5. 什么是CSMA/CD协议?简要描述CSMA/CD协议的工作原理。



6. 简述TCP协议和UDP协议的特点及适用场景。




选择题:第一部分:1、下列说法正确的是()A.在较小范围内布置的一定是局域网,而在较大范围内布置的一定是广域网B.城域网是连接广域网而覆盖园区的网络C.城域网是为淘汰局域网和广域网而提出的一种网络技术D.局域网是基于广播技术发展起来的网络,广域网是基于交换技术发展起来的网络2、完成路径选择功能是在OSI模型的:()A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、运输层3、相对于OSI的七层参考模型的低4层,TCP/IP模型内对应的层次有( )。

A.传输层、互联网层、网络接口层和物理层B.传输层、互联网层、网络接口层C.传输层、互联网层、ATM层和物理层D.传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层4、以下说法正确的是( )。







A、A类地址B、B类地址C、C类地址D、D类地址8、IP数据报报头中的标志D=0和标志M=0时,表示( )。


A.(0 0+2-20+20—2)B.(0 +2+2—20+20—2)C.(+2 0+2—20+20—2)D.(0 0+2-2 0+2 0 0)10、以太网的帧,数据字段的最小长度是:()A.18B B。



Eastxu_伟少Chapter 1: ~~1.以网络为核心的信息时代中,网络指的是?答:“三网”:电信网络、有线电视网络、计算机网络。





注:C/S方式表示Client/Server 方式,P2P方式表示Peer-to-Peer方式。




8.计算机网络性能指标有哪些?答:速率、带宽、吞吐量、时延、时延带宽积、往返时间RTT(Round-Trip Time)、利用率。








计算机网络英文题库附答案c h a p t e r精编W O R D版IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet 1.The ( ) is a worldwide computer network, that is, a network that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world.ppt3A public InternetB IntranetC switch netD television net2.Which kind of media is not a guided media ( )A twisted-pair copper wireB a coaxial cableC fiber opticsD digital satellite channel3.Which kind of media is a guided media ( )A geostationary satelliteB low-altitude satelliteC fiber opticsD wireless LAN4.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ).A FramesB SegmentsC DatagramsD bit streams5.Which of the following option belongs to the circuit-switched networks ( )A FDMB TDMC VC networksD both A and B6.( )makes sure that neither side of aconnection overwhelms the other side bysending too many packets too fast.A Reliable data transferB Flow controlC Congestion controlD Handshaking procedure7.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Store-and-forward transmissionB FDMC End-to-end connectionD TDM8.Datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks differ in that ( ).A datagram networks are circuit-switchednetworks, and virtual-circuit networks arepacket-switched networks.B datagram networks are packet-switchednetworks, and virtual-circuit networks arecircuit-switched networks.C datagram networks use destinationaddresses and virtual-circuit networks useVC. numbers to forward packets towardtheir destination.D datagram networks use VC. numbersand virtual-circuit networks use destinationaddresses to forward packets toward theirdestination.9.In the following options, which one is not a guided media ( )A twisted-pair wireB fiber opticsC coaxial cableD satellite10.Processing delay does not include the time to ( ).A examine the packet’s headerB wait to transmit the packet onto the linkC determine where to direct the packetD check bit-error in the packet11.In the following four descriptions, which one is correct ( )A The traffic intensity must be greaterthan 1.B The fraction of lost packets increases asthe traffic intensity decreases.C If the traffic intensity is close to zero,the average queuing delay will be close tozero.D If the traffic intensity is close to one, theaverage queuing delay will be close to one.12.The Internet’s network layer isresponsible for moving network-layerpackets known as ( ) from one host toanother.A frameB datagramC segmentD message13.The protocols of various layers are called ( ).A the protocol stackB TCP/IPC ISPD network protocol14.There are two classes of packet-switched networks: ( ) networks and virtual-circuitnetworks.A datagramB circuit-switchedC televisionD telephone15.Access networks can be loosely classified into three categories: residential access,company access and ( ) access.A cabledB wirelessC campusD city areaQuestion 16~17Suppose, a is the average rate at which packets arrive at the queue, R is the transmission rate, and all packets consist of L bits, then the traffic intensity is ( 16 ), and it should no greater than ( 17 ).16.A LR/aB La/RC Ra/LD LR/a 17.A 2B 1C 0D -118.In the Internet, the equivalent concept to end systems is ( ).A hostsB serversC clientsD routers19.In the Internet, end systems are connected together by ( ).A copper wireB coaxial cableC communication linksD fiber optics20.End systems access to the Internet through its ( ).A modemsB protocolsC ISPD sockets21.End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet, run ( ) that controlthe sending and receiving of informationwithin the Internet.A programsB processesC applicationsD protocols22.There are many private networks, such as many corporate and government networks,whose hosts cannot exchange messageswith hosts outside of the private network.These private networks are often referredto as ( ).A internetsB LANC intranetsD WAN23.The internet allows ( ) running on its end systems to exchange data with each other.A clients applicationsB server applicationsC P2P applicationsD distributed applications24.The Internet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connectionlessunreliable service and () service.A flow controlB connection-oriented reliableC congestion controlD TCP25.It defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or morecommunicating entities, as well as theactions taken on the transmission and/orreceipt of a message or other event. Thesentence describes ( ).A InternetB protocolC intranetD network26.In the following options, which does not define in protocol ( )A the format of messages exchangedbetween two or more communicatingentitiesB the order of messages exchangedbetween two or more communicatingentitiesC the actions taken on the transmission ofa message or other eventD the transmission signals are digitalsignals or analog signals27.In the following options, which is defined in protocol ( )A the actions taken on the transmissionand/or receipt of a message or othereventB the objects exchanged between communicating entitiesC the content in the exchanged messagesD the location of the hosts28.In the following options, which does not belong to the network edge ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers29.In the following options, which belongs to the network core ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers30.In the following options, which is not the bundled with the Internet’s connection-oriented service( )A reliable data transferB guarantee of the transmission timeC flow controlD congestion-control31.An application can rely on the connection to deliver all of its data without error andin the proper order. The sentencedescribes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC reliable data transferD connection-oriented service32.It makes sure that neither side of aconnection overwhelms the other side bysending too many packets too fast. Thesentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer33.It helps prevent the Internet from enteringa state of gridlock. When a packet switchbecomes congested, its buffers canoverflow and packet loss can occur. Thesentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer34.The Internet’s connection-oriented service has a name, it is ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP 35.In the following options, which service does not be provided to an application by TCP( )A reliable transportB flow controlC video conferencingD congestion control36.The Internet’s connectionless service is called ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP37.In the following options, which does not use TCP()A SMTPB internet telephoneC FTPD HTTP38.In the following options, which does not use UDP( )A Internet phoneB video conferencingC streaming multimediaD telnet39.There are two fundamental approaches to building a network core, ( ) and packetswitching.A electrical current switchingB circuit switchingC data switchingD message switching40.In ( ) networks, the resources needed along a path to provide forcommunication between the end systemare reserved for the duration of thecommunication session.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched41.In ( ) networks, the resources are not reserved; a session’s messages use theresources on demand, and as aconsequence, may have to wait for accessto communication link.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched42.In a circuit-switched network, if each link has n circuits, for each link used by theend-to-end connection, the connectiongets ( ) of the link’s bandwidth for theduration of the connection.A a fraction 1/nB allC 1/2D n times43.For ( ), the transmission rate of a circuit is equal to the frame rate multiplied by thenumber of bits in a slot.A CDMAB packet-switched networkC TDMD FDM 44.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin totransmit the first bit of the packet onto theoutbound link.A Queuing delayB Store-and-forward transmissionC Packet lossD Propagation45.The network that forwards packetsaccording to host destination addresses iscalled ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram46.The network that forwards packetsaccording to virtual-circuit numbers iscalled ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram47.In the following entries, which is not a kind of access network()A residential accessB company accessC wireless accessD local access48.Suppose there is exactly one packet switch between a sending host and a receivinghost. The transmission rates between thesending host and the switch and betweenthe switch and the receiving host are R1and R2, respectively. Assuming that theswitch uses store-and-forward packetswitching, what is the total end-to-enddelay to send a packet of length L (Ignorequeuing delay, propagation delay, andprocessing delay.) ( )A L/R1+L/R2B L/R1C L/R2D none of the above49.The time required to examine thepacket’s header and determine where todirect the packet is part of the ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay50.The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay51.Consider sending a packet of 3000bits over a path of 5 links. Each link transmits at 1000bps. Queuing delays, propagation delay and processing delay are negligible. (6 points) (1).Suppose the network is a packet-switched virtual circuit network. VC setup time is 0.1 seconds. Suppose the sending layers add a total of 500 bits of header to each packet. How long does it take to send the file from source to destination?(2).Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless serviceis used. Now suppose each packet has 200 bitsof header. How long does it take to send the file?(3).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between sourceand destination is 200bps. Assuming 0.02s setuptime and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet?So lution:(1).t=5*(3000+500)/1000+0.1=17.6s( 2).t=5*(3000+200)/1000=16s( 3).t=(3000+200)/200+0.02=16.02s。



Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet1.The ( ) is a worldwide computer network, that is, a network that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world.ppt3A public InternetB IntranetC switch netD television net2.Which kind of media is not a guided media? ( )A twisted-pair copper wireB a coaxial cableC fiber opticsD digital satellite channel3.Which kind of media is a guided media? ( )A geostationary satelliteB low-altitude satelliteC fiber opticsD wireless LAN4.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ).A FramesB SegmentsC DatagramsD bit streams5.Which of the following option belongs to the circuit-switched networks? ( )A FDMB TDMC VC networksD both A and B6.( )makes sure that neither side of a connection overwhelms the other side by sending too many packets too fast.A Reliable data transferB Flow controlC Congestion controlD Handshaking procedure7.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Store-and-forward transmissionB FDMC End-to-end connectionD TDM8.Datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks differ in that ( ).A datagram networks are circuit-switched networks, andvirtual-circuit networks are packet-switched networks.B datagram networks are packet-switched networks, andvirtual-circuit networks are circuit-switched networks.C datagram networks use destination addresses and virtual-circuitnetworks use VC. numbers to forward packets toward theirdestination.D datagram networks use VC. numbers and virtual-circuit networksuse destination addresses to forward packets toward their destination. 9.In the following options, which one is not a guided media? ( )A twisted-pair wireB fiber opticsC coaxial cableD satellite10.Processing delay does not include the time to ( ).A examine the packet’s headerB wait to transmit the packet onto the linkC determine where to direct the packetD check bit-error in the packet11.In the following four descriptions, which one is correct? ( )A The traffic intensity must be greater than 1.B The fraction of lost packets increases as the traffic intensitydecreases.C If the traffic intensity is close to zero, the average queuing delaywill be close to zero.D If the traffic intensity is close to one, the average queuing delaywill be close to one.12.The Internet’s network layer is responsible for moving network-layer packets known as ( ) from one host to another.A frameB datagramC segmentD message13.The protocols of various layers are called ( ).A the protocol stackB TCP/IPC ISPD network protocol14.There are two classes of packet-switched networks: ( ) networks and virtual-circuit networks.A datagramB circuit-switchedC televisionD telephone15.Access networks can be loosely classified into three categories: residential access, company access and ( ) access.A cabledB wirelessC campusD city areaQuestion 16~17Suppose, a is the average rate at which packets arrive at the queue, R is the transmission rate, and all packets consist of L bits, then the traffic intensity is ( 16 ), and it should no greater than ( 17 ).16. A LR/aB La/RC Ra/LD LR/a17.A 2B 1C 0D -118.In the Internet, the equivalent concept to end systems is ( ).A hostsB serversC clientsD routers19.In the Internet, end systems are connected together by ( ).A copper wireB coaxial cableC communication linksD fiber optics20.End systems access to the Internet through its ( ).A modemsB protocolsC ISPD sockets21.End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet, run ( ) that control the sending and receiving of information within theInternet.A programsB processesC applicationsD protocols22.There are many private networks, such as many corporate and government networks, whose hosts cannot exchange messages withhosts outside of the private network. These private networks are often referred to as ( ).A internetsB LANC intranetsD WAN23.The internet allows ( ) running on its end systems to exchange data with each other.A clients applicationsB server applicationsC P2P applicationsD distributed applications24.The Internet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connectionless unreliable service and () service.A flow controlB connection-oriented reliableC congestion controlD TCP25.It defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on thetransmission and/or receipt of a message or other event. The sentence describes ( ).A InternetB protocolC intranetD network26.In the following options, which does not define in protocol? ( )A the format of messages exchanged between two or morecommunicating entitiesB the order of messages exchanged between two or morecommunicating entitiesC the actions taken on the transmission of a message or other eventD the transmission signals are digital signals or analog signals模拟信号27.In the following options, which is defined in protocol? ( )A the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message orother eventB the objects exchanged between communicating entitiesC the content in the exchanged messagesD the location of the hosts28.In the following options, which does not belong to the network edge? ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers29.In the following options, which belongs to the network core? ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers30.In the following options, which is not the bundled with the Internet’s connection-oriented service? ( )A reliable data transferB guarantee of the transmission timeC flow controlD congestion-control31.An application can rely on the connection to deliver all of its data without error and in the proper order. The sentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC reliable data transferD connection-oriented service32.It makes sure that neither side of a connection overwhelms淹没压倒the other side by sending too many packets too fast. The sentencedescribes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer33.It helps prevent the Internet from entering a state of gridlock. When a packet switch becomes congested, its buffers can overflow and packet loss can occur. The sentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer34.The Internet’s connection-oriented service has a name, it is ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP35.In the following options, which service does not be provided to an application by TCP?( )A reliable transportB flow controlC video conferencingD congestion control36.The Internet’s connectionless service is called ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP37.In the following options, which does not use TCP?( )A SMTPB internet telephoneC FTPD HTTP38.In the following options, which does not use UDP?( )A Internet phoneB video conferencingC streaming multimediaD telnet39.There are two fundamental approaches to building a network core, ( ) and packet switching.A electrical current switchingB circuit switchingC data switchingD message switching40.In ( ) networks, the resources needed along a path to provide for communication between the end system are reserved for the duration持续of the communication session.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched41.In ( ) networks, the resources are not reserved; a session’s messages use the resources on demand, and as a consequence, may have to wait for access to communication link.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched42.In a circuit-switched network, if each link has n circuits, for each link used by the end-to-end connection, the connection gets ( ) of thelink’s bandwidth for the duration of the connection.A a fraction 1/nB allC 1/2D n times43.For ( ), the transmission rate of a circuit is equal to the frame rate multiplied by the number of bits in a slot.A CDMAB packet-switched networkC TDMD FDM44.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Queuing delayB Store-and-forward transmissionC Packet lossD Propagation45.The network that forwards packets according to host destination addresses is called ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram46.The network that forwards packets according to virtual-circuit numbers is called ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram47.In the following entries, which is not a kind of access network?( )A residential accessB company accessC wireless accessD local access48.Suppose there is exactly one packet switch between a sending host and a receiving host. The transmission rates between the sending host and the switch and between the switch and the receiving host are R1 and R2,respectively. Assuming that the switch uses store-and-forward packetswitching, what is the total end-to-end delay to send a packet of length L? (Ignore queuing delay, propagation delay, and processing delay.)( )A L/R1+L/R2B L/R1C L/R2D none of the above49.The time required to examine the packet’s header and determine where to direct the packet is part of the ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay50.The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay51.Consider sending a packet of 3000bits over a path of 5 links. Each link transmits at 1000bps. Queuing delays, propagation delay and processing delay are negligible可以忽略的. (6 points)(1).Suppose the network is a packet-switched virtual circuit network. VC setup time is 0.1 seconds. Suppose the sending layers add a total of 500 bits of header to each packet. How long does it take to send the file from source to destination?(2).Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless service is used. Now suppose each packet has 200 bits of header. How long does it take to send the file?(3).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between source and destination is 200bps. Assuming 0.02s setup time and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet?Solution: (1). t=5*(3000+500)/1 000+0.1=17.6s(2). t=5*(3000+200)/1 000=16s(3). t=(3000+200)/20 0+0.02=16.02s。








计算机网络体系结构的重点在于OSI 七层模型和TCP/IP 四层模型。

OSI 七层模型分别是物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层和应用层。



TCP/IP 四层模型则包括网络接口层、网际层、传输层和应用层。

与OSI 七层模型相比,TCP/IP 四层模型更加简洁实用,是目前广泛使用的网络体系结构。












计算机网络试题库1单项选择题1.1 1. 以下属于物理层的设备是(A)A.中继器B.以太网交换机C.桥D.网关[设备]1.22. 在以太网中,是根据地址来区分不同的设备的(B)A.LLC 地址B.MAC 地址C.IP 地址D.IPX 地址[局域网]1.3 3. IEEE802.3u 标准是指(B)A.以太网B.快速以太网C.令牌环网D.FDDI 网[局域网]1.4 4. 下面哪种LAN 是应用CSMA/CD 协议的(C)A、令牌环B、FDDIC、ETHERNETD、NOVELL[局域网]1.5 5. FDDI 使用的是局域网技术。


[局域网]1.6 6. TCP 和UDP 协议的相似之处是(C)A、面向连接的协议B、面向非连接的协议C、传输层协议D、以上均不对[协议]1.7 7. 应用程序PING 发出的是报文。

(C)A、TCP 请求报文。

B、TCP 应答报文。

C、ICMP 请求报文。

D、ICMP 应答报文。

[IP 协议]1.8 8. 小于的TCP/UDP 端口号已保留与现有服务一一对应,此数字以上的端口号可自由分配。

(C)A、199B、100C、1024D、2048[TCP 协议——端口]1.9 9. 当一台主机从一个网络移到另一个网络时,以下说法正确的是(B)A、必须改变它的IP 地址和MAC 地址B、必须改变它的IP 地址,但不需改动MAC 地址C、必须改变它的MAC 地址,但不需改动IP 地址D、MAC 地址、IP 地址都不需改动[IP 协议—网络地址]1.10 10. IEEE802.5 标准是指(C)A、以太网B、令牌总线网C、令牌环网D、FDDI 网[局域网]1.11 11. ARP 协议的作用是(D)A、将端口号映射到IP 地址B、连接IP 层和TCP 层C、广播IP 地址D、将IP 地址映射到第二层地址[IP 协议—ARP 协议]1.12 12. 10BASE-T 是指(C)A、粗同轴电缆B、细同轴电缆C、双绞线D、光纤[局域网]1.13 13. 如果要将两计算机通过双绞线直接连接,正确的线序是(C)A、1--1、2--2、3--3、4--4、5--5、6--6、7--7、8--8B、1--2、2--1、3--6、4--4、5--5、6--3、7--7、8--8C、1--3、2--6、3--1、4--4、5--5、6--2、7--7、8--8D、两计算机不能通过双绞线直接连接[局域网—上机]1.14 14. 帧中继的使用链路层协议是(C)A、LAPBB、LAPDC、LAPFD、HDLC[广域网]1.15 15. 在windows95/98 的dos 窗口下,能用以下命令察看主机的路由表(D)A、NETSTAT -RB、ARP -AC、TRACEROUTED、ROUTE PRINT[局域网-上机]1.16 16. 与10.110.12.29 mask 属于同一网段的主机IP 地址是(B)A、、、、 17. 某公司申请到一个C 类IP 地址,但要连接6 个的子公司,最大的一个子公司有26 台计算机,每个子公司在一个网段中,则子网掩码应设为(D)A、、、、[IP 协议—IP 地址]1.18 18. 代表的是地址。

计算机网络第一章 作业及答案

计算机网络第一章 作业及答案

计算机网络――第一章习题及答案一. 名词解释1. ______A 广域网2. ___D___ 城域网3. _____C_ 局域网4. B______ 通信子网5. _____E_ ARPAnet6. ______ H计算机网络7. ___G___ 分布式系统8. ___F___ 公用数据网广域网A. 覆盖范围从几十公里到几千公里,可以将一个国家、地区或横跨几个洲的计算机和网络互连起来的网络。

通信子网B. 有各种通信控制处理机、通信线路与其它通信设备组成,负责全网的通信处理任务。

局域网C. 用于有限地理范围(例如一幢大楼),将各种计算机、外设互连起来的网络。

城域网D. 可以满足几十公里范围内的大量企业、机关、公司的多个局域网互连的需要,并能实现大量用户与数据、语音、图像等多种信息传输的网络。

ARPAnet E. 对Internet的形成与发展起到奠基作用的计算机网络。

公用数据网F. 由邮电部门或通信公司统一组建与管理,向社会用户提供数据通信服务的网络。

分布式系统G. 存在着一个能为用户自动管理资源的网络操作系统,有它来自动调用完成用户任务所需的资源,整个网络系统对用户来说就像是一个大的计算机系统一样。

计算机网络H. 以能够相互共享资源的方式互连起来的自治计算机系统的集合。

二. 单项选择1.随着微型计算机的广泛应用,大量的微型计算机是通过局域网连入广域网,而局域网域广域网的互连是通过 ___B____ 实现的。

A. 通信子网B. 路由器C. 城域网D. 电话交换网2.网络是分布在不同地理位置的多个独立的 ____D___ 的集合。

A. 局域网系统B. 多协议路由器C. 操作系统D. 自治计算机3.电信业一般认为宽带骨干网的数据传输速率达到 C。

A. 10Mb/sB. 100Mb/sC. 2Gb/sD. 10Gb/s4.计算机网络拓扑是通过网中节点与通信线路之间的几何关系表示网络结构,它反映出网络中各实体间的 ____A___ 。



计算机网络试题及答案第一章概述一、填空题1计算机网络是能够相互资源共享的互连起来的自治计算机系统的集合;2二十世纪七十年代ARPANET 的出现是计算机网络发展的里程碑,其核心技术是分组交换;3协议是控制两个对等实体进行通信的规则的结合;4在OSI参考模型中,上层使用下层所提供的服务必须与下层交换一些命令,这些命令在OSI中成为服务原语;5在同一系统中相邻两层的实体进行交互的地方,通常称为服务访问点;6面向连接服务具有连接建立、数据传输和连接释放这三个阶段;7从网络的作用范围进行分类,计算机网络可以分为:广域网、局域网和城域网; 8为进行网络中的数据交换而建立的规则、标准或约定即为网络协议;9所有的Internet标准都是以RFC 的形式发表;10从通信的角度看,各层所提供的服务可分为两大类,即面向连接和无连接;11无连接服务主要有以下三种类型,即数据报、证实交付和和请求回答;12 TCP/IP体系共有四个层次,它们是主机-网络层、互联层、传输层和和应用层; 13从网络的使用范围进行分类,计算机网络可以划分为公用网和专用网;二、问答题1计算机网络由哪几个部分组成答案:一个计算机网络由以下三个主要部分组成:1若干个主机,它们向各用户提供服务;2一个通信子网,它由一些专用的结点交换机和连接这些结点的通信链路所组成;3一系列的协议;这些协议是为在主机之间或主机和子网之间的通信而用的;2 面向连接服务与无连接服务各自的特点是什么答案:面向连接服务是在数据交换之前,必须先建立连接;当数据交换结束后,则应终止这个连接;因此,面向连接服务在网络层中又称为虚电路服务,虚表示:虽然在两个服务用户的通信过程中并没有自始至终专用一条端到端的完整物理电路,但却好像一直占用了一条这样的电路;面向连接服务比较适合于在一定期间内要向同一目的地发送许多报文的情况;在无连接服务的情况下,两个实体之间的通信不需要先建立好一个连接,因此其下层的有关资源不需要事先进行预定保留;这些资源将在数据传输时动态地进行分配;无连接服务的另一特征就是它不需要通信的两个实体同时是活跃的;当发送端的实体正在进行发送时,它才必须是活跃的;这时接收端的实体并不一定必须是活跃的;只有当接收端的实体正在进行接收时,它才必须是活跃的;无连接服务的优点是灵活方便和比较迅速;但无连接服务不能防止报文的丢失、重复或失序;无连接服务特别适合于传送少量零星的报文;3计算机网络与分布式计算机系统的主要区别是什么答案:分布式系统的最主要特点是整个系统中的各个计算机对用户都是透明的;用户通过键入命令就可以运行程序,但用户并不知道是哪一个计算机在为他运行程序;是操作系统为用户选择一个最合适的计算机来运行其程序,并将运行的结果传送到合适的地方;计算机网络则不同,用户必须先在欲运行程序的计算机进行登录,然后按照计算机的地址,将程序通过计算机网络传送到该计算机上去运行;最后,根据用户的命令将结果传送到指定的计算机;二者的区别主要是软件的不同;4开放系统互连基本参考模型OSI/RM中"开放"的含义是什么答案:"开放"的含义:只要遵循OSI标准,一个系统就可以和位于世界上任何地方的、也遵循这同一标准的其他任何系统进行通信;这一点很像世界范围的和邮政系统,这两个系统都是开放系统;5从一个普通的RFC文档上升到Internet的正式标准要经过哪四个阶段答案:从一个普通的RFC文档上升到Internet的正式标准要经过以下四个阶段:1草案Internet Draft2建议标准Proposed Standard3草案标准Draft Standard4正式标准Official Standard6按照网络的交换功能,计算机网络可以划分为哪几类答案:1电路交换;2报文交换;3分组交换;4混合交换7按网络的拓扑结构,计算机网络可以划分为哪几类答案: 1集中式网络;2分散式网络;3分布式网络三、选择题1 OSI参考模型的三个主要概念是C;A architecture,model,and switchB subnet,layer,and primitivesC service,interface,and protocolD WAN,MAN,AND LAN第二章物理层练习题一、填空题1从双方信息交互的方式来看,通信有以下三个基本方式:单工通信、半双工通信和全双工通信;2每赫带宽的理想低通信道的最高码元传输速率为每秒2个码元;3为了提高信息的传输速率,就必须设法使每一个码元能携带更多个比特的信息量,即采用多进制的调制方法;4常用的传输介质有双绞线、同轴电缆、光纤和无线;5物理层的主要任务是确定与传输介质有关的特性,即机械特性、电气特性、功能特性和规程特性;6常用的物理层标准有RS-232 、 ;7物理层的任务就是透明地传送 ;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案: 比特流8物理层上所传数据的单位是 ;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案: 比特9特性用来说明接口所用接线器的形状和尺寸、引脚数目和排列、固定和锁定装置等;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案:机械特性10 特性用来说明在接口电缆的哪条线上出现的电压应为什么范围,即什么样的电压表示1或0;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案:电气特性11 特性说明某条线上出现的某一电平的电压表示何种意义;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案:功能特性12 特性说明对于不同功能的各种可能事件的出现顺序;第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案:规程特性13 通信,即只能有一个方向的通信而没有反方向的交互;第二章物理层知识点: 通信的方式答案: 单工14 通信,即通信的双方都可以发送信息,但不能双方同时发送;第二章物理层知识点: 通信的方式答案:半双工15 通信,即通信的双方可以同时发送和接收信息;第二章物理层知识点: 通信的方式答案: 全双工;16所谓信号就是将数字信号1或0直接用两种不同的电压来表示,然后送到线路上传输;第二章物理层知识点:信号的基本概念答案:基带17 信号是将基带进行调制后形成的频分复用模拟信号;第二章物理层知识点:信号的基本概念答案:频带18为了提高双绞线的的能力,可以在双绞线的外面再加上一个用金属丝编织成的屏蔽层;这就是屏蔽双绞线;第二章物理层知识点:有线传输媒体答案: 抗电磁干扰二、选择题1在下列传输介质中,那种传输介质的抗电磁干扰性最好A双绞线B同轴电缆C光缆D无线介质第二章物理层知识点: 传输媒体答案: C2在电缆中屏蔽有什么好处1减少信号衰减2减少电磁干扰辐射和对外界干扰的灵敏度3减少物理损坏4减少电磁的阻抗A仅1B仅2C 1,2D 2,4第二章物理层知识点: 传输媒体答案: B3下列传输介质中,哪种传输介质的典型传输速率最高A双绞线B同轴电缆C光缆D无线介质第二章物理层知识点: 传输媒体答案: C4 RS232C的“数据终端准备电路CD”是下列哪类电路A控制电路B数据电路C定时电路D地线第二章物理层知识点: 物理层协议答案: A5带宽是对下列哪种媒体容量的度量A快速信息通信B传送数据C在高频范围内传送的信号D上述所有的第二章物理层知识点: 物理层的基本概念答案: B6下述哪一个电缆类型支持最大的电缆长度A无屏蔽双绞线B屏蔽双绞线C粗同轴电缆D细同轴电缆第二章物理层知识点:有线传输媒体答案: C7下述哪个说法是正确的A细同轴电缆传输速率最高;B 光纤电缆支持电缆运行几十公里;C 屏蔽双绞线电缆对电磁干扰不敏感;D 以上说法都不对;第二章物理层知识点:有线传输媒体答案: D8下列哪种类型电缆在安装时费用大A光纤B非屏蔽双绞线C屏蔽双绞线D粗同轴电缆第二章物理层知识点:传输媒体答案:A9 RS232C逻辑“0”的电平为;A大于+3VB小于-3VC大于+15VD小于-15V第二章物理层知识点: 物理层协议答案: A10 RS232C的连接器是;A 9芯标准连接器B15芯标准连接器C25芯标准连接器D 37芯标准连接器第二章物理层知识点: 物理层协议答案: C111的传输距离最远,其典型的传输速率可达2,并且具有3的特点;1A无屏蔽双绞线B 屏蔽双绞线C光缆D 粗同轴电缆E细同轴电缆2A 10MbpsB 16MbpsC 100MbpsD 500Mbps3A安装容易,对电磁干扰不敏感B安装困难,对电磁干扰不敏感C安装容易,对电磁干扰敏感D安装困难,对电磁干扰敏感第二章物理层知识点:传输媒体答案: C、C和B12同轴电缆一般分为1和2,3常用于有线电视,其特性阻抗为4;5常用于计算机网络,其特性阻抗为6;7又根据接口标准不同分为8和9;1,2,3,5,7,8,9A宽带同轴电缆B基带同轴电缆C粗同轴电缆D 细同轴电缆4,6A100欧姆B 75欧姆C 60欧姆D 50欧姆第二章物理层知识点:传输媒体答案: A、B、A、B、B、D、A、C、D13点到点通信主要适用于1和2两种情形;1,2A路由器对路由器的租线连接B LAN对路由器的连接C拨号的主机对路由器D LAN-WAN-LAN第二章物理层知识点:物理层协议答案: A、C三、问答题1物理层的接口有哪几个方面的特性各包含些什么内容第二章物理层知识点:物理层的主要任务答案:物理层的接口主要有四个方面的特性,即机械特性-说明接口所用接线器的形状和尺寸、引线数目和排列、固定和锁定装置等等;例如对各种规格的电源插头的尺寸都有严格的规定;电气特性-说明在接口电缆的哪条线上出现的电压应为什么范围,即什么样的电压表示1或0;功能特性-说明某条线上出现的某一电平的电压表示何种意义;规程特性-说明对于不同功能的各种可能事件的出现顺序;2双绞线、同轴电缆、光缆、无线传输介质各有什么特性如何选择第二章物理层知识点:传输媒体答案:传输介质的特性主要有传输输率和带宽有关、传输距离和衰减有关、抗干扰能力以及安装的难易和费用的高低等几项,选择时要根据实际使用场合,综合上述因素进行考虑;如要求传输速率高,可选用电缆;要求价钱便宜,可选用双绞线;要求在不适宜铺设电缆的场合通信,可选用无线传输等;下述的特性比较可以总结出每种传输介质的特点,便于在实际中选择使用;典型的传输速率:光缆100Mbps,同轴电缆10Mbps,屏蔽双绞线16Mbps,双绞线10Mbps,无线介质小于10Mbps;传输距离:光缆几千米,同轴粗缆500米,同轴细缆185米,双绞线100米,无线介质也可达几千米;抗干扰能力:有线介质中光缆抗干扰能力最好,非屏蔽双绞线最差;无线传输介质受外界影响较大,一般抗干扰能力较差;安装:光缆安装最困难,非屏蔽双绞线安装最简单;费用:对有线传输介质,其费用的高低依次为光缆、粗同轴电缆、屏蔽双绞线、细同轴电缆、非屏蔽双绞线;无线传输介质中,卫星传输最昂贵;3传播时延、发送时延和重发时延各自的物理意义是什么第二章物理层知识点:卫星通信答案:传播时延是指电磁波在信道中传输所需要的时间;它取决于电磁波在信道上的传输速率以及所传播的距离;发送时延是发送数据所需要的时间;它取决于数据块的长度和数据在信道上的发送速率;重发时延是因为数据在传输中出了差错就要重新传送,因而增加了总的数据传输时间;4什么是曼彻斯特编码和差分曼彻斯特编码其特点如何第二章物理层知识点:数字信号基带传输答案:曼彻斯特编码是将每一个码元再分成两个相等的间隔;码元1是在前一个间隔为高电平而后一个间隔为低电平;码元0则正好相反,从低电平变到高电平;这种编码的好处是可以保证在每一个码元的正中间出现一次电平的转换,这对接收端的提取位同步信号是非常有利的;缺点是它所占的频带宽度比原始的基带信号增加了一倍;差分曼彻斯特编码的规则是若码元为1,则其前半个码元的电平与上一个码元的后半个码元的电平一样;但若码元为0,则其前半个码元的电平与上一个码元的后半个码元的电平相反;不论码元是10或,在每个码元的正中间的时刻,一定要有一次电平的转换;差分曼彻斯特编码需要较复杂的技术,但可以获得较好的抗干扰性能;曼彻斯特编码和差分曼彻斯特编码的比较5基带信号和宽带信号的传输各有什么特点第二章物理层知识点:数字信号的传输方式答案:基带信号是将数字信号1或0直接用两种不同的电压来表示,然后送到线路上去传输;宽带信号则是将基带信号进行调制后形成的频分复用模拟信号;基带信号进行调制后,其频谱移到较高的频率处;由于每一路基带信号的频谱被搬移到不同的频段上,因此合在一起后并不会互相干扰;这样做可以在一条线路中同时传送许多路的数字信号,因而提高了线路的利用率;6 RS232C接口是如何进行数据传输的第二章物理层知识点:物理层协议答案:RS232C的工作过程在各条控制线的有序的“ON”逻辑“0”和“OFF”逻辑“1”状态的配合下进行;在DTE-DCE连接情况下,只有当电路CD和电路CC均为"ON"状态时,才具备操作的基本条件;若DTE要发送数据,则首先将电路CA置为"ON" 状态,等待电路CB应答信号为"ON"状态,才能在电路BA上发送数据;若DTE 要接收数据,则电路CF必须为"ON" 状态,才能在电路BB上接收数据;因此在异步传输时,RS232C使用电路CA,电路CB,电路CC,电路CD,电路CE这五个基本控制电路以及一些附加电路如地线、数据线、振铃指示等;而只同步传输时,由于涉及到同步时钟,RS232C在异步传输时所需接口电路的基础上,还需增加DCE产生并供给DTE使用的定时信号,即需增加电路DB和DD;7如何减少传输介质的衰减第二章物理层知识点:传输媒体答案:在任何传输介质上,信号的强度都会随距离的增加而降低;由于有衰减存在,实际中需要考虑三个问题:1接收的信号必须有足够的强度以便接收机能够检测并解释信号;2信号必须维持一个对噪声足够高的电平,以被无误地接收;3衰减是频率的函数;前两个问题的处理是使用放大器或转发器;对于点到点线路,发送的信号必须足够强,但不能强到使发送装置过载,那样会造成发送信号畸变;当超过一定距离时,衰减大到不可接受时,就要使用转发器或放大器来提升信号;第三个问题对于模拟信号来说特别值得注意;衰减随着频率函数的变化而变化,克服这个问题的一种技术就是均衡,用于均衡一个频带上的衰减;例如对于音频线,通常使用改变线路的电学特性的加感线圈,使衰减效应平滑些;另外还可以使用高频放大量大于低频放大量的放大器;第三章数据链路层练习题一、填空题1数据链路层最重要的作用就是:通过一些协议,在不太可靠的物理链路上实现数据传输;第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的作用答案:数据链路层、可靠的2在数据链路层,数据的传送单位是;第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的作用答案:帧3在计算机通信中,采用方式进行差错控制;第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的功能答案:检错重发4所谓就是不管所传数据是什么样的比特组合,都应当能够在链路上传送;第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的功能答案:透明传输5物理层要解决同步的问题;数据链路层要解决同步的问题;第二章物理层第三章数据链路层知识点:物理层及数据链路层的功能答案:比特、帧6所谓就是从收到的比特流中正确无误地判断出一个帧从哪个比特开始以及到哪个比特结束;第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的功能答案:帧同步7链路的两种基本配置,即和;第三章数据链路层知识点: HDLC答案:非平衡配置和平衡配置8用户接入Internet的一般方法有两种;一种是用户使用,另一种是使用;第三章数据链路层知识点: Internet中的数据链路层答案:拨号线接入,专线接入9 Internet中使用得最广泛的数据链路层协议是协议和协议;第三章数据链路层知识点: Internet中的数据链路层答案:SLIP和PPP二、问答题1在停止等待协议中,应答帧为什么不需要序号第三章数据链路层知识点:停止等待协议答案:由停止等待协议的工作原理可知:收方每收到一个正确的数据后,都立即向发方发送一个应答帧,发方只有收到上一个数据的确认帧后,才能继续发送下一帧;所以,在停止等待协议中,无须对应答帧进行编号;2简述HDLC帧各字段的意义;第三章数据链路层知识点:面向比特的链路控制规程HDLC答案:标志字段F:作为一个帧的边界,标明了一个帧的开始和结束;地址字段A:在使用非平衡方式传送数据时,地址字段总是写入次站的地址;但在平衡方式时,地址字段总是填入应答站的地址;帧校验序列FCS,校验的范围从地址字段的第一个比特起,到信息字段的最末一个比特为止;控制字段C,是最复杂的字段;根据其最前面两个比特的取值,可将HDLC帧划分为三大类:信息帧、监督帧和无编号帧;3解释零比特填充法;第三章数据链路层知识点: HDLC的帧结构答案:在HDLC的帧结构中,若在两个标志字段之间的比特串中,碰巧出现了和标志字段F为6个连续1加上两边各一个0一样的比特组合,那么就会误认为是帧的边界;为了避免出现这种情况,HDLC采用零比特填充法使一帧中两个F字段之间不会出现6个连续1;零比特填充法的具体做法是:在发送端,当一串比特流尚未加上标志字段时,先用硬件扫描整个帧;只要发现5个连续1,则立即填入一个0;因此经过这种零比特填充后的数据,就可以保证不会出现6个连续1;在接收一个帧时,先找到F字段以确定帧的边界;接着再用硬件对其中的比特流进行扫描;每当发现5个连续1时,就将这5个连续1后的一个0删除,以还原成原来的比特流;这样就保证了在所传送的比特流中,不管出现什么样的比特组合,也不至于引起帧边界的判断错误;4数据链路逻辑链路与链路物理链路有何区别第三章数据链路层知识点:数据链路层的基本概念答案:物理链路:就是一条无源的点到点的物理线路段,中间没有任何其他的交换结点;在进行数据通信时,两个计算机之间的通路往往是由许多的链路串接而成的;逻辑链路:在物理线路之外,加上一些必要的规程来控制这些数据的传输;实现这些规程的硬件和软件加到链路上,就构成了逻辑链路;5简述ARQ协议的工作原理;第三章数据链路层知识点:连续ARQ协议答案:ARQ协议的要点:当发送站点发送完一个数据帧后,不是停下来等待应答帧,而是可以连续在发送若干个数据帧;如果在此过程中又收到了接收端发来的应答帧,那么还可以接着发送数据帧;由于减少了等待时间,整个通信的吞吐量就提高了;6滑动窗口协议中,发送窗口和接收窗口的含义;第三章数据链路层知识点:滑动窗口协议答案:发送窗口用来对发送端进行流量控制,而发送窗口的大小代表在还没有收到对方确认的条件下发送端最多可以发送多少个数据帧;接收窗口是为了控制哪些数据帧可以接收而哪些帧不可以接收;在接收端只有当收到的数据帧的发送序号落入接收窗口内才允许将该数据帧收下;若接收到的数据帧落在接收窗口之外,则一律将其丢弃;7简述选择重传ARQ协议的工作原理;第三章数据链路层知识点:连续ARQ协议答案:选择重传ARQ协议:为了进一步提高信道的利用率,可以设法只重传出现差错的数据帧或者是定时器超时的数据帧;此时必须加大接收窗口,以便先收下发送序号不连续但仍处在接收窗口中的那些数据帧;等到所缺序号的数据帧收到之后再一并送交主机;8正常响应方式的特点是什么第三章数据链路层知识点: HDLC答案:只有主站才能发起向次站的数据传输,而次站只有在主站向它发送命令帧进行轮询时,才能以响应帧的形式回答主站;三、选择题1无论是SLIP还是PPP协议都是协议;A物理层B数据链路层C网络层D运输层第三章数据链路层知识点: Internet中的数据链路层答案: B第四章信道共享技术练习题一、填空题1按照多个用户与一个主机连接的方法来划分,信道共享技术主要有和两大类;第四章信道共享技术知识点信道共享技术的分类答案:通过集中器或复用器与主机相连、使用多点接入技术2多点接入技术可划分为和两种;第四章信道共享技术知识点信道共享技术的分类答案:受控接入、随机接入3受控技术的特点是各个用户不能任意接入信道而必须服从一定的控制;这又可分为两种,即和 ;第四章信道共享技术知识点多点接入技术答案:集中式控制、分散式控制4属于集中式控制的有多点线路 ,即主机按一定顺序逐个询问各用户有无信息发送;如有,则被询问的用户就立即将信息发给主机;如无,则再询问下一站;第四章信道共享技术知识点多点接入技术答案:轮询5随机接入可分为、和三种;第四章信道共享技术知识点多点接入技术答案:ALOHA,CSMA和CSMA/CD二、简答题1简述纯ALOHA协议的工作原理;第四章信道共享技术知识点随机接入技术答案:一个纯ALOHA系统的工作原理如下图所示;每一个站均自由地发送数据帧;当站1发送帧1时,其他的帧都未发送数据,所以站1的发送必定成功;这里不考虑由信道不良而产生的误码;但随后站2和站N-1发送的帧2和帧3发生冲突,冲突的结果是使冲突的双方所发送的数据都出现差错,因而都必须进行重发;但是发生冲突的各站不能马上进行重发,因为这样做就必然会继续产生冲突;ALOHA系统采用的重发策略是让各站等待一段随机的时间,然后再进行重发;如再发生冲突,则需要等待一段随机的时间,直到重发成功为止;图中其余的一些帧的发送情况是帧4发送成功,而帧5和帧6发生冲突;纯ALOHA的工作原理2简述S-ALOHA协议的工作原理;第四章信道共享技术知识点随机接入技术答案:时隙S-ALOHA的工作原理如图所示;图中的一些向上的垂直箭头代表帧的到达;时隙的长度是使得每个站正好在一个时隙内发送完毕;从图4-3-3可看出,每个帧在到达后,一般都要在缓冲区中等待一段时间,然后才能发送出去;当在一。



《计算机网络》各章习题及参考答案计算机网络各章习题及参考答案第一章习题与参考答案1. 什么是计算机网络?描述其特点与作用。




2. 简述计算机网络的分类,并给出相应的例子。



3. 什么是拓扑结构?列举并描述三种常见的拓扑结构。



- 星型拓扑:中央节点连接所有其他节点,节点间的通信都通过中央节点进行。

- 总线型拓扑:所有节点通过共享的传输线连接在一起,任意节点可以发送数据到总线上,其他节点接收并处理数据。

- 环形拓扑:节点以环形方式连接,数据按顺时针或逆时针方向传输。

4. 简述计算机网络的传输方式,并分别对比它们的特点。


- 电路交换:建立一条专用的物理连接,并保持连接的通信方式。


- 报文交换:将整个报文作为一个整体进行传输,不需要建立专用的物理连接。


- 分组交换:将数据划分为较小的数据包进行传输,通过存储转发的方式进行分组传输。


第二章习题与参考答案1. 什么是物理层?描述其功能和主要特点。




2. 简述数据链路层的功能和特点。


计算机网络 Chapter_1_V6.1

计算机网络  Chapter_1_V6.1

institutional network
Introduction 1-7
What’s a protocol?
human protocols:

network protocols:

“what’s the time?” “I have a question” introductions
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks 1.5 protocol layers, service models 1.6 networks under attack: security 1.7 history
Introduction 1-3
What’s the Internet: “nuts and bolts” view
Slingbox: watch, control cable TV remotely Internet refrigerator Internet phones
Introduction 1-5
What’s the Internet: “nuts andwork of networks”
home network
regional ISP

Internet standards
RFC: Request for comments IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
institutional network
Introduction 1-6
What’s the Internet: a service view
PC server wireless laptop smartphone



Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet 1.The The ( ( ) ) is is is a a a worldwide worldwide worldwide computer computer computer network, network, network, that that that is, is, is, a a a network network network that that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world. ppt3 A public Internet B Intranet C switch net D television net 2.Which kind of media is not a guided media? ( ) A twisted-pair copper wire B a coaxial cable C fiber optics D digital satellite channel 3.Which kind of media is a guided media? ( ) A geostationary satellite B low-altitude satellite C fiber optics D wireless LAN 4.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ). A Frames B Segments C Datagrams D bit streams 5.Which of the following option belongs to the circuit-switched networks? ( ) A FDM B TDM C VC networks D both A and B 6.( )makes sure that that neither neither neither side side side of of of a a a connection overwhelms connection overwhelms the the other other side by sending too many packets too fast. A Reliable data transfer B Flow control C Congestion control D Handshaking procedure 7.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link. A Store-and-forward transmission B FDM C End-to-end connection D TDM 8.Datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks differ in that ( ). A datagram networks are circuit-switched networks, and virtual-circuit networks are packet-switched networks. B datagram networks are packet-switched networks, and virtual-circuit networks are circuit-switched networks. C datagram networks use destination addresses and virtual-circuit networks use VC. numbers to forward packets toward their destination. D datagram networks use VC. numbers and virtual-circuit networks use destination addresses to forward packets toward their destination. 9.In the following options, which one is not a guided media? ( ) A twisted-pair wire B fiber optics C coaxial cable D satellite 10.Processing delay does not include the time to ( ). A examine the packet ’s header B wait to transmit the packet onto the link C determine where to direct the packet D check bit-error in the packet 11.In the following four descriptions, which one is correct? ( ) A The traffic intensity must be greater than 1. B The fraction of lost packets increases as the traffic intensity decreases. C If the traffic intensity is close to zero, the average queuing delaywill be close to zero. D If the traffic intensity is close to one, the average queuing delay will be close to one. 12.The The Internet Internet Internet’’s s network network network layer layer layer is is is responsible responsible responsible for for for moving moving moving network-layer network-layer packets known as ( ) from one host to another. A frame B datagram C segment D message 13.The protocols of various layers are called ( ). A the protocol stack B TCP/IP C ISP D network protocol 14.There are two classes of packet-switched networks: ( ) networks and virtual-circuit networks. A datagram B circuit-switched C television D telephone 15.Access networks can be loosely classified into three categories: residential access, company access and ( ) access. A cabled B wireless C campus D city area Question 16~17 Suppose, a is the average rate at which packets arrive at the queue, R is the the transmission transmission transmission rate, rate, rate, and and and all all all packets packets packets consist consist consist of of L bits, bits, then then then the the the traffic traffic intensity is ( 16 ), and it should no greater than ( 17 ). 16. A LR /aB La /RC Ra /L D LR /a 17.A 2 B 1 C 0 D -1 18.In the Internet, the equivalent concept to end systems is ( ). A hosts B servers C clients D routers 19.In the Internet, end systems are connected together by ( ). A copper wire B coaxial cable C communication links D fiber optics 20.End systems access to the Internet through its ( ). A modems B protocols C ISP D sockets 21.End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet, run ( ) that control the sending and receiving of information within the Internet. A programs B processes C applications D protocols 22.There are many private networks, such as many corporate and government networks, whose hosts cannot exchange messages with hosts outside of the private network. These private networks are often referred to as ( ). A internets B LANC intranets D W AN 23.The internet allows ( ) running on its end systems to exchange data with each other. A clients applications B server applications C P2P applications D distributed applications 24.The Internet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connectionless unreliable service and () service. A flow control B connection-oriented reliable C congestion control D TCP 25.It defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between twoor more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message or other event. The sentence describes ( ). A Internet B protocol C intranet D network 26.In the following options, which does not define in protocol? ( ) A the format of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities B the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities C the actions taken on the transmission of a message or other evenD the transmission signals are digital signals or analog signals 27.In the following options, which is defined in protocol? ( ) A the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message oother event B the objects exchanged between communicating entities C the content in the exchanged messages D the location of the hosts 28.In the following options, which does not belong to the network edge( ) A end systems B routers C clients D servers 29.In the following options, which belongs to the network core? ( ) A end systems B routers C clients D servers 30.In the following options, which is not the bundled with the Internet ’s connection-oriented service? ( ) A reliable data transfer B guarantee of the transmission time C flow control D congestion-control 31.An application can rely on the connection to deliver all of its data without error and in the proper order. The sentence describes ( ). A flow control B congestion-control C reliable data transfer D connection-oriented service 32.It makes sure that neither side of a connection overwhelms the other side by sending too many packets too fast. The sentence describes ( ). A flow control B congestion-control C connection-oriented service D reliable data transfer 33.It helps prevent the Internet from entering a state of gridlock. When a packet switch becomes congested, its buffers can overflow and packet loss can occur. The sentence describes ( ). A flow control B congestion-control C connection-oriented service D reliable data transfer 34.The Internet ’s connection-oriented service has a name, it is ( ). A TCP B UDP C TCP/IP D IP 35.In In the the the following following following options, options, options, which which which service service service does does does not not not be be be provided provided provided to to to an an application by TCP?( ) A reliable transport B flow control C video conferencing D congestion control 36.The Internet ’s connectionless service is called ( ). A TCP B UDP C TCP/IP D IP 37.In the following options, which does not use TCP?( ) A SMTP B internet telephone C FTP D HTTP 38.In the following options, which does not use UDP?( ) A Internet phone B video conferencing C streaming multimedia D telnet 39.There are two fundamental approaches to building a network core, ( ) and packet switching. A electrical current switching B circuit switching C data switching D message switching 40.In ( ) networks, the resources needed along a path to provide for communication between the end system are reserved for the duration ofthe communication session. A packet-switched B data-switched C circuit-switched D message-switched 41.In ( ) networks, the resources are not reserved; a session’s messages use the resources on demand, and as a consequence, may have to wait for access to communication link. A packet-switched B data-switched C circuit-switched D message-switched 42.In a circuit-switched network, if each link has n circuits, for each link used by the end-to-end connection, the connection gets ( ) of the link link’’s bandwidth for the duration of the connection. A a fraction 1/n B all C 1/2 D n times 43.For ( ), the transmission rate of a circuit is equal to the frame rate multiplied by the number of bits in a slot. A CDMA B packet-switched network C TDM D FDM 44.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it canbegin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link. A Queuing delay B Store-and-forward transmission C Packet loss D Propagation 45.The network that forwards packets according to host destination addresses is called ( ) network. A circuit-switched B packet-switched C virtual-circuit D datagram 46.The network that forwards packets according to virtual-circuit numbers is called ( ) network. A circuit-switched B packet-switched C virtual-circuit D datagram 47.In the following entries, which is not a kind of access network?( ) A residential access B company access C wireless access D local access 48.Suppose there is exactly one packet switch between a sending host and a receiving host. The transmission rates between the sending host and the switch and between the switch and the receiving host are R 1 and R 2, respectively. Assuming that the switch uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total end-to-end delay to send a packet of length L ? (Ignore queuing delay, propagation delay, and processing delay.) ( )A L /R 1+L /R 2 B L /R 1C L /R 2D none of the above 49.The time required to examine the packet ’s header and determine where to direct the packet is part of the ( ). A queuing delay B processing delay C propagation delay D transmission delay 50.The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is ( ). A queuing delay B processing delay C propagation delay D transmission delay 51.Consider sending a packet of 3000bits over a path of 5 links. Each link transmits transmits at at at 1000bps. 1000bps. 1000bps. Queuing Queuing Queuing delays, delays, delays, propagation propagation propagation delay delay delay and and and processing processing delay are negligible. (6 points) (1).Suppose (1).Suppose the the the network network network is is is a a a packet-switched packet-switched packet-switched virtual virtual virtual circuit circuit circuit network. network. network. VC VC setup time is 0.1 seconds. Suppose the sending layers add a total of 500 bits of header to each packet. How long does it take to send the file from source to destination? (2).Suppose the the network network network is is is a a a packet-switched packet-switched datagram datagram network network network and and and a a connectionless connectionless service service service is is is used. used. used. Now Now Now suppose suppose suppose each each each packet packet packet has has has 200 200 200 bits bits bits of of header. How long does it take to send the file? (3).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that that the the the transmission transmission transmission rate rate rate of of of the the the circuit circuit circuit between between between source source source and and and destination destination destination is is 200bps. Assuming 0.02s setup time and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet? Solution: (1). t=5*(3000+500)/1000+0.1=17.6s(2). t=5*(3000+200)/1000=16s(3). t=(3000+200)/200+0.02=16.02s。






A 应用层B 传输层C 网络层D 数据链路层答案:C解析:网络层的主要任务是通过路由选择算法,为分组通过通信子网选择最适当的路径,实现数据从源主机到目的主机的传输。

2、 OSI 参考模型中,物理层的主要功能是()。

A 建立和释放连接B 差错控制C 透明地传输比特流D 数据格式转换答案:C解析:物理层主要负责在物理介质上传输原始的比特流,即透明地传输比特流,不关心数据的具体内容和格式。

3、 TCP/IP 模型中,()层与 OSI 参考模型的网络层功能相似。

A 网络接口层B 网际层C 传输层D 应用层答案:B解析:TCP/IP 模型的网际层对应 OSI 参考模型的网络层,负责网络间的寻址和路由选择。


A 双绞线B 同轴电缆C 光纤D 无线介质答案:C解析:光纤具有很强的抗电磁干扰能力,信号衰减小,传输距离远。


A FDMB TDMC WDMD CDM答案:D解析:常见的多路复用技术包括频分复用(FDM)、时分复用(TDM)和波分复用(WDM),CDM 不是常见的多路复用技术。


A 编码B 调制C 解调D 解码答案:B解析:数字信号要在模拟信道上传输,需要通过调制将数字信号转换为模拟信号。


A 封装成帧B 透明传输C 差错检测D 路由选择答案:D解析:路由选择是网络层的功能,数据链路层的三个基本问题是封装成帧、透明传输和差错检测。

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Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet1.The ( ) is a worldwide computer network, that is, a network that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world.ppt3A public InternetB IntranetC switch netD television net2.Which kind of media is not a guided media【导引型媒体】? ( )A twisted-pair copper wire [双绞铜线]B a coaxial【同轴】cableC fiber optics 【光纤】D digital satellite channel 【数字卫星频道】3.Which kind of media is a guided media? ( )A geostationary satelliteB low-altitude satelliteC fiber opticsD wireless LAN4.The units of data exchanged by a link-layer protocol are called ( ).A Frames 【帧】--链路层B Segments 【报文段】--运输层C Datagrams 【数据报】-- 网络层D bit streams5.Which of the following option belongs to the circuit-switched【电路交换】networks? ( )分组交换[packet switching]、电路交换-[circuit switching]--第一章的大重点,可能会出计算题,详见东大09-10综合计算1A FDM 频分多路复用B TDM 时分多路复用C VC networksD both A and B6.( )makes sure that neither side of a connection overwhelms the other side by sending too many packets too fast.A Reliable data transferB Flow control---- 流量控制C Congestion controlD Handshaking procedure7.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Store-and-forward transmission 【存储转发传输】是指在交换机能够开始向输出链路传输该分组的第一个比特之前必须接收到整个分组~~B FDMC End-to-end connectionD TDM8.Datagram networks and virtual-circuit networks differ in that ( ).A datagram networks are circuit-switched networks, andvirtual-circuit networks are packet-switched networks.B datagram networks are packet-switched networks, andvirtual-circuit networks are circuit-switched networks.C datagram networks use destination addresses and virtual-circuitnetworks use VC. numbers to forward packets toward theirdestination.D datagram networks use VC. numbers and virtual-circuit networksuse destination addresses to forward packets toward their destination. 9.In the following options, which one is not a guided media? ( )A twisted-pair wireB fiber opticsC coaxial cableD satellite10.Processing delay does not include the time to ( ).A examine the packet’s headerB wait to transmit the packet onto the linkC determine where to direct the packetD check bit-error in the packet11.In the following four descriptions, which one is correct? ( )A The traffic intensity must be greater than 1.B The fraction of lost packets increases as the traffic intensitydecreases.C If the traffic intensity is close to zero, the average queuing delaywill be close to zero.D If the traffic intensity is close to one, the average queuing delaywill be close to one.12.The Internet’s network layer is responsible for moving network-layer packets known as ( ) from one host to another.A frameB datagramC segmentD message13.The protocols of various layers are called ( ).A the protocol stackB TCP/IPC ISPD network protocol14.There are two classes of packet-switched networks: ( ) networks and virtual-circuit networks.A datagramB circuit-switchedC televisionD telephone15.Access networks can be loosely classified into three categories: residential access, company access and ( ) access.A cabledB wirelessC campusD city areaQuestion 16~17Suppose, a is the average rate at which packets arrive at the queue, R is the transmission rate, and all packets consist of L bits, then the traffic intensity is ( 16 ), and it should no greater than ( 17 ).16. A LR/aB La/RC Ra/LD LR/a17.A 2B 1C 0D -118.In the Internet, the equivalent concept to end systems is ( ).A hostsB serversC clientsD routers19.In the Internet, end systems are connected together by ( ).A copper wireB coaxial cableC communication linksD fiber optics20.End systems access to the Internet through its ( ).A modemsB protocolsC ISPD sockets21.End systems, packet switches, and other pieces of the Internet, run ( ) that control the sending and receiving of information within theInternet.A programsB processesC applicationsD protocols22.There are many private networks, such as many corporate and government networks, whose hosts cannot exchange messages withhosts outside of the private network. These private networks are often referred to as ( ).A internetsB LANC intranetsD WAN 23.The internet allows ( ) running on its end systems to exchange data with each other.A clients applicationsB server applicationsC P2P applicationsD distributed applications24.The Internet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connectionless unreliable service and () service.A flow controlB connection-oriented reliableC congestion controlD TCP25.It defines the format and the order of messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, as well as the actions taken on thetransmission and/or receipt of a message or other event. The sentence describes ( ).A InternetB protocolC intranetD network26.In the following options, which does not define in protocol? ( )A the format of messages exchanged between two or morecommunicating entitiesB the order of messages exchanged between two or morecommunicating entitiesC the actions taken on the transmission of a message or other eventD the transmission signals are digital signals or analog signals 27.In the following options, which is defined in protocol? ( )A the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message orother eventB the objects exchanged between communicating entitiesC the content in the exchanged messagesD the location of the hosts28.In the following options, which does not belong to the network edge? ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers29.In the following options, which belongs to the network core? ( )A end systemsB routersC clientsD servers30.In the following options, which is not the bundled with the Internet’s connection-oriented service? ( )A reliable data transferB guarantee of the transmission timeC flow controlD congestion-control31.An application can rely on the connection to deliver all of its data without error and in the proper order. The sentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC reliable data transferD connection-oriented service32.It makes sure that neither side of a connection overwhelms the other side by sending too many packets too fast. The sentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer33.It helps prevent the Internet from entering a state of gridlock. When a packet switch becomes congested, its buffers can overflow and packet loss can occur. The sentence describes ( ).A flow controlB congestion-controlC connection-oriented serviceD reliable data transfer34.The Internet’s connection-oriented service has a name, it is ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP35.In the following options, which service does not be provided to an application by TCP?( )A reliable transportB flow controlC video conferencingD congestion control36.The Internet’s connectionless service is called ( ).A TCPB UDPC TCP/IPD IP37.In the following options, which does not use TCP?( )A SMTPB internet telephone//UDPC FTPD HTTP38.In the following options, which does not use UDP?( )A Internet phoneB video conferencingC streaming multimediaD telnet//远程登录39.There are two fundamental approaches to building a network core, ( ) and packet switching.A electrical current switchingB circuit switchingC data switchingD message switching40.In ( ) networks, the resources needed along a path to provide for communication between the end system are reserved for the duration of the communication session.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched41.In ( ) networks, the resources are not reserved; a session’s messages use the resources on demand, and as a consequence, may have to wait for access to communication link.A packet-switchedB data-switchedC circuit-switchedD message-switched42.In a circuit-switched network, if each link has n circuits, for each link used by the end-to-end connection, the connection gets ( ) of thelink’s bandwidth for the duration of the connection.A a fraction 1/nB allC 1/2D n times43.H For ( ), the transmission rate of a circuit is equal to the frame rate multiplied by the number of bits in a slot.A CDMAB packet-switched networkC TDMD FDM44.( ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.A Queuing delayB Store-and-forward transmissionC Packet lossD Propagation45.H The network that forwards packets according to host destination addresses is called ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram46.The network that forwards packets according to virtual-circuit numbers is called ( ) network.A circuit-switchedB packet-switchedC virtual-circuitD datagram47.In the following entries, which is not a kind of access network?( )A residential accessB company accessC wireless accessD local access48.Suppose there is exactly one packet switch between a sending host and a receiving host. The transmission rates between the sending host and the switch and between the switch and the receiving host are R1 and R2,respectively. Assuming that the switch uses store-and-forward packetswitching, what is the total end-to-end delay to send a packet of length L? (Ignore queuing delay, propagation delay, and processing delay.)( )A L/R1+L/R2B L/R1C L/R2D none of the above49.The time required to examine the packet’s header and determine where to direct the packet is part of the ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay50.The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is ( ).A queuing delayB processing delayC propagation delayD transmission delay51.Consider sending a packet of 3000bits over a path of 5 links. Each link transmits at 1000bps. Queuing delays, propagation delay and processing delay are negligible. (6 points)(1).Suppose the network is a packet-switched virtual circuit network. VC setup time is 0.1 seconds. Suppose the sending layers add a total of 500 bits of header to each packet. How long does it take to send the file from source to destination?(2).Suppose the network is a packet-switched datagram network and a connectionless service is used. Now suppose each packet has 200 bits of header. How long does it take to send the file?(3).Suppose that the network is a circuit-switched network. Further suppose that the transmission rate of the circuit between source and destination is 200bps. Assuming 0.02s setup time and 200 bits of header appended to the packet, how long does it take to send the packet?。
