职高英语Reading skill
泛读教程 1 unit 1-reading skill
• 在听、说、写、读四项基本技能中,阅读是关键。应 该大量阅读简写本文学名著和其他简易读物,培养对 英语的感性认识,了解英语社会的文化背景知识。如 果把自己感兴趣的文章或诗歌或名篇背下来,那对以 后写地道的英语会有很大的好处。 • ——北京大学英语系教授陶洁
• 简易读物对打好基础极有 用,要多读。 一是数量要多,至少读四 十本。二是要重复读,选出十至 十五本,读三遍,读到许多问题 印在脑子中。设想一下,别人能 用一千五百到两千词汇写出几十 本书来,如果我们能把这些表达 方式掌握住,能够表达多少内容 !在基础阶段后期,或高年级, 要努力背诵名篇。 • ——梅仁毅
二、 课程设置
英语本科专业学制为4年。 根据英语专业教学规律,一般将4年的教学过程分为两个阶 段,即:基础阶段(一年级和二年级)和高年级阶段(三年 级和四年级)。 基础阶段的主要教学任务是传授英语基础知识,对学生进行 全面的、严格的基本技能训练,培养学生实际运用语言的能 力、良好的学风和正确的学习方法,为进入高年级打下扎实 的专业基础。
• 要从阅读中学到好的,地道的英语, 我们不妨读细一点,甚至对好的句子 、段落加以背诵。但阅读不应该只限 于写一些漂亮句子,更重要的是得到 知识,不仅是专业知识,而且是广泛 的人文知识,这是学好英语的关键所 在….. “read for pleasure”,当你达 到了这个境界,你会发现你的一切问 题都迎刃而解,再也不会为“如何学 好英语”这个问题而苦恼 • ——北京外国语大学教授熊德輗
• To grasp reading skills (guessing word meaning, word analysis, skimming, scanning, inferencing, etc.) • To read article quickly and get the general understanding of article
The Topics:
Love to us human is what water to fish. Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity, we born in it, we live by it. Too often we take it as granted, but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish. But how to cherish the love? I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
我们都知道这木桩的位置,所以可以踩着桩子过去。你怎 么不问一声呢”? 学历代表过去,只有学习力才能代表将来。敬重阅历 的人,才能少走弯路。
Reading skill: Distinguishing Topic from Main idea
Please turn to page 141 Read and answer the questions.
Often writers express the main idea of a paragraph in a topic sentence. If a topic sentence has been included in a paragraph, it is usually the most general statement. The rest of the sentences are usually more specific, supporting the general statement or main idea expressed in the topic sentence by giving detail and explanation. Usually the writer places the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph, but it can come in the middle or the end.
运用英语阅读策略提高中职学生英语阅读水平【摘要】The current situation of English reading level of vocational school students is not satisfactory, highlighting the importance of improving their English reading skills. This article explores the concept and significance of English reading strategies, common reading strategies, and how to cultivate these strategies in vocational school students. It also looks at the use of multimedia resources and practical activities to enhance English reading comprehension. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of English reading strategies in elevating the reading level of vocational school students and encourages them to apply these strategies in various ways. By implementing these strategies, vocational school students can enhance their English reading abilities and achieve better academic performance.【关键词】中职学生、英语阅读、提高、策略、概念、培养、多媒体资源、实践活动、理解能力、重要性、多维度、多角度、运用、水平1. 引言1.1 中职学生英语阅读水平现状Currently, the English reading level of vocational school students is facing some challenges. Many students in vocational schools find it difficult to comprehend English texts, which hinders their overall language learning progress. This can be attributed to various factors such as limited exposure to English outside the classroom, lack of motivation, and inadequate reading strategies.1.2 英语阅读的重要性英语阅读在中职学生的学习过程中扮演着至关重要的角色。
英语阅读技巧-Reading Skills
英语阅读技能学习及练习Reading Skills SkimmingScanningIntensive readingExtensive readingWhere are the people in the photos? What are they reading?Why are they reading?1 Adapted from New Headway Academic Skills 2, P6Skim the text below and write in the paragraph headings. Choose from this list:1. Scanning2. Intensive Reading3. Extensive Reading4. SkimmingEffective ReadingDuring your course you will do a lot of reading. It is essential that you learn how to be an effective and efficient reader in order to make the best of your study time. Learning to be a good reader takes practice. You need to develop different strategies or methods of reading.A. ___________________Sometimes you will read just to get a general idea of a text. This is skim reading. First, identify your reason for reading, for example, to decide whether or not an article meets your needs, or perhaps to understand a writer’s attitude. To do this, read the text very quickly. Don’t worry about readin g and understanding everything. Instead, look particularly at the first and last paragraphs, and at the first and last sentences of paragraphs. These often summarize the main points.B. ___________________Sometimes you will read quickly to find particular pieces of information, for example, a statistic, a date, a person’s name, or the name of a place. Again, you do not need to read every word to find this information. Instead, scan the text using a finger or pencil to move quickly through the words. You could time yourself to see how long it takes you to find the information. Always try to improve your speed.C. ____________________Sometimes you read for every detail, for example, a description of a process, the results of a scientific study, or a set literature text. To do this, take your time. Stop and think about what you are reading. Have you understood the text? You may need to read the text more than once, in order to make notes or highlight important points for future reference. This is called intensive reading or study reading.D. _____________________Sometimes you will read for pleasure --- perhaps as extra research or purely for interest. You may concentrate, but you don’t have to worry about detail. This is extensive reading.We do not always read the same kinds of texts in the same way, and we often use more than one method of reading for a single text. Your reason for reading will help you decide how to read.Now answer these questions:1. Which two ways of reading are the quickest?2. Which way would you read for enjoyment?3. Which way of reading is the slowest?4. Which reading skill did you use to answer questions 1-3?Facts and figures Scan the texts below and answer the questions•1,400,000 people in India work for the Indian RailwayCompany –that’s 1.8% of the country’s population.•About 650,00 students in the UK study foreignlanguages at school –52% study French; 21% studyGerman; 7% study Spanish and 20% study otherlanguages.•40 million people live in the South American republic ofArgentina. About 16 million live in or near the capital city, Buenos Aires–that’s about 40% of the population.•Around the world, about 500 million homes have atelevision. 88% of homes in the United States have aDVD player, but in China it’s about 15%.Scan these short texts to complete these sentences with the correct numbers.1. ______ % of homes in China have a video recorder.2. ______ million peo ple live in or near Argentina’s capital city.3. ______ % of India’s population work for the Indian Railway Company.4. ______ million homes in the world have a television.5. The population of Argentina is ___________ million.6. ______ % of foreign language students in schools in the UK study Spanish.Life in Britain Today Scanning FoodBritish people like good food, and more than half of them go toa restaurant every month. Fast food is also very popular – 30%of all adults have a burger every three months, but 46% havefish and chips.SportBritish people don’t do a lot of sport. Only 17% of people goswimming every week, 9% go cycling and 8% play golf –andonly 6% of people play football (but 32% go to watch it). Cinema and TVCinema and TV are very popular in Britain, and about 60% ofpeople between 15 and 24 go to the cinema every month. Athome, men watch TV for about three hours every day – half anhour more than women.HolidaysBritish people love going on holiday, and have 56 million holidaysevery year. Most of these holidays aren’t in the UK – 27% are inSpain, 10% are in the USA, and 9% are in France. Maybe this isbecause the weather in Britain isn’t very good.Read the text again and underline the correct answers in the sentences below.1. The favourite food in Britain is: a) burgers b) fish and chips2. 6% of British people a) go swimming b) play golf c) play football every week.3. British men watch about a) 2 hours b) 3 hours c) 4 hours of TV every day.4. Their favourite country for a holiday is a) Spain b) France c) the USA.Reading Skills 2 Adapted from O’Connell, Focus on IELTS Foundation, Pearson, 2006, U11 SkimmingSkimming is looking quickly through a text to get a general idea of the subject. For example, you skim a newspaper to see which articles interest you, without reading everything in detail. In an exam, you skim a text to find the parts you need to study car efully. This means you don’t have to read the whole text several times.Skim the newspaper extracts and find TWO which deal with each of the following topics: Topic Extracts1 Education ………… …………2 Space exploration ………… …………3 Family matters ………… …………4 Business and work ………… …………5 Medical matters ………… …………6 Technology ………… …………7 Crime and punishment ………… …………8 ScanningScanning is looking quickly through a text to find specific names, facts or figures. For example, you might scan a list of television programs to find the name and time of the program. In an exam, you scan a text for information to answer a question.Scan the extracts for information to answer the following questions.1 In which Brazilian state did prisoners riot?2 How long do grandparents spend looking after their grandchildren?3 What is the name of America’s most recent spacecraft?4 In which month is Yuri Malenchenko due to return to Earth?5 What is the maximum time junior doctors in Europe will be able to work in future?6 How long was the world’s longest marriage?7 According to research, what food can help protect you from cancer?8 What was Volkswagen’s annual profit?CitiesA. Skim the text below and write the sentences a –d at the beginning of paragraphs 1-4.a. Our typical image of a medieval city is ofsomewhere smelly and unhealthy.b. Ancient Rome had many of the sameurban problems as cities today.c. The world’s oldest city is Jericho in theMiddle East, which dates back to 8,000 BC.d. The world’s most mysterious cities are tobe found in the Indus Valley.1.______________________________________________________________ It has been destroyedmany times in its history but it has always been rebuilt. AncientRome was the first city to have a population of 1 million. At itsheight the entire Roman Empire had a population of 100 million.We often imagine that the enormous cities of Asia are atwentieth century phenomenon, but throughout history, theyhave always been bigger than cities in Europe. In 1450, thebiggest city in the world was Beijing (population 600,000), and most of the ten other biggest cities were also in China. London had a much smaller population of just 75,000.2._______________________________________________________________ Known as the ‘Secret Cities’, they are around 4,500 years old, but no one knows who built them or where they disappeared to. Whoever they were, they were so advanced that they invented their own form of writing (at around the same time as the Ancient Egyptians) and built a system of drains and plumbing almost 2,500 years before it was ‘first invented’ by the Romans. Tower blocks are not a mo dern invention either. Buildings over six storeys tall existed in many cities in the Middle Ages, and in Ancient Rome some blocks were so high that sightseers used to come from the countryside especially to look at them.3._____________________________________________________ Thisis not entirely true, however. Public services such as bathhouses, drainsand hospitals were relatively developed. Medieval Florence, for example,with 90,000 people had thirty hospitals with over a thousand beds. Itsdrainage system was much better than those of many nineteenth-centurycities.4. _____________________________________________________________ Crime was an acute problem–few people dared to go out after dark for fear of robbers and cut-throats. Even then many of the poor lived on welfare. The Emperor’sgovernment regularly distributed bread to 200,000 poor people. Trafficcongestion is not a new problem either. In the centre of Ancient Rome itwas so bad that Julius Caesar had to ban all wheeled vehicles duringdaylight hours.B. Scan the text to find the following information as quickly as you can.1. The first city in the world to have a population of more than 1 million.2. The number of hospitals in medieval Florence.3. The name of the oldest city in the world.4. Two inventions made by the civilisation that inhabited the ‘Secret Cities’.5. The name of the biggest city in the world in 1450.6. Two ‘modern’ urban problems that also existed in ancient Rome.C.Read the text carefully and decide whether these statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG) in the text:1. Jericho is a modern city.2. Ancient Rome was the largest city in the world.3. Only the ancient Egyptians had a system of writing.4. The Romans invented plumbing.5. Beijing is the largest city in the world.6. In 1450, the ten biggest cities were in China.7. There were tall buildings in ancient Rome.8. Medieval cities provided medical care.9. Crime was a serious problem in ancient Rome.10. Traffic congestion became a problem in the last century.D. Find words in the text that mean the same as:reconstructed _____________ creation _____________huge _____________ floors _____________ occurrence _____________ water control _____________largest _____________ very serious _____________ unexplainable _____________ crowding _____________ progressive _____________ forbid _____________EIT 2.1Leisure ActivitiesWilliams, J. (2011). Making Connections (Low Intermediate): NY, CUP.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Most people today have more time for leisure than people had in the past. What are they doing with this time? Some people just want to relax. They watch television, read, or listen to music. Others want to be more active and productive with their leisure time. They want to learn something new or to develop a new skill. Other people want to participate in activities with people who have similar interests.Today, many people use their leisure time to do something productive.Perhaps because they work only with their minds all day, they want todo something with their hands. They want to do something verydifferent from their office jobs or schoolwork. Some enjoy working in agarden. Others like to build or fix things in their leisure time. Forexample, they may want to work with wood, build furniture, or paint.Others learn how to cook foods from other countries.For some people, the most important thing about leisure time is to spend it withother people. This is especially true for those people who like to play sports. All overthe world, soccer, basketball, tennis, and other sports bring people together. Othergames of competition also bring people together. Card games, such as poker, arepopular in the United States. Dominos are popular in Latin America and theCaribbean. Many people in Asian countries, especially in China, enjoy mahjong. DominoesSome of these games are very traditional. However, in somecountries, the younger generations likes to make up newgames. In Japan, for example, there is a new popular gamecalled cosplay. Cosplay comes from the words costume andplay. In cosplay, people dress in costumes. They want to looklike their favourite characters from comic books, movies, orvideo games. In Japan, people dress as their favourite animecharacters. In western countries, cosplay is also beginning tobe popular. There, people dress up as characters from StarTrek or comic books.Cosplay in JapanLeisure activities, such as games, create a community, that is, a group of people who share interests. Technology makes it possible to create a community even if people are far apart. The best example of this is online games. People all over the world play online games such as Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft. Others participate in virtual online communities, such as Second Life. In these virtual communities, people can pretend to be someone else. They can choose to be a different person or even an animal or a plant.Communication on the Internet is a very popular leisure activity for millions of people. They keep up with old friends and meet new friends on social network sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Orkut, Mixi, Cyworld, and Xiaonei. These are online communities where people can share news, information, pictures, and videos.Social network sites are global communities, and they are growing. In 2009, Facebook had more than 100 million members all over the world. The users spent almost twice as much time on social network sites in 2009 than in 2006. One year later, the number reached 500 million, with over 100 million in the United States. The popularity of this form of leisure will continue to grow because more people are using the Internet, especially in countries like China. One young man in China recently told a newspaper, “I spend most of my leisure time on the Internet.”8 People spend their leisure time in many different ways. Some people want to learn. Others just want tohave fun. Some prefer to spend their time alone. Others want to spend their leisure time with other people. The most important recent development in leisure activities is in technology. More and more people depend on technology for their leisure activities today.A. SkimMatch each paragraph in the article with the main ideas below._____ A Some people want to work with their hands during their leisure time._____ B Sports and other games are popular leisure activities._____ C Playing games online is a popular leisure activity._____ D Social network sites are becoming more popular._____ E Some people like to dress as their favourite characters in their leisure time._____ F There are many different choices for leisure activities._____ G People make different choices about how to spend their leisure time._____ H Many people spend leisure time on social networking sites.B ScanScan the text quickly and find the following information.1. Practical ways to use leisure time.2. Sports that are popular all over the world.3. Where card games are popular.4. Where cosplay is most popular.5. Online games that are popular globally.6. The name of a virtual online community.7. Examples of global communities.8. The number of Facebook users in 2009.C. Reading for meaning.Decide if the information in the statements below is true (T) false (F) or not given (NG).1. Most people work more than in the past.2. Many people don’t work with their hands.3. Most people use their leisure time as a social activity.4. Mahjong is the most popular game in China.5. Cosplay is better-known in Japan than in the west.6. Technology can be used to create international communities.7. Older people enjoy using social media.8. In 2006 there were 100 million American Facebook users9. Chinese users spend more time on the internet than American ones.10. People use technology increasingly as a medium for leisure activities.D Vocabulary Study: Words in ContextComplete the following sentences with words or phrases from the box below.1 My brother always wants to do something ______________________ with his free time. He likes topaint the house or fix things.2 I _______________ with my friend from school. We send each other e-mail messages every week.3 Orkut is a social _________________ site in Brazil, but Mixi is the most popular one in Japan.4 He ____________________to know the answer, but he really did not know it.5 The students and teachers both ______________ in the school basketball game.6 The two brothers live far ______________, but they talk on the phone every Sunday.7 She knows that the ______________ worlds on the Internet are not real, but she likes to visit them.。
运用英语阅读策略提高中职学生英语阅读水平1. 引言1.1 介绍英语阅读在中职学生学习中的重要性English reading plays a crucial role in the learning process of vocational school students. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, proficiency in English has become a necessary skill for students to succeed in their future careers. Reading in English not only helps students acquire knowledge and information but also enhances their communication skills and critical thinking abilities.2. 正文2.1 理解英语阅读策略的重要性Understanding English reading strategies is crucial for improving the reading level of secondary vocational school students. These strategies help students approach English texts more effectively and comprehend the content with greater depth.2.2 掌握词汇和语法知识To improve the English reading level of secondary vocational school students, it is essential for them to master vocabulary and grammar knowledge.1. Build a strong vocabulary base:- Encourage students to read a variety of English materials such as books, newspapers, and articles to expose them to different words and phrases.- Use vocabulary learning strategies such as flashcards, word lists, and context clues to enhance retention and understanding.- Practice using new words in sentences or conversations to reinforce their meaning and usage.2.3 培养阅读习惯与技巧培养阅读习惯与技巧在提高中职学生英语阅读水平中起着至关重要的作用。
Reading skill
In their paintings, many artists depict subjects that are close to their personal world. ► The writer lost several pages of her manuscript, so she had to rewrite them before she sent the book to her publisher. ► The builders of pyramids lived in a village not far from their worksite. When they died, their families buried them in tombs in a nearby cemetery.
► Context ►
clue 1: Definition
Sometimes a writer knows that a word is unfamiliar or strange to many readers. To make the word easier to understand, the writer may include a definition of the word in a sentence. It is the easiest one to spot.
3)When you read a comprehension text, you will inevitably find some words you don’t know. Sometimes you take time out to look up a new word in the dictionary, but doing that too many times for new words or expressions without using the dictionary. Look at the context of each word or expression----- the sentence that the word or expression is in and the sentence that come before and after. It is usually possible to find hints or dues about its definition from the context.
运用英语阅读策略提高中职学生英语阅读水平1. 引言1.1 中职学生英语阅读水平现状中职学生是指接受中等职业教育的学生群体,他们在英语学习中面临着诸多挑战。
1.2 阅读策略的重要性The importance of reading strategies cannot be overstated, especially for vocational school students who are looking to improve their English reading skills. By utilizing effective reading strategies, students can enhance their comprehension, retention, and overall proficiency in the language.2. 正文2.1 了解文章结构In addition, articles may also include subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists to organize information in a clear and logical manner. These structural elements help students identify important information and follow the flow of the text.2.2 识别关键词Furthermore, students can practice identifying keywords by reading comprehension exercises and quizzes. These activities can help students become more familiar with common keywords and improve their ability to recognize them in a variety of texts.2.3 上下文推测词义上下文推测词义是英语阅读中非常重要的一个策略,尤其对于中职学生来说。
运用英语阅读策略提高中职学生英语阅读水平1. 引言1.1 中职学生英语阅读水平的重要性The importance of improving the English reading level of secondary vocational school studentsThe ability to read in English is crucial for secondary vocational school students as it directly impacts their academic success and future career prospects. English is not only a global language, but also the language of business, science, and technology. Therefore, proficiency in English reading can open doors to a wide range of opportunities for students.1.2 运用英语阅读策略的必要性中职学生英语阅读水平的重要性毋庸置疑,而要提高中职学生的英语阅读水平,则必须运用适当的英语阅读策略。
英语泛读课程I阅读技巧3Reading skill 3
• Research shows that depression runs in families and that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed. …..
main idea of the passage.
Many common words, such as the names for the days of the week and the months of the year, also come from mythology. Wednesday derives from the ancient Norse King of the god. Woden and Thursday was originally Thor’s Day, in honor of Thor, the god of thunder.
• Psychologists agree that IQ contributes only 20 percent of the factors that determine success. A full 80 percent comes from other factors, including what I call emotional intelligence. The following are two of the major qualities that make up emotional intelligence, and how they can be developed.
英语泛读课程I阅读技巧2Reading skill2
Understanding complex sentences
Reading Skill: Understanding Sentences
■ God made the two lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.
■ Attracted by exciting tales of opportunities for instant wealth in the Gold Rush country in California, Strauss sailed to San Francisco on a clipper ship in 1850, with a load of canvas to make tents for gold miners.
Reading Skill: Understanding Sentences
■ God made the two lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night.
Reading Skill: Understanding Sentences
Reading Skill: Understanding Sentences
■ At the sight of the enemy troops, the frightened soldiers showed a clean pair of heels.
What difficulties do you have when reading a text?
Reading Skill(1—4)
Practice Exercise
Word Comprehension
Direction : In each of the following groups of words, the “ Test Word “ is followed by four words, among which only one has the same meaning. Underline the word that means most nearly the same as the “ Test Word “ Example : shut / watch close hill seat
port knew dome sew lock toast
past trap dart part no know now known poem done bone dune saw was law sat luck lark lack look tossed test task taste
Practice Exercise
下文所提供的线索来猜测词义。 那么什么是上下文呢(context)呢?
“上下文’’ 是指一个词或词组的前后出现的与之有关 的词语或句子,也就是一个词或词组所处的具体的语言 环境。
运用上下文线索来猜测“pillory’’一词的意思 (1)An early form of punishment in America was the pillory. (2) A wooden framework with holes for the hands and head, the pillory stood in a central place for everyone to see. (3) A person who committed a crime was locked in the structure so that people could make fun of the criminal. (4) Even now, when we say that a person is pilloried we are saying that the person is exposed to score or ridicule.
Reading Skill-Drawing Inferences
• How to scan: Actually you have already been involved in some inferring in your reading. When the writers have not clearly stated their main idea and you hபைடு நூலகம்ve to find a single overall topic for a cluster of details, you have practiced inference.
• Seeing inferences might be called "reading between the lines." But be careful not to read too much into the words. If someone says to you, "There's the bus," and you answer, "Do you think I'm blind?" you may be inferring too much from this simple statement.
Reading Skill:Drawing Inferences
• An inference is an idea that the speakers or writers do not state openly, but intend you to understand anyway. Through their words, they imply something. From their words, you infer something. In fact, the act of speaking or writing seldom avoids inference completely. Very seldom are we presented with surface facts only. Almost automatically, we look behind, under, or ahead of the simple facts. We practice inference constantly in our daily lives.
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职高英语Reading skill: 阅读技巧提示
1、If we meet new words when reading, we can guess the meaning of them in terms of word foot (词根)and context(上下文).
2、we must pay attention to the key words(关键词) in the questions ,and then locate them(定位)in the passage, and then find the best answers.(最佳答案)
Part1: choose the best answers according to the text(7选5)
Salesgirl: Hello , Welcome to our shop._________
Ms Smith: I want to buy a silk blouse. Would you show me it ,please?
Salesgirl: Certainly. Chinese silk blouses are in style now._________
Ms Smith: I think it’s perfect. __________
Salesgirl: Don’t worry. The color will not fade easily.
Ms Smith: OK . I’ll take it .__________
Salesgirl: One hundred and ten yuan RMB. Do you take visa card?
Ms Smith:__________. Here’s my card.
Salesgirl: OK. Please sign here .Thank you for shopping with us.
Ms smith: Thank you ! I like this shop.
Part 2: find out the best answers
Most American school students have a long summer holiday. It is usually from June to September. During this holiday students often travel or have summer work. Some students take courses in summer school. Jim spent summer in summer school . He studied two courses. He traveled with his family. They saw interesting places near their home in Seattle. Jim’s friend, Mary worked in a gasoline station during the summer. She sold gasoline and mended the cars . She made a lot of money and saved nearly all of it. Mary is going to the university next year. She needs money for the university tuition(学费).
( ) 1. In America, from June to September ________________
A. most students take courses in universities
B. all school students are still at school
C. more school students stay at home
D. there are still lessons in summer schools
( ) 2. Mary, one of Jim’s friend, is _________
A. a gasoline worker
B. a car mender
C. a school student
D. a university student
( ) 3.Seattle is the name of __________
A. a school
B. Mary’s friend
C. a gasoline station
D. an American city ( ) 4.What did Mary do last summer? _______
A. She worked at a gasoline station
B. She traveled with her family.
C. She studied in summer school
D. She visited some interesting places. ( ) 5.Mary saved nearly all her money because ________
A. she didn’t need to pay for anything
B. she needs money for the university tuition
C. her parents asked her to do so
D. she needs money for her summer work。