5TH Educational Research Conference(张 李 冯2010)
child poverty
5th International Research Conferenceon Social SecurityWarsaw, 5-7 March 2007"Social security and the labour market: A mismatch?"Child Poverty, Children Allowances andLabor Force ParticipationThe Case of IsraelAbraham DORONBerwald School of Social Work and Social WelfareHebrew UniversityIsraelInternational Social Security Association Research Programme Case postale 1, CH-1211 Geneva 22 Fax: +41 22 799 8509 e-mail: issarc@ Web: www.issa.intChild Poverty, Children Allowances and Labor Force ParticipationThe Case of IsraelBy Abraham DoronSummaryThe paper deals with the dilemma of preventing poverty among families with children, inparticular of large families with four children or more, by maintaining a system of generouschildren allowances, and at the same time assuring adequate incentives for parents of childrenin these families to participate in the labor force. The risk of children of large families to growup in poverty is significantly higher than in small families. In the case of Israel, povertyamong large families with four children has increased significantly in recent years. Toincrease incentives to work among these families the rather generous children allowanceprogram was recently redesigned. The policy problem with the redesigned systems remainshowever how to keep a proper balance between the two different goals.The major shift in social protection policies pursued in the last decade by almost all advanced industrial countries, including Israel among them, was to introduce work activation programs. The activation programs were conceived as a mechanism to change the existing social security programs from being passive to becoming more active in promoting participation in work of recipients of social security benefits. In general the trend was to establish closer links between the entitlement to many social security benefits and participation in the labour market (Lodemer and Trickey, 2001; Van Oorschot 2002; Walker and Wiseman, 2003; Foden and Magnusson, 2003; Serrano Pascual, 2004).A key factor in these policies was the underlying ideological and practical premises to encourage citizens in general, and recipient of social welfare benefits in particular, to take a more active role in shouldering their individual responsibilities to maintain themselves in a rapidly changing world economy. The practical premises of the activation policies was the increasing need to contain the growing cost of social security benefits and the need to reduce the number of people out of employment and dependent on their livelihood on welfare payments .The major thrust of the activation policies was thus to increase incentives to work and stimulate labour market participation of benefit recipient by a series of changes in entitlement to benefits and the reduction of level of benefits and the duration of their payments .The aim of this paper is concerned with the dilemma of pursuing activation policies for parents of children in large families with the goal to encourage them to increase their participation in the labor force and the same time the need to preventing poverty and hardship among these families. The risk of children of large families to grow up in poverty is significantly higher than in small families. Most countries in the European Union have a higher child poverty rate in large families than in small families (Bradshaw et al., 2006). In the case of Israel, poverty among families with children in Israel has risen in 2004/5 to the rate 25.1%. Among large families, with four children and more, the poverty rate, however, increased to 57.0% (National Insurance Institute, 2006).The problem of poverty among large families is thus particularly related to the Israeli experience that maintained a system of generous children allowances, especially for large families with four and more children (Doron, 2001). In recent years it became increasingly clear that there is a need to provide adequate incentives for parents of these families to actively look for work and take up gainful employment. The paper deals with the policy dilemmas of concerning the reform of the benefit systems to these families since the beginning of the century.The Israeli children’s allowances programIsrael has maintained since the late 1950’s a system of children allowances that became in more recent years especially generous for large families. At the beginning of the 21st century the program was fully universal in its coverage, i.e. it provided benefits for every child in Israel younger than eighteen. It consisted of one uniform scheme fully integrated into the direct tax system. In practice the program was built on a credit point system and played a dual role: It served as a tax credit for families with incomes exceeding the tax threshold and was the equivalent of a "negative income tax" for families whose income was below the tax threshold level (Roter and Shamai, 1977).The children’s allowances were the dominant and almost only factor taking into account family size in the direct tax system (Gabai and Lavon, 1996, p. 5). They were linked to the consumer price index and raised accordingly in January of every year. The value of a credit point in 2000 was equal to 2.5 percent of the average wage (National Insurance Institute, Annual Survey 2002).Table 1. Families and Children Receiving Children’s Allowances, 2000All Recipients by Number of Children in Family, Monthly AveragesTotal 1 2 3 4 5 6+Families 912.5 321.0 276.9 165.7 76.3 34.5 38.1Children 2,118.8 912.5 591.5 314.6 148.9 72.6 78.7 Percentage of All Recipients, Monthly Averages,Families 100 32.3 30.3 18.1 8.4 3.8 4.2Children 100 43.1 27.9 14.9 7.0 3.4 3.7Source: Annual Survey 2001, Jerusalem: The National Insurance Institute, Research and Planning Administration, April 2002, p. 173.It is in this context that the children allowances program became the second largest program in Israel’s social security system. The benefits paid by the program consisted nearly 20 percent of the total benefit payments made by the National Insurance Institute, NII, the country’s agency responsible for the administration of national insurance and other social security payments. The program run, however, against the trend dominating Israeli social policy to cut public expenditure and in this manner reduce government responsibility for ensuring the welfare of the population (Doron 2001a). By the end of the 1990s the government, and especially the Treasury, were determined to use the first opportunity to introduce significant cuts in thechildren’s allowances program. Although earlier attempts to pass such measures failed, this did not deter them from further pursuing such policies.At this particular time when the government made repeated efforts to cut children allowances, the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, on the private initiative of a Orthodox religious party, succeeded against the declared government policy to significantly increase the children’s allowances to large families , i.e. families with five and more children. The purpose of the legislation was mainly to increase the benefits to a large part of Jewish religious orthodox families who have many children and live in difficult economic circumstances and to prevent poverty among them. The government was strongly opposed to the bill as it was contrary to its policy of reducing public expenditure on welfare in general and the cost of the children’s allowances program in particular (Doron, 2005).Even before the new legislation the rate of benefit to the fifth child in a family was 3.6 time higher than the benefit to the first and second child. This new legislation increased even further the rate of benefit payable for the fifth child and further children in a family, and made it five times higher than the rate for the first and second child. It also brought about to a steep increase in the total cost of the children’s allowances program. As a result, the debate concerning the cost of children’s allowances program and their effect gained further momentum; it moved to the top of the country’s political agenda and became entangled with the wider social, political and demographic issues and especially with the work activation policies pursued by the government (Doron, 2005, op.cit).The change in the children’s allowance program and the significant increasein the benefits paid to large families brought with it a strong public backlash against the program. It raised also a number of social policy issues. The main issues were related to the demographic effects of the new policy, the financial repercussions of it, and mainly so in the area of activation policies concerned with the low participation rates of parents of large families in the labour market.The Demographic EffectLarge families with five and more children were mainly concentrated within two population groups – The Jewish ultra orthodox population and the Moslem Arabs. While the fertility rate of the majority Jewish population was 2.2 children per woman, a rate higher than in most OECD countries ( Sleebos, 2003) the equivalent rate among the Arabs was 4.4 children, and even considerable higher, 5.8 children, among the ultra orthodox Jews.The high fertility rates among these two population groups were seen to havea major impact on the country’s social and economic problems. On the one hand the sharp increase of poverty among these population groups in more recent years contributed to the increasing cost of public support for these families. On the other hand the low rate of participation in the active labour force of parents in those families contributed to the reduction of public support for the benefits provided to them.The policy dilemma was thus how to reconcile between these conflicting trends.The subsequent debate centered therefore on the role of the state in providing increased cash benefits in the form of children’s allowances to large families. The mainissue in the debate was first, to what extent is it proper and wise for the state to provide such increased support to large families (For example: Ilan Shahar, 9 April 2000; Shohat, 14 April 2000; Golan, 17 April 2000;) and, second, whether the provision of such support actually promotes high fertility rates among the particular population groups as the ultra orthodox Jews and the Arab parts of the population.In part, the debate reflected the rift between the non-religious part of the population and parts of the ultra orthodox Jewish groups that consciously prefer not to participate in the labour market which is considered part of the ordinary duties binding all Israeli citizens (Ha’aretz, 4 July 2000). It also reflected the unfavorable attitudes of the Jewish population to the Arab minority and the high fertility rates among them. The ensuing debate reflected the growing opposition to the increased the children’s allowances paid to large families. The debate centered therefore not only on the role of the state in providing increased support to large families but also whether the provision of such support should be directed to these two particular population groups.In the debate opposing the increased support for large families two economists even invoked the support of Malthus and his population theory which claimed that assistance to the poor encourage them to have children at times when they have no prospect of being able to support them. The two economists admitted that they were unable to prove any causal link between the children’s allowances and the birth patterns but, in their view, the data on birth patterns in Israel are not incompatible with the Malthusian population theory (Mayshar and Manski, 2000).In addition, demographers, newspapers columnists, and other scholars brought to the fore the prevailing public mood against the increased children’s allowances to large families. The Ben-Basat Committee, a governmental committee that dealt with tax reform issues, adopted a similar opposing view and stated in its report that “because of the structure of the ladder of the children’s allowances payments, they operate to encourage high fertility among poor families, that in any case face economic difficulties in raising their children. The allowances paid to them thus help to produce a poverty trap among them and especially for their children (Ben Basat Committee [Income Tax Reform] Report, p. 3).The cost effect of the increased allowances programThe increased level of the children’s allowances to large families paid for the fifth child came into effect inn January 2001. The annual cost of the increased payments summed up to about NIS 500 million, or an increase of nearly 8 percent of the cost of the total children’s allowances program. Compared to the previous year the social security payments by the National Insurance Institute grew in 2001, in real terms by 13.3%. The scope of these payments reached that year about 9.6% of the GDP, as compared to about 8.5% in 2000 (National Insurance Institute, 2002).The policy repercussions of the increased cost of the children’s allowances program in general and of the allowance to large families program were related to three main issues: The timing of the increase, the particular circumstances at the time of the national economy; and the change in the political climate towards the welfare state in general and the social security system in particular.The increase of the children’s allowances to large families occurred at an importune time when the country found itself in a serious economic recession. In addition, the policy trend supported for some time by the Treasury economists was to curtail the children’s allowances program and to introduce substantial cuts in the allowances rate. The dominant neo-liberal ideology of the government in power was, in general , hostile to the welfare state and was committed to make significant cuts in public spending , mainly so in social welfare expenditures . It was also strongly influenced by the welfare reforms adopted in the United States and considered the introduction of similar reforms in the country welfare payment system. Under these circumstances a radical reform of the benefits paid to large families was an inevitable part of the reform in these payments to follow.Participation rates of large families in the labour market.Another aspect of the debate concerning the children’s allowance to large families was the incentives to work issue, i.e. the low participation rate in the labour force of the two population groups, the ultra orthodox religious groups and women in the Arab Moslem population (Sheinin, 2003; Rubinstein, 2003).The debate was mostly related to the motivation for and availability of fathers to work among large families and especially large Jewish ultra orthodox groups. Some economists claimed that that there is a clear link between the level of the children’s allowance and especially their more recent increase and the decline in the participation of this group in the labour force. The allowances, in their view, created negative incentives to work and the more they provided support for the children the more they enabled their parents to remain for many years outside the labour force (Ilan Shahar, April 11, 2000). In practice, the meaning of the increased allowances was that it would be easier for the fathers in these families to live without work (Shtrasler, 2000).The reform of the children’s allowances programFollowing this debate and in line with the prevalent ideological disposition,the Government in the years 2001 –2003 saw as a first priority not only the annulment of the increase in the level of children’s allowances to large families but also to make significant cuts in the entire program of children allowances. Using the fiscal difficulties of the period as an additional lever the government passed a rangeof consecutive and substantial cuts in the level of the children allowances and also made significant changes in their structure. The opposition to the increased allowances to large families among significant parts of the populations provided the necessary backing to the policies adopted.The major structural change in the program was its alteration from a system of benefits paid on an ascending level which increased steeply for the third child onwards, to a system of a single flat rate allowance paid to all children irrespective of their consecutive place in the family. Children born after July 1st 2003 are entitled only to the new flat rate allowance. To ease the transformation that involves substantial losses of income to large families the change was introduced gradually over a longer period of time and will eventually become fully mature in 2009. The initial phases of this change of reducing the allowances paid to large families havebeen un effect since 2002 as shown in Table 2.Table 2. The Cuts in the Rate of Children Allowances 2001-2004(Israeli Shekel)2001 March2002 July20022003 Febr.2004July20041-2 children 171 152 146 144 120 120Third Child 343 289 303 195 171 166Fourth Child 694 614 586 454 430 4045th &6th Child 856 757 724 522 498 458The rate for each additional child was 886 Shekel in 2001, it was reduced to 458 Shekel in July 2002, and will be gradually reduced to 144 Shekel by 2009.Source: National Insurance Institute Data and Ruth Sinai, The Fourth Cut in Two Years, Ha’aretz, January 4, 2004.The cuts in the children’s allowances and the gradual process of equalizing the allowances to all children continued in 2005. In comparison to 2004, the monthly average allowance to a family with two children decreased by about 2.8% in real terms , while that paid to a family with five children decreased by about 13 %. The accumulated decrease since 2001 amounted to about 35% for a family with two children and 52% for a family with five children (National Insurance Institute, 2006). The repercussions of the reformThe restructuring of the children’s allowances program had its effect in three major fields: the extent of poverty, participation of large families in employment, and changing the social protection network. In all three fields the reform had major social repercussions.Increase in Poverty. With regard to poverty all families with children have been affected by the restructuring of the child benefits and receive currently significantly reduced allowances on behalf of their children. The bulk of the cuts fell, however, on the four lowest deciles of the population on the income distribution ladder. Already in 2002 it was estimated that the total sum of cuts in the two lowest deciles of the population would be six times higher than the cuts in the two highest deciles of the population (National Insurance Institute, 2002). The result was that more families with children joined the ranks of the poor.Recent data show that in 2002 29.6% of all children in Israel in lived with incomes under the poverty line. In 2005 their number reached 35.2% and the likelihood is that their number will still increase in the coming years. The restructuring effect on large families was, however, much more serious. The incidence of poverty among families with four or more children rose in 2005 to 58.1% compared to 54.7% in 2004 and 41.8% in 2000 (National Insurance Institute, 2002 and 2006).Participation in the labour force. The policy pursued by the government in restructuring the children’s allowances program was clearly designed to use the levers of financial pressure to encourage parents in large families to enter the labour market. By making significant cuts in the safety net provided by the child benefits and other social protection programs, the intention was to reduce the dependency of largefamilies on these payments and force them to engage in work and thus play a more active role in providing for their familiesThe question is how effective was this policy in terms of the initial goal of the work activation policies and of strengthening the link between the entitlement to child benefits and participation in the labour market. In reality there are no data available with regard to the actual success of the reduction of these benefits and the entrance to the labour market of parents of large families.The restructuring policies certainly succeeded in reducing the cost of the child allowances but it seems doubtful whether they had any real and lasting effect on the cultural and religious patterns of behavior of large families in terms of work and fertility. The low participation rate of ultra orthodox Jewish males in the labour forceis strongly related to the pattern that has developed among them in Israel to devote their time to religious studies as a way of life. Although this cultural pattern of behavior may seem odd it has become deeply entrenched among a part of the ultra orthodox Jewish population. Many of them prefer to live in rather difficult economic conditions and poverty as a matter of choice and spend their adult life studying in religious institutions.The high fertility rates among the ultra orthodox parts of the Jewish population are also strongly related to their religious beliefs and practices. Although some economist claim that these practices have been reinforced by the generous system of children’s allowances it is unlikely that most of them will change their behavior and cease to follow the biblical command of “Be fertile and multiply”(Genesis , 1, 28) that guides themWith regard to the Arab Moslem population - the relatively high fertility rates among them is combined with very low participation rates of women in employment. Again, this behavior patterns is strongly related to the traditional cultural behavior norms of the Arab population where employment of women outside the family household, or outside the local community is, if not outright forbidden, is not generally accepted . It is difficult to assume that financial pressure of the sort of reducing support by cutting the level of children’s allowances, without a parallel change in the traditional culture, will significantly affect the employment pattern of women in this population group.The changing social protection network. The changes and cuts in the children’s allowances programs and in the level of benefits to large families program since the year 2000 reflect the radical shift in the system of social protection that affects the core of the Israeli welfare state. The trend to pursue work activation policies and transform the existing social security system played an important role in the policies regarding the support system for large families. It seems, however, important to point out at least two additional important factors driving the restructuring process of the support system for large families.One of these factors was the antagonistic attitudes to large families in general and to the ultra orthodox religious Jewish group that comprise most of the large families in particular. The other was ideological and political in its nature reflecting the pursuit of current dominant neo-liberal policies of small government and the reduction of public spending .The alignment of negative public attitudes towards large familiesand an aggressive ideology committed to reduce public spending, converged together in shaping the welfare discourse which eventually led to the passing of the package of restrictive social policies towards large families.The policy dilemmasThere is general agreement on the importance of currently pursued activation policies to encourage and help people to enter the labour market and thus reduce their dependency on social security benefits (Carcillo and Grubb, 2006). The policy dilemma is, however, how to achieve the aims of increasing participation in the labour market of benefit recipients, reduce the cost of benefit payments, and at he same time prevent the increase of economic hardship and poverty among them. The dilemma is how to generate positive effects of activation programs without producing possible negative outcomes of increasing poverty and social exclusion among the targeted population groups (Vaughan-Whitehead, 2003).In evaluating the Israeli experience with regard to the activation policies aiming to encourage parents of large families to enter the employment market one can hardly assume that these basic dilemmas have found a satisfactory solution. The reform of the children’s allowance system to large families implemented since 2002 has received a considerable degree of political support of the majority of the population. What was absent, however, in this political consensus was a sympathetic approach to the predicament of large families suffering from economic hardship and the need to reduce the widespread poverty among them. The reform adopted stressed the need to activate the parents of large families but it did not sufficiently appreciate the contribution of the relatively generous children’s allowances made to reducing the income gaps and disparities between small and large families and the inequalities between various population groups in Israeli society.Although the reform policies adopted were under the circumstances politically acceptable it is doubtful whether they were also effective in achieving their main goals. It is doubtful whether the strategy of exerting strong financial pressure on large families actually succeeded in forcing them to enter into employment and it is also debatable whether the financial pressures of significantly reduced benefits had an impact on the fertility patterns of the affected population groups.On the face of it may seem that many parents of large families are able to work and are thus a proper target of work activation policies. In reality, the social, cultural and religious norms guiding the actual behavior and way of life of the majority of these families in Israel continue to form for them very real barriers of bringing them to employment. Although the demands made on them to accept work may seem reasonable, they seem to disregard the particular cultural context of life circumstance of the large families in Israeli society. The need of activation policies to be more sensitive to the cultural aspects and their implications are thus of particular importance in any attempt of bringing particular groups at the margins of the labour market into employment.In summing up, the reform of the children’s allowance program in Israel and its impact on the well being of large families needs to be seen in the wider context of the trend to curtail spending on social protection programs. The activation policies pursuedin this context also reflect the radical shift to neo-liberal modes of social protection. The effect of this radical shift can be seen in rise in poverty and increase in social exclusion as well as growing inequalities. The case of the reform of the children’s allowances program in Israel exemplify the actual impact of this shift in policy. The broader effect of these policy choices made will be decisive in the forthcoming years in setting the climate of growing insecurity, erosion of social solidarity and decline of social cohesion.ReferencesBen Basat Committee(2000), Report of Committee on Income Tax Reform, Jerusalem, (Hebrew).Bradshaw Jonathan, Finch Naomi, Mayhew Emese, Rikatallio Veli-Mati and Skinner Christine (2006), Child Poverty and Large Families, Bristol: The Policy Press.Carcillo Stephane and Grubb David ( 2006), From Inactivity to Work: The Role of Active Market Policies, Paris: OECD Social, Employment and Immigration Working Paper 36.Doron, Abraham (2001), Retrenchment and Progressive Targeting: The Israeli Experience, in Neil Gilbert (Ed.), Targeting Social Benefits, International Perspectives and Trends, International Social Security Series , Vol. 1, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK): Transaction Publishers .Doron, Abraham (2001a), Social Welfare Policy in Israel: Developments in the 1980s and 1990s, Israel Affairs, 7/4.Doron, Abraham (2005), The Erosion of the Israeli Welfare 2000-2003: The Case of Children’s Allowances, Labor, Society and Law, 11(95-120), Hebrew.Foden David and Magnusson Lars (2003), Five Years Experience of the Luxemburg Employment Strategy, Brussels: ETUI.Gabai, Yoram and Lavon, Avi (1996), Universality and Selectivity in the Israeli Transfer Payments, Discussion Paper 96/11, Jerusalem: The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel (Hebrew).Golan, Avirama (2000), Back to the Politics of the Womb, Ha’aretz, 17 April, (Hebrew).Ha’aretz (2000), More and More to the Ultra-Orthodox, 4 July, (Hebrew).Ilan, Shahar (2000), Beilin: Large Families a Burden on Society, Ha’aretz, April 9, (Hebrew)Ilan ,Shahar (2000), The Great Bluff of Erosion of the Children’s Allowances, Ha’aretz, April 11, (Hebrew).Lodemel Ivar and Trickey Heather (Eds.),(2001) A Offer You Can’t Refuse, Workfare in International Perspective, Bristol: The Policy Press.Mayshar, Yoram and Manski Charles (2000), Children’s Allowances and the Birthrate in Israel: First Findings, Jerusalem: The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel, January , (Hebrew).National Insurance Institute (2002), Annual Survey 2001, Jerusalem: Research and Planning Administration, (Hebrew).National Insurance Institute, Annual Survey 2005, Jerusalem: Research and Planning Administration , 2006.National Insurance Institute, Poverty and Income Disparities 2005 – Main Findings, Jerusalem: Research and Planning Administration , August 2006.Roter, Rafael, and Shamai, Nira (1977), The Reform of Taxation and Transfer Payments in Israel, July 1975, Bitachon Sotziali (Social Security), No. 12-13, (Hebrew ).Rubinstein, Amnon (2003), The Bear’s Embrace, Ha’aretz, December 24, (Hebrew).Serrano Pascual A. 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doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000⁃484X.2020.20.017㊃教学园地㊃五星教学模式在线上有效教学中的实践与反思 以病原与宿主防御系统为例①韩 莉 余 祥 吴红艳 周永芹 黄晓飞 赵 云② (三峡大学医学院,宜昌443002) 中图分类号 G642 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000⁃484X (2020)20⁃2516⁃05①本文受湖北省教学研究重点项目(2018278)和三峡大学教学研究重点项目(J2017021)资助㊂②通讯作者,E⁃mail:zhaoyun@㊂作者简介:韩 莉,女,教授,主要从事感染与肿瘤方面的研究,E⁃mail:hlyyh@㊂[摘 要] 近年来,线上教学㊁线上⁃线下教混合㊁线下教学逐渐形成三足鼎立局面,支撑现代高等教育,不断涌现出繁多的线上㊁线下教学技术及方法,但如何在教学实践中区分线上㊁线下教学特点,在重视信息呈现的同时更加重视教学内容重构,在重视知识传送的同时更加重视临床思维㊁科研意识㊁创新与实践能力培养等有效教学问题一直是教育工作者的探究重点㊂对此,国际著名教育技术理论家和教育心理学家美国犹他州立大学Devid Merrill 教授在综合比较㊁研究㊁实践基础上提出五星教学模式可以较好地解决上述问题㊂课题组应用五星教学模式与原理,在基于器官⁃系统的整合课程病原与宿主防御系统教学中进行初步探讨,经过2年的教学设计实践及持续改进,取得了良好成效㊂[关键词] 五星教学模式;线上教学;有效教学;病原与宿主防御系统;Practice and reflection on online effective teaching in 5⁃star instruction model⁃taking Pathogen and Host Defense System as an exampleHAN Li ,YU Xiang ,WU Hong⁃Yan ,ZHOU Yong⁃Qin ,HUANG Xiao⁃Fei ,ZHAO Yun .Three Gorges University ,Medical College ,Yichang 443002,China[Abstract ] In recent years,online teaching,online⁃offline blended teaching and offline teaching gradually formed a tripodcomplexion,supporting modern higher education,and a number of online and offline teaching techniques and methods have arisen.However,there are important issues in effective teaching for educators to explore,such as how to distinguish teaching characteristics of online teaching from offline teaching in teaching practice,how to pay more attention to reconstruction of teaching content while focusing on information presentation,and how to pay more attention to clinical thinking,scientific research consciousness,cultivation of innovative and practical ability while focusing on knowledge transfer.In this regard,professor Devid Merrill of Utah State University,an internationally renowned educational technology theorist and psychologist,put forward a 5⁃star instruction model to better solve above problems on basis of comprehensive comparison,research and practice.Research group applied 5⁃star instruction model andprinciple to make a preliminary discussion in teaching of organ system⁃based integrated course "Pathogen and Host Defense System",and have achieved good results after two years of teaching design and practice.[Key words ] 5⁃star instruction mode;Online teaching;Effective teaching;Pathogen and host defense system 五星教学模式亦称 首要教学原理”或 五星教学设计”,是由当代国际著名教育技术理论家和教育心理学家美国犹他州立大学Devid Merrill 教授在综合比较11种教学框架后总结提出的教育模式,其精髓为 当学习者介入解决实际问题时才能够促进学习,当激活已有知识并将其作为新知识的基础时才能够促进学习,当新知识展示给学习者时才能够促进学习,当学习者应用新知识时才能够促进学习,当新知识与学习者的生活世界融为一体时才能够促进学习”[1,2]㊂近年五星教学模式概念引入国内,在应用型课程中进行了本土化改造试验并取得了显著成效[3]㊂但其能否应用于整合课程病原与宿主防御系统,适应该课程理论深奥且进展快㊁知识点多且机制复杂,要求良好的理解㊁自主学习与运用的特点有待进一步研究㊂㊃6152㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷1 病原与宿主防御系统探索五星教学模式的依据1.1 课程情况及面临问题 病原与宿主防御系统是基于器官⁃系统的整合教学实验班专业基础课程中的必修课,内容涉及病原生物学基础㊁宿主防御系统基础㊁病原生物㊁宿主防御系统异常与疾病4个方面,既是基础医学课程,也是联系临床医学㊁预防医学的桥梁课程,整合了医学微生物学㊁医学免疫学㊁人体寄生虫学的主要内容及药理学中抗生素的部分内容,淡化学科意识,强调医学课程间的内在联系,克服了原有学科重复较多㊁相对欠缺关联的矛盾,但又出现了新的问题,主要表现为:①病原学知识点多㊁杂㊁散,宿主防御系统的理论㊁机制涉及多学科相关知识背景,抽象㊁深奥㊁难懂[4]㊂②形式整合多于内涵整合,少数内容整合略显牵强,教学效果不明显③课堂氛围平淡,互动性弱,师生间㊁学生间思维交锋和智慧碰撞不足㊂④学生自主探索㊁合作交流㊁独立获取知识的机会较少[5]㊂在2017级实验班教学反馈中,有14.8%(4/27)的学生认为病原与宿主防御系统部分内容无法有效吸引学生注意力,学生缺乏学习动力和兴趣点,教学内容有待改进㊂加之今年疫情困扰,整体教学过程线上开展,学生专注有限期㊁学习条件等有待提高[6]㊂1.2 五星教学模式与教学问题解决 五星教学模式将教学过程分为 聚焦解决问题” 激活原有知识” 展示论证新知” 尝试应用练习”和 融会贯通掌握”5个基本过程[5]㊂以 聚焦问题”为核心要求教师将所授内容与学生工作㊁学习有效结合,并提出能够引发学生兴趣并进行深度思考的问题,与病原与宿主防御系统教学改进引入案例及分析一致,将教学大纲的学习目标转化为案例分析讨论的问题,简单㊁有效㊁易操作,有利于吸引学生注意力,解决学生缺乏学习动力和兴趣的问题;在聚焦问题基础上不断重复 激活旧知” 论证新知” 应用新知”和 融会贯通”循环,符合基本认知规律,将教学过程转变为教学互动(生生互动㊁师生互动㊁生师互动),将讲授转化为点拨和升华,解决病原与宿主防御系统知识点多㊁杂㊁散的问题;相关知识点㊁机制在病原与宿主防御系统实验设计㊁案例讨论中逐步完成融会贯通,解决其理论抽象㊁深奥的问题,有利于病原与宿主防御系统内容理解[7]㊂2 病原与宿主防御系统五星教学模式体系支撑及应用2.1 五星教学原理指导病原与宿主防御系统教学设计 病原与宿主防御系统在整合㊁改进㊁完善的递进过程中,有效教学始终处于重要地位,重视信息呈现的同时更加重视教学内容重构,以期传送知识的同时完成临床思维㊁科研意识㊁创新与实践能力培养,因此以五星教学原理对病原与宿主防御系统进行教学设计,见图1㊂建立病原学㊁免疫学及宿主防御系统案例库,而预习课件(包括案例分析㊁学习目标㊁自学提纲及电子教材㊁微视频㊁自测链接等内容)㊁课件㊁学生讨论部分由案例导入,案例编写尤其是讨论内容按照病原与宿主防御系统大纲要求设计,通过案例分析明确学习目标,案例分析位置从课件最后一页思考题迁移至课件首页㊂教学过程从案例分析开始,带着问题学习,最后以解决问题㊁回答问题结束㊂案例分析的作用从单一回顾性复习扩展为吸引学生㊁引导学生入门㊁教会学生理解㊁辅导学生熟练㊁考察学生应用㊂学生通过自学⁃自测⁃小组讨论⁃答疑⁃授课⁃课后拓展⁃设计实验等多环节聚焦激活旧知㊁论证新知,最后应用新知㊁融会贯通解决案例中的问题,完成大纲任务,在乐学㊁会学㊁善学㊁学会㊁学好过程中实现 以学生发展为中心”[8]㊂2.2 运用五星教学原理完成并完善病原与宿主防御系统教学 病原与宿主防御系统教学近3年历经 惯性线下教学” 探索线上⁃线下混合教学” 被迫线上教学”过程,也是完成五星教学原理初试㊁本土化以及改进的过程㊂今年的线上教学运用五星教学原理在雨课堂㊁大学云SPOC平台通过课前㊁课堂㊁课后3个环节,完成并完善病原与宿主防御系统教学,主要教学流程见图2[9]㊂ 细胞免疫应答”章节内容承上启下,涉及较多的免疫分子㊁免疫细胞,如MHC分子㊁细胞因子㊁抗原呈递细胞㊁T细胞㊁B细胞等,内容多且复杂,学生反映难度较大,因此为吸引学生注意力,调动其学习积极性,在预习课件中将图1 病原与宿主防御系统教学设计Fig.1 Instructional design of Pathogen and Host Defense System㊃7152㊃韩 莉等 五星教学模式在线上有效教学中的实践与反思 以病原与宿主防御系统为例 第20期学生经常提到的问题改编为案例,即 王斌同学临床实习中接触乙肝病毒”,但其未感染,因其曾接种过乙肝疫苗,主要成分为乙肝病毒表面抗原,即外衣壳蛋白,非完整病毒,该疫苗进入机体后,其抗原如何被提呈,如何具有保护性,如果乙肝病毒进入体内㊁进入细胞,病毒抗原如何被提呈,T 细胞识别抗原后如何活化,活化的T 细胞如何清除乙肝病毒,该案例前半部分复习上节课内容,后半部分是本次课重点,围绕案例提出知识㊁能力㊁素养3个学习目标,即掌握T 细胞对抗原的识别㊁T 细胞的双信号活化过程㊁T 细胞的免疫效应和生物学意义,熟悉活化T 细胞的转归,了解T 细胞活化的信号转导途径㊂培养学生利用现代信息技术研究医学问题及获取新知识与相关信息的能力,培养学生团队合作㊁自主学习和终身学习能力,建立敬畏生命㊁健康服务理念,强化临床思维等㊂预习课件附有自学提纲㊁电子教材㊁微视频㊁自测链接,要求学生自学㊁以小组为单位讨论,教师参与答疑㊂教师解答案例讨论中的共性问题㊁检查学生自学㊁预习结果,围绕案例提出的问题授课,穿插提问㊁测试等过程㊂以小结方式回复案例中的问题,提出思考题并拓展学习内容,完成教学过程㊂病原部分案例相对直观,课堂上以学生发言㊁讨论为主,并以学生自评表㊁学生互评表㊁教师评价表记录学习效果㊂3 病原与宿主防御系统五星教学模式改革成果 教学是相互作用过程,最佳的课程评审者是学生,最佳的课程评审标准是学生参与程度㊂因此病图2 病原与宿主防御系统教学流程Fig.2 Teaching process of Pathogen andHostDefense System原与宿主防御系统五星教学模式效果评价主要来源于学生成绩㊁问卷星的学生调查问卷以及 五星教学标准”评价, 五星教学标准”是依据5个主要素和15个次要素进行评估的15条标准,次要因素分为4级评价,无星0分,铜星2分,银星3分,金星5分,资料来源于3个年级学生,20171280班为单纯使用案例分析,20181280班为应用五星教学模式,20191280班使用本土化五星教学模式,改革结果见表1~3㊂结果表明2019级学生对病原与宿主防御系统线上教学整体效果认同度较高,尤其是 教书与育人相结合,体现课程㊁课堂思政” 善于启发式㊁互动式等教学方式” 注重双向交流,课后复习㊁思辨参与率高,师生互动效果好”等方面学生反映较好, 学生学习积极性高㊁参与率高,师生互动效果好,配合默契,课堂气氛活跃,学生有获得感”内容认同度仅为76.67%,说明突发疫情导致学生学习环境变化,既往支持个体发展的多样性生态系统和社会活动转变为单一的 全时日居家”模式,由此导致线上学习有效性的内涵和范围变窄,加之教师的信息技术素养差异,存在诸多疑惑与挑战,教学结果与教学设计一致㊂对3个年级学生病原与宿主防御系统成绩的量化分析表明,20171280班成绩优秀表1 2019级学生对线上教学效果认同度的调查结果Tab.1 Survey result of recognition degree for effectivenessof online teaching in students of 2019调查项目认同度(%)病原与宿主防御系统整体教学效果86.67教书与育人相结合,体现课程㊁课堂思政86.67课程教学目标明确,注重学生能力的培养80为人师表,教师对课堂的管控能力强;授课时态度认真83.33内容设计得当,准确把握重点和难点,有效利用在线资源,针对性强83.33课件清晰,层次分明,详略得当,可视性强,方法运用得当80注重理论与实际相结合,专业类课程能结合学科前沿调整教学内容83.33善于启发式㊁互动式等教学方式,注重双向交流86.67通过多种方式安排在线课程作业或互动,针对学生提问及时反馈80有效体现线上教学的资源优势,教师自主设计或引用的电子资源能较好支持或辅助完成课堂教学目标,内容充实80学生学习积极性高㊁参与率高,师生互动效果好,配合默契,课堂气氛活跃,学生有获得感76.67课后复习㊁思辨参与率高,师生互动效果好86.67㊃8152㊃中国免疫学杂志2020年第36卷表2 3个年级学生病原与宿主防御系统成绩量化分析(%)Tab.2 Quantitative analysis of results of student achieve⁃ment in three grades(%)班级20171280(n=27)20181280(n=30)20191280(n=30)出勤率100100100平时成绩优秀率75.0±5.290.0±2.583.0±3.3课程考试及格率96.3100100课程考试优秀率25.933.363.3课程考试平均分76.50±10.4580.88±7.5284.80±8.07表3 五星教学模式评价(n=30)Tab.3 Evaluation of5⁃star instructional model(n=30)主要素次要素20181280评分20191280评分交代学习任务聚焦解决问题(15分)安排完整任务14.567±0.71614.933±0.249形成任务序列回忆原有经验激活原有知识(15分)提供新的经验14.700±0.64014.900±0.300明晰知识结构紧扣目标施教展示论证新知(15分)提供学习指导14.767±0.55914.833±0.453善用媒体促进紧扣目标操练尝试应用练习(15分)逐渐放手操练14.567±0.80314.667±0.650变式问题操练实际表现业绩融会贯通掌握(15分)反思完善提高14.167±1.36814.767±0.559灵活创造运用激发动机指引方向18.933±1.67219.300±1.215环境要素(20分)协同合作多向互动教师素养(5分)4.933±0.2494.900±0.300率㊁课程考试平均分低于20181280班,应用五星教学原则有利于学生有效学习㊂20181280班㊁20191280班平时成绩优秀率差异无统计学意义,但数据不同,可能与每门课程都加大平时成绩考核力度有关,说明面对不熟悉的教学方式与环境,师生难免遇到疑惑与挑战,有效开展在线教学的措施需要进一步完善㊂对2018㊁20192个年级五星教学模式评价进行比较对发现解决问题㊁融会贯通掌握具有一定帮助,见图3㊂4 讨论近年来,线上教学㊁线上⁃线下混合教学㊁线下图3 五星教学模式评分Fig.3 Scores of5⁃star instructional model Note:Compared with20181280,*.P<0.05.教学逐渐以三足鼎立形式支撑现代高等教育,不断涌现出各种线上㊁线下教学技术及方法,但在教学实践中区分线上⁃线下教学特点㊁在重视信息呈现的同时更加重视教学内容重构㊁在重视知识传送的同时更加重视临床思维㊁科研意识㊁创新与实践能力培养是有效教学需要解决的关键问题[10]㊂从建构主义观点出发,各学生基础不同,无法期待所有学生收获相同,但明确的教学目标㊁明确的学生主体地位㊁学生主动参与教学㊁课堂气氛民主自由更有利于提高课堂有效性㊂线上教学中,学生学习条件参差不齐㊁专注力不同㊁学习效率不同㊁对教学的要求更高,仅依靠直觉和经验设计教学,无法保证教学有效性[11]㊂ 当教学内容在联系现实世界问题的情境中加以呈现,学习者介入到解决生活实际问题时,才能够有效地促进学习”㊂五星教学法原理与病原与宿主防御系统教学理念不谋而合,尤其是先向学习者呈现问题,然后针对各项具体任务开展教学,再展示如何将所学知识运用到解决问题或完成整体任务中㊂目前应用五星教学模式与原理,在基于器官⁃系统的整合课程病原与宿主防御系统教学中进行初步探讨,并经过2年的教学设计实践及持续改进,结果表明,该模式能激发学生在线学习热情㊁满足其个体内在需求,增强学习气氛㊁提升学习主动性,加强教学互动,凸显教师的主导作用和学生主体地位,为学生知识㊁能力㊁素养培养奠定坚实基础㊂同时也提示线上教学的有效开展应综合考虑在线教学所面临的各种现实问题,应注重科学循证与资源㊁技术的合理运用,应关注学习体验设计,应协同各方力量体现教育关怀[12]㊂随着教学技术及方法的不断发展㊁高素质教师队伍的建立㊁教学体系的进一步完善,五星教学模式必将在医学教学中取得更好的效果㊂(下转第2523页)㊃9152㊃韩 莉等 五星教学模式在线上有效教学中的实践与反思 以病原与宿主防御系统为例 第20期参考文献:[1] 吴 岩.应对危机化危为机主动求变做好在线教学国际平台及课程资源建设[J].中国大学教学,2020,(4):4⁃16,60.Wu Y.Responding to crises,turning crises into opportunities, actively seeking change,and building an international platform for online teaching and curriculum resources[J].Chin Univ Teach, 2020,4:4⁃16,60.[2] 朴莲荀,成佳慧,赵旭东,等.多元化教学模式在‘感染与免疫“研究生教学中的应用与探讨 以 弓形虫感染与免疫”为例[J].中国免疫学杂志,2020,36(11):1384⁃1386.Piao LX,Cheng JH,Zhao XD,et al.Application of diversified teaching mode in infection and immunity teaching for graduate students⁃taking toxoplasma 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第1篇Introduction:The English Language Department at [Your Institution's Name] has organized a comprehensive教研 activity aimed at exploring innovative approaches to English language teaching. This activity will provide an opportunity for teachers to share their experiences, discuss effective strategies, and engage in practical workshops. The following is a detailed outline of the教研活动的 structure and content.I. Opening Remarks and Introduction (15 minutes)- Welcome and introduction of the教研活动 objectives.- Brief overview of the day's schedule and activities.II. Keynote Speech: The Role of Technology in English Language Teaching (30 minutes)- Presentation by a renowned expert in educational technology.- Discussion on the integration of digital tools and platforms in the classroom.- Case studies of successful technology integration in English language teaching.III. Panel Discussion: Effective Teaching Strategies for Different Learning Styles (45 minutes)- Panelists representing various teaching styles and methodologies.- Topics for discussion: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning styles.- Strategies for identifying and accommodating different learning styles in the classroom.- Interactive activities demonstrating the application of these strategies.IV. Workshops: Practical Approaches to Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary (60 minutes)- Workshop 1: Grammar Teaching Techniques- Interactive grammar activities and games.- Role-playing exercises to practice grammar concepts.- Techniques for assessing students' grammar proficiency.- Workshop 2: Vocabulary Development Strategies- Strategies for teaching vocabulary in context.- Use of authentic materials and real-life examples.- Techniques for encouraging students to use new vocabulary in speaking and writing.V. Peer Observation and Feedback (60 minutes)- Small groups of teachers observe each other's classes.- Guidelines for providing constructive feedback.- Debriefing session to discuss observations and share insights.VI. Interactive Session: Technology-Enhanced Learning Activities (60 minutes)- Teachers collaborate to design technology-enhanced learning activities.- Focus on interactive whiteboards, online platforms, and mobile apps.- Sharing of best practices and ideas for incorporating technology into lesson plans.VII. Case Study Analysis: Success Stories in English Language Teaching (45 minutes)- Presentation of case studies showcasing successful English language teaching initiatives.- Discussion on the key factors contributing to these successes.- Reflection on how these initiatives can be adapted to different classroom settings.VIII. Closing Remarks and Wrap-Up (15 minutes)- Summary of the day's activities and key takeaways.- Encouragement for teachers to continue exploring innovative approaches in their teaching practice.- Announcement of follow-up activities and resources.IX. Feedback and Evaluation (10 minutes)- Collection of feedback forms from participants.- Analysis of feedback to identify areas for improvement in future教研活动.Conclusion:The教研 activity, "Innovative Approaches to English Language Teaching," aims to enhance the teaching and learning experience by exploring various methodologies and technologies. Through a combination of presentations, workshops, and interactive sessions, teachers will gain valuable insights and practical tools to implement in their classrooms. By fostering a collaborative environment and encouraging continuous professional development, this activity will contribute to the overall improvement of English language teaching at [Your Institution's Name].第2篇I. IntroductionTeaching and research activities are essential for the continuous improvement of English education quality. This article aims to introduce a type of English group teaching and research activity, which can enhance teachers' professional competence, improve teaching methods, and promote the overall development of English teaching.II. Activity Objectives1. To enhance teachers' professional competence and teaching skills.2. To promote the exchange of teaching ideas and methods among teachers.3. To foster a collaborative atmosphere for sharing experiences and solving problems.4. To explore innovative teaching approaches and strategies.5. To improve the quality of English teaching and learning.III. Activity TypesA. Lesson Planning and Teaching Method Exchange1. Introduction: This activity involves teachers sharing their lesson plans and teaching methods, which enables them to learn from eachother's strengths and improve their teaching skills.2. Implementation: Teachers can prepare and present their lesson plans and teaching methods in front of the group, followed by discussions and feedback from other participants.3. Benefits: This activity helps teachers to understand various teaching methods and adapt them to their own teaching context, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of their teaching.B. Case Study Analysis1. Introduction: Case study analysis is a type of activity where teachers analyze real-life teaching cases to identify problems, explore solutions, and discuss best practices.2. Implementation: Teachers can be divided into groups, each group analyzing a specific case study. Afterward, the groups present their findings and discuss the solutions to the case.3. Benefits: This activity enables teachers to apply theoretical knowledge to practical teaching situations, and develop criticalthinking and problem-solving skills.C. Workshop on Innovative Teaching Techniques1. Introduction: This activity focuses on exploring and implementing innovative teaching techniques in English classes.2. Implementation: Participants can attend workshops conducted by experts or experienced teachers, where they learn about new teaching methods, tools, and resources.3. Benefits: This activity helps teachers stay updated with the latest teaching trends and incorporate innovative techniques into their teaching practice.D. Peer Observation and Feedback1. Introduction: Peer observation and feedback involve teachers observing each other's teaching sessions and providing constructive feedback to enhance their teaching performance.2. Implementation: Teachers can be paired up to observe each other's classes, followed by a feedback session where they discuss strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.3. Benefits: This activity promotes a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth among teachers.E. English Language Teaching and Research Conference1. Introduction: An English language teaching and research conference brings together teachers, researchers, and experts in the field to share their research findings, teaching experiences, and insights.2. Implementation: Participants can attend workshops, presentations, and panel discussions on various aspects of English language teaching and research.3. Benefits: This activity provides a platform for teachers to expand their knowledge, network with professionals, and stay informed about the latest developments in the field.IV. ConclusionIn conclusion, English group teaching and research activities play a vital role in enhancing teachers' professional competence, promoting the exchange of teaching ideas, and improving the quality of English education. By engaging in various activity types, teachers can continuously develop their skills, adapt to new teaching trends, and create a more effective and engaging learning environment for their students.第3篇Introduction:The English Language Teaching (ELT) field is continuously evolving, and it is crucial for educators to engage in regular research and development activities to stay updated with the latest trends and methodologies. One effective way to foster professional growth and collaboration among teachers is through教研活动。
I’m an associate professor in the foreign language college of X university. In recent, I learned from the website that “the 5th international inter-culture communication seminar” will be held in March 2004 in Oxford . I’m very much interested in attending this conference because I have been studying in this field for many years.2、我从会议的第一轮通知上得知,将于明年在哈佛举行的“IEA2004”的会议主题是网络与教育的关系问题,这正是我近几年来的研究兴趣所在。
I learned from the first round notice that the theme of “IEA2004”conference that will be held in Harvard next year is about the relationship between network and education, which is just a focus of my research in recent years.3、请您把我的个人资料收入会议的数据库并把我的地址列入“通迅名录”。
Please put my personal information into the database of conference and include my address in “address list”. I’m looking forward to receiving any further information in relation to this conference in time.4、我已接到论文被采用的通知和出席会议的正式邀请,并已于2月20日在网上正式注册参加会议,但至今尚未得到任何会议资料。
作文教研学校欢迎词英文回答:Hello everyone, I am very excited to welcome you all to our school's educational research conference. It's a great pleasure for me to see so many passionate educators and researchers gathered here today. I hope that this conference will be a valuable opportunity for all of us to exchange ideas and learn from each other.I believe that through sharing our experiences and insights, we can all contribute to the improvement of teaching and learning practices in our school. For example, last year, our school implemented a new teaching method based on the research findings presented at a similar conference. The results were remarkable, and our students' performance improved significantly.I am looking forward to hearing about your own research and experiences, and I am confident that we will all leavethis conference with new knowledge and inspiration. Thank you for being here, and let's make this conference a memorable and productive event.中文回答:大家好,我非常高兴欢迎大家参加我们学校的教研学术会议。
对于张xx 老师而言,教师事业不仅因其热爱与努力而闪耀,更因其崇高而神圣。
1. 塑造孩子的人格幼儿园时期是孩子性格和人格形成的关键时期。
2. 发展孩子的认知能力幼儿园老师在孩子认知能力的发展上起着关键作用。
3. 培养孩子的情感素质幼儿园老师在培养孩子情感素质方面起着重要作用。
4. 培养孩子的生活习惯和自理能力幼儿园老师在培养孩子生活习惯和自理能力方面起着重要作用。
science of the total environment参考文献格式
science of the total environment参考文献格式科学与环境总论(Science of the Total Environment)是一本环境科学领域的国际学术期刊。
在科学与环境总论中,参考文献遵循国际通用的引用格式,主要采用美国化学学会(American Chemical Society,ACS)和现代语言协会(Modern Language Association,MLA)的参考文献格式。
以下是一些常见的ACS参考文献格式示例:1. 期刊文章:[1] Gao, Y. H.; Zhang, X. L.; Chen, J. C.; Li, Y.; Wu, M.; Lu, F. S.; Huang, Y. H. Studies on the reactivity and reaction routes of neptunium(V) with phosphorous acid. J. Mech. Theor. Chem. 2018, 36 (1), 76-87.2. 会议论文:[2] Lin, N.; Xu, S.; Li, Y. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology; Atlantis Press, 2020; pp 233-240.3. 书籍章节:[3] Sun, X. Y.; Chen, Z.; Mao, J. H. Advanced Mass Spectrometry for Environmental Analysis. In Environmental Analysis; Elsevier, 2019; pp 89-112.其次是MLA的引用格式。
北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册精品课件 UNIT 5 EDUCATION Section A
This gentle genius was born in Germany on 14 March 1879.When he was 16, he tried to enter university in Switzerland, but failed due to his low scores in the general part of the entrance exam,despite obtaining exceptional scores in maths and physics.After studying for another year,he managed to pass the exam,entering university in 1896 and graduating in 1900.
... On 18 April 1955,it was reported that Einstein had passed away6,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.
(节选自人教版选择性必修第一册Unit 1)
Part 1
a.The description of Helen’s learning process.
Part 2
b.Some basic information and personalities of Helen and her
teacher Anne.
Task 3 Skim for the main structure.
3. for
the blind in Boston.
Anne spelt words by 4. writing on Helen’s hand so
它由Stephen Hillenburg创造,于1999年5月1日首播。
海绵宝宝的故事发生在一个名为比奇堡(Bikini Bottom)的海底城市中,主要讲述了一只黄色的海绵宝宝(SpongeBob SquarePants)和他的朋友们的奇幻冒险。
他住在比奇堡的一个菠萝屋里,平时的工作是在海底的蟹堡王(Krabby Patty)店里当煎饼师傅。
最重要的朋友之一是他的老板、蟹堡王的老板克拉布先生(Mr. Krabs)。
还有另一个重要的角色是章鱼哥(Squidward Tentacles)。
参考文献:1. 黄润南. 海绵宝宝家族的幽默之道[J]. 广告评论, 2013,20(03):27-27.2. Bryan JL, Weber RP. The SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBash[M]. Routledge, 2014.3. Ryan R, Lyuba E, David R. Analyzing genre differences inchi ldren’s use of character knowledge: from Pokémon to Hunger Games to SpongeBob SquarePants, and Fashion Shows among preschool-aged children. In Proceedings of the 5th biennial international conference on Digital games and interactive entertainment (Digest'12) (pp. 29-30).4. Horkheimer R, Von Eiland M. Traversing the Spectrum in SpongeBob SquarePants: Caricatures of Parental Figures and Aspects of IDIOCULTURE. In Southwest/Texas Popular Culture& American Culture Association Conference (p. 3). 2015.5. Helry B, Stevens RE, Rao T, Kaye-Fink T, Wilson-Morosow M, Yasin M. Contributing to Feeding Disorders? Cringe-worthy Foods on Popular Kids’ Television Shows[J]. Journal of PediatricGastroenterology & Nutrition, 2019, 68S:S98.6. Krcmar M, Cingel DP, Fu S. Parental mediation of the college-aged child's television viewing following a parental mediation intervention. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 2013, 57(2): 134-149.。
CNIS experts attend the 5th plenary meeting of ISO/TC 323CNIS gathers experts to attend the 9th plenary meeting of ISO/TC 275ISO/TC 323 on circular economy held the 5th plenary meeting in hybrid forms recently, assembling over 100 experts from more than 40 countries including France, the U.S., Germany, China, Japan, etc. Two experts from the Branch of Resource and Environment Research, CNIS, attended the meeting virtually.During the meeting, the attendees listened to the report of the secretariat, progress reports of each working group, liaison reports, future work plan and priorities, etc. The attendees also carried the resolution on the designation of convenors of working groups, and time and form of the next meeting.The committee will release 4 international standards—ISO 59004, ISO 59010, ISO 59020 and ISO 59040, to technically support the development of circular economy across the globe. Among which, ISO 59040 on product cyclicity data sheet was developed with the joint efforts of China and Luxemburg, and CNIS experts have made great contribution to it. As the domestic technical counterpart of ISO/TC 323, the Branch of Resource and Environment Research is gathering renowned experts in circular economy to establish a think tank supporting China’s standardization work in this field.China is one of the countries with the most urban population in the world. In 2020, the scale of sewage treatment in China exceeded 200 million tons per day, resulting in over 60 million ton sludge per year (counted by 80% moisture content).In recent years, China’s environmental protection enterprises and research institutions have made great progress in sludge treatment and safe disposal, which have improved technological levels, and accumulated valuable engineering experience.ISO/TC 275, Sludge recovery, recycling treatment and disposal , convened the 9th plenary meeting in hybrid forms on October 12, which was attended by over 20 representatives from France, China, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, etc.CNIS, the domestic technical counterpart of ISO/TC 275, organized seven Chinese experts to attend the meeting virtually. The attendees discussed the current standards projects and future plans of 8 working groups on terminology, characterization methods, anaerobic digestion, land application, thermal processes, thickening and dewatering, inorganics and nutrients recovery, as well as communication and management of public awareness.56 CHINA STANDARDIZATION November / December 2023NIS COLUMNBETTER COMMUNICATION | GREATER VALUECNIS hosts the 2nd National Industrial Data and Knowledge Innovation Management Standardization ConferenceJointly hosted by CNIS, Management Committee of Guangzhou Development District and People’s Government of Huangpu District in Guangzhou, the 2nd National Industrial Data and Knowledge Innovation Management Standardization Conference was held on October 26-27 in Guangzhou, South China’s Guangdong province.Themed “Enhancing data and knowledge management, promoting in-depth integration of technological innovation, standardization, intellectual property and industrialization”, the conference was hosted by Jiang Jiadong, Vice President of CNIS and other representatives. Approximately 200 representatives from universities, research institutions, manufacturing enterprises, software developers, etc., attended the conference.Industrial data is the core element of intelligent manufacturing, knowledge management is an effective tool of innovative development, and innovation management is an important content of high-quality development, stressed Liu Dashan, a director from Standards Technical Management Department of SAMR. Further efforts will be made to exert the role of the standardization of industrial data and knowledge innovation management, reinforce the implementation of standardization, deepen the integration of standards and businesses, and promote international cooperation in standardization.The conference offers a platform for the promotion of standardization work and relevant policies, academic discussion, and communication on industrial development, which benefits policymakers, industry practitioners and the research community. It is shown that the exchange of standardization of industrial data and knowledge management is of theoretical and practical significance to deepen the integration of informationization and industrialization, strengthen the technological innovative capability of enterprises, drive the industrial digitalization and intelligence reform, and promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry.572023 November / December CHINA STANDARDIZATION。
幼儿园园本课程的纵向整合1. 任务背景幼儿园园本课程的纵向整合是指在幼儿园教育过程中,将不同年级的园本课程进行有机衔接和整合,以促进幼儿全面发展。
2. 意义幼儿园园本课程的纵向整合具有重要意义,它可以促进幼儿教育的连贯性,提高教学效果,更好地满足幼儿的发展需求。
3. 整合方式和策略幼儿园园本课程的纵向整合可以采取以下方式和策略,以实现课程的衔接和有机整合:(1)制定纵向整合的教学目标和课程框架教师可以根据不同年级的课程内容和幼儿的发展特点,制定纵向整合的教学目标和课程框架。
学术会议发言稿开场白(精选多篇)第一篇:国际学术会议发言稿1. prologuethank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction. i am honored to have the chance to address you on this special occasion. the topic of my paper is “transaction cost and farmers’choice of agricultural products selling”. the outline of my talk as follows. the first part i want to introduce the background of this research. the second part suggests a simple household choice model .the third part covers the data used in this research. and then, we introduce the empirical results. finally, a simple conclusion is given.2. introductionwell, let’s move on the first part of this topic .the motivation of this work like this. institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transactions do so in a costly way .for example , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets.i want to use a picture to illustrate it. for example, given some market channels, farmers’choices can be regarded as equilibrium between the surplus and the additional costs that related to transacting .especially indeveloping countries, high-value crop producers fully participate in the market and the transaction cost has been the hard constraint to farmers. furthermore, farmers’market choices can be taken as a choice dilemma of transaction cost and production surplus. consequently, the scientific question of this research is how transaction cost affects planters’choices.3. methodologylet’s move to the theoretical model of our research. consider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer η needs to allocate the input factors .this process can qbe set into a function like this q? ? q( p , w , z ? ) , qη means the output farmers decide qto produce .p implies the output price w implies input price and.z: ? is fixed input. once produce what and produce how many are decided, next question to be considered is how much products to be transacted in market. here we use three cc()cη means how functions to describe this question. the first equation, c ? ?p , z ?much agricultural products used by famers themselves. p implies the price the cagricultural product,z ?suggests the fluctuation of cη. the second equation q ? ? q ? ?c?, qη means the amount of agricultural products transacted inq?n?market. the third equationi ? q ?implies the amount exchanged in nth time.in stage 3, farmers will decide to sell the products to whom. chanel j’s market price isbdecided by an exogenesis price and farmers’negotiating power.pij?p* j?b(qi,zi)besides this, we use a matrix to show the net profit of chanel jx ik? ik, ? ?? ik ?and then farmers’choice can be expressed in a typical choice model exp(xij?)pr(ji?j|xik)?1 exp(xij?)? k?1based on the choice model, another important concept is famers’channel choice .here, we set five types .they rank by the market barriers. accordingly, we set a group discrete number to express them. y: dependent variable y=5,means farmer choosebrokers. y=1, farmers sell products to consumers directly.4. data and estimation procedureshere, we illustrate the data distribution with this map. according to the agricultural regionalization from department of agriculture, the apple specialization areas in china contain two parts: bo sea area and loess plateau. bo sea area in red color, contains hebei, shandong and liaoning 3 provinces. and loess plateau in green color, contains shanxi, henan, shaanxi and gansu 4 provinces. firstly, we use pps method to get the first stage sampling unit 14 counties in 7 provinces. then use random sample method to get village and household. they are our sample distribution. 5. empirical results6. conclusions第二篇:英文学术会议主持人发言稿good morning,ladies and gentleman.welcome to harbin,a beautiful northland ice city of china.i’m abc,from school of economics and management of hit.its a very very great pleasure to participate in the 5th international finance conference as the chairman,its my first time to do so.and i really really enjoy being stay here with you this morning.the international finance conference has been held 4th times by cfa institute since 1998. the purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems a lot of current issues have been discussed,and some of them have been effectively soluted..today,as the first time of the conference debut in this city,we’ll have a unique session.the topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in finance ,today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer.then,we’ll have a q&a session,which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. i am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. now,let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but in knowledges and experiences,he got his ph.d in financialeconomics at the ucb,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at mit and harvard. please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, prof.syc, whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. welcome.thank you for the impressive speech .as far as we konw,shadow banking system played an important role in the last financial crisis mainly derived from its high leverage and asymmetric information characteristics.which produced a supervision dilemma.because lack of information, regulators were unable to measure the actual risk of the financial system.it is crucial for to take a further knowledge of approaches to gauge the risk exposure more entirely and more precisely.prof syc has given an eye opener as well as a very meaningful lesson.thank you again,prof syc.plz alow me to introduce the next speaker, wusiqin,who is the corporate department manager of china construction bank in harbin. she holds a bachelor degree of science in engineering of hit,she also holds a master of business administration of renmin university of china.her topic today is coordinated development trend of china’s science-technology finance and economic growth level.lets welcome miss wu.thank you for your speech,miss wu. we are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. miss wu’s speech is about frontier science,which is profound and predictive,greatly widen ourhorizon,as least my horizon. anyway, i would like to express to her the most sincere appreciationthe next speaker,mr.jxs, has hosted a daily tv program with respect to economic issues on the and has appeared on cctv,who is also the author of an upcoming book named .so to speak to you on innovation capability of high tech enterprises by gray theory, please weclome mr jxs with the warmest applause.wow what an innovative idea,to quantify the inonovation ability and classify into different categories. try to think about it and you’ll find its very enlightening. thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. now,i ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,mrs hujianjie,who is the vice president of cfa institute.to represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for her to be the final presenter.her breadth and depth of knowledge,profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference.today,mrs hu will address you on relationship between stock liquidity and asset liquidity of listed companies,i cant wait to her inspiring ideas. welcome!!!thank you very much for the extremely enlightening presentation. generally,we wanna investigate the correlation of asset liquidity and stock liquidity, thereby linking stock liquidity to corporate finance decisions.but the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity is ambiguous.in her speech, mrs hu introduce a useful model to explore theambiguous relationship,which may shed new light on the importance of firm’s investment and financing decisions.ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished their presentations,we now enter into the question and answer session.during this session,prof.syc,miss.wu,mr.jxs,mrs.hujianjie and i will be very happy to answer as many of your questions as we could.are there any questions?ok,well,i m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.thank you for your questions.i hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us.ladies and gentlemen,i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 5th international finance conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.i would like to thank mrs.hu and the cfa institute for offering me the opportunity to be the chairman.thanks to everybody who has contributed to the conference and all other participants.thank you for your time and attendance.ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career. now, i declare the conference closed.lets meet again in beijing in 2014.第三篇:会议开场白开场各位优秀的合作伙伴,大家上午好:好,谢谢大家的配合,今天哪,咱大家来到这里咱大家就是一个团队,说团队讲的就是一致性,当我向大家问好时,大家的回应能不能更加响亮,更加一致呢!现在我跟大家分享一个问候方式,当我问候大家好的时候,我希望大家回应我的不只是一个好字,而是:好!很好!非常好!好吗各位?我看谁的声音最大,声音越是大的老板今年你的钱包就越大。
5th International Conference on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (SSEHR 2016) Exploration of Computer Network Teaching Based on InnovationAbilities CultivationMin Lai1, a Yong Xia2, b1 2 Gannan Medical University, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China, 341000a email,b emailKeywords: Computer Network Teaching, Innovation Abilities Cultivation, ExplorationAbstract. The cultivation of university students’ innovation ability is the eternal theme of universities educational innovation. Teaching innovation is the heart and key to educational innovation. It advances to innovate teaching conception, optimizes teaching content, innovates teaching method, reforms experimental content and teaching evaluation in the course of reform practice in teaching computer network. It can achieve obvious results in teaching computer network. It can cultivate university student to build up innovation consciousness, enhance innovation spirit and improve innovation ability. It can train the senior technician with innovation ability and innovative thinking for society.IntroductionIn recent years, the popularity of network applications have been deep into the social, economic, and every corner of life, especially with the development of networking technology, networks are increasingly changing people's lives. Because of this, it requires a lot of technical personnel at all levels of the network society. In order to meet the needs of society, universities have stepped up efforts to train technical personnel on the network and the most direct expression of the experiment is to pay more attention to teaching computer network. Conventional computer network courses, more attention is to teach the theory, to equip students with the network architecture level, working principle, agreements. But society needs is not "on paper" theorists, but "veteran" doer. This requires us to do a good job teaching the theory at the same time, strengthen the experimental teaching, training the abilities of students through teaching, practice and innovative ability. Mission of higher education is to foster an innovative spirit and practical ability of senior specialized talents, development of science and technology and culture and promote socialist modernization. In the knowledge economy era, only with innovative consciousness, innovative spirit and ability of people can make a difference, to be successful. Development of knowledge economy depends on the ability to innovate and level of knowledge will, which requires colleges and universities training with innovative high-quality talent.Increasingly wide range of applications in the computer network era, we need a computer network teacher teaching reform, will develop students' innovative ability to penetrate into the computer network curriculum reform; students cultivate talents with strong innovative spirit and ability in order in the increasingly social competition incentives make a difference, to get social recognition.The Teaching Status of Computer Network CourseMost computer network course syllabus for college undergraduate nationwide requires students to master the basic principles of network communication and it focuses on computer network OSI / RM seven architectures and TCP / IP architecture. Course contents include basic concepts of computer networks, network architecture, and according to the network architecture and protocols are set forth the basic principles of the physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer. Which focuses on the physical layer data communications infrastructure; data link layer protocol IEEE802.3 presentation; focuses on IP network layer protocol; TCP transport layer protocol describes; application layer describes TELNET, FTP, SMTP / POP3, DNS and otherprotocols.Teaching in the computer network, the protocol is the core. The usual protocol teaching content from the basic functions of the protocol to the agreement details, including syntax, semantics, and synchronization. Therefore, lectures protocol details a lot, but to understand the essence of the agreement association agreement between the content, methods and techniques used protocol relative lack of student understanding of the basic principles of computer networks tend to stay in a variety of protocol specification details memory basis.The Innovation of Teaching Ideas Is a Prerequisite for Cultivating Innovative Talents Training students' creative ability in computer networking courses, computer network first requires innovative teaching ideas. Innovative Education requires teachers to students in the process of innovation in education, with its sense of innovation, creative thinking and innovative ability and other factors and promote the formation and development of students' creative ability, which requires teachers to change the "dignity of the division," "teacher authority "and other traditional concepts of education. Computer networks cannot be regarded as teaching textbook content, we cannot think of himself as the master of teaching activities to student-centered, jointly through the exchange of teachers and students, positive interaction and common interpretation of the contents of textbooks, co-discovered and solve problems, based on the order student, promote the development of its subject. To fully respect every student, not some fixed criteria to evaluate a student, every student fully discovered the bright spot and students of different personalities can give full play to their special talents. Form a lively student-centered learning situation, establish democracy, equality and the concept of teachers and students, to build mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual understanding of the relationship between teachers and students, and create favorable students' creative thinking and innovative ability of a suitable environment.Innovations in teaching is to eliminate outdated and backward obsolete teaching content, to be able to facilitate people to create scientific knowledge and inventive spirit of the times and the development of people's creative potential as a teaching content. The development of computer technology and communication technology, computer network so that new knowledge is growing, in this case, the times, optimizing computer network curriculum teaching content is very necessary. Computer network theory must be combined with practical importance of theoretical analysis and application development with due introduces the latest computer network technology, thereby opening up their horizons.The Teaching Exploration Based on Innovative Ability CultivationUpdate of Teaching Ideas. Change teaching concepts shall be based on the student as the main body to promote their development. In the teaching process, teachers more like a director, step by step guide students so that students and teachers cooperate with students and students together to complete the teaching requirements. In this context, teachers must accurately grasp the teaching of positive factors and student learning initiative, through a variety of ways and means to develop students' interest in learning, students change from passive learning fundamentally.Reform of Teaching Content. Teaching content should focus on the principles and basic concepts of computer networks learning. Only then can effective compression classroom teaching hours, leaving students more space and self-reflection, practice opportunities, in order to foster the development of creative ability of students. Thus, the first computer network teaching computer networks should rise to the level of a computer network system to look at the composition of the application system guided by scientific theories, computer network systems analysis, function, structure and essential characteristics, using a variety of methods to study systems engineering Construction and application software programming specific network applications. Teaching content should constitute the system logical framework on the basis of the computer network system analysis, and through the analysis of the concept and nature of the problem, so that students learn not only knowledge, but also learn to analyze the problem.On this basis, according to the basic requirements of the curriculum and teaching 40 hours of classroom rules, we re-enact the teaching content: the computer network architecture, data communications infrastructure, technology and basic data link layer protocol commonly used LAN technology (IEEE802. 3), the network layer protocol and basic techniques (the IP protocol as an example), the transport layer protocol and basic concepts (with TCP as an example), and other network programming foundation. Application layer protocols and network reserved for students learning the latest technology. In particular the process of teaching, focusing on key basic theory to explain, using a variety of means and methods of teaching basic concepts, basic principles speak deep thoroughly publicize desalination detailed calculation derivation and a brief description, presentation content.Reform of Teaching Methods and Means. In the teaching process, and give full play the main role leading role of teachers and students, by repealing "mouthpiece", "chalk and talk" the traditional teaching methods, implementation of the "import type", "heuristic," "self-learning", "discussion style" and other beneficial teaching methods students' creative ability."Import" teaching. Import teaching classroom teaching is very important in the early stages, cannot be ignored. Most of the students in Before learning how a computer network on the Internet is very familiar with, so we are in the first class to allow students to freely discuss their problems in the real network or the Internet, the departure from these problems, stimulate students network communication theory content of interest and improve the learning enthusiasm of theoretical knowledge. Thus, the teaching of the principles behind the content will play a multiplier effect. For example, for students in the dormitory often through a hub to share Internet access, but do not understand its principles. Through this part of the presentation, the students know about the initial LAN. Then, the teacher ED students raised several questions: What kind of equipment can also set up local area network cable alone two hosts can set up a LAN in the same local area network host's IP address should be how to configure many of these issues? The students will think, but cannot solve, so they want to know the solution as soon as possible. And so on, so that students with real-life problems of learning and thinking into the computer network of theoretical knowledge, so that their interest in computer network course is getting keener, the learning process will enhance the initiative."Heuristic" Teaching. At the beginning of each chapter we first proposed the communication problems in the process, and then inspire students to think: How to solve these problems which mature technology which can be used to solve the specific agreement on how to implement these techniques to learn the end of this chapter, and then back to see if the problem posed at the beginning. For example, when talking about layered architecture, to present the complexity of the communication process, what problems will arise during the communication, to ensure reliable communication, the method used to solve these problems? Can a simple protocol to solve? If not, how to solve? What is the general solution to a complex problem is? Can we solve the complex problems of communication and thinking this way? How to solve? Through this series of questions, and gradually inspire students to master the structure of thought layered system."Self-learning" teaching. Part of this may be a "self-learning" teaching method, that is, by the next class of students to complete the self-learning process, to give them some guidance through the submission of the report in the form of small teachers. In this way students are encouraged to make full use of libraries and network resources themselves to acquire knowledge to achieve the innovative ability. For example, we let the students through extracurricular computer network access to relevant documents, a report on the IPV6 protocol."Discussion" teaching. When explaining network programming, a "discussion" type mode, mainly to complete the review of teachers work, and actively guide students to participate in the actual programming process research and development, to discuss learning. In many cases, teachers do not know the students in the programming process may encounter problems while at the same angle as more clearly between students. Thus, before the programming classes, students are arranged programming tasks, and then to explain and demonstrate in the classroom. After the talks, the class is divided into two groups to discuss, analyze programming questions and discuss the bestsolution.The diversification of teaching methods. Currently courses are basically using the computer network multimedia teaching, teaching teachers to use PPT presentation file, but most of the PPT courseware is only static. Computer Network Course abstract terminology, concepts and more difficult to understand, and the communication process itself is a dynamic process. Static text is often difficult to clearly describe the courseware. Course author's group introduced a large number of animation, motion video, sound and other forms of stimulation of students in a variety of senses and courseware, making abstract information visualization, to facilitate students 'understanding, increase students' interest in learning. For example, network architecture each layer protocol data unit and its packaging process is very abstract, traditional way of expression is difficult to express clearly. We use graphics and animation, can process each layer packaging demonstration out, both vivid and easy to understand and grasp. In addition, our school library introduced the horizon of knowledge - education video resource library, a large number of rich video educational materials. They for students of different ages, in different disciplines, produced a series of scientific and educational programs. These programs apply to the school's teaching and learning, you can get very good results.Conclusion:By reforming of teaching methods, we explore the teaching methods and means to mobilize the students' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, not only enable students to master the basic concepts of computer networks, network hardware, typical network operating systems and architectures, basic communication theory, and learn WAN composition and application, understand the purpose of teaching the Internet function is more important it is to train students to identify problems, solve the problem and the purpose of innovation ability to meet national and local development needs for innovative talents.References[1] Jia Xinzhang, Li Jingyuan. Education Exploration, V ol. 6 (2014) No 53, p.25-26[2] Wang Qunyong. Higher Education Research, V ol. 12 (2015) No 27, p.74-76[3] Jing Jianfen. Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, V ol. 30 (2011) No 19,p.144-145[4] Wang Kuailiang. Laboratory Research and Exploration, V ol. 29 (2012) No 27, p.21-23[5] Zhang Gongxu, Sun Jing. Education Exploration, V ol. 8 (2013) No 27, p.57-60江西省赣州市渡口路7号南阳东升2栋2单元504室手机号码:139****8663收件人:赖敏。
玛格丽塔·约翰逊(Marietta Johnson)是美国进步主义教育运动时期著名的女教育家,她在费尔霍普(Fairhope)创办的“有机教育学校”是进步主义教育运动早期的重要实验之一。
[3]直到1901年,督学给了她一本奥本海姆(Nathan Oppenheim)的《儿童的发展》(The Development of the Child ),并告诉她,“除非教育按照这个方向发展,否则年轻人根本没有进入教师这个职业的动力”[4]。
University Education2014年8月August ,2014University Education[收稿时间]2014-03-05[基金项目]北京市民办教育发展促进项目(YETP1949)。
二、机器学习理论机器学习(machine learning )是继专家系统之后人工智能应用的又一重要研究内容,在某种意义上,机器学习或将认为是数据挖掘的同义词。
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First: background
• "National medium and long-term educational reform and developme nt plan (2010-2020)“:The chapter of preschool education separately; put forward the "universal pre-school education goal“. • The following diagram
Chairman speaking
Thank you for the impressive speech .As far as we konw,Preschool education played an important role in education, Preschool education is first step to everyone. Which face a dilemma now.Because of lack of teacher , kindergarten and high entering Fee,Nanjing nomal University have first class reseachers on Preschool education in China.Prof Zhanhan has given an eye-opener as well as a very meaningful method to solve Preschool education problem.Thank you again,Prof Zhanhan. Are there any questions? Thank you!
Second :Achievements
2010 2013
Growth 32% rate
2. Preschool education investment significant growth
2011-2013 • The central government funds of 50 000 000 000 yuan • The local financial input about 160000000000 yuan • The national financial education funds preschool education ratio increased from 1.7% in 2010 to 3.4% in 2012
Three :Problems
• 1.Public kindergarten shortage
• 2.Enter kindergarten expensive still outstanding. • 3.The huge gap between urban and rural areas. • 4. Construction of teachers in kindergartens should be strengthened.
• 1. Enter kindergarten difficulty is
The number of Kindergartens(Ten thousand) 15.04 19.86 Children in the gross enrollment garden(Ten rate of Preschool three years thousand) 2977 56.6% 3895 31% 67.5% 10.9%
5TH Educational Research Conference ( Nanjing)
Good morning,ladies and gentleman.Welcome to Nanjing nomal University,a beautiful east city of China.,The city have been called most beautiful city in the Far East ,I’m Wang Fen-ping,I come from Hainan Island,A tropicI warm island of China, a very very great pleasure to participate in the 5TH Educational Research Conference of China as the chairman,its my first time to do so.And I really really enjoy being stay here with you this morning.The Educational Research Conference of China has been held 4 times by Educational Research institute since 1998. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems
Chairman speaking
A lot of educationnal issues have been discussed,and some of them have been effectively soluted.Today,as the first time of the conference debut in this city,we’ll have a unique session.The topic of prepared presentations is Education Status and Prospects in different issues ,and give a reasonable answer.Then,we’ll have a Q&A session,which allows everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. I would like to remind each of the speakers of our agreed time limit, that is, 3 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion. I hope all of you can stay within this time limit.
Children in the garden(Ten thousand) 2658 3400 4000 gross enrollment rate of Preschool one years 74% 85% 95% gross enrollment rate of Preschool two years 65% 70% 80% gross enrollment rate of Preschool three years 51% 60% 70%
在园幼儿 全国 城区 镇区 乡村 3685.76 1250.81 1395.18 1039.78 专任教师 147.92 73.73 51.24 22.96 师幼比 1:25 1:17 1:27 1:45
研究生Leabharlann 本科专科高中\ 中专 25.6% 46.4%
高中 以下 1.45% 7.16%
城区 乡村
preschool education in China.
• Welcome.
Present situation, problems and Countermeasures of the development of preschool education in China ——The "action plan for pre-school education for three years (2011-2013)" reflection effect
3. Kindergarten teachers get fast development
• In 2013 the national kindergarten teaching and administrative staff of 2830000 people, 980000 more than in 2010, growth of 53%. • 2013 colleges and universities cultivating preschool teachers and secondary normal school has reached 739, the scale of students reached 537000 people, more than 258000 people in 2010, an increase of nearly 1 times. • The kindergarten teacher's training plans to invest 1100000000 yuan, the training of rural kindergarten teachers 296000.
737289 229563
0.19% 0.015%
18% 6.3%
55% 40.1%