

Lab1 Spectrum Analyzer频谱分析仪的使用

Lab1 Spectrum Analyzer频谱分析仪的使用

LAB # 1 – ANALYZING SIGNALS IN THEFREQUENCY DOMAININTRODUCTIONYou have probably connected various equipment to an oscilloscope in order to test various characteristics; if so, you know that the oscilloscope display shows the user a graph of amplitude (voltage) vs. time. Amplitude is on the vertical axis and time is on the horizontal axis.In telecommunications, when dealing with radio frequency (RF) waves, it is often beneficial to view signals in the frequency domain, rather than in the time domain. In the frequency domain, the vertical axis is still amplitude (usually power), but the horizontal axis is frequency instead of time.TIME DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. TimeFREQUENCY DOMAIN: Amplitude vs. FrequencyIn this experiment, we will look at the characteristics of an RF signal using an oscilloscope (time domain) and using a spectrum analyzer (frequency domain). This will prepare you for future labs that deal with frequency-domain signals. MATERIALS & SETUP• 1 MHz Signal Generator• Oscilloscope•HP Spectrum Analyzer•BNC T-Connector• Coaxial Cables•RF adaptersFig. 1-1PROCEDURE1. Adjust the signal generator to produce a 1MHz sine wave signal.2. Using coaxial cables and the T-connector, split the signal output so that itcan be fed into channel 1 of the oscilloscope as well as the RF input port of the spectrum analyzer. See the setup photo (Fig.1-1) for assistance. 3. You now should have an oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer bothreceiving an identical signal. Adjust the vertical and horizontal scales of the oscilloscope until you are able to see two cycles of the sine wave clearly.4. On the spectrum analyzer, choose a centre frequency of 1 MHz and aspan of 500 KHz. The instructor can help you if it is not obvious how to do this. HINT: look for the buttons labeled frequency and span on the spectrum analyzer.5. What do you see on each display? The oscilloscope display should looklike a traditional sine wave, while the spectrum analyzer should look like a vertical line. Believe it or not, both displays are showing you the exact same signal! It is like looking at different sides of the same coin.6. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the amplitudeof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Using the appropriate knob on the signal generator, adjust the frequencyof the signal up and down and comment on how it affects the display of both the oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. A sine wave is a single-frequency transmission. Can you explain why thesine wave in the frequency domain is simply a vertical line?___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 9. Fromoscilloscope display, use the horizontal (time) scale to determine thethe period, T, of the sine wave. Enter it below.T = __________________10. Using the formula f = 1/T, calculate the frequency of the signal and enterit below,F = __________________11. Does this result agree with the spectrum analyzer display? ___________12. Make some conclusions and observations based on your measurementsfor this part of the lab, outlining any advantages or disadvantages in using either the time domain or frequency domain.___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________NOTES – LAB #1________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。



高斯信道百科名片高斯信道(Gaussian channel,通信专业术语)是一个射频通信信道,其包含了各种频率的特定噪声频谱密度的的特征,从而导致了信道中错误的任意分布。

目录信道与高斯信道1.信道(information channels,通信专业术语)是信号的传输媒质,可分为有线信道和无线信道两类。












加性高斯白噪声(Additive White Gaussian Noise,AWGN)在通信领域中指的是一种幅度服从高斯分布,各频谱分量在频谱域上服从均匀分布(即白噪声)的噪声信号。



The new generation in signal analysisReal-Time Spectrum AnalyzerMonitoring ReceiverRF Direction Finding andLocalization SystemMore and more devices have to share the available frequency spectrum as aresult of new technologies such as the Internet of things (IoT), machine tomachine (M2M) or car to car (C2C) communications, and the rapidly growing4G/5G mobile networks.It doesn’t matter whether you are making a wideband measurement of entirefrequency ranges, or searching for hidden signals, or needing to reliablydetect very short impulses, or localizing interference signals –SignalSharkgives you all the measurement solutions you need to cope with the increasinglycomplex radio frequency spectrum. Its design and excellent performance makeit ideal for on-site measurements as well as for fully-fledged laboratory use. SignalShark. Seven senses for signalsSignalShark –there’s a reason for the name. Just like its namesake, theSignalShark is an extremely efficient hunter, perfectly designed for its task.Its prey: interference signals. Its success rate: Exceptional. The real-timeanalyzer is a successful hunter, thanks to the interplay of its highly developedseven sensory functions. Seven senses that don’t miss a thing, and that makeit easy for you to identify and track down interferers in real-time./watch?v=pSZdR27j5LQ&t=14s• Frequency range: 8 kHz to 8 GHz• Weight: Approx. 4.1 kg / 9 lbs (with one battery)• Dimensions: 230 × 335 × 85 mm (9.06ʺ× 13.19ʺ× 3.35ʺ)Make it your deviceSignalShark is ready for the future, thanks toits many expansion facilities, and it can beoptimally adapted as needed to the widestvariety of applications.SignalShark – the 40 MHz real-timespectrum analyzerWhether you are in the lab or out in thefield, you will have the right analysis toolin hand with the SignalShark. You will beconvinced by its truly outstanding RF perfor-mance, as well as by its easily understood,application-oriented operating concept.The high real-time bandwidth with very highFFT overlapping ensures that you can reliablycapture even extremely brief and infrequentevents. The unusually fast scan rate results invery short measurement times even if youneed to cover wider frequency bands thanthe real-time bandwidth. Comprehensiveevaluation tools make sure that you canperform current and future measurementand analysis tasks up to laboratory instru-ment standards reliably, simply, and faster.SignalShark – the monitoring receiverThe extremely High Dynamic Range (HDR) ofthe SignalShark ensures that you can reliablydetect even the weakest signals in the pre-sence of very strong signals, and not confusethem with the artifacts of a normal receiver.This is a basic requirement for most tasksin the field of radio monitoring. Alongsidethe real-time spectrum analyzer, there is areceiver for audio demodulation, level mea-surement, and modulation analysis, whichcan be tuned to any frequency and channelbandwidth within the 40 MHz real-timebandwidth. And, if you need even more thanthe analysis tools of the SignalShark, you canprocess the I/Q data from the receiver exter-nally as a real-time stream and store themon internal or external data storage media.SignalShark – the direction findingand localization systemIt is often necessary to locate the positionof a signal transmitter once the signals havebeen detected and analyzed. SignalSharksupports the new Automatic Direction-Finding Antennas (ADFA) from Narda,allowing you to localize the source veryquickly and reliably. In fact, localization ischild’s play, thanks to the integrated mapsand localization firmware. Conveniently,homing-in using an ADFA mounted on amoving vehicle is also supported. Powerful,state of the art algorithms minimize theeffects of false bearings caused by reflectionsoff urban surroundings in real-time. Extre-mely light weight and easy to use manualdirection finding antennas are availablefor ”last mile“ localization.V I D E OVideo display port for external monitor or projector USB 2.0 for keyboard, mouse, printer,, convenient measurementBuilt-in loudspeaker gives clear,loud sound reproduction, even in noisy environments/watch?v=0jqrwU_jPcsV I D E OSignalShark is a handy, portable, battery powered measuring device, yet it boasts performance that is otherwise only found in large, heavy laboratory grade equipment. It can be readily used instead of such expensive equipment because of its wide range of connection facilities and measurement functions.SignalShark –the real-time spectrum analyzer• HDR: extremely low noise and distortion, simultaneously • real-time bandwidth: 40 MHz – FFT overlap: 75 % (Fspan > 20 MHz)– FFT overlap: 87.5 % (Fspan ≤20 MHz, RBW ≤400 kHz))– FFT size: up to 16,384• Minimum signal duration for 100 % POI: 3.125 µs at full amplitude accuracy • Minimum detectable signal duration: < 5 ns • Persistence: up to 1.6 million spectrums per second • Spectrogram time resolution: down to 31.25 µs • Spectrogram detectors: up to three at the same time • RBW: 1 Hz - 800 kHz in real-time spectrum mode, 1 Hz - 6.25 MHz in scan spectrum mode• Filters conforming to CISPR and MIL for EMC measurements • Scan speed: Scan rate up to 50 GHz/s • Detectors: +Pk, RMS, Avg, -Pk, Sample• Markers: 8, additional noise power density and channel power function •Peak table: shows up to 50 highest spectral peaksReliable detection of extremely short and rare events in a 40 MHz real-time bandwidthA real-time analyzer calculates the spectrum by applying the FFT on overlapping time segments of the underlying I/Q data within its real-time bandwidth. The real-time band-width is only one of the key parameters for a real-time analyzer. The probability of inter-cept, POI, is easily just as important. This parameter describes the minimum time that the signal must be present for it to be always detected without any reduction in level. This time is affected by the maximum resolution bandwidth RBW and the FFT overlap. The SignalShark is a match for established laboratory analyzers with its minimum duration of 3.125 µsec for 100 %POI and full amplitude accuracy. The mini-mum detectable signal duration is < 5 nsec.SignalShark accomplishes this by a large signal immunity in combination with a very low intrinsic noise as well as a high FFT overlap and its large resolution bandwidth.That is outstanding for a hand-held analyzer. To accomplish this, SignalShark generally operates with an 87.5 % overlap, which is again outstanding for a hand-held analyzer.This means that even the shortest impulses are detected and the full signal to noise ratio is maintained for longer signals.Spectrogram shows more details than everWith SignalShark, you can use up to three detectors at the same time for the Spectrogram view. This makes it possible for you to easily visualize impulse inter-ference on broadcast signals and get much more information from the spectrogram. The extraordinarily fine time resolution of 31.25 µs means that you can completely reveal the time signatures of many signals.With the I/Q Analyzer option, you can resolve the spectrogram even more, to less than 200 ns.Persistence ViewA color display of the spectrum shows how often the displayed levels have occurred. This enables you to detect signals that would be masked by stronger signals in a normal spectrum view.=SignalShark is not just a very powerful real-time spectrum analyzer. It is also the ideal monitoring receiver, thanks to its near ITU-ideal spectrum monitoring dynamic capabilities, second receiver path and demodulators.SignalShark –the monitoring receiver• HDR: extremely low noise and distortion, simultaneously • CBW: 25 Hz - 40 MHz (Parks-McClellan, α= 0.16)• Filters for EMC measurements: CISPR, MIL • Detectors: +Pk, RMS, Avg, -Pk, Sample• EMC detectors: CPk, CRMS, CAvg (compliant with CISPR)• Level units: dBm, dB µV, dB(µV/m) …• Level uncertainty: < ±2dB • AFC• Audio demodulators: CW, AM, Pulse, FM, PM, LSB, USB, ISB, I/Q • AGC & squelch for audio demodulators • Modulation measurements: AM, FM, PM • I/Q streaming: Vita 49 (sample rate ≤25,6 MHz)• Remote control protocol: SCPIThe benefit of HDRThe extremely high dynamic range (HDR) of the SignalShark ensures that you can reliably detect even the weakest signals in the presence of very strong signals. The SignalShark’s pre-selector allows it to suppress frequencies that would other-wise interfere with the measurement. The excellent dynamic range of the SignalShark is the result of the ideal combination of the displayed averaged noise level (DANL)with the so-called large-signal immunity parameters, i.e. the second and third order intermodulation intercept points (IP 2and IP 3).It is important that these three factors are always specified for the same device setting (e.g. no attenuation, no pre-amplifier), as they vary considerably according to the setting.DDC 2, the additional receiver pathThe tuning frequency and the channel band-width of an additional receiver path, DDC 2,can be set independently from the real-time spectrum analyzer path, DDC 1, within the real-time bandwidth of the SignalShark. The I/Q data can be streamed to external devices in real-time, or they can be processed by the SignalShark itself for level measurements,audio demodulation, and modulation measurements. The very steep cutoffchannel filters capture 100 % of the signal in the selected channel without any degra-dation while completely suppressing the adjacent channels.CISPR compliant EMC detectors now also available for on-site applications The facility for selecting all the filters and detectors necessary for CISPR or MIL com-pliant EMC measurements is also available for the receiver as well as for the spectrum. If an interferer is detected, you can now decide on the spot whether or not the device needs to be taken out of service because of violating EMC regulations.EQDDC 1Overlap BufferFFT DetectorsPersist.Persistence StreamSpectrum StreamADC DataDDC 2DetectorsDetectorsI/Q BufferTrigger UnitDemodulatorsAGCLevel StreamDem. Det.StreamDem. Audio StreamAM & FM StreamI/Q StreamI 2+Q2I 2+Q2PATH 1PATH 2The block circuit diagram shows the two, independent digital down converters (DDC). These make it possible e.g. to observe the spectrum of the signal spectrum and demodulate it at the same time independently within the real-time bandwidth.Automatic Direction Finding Antenna ADFA 1 + 2Narda offers a large number of automatic and directional antennas for the SignalShark. Their unique characteristics combined with the SignalShark makes them unbeatable.Automatic Direction Finding Antenna ADFA 1The frequency range of ADFA 1 makes it particularly suitable for localizing interferers,e.g. in mobile communications networks:Frequency range: 200 MHz - 2.7 GHz Nine dipoles arranged on a 380 mm diameter circle for DFA central monopole is used as a reference element for DF or as an omnidirectional monitoring antennaBuilt-in phase shifter and switch matrix Direction finding method: correlative interferometerBearing uncertainty: 1° RMS (typ.)Built-in electronic compassBuilt-in GNSS receiver with antenna and PPS outputDiameter: 480 mmAutomatic Direction Finding Antenna ADFA 2 (available 2019)This ADFA is suitable for a wide range of localization tasks due to its wide frequency range:Frequency range: (500 kHz) 10 MHz -8 GHz Two crossed coils for DF at low frequencies Nine dipoles arranged on a 380 mm dia-meter circle for DF at medium frequencies Nine monopoles arranged on a 125 mm diameter circle for DF at high frequencies A central monopole is used as a reference element for DF or as an omnidirectional monitoring antennaBuilt-in phase shifter and switch matrix Direction finding method: Watson-Watt or correlative interferometerBearing uncertainty (10 MHz - 200 MHz): 2° RMS (typ.)Bearing uncertainty (200 MHz - 8 GHz): 1° RMS (typ.)Built-in electronic compassBuilt-in GNSS receiver with antenna and PPS output Diameter: 480 mm Automatic Direction Finding Antenna ADFA accessoriesConnecting cable, length 5 m or 15 m,low lossTripod including mounting accessories Mounting kit for magnetic attachment to a vehicle roofMounting kit for mast attachmentAfter you have localized the signal by SignalShark and ADFA using the car, you will need for last mile or to enter a building Narda’s handy, feather-light directional antennas and active antenna handle. They are the ideal choice in this situation. The antenna handle does more than just hold the antenna. Among other features, it has a built-in operating button that allows you to perform the main steps during manual direction finding, making the combination unbeatable.and take bearings on very weak or distant signals. The preamplifier gain is taken into account automatically when you make field strength or level measurements.The integrated operating button lets you make the main steps in the manual direction finding process.The following antennas to fit the antenna handle are available:• Loop Antenna: 9 kHz - 30 MHz• Directional Antenna 1: 20 MHz - 250 MHz • Directional Antenna 2: 200 MHz - 500 MHz • Directional Antenna 3: 400 MHz - 8 GHz A plug-in adapter with male N connector allows you to take advantage of the features of the handle even when you are using third-party antennas or external filters.Directional antenna 3400 MHz - 8 GHz350 g / 0.77 lbsDirectional antenna 1 20 MHz - 250 MHz 400 g / 0.88 lbs Loop antenna 9 kHz - 30 MHz 380 g / 0.84 lbs Directional antenna 2 200 MHz - 500 MHz 300 g / 0.66 lbs Active antenna handle with integrated compass and preamplifier 9 kHz - 8 GHz 470 g / 1.04 lbsAdapter,male N connectorN Antenna Elements0°90°180°270°Element SwitchReference Elementn1Quadrature Phase Shifter(Smart Antenna)+The Narda antenna handle and directional antennas are extremely light, making for fatigue-free signal searches.The convenient plug-in system allows you to change antennas very quickly.SignalShark recognizes the antenna and applies the appropriate antenna factors for field strength measurements automatically.SignalShark receives the azimuth,elevation and polarization of the antenna from the 3D electronic compass built into the handle, so manual direction finding could hardly be simpler.The preamplifier built into the handle is activated and deactivated bySignalShark, so you can further reduce SignalShark’s low noise figure to detectYou will often need to locate the position of a signal transmitter once thesignals have been detected or analyzed. SignalShark combined with Narda’snew automatic direction finding antennas (ADFA) and the very powerfulmap and localization firmware provides reliable bearings in the twinklingof an eye. The bearing results are processed by the SignalShark withoutneeding an external PC. Reliable localization of transmitters has not beenpossible before with so few hardware components.Transmitter localizationSignalShark simplifies transmitter localizationby autonomously evaluating all the availablebearing results and plotting them on a map,using a statistical distribution of bearinglines. The result is a so-called “heat map”,on which the possible location of the trans-mitter is plotted and color-coded accordingto probability. SignalShark also draws anellipse on the map centered on the estima-ted position of the transmitter and indicatingthe area where the transmitter has a 95 %probability of being located. The algorithmused by SignalShark to calculate the positionof an emitter is extremely powerful. It candetermine the position of the emitter bycontinuous direction finding when movingaround in a vehicle, even in a complexenvironment such as an inner-city area.The calculation is continuous inreal-time, so you can viewthe changing heat mapon the screen of theSignalShark andFast automatic direction findingSignalShark supports the new automaticdirection finding antennas (ADFA) fromNarda, which let you take a completebearing cycle in as little as 1.2 ms.The omnidirectional channel power and thespectrum are also measured during a bearingcycle, so you can monitor changes in thesignal level or spectrum concurrently withthe bearings. The AFDAs use differentantenna arrays, depending on the frequencyrange. At low frequencies, a pair of crossedcoils are used for the Watson-Watt methodof direction finding. At medium and highfrequencies, a circular array of nine dipolesor monopoles is used for the correlativeinterferometer direction finding method.SignalShark –The RF direction finding and localization system• Frequency range ADFA 1: 200 MHz - 2.7 GHz• Frequency range ADFA 2: 10 MHz - 8 GHz• Azimuth and elevation bearings• DF quality index• Complete bearing cycle: down to 1.2 ms• Omnidirectional level and spectrum during DF process• Uses OpenStreetMaps, other map formats can be imported• Easy to use, powerful map and localization software• The map and localization software runs on the handheldunit itselfThe SignalShark is a very powerful platform that Narda is continuously expanding. Options that will be available for delivery in 2019 are described below. Only the firmware of the SignalShark will be used to realize these options, which will be capable of on-site activation.High time resolution spectrogram HTRSalso available in the spectrum pathIn real-time spectrum mode, the ring buffer ofthe SignalShark records the I/Q data from thereal-time spectrum path rather than from thereceiver I/Q data. If you or a trigger eventhalts the real-time analyzer, the last up to200 million I/Q samples of the monitoredfrequency range are available. This correspondsto a timespan of at least 4 s, so you can zoomin on the spectrogram with a resolution ofbetter than 200 ns when the analyzer is halted.The FFT overlap can be up to 93.75 %, and nodetectors are needed that could reduce thetime resolution. You can even subsequentlyalter the RBW. The persistence view also adjustsso that it exactly summarizes the spectrumsin the time period covered by the zoomedsegment. This ensures that all the time orspectral details in the I/Q data can be madevisible. You can of course also save the I/Qdata of the zoomed segment.DF SpectrumThe SignalShark can find the directions ofseveral transmitters simultaneously in DFspectrum evaluation mode. This mode offersa persistence spectrum and a spectrogramof the azimuth in addition to the usual levelspectrum and spectrogram view. You canalso monitor frequency ranges that arewider than the real-time bandwidth of theSignalShark. You can distinguish betweendifferent transmitters much more easilythan before by means of DF spectrum mode,because the SignalShark shows you thedirection of incidence as well as the levelof each frequency bin.SignalShark I/Q analyzerSignalShark has a ring buffer for up to 200 million I/Q samples. The receiver I/Q data are normally written continuouslyto the ring buffer. The recording can be stopped by a trigger event. The recorded I/Q data are then transferred to the CPU of the SignalShark, where they are further processed.The following trigger sources are available: Frequency mask triggerReceiver levelExternal trigger sourceTimestampUser inputFree runThe following I/Q data views are available: I and Q versus timeMagnitude versus time (Zero-span) Vector diagramHigh time resolution spectrogram Persistence You can of course also save the I/Q data as adata set, and you can even stream the datadirectly to permanent storage media in orderto make very long recordings of the I/Q data.You can then replay such long-term recor-dings using the integrated I/Q analyzer, orprocess them externally.2 x 10 MHz LTE signal recorded in a HTRS. Time resolution1 µs. The extremely high time resolution renders the signaltransparent at low traffic levels (right), so you can spotpossible interference within the frame structure.More Information about technical details andaccessories like transport case and car chargerunit can be found in the SignalShark data sheet./en/signalsharkNarda is a leading supplier …N S T S 06/18 E 0333A T e c h n i c a l a d v an c e s , e r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c l u d e d .© N a r d a S a f e t y T e s t S o l u t i o n s 2014. ® T h e n a m e a n d l o g o a r e t h e r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f N a r d a S a f e t y T e s t S o l u t i o n s G m b H a n d L 3 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s H o l d i n g s , I n c .—T r a d e n a m e s a r e t h e t r a d e m a r k s o f t h e i r o w n e r s .r o e n e r -d e s i g n .d eNarda Safety Test Solutions 435 Moreland RoadHauppauge, NY11788, USA Phone +1 631 231-1700Fax +1 631 231-1711**************************… of measuring equipment in the RF test and measurement, EMF safety and EMC sectors. The RF test and measurement sector covers analyzers and instruments for measuring andidentifying radio sources. The EMF safety product spectrum includes wideband and frequency-selective measuring devices, and monitors for wide area coverage or which can be worn on the body for personal safety. The EMC sector offers instruments for determining the electro-magnetic compatibility of devices under the PMM brand. The range of services includes servicing, calibration, accredited calibration, and continuous training programs.Narda Safety Test Solutions GmbH Sandwiesenstraße 772793 Pfullingen, Germany Tel. +49 7121 97 32 0Fax +49 7121 97 32 790********************* /en/signalshark。



摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction



Differences in Pulse Spectrum Analysis Between Atopic Dermatitis andNonatopic Healthy ChildrenAbstractObjectives: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common allergy that causes the skin to be dry and itchy. It appears at an early age, and is closely associated with asthma and allergic rhinitis. Thus, AD is an indicator that other allergies may occur later. Literatures indicate that the molecular basis of patients with AD is different from that of healthy individuals. According to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of patients with AD is also different. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in pulse spectrum analysis between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals.Methods: A total of 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) were recruited for this study.A pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System) was used to measure radial arterial pulse waves of subjects.Original data were then transformed to frequency spectrum by Fourier transformation. The relative strength of each harmonic wave was calculated. Moreover, the differences of harmonic values between patients with AD and non-atopic healthy individuals were compared and contrasted.Results: This study showed that harmonic values and harmonic percentage of C3 (Spleen Meridian, according to Wang’s hypothesis) were significantly different. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a good index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a valuable auxiliary tool to distinguish a patient who has probable tendency to have AD and/or other allergic diseases.IntroductionAtopic dermatitis (AD) is a common pruritic chronic inflammatory allergic disease. Approximately 10% of all children in the world are affected by atopicdermatitis,typically in the setting of a personal or family history of asthma or allergic rhinitis. It occurs in infancy and early childhood. Sixty percent (60%) of the symptoms manifest in the first year of life, and 85% by 5 years of ag e. Early onset and close association with other atopic conditions, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, make atopic dermatitis an excellent indicator that other allergies may occur later.A number of observations suggest that there is a molecular basis for atopic dermatitis; these include the findings of genetic susceptibility, immune system deviation, and epidermal barrier dysfunction. Moreover, according to the classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the body constitution of atopic dermatitis patients was also different. Establishment of scientific methods using pulse diagnosis will assist the diagnosis and follow-up of AD."Organs Resonance"brought up by Wei-Kung Wang provided a scientific explanation for "pulse condition" and "Qi." Organs, heart, and vessels can produce coupled oscil- lation, which minimize the resistance of blood flow, resulting in better circulation. The changes of radial arterial pulse spectrum can reflect the harmonic energy redistribution of a specific organ. Several of the previous stu dies demonstrate that variations in the harmonics of pulse spectrum can be used in many fields, including diseases, acupuncture,Chinese herbal medications and clinical observation. The new method offers an extraordinary vision of medical investigation by combining pulse spectrum analysis with Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as modern medicine. Wang proposed that the peak values of numbered harmonics might be the representations of each visceral organ,C1 for Liver, C2 for Kidney, C3 for Spleen, etc. Materials and MethodsSubjectsIn total, 60 children (3–15 years of age), comprising 30 with AD (AD group) and 30 nonatopic healthy (non-AD group),participated in the study. The diagnosis of AD was based on the criteria defined by the United Kingdom working party.Nonatopic healthy was defined as those who had no known health problems and no personal or family history of allergic diseases, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, etc.The experiment protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of China Medical University (approval number: DMR97-IRB-087). The written informed consents were obtained from the parents of all participants before they enrolled in this study.Children with a history of major chronic diseases, such as arrhythmia, ardiomyopathy, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, hyperthyroidism, difficult asthma,malignancy, and so on were excluded from this study.Those who suffered from any acute disease (e.g., acute upper airway infection or acute gastroenteritis in recent 7days), were also excluded from this experiment. Radial arterial pulse testA pulse spectrum analyzer (SKYLARK PDS-2000 Pulse Analysis System, approved by Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. [Taiwan] with a license number 0023302) was used to record radial arterial pulse waves. The pressure transducer of the pulse spectrum analyzer detected artery pressure pulse with 100-Hz sampling rate and 25mm/ sec scanning rate. The output data were stored in digital form in an IBM PC. The subjects were asked to rest for 20 minutes prior to pulse measurements. All procedures were performed in a bright and quiet room with a constant temperature of 258C–268C. Pulses were recorded during 3:00 pm–5:00 pm to avoid the fasting or ingestion effect.Data processingWe transformed original data to spectrum data by Fourier transform as Wang et al described earlier.Briefly, original data were stored as time-amplitude. Mathematics software Matlab 6.5.1 (The MathWorks Inc.) provided Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) technique to transform time-amplitude data to frequency-amplitude data. Then regular isolated harmonic in a multiple of fundamental frequency appeared.Thefinding gave a spectrum reading up to the 10th harmonic (Cn, n¼0–10). Intensity of harmonics above the 11th became very small and was neglected. Thereafter, the relative harmonic values of each harmonic were calculated ac-cording to Wang’s hypothesis.Harmonic percentage of Cn was defined asStatistical analysisThe experimental data were analyzed by Statistical software SPSS 13.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc.). Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage and the agedistribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the Student's two samples t test. Comparisons of the sex distribution between patients with AD and nonatopic healthy individuals were performed using the X2 test. Comparisons of the harmonic values and the harmonic percentage between left hand and right hand were performed using the Student's pairedsamples t test. All comparisons were two-tailed, and p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.ResultsIn total, 60 children (30 AD and 30 non-AD) participated in the study. The average age of the 60 subjects is 8.02+2.95 years. Baseline characteristics of all participants are shown in Table 1. There is no significant difference in age and gender between the two groups.Relative harmonic values of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 2. Relative harmonic values of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 3. Harmonic percentages of right radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 4. Harmonic percentages of left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are shown in Table 5.In this study, the relative harmonic values of both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analysis are lower in the AD group. The relative harmonic values of C3 are significantly different ( p¼0.004, 0.059, respectively). Moreover, when comparingthem by parameter of harmonic percent age, C3 are significantly decreased in the AD group in both right and left radial arterial pulse spectrum analyses ( p¼0.045, 0.036, respectively). These results illustrated the close relationship between C3 (SpleenMeridian) and AD.DiscussionAccording to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine,the pathophysiologic mechanisms of AD are "inborn deficiency in body constitution, poor tolerance to environmental stimulants, Spleen Meridian not working well, interiorly generating wet and heat; infected with wind-wetness-heat-evil further, then suffering from those accumulating in skin." AD is a disease involving multiple dysfunctions of the visceral organs (Zang-Fu) rather than a constitutive skin defect.‘‘Spleen wetness’’ is u sually considered a major syndrome of AD, which is compatible with our findings.On the other hand, there are also differences in C0 (Heart Meridian), C1 (Liver Meridian), C4 (Lung Meridian) of right hand ( p¼0.014, 0.005, 0.021, respectively) and C1 (Liver Meridian) of left hand ( p¼0.038) between the two groups.These findings appear to have a close relationship between AD and other visceral organs (Zang-Fu). It requires further research to clarify the clinical meanings of these differences.In the present experiment, the close relationship between C3 (Spleen Meridian, referred toWang’s hypothesis) and AD is illustrated. The result verifies Wang’s hypothesis about the relationship between harmonics and Meridians. Moreover,our experiment also has proved that the pulse spectrum analyzer is a suitable auxiliary tool for diagnosing and following up patients with AD.ConclusionsIn conclusion, it was determined that C3 (Spleen Meridian) is a valued index for the determination of atopic dermatitis. Also, the pulse spectrum analyzer is a practical noninvasive diagnostic tool to allow scientific and objective diagnosis.However, the pulse diagnosis technique is just in the beginning stage. Even though the discovery from the present study seems clear, it deserves further study. AcknowledgmentsThis research was performed in a private clinic for pediatrics specialty, the Hwaishen clinic. The Hwaishen Clinic is acknowledged for their full support of this research. Disclosure StatementNo competing financial interests exi st.bopufenxi2011@。

A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition The Wavelet ...

A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition The Wavelet ...

Manuscript received July 30. 1987: revised December 23. 1988. This work was supported under the following Contracts and Grants: NSF grant IODCR-84 1077 1. Air Force Grant AFOSR F49620-85-K-0018. Army DAAG-29-84-K-0061. NSF-CERiDC82-19196 Ao2. and DARPAiONR ARPA N0014-85-K-0807. The author is with the Department of Computer Science Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. New York University. New York, NY 10012. IEEE Log Number 8928052.
A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation
STEPHANE Gsolution representations are very effective for analyzing the information content of images. We study the properties of the operator which approximates a signal at a given resolution. We show that the difference of information between the approximation of a signal at the resolutions 2’ + ’ and 2jcan be extracted by decomposing this signal on a wavelet orthonormal basis of L*(R”). In LL(R ), a wavelet orthonormal basis is a family of functions ( @ w (2’ ~ n)) ,,,“jEZt, which is built by dilating and translating a unique function t+r(xl. This decomposition defines an orthogonal multiresolution representation called a wavelet representation. It is computed with a pyramidal algorithm based on convolutions with quadrature mirror lilters. For images, the wavelet representation differentiates several spatial orientations. We study the application of this representation to data compression in image coding, texture discrimination and fractal analysis. Index Terms-Coding, fractals, multiresolution pyramids, ture mirror filters, texture discrimination, wavelet transform. quadra-



Chapter 1: NMR Coupling ConstantsNMR can be used for more than simply comparing a product to a literature spectrum. There is a great deal of information that can be learned from analysis of the coupling constants for a compound.1.1Coupling Constants and the Karplus EquationWhen two protons couple to each other, they cause splitting of each other’s peaks. The spacing between the peaks is the same for both protons, and is referred to as the coupling constant or J constant. This number is always given in hertz (Hz), and is determined by the following formula:J Hz = ∆ ppm x instrument frequency∆ ppm is the difference in ppm of two peaks for a given proton. The instrument frequency is determined by the strength of the magnet, and will always be 300 MHz for all spectra collected on the organic teaching lab NMR.Figure 1-1 below shows the simulated NMR spectrum of 1,1-dichloroethane, collected in a 30 MHz instrument. This compound has coupling between A (the quartet at 6 ppm) and B (the doublet at 2 ppm).Figure 1-1: The NMR spectrum of 1,1-dichloroethane, collected in a 30 MHz instrument. For both A and B protons, the peaks are spaced by 0.2 ppm, equal to 6 Hz in this instrument.For both A and B, the distance between the peaks is equal. In this example, the spacing between the peaks is 0.2 ppm (for example, the peaks for A are at 6.2, 6.0, 5.8, and 5.6 ppm). This is equal to a J constant of (0.2 ppm • 30 MHz) = 6 Hz. Since the shifts are given in ppm or parts per million, you should divide by 106. But since the frequency is in megahertz instead of hertz, you should multiply by 106. These two factors cancel each other out, making calculations nice and simple.Figure 1-2 below shows the NMR spectrum of the same compound, but this time collected in a 60 MHz instrument.Chapter 1: NMR Coupling ConstantsFigure 1-2: The NMR spectrum of 1,1-dichloroethane, collected in a 60 MHz instrument. For both A and B protons, the peaks are spaced by 0.1 ppm, equal to 6 Hz in this instrument.This time, the peak spacing is 0.1 ppm. This is equal to a J constant of (0.1 ppm • 60 MHz) = 6 Hz, the same as before. This shows that the J constant for any two particular protons will be the same value in hertz, no matter which instrument is used to measure it.The coupling constant provides valuable information about the structure of a compound. Some typical coupling constants are shown here.Figure 1-3: The coupling constants for some typical pairs of protons.In molecules where the rotation of bonds is constrained (for instance, in double bonds or rings), the coupling constant can provide information about stereochemistry. The Karplus equation describes how the coupling constant between two protons is affected by the dihedral angle between them. The equation follows the general format of J = A + B (cos θ) + C (cos 2θ), with the exact values of A, B and C dependent on several different factors. In general, though, a plot of this equation has the shape shown in Figure 1-4. Coupling constants will usually, but not always, fall into the shaded band on this graph.Figure 1-4: The plot of dihedral angle vs. coupling constant described by the Karplus equation.Chapter 1: NMR Coupling ConstantsThe highest coupling constants will occur between protons that have a dihedral angle of either 0° or 180°, and the lowest coupling constants will occur at 90°. This is due to orbital overlap – when the orbitals are at 90°, there is very little overlap between them, so the hydrogens cannot affect each other’s spins very much (Figure 1-5).Figure 1-5: The best orbital overlap occurs at 180° or 0°, which is why the coupling constant is higher for those angles.1.2 Calculating Coupling Constants in MestreNovaTo calculate coupling constants in MestreNova, there are several options. The easiest one is to use the Multiplet Analysis tool. To do this, go to Analysis → Multiplet Analysis → Manual (or just hit the “J” key). Drag a box around each group of equivalent protons. A purple version of the integral bar will appear below each one, along with a purple box above each one describing its splitting pattern and location in ppm. As with normal integrals, you can right-click the integral bar, select “Edit Multiplet”, and set these integrals to whatever makes sense for that particular structure. For example, in Figure 1-6, each peak is from a single proton so each integral should be about 1.00.Figure 1-6: An example NMR spectrum with multiplet analysis.HH H H HHChapter 1: NMR Coupling ConstantsOnce all peaks are labeled, you can go to Analysis → Multiplet Analysis → Report Multiplets. A text box should appear containing information about the peaks in a highly compressed format. You can then copy and paste this text into your lab report as needed. The spectrum shown above has the following multiplets listed:1H NMR (300 MHz, Chloroform-d) δ 5.14 (d, J = 11.7 Hz, 1H), 4.98 (d, J = 11.7 Hz, 1H), 4.75 (d, J = 3.2 Hz, 1H), 3.37 (d, J = 8.5 Hz, 1H), 3.30 (dd, J = 8.5, 3.3 Hz, 1H).The first set of parentheses indicates that the sample was dissolved in Chloroform-d and placed in a 300 MHz instrument. After that, there is a list of numbers. Each number or range indicates the chemical shift of each of the peaks in the spectrum, in order of descending chemical shift. Each number also has a set of parentheses after it, giving information about that peak. These parentheses contain: • A letter or letters to indicate the splitting of a peak (s=singlet, d=doublet, t=triplet, q=quartet); it is also possible to see things like dd for a doublet of doublets or b for broad. If MestreNova can’t identify a uniform splitting pattern, it will name it a multiplet (m).•The coupling constants or J-values for that peak – for example, the peak at 3.30 ppm has J-values of 8.5 and 3.3 ppm.•The integral of the peak, rounded to the nearest whole number of H.Using this information, you can determine which peaks in Figure 1-6 are coupling to each other based on which ones have matching J-values.•Peaks A and B in Figure 1-6 both have J-values of 11.7 Hz, so these two protons are coupling to each other.•Peaks C and E both have J-values of 3.2 or 3.3 Hz (similar enough, within a margin of error), so these two protons are coupling to each other.•Peaks D and E both have J-values of 8.5 Hz, so these two protons are coupling to each other. If the multiplet analysis tool is failing to determine J-values for any reason, you can always calculate them manually. To do this, you will need to get more precise values for your peak locations. Right-click anywhere in the empty space of the spectrum and select Properties, then go to Peaks and increase the decimals to 4 (Figure 1-7).Chapter 1: NMR Coupling ConstantsFigure 1-7: Changing the decimals on peak labeling.Now if you do peak-picking to label the locations of the peaks, you should see them to 4 decimal places. This will allow you to plus these into the equation to find the J-values manually. For example, in Figure 1-8, the peaks around 4.7 ppm have a J-value of (4.7550 ppm – 4.7442 ppm) • 300 MHz = 3.24 Hz. Note that this in in agreement with MestreNova’s determination of 3.2 ppm for this J-value in Figure1-6.Figure 1-8: Peaks labeled with enough precision to allow you to calculate J-values manually.Chapter 1: NMR Coupling Constants1.3 Topicity and Second-Order CouplingDuring the NMR tutorial, you learned about the concept of chemical equivalence: protons in identical chemical environments have identical chemical shifts. However, just because two protons have the same connectivity to the molecule does not mean they are chemically equivalent. This is related to the concept of topicity : the stereochemical relationship between different groups in a molecule. To find the topicity relationship of two groups to each other, you should try replacing first one group, then the other group with a placeholder atom (in the examples in Figure 1-9, a dark circle is used as the placeholder). If the two molecules produced are identical, then the groups are homotopic; if the molecules are enantiomers, then the groups are enantiotopic; and if the molecules are diastereomers, then the groups are diastereotopic. Groups that are diastereotopic are chemically inequivalent, so they will have a different chemical shift from each other in NMR, and will show coupling as if they were neighboring protons instead of on the same carbon atom.Figure 1-9: Some examples of homotopic, enantiotopic, and diastereotopic groups.If two signals are coupled to each other and have very similar (but not identical) chemical shifts, another effect will appear: second-order coupling. This means that the peaks appear to “lean” toward each other – the peaks on the outside of the coupled pair are shorter, and the peaks on the inside are taller. (Figure 1-10).Figure 1-10: As the chemical shifts of H a and H b become more and more similar, the coupling between them becomes more second-order and the peaks lean more.Chapter 1: NMR Coupling Constants This is very common for two diastereotopic protons on the same carbon atom, but it appears in other situations where two protons are almost chemically identical as well. In Figure 1-8, note the two doublets at 4.98 and 5.14 ppm. These happen to be diastereotopic protons – they are attached to the same carbon, but are chemically equivalent.Looking for pairs of leaning peaks is useful, because it allows you to identify which protons are coupled to each other in a complicated spectrum. In Figure 1-11, there are two different pairs of leaning peaks: two 1H peaks with a J = 9 Hz, and two 2H peaks with J = 15 Hz. Recognizing this makes it possible to pick apart the different components of the peaks towards the left of the spectrum: these are two overlapping doublets, not a quartet.Figure 1-11: An NMR spectrum with two different pairs of leaning peaks.The multiplet tool in MestreNova might not work immediately for analyzing overlapping multiplets like this. Instead, you should follow the instructions at /resolving-overlapped-multiplets/ to deal with them.。



3-2 (a) Sketch the naturally sampled PAM waveform that results from sampling a 1-kHz sine wave at a 4-kHz rate.(b) Repeat part (a) for the case of a flat-topped PAM waveform.Solution:3-4 (a)Show that an analog output waveform (which is proportional to the original input analog waveform) may be recovered from a naturally sampled PAM waveform by using the demodulation technique showed in Fig.3-4.(b) Find the constant of proportionality C, thatis obtained with this demodulation technique , where w(t) is the oriqinal waveform and Cw(t) is the recovered waveform. Note that C is a function of n ,where the oscillator frequency isnfs.Solution:()()()()()()1111sin sin 2cos sin 2cos cos sin [cos 2cos cos sin 2cos s s jk ts k k k jk ts k k s s k s s s s s k n kt kT s t c ek d k d ded d k tk dk dk d w t w t d d k t k d v t w t n tk d w t d n t n d dd k t n tn k ddωωτππωπππωπωππωππωω∞∞-=-∞=-∞∞∞-=-∞=∞=∞=≠-⎡⎤=∏=⎢⎥⎣⎦==+⎡⎤=+⎢⎥⎣⎦==++∑∑∑∑∑∑2]s n t ω211cos cos 222s s n t n tωω=+after LPF:()()()sin sin o w t w t n d d n d n ddn dcw t c ππππ==∴=3-7 In a binary PCM system, if the quantizing noise is not to exceed P ± percent of the peak-to-peak analog level, show that the number of bits in each PCM word needs to be⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛≥P pn 50log 32.350log 10] [log 10102(Hint: Look at Fig. 3-8c.)Solution:Binary PCM M=n2levelsforPPq V P n 100||≤We need)50(log)10(log 50log 5025011002 size step 1022pP n PM P M V P MV nPPPP ≥⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛≥≥=≤≤==δ)(log )(log )(log )(log )(log x b a x x b a b b a ==3-8 The information in an analog voltagewaveform is to be transmitted over a PCM system with a ±0.1% accuracy (full scale). The analog waveform has an absolute bandwidth of 100 Hz and an amplitude range of –10 to +10V .(a) Determine the minimum sampling rate needed.(b) Determine the number of bits needed in each PCM word.(c) Determine the minimum bit rate required in the PCM signal.(d) Determine the minimum absolute channel bandwidth required for transmission of this PCM signal. Solution:(a) Determine the minimum sampling rate needed./sec samples 200)100(22===B f s(b) Determine the number of bits needed in each PCM word.Using the results given in prob. 3-7.(c) Determine the minimum bit rate required in the PCM signal.s f w ords n bits K bits (9)200 1.8 w ord sec sec R ⎛⎫⎛⎫=== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(d) Determine the minimum absolute channelbandwidth required for transmission of this920.1%0.1%24250025125009V V V M and n bits a PC M w ord δδδ±=±→====>=→PCM signal.For binary PCM D=RHz9002==⇒D B3-9 An 850-Mbyte hard disk is used to store PCM data. Suppose that a voice-frequency (VF) signal is sampled at 8 ksamples/s and the encoded PCM is to have an average SNR of at least 30dB. How many minutes of VF conversation (i.e., PCM data) can be stored on the hard disk? Solution:53002.6230lg 1022=→=∴=≥=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n n M dB MM N S nsec 58sec 40sec 405sec 8kbytes bits byte kbits R kbits sample bits ksamples n f R s =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⇒=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛==min13,47min 833,2minsec/60sec 10170sec 10170sec10170sec 10510850sec585033336hrs T kbytes Mbytes T ==⨯=⨯=⇒⨯=⨯⨯==3-10 An analog signal with a bandwidth of 4.2 MHz is to be converted into binary PCM and transmitted over a channel, The peak-signal quantizing noise ratio at the receiver output must be at least 55 dB.(a) If we assume that 0=Pe and that there is no ISI, what will be the word length and the number of quantizing steps needed?(b) What will be the equivalent bit rate? (c) What will be the channel null bandwidth required if rectangular pulse shapes are used? Solution:(a) If we assume that 0eP = and that there is no ISI, what will be the word length and the num-ber of quantizing steps needed? Using(3-18),lengthword 9 34.85577.402.6bitsn use n n dB N S peak =⇒≥⇒≥+=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛steps quantizing 512229===nM(b)sec Mbits6.75Sample bits 9sec 4.8ecMsamples/s4.8)MHz 2.4(22log=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=====Msamplesn f R f f s anasFor rectangular pulse shapeMHz 6.75==R B null3-12 G iven an audio signal with spectralcomponents in the frequency band 300 to 3000Hz, assume that a sampling rate of 7KHz will be used to generate a PCM signal .Design an appropriate PCM system as follows:a. Draw a block diagram of the PCM system , including the transmitter, channel, receiver.b. S pecify the number of uniform quantization steps needed and the channel null bandwidth required , assume that the peak signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver output needs to be at least 30dB and that polar NRZ signaling is used.c. Discuss how nonuniform quantization canbe used to improve the performance of the system.Solution: (a) 略 (b)lengthword 5 10.43077.402.6bitsn use n n dB N S peak=⇒≥⇒≥+=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛stepsquantizing 32225===nM7sam ples/sec 7 5bits K bits 35 sec Sam ple sec s s f K K sam plesR f n =⎛⎫⎛⎫===⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭()KHzR B null 35==∴( c) uniform quantizing : for all samples,the quantizing noise power is the same 122δ=N↑→↓→NS signal big N S signal smalluniform quantizing is not good for small signal.Nonuniform quantizing: samples are nonlinear processed,Small signal is amplified↑→N S(or small signal ---using small step size ↑→N S )3-14 In a PCM system , the bits error rate dueto channel noise is 10-4. Assume that peak signal-to-noise ratio on the received analog signal needed to be at least 30dB.(a) Find the minimum number of quantizing steps that can be used to encode the analog signal into a PCM signal.(b) If the original analog signal had an absolute bandwidth of 2.7kHz , what is the null bandwidth of PCM signal for the polar NRZ signaling case.Solution: (a) 410-=PedB N S PKout30≥⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛()2231000141PK out S M N M Pe⎛⎫=≥ ⎪+-⎝⎭52206.19===≥n M M use M nKz f s 4.57.22=⨯=27KHz R /274.55===⨯==nullsB sKb nf R 3-17 For a 4 bit PCM system , calculate and sketch a plot of the output SNR(in decibels) as a function of the relative input level , ()20lg rmsx V for(a) A PCM system that uses 10μ= law companding(b) A PCM system that uses uniform quantizationWhich of these system is better to use in practice? Why?Solution: n = 4 bits ---- a PCM word (a)()()()6.02 4.7720lg ln 16.024 4.7720lg ln 11021.25dB SNn dBμ=+-+⎡⎤⎣⎦=⨯+-+⎡⎤⎣⎦=(b)() 6.02 4.7720lg ()6.024 4.7720lg ()28.8520lg ()rm s dBrm s rm s S N n x V x V x V =++=⨯++=+3-19 A multilevel digital communication system sends one of 16 possible levels over the channel every 0.8 ms .(a) What is the number of bits corresponding to each level? (b) What is the baud rate? (c) What is the bit rate? Solution:(a) What is the number of bits corresponding to each level?2164/lL l bits level==⇒=(b) What is the baud rate?311,2500.810secN sym bol D baudT -===⨯(c) What is the bit rate?kbits/sec5)250,1(4===lD R3-20 A multilevel digital communication system is to operate at a data rate of 9,600 bits/s.(a) If 4-bit words are encoded into each level for transmission over the channel, what is the minimum required bandwidth for the channel?(b) Repeat part (a) for the case of 8-bit encoding into each level. Solution:(a) If 4-bit words are encoded into each level for transmission over the channel. What is the min-imum required bandwidth for the channel?(b) Repeat part (a) for the case of 8-bit encoding into each level.600600)1200(2121baud 120089600minHz B HzD B D ===≥==3-24 Consider a random data pattern consisting of binary 1’s and 0’s, where the probability of obtaining either a binary 1 or abinary 0 is21. Calculate the PSD for thefollowing types of signaling formats as a function of b T ,the time needed to send 1 bit of data:(a) Polar RZ signaling where the pulse width isbT 21=τ.(b) Manchester RZ signaling where the pulse width isbT 41=τ. What is the first nullbandwidth of these signals? What is the spectral efficiency for each of these signaling cases? Solution:(a) Polar RZ signaling where the pulse width is bT 21=τ.sin(/2)()[()]2/2b b b T fT F f F f t fT ππ==and the data are independent from bit to bit1:1:210,2n n b a AV AV →+→-,依概率依概率()222:01,221,2nn knFor k A a a a and I A +=⎧⎪⎪===⎨⎪-⎪⎩依概率依概率()2222111(0)()22n n i ii R a a P A A A ===⨯+-⨯=∑The first-null bandwidth is RT B bnull 22==andthe bandwidth efficiency is12R B η==(b) Manchester RZ signaling where the pulse width isbT 41=τ. What is the first nullband-width of these signals? What is the spectral efficiency for each of these signaling cases?()()2,0:3400,0A k Thus R k k ⎧==-⎨≠⎩()()22S s2222222()P ()336T sin (/2)12(/2)sin (/2)4(/2)sj k f T k b b b b b b b F f fR k a T fT A T fT A T fT fT eπππππ∞=-∞=-⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭=∑Equation (3-36) can also be used to evaluate the PSD for RZ Manchester signaling where the pulse shape is shown in the figure.⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=-22)sin()(τωτωτπτπτj j ee f f f F⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⇒2sin )sin(2)(ωττπτπτf f j f FUsing (3-40) and (3-36), the PSD forManchester signaling is()()2222)][sin(sin 4)(τπτπτπτf f f T A f p b⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=IfbT 41=τ, this becomes2224sin 44sin 41)(⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=b b b b fT fT fT T A f p πππThe first-null bandwidth is RT B bnull 44==and thespectral efficiency is41=η(bits/sec)/Hz.3-29 The data stream 01101000101 appears at the input of a differential encoder. Depending on the initial start-up condition of the encoder, find out two possible differential encoded data streams that can appear at the output. Solution:3-30 Create a practical block diagram for a differential encoding system. Explain how thesystem work by showing the encoding and decoding for the sequence 001111010001. Assume that the reference digit is a binary 1. Show that error propagation can not occur. Solution:3-34 The information in an analog waveform is first encoded into binary PCM and then converted to a multilevel signal for transmission over the channel. The number of multilevels is eight. Assume that the analog signa has a bandwidth of 2700Hz and is tobe reproduced at the receiver output with an accuracy of 1%±(full scall).(a) Determine the minimum bit rate of the PCM signal.(b) Determine the minimum baud rate of the multilevel signal.(c) Determine the minimum absolute channel bandwidth required for transmission of this PCM signal. Solution:1221%50624100V M n V V δδδ±=±→=→==→= m in ()62270032.4/()28332.410.83()5.42s la R nf kb s b L L l R D kBdlD c B kH z==⨯⨯=========3-35 A binary waveform of 9600bits/s is converted into an octal (Multilevel) waveform that is pass through a channel with a raisedcosine-rolloff Nyquist filter characteristic . The channel has a conditioned (equalized) phase response out to 2.4kHz .(a) What is the baud rate of the multilevel signal?(b) What is the rolloff factor of the filtercharacteristic?Solution:09600()8332003()(1)(1) 2.40.52R a L l D Bdl D b B f r r kH z r =→=====+=+=→=3-37 A binary communication system uses polar signal. The overall impulse response is designed to be of thesin x xtype, as given byEq(3-67),so that there will be no ISI. The bitrate is 300/s R f bit s ==.(a) What is the baud rate of the polar signal? (b) Plot the waveform of polar signal at the system output when the input binary data is 01100101. Can you discern the data by looking at this polar waveform? Solution:1502s T f B H z==(b)sin ()s e s f t h t f t ππ=1()eSsf H f f f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭∏1Ss f DT ==3-43 Using the results of prob.3-42, demonstrate that the following filter characteristics do or do not satisfy Nyquist ’s criterion for eliminating ISI (0022s f f T ==).()()00122eT a H f fT ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭∏()()00223eT b H f fT ⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭∏Solution:()()000012222e T T f a H ffT f ⎛⎫⎛⎫==⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭∏∏()()0000232322eT T f b H f fT f ⎛⎫⎪⎛⎫==⎪⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭∏∏3-45 An analog signal is to be converted into a PCM signal that is a binary polar NRZ line code. The signal is transmitted over a channel that is absolutely bandlimited to 4kHz. Assume that the PCM quantizer has 16 steps and that the overall equivalent system transfer function is of the raised cosine-rolloff type with r =0.5.(a) Find the maximum PCM bit rate that can be supported by this system without introducing ISI.(b) Find the maximum bandwidth that canbe permitted for the analog signal . Solution:()0:164 a PC M w ord 40.522 5.33/1T T M n B kH zr B a R D f kb sr==→=====⨯=+量化器()analog analog 2 5.331000667224s b R nf n B R B H zn=≥⋅⨯∴≤==⨯3-47 Multilevel data with an equivalent bit rate of 2,400 bits/s is sent over a channel using a four-level line code that has a rectangular pulse shape at the output of the transmitter. The overall transmission system (i.e., the transmitter, channel, and receiver) has an r =0.5 raised cosine-rolloff Nyquist filtercharacteristic.(a) Find the baud rate of the received signal.(b) Find the 6-dB bandwidth for this transmission system.(c) Find the absolute bandwidth for the system. Solution:(a) Find the baud rate of the received signal.242=⇒==l L l2400/1200aud2D R l B ===(b) Find the 6-dB bandwidth for thistransmission system.611(1200)600H z 22dB B D ===(c) Find the absolute bandwidth for the system.113(1)(10.5)(1200)(1200)900224absolute T B B r D H z==+=+==3-54 One analog waveform w 1(t ) is bandlimited to 3 kHz, and another, w 2(t), is bandlimited to 9 kHz. These two signals are to be sent by TDM over a PAM-type system. (a) Determine the minimum sampling frequency for each signal, and design a TDM commutator and decommutator to accommodate the signals.(b) Draw some typical waveforms for w 1(t ) and w 2(t ), and sketch the corresponding TDM PAM waveform. Solution:(a) Determine the minimum sampling frequency for each signal, and design a TDM commutator and decommutator to accommodate the signals. TDM1122(): 3kH z 6ksam ples/sec (): 9kH z 18ksam ples/secs s t B f t B f ωω=⇒==⇒=(b) Draw some typical waveforms for w 1(t ) and w 2(t ), and sketch the corresponding TDM PAM waveform.3-56 Twenty-three analog signals , each with a bandwidth of 3.4kHz, are sampled at an 8-kHz rate and multiplexed together with a synchronization channel (8kHz)into a TDM PAM signal. This TDM signal is passed through a channel with an overall raised cosine-rolloff Nyquist filter characteristic of r=0.75.(a) Draw a block diagram for the system, indicating the fc of the commutator and the overall pulse rate of the TDM PAM signal.(b) Evaluate the absolute bandwidth required for the channel.Solution:248k pulses/sec=192k pulses/sec D =⨯()()192k pulse/sec110.75168kH z 22D B r =+=+=3-58 Rework Prob.3-56 for a TDM pulse code modulation system in witch an 8-bit quantizer is used to generate the PCM words for each of the analog inputs and an 8-bit synchronization word is used in the synchronization channel.Solution:3-59 Design a TDM PCM system that will accommodate four 300-bit/s (synchronous) digital inputs and one analog input that has a bandwidth of 500Hz. Assume that the analog samples will be encoded into 4-bit PCM word. Draw a block diagram for your design, analogous to Fig.3-39, indicating the data rates at the various points on the diagram. Explain how your design works.Solution:3-60 Design a TDM PCM system that will accommodate two 2400-bit/s synchronous digital inputs and an analog input that has a bandwidth of 2700 Hz. Assume that the analog input is sampled at 1.11111 times the Nyquist rate and converted into 4-bit PCM word. Draw a block diagram for your design, and indicate the data rates at the various points on your diagram. Explain how your TDM scheme works.Solution:。



doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-3114.2023.02.001引用格式:薛文举,付宁,高玉龙.基于GCN-LSTM 的频谱预测算法[J].无线电通信技术,2023,49(2):203-208.[XUE Wenju,FU Ning,GAO Yulong.Spectrum Prediction Algorithm Based on GCN-LSTM[J].Radio Communications Technology,2023,49(2):203-208.]基于GCN-LSTM 的频谱预测算法薛文举,付㊀宁,高玉龙(哈尔滨工业大学通信技术研究所,黑龙江哈尔滨150001)摘㊀要:无线频谱是一项重要的㊁难以再生的自然资源㊂在频谱数据中随着信道的动态变化,各个信道不能建模成规则的结构㊂由于卷积神经网络提取的是规则数据结构的相关性,没有考虑信道动态变化以及各个信道节点之间的相关性影响,基于此研究了基于图卷积神经网络(Graph Convolutional Network,GCN)和长短期记忆(Long Short-TermMemory,LSTM)网络结合的GCN-LSTM 频谱预测模型,并且引入了注意力机制,仿真得到了GCN-LSTM 在正确数据集和有一定错误数据的数据集上的预测性能和算法运行时间㊂结果表明在引入注意力机制后,GCN-LSTM 预测模型的准确性和实时性都得到了提高㊂关键词:频谱预测;图神经网络;LSTM;注意力机制中图分类号:TN919.23㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):文章编号:1003-3114(2023)02-0203-06Spectrum Prediction Algorithm Based on GCN-LSTMXUE Wenju,FU Ning,GAO Yulong(Communication Research Center,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)Abstract :Wireless spectrum is an important and hard-to-regenerate natural resource.Since convolutional neural network extractscorrelation of regular data structure,dynamic changes of channel and the correlation between each channel node are not considered.Therefore,this paper studies a GCN-LSTM spectrum prediction model based on the combination of graph convolution neural network GCN and LSTM network,and introduces an attention mechanism.Simulation results show that the prediction performance and algorithm running time of GCN-LSTM on the correct dataset and the dataset with certain error data.Results show that the accuracy and real-timeperformance of GCN-LSTM prediction model are improved after introducing the attention mechanism.Keywords :spectrum prediction;graph neural network;LSTM;attention mechanism收稿日期:2022-12-29基金项目:国家自然科学基金(62171163)Foundation Item :National Natural Science Foundation of China(62171163)0 引言随着无线通信事业的蓬勃发展,各种接入无线网的智能设备数量迅速增长[1],频谱资源趋于紧缺㊂传统的静态频谱分配方式不适配于需求日渐多样化的频谱环境,出现了大量的 频谱空洞 ,造成了频谱资源浪费㊂为解决频谱利用不足的问题,Mitola 在1999年提出了认知无线电(Cognitive Radio,CR)的概念[2]㊂频谱预测的核心就是挖掘并利用历史频谱数据的相关性特征㊂频谱预测可以分为预测信道的占用情况或者是预测用户的位置和传输功率两大类㊂本文主要针对第一类,即预测信道的占用情况㊂早期研究主要采用例如自回归模型[3]㊁隐马尔可夫模型[4]㊁模式挖掘等传统方法㊂随着神经网络的发展,人们开始将神经网络,比如循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN)[5]和长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM)[6]用于预测,LSTM 网络有效缓解了梯度消失和梯度爆炸现象㊂此外,有很多学者对时频联合域频谱预测展开了研究㊂文献[7]利用频谱的这种相关性提出一种二维频繁模式挖掘算法㊂由于不同地点频谱的使用情况也会有很大不同,因此也有研究将频谱预测的维度扩展到时频空域上㊂文献[8]利用神经网络来进行多维频谱预测的方法研究,提出了LSTM网络和其他神经网络结合的方法进行时频空三维的预测,然而只是提出了想法,并没有实现,算法仍处于仿真阶段㊂图神经网络最早由Gori等人[9]提出㊂GCN广泛用于提取图结构的特征信息,从理论上可以将GCN分为基于谱域和空域两类㊂Bruna等人在2014年提出了第一代GCN[10],定义了图上的卷积方法图结构㊂基于空域的图卷积则没有借助谱图理论,可以直接在空域上操作,非常灵活㊂Petar等人在2018年提出了图注意力网络(Graph Attention Network, GAT)[11],在图卷积网络中使用注意力机制,为图结构中不同的节点赋以不同的权重也就是注意力系数,解决了图卷积神经网络(Graph Convolutional Network,GCN)必须提前知道完整图结构的不足㊂把数据处理成图结构之后,利用图神经网络来学习图结构形式的数据可以更有效地挖掘发现其内部特征和模式,与频谱预测的核心不谋而合,因此可以使用图神经网络来进行频谱预测㊂本文首先分析了频谱预测的特点和发展趋势,说明了频谱预测的重要性和可行性㊂其次,针对频谱预测问题提出了GCN-LSTM模型进行二维时频频谱的预测,采用GCN提取频谱数据的拓扑特征,提取得到频谱数据中的频率相关性之后㊂然后利用LSTM网络进行时间维度动态性特征的提取㊂最后,通过引入注意力机制对GCN-LSTM频谱预测算法进行了改进研究㊂1 基于GCN-LSTM网络的频谱预测问题建模㊀㊀图神经网络可以通过分析研究各个节点的空间特征信息得到既包含内容也包含结构的特征表示,因此在本文中处理频谱数据时,不再是建模成规则的图片,而是建模成如图1所示的图结构㊂图结构中的每个节点代表频谱中的各个信道,信道之间是存在关联的,用图中的边表示,时间维度上的各个信道状态即是各个节点的特征㊂图1㊀频谱建模成图结构Fig.1㊀Spectrum modeling and mapping structure为了提取非欧式拓扑图的空间特征,研究人员利用GCN通过图结构的信息和图中节点的信息提取图的结构特征[12],如图2所示㊂GCN如今已经广泛应用于图数据的研究处理领域[13]㊂图2㊀图神经网络的结构示意图Fig.2㊀Structure diagram of graph neural network对于给定的图G=(V,E),V表示图中的节点集合,假设其长度为N㊂可以用图中的节点V和边E来对图进行定义㊂第二代图卷积GCN公式可以简化成:x G∗gθʈðK k=0θk T k(L~)x㊂(1)㊀㊀由式(1)可以看出,图上的卷积不需要整个图都参与运算,只需捕捉到图上的局部特征,减少了需要训练学习的参数量;并且不再需要对图进行特征分解,避免了特征分解的高昂代价㊂但是由于进行矩阵相乘操作,计算的时间复杂度仍然比较高㊂为了对问题进行简化,Kipf等人在文献[14]中设置K=1,只考虑节点的一阶邻居节点㊂如图3所示,当K=1时,对每个节点的特征进行更新时,不但会考虑各个节点本身的输入特征,还会将各个节点的一阶邻域的邻居节点的输入特征也考虑在内㊂取λmax =2,K =1,得到多层传播的图卷积计算公式:H (l +1)=σD ~-12A ~D ~-12H (l )W (l )(),(2)式中,σ(㊃)为非线性激活函数,A ~=A +I N ,A ~为加上自身属性后的邻接矩阵,D ~=ðjA ~ij 表示邻接矩阵A ~的度矩阵,H (l )为第l 层中图节点特征,H (0)=χ,即输入的特征矩阵,W (l )为第l 层的权重,即可训练的卷积滤波参数㊂图3㊀图卷积计算的简单示意图Fig.3㊀Simple diagram of convolution calculation2㊀增加注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 频谱预测算法2.1㊀GCN-LSTM 网络模型利用信道占用模型产生频谱数据,然后将频谱建模成图,频谱中的各个信道建模成图中的各个节点,在频率上提取信道之间的相关性即是提取节点之间的相关性,用GCN 进行提取,时间上的相关性则由LSTM 进行提取㊂GCN-LSTM 频谱预测算法示意如图4所示,内部结构如图5所示㊂图4㊀GCN-LSTM 模型示意图Fig.4㊀GCN-LSTM modeldiagram图5㊀GCN-LSTM 模型内部结构Fig.5㊀Internal structure diagram of GCN-LSTM model图4中,先将图结构形式的频谱输入GCN,提取其拓扑结构特征(即频率相关性),GCN 的输出Z N t 是已经提取了频率相关性的序列数据;然后将提取频率相关性的Z N t 序列输入进LSTM 网络,提取序列数据的时序相关性;最终通过激活函数的激活得到输出,并与真实的频谱数据利用损失函数衡量比较得到误差㊂Z N t 代表输入数据χt 经过图卷积网络后的数据特征㊂i t ㊁f t ㊁o t 分别代表了输入门(Input Gate)㊁遗忘门(Forget Gate)和输出门(Output Gate)㊂图5所示的χt 代表输入的处理成图结构的频谱数据,节点之间的关联强弱代表信道相关性的强弱㊂GCN-LSTM 预测模型公式如下:i t=σ(W iχ㊃Z Nt +W ih ㊃h t -1+b t )f t =σ(W f χ㊃Z N t +W fh ㊃h t -1+b f )o t =σ(W o χ㊃Z N t +W o h ㊃h t -1+b o )c ~t =g (W c χ㊃Z N t +W ch ㊃h t -1+b c )c t =i t☉c ~t +f t ☉c t -1h t =o t☉h -(c t )ìîíïïïïïïïï㊂(3)2.2㊀增加注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 预测模型注意力机制[15]是关注更重点的信息而忽略一些无关的信息,在GCN-LSTM 模型基础上,加入注意力机制,就是对不同时间步的特征赋予不同的权重㊂Soft Attention 注意力机制示意如图6所示,可以分成三步:一是信息输入h j ;二是注意力系数e ij 的计算,e ij 利用神经网络计算,再利用softmax 函数对e ij 进行归一化得到注意力的分布a ij ;三是利用注意力分布αij 与输入的信息进行加权平均得到输出c i㊂αij =exp(e ij )ðN k =1exp(eik)㊂(4)㊀㊀输出c i 为权重与输入的加权平均:c i =ðN j =1αijh j㊂(5)图6㊀Soft attention 注意力机制示意F i g.6㊀Schematic diagram of Soft Attention mechanism㊀㊀增加了注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 模型网络,如图7所示㊂将GCN-LSTM 的输出作为注意力层的输入,通过一个全连接层,再经过softmax 归一化,计算对时间步的权重即注意力分配矩阵,将注意力分配矩阵和输入数据进行逐元素的相乘即得到注意力的输出㊂图7㊀增加注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 模型示意图Fig.7㊀Schematic diagram of GCN-LSTM model forincreasing attention mechanism3 仿真结果利用信道占用模型,产生了5个信道的频谱数据,时间长度为10000,损失函数选择二分类交叉熵损失函数㊂在实验中,设置GCN 的模型参数为:图卷积网络层数为1,初始学习率为0.001,评价GCN-LSTM 预测算法的性能指标为准确率㊂预测窗口长度为10,隐藏单元数hidden_units 为128,batch_size 为64,迭代次数epoch 为20㊂基于GCN-LSTM 预测算法预测的准确率如图8和图9所示㊂图8㊀GCN-LSTM 模型准确率Fig.8㊀GCN-LSTM modelaccuracy图9㊀增加注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 模型精确率Fig.9㊀Increase the accuracy of GCN-LSTMmodel of attention mechanism二分类交叉熵binary_cross entropy 公式为:loss (y ,y ^)=-1nðni(y i lb(y^i )+(1-y i )lb(1-y ^i )),(6)式中,y i 为真实的值,y^i 为预测的值㊂在基础的GCN-LSTM 模型上增加了注意力机制之后,同样训练20轮之后,准确率从96.89%增长到97.86%,准确率得到了提升,训练时间从10.23s 变为12.69s,网络输出时间从0.13s 变为0.15s,时间基本为原来的1.19倍㊂这是因为增加注意力机制后,训练的参数数量从70020增长为78120,数量增多㊂增加注意力机制确实可以提高GCN-LSTM 模型整体的预测性能,而且性能略平稳一些㊂同时对比在频谱数据出现错误情况下的GCN-LSTM 和增加了注意力机制之后的预测模型的预测性能㊂图10为错误概率为0.05的情况,图11为错误概率为0.1的情况㊂比较无错误㊁错误概率为0.05和0.1时,随着错误概率的增加,准确率会略有下降㊂增加注意力机制后的预测算法比没有增加注意力机制的GCN-LSTM 算法指标提高一点,预测性能更好㊂图10㊀GCN-LSTM 模型错误率为0.05时的准确率Fig.10㊀Accuracy when GCN-LSTM model error rate is 0.05图11㊀GCN-LSTM 模型错误率为0.1时的准确率Fig.11㊀Accuracy when GCN-LSTM model error rate is 0.14 结论本文主要研究了基于GCN-LSTM 的频谱预测算法,采用GCN 和LSTM 复合网络GCN-LSTM 预测模型进行时频频谱预测㊂为了考量不同时间步的重要程度,在GCN-LSTM 预测模型基础上增加了注意力机制来提高预测效果㊂此外,实际数据可能存在错误的情况,对无错误数据和错误数据的情况分别进行了仿真㊂仿真结果表明,GCN-LSTM 方法预测准确率较高,且训练时间和预测时间更短,实时性大大提升㊂另外,增加注意力机制后,预测性能也得到一些提高,时间约是没增加注意力机制时的1.2倍㊂对比数据出现错误的情况下,使用GCN-LSTM 算法的预测性能也在可以接受的范围内㊂参考文献[1]㊀DEHOS C,GONZÁLEZ J L,DOMENICO A D,et -limeter-wave Access Andbackhauling:The Solution to the Exponential Data Traffic Increase in 5G Mobilecommuni-cations Systems [J ].IEEE Communications Magazine,2014,52(9):88-95.[2]㊀MITOLA J,MAGUIRE G Q.Cognitive Radio:MakingSoftware 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第二章 随机 信号分析

第二章 随机 信号分析
第二章 随机信号分析 Analysis for Random Signal
2.1 概率、随机变量、概率分布
Probability, stochastic variable , probability distribution
2.2 随机变量的数字特征
Digital stencil of stochastic variable
一、随机过程(Random processes) 概念
确知过程 随机过程
如 y=sint
如 噪声y=n(t)

定义1: 随机过程就是一个全部可能实现构成的总体,每个实现都是一个确定时
(t) xi(t) ,i=1,2,……n……
(2) (3)
f (=x)dx
b a
= F(b)-F(a)
=b P{a≤X<b}
f (x)dx
f (x)dx

2.2 随机变量的数字特征 Digital stencil of stochastic variable
E X xi P(xi)
① | | 1
② 相关性:若
0 ③ 独立(Independent)与相关(Correlation) ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱY
统计独立 不相关
不相关 统计独立
一定 不一定
上一 页
四、几种典型的概率分布 (Several representative probability distribution)


















In abaqus post-processing, you can use Fourier transformation to convert time-domain data to frequency-domain data.2.时域数据转换为频域数据可以帮助分析周期性振动或波动现象。

Converting time-domain data to frequency-domain data can help analyze periodic vibrations or wave phenomena.3.频域分析可以揭示结构在不同频率下的响应情况。

Frequency-domain analysis can reveal the response of a structure at different frequencies.4.傅里叶变换是将时域信号转换为频域信号的数学工具。

Fourier transformation is a mathematical tool for converting time-domain signals to frequency-domain signals.5.该分析方法可以用于分析机械振动、声学问题等。

This analysis method can be used to analyze mechanical vibrations, acoustics, etc.6.通过频域分析,可以更清楚地了解结构的固有频率和振型。

Through frequency-domain analysis, the natural frequency and mode shapes of a structure can be better understood.7.频域分析还可以用于寻找引起特定振动的激励频率。



实验一 随机序列的产生及数字特征估计一、实验目的1、学习和掌握随机数的产生方法;2、实现随机序列的数字特征估计。

二、实验原理1. 随机数的产生随机数指的是各种不同分布随机变量的抽样序列(样本值序列)。







实际应用中有许多现成的随机数发生器可以用于产生(0,1)均匀分布随机数,通常采用的方法为线性同余法,公式如下:Ny x N ky Mod y y n n n n /))((110===-, (1.1)序列{}n x 为产生的(0,1)均匀分布随机数。

下面给出了上式的3组常用参数:(1) 7101057k 10⨯≈==,周期,N ;(2) (IBM 随机数发生器)8163110532k 2⨯≈+==,周期,N ; (3) (ran0)95311027k 12⨯≈=-=,周期,N ;由均匀分布随机数,可以利用反函数构造出任意分布的随机数。

定理1.1 若随机变量X 具有连续分布函数F X (x),而R 为(0,1)均匀分布随机变量,则有)(1R F X x -= (1.2)由这一定理可知,分布函数为F X (x)的随机数可以由(0,1)均匀分布随机数按上式进行变换得到。

2. MATLAB 中产生随机序列的函数(1) (0,1)均匀分布的随机序列 函数:rand用法:x = rand(m,n)功能:产生m ×n 的均匀分布随机数矩阵。

(2) 正态分布的随机序列 函数:randn用法:x = randn(m,n)功能:产生m ×n 的标准正态分布随机数矩阵。



USP 39Official Monographs / Fondaparinux4039•P H 〈791〉: 6.0–8.0, in a solution, at 20°–25° (2.5% w/v)Sensitivity check solution: 0.01mg/mL of USP•M ICROBIAL E NUMERATION T ESTS〈61〉: NMT 350 cfu/g Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS in water from the •W ATER D ETERMINATION, Method Ic〈921〉: It contains NMT Standard solution20.0% (w/w).Sample solution: Transfer the contents of prefilled sy-ringes to a suitable container, and mix well. Dilute with ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS water, if needed, to obtain a 5.0-mg/mL solution of •P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE: Preserve in tight containers,fondaparinux sodium.and store at or below 25° in a dry environment.Blank: Water•L ABELING: Label to indicate mass of active drug substance Chromatographic systemper container.(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉Mode: LCUSP Endotoxin RS Detector: UV 210 nmUSP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS Column: 4-mm × 25-cm; packing L46USP Fondaparinux Sodium Identification RS Column temperature: 25°USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture A Flow rate: 1.0mL/minRS Injection volume: 100µLSystem suitabilitySamples:System suitability solution, Standard solution,Sensitivity check solution, and BlankInject the Blank in duplicate, the Sensitivity check solu-Fondaparinux Sodium Injection tion, and the System suitability solution. Inject theStandard solution at least six times consecutively.Suitability requirementsDEFINITIONSpecificity and baseline drift: The chromatogram of Fondaparinux Sodium Injection is a sterile solution ofa second Blank injection shows a baseline drift be-Fondaparinux Sodium in Water for Injection with sodiumtween 0.00 and 0.02 AU over 30 min. If necessary, chloride added for isotonicity. It is a clear, colorless toadjust the DMSO content of the Mobile phase until an slightly yellow solution.acceptable baseline is achieved. The chromatogram IDENTIFICATION of a second Blank injection does not contain peaks •A. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample between 3.00 and 30.00 min.solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, as Chromatogram similarity: The chromatogram of the obtained in the Assay.System suitability solution corresponds to that of the •B. I DENTIFICATION T ESTS—G ENERAL, Chloride 〈191〉: Pro-reference chromatogram provided with USP ceed as directed in the chapter. Meets the requirements Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B of the Chloride and Sulfate 〈221〉 test.RS.Signal-to-noise ratio: NLT 10 for the fondaparinux ASSAY peak in the chromatogram of the Sensitivity check •P ROCEDURE solution5 mM phosphate solution: 0.210g of monobasic so-Resolution: NLT 1.2 between fondaparinux relateddium phosphate dihydrate and 0.650g of dibasic so-compound C and fondaparinux related compound D, dium phosphate dihydrate. Dissolve in and dilute with System suitability solution; NLT 1.1 betweenwater to 1000mL. pH is approximately 7.3.fondaparinux related compound F and fondaparinux Solution A: 15±10 ppm of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)related compound G (see Table 2), System suitability in 5 mM phosphate solution (1 in 67000, v/v)solutionSolution B: 2.0 M sodium chloride solution in 5 mM Standard agreement: The difference in the mean re-phosphate solution sponse factors for each Standard solution is NMT Mobile phase: See Table 1. [N OTE—Make adjustments Solution A as necessary, and degas the Mobile phase Relative standard deviation: For six consecutive in-before use. Dissolved gas in the injected solution may jections of the Standard solution the calculated % RSD lead to baseline interference. Degassing of the Mobile of the area of the fondaparinux peak is NMT 2.0%.phase is critical to obtain a suitable signal-to-noise ratio The retention time of the fondaparinux peak should and higher sensitivity. An eluant generator1 installed be-be ±5% of the mean value. The calculated % RSD of tween the injector and the column may reduce the the response factors for six consecutive injections of baseline interference.]the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The calculated %RSD of the pooled response factors for all injectionsof the Standard solution is NMT 2.0%. The % RSD of Table 1the mean response factors for the duplicate prepara-Time Solution A Solution B tions of the duplicate Standard solutions is NMT(min)(%)(%) 2.0%.05050Analysis55050Samples:Standard solution and Sample solution25595Inject the Standard solution at least six times consecu-tively. Inject duplicate preparations of the Sample solu-30595tion. Record the chromatograms, and measure the re-355050tention times and areas for the major peaks (excluding 505050peaks before 3.00 and after 30.00 min).Calculations: For each injection of the Standard solu-System suitability solution: 5.0mg/mL of USPtion calculate a response factor (F R): Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B RSStandard solution: 5.0mg/mL of USP FondaparinuxF R = (C S/r S)Sodium for Assay RS in water. Prepare in duplicate.1One suitable eluant generator is Dionex DEGAS EG40/50 (12×17 cm, thick-C S= concentration of fondaparinux sodium in the ness 2.2cm).Standard solution (mg/mL)r S= peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromthe Standard solution4040Fondaparinux / Official MonographsUSP 39Relative retention times (RRT) are calculated by Standard agreement: NMT 5% difference in the dividing the retention time of the peak by the mean response factors for each Standard solution 2retention time of fondaparinux established by the injectionStandard solution . Using the mean response factor Analysis: Inject the Blank in duplicate, the Sensitivity (F M ), calculate the concentration (mg/mL) ofcheck solution , and the Resolution solution . Inject Stan-fondaparinux sodium in each injection of the Sample dard solution 2 at least six times consecutively. Inject solution :triplicate preparations of the Sample solution . Record the chromatograms, and measure the retention times and Result = F M × r U × D Uareas for the sulfate peaks found.Calculations: For each injection of Standard solution 2,F M= mean response factor from the Standardcalculate a response factor (F ):solutionr U = peak response of fondaparinux sodium in theF = (C S /r S )Sample solutionD U = dilution factor for the Sample solution , ifC S= concentration of sodium sulfate in Standardneededsolution 2 (mg/mL)Acceptance criteria: 90%–105% (for the 2.5-mg/0.5-r S = peak response of the sulfate peak frommL injection) or 95%–105% (for the 5.0-mg/0.4-mL,Standard solution 27.5-mg/0.6-mL, and 10-mg/0.8-mL injections)Using the mean response factor (F M ), calculate the concentration (% w/w) of free sulfate in each IMPURITIESinjection of the Sample solution :•F REE S ULFATE D ETERMINATION[N OTE —Regenerate the anion-exchange column for 15Result = F M × r U × D U × (M r1/M r2) × (100/C )min with 0.1 M sodium hydroxide after each injection of fondaparinux sample, followed by equilibration with F M = mean response factor from Standard solution 2Mobile phase for 21 min.]r U= peak response of the sulfate ion in the SampleMobile phase: 3 mM carbonate solution using 0.106g solutionof sodium carbonate and 0.168g of sodium hydrogen D U = dilution factor for the Sample solution carbonate in 1000mL of waterM r1= molecular weight of the sulfate ion, 96.1Standard solution 1: Prepare a 1000-ppm sulfate solu-M r2= molecular weight of sodium sulfate, 142.0tion, using anhydrous sodium sulfate in water.C = nominal concentration of fondaparinuxStandard solution 2: Prepare a 10-ppm sulfate solution sodium in the content of the syringeby diluting Standard solution 1 in water.Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.50% (w/w)Sensitivity check solution: Dilute 1.0mL of Standard •O RGANIC I MPURITIESsolution 2 with water to 5.0mL.System suitability solution, Standard solution, Sensi-Resolution solution: 0.100g of anhydrous sodium sul-tivity check solution, Sample solution, and Chromat-fate and 0.100g of sodium chloride. Dissolve in and ographic system: Proceed as directed in the Assay .dilute with water to 100.0mL. Dilute 1.0mL with water Samples: System suitability solution , Standard solution ,to 100.0mL.Sensitivity check solution , Sample solution , and Blank Sample solution: In triplicate, combine and mix the Calculate the percentage (area/area) of each individual contents of a suitable number of syringes. Dilute 0.8mL unspecified impurity for each injection of the Sample (strengths of 5.0mg/0.4mL, 7.5mg/0.6mL, andsolution :10.0mg/0.8mL) or 2.0mL (strengths of 1.5mg/0.3mL Result = [r U /(r T + r S )] × 100and 2.5mg/0.5mL) with water to 5.0mL.Blank: A sample of the water used to prepare other r U= peak response of each impurity from thesolutionsSample solutionChromatographic systemr T = sum of all the peak responses for degradation(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability ).impurities from the Sample solutionMode: LCr S = peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromDetector: Conductivity; range 200 µS, suppressor cur-the Sample solutionrent 300mATaking into account the response factors for specified Column: 4.6-mm × 5-cm; packing L23, coupled with a impurities (see Table 2), calculate the individual neutralization micromembrane suppressor 2content (% w/w) of specified fondaparinux related Column temperature: Ambientcompounds B, C, and G:Regenerating solvent for the suppressor: Ultrapuri-fied water in a counter current direction Result = (r U × F i × 100)/{[Σ(r U × F i )] + r S }Flow rate: 1.0mL/min Injection volume: 50µL r U= peak response of each impurity from theRun time: 24 min Sample solutionSystem suitabilityF i = relative response factor for the individualSamples: Standard solution 2, Sensitivity check solution ,impurity peak (response factor ofResolution solution , and Blank fondaparinux sodium/response factor of Suitability requirementsindividual impurity [see Table 2])Specificity: The chromatogram of a second Blank in-r s = peak response of fondaparinux sodium fromjection does not contain a peak corresponding to the the Sample solutionsulfate ion.Calculate the total degradation product content by Signal-to-noise-ratio: NLT 10, Sensitivity check summing the mean unrounded content values for the solutionfollowing peaks: fondaparinux related compounds A,Resolution: NLT 10 between the sulfate and chloride B, C, D, F, and G and any unspecified impurities that peaks, Resolution solutionare not synthetic impurities. Exclude peaks below the Relative standard deviation: NMT 5% of the re-LOQ (0.003% w/w for fondaparinux relatedsponse factors for six consecutive injections of Stan-compound B, 0.002% w/w for fondaparinux related dard solution 2compound G, and 0.200% for all other degradation 2One suitable suppressor is Dionex ASRS 300 4mm.products and fondaparinux related compound E).USP 39Official Monographs / Formaldehyde4041Individual impurities: See Table 2.Formaldehyde SolutionTable 2CH2O30.03Relative Relative Acceptance Formaldehyde.Retention Response Criteria,Formaldehyde [50-00-0].Name Time Factor NMT (%)Fondaparinux» Formaldehyde Solution contains not less than related34.5percent, by weight, of formaldehyde compound A0.35 1.0 1.0 (a/a)(CH2O), with methanol added (9.0% to 15.0%) Fondaparinux to prevent polymerization.relatedcompound B a0.48700.150 (w/w)Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight containers, and Fondaparinux preferably store at a temperature not below 15°.related0.8 (w/w)/0.4Identification—compound C b0.76 1.0(w/w)cA: Dilute 2mL with 10mL of water in a test tube, and Fondaparinuxadd 1mL of silver-ammonia-nitrate TS: metallic silver is pro-relatedduced either in the form of a finely divided, gray precipi-compound D0.80 1.00.8 (a/a)tate, or as a bright, metallic mirror on the sides of the test Fondaparinux tube.related——B: Add 2drops to 5mL of sulfuric acid in which about compound E d0.9320mg of salicylic acid has been dissolved, and warm the Fondaparinux liquid very gently: a permanent, deep-red color appears.relatedAcidity—Measure 20.0mL into a flask containing 20mL of compound F e 1.29 1.0 2.0 (a/a)water, add 2drops of bromothymol blue TS, and titrate Fondaparinux with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide VS: not more than 10.0mL of related0.1 N sodium hydroxide is consumed.compound G f 1.341000.10 (w/w)Content of methanol—Fondaparinux——Internal standard solution—Dilute 10mL of dehydrated al-sodium 1.0cohol with water to 100mL.Total impurities—— 5.0Test solution—To 10.0mL of Solution add 10.0mL of the a Methyl-O-(4-deoxy-2-O-sulfo-α-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranosyluronate)-Internal standard solution, and dilute with water to(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-sulfamino-α-D-glucopyranoside), tetraso-dium salt.100.0mL.b Methyl O-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→4)-Standard solution—To 1.0mL of methanol add 10.0mL O-(β-D-glucopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-3,6-di-O-sulfo-2-amino-of the Internal standard solution, and dilute with water toα-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-2-O-sulfo-α-L-idopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-(2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranoside), nonasodium salt.100.0mL.c0.8 (w/w) for Injection at 12.5 mg/mL and 0.4% (w/w) for Injection at 5Chromatographic system (see Chromatography 〈621〉)—The mg/mL.gas chromatograph is equipped with a flame-ionization de-d Synthetic impurity included for identification purposes only and excluded tector and a 2- to 4-mm × 1.5- to 2.0-m column containing from impurities calculations.packing S3. The carrier gas is nitrogen or helium, flowing at e The fondaparinux related compound F peak can appear as a complex seta rate of 30 to 40mL per minute. The column temperature of peaks in the region RRT 1.2 to RRT 1.24. These peaks, which may notbe fully resolved from each other, appear before the fondaparinux related is maintained at 120°. The injection port temperature and compound G peak. In such a case, the integration should be performed the detector temperature are maintained at 150°. Chromat-so that all such peaks are combined. Specified degradation products can ograph the Standard solution, and record the peak responses be assigned by reference to the specimen chromatogram of the Systemsuitability solution associated with USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suita-as directed for Procedure: the resolution, R, between the bility Mixture B RS.peaks corresponding to methanol and alcohol is not lessf2-Deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→4)-O-(β-D-than 2.0.glucopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-O-(2-deoxy-3,6-di-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-α-Procedure—Separately inject equal volumes (1µL) of the D-glucopyranosyl)-(1→4)-O-(2-O-sulfo-α-L-idopyranosyluronate)-(1→4)-(1,2-dideoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-D-enoglucopyranoside), decasodium Standard solution and the Test solution into the chromato-salt.graph, record the chromatograms, and measure the re-sponses for the major peaks. Calculate the percentage (v/v) SPECIFIC TESTSof methanol in the portion of Solution taken by the formula:•B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST〈85〉: NMT 3.3 USP Endo-toxin Units/mg of fondaparinux sodium100 × (V M/V)(R U/R S)•P ARTICULATE M ATTER IN I NJECTIONS〈788〉: Meets the re-quirements for small-volume injectionsin which V M is the volume, in mL, of methanol taken to•S TERILITY T ESTS〈71〉: Where it is labeled as sterile, itprepare the Standard solution; V is the volume, in mL, of meets the requirements.Solution taken to prepare the Test solution; and R U and R S •P H 〈791〉: 5.0–8.0, in a solution, at 20°–25°are the peak response ratios of methanol to that of the in-ternal standard obtained from the Test solution and the ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSStandard solution, respectively: between 9.0% and 15.0%•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE: Preserve in single-dose or in(v/v) is found.multiple-dose containers in Type I glass or other validatedcontainer-closure system. Store at or below 25°.Assay—Into a 100-mL volumetric flask containing 2.5mL of •L ABELING: Label it to indicate the amount, in mg, of water and 1mL of sodium hydroxide TS 2, introduce 1.0g fondaparinux sodium in the total volume of contents.of the Solution to be examined, shake, and dilute with •USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉water to 100.0mL. To 10.0mL of the solution add 30.0mL USP Endotoxin RS of 0.1 N iodine VS. Mix, and add 10mL of sodium hydrox-USP Fondaparinux Sodium for Assay RS ide TS 2. After 15minutes, add 25mL of diluted sulfuric USP Fondaparinux Sodium System Suitability Mixture B acid and 4mL of starch TS. Titrate with 0.1 N sodium thi-RS osulphate VS. Each 1mL of 0.05 M iodine is equivalent to1.501mg of CH2O.。

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7The Spectral Analysis of Random Signals Summary.When one calculates the DFT of a sequence of measurements of a random signal,onefinds that the values of the elements of the DFT do not tend to“settle down”no matter how long a sequence one measures.In this chapter, we present a brief overview of the difficulties inherent in analyzing the spectra of random signals,and we give a quick survey of a solution to the problem—the method of averaged periodograms.Keywords.random signals,method of averaged periodograms,power spectral den-sity,spectral estimation.7.1The ProblemSuppose that one has N samples of a random signal1,X k,k=0,...,N−1,and suppose that the samples are independent and identically distributed(IID). Additionally,assume that the random signal is zero-mean—that E(X k)=0. The expected value of an element of the DFT of the sequence,a m,isE(a m)=EN−1k=0e−2πjkm/N X k=0.Because the signal is zero-mean,so are all of its Fourier coefficients.(All this really means is that the phases of the a m are random,and the statistical average of such a m is zero.)On the other hand,the power at a given frequency is(up to a constant of proportionality)|a m|2.The expected value of the power at a given frequency 1In this chapter,capital letters represent random variables,and lowercase letters represent elements of the DFT of a random variable.As usual,the index k is used for samples and the index m for the elements of the DFT.In order to minimize confusion,we do not use the same letter for the elements of the sequence and for the elements of its DFT.587The Spectral Analysis of Random Signalsis E(|a m|2)and is non-negative.If one measures the value of|a m|2for some set of measurements,one is measuring the value of a random variable whose expected value is equal to the item of interest.One would expect that the larger N was,the more certainly one would be able to say that the measured value of|a m|2is near the theoretical expected value.One would be mistaken.To see why,consider a0.We know thata0=X0+···+X N−1.Assuming that the X k are real,wefind that|a0|2=N−1n=0N−1k=0X n X k=N−1n=0X2k+N−1n=0N−1,k=nk=0X n X k.Because the X k are independent,zero-mean random variables,we know that if n=k,then E(X n X k)=0.Thus,we see that the expected value of|a0|2isE(|a0|2)=NE(X2k).(7.1) We would like to examine the variance of|a0|2.First,consider E(|a0|4). Wefind thatE(|a0|4)=NE(X4i)+3N(N−1)E2(X2i).(See Exercise5for a proof of this result.)Thus,the variance of the measure-ment isE(|a0|4)−E2(|a0|2)=NE(X4i)+2N2E2(X2i)−3NE2(X2i)=Nσ2X2+2(N2−N)E2(X2i).Clearly,the variance of|a0|2is O(N2),and the standard deviation of|a0|2is O(N).That is,the standard deviation is of the same order as the measure-ment.This shows that taking larger values of N—taking more measurements—does not do much to reduce the uncertainty in our measurement of|a0|2.In fact,this problem exists for all the a m,and it is also a problem when the measured values,X k,are not IID random variables.7.2The SolutionWe have seen that the standard deviation of our measurement is of the same order as the expected value of the measurement.Suppose that rather than taking one long measurement,one takes many smaller measurements.If the measurements are independent and one then averages the measurements,then the variance of the average will decrease with the number of measurements while the expected value will remain the same.Given a sequence of samples of a random signal,{X0,...,X N−1},define the periodograms,P m,associated with the sequence by7.3Warm-up Experiment59P m≡1NN−1k=0e−2πjkm/N X k2,m=0,...,N−1.The value of the periodogram is the square of the absolute value of the m th element of the DFT of the sequence divided by the number of elements in the sequence under consideration.The division by N removes the dependence that the size of the elements of the DFT would otherwise have on N—a dependence that is seen clearly in(7.1).The solution to the problem of the non-decreasing variance of the estimates is to average many estimates of the same variable.In our case,it is convenient to average measurements of P m,and this technique is known as the method of averaged periodograms.Consider the MATLAB r program of Figure7.1.In the program,MAT-LAB takes a set of212uncorrelated random numbers that are uniformly dis-tributed over(−1/2,1/2),and estimates the power spectral density of the “signal”by making use of the method of averaged periodograms.The output of the calculations is given in Figure7.2.Note that the more sets the data were split into,the less“noisy”the spectrum looks.Note too that the number of elements in the spectrum decreases as we break up our data into smaller sets.This happens because the number of points in the DFT decreases as the number of points in the individual datasets decreases.It is easy to see what value the measurements ought to be approaching.As the samples are uncorrelated,their spectrum ought to be uniform.From the fact that the MATLAB-generated measurements are uniformly distributed over(−1/2,1/2),it easy to see thatE(X2k)=1/2−1/2α2dα=α331/2−1/2=112=0.083.Considering(7.1)and the definition of the periodogram,it is clear that the value of the averages of the0th periodograms,P0,ought to be tending to1/12. Considering Figure7.2,we see that this is indeed what is happening—and the more sets the data are split into,the more clearly the value is visible.As the power should be uniformly distributed among the frequencies,all the averages should be tending to this value—and this too is seen in thefigure.7.3Warm-up ExperimentMATLAB has a command that calculates the average of many measurements of the square of the coefficients of the DFT.The command is called psd(for p ower s pectral d ensity).(See[7]for more information about the power spectral density.)The format of the psd command is psd(X,NFFT,Fs,WINDOW)(but note that in MATLAB7.4this command is considered obsolete).Here,X is the data whose PSD one would like tofind,NFFT is the number of points in each607The Spectral Analysis of Random Signals%A simple program for examining the PSD of a set of%uncorrelated numbers.N=2^12;%The next command generates N samples of an uncorrelated random %variable that is uniformly distributed on(0,1).x=rand([1N]);%The next command makes the‘‘random variable’’zero-mean.x=x-mean(x);%The next commands estimate the PSD by simply using the FFT.y0=fft(x);z0=abs(y0).^2/N;%The next commands break the data into two sets and averages the %periodograms.y11=fft(x(1:N/2));y12=fft(x(N/2+1:N));z1=((abs(y11).^2/(N/2))+(abs(y12).^2/(N/2)))/2;%The next commands break the data into four sets and averages the %periodograms.y21=fft(x(1:N/4));y22=fft(x(N/4+1:N/2));y23=fft(x(N/2+1:3*N/4));y24=fft(x(3*N/4+1:N));z2=(abs(y21).^2/(N/4))+(abs(y22).^2/(N/4));z2=z2+(abs(y23).^2/(N/4))+(abs(y24).^2/(N/4));z2=z2/4;%The next commands break the data into eight sets and averages the %periodograms.y31=fft(x(1:N/8));y32=fft(x(N/8+1:N/4));y33=fft(x(N/4+1:3*N/8));y34=fft(x(3*N/8+1:N/2));y35=fft(x(N/2+1:5*N/8));y36=fft(x(5*N/8+1:3*N/4));y37=fft(x(3*N/4+1:7*N/8));y38=fft(x(7*N/8+1:N));z3=(abs(y31).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y32).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y33).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y34).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y35).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y36).^2/(N/8));z3=z3+(abs(y37).^2/(N/8))+(abs(y38).^2/(N/8));z3=z3/8;Fig.7.1.The MATLAB program7.4The Experiment61%The next commands generate the program’s output.subplot(4,1,1)plot(z0)title(’One Set’)subplot(4,1,2)plot(z1)title(’Two Sets’)subplot(4,1,3)plot(z2)title(’Four Sets’)subplot(4,1,4)plot(z3)title(’Eight Sets’)print-deps avg_per.epsFig.7.1.The MATLAB program(continued)FFT,Fs is the sampling frequency(and is used to normalize the frequency axis of the plot that is drawn),and WINDOW is the type of window to use.If WINDOW is a number,then a Hanning window of that length is e the MATLAB help command for more details about the psd command.Use the MATLAB rand command to generate216random numbers.In order to remove the large DC component from the random numbers,subtract the average value of the numbers generated from each of the numbers gener-ated.Calculate the PSD of the sequence using various values of NFFT.What differences do you notice?What similarities are there?7.4The ExperimentNote that as two ADuC841boards are used in this experiment,it may be necessary to work in larger groups than usual.Write a program to upload samples from the ADuC841and calculate their PSD.You may make use of the MATLAB psd command and the program you wrote for the experiment in Chapter4.This takes care of half of the system.For the other half of the system,make use of the noise generator imple-mented in Chapter6.This generator will be your source of random noise and is most of the second half of the system.Connect the output of the signal generator to the input of the system that uploads values to MATLAB.Look at the PSD produced by MATLAB.Why does it have such a large DC component?Avoid the DC component by not plotting thefirst few frequencies of the PSD.Now what sort of graph do you get?Does this agree with what you expect to see from white noise?Finally,connect a simple RC low-passfilter from the DAC of the signal generator to ground,and connect thefilter’s output to the A/D of the board627The Spectral Analysis of Random SignalsFig.7.2.The output of the MATLAB program when examining several different estimates of the spectrumthat uploads data to MATLAB.Observe the PSD of the output of thefilter. Does it agree with what one expects?Please explain carefully.Note that you may need to upload more than512samples to MATLAB so as to be able to average more measurements and have less variability in the measured PSD.Estimate the PSD using32,64,and128elements per window. (That is,change the NFFT parameter of the pdf command.)What effect do these changes have on the PSD’s plot?7.5Exercises63 7.5Exercises1.What kind of noise does the MATLAB rand command produce?Howmight one go about producing true normally distributed noise?2.(This problem reviews material related to the PSD.)Suppose that onepasses white noise,N(t),whose PSD is S NN(f)=σ2N through afilter whose transfer function isH(f)=12πjfτ+1.Let the output of thefilter be denoted by Y(t).What is the PSD of the output,S Y Y(f)?What is the autocorrelation of the output,R Y Y(τ)? 3.(This problem reviews material related to the PSD.)Let H(f)be thefrequency response of a simple R-Lfilter in which the voltage input to thefilter,V in(t)=N(t),enters thefilter at one end of the resistor,the other end of the resistor is connected to an inductor,and the second side of the inductor is grounded.The output of thefilter,Y(t),is taken to be the voltage at the point at which the resistor and the inductor are joined.(See Figure7.3.)a)What is the frequency response of thefilter in terms of the resistor’sresistance,R,and the inductor’s inductance,L?b)What kind offilter is being implemented?c)What is the PSD of the output of thefilter,S Y Y(f),as a function ofthe PSD of the input to thefilter,S NN(f)?Fig.7.3.A simple R-Lfilter647The Spectral Analysis of Random Signalsing Simulink r ,simulate a system whose transfer function isH (s )=s s +s +10,000.Let the input to the system be band-limited white noise whose bandwidth is substantially larger than that of the fie a “To Workspace”block to send the output of the filter to e the PSD function to calcu-late the PSD of the output.Plot the PSD of the output against frequency.Show that the measured bandwidth of the output is in reasonable accord with what the theory predicts.(Remember that the PSD is proportional to the power at the given frequency,and not to the voltage.)5.Let the random variables X 0,...,X N −1be independent and zero-mean.Consider the product(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1)(X 0+···+X N −1).a)Show that the only terms in this product that are not zero-mean areof the form X 4k or X 2k X 2n ,n =k .b)Note that in expanding the product,each term of the form X 4k appears only once.c)Using combinatorial arguments,show that each term of the formX 2k X 2n appears 42times.d)Combine the above results to conclude that (as long as the samplesare real)E (|a 0|4)=NE (X 4k )+6N (N −1)2E 2(X 2k ).。
