On Copyright's Authorship Policy




中国人民共和国著作权法实施条例——英文版Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (Promulgated by Decree No. 359 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China on August 2, 2002, and effective as of September 15, 2002)Article 1These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the Copyright Law").Article 2The term "works" as referred to in the Copyright Law means intellectual creations withoriginality in the literary, artistic or scientific domain, insofar as they can be reproduced in a tangible form.Article 3The term "creation" as referred to in the Copyright Law means intellectual activities inwhich literary, artistic or scientific works are directly created.Any organizational activity, consultation, material support or other auxiliary services conducted or offered for another person's creation shall not be deemed as creation.Article 4For the purposes of the Copyright Law and these Regulations, the following expressions concerning works shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:(1) "written works" means works expressed in written form, such as novels, poems, essays andtheses;(2) "oral works" means works expressed in form of spoken language, such as impromptu speeches,lectures and court debates;(3) "musical works" means such works as songs and symphonic works, with or withoutaccompanying words, which can be sung or performed;(4) "dramatic works" means such works as dramas, operas and local traditional operas for stageperformance;(5) "qu yi works" means such works as "xiang sheng" (cross talk), "kuai shu" (clapper talk), "da gu"(ballad singing with drum accompaniment) and "ping shu" (story telling based on novels), which are mainly performed by recitation or singing, or by both;(6) "choreographic works" means works in which ideas and feelings are or can be expressedthrough successive body movements, gestures, facial movements, etc;(7) "acrobatic works" means works expressed through body movements and skills, such asacrobatics, magic and circus;(8) "works of fine arts" means two- or three-dimensional works of the plastic arts created in lines,colours or other media which impart aesthetic effect, such as paintings, works of calligraphy and sculptures;(9) "works of architecture" means works with aesthetic effect which are expressed in form of buildings or structures;(10) "photographic works" means artistic works created by recording images of objects onlight-sensitive or other materials with the aid of devices;(11) "cinematographic works and works created by a process analogous to cinematography" means works which are recorded on some material, consisting of a series of images, with or without accompanying sound, and which can be projected with the aid of suitable devices or communicated by other means;(12) "graphic works" means such works as drawings of engineering designs and product designs for the purpose of actual construction and manufacturing, and as maps and sketches showing geographical phenomena and demonstrating the fundamentals or the structure of a thing or an object;(13) "model works" means three-dimensional works made on the basis of the shape and the structure of an object to a certain scale, for the purpose of display, test or observation.Article 5For the purposes of the Copyright Law and these Regulations, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:(1) "news on current affairs" means the mere facts or happenings conveyed through the media such as newspapers, periodicals and radio and television programmes;(2) "sound recordings" means aural fixations of sounds of performances or of other sounds;(3) "video recordings" means fixations of a connected series of related images or pictures, with or without accompanying sounds, other than cinematographic works and works created by a process analogous to cinematography;(4) "producer of sound recordings" means the person who first makes the sound recordings;(5) "producer of video recordings" means the person who first makes the video recordings;(6) "performer" means an actor, or a performing group or any other person who performs literary or artistic works.Article 6A copyright shall subsist on the date when a work is created.Article 7Works of foreigners or stateless persons first published in the territory of China, as provided in the third paragraph of Article 2 of the Copyright Law, shall be protected from the date of the first publication of the works.Article 8Where a work of a foreigner or a stateless person first published outside the territory of China is published in the territory of China within 30 days thereafter, it shall be deemed published simultaneously in the territory of China.Article 9Where a work of joint authorship cannot be separated into parts and exploited separately, the copyright therein shall be enjoyed by the co-authors and exercised under a unanimous agreement; where an agreement thereupon cannot be reached through consultation, any party may not, without justifications, prevent the other party or parties from exercising the copyright, except the transfer right; however, the gains thus obtained shall be distributed reasonably among all the co-authors.Article 10Where a copyright owner authorizes another person to make, based on his works, cinematographic works or works created by a process analogous to cinematography, it is deemed that he has permitted him to make necessary alteration of his works, insofar as such alteration does not distort or mutilate the original works.Article 11The term "tasks" as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 16 of the Copyright Law regarding a work created in the course of employment means the duties the citizen shall fulfill in the legal person or organization by which he is employed.The term "material and technical resources" as referred to in the second paragraph of Article 16 of the Copyright Law regarding a work created in the course of employment means the funds, equipment or materials purposely provided to the citizen by the legal person or organization by which he is employed for the creation of a work.Article 12Where, within two years after the completion of a work created in the course of employment, the author, with the consent by the entity he belongs to, authorizes a third party to exploit his work in the same manner as the entity may have, the remuneration obtained therefrom shall be divided between the author and the entity according to the agreed proportions.The period of two years after the completion of the work shall be calculated from the date on which the author submits the work to the entity.Article 13In the case of a work of an unidentified author, the copyright, except the right of authorship, shall be exercised by the owner of the original copy of the work. Where the author is identified, the copyright shall be exercised by the author or his successor.Article 14Where one of the co-authors of a work dies without any successor or legatee, the rights he enjoyed in the work as stipulated in subparagraphs (5) through (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 of the Copyright Law shall be exercised by the other co-authors.Article 15The right of authorship, the right of revision and the right of integrity included in a copyright shall, after the death of the author, be protected by his successor or legatee.In the absence of a successor or legatee, the right of authorship, the right of revision and the right of integrity included in a copyright shall be protected by the administrative departments for copyright.Article 16The exploitation of a work the copyright in which is enjoyed by the State shall be managed by the administrative department for copyright of the State Council.Article 17In the case of a posthumous work, the right of publication may be exercised by the author's successor or legatee within a period of 50 years after the death of the author, unless the author had expressly stated otherwise. In the absence of a successor or legatee, the said right shall be exercised by the owner of the original copy of the work.Article 18In the case of a work of an unidentified author, the term of protection for the rights of such an author as provided in subparagraphs (5) through (17) of the first paragraph of Article 10 of the Copyright Law shall expire on December 31 of the 50th year after the first publication of the work. The provisions of Article 21 of the Copyright Law shall be applicable after the author of the work has been identified.Article 19Anyone who exploits another person's work shall clearly indicate the name of the author and the title of the work, except where the parties agree otherwise or the indication cannot be undertaken due to the special characteristic of the manner of exploiting the work.Article 20The term "published work" as referred to in the Copyright Law means a work which has been made available to the public by the copyright owner himself or under his permission.Article 21The exploitation of a published work which may be exploited without permission from the copyright owner in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law shall not impair the normal exploitation of the work concerned, nor unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the copyright owner.Article 22The rates of remuneration for the exploitation of works in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, the second paragraph of Article 32 and the third paragraph of Article 39 of the Copyright Law shall be fixed and issued by the administrative department for copyright of the State Council jointly with the competent department for pricing of the State Council.Article 23Anyone who exploits another person's work shall conclude a licensing contract with the copyright owner, and the contract shall be made in written form insofar as the right licensed for exploiting the work has an exclusive nature, except where the work is to be published in a newspaper or a periodical.Article 24The contents of an exclusive right of exploitation provided in Article 24 of the Copyright Law shall be agreed upon by the contract. In the absence of such an agreement or of any clear agreement thereupon in the contract, it shall be deemed that the licensee has the right to prevent any other person, including the copyright owner himself, from exploiting the work in the same manner; unless otherwise agreed in the contract, the sublicensing of the same right to a third party by the licensee shall be subject to the permission from the copyright owner.Article 25An exclusive licensing contract and a copyright transfer contract concluded with the copyright owner may be filed with the administrative departments for copyright for the record.Article 26The term "rights and interests related to copyright" as referred to in the Copyright Law and these Regulations means the rights enjoyed by publishers in the typographical designs of their books or periodicals, the rights enjoyed by performers in their performances, the rights enjoyed byproducers of sound and video recordings in their sound and video recordings, and the rights enjoyed by radio and television stations in their broadcasting programmes.Article 27Publishers, performers, producers of sound and video recordings, and radio and television stations, in the course of exercising their rights, shall not prejudice the rights of the copyright owners in the works being exploited and in the original works.Article 28Where it is agreed in a book publishing contract that the book publisher enjoys an exclusive publishing right but its particular contents are not specified, it shall be deemed that the book publisher has the exclusive right to publish a book in the same language and in the form of original or revised version, within the term of validity of the contract and the territory defined by the contract.Article 29If two separate subscription forms mailed by the copyright owner to the book publisher are still not able to be fulfilled within six months, it shall be deemed that the stock of the book is exhausted as referred to in Article 31 of the Copyright Law.Article 30Where a copyright owner declares in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 32 of the Copyright Law that no reprinting or excerpting of his work is permitted, he shall append such a declaration to the work when it is published in a newspaper or a periodical.Article 31Where a copyright owner declares in accordance with the third paragraph of Article 39 of the Copyright Law that no making of sound recordings of his work is permitted, he shall make such a declaration when his work is legally recorded.Article 32To exploit another person's work in accordance with the provisions of Article 23, the second paragraph of Article 32 and the third paragraph of Article 39 of the Copyright Law, the exploiter shall pay remuneration to the copyright owner within two months from the date of exploitation of the said work.Article 33Performances by foreigners or stateless persons in the territory of China shall be protected by the Copyright Law.The rights enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons in their performances under the international treaties to which China has already acceded shall be protected by the Copyright Law.Article 34Sound recordings produced and distributed by foreigners or stateless persons in the territory of China shall be protected by the Copyright Law.The rights enjoyed by foreigners or stateless persons in the sound recordings produced and distributed by them under the international treaties to which China has acceded shall be protected by the Copyright Law.Article 35The rights enjoyed by foreign radio and television stations in their broadcasting programmes under the international treaties to which China has acceded shall be protected by the Copyright Law.Article 36Where any act of infringement is committed as enumerated in Article 47 of the Copyright Law, which also prejudices the social or public interests, the administrative department for copyright may impose a fine of not more than three times the volume of the illegal business; where the volume of illegal business is difficult to calculate, a fine of not more than 100,000 yuan may be imposed.Article 37Where any act of infringement is committed as enumerated in Article 47 of the Copyright Law, which also prejudices the social or public interests, the administrative department for copyright of the local people's government shall be responsible for the investigation into and dealing with such an act.The administrative department for copyright of the State Council may investigate into and deal with any act of infringement that is of nationwide effect.Article 38These Regulations shall be effective on September 15, 2002. The Regulations for the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, which were approved by the State Council on May 24, 1991 and promulgated by the National Copyright Administration on May 30, 1991, shall be abolished at the same time.。



关于版权的英文警告语**Copyright Protection: Respecting Originality, Guarding Innovation**In the digital era, the protection of copyright has become increasingly important. With the widespread use of the internet and the ease of copying and sharing information, it has become crucial to uphold the rights of the original creators. Copyright laws aim to recognize and protect the intellectual property of authors, artists, and other creative individuals. They ensure that the original works of authorship are not misused, duplicated, or distributed without proper authorization.**The Importance of Copyright Protection**Copyright protection serves as a fundamental safeguard for creative works. It encourages creativity and innovation by ensuring that creators receive recognition and compensation for their efforts. Without copyright protection, the originality and uniqueness of creative works would be compromised, leading to a decrease in the incentive to create new and original content.**The Impact of Copyright Infringement**Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses someone else's creative work without permission. This illegal act has far-reaching consequences, including financial losses for the original creator, damage to their reputation, and a negative impact on the creative industry. Copyright infringement not only affects the individual creator but also undermines the entire system of intellectual property protection, threatening the sustainability of creative industries.**Enforcing Copyright Laws**To ensure the effective enforcement of copyright laws, it is crucial to have a robust legal framework that sanctions copyright infringement. Governments and law enforcement agencies play a pivotal role in this regard, as they are responsible for enforcing the laws and punishing those who violate them. Additionally, educational institutions and society at large should promote awareness about copyright laws and the importance of respecting intellectual property rights.**Promoting a Culture of Respect for Copyright**Fostering a culture of respect for copyright is essential in培育尊重版权的文化至关重要。



第17卷 总第101期3本文为笔者主持的国家社科基金项目“著作权的宪法维度”[批号为07CFX037]的部分研究成果。


1Jessica L it m an,W ar and Peace,53Journal of the Copyright Society of U.S 101-121(2006).2I d,at 103.3参见李雨峰:《版权扩张:一种合法性的反思》,《现代法学》,2001年第5期;冯晓青:《版权扩张及其缘由透视》,《政法论坛》,2006年第6期。

英文资料参见NeilW einst ock Netanel,Copyright and De mocratic Civil Society,106Yale La w Journal 292-305(1996).4有关资料可参见美国因1998年通过《索尼・伯尼版权期限延长法》而引发的争论,特别是Eldred v .A shcr oft,available at <htt p://www .sup re mecourtus .gov/op ini ons/02pdf/01-618.pdf >5See Peter K .Yu,The Escalating CopyrightW ars,32Hofstra Law Revie w 907-951(2004).6David N i m mer,The End of Copyright,48Vanderbilt La w Revie w 1420(1995).7近年有关公共领域研究的重要文献包括:Jane C .Ginsburg,“Une Chose Publique ”?The author ’s Domain and the Public Domain in Early B ritish,French and US CopyrightLa w,65The Ca mbridge Law Journal 636-670(2006;.Ja mesBoyle (ed .),Public Domain:Collected Papers,in 66La w and Contemporary Pr oble m s 1-483(W inter/Sp ring 2003);P .Bernt Hugenholtz and Lucie Guibault (eds .),The future of the public domain:identifying the commons in infor mati on la w,Kluwer La w I nternati onal,2006;Tyler T .Ochoa,O rigins and meanings of Public Domain,28U.Dayt on La w Review 215(2002);Yochai Benkler,Free as the A ir t o Common U se,74N.Y .U Law Revie w 361-362(1999);Anupam Chander and Madviha Sunder,The Romance of Public Domain,92California La w Revie w 1331(2004).中文资料参见冯晓青:《知识产权法的公共领域理论》,《知识产权》,2007年第3期;李雨峰:《版权、市民社会与国家》,《知识产权》,2006年第3期。



Copyright UndertakingThis thesis is protected by copyright, with all rights reserved.By reading and using the thesis, the reader understands and agrees to the following terms:1.The reader will abide by the rules and legal ordinances governing copyright regarding theuse of the thesis.2.The reader will use the thesis for the purpose of research or private study only and not fordistribution or further reproduction or any other purpose.3.The reader agrees to indemnify and hold the University harmless from and against any loss,damage, cost, liability or expenses arising from copyright infringement or unauthorized usage.IMPORTANTIf you have reasons to believe that any materials in this thesis are deemed not suitable to be distributed in this form, or a copyright owner having difficulty with the material being included in our database, please contact ***************.hk providing details. The Library will look into your claim and consider taking remedial action upon receipt of the written requests.Pao Yue-kong Library, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.hkDAI ZHEN’S(1724-1777) SOURCES OF KNOWLEDGEAND TRANSITION OFTHOUGHTS《戴震(1724~1777)的知識來源與學思轉折》WANG ANQIPhDThe Hong KongPolytechnic University2021The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityDepartment of Chinese Culture香港理工大學中國文化學系Dai Zhen’s(1724-1777)Sources of Knowledge and Transition of Thoughts《戴震(1724~1777)的知識來源與學思轉折》WANG ANQI王安琪A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of Doctor of Philosophy此論文為哲學博士學位課程之部分要求April20212021年4月CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITYI hereby declare that this thesis is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it reproduces no material previously published or written, nor material that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text._______(Si gne d)_____ W_A_N_G_A_n_q�i_____ (N ame o f s tudent)---__ (#'-is)_____ .:E_!'Ji_�_,____ (��tt-is)( 2fs:�� er X:�!it2fs::i(D W�X:2fs: Z X: �1'§ {:f fiiJ Jl:Jz"' ' fl!;tJ;J �X:2fs: P.i,$ )提要戴震(1724~1777)的知識來源與學思轉折提要「知識來源」與「學思轉折」是本文的兩個論述核心。

著作法实施条例 Regulation_on_the_Implementation_of_the_Copyright_Law_of_the_People’s_Republic

著作法实施条例 Regulation_on_the_Implementation_of_the_Copyright_Law_of_the_People’s_Republic

Order of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (No. 359)The Regulation on the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China is hereby promulgated for implementation as of September 15, 2002.Zhu Rongji, Premier of the State CouncilAugust 2, 2002Regulation on the Implementation of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国国务院令(第359号)(相关资料: 部门规章1篇司法解释1篇地方法规18篇裁判文书561篇相关论文11篇实务指南)现公布《中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例》,自2002年9月15日起施行。

总理朱镕基二○○二年八月二日中华人民共和国著作权法实施条例Article 1 The present Regulation has been enacted on the basis of the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “the Copyright Law”).第一条根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》(以下简称著作权法),制定本条例。

(相关资料: 实务指南)Article 2. The term "works" used in the Copyright Law refers to original intellectual creations in the literary, artistic and scientific domain, in so far as they are capable of being reproduced in a certain tangible form.第二条著作权法所称作品,是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性并能以某种有形形式复制的智力成果。



保护版权英语作文In the digital age, the importance of copyright protection has become increasingly significant. Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to control its use and distribution. Here are some key points to consider when discussing the protection of copyrights:1. Understanding Copyright: Copyright protection extends to various forms of creative expression, including literature, music, films, and software. It is automatic upon the creation of the work, but registering the copyright can provide additional legal benefits.2. Legal Framework: Laws such as the Copyright Act protect the rights of creators. It is crucial for creators to be aware of these laws to ensure they can enforce their rights when necessary.3. Digital Piracy: With the rise of the internet, digital piracy has become a significant threat to copyright holders. This includes unauthorized downloading, sharing, and distribution of copyrighted material.4. Education and Awareness: Educating the public about the importance of copyright and the consequences of piracy can help reduce infringement. Many people are unaware that their actions can have legal repercussions.5. Technological Solutions: Technological measures such as digital rights management (DRM) can help protect copyrighted works from unauthorized use. These tools can control access and usage of digital content.6. Enforcement: Strong enforcement of copyright laws is necessary to deter infringement. This includes penalties for those found guilty of copyright violations.7. Fair Use: It is important to differentiate between copyright infringement and fair use. Fair use allows limited use of copyrighted material without permission for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.8. International Cooperation: Since the internet is global, international cooperation is essential in enforcing copyright laws. Countries must work together to combat piracy and protect creators' rights.9. Economic Impact: Copyright infringement can have a significant economic impact, depriving creators and the industry of revenue. This can stifle creativity and innovation.10. Supporting Creators: By supporting copyright protection, we are supporting the creators who enrich our culture with their work. This includes purchasing music, books, and other media legally, and respecting the rights of creators.In conclusion, protecting copyrights is vital for fostering creativity and ensuring that creators are rewarded for their efforts. It requires a combination of legal, technological, and educational measures, as well as international cooperation to be effective.。

中华人民共和国著作权法 英文

中华人民共和国著作权法 英文

中华人民共和国著作权法英文The Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China isthe primary legal framework of China's copyright system. It lays down the foundation for protecting a broad spectrum of works, including literary, artistic, musical, andtechnological creations. The law plays a significant role in regulating and promoting creativity and innovation in China.Understanding the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China requires a step-by-step perspective. Firstly, the Copyright Law defines the nature and extent of copyright protection. It recognizes that copyright protection is automatic and does not require registration or deposit. After creating a work, the author automatically holds the copyright, and no third party can use or exploit it withoutauthorization or payment of a certain amount of royalty.Secondly, the law sets out specific categories of works eligible for copyright protection, including (but not limited to) books, periodicals, computer software, drawings, photographs, and films. It defines the conditions under which copyright protection applies, including ideas, principles,and methods that are excluded from copyright protection. Moreover, the Copyright Law defines the duration of copyright protection, which varies depending on the type of work.Thirdly, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China highlights the authors' rights, which include the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, display, broadcast, and adapt their works. The law also subjects these rights to certain limitations and exceptions, such as the right of fairuse. Additionally, the law extends the rights of authors to protect their works against piracy or infringement by providing for civil and criminal sanctions, including financial damages and imprisonment.Finally, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China recognizes the moral rights of the authors, namely, the right to authorship, modification, and integrity. The authors retain these rights even after they have sold or transferred their copyrights to a third party. The Copyright Law obliges all users of copyrighted works to follow the principle of respect for the authors' moral rights.In conclusion, the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China is a critical legal instrument for protecting intellectual property and fostering creativity and innovation in China. Understanding the key provisions of the Copyright Law requires a step-by-step approach, including the nature and extent of copyright protection, eligible categories of works, authors' rights, and moral rights. Therefore, anyone who intends to use copyrighted works in China needs to be familiar with the Copyright Law's provisions to avoid legal sanctions and fines.。







关 键 词:版权 作者权 独创性 相关权 权利限制 合理使用Abstract: The worldwide legal systems protecting copyright works falls roughly into two categories, copyright system and author's right system. There are a number of differences between the two major legal systems in respect to rights enjoyed by authors, originality of works, the existence of related rights, and limitations of rights. China twice chose the author's right system, originating from the continent of Europe, in twentieth century, and then provided protection for rights of author, originality, related rights, as well as limitations and exceptions to rights, in Chinese Copyright Law. Therefore, in dealing with issues concerning protection of author's rights and the related rights, it is suggested to think and handle relative problems on the basis of the author's right system rather than the copyright system.Key Words: copyright; author's right; originality; related right; limitation and exception to rights; fair use世界各国保护作品的法律制度,大体可以划分为版权(copyright)制度和作者权(author's right)制度。

版权保护 英文作文

版权保护 英文作文


文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Copyright protection is really important. It helps the creators get the recognition and rewards they deserve. Without it, people might just copy others' works freely.We need to respect copyright. It's not right to take someone else's creation and use it as our own. That's like stealing.Copyright laws should be enforced. So that those who violate them can be punished. This will make people think twice before doing something wrong.Everyone should be aware of the value of copyright. And support the original works. This way, we can have a more creative and innovative society.。

版权保护 英语作文

版权保护 英语作文

版权保护英语作文Copyright Protection。

In today's digital age, the issue of copyright protection has become increasingly important. With the ease of copying and sharing digital content, it has become easier for individuals to infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. As a result, it is essentialthat we take steps to protect the rights of creators and ensure that they are properly compensated for their work.Copyright protection is the legal right given to creators of original works, such as literature, music, art, and software. This right allows them to control the use and distribution of their works, and to receive compensationfor their efforts. Copyright protection is essential for encouraging creativity and innovation, as it provides a financial incentive for individuals to invest time and resources in creating original works.One of the most important aspects of copyright protection is the ability to enforce it. This means that individuals who infringe on the rights of others can be held accountable for their actions. This can include legal action, such as lawsuits or criminal charges, as well as penalties such as fines or imprisonment. By enforcing copyright protection, we can deter individuals from engaging in piracy or other forms of intellectual property theft.Another important aspect of copyright protection is education. It is essential that individuals understand the importance of respecting the intellectual property rights of others, and the consequences of infringing on those rights. This can include educating individuals on the laws surrounding copyright protection, as well as providing resources for creators to protect their works.In addition, technology has played a significant role in copyright protection. Digital rights management (DRM) technology has been developed to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution of digital content. Thistechnology can be used to limit the number of times a digital file can be copied, or to prevent it from being shared with others. While DRM has been controversial in some cases, it has been effective in protecting the rights of creators in many instances.In conclusion, copyright protection is essential for encouraging creativity and innovation, and for ensuringthat creators are properly compensated for their work. It is important that we take steps to enforce copyright protection, educate individuals on the importance of respecting intellectual property rights, and utilize technology to protect digital content. By doing so, we can ensure that creativity and innovation continue to thrive in our digital age.。



声明放弃版权英语作文In the digital age, the concept of copyright has become a cornerstone of intellectual property rights. However, some creators are choosing to abandon copyright, a decision that can be both liberating and risky. This essay explores the reasons behind this choice and its implications for thefuture of creative work.Firstly, the decision to abandon copyright often stems from a desire to promote the free flow of information and ideas. By relinquishing control over one's work, creators can ensure that their ideas reach the widest possible audience without the barriers of licensing fees or legal restrictions. This approach aligns with the principles of open source and creative commons, which encourage collaboration and innovation by allowing others to build upon existing works.Secondly, some creators may choose to abandon copyright as a form of protest against the current legal frameworks governing intellectual property. They may feel that the system is overly restrictive, stifling creativity and hindering the progress of knowledge. By renouncing their rights, these creators are making a statement about the need for reform and a more equitable distribution of cultural wealth.However, abandoning copyright also comes with significant risks. Without legal protection, creators may find itdifficult to prevent others from misusing or exploiting their work for commercial gain. This can lead to a loss of control and potential financial loss, as well as the dilution of the creator's reputation and brand.Moreover, the absence of copyright can also discourage investment in creative projects. Investors may be hesitant to support works that lack legal protection, fearing that their investment could be undermined by unauthorized use or distribution.In conclusion, the decision to abandon copyright is a complex one, with both positive and negative aspects. While it can foster a more open and collaborative creative environment, it also exposes creators to potential exploitation and financial risk. As the landscape of intellectual property continues to evolve, it is crucial for creators to carefully consider the implications of their choices and to advocate for a balanced approach that respects both the rights of creators and the needs of society.。



版权问题英语作文Copyright issues are a hot topic in today's digital age. With the widespread use of the internet and social media,it has become easier than ever to access and share copyrighted material without permission. This has raised concerns among creators and copyright holders about protecting their intellectual property.In the age of memes and viral content, it can bedifficult to determine what is considered fair use and what crosses the line into copyright infringement. Many people argue that sharing content online falls under fair use,while others believe that creators should always be compensated for their work.One of the biggest challenges with copyright issues is enforcement. With so much content being shared online every day, it can be nearly impossible to track down every instance of copyright infringement. This has led to debates about the effectiveness of current copyright laws and theneed for updated regulations to address the digital landscape.Despite the challenges, many creators and copyright holders are finding ways to protect their work. Some use digital watermarks or copyright notices to deter unauthorized use, while others rely on licensing agreements and legal action to enforce their rights. However, the issue of copyright infringement remains a complex and ongoing problem in today's digital world.In conclusion, copyright issues are a complex and multifaceted issue in today's digital age. While creators and copyright holders strive to protect their work, the ease of sharing content online has made enforcement a challenge. As technology continues to evolve, it will be important for lawmakers and stakeholders to work together to find solutions that balance the rights of creators with the realities of the digital landscape.。



copyright英语作文Certainly! Here's a composition on copyright:The Importance of Copyright in the Digital AgeIn the modern era, where digital content is king, the concept of copyright has become more crucial than ever. Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, typically for a limited time. It is a cornerstone of intellectual property law, designed to protect the efforts and creativity of authors, artists, musicians, and other creators.The Role of CopyrightCopyright serves several essential functions. Firstly, it incentivizes creativity by ensuring that creators can benefit from their work. This is particularly important in industries where the production of content is costly and time-consuming. Secondly, it protects the rights of consumers by ensuringthat they are not misled by counterfeit or unauthorized copies of works. Lastly, it fosters a culture of respect for the work of others, promoting a fair and just society.Challenges in the Digital AgeHowever, with the advent of the internet and digital technology, copyright has faced significant challenges. The ease of copying and distributing digital content has led to widespread piracy and infringement, undermining thelivelihood of many creators. Additionally, the global nature of the internet has complicated the enforcement of copyright laws, as different countries have different legal frameworks.Copyright in PracticeTo address these challenges, various measures have been implemented. Digital Rights Management (DRM) technologies are used to control access to copyrighted material. Legal frameworks such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the United States have been established to combat online infringement. Moreover, educational campaigns aim to raise awareness about the importance of respecting copyright and the consequences of piracy.The Future of CopyrightLooking ahead, the future of copyright will likely involve a balance between protecting creators' rights and ensuring access to knowledge and culture. As technology continues to evolve, so too must the laws and practices surrounding copyright. It is essential that we find ways to adapt to new challenges while upholding the principles of fairness and creativity that copyright was designed to protect.ConclusionIn conclusion, copyright is a vital component of our society, safeguarding the rights of creators and fostering a culture of innovation. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it is imperative that we continue to uphold and adapt copyright laws to ensure that they remain effective and relevant.This composition provides an overview of the importance of copyright, the challenges it faces in the digital age, and the measures taken to protect it. It concludes with thoughts on the future of copyright and the need for ongoing adaptation.。



保护版权的英语作文英文回答:As a content creator, I believe that protecting copyright is extremely important. Copyright protection ensures that creators are able to earn a living from their work and that their intellectual property is respected. Without copyright protection, anyone could steal and profit from someone else's hard work, which is not fair.One example of the importance of copyright protectionis in the music industry. Musicians spend countless hours writing, composing, and recording their music. Without copyright protection, their music could be illegally downloaded or used in advertisements without their permission, leading to a loss of income for the artists. This not only affects the musicians themselves, but also the entire industry, as it devalues the work of all creators.Another example is in the film industry. Movie producers invest significant amounts of money into producing and promoting their films. Without copyright protection, their films could be illegally distributed and viewed online for free, resulting in massive financial losses. This would discourage future investment in the industry and stifle creativity and innovation.In addition to protecting the financial interests of creators, copyright protection also encourages the production of new and original content. When creators know that their work is protected, they are more likely to invest time and resources into developing new ideas and projects. This benefits society as a whole by fostering creativity and diversity in the arts and entertainment.In conclusion, copyright protection is essential for the livelihood of content creators and for the continued growth of the creative industries. It ensures that creators are fairly compensated for their work and encourages the production of new and original content. Without copyright protection, the arts and entertainment industries wouldsuffer, and society as a whole would be deprived of the diverse and innovative content that enriches our lives.中文回答:作为一个内容创作者,我认为保护版权非常重要。



The social value of the copyright systemThe social value of the copyright system1.By recognizing and protecting the copyright of authors, it greatly stimulates the creative initiative of the creators of literary, artistic and scientific works, especially intellectuals, and encourages them to create excellent spiritual wealth.2.by adjusting the relationship between the author, the communicator and the public to use the work. It can promote the spread of excellent works and meet the growing needs of people for spiritual and cultural life.3.the implementation of the copyright law is conducive to reducing the outflow of intellectual resources and reducing the dependence on foreign intellectual achievements. We will carry out scientific, technological and cultural exchanges and cooperation with other countries to enhance mutual understanding among the international community.4.Copyright protection is the fundamental guarantee for the development of a country's copyright industry and plays an extremely important role in promoting the country's economic and social development.著作权制度的社会价值一、通过确认和保护,保障作者的版权极大地调动,文学,艺术和科学作品的创作者,特别是知识分子的创作积极性,鼓励作者创造优秀的精神财富。



保护版权英语作文Title: Upholding Copyright Protection。

Copyright protection is a critical component of intellectual property rights that safeguards the creative works of individuals and organizations. In an era where digital content can be easily replicated and distributed, the need for robust copyright laws and enforcement mechanisms is more pressing than ever. In this essay, we delve into the importance of copyright protection, its challenges, and strategies to enhance it.First and foremost, copyright protection fosters creativity and innovation by providing creators with the assurance that their efforts will be rewarded and respected. Whether it's a piece of music, a literary work, or a software program, creators invest time, resources, andtalent into their creations. Copyright protection ensures that they have the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and derive financial benefits from their works,incentivizing further innovation.Moreover, copyright protection plays a pivotal role in sustaining industries such as publishing, filmmaking, music production, and software development. These industries rely on copyright laws to monetize their products and recoup investments. Without adequate protection, creators and industries would struggle to thrive in an environment where their works could be freely exploited or pirated.However, despite its importance, copyright protection faces numerous challenges in the digital age. One of the primary challenges is online piracy, facilitated by peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, streaming websites, and torrent platforms. These platforms enable users toillegally access and distribute copyrighted content without compensating the creators or rights holders. As a result, creators lose revenue, and the integrity of their works is compromised.Additionally, the global nature of the internet presents jurisdictional challenges for copyrightenforcement. Copyright laws vary across countries, making it difficult to pursue legal action against infringers operating in jurisdictions with lax regulations. Furthermore, emerging technologies such as blockchain and decentralized networks pose new challenges to traditional copyright enforcement mechanisms.To address these challenges and enhance copyright protection, a multifaceted approach is required. Firstly, there is a need for greater collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and technology companies to develop and implement effective copyright laws and enforcement strategies. This may involve harmonizing copyright regulations internationally and implementing measures to hold online platforms accountable for hosting infringing content.Secondly, education and awareness campaigns are essential to cultivate respect for copyright laws among the public. Many individuals may not fully understand the implications of piracy or the importance of supporting creators by purchasing licensed content. By raisingawareness about the value of intellectual property and the consequences of infringement, we can foster a culture of respect for copyright.Furthermore, technological solutions such as digital rights management (DRM) systems and watermarking can help deter piracy and track unauthorized distribution of copyrighted content. These technologies enable rights holders to control access to their works and trace instances of infringement, thereby deterring potential infringers.In conclusion, copyright protection is indispensable for fostering creativity, sustaining industries, and rewarding creators for their efforts. However, it faces challenges in the digital age, including online piracy and jurisdictional issues. To enhance copyright protection, concerted efforts are needed from governments, industry stakeholders, and technology companies. By implementing effective laws, raising awareness, and leveraging technological solutions, we can uphold the integrity of copyright and support a thriving creative economy.。



版权保护英语作文Title: The Importance of Copyright Protection。

Copyright protection is essential in safeguarding intellectual property and fostering creativity in various fields. It serves as a legal framework that grants creators exclusive rights over their original works, preventing unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution. In this essay, I will delve into the significance of copyright protection and its implications on innovation, economy, and culture.First and foremost, copyright protection encourages innovation by providing creators with the incentive to produce new and original works. When creators know that their efforts will be legally protected, they are more inclined to invest time, resources, and creativity into their projects. This, in turn, leads to a vibrant and dynamic cultural landscape where new ideas flourish across various artistic mediums such as literature, music, film,and software development.Moreover, copyright protection plays a crucial role in sustaining economic growth by promoting a fair and competitive marketplace. By granting creators exclusive rights to their works, copyright law enables them to profit from their creations through licensing, sales, and royalties. This not only rewards creators for their efforts but also incentivizes further innovation and investment in creative industries. Additionally, copyright protection helps to combat piracy and counterfeiting, which can have detrimental effects on legitimate businesses and revenue streams.Furthermore, copyright protection preserves cultural heritage and diversity by safeguarding traditional knowledge, folklore, and indigenous expressions. It ensures that cultural works are respected, attributed, and preserved for future generations to appreciate and learn from. Without adequate copyright protection, cultural artifacts and expressions risk being exploited or misrepresented, leading to the erosion of cultural identityand diversity.However, it is essential to strike a balance between protecting copyright holders' rights and promoting accessto knowledge and information. Overly restrictive copyright laws can stifle innovation, limit access to educational resources, and hinder the free exchange of ideas. Therefore, policymakers must enact copyright laws that strike a fair balance between protecting creators' rights and promoting the public interest.In conclusion, copyright protection plays a vital rolein promoting creativity, innovation, and economic prosperity. By granting creators exclusive rights overtheir works, copyright law incentivizes innovation, fosters a competitive marketplace, and preserves cultural heritage. However, it is crucial to ensure that copyright laws strike a balance between protecting creators' rights and promoting access to knowledge and information for the betterment of society as a whole.。



保护版权英文作文Title: Safeguarding Copyright: A Vital Pillar of Creative Protection。

Copyright protection is the cornerstone of safeguarding intellectual property rights in the global arena. Intoday's interconnected digital age, where information flows freely across borders, ensuring the preservation of copyright is more crucial than ever. This essay delves into the significance of copyright protection, the challenges it faces, and potential solutions to fortify this essential aspect of creative ownership.Firstly, copyright protection serves as a fundamental mechanism for creators to retain control over theiroriginal works. Whether it's literary, artistic, musical, or technological creations, copyright grants authors the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and profit from their works. This exclusivity not only incentivizes creativity but also fosters innovation and culturaldiversity.Moreover, copyright protection plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and sustaining industries built on creativity and innovation. By providing creators with the assurance that their efforts will be rewarded, copyright laws stimulate investment in creative endeavors, leading to the proliferation of diverse content across various mediums. This, in turn, supports countless jobs in sectors such as publishing, film, music, software development, and beyond.However, despite its paramount importance, copyright protection faces numerous challenges in the digital age. One of the most pressing issues is online piracy, where copyrighted material is unlawfully reproduced, distributed, or shared without the consent of the creators. The proliferation of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks, streaming platforms hosting pirated content, and the ease of copying and distributing digital files have exacerbated the problem, resulting in significant revenue losses for rights holders.Furthermore, the borderless nature of the internet complicates enforcement efforts, as infringing activities can originate from jurisdictions with lax copyright regulations. This poses a considerable challenge for authorities and rights holders seeking to combat piracy effectively. Additionally, emerging technologies such as blockchain and decentralized file-sharing networks present new complexities for copyright enforcement, requiring innovative approaches to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.To address these challenges and bolster copyright protection, a multifaceted approach is necessary. Firstly, there must be increased international cooperation and harmonization of copyright laws to facilitate the enforcement of rights across borders. This includes ratifying and implementing international treaties such as the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the Berne Convention, which establish minimum standards for copyright protection and enforcement.Secondly, education and awareness campaigns are essential to inform the public about the importance of respecting copyright and the negative consequences of piracy. By promoting a culture of respect for intellectual property rights from an early age, individuals can become more conscientious consumers and creators, thereby reducing the demand for pirated content.Additionally, technological solutions such as digital rights management (DRM) tools can help prevent unauthorized access to copyrighted material and track its distribution online. While DRM systems have faced criticism for their impact on user experience and interoperability, advancements in technology continue to refine these mechanisms, striking a balance between protecting copyright and preserving user freedoms.Moreover, fostering alternative business models and distribution channels can mitigate the incentives for piracy by providing consumers with convenient and affordable access to legal content. Subscription-based streaming services, crowdfunding platforms, and direct-to-consumer sales models offer viable alternatives to traditional distribution channels, catering to changing consumer preferences while compensating creators fairly.In conclusion, safeguarding copyright is indispensable for preserving the integrity of creative works, incentivizing innovation, and sustaining vibrant cultural industries. While challenges such as online piracy persist, concerted efforts at the international, national, and individual levels can strengthen copyright protection and uphold the rights of creators in the digital age. By embracing innovation, fostering awareness, and promoting responsible consumption, we can ensure that copyright continues to serve as a cornerstone of creativity and cultural expression for generations to come.。



保护版权的英语作文英文回答:In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, the protection of intellectual property has never been more crucial. Copyright law safeguards the rights of creators and incentivizes innovation by granting them exclusive rights to their original works. However, the digital revolution has posed significant challenges to copyright protection, making it essential for us to re-examine its importance.The sanctity of copyright law lies in its promotion of creativity. By providing creators with the assurance that their works will be protected from unauthorized use, copyright law fosters an environment where they can freely express themselves and share their ideas. Without copyright protection, creators would be reluctant to invest their time and resources in producing original works, leading to a stifling of innovation and a decline in culturalexpression.Moreover, copyright law plays a vital role in preserving the integrity of artistic works. It prevents unauthorized alterations or distortions that could undermine the creator's intended message or artistic vision. By safeguarding the authenticity of original works, copyright law ensures that future generations can appreciate and experience them in their intended form.Copyright protection is not without its detractors, who argue that it hinders the free flow of information and stifles creativity. Critics contend that excessive copyright protection can prevent others from building upon existing works, thereby limiting innovation. However, it is important to strike a balance between protecting the rights of creators and encouraging the dissemination of knowledge. By implementing reasonable limitations and exceptions to copyright law, we can ensure that it serves its intended purpose without unduly restricting the exchange of ideas.中文回答:在以快速的技术进步为特征的时代,知识产权的保护比以往任何时候都更加重要。

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t Copyright © 2008 Tim Wu. t Professor, Columbia Law School. I am grateful to Jane Ginsburg, Lior Strahilevitz, Clarisa Long, James Speta, and Molly S. Van Houweling for the discussions that led to this Article, as well as several generations of advanced copyright seminar students at Columbia Law School and Virginia University School of Law. Nicole Altman and Wayne Hsiung provided additional feedback and research assistance. 1 Home Recording of Copyrighted Works, Hearings on HR 4783, HR 4794, HR 4808, HR 5250, HR 5488, and HR 5705 before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 97th Cong, 2d Sess 1, 4 (1982) (statement of Jack Valenti, President, Motion Picture Association of America) (referring to VCR technology as "a great tidal wave just off the shore ... threaten[ing] profoundly the life-sustaining protection ...on which film people depend, on which television people depend and it is called copyright"). 2 Consider Tim Wu, Copyright's Communications Policy, 103 Mich L Rev 278, 280 (2004) (describing distributors' push for anti-piracy laws and for legislation regulating certain types of distributor competition). On the other hand, authors' groups have occasionally played a pivotal role in copyright policy. See, for example, Thomas Nachbar, Constructing Copyright's Mythology, 6 Green Bag 2d 37, 37-38 (2002) (relating efforts of Noah Webster and others to have copyright laws enacted in the early republic).

On Copyright's Authorship Policyi
Tim Wut
Making authors the masters of their own destiny has long been a stated aspiration of copyright. Yet more often than not, the real subjects of American copyright are distributors-book publishers, record labels, broadcasters, and others-who control the rights, bring the lawsuits, and take copyright as their "lifesustaining protection."' Much of modern American copyright history, and particularly its legislative history, revolves on distributors either demanding more industry protection or fighting amongst themselves. 2 It is distributors who make the great financial investments in copyrighted works, and distributors who arguably most need the incentives and protections that the system is designed to provide. What then is the distinct role, if any, of the author in the copyright system? Why have an authorial copyright-a copyright that vests rights in authors? Here I suggest a new defense of authorial copyright. The reason is to encourage not just writing, but the invention of new types of writing. Stated otherwise, authorial rights may help support not just competition in the market, but
HeinOnline -- 2008 U. Chi. Legal F. 335 2008
for the market. Such rights, I argue here, can act as a means of seeding new types of creative works, as well as new modes of producing creative works, and new entrants into dissemination. On the aggregate, giving rights to authors can make the monopoly-prone creative industries more decentralized and open to market entry. To restate the point, there are lessons for copyright's authorship policy in the invention of strange new forms of authorship like Wikipedia and other mass works, the proliferation of Open Access licensing in academia, in the use of open source licenses by commercial entities like IBM and Apple, and in the more than five million items under Creative Commons licenses. 3 These experiments in different modes of production are aided by the initial vesting of the copyright in the author. While naturally many of the experiments taken by authors with their rights will be on a small scale, they can be the start of much larger industry developments. My view is slightly different than existing views of the author's role in copyright. Typically we say that authors are the beneficiary of the incentives created by copyright. That is certainly true but does not map a distinctive role for authorial rights as opposed to distributors' rights. The basic incentive system central to copyright could in fact operate based on a system of distributors' copyrights, as it already often does thanks to 4 widespread assignments and the work-for-hire doctrine. Another important reason for giving rights to authors is the sense that they are morally entitled to a right in their work-as if a novel were a kidney, so to speak. I do not quarrel with that view in this paper, though it goes without saying that in modern times it is a principle honored in the breach.5 At its extremes, in some industries, the grant of rights to the author can be almost symbolic, so dominant is the practice of taking rights from the author and giving them to the distributor. But in any event, my aim is not to cast doubt on the strength of moral arguments for