CPIM Basics of Supply Chain Management 1




联韬企业管理咨询有限公司Allied Supply Chain Management Solution Inc.在当今激烈的市场竞争中,成功的供应链管理是每个企业迈向全球化国际贸易的关键。




联韬企业管理咨询有限公司Allied Supply Chain Management Solution Inc.课程简介APICS 与CPIM 均是美国运营管理协会的注册商标,CPIM『生产及库存管理师』认证,是全球公认的专业能力认证标准。

企业成员拥有CPIM 的认证,将代表其管理团队所拥有的专业能力已达到国际先进水平,非常有助于提升公司在市场上的竞争优势和建立良好的顾客信誉,帮助企业成功迈向全球化经营的国际市场。

CPIM 认证资格考试自1973年举办至今,全球已拥有约84000的CPIM 人才活跃于各产业领域。


在华的各国际性跨国公司如Delphi,HP,DELL,IBM,PHILIPS,MOTOROLA,GE, ORACLE,SAP,等都优先雇佣及晋升已取得CPIM 认证的专业人士。

CPIM 认证课程包括五大模块,供应链管理核心,主资源计划,细节排程与计划,作业执行与控制以及资源的策略管理。

课程依照 APICS 知识体系,有系统地将企业资源管理(ERM)及供应链管理(SCM)予以整合,并广泛而深入地结合了当今应用的各种理论和实践经验。

CPIM 大纲 BSCM 第一部分

CPIM 大纲 BSCM  第一部分

CPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementCPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementCPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementCPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementCPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementCPIM –Certified in Production and Inventory ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementWorkstations OutputBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementBasics of Supply Chain ManagementEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Basics of Supply Chain Management。


Production Plan
Capacity Management Techniques
Resource Requirements
Planning (RRP)
Master Production Schedule
Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)
Increase in level of details and decrease in planning horizons
Production Activity Control
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Capacity management occurs at each planning level
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Planning Levels
Priority Management Techniques
Basics of Supply Chain Management
CPIM Test Review Course 10-14 Jul 2003
Course Outline
Session 1: Introduction to Supply Chain Management Session 2: Forecasting Session 3: Master Planning Session 4: Material Requirements Planning Session 5: Capacity Management and Production

CPIM Course Descriptions

CPIM Course Descriptions

BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTThis course covers the basic concepts in managing the flow of materials through the entire chainfrom the initial supplier to the end user. This course introduces the basic terminology and techniques involved in the operations management processes. Knowledge of the material in theBasics module is assumed as a prerequisite to the other CPIM modules. This course is alsoappropriate for individuals seeking an overview of the operations management process.Business-wide Concepts· Organization Fundamentals- elements of the supply chain & organization dynamics· Operating Environments- definitions, choices, and impacts· Financial Fundamentals- statements, cost categories and analysis· Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRPII)· Just-in-Time (JIT)· Total Quality Management (TQM)· Impact of Environment on System DesignDemand Planning· Marketplace Driven- customers, competition and economic and regulatory policy· Customer Expectations & Definition of Value· Customer Relationships· Demand ManagementTransformation of Demand into Supply· Design· Capacity Management· Planning (Purposes, inputs and outputs)· Execution and control· Performance measurementsSupply· Inventory· Purchasing· Physical DistributionMASTER PLANNING OF RESOURCESMaster Planning of Resources addresses the activities of demand management, sales andoperations planning, and master scheduling.Demand Management is the function of recognizing all demands for goods and services to supportthe marketplace. Demand management consists of forecasting, order servicing and distributionplanning. Forecasting is the business function that attempts to estimate future demand to enable the planning of company operations. Order servicing encompasses receiving entering and promising orders from customers, distribution centers and interplant operations. Distribution Planning is the planning of resources; order administration, data processing and communications networks to support distribution of products. Sales and operation planning (S&OP) provides management with the ability to strategically direct is business to achieve competitive advantage continuously by integrating customer-focused marketing plans for new and existing products within the management of the supply chain. Master scheduling is the process where the masterschedule is generated, reviewed and adjustments are made to the master production schedule to assure consistency with the production plan.Demand Management· General concepts· Forecasting demand and forecast performance measurement· Customer relationship management (CRM) and recognizing and processing actual demand· Relating demand management to the distribution environmentSales and Operations Planning· Relating the planning process to the business environment· Management considerations· Developing and validating the sales and operations plan (S&OP)· Developing and validating the production planMaster Scheduling· Relating the master scheduling process to the business environment· Constructing and implementing the master schedule· Managing the master schedule· Managing the final assembly schedule (FAS)DETAILED SCHEDULING & PLANNINGThis course is designed to help professionals preparing for the CPIM Detailed Scheduling and Planning examination and for individuals who are seeking to improve their knowledge of the subject. The detailed scheduling and planning processes translate the product level plans and schedules into detailed priority and capacity plans. The course covers processes and techniques for managing inventories, planning material requirements and coverage, capacity planning, maintaining relationships with suppliers and communicating requirements and schedules to suppliers.Planning Material Requirements to Support the Master Schedule· Techniques & practices of inventory management· Information used in the MRP process· Characteristics of the detailed MRP process· Mechanics of the detailed MRP process· Maintaining validity of the material plan· Interactions with other systemsPlanning Operations to Support the Material Plan· Characteristics and techniques of the detailed capacity planning process· Information used in the CRP process· Definitions of capacity· Sources of load· Process flows· Impact of quality on capacity management· Detailed capacity planning techniques· Measuring the performance of CRP· Interactions with other systemsPlanning Procurement and External Sources of Supply· Establishing relationships with suppliers· Techniques for supplier partnerships· Implementing the new relationshipsEXECUTION & CONTROL OF OPERATIONSThe Execution and Control of Operations course addresses the principles, approaches and techniques needed to schedule, control, measure, and evaluate the effectiveness of production operations. It addresses production operations in a variety of manufacturing environments, and the physical organization of the plant. The course describes the feedback mechanisms regarding how well the schedules are being executed and the information provided to customers regarding order status and to suppliers for future requirements and performance measures.This course provides valuable information for all individuals who are interested in gaining an understanding of effective management of plant operations.Prioritizing and Sequencing Work to be Performed· Interfaces with other manufacturing planning and control processes· Production environments· Scheduling production and process operationsExecuting the Plans, Implementing Physical Controls and Reporting Results of Activities Performed · Authorizing and reporting activities in a pull system· Authorizing and reporting activities in a push system· Transaction reporting· Communicating both internal and external customer-supplier information· Controlling resources· Executing quality initiatives, eliminating waste, and implementing continuous improvement plans Evaluating Performance and Providing Feedback· Evaluating quality management processes· Monitoring supplier performance· Evaluating performance of production operations· Cost management processesSTRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCESSuccessful implementation of strategic management of resources (SMR) has the potential to dramatically increase any organization's competitive position. Operations strategy is the foundation on which operations planning control systems should be based. Strategic decision making significantly affects the organization and often requires widespread changes. To contribute to this effort, practitioners must understand how a successful organization develops its strategic goals and how it configures its systems and technologies to address strategic objectives. Effective strategic decision making requires the ability to understand the dynamic interrelationships of concepts and the nonlinear nature of complex systems and the ability tovisualize the long-term implication of decisions. Strategic management of resources addresses aligning resources with business strategies, configuring business processes to support the strategies, and implementing organizational change.Aligning Resources with the Strategic Plan· Strategic issues· Choices affecting operations structure· Choices affecting operations infrastructureConfiguring and Integrating the Operating Processes to Support the Strategic Plan· Implementing the strategic plan· Supply chain management· Configuring & integrating design and development and cost management processesImplementing Change· Project management· Measuring organizational performance· Change management。



CPIMCPIM——生产和库存管理认证Certified in Production & Inventory Management (CPIM)CPIM帮助专业人士掌握生产和库存管理的深层次知识。




供应链管理核心-Basics of Supply Chain Managment主资源规划-Master Planning of Resources细节排程与计划-Detailed Scheduling and Planning作业执行与控制-Execution and Control of Operations资源的策略管理-Strategic Management of Resources要获得CPIM证书,必须通过五门课程的考试。




CPIM适合于同下列工作有紧密联系的人员:生产和库存管理(production and inventory management);物料管理(materials management);资源集成管理(integrated resource management);购买管理(purchasing);供应链管理(supply chain management);财务与成本管理(finance and cost accounting);生产信息系统(manufacturing information systems);在资源管理中处于供应商或客户角色的专业人员。





APICS 的专业认证包括CPIM(生产与库存管理认证)及更高级的CFPIM(生产与库存管理专家认证),和CIRM(整合资源管理认证)。

考试内容:CPIM认证项目由5个模块组成:1. Basics of Supply Chain Management 供应链管理基础2. Master Planning of Resources 资源管理总计划3. Detailed Scheduling and Planning 具体排期和计划制定4. Execution and Control of Operations 作业执行和控制5. Strategic Management of Resources 资源战略管理必须通过全部5个模块考试方可拿到CPIM证书可以在哪里考试:由联韬组织的今年中国APICS专业资格认证考试分别在上海,北京,深圳和香港同时举行。

考试时间:从联韬的网站上看,中国的考试时间是:中国2007年CPIM/CIRM/CSCP专业资格认证考试时间安排考试日期报名截止日期2007年3月24日2007年2月16日2007年6月23日2007年5月18日2007年9月22日*2007年8月17日2007年12月8日2007年11月2日考试费用:A)考试费用:人民币1900/门B)注册报名费用:人民币830 /注册报名参加1 门考试的总费用为:人民币1900 + 人民币830=人民币2730同时报名参加2 门考试课程的总费用为:人民币1900 X 2 +人民币830=人民币4630CPIM考试记录(二):我的考试经历知道APICS还颇有戏剧性,是大概2005年公司实施ERP的时候,和咨询顾问一起从公司下班的时候,在路上听顾问说起来有这样一个证书,但是当时并没有太在意,因为这个证书要到国外去考,只是当时在本子上记下来APICS这个几个字。



Question Number: 1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A)supply, manufacture,distribution. B) design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture. D) supply, engineer, manufacture.The correct answer is: AEven though different companies produce different products, the basic elements are the same: supply, manufacture, and distribution.Question Number: 2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except:A) Best customer service B) Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investment D) Lowest distribution costThe correct answer is: BA company, to maximize profits, must have the lowest production cost, best customer service, lowest inventory investment, and lowest distribution costs. While an accurate production forecast will contribute to low production costs, it will not guarantee the lowest production costs.Question Number: 3BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsThe inventory turns ratio measures:the amount of inventory needed to A) support sales growth.B) obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.The correct answer is: CThe inventory turns ratio measures how effectively inventories are being used. It is calculated by dividing annual cost of goods sold by average inventory in dollars.Question Number: 4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear. B) shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center. D) flow charts various processes.The correct answer is: BProcess specifications describe the steps needed to make an end product. They are usually printed on a routing sheet or kept in the database for online access.Question Number: 5BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsA company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B) outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.The correct answer is: CWhile strategic plans do provide for manufacturing, sales, and new product plans, they really provide the overall direction for the company. The result is a statement of goals and objectives for 2-5 years, and sometimes 10 years.Question Number: 6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film, food, etc. be classified?A) Assemble-to-order B) Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-order D) Make-to-stockThe correct answer is: DConsumer products are generally considered make-to-stock. There are a few standard items assembled from many components.Question Number: 7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stock B) Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-order D) Engineer-to-orderThe correct answer is: BMake-to-order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. The schedule is developed from actual customer orders.Question Number: 8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:plan production A) by product family. B) plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term. D) establish order promising strategies.The correct answer is: BStrategic plans are used for long term planning (2-10 years). They are used to allow time to plan for changes which take a long time to occur. These might include new plants or distribution centers.Question Number: 9BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsAggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used. B) establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.The correct answer is: CAggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials,work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. It is financially oriented.Question Number: 10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I. Maximize customer serviceII. Efficient transactionIII. Low cost plan operationsIV. Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IV D) II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BIn order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and have efficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory.Question Number: 11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory?Heating and I. lighting a warehouseII. Obsolete inventoryIII. Labor to move materialIV. Damaged inventoryA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DAll of the above costs would be included in the cost of inventory. Any costs incurred as the result of having inventory should be included.Question Number: 12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central point B) Warehouses centrally located to marketsC) Values accumulated at six sigma D) A critical ratio of 1.0The correct answer is: ANormal distribution refers to the statistical distribution of values where the majority of values will accumulate around the mean. The resulting graph is shaped like a bell. It is often known as a "bell curve".Question Number: 13Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock99.9999% of the time? MAD = 100,On hand = 200.Weekly demand = 400A) 100 B) 300 C) 500 D) 600The correct answer is: CTo ensure coverage of product 99.9999% of the time, it would require 5 MAD for safety stock.Therefore: 5 * 100 = 500.Question Number: 14Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed. This is called:A) pull system. B) push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery. D) supply chain management.The correct answer is: AWhen each distribution center orders from central supply or the factory independently of what other distribution centers are doing, it is called a pull system. The advantage is that coordination and communication is less expensive. The disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes problems with customer service and inventories.Question Number: 15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. This company is using which of the following systems?A) Pull system B) Push systemC) Just-in-Time D) Time phased order pointThe correct answer is: BThe push system "pushes" inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decisions centrally. The advantage is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. The disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.Question Number: 16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150 B) 500 C) 750 D) 3000The correct answer is: AThe number of pallet positions can be calculated by dividing the number of cartons of storage needed by the number of cartons per pallet which equals the total number of pallets needed.Divide the total number of pallets needed by the number of pallets stacked height which equals the number of positions needed. For this problem: 15,000/ 20 = 750 pallets needed; 750/ 5 = 150 positions.Question Number: 17All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except:Items A) related functionally B) Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similar D) Items which are fast movingThe correct answer is: BThe purpose of grouping items in a warehouse is to be more productive in storage and in the picking process. Items which have sequential SKU numbers may have nothing to do with each other. As a result, this would not be a criteria for grouping.Question Number: 18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increased B) Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increased D) Material handling costs riseFixed location warehouses offer poor cube utilization because pallet locations are left empty when the product assigned to the location is out of stock. Generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with low throughput.Question Number: 19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I. Ease of controlII. Material handling is reducedIII. Storage costs are reducedIV. Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BAll are advantages of point-of-use storage except ease of control, which is an advantage of central storage. Question Number: 20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I. Ease of controlII. Costs are reducedIII. Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV. Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BCosts are not reduced with central storage. There are labor costs, racking, paper system, and other costs associated with central storage.Question Number: 21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle time B) Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined schedule D) Conducting a time study at a work centerThe correct answer is: CCycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifying errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again.Question Number: 22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:A) physical supply. B) supply chain.C) physical distribution. D) conversion cycle.The correct answer is: CPhysical distribution is the actual movement of goods from production to the customer. Physical supply is the movement of raw material from the supplier to manufacturing.Question Number: 23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution system except:A) Transportation B) WarehousingC) Material handling D) Forecasting of customer ordersThe correct answer is: DPhysical distribution includes the activities of transportation, distribution, inventory, warehousing, material handling, packaging, and order processing. Forecasting is not a physical distribution activity.Question Number: 24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:moving small quantities to widely A) dispersed markets.B) moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.Trucks are best when there is a need to move small quantities to widely dispersed markets. Trains are better for moving large quantities.Question Number: 25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds are being shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00 B) 1.50 C) 2.00 D) 2.50The correct answer is: BThe truck will cost $600 to move 400 miles ($1.50 * 400 miles).To calculate the cost per hundred weight: Divide the total cost for the truck by 400. (40,000 pounds divided by 100). Therfore: $600 divided by 400 = $1.50/cwt.Question Number: 26Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A warehouse to store goods for A) long periods of time B) A storage warehouse for floor stockC) A warehouse to move and mix goods D) A supply chain warehouse for regional storageThe correct answer is: CA distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment. A general warehouse is used for long term storage.Question Number: 27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I. Transportation consolidationII. Inventory efficiencyIII. Product mixingIV. Customer serviceA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BWarehouses serve three important roles:1) Transportation consolidation - consolidate small shipments (LTL) into large shipments (TL)2) Product mixing - group a variety of products into one order3) Customer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customerInventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouses.Question Number: 28A market boundary can be defined as the:geographic boundary A) of a region.B) line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.The correct answer is: BA market boundary is the line where the laid down cost from two supply sources is equal. The laid-down cost is the delivered cost of a product to a geographic point.Question Number: 29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safety stock will:A) increase by a factor of 2. B) decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated. D) decrease by a calculated percentage.The correct answer is: CThe safety stock will increase by an amount which can be calculated, but it will not double automatically. The amount of the increase will depend on service levels by part, the demand variation, and other factors. As the number of warehouses increases, demand at each will decrease, causing greater variations in product demand. Therefore, safety stock will increase appropriately.The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are needed B) Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventory D) Elimination of wasteThe correct answer is: DThe Just-in-Time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste or non-value activities. Maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.Question Number: 31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I. ProcessII. OverproductionIII. Wait-timeIV. MovementA) I, II, and III B) I, II, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DThe seven sources of waste identified by Toyota are Process, Methods, Movement, Product Defects, Waiting times, Overproduction, and Inventory.Question Number: 32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators. B) inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab. D) an inspectors function.The correct answer is: AQuality must be the operators responsibility. They are the only ones who can make sure defects are not built into the product. They must be allowed to stop the process when defects are found.Question Number: 33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called: A) transaction prevention. B) pre-deduct.C) backflushing. D) bar coding.The correct answer is: CBackflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. With this system, one transaction will create the many issues transactions for inventory. This process works best when the lead time for the product is short and the product flows down a production line.Question Number: 34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 million B) $4 million C) $6 million D) $8 millionThe correct answer is: DIn order for a company with cost of goods sold of $40 million to turn the inventory 20 times annually, the inventory would have to be valued at $2 million (40/20). Since the average inventory is currently valued at $10 million, the inventory would need to be reduced by $8 million.Question Number: 35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244 B) 254 C) 260 D) 262The correct answer is: ATo find the answer: Divide the planned production (1000) by the number of days available in the four months (82) to find the daily ; production rate (12.2). Multiply the daily production rate (12.2) by the number of days in the first month (20) to obtain the first month's production (244).System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm. B) requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.The correct answer is: BSystem nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. The planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.Question Number: 37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00 B) $5.10 C) $5.25 D) $5.50The correct answer is: CTo produce 4,000 units, the total cost would be $21,000. ($5 * 4,000 units + $1,000 fixed cost = $21,000). Divide the $21,000 by the number of units (4000) to find the cost per unit. ( $21,000/4,000 = $5.25).An alternative way to calculate the cost per unit would be to divide the fixed cost ($1,000) by the units produced (4,000) which equals $.25.Add the fixed cost to the variable cost to get the cost per unit. ($5.00 + $.25 = $5.25).Question Number: 38Which of the following best defines throughput?The number of bottlenecks A) slowing production B) The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produce D) The total volume of production passing through a facility The correct answer is: DThroughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. Bottlenecks control the throughput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput.Question Number: 39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term. B) more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast. D) the future is more dynamic in the near term.The correct answer is: AThe near term is more predictable than the long term. Most companies can easily predict what they are going to do next week compared to next year. This allows forecasts to be more accurate in the near term.Question Number: 40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because:forecasters provide a service A) to the organization. B) forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.The correct answer is: BForecasts are the prelude to business planning. They provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in the future. So even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong they are, forecasts can be constantly improved for use by the business.Question Number: 41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop?I. Employee involvementII. Total preventive maintenanceIII. Inventory reductionIV. Continuous flow linesA) I and III B) II and IV C) I, II, and III D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: CAn intermittent manufacturer is characterized by processing in batches, and large variation in design and order quantities. At the extreme, every job could be made to customer specification. The product lacks a continuous flow. However, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control, preventive maintenance, setup time reduction, supplier partnerships, and inventory reduction.Question Number: 42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-order B) Engineer-to-order C) Make-to-stock D) Assemble-to-orderThe correct answer is: BDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed from receipt of the customer's order to the delivery of the product to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies will generally have the longest delivery time due to the design and engineering time required to create a product. In contrast, make-to-order companies will make a product from existing components after an order is received. Make- to-stock companies will ship to the customer from stock. Assemble-to-order companies will assemble a customer order from existing sub-assemblies.Question Number: 43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B) It would be the same as a make-to-stock item. C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.The correct answer is: CDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed between receipt of the customer's order and the delivery to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies have the longest delivery time due to the engineering which must occur before the product can be manufactured for delivery.Question Number: 44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handling B) Routings C) Kanban size D) Pull signalThe correct answer is: APhysical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. Material handling is involved with physically moving the goods. The others are functions within manufacturing.Question Number: 45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centers B) Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturingThe correct answer is: BPhysical distribution is defined as the physical movement of goods from suppliers to the beginning of production and from the end of production to the consumer. Receiving would be included as part of the function of physical distribution.Question Number: 46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printer B) Manufactured subassembly in a carC) Purchased component for a fork truck D) Spare part for a jet engineThe correct answer is: DIndependent demand is defined as demand for an item which is unrelated to the demand for another item. Service parts would typically be forecast independently from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. Therefore, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.Question Number: 47Production planning is generally a direct input to:material requirements A) planning. B) purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center. D) master production scheduling.The correct answer is: DProduction plans are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. These plans are developed at the aggregate level (e.g. monthly, product families). The plan provides management approval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule (end products, weekly).Question Number: 48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety gloves B) Office suppliesC) Purchased component D) Item being shipped to customerThe correct answer is: CDependent demand is defined as "demand that is directly related to or derived from the bill of material structure for other items or end products." (APICS Dictionary) Therefore, a purchased component would be part of a bill of material structure and demand would be related to the demand for other parts in that structure.Question Number: 49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to:correct the A) inventory records. B) reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors. D) eliminate the physical inventory.The correct answer is: CThe primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and eliminate them permanently. Only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and, perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory.Question Number: 50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way to accomplish this is to:A) work overtime. B) hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers. D) subcontract the work.The correct answer is: AWorking overtime allows skilled workers to finish the customers job. This would be quicker than hiring workers which can take a great deal of time. Temporary workers can be hired quickly, however, the quality would suffer, and finding a short term subcontractor would not generally be feasible.Question Number: 51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviation B) Standard deviation C) Bias D) Aggregate summarizationThe correct answer is: CBias occurs when the cumulative actual demand varies from the forecast on a consistent basis. A tracking signal provides a mathematical method to determine if the forecast error is truly biased or if random error is occurring. Random error will correct itself while bias will not. A tracking signal is calculated by dividing the algebraic sum of the forecast errors by the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation).Question Number: 52An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levels B) Long term debt C) Cost of products sold D) Net cash availableThe correct answer is: CIncome statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. Cost of products sold is subtracted from the revenue to obtain a gross profit. From the gross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at a net income or loss.Question Number: 53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer service B) Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating time D) Reduce costs。


Price Quality Delivery Pre- and post-sale service Flexibility (product and volume)
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 — August 2001
Delivery Lead Time
Manufacture Assemble
Manufacture Inventory
Delivery Lead Time
Repetitive Production
Intermittent Production (Job Shop)
Project Layout
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 — August 2001
Characteristics of Product Layout
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 — August 2001
Conflicts in Traditional Supply Systems
Traditional Objective This implies
Customer service
Delivery Lead Time
Manufacture Assemble

CPIM 大纲 BSCM 第二部分

CPIM 大纲 BSCM  第二部分

Production lines and families
Master production schedule MPS 主生产计划
End items and options
6 to 18 months 6-18 月
Basics of Supply Chain Management Principles of Forecasting 预测原理 Forecasts 预测
Basics of Supply Chain Management Extrinsic Techniques 外部技术 • Based on external indicators
• Useful in forecasting total company demand or demand for families of products
• Dependent demand should never be forecasted
Seat 座椅
Wheels 车轮
Basics of Supply Chain Management What Should Be Forecasted ? 应该预测什么
• What are the priorities ?
• What capacity is available ?
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)


Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Session 1 Objectives

Role and importance of manufacturing Conflicts in traditional systems Role, objectives, and responsibilities of materials management Differences among manufacturing processes
– into, through, and out of an organization – from initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Wealth Creation
Role and Importance of Manufacturing
Visual 1-5b
How can we increase our wealth?
•Adding value to a product or service. •The more value we add to a product, the wealthier we can become.
Basics of Supply Chain Management
CPIM Test Review Course 10-14 Jul 2003



Question Number: 1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A)supply, manufacture,distribution. B) design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture. D) supply, engineer, manufacture.The correct answer is: AEven though different companies produce different products, the basic elements are the same: supply, manufacture, and distribution.Question Number: 2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except: A) Best customer service B) Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investment D) Lowest distribution costThe correct answer is: BA company, to maximize profits, must have the lowest production cost, best customer service, lowest inventoryinvestment, and lowest distribution costs. While an accurate production forecast will contribute to low production costs, it will not guarantee the lowest production costs. Question Number: 3BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsThe inventory turns ratio measures:the amount of inventory needed to A) support sales growth.B) obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.The correct answer is: CThe inventory turns ratio measures how effectively inventories are being used. It is calculated by dividing annual cost of goods sold by average inventory in dollars.Question Number: 4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear. B) shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center. D) flow charts various processes.The correct answer is: BProcess specifications describe the steps needed to make an end product. They are usually printed on a routingsheet or kept in the database for online access.Question Number: 5BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsA company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B) outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.The correct answer is: CWhile strategic plans do provide for manufacturing, sales, and new product plans, they really provide the overall direction for the company. The result is a statement of goals and objectives for 2-5 years, and sometimes 10 years.Question Number: 6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film,classified?A) Assemble-to-order B) Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-order D) Make-to-stockThe correct answer is: DConsumer products are generally considered make-to-stock. There are a few standard items assembled from many components.Question Number: 7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stock B) Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-order D) Engineer-to-orderThe correct answer is: BMake-to-order companies typically make many end items from a small number of components. The schedule isdeveloped from actual customer orders.Question Number: 8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:plan production A) by product family. B) plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term. D) establish order promising strategies. The correct answer is: BStrategic plans are used for long term planning (2-10 years). They are used to allow time to plan for changes which take a long time to occur. These might include new plants or distribution centers.Question Number: 9BASICS OF SUPPLY CHAIN MGMT (BSCM) :Businesswide ConceptsAggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used. B) establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.The correct answer is: CAggregate inventory management is concerned with the cost and benefit of carrying raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory. It is financially oriented.Question Number: 10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I. Maximize customer serviceII. Efficient transactionIII. Low cost plan operationsIV. Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IV D) II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BIn order to maximize profits, a company must manage inventories, provide great customer service, and haveefficient plant operations, while minimizing the amount of capital used for inventory. Question Number: 11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory?Heating and I. lighting a warehouseII. Obsolete inventoryIII. Labor to move materialA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DAll of the above costs would be included in the cost of inventory. Any costs incurred as the result of havinginventory should be included.Question Number: 12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central point B) Warehouses centrally located to markets C) Values accumulated at six sigma D) A critical ratio of 1.0The correct answer is: ANormal distribution refers to the statistical distribution of values where the majority of values will accumulatearound the mean. The resulting graph is shaped like a bell. It is often known as a "bell curve". Question Number: 13Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock 99.9999% of the time? MAD = 100,On hand = 200.Weekly demand = 400A) 100 B) 300 C) 500 D) 600The correct answer is: CTo ensure coverage of product 99.9999% of the time, it would require 5 MAD for safety stock. Therefore: 5 * 100 = 500.Question Number: 14Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed. This is called: A) pull system. B) push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery. D) supply chain management.The correct answer is: AWhen each distribution center orders from central supply or the factory independently of what other distributioncenters are doing, it is called a pull system. The advantage is that coordination and communication is lessexpensive. The disadvantage is that the lack of coordination causes problems with customer service and inventories.Question Number: 15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. Thiscompany is using which of the following systems?A) Pull system B) Push systemC) Just-in-Time D) Time phased order pointThe correct answer is: BThe push system "pushes" inventory to distribution centers by making stocking decisions centrally. The advantage is that inventory is sent where it is needed most. The disadvantage is that the coordination is more expensive than the pull system.Question Number: 16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150 B) 500 C) 750 D) 3000The correct answer is: AThe number of pallet positions can be calculated by dividing the number of cartons of storage needed by thenumber of cartons per pallet which equals the total number of pallets needed.the number ofpositions needed. For this problem: 15,000/ 20 = 750 pallets needed; 750/ 5 = 150 positions. Question Number: 17All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except: Items A) related functionally B) Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similar D) Items which are fast movingThe correct answer is: BThe purpose of grouping items in a warehouse is to be more productive in storage and in the picking process. Items which have sequential SKU numbers may have nothing to do with each other. As a result, this would not be a criteria for grouping.Question Number: 18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increased B) Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increased D) Material handling costs riseThe correct answer is: BFixed location warehouses offer poor cube utilization because pallet locations are left empty when the productassigned to the location is out of stock. Generally, fixed locations are used in small warehouses with lowthroughput.Question Number: 19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I. Ease of controlII. Material handling is reducedIII. Storage costs are reducedIV. Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and III B) II, III, and IV C) I, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BAll are advantages of point-of-use storage except ease of control, which is an advantage of central storage.Question Number: 20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I. Ease of controlII. Costs are reducedIII. Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV. Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BCosts are not reduced with central storage. There are labor costs, racking, paper system, and other costs associated with central storage.Question Number: 21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle time B) Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined schedule D) Conducting a time study at a work center The correct answer is: CCycle counting is used to count inventory on a pre-determined schedule for the purpose of identifying errors and taking corrective action so the error will not occur again.Question Number: 22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:C) physical distribution. D) conversion cycle.The correct answer is: CPhysical distribution is the actual movement of goods from production to the customer. Physical supply is themovement of raw material from the supplier to manufacturing.Question Number: 23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution system except:A) Transportation B) WarehousingC) Material handling D) Forecasting of customer ordersThe correct answer is: DPhysical distribution includes the activities of transportation, distribution, inventory, warehousing, materialhandling, packaging, and order processing. Forecasting is not a physical distribution activity. Question Number: 24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:moving small quantities to widely A) dispersed markets.B) moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.The correct answer is: ATrucks are best when there is a need to move small quantities to widely dispersed markets. Trains are better formoving large quantities.Question Number: 25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds arebeing shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00 B) 1.50 C) 2.00 D) 2.50The correct answer is: BThe truck will cost $600 to move 400 miles ($1.50 * 400 miles).To calculate the cost per hundred weight: Divide the total cost for the truck by 400. (40,000 pounds divided by 100). Therfore: $600 divided by 400 = $1.50/cwt.Question Number: 26Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A warehouse to store goods for A) long periods of time B) A storage warehouse for floor stock C) A warehouse to move and mix goods D) A supply chain warehouse for regional storage The correct answer is: CA distribution warehouse is used primarily to break down large lots into smaller lots for shipment. A generalwarehouse is used for long term storage.Question Number: 27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I. Transportation consolidationII. Inventory efficiencyIII. Product mixingIV. Customer serviceA) I, II, and III B) I, III, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: BWarehouses serve three important roles:2) Product mixing - group a variety of products into one order3) Customer service - allows products to be placed closer to the customerInventory will typically rise with an increase in the number of warehouses.Question Number: 28A market boundary can be defined as the:geographic boundary A) of a region.B) line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.The correct answer is: BA market boundary is the line where the laid down cost from two supply sources is equal. The laid-down cost is the delivered cost of a product to a geographic point.Question Number: 29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safetystock will:A) increase by a factor of 2. B) decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated. D) decrease by a calculated percentage. The correct answer is: CThe safety stock will increase by an amount which can be calculated, but it will not double automatically. Theamount of the increase will depend on service levels by part, the demand variation, and other factors. As thenumber of warehouses increases, demand at each will decrease, causing greater variations in product demand.Therefore, safety stock will increase appropriately.Question Number: 30The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are needed B) Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventory D) Elimination of wasteThe correct answer is: DThe Just-in-Time philosophy is concerned with the elimination of waste or non-value activities. Maintaining large inventories is just one of many non-value added activities.Question Number: 31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I. ProcessII. OverproductionIII. Wait-timeIV. MovementA) I, II, and III B) I, II, and IV C) II, III, and IV D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: DThe seven sources of waste identified by Toyota are Process, Methods, Movement, Product Defects, Waiting times, Overproduction, and Inventory.Question Number: 32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators. B) inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab. D) an inspectors function.Quality must be the operators responsibility. They are the only ones who can make sure defects are not built into the product. They must be allowed to stop the process when defects are found. Question Number: 33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called:A) transaction prevention. B) pre-deduct.C) backflushing. D) bar coding.The correct answer is: CBackflushing is a system for doing inventory and labor transactions based on the finished goods production. With this system, one transaction will create the many issues transactions for inventory. This process works best when the lead time for the product is short and the product flows down a production line.Question Number: 34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 million B) $4 million C) $6 million D) $8 millionThe correct answer is: DIn order for a company with cost of goods sold of $40 million to turn the inventory 20 times annually, the inventory would have to be valued at $2 million (40/20). Since the average inventory is currently valued at $10 million, the inventory would need to be reduced by $8 million.Question Number: 35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244 B) 254 C) 260 D) 262The correct answer is: ATo find the answer: Divide the planned production (1000) by the number of days available in the four months (82) to find the daily ; production rate (12.2). Multiply the daily production rate (12.2) by the number of days in the first month (20) to obtain the first month's production (244).Question Number: 36System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm. B) requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.The correct answer is: BSystem nervousness is caused by requirements which change rapidly and usually by small amounts. The planner must, in these cases, apply judgement to the situation before changing the plans to accommodate the change.Question Number: 37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00 B) $5.10 C) $5.25 D) $5.50The correct answer is: CTo produce 4,000 units, the total cost would be $21,000. ($5 * 4,000 units + $1,000 fixed cost = $21,000).Divide the $21,000 by the number of units (4000) to find the cost per unit. ( $21,000/4,000An alternative way to calculate the cost per unit would be to divide the fixed cost ($1,000) by the units produced (4,000) which equals $.25.Add the fixed cost to the variable cost to get the cost per unit. ($5.00 + $.25 = $5.25). Question Number: 38Which of the following best defines throughput?The number of bottlenecks A) slowing production B) The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produce D) The total volume of production passing through a facilityThe correct answer is: DThroughput is the total volume of production passing through a facility. Bottlenecks control the throughput in the facility and must be eliminated in order to increase the throughput. Question Number: 39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term. B) more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast. D) the future is more dynamic in the near term. The correct answer is: AThe near term is more predictable than the long term. Most companies can easily predict what they are going to do next week compared to next year. This allows forecasts to be more accurate in the near term.Question Number: 40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because: forecasters provide a service A) to the organization. B) forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.The correct answer is: BForecasts are the prelude to business planning. They provide an estimate of what conditions will look like in thefuture. So even though we know they are wrong, by measuring how wrong they are, forecasts can be constantlyimproved for use by the business.Question Number: 41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop?I. Employee involvementII. Total preventive maintenanceIII. Inventory reductionIV. Continuous flow linesA) I and III B) II and IV C) I, II, and III D) I, II, III, and IVThe correct answer is: CAn intermittent manufacturer is characterized by processing in batches, and large variation in design and orderquantities. At the extreme, every job could be made to customer specification. The product lacks a continuousflow. However, JIT principle can be applied for employee involvement, workplace layout, total quality control,Question Number: 42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-order B) Engineer-to-order C) Make-to-stock D) Assemble-to-orderThe correct answer is: BDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed from receipt of the customer's order to the delivery of the product to the customer. Engineer-to-order companies will generally have the longest delivery time due to the design and engineering time required to create a product. In contrast, make-to-order companies will make a product from existing components after an order is received. Make- to-stock companies will ship to the customer from stock. Assemble-to-order companies will assemble a customer order from existing sub-assemblies.Question Number: 43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B) It would be the same as a make-to-stock item. C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.The correct answer is: CDelivery time is defined as the time elapsed between receipt of the customer's order and the delivery to thecustomer. Engineer-to-order companies have the longest delivery time due to the engineering which must occurbefore the product can be manufactured for delivery.Question Number: 44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handling B) Routings C) Kanban size D) Pull signalThe correct answer is: APhysical distribution includes all the activities associated with physically moving goods; from the supplier to the start of production, and from the end of production to the consumer. Material handling is involved with physically moving the goods. The others are functions within manufacturing.Question Number: 45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centers B) Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturingThe correct answer is: BPhysical distribution is defined as the physical movement of goods from suppliers to the beginning of production and from the end of production to the consumer. Receiving would be included as part of the function of physical distribution.Question Number: 46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printer B) Manufactured subassembly in a carC) Purchased component for a fork truck D) Spare part for a jet engineThe correct answer is: DIndependent demand is defined as demand for an item which is unrelated to the demand for another item. Service parts would typically be forecast independently from their use during the manufacture of the jet engine. Therefore, the jet engine might have independent and dependent demand.Production planning is generally a direct input to:material requirements A) planning. B) purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center. D) master production scheduling.The correct answer is: DProduction plans are agreed upon management plans for manufacturing, shipping and inventory/backlog. Theseplans are developed at the aggregate level (e.g. monthly, product families). The plan provides managementapproval for the master scheduler to develop the detailed master schedule (end products, weekly).Question Number: 48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety gloves B) Office suppliesC) Purchased component D) Item being shipped to customerThe correct answer is: CDependent demand is defined as "demand that is directly related to or derived from the bill of material structure for other items or end products." (APICS Dictionary) Therefore, a purchased component would be part of a bill of material structure and demand would be related to the demand for other parts in that structure.Question Number: 49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to: correct the A) inventory records. B) reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors. D) eliminate the physical inventory.The correct answer is: CThe primary objective of a cycle count program is to identify the causes of inventory errors and eliminate thempermanently. Only by correcting the causes of error will the records stay accurate for the system to operate properly and, perhaps in the future, eliminate the physical inventory. Question Number: 50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way toaccomplish this is to:A) work overtime. B) hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers. D) subcontract the work.The correct answer is: AWorking overtime allows skilled workers to finish the customers job. This would be quicker than hiring workers which can take a great deal of time. Temporary workers can be hired quickly, however, the quality would suffer, and finding a short term subcontractor would not generally be feasible.Question Number: 51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviation B) Standard deviation C) Bias D) Aggregate summarization The correct answer is: CBias occurs when the cumulative actual demand varies from the forecast on a consistent basis.A tracking signalprovides a mathematical method to determine if the forecast error is truly biased or if random error is occurring.Random error will correct itself while bias will not. A tracking signal is calculated by dividing the algebraic sum of the forecast errors by the MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation).An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levels B) Long term debt C) Cost of products sold D) Net cash available The correct answer is: CIncome statements reflect the revenues and expenses of a company generating either a profit or loss. Cost ofproducts sold is subtracted from the revenue to obtain a gross profit. From the gross profit, expenses are deducted to arrive at a net income or loss.Question Number: 53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer service B) Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating time D) Reduce costsThe correct answer is: AOne of the primary reasons to maintain inventory is to provide competitive customer service. By having inventory,a company can avoid costly stockouts, lost sales, and lost customers. In some industries, such as consumer goods, it is imperative that the product be in stock when the customer orders.Question Number: 54Which of the following best describes the ABC approach to inventory control?Maintain a high inventory A) of "A" parts. B) Have plenty of "C" parts.C) Keep the "B" parts to a minimum level. D) Always keep plenty of inventory.The correct answer is: BThe ABC method of inventory control operates on the assumption that a company's limited resources should beused to maintain the high priority items, or A items. The C parts have less value and should therefore be maintained at a very high level of inventory so inaccuracies will not impact the operation. This would allow less resources to be committed managing the low priority items. Question Number: 55The law which states that a small percentage of the group usually accounts for a large percent of the results is which of the following?A) Fredo's law B) Newton's first lawC) Pareto's law D) Nielsen's lawThe correct answer is: CPareto was an Italian economist who developed the observation that 80% of the Italian wealth was concentrated in 20% of the population. This observation can apply to many areas and is used to analyze the inventory forclassifying A, B, and C items. Generally, 80% of the inventory dollars rest with 20% of the parts.Question Number: 56Inventory is used to decouple:production plans from A) master schedules. B) rough cut capacity from capacity plans.C) supplier orders from supplier deliveries. D) supply from the demand.The correct answer is: DInventory is used to separate supply from demand. This allows the manufacturing to occur smoothly without asmuch disruption caused by fluctuating demand. The inventory acts like a shock absorber so the spikes in demand are not reflected in the manufacturing schedule.Question Number: 57A supervisor's primary role in a total employee involvement company is:A) controlling. B) cheerleading.C) coaching. D) quality control.。

BSCM Session-3 Master Planning

BSCM Session-3 Master Planning

3 12
Production Strategies
Four basic production strategies:
– – – – Chase (demand matching) Level Subcontracting Hybrid (combination)
Demand Management
Master Planning
Aggregate Inventory Management
Item Inventory Management
Purchasing and Physical Distribution
Lean/JIT and Quality Systems
3 11
Typical Production Planning Situation
Production planning faces the following typical situation:
– – – – – – Approximately 12 to 36 month horizon Monthly rate Demand is fluctuating or seasonal Plan made for product families Plant and equipment are usually fixed Variety of management objectives
Sales & Operations Planning
Translates the strategic business plan into production rates that meet business goals Continually updates the production, financial, and sales plan Seeks input from various functions Regular (such as monthly) meeting with senior executives to resolve tradeoffs Checks availability of resources to validate the production plan


供应链管理基础(Basics of Supply Chain Management)是入门模块。包括管理从供应商到客户的物料 流动全过程涉及的基本概念,介绍供应链各种概念和基本术语,供应链各种活动之间的关系,了解这个模块是学 习其余模块的前提。
资源主计划(Master Planning of Resources)属于核心能力模块。详细探讨需求管理,销售和运营计划, 主计划。讨论中长期独立需求的供应计划和需求计划,优先级计划和产能计划问题。
01 相关信息
02 核心
03 认证
04 知识体系
05 在中国的发展
美国运营管理协会是一个美国著名组织的名称,成立于1957年,其英文缩写APICS,是当初作American Production and Inventory Control Society的首字母缩写词,代表“美国生产和库存管理协会”;该组织在 2005年以前曾一度使用The Educational Society for Resource Management,即资源教育管理协会的名称,以 及The Association for Operations Management,即运营管理协会。美国运营管理协会是全球最大,也是在运 营管理(包括生产、库存、供应链、物料管理、采购和物流)领域最具专业权威性的非营利性组织。
APICS总部在美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市,美国、加拿大各地都设有分会,许多国家和地区设有国际分会。 组织和个人可以参加APICS协会成为其组织会员或个人会员。APICS会员遍及欧美等地的20,000个企业中,会员达 65,000多名,有80,000多人获得APICS证书。APICS资格证书的获得者是欧美发达国家企业界公认的高、中级生 产管理专家的代名词,具有很高的含金量。

美国CSCMP主席Edward Huller访谈供应链问题1

美国CSCMP主席Edward Huller访谈供应链问题1

首页| 网站地图| 联系我们| 加入收藏| English资讯中心操作实务网商学院港航服务实用工具关于新景程∙海运新闻∙空运新闻∙物流新闻∙经贸新闻∙物流展会∙贸易展会∙物流案例∙贸易案例∙核销退税∙报关报检∙货运保险∙危险品∙物流知识∙贸易知识∙海运知识∙空运知识∙海运流程∙空运流程∙物流流程∙贸易流程∙海运技巧∙空运技巧∙物流技巧∙贸易技巧∙港口快讯∙在线订舱∙运价查询∙优势航线网站首页English海运新闻空运新闻物流新闻经贸新闻物流展会贸易展会物流案例贸易案例核销退税报关报检货运保险危险品物流知识贸易知识物流流程贸易流程物流技巧贸易技巧港口快讯在线订舱运价查询优势航线贸易术语物流术语港口费率更多工具当前位置:主页>操作实务>空运案例>正文美国CSCMP主席EdwardHuller访谈供应链问题来源:作者:发布时间:2007-11-26如果美国“供应链管理专业人士协会(Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals简称CSCMP)”主席认为供应链管理在企业中拥有极高的战略作用和地位,这点丝毫不令人惊奇。

新上任的主席Edward Huller先生又提出了:如果在物流和供应链上取得卓越成绩不但对于企业的财务底线有所稗益,而且更利于企业的销售和收入增长。







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Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Customer Expectations (Cont.)

Order qualifiers Competitive characteristics needed to be a viable competitor Order winners Competitive characteristics that cause customers to choose firm’s products and services
Wealth Creation
Role and Importance of Manufacturing
Visual 1-5b
How can we increase our wealth?
•Adding value to a product or service. •The more value we add to a product, the wealthier we can become.
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
External Environment
Role and Importance of Manufacturing
What are some characteristics that provide value to the customer?

Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Customer Expectations (Cont.)
Meeting customer expectations requires good communications
Basics of Supply Chain Management
CPIM Test Review Course 10-14 Jul 2003
Basics of Supply Chain Management
Definitions and concepts for

Planning and controlling Flow of materials
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Wealth Creation
What is wealth?
Goods and Services: •The things we own •The services we can buy Money is only a medium of exchange
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Order qualifiers and order winners
•Characteristics that win orders may be different in each market •Customer’s needs and perception of value will change over time •Companies usually focus on no more than one or two order-winning characteristics •Something that is an order winner today may be an order qualifier tomorrow
External Environment

World competition Quality Customer expectations
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
External Environment World competition
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Order qualifiers and order winners
Provide examples of order winners and order qualifiers. 專營權
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
External Environment
Customer expectations

Role and Importance of Manufacturing
Demand is usually market driven, and the supplier must determine those characteristics that provide value to the customer
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Wealth Cat is wealth? Where does wealth come from? How can we increase our wealth? How can we add value?

Role and Importance of Manufacturing
Visual 1-6a

business have to compete with companies from all over the world. Many companies now have global markets, and there are no stand-alone countries
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Customer Expectations
Characteristics that provide value to the customer

Price Quality Delivery Pre- and post-sale service Flexibility (product and volume) Others: Brand-name, image, living style, special memory
Role and Importance of Manufacturing
Visual 1-5a
Where does wealth come from?
• Natural resources • Manufacturing • Services
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
–into, through, and out of an organization –from initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
How can we add value?
Design effective production processes and operate them efficiently if not the case,we will lost the wealth.
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
ISO-9000 ISO-14000 Distribution Channel E-Business Relationship
SA8000 compliance
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001

Understanding customer needs Two-way communication Working with customers to solve design and production problems Freeness and openness
Basics of Supply Chain Management, Version 2.1 – August 2001
Course Outline
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4: Session 5: Introduction to Supply Chain Management Forecasting Master Planning Material Requirements Planning Capacity Management and Production Activity Control Session 6: Inventory Fundamentals Session 7: Inventory Management Session 8: Physical Distribution Session 9: Quality Management and Purchasing Session 10:Just-in-Time Manufacturing