Using Model Checking to Detect Deadlocks in Distributed Object Systems
中国法医学杂志CH I N J FO R EN S I C M ED 2006年第21卷增刊【基金项目】国家自然科学基金资助项目(30400519);公安部应用创新计划资助项目(2005YYCX57136);广州市重大科技攻关资助项目(2005Z1-E0051)【作者简介】刘超(1963-),男,湖北十堰人,主任法医师,博士研究生,主要从事法医物证学研究。
论著链霉亲和素磁珠同步法检测两个m iniST R复合扩增系统刘 超1,2,王会品1,3,孙宏钰3,刘 宏1,王慧君2(1.广州市刑事科学技术研究所,广东广州510030;2.南方医科大学法医研究所,广东广州510515;3.中山大学法医学系,广东广州510080)【摘要】目的 建立同步检测包括D5S818、D8S1179、D16S539和v WA、D21S11、D13S317基因座的两个m iniSTR 系统的新方法。
方法 采用不同荧光染料和生物素标记引物,两个m iniSTR扩增系统在同一试管扩增,通过链霉亲和素磁珠将两个扩增系统PCR产物进行分离,用AB I3100遗传分析仪对PCR产物检测分型。
结果 两个m iniST R扩增系统可成功地进行同步扩增分型。
结论 应用链霉亲和素磁珠法同步检测两个m iniSTR复合扩增系统的基因型,可以降低成本,减少PCR污染,单次扩增信息量明显增高。
【关键词】法医物证学;链霉亲和素磁珠;M iniSTR;复合扩增【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】100125728(2006)0S-0001-03The appli ca ti on of Strept av i d i n M agneSphere i n the si m ult aneous am pli f i ca ti on of two m i n i STR m ul2 ti plex sets/(△L I U Chao,WANG Hui2p in,S UN Hong2yu,et al./△Guangzhou C ri m inal S cience&Technol2 ogy Institute,Guangdong,510030,China)【Abstract】O bjecti ve To establish a novel method t o si m ultaneously detect t w o m iniSTR multi p lex sets,which include m iniSTR markers D5S818,D8S1179,D16S539and v WA,D21S11,D13S317.M eth2 ods After p ri m ers labeled by different fluorescence and bi otin,the t w o m iniST R multi p lex sets were a mp li2 fied in a single tube,and the PCR p r oducti ons of these t w o sets were separated by Strep tavidin Mag2 neSphere,then AB I3100Genetic Analyzer was used t o analyze the lengths of frag ments.Results The t w o m iniSTR multi p lex setswere si m ultaneously a mp lified and separated successfully.Conclusi on Si m ultaneous a mp lificati on of these t w o m iniST R multi p lex sets co mbined with subsequent separati on by Strep tavidin Mag2 neSphere can reduce cost,decrease conta m inati ons and increase power of discri m inati on.【Key words】Forensic bi ol ogical evidence;Strep tavidin MagneSphere;m iniST R;Multi p lex PCR 目前ST R分型检验技术已广泛用于法医物证个人识别和亲权鉴定。
Synopsys OptoDesigner 2020.09安装指南说明书
3. Troubleshooting scanning issues........................................................25
Accidental full scan proliferation by folder paths which include build or commit ID............................ 25 Solution......................................................................................................................................25
1. Scanning best practices......................................................................... 8
detectron2 使用方法
标题:Detectron2使用方法一、简介Detectron2是Facebook 本人 Research开发的目标检测和实例分割库,它是Detectron的升级版本,采用PyTorch实现,并在性能、灵活性和可扩展性上有很大提升。
二、环境准备1. 硬件要求:建议使用至少一块显卡进行训练和推理,同时拥有足够的内存以支持大规模的数据集。
2. 软件要求:需要安装Python3.6或更高版本、PyTorch 1.4或更高版本以及一系列Python依赖包。
三、安装Detectron21. 安装PyTorch:根据冠方文档提供的安装指南,使用pip或conda 安装PyTorch及其相关组件。
2. 安装Detectron2:使用pip或从源代码编译安装Detectron2,可以选择CPU版本或GPU版本。
四、配置数据集1. 数据准备:准备训练和测试数据集,数据集应包括图像文件和对应的标注文件,可以使用COCO、Pascal VOC等格式。
2. 注册数据集:编写自定义的数据集注册器,将数据集加载到Detectron2中,方便后续的训练和推理操作。
五、加载预训练模型1. 模型选择:选择适合自己任务的预训练模型,Detectron2提供了一系列经充分训练的模型,可以根据性能和速度需求进行选择。
2. 加载模型:使用Detectron2提供的API加载预训练模型,并在此基础上进行微调或直接进行推理操作。
六、模型训练1. 配置训练参数:设置训练的超参数、优化器、学习率策略等相关参数,以及训练过程中的日志输出和模型保存方式。
2. 训练模型:使用Detectron2提供的训练API对模型进行训练,在训练过程中可以监控模型性能并进行调整。
七、推理和评估1. 图像预处理:对需要进行推理的图像进行预处理,以便输入到模型中。
2. 模型推理:使用训练好的模型对图像进行目标检测或实例分割,得到相应的结果并进行后续的处理。
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If you have PAD, you have an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. An estimated 1 out of every 3 people with diabetes over the age of 50 have this condition. However, many of those with warning signs don't realize that they have PAD and therefore don't get treatment.What Does Diabetes Have to Do With PAD?得了糖尿病,离PAD有多远?If you have diabetes, you're much more likely to have PAD, a heart attack, or a stroke. But you can cut your chances of having those problems by takingspecial care of your blood vessels.如果患有糖尿病,更容易得PAD,心脏病及中风。
MCD12Q1_的user guide用户手册或manual说明
User G uide f or t he M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct (MCD12Q1)Last U pdated: A ug 8, 20121. IntroductionLand c over p lays a m ajor r ole i n t he c limate a nd b iogeochemistry o f t he E arth system. A n i mportant u se o f g lobal l and c over d ata i s t he i nference o f p arameters that i nfluence b iogeochemical a nd e nergy e xchanges b etween t he a tmosphere a nd the l and s urface f or u se i n m odels a nd o ther g lobal c hange s cience a pplications. Examples o f s uch p arameters i nclude l eaf a rea i ndex, r oughness l ength, s urface resistance t o e vapotranspiration, c anopy g reenness f raction, v egetation d ensity, root d istribution, a nd t he f raction o f p hotosynthetically-‐active r adiation a bsorbed. The M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct p rovides a s uite o f l and c over t ypes t hat support g lobal c hange s cience b y m apping g lobal l and c over u sing s pectral a nd temporal i nformation d erived f rom M ODIS. T he o bjective o f t his d ocument i s t o provide i nformation r elated t o t he C ollection 5 M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct (MCD12Q1). I t i s n ot d esigned t o b e a s cientific d ocument. R ather, i t p rovides t hree main t ypes o f i nformation:1.An o verview o f t he M CD12Q1 a lgorithm a nd p roduct, a long w ith r eferencesto p ublished l iterature w here m ore d etails c an b e f ound.2.Guidance a nd i nformation r elated t o d ata a ccess a nd d ata f ormats, t o h elpusers a ccess a nd u se t he d ata.3.Contact i nformation f or u sers w ith q uestions t hat c annot b e a ddressedthrough i nformation o r w ebsites p rovided i n t his d ocument.2. O verview o f t he M CD12Q1 L and C over T ype P roductThe M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct i s p roduced u sing a s upervised c lassification algorithm t hat i s e stimated u sing a d atabase o f h igh q uality l and c over t raining sites. T he t raining s ite d atabase w as d eveloped u sing h igh-‐resolution i magery i n conjunction w ith a ncillary d ata (Muchoney e t a l., 1999). T he s ite d atabase i s a “living” d atabase t hat r equires o n-‐going a ugmentation a nd m aintenance t o i mprove the t raining d ata a nd d etect m islabeled s ites o r s ites t hat h ave c hanged o ver t ime. MODIS d ata u sed i n t he c lassification i nclude a f ull y ear o f c omposited 8-‐day M ODIS observations. S pecific i nputs i nclude N ormalized B RDF-‐Adjusted R eflectance (NBAR; S chaaf e t a l., 2002) a nd M ODIS L and S urface T emperature (LST; W an e t a l., 2002) d ata. T hese f eatures a re p rovided t o t he c lassifier a s m onthly c omposites a nd annual m etrics (see F riedl e t a l., 2002; 2010).The c lassification i s p roduced u sing a d ecision t ree c lassification a lgorithm (C4.5; Quinlan 1993) i n c onjunction w ith a t echnique f or i mproving c lassification accuracies k nown a s b oosting (Freund 1995). B oosting i mproves c lassification accuracies b y i teratively e stimating a d ecision t ree w hile s ystematically v arying t he training s ample. A t e ach i teration t he t raining s ample i s m odified t o f ocus t he classification a lgorithm o n t he m ost d ifficult e xamples. T he b oosted c lassifier'sprediction i s t hen b ased u pon a n a ccuracy-‐weighted v ote a cross t he e stimatedclassifiers. T he i mplementation u sed h ere i s A daboost.M1 (Freund a nd S chapire, 1997), w hich i s t he s implest m ulti-‐class b oosting m ethod. B oosting h as b een s hownto b e a f orm o f a dditive l ogistic r egression (Friedman e t a l. 2000). A s a r esult, probabilities o f c lass m embership c an b e o btained f rom b oosting. T hese probabilities p rovide a m eans o f a ssessing t he c onfidence o f t he c lassification results a s w ell a s a m eans o f i ncorporating a ncillary i nformation i n t he f orm o f p rior probabilities t o i mproved d iscrimination o f c over t ypes t hat a re d ifficult t o s eparate in t he s pectral f eature s pace.Using t his a pproach, t he M ODIS L and C over T ype a lgorithm i ngests M ODIS t raining data f or a ll s ites i n t he t raining d atabase, e stimates b oosted d ecision t rees b ased o n those d ata, a nd t hen c lassifies t he l and c over a t e ach M ODIS l and p ixel. F ollowing the c lassification a s et o f p ost-‐processing s teps i ncorporate p rior p robability knowledge a nd a djust s pecific c lasses b ased o n a ncillary i nformation. F or m ore specific i nformation a nd c omplete d etails r elated t o t he M ODIS L and C over T ype algorithm, t he r eader i s r eferred t o t he f ollowing k ey r eferences:•Friedl e t a l. (1997)•Friedl e t a l. (1999)•McIver a nd F riedl (2001)•McIver a nd F riedl (2002)•Friedl e t a l. (2002)•Friedl e t a l. (2010)Full c itations t o e ach o f t hese p apers a re p rovided b elow.3. P roduct O verview a nd S cience D ata S etsThe M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct s upplies g lobal m aps o f l and c over a t a nnualtime s teps a nd 500-‐m s patial r esolution f or 2001-‐present. T he p rimary l and c overscheme i s p rovided b y a n I GBP l and c over c lassification (Belward e t a l., 1999; Scepan, 1999; F riedl e t a l., 2002; F riedl e t a l., 2010). F or e ase o f u se b y t he community, a n umber o f o ther c lassification s chemes a re a lso p rovided, i ncluding the U niversity o f M aryland c lassification s cheme (Hansen e t a l., 2000), t he B iome classification s cheme d escribed b y R unning e t a l. (1994), t he L AI/fPAR B iome scheme d escribed b y M yneni e t a l. (1997), a nd t he p lant f unctional t ype s cheme described b y B onan e t a l. (2002). I n a ddition, a n a ssessment o f t he r elative classification q uality (scaled f rom 0-‐100) i s p rovided a t e ach p ixel, a long w ith quality a ssurance i nformation a nd a n e mbedded l and/water m ask.The m ost r ecent v ersion o f t he M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct i s C ollection 5.1,which i ncludes a djustments f or s ignificant e rrors t hat w ere d etected i n C ollection 5 of t he M CD12Q1 p roduct. T his v ersion i s a vailable o n t he L and P rocesses D AAC a nd is t he r ecommended v ersion f or u sers. E ssential i nformation r equired f or a ccessing and u sing t hese d ata i nclude t he f ollowing:•Overview o f d ata s et c haracteristics (temporal c overage, s patial r esolution, image s ize, d ata t ypes, e tc.).•Science d ata s ets i ncluded i n t he M ODIS L and C over T ype P roduct, a nd t heir associated d efinitions.•Information a nd s pecifications r elated t o t he M ODIS L and C over T ype Q A Science d ata s et.Up-‐to-‐date i nformation r elated t o e ach o f t hese t opics i ncluding s cience d ata s ets, data f ormats, a nd q uality i nformation a re a vailable f rom t he L and P rocesses D AAC at t he f ollowing U RL:https:///products/modis_products_table/mcd12q13.1. D ata F ormats a nd P rojectionMODIS d ata a re p rovided a s t iles t hat a re a pproximately 10° x 10° a t t he E quator using a s inusoidal g rid i n H DF4 f ile f ormat. I nformation r elated t o t he M ODIS sinusoidal p rojection a nd t he H DF4 f ile f ormat c an b e f ound a t:•MODIS t ile g rid: h ttp:///MODLAND_grid.html•MODIS H DF4: h ttp:///products/hdf4/3.2. A ccessing a nd A cquiring D ataMCD12Q1 d ata c an b e a cquired f rom t he L and P rocesses D istributed A ctive A rchive Center (https:///get_data). T here a re m ultiple p ortals f or downloading t he d ata. R everb i s t he e asiest t o u se a nd d oes n ot r equire a u ser account, b ut y ou o nly h ave t he o ption t o d ownload t he d ata i n i ts o riginal p rojection and H DF f ormat. T he M RTWeb p ortal e nables m ore a dvanced o ptions s uch a s reprojection, s ubsetting, a nd r eformatting b ut d oes r equire a u ser a ccount.4. C ontact I nformationProduct P I: M ark F riedl (friedl@)Associate t eam m ember a nd c ontact f or u sers: D amien S ulla-‐Menashe(dsm@)5. R eferences C ited1.Belward, A. S., E stes, J. E., & K line, K. D. (1999). T he I GBP-‐DIS G lobal 1-‐km L and-‐Cover D ata S et D ISCover: A P roject O verview. P hotogrammetric E ngineering a nd Remote S ensing, 65, 1013-‐1020.2.Bonan, G. B., O leson, K. W., V ertenstein, M., L evis, S., Z eng, X. B., & D ai, Y. (2002).The l and s urface c limatology o f t he c ommunity l and m odel c oupled t o t he N CAR community l and m odel. J ournal o f C limate, 15, 3123-‐3149.3.Freund, Y. (1995). B oosting a w eak l earning a lgorithm b y m ajority. I nformationand C omputation, 121(2), 256-‐285.4.Freund, Y., & S chapire, R. E. (1997). A d ecision-‐theoretic g eneralization o f o n-‐linelearning a nd a n a pplication t o b oosting. J ournal o f C omputer a nd S ystem S ciences, 5(1), 119-‐139.5.Friedl, M.A., & B rodley, C.E. (1997). D ecision t ree c lassification o f l and c overfrom r emotely s ensed d ata. R emote S ensing o f E nvironment, 61, 399-‐409.6.Friedl, M.A., B rodley, C.E., & S trahler, A.H. (1999). M aximizing l and c overclassification a ccuracies a t c ontinental t o g lobal s cales. I EEE T ransactions o nGeoscience a nd R emote S ensing, 37, 969-‐977.7.Friedl, M. A., M cIver, D. K., H odges, J. C. F., Z hang, X. Y., M uchoney, D., S trahler, A.H., W oodcock, C. E., G opal, S., S chneider, A., C ooper, A., B accini, A., G ao, F., &Schaaf, C. (2002). G lobal l and c over m apping f rom M ODIS: a lgorithms a nd e arly results. R emote S ensing o f E nvironment, 83, 287-‐302.8.Friedl, M. A., S ulla-‐Menashe, D., T an, B., S chneider, A., R amankutty, N., S ibley, A.,& H uang, X. (2010). M ODIS C ollection 5 g lobal l and c over: A lgorithm r efinements and c haracterization o f n ew d atasets. R emote S ensing o f E nvironment, 114, 168-‐182.9.Friedman, J., H astie, T., & T ibshirani, R. (2000). A dditive l ogistic r egression: Astatistical v iew o f b oosting. T he A nnals o f S tatistics, 28(2), 337-‐374.10.Hansen, M. C., D eFries, R. S., T ownshend, J. R. G., & S ohlberg, R. 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F irst o perational B RDF, a lbedo n adir r eflectance p roducts from M ODIS. R emote S ensing o f E nvironment, 83, 135-‐148.19.Wan, Z. M., Z hang, Y. L., Z hang, Q. C., a nd L i, Z. L. (2002). V alidation o f t he l and-‐surface t emperature p roducts r etrieved f rom T erra M oderate R esolutionImaging S pectroradiometer d ata. R emote S ensing o f E nvironment, 83, 163-‐180.。
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Simulink警告信息解决措施1.>>simulinkWarning: The model 'diesel_engine_7' does not have continuous states, hence Simulink is using the solver 'FixedStepDiscrete' instead of solver 'ode3'.模型不包含连续状态,因此simulink采用离散定步长求解器(FixedStepDiscrete),而不是ode3求解器。
You can disable this diagnostic by explicitly specifying a discrete solver in the solver tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog, or by setting the'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to 'none' in the Diagnostics tab of the Configuration Parameters dialog你可以通过设置求解器以不让这些诊断信息出现。
Warning: Input port 3 of 'diesel_engine_7/DI_Multimeter_Output' is not connected. Warning: Output port 1 of 'diesel_engine_7/DI_Multimeter_Output' is not connected.端口未连接Warning: Unable to determine a fixed step size based on the sample times in the model'diesel_engine_7', because the model does not have any discretesample times. Picking a fixed step size of (0.2) based on simulation start and stop times. You can disable this diagnostic by explicitly specifying afixed step size in the Solver pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, or setting the 'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to'none' in the Solver group on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box.模型中不能确定取样时间大小,因为模型中不含有任何离散取样时间,请在仿真参中设置仿真步长,设置仿真步长后警告信息将消失,或者采用自动求解器参数设置。
96M11843 Environment Resisting TypeBuilt-in-amplifier Pressure SensorsGP-M SeriesInstruction ManualRead this instruction manual before using the product in order to achieve maximum performance.Keep this instruction manual in a safe place after reading it so that it can be used at any time.SymbolsIn this instruction manual, the following symbols will be used to so that important points can be understood at one glance.Be sure to read these messages carefully.It indicates tips for better understanding or useful information.Safety Information for GP-M SeriesCE MarkingKEYENCE Corporation has confirmed that this product complies with the essential requirements of the applicable EC Directives, based on the following specifications. Be sure to consider the following specifications when using this product in the Member States of European Union.z EMC Directive (2004/108/EC)•Applicable standards EMI: EN61326-1, Class AEMS: EN61326-1RemarksThese specifications do not give any guarantee that theend-product with this product incorporated complies with the essential requirements of EMC Directive.The manufacturer of the end-product is solely responsible for the compliance on the end-product itself according to EMC Directive.1.We cannot guarantee the functions and/orperformance in the event that the product isused outside the standards of thespecification, or if the product is modified.2.When using our product in combination withanother product, based on such factors asconditions of use and surroundingenvironment, sometimes functions andperformance may not be fully realized. In sucha case, use after adequate examination.Precautions on Regulations and Standards NOTICECSA CertificateGP-M Series complies with the following CSA and UL standards and has been certified by CSA.•Applicable standard CAN/CSA C22.2 No.61010-1UL61010-1Be sure to consider the following specifications when using this product as a product certified by CSA.•Overvoltage category: 1•Use this product under pollution degree 2.•Use this product at the altitude of 2000 m or less.•Indoor use only.•Use CSA/UL certified power supply that provides Class 2 output as defined in the CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) and NEC(National Electrical Code), or CSA/ULcertified power supply that has been evaluated as a Limited Power Source as defined in CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1/UL60950-1.•Do not use the GP-M Series for poizonous fluid.Caution when handlingPrecautions for wiringOther precautionse an insulated stabilizing supply for thepower supply.2.Do not pull strongly on the cable.3.Ensure that the cable tip is not submersed inwater during wiring work.4.Isolate the cable from power supply lines orpower lines.5.Isolate the cable as far as possible from anysource of noise.1.The power ON reset time for the GP-M Series is2 seconds after power is turned on. Do not useoutputs from the sensor during this period.2.Initial drift may occur after supplying power tothe GP-M Series. To detect a minute differencein the pressure, let the GP-M Series warm upfor approximately 15 to 30 minutes.3.Do not bring a strong magnet or magnetic fieldclose to the main body of the GP-M Series.NOTICENOTICE4.Do not remove the seal of the air hole of theGP-M001/M010/M025. It will no longer bewaterproof.5.When condensation occurs, it may becomeimpossible to make measurements, or,damage may occur. Take measures such asthe following to prevent condensation.•Ensure that the ambient temperature is the sameor lower than the fluid temperature.•Remove moisture via air conditioning•Separate the sensor 30 cm or more from thecooling pipes using the connector pipe.6.When conducting maintenance, use a softbrush so as not to damage items such as thedetection surface or the O-Ring.7.When replacing the O-Ring, clean all of thedebris from the surface that will be in contactwith the O-Ring.Checking the Packed ItemsGP-M001/M010/M025Sensor x 1 Instruction manual x 1O-Ring x 1 (OP-87287)GP-M100/M250/M400Sensor x 1 Instruction manual x 1O-Ring set x 1 (OP-87288)NOTICE* Only for the GP-M001/M010/M025Piping•Use the adapter for matching with thediameter of the piping.•When using a replacement adapter, attachthe O-Ring included with the Main Unit to thegroove of the G3/4 female screw part.(Refer to the diagram below)•Inquire to us when connecting the pipes directly using the GP-M Series with a G3/4 female screw.•The body may be rotated horizontally to 330°. When rotating, hold the clasp in place with something such as a and Function of Each PartPiping/InstallationAdapterAdapterDOWN button (V )Precautions when installingz Attaching the couplingThe recommended tightening torque when installing the adapter to the main body of the sensor is 20 N•m. It is recommended to apply grease to the G3/4 screw part in order to avoid scorching.z Grounding of metal partsThe metal parts of the main body, the internal circuits 0 V are insulated.z Other precautions•Regardless of whether the power Array of the device is ON or OFF, do nottouch the main part of thepressure detector, if the if thepressure detector is touched,damage may occur due to staticelectricity.•If using a non-conductive liquid such as oil, and plastic piping are used, the risk of an offset change will become greater. Insuch a case, it is recommended to ground the metal housing.•In the case that noise causes malfunction, grounding the metal housing may improve performance.•After installation, conduct an atmospheric correction by making the applied pressure the same as regular roompressure. (Refer to page 10)•When there is condensation, Arrayseparate the sensor from coolingpipe by at least 30 cm using theconnecting pipe.Output diagramz When choosing an NPN output(control output) only.z When choosing a PNP output(control output) only. Analog output diagramPin *When Choosing AnLG of the Function of Output 2 only.M12 Connector Cable (Optional) Pin PositionWiring, Output Diagram1Brown 2White 3Blue 4BlackWhen turning the power ON for the first time after delivery, set the initial settings according to the outline below.Unit ”. By using UV, ,, *1, and *2. *1Except GP-M100/M250/M400*2Except GP-M001Function for correcting the measurement value to 0 due to problems such as long term use.pressure the same as regular room pressure.•The air pressure correction is effective within a range of ±10 of F .S. If it is executed outside of that range, “----” is displayed and no correction will occur.Initial Settings at the Time of DeliveryU briefly will return you toAtmospheric Pressure Correction•The atmospheric pressure correction will be reflected on the analog output.Function for preventing operation error.Key Lock•If the Key Lock is enabled, the setting value change (the detail settings from pressing and holding the MODE button) is not available. (“Loc ” will display as blinking”)•If “PASS ” is set to a value other than “0000 (initial value)” via the extended function (page 16), when the Key Lock is disabled a password will be requested. (Refer to below)Activate/Deactivate Key LockFrom the main screen, press and hold the MODE button and the U button (or the V button) simultaneously.If “Loc ” is displayed while blinking, the Key Lock is enabled. With the same operation it can be disabled (“unL ” will be displayed while blinking).Disabling the Key Lock with Password1.From the main screen press and hold the MODE button simultaneously with the U button (or the V button).“PASS ” and a number value alternately is displayed.2.Select a password with the UV and press the MODE button to select.If the correct password is entered:“unL ” will appear as a blinking display, and Key Lock will be disabled.If an incorrect password is entered:“ErP ” will appear as a blinking display, Key Lock will not be disabled, and the screen will return to the main screen.Changing the Setting Value of Output 1Change the setting value of output 1. The changing of setting values of output 2 is done by pressing and holding the MODE button. (Refer to page 15)Display Pressure Unit/Hold DisplayDisplay Pressure UnitIf the MODE button is pressed briefly on the main screen, the pressure unit will display.If it is not used for 2 seconds it will return to the main screen.Display Peak and Bottom HoldIf the MODE button + the U (V) button are pressed briefly on the main screen, the peak (bottom) hold value will display. (“P_H” (“b_H”) and hold value will blink alternately.)Unit ”. By using UV, , ,*1, and *2.*1Except GP-M100/M250/M400*2Except GP-M001is pressed briefly on the P-n appear.•Peak (bottom) hold value will be stored into EEPROM every 45 seconds.•If the U and V buttons are pressed and heldsimultaneously on the peak (bottom) hold screen, the peak (bottom) hold value of the initial reset will be cleared.•To return to the previous screen, press the MODE button briefly.Initial Reset (Initialization)U at the same time will return to theInitialization Value ListItem Default value (by model)Model GP-M001GP-M010GP-M025GP-M100GP-M250GP-M400Unit kPa MPaSP1/FH1(Switch-on point 1)40.00.400 1.000 4.0010.0016.00 rP1/FL1(Switch-off point 1)20.00.2000.500 2.00 5.008.00 SP2/FH2(Switch-on point 2)100.0 1.000 2.50010.0025.0040.00 rP2/FL2(Switch-off point 2)80.00.800 2.0008.0020.0032.00 ASP (Analog startpoint (4 mA))-100.00.0000.0000.000.000.00 AEP (Analog endpoint (20 mA))100.0 1.000 2.50010.0025.0040.00Item Default value (for all models) ou1 (detection mode of output 1)Hnoou2 (detection mode of output 2)HnoCoF (offset correction)No correctiondS1/dr1/dS2/dr2 (direct timer)0.00 (s)SPEd (responsiveness) 3 (ms)Eco (power-save mode)oFFHYS (presence of hysterisis when in window mode)ondiS.U (display renew cycle)200 (ms)diS.r (display inversion)noPASS (password)0000Settings of Each Setting Function••and UDetection mode and setting valueThe GP-M Series has two types of detection modes which are described below.When the selected function of output 2 is out (control output), the output 1 and output 2 can be set separately.Hysteresis mode (Hno /HnC )Considering Sp-rP = hysteresis, it is the mode for changing the setting value when ON and when OFF .•When the output is OFF (right diagram 1), and the measuredvalue becomes more SP than itwill turn on (right diagram 2).•When the output is ON, and the measuring value becomes less than rP , it will turn OFF (rightdiagram 3).Window mode (Fno /FnC )This mode determines whether the measured value is within or outside the area of FH to FL .•If the detection value of theoutput OFF condition in the rightdiagram 1 is more than (FL +HYS ) or less than FH , it will turn ON (right diagram2).•From that condition the measured value is larger than FH (right diagram 3), or, less than FL , the right diagram will be OFF .•If the measured value of the condition in the diagram on the right is less than (FH - HYS ) or more than FL , it will be ON.Explanation of All FunctionsIf HYS is fixed at 0.5% of F .S., the presence or absence of hysterisis can be selected by the extended function (page 16).Free range analog outputSet the pressure value for the respective free range analog start point and end point. The function of the output 2 can be selected at the time of AnLG (analogue output). ASP and AEP can be set freely within the measured range. Operation is as follows.1.When ASP < AEP•When ASP becomes AEP : 4 mA becomes 20 mA•If the measurement value falls below ASP , output will be up to 3.8 mA•If the measurement value rises above AEP , output will be up to 20.5 mA 2.When ASP > AEP•When ASP becomes AEP : 4 mA becomes 20 mA•If the measurement value falls below AEP , output will be up to 20.5 mA•If the measurement value rises above ASP , output will be up to 3.8 mAThe name of the setting values depending on the mode and output are as follows.When system error (ErS ) occurs, 2 mA will be output.*Selection is possible when the selection function of output 2(control output) is out .Output Detection Mode Switch on point Switch off point Output 1when choosing hysteresis mode SP1rP1Output 2SP2*rP2*Output 1when choosing window modeFH1FL1Output 2FH2*FL2*Offset correctionConcerning the value at the time of shipping, there may be as much as ±10%F .S. offset correction.This activates in the case of a margin of error in the displayed pressure value and the actual pressure value.The pressure value after the offset correction is displayed on thesetting screen and can be adjusted with the UV buttons.Delay timerThe delay timer can be set within the range of 0.00 to 50.00(s)When the function selection of output 2 is out (control output) the delay timer for output 1 and output 2 can be set separately.*The setting of the dS2, dr2 is possible when the function of output 2 is selected as out (control output).Offset correction works in conjunction with “Atmospheric pressure correction”.•If the UV buttons are pressed and held simultaneously on the offset correction screen, the offset correction value and the air pressure correction value will revert to the condition at shipping (no correction).Setting item MeaningdS1/dS2Concerning the ON delay timer of output 1/output 2. When the judgment switches from OFF to ON, the set delay time will elapse.dr1/dr2Concerning the OFF delay time of output 1/output 2. When the judgment switches from ON to OFF , the set delay time will elapse.ResponsivenessThe time until 100% response of the internal judgment value can be set from within the range of 3 to 5000 (ms).The response time of the analog output (90% response) will be an additional 2 ms from this point.Power Save ModeWhen on is selected, if the key operation does not occur for 15 seconds (Power Save) will be displayed.The “-”at the time of power save display will move from the left to the right, and the operation indicator will operate normally. To return the display status to normal, press any key. When there is an error, regardless of whether power save mode is on /oFF , the error will be displayed.Display Renewal CycleSet the interval to renew the display contents. When a value is increased, only for that time the value will continue to be displayed the same. From after the renewal until the next renewal, the measurement value will be averaged so as to control fluctuations in the display value. However, there will be no influence on the control output and the analog output.Display inversionWhen no is selected: regular displayWhen YES is selected: The display will be inverted vertically 180°.Time chartError Display and Countermeasures Errordisplay Cause Measures----At the time of atmosphericpressure correction there is±10% F.S. applied pressure.Return the air to the roompressure, once again setthe sensitivity setting.ErC There is too much current flowingthrough the control output.Check the load, and returnto the rated range.oL Outside possible displayrange (above)Return to the ratedpressure range.uL Outside possible displayrange (below)Return to the ratedpressure range.ErP An incorrect password wasentered at the time of theKey Lock release.Enter the correctpassword. If the passwordhas been forgotten contactyour nearest sales office.ErE Write/load to EEPROMerrorDo an initial reset. If in thatcase the problem has notbeen fixed please contact us.ErS System error Contact the nearest sales office. Output Condition at the Time of Error.Errordisplay Output judgment Analog output ----Regular operation Regular operation ErC OFF Regular operation oL Operation at the maximum possible display range uL Operation at the minimum possible display range ErP Regular operation Regular operation ErE Regular operation Regular operation ErS OFF 2 mASpecifications (Differs by model type)Model GP-M001GP-M010GP-M025GP-M100GP-M250GP-M400Rated pressure -100 to+100kPa-0.1 to+1MPa-0.1 to+2.5MPa0 to +10MPa0 to +25MPa0 to +40MPaPossible display range -120.0 to+120.0kPa-0.210 to+1.110MPa-0.360 to+2.760MPa-1.00 to+11.00MPa-2.50 to+27.50MPa-4.00 to+44.00MPaAllowablepressure400 kPa 4 MPa10 MPa30 MPa50 MPa50 MPaBurstpressure 1.5 MPa15 MPa35 MPa 100MPa100MPa100MPaDisplayresolution0.1 kPa0.001 MPa0.01 MPaFluid type Gas or liquid that will notcorrode the liquid contactpartLiquid that will not corrodethe liquid contact partSpecifications (All model types are the same)Type of pressure Gage pressurePrecision*1±1.0% of F.S. or less Repeatability*2±0.3% of F.S. or lessTemperaturecharacteristics±0.6% of F.S./10°CZero-cut pressurevalue±0.5% of F.S.Connection diameter G3/4 (Changes to the R1/8 male, R1/4 male, R3/8 male, G1/4 female, NPT1/8 male, and NPT1/4 male option adapters are available.)Box rotation angle Maximum 330°Medium temperature -20 to +100°C (no freezing/condensation)*3 *6Power supplyvoltage 10-30 VDC, Ripple (P-P): 10% max,Class 2 or LPSCurrentconsumption 50 mA or less (when 24 V: 32 mA or less, when 12 V: 48 mA or less. Excluding output)*4Display method4 column digital LED red/Vertical inversion display possible Operation displaylight Operation indicator (output 1) (orange)Operation indicator (output 2) (orange)HysteresisDuring hysteresis mode: variable (Difference between switch-on point andswitch-off point is hysteresis)During window mode: fixed (0.5% of F .S.)ResponseControl outputSelectable from 3 to 5000 ms Analog output As above + 2 ms (90% response)Output 1control output NPN/PNP open collector (Selectable)30 V or less, Max. 250 mAResidual voltage for the Main Unit is 1 V or less, N.O./N.C. selectable Output 2(replace -ment type )Control outputAnalog output 4-20 mA, maximum load resistance 500 Ω(When the electric voltage is more than 20 V)*5Environmental resistance Ambient temperature -20 to +80°C (no freezing/condensation)*6Relativehumidity35 to 85% RH (no condensation)*6VibrationIEC60068-2-6 20 G (10 to 2000 Hz In each direction of X, Y, Z for 2 hours)ShockIEC60068-2-27 50 G (11 msIn each direction X, Y, Z 3 times)Enclosure protection IP67R a t i n gO u t p u t*1This is the value when considering linearity + hysterisis + repeatabilityin a stable environment of 23°C.*2The repeatability, based on consistent conditions, is the difference inthe detection points at the time of fluctuations in the repetition.*3When the temperature of the piping exceeds 80°C, do not connect the cable.*4Consumption current including output is 0.6 A and under.*5The maximum load resistance R will be the values below in response tothe electric voltage E.When 10-23V: R = (38 x (E-10) + 128) ΩWhen 23-30V: R = 622 Ω*6Take measures such as the following to prevent condensation.•Ensure that the ambient temperature is equal or lower than the fluid temperature.•Dehumidify using an air-conditioner•Separate the sensor from the cooling pipe by at least 30 cm using the connecting pipe.Also, it is recommended that ambient temperature and relative humidity should*7Material propertiesWettedpart Pressure port: SUSXM7/Diaphragm pressure port: Al 2O 3/O-Ring: FKM Other partsHousing metal portion: SUS304, SUS303Housing plastic portion: PPSU Air hole *7: PTFE, nickel-plated brass.Applicable cableM12 connector 4 pinWeightApp. 150 gDimensionsO-ringfor GP-M001/M010/M025 useO-ring setfor GP-M100/M250/M400 useWarranties and Disclaimers(1)KEYENCE warrants the Products to be free of defects in materials andworkmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment. If any models or samples were shown to Buyer, such models or samples were used merely to illustrate the general type and quality of theProducts and not to represent that the Products would necessarilyconform to said models or samples. Any Products found to bedefective must be shipped to KEYENCE with all shipping costs paid by Buyer or offered to KEYENCE for inspection and examination. Upon examination by KEYENCE, KEYENCE, at its sole option, will refund the purchase price of, or repair or replace at no charge any Productsfound to be defective. This warranty does not apply to any defectsresulting from any action of Buyer, including but not limited to improper installation, improper interfacing, improper repair, unauthorizedmodification, misapplication and mishandling, such as exposure toexcessive current, heat, coldness, moisture, vibration or outdoors air.Components which wear are not warranted.(2)KEYENCE is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its variousProducts. They are only suggestions, and it is Buyer's responsibility to ascertain the fitness of the Products for Buyer’s intended use.KEYENCE will not be responsible for any damages that may result from the use of the Products.(3)The Products and any samples ("Products/Samples") supplied to Buyerare not to be used internally in humans, for human transportation, as safety devices or fail-safe systems, unless their written specifications state otherwise. Should any Products/Samples be used in such amanner or misused in any way, KEYENCE assumes no responsibility, and additionally Buyer will indemnify KEYENCE and hold KEYENCE harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of any misuse of the Products/Samples.(4)OTHER THAN AS STATED HEREIN, THE PRODUCTS/SAMPLESARE PROVIDED WITH NO OTHER WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER.ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED, AND STATUTORY WARRANTIES,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AREEXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMED.IN NO EVENT SHALL KEYENCE AND ITS AFFILIATED ENTITIES BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, BUSINESSINTERRUPTION, LOSS OF INFORMATION, LOSS OR INACCURACY OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF SAVINGS, THE COST OF PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTED GOODS, SERVICES ORTECHNOLOGIES, OR FOR ANY MATTER ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THEPRODUCTS, EVEN IF KEYENCE OR ONE OF ITS AFFILIATEDENTITIES WAS ADVISED OF A POSSIBLE THIRD PARTY’S CLAIM FOR DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER CLAIM AGAINST BUYER. In some jurisdictions, some of the foregoing warranty disclaimers or damage limitations may not apply.BUYER'S TRANSFER OBLIGATIONS:If the Products/Samples purchased by Buyer are to be resold ordelivered to a third party, Buyer must provide such third party with a copy of this document, all specifications, manuals, catalogs, leaflets and written information provided to Buyer pertaining to the Products/ Samples.E 1101-3。
Model Checking说明书
Given an abstraction function h : S Sh, the concrete states are grouped and mapped into abstract states :
h h Preservation Theorem ?
If M has partial behavior of N, we say that “N simulates M”: M N
generate initial abstraction
model check
Mh |=
Mh |=
generate counterexample Th
Th check if counterexample spurious Th is not spurious
Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement C, SpecC, Verilog
Determines Patterns on Infinite Traces
Atomic Propositions a
Boolean Operations
Temporal operators
a Xa Fa Ga aUb
“a is true now” “a is true in the neXt state” “a will be true in the Future” “a will be Globally true in the future” “a will hold true Until b becomes true”
并将发现的问题、意见和建议函告杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站[地址:莫干山路 100 号耀江国际大厦 A 座 12 楼,邮政编码:311005],以供修订时参考。
本规范主编单位、参编单位、主要起草人和主要审查人: 本规范主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站
本规范共分 10 章,主要技术内容包括:1 总则;2 术语;3 基本规定;4 牵引及降压变 电所;5 刚性架空接触网;6 柔性架空接触网;7 接触轨;8 杂散电流腐蚀防护系统;9 可视 化接地系统;10 电力监控与电能质量管理系统。
Code for acceptance of construction quality of power supply system engineering of urban rail transit
DB33/T ××/××××-201×
主编单位:杭州市建设工程质量安全监督总站 中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司
中铁电气化局集团有限公司 中铁二局集团有限公司 本规范参编单位:中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 杭州市地铁集团有限责任公司 宁波市轨道交通集团有限公司 中铁十一局集团电务工程有限公司 中铁一局集团电务工程有限公司 浙江丽水宏瑜建设有限公司 浙江德光建筑工程有限公司 浙江瓯立园林建设有限公司 纳琦绿能工程有限公司 浙江鸿旭园林建设有限公司 浙江罗邦建设有限公司 丽水市金丰建筑工程有限公司 丽水市鼎旺建设工程有限公司 浙江瓯业园林建设有限公司 丽水市汇桦市政园林有限公司 浙江屹立建设有限公司 浙江华歌建设有限公司 本规范主要起草人:史文杰 周静增 肖国军 雷 鸣 蔡佳旻 周 军 施云琼 王祥涛 于镇川 郭润桥 唐兆军 孙海东 王海涛 左传文 郭 忠 叶波涛 徐 俊 吴赟胤 王存建 王 波 朱智文 赵加建 范 卿 韩明学 陈俊卿 周洪波 何贵龙 黄美香 潘国平 蒋 真 本规范主要审查人:石西全 赵宇宏 戴新国 游劲秋 张 燕 袁 林 刘 伟 洪秀敏
R2000 Radiometer UV/VISIBLE RADIOMETER 250 – 1000 nmUSER’S GUIDEPrinted in Canada035-00310R Rev. 1R2000 Control Panel SoftwareMinimum Computer Specifications:300+ MHz processor (Pentium or equivalent)Windows 98, 2000 or XP32 Mb RAM10 Mb for Software Installation20 Mb for Data StorageSVGA video 800x600 resolutionOne available RS-232 PortTrademarksOmniCure® is a trademark of Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. All other product names are trademarks of their respective ownersPage 1 of 51Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 32 CONTROL FUNCTIONS & FEATURES .......................... 43 FAMILIARIZING YOURSELF WITH THE R2000 RADIOMETER ................................................................................. 64 USING THE R2000 RADIOMETER .............................. 10 4.1 T URNING THE R2000 R ADIOMETER ON ................. 10 4.2 C ALIBRATION ................................................ 10 4.3 U SING L IGHT G UIDE A DAPTERS ........................... 11 4.4 U SING N ON -S TANDARD S IZE L IGHT G UIDES ........... 12 4.5 C ONNECTING TO A L IGHT S OURCE ........................ 13 4.6 M EASURING I RRADIANCE ................................... 13 4.7 M EASURING P OWER ......................................... 13 4.8 M EASURING IN R ELATIVE M ODE ........................... 14 4.9 M EASURING IN A BSOLUTE M ODE .......................... 15 4.10 C ONNECTING E XTERNAL R ADIOMETER D EVICES ........ 15 4.11 S TORING D ATA .............................................. 17 4.12 I NTERFACING WITH C OMPATIBLE O MNI C URE UV C URING S YSTEMS .............................................................. 18 4.13 C ALIBRATING C OMPATIBLE O MNI C URE UV C URING S YSTEMS .............................................................. 18 4.14 U SING THE R2000 R ADIOMETER WITH A PC ............ 19 5 GLOSSARY OF SYMBOLS AND SAFETYPRECAUTIONS ............................................................................. 33 6 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................... 35 6.1 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …A DC ‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 35 6.2 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …BAT‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 35 6.3 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …C AL ‟ M ESSAGE ...................... 36 6.4 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …E RR ‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 36 6.5 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …LG‟ M ESSAGE ....................... 37 6.6 D ISPLAY I NDICATES …LGA‟ M ESSAGE ..................... 38 6.7D ISPLAY I NDICATES ...L OC ‟ M ESSAGE (38)Page 2 of 516.8D ISPLAY I NDICATES ...CLO‟ M ESSAGE (38)7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS*.................................... 39 7.1 O PTICAL ..................................................... 39 7.2 E LECTRICAL .................................................. 40 7.3 M ECHANICAL ................................................ 40 7.4 RS-232 C OMMUNICATION C OM P ORT C ONFIGURATION : 407.5 E NVIRONMENTAL C ONDITIONS ............................ 41 7.6 R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE S AFETY : ..................... 41 7.7 WEEE D IRECTIVE (2002/96/EU) .......................... 43 8 ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 46 9 W ARRANTY .. (48)Page 3 of 511 IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of the R2000 Radiometer. This radiometer includes revolutionary technology that elevates the performance and accuracy of hand held radiometers to new heights. It joins the Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. family of spot cure and illumination systems, offering the same high level of innovation, quality and reliability that customers have come to expect from Lumen Dynamics Group Inc.At the heart of the R2000 Radiometer are two proprietary systems: a non-imaging optical interface that virtually eliminates measurement variation caused by radiance and intensity variations in the light source; and a flat response optical detector system that responds to energy at all wavelengths between 250 and 1000 nm. The result is a hand held, robust and versatile radiometer with accuracy unmatched in the industry.The R2000 Radiometer provides unique features when combined with the OmniCure 2000 UV Visible Spot Curing System.Page 4 of 512Control Functions & FeaturesPage 5 of 51Page 6 of 513Familiarizing yourself with the R2000 RadiometerRemote InputConnector Note: For connection of optional cure site & cure ring radiometer onlyRS-232 ConnectorRubber BootFront KeypadLCDDisplayPage 7 of 51The R2000 Radiometer comes complete with:∙ 3mm (Red), 5mm (Blue) and 8mm (Green) LightGuide Adapters∙ 6‟ Phono -style cable (RS-232) ∙ 6‟ 9-Pin style cable (RS-232)∙ CD with GUI software and programming notes ∙ Carrying caseLight Guide AdapterInterfaces Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. standard size light guides to the optical input port to promote accurate light delivery into the R2000 Radiometer.The R2000 Radiometer is able to detect the output dimension of the light guide depending on the colour of the light guide adapter inserted.ThumbscrewUsed to secure the light guide adapter to the light guide.Remote Input ConnectorA 6-Pin Mini-DIN connector that allows the R2000 Radiometer to interface with optional external cure site and cure ring radiometers.RS-232 ConnectorA …stereo -phono‟ style connector that connects the R2000 Radiometer to a PC or compatible OmniCure UV Curing Systems.LCD DisplayThe display is a 3.5 digit, 7-segment LCD display.Front KeypadThe front keypad is comprised of 6 independent membrane-style switches, ONPage 8 of 51Pressing this button will turn the R2000 Radiometer on.RELATIVE / ABSOLUTEEach press of this button toggles between relative and absolute mode. The default setting is Absolute mode.The Relative mode displays measurements as a percentage of a reference value.OmniCure CALUsed to calibrate and set up compatible OmniCure UV Curing Systems to a specified irradiance.POWER / IRRADEach press of this button toggles between Power or Irradiance measurements.EXTERNALEnables the R2000 Radiometer to detect and measure external radiometer devices when connected through the remote Input connector.STOREThis feature is used to save measurement data into a data log memory for future retrieval from a PC.The data stored is ∙ Date / Time∙ Irradiance and Power∙ Serial Number – (OmniCure UV Curing Systems) ∙ External input channelPage 9 of 51Rubber BootA protective, flexible cover that allows the radiometer to stand upright on a flat surface. The rubber boot is optional and can be removed when not desired.When the boot is utilized, the RS-232 connector and Remote Input connector are accessible by lifting flap on the right side of the boot.Acronyms, Abbreviations and DefinitionsPC Personal ComputerGUI Graphical User InterfacePage 10 of 51 4 Using the R2000 Radiometer4.1 Turning the R2000 Radiometer ONThe R2000 Radiometer is fitted withan ON switch located on the front keypad. Press and release the button. All segments on the display illuminate for 1 second.Note: If a light guide adapter is installed in the optical port, the display will flash the diameter of the light guide adapter for 3 sec.Note: The R2000 Radiometer will automatically turn OFF after 1 minute if the unit does not detect any optical input, RS232 communication, or keypad activity.Note: The R2000 Radiometer remains in the same measurement mode that it was in after an occurrence of an automatic power off.4.2 CalibrationShould the CAL message appear on the display immediately following the R2000 Radiometer being turned ON, it indicates that the unit requires calibration. The message remains illuminated for 5 seconds.It is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be calibrated every 12 months to ensure validPage 11 of 51measurements. The calibration is traceable to NIST and a calibration certificate is included at each calibration cycle.Calibration is authorized only by a certified Lumen Dynamics service center. When calibration is due contact Lumen Dynamics for a return authorization number. Refer to Section Using Light Guide AdaptersEach R2000 Radiometer includes two standard light guide adapters, 3mm (RED), 5mm (BLUE) and 8mm (GREEN).One other size is available: 2mm (GOLD)Note: If the R2000 Radiometer is on when the adapter is installed, the display will flash the diameter of the light guide adapter for 3 sec.Insert the light guide adapter into the optical input port to the end of its travel. A click should be heard that indicates positive insertion of the light guide adapter.Insert the light guide into the light guide adapter to the end of its travel. Hand-tighten the thumb screw to secure the light guide into place. Note: The use of a tool to tighten the thumbscrew is not recommended. Over-tightening could cause damage to the light guide.Page 12 of 51When the light guide adapter is secured it can remainattached to the light guide if the light guide is removed.To confirm which size light guide is inserted press the ON button simultaneously with the POWER/IRRAD button. The display will show the diameter of the light guide in mm (i.e. 5.0).4.4 Using Non-Standard Size Light GuidesIn order to use non-standard size light guides with the R2000 Radiometer a custom light guide adapter is required. Contact Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. for further details.Thumbscrew Light GuideLight GuideAdaptorPage 13 of 51Note: The diameter of the light guide must be entered in the PC software before the light guide is used with its custom adapter.4.5 Connecting to a Light SourceConnect a light guide with corresponding light guide adapter into the optical input port on the R2000 Radiometer. Turn light source ON. Always turn light source OFF before removing light delivery from the R2000 Radiometer. Refer to Section 5 for warnings and safety precautions.4.6 Measuring IrradianceWhen measuring irradiance, the display will show the measurement in either mW/cm 2 or W/cm 2.If the display is not showing the “ /cm 2”, it indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is in Power mode. Simply press the POWER/IRRAD keypad button to toggle into irradiance mode.The R2000 Radiometer automatically detects the size of the light guide that is inserted, calculates the irradiance and displays the measurement.4.7 Measuring PowerWhen measuring power, the display will show the measurement in either mW or W.Page 14 of 51If the display is showing “ /cm 2”, press thePOWER/IRRAD keypad to toggle into Power mode.4.8 Measuring in Relative ModeThe Relative mode displays measurements as a percentage of a reference value. The reference is the power at the point of entering Relative mode.Select either Power or Irradiance mode from the keypad.Adjust the optical source to the desired reference level, and then press the Relative/Absolute button. The R2000 Radiometer will toggle to Relative mode. All subsequent measurements will be displayed as a percentage of the reference.A reading of “100%” indicates that the current measurement is the same value as the reference. A reading of “50%” indicates that the current measurement is half of the initial reference measurement. A reading of “200%” indicates that the current measurement is double of the initial reference.Page 15 of 51Inserting a light guide from a different source will provide a measurement that is relative to the initial reading as described above.4.9 Measuring in Absolute ModeWhen in Absolute mode, the R2000 Radiometer displays the reading as power or irradiance, depending on which mode is selected.4.10 Connecting External Radiometer DevicesTo use the R2000 Radiometer with optional Cure Site and Cure Ring Radiometers, plug the 6-pin Mini-DIN style cable attached to the external device(s) into the Remote Input connector on the side of the R2000 Radiometer. External radiometer devices are available from Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. as custom ordered items.Press the EXTERNAL keypad button. The display will show the EXT icon and a number (starting at 1), that corresponds to the external radiometer sensor being detected. This number is shown for a few seconds and then the display shows the corresponding measurement of that device.If multiple devices are connected each press of the EXTERNAL keypad button will increment to the next external device before returning back to internal mode.Page 16 of 51This is indicated on the display when the EXT icon is no longer illuminated.The measurement mode is dependent on the type of sensor the external device has. For example, the R2000 Radiometer will only measure Irradiance when an external radiometer device is only able to measure Irradiance.The Power mode becomes disabled and the display will show a …Loc‟ message if the user tries to toggle into Power mode.The same is true for sensors that measure only Power; the Irradiance mode will not be accessible and the display with show a …Loc‟ message.The following illustrates the use of the EXTERNAL feature with four external radiometer devices.Page 17 of 51With each press of the EXTERNAL keypad button, the display will show,4.11Storing DataThe R2000 Radiometer is able to store measurements based on what is being detected at the time the STORE button is pressed.When the STORE button is pressed the display shows the …MEM‟ icon and a number (starting at 1), that corresponds to the number of stored readings. The number will increment each time STORE is pressed and the measurement will be stored.The STORE feature is generally used when the R2000 Radiometer will be connected to a PC via the RS-232 connector. When connected the stored readings areReadingReadingReadingReadingReadingPage 18 of 51downloaded into a Data Log as seen on the R2000 Control Panel (via the GUI software provided). The stored readings can only be viewed by downloading to a PC. Once a reading has been stored, it can not be viewed on the R2000 Radiometer display.4.12 Interfacing with Compatible OmniCure UVCuring SystemsRefer to the OmniCure Curing System User Guide.The R2000 Radiometer is equipped with one I/O port for communication with compatible OmniCure curing systems. When connected, the R2000 Radiometer is able to calibrate the OmniCure SERIES 2000 UV Curing System and set the irradiance to a specific level.To interface via the RS-232:Plug the phono-style cable into the RS-232 connector located on the side of the unit and to the Audio Jack connector located on the front panel side of the OmniCure UV Curing System. The cable supplied is six feet in length.4.13 Calibrating Compatible OmniCure UV CuringSystems To initiate a calibration operation, press the OmniCure CAL button. The …SET‟ icon will flash and the display will indicate the current set point.When the keypad is released a series of dashes …----… will illuminate across the display which indicates that the set point is being communicated to the OmniCure UV CuringPage 19 of 51system and calibration is being performed. Once thedashes cease to display the calibration cycle is complete.If the SET …Err‟ message appears it indicates that the calibration did not get completed. The calibration must be repeated.Holding the OmniCure CAL button for 5 seconds will store the current optical input into the radiometer‟s set point (this feature can be enabled or disabled via PC). The SET icon will cease to flash, while remaining illuminated. The set point can be also be programmed by the PC.4.14 Using the R2000 Radiometer with a PCThe following are the minimum requirements for a PC to be used with the R2000 Control Panel software:∙ 300+ MHz recommended Pentium or equivalentprocessor ∙ 32 MB RAM∙ 10 MB available storage for software installation ∙ 20MB additional storage (suggested) for yourdata files∙ SVGA video 800 X 600 resolution, 8-bit color (16-bit color or better recommended) ∙ Available RS-232 COM portOperating System Requirements:Microsoft Windows® 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME or XPThe R2000 Radiometer comes complete with a CD that includes the R2000 Control Panel software that allowsPage 20 of 51the user to operate and control the Radiometer from a PC.Installing the R2000 Control Panel Software1) Turn on the PC to be used with the R2000Radiometer.2) Shut down any other Windows programs currently inuse3) Insert the CD supplied with the R2000 Radiometer inthe CD-ROM drive of your PC4) Right-click your mouse on the Windows Start buttonand select Explore5) Left-click on Explore and select the applicable CDdrive6) Double click on SETUP.EXE7) Follow the setup instructions as they appear byclicking “next” each time the user prompt appears, until the installation has been completed and “finish” appears. Click on “finish” to complete the installation.8) To access the control panel software program, clickon the Windows Start menu and select: programs/ EXFO ►/ R2000 Control Panel. A screen with a title bar displaying “R2000 Control Panel” will appear.Click on Connect at the top of the screen. The R2000 Control Panel will open when there is a successful connection. This should take no more than a few seconds.Page 21 of 51As long as there is a connection between the PC and the Radiometer, data is automatically downloaded to the PC. A 9-pin serial cable is provided with each R2000 Radiometer.If a problem connecting occurs, a …No response from radiometer….‟ Error may be displayed. If this occurs click …OK‟ and check the R2000 Radiometer. Press the ON keypad button as necessary and try connecting again.If a problem connecting occurs, the PC may display a …Failed to open COM port‟ message. Click …OK‟.Select from the File pull down menu – COM Ports. Ensure that the applicable COM port is checked and cable is connected to corresponding plug. Try connecting again.Page 22 of 51Note: This error may also appear if another program is running that is using the COM port that has been selected.The following illustrates the R2000 Control Panel:Based on the settings and data being read from the R2000 Radiometer, the information will display in the respective areas of the Control Panel. Some data is user-defined such as:∙ Set Point∙ Relative ReferencePage 23 of 51∙ Custom Adapter Diameter ∙ LCD ContrastNote: When data is entered into a user-defined field the background colour of the field content changes to yellow. To transfer the number into the R2000 Radiometer, press the ENTER key. If successful, the background reverts to the default colour.If the transfer fails, the background colour reverts to the default colour but the foreground colour becomes red. A dialogue box will appear indicating that the request failed. Click OK to continue.The Optical Data frame displays a combination of real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer as well as user-defined fields.Power – Displays real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer. This displays as either mW or W.Irradiance – Displays real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer. This displays as either mW/cm 2 or W/cm 2.Page 24 of 51Light Guide Adaptor – Displays the diameter and colour of the light guide adapter being detected by the R2000 Radiometer.Setpoint – User defined; enter the desired irradiance that will be used to set the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System after the OmniCure CAL button is pressed.Relative Reference – User defined; enter the desired power reference to be used in Relative mode.Custom Adapter Diameter – User defined; when using a non-standard light guide with the R2000 Radiometer enter the applicable diameter of the customized light guide adapter. This information must be entered before the light guide is used into the R2000 RadiometerLight Guide Adaptor – Displays the diameter and colour of the light guide adapter being detected from the R2000 Radiometer. The Misc. frame displays a combination of real-time data as it pertains to readings being taken from the R2000 Radiometer as well as user-defined fields.S/N – Displays serial number of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 25 of 51LCD Contrast – User defined; indicates level of contrast of LCD Display on R2000 Radiometer; 0 being the darkest and 15 being the lightest.Version – Displays software version resident on R2000 RadiometerCal Due - Displays when next recommended calibration is due.RTC (Real-Time-Clock ) - Displays date and time based on internal clock on R2000 Radiometer.PC Clock - Displays date and time according to PC clock.Page 26 of 51If the RTC date/time stamp is not the same as the PC clock use the Set R2000 Radiometer Clock function under the File menu to synchronize.StatusThe Status frame indicates the applicable status modes of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 27 of 51Cal Required – When checked indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is past its recommended calibration date. This is equivalent to the …CAL‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.Low Battery – When checked indicates that the battery is low and should be replaced. This is equivalent to the …BAT‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.No Light Guide – When checked indicates that the R2000 Radiometer is not detecting a light guide. This is equivalent to the …LG‟ message that appears on the R2000 Radiometer ‟s display.Internal Input – This box will be checked when Internal is highlighted in the Source frame. This indicates that optical input is being received from the optical port on the R2000 Radiometer.S/N Included in Data Logs – When checked indicates that the serial number of the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System will be included in the Data Log.Log readings during CAL – When checked, indicates that each calibration point during a calibration of a compatible OmniCure UV Curing system will be logged into the Data Log.SourceThe Source frame lists the optical inputs being detected by the R2000 Radiometer. Internal indicates detection from the optical input port on the R2000 Radiometer. Other sources such as Ext. #1 and Ext. #2 are sources being detected from external radiometer devices that are connected.Page 28 of 51Menu FunctionsTo operate and control the R2000 Radiometer from the PC, select desired menu functions located across the top of the R2000 Control Panel.DisplaySelect the Display menu and then select the desired mode of Power, Irradiance, Absolute or Relative.Selected options are indicated as checked boxes in the Displayframe.Page 29 of 51LockoutSelect Lockout menu option to disable certain features or functionality from the front keypad of the R2000 Radiometer.Select from the available list in the pull-down menu. The selections that are checked are indicated in the Lockout frame.If a box is checked, this means that this function will notoperate from the front keypad of the R2000 Radiometer.Page 30 of 51 Get LGAIn the event that the size of the light guide adapter must be re-detected remotely, it can be obtained from the Get LGA menu option at the top of the screen. Selecting this will re-detect the colour of the light guide adapter and hence the size of the light guide installed in the R2000 Radiometer.Data LogSelect the Data Log menu option and select the desired option from the pull down list.Select Clear to clear any existing data that may be resident in the data log.Select Log Current Readings to STORE current readings from the R2000 Radiometer. The applicable data will be displayed in the Data Log frame.Select Include Serial Numbers to obtain the serial number of the compatible OmniCure UV Curing System when the STORE button is pressed.Page 31 of 51 Select Log Readings During OMNICURE CAL to log each calibration point into the Data Log during a calibration cycle with a compatible OmniCure UV Curing System.The following is a sample screen shot of the Data Log,Page 32 of 51Power DownSelect this menu option to power down the R2000 Radiometer.Page 33 of 515Glossary of Symbols and Safety PrecautionsCAUTION – RISK OF DANGERConsult accompanying documentsCAUTION!Never look into the light emitting end of alight guide. The light could severely damagethe cornea and retina of the eye if the light isobserved directly. Eye shielding must be usedat all times as well as protective clothing toprotect exposed skin.BatteryD.C. CurrentCaution, hot surfacePage 34 of 51SAFETY PRECAUTIONS:WARNING!Should the R2000 Radiometer be used in a manner not specified by Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.WARNING!The R2000 Radiometer is supplied with a lithium battery. Lithium batteries present a potential fire, explosion or severe burn hazard. DO NOT attempt to re-charge, disassemble, incinerate, short circuit or expose battery to temperatures above 100 degrees C or expose contents to water!WARNING!Used batteries are not to be discarded. Return to the nearest authorized Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. service center for disposal/ re-cycling.Lithium batteries must have terminals taped with non-conductive material prior to returning for disposal/ re-cycling to prevent short-circuiting. External packaging material must provide adequate protection to contents.The lithium battery supplied in the R2000 Radiometer DOES NOT contain: mercury, lead, manganese or cadmium. Substitution of any other type of battery is not recommended and may void warranty.Caution, hot surfaceIn instances where high power light sources aremeasured for extended periods of time, the light guide adaptors supplied with the R2000 may become hot! Always use caution when handling these adaptors!Page 35 of 516 TroubleshootingError Messages6.1 Display Indicates ‘Adc’ MessageIf an Adc message appear on the display it indicates that there is an internal problem with the unit during power up.If this occurs, it is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be serviced. See Section 9.6.2 Display Indicates ‘BAT’ MessageIf the BAT icon appears on the lower left side of the display it indicates that the battery is low and needs to be replaced. Refer to Section 8 for reordering information.The battery is user replaceable.Refer to Section 5 for warnings and safety precautions prior to replacing battery.Page 36 of 51Remove the rubber boot if it is being used. Using a Philips screwdriver, open the battery compartment located on the back of the unit.Remove the battery from its holder and replace with the same specified type observing correct polarity (+ and -). Substitution of any other type of battery is not recommended and will void the warranty. Refer to Section 8 for battery reorder information.Close the battery compartment and hand-tighten into place. Place the R2000 Radiometer back into the rubber boot if desired.Used batteries are not to be discarded. Return to the nearest authorized Lumen Dynamics Group Inc. service center for disposal/ re-cycling. Use appropriate safety measures found in Section 5.6.3 Display Indicates ‘Cal ’ MessageIf a Cal message appears on the display immediately following the R2000 Radiometer being turned ON, it indicates that the unit requires calibration. The message remains illuminated for 5 seconds.If this occurs, it is recommended that the R2000 Radiometer be returned for calibration. See Section 8.6.4 Display Indicates ‘Err’ MessageIf an Err message appears on the display it indicates that a certain function was not completed successfully.。
DB33∕T 1136-2017 建筑地基基础设计规范
地基计算 ....................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 承载力计算......................................................................................................... 14 5.2 变形计算 ............................................................................................................ 17 5.3 稳定性计算......................................................................................................... 21
主要起草人: 施祖元 刘兴旺 潘秋元 陈云敏 王立忠 李冰河 (以下按姓氏拼音排列) 蔡袁强 陈青佳 陈仁朋 陈威文 陈 舟 樊良本 胡凌华 胡敏云 蒋建良 李建宏 王华俊 刘世明 楼元仓 陆伟国 倪士坎 单玉川 申屠团兵 陶 琨 叶 军 徐和财 许国平 杨 桦 杨学林 袁 静 主要审查人: 益德清 龚晓南 顾国荣 钱力航 黄茂松 朱炳寅 朱兆晴 赵竹占 姜天鹤 赵宇宏 童建国浙江大学 参编单位: (排名不分先后) 浙江工业大学 温州大学 华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 杭州市建筑设计研究院有限公司 浙江省建筑科学设计研究院 汉嘉设计集团股份有限公司 杭州市勘测设计研究院 宁波市建筑设计研究院有限公司 温州市建筑设计研究院 温州市勘察测绘院 中国联合工程公司 浙江省电力设计院 浙江省省直建筑设计院 浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 浙江省工程勘察院 大象建筑设计有限公司 浙江东南建筑设计有限公司 湖州市城市规划设计研究院 浙江省工业设计研究院 浙江工业大学工程设计集团有限公司 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究院 华汇工程设计集团股份有限公司
1. 问题描述
1.1 安装问题
1.2 代码运行问题
1.3 常见报错问题
2. 解决方案
2.1 检查安装环境
2.2 修正代码错误
2.3 查找报错原因并解决
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第1篇Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon! It is my great honor to stand before you today to address an issue that affects us all – safety. In our fast-paced world, where technology and innovation continue to shape our lives, safety has become more crucial than ever. As we navigate through various aspects of life, from our homes to our workplaces, and even in our daily commutes, it is imperative that we prioritize safety and remain vigilant.The theme of today's speech is "Enhancing Safety Awareness: A Call to Action." Before delving into the details, let me share a few statistics that will serve as a stark reminder of the importance of safety:- According to the World Health Organization, every year, approximately 1.35 million people die as a result of unintentional injuries.- In the United States, workplace injuries and illnesses cost employers approximately $170 billion annually.- Over 60% of accidents in the home are caused by preventable factors.These figures are not just numbers on a page; they represent lives that have been affected, families torn apart, and communities disrupted. Itis high time we take collective responsibility and commit ourselves to fostering a culture of safety.Firstly, let us discuss the importance of safety education. Education is the cornerstone of any successful safety initiative. By providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can empower them to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions in potentially hazardous situations.Here are some key areas where safety education can make a significant impact:1. Road Safety: As we all know, road accidents are a leading cause of death worldwide. By educating individuals on traffic rules, defensivedriving techniques, and the importance of wearing seat belts, we can reduce the number of road fatalities and injuries.2. Workplace Safety: In the workplace, safety education is crucial to prevent accidents and promote a healthy work environment. Employees should be trained on the use of machinery, handling hazardous materials, and emergency response procedures.3. Home Safety: Our homes should be our sanctuary, but they can also be the scene of accidents. Safety education in the home includes fire safety, preventing falls, and identifying and managing household hazards.4. Public Safety: In public places, such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers, safety education can help individuals respond effectively to emergencies, such as fires, earthquakes, or medical emergencies.Now, let's explore some practical steps that we can take to enhance safety awareness:1. Implement Comprehensive Safety Training Programs: Organizations and educational institutions should invest in comprehensive safety training programs that cover a wide range of topics. These programs should be regularly updated to reflect the latest safety practices and regulations.2. Promote a Safety Culture: A safety culture is one where everyone,from the top management to the lowest-ranking employee, understands the importance of safety and actively participates in promoting it. Encourage open communication, where employees feel comfortable reporting hazards and near-misses.3. Regular Safety Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of workplaces, homes, and public areas to identify and rectify potential hazards. This includes checking electrical systems, maintaining fire safety equipment, and ensuring that emergency exits are accessible.4. Encourage Reporting of Incidents: Establish a reporting system where individuals can report accidents, near-misses, and hazards without fearof retribution. Analyze these reports to identify trends and implement preventive measures.5. Use Technology to Enhance Safety: Embrace technological advancements to improve safety. For example, using drones for inspecting hard-to-reach areas, or implementing smart home systems that can detect and prevent accidents.6. Raise Public Awareness: Through media campaigns, social media, and community events, raise public awareness about safety issues. Share success stories, testimonials, and educational resources to inspire action.In conclusion, enhancing safety awareness is a collective responsibility that requires our unwavering commitment. By investing in safety education, promoting a safety culture, and taking practical steps to prevent accidents, we can create a safer world for ourselves and future generations.Let us not underestimate the power of a single action. Each one of ushas the potential to make a difference. By adopting a proactive approach to safety, we can save lives, reduce suffering, and contribute to a more prosperous and harmonious society.Thank you for your attention, and let us all strive towards a safer tomorrow.---尊敬的女士们、先生们,上午/下午好!今天,我很荣幸能站在这里,与大家探讨一个与我们每个人都息息相关的问题——安全。
Python实现车辆识别的方法OpenCVOpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一种开源计算机视觉库,用于实现计算机视觉处理。
使用OpenCV 可以实现车辆识别,其主要步骤如下:1.图像读取:使用OpenCV读取图片或视频;2.图像预处理:使用OpenCV对读取的图片或视频进行预处理和增强;3.车辆检测:使用OpenCV提供的Cascade分类器进行车辆检测;4.车辆识别:使用分类模型对检测到的车辆进行识别。
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Using Model Checking to Detect Deadlocks inDistributed Object SystemsNima KavehDept. of Computer Science, University College LondonLondon WC1E6BT,UKn.kaveh@Abstract.We demonstrate how the use of synchronization primitives and thread-ing policies in distributed object middleware can lead to deadlocks.We identifythat object middleware only has a few built-in synchronizationand threading prim-itives.We suggest to express them as stereotypes in UML models to allow de-signers to model synchronization and threading of distributed object systems atappropriate levels of abstraction.We define the semantics of these stereotypes bya mapping to a process algebra.This allows us to use model checking techniquesthat are available for process algebras to detect the presence or absence of dead-locks.We also discuss how the results of these model checks can be related backto the UML diagrams.Keywords:Software Architecture,Object Middleware,Model Checking1IntroductionAn increasing number of applications now use a distributed system architecture.If de-signed properly,these architectures can be more fault-tolerant due to replicated compo-nents,can achieve better response times if user interface components are executed on powerful desktop machines or workstations,and they may achieve cost-effective scal-ability by using several relatively cheap hosts to execute replicated components rather than one central server or mainframe,which is usually more expensive.The construc-tion of such distributed systems by directly using network operating system primitives, such as TCP or UDP sockets,is rather involved.To reduce this complexity,software en-gineers use middleware[5],which resolves the heterogeneity between distributed hosts, the possibly different programming languages that are being used in the architecture and provides higher level interaction primitives for the communication between distributed system components.There are many different forms of middleware,including transac-tion monitors,message brokers and distributed object middleware,which encompasses middleware specifications such as the Object Management Group’s Common Object Re-quest Broker Architecture(CORBA),Microsoft’s Component Object Model(COM)or Java’s Remote Method Invocation(RMI).We note that distributed object middleware offers the richest support to application designers and incorporates primitives for dis-tributed transaction management and asynchronous message passing.This paper is an extended version of[6]From the set of distributed object middleware approaches, we concentrate on CORBA [5]in this paper because it offers the richest set of synchronization and threading prim-itives.An example scenario is used throughout this paper, which we will use to demonstrate our ideas and methods.This example involves the remote monitoring of patients which have been retired from the hospital to their homes.Sensor devices are attached to pa-tients and information is communicated between the sensor devices and a central server in a health care centre.Additionally each patient is equipped with an alert device used in case of an emergency.This example is an inherently distributed system.The differ-ent approaches have in common that they enable distributed objects to request operation executions from each other across machine boundaries.We refer to this primitive as an object request.For this example,we will use object requests to pass diagnostic informa-tion about patients that are gathered by sensor devices to a centralized database where the diagnostic data are evaluated,and if necessary alarms are generated.Distributed objects that reside on different hosts are executed in parallel with each other.In our example,this means that several different patient monitor hosts gather pa-tient data at the same time.To handle the situation where several of them send data con-currently to a server,distributedobject middleware supports different threading policies, which determine the way in which the middleware deals with concurrent object requests.A single-threaded policy will queue concurrent requests and execute them in a sequen-tial manner,whereas a multi-threaded policy can deal with multiple requests concur-rently.A common method of implementing multi-threaded policies is to define a thread pool,from which free threads are picked to process incoming requests and requests are queued if the pool is exhausted.Object requests need to be synchronized,because client and server objects may exe-cute in parallel.Object middleware support different synchronization primitives,which determine how client and server objects synchronize during requests.Synchronous re-quests block the client object until the server object processes the request and returns the results of the requested operation.This is the default synchronization primitive not only in CORBA,but also in RMI and COM.Deferred synchronous requests unblock the client as soon as it has made the request.The client achieves completion of the invocation as well as the collection of any return values by polling the server object.With a oneway request there is no value returned by the server object.The client regains control as soon as the middleware received the request and does not know whether the server executed the requested operation or not.Asynchronous requests return control to the client as soon an invocation is made.After the invocation the client object is free to do other tasks or request further operations.The result of the method invocation is returned in a call back from the server to the client.We note that CORBA supports all these primitives directly. In[5],its shown how the CORBA primitives can be implemented using multiple client threads in Java/RMI and Microsoft’s COM.The main contributionsof this paper arefirstly an identification of an important class of liveness problems in distributed object systems.We use the example scenario to demon-strate how particular combinations of synchronization primitives and threading policies in CORBA can lead to deadlocks.Secondly,we exploit the fact that object middleware only has a few built-in synchronization and threading primitives and express these as2stereotypes in dynamic UML models.Thirdly,we define the semantics of these stereo-types by mapping stereotyped UML models to a process algebra.Finally,we show how model checking techniques available for these process algebra notations are able to de-tect the possibility of deadlocks and how their results can be related back to the UML models.Application developers need to verify their design specifications for absence of any deadlock situations.We aim to develop a CASE tool that takes in such design specifi-cations,from which we generate a process algebra specification which is then analysed for deadlock.This approach has the advantage of detecting deadlocks in the design stage of development compared to the traditional way of attempting it during the later testing phase.Early indications of potential deadlock situations will make the process of design and implementation modifications more efficient.In Section2,we will define UML stereotypes to express both the threading policies and the synchronization primitives of distributed object middleware.In Section3,we explain informally how a deadlock occurs in the running example.We then define the semantics of our threading and synchronization stereotypes using FSP,a process alge-bra representation [9] in Section 4. We explain in Section 5 how we use this semantics definition to generate an FSP process model from a UML Sequence Diagram. Section 6 discusses how compositional reachability analysis can be used to check for presence or absence of deadlocks in our Sequence diagrams.Section7concludes our paper by sum-marizing the main results and indicating future directions of this research.2Modelling Distributed Object InteractionsRather than proposing to use new or complex notations and tools we have chosen the Unified Modelling Language to model object interactions and their class structures. UML is widely accepted and used in industry and allows us to enrich its notation to accomo-date the extra semantics required for model checking.In this section we will look at mod-elling the described example,with an aim of using it for deadlock detection later in the paper.Stereotypes provide designers with the means of augmenting basic UML models to include the semantic information required to model the synchronization behaviour in an application design.We have separated the stereotypes into two main groups.Thefirst group deals with the synchronization primitives used by a client to request the services of a server object.The second group involves threading policies used on the server-side. These policies determine how server objects deal with multiple concurrent requests.The Synchronous stereotype represents the synchronous request primitive re-quest,whilst the DeferredSynchronous stereotype is used to indicate a deferred-synchronous request being made on a server object.Asynchronous is used to in-dicate an asynchronous client request and a OneWay stereotype represents a oneway request.Similarly on the server-side,we have defined the singleThreaded streo-type to indicate that a particular server object uses a single threaded policy to deal with incoming service requests and the multiThreaded stereotype shows that the server object handles multiple service requests by using multi-threading techniques.3The class diagrams in Figures1and2show the main object types involved in gath-adatatre,sizeandFig.3.Sequence diagram of a routine sensor updateThe sequence diagram shown in Figure3actually results in a deadlock.First the HeartBeatSensor device sends an update through the ClientControlUnit,in the form of a synchronous request.Upon arrival on the server-side a DBDriverThread in-stance is assigned to deal with this message.Control is not returned back to the client until the DBDriverThread hasfinished processing the request.The DBDriverThread concludes that a soft reset of the sensor device is required and so it sends the reset com-mand by invoking a synchronous request to the HeartBeatSensor object.Thus we have a case where the Clientis blocked waiting for a response from the DBDriverThread and vice versa,thus causing a deadlock chain.This deadlock is not easily spotted,be-cause as mentioned before the threading behaviour is determined at a type-level of ab-straction and the synchronization behaviour is modelled at an instance level of abstrac-tion.Only the combined knowledge of the two allows designers to consider the liveness issues.In order to demonstrate the idea we kept the interaction small.But the reader should note that such a detection would have been a lot more difficult in a real world industrial case,where the number of objects involved in an interaction may be consid-erably larger.Deadlocks are inherently difficult to detect due to the large number of factors af-fecting the probability of their occurrence.Factors such as varying hardware resources and a wide range of possible user inputs creates a large number of scenarios to run an application.The conventional testing approach creates a test case for each of the likely scenarios in which the application is thought to be used under.The test cases are then executed and their results are compared with predefined expected results.Moreover,dis-6tributed applications make the task of testing more difficult by adding new dimensions of complexity.Prime examples of such complexities are hardware heterogeneity,a lack of global memory and physical clock and absence of bounds on transmission delays.We argue that the exponential growth in likely scenarios makes the conventional methods of testing much less effective and scalable.We argue that model checking provides a suitable method of overcoming this complexity dilemma as well tackling it with a rigour and thoroughness that cannot be expected from a human being.4Semantics of StereotypesA process algebra was chosen to define the semantics of the stereotypes ahead of alter-natives such as denotational and axiomatic models,since it provides a more powerful mathematical model of concurrency.Process algebra operators offer direct support for modelling the inherent parallelism in distributed systems.The syntax allows for hierar-chical description of processes,a valuable feature for compositional reasoning,verifica-tion and analysis.Fig.4.Relation of FSP to design modellingFigure4further demonstrates the reasoning behind choosing a process algebra for modelling the semantics of stereotypes.We are specifically referring to the FSP[9]pro-cess algebra.We would like to generate FSP specification from stereotyped UML mod-els.There are liveness properties which the designer would like to have in these models such as deadlock safety,which are directly supported by the liveness properties exper-essed in FSP.The CORBA Notification Service[13]uses an architectural element called an Event Channel which allows messages to be transferred between suppliers and consumers of7events.This service offers added capabilities such as being able to choose a level ofQuality of Service and eventfiltering at the server-end.All client/server interactions inFigure3are taking place through such Channel objects.The generated FSP must exactlyfollow the semantic behaviour of the synchronization primitives and threading policiesas outlined in Section1.4.1Synchronization PrimitivesThe process algebra model in Figure5defines the Synchronous stereotype seman-tic of requests.The Client process engages in an action SendRequest and does notreturn until it receives a reply using the ReceiveReply action.By using relabelling wehave synchronized the Client SendRequest with the Channel ReceiveRequest andthe Client ReceiveReply with the Channel SendReply.So by making the Channelprocess engage in a SendReply action only after receiving a reply from the server,wedefine the synchronous stereotype.Client=(SendRequest->ReceiveReply->Client).Channel=(ReceiveRequest->RelayRequest->ReceiveReply->SendReply->Channel).||System=(c:Client||a:Channel)/{c.SendRequest/a.ReceiveRequest,c.ReceiveReply/a.SendReply}.Fig.5.Process Algebra Definition of Synchronous StereotypeThe process algebra model in Figure6 defines the DeferredSynchronous stereo-type request semantic. The Client process invokes a request by engaging in action push _sendRequest which is synchronized with the push ReceiveReply.The WaitTime constant definesthe number of time units that the Client process continues executing before blockingto receive any results from the server. The Client is unblocked when the Channel pro-cess engages in action push sendReply,which is called only when the server returnsa result to the Channel.4.2Threading PoliciesThe FSP representation in Figure7defines the semantics of a server that uses a threadpool policy to handle multiple concurrent requests.The total number of slave threadsand queue slots are specified as constants at the beginning.The server-side is composed offour processes,representing the slave thread,thread pool,queue and the server.The pro-cesses have synchronization points where they share the same action name.The Serverprocess uses two variables to keep track of the current size of the queue and the numberof threads currently in use.The server ReceiveRequest action indicates the arrival of a8const WaitTime=3range T=0..WaitTimeClient=(push_SendRequest->Client[0]),Client[i:T]=if(i<WaitTime)then(execute->Client[i+1]) else(push_ReceiveReply->Client).Channel=(push_ReceiveRequest->push_SendRequest->push_ReceiveReply-> push_SendReply->Channel).||System=(c:Client||a:Channel)/{c.push_SendRequest/a.push_ReceiveRequest,c.push_ReceiveReply/a.push_SendReply}.Fig. 6. Process Algebra Definition of the Deferred Synchronous Stereotypeclient request, if there are any available threads the synchronised action getFreeThreadis taken which starts the ThreadPool process.This further causes the Thread pro-cess to be initiated using the shared delegateTask action.Once the request has been serviced the responsible Thread process engages in a ReceiveReply action which is shared with the Channel process,causing the results to be sent back to the client.If the number of used has reached the maximum the server attempts to add the message to the queue.This addToQueue succeeds if there are free queue slots left,otherwise the message is being rejected.5Generating FSP Models From UML DiagramsWe have identified afixed number of synchronization primitives and threading poli-cies used in mainstream object-oriented middleware systems.From these we obtain afixed number of combinations in which they can be formed.We have defined the FSP specification for the semantics of each synchronization primitive and threading policy as demonstrated in section4.The CASE tool will take as input,UML models enriched with stereotypes and translate them into a FSP specification.In order to achieve this we have to absorb information from two levels of abstraction,namely the type level and the instance level. The threading behaviour are specified in class diagrams with the aid of stereotypes whereas the synchronization behaviour is modelled in the interaction dia-grams.The interaction between clients and server objects will involve a combination of synchronization primitives and threading policies.Thus the corresponding FSP specifi-cation will need to be formed from combining specification of a specific synchronization primitive with that of a threading policy.For example the FSP specification for the inter-action between the Channel object A and the ServerControlUnit object in Figure3is formed by combining the specification in Figures 5 and 7. XMI will be used asthe intermediate form,for the transition of input UML models into FSP specification. Research implementations for the UML to XMI transition[12]are well under progress and will benefit us.9const PoolSize=16const QueueSize=10range T=0..PoolSizerange Q=0..QueueSizeChannel=(push_ReceiveRequest->push_SendRequest->push_ReceiveReply->push_SendReply->Channel).Thread=(delegateTask->taskExecuted->push_ReceiveReply->Thread). ThreadPool=ThreadPool[0],ThreadPool[i:T]=if(i<PoolSize)then(getFreeThread->delegateTask->ThreadPool[i+1]|taskExecuted->ThreadPool[i-1]) else(noFreeThreads->ThreadPool[i]).Queue=Queue[0],Queue[j:Q]=if(j<QueueSize)then(inspectQueue->if(j>0)then(dequeueMessage->Queue[j-1]|addToQueue[j]->Queue[j+1])else(addToQueue[j]->Queue[j+1]))else(rejectMessage->Queue[j]).Server=Server[0][0],Server[i:T][j:Q]=(push_ReceiveRequest->if(i<PoolSize)then(getFreeThread->Server[i+1][j])else(noFreeThreads->if(j<QueueSize)then(addToQueue[j]->Server[i][j+1])else(rejectMessage->Server[i][j]))).||System=(a:Channel||s:Server||s:ThreadPool||s:Thread||s:Queue) /{a.push_SendRequest/s.push_ReceiveRequest,a.push_ReceiveReply/s.push_SendReply}.Fig.7.Semantics Definition of ThreadPool Stereotype106Detecting Deadlocks By Model CheckingOnce we have derived the FSP specification,we can use a model checker to do an ex-haustive search for deadlocks. The Labelled Transition System Analysis tool that is avail-able for FSP performs a compositional reachability analysis[2]in order to compute the complete state space of the model.This tool operates by mapping the specification into a Labelled Transition System[11].A deadlock is detected by looking for states with in-going but no outgoing transitions.In the case of a deadlock detected,the LTSA will provide us with a trace of actions leading to the deadlock.From this trace we can single out the starting and ending link in the deadlock chain.In FSP terminology these links are processes and withineach process we canfind the actual action statement leading to deadlock.Figure8shows the output produced by the LTSA when processing the FSP specification of the example we have been discussing through out this paper.This FSP specification is formed by combining the specifications in Figures 5 and 7. As you can see the composition time is fairly quick,however the state space of the output is very large and its rate of growth is well above a linear relationship.State Space:4*4*4*385*33*9*21*3=461039040Composingpotential DEADLOCKStates Composed:10Transitions:9in10msFig.8.Output of the LTSA for the discussed example7Related WorkProcess algebra representations,such as CSP[8],CCS[10],the-calculus[11]or FSP[9] can be used to model the concurrent behaviour of a distributed system.Tools,such as the Concurrency workbench[3]or the Labelled Transition System Analyzer available for FSP can be used to check these models for violations of liveness or safety properties. The problem with both these formalisms and tools is,however,that they are difficult to use for the practitioner and that they are general purpose tools that do not provide built-in support for the synchronization and activation primitives that current object middleware supports.Many architecture description languages support the explicit modelling of the syn-chronizationbehaviour of connectors by means of which components communicate[14]. Wright[1],for example uses CSP for this purpose.A main contribution of[4]is the ob-servation that connectors are most often implemented using middleware primitives.In our work,we exploit the fact that every middleware only supports a very limited set of connectors,which can be provided to practitioners as stereotypes that are very easy to use.11In[7]CCS is used to define the semantics of CORBA’s asynchronous messaging. The paper however,fails to realize that the synchronization behaviour alone is insuffi-cient for model checking as deadlocks can be introduced and resolved by the different threading policies that the object adapters support.8AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Wolfgang Emmerich for his continual feedback and useful sugges-tions.I am also indebted to Jeff Magee for expressing his views on an earlier version of this paper.References1.R.Allen and D.Garlan.A Formal Basis for Architectural Connection.ACM Transactionson Software Engineering and Methodology,6(3):213–249,June1997.2.S.-C.Cheung and J.Kramer.Checking Safety Properties Using Compositional ReachabilityAnalysis.ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,8(1):49–78,1999.3.R.Cleaveland,J.Parrow,and B.Steffen.The Concurrency Workbench:A Semantics BasedTool for the Verification of Concurrent Systems.ACM Transactions on Programming Lan-guages and Systems,15(1):36–72,1993.4. 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