



单词音标A / ei, E/a bita body ofa couple ofa far crya fewa good deala good manya littlea lota lot ofa series ofa.m.abandon/ EbAndEn/ abatement/ EbeitmEnt/ ability/ Ebiliti/able / eibl/aboard / EbR:d/ about / Ebaut/ above / EbQv/ above allabroad/ EbrR:d/ absence/ AbsEns/ absent/ AbsEnt, Ebse absolute/ AbsElu:t/ absorb/ EbsR:b/ abstract/ AbstrAkt/ abundant/ EbQndEnt/ academic/ AkEdemik/ accelerate/ AkselEreit/ accent/ AksEnt, Akse accept/ Eksept/ acceptable/ EkseptEbl/ acceptance/ EkseptEns/ access/ Akses/ accident/ AksidEnt/ accommodation/ E,kRmEdeiFE accompany/ EkQmpEni/ accomplish/ EkRmpliF/ accomplishment/ EkRmpliFmE according/ EkR:diN/ accordingly/ EkR:diNli/ account/ Ekaunt/accounting/ EkauntiN/ accuracy/ AkjurEsi/ accurate/ Akjurit/ accuse/ Ekju:z/ accustomed/ EkQstEmd/ ache/ eik/achieve/ EtFi:v/ achievement/ EtFi:vmEnt/ acid/ Asid/ acquaintance/ EkweintEns/ acquire/ EkwaiE/ acre/ eikE/across / EkrRs/act / Akt/action/ AkFEn/ active / Aktiv/ activity/ Aktiviti/ actor/ AktE/ actress/ Aktris/ actual/ AktjuEl/ actualsacute/ Ekju:t/ad/ Ad/adapt/ EdApt/add/ Ad/add up toaddition/ EdiFEn/ additional/ EdiFEnl/ address / Edres/ adequate/ Adikwit/ adjective/ AdViktiv/ adjust/ EdVQst/ administration/ EdministreiFE admire/ EdmaiE/ admission/ EdmiFEn/ admit/ Edmit/adopt/ EdRpt/adult/ AdQlt/ adulteration/ EdQltEreFEn advance / Edva:ns/ advanced/ Edva:nst/ advantage/ Edva:ntidV/ adventure/ EdventFE/ adverb/ AdvE:b/advertise/ AdvEtaiz/ advertisement/ EdvE:tismEnt advice/ Edvais/ advisable/ EdvaizEbl/ advise/ Edvaiz/ adviser/ EdvaizE/ aeroplane/ ZErEplein/ affair/ EfZE/affect/ Efekt/ affection/ EfekFEn/ affiliate/ Efilieit/affix/ Efiks/afford/ EfR:d/ afraid/ Efreid/ Africa/ AfrikE/ African/ AfrikEn/ After / a:ftE/after allaftermarket/ B:ftEmB:kit/ afternoon/ a:ftEnu:n/ afterward/ a:ftEwEd(z)/ again/ Egein, Egen/ against/ Egeinst, Egen age / eidV/aged/ eidVd/ agency/ eidVEnsi/ agent/ eidVEnt/ aggregate/ Agrigeit/ aggregate GNPaggression/ EgreFEn/ aggressive/ Egresiv/ago/ EgEu/ agree/ Egri:/ agreement/ Egri:mEnt/ agriculture/ AgrikQltFE/ ahead/ Ehed/ ahead ofaid / eid/aim/ eim/air/ ZE/aircraft/ ZEkra:ft/ airline/ ZElain/ airliner/ ZElainE/ airplane/ ZEplein/airport/ ZEpR:t/ alarm / Ela:m/ alcohol/ AlkEhRl/ alienation/ eiljEneiFEn/ alienator/ eiljEneitE/ alienee/ eiljEni:/ alike/ Elaik/alive/ Elaiv/all/ R:l/all at onceall butall of a suddenall overall rightall the sameall the timeallocation/ AlEkeiFEn/ allow/ Elau/allow foralmost/ R:lmEust/ alms/ B:mz/alone/ ElEun/ along/ ElRN/ alongside/ ElRNsaid/ aloud/ Elaud/ alphabet/ AlfEbit/ already/ R:lredi/also/ R:lsEu/alter/ R:ltE/ although/ R:lTEu/ altogether/ R:ltEgeTE/ always/ R:lweiz, R:lw amateur/ AmEtE:/ amaze/ Emeiz/ ambition/ AmbiFEn/ ambulance/ AmbjulEns/ amend/ Emend/ amendment/ EmendmEnt/ America/ EmerikE/ American/ EmerikEn/ among/ EmQN/ amongst/ EmQNst/ amortization/ EmR:tizeiFEn amount/ Emaunt/amuse/ Emju:z/ analysis/ EnAlEsis/ analyze/ AnElaiz/ ancestor/ AnsistE/ ancient/ einFEnt/ and/ And, End/ and so onangel/ eindVEl/ anger/ ANgE/ angry/ ANgri/ animal/ AnimEl/ anniversary/ ,AnivE:sEri/ announce/ Enauns/ annoy/ EnRi/ annual/ AnjuEl/ annuity/ Enju:iti/ another/ EnQTE/ answer/ a:nsE/ answer forant/ Ant/ anticipate/ Antisipeit/ anxiety/ ANgzaiEti/ anxious / ANkFEs/ any / eni/ anybody/ enibRdi/ anyhow / enihau/ anyone/ eniwQn/ anything/ eniWiN/ anything butanyway/ eniwei/ anywhere/ eniwZE/ apart/ Epa:t/apart fromapartment/ Epa:tmEnt/ apologize/ EpRlEdVaiz/ apology/ EpRlEdVi/ apparent/ EpArEnt/ appeal/ Epi:l/ appear/ EpiE/ appearance/ EpiErEns/ appetite/ Apitait/ apple/ Apl/ applicable/ AplikEbl/ application/ AplikeiFEn/applied/ Eplaid/ apply/ Eplai/ appoint/ EpRint/ appointment/ EpRintmEnt/ appraisal/ Epreizl/ appreciate/ Epri:Fieit/ appreciation/ Epri:FieiFEn/ approach/ EprEutF/ appropriate/ EprEupriit/ approval/ Epru:vEl/ approve/ Epru:v/ approximately/ EprRksimitli/ April/ eiprEl/ Arabian/ EreibjEn/ arbitrage/ B:bitrB:dV/ architect/ a:kitekt/ architecture/ a:kitektFE/ area/ ZEriE/ argue/ a:gju:/ argument/ a:gju:mEnt/ arise/ Eraiz/arm/ a:m/ armchair/ a:mtFZE/ army/ a:mi/ around/ Eraund/ arouse/ Erauz/ arrange/ EreindV/ arrangement/ EreindVmEnt arrears/ EriEz/ arrest/ Erest/ arrestment/ ErestmEnt/ arrival/ EraivEl/ arrive/ Eraiv/art/ a:t/article/ a:tikl/ artificial/ a:tifiFEl/ artist/ a:tist/as/ Az, Ez/as a matter of factas a resultas a result ofas a ruleas far asas far concernedas foras good asas ifas long asas regardsas soon asas wellas well asas...asash/ AF/ ashamed/ EFeimd/ Asia/ eiFE/Asian/ eiFEn/ aside/ Esaid/aside fromask/ a:sk/ask afterask forasleep/ Esli:p/ aspect/ Aspekt/ assemble/ Esembl/ assembly/ Esembli/ assessmentassessorasset/ Aset/asset accountassets incomeassets settlementassign/ Esain/ assignmentassist/ Esist/ assistance/ EsistEns/ assistant/ EsistEnt/ associate/ EsEuFieit/ association/ EsEusieiFEn/ assume/ Esju:m/ assure/ EFuE/ astonish/ EstRniF/ astronaut/ AstFEunR:t/ at/ At, Et/at a lossat allat all costsat all timesat any rateat first sightat handat heartat intervalsat largeat leastat lengthat mostat no timeat onceat one timeat presentat the cost ofat the momentat the same timeat timesathlete/ AWli:t/ Atlantic/ EtlAntik/ atmosphere/ AtmEsfiE/ atom/ AtEm/ atomic/ EtRmik/ attach/ EtAtF/ attack/ EtAk/ attempt/ Etempt/ attend/ Etend/ attendance/ EtendEns/ attention/ EtenFEn/ attitude/ Atitju:d/ attorney/ EtE:ni/ attract/ EtrAkt/ attraction/ EtreAkFEn/ attractive/ EtrAktiv/ auction/ R:kFEn/ audience/ R:djEns/ auditingAugust/ R:gQst/ aunt/ a:nt/ Australia/ RstreiljE/ Australian/ RstreiljEn/ author/ R:WE/ authority/ R:WRriti/auto/ R:tEu/ automatic/ R:tEmAtik/ automobile/ R:tEmEbi:l/ autumn/ R:tEm/ avail/ Eveil/ available/ EveilEbl/ avenue/ Avinju:/ average/ AvEridV/ aviation/ eivieiFEn/ avoid/ EvRid/ avoidable/ EvRidEbl/ await/ Eweit/ awake/ Eweik/ award/ EwR:d/ aware/ EwZE/ away/ Ewei/ awful/ R:ful/ awkward/ R:kwEd/ ax/ Aks/axebaby/ beibi/ back/ bAk/back and forthback downback upbackground/ bAkgraund/ backward/ bAkwEd/ backwards/ bAkwEdz/ bad/ bAd/ badly/ bAdli/bag/ bAg/ baggage/ bAgidV/ bail/ beil/ balance/ bAlEns/ ball/ bR:l/ balloon/ bElu:n/ ballooningban/ bAn/ banana/ bEna:nE/ band/ bAnd/ bank/ bANk/ banker/ bANkE/ banking/ bANkiN/ bankrupt/ bANkrEpt/bankruptcy/ bANkrEptsi/ banner/ bAnE/bar/ ba:/barber/ ba:bE/bare/ bZE/ bargain/ ba:gin/ barrier/ bAriE/ barter/ ba:tE/base/ beis/basic/ beisik/ basin/ beisn/ basis/ beisis/ basket/ ba:skit/ basketball/ ba:skitbR:l/ bat/ bAt/bath/ ba:W/ bathe/ beiT/ bathroom/ ba:Wrum/ battery/ bAtEri/ battle/ bAtl/be/ bi:/be about tobeach/ bi:tF/bean/ bi:n/bear/ bZE/bear in mindbeard/ biEd/ bearer/ bZErE/ bearish/ bZEri:F/ beast/ bi:st/beat/ bi:t/ beautiful/ bju:tiful/ beauty/ bju:ti/ because/ bikRz/ become/ bikQm/ bed/ bed/bee/ bi:/beef/ bi:f/beer/ biE/ before/ bifR:/ before longbeforehand/ bifR:hAnd/ beg/ beg/ beggar/ begE/beginner/ biginE/ beginning/ biginiN/ behalf/ biha:f/ behave/ biheiv/ behavior/ biheivjE/ behaviour/ biheivjE/ behind/ bihaind/ being/ bi:iN/ belief/ bili:f/ believe/ bili:v/bell/ bel/ belong/ bilRN/ below/ bilEu/belt/ belt/ bench/ bentF/ bend/ bend/ beneath/ bini:W/ beneficial/ benifiFEl/ beneficiary/ benifiFEri/ benefit/ benifit/ beside/ bisaid/ beside pointbesides/ bisaidz/ best/ best/bet/ bet/ better/ betE/ between/ bitwi:n/ beyond/ bijRnd/ beyond questionbicycle/ baisikl/ bid/ bid/ bidder/ bidE/big/ big/bill/ bil/billion/ biljEn/ binder/ baindE/ biology/ baiRlEdVi/ bird/ bE:d/ birth/ bE:W/ birthday/ bE:Wdi/ biscuit/ biskit/bit/ bit/bite/ bait/black/ blAk/ blackboard/ blAkbR:d/ blame/ bleim/ blank/ blANk/ blanket/ blANkit/ blanknotebleed/ bli:d/ blind/ blaind/ block/ blRk/ blood/ blQd/ bloom/ blu:m/ blow/ blEu/ blue/ blu:/ board/ bR:d/ boast/ bEust/ boat/ bEut/ body/ bRdi/boil/ bRil/ bold/ bEuld/ bomb/ bRm/ bond/ bRnd/ bonded/ bRndid/ bone/ bEun/ bonus/ bEunEs/ book/ buk/ booking/ bukiN/ bookstore/ bukstR:/ boom/ bu:m/ boot/ bu:t/ border/ bR:dE/ bore/ bR:/ born/ bR:n/ borrow/ bRrEu/ borrowingboss/ bRs/ both/ bEuW/ both...and...bother/ bRTE/ bottle/ bRtl/ bottleneck/ bRtlnek/ bottom/ bRtEm/ bound/ baund/ boundary/ baundEri/bowl/ bEul/ box/ bRks/ boy/ bRi/ brain/ brein/ brainstormbrake/ breik/ branch/ bra:ntF/ brand/ brAnd/ brass/ bra:s/ brave/ breiv/ bread/ bred/ breadth/ bredT/ break/ breik/ break awaybreak downbreak inbreak intobreak offbreak outbreak throughbreak upbreak-evenbreakfast/ brekfEst/ breast/ brest/ breath/ breW/ breathe/ bri:T/ breed/ bri:d/ breeze/ bri:z/ bribe/ braib/ brick/ brik/ bride/ braid/ bridge/ bridV/ brief/ bri:f/ bright/ brait/ brilliant/ briljEnt/ bring/ briN/ bring aboutbring downbring forwardbring into operation bring outbring upBritain/ britn/ British/ britiF/broad/ brR:d/ broadcast/ brR:dka:st/ broke/ brEuk/ broken/ brEukEn/ broker/ brEukE/ brokerage/ broukEridV/ broom/ bru:m/ brother/ brQTE/ brow/ brau/ brown/ braun/ brush/ brQF/ bubble/ bQbl/ bucket/ bQkit/ budget/ bQdVit/ build/ bild/build upbuilding/ bildiN/ bulb/ bQlb/bulk-cheapbull/ bul/bull-bearbullet/ bulit/ bulletin/ bulitin/ bullish/ buliF/ bunch/ bQntF/ bundle/ bQndl/ burden/ bE:dn/ bureau/ bjuErEu/ burn/ bE:n/burn downburn outburn upburst/ bE:st/bury/ beri/bus/ bQs/bush/ buF/ business/ biznis/ busy/ bizi/but/ bQt/but forbutter/ bQtE/ button/ bQtn/buy/ bai/by/ bai/by accidentby all meansby and byby and largeby farby handby itselfby means ofby mistakeby no meansby oneselfby the wayby virtue ofby way ofby-businessby-lawby-productC.O.D.cabbage/ kAbidV/ cabin/ kAbin/ cabinet/ kAbinit/ cable/ keibl/cadre/ kAdri,kB:dE/ cafe/ kAfei, kEfei/ cage/ keidV/cake/ keik/ calculate/ kAlkjuleit/ calculator/ kAlkjuleitE/ calendar/ kAlindE/ call/ kR:l/call forcall offcall oncall upcalm/ ka:m/ camel/ kAmEl/ camera/ kAmErE/ camp/ kAmp/ campaign/ kAmpein/ campus/ kAmpEs/ can/ kAn/can not helpCanada/ kAnEdE/ Canadian/ kEneidjEn/cancel/ kAnsEl/ cancer/ kAnsE/ candidate/ kAndidit/ candle/ kAndl/ candy/ kAndi/ canvasser/ kAnvEsE/ cap/ kAp/ capable/ keipEbl/ capable ofcapacity/ kEpAsiti/ capital/ kApitl/ capitation/ kApiteiFEn/ captain/ kAptin/ capture/ kAptFE/ car/ ka:/ carbon/ ka:bEn/ card/ ka:d/care/ kZE/care forcareer/ kEriE/ careful/ kZEful/ careless/ kZElis/ cargo/ ka:gEu/ carpenter/ ka:pintE/ carpet/ ka:pit/ carriage/ kAridV/ carry/ kAri/carry offcarry oncarry outcarry throughcart/ ka:t/carve/ ka:v/case/ keis/cash/ kAF/ cashier/ kAFiE/ cassette/ ka:set/cast/ ka:st/ castle/ ka:sl/ casual/ kAVjuEl/ cat/ kAt/ catalog/ kAtElRg/ catalogue/ kAtElRg/catch firecatch sb.'s eyecatch sight ofcatch up withcattle/ kAtl/cause/ kR:z/ caution/ kR:FEn/ cave/ keiv/cease/ si:s/ceiling/ si:liN/ celebrate/ selibreit/cell/ sel/cement/ siment/cent/ sent/center/ sentE/ centigrade/ sentigreid/ centimetercentral/ sentrEl/ centre/ sentE/ century/ sentFuri/ ceremony/ serimEni/ certain/ sE:tEn/ certificate/ sEtifikit/ chain/ tFein/chair/ tFZE/ chairman/ tFZEmEn/ chalk/ tFR:k/ challenge/ tFAlEndV/ champion/ tFAmpjEn/ chance/ tFa:ns/ change/ tFeindV/ channel/ tFAnl/ chapter/ tFAptE/ character/ kAriktE/ characteristic/ kAriktEristik/ charge/ tFa:dV/ charming/ tFa:miN/ chart/ tFa:t/chase/ tFeis/chat/ tFAt/cheap/ tFi:p/cheat/ tFi:t/check/ tFek/check incheck outcheck upcheek/ tFi:k/cheer/ tFiE/ cheerful/ tFiEful/ cheese/ tFi:z/ chemical/ kemikl/ chemist/ kemist/ chemistry/ kemistri/ cheque/ tFek/chess/ tFes/chest/ tFest/ chicken/ tFikin/chief/ tFi:f/child/ tFaild/ childhood/ tFaildhud/ childish/ tFaildiF/ chilly/ tFili/ chimney/ tFimni/chin/ tFin/china/ tFainE/ China/ tFainE/ Chinese/ tFaini:z/ chocolate/ tFRkElit/ choice/ tFRis/ choose/ tFu:z/chore/ tFR:/ Christian/ kristiEn/ Christmas/ krismEs/ church/ tFE:tF/ cigaretcigarettecinema/ sinimE/ circle/ sE:kl/circuit/ sE:kit/ circular/ sE:kjulE/ circulate/ sE:kjuleit/ circulation/ sE:kjuleiFEn/ circumstance/ sE:kEmstEns/ cite/ sait/citizen/ sitizn/city/ siti/civil/ sivl/civilization/ sivilaizeiFEn/ civilize/ sivilaiz/ claim/ kleim/class/ kla:s/ classical/ klAsikEl/ classify/ klAsifai/ classmate/ kla:smeit/ classroom/ kla:srum/ clause/ klR:z/clean/ kli:n/clear/ kliE/clear awayclear upclearance/ kliErEns/ clerk/ kla:k, klE:k/ clever/ klevE/client/ klaiEnt/cliff/ klif/climate/ klaimit/ climb/ klaim/clinic/ klinik/clock/ klRk/close/ klEuz, klEus/ closed/ klEuzd/ closedown/ klouzdaun/ cloth/ klR:W/ clothe/ klEuT/ clothes/ klEuTz/ clothing/ klEuTiN/ cloud/ klaud/ cloudy/ klaudi/club/ klQb/clue/ klu:/ clumsy/ klQmzi/ coach/ kEutF/coal/ kEul/ coarse/ kR:s/coast/ kEust/coat/ kEut/cock/ kRk/code/ kEud/ coffee/ kRfi/coin/ kRin/cold/ kEuld/collapse/ kElAps/ collar/ kRlE/ colleague/ kRli:g/ collect/ kElekt/ collection/ kElekFEn/ collective/ kElektiv/ college/ kRlidV/ colony/ kRlEni/ color/ kQlE/ colour/ kQlE/ column/ kRlEm/ comb/ kEum/ combination/ kRmbineiFEn combine/ kEmbain/ come/ kQm/come aboutcome acrosscome alongcome into effectcome offcome oncome outcome roundcome throughcome tocome upcome up againstcome up tocome up withcomfort/ kQmfEt/ comfortable/ kQmfEtEbl/ command/ kEma:nd/ commander/ kEma:ndE/ comment/ kRment/ commerce/ kRmE(:)s/ commercial/ kEmE:FEl/ commission/ kEmiFEn/ commit/ kEmit/ committee/ kEmiti/ commodity/ kEmRditi/ common/ kRmEn/ communicate/ kEmju:nikeit/ communication/ kEmju:nikeiF communism/ kRmjunizEm/communist/ kRmjunist/ community/ kEmju:niti/ companion/ kEmpAniEn/ company/ kQmpEni/ compare/ kEmpZE/ compare tocompare withcomparison/ kEmpArisn/ compass/ kQmpEs/ compel/ kEmpel/ compensate/ kRmpenseit/ compensation/ kRmpenseiFE compete/ kEmpi:t/ competent/ kRmpitEnt/ competition/ kRmpEtiFEn/ competitor/ kEmpetitE/ complain/ kEmplein/ complaint/ kEmpleint/ complete/ kEmpli:t/ complex/ kRmpleks/ complicated/ kRmplikeitid/ compose/ kEmpEuz/ composition/ kRmpEziFEn compound/ kRmpaund, kE comprehension/ kRmprihenFE comprehensive/ kRmprihensiv compress/ kEmpres/ compromise/ kRmprEmaiz/ computer/ kEmpju:tE/ comrade/ kRmrid/ conceal/ kEnsi:l/ concentrate/ kRnsEntreit/ concentration/ kRnsEntreiFE concept/ kRnsept/ concern/ kEnsE:n/ concerning/ kEnsE:niN/ concert/ kRnsEt/ conclude/ kEnklu:d/ conclusion/ kEnklu:VEn/ concrete/ kRnkri:t/ condemn/ kEndem/ condense/ kEndens/ condition/ kEndiFEn/ conduct/ kRndEkt, kEnconductor/ kEndQktE/ conference/ kRnfErEns/ confess/ kEnfes/ confidence/ kRnfidEns/ confident/ kRnfidEnt/ confirm/ kEnfE:m/ conflict/ kRnflikt, kEn confront/ kEnfrQnt/ confuse/ kEnfju:z/ confusion/ kEnfju:VEn/ conglomerate/ kEnglRmErit/ congratulate/ kEngrAtjuleit congratulation/ kEngrAtjuleiF congress/ kRNgres/ conjunction/ kEndVQNkFE connect/ kEnekt/ connection/ kEnekFEn/ conquer/ kRNkE/ conscience/ kRnFEns/ conscious/ kRnFEs/ consent/ kEnsent/ consequence/ kRnsikwEns/ conservative/ kEnsE:vEtiv/ consider/ kEnsidE/ considerable/ kEnsidErEbl/ considerate/ kEnsidErit/ consideration/ kEnsidEreiFE consignmentconsist/ kEnsist/ consolidation/ kEnsRlEdeiFE constant/ kRnstEnt/ constitution/ kRnstitju:FEn construct/ kEnstrQkt/ construction/ kEnstrQkFEn consult/ kEnsQlt/ consume/ kEnsju:m/ consumer/ kEnsju:mE/ consumerism/ kEnsju:mEriz consumption/ kEnsQmpFEn contact/ kRntAkt, kEn contain/ kEntein/ containercontainerization contemporary/ kEntempErErcontent/ kRntent, kEnt contest/ kEntest, kRnt continent/ kRntinEnt/ continual/ kEntinjuEl/ continue/ kEntinju(:)/ continuous/ kEntinjuEs/ contract/ kRntrAkt, kEn contract for purchase contract for servicecontract interestcontract lifecontract of purchasecontract of service contractorcontradiction/ kRntrEdikFEn contrary/ kRntrEri/ contrast/ kRntrAst, kEn contribute/ kEntribju(:)t/ contribution/ kRntribju:FEn contributor/ kEntribju(:)tE control/ kEntrEul/ controller/ kEntroulE/ convenience/ kEnvi:njEns/ convenient/ kEnvi:njEnt/ convention/ kEnvenFEn/ conventional/ kEnvenFEnl/ conversation/ kRnvEseiFEn convert/ kEnvE:t, kRn convertible/ kEnvE:tEbl/ convey/ kEnvei/ conveyance/ kEnveiEns/ convince/ kEnvins/ cook/ kuk/cookercool/ ku:l/ cooperate/ kEuRpEreit/ coordinate/ kEuRdinit/ cope/ kEup/ copper/ kRpE/copy/ kRpi/ copyright/ kRpirait/ core/ kR:/corn/ kR:n/corner/ kR:nE/corporation/ kR:pEreiFEn/ correct/ kErekt/ correction/ kErekFEn/ correspond/ kRrispRnd/ corresponding/ kRrispRndiN/ corridor/ kRridR:/ corrupt/ kErQpt/cost/ kRst/ costing/ kR:stiN/ costly/ kRstli/ cotton/ kRtn/cough/ kRf/could/ kud, kEd/ council/ kaunsil/ counselingcount/ kaunt/count oncount upcounter/ kauntE/ counterfeit/ kauntEfit/ counterfoil/ kauntEfRil/ country/ kQntri/ countryside/ kQntrisaid/ county/ kaunti/ couple/ kQpl/ courage/ kQridV/ course/ kR:s/court/ kR:t/cousin/ kQzn/cover/ kQvE/ cover upcow/ kau/crash/ krAF/crazy/ kreizi/ cream/ kri:m/ create/ kri(:)eit/ creative/ kri(:)eitiv/ creature/ kri:tFE/ credit/ kredit/crew/ kru:/crime/ kraim/ criminal/ kriminl/ crisis/ kraisis/ critical/ kritikEl/criticism/ kritisizEm/ criticize/ kritisaiz/ crop/ krRp/ cross/ krRs/ crowd/ kraud/ crowded/ kraudid/ crown/ kraun/ crude/ kru:d/ cruel/ kruEl/ crush/ krQF/cry/ krai/cube/ kju:b/ cubic/ kju:bik/ cultivate/ kQltiveit/ culture/ kQltFE/ cunning/ kQniN/ cup/ kQp/ cupboard/ kQbEd/ curb/ kE:b/cure/ kjuE/ curiosity/ kjuEriRsiti/ curious/ kjuEriEs/ currency/ kQrEnsi/ current/ kQrEnt/ curtain/ kE:tn/ curve/ kE:v/ custom/ kQstEm/ customercut/ kQt/cut acrosscut backcut downcut incut offcut outcut shortcutback/ kQtbAk/ cycle/ saikl/dad/ dAd/daily/ deili/ dairy/ dZEri/ dam/ dAm/ damage/ dAmidV/ dance/ da:ns/danger/ deindVE/ dangerous/ deindVrEs/ dare/ dZE/dark/ da:k/dash/ dAF/data/ deitE/date/ deit/ daughter/ dR:tE/ dawn/ dR:n/day/ dei/ daylight/ deilait/ dead/ ded/ deadline/ dedlain/ deadly/ dedli/deaf/ def/deal/ di:l/deal indeal outdeal withdealer/ di:lE/dear/ diE/death/ deW/ debate/ dibeit/ debenture/ dibentFE/ debit/ debit/debt/ det/debtee/ deti:/ debtor/ detE/debt-riddendecade/ dekeid/ deceive/ disi:v/ December/ disembE/ decent/ di:snt/ decide/ disaid/ decision/ disiVEn/ deck/ dek/ declare/ diklZE/ decline/ diklain/ decorate/ dekEreit/ decrease/ dikri:s, di:kri: deduct/ didQkt/ deed/ di:d/deep/ di:p/ deependefault/ difR:lt/ defeat/ difi:t/ defectsdefence/ difens/ defend/ difend/ defense/ difens/ deficit/ difisit/ define/ difain/ definite/ definit/ definition/ definiFEn/ degree/ digri:/delay/ dilei/ delegate/ deligeit/ delegation/ deligeiFEn/ delicate/ delikit/ delicious/ diliFEs/ delight/ dilait/ delighteddeliver/ dilivE/ delivery/ dilivEri/ demand/ dima:nd/ democracy/ dimRkrEsi/ democratic/ demEkrAtik/ demonstrate/ demEnstreit/ dense/ dens/deny/ dinai/ depart/ dipa:t/ department/ dipa:tmEnt/ departure/ dipa:tFE/ depend/ dipend/ dependent/ dipendEnt/ deposit/ dipRzit/ depreciation/ dipri:FieiFEn/ depression/ dipreFEn/ deprive/ dipraiv/ depth/ depW/ derive/ diraiv/ describe/ diskraib/ description/ diskripFEn/ desert/ dezEt, dizE:t/ deserve/ dizE:v/ design/ dizain/ desirable/ dizaiErEbl/desk/ desk/ despair/ dispZE/ desperate/ despErit/ despite/ dispait/ destroy/ distrRi/ destruction/ distrQkFEn/ detail/ di:teil/detect/ ditekt/ determination/ ditE:mineiFEn determine/ ditE:min/ determined/ ditE:mind/ devalue/ di:vAlju:/ develop/ divelEp/ development/ divelEpmEnt/ devil/ devl/devote/ divEut/ diagram/ daiEgrAm/ dial/ daiEl/dialect/ daiElekt/ dialog/ daiElRg/ dialogue/ daiElRg/ diameter/ daiAmitE/ diamond/ daiEmEnd/ diary/ daiEri/ dictation/ dikteiFEn/ dictionary/ dikFEnEri/ die/ dai/die downdie outdiet/ daiEt/differ/ difE/ difference/ difrEns/ different/ difrEnt/ difficult/ difikElt/ difficulty/ difikElti/dig/ dig/digest/ didVest, daidV diligent/ dilidVEnt/ dine/ dain/dinner/ dinE/direct/ direkt/ direction/ direkFEn/ director/ direktE/dirty/ dE:ti/ disadvantage/ disEdva:ntidV disagree/ disEgri:/ disappear/ disEpiE/ disappoint/ disEpRint/ disappointment/ disEpRintmEn disapprove/ disEpru:v/ disaster/ diza:stE/disc/ disk/ discharge/ distFa:dV/ discipline/ disiplin/ disclose/ disklEuz/ discount/ diskaunt/ discourage/ diskQridV/ discover/ diskQvE/ discovery/ diskQvEri/ discuss/ diskQs/ discussion/ diskQFEn/ disease/ dizi:z/ disguise/ disgaiz/dish/ diF/ dishonor/ disRnE/ dishonour/ n./ disinflation/ disinfleiFEn/ dislike/ dislaik/ dismiss/ dismis/ disorder/ disR:dE/ display/ displei/ dispute/ dispju:t/ dissolution/ disElu:FEn/ dissolve/ dizRlv/ distance/ distEns/ distant/ distEnt/ distinct/ distiNkt/ distinguish/ distiNgwiF/ distrain/ distrein/ distribute/ distribju:t/ distribution/ distribju:FEn/ district/ distrikt/ disturb/ distE:b/ditch/ ditF/dive/ daiv/divide/ divaid/dividend/ dividend/ division/ diviVEn/ divorce/ divR:s/do/ du:, du/do away withdo one's bestdo withoutdock/ dRk/ docking/ dRkiN/ doctor/ dRktE/ document/ dRkjumEnt/ dog/ dRg/dole/ dEul/ dollar/ dRlE/ domestic/ dEmestik/ donkey/ dRNki/ door/ dR:/ dormitory/ dR:mitri/ dose/ dEus/ double/ dQbl/ doubt/ daut/ doubtful/ dautful/ down/ daun/ downpaymentdownstairs/ daunstZEz/ dozen/ dQzn/ draft/ dra:ft/ drag/ drAg/ drain/ drein/ drama/ dra:mE/ dramatic/ drEmAtik/ draw/ drR:/draw indraw ondraw updrawback/ drR:bAk/ drawer/ drR:/ drawing/ drR:iN/ dread/ dred/ dream/ dri:m/ dress/ dres/ dress updrill/ dril/drink/ driNk/drive/ draiv/driver/ draivE/drop/ drRp/drop bydrop offdrop outdrought/ draut/ drown/ draun/drug/ drQg/drum/ drQm/ drunk/ drQNk/dry/ drai/duck/ dQk/due/ dju:/due todull/ dQl/dumb/ dQm/dump/ dQmp/ durable/ djuErEbl/ duration/ djuEreiFEn/ during/ djuEriN/ dusk/ dQsk/dust/ dQst/duty/ dju:ti/dye/ dai/each/ i:tF/each othereager/ i:gE/ear/ iE/early/ E:li/earn/ E:n/ earnest/ E:nist/ earningsearth/ E:W/ earthquake/ E:Wkweik/ ease/ i:z/easily/ i:zili/east/ i:st/eastern/ i:stEn/easy/ i:zi/eat/ i:t/echo/ ekEu/ economic/ i:kEnRmik/ economical/ i:kEnRmikEl/economics/ i:kEnRmiks/ economy/ i(:)kRnEmi/ edge/ edV/ edition/ idiFEn/ editor/ editE/ educate/ edju(:)keit/ education/ edju:keiFEn/ educator/ edVukeitE/ effect/ ifekt/ effective/ ifektiv/ efficiency/ ifiFEnsi/ efficient/ ifiFEnt/ effort/ efEt/egg/ eg/eight/ eit/ eighteen/ eiti:n/ eighth/ eitW/ eighty/ eiti/either/ aiTE, i:TE/ either...orelder/ eldE/elect/ ilekt/ election/ ilekFEn/ electric/ ilektrik/ electrical/ ilektrikEl/ electricity/ ilektrisiti/ electron/ ilektrRn/ electronic/ ilektrRnik/ electronics/ ilektrRniks/ element/ elimEnt/ elementary/ elimentEri/ elephant/ elifEnt/ elevator/ eliveitE/ eleven/ ilevn/ eleventh/ ilevnW/ eliminate/ ilimineit/ elimination/ ilimineiFEn/ else/ els/ elsewhere/ elswZE/ embarrass/ imbArEs/ embezzle/ imbZzl/ emerge/ imE:dV/ emergency/ imE:dVEnsi/ emit/ imit/emotion/ imEuFEn/ emotional/ imEuFEnl/ emperor/ empErE/ emphasis/ emfEsis/ emphasize/ emfEsaiz/ empire/ empaiE/ employ/ implRi/ employee/ emplRii:/ employer/ implRiE/ employment/ implRimEnt/ empty/ empti/ enable/ ineibl/ enclosure/ inklEuVE/ encounter/ inkauntE/ encourage/ inkQridV/ encouragement/ inkQridVmEn end/ end/ending/ endiN/ endless/ endlis/ endorse/ indR:s/ endorsee/ indR:si:/ endorsement/ indR:smEnt/ endorser/ indR:sE/ endure/ indjuE/ enemy/ enimi/ energetic/ enEdVetik/ energy/ enEdVi/ enforce/ infR:s/ engage/ ingeidV/ engine/ endVin/ engineer/ endViniE/ engineering/ endViniEriN/ England/ iNglEnd/ English/ iNgliF/ Englishman/ iNgliFmEn/ enjoy/ indVRi/ enjoy oneselfenjoyment/ indVRimEnt/ enlarge/ inla:dV/ enormous/ inR:mEs/ enough/ inQf/ ensure/ inFuE/enter/ entE/ enterprise/ entEpraiz/entertain/ entEtein/ enthusiasm/ inWju:ziAzEm enthusiastic/ inWju:ziAstik entire/ intaiE/entitle/ intaitl/ entrance/ entrEns/ entry/ entri/ envelope/ envElEup/ environment/ invaiErEnmE envy/ envi/equal/ i:kwEl/ equality/ i(:)kwRliti/ equip/ ikwip/ equipment/ ikwipmEnt/ era/ iErE/error/ erE/escape/ iskeip/ especially/ ispeFEli/ essay/ esei/ essential/ isenFEl/ establish/ istAbliF/ establishment/ istAbliFmEnt estimate/ estimit, estim etc.Europe/ juErEp/ European/ juErEpi:En/ evaluate/ ivAljueit/ evasion/ iveVEn/eve/ i:v/even/ i:vEn/even ifevening/ i:vniN/event/ ivent/ eventually/ iventjuEli/ ever/ evE/ever soevery/ evri/every othereverybody/ evribRdi/ everyday/ evridei/ everyone/ evriwQn/ everything/ evriWiN/ everywhere/ evriwZE/ evidence/ evidEns/evident/ evidEnt/evil/ i:vl/ evolution/ i:vElju:FEn/ exact/ igzAkt/ exam/ igzAm/ examination/ igzAmineiFEn examine/ igzAmin/ example/ igza:mpl/ exceed/ iksi:d/ excellent/ eksElEnt/ except/ iksept/ except forexception/ iksepFEn/ exchange/ ikstFeindV/ excise/ eksaiz/ excite/ iksait/ excitedexciting/ iksaitiN/ exclaim/ ikskleim/ exclude/ iksklu:d/ excuse/ ikskju:z, ikskj ex-dividendexecute/ eksikju:t/ executive/ igzekjutiv/ executor/ eksikju:tE/ exemption/ igzempFEn/ exercise/ eksEsaiz/ exhaust/ igzR:st/ exhibit/ igzibit/ exhibition/ eksibiFEn/ exist/ igzist/ existence/ igzistEns/exit/ eksit/ expand/ ikspAnd/ expansion/ ikspAnFEn/ expect/ ikspekt/ expectation/ ekspekteiFEn expediter/ ekspidaitE/ expenditure/ ikspenditF/ expense/ ikspens/ expensive/ ikspensiv/ experience/ ikspiEriEns/ experiment/ iksperimEnt/ expert/ ekspE:t/expire/ ikspaiE/ explain/ iksplein/ explanation/ eksplEneiFEn explode/ iksplEud/ exploit/ eksplRit, iksp explore/ iksplR:/ explosion/ iksplEuVEn/ explosive/ iksplEusiv/ export/ ekspR:t, ekspR expose/ ikspEuz/ express/ ikspres/ expression/ ikspreFEn/ extend/ ikstend/ extensive/ ikstensiv/ extent/ ikstent/ external/ ekstE:nl/ extraordinary/ ikstrR:dinEri/ extreme/ ikstri:m/eye/ ai/eyesight/ aisait/fabric/ fAbrik/face/ feis/face to faceface up tofacility/ fEsiliti/fact/ fAkt/factor/ fAktE/ factory/ fAktEri/fade/ feid/ Fahrenheit/ fArEnhait/fail/ feil/failure/ feiljE/faint/ feint/fair/ fZE/faith/ feiW/faithful/ feiWful/fake/ feik/fall/ fR:l/fall back onfall behindfall in withfall outfall throughfame/ feim/family/ fAmili/ famine/ fAmin/ famous/ feimEs/ fan/ fAn/ fancy/ fAnsi/far/ fa:/far fromfare/ fZE/farm/ fa:m/ farmer/ fa:mE/ farming/ fa:miN/ farther/ fa:TE/ fashion/ fAFEn/ fashionable/ fAFEnEbl/ fast/ fa:st/ fasten/ fa:sn/fat/ fAt/fatal/ feitl/fate/ feit/ father/ fa:TE/ fatigue/ fEti:g/ fault/ fR:lt/ faulty/ fR:lti/ favor/ feivE/ favorite/ feivErit/ favour/ feivE/ favourablefax/ fAks/fear/ fiE/ fearful/ fiEful/ feasibility/ fi:zEbiliti/ feasible/ fi:zEbl/ feast/ fi:st/ feature/ fi:tFE/ February/ februEri/ federal/ fedErEl/ fee/ fi:/feed/ fi:d/ feedbackfeel/ fi:l/feel likefeeling/ fi:liN/ fellow/ felEu/。



1. 阅读理解:测试考生的阅读理解能力和理解长篇文章的能力。


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3. 写作:测试考生的写作能力和逻辑思维能力。


4. 口语:测试考生的口语表达能力和思维敏捷度。


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6. 翻译:测试考生的英语翻译能力。






(2) Industry policy The national government identifies key domestic industries critical to the country’s future economic growth, and then formulates programs that promote their competitiveness.
(3) Maintenance of existing jobs Well-established firms and their workers, particularly in high-wage countries, are often threatened by imports from low-wage countries.
Barriers to international trade (1) Tariffs ad valorem fixed tariff
(2) Non-tariff barriers characteristic: A. Flexibility B. Validity C. Discriminately
Contract Manufacturing - advantages
Low financial risks Minimise resources devoted to manufacturing Focus firm’s resources on other elements of the value chain Avoid tariffs, barriers to trade, restrictions on foreign investment
FDI - Disadvantages



硕士研究生入学考试M B A联考英语二文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-MG129]【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】2015年硕士研究生入学考试 MBA联考英语二Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Millions of Americans and foreigners see G.I. Joe as a mindless war toy, the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be. To the men and women who 1 in World War II and the people they liberated, the G.I. was the 2 man grown into hero, the pool farm kid torn away from his home, the guy who 3all the burdens of battle, who slept in cold foxholes, who went without the 4 of food and shelter, who stuck it out and drove back the Nazi reign of murder. This was not a volunteer soldier, not someone well paid, 5 an average guy, up 6 the best trained, best equipped, fiercest, most brutal enemies seen in centuries.His name is not much.GI. is just a military abbreviation 7 Government Issue, and it was on all of the article 8 to soldiers. And JoeA common name for a guy who never 9 it to the top. Joe Blow, Joe Magrac… a working class name. The United States has 10 had a president or vicepresident or secretary of state Joe.G.I. joe had a 11 career fighting German ,Japanese, and Korean troops. He appers as a character, or a 12 of american personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of G.I. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle. Some of the soldiers Pyle 13 portrayde themselves in the film. Pyle was famous for coveringthe 14 side of the warl, writing about the dirt-snow -and-mud soldiers, not how many miles were 15 or what towns were capturedor liberated, His reports 16 the “willie” cartoons of famedStars and Stripes artist Bill Maulden. Both men 17 the dirt and exhaustion of war, the 18 of civilization that the soldiersshared with each other and the civilians: coffee, tobacco, whiskey, shelter, sleep. 19 Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G.I. Joe was any American soldier, 20 the most important personintheir lives.1.[A] performed [B]served [C]rebelled[D]betrayed2.[A] actual [B]common [C]special [D]normal3.[A]bore [B]cased [C]removed [D]loaded4.[A]necessities [B]facilitice [C]commodities[D]propertoes5.[A]and [B]nor [C]but [D]hence6.[A]for [B]into [C] form [D]against7.[A]meaning [B]implying [C]symbolizing[D]claiming8.[A]handed out [B]turn over [C]brought back[D]passed down9.[A]pushed [B]got [C]made [D]managed10.[A]ever [B]never [C]either[D]neither11.[A]disguised [B]disturbed [C]disputed[D]distinguished12.[A]company [B]collection [C]community [D]colony13.[A]employed [B]appointed [C]interviewed[D]questioned14.[A]ethical [B]military [C]political[D]human15.[A]ruined [B]commuted [C]patrolled [D]gained16.[A]paralleled [B]counteracted [C]duplicated[D]contradicte17.[A]neglected [B]avoided [C]emphasized[D]admired18.[A]stages [B]illusions [C]fragments[D]advancea19.[A]With [B]To [C]Among [D]Beyond20.[A]on the contrary [B] by this means [C]from the outset[D]at that pointSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40points)Text 1This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from impoverished or chaotic homes might have in completing their homework. But the policy is unclear and contradictory. Certainly, no homework should be assigned that students cannot do without expensive equipment. But if the district is essentially giving a pass to students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives, it is going riskily close to the implication that standards need to be lowered for poor children.District administrators say that homework will still be a pat of schooling: teachers are allowed to assign as much of it as they want. But with homework counting for no more than 10%of their grades, students can easily skip half their homework and see vey little difference on their report cards. Some students might do well onstate tests without completing their homework, but what about the students who performed well on the tests and did their homework Itis quite possible that the homework helped. Yet rather than empowering teachers to find what works best for their students, the policy imposes a flat, across-the-board rule.At the same time, the policy addresses none of the truly thorny questions about homework. If the district finds homework to be unimportant to its students’ academic achievement, it should moveto reduce or eliminate the assignments, not make them count foralmost nothing. Conversely,if homework matters,it should account for asignificant portion of the grade.Meanwhile,this policy does nothing to ensure that the homework students receive is meaningful oraooropriate to theirage and the subject.or that teachers are not assigning more than they are willing to review and correct.The homework rules should be put on hold while the school board, which is responsible for setting educational policy, looks into thematter and conducts public hearings. It is not too late for L.A. Unified to do homework right.21.It is implied in paragraph 1 that nowadays homework_____.[A] is receiving more criticism[B]is no longer an educational ritual[C]is not required for advanced courses[D]is gaining more preferences[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework23. According to Paragraph 3,one problem with the policy is that it may____.[A]discourage students from doing homework[B]result in students' indifference to their report cards[C]undermine the authority of state tests[D]restrict teachers' power in education24. As mentioned in Paragraph 4, a key question unanswered about homework is whether______.[A] it should be eliminated[B]it counts much in schooling[C]it places extra burdens on teachers[D]it is important for grades25.A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to HomeworkText 2Pretty in pink: adult women do not remember being so obsessed with the colour, yet it is pervasive in our young girls’ lives. It is not that pink is intrinsically bad, but it is such a tiny slice of the rainbow and, though it may celebrate girlhood in one way, it also repeatedly and firmly fuses girls’ identity to appearance. Then it presents that connection, even among two-year-olds, between girls as not only innocent but as evidence of innocence. Looking around, I despaired at the singular lack of imagination aboutgirls’ lives and interests.Girls’ attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not. Children were not colour-coded atall until the early 20th century: in the era before domestic washing machines all babies wore white as a practical matter, since the only way of getting clothes clean was to boil them. What’s more, bothboys and girls wore what were thought of as gender-neutral dresses. When nursery colours were introduced, pink was actually considered the more masculine colour, a pastel version of red, which was associated with strength. Blue, with its intimations of the Virgin Mary, constancy and faithfulness, symbolised femininity. It was not until the mid-1980s, when amplifying age and sex differences became a dominant children’s marketing strategy, that pink fully came into its own, when it began to seem inherently attractive to girls, part of what defined them as female, at least for the first few critical years.I had not realised how profoundly marketing trends dictated our perception of what is natural to kids, including our core beliefs about their psychological development. Take the toddler. I assumed that phase was something experts developed after years of research into children’s behaviour: wrong. Turns out, according to Daniel Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.Trade publications counselled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they should create a “third stepping, stone” between infant wear and older kids’ clothes. It was only after “toddler” became a common shoppers’ term that it evolved into a broadly accepted developmental stage. Splitting kids, or adults,into ever-tinier categories has proved a sure-fire way to boost profits. And one of the easiest ways to segment a market is to magnify gender differences - or invent them where they did not previously exist.26.By saying "it is...the rainbow"(Line 3, Para.1),the author means pink______.[A]should not be the sole representation of girlhood[B]should not be associated with girls' innocence[C]cannot explain girls' lack of imagination[D]cannot influence girls' lives and interests27.According to Paragraph 2, which of the following is true of colours?[A]Colours are encoded in girls' DNA.[B]Blue used to be regarded as the colour for girls.[C]Pink used to be a neutral colour in symbolising genders.[D]White is prefered by babies.28.The author suggests that our perception of children'spsychological development was much influenced by_____.[A]the marketing of products for children[B]the observation of children's nature[C]researches into children's behavior[D]studies of childhood consumption29.We may learn from Paragraph 4 that department stores were advised to_____.[A]focus on infant wear and older kids' clothes[B]attach equal importance to different genders[C]classify consumers into smaller groups[D]create some common shoppers' terms30.It can be concluded that girls' attraction to pink seems tobe____.[A] clearly explained by their inborn tendency[B]fully understood by clothing manufacturers[C] mainly imposed by profit-driven businessmen[D]well interpreted by psychological expertsText 3In 2010, a federal judge shook America's biotech industry to its core. Companies had won patents for isolated DNA for decades-by 2005 some 20% of human genes were parented. But in March 2010 a judge ruled that genes were unpatentable. Executives were violently agitated. The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a “preliminary step” in a longer battle.On July 29th they were relieved, at least temporarily. A federal appeals court overturned the prior decision, ruling that MyriadGenetics could indeed hold patents to two genes that help forecast a woman's risk of breast cancer. The chief executive of Myriad, a company in Utah, said the ruling was a blessing to firms andpatients alike.But as companies continue their attempts at personalised medicine, the courts will remain rather busy. The Myriad case itself is probably not over Critics make three main arguments against gene patents: a gene is a product of nature, so it may not be patented; gene patents suppress innovation rather than reward it; and patents' monopolies restrict access to genetic tests such as Myriad's. A growing number seem to agree. Last year a federal task-force urged reform for patents related to genetic tests. In October the Department of Justice filed a brief in the Myriad case, arguing that an isolated DNA molecule “is no less a product of nature... than are cotton fibres that have been separated from cotton seeds. ”Despite the appeals court's decision, big questions remain unanswered. For example, it is unclear whether the sequencing of a whole genome violates the patents of individual genes within it. The case may yet reach the Supreme Court.As the industry advances, however, other suits may have an even greater impact. Companies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the publicdomain .firms are now studying how genes interact, looking for correlations that might be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug’s efficacy, companies are eager to win patentsfor “connecting the dots,” explains Hans Sauer, a lawyer for the BIO.Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, brought by the Mayo Clinic, which the Supreme Court will hear in its next term. The BIO recently held a convention which included sessions to coach lawyers on the shifting landscape for patents. Each meeting was packed.31. It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that the biotech companies would like .[A] their executives to be active[B] judges to rule out gene patenting[C] genes to be patentable[D] the BIO to issue a warning32.Those who are against gene patents believe that .[A] genetic tests are not reliable[B] only man-made products are patentable[C] patents on genes depend much on innovation[D] courts should restrict access to gene tic tests33. According to Hans Sauer, companies are eager to win patentsfor .[A] establishing disease correlations[B] discovering gene interactions[C] drawing pictures of genes[D] identifying human DNA34. By saying “each meeting was packed”(Line4,Para.6) the author means that .[A] the supreme court was authoritative[B] the BIO was a powerful organization[C] gene patenting was a great concern[D] lawyers were keen to attend conventions35. Generally speaking, the author’s attitude toward gene patenting is .[A] critical[B] supportive[C] scornful[D] objectiveText 4The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning. Before it ends, it will likely change thelife course and character of a generation of young adults. Andultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years.No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster. Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways; they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others. In limited respects, perhaps the recession will leave society better off. At the very last, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an ear of reckless personal spending.But for the most part, these benefits seem thin, uncertain, and far off. In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the U.S., lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes.In come inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one. Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opportunities to cross them-especially for young people. The research of Till Von Wachter, the economist at ColumbiaUniversity suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed; those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind.In the Internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society. More difficult, in the moment, is discerning precisely how these lean times are affecting society’s character. In many respects, the U.S. was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history, and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results. We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric. But they certainly it, and all the more so the longer they extend.36. By saying “to find silver linings” (Line 1, Para. 2) the author suggests that the jobless try to.[A] seek subsidies from the government[B] explore reasons for the unemployment[C] make profits from the troubled economy[D] look on the bright side of the recession37. according to Paragraph 2, the recession has made people .[A] realize the national dream[B] struggle against each other[C] challenge their prudence[D] reconsider their lifestyle38. Benjamin Friedman believes that economic recession may .[A] impose a heavier burden on immigrants[B] bring out more evils of human nature[C] promote the advance of rights and freedoms[D] ease conflicts between races and classes39.The research of Till Von Wachter suggests that in the recession graduates from elite universities tend to .[A] lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities[B] catch up quickly with experienced employees[C] see their life chances as dimmed as the others[D] recover more quickly than the others40. The author thinks that the influence of hard times on societyis .[A] certain[B] positive[C] trivial[D] destructivePart BDirections:Read the following text and answer the questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)“Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished inthis world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who haveworked here,” wrote the Victorian sage Thomas Carlyle. Well, notany more it is not.Suddenly, Britain looks to have fallen out with its favourite historical form. This could be no more than a passing literary craze, but it also points to a broader truth about how we now approach the past: less concerned with learning from forefathers and moreinterested in feeling their pain. Today, we want empathy, not inspiration.From the earliest days of the Renaissance, the writing of history meant recounting the exemplary lives of great men. In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus - On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes.Petrarch celebrated their greatness in conquering fortune and rising to the top. This was the biographical tradition which NiccoloMachiavelli turned on its head. In The Prince, the championed cunning,ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successfulleaders.Over time, the attributes of greatness shifted. The Romantics commemorated the leading painters and authors of their day,stressing the uniqueness of the artist's personal experience rather than public glory. By contrast, the Victorian author Samual Smiles wrote Self-Help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers , industrialists and explores . "The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of self-help, if patient purpose, resolute working and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formulation of truly noble and many character, exhibit,"wrote Smiles."what it is in the power of each to accomplish for himself"His biographies of James Walt,Richard Arkwright and Josiah Wedgwood were held up as beacons to guide the working man through his difficult life.This was all a bit bourgeois for Thomas Carlyle, who focused his biographies on the truly heroic lives of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell and Napoleon Bonaparte. These epochal figures representedwho could have taught at their universities, worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factoriesto make.Section IV WritingPart A47.Directions:Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the otherday ,Write an email to the customer service center to1) make a complaint and2) demand a prompt solutionYou should write about 100 words on ANSERE SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use "zhang wei "instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B48.Directions:Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should1) describe the table ,and2) give your commentsYou should write at least 150 words(15points)。

















21.A.hiding B.getting C.driving
22.A.introduce B.reduce C.produce D.increase
23.A.which B.that C.while D.where
24.A.mechanics B.methods C.procedures
13.As is known to all, a country gets a (an) ____from taxes.
A.income B.revenue D.payment
14.The government has decided to reduce ____on all imports.
A.fee B.charge C.tariff D.tuition
15.The need for financial provision ___not only to producers but also to consumers.
A.connects B.links D.relates
A.greatly B.far C.much D.well
12.The manager has always attended to the ____of important business himself.
A.transaction B.solution C.translation D.stimulation
A.feeling B.understanding C.appreciation D.sense
7.The boss ______into a rage and started shouting at Robert to do as he was told.



1 modify v.调整2 susceptible adj.易受影响的3 reflect v.反映;反思4 innermost adj.内心深处的5 desire n.渴望6 random adj.随机的7 outcome n.结果8 neutral adj.中立的9 repair v.修理10 refer to 指代11 limbic adj. 四肢的12 intend to 倾向于13 function n.功能14 mechanism n.机制15 relation n.关系16 negative adj.否定的17 generate v.产生18 tend to 倾向于19 aggravate v.加剧20 unconscious adj.无意识的21 persist v.坚持22 wake up 醒来23 essential adj.必要的24 get rid of 摆脱25 visualize v.视觉化26 under control 在控制中27 natural adj.自然的28 progression n.进展29 entirely adv.完全地30 belong to 属于31 unconscious adj.无意识的32 lead your life 引领你的人生33 seek v.寻求探索34 professional adj.专业的n.专业人士35 exercise n 运动、练习v.运动、练习36 anxiety n.焦虑、不安37 component n.成分38 suspend v.暂停39 formulate v.形成40 revolutionary n.革命的41 disguise n.伪装42 shadow n.影子43 unconscious adj.无意识的44 desire n.渴望45 switch n/v 转换46 mental n.头脑的47 at random 随机48 byproduct n.副产品49 suspect v.怀疑50 regulate v.管制51 leading adj.领先的52 authority n.权威53 intensely adv.剧烈地54 powerful adj. 有力量的55 harness v.驾驭56 evidence n.证据57 vivid adj.生动的58 occur v.发生59 fully adv.完全地60 equally adv.平等地61 involve v.涉及62 relatively adv.相对地63 link v.联系64 progress n.进步65 awaken v.觉醒66 negative adj.消极的67 generate v.产生68 conscious adj.有意识的69 be occupied with 忙于70 emotional adj.感情的71 process n.进程72 course n.进程73 literally adv.真正地74 pay attention to 注意75 unless conj.除非76 keep from 阻止77 panic n/v 惊慌78 terrorism n.恐怖主义79 uncertainty n.不确定性80 general adj.总体的81 insecurity n.不稳定性82 anxiety n.焦虑83 suffer from 遭受84 persistent adj.坚持的85 nightmare n.噩梦86 therapist n.临床医学家87 argument n.论据88 scientific adj.科学的89 evidence n.证据90 correlation n.关联91 insignificant adj.不重要的92 freedom n.自由93 way of doing 做某事的方式94 talk nonsense 瞎说95 serve as 充当96 protector n.保护着97 judge v.判断98 critic n.评论者99 guide n/v指引100 paralysis n.瘫痪101 analysis n.分析102 endless adj.无穷的103 action n.行动104 reveal v.揭示105 prudent adj.审慎的106 hinder n.暗示107 progress n.进步108 extensive adj.广泛的109 offer n/v提供110 aid n/v帮助111 power plant 发电厂112 raise v.提高113 public awareness 公众意识114 conservation n.保护115 press v.按压116 further adj.进一步的117 take measure 采取措施118 legislative adj.立法的119 associate with 联系120 issue n.事件121 suffer from 遭受122 negligence n.忽视123 latter adj.后者的124 applicable adj.试用的125 former adj.前者的126 outcome n.结果127 aggravate v.加剧128 evidence n.证据129 inconclusive adj.包括的130 lobby v.游说131 destroy v.摧毁132 nonsense n.胡说八道133 grave adj.严重的134 upsetting adj.困扰的135 parallel adj.平行的136 in one + n+ after another 一个又一个137 threat n/v威胁138 latest adj.最近的139 panel n.专家小组140 enlist v.招募141 atmosphere n.气氛142 definitely adv.绝对地143 largely adv.主要地144 preface n.序言145 available adj.可利用的146 critical adj.批评的147 base on 基于148 policy n.政策149 judgement n.判断150 concerning prep. 涉及151 consequence n.结果152 action n.行动153 quarter n.区域154 incomplete adj.不完整的155 pour v.倾倒156 fume n. 烟气157 obvious adj.明显的158 prudent adj.审慎的159 insurance n.保险160 fortunately adv.幸运地161 majority n.主体162 president n.总统163 adviser n.建议者164 take sth seriously 认真对待165 press for 追求166 case n.案例167 responsible adj.负责的168 steward v.管理169 planet n.星球170 press forward 奋力向前171 inadequate adj.不足够的172 administration n.管理173 legislative adj.立法的174 initiative n. 主动权175 congress n.国会176 fashion n.时尚177 conservation n.保护178 incentive n. 刺激179 industry n.产业180 promising adj.有前途的181 get ready to do 乐意做某事182 meet …needs 满足需求183 crucial adj.关键的184 sound adj.健康的185 identify v.识别186 associate v.联想187 assimilate v.同化188 monopolize v.垄断189 department n.部门190 spread v.传播191 intimate adj.亲密的192 satisfy the need of 满足需求193 knowledgeable adj. 有知识的194 elite n.精英195 emergence n.浮现196 consumption n.消费197 be resistant to 抵制198 exert a great influence on 对。



第一类:图表分析P. 69 2006真题范文:1 What is illustrated in the diagram above shows us clearly that dramatic change have taken place in the number of recruitment of Master of Engineering in the past several seven years.2 According to the figures given in the diagram, we can see the number of recruitments of ME was on a steady rise all the time.3 In the year of 1998, the recruitment of ME was only about 2500, but within no more than seven years, the number attained to more than 35,000 in 2004.4 Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows.5 First of all, with the rapid development of Chinese economy and society, the persons with specific abilities are badly needed, especially in high-technology industries.6 What's more. ME can enable people to find a high-paying job easily.7 It is said that nearly 100% job hunters with ME can get an ideal post in China nowadays.8 Furthermore, the conception of life-long learning has been commonly accepted by so many Chinese young people that most of them choose to study further a few years after graduation.9 Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably predict that with the rapid and further development of our society, the number of recruitment of ME will keep increasing in the forthcoming ten years.模板提炼Para. 1 描述图表内容:1. What is shown in the diagram above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in the number of 填数字.2. As depicted in the graph, the past 填数字 years have seen/ witnessed some important/ dramatic changes with regard to 填单词.总体变化:1.Obviously, the number of 填单词 has shown a steady rise/ fall/ increase/decrease over the past few years.2.The past 填数字 years have witnessed a steady rise/ fall/ decline of the numberof 填单词.具体数据:1.In the year of 填年份, 填句子 while it grew to 填数字 in 填年份.pared with 填年份, the number of 填单词 rose 10% in 填年份.3.In comparison with 填年份, the number of 填单词 fall 10% in 填年份.练习:2010年作文真题复合数据指代对象As is depicted in the diagram, the past few years have witnessed the apparent changes that have taken place in mobile-phone subscriptions across the world. The mobile-phone subscription number in developed countries increased slowly, rising from about 0.6 billion in 2000 to around 1 billion in 2008. By contrast, the number of mobile-phone users in developing countries was on a sharp rise, surging from around 0.7 billion in 2000 to around 4 billion in 2008.Para. 2 分析原因/ 影响原因总述:1.Some driving factors/ forces that contribute to the above-mentioned changesmay be summarized as follows.2.Some possible reasons/ driving forces behind the above-mentioned changes couldbe as follows.3.It’s not difficult for us to find some factors to account for this rapidgrowth/ sharp decline.原因提出与分析:影响总述:1.So far as I’m concerned, I believe that such changes will result in someconsequences.2.It follows that some remarkable effects may inevitably/ naturally come up.影响提出与分析:原因总结:六大原因1.经济增长2.生活水平提高,收入增加3.城市化,现代化4.全球化,信息化,老龄化5.技术进步6.个人态度,观念,意识Para. 3 总结:预测/ 建议预测:1. Taking all these factors into consideration, we may reasonably predict that with the rapid and further development of our society, the number of 填单词 will continue to climb/ decline in the forthcoming years.2. As discussed above, it's not surprising to see the rising/ falling trend of 填单词. In my opinion, this trend will continue for a while in the future.3. From what we have discussed, we can safely come to the conclusion that these changes will continue in the future.建议:政府措施1. Taking into account all these factors, we may safely draw the conclusion that it is time that we put/ placed / laid considerable special emphasis on the development/ change/ growth of 填单词.2. There is no denying/ little doubt that special/ adequate/ considerable/ further attention must be paid/ called/devoted to the problem of 填单词.3. Obviously/ Clearly/ Apparently, there is very little chance that 填句子unless there is an immediate action/ common realization of 填单词.民众意识1.We should make efforts to arouse people's awareness/ concern of 填单词.We should make efforts to raise public awareness of 填单词.We should endeavor to cultivate people's awareness of 填单词.2.Public awareness should be raised/ aroused of 填单词.3.The public should be educated to be more self-conscious of 填单词.4.Everyone should realize the truth that the issue/ problem of 填单词 concerns notonly the government but all of us.5.Popularizing the national sense of 填单词 can gradually better the worseningsituation in/ problem of 填单词Popularizing the national sense of saving water and using water economically can gradually better the worsening situation in water resources.Popularizing the national sense of environmental protection can gradually better the worsening problem of environmental degradation.第二类:现象分析/ 看图说话现象分析例:社会上酒后驾车现象分析范文:现象总述 These days, one of the most controversial topics arousing general concern is drink-driving. 现象具体描述 According to the data given by the relevant government, as many as 89% of the drivers surveyed have such experiences. Some really keen enthusiasts go so far as to make a habit of it. Needless to say,this phenomenon will continue for a while in the future.原因分析 Drink-driving is actually a matter of great complexity, which can be traced to a variety of factors. First of all, some drivers firmly believe that they are able to drink much wine and a little cannot make them drunk. What's more, it's often found that there are still some who live under the delusion that they own excellent driving skills and wine will not influence their performance in the slightest. In addition, on some occasions one cannot avoid drinking for the sake of business.建议 As the situation is becoming worse, some serious consequences have come up. Accordingly, we should take immediate measures to put an end to the current situation. In my opinion, our government should play an active role in eliminating this social problem.现象总述:1.Nowadays a growing number of people begin to realize/ be aware of/ notice theimportance/ significance/ seriousness of the problem of 填单词.2.Recently the topic/ issue/ problem of 填单词 has been in the limelight.has brought into focus.has aroused public attentive concern.3.Recently the 填单词 has become the focus/ concern of the public.4.One of the universal pressing/ burning/ urgent problems/ issues we are facedwith/ confronting us is that 填句子.5.The past few years have witnessed the emergence of a widespread socialphenomenon, that is, 填句子.看图说话What a vivid and interesting cartoon The cartoonist depicts the image of a hen assuring the public that the eggs she lays are completely round, without any square corners, and that they all have shells and yolks. Then what on earth can we learn from this cartoonIt is beyond any doubt that what the picture intends to convey is far reaching. By satirizing the phenomenon of making high-sounding promises for nothing but one's own duty the cartoonist reminds us that such phenomenon is not rare/ isolated in our society and life, but rather common. According to a recent newspaper survey, administration departments promise efficient performance of their tasks, without any bribery involved. Again, commercial enterprises promise to offer excellent products at reasonable prices and with warm services. In short, these days, it has turned out to be a growing trend worth our great concern.Considering the possible negative aspects of doing this, we may come up with some tentative suggestions as follows. First of all, the authorities concerned have to make relevant rules and regulations to these promises. What's more, the public should be educated to be more self-conscious. In addition, we have to take practical actions to enhance our present social atmosphere.画面描述1.From the picture above we can see 填句子.2.The cartoon/ picture vividly depicts an inspiring scene, in which 填句子.3.As is clearly shown/ illustrated/demonstrated by the picture/ cartoon, 填句子.4.What a vivid and thought-provoking cartoon/ pictureWe can see a vivid and thought-provoking picture above, in which 填句子.寓意阐述过渡句1. Simple as it is, the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is profound.2. It is beyond any doubt that what the illustrator intends to convey in the picture is far reaching.具体寓意1.The pictures serve to remind us that 填句子.2.It seems that the cartoonist is sending a messageabout the significance of 填单词.that 填句子.3. Obviously, the cartoonist is trying to attract our attention tothe phenomenon/ fact that 填句子.the problem of 填单词.4. The picture/ cartoon undoubtedly reveals a prevalent phenomenon that 填句子.5. By satirizing the phenomenon of 填单词, the illustrator reminds us that such phenomenon is not rare/ isolated in our society and life, but rather common.By demonstrating the phenomenon of 填单词, the illustrator reminds us that such issue cannot be neglected/ overlooked and needs greater attention.练习练习1.2005年真题黄金周问题2.网络购物成为时尚3.大学生就业困难问题第三类正反对比论证例:人们对MBA教育的看法不一,有人认为读MBA是浪费时间金钱,而有人认为读MBA非常有用,谈谈你的观点;范文现象引入These days, when asked about the issue of MBA education in China, people vary a lot in their viewpoints. 观点一分析A small group of people tend to hold that studying an MBA is a waste of money and time. A few of them even go to extremes to assert that MBA education should be cancelled. One of the facts they like to quote is that numerous entrepreneurs are self-made without any business education.观点二分析 Despite the arguments above, there are still a sizable percentage of people in strong favor of MBA education. According to them, quite a number of factors contribute to this idea, of which the first and foremost one 理由一 is that as our economy grows rapidly, MBA education in China is not only useful to the individuals in particular but also to the society as a whole. 理由二 What's more, to succeed in today's competitive marketplace, the advanced management skills and knowledge is of vital importance for any ambitious individuals. The MBA education can widen the student's horizon in order to better prepare them for their future careers.So far as I am concerned 提出自己的观点, the latter viewpoint seems more convincing, and therefore more appealing to me. In fact, however sound thearguments of the former view may be, they only skim the surface of the problem. Admittedly, MBA is faced with a difficult situation now in our country and some people even have deep doubts about its value. But From a development perspective, the MBA education will benefit both the society and individual in many ways. Therefore, greater importance should be attached to MBA education in our country.模板现象引入 These days, when asked about the issue of 填单词, people vary a lot in their viewpoints.观点一分析 A small group of people tend to hold that 填句子. 具体例子 Some statistics appear to support their view: 填句子.观点二分析 Despite the arguments above, there are still a sizable percentage of people in strong favor of 填单词. 具体例子According to them, there are quite a number of factors contributing to this idea, of which the first and foremost one is that 填句子.So far as I am concerned 提出自己观点, the latter/ former viewpoint seems more convincing, and therefore more appealing to me. In fact, however sound the arguments of the former/ latter view may be, they only skim the surface of the problem. 分析自己的观点填句子. Therefore 点明自己的观点 , 填句子.。



mba2023年考试大纲MBA 2023年考试大纲参考内容1. 市场营销管理- 市场定位:市场细分、目标市场选择、定位策略- 产品策略:产品开发与创新、产品组合、产品生命周期管理- 价格策略:定价方法、定价策略、价格弹性- 渠道管理:渠道选择、渠道冲突与合作、物流管理- 促销策略:广告与公关、销售推动、直销与网络营销- 品牌管理:品牌价值、品牌定位与传播、品牌扩展与保护2. 人力资源管理- 人力资源规划:人员需求预测、人才招聘与选拔、用工形式与用工关系- 薪酬管理:薪酬体系设计、绩效考评与薪酬激励、薪酬调整与福利保障- 培训与发展:培训需求分析、培训计划与实施、员工绩效评估与发展- 组织发展:组织结构设计、组织变革与文化建设、员工关系与团队建设- 劳动法与劳动关系:劳动合同管理、劳动争议与调解、劳动法规与政策3. 财务管理- 财务报表分析:资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表的分析与解读- 资本预算与投资决策:投资项目估值、投资决策方法与技术、资本预算与风险管理- 资本结构与融资策略:资本结构决策、融资方式与成本、股权与债务融资- 财务风险管理:风险识别与评估、风险分析与控制、金融衍生品与对冲策略- 公司价值管理:市场价值评估、企业价值创造与提升、财务资源配置与价值最大化4. 战略管理- 组织分析:内外部环境分析、核心能力与竞争优势、战略定位与战略选择- 战略实施:战略目标与绩效指标、战略规划与执行、战略控制与调整- 合作与竞争战略:合作伙伴选择与管理、竞争策略与竞争优势、市场定位与竞争策略- 创新与企业创新:创新管理与创新团队建设、创新方式与创新流程、创新文化与创新环境- 全球化战略:全球化战略选择与实施、跨文化管理与国际合作、全球风险与全球贸易5. 商业伦理与社会责任- 商业伦理:道德与商业决策、职业道德与商业道德规范、商业伦理与企业形象- 社会责任:企业社会责任理论与实践、环境保护与可持续发展、社会与区域发展- 法律与商业:商业法律法规、商业合同与知识产权、商业纠纷解决与合规管理- 沟通与公关:沟通技巧与公众关系管理、危机公关与声誉修复、企业形象与品牌价值- 商业道德与领导力:商业道德背后的领导力、商业伦理与企业文化、商业伦理与团队建设以上就是MBA 2023年考试的大纲参考内容,涵盖了市场营销管理、人力资源管理、财务管理、战略管理和商业伦理与社会责任等方面的知识点。



学历类《研究生考试》MBA 《英语》考试试题及答案解析姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________1、如果一个人只为自已劳动,他也许能成为著名学者、大百人、卓越诗人、然而他水远不能成为完美无取的伟大人物。

如果我们选择了最能为人类福利而劳动的职位, 那么, 重担就不能把我们压倒,因为这是为大家而献身 ;那时我们所感到的就不是可呤的、有限的、白私钓乐趣 .我们的幸福将属干千百万人 ,我们的事业将默默地、但是永恒发挥作用地存在下夫,向面对我们的骨灰,高尚的人们将酒卜热泪,根据以上陈述,可以得出以下哪项 ?A 、如果一个人只为自己劳动,不是为大家而献身,那么重担就能将他压倒。

B 、如果我们为大家而献身,我们的幸福将属于千百万人,面对我们的骨灰,高尚的人们将酒下热泪C 、如果我们没有选择最能为人类福利面福利而劳动的职业。


D 、如果选择了最能为人类福利而劳动的职业,我们就不能够成为著名学者、大哲人、卓越诗人,而且还能多成为完美无瑕的伟大人物。

E 、如果我们只为自己劳动我们的事业就不会默默地、但是永恒发挥作用地存在下去。

正确答案:B 答案解析:暂无解析2、有一 6X6 的方阵,它所含的每个小方格中可填入一个汉字,已有部分汉字填入。

现要求该方阵中的每行每列均含有礼、乐、射、御、书、数 6 个汉字,不能重复也不能遗漏。

根据上述要求,以下哪项是方阵底行 5 个空格中从左至右依次应填入的汉字 ?A 、数、礼、乐、射、御B 、乐、数、御、射、礼C 、数、礼、乐、御、射D 、乐、礼、射、数、御E 、数、御、乐、射、礼正确答案:A答案解析:暂无解析3、设数列 {an} 的前 n 项和为 Sn ,则 {an} 等差。

(1) S n4=n 2+2n, n=1,2,3(2) S n4=n 2+ 2n +1,n=1,2,3A 、条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分B 、条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分C 、条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分D、条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分E、条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分正确答案:A答l5、Tom placed the bank notes ,_________the change and receipts ,back in the drawer .A、morethanB、butforC、thankstoD、alongwith正确答案:D答案解析:暂无解析6、I don ’t think you’ll change his mind ;once he ’s decided on so something he tends to _____it.A、sticktoB、abidebyC、complywithD、keepon正确答案:A答案解析:暂无解析7、The team played hard because the championship of the state was______.A、athandB、atstakeC、atlargeD、atbest正确答案:B答案解析:暂无解析8、In order to live the kind of life we want and to be the person we want to be ,we have to do more than just ________with events .A、putsupB、setupC、turnupD、makeup正确答案:A答案解析:暂无解析9、All her hard work __________in the end ,and she finally passed the exam .A、showedoffB、paidoffC、1eftoffD、keptoff正确答案:B答案解析:暂无解析10、The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so Can ________the performance of many children .A、withholdB、preventC、enhanceD、justify正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析11、Successful learning is not a(n)________activity but consists of four distinct stages in a specific orderA、onlyB、soleC、mereD、single正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析12、We aim to ensure that all candidates are treated fairly and that they have equal______to employment opportunities .A、entranceB、entryC、accessD、admission正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析13、Applicants should note that all positions are —— to Australian citizenship requirements .A、subjectB、subjectiveC、objectedD、objective正确答案:A答案解析:暂无解析14、The poor countries are extremely _______to international economic fluctuationsl A、importanceB、impressionC、impactD、implication正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析16、About 20 of the passengers who were injured in a plane crash are said to be in_____condition .A、decisiveB、urgentC、vitaD、critical正确答案:D答案解析:暂无解析17、The destruction of the twin towers _________shock and anger throughout the world .A、summonedB、temptedC、provokedD、stumbled正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析18、In 1991,while t11e economies of industrialized countries met an economic_____,the economies of developing countries were growing very fast .A、revivaB、repressionC、recessionD、recovery正确答案:C答案解析:暂无解析19、The manager is calling on a______ customer trying to talk him into signing the contract .A、prosperousB、preliminaryC、pessimisticD、prospective正确答案:D答案解析:暂无解析20、After his uncle died ,the young man _____the beautiful estate with which he changed froma poor man to a wealthy noble .A、inhabitedB、inheritedC、inhibitedD、inhaled正确答案:B答案解析:暂无解析。















mba考试英语真题及答案解析MBA考试英语真题及答案解析一、简介MBA(Master of Business Administration)是国际上商科教育最高的硕士学位,也是许多企业高层管理人员追求的梦想。



二、真题及答案解析1. 阅读理解题示例:根据下面短文,回答问题:The concept of social entrepreneurship is gaining momentum as both individuals and organizations areincreasingly seeking innovative ways to address social issues. Social entrepreneurs are driven by a desire to make apositive impact on society, and they create and manage ventures that combine market-based approaches with a focus on enhancing the common good.Question: What is the main character of social entrepreneurship?答案解析:社会创业的主要特点是将市场导向的方法与促进社会福利的关注结合起来。

2. 完形填空题示例:根据下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择合适的词或词组完成短文,并将其标号填入题后括号内。

A study conducted by the Harvard Business School has revealed that a well-designed office space can significantly (41) productivity and employee satisfaction. The study (42) that the physical environment directly affects work behaviors and attitudes. It has been discovered that the presence of natural light, comfortable furniture, and ample space (43) collaboration and communication among employees.41. A. increase B. decrease C. sustain D. maintain42. A. confirmed B. assured C. ensured D. proved43. A. promotes B. denies C. disrupts D. ignores答案解析:41. A;42. D;43. A3. 阅读填空题示例:根据下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择合适的词或词组完成短文,并将其标号填入题后括号内。



MBA联考英语真题及答案2007 年全国攻读工商管理硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试卷考生须知1.选择题的答案须用2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上,其它笔填涂的或做在试卷或其它类型答题卡上的答案无效。




2007年全国攻读工商管理硕士研究生入学考试英语试题Section I Vocabulary (10 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.1.His wife has been a lot of pressure on him to change his job.A.taking B.exerting D.pushing2.It is estimated that,currently, about 50,000 species become every year.A.extinct B.instinct C.distinct D.intensefor his organizing 3.John says that his present job does not provide him with enoughability.A.scope C.capacity D.range4.Many will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A.probabilities B.realitiesC.necessities D.opportunities 5.After his uncle died,the young man the beautiful estate with which he changed from a poor man to a wealthy noble.A.inhabited B.inherited C.inhibited D.inhaled6.The manager is calling on a customer trying to talk him into signing the contract.A.prosperous B.preliminary C.pessimistic D.prospective 7.In 1991,while t11e economies of industrialized countries met an economic ,the economies of developing countries were growing very fast.A.revival B.repression C.recession D.recovery8.The destruction of the twin towers shock and anger throughout the world.A.summoned B.tempted C provoked D.stumbled 9.About 20 of the passengers who were injured in aplane crash are said to be incondition.A.decisive B.urgent C.vital D.critical10.The interactions between China and the US will surely have a significant on peace and stability in the Asia—Pacific region and the world as a whole.A.importance B.impression C.impact D.implication11.The poor countries are extremely to international economic fluctuations- A.inclined B.vulnerable C.attracted D.reduced 12.Applicants should note that all positions are——to Australian citizenship requirements.A.subject B.subjective C.objectedD.objective13.We aim to ensure that all candidates are treated fairlyand that they have equal to employment opportunities.A.entrance B.entry C.access D.admission14.Successful learning is not a(n) activity but consists of four distinct stages in a specific orderA.only B.sole C.mere D.single15.The opportunity to explore and play and the encouragement to do so Can the performance of many children.A.withhold B.prevent C.enhance D.justify16.All her hard work in the end,and she finally passed the exam.A.showed off B.paid off C.1eft offD.kept off17.In order to live the kind of life we want and to be the person we want to be,we have todo more than just with events.A.put sup B.set up C.turn up D.make up18.The team played hard because the championship of the state was hand stake large best19.I don’t think you'll change his mind;once he’s decided on so something he tends to it. A.stick to B.abide by C.comply with D.keep on20.Tom placed the bank notes,the change and receipts,back in the drawer.A.more than B.but for C.thanks to D.along withSection II Cloze (10 points)Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.Advancing age means losing your hair, your waistline and your memory,right ? Dana Denis is just 40 years old,but 21she’s worried about what she calls’ my rolling mental blackouts.””I try to remember something and I just blank out,”sh e saysYou may 22 about these lapses,calling them ” senior moments ”o r blaming "early Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症).”I s it an inescapable fact that the older you get,the 23 you remember? Well, sort of.But as time goes by, we tend to blame age 24 problems that are not necessarily age—related.“Whe n a teenager can’t find her keys,she thinks it's because she’s distracted or disorganized,”say s Paul Gold.“A 70-year-old blames her 25 .”I n fact,the 70-year-old may have been 26 things for decades.In healthy people,memory doesn’t worsen as 27 as many of us think.“A s we 28 ,the memory mechanism isn’t 29 ,”say s psychologist F ergus Craik.”It’s just inefficient.”The brain’s processing 30 slows down over the years,though no one knows exactly 31. Recent research suggests that nerve cells lose efficiency and 32 there’s less activity in the brain.But,cautions Barry Gordon,”It's not clear that less activity is 33 .A beginning athlete is winded(气喘吁吁)more easily than a 34 athlete.In the same way, 35 the brain gets more skilled at a task,it expends less energy on it.”There are 36 you can take to compensate for normal slippage in your memory gears,though it 3 7 effort.Margaret Sewell says:”We’r e a quick-fix culture, but you have to 38 to keep your brain. 3 9 shape.It’s like having a good body.You Can’t go to the gym once a year 40 expect to stay in top form.”21.A.almost B.seldom C.already D.never 22.A.joke B.laugh C.blame D.criticize 23.A.much B.little C.more D.less24.A.since B.for D.because 25.A.memory B.mind C.trouble 26.A.disorganizing B.misplacing C.putting D.finding 27.A.swiftly B.frequently C.timely D.quickly 28.A.mature B.advance C.age D.grow 29.A.broken B.poor C.perfect D.working 30.A.pattern B.time D.information 31.A . why C.what D.when 32.A.since B.hence C.that D.although 33.A.irregular B.better C.normal D.worse 34.A.famous B.senior C.popular D.trained B.till C.though D.yet 36.A.stages B.steps C.advantages D.purposes 37.A.makes B.takes C.does D.spends B.come B.for C.on B.or C.and D.ifSection III Reading comprehension (40 points)Directions:Read the following four passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing A, B, C and D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Passage OnePrior to the 20th century, many languages with small numbers of speakers survived for centuries. The increasingly interconnected modern world makes it much more difficult for small language communities to live in relative isolation, a key factor in language maintenance and preservation.It remains to be seen whether the world can maintain its linguistic and cultural diversity in the centuries ahead. Many powerful forces appear to work against it :population growth, which pushes migrant populations into the world’s last isolated locations; mass tourism; global telecommunications and mass media; and the spread of gigantic global corporations. All ofthese forces appear to signify a future in which the language of advertising, popular culture, and consumer products become similar. Already English and a few other major tongues have emerged as global languages of commerce and communication. For many of the world’s peoples, learning one of these languages is viewed as the key to education, economic opportunity, and a better way of life.Only about 3,000 languages now in use are expected to survive the coming century. Are most of the rest doomed in the century after that?Whether most of these languages survive will probably depend on how strongly cultural groups wish to keep their identity alive through a native language. To do so will require an emphasis on bilingualism(mastery of two languages). Bilingual speakers could use their own language in smaller spheres---at home, among friends, in community settings---and a global language at work, in dealings with government, and in commercial spheres. In this way, many small languages could sustain their cultural and linguistic integrity alongside global languages, rather than yield to the homogenizing(同化的)forces of globalization.Ironically, the trend of technological innovation that has threatened minority languages could also help save them. For example, some experts predict that computer software translation tools will one day permit minority language speakers to browse the Internet using their native tongues. Linguists are currently using computer—aided learning tools to teach a variety of threatened languages.For many endangered languages, the line between revival and death is extremely thin. Language is remarkably resilient(有活力的),however. It is not just a tool for communicating, but also a powerful way of separating different groups, or of demonstrating group identity. Many indigenous(原生的,土著的)communities have shown that it is possible to live in the modern world while reclaiming their unique identities through language.41.Minority languages can be best preserved in increasingly interconnected worldB.maintaining small numbers of speakersC.relatively isolated language communitiesD.following the tradition of the 20th century42.According to Paragraph 2, that the world can maintain its linguistic diversity in the future is.A.uncertain B.unrealistic C.foreseeable D.definite43.According to the author, bilingualism can help .A.small languages become acceptable in work placesB.homogenize the world’s languages and languages reach home and community settingsD.speakers maintain their linguistic and cultural identity/doc/2511188590.html,puter technology is helpful for preserving minority languages in that it . A.makes learning a global language unnecessaryB.facilitates the learning and using of those languagesC.raises public awareness of saving those languagesD.makes it easier for linguists to study those languages45.In the author’s view, many endangered languages are .A.remarkably well-kept in this modern worldB.exceptionally powerful tools of communicationC.quite possible to be revived instead of dying outD.a unique way of bringing different groups togetherPassage TwoEveryone,it seems,has a health problem。



mba英语考试题目Introduction:MBA英语考试(MBA English Exam)是为申请全日制MBA学位的学生设立的英语能力测验。



1. 考试概述MBA英语考试旨在评估学生在英语能力方面的综合素质。




2. 阅读理解阅读理解部分通常包含若干篇英文文章,每篇文章后面有相关的问题。



3. 写作写作部分要求考生在规定时间内完成一篇短文或文章。




4. 口语口语部分要求考生进行托福式的口语考试,回答与商业管理相关的问题。



5. 听力听力部分通常包含若干篇英语短文或对话。








Monday n.星期一money n.货币,钱【派生词】monetary a.货币的【联想词】coin 硬币; note 纸币; cash 现金; currency 通货, 货币monitor n.班长;监视器v.监控,监测radar stations ~ing enemy planes 监视敌机的雷达站; ~ an examination 监考【联想词】supervise 监督; 指导monkey n.猴子month n.月,月份【派生词】monthly a.每月的ad.每月一次,按月n.月刊【联想词】daily 每日的, 每日一次地; weekly 每周的, 每周一次地; seasonally每季度的, 每季一次地; yearly 每年的, 每年一次地monument n. 纪念碑, 纪念馆moon n.月球more a.更多的ad.更,更多moreover conj./ad.加之,而且I don't like skating, ~, the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰, 而且冰又太薄。

【联想词】besides 此外; in addition 另外; furthermore 此外, 而且; what’s more 而且, 另外morning n.早晨,上午most a.多数的ad.最n.大多数mostly ad.主要地;大部分,基本上【联想词】widely 普遍地; highly 高度地; deeply 深深地; largely 主要地, 很大程度上mother n.母亲motor n.发动机,电动机mount v.登上;安装n.支架,底板mountain n.山【派生词】mountainous a. 多山的; 山地的a ~ country 多山的国家mouse n.((pl.)mice) 鼠,耗子mouth n.口,嘴【派生词】mouthful n.一口,满口move,迁移【派生词】movement n.运动;移动,迁移; motion n. 1. 运动You must not get out of the car when it is in motion. 汽车行驶的时候千万不能下车。



【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】2015年MBA联考英语真题及参考答案Part I V ocabulary and Structure (10%)Direction: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.1. The poor lady was too and distressed to talk about the tragedy.A. engagedB. exhaustedC. ignorantD. energetic2. At fist , the famous painting doesn’t impress the audience at all.A. glanceB. gazeC. stareD. view3. Delegates agree to the plan in , but there were some details they didn’t approve.A. disciplineB. theoryC. principleD. nature4. I took the medicine 10minutes ago, but the bitterness is still in my mouth.A. scatteringB. fellingC. maintainingD. lingering5. Since the of human history, human beings have been asking questions like "What is the essence of life."A. duskB. dustC. twinkle C. Dawn6. The eldest son all the family members to discuss how to celebrate the 50th weddinganniversary of their parents.A. ClusteredB. resembled。



2023华科mba复试英语One key aspect of preparing for the 2023华科mba复试英语 is to focus on developing your speaking and listening skills. This can be done by engaging in regular conversations with English speakers, listening to English podcasts or news programs, and practicing speaking in front of a mirror or with a language partner. Additionally, it is important to familiarize yourself with common business English vocabulary and phrases, as well as the conventionsof professional communication in English-speaking countries.Another important aspect of preparing for the interview is to be well-informed about current events and business trends. This will not only demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the business world, but also give you the opportunity to express your opinions and insights onrelevant topics. Reading business publications, following industry news, and staying informed about global economic and political developments can help you to be well-prepared to discuss these topics during the interview.In addition to language skills and business knowledge, it is important to be able to articulate your personal and professional goals, as well as your motivations for pursuing an MBA. The admissions committee will be interested in understanding your career aspirations, your reasons for choosing their program, and how an MBA fits into your long-term plans. It is important to be able to communicate these aspects of your candidacy clearly and persuasively, as well as to demonstrate a genuine passion for your chosen field.Furthermore, it is important to be prepared to discuss your strengths and weaknesses, as well as your past experiences and achievements. The interviewers will be interested in learning more about your professional background, your leadership abilities, and your problem-solving skills. It is important to be able to provide specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate your strengths and demonstrate your potential as a future business leader.Finally, it is important to approach the interview with confidence and a positive attitude. This will not only help you to perform well during the interview, but also demonstrate your professionalism and readiness for the challenges of an MBA program. Remember to be yourself, be honest, and be prepared to engage in a thoughtful and meaningful conversation with the interviewers.In conclusion, the 2023华科mba复试英语 is animportant opportunity to demonstrate your English language skills, business knowledge, and personal qualities to the admissions committee. By focusing on developing your language skills, staying informed about current events, articulating your career goals, and approaching the interview with confidence and positivity, you can maximize your chances of success. Good luck!。





1. 数学基础:主要考查考生的运算能力、逻辑推理能力、空间想象能力和数据处理能力。


2. 逻辑推理:主要测试考生运用逻辑推理方法分析和论证问题的能力。


3. 写作:主要测试考生理解和表达思想的能力,包括论证类和论说类两种题型。


4. 英语:主要测试考生的英语语言运用能力,包括阅读理解、翻译和写作等方面的内容。



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二、教材教学重点:课文理解Answer the Questions、句子翻译Sentence Translation、词汇记忆Language and Culture Focus,知识拓展活动Extended Activities。

第1—9单元Reading I的课文及练习、教学参考书上所要求的重点词汇、拓展练习B 的Function and Structure、拓展练习C的Practical Reading以及Reading II的Special Use的部分习题等等。

三、教材教学难点:口语训练,课文中的长句和难句理解,部分专业词汇记忆,Reading I课文习题中的选词变形填空和组词成句练习。

四、重点复习范围及要求:所学全部课文英译汉,长难句的语法理解,重点词汇的读、译、写和应用,Special Use部分习题,英语情景对话等。

五、各单元重点词汇:第一册Unit 1:Production生产, manufacture大量制造, service, 服务merchandise买卖,trade贸易, land土地, labor劳动, capital资本, distribute分发,entrepreneurship企业家素质, accomplish完成, perform表演,实行,go bankrupt破产, creditor债权人, venture(有风险的)工作项目,profit利润;relate---to/with将---联系起来, be extracted---from从---中提取,be responsible for对---负责, make---of value使某物更有价值,look for寻找,decide on作出决定,up to 直到,refer to, 提到,涉及,pay for为---而付钱, distribute---to/among在---中分发,分销,分配。

.Unit 2:Market potential市场潜力, feasibility可行性, feasible/ viable可行的,assess评估, stand摊位, trade fair商品交易会、贸易展销会, exhibit展览,sample样品, prospective customer潜在的顾客, publicity宣传, representative代表, brochure小册子, booklet册子, catalogue目录,press conference新闻发布会, promote提升、推销、促进, range系, model型, display展示, campaign活动, launch推出, order订单、下订单, delivery递送、运送, replacement替换物;spare part备用零件, after-sales service售后服务, component零部件, service (v.)保养、维修, machinery机器(总称), client委托人;In other words也就是说, hand out分发, make up形成、构成, for short简称, be known as通称为; maintain维持、保养, project工程、项目, fit适合. Unit 3:career职业, nanny 保姆, adore 热爱, part-time 兼职的,full-time全日制的, delicious美味的,wear穿, uniform制服,phase阶段, row激烈的争论;get on with 与…相处和睦, at the time在那个时候, go through经历,follow in one’s footsteps从事与他人同样的职业或过同样的生活,apply for申请, make it up with言归于好, for long很长时间,take after与某人很像, make a decision做出决定, bring up养育,turn out证明是某人或某物, think of考虑到, realize认识到,turn转动, spend花费.Unit 4:trait(人的)品质, initiative主动性, personality个性,realm(活动或兴趣)领域, inherit继承(财产、头衔等),bestow赠与, disloyal不忠诚的, quit抛弃, loyalty忠诚,recipient接受者, patron 资助人, job security对工作的安全感,job hopping跳槽, mobility流动性, qualify取得资格, root根,personnel员工, challenge挑战, seniority资历, bounce弹回;get ahead领先, on the basis of在…基础上, lead to导致,move upwards升职, by and large大体上, better oneself 改善自己,deal with处理, bring in引进, back and forth来回地.involve涉及, content满足的, advance前进, present造成.Unit 5:Selection挑选, available可得到的, nutrition营养, purchase购买,quantity数量, skip略过,故意错过, consequence后果, consume消费, compile汇编,编辑, awareness意识, fat脂肪, carbohydrate碳水化合物, fiber纤维,be responsible for为---负责, eat out不在家里吃饭,on the average平均, be a threat to构成对---的威胁,in the mood for有---的心情, rich in富含---的,a variety of各种各样的Unit 6:Diamond钻石, apprentice 当学徒, intuition直觉, tension张力,split使—分开, joke嘲笑, choosy挑剔的, edge尖刻, irritate激怒, malicious恶意的, fulfill履行(责任), bachelor单身汉, communion交流, odd不寻常的, infect感染, destine注定的,预定的;be to do with与---有关, in particular特别地,be cut out for天生适合于, take one’s time拖拉,慢腾腾,joke about\with开玩笑, in one’s stead代替,in communion with与---交流, fall apart分裂.Unit 7:personnel员工, appoint任命, despite虽然、经管, reflect反映,easygoing脾气随和的, relax放松, carefree无忧无虑的,gesture手势、体态语言, signify表明, customary通常的,etiquette礼节, impact强烈印象, circumstance状况,solution解决, lean倚靠, deject忧虑的, intent专心的,indifference冷漠, impatient不耐烦的, terminate使终止,breath呼吸, sigh叹气, relief宽慰, superior上级,posture姿态, subtle微妙的, stake申明, negotiation谈判,vital非常重要的, hostile敌对的;be guilty of, 有罪的,愧疚的be appointed to被任命为,prior to在…之前, lack of缺少, go away消失,resort to求助于, stake one’s claim申明权利Unit 8:global village地球村, arrange安排, community社团, guidebook指南、手册, corresponding相应的, custom风俗、习惯, behave行为表现, feed喂养, sleeve袖子, executive主管、行政人员, signal用信号表示, ease舒服、安逸, sole鞋底,唯一的, height高度, exceed超出, deal交易、协议、安排, essential,基本的,必需的status地位, bow鞠躬、点头, casual随便的, illustrate说明, cool凉爽的,沉着冷静, reserved含蓄的、沉没寡言的, impersonal 无人情味的geographical link地理上的联系, wink眨眼示意,clasp紧握、紧抱;On time准时, allow…for为--- 留出, give advice on给---忠告,get to understand sth./sb.开始理解起来,逐步理解起来, roll up卷起来,take off脱下, get down to开始认真对付, regard as当---对待,take it easy放松, of its own自己所有的, behave行为表现,roll卷, blow吹,刮,喷气爆炸,突然一击, illustrate表示,标明,establish建立,开业,确立.Unit 9:address写信向某人说, horrid令人讨厌的, instrument器具,clamor吵闹, 大声疾呼,强烈要求spoil宠坏, justifiable无可非议的,正当的,rude粗鲁的, canned music录制了的音乐, indignity侮辱, office hour上班时间,time zones时区, handle处理, lurk暗藏,潜行, ignore不顾,不理,忽视,tax指责, accusation指责, connection连接点, consideration体谅,考虑,confront使面对,面临, 正视, surrender交出,屈服, party一方,当事人,offense冒犯, bother困扰,烦扰, response回答;devote---to完全给予,专心致力于, shut up闭嘴, put---on hold不挂断电话,subject---to, 使经历,使遭受, suspect---of觉得可能, get out of出来, 离开in agreement with与---一致, at the mention of提到时, be confronted with使面对;Spoil宠坏, apply申请, suspect怀疑, insist坚持认为, spell拼写,带来,一阵子。
