傲慢与偏见 开题报告

在特殊的年代背景下,造就了金钱在婚姻中的地位,随之,影响了人们的婚 姻观。小说中的人物都被赋予的典型性,充分体现金钱在女性选择婚姻中的 重要地位,进而,作者也揭示了婚姻中单单有金钱是不够的,更需要爱情的 滋润,婚姻这片土壤才能开出美丽的花。 现实意义:《傲慢与偏见》以一种爱情轻喜剧的方式向读者展示着一段段因 人而异的婚姻,读起来轻松愉悦,实则包含了深刻的道理:婚姻是爱情的前 提,经济能力是爱情的保障。为了财产、地位而结婚是错误的,但是不考虑 财产和地位的婚姻也是愚蠢的。当今世界,文化趋于多元化,正是由于文化 的多元化导致了人们价值观的多元化。随之,对婚姻的看法自然也存在着差 异。时代不同,婚姻展示给我们的风貌也不同。不论世界如何变化,时代怎 样变迁,婚姻与爱情一直都是人们关注和讨论的话题。关于这个话题,众说 纷纭,有的认为经济上的门当户对是举足轻重的,也有人认为爱情是前提, 没有爱情的婚姻是不幸的。不同的人对于婚姻观有着不同的态度。简•奥斯汀 通过小说告诉人们只有爱情与经济能力共同兼顾的婚姻,才是理想的婚姻。 这为当代人们选择婚姻的态度提供了参考价值以及引导作用。 二、 研究现状分析
话语分析是应用语言学一门新的学科,它的研究范畴不仅仅局限于语言 的表层意义和更深一层的结构,还涉及到通过话语分析而探究其社会文化语 境和认知功能。在过去的多年中,应用语言学家对话语分析的兴趣十分浓厚, 自然,文学成了话语分析研究的主要对象。与此同时,小说也成为了话语分 析的选材,小说往往是通过对人物对话的描写来反映他们的交际目的。人物 对话在小说中的地位是举足轻重的,读者通过人物的语言不仅仅可以理解故 事情节的发展,还可以了解作者的创作意图。所以,语言不但可以传递信息, 还可以帮助作者更好的表达感情。

关键词:婚姻观;男性;女性;爱情;金钱;理想;现实ANALYSES THE MARRIAGE OF PRIDE AND PREJUDICEABSTRACTPride and Prejudice with its unique charm and vivid language to show the world a different attitude of marriage, whether it is the era in which Austin lived or the contemporary era, the view of marriage has always been a widely discussed issue in the society. Pride and Prejudice revealing the concept of marriage has some practical significance for the contemporary view of marriage. The writer shows readers various of marriage through parents, men and women in three different perspectives. Then, it concluded ideal marriage patterns from different attitudes toward view of marriage. Congenial temperament is the ideal marriage with love and economy. No matter how the times change, the work reflects the view of marriage which also has the effect of tips and cautions for contemporary young people.Key words: marriage; men; women; love; money; ideal; reality目录绪论 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1一、因人而异的婚姻观 ----------------------------------------------------- 3(一)父母眼里的婚姻 ------------------------------------------------- 3(二)男性眼里的婚姻 ------------------------------------------------- 41.拥有了金钱就拥有选择婚姻的主动权 ------------------------------- 42.改善自我,获得真爱 --------------------------------------------- 4(三)女性眼里的婚姻 ------------------------------------------------- 51.特定社会背景下女性结婚现状 ------------------------------------- 52.婚姻中对于金钱与地位的态度 ------------------------------------- 53.勇于追求自己的婚姻 --------------------------------------------- 6二、理想的婚姻 ----------------------------------------------------------- 6(一)脾性相投 ------------------------------------------------------- 6(二)爱情是婚姻的前提,经济是婚姻的保障 ----------------------------- 71.单有经济没有爱情作支撑的婚姻 ----------------------------------- 72.爱情与经济相结合的婚姻 ----------------------------------------- 8三、对现代婚姻观的意义 --------------------------------------------------- 8结语 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9参考文献 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10致谢 --------------------------------------------------- 错误!未定义书签。

傲慢与偏见开题报告篇一:开题报告应用技术学院XX级英语专业学年论文(2)写作报告书姓名:李琴玲班级:英语0882学号:XX指导老师:沈仲平设计日期:等级评定:英语专业第二教研室XX年11月文献综述篇二:关于《论〈傲慢与偏见〉中的女性意识》的论证报告关于《论〈傲慢与偏见〉中的女性意识》的论证报告专业:汉语言文学班级:09中文学号:09****09 姓名:maggie kong一、论文选题本人XX届的毕业论文选题为:论《傲慢与偏见》中的女性意识。


众所周知,简?奥斯汀是被誉为 “可与莎⼠⽐亚平起平坐”的作家。

附表3商丘学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告分院:外国语年月日题目View of Marriage in Pride and Prejudice学生姓名梁欣欣专业班级英专1002班课题类型理论研究指导教师张腾耀职称课题来源教育教学1.选题背景(含国内外相关研究综述及评价)与意义选题背景:长久以来对于《傲慢与偏见》评论家们一直都在探究作者本人的生活对婚姻及女权主义的看法。
(论文的理论和学术价值),现实意义:《傲慢与偏见》傲慢与偏见虽是一出闪烁着斗智意味的爱情轻喜剧, 但实际却告诉我们一真理, 那就是牢固的爱情是婚姻的奠基石。
为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的; 而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。
简·奥斯丁通过小说告诉人们必须行动和自省才有希望, 人的尊严绝不是与生俱来的, 而是从行动和自省中获得, 透过理性的行动,把人类的王国建立得具有一个心灵价值的模式, 以与物质世俗有别。
傲慢与偏见 开题报告

意 见
1.2The Thesis of the Papers
Chapter Two:Four Different Views of Marriage inPride and Prejudice
2.1The Marriage View of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy Based on Mutual

院 (系)陕西学前师范学院
专 业外国语言文学系
姓 名郭春兰
学 号2012134219
指 导 教 师王秋云
完 成 时 间2015.12.22
题 目
学 号
Thesis Statement:In this paper, through the description of the four types of male and female marriage, it stresses the importance of the economic status of women’s love and marriage of importance and bound, and points out that the marriage should not be decided only by the property and position. It can be found that marriage without money is not sensible, but only for the sake of money marriage is also wrong. It has great practical significance for today’s society, and it is important to consider the marriage issue from many aspects, to avoid the blind and the unreasonable choice.
傲慢与偏见 开题报告材料



《傲慢与偏见》的社会阶级与婚姻观分析1. 引言1.1 概述《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的经典小说之一,描绘了19世纪英国社会中严重存在的社会阶级差距和对婚姻观念的影响。
1.2 文章结构本文主要分为五个部分:引言、社会阶级与婚姻观、傲慢与偏见中的社会阶级分析、傲慢与偏见中的婚姻观分析以及结论。
1.3 目的本文旨在通过对社会阶级与婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的分析,深入了解19世纪英国社会中不同阶级之间的冲突和互动,以及这种冲突如何影响人们对于婚姻的选择和观念。
2. 社会阶级与婚姻观2.1 社会阶级的定义与分析社会阶级是指在社会中根据财富、权力和地位等因素将人们划分成不同层次或阶层的一种社会组织形式。
2.2 婚姻观在社会阶级中的作用婚姻观是指人们对于婚姻制度以及结婚对象的认知和观念。

二、傲慢与偏见的主要人物形象1. 伊丽莎白·班内特伊丽莎白是小说的主人公,她聪明机智,有独立的思想和判断力。
2. 达西先生达西是一个富有的绅士,他的傲慢和自负使他在伊丽莎白的眼中变得不可接受。
3. 班内特夫人班内特夫人是伊丽莎白的母亲,她是一个典型的市侩,追求名利。
三、不同人物对婚姻的态度和观念1. 伊丽莎白的婚姻观伊丽莎白对婚姻持有理性的态度,她认为婚姻应该建立在相互尊重和真爱的基础上。
2. 达西的婚姻观达西一开始对婚姻持有傲慢和自负的态度,认为贫穷的班内特家庭不值得他的追求。
3. 班内特夫人的婚姻观班内特夫人是一个典型的市侩,她追求名利,希望女儿们能嫁给有钱人。

2.4 Marriage Decided by Love andCommonUnderstanding
3.1 Positive Influences
3.1.1Love-Oriented marriage
3.1.2Considering theRealistic Conditions
[1] Austen.Pride and Prejudice[M]. Shanghai Sanlian Book store, 2010.
[8] Mei Zhixin.On Jane Austen’s Views on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J]. Overseas English, 2013.
[9]Wang Lili. An Analysis of Jane Austen’s Outlook on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice[J].

研究目标本文的主要研究目标是:1. 研究目的论在翻译中的应用。
2. 剖析多个版本的《傲慢与偏见》翻译的不同目的和策略。
3. 通过对比不同版本的翻译,分析其中的特点和不同之处,拓展我们对于目的论翻译的认识。
研究内容本文主要研究以下内容:一. 目的论在翻译中的应用目的论是由美国学者马尔库塞(Marcos)于20世纪80年代发明的一种翻译理论,它主张在翻译时要考虑目的,选择翻译策略和翻译水平,以达到特定的目的。

2)2011年11 月15日——2011年12 月1日:报论文选题,确定论文题目。
7)2012年4月1日——2012年5 月10日:完成论文第三稿,并交指导老师。

龙岩学院毕业论文题目:论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情与婚姻专业:英语(师范)作者:蔡静静指导教师:马云飞讲师2008 年5 月30 日龙岩学院毕业论文开题报告所在院系:外国语学院2007年10月16日Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice外国语学院英语(师范)200405132 蔡静静指导老师:马云飞Abstract: Based on Maslow‟s theory of “Hierarchy of Need”, the paper mainly discusses the love and marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth, the two main heroines in the novel. Through the careful and extensive analysis, the author tries to give an account of what is the true happiness of marriage. The one who can note her own shortcomings and make efforts to overcome them to get love and marriage can get the true happiness of marriage.Key words: Hierarchy of Need; love; marriage; happiness论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情与婚姻蔡静静摘要:基于马斯洛的需要层次理论,本文主要讨论伊丽莎白和达西这两个主人物的爱情和婚姻。
关键词:需要理论;爱情;婚姻;幸福CONTENTSI. Introduction (1)II. Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs (1)2. 1 Physiological need (1)2. 2 Safety need (1)2. 3 Belongingness and love need (1)2. 4 Esteem need (1)2. 5 Need to know (2)2. 6 Aesthetic need (2)2. 7 Self-actualization need (2)III. Social Background and the Marriages in the Novel. (2)3. 1 Marriage of Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet (2)3. 2 Marriage of Charlotte and Mr. Collins (3)3. 3 Marriage of Lydia and Mr. Wickham (3)3. 4 Marriage of Jane and Mr. Bingley (3)3. 5 Marriage of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy (3)IV. Development of Elizabeth and Darcy’ s love and Marriage (3)4. 1 Characteristics of Elizabeth and Darcy (4)4. 2 Elizabeth‟s exploration for love and marriage (4)4. 3、Darcy‟ s exploration of love and marriage (6)V. Conclusion (7)I. IntroductionJane Austen was a famous English novelist who was born on 16 December 1775 in a country clergyman‟s family and died on July 18, 1817, and was buried in the cathedral in Winchester. She had wrote six complete novels, among them Pride and Prejudice had attracted most people‟s attention. This book had been above the reading list for scholars as well as common people. According to Anne Isabella Milbanke(1792--1860), she said that “Before May, 1813, Pride and Prejudice has become the …fashionable novel‟.”⑴Walter Scott at her publisher John Murray‟s urging wrote: “Have you any fancy to dash off an article on …Emma‟ ”? It wants incident and romance, does it not? None of the author‟s other novels have been noticed [by Murray‟s own periodical, the Quarterly Review] and surely …Pride and Prejudice‟ merits high commendation.⑵There are five different kinds of marriages in Pride and Prejudice. This paper tends to analyze the love and marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy by using Maslow‟s theory of Hierarchy of Needs.Ⅱ. Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of NeedsAbraham Harold Maslow (1908-1970), an American psychologist, was born on 1st April 1908 in a poor, immigrant, Russian Jewish family in Brooklyn, New York. He was known as an American social psychologist, personality theorist, comparison psychologist, the founder and the theorist of Humanistic psychology, the leader of the third force of psychology. Abraham H. Maslow was famous for his fundamental and universal theory called “theory of hierarchy of Needs‟‟ which was put forward in his book entitled A Theory of Human Motivation in 1943. According to his theory, there are seven levels of needs.2. 1 Physiological needPhysiological need is the most basic and original need of all needs. There are biological needs. They are the needs to maintain lives and to continue races, including the needs of food, oxygen, water shelter and sleeping and so on.2. 2 Safety needPeople hope to be protected and to avoid threatening from outside so that they can gain the sense of safety. There are three typical kinds of safety needs: a. the safety need of life, i.e, everyone hopes to have a safe place to grow and develop. b. the safety need of property. c. the safety need of profession.2. 3 Belongingness and love needHuman beings are social animals that all people like feeling a sense of belonging, or they will be lonely and feel alone. Belongingness and love need is that each individual has the needs of being accepted, being loved and cared, being attended to, being encouraged and being supported by other individuals and groups.They also hope to find their belongingness in the social group and to establish a harmonious relationship.2. 4 Esteem needEsteem need is the need to pursue one‟s own social value which is based on the satisfaction of physiological need, safety need and belongingness and love need. As a person in the world, a needfor a stable firmly self-confident and valuable is required. It consists of self-esteem need and the esteem a person gets from others. The individual who asks for power, achievement, self-strengthen, self-confident and independence, etc is self-esteem. The satisfaction of self-esteem makes one more capable and be full of creativity while the esteem a person gets from others is that individual wishes others to respect them and to appreciate their own potential ability and value and evoke the self-actualization need.2. 5 Need to knowNeed to know is the need about the individual‟s exploration, understanding and solving problems about themselves and the surrounding.2. 6 Aesthetic needAesthetic need is the appreciation of symmetry, order, complete structure and the wonderful behavior.2. 7 Self-actualization needSelf-actualization need is that the individual longs for giving free rein to their potential ability and hopes that they will become the one they wish and they can do the activity equally to their capability. It is the highest level of all needs.Ⅲ. Social Background and the Marriages in the Novel.The story of Pride and Prejudice happened in the time of Regency in Britain. In Britain the rank and number of rich people was expanding. But the aristocratic family still held great power and right in the countryside. They lived just as described at the beginning of the story“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”⑶Love and marriage are the theme of Pride and Prejudice. Love is the eternal topic in our life. And the outcome of love must lead to marriages. In the story, Austen introduced us five marriages with five couples. Confronted with different kinds of circumstance, these couples came to the marriage in their own way.3. 1 Marriage of Mr. Bennet and Mrs. BennetMr. Bennet was a middle-class aristocratic. Like other gentlemen, he liked to marry a beautiful woman. He looked forward to the beautiful love and married Mrs. Bennet who was beautiful at the first sight. But during their marriage, he found his wife was just a social vase who liked gossiping, acting as a match-making, long-winded and lacking of intelligence. This discovery led him to focus only on his own reading and to consider Mrs. Bennet just as for fun. Their lacking love and interaction made them live a senseless life. Each of them had their own mind. Mr. Bennet took Mrs. Bennet for amusement while Mrs. Bennet regarded Mr. Bennet as the warehouse. There is no love between them. According to Maslow‟s theory, they j ust marry to satisfy their physiological need and their safety need. As a poor woman, Mrs. Bennet had to find a person who can provide her house, food and other basic needs. As to Mr. Bennet, he just married for the biological need. When Mrs. Bennet asked Mr. Bennet to visit Mr. Bingley, Mr. Bennet said“It is more than I engage for.”⑷ But he continued to let his wife believe that he would not go and went on amusing Mrs. Bennet. And how can they be happy just for physiological need and for safety need?3. 2 Marriage of Charlotte and Mr. CollinsCharlotte was a person of insight. She also longed for love as other girls, but she was twenty-seven years old with no good-looking, influential family background, and much of offerings. In order to have a marriage that could prevent her from poverty and being a spinster. Chatlotte married Mr. Collins who married just for setting an example for others. Lacking of love made Chrlotte persuade her husband to work in the garden as much as possible so that she could avoid meeting Mr. Collins for most of the time. As to Mr. Collins, he was busy in flattering Lady Catherine and at his sermons, no romance in actual life. Their marriage, liked the marriage of Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Bennet, was based on fortune, money and social rank, which could satisfy their physiological and safety need. Their marriage is for the need of physiological and safety, too. This marriage can make Charlotte have a house and a husband to satisfy her basic need, so does Mr. Collins. But without love, they could not feel the happiness of the marriage.3. 3 Marriage of Lydia and Mr. WickhamLydia was a spoiled, hopelessly silly girl and Wickham, a rake, a pleasant fellow who could attract many women‟s eye balls, was good at guileful talking. His view on love was just for money. His elopement with Lydia was just for passion and sex. With the help of Darcy, they got married and avoided bad fame for all of them. Their marriage is just for the physiological need. They get married just for passion and for youth, beauty, but not for love. Their character hadn‟t changed. As the saying goes “Once subdued, always subdued.” Wickham was looking forward to another beautiful young woman and Lydia always avenged a grievance. After the passion, nothing was left. After married, they did nothing but only tended to persuade Darcy to make their fortune. The marriage was the key to bridge them together. So love was very important in marriage. Life is like a journey, and in this journey, the one who could accompany, help and comfort you to the end is your spouse. He or she can give you happiness and satisfaction.3. 4 Marriage of Jane and Mr. BingleyThe mild, innocent, beautiful Jane fell in love with Bingley who was a handsome and gentlemanlike person. Although they loved each other with true heart, their lacking of strength and self-independence hardly led to their separation. Fortunately, with the help of Darcy and Elizabeth, they finally came to their marriage. And on the basis of love, mutual-understanding and similar characteristics, they lived a happy life in their later life. Their marriage was for the belongingness and love need, aesthetic need, safety need, physiological need. They marry for the physiological need, they can gain the sense of safety, both of them are beauty, the most important is that they love each other. Supposed that without the help of Darcy, how could they get married?3. 5 Marriage of Elizabeth and Mr. DarcyElizabeth and Darcy, who married for true love with a consideration of the partner‟s personal merit as well as his economical and social status,⑸had experienced from nothing to everything and finally got to the most blessed and happiest one. According to the theory of Hierarchy of needs, their marriage is mainly the need of esteem, the need of love and the need of self-actualization. Otherwise wh y Elizabeth refuses to marry Darcy for Darcy‟s first offering of marriage.Ⅳ. Development of Elizabeth and Darcy’s Love and MarriageLove is a kind of emotion that can surpass oneself, a feeling that one regards someone as his object of love, a constant and increasing satisfaction of oneself and his lovers. It has nothing to dowith the outside. If you are in a bad mood and desperation, love can still get you happiness and ecstasy. This ecstasy is not the one who is guided by selfishness can get. Take Lydia and Wickham as an example. They were guided by passion and sex, perhaps they had love at the beginning, but after passion, nothing was left. Without love, they didn‟t want to give happiness and responsibility to each other. Then what about happiness? Hap piness doesn‟t mean the realization of aims, but a kind of pursuit. Once one has the goal, he can take a sense of fullness, know how to live, know what happiness is. Elizabeth and Darcy were the right persons. They had experienced from indifference to prejudice to love, and then got married. Of course, this must have something concerning with their characteristics.4. 1 Characteristics of Elizabeth and DarcyElizabeth was a clever and quick-minded woman. She had a warm heart as shown on her hearing that Jane had a bad cold, she decided to go there to look after Jane. For the bad weather and shortage of transport, she went there on foot with the mud sticking to her skirt which was deemed to be very bad, like a drowned mouse at that time. She was quite firm in her own belief in love and marriage. When Charlotte told Elizabeth that she had engaged to Mr. Collins, Elizabeth was very surprised and felt that Charlotte had disgraced herself. Every coin has two sides. Just as this characteristic combined with her eloquence and quick conclusion, which made her pride herself on her judgment and acts accordingly.⑹And these led her to give rise to prejudice and began the journey of overcoming and questing for love and marriage.Darcy, the owner of Pembeley, with a fortune of ten thousand a year, made him pride in nature. His social status made him look down upon the businessman and the lower social class. Although he was very intelligent, frank and his quick conclusion made him suffer a lot just as Elizabeth.4. 2 Elizabe th’s exploration for love and marriageThe feeling of family members, friendship and affection are the three major kinds of emotion for human beings. As for Elizabeth, she was in her twenties and the big thing for her to do was to seek for love, then to ma rry. Her parents‟ unfortunate marriage had influenced Elizabeth‟s view on marriage. “The elopement of Lydia and Wickham makes her never feel so strongly as now the disadvantages which must attend the children of so unsuitable a marriage, nor even been so fully aware of the evils arising from ill-judged a direction of talents.”⑺ Although she was clear about the unfitting nature of her father‟s behavior as a husband. To a certain degree, her father‟s irresponsibility caused the difficult situation of the family. So her paying heed to love in a marriage was conspicuous.As a woman with little fortune, the best way to lead an easy life at that time was to marry a man, especially the one with property. According to Maslow, the physiological needs include the needs for food, air and to maintain one‟s life. One wants to find safe circu mstances, stability, protection, and wants to have a home is the manifestation of safety and security needs. Mr. Collins was so confident that he would win the heart of Elizabeth and marry her. Mr. Collins did have good conditions at that time. With proper ty, with house, it would satisfy every common woman‟s material and safety need. If Elizabeth wanted to have a safe home just for the physiological need and the safety need, she only needed to accept Collins, that was enough. But she refused. She didn‟t wan t to live like her parents. Without love, without mutual-understanding, and without responsibility but perpetually tolerated each other. Even if she didn‟t worry the food and house, she couldn‟t accept Mr. Collins because she was a woman seeking for love. She needed love but not warehouse. Her honesty, virtue, and lively wit enabled her to rise above the nonsense and bad behavior that pervaded her class-bound and often spiteful society.⑻ Mr. Collins was such a nonsense person thathe married just to set an example for others. To some extent, it was the situation of her parents‟ marriage that deepened her mind of seeking for true love. Elizabeth wanted to seek a person who could appreciate her and her merits.Then, she met Wickham, a young man of pleasing appearance as Elizabeth described, was handsome and had very pleasing manners. He won Elizabeth‟s heart really as shown that “Elizabeth felt that she had not been thinking of him with at all unreasonable admiration.”⑼ So Elizabeth loved him at that time. Maslow presents that people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. But this involves both giving and receiving love, affection. If Wickham didn‟t turn the back on one lover and went with another, Eliz abeth might marry him under his cheating. Darcy‟s letter cleared her mind and let her know the real Wickham. Although Wickham‟s good looking could satisfy her physiological need and aesthetic need and love need. His avarice, idleness, quick to turn the back on one lover and went with another as shown in his chasing Miss King whose grandfather left her ten thousand pounds. He didn‟t give her a sense of safety, not alone the belongingness and other needs. Wickham, without money, estate, was always in debt and always dodged a creditor. He was so selfish, how could a selfish man love her wife, care her and make her happy with all his heart? This was just the little point. The point that determined Elizabeth‟s dislike of Wickham was that he insulted her. Though i t was Darcy who first “modified” his dismissal of Elizabeth‟s beauty (fairly pretty, but not good-looking enough to tempt me) elicits Elizabeth‟s prejudice against him.(10) Wickham cheated her and made her do something insensible, especially his attacking words about Darcy deepened her prejudice against Darcy. Elizabeth, a lovely, clever woman, had high self-esteem. The esteem needs involve two levels of need---the need for the respect of others, and the need for self-respect. Between them, the later is the higher form including such feelings as confidence, competence, and independence. The reason why self-respect is the higher form is that it‟s much harder to lose. Wickham‟s deception not only insulted her characteristic but also destroyed her expectation of a romantic love. As to Elizabeth, self-esteem couldn‟t be frustrated, so could love.The happy marriage should be based on reason. It should be sensible, mutual-understanding but not substantial, superficial need. When Elizabeth was told that it was Darcy who separated Bingley from her dear sister Jane, her anger sharpened as much as possible against Darcy.Hardly had one wave subsided when another rise---one trouble follows another. Darcy‟s offering of marriage to Elizabeth with“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. (11)deeply insulted Elizabeth. And all the words showed his superiority and Elizabeth‟s inferiority. She felt she was insulted and condemned Darcy for all his deeds, showing her attitude that “Darcy is the last person she could ever be prevailed on to marry.”⑿In fact, Elizabeth could marry Darcy for his “so much in love which as to wish to marry her in spite of all the objections which had made him prevent his friend‟s marrying her sister, and which must appear at least with equal force in his own case, was a lmost incredible.”⒀According to Maslow‟s theory of Hierarchy of Needs, Darcy could satisfy all her basic needs and aesthetic need, but she refused, too. She didn‟t love him, so how could he satisfy her love need. Because Maslow stated that love need invol ves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging. Owing to Darcy‟s pride, could he respect Elizabeth who was poor? If she married Darcy, how could she be equal in the marriage under Darcy‟s superiority? This confrontation made both of them mature, be ware of their self-consciousness. Elizabeth realized her prejudice and unreason against Darcy. When she visited Pembeley, the evaluation on Darcy let her know the true Darcy. He was a good-nurtured, kind person. He treated Elizabeth‟s uncle respectfully and this attracted Elizabeth‟s heart. What‟s more, Darcy who looked down upon Elizabeth‟s young sister and mother helped to combine Lydiaand Wickham. What he did without exaggeration moved Elizabeth. She found that in fact she had fallen in love with him. Esteem need includes needs for self-esteem and needs for the esteem a person gets from others. The most conspicuous characteristic of Elizabeth was her high self-esteem. In her eyes, she was the most intelligent of all the women. So could she coincide with Darcy just for basic needs? She also overcame her prejudice hoping to win back Darcy‟s love. Lady Catherine‟s interruptions made Elizabeth decide to face her love and insist on it rather than shrinking. Her overcoming shorts and insisting on her love finally got a happy end. This really showed her self-actualization need. She found her love and she didn‟t want to lose it. Her prejudice and attitude had attacked Darcy, so Elizabeth wanted to overcome her own shorts to fulfill herself and to win back Darcy‟s heart.Self-actualization need involves the constant desire to fulfill potentials, to “be all that you can be.” They are a matter of becoming the most complete, the fullest “you”. Self-actualization is the one who can accept and overcome his own shortcomings. Just like Elizabeth, a high self-esteem person, she liked to be an intelligent, upright, could get esteem from others and could be self-respect, and she was by her efforts.4. 3 Darcy’s exploration of love and marriageMr. Darcy, the owner of Pembeley with ten thousand a year was a handsome, with noble features. His superior class status and family background made him pride. Of course it made him become the most suitable man to marry.Darcy was serious in marriage. He thought that people who wanted to marry should be well watched in social and economic status. Caroline Bingley as the sister of Mr. Bingley had superior social status and fortune. The most important thing was she loved Darcy and wanted to marry him. But why Darcy didn‟t pursue her and married her. Lady Catherine cast greedy eyes on Darcy, too. She wanted Darcy to marry her daughter Miss De Bourgh. We should know that Lady Catherine was a fierce and tough person who liked to be flattered and managed all the matters around her. She took it for granted that Darcy would marry her daughter for their relationship and her superiority. And why Darcy with his own “notion of dignity ‟‟didn‟t do as Lady Catherine hoped. If they got married, it would be good for Darcy in power, property and so on. And the status of Miss De Bourgh was high, too. Both Miss De Bourgh and Caroline Bingley could satisfy Darcy‟s physiological, safety, aesthetic need. But why? Why Darcy couldn‟t accept this kind of marriage. As to Darcy, he was so rich that h e didn‟t need to marry for wealth. He was intelligent, frank and kind-hearted. He longed for a true love, too. Love is a kind of emotion that can surpass oneself and love need doesn‟t mean the one is loved by others, they should love each other.It must ha ve something to do with love. Darcy didn‟t love either of them. Darcy didn‟t love anyone until when he firstly met Elizabeth, he paid little attention to her. Later, he found that she had a good feature in her face and the beautiful expression of her dark eyes made her uncommonly intelligent. He fell in love with Elizabeth from then on. It was Elizabeth who had the enchantment attracted Darcy deeply that he couldn‟t help offering her a marriage despite of all the objections. This is love. Love can surpass oneself and ignore the outside.The frustration he met in his offering a marriage to Elizabeth made him acknowledge his shortcomings---pride. Darcy defied society only when he had made certain that Elizabeth was a woman worthy of his love and lifetime devotion.⒁It was love that encouraged him to put his manners right. It was love that evoked his need to know. He wanted to explore and solve the misunderstanding between Elizabeth and him. It was love that encouraged his self-actualization. Although he was so excellent, his pride made him make a lot of mistakes such as his superiority over Elizabeth. He realized that if wanted to win Elizabeth‟s love, he should learn how to respecther and her family. If he wanted to win Elizabeth‟s heart, he should learn how to re spect her and her family. Not like other girls, Elizabeth had her own personality and merits. It was her self-esteem and intelligence that made Darcy love her. And Darcy noticed that Elizabeth was a woman worthy of love and admiration. He knew that his pride nearly destroyed Lydia and his own happiness. So he packed up his pride. He helped Lydia and Wickham to get married although he disliked them, he just did it to make Elizabeth relax and happy. He served Mr. Gardiner and Mrs. Gardiner respectfully, which brought happiness both to him and to Elizabeth. His making great efforts in overcoming his pride and in showing his care and love to Elizabeth got returns. Elizabeth accepted his second offer of marriage. They lived a happy life for their mutual love and understanding and their charming characters. Elizabeth and Darcy both were handsome, intelligent, and self-conscious could overcome their own drawbacks to win each other. Their self-actualization made them get the happiest marriage.Ⅴ. ConclusionAbraham Maslow, his primary contribution to psychology was his Hierarchy of Needs, is a famous American humanistic psychologist. The Hierarchy of Needs includes seven levels: physiological need, safety need, belongingness and love need, esteem need, need to know, aesthetic need and self-actualization need. The needs are mainly used to analyze the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy. Pride and Prejudice is the story of several characters how to get married. Aided by the elementary knowledge of love and happiness, this paper explores the key to the happiness of the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy. By reading the story, readers are encouraged to conquer the obstacles to get true love and seek for their self-actualization. People are encouraged to realize their shortcomings and to overcome them to achieve their aims and to seek for their happiness. Even though the situation is terrible, the work is hard to do, we should try our best to make our aim and dream come true.Notes(1) Edward, Copeland and Juliet, Mcmaster. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen [C]. In Jane Fregus, TheProfessional Woman Writer [A]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001: 22.(2) Ibid. P. 18(3) Jane, Austen. Pride and Prejudice [M]. 北京: 中央编译出版社, 2004: 1.(4) Ibid. P. 2(5) 张伯香,英美文学选读[Z]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2006: 224.(6) Edward, Copeland and Juliet, Mcmaster. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen [C]. In Gary, Kelly.Religion and Politics [A]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001: 164.(7) Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice [M]. 北京: 中央编译出版社, 2004: 241(8) 张伯香, 英国文学教程学习指南[Z]. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社,2006: 315.(9) Jane, Austen, Pride and Prejudice [M] Evelyn, Attwood 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,1989: 23.(10) Edward, Copeland and Juliet, Mcmaster. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen [C]. In Jane, Fregus.The Professional Woman Writer [A]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001: 32(11) Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice [M]. 北京: 中央编译出版社, 2004:192(12) Ibid. P. 196(13) Ibid. P. 197(14) 张伯香, 英国文学教程学习指南[Z]. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社,2006: 308Bibliography[1] Edward, Copeland and Juliet, Mcmaster, The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen [C], In Jane, Fregus. 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