the petrol system
“中南林业科技大学”热能与动力工程专业“不落的星尘”全力打造,华丽的一个金币,传说中的物美价廉发动机英文翻译、内燃机英文翻译、汽车英文翻译、热动英文翻译由于上传失败,现将两幅插图放在另一个文档中期待各位的指正,谢谢!……………………………………………………………………………………………………分割线…………割了烦恼…………毕业愉快…………工作愉快………………………………………………………………………………………………(本文来自《汽车专业英语》/陈勇、边明远主编)The Engine’s Sy stemThe engine is an important part of the automobile; it acts as the heart of a person, which provides the power that the cars need to run on the road. All the automotive engines today are the Internal Combustion Engines ( ICEs ) because the fuel is burnt inside their cylinders and the energy is provided.ICEs are those heat engines that burn their fuel inside the engine cylinder. In ICEs, the chemical energy stored in their fuel converted into heat energy during the burning part of their operation. The heat energy is converted into mechanical energy by the expansion of gases against the piston attached to crankshaft that can rotate. The engines that burn petrol are known as petrol engine. Other types of ICEs burn heavier oils, of these types the diesel engine has come into the widest use.Diesel and petrol engines have the same mechanical parts, except that diesel components are generally stronger and heavier. Both engines are internal combustion engines, but they have different fuel system and use different fuels. With a diesel, only air enters the cylinder during the intake stroke. A petrol engine takes in an air-fuel mixture. Following are some general comparisons between diesel and petrol engines: In a diesel, the fuel is injected into the cylinder as a fine spray near the top of the compression stroke. With a petrol engine, the fuel is injected into the exhaust ports at the start of the induction stroke.Ignition in a diesel is by the high temperature from the highly compressed air. A petrol engine needs a spark for ignition.Diesel engines generally operate at lower engine rpm than petrol engines.Diesel engines use distillate for fuel, which is less volatile than petrol.The design of diesel engines makes them noisier than petrol engines and they have a unique diesel knock.Small diesel engines, as well as petrol engines, are used in passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Larger diesel engines are used in all heavy commercial vehicles, earthmoving equipment, and farm machinery.1.Engine ConfigurationsThe term engine configuration refers to the way that the cylinders of an engine are arranged. The cylinders can be in-line, or at an angle ( V-type ). Within these three basic arrangements, there are a number of variations.In-line engineWith in-line engines, the cylinders are arranged in a straight line, one behind the other. Most in-line engines have their cylinders vertical, but some are slanted. That is, the engine is tilted at an angle to reduce the overall height. These engines are sometimes referred to as slanted engines.Some in-line engines have their cylinders horizontal, so that the engine is more or less on its side. This reduces the overall height of the engine. This arrangement is <插图位置>used mainly in larger commercial vehicles with the engine mounted under part of the cab. The mechanical arrangement of a four-cylinder in-line for a passenger car is shown in Fig.1-9. The cut-away view in Fig.1-10 enables the various parts to be identified.Horizontally opposed engineThis arrangement has its cylinders arranged in two flat blanks with the crankshaft between them. The engine shown has a short rigid crankshaft with five bearings. A horizontally opposed engine has even firing impulses and good balance. Movement of a piston in direction is opposed by movement of a piston in the opposite direction.Horizontally opposed engines, with their flat design, give the engine a low height and also help to keep the center of gravity of the vehicle low. A low center of gravity gives the vehicle stability.V-type enginesWith V-type engines, the cylinders are arranged in two blanks at an angle. This reduces the length of the engine and makes it more compact. This also reduces the length of the crankshaft, which can be designed to be more rigid than a long shaft. 2.The Engine Assembly and ComponentsThe complete engine assembly consists of the mechanical components that make up the engine itself and also a number of associated systems. These are the systems that are needed to start the engine and also to control it and keep it running. The mechanical parts of the engine assembly can be broken down into a number of sub-assemblies, or groups of associated components, although these are usually referred to merely as assemblies, for example, cylinder-head assembly and piston assembly. Some parts of an engine are internal, other parts are external, this illustration identifies a number of external parts.The various components of an engine are assembled together during manufactured and most of these are secured by means of bolts, nuts and other types of fasteners. Some parts are internal and others are attached to the outside of the engine.The cylinder block is the largest part of engine. The other parts are either fitted into the block or attached to it. As its name suggests, it is basically a block of castmetal, usually cast iron, but it can be aluminum alloy with cast iron or steel liners. Aluminum is used to reduce the weight.The cylinder block has accurately bored cylinders to take the pistons. The lower part of the block is known as the crankcase and this has bearings that carry the crankshaft. The water-jackets that surround the cylinders are filled with coolant.The top of the cylinder block has a machined surface for the cylinder head and the bottom of the cylinder block is machined to provide a mounting for the oil pan, or sump.The cylinders can be arranged in the block so that they are in line, as shown, or they can be set at angle ( V-type engine ).The crankshaft is mounted in bearings in the lower part of the cylinder block ( the crankcase ). The connecting rods connect the pistons to the crankshaft, which is rotated by the power strokes of the pistons when the engine is running. The up-and-down, or reciprocating, motion of the pistons is changed to rotary motion by the combination action of the connecting rods and the cranks of the crankshaft.The term crankshaft comes from the word cranked, which also means bent. It is a shaft with a number of cranks or bends. With in-line engines, there a crank for each cylinder, but with some V-type engines, there is only one crank for each pair of cylinders.The flywheel is a heavy cast iron wheel attached to the rear of the crankshaft. It reduces engine vibrations by smoothing out the power impulses of the pistons. The flywheel absorbs energy during the power stroke and gives up energy during the other strokes and this helps to keep the engine running smoothly. A ring gear fitted to the rim of the flywheel so that the engine can be rotated by the starter pinion when starting the engine. With automatic transmissions, a drive plate and torque converter take the place of the flywheel and perform the same functions as a flywheel, as far as the running of the engine is concerned.The piston has grooves that carry the piston rings and these provide a seal between the piston and the cylinder wall. Compression rings are used as a gas seal and the oil ring is used to prevent excess oil from finding its way up past the piston into the combustion chamber.The connecting rod has a removable cap and a split bearing at its lower end where it is connected to the crankshaft. Its upper has a piston pin that provides a wrist-type of action with the piston. Because of its action, the piston pin is sometimes referred to as a wrist pin.The cylinder head is made of cast aluminum alloy. It is bolted to the top of the cylinder block so that it encloses the cylinders. It has combustion chambers above the cylinders in which the air-fuel mixture is burnt. Cylinder heads can be made of cast iron, which is more resistant to corrosion, but aluminum alloy is used for petrol engines because it has advantages of better heat transfer and lighter weight. The cylinder head has intake ports and exhaust ports. The intake valves open the intake ports to admit the fuel charge into the cylinder during the intake stroke. The exhaust valves open the exhaust ports to allow the burnt gases to leave the cylinder following the exhaust stroke.The camshaft and the valve mechanism are used to open and close the valves at the correct time. The camshaft is driven from the crankshaft at half the crankshaft speed.The valve cover, also called the cylinder-head cover, is fitted to the top of the cylinder head. This encloses the valve mechanism. An additional cover on top of the engine covers the ignition coils.This cylinder-head arrangement, for a four-cylinder engine, has two camshafts and sixteen valves. Other four-cylinder engines can have two camshafts and twelve valves, or one camshaft and eight valves.The timing belt and pulleys drive the camshaft at half the crankshaft speed ( engine speed ). A toothed drive belt is often used, but gears and chains are also used-in some instances a belt and chain are both used.On some engines, the timing chain is used to drive the oil pump. On diesel engines, a timing chain or a timing gear is used to drive the injection pump as well as the camshaft.The oil pan, or sump, holds the oil for the engine lubricating system. The oil pan is made of steel that has been pressed to shape. Other oil pans are made of aluminum alloy that has been cast to shape.The oil pan is bolted to the underside of the engine so that it closes off the crankcase. Only the ends of the crankshaft that extend beyond the cylinder block are exposed.Various forms of gaskets and seals are used between the surfaces where the parts are bolted together. Some of these are used to seal against oil, some against coolant and some against heat and pressure. Some provide a seal on flat surfaces, other seal against rotating shafts.As well as the larger parts of an engine, there are numerous small parts. These include bolts, washers, retainers, spring and brackets which go to make up the mechanical components of the engine.3.Engine SystemsThe engine systems that enable the engine to start and to continue to operate are as follows:(1)Starting system;(2)Fuel system;(3)Ignition system;(4)Cooling system;(5)Lubricating system;(6)Intake system;(7)Exhaust system;(8)Charging system;(9)Engine’s electronic control system.These are the systems for petrol engines. Diesel engines have similar systems except for the fuel and ignition systems. Some parts of the systems are built into theengine, some parts are attached to the engine and other parts are located on the body panels in the engine compartment.Starting systemThe starter is used to rotate the engine during starting. It consists of an electric motor and a drive. The drive has a small pinion that meshes with the ring gear on the flywheel during starting. The battery supplies the electrical energy to operate the starter and rotate the engine until it fires and runs on its own.Fuel systemThese are four basic types of fuel systems: carburetor systems for petrol engines, fuel injection systems for petrol engines, gas fuel systems ( LPG or NGV ), and diesel injection systems. All these systems operate in different ways, but they all have somewhere to store fuel ( a fuel tank or a cylinder ) and a way of supplying the engine with the fuel. They also have a way of supplying air and fuel mixed in the correct proportion so that it can be effectively burn in the combustion chambers.Ignition systemPetrol engines and engines operating on gas require an ignition system. This is needed to provide the sparks that fire the charges in the combustion chambers. For this reason, petrol engines are sometimes referred to as spark-ignition engines. This distinguishes them from them diesel engines that do not need a spark because they use compression ignition.Combustion in a diesel occurs when the fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber. The air in the cylinder is at high temperature from being compressed-high enough to ignite the fuel that is sprayed from the injector.Cooling systemA considerable amount of heat is produced in an engine by the burning air-fuel mixture. Some of the heat is used to do useful work, some is transferred to other parts of the engine and some is carried away with exhaust gases. However, there is still enough heat to cause damage unless it is removed. This is still the function of the cooling system, which removes about one-third of the heat that is produced.The cooling system does not just remove heat; it maintains the engine at a desirable operating temperature. In a liquid-cooled engine, this is done by circulating coolant through the water-jackets. In an air-cooled engine, cooling is by air over cooling fins.Lubricating systemThe engine-lubricating system consists of an oil pump, a relief valve and a filter; also pipes, passages and drillings in various parts of engine through which the oil can flow. A quantity of oil is held in the oil pan. From this, oil is taken by the oil pump and circulated throughout the engine before returning to the oil pan. The oil lubricates all the moving parts and this is not only reduces friction, but it prevents wear anddamage. The oil pump is driven directly by the crankshaft. This system has an oil cooler, located at the filter mounting under the filter.Intake systemIn petrol engine with electronic fuel injection, the intake system includes the air cleaner, the throttle valve assembly and the intake manifold. The intake system provides clean air and carries it into the engine through the intake manifold. Nozzles of the fuel injectors spray fuel into the air passing from the intake manifold into the intake ports.With carburetor fuel systems, a mixture of air and fuel is carried from the carburetor, through the intake manifold and into the engine through the intake ports.For engines that operate on gas, a mixture of air and gas is carried into the engine by the intake manifold.In petrol engines with fuel injection, and in diesel engines, clean air only is provided by the intake system.Exhaust systemThe exhaust system carries the burnt gases away from the engine and also reduces noise. The system consists of the exhaust manifold, exhaust pipes, a catalytic converter and a muffler. Arrangements vary with different engines, there may be more than one muffler and more than one catalytic converter. Engines that run on Lead Replacement Petrol ( LRP ) do not have a catalytic converter, neither do diesel engines.Charging systemThe alternator, which is driven by the engine, converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.The battery supplies energy for the starter, the ignition system and electric fuel pump during the starting period ( petrol engine ), but once the engine is running, the alternator supplies all the electrical energy. It also recharges the battery to replace the energy used during starting.Engine’s electronic control systemThe engine’s electronic control system consists of sensors, a control unit and actuators. The control unit receives signals from the sensors and then sends signals to various actuators.There are sensors on the engine, in the intake system and in the exhaust system. The injectors are actuators that adjust the spray of fuel. There are also actuators in the ignition system that advance and retard the spark. These are just two examples of where electronic control is used.4.Engine OperationDuring the downward motion of the piston, the air-fuel mixture is sucked fromthe carburetor into the cylinder. During the upward motion the mixture is compressed by the piston in the cylinder and ignited by an electric spark. When the mixture is burned in the cylinder, the resulting heat causes the gases to expand which exert pressure on the cylinder walls and on the piston. The piston, being movable, is pushed downward by this pressure to the full length of its stroke.The pressure exerted on the piston is transmitted through the connecting rod to the crankshaft that is made to revolve. The crankshaft turns through one-half of a revolution as the piston moves downward. A flywheel attached to the crankshaft stores up energy. The momentum of the flywheel carries the piston through the balance of its motion until it receives another power impulse. The process is repeated over and over again, the crankshaft is turning continuously and the engine is running.The events that are repeated make up the cycle of the engine. The number of stokes of the piston required to complete the cycle varies with the type of engine. In modern vehicles, the cycle is extended through four stroke of the piston or two revolutions of the crankshaft. This is called a four-stroke cycle engine. In two stroke cycle engines, the cycle is completed in two strokes of the piston or one revolution of the crankshaft.In the four-stroke cycle engine, the four strokes are named suction, compression, power, and exhaust in accordance with the operation of the cycle which occur during each particular stroke.Suction stroke: during suction stroke, the piston is moved downward by the crankshaft, which is revolved either by the momentum of the flywheel or by the power generated by the electric starting motor. The inlet valve remains open and the exhaust valve is closed during this stroke. The downward movement of the piston sucks air-fuel mixture in the cylinder from the carburetor through the open inlet valve. Here the fuel is petrol mixed with air, broken up into a mist, and partially vaporized in the carburetor.Compression stroke: during compression stroke, the piston moves upward, thus compressing the charge. Ignition and much of the compression also take place during this stroke. The heat produced by the compression makes more homogeneous mixture of air and petrol inside the cylinder. The heat makes the petrol easier to burn, while the compression forces it into closer combination with the air. The mixture, under compression, is ignited by the spark produced by a spark plug, and the combustion is over half-completed when the piston is at Top Dead-Centre ( TDC ). Both the inlet and exhaust valves remain closed during the compression stroke.Working, power or expansion stroke: the expansion of the gases due to the heat of combustion exerts a pressure on the cylinder and piston. Under this impulse the piston moves downward thus doing useful work. Both the valves remain closed during this stroke.Exhaust stroke: during this stroke, the inlet valve remains closed and the exhaust valve opens. The greater part of the burnt gases escapes because of their own expansion. The piston moves upward and pushes the remaining gases out of the open exhaust valve. Only a small quantity of exhaust gases remains in the clearance space which will dilute the fresh incoming charge.Thus, in this type of engine, four strokes of the piston are required to complete the cycle, and the four strokes make two revolutions of the crankshaft. The operations are repeated over and over again in running the engine.发动机的组成发动机是汽车的重要组成部分,它为汽车提供行驶的动力,对汽车而言它就像心脏对人一样重要。
人教新教材高中英语必修1Unit 5 单元检测11:单元知识滚动练
单元知识滚动练Unit 4 复习强化提示:题干中加底纹的词汇是Unit 5的词汇复现。
Ⅰ.单词拼写1.The drought he referred to lasted for 8 months,causing great damage to local agriculture. 2.The emperor came to power in 1344 and reformed the educational system.3.The government built shelters for homeless people who had to beg for a living.4.The spread of television has a great effect on the dialects of the country.5.Electricity(电) plays a very important role in the life of those who live in skyscrapers.6.It was because of varieties of reasons that the car crashed into the tree.7.Despite many adventures along the way,these boys survived(幸存) at last.8.I believe that you will enlarge your vocabulary if you make an effort(努力) to do it.Ⅱ.单句语法填空1.The old tower dating from 1898 lay in ruins after the terrible explosion.2.All of us were shocked(shock) at the disasters caused by global warming.3.The deaths(die) are related to the hurricane which happened yesterday.4.I found it very difficult to breathe(breath) with the smell of petrol in the air.5.Buried(bury) in practicing calligraphy,the teenager didn’t notice it was getting dark. 6.They are looking for a dog whose fur is brown by means of advertising on TV.7.I am writing to express my appreciation to those who lent me a hand in the earthquake.Unit 5 巩固落实提示:题干中加底纹的词汇是Unit 4的词汇复现。
石油英语词典Petroleum English DictionaryA1. Abandonment: The act of permanently stopping the production of a well or a field due to non-profitability or depletion of resources.2. Acidizing: A well-stimulation technique in which acidis injected into the reservoir to dissolve the rocks and enhance permeability.3. API Gravity: A measure of the density of crude oil, expressed in degrees on the American Petroleum Institute (API) gravity scale. Higher API gravity indicates lighter and more valuable oil.4. Artificial Lift: The use of mechanical devices, suchas pumps or gas lift systems, to increase the flow of fluids from a well when natural pressure is insufficient.B1. Barrel (bbl): A unit of liquid volume measurement, equivalent to 42 US gallons or 159 liters. It is commonlyused to measure oil and other liquid petroleum products.2. Blowout: An uncontrolled release of oil or gas from a well, often accompanied by a violent eruption of drilling mud and other materials.3. BOP (Blowout Preventer): A safety device used tocontrol well pressure and prevent blowouts during drillingoperations. It consists of a series of valves and rams thatcan be closed to seal off the well.4. Brent Crude: A type of light, sweet crude oil produced in the North Sea. It is used as an international benchmarkfor oil pricing.C1. Casing: A steel pipe that is inserted into a wellbore and cemented in place to provide structural support andprevent collapsing. It also isolates different layers of rock formations.2. Condensate: A liquid hydrocarbon mixture that forms when natural gas is cooled or subjected to pressure. It is often separated from the gas and sold as a valuable byproduct.3. Cracking: The process of breaking down larger hydrocarbon molecules into smaller ones by applying heat and pressure. It is used to produce gasoline, diesel, and other high-demand products.D1. Downstream: The sector of the petroleum industry that involves refining crude oil into marketable products, such as gasoline, diesel, and petrochemicals. It also includes distribution and marketing activities.2. Drilling Mud: A drilling fluid consisting of a mixture of water, clay, and various additives. It cools the drill bit, carries drilled cuttings to the surface, and providesstability to the well.3. Dry Hole: A well that does not produce economically viable quantities of oil or gas. It is typically plugged and abandoned.E1. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Techniques used to increase the amount of oil that can be extracted from a reservoir beyond natural pressure depletion. EOR methods include water flooding, gas injection, and thermal processes.2. Exploration: The process of searching for and evaluating potential oil and gas reserves. It involves the use of geophysical and geological methods to identify favorable areas for drilling.F1. Fracking (Hydraulic Fracturing): A well-stimulation technique in which water, sand, and chemicals are injected into a wellbore at high pressure, creating fractures in the reservoir rock to enhance oil or gas flow.2. Field: An underground reservoir containing oil or gas that can be commercially produced. It often consists of multiple wells and associated production facilities.3. FPSO (Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading): A floating vessel used in offshore oil production. It has facilities to produce, store, and offload oil onto tankers.G1. Gasoline: A volatile fuel produced from crude oil through refining processes. It is primarily used as a fuelfor internal combustion engines.2. Gas Lift: A technique used to lift fluids from a well by injecting gas into the wellbore, reducing the hydrostatic pressure and increasing the flow rate.3. Geological Reservoir: An underground formation with sufficient porosity and permeability to store and transmit hydrocarbons. It is usually composed of rocks, such as sandstone or limestone.H1. HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment): A set of practices, policies, and regulations aimed at ensuring the health, safety, and protection of the environment in the petroleum industry.2. Hydrocarbon: A compound composed solely of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Crude oil and natural gas are composed mainly of hydrocarbons.I1. Infill Drilling: The process of drilling additional wells between existing wells in a reservoir to furtherexploit its hydrocarbon resources.2. ISO (International Standard Organization): A non-governmental organization that develops and publishes internationally recognized standards, including those related to the petroleum industry.J1. Jackup Rig: A drilling rig designed to be self-elevating by using legs that can be raised or lowered tooperate in shallow waters. It is commonly used for offshore drilling operations.K1. Kerogen: A solid organic material found in oil shale and other sedimentary rocks. When heated, kerogen can release oil and gas through a process called pyrolysis.L1. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): Natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state at approximately -162 degreesCelsius for more convenient transportation and storage, usually in specialized cryogenic tanks.2. Log: A record of measurements taken during drilling or well-logging operations. It includes information about the geological formations encountered, the physical properties of the rocks, and the presence of oil or gas.M1. Mud Logging: The analysis of drilling mud and rock cuttings to determine geological formations, porosity, permeability, and presence of hydrocarbons. It helps geologists and engineers in assessing the potential of a well.2. Multiphase Flow: The simultaneous flow of oil, gas, and water in a well or pipeline. It requires specialized equipment and considerations for efficient production and separation.N1. Natural Gas: A mixture of hydrocarbon gases, primarily consisting of methane, that is formed from the decompositionof organic matter over millions of years. It is a clean-burning fossil fuel.2. Non-Conventional Oil: Oil extracted from sources other than traditional petroleum reservoirs. Examples include oil sands, shale oil, and heavy oil.O1. Offshore: Referring to activities, installations, or areas located in bodies of water, usually beyond theterritorial limits of coastal states. Offshore oil and gas exploration and production take place in the open sea.2. Overburden: The rock or soil layers covering a geological reservoir. It can include materials such as sand, clay, or shale.P1. Pipeline: A system of pipes that transport oil or gas over long distances. It is a vital part of the infrastructure for the efficient and safe transportation of petroleum products.2. Production Reservoir: The part of an oil or gas field where the hydrocarbons are extracted or produced. It is the zone where oil and gas accumulations exist and can be recovered.Q1. Quicklime: A chemical compound (calcium oxide) used in the drilling industry for various purposes, including controlling pH levels in drilling mud or cementing operations.R1. Refinery: An industrial plant that processes crude oil into different types of fuels, lubricants, and other useful petroleum products. It involves distillation, cracking, and other refining processes.2. Reservoir: A porous and permeable underground formation that contains hydrocarbons, such as oil or gas. It is a natural storage area for oil and gas accumulations.S1. Separator: A device used to separate the mixture of oil, gas, and water produced from a well. It utilizes different physical properties, such as density and pressure, to separate the components.2. Sour Gas: Natural gas that contains a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). It is toxic and corrosive, requiring special handling and treatment to reduce its environmental and safety risks.3. Sweet Crude: A type of crude oil that contains a relatively low concentration of sulfur compounds. It is desirable and easier to refine compared to sour crude oil.T1. Tight Gas: Natural gas trapped within low permeability reservoirs, such as shale or sandstone. It requires hydraulic fracturing and other advanced techniques to extract.2. Top Drive: A drilling equipment system used to rotate the drill string during drilling operations. It provides better control, efficiency, and torque compared totraditional rotary drilling methods.U1. Unconventional Reservoir: A reservoir in which theflow of hydrocarbons is not easily achievable due to low permeability or complex geological structures. It includes tight gas, shale oil, and oil sands.V1. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC): Organic compounds with high vapor pressure, capable of evaporating into the atmosphere and contributing to air pollution. The petroleum industry has measures in place to control the release of VOCs.W1. Wellbore: The hole drilled or dug by a drilling riginto the earth to access reservoirs of oil or gas. It serves as a conduit for the extraction of hydrocarbons.2. Wellhead: The surface equipment located at the top ofa wellbore. It includes valves, fittings, and other devicesto control the flow of oil or gas and separate it from impurities.XNo relevant oil-related terms at this time.Y1. Y-grade: A natural gas liquid (NGL) mixture containinga blend of ethane, propane, butane, and other hydrocarbon compounds. It is often used as feedstock for petrochemical production.ZNo relevant oil-related terms at this time.This petroleum English dictionary provides a comprehensive list of terms commonly used in the oil and gas industry. It covers various aspects, including exploration, drilling, refining, production, and safety. Understanding these terms is essential for effective communication and knowledge exchange within the petroleum sector.。
花键中英文参数渐渐渐渐花involute spline未注公差 undeclared tolerance未注倒角undeclared chamfer渐渐 thermal refining端口 port chamfer模数 modulus渐形角tooth profile angle渐位系数stand-off error渐渐圈径向跳geared ring radial runout公法度及偏差渐渐渐渐渐渐 common normal跨数渐渐 spanned tooth count 高淬火渐渐渐 high-frequency quenching配渐渐渐 mating gear螺旋角 spiral angle渐力角pressure angle螺旋升角 lead angle渐号figure number渐厚tooth thickness螺旋渐 helix渐杆worm渐渐 gear渐渐 gear shaft渐渐子rotor shaft精度等渐precision class汽构造渐渐渐渐渐汽渐 automobile拖拉机 tractor渐渐路机locomotive有渐渐渐 tram无渐渐渐 trolley渐渐渐用military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民渐渐 national economy国内生渐渐渐 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革放渐渐 reform and opening技引渐渐渐technical import国化渐渐 localization支柱渐渐 pillar estate渐渐 car客渐 bus, coach渐渐 truck, lorry公路用渐 road vehicle非公路用渐 off-road vehicle渐渐机engine机体 engine body曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐 crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构 valve timing mechanism供系渐渐 fuel supply system冷却系cooling system渐滑系lubricating system点火系 ignition system起系渐渐 starting system底渐 chassis渐渐系power train离合器 clutch渐速器gear box渐渐渐 propeller shaft渐渐渐 drive axle行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐架suspension前渐 front axle渐壳axle housing渐渐 wheel渐向系steering system渐渐向steering wheel渐向器steering gear渐渐渐渐渐向装置steering linkage助力装置 power assisting device制系渐渐 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device渐渐装置transfer device制器渐渐 brake渐身body渐前板制件front end panels渐身壳体body shell渐渐 door渐窗window附属装置 auxiliary device渐箱carrying platform渐渐渐渐渐机前置后(FR) front engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机前置前(FF) front engine front drive渐渐渐渐渐机后置后(RR) rear engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机中置后(MR) midship engine rear drive全渐渐渐 (nWD) all wheel drive渐渐力tractive force阻力 resistance渐渐阻力rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章机工作原理渐渐二冲程机渐渐渐 two stroke engine四冲程机渐渐渐 four stroke engine水冷机渐渐渐 water cooled engine渐渐渐渐冷机air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke 汽缸直径 bore工作容渐 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement渐气行程intake stroke渐渐行程compression stroke渐渐比compression ratio做功行程working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke示功渐 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston渐杆connecting rod曲渐 crankshaft渐渐 flywheel渐渐气intake valve排气渐 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod渐臂rocker凸渐渐 camshaft正渐渐渐 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油渐 fuel pump汽油清器渐渐渐 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空气清器渐渐渐 air cleaner渐气管intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火圈渐渐 ignition coil断器渐渐 breaker蓄池渐渐 storage battery渐渐机generator水渐 water pump散器渐渐 radiator渐扇fan放水渐 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油渐 oil pump集器渐渐 suction filter限渐渐 relief valve渐滑油道oil passage机油清器渐渐渐 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起机渐渐 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效矩渐渐 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption渐渐渐渐渐渐机速特性engine speed characteristic渐渐渐渐气度throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic 外特性 outer characteristic 第二章曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner渐渐机支承engine mounting活塞渐 piston top活塞部渐渐 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt渐槽slot活塞渐 piston ring气渐 compression ring油渐 oil ring渐槽groove活塞渐 piston pin主承渐渐 main bearing主承盖渐渐渐 main bearing cap主瓦渐渐 main shell渐渐渐杆承big end bearing渐杆盖big end cap起爪渐渐 cranking claw渐渐 pulley平衡重 counter weight渐渐渐火序firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构渐渐置气(OHV) Over Head Valve渐渐渐置凸(OHC) Over Head Camshaft渐渐渐渐置凸(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft双置凸渐渐渐渐渐 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft多气机渐渐渐渐 multi-valve engine气隙渐渐渐 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气杆渐渐 valve stem气座渐渐 valve seat气管渐渐渐 valve guide气簧渐渐渐 valve spring第四章汽油机供系渐渐可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分渐 distil蒸性渐渐 evaporating property渐渐 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛渐渐 (RON) Research Octane Number渐量空气系数coefficient of excessive air理混合气渐渐渐渐 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture渐混合气thick mixture主供油系渐 main supply system怠速系渐 idle system加系渐渐渐 thickening system加速系渐 accelerating system浮子 float 浮子室 float chamber渐渐 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻渐渐 choke渐芯filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup渐膜pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉渐 a**estos pad渐渐 pre-heating汽油直接射渐渐 gasoline direct injection渐控electronic control多点射渐渐 muti-point injection渐渐渐点射single point injection渐路控制circuit control分器信号渐渐渐渐 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供系渐渐渐渐油transfer pump渐渐油fuel injection pump高油管渐渐渐 high pressure fuel pipe渐火性ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point渐燃期pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period渐燃期slow combustion period燃室渐渐 combustion chamber渐渐渐一燃室united chamber球形燃室渐渐 ball shape chamber渐流室turbulence chamber渐燃室pri-combustion chamber渐油器injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油渐 delivery valve渐速器governor两速速器渐渐渐 two speed governor全速速器渐渐渐 full speed governor 定速速器渐渐渐 fixed speed governor渐渐渐渐合速器combined governor气速器渐渐渐渐 pneumatic governor机械离心式速器渐渐渐 mechanical centrifugal governor渐渐渐渐合式速器complex governor渐渐渐渐渐油提前角装置advancer 渐渐 flyweight渐渐渐 coupling粗清器渐渐渐 primary filter渐渐清器secondary filter渐渐渐渐增器turbocharger中冷却器渐渐渐渐 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系渐温器thermostat防液渐渐 anti-freezing liquid渐渐水桶compensation reservoirV-渐 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循渐 big circulation小循渐 small circulation散翅片渐渐渐 fins第八章滑系渐渐渐滑lubricant渐渐渐力滑pressure lubrication渐渐渐滑splash lubrication渐滑脂grease机油力感器渐渐渐渐渐 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通渐 bypass valve机油散器渐渐 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲箱通渐渐渐渐 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次渐渐 primary winding二次渐渐 secondary winding渐渐渐敏阻heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance 分器渐渐 distributor活触点渐渐渐 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火渐 distributor rotor arm渐容器condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛校正器渐渐渐渐渐 octane number rectifier中心极渐渐 central electrode渐渐极side electrode瓷体渐渐渐 ceramic insulator跳火隙渐渐 spark gap半体点火系渐渐渐渐渐 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍效渐渐渐 Hall effect正极板 anode渐极板cathode隔板 separator渐解液electrolyte蓄池格渐渐渐 battery cell接柱渐渐 terminal渐渐 cable硅整流交流机渐渐渐silicon rectified A.C. motor渐子rotor定子 stator渐刷brush渐渐扇叶fan blade渐渐渐渐器voltage regulator第十章起系渐渐手渐渐渐起cranking渐渐塞electric heater plug串激直流机渐渐渐 serial wound D.C. motor 起圈渐渐渐 starter ring渐渐渐渐磁操机构electro-magnetic control第十一章渐渐渐新型机三角活塞 triangular piston渐渐渐渐子机rotary engine自渐 rotary motion, rotation公渐 orbit motion渐迹trajectory渐渐 gear渐圈ring gear往零渐渐渐件reciprocal parts渐平衡dynamic balance燃气机渐渐渐渐渐 gas turbine第十二章汽系渐渐渐渐机械式系渐渐渐 mechanical transmission液力机械式系渐渐渐 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式系渐渐渐 static-hydraulic transmission渐渐渐渐力式系electrical transmission自渐渐渐渐渐式系automatic transmission减速 reduction可速比渐渐渐 variable ratios有速渐渐渐 definite ratios无速渐渐渐 indefinite ratios无速器渐渐渐渐(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission一般布置 general layout渐渐机横置lateral engine positioning分器渐渐 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离底渐渐 thorough separation渐渐 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦渐渐片friction liner渐 hub主部分渐渐渐 driving part从渐渐渐部分driven part花渐 spline渐渐 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离承渐渐 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离* release fork渐渐渐隙整clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke渐渐渐渐 ,接rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央渐渐渐渐渐簧离合器central spring clutch膜片簧离合器渐渐渐渐渐diaphragm spring clutch非性渐渐 non-linear第十四章速器渐渐渐与分器渐渐渐渐渐渐渐入,第一,input shaft, drive shaft渐渐渐渐渐渐渐出,第二,output shaft, main shaft中渐渐 counter shaft倒渐渐 reverse gear shaft常渐渐合constant mesh低速渐 low gear高速渐 high gear最高速渐 top gear空渐 neutral gear一渐 the first gear二渐 the second gear三渐 the third gear倒渐 reverse gear直接渐 direct gear超速渐 overdrive渐渐渐力出power take-off渐渐 shift渐合套sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同面步渐 synchro cone渐速杆shifting lever手柄 handle球渐渐 ball joint渐渐渐* shifting fork自渐 self-lock互渐 inter-lock渐渐渐渐速transaxle加力渐 low gear第十五章液力机械渐渐液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling渐渐 impeller渐渐 turbine叶片 blade液力矩器渐渐渐 torque converter渐渐 stator行星渐渐渐系planetary gear system太阳渐 sun gear行星渐 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier渐圈ring gear第十六章渐渐渐万向渐 universal joint, U-joint十字渐渐渐渐渐式万向Cardan type U-joint*子 yoke, fork十字渐 spider, center cross渐渐渐承needle bearing滑脂嘴,油嘴,lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双式渐渐渐渐渐万向dual Cardan type U-joint球*式万向渐 Weiss type U-joint球式渐渐渐渐渐万向Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球渐 retainer, ball cage渐渐性万向flexible U-joint无管渐渐渐 seamless steel tube第十七章渐渐渐主减速器 final drive主渐渐渐渐渐渐,小,drive pinion从,渐渐渐渐渐渐大,ring gear渐渐渐 bevel gear双曲面渐渐 hypoid gear渐渐减速single reduction双减速渐渐渐 double reduction渐通式主减速器penetrable final drive 双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive渐渐减速器wheel reduction差速器 differential半渐渐渐 differential side gear差速渐 differential lock渐渐差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential半渐 axle shaft全浮式半渐 float type axle shaft半浮式半渐 semi-float type axle shaft渐壳axle housing渐壳后盖final drive rear cover第十八章行系渐渐行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐渐渐渐 ,axle渐架suspension半履渐渐渐渐式汽semi-caterpillar vehicle第十九章架渐渐渐渐梁式架ladder type frame渐梁side rail横梁 cross member保杠渐渐 bumper托架 bracket支承 support拖渐 tow hook中梁式架渐渐 backbone type frame桁架式架渐渐 lattice type frame第二十章渐渐渐渐和渐渐向steering axle渐梁axle beam工字形断面 I-section渐渐向knuckle主渐 king pin渐渐 wheel hub渐渐渐渐向定位steering wheel alignment主后渐渐渐 caster主内渐渐渐 king pin inclination前外渐渐渐 camber前前渐渐渐束toe-in渐渐渐渐向steering and driving axle支持渐 support axle渐渐 rim渐渐 spoke渐渐渐渐装罩hub cap渐胎tyre, tire胎冠 crown, tread花渐 pattern胎渐 side wall帘布渐 cord, ply尼渐渐渐渐 ,nylon渐渐束belted layer内胎 tube渐渐 protector胎圈 bead气渐渐嘴bleed valve气芯渐渐 valve core子午胎渐渐渐 radial tire无内胎胎渐渐 tubeless tire刺穿 puncture渐胎spare tire第二十一章架渐渐性元件spring, elastic element减振器 sock absorber渐向机构control device横向定器渐渐渐渐渐渐,杆,stabilizer, anti-roll bar渐渐渐架度suspension stiffness簧量渐渐渐 sprung mass非簧量渐渐渐 unsprung mass静渐渐度static deformation独立渐渐架independent suspension渐渐渐渐渐渐渐上跳,减振器行程,jounce渐渐渐渐渐渐回跳,减振器伸行程,rebound双向作用减振器 double action shock absorber渐向作用减振器single action shock absorber筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber吊渐 link ring 工作缸 working cylinder渐油缸reservoir流通渐渐渐渐渐渐,液,intake valve伸渐渐 rebound valve渐渐渐 compression valve渐渐渐 compensation valve充气减振器 gas filled shock absorber渐渐渐渐渐力可减振器pressure adjustable shock absorber渐渐渐板簧leaf spring中心螺栓 central bolt渐渐簧clip螺旋簧渐渐 coil spring扭杆簧渐渐 torsional bar囊式空气簧渐渐 bellow type air spring膜式空气簧渐渐 diaphragm type air spring橡胶渐渐簧rubber spring卷耳 spring eye吊耳 shackleU形螺栓 U-bolt渐簧盖板spring plate副簧 auxiliary spring主簧 main spring横臂式架渐渐 transversal type suspension双横臂式架渐渐 double wishbone suspension渐渐渐向steering axis渐渐臂式trailing arm type滑柱式 strut type麦弗渐渐式McPhaeson type平衡架渐渐 tandem axle suspension第二十二章向系渐机械,手,渐渐渐渐渐向系manual steering system渐渐向steering wheel 渐渐向steering shaft渐向柱steering column渐渐渐渐向steering drive shaft渐向器steering gear直拉杆 drag link渐渐向knuckle渐渐渐向臂knuckle arm梯形臂 steering arm横拉杆 tie rod渐渐渐渐渐渐渐向偏角系steering geometry渐弯半径turning radius循球式向器渐渐渐渐渐渐 recirculating ball steering gear渐向螺杆steering screw渐向螺母steering nut渐扇sector渐渐渐渐渐渐条式向器rack and pinion steering gear渐渐渐渐渐渐杆曲柄指式向器worm and crankpin steering gear渐渐渐力向power steering渐向油罐steering reservoir渐渐向油steering oil pump第二十三章制系渐渐鼓式制器渐渐 drum brake制渐渐蹄brake shoe渐缸wheel cylinder制底板渐渐渐 brake base plate渐渐整凸adjustable cam制渐渐渐渐渐渐蹄回位簧retainer spring渐蹄leading shoe从蹄 trailing shoe渐渐渐式制器disc brake制渐渐 brake calipers制渐渐 brake disc液制系渐渐渐渐 fluid braking system制液渐渐 brake fluid制主缸渐渐渐 master cylinder气制系渐渐渐渐 pneumatic braking system空气机渐渐渐 air compressor 制气室渐渐渐 brake chamber渐气筒reservoir制渐渐 brake valve气渐渐渐渐 air pressure governor伺服制系渐渐 servo braking system真空助力器 vacuum booster防抱死制系渐渐 (ABS) Anti-lock Braking System渐渐渐助制器auxiliary brake渐速器retarder排气制渐 exhaust braking第二十四章身渐渐身壳体body shell非承式身渐渐渐渐 separate frame construction承式身渐渐渐渐 unitary construction, integral body渐渐渐机engine compartment客,渐渐渐渐渐乘客室passenger compartment行李箱 trunk渐渐机罩hood, bonnet前翼板 front fender, front wing前渐渐渐泥板front fender apron前板渐渐 dash board, fire wall前窗渐渐 windscreen, windshield前渐 cowl, shroud渐盖roof地板 floor panel行李箱盖 trunk lid, deck lid后板渐渐 rear end panel前柱front pillar, “A” pillar中柱center pillar, “B” pillar后柱rear p illar, “C” pillar上渐渐梁roof rail渐渐 rocker panel渐表板instrument panel遮阳板 sun visor刮水器 wiper后渐渐 rear view mirror渐渐 door lock玻璃升降器 window regulator密封条 weather strip暖气装置 heater空装置渐渐渐 air conditioner座椅 seat渐枕head restraint安全渐 safety seat belt渐化玻璃toughened glass 渐渐玻璃laminated glass渐箱carrying platform渐板side board 后板 tail board前板 head board地板,底板 floor board栓杆 tightening latch第二十五章附属渐渐渐速表speedometer里程表 mileage recorder机油力渐渐渐表oil pressure gauge燃油表 fuel gauge水温表 water temperature gauge渐流表ammeter前大灯 head lamp渐向指示灯turning indicator制信号渐渐渐渐灯braking signal light 渐警信号装置warning signal附表渐渐一般工程渐度length渐度width高度 height深度 depth距离 distance渐隙clearance位移 displacement面渐 area体渐 volume重量 weight渐量mass比重 specific gravity密度 density渐渐 time周期 period加速度 velocity, speed重力加速度 acceleration of gravity力 force合力 resultant分力 component力矩 moment渐矩torque, twisting moment弯矩 bending moment渐强pressure大气渐 atmospheric pressure声渐渐 (SPL) Sound Pressure Level渐力stress渐渐 strain渐形deformation拉伸 stretching渐渐 compressing弯曲 bending扭渐 twisting强度 strength渐度stiffness硬度 hardness黏度 viscosity运渐渐渐黏度kinematic viscosity能量 energy渐能kinetic energy位能 potential energy功 work功率 power温度 temperature渐 heat渐容量thermal capacity比渐 specific heat渐功当量Joule’s equiva lent渐渐系数coefficient of heat transfer 加渐 heating冷却 cooling膨渐 expansion固体 solid液体 liquid气体 gas蒸渐 evaporation溶解 dissolve融化 melt凝渐 condensation凝固 solidification渐路electric circuit串渐 serial connection并渐parallel connection渐荷electric charge渐渐 voltage渐位potential渐流current直流 (D.C.) Direct Current交流 (A.C.) Alternative Current渐阻resistance渐容量capacity渐容器condenser渐感inductance渐极electrode正极 anode渐极cathode渐离ionization渐解electrolysis渐渐 electroplating渐泳electrophoresis磁渐强度magnetic field intensity磁通量 magnetic flux光通量 luminous flux光照度 photometric quantity渐光强度luminous intensity工程渐 technical drawing渐板drawing board渐渐 drawing paper描渐渐tracing paper投影 projection前渐渐 front end view渐渐渐 side view左渐渐 left end view右渐渐 right end view俯渐渐 plan view剖面 section剖渐 section view渐渐 full line虚渐 broken line, dotted line点划渐 chain line尺寸渐 dimension line方形 square渐方形rectangle三角形 triangle渐形circle内接渐 inscribed circle外切渐 circumscribed circle直尺 ruler三棱尺 triangular scale三角板 set square丁字尺 tee square, T square渐渐 compasses分渐 divider曲板渐渐 curve渐嘴笔drawing pen渐子hammer斧子 ax, axe螺渐渐刀screw driver扳手 wrench, spanner活渐渐渐扳手adjustable wrench扳手套筒 socket渐子pliers火子渐渐 tongs虎渐 vice刀子 knife刮刀 scraper剪子 scissors渐子tweezers渐子clip渐渐器clamp渐刀file渐渐渐子,子chisel冲子 punch渐子awl渐子saw刨子 plane渐 drill砧渐 anvil直角尺 square内卡渐 inside calipers外卡渐 outside calipers游卡渐渐渐尺vernier calipers千分卡尺 micrometer guage高度尺 height gauge千分表 dial indicator水平,泡,尺 water level画渐渐 marking gauge螺渐 threads螺栓 bolt双螺柱渐渐渐 stud螺渐 screw十字槽螺渐 cross recessed screw螺母 nut渐槽螺母castle nut蝶形螺母 fly nut, wing nut渐圈washer渐渐渐簧圈lock washer渐渐口split pin, cotter pin渐 key花渐 spline直渐渐渐 spur gear斜渐渐渐 helical gear渐渐渐 bevel gear球承渐渐 ball bearing渐渐渐子承roller bearing渐渐渐承needle roller bearing渐承外圈outer race渐承内圈inner race隔离罩,保持架 cage, retainer渐渐渐造,件casting渐渐渐造,件forging渐渐渐渐制,制件rolling冲,冲件渐渐渐渐渐 stamping渐渐渐接,welding渐渐弧arc welding气渐 oxyacetylene welding点渐 spot welding渐渐渐接,rivet机械加工 machine work切削 cutting渐削turning刨削 planing渐削milling渐削drilling渐孔fraising磨削 grinding渐削boring拉削 broaching抛光 polishing渐渐理heat treatment淬火 hardening, quenching退火 annealing回火 tempering正火 normalizing渐床lathe渐渐刨床planer牛刨床渐渐渐 shaper插床 vertical shaper渐床milling machine渐床drilling machine磨床 grinder, grinding machine外渐渐渐磨床external grinder内渐渐渐磨床internal grinder平面磨床surface grinder渐床boring machine拉床 broacher床渐渐箱head stock (gear box)卡渐渐渐渐 ,chuck尾座 tail stock走刀箱 tool carrier模具 die, mold气渐 pneumatic hammer渐床press刀具 cutter渐刀,刨刀bite渐渐渐刀,刀fraise渐渐 bite磨渐渐渐渐 ,砂grinding wheel渐具fixture, jig汽渐 automobile拖拉机 tractor渐渐路机locomotive有渐渐渐 tram无渐渐渐 trolley渐渐渐用military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民渐渐 national economy国内生渐渐渐 (GDP) Gross Domestic Production全拆散 (CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散 (SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革放渐渐 reform and opening技引渐渐渐technical import国化渐渐 localization支柱渐渐 pillar estate渐渐 car客渐 bus, coach渐渐 truck, lorry公路用渐 road vehicle非公路用渐 off-road vehicle渐渐机engine机体 engine body曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐 crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构 valve timing mechanism供系渐渐 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system渐滑系lubricating system点火系 ignition system起系渐渐 starting system底渐 chassis 渐渐系power train离合器 clutch渐速器gear box渐渐渐 propeller shaft渐渐渐 drive axle行系渐渐 running gear渐架frame渐架suspension前渐 front axle渐壳axle housing渐渐 wheel渐向系steering system渐渐向steering wheel渐向器steering gear渐渐渐渐渐向装置steering linkage助力装置 power assisting device制系渐渐 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device渐渐装置transfer device制器渐渐 brake渐身body渐前板制件front end panels渐身壳体body shell渐渐 door渐窗window附属装置 auxiliary device渐箱carrying platform渐渐渐渐渐机前置后(FR) front engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机前置前(FF) front engine front drive渐渐渐渐渐机后置后(RR) rear engine rear drive渐渐渐渐渐机中置后(MR) midship engine rear drive全渐渐渐 (nWD) all wheel drive渐渐力tractive force阻力 resistance渐渐阻力rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章机工作原理渐渐二冲程机渐渐渐 two stroke engine四冲程机渐渐渐 four stroke engine水冷机渐渐渐 water cooled engine渐渐渐渐冷机air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点 (LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke 汽缸直径 bore工作容渐 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement渐气行程intake stroke渐渐行程compression stroke渐渐比compression ratio做功行程working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke示功渐 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston渐杆connecting rod曲渐 crankshaft渐渐 flywheel渐渐气intake valve排气渐 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod渐臂rocker凸渐渐 camshaft正渐渐渐 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油渐 fuel pump汽油清器渐渐渐 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空气清器渐渐渐 air cleaner渐气管intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火圈渐渐 ignition coil断器渐渐 breaker蓄池渐渐 storage battery渐渐机generator水渐 water pump散器渐渐 radiator渐扇fan放水渐 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油渐 oil pump集器渐渐 suction filter限渐渐 relief valve渐滑油道oil passage机油清器渐渐渐 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起机渐渐 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效矩渐渐 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption渐渐渐渐渐渐机速特性engine speed characteristic渐渐渐渐气度throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第二章曲柄杆机构渐渐渐渐汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner渐渐机支承engine mounting活塞渐 piston top活塞部渐渐 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt渐槽slot活塞渐 piston ring气渐 compression ring油渐 oil ring渐槽groove活塞渐 piston pin主承渐渐 main bearing主承盖渐渐渐 main bearing cap主瓦渐渐 main shell渐渐渐杆承big end bearing渐杆盖big end cap起爪渐渐 cranking claw渐渐 pulley平衡重 counter weight渐渐渐火序firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构渐渐置气(OHV) Over Head Valve渐渐渐置凸(OHC) Over Head Camshaft渐渐渐渐置凸(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft双置凸渐渐渐渐渐 (DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft多气机渐渐渐渐 multi-valve engine气隙渐渐渐 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气杆渐渐 valve stem气座渐渐 valve seat气管渐渐渐 valve guide气簧渐渐渐 valve spring第四章汽油机供系渐渐可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分渐 distil蒸性渐渐 evaporating property渐渐 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛渐渐 (RON) Research Octane Number渐量空气系数coefficient of excessive air理混合气渐渐渐渐 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture渐混合气thick mixture主供油系渐 main supply system怠速系渐 idle system加系渐渐渐 thickening system加速系渐 accelerating system浮子 float 浮子室 float chamber渐渐 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻渐渐 choke渐芯filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup渐膜pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉渐 a**estos pad渐渐 pre-heating汽油直接射渐渐 gasoline direct injection渐控electronic control多点射渐渐 muti-point injection渐渐渐点射single point injection渐路控制circuit control分器信号渐渐渐渐 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供系渐渐渐渐油transfer pump渐渐油fuel injection pump高油管渐渐渐 high pressure fuel pipe渐火性ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point渐燃期pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period渐燃期slow combustion period燃室渐渐 combustion chamber渐渐渐一燃室united chamber球形燃室渐渐 ball shape chamber渐流室turbulence chamber渐燃室pri-combustion chamber渐油器injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油渐 delivery valve渐速器governor两速速器渐渐渐 two speed governor全速速器渐渐渐 full speed governor 定速速器渐渐渐 fixed speed governor渐渐渐渐合速器combined governor气速器渐渐渐渐 pneumatic governor机械离心式速器渐渐渐 mechanical centrifugal governor渐渐渐渐合式速器complex governor渐渐渐渐渐油提前角装置advancer 渐渐 flyweight渐渐渐 coupling粗清器渐渐渐 primary filter渐渐清器secondary filter渐渐渐渐增器turbocharger中冷却器渐渐渐渐 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系渐温器thermostat防液渐渐 anti-freezing liquid渐渐水桶compensation reservoirV-渐 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循渐 big circulation小循渐 small circulation散翅片渐渐渐 fins第八章滑系渐渐渐滑lubricant渐渐渐力滑pressure lubrication渐渐渐滑splash lubrication渐滑脂grease机油力感器渐渐渐渐渐 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通渐 bypass valve机油散器渐渐 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲箱通渐渐渐渐 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次渐渐 primary winding二次渐渐 secondary winding渐渐渐敏阻heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance分器渐渐 distributor活触点渐渐渐 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火渐 distributor rotor arm渐容器condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛校正器渐渐渐渐渐 octane number rectifier中心极渐渐 central electrode渐渐极side electrode瓷体渐渐渐 ceramic insulator跳火隙渐渐 spark gap半体点火系渐渐渐渐渐 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍效渐渐渐 Hall effect正极板 anode渐极板cathode隔板 separator渐解液electrolyte蓄池格渐渐渐 battery cell接柱渐渐 terminal渐渐 cable硅整流交流机渐渐渐silicon rectified A.C. motor渐子rotor定子 stator渐刷brush渐渐扇叶fan blade渐渐渐渐器voltage regulator第十章起系渐渐手渐渐渐起cranking渐渐塞electric heater plug串激直流机渐渐渐 serial wound D.C. motor起圈渐渐渐 starter ring 渐渐渐渐磁操机构electro-magnetic control第十一章渐渐渐新型机三角活塞 triangular piston渐渐渐渐子机rotary engine自渐 rotary motion, rotation公渐 orbit motion渐迹trajectory渐渐 gear渐圈ring gear往零渐渐渐件reciprocal parts渐平衡dynamic balance燃气机渐渐渐渐渐 gas turbine第十二章汽系渐渐渐渐机械式系渐渐渐 mechanical transmission液力机械式系渐渐渐 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式系渐渐渐 static-hydraulic transmission渐渐渐渐力式系electrical transmission自渐渐渐渐渐式系automatic transmission减速 reduction可速比渐渐渐 variable ratios有速渐渐渐 definite ratios无速渐渐渐 indefinite ratios无速器渐渐渐渐(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission一般布置 general layout渐渐机横置lateral engine positioning分器渐渐 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离底渐渐 thorough separation渐渐 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦渐渐片friction liner渐 hub主部分渐渐渐 driving part从渐渐渐部分driven part花渐 spline渐渐 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离承渐渐 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离叉 release fork渐渐渐隙整clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke渐渐渐渐 ,接rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央渐渐渐渐渐簧离合器central spring clutch膜片簧离合器渐渐渐渐渐diaphragm spring clutch非性渐渐 non-linear第十四章速器渐渐渐与分器渐渐渐渐渐渐渐入,第一,input shaft, drive shaft渐渐渐渐渐渐渐出,第二,output shaft, main shaft中渐渐 counter shaft倒渐渐 reverse gear shaft常渐渐合constant mesh低速渐 low gear高速渐 high gear最高速渐 top gear空渐 neutral gear一渐 the first gear二渐 the second gear三渐 the third gear倒渐 reverse gear直接渐 direct gear超速渐 overdrive渐渐渐力出power take-off渐渐 shift渐合套sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同面步渐 synchro cone渐速杆shifting lever手柄 handle球渐渐 ball joint渐渐渐叉shifting fork自渐 self-lock互渐 inter-lock渐渐渐渐速transaxle加力渐 low gear第十五章液力机械渐渐液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling渐渐 impeller渐渐 turbine叶片 blade液力矩器渐渐渐 torque converter渐渐 stator行星渐渐渐系planetary gear system太阳渐 sun gear行星渐 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier渐圈ring gear第十六章渐渐渐万向渐 universal joint, U-joint十字渐渐渐渐渐式万向Cardan type U-joint叉子 yoke, fork十字渐 spider, center cross渐渐渐承needle bearing滑脂嘴,油嘴,lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双式渐渐渐渐渐万向dual Cardan type U-joint球叉式万向渐 Weiss type U-joint球式渐渐渐渐渐万向Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球渐 retainer, ball cage渐渐性万向flexible U-joint无管渐渐渐 seamless steel tube第十七章渐渐渐主减速器 final drive主渐渐渐渐渐渐,小,drive pinion从,渐渐渐渐渐渐大,ring gear渐渐渐 bevel gear双曲面渐渐 hypoid gear渐渐减速single reduction双减速渐渐渐 double reduction渐通式主减速器penetrable final drive 双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive渐渐减速器wheel reduction差速器 differential半渐渐渐 differential side gear差速渐 differential lock渐渐差速器inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential。
partial partition 不完全隔墙
partial pressure 分压力
partial slash disposal 部分残留树桠处理
partial smoke detection system 部分感烟探测系统
passive fire protection system 被动消防系统
passive fire protection 被动消防
passive fire safety equipment 被动消防安全设备
passive learning 被动学习
passive smoke control system 被动式烟气控制系统
patrol desk 通讯值班台
patrol man 外勤员
patrol person 巡夜人
patrol route 巡逻路线
patrol time 巡查时间
patrol unit 巡逻车<一种轻型泵浦车
patrol 防火巡逻
patrolman 巡逻员
PATSIM= Retardant Pattern Simulation Model 按地面图阻滞的模拟方法
p-benzoquinone monoxide 亚硝基苯酚
P.E.O.=Plant Emergency Organization 工厂防险队
pacemaker 起博器
pack set 便携式对讲无线电话机
package-type sprinkler system 组件式喷水灭火系统
packaged fuel 包装燃料
paid fire department 职业消防局
p-benzoquinone monoxide 亚硝基苯酚P.E.O.=Plant Emergency Organization 工厂防险队pacemaker 起博器pack set 便携式对讲无线电话机package-type sprinkler system 组件式喷水灭火系统packaged fuel 包装燃料packed cargo 件货packing gland 填密函盖packing material 填料padlock remover 撬锁器pager 无线电寻呼机paging system 音响播叫系统paid absence allowance 假期补贴paid fire brigade= professional fire brigade 支取薪金的消防队paid fire department 职业消防局paid firefighter 职业消防战斗员paid man 职业消防战斗员pain 疼痛paint film 漆膜paint spray booth 喷漆房paint spraying 喷漆操作paint thinner 油漆稀释剂paint 涂料pall 烟幕palladium chloride 氯化钯pallet 平板架palletized storage 托盘化贮藏palliative treatment 舒减疗法palpitation 心悸pancake collapse 平倒塌panel board 配电板panel wall 幕墙panel 护墙板panelled ceiling 格子式平顶panelling 镶板panic behavior 恐慌行为panic equipment 应急设备panic hardware 太平门闩panic relief installation 紧急脱机装置panic 恐慌pants 裤子Para rubber 帕拉胶parabola 抛物线parabolic reflector 抛物形反射器paracargo 空降物资parachute 降落伞paraffin series 石蜡系paraffin wax 石蜡paraffin 烷烃parallax 视差parallel attack= parallel method=parallel fire suppression 平行建立火灾控制线parallel burning= strip burning 平行烧除parallel circuit 并联线路parallel method 平行建立火灾控制线parallel operation 并联工作parallel 并联paralysis 瘫痪paramedic 医士parameter 参数paranoia 妄想狂parapet wall 女儿墙parapet 护墙parathion 对硫磷parbuckle 单绳做的双折吊索parcelling 用油浸帆布条包扎绳索park light 停车灯parking area 停车区parking brake 停车制动器parking deck 停车场parking garage 停车库parking lot lane 停车段车道parking space 停车所占空间parking tender 停泊管理员parking 停车part time fire brigade =part-time fire brigade 非全日工作消防队part-paid firefighter (临时替班part-time firemen 非全日性工作消防人员partial combustion 不完全燃烧partial evacuation 局部疏散partial oxidation reaction 不完全氧化系统partial partition 不完全隔墙partial pressure 分压力partial slash disposal 部分残留树桠处理partial smoke detection system 部分感烟探测系统partial sprinkler system 局部安装的喷水灭火系统partial system failure 部分系统故障partially sprinklered space 部分有洒水的地区particle size 粒度particleboard 木屑板particular 详细资料particulate mass concentration 颗粒物质浓度particulate matter 悬浮微粒particulate 粒子particulate-filter respirator 颗粒partition nozzle 隔墙水枪<带弯曲喷嘴的水枪partition 隔板parts of a fire 火灾的各部分<蔓延最快的部分称为火头parts per million 百万分之party line 合用线party wall 共用隔墙pascal 帕斯卡<压力单位Pascal's law 帕斯卡定律pass alert safety system 通道安全报警系统passageway 走廊passenger elevator 客梯passenger escape 旅客紧急撤离passenger lift 客梯passenger terminal 客运码头passenger vessel 客轮passive circuit 无源电路passive component 无源元件passive fire protection system 被动消防系统passive fire protection 被动消防passive fire safety equipment 被动消防安全设备passive learning 被动学习passive smoke control system 被动式烟气控制系统passive transducer 无源换能器PASS=personal alert safety system 个人安全报警系统patch burning 小块烧除patch kettle 修补用小锅炉<用来修补屋面patchy continuity 可燃物的杂凑连续性patent 专利path of travel 走道pathology 病理学patient care area 病员护理区patient emergency measuring device 病员危急测量仪器patient lead 接在病员身上的多种仪器的导线patient vicinity 可以接近病号的区域patrol desk 通讯值班台patrol man 外勤员patrol person 巡夜人patrol route 巡逻路线patrol time 巡查时间patrol unit 巡逻车<一种轻型泵浦车patrol 防火巡逻patrolman 巡逻员PATSIM= Retardant Pattern Simulation Model 按地面图阻滞的模拟方法pattern 射流形式pawl 止动器pay out 放出payload 有效载重量Payne's process 潘恩木材防火法PCBs= Polychlorinated biphenyls 多氯代联苯PC=polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯peak current 峰值电流peak fire season 火险高峰季节peak load 峰值负荷peak over pressure 最大剩余压力peak rate of flow 最大流量peak roof 尖顶屋peak tank 尖舱peak temperature 峰值温度peak torque 最大转矩peak value 峰值peak 前帽沿peak-to- peak value 峰对peat log fire 泥煤沼泽火灾peat 泥煤peavy 钩棍Peclet number 丕雷数pedestal tank 支座水箱pedestal 操纵台pedestrian bridge 过街桥pedestrian traffic 行人交通pedestrian tunnel 行人隧道pedestrian walk 人行道pedestrian-way 人行道peel strength 剥离强度peep hole 观察孔pellet powder 球状炸药PEL=permissible exposure limit 容许暴露极限penal action 刑事诉讼pendant sprinkler 下垂形洒水喷头penetrant 渗透剂penetrating concentration 透过浓度penetrating item 贯穿件penetrating material 穿透物质penetrating power 穿透力penetration opening (墙身penetration resistance 抗穿刺性penetration 针入度<具有一定填充密度的干粉灭火剂经规定的方法处理后Pensky-Martens closed tester 彭斯克-马丁密闭式试验器Pensky-Martens tester 彭斯克-马丁测定仪pentadiene 戊二烯pentaerythrite tetranitrate 季戊四烯四硝酸酯pentane 戊烷pentene 戊烯penthouse 阁楼penthrite 猛烈炸药people at fire scene 在火灾现场的人people flow rate 人流速率percent explosiveness 爆炸性百分数percent explosivity 爆炸性百分数percent of slope 斜率perception 感觉perchlorate explosive 过氯酸盐炸药perchlorate 过氯酸盐perchloric acid 高氯酸percolating hose 渗透水带percolation extractor 渗透式浸出器percolation 渗过percolised hose 衬里渗透水带<具有特殊的衬里和覆盖层percussion powder 冲击起爆炸药percussion 撞〔打perfect combustion 完全燃烧perfect gas law 理想气体定律perforated pipe sprinkler 多孔管喷水灭火装置perforated pipe 穿孔管道performance checking 性能检查performance criteria 性能指标performance curve 工况曲线performance index 性能指标performance measurement 性能测定performance parameter 性能参数performance test 性能试验perimeter 林野火灾的边沿period of flaming 火焰期period 周期periodic inspection 定期检查periodic law 周期律periodic review 定期检查periodic sample 周期性取样periodic vibration 周期性震动peripheral blood 周边血peripheral vision 周围视觉peripheral 外围设备perishable item 易腐品perlite 珍珠岩perm-selective membrane 选择性渗透膜permanent disability 永久伤残permanent fire protection system 固定消防装置permanent firefighter 正式消防战斗员permanent impairment 终身丧失工作能力的损伤permanent partial disability 永久性局部伤残permanent radio station 固定无线电台permanent total disability 终身丧失工作能力的伤残permanent 固定消防员permanent-water-supply standpipe system 固定供水竖管系统permanently ventilated lobby 永久通风的大厅permanganate 高锰酸盐permeability coefficient 渗透系数permeability to heat 热导性permeability 渗透性permissible blasting unit 安全起爆器permissible cartridge 安全药桶permissible coal cutter 防爆截煤机permissible concentration 容许浓度permissible criteria 许可标准permissible current 允许电流permissible degree 允许程度permissible dose 容许剂量permissible dustiness 允许含尘量permissible dynamite 安全硝甘炸药permissible electrical equipment 防爆电器设备permissible explosive 安全炸药permissible exposure limit 允许暴露极限permissible flame lamp 火焰安全灯permissible lamp 安全灯permissible level 容许水平permissible light 安全灯permissible limit 容许极限permissible load 允许荷载permissible mine equipment 许用矿山设备permissible mine locomotive 防爆式矿用机车permissible motor 防爆电动机permissible safety lamp 安全灯permissible temperature 容许温度permit 许可证permitted dynamite 安全黄色炸药permitted explosive 安全炸药permitted exposure time 允许暴露时间permitted light 安全灯permitted point 许可的水准peroxide 过氧化合物perpends 砖石砌体的垂直缝persistent fire 耗时长的火灾persistent violator 经常违章者person machine system 人-机系统person 法人personal alarm device 个人报警装置personal alarm locator 个人报警定位器personal alarm monitor 个人报警监测器personal alert safety system 个人安全报警系统personal breathing apparatus safety line 个人呼吸器安全绳personal distress device 个人求救装置personal distress locator 个人求救定位器personal distress signal unit 佩带者不适信号装置personal equipment 个人装备personal factor 人为因素personal liability insurance 个人责任保险personal locator beacon 人员示位信标personal protective equipment 个人防护装备personal safety equipment 个人安全装备personnel appliance 人员输送车personnel carrier 人员输送车personnel location system 人员测位系统personnel management 人员管理personnel monitoring 人体辐射剂量检查personnel protection 人身保护personnel safety guard 人员安全防护personnel safety 人身安全personnel vehicle 人员输送车perspex 防风玻璃persuader 铁铤pesticide 农药petrochemical extinguishing system 石油灭火系统petrochemical industry 石油化学工业petrochemical plant 石油化学工厂petrochemical 石油化工产品petrol barge 汽油驳船petrol barrel 石油桶petrol bomb 汽油弹petrol bowser 油槽车petrol bulk lorry 油槽车petrol burner 汽油喷灯petrol can 汽油壶petrol carrier 油船petrol depot 汽油库petrol 汽油petrol-air mixture 汽油-空气混合气petroleum coke 石油焦petroleum ether 石油醚petroleum fire 石油火灾petroleum fuel 石油燃料petroleum gas oil 瓦斯油petroleum gas 石油气petroleum oil 石油petroleum product fire 石油产品火灾petroleum spirit 汽油petroleum tank wagon 铁路油槽车petroleum tank 原油罐petroleum 石油PF=protein foam 蛋白泡沫pH value PH 值pH PH 值phantom box number 火灾报警分区编号phantom box 无火灾报警场所的火灾报警编号phase 1= first phase 第1阶段<即阴燃阶段phase 2= second phase 第2阶段<即产生火焰阶段phase 3= third phase 第3阶段<即危险阴燃阶段phase fault 相间短路phase of fire 火灾的阶段<在有限空间里phase-to-phase voltage 相间电压phased evacuation 分段疏散PHA= preliminary hazard analysis 初步危害分析phen 苯酚的phenol formaldehyde foam 酚醛泡沫phenol group 苯基phenol 苯酚phenylamine 苯胺phon 方phone operator 电话接线员phone page 电话传呼phone receiver 电话机phone traffic 电话传达phosgene 光气phosphate ester 磷酸酯phosphate powder 磷酸盐干粉phosphine 磷化氢phosphor 黄磷phosphorescence 磷光现象phosphorescent sign 发磷光的标志phosphorus penta sulfide 五硫化二磷phosphorus sesquisulfide 三硫化二磷phosphorus trisulfide 三硫化二磷phosphorus 磷phot combustion 光燃烧phot 辐透<照度单位photo electronic smoke detector 光电感烟探测器photo-electric device 光电装置photo-electric type smoke detector 光电式感烟探测器photochemical process 光化过程photochemistry 光化学photoconductive cell 光电导管photoelectric effect 光电效应photoelectric flame detector 光电火焰探测器photoelectric obscuration smoke detector 减光型光电感烟探测器photoelectric obscuration-type smoke detector 减光型光电感烟探测器photoelectric scattering smoke detector 散射型光电感烟探测器photoelectric smoke detector 光电感烟探测器photoelectrical 光电的photographic film 照相软片photoluminescent exit marking system 荧光安全出口标志系统photometer 光度计photometric requirement 光度要求photomultiplier 光电倍增器photon 光子photosensitive device 光敏装置phototransistor 光电晶体管physical ability 体能physical analog 物理模拟physical change 物理变化physical chemistry 物理化学physical damage 物理性损坏physical evidence 物质证据physical explosion 物理爆炸physical factor 自然因素physical fire model 物理火灾模型physical fire 物理火灾physical fitness test 身体健康检查physical foam= mechanical foam 机械泡沫physical form 外形physical hazard 物质危险physical property 物理性质physical protection 人体防护physical science 自然科学physically disabled person 残疾人员physics 物理学physiological effect of radiation 辐射的生理作用physiological effect 生理影响physiological warning property 生理警告性能physiology 生理学PIAT=Public Information Assist Team 公共信息援助队pick up=pickup 收拾消防设备pick-head axe 光头斧pick-up tube 吸液管pickaroon 十字镐picker room 清棉室picker trunk sprinkler 导管型喷头pickling 酸洗pickup firefighter 临时消防战斗员pickup 吸液pico- 微微picric acid 三硝基苯酚piece 水带Pieler's lamp 皮勒尔型沼气检验灯piercing pole 尖型杆pig 装运容器pigment 颜料pigtail 未卷起的一小段水带pilaster 壁柱pile 核反应堆piling and burning 堆聚烧除pill test 小球测定法pillar burst 矿柱爆裂pillar hydrant 地上消火栓<阀pillar 墩pilot burner 常燃的小火pilot flame 引燃火焰pilot light 指示灯pilot relief valve 导向排泄阀pilot test 小规模试验pilot valve 导阀pilot 火场向导pilot's post 火场向导岗位pin lug coupling 销耳式接口pipe burst 管子爆裂pipe explosion 管子爆裂pipe fitting 管接头pipe flow 管道流动pipe hanger 吊管钩pipe holder 水轮支托pipe laying 管道铺设pipe shaft 管道竖井pipe 水轮piped water supply 管道供水pipeless heating and ventilation 无管式供暖与通风pipeless system of heating 无管式供暖系统pipeline 管路pipeman 水枪手piperidine 哌啶pipework 管道工程piping filter 管道过滤器piping system 管道系统piping 管道pistol grip 枪柄式手柄pistol-type branch 手枪式水枪piston deluge valve 活塞型雨淋阀piston pump 活塞泵piston tool 活塞打钉器piston valve 活塞式滑阀pit fire 矿中火灾pit frame fire 井架火灾pit 阴井pitch nitrate 硝化沥青pitched roof 坡屋顶pitometer 流速计pitot gage 皮托计pitot pressure 皮托管压力pitot tube method of measuring flow 皮托管测定流量法pitot tube 皮托管placard 区域火灾报警装置的标牌placarding 危险告示place of assembly 公共场所place of safety 安全区placid out-flow gas 瓦斯平稳泄出placid out-flow methane 瓦斯平稳泄出plain conductor 普通导线plain denotation 简单标志plain indicator 平面图显示器plain nozzle 普通喷嘴plain water extinguisher 清水灭火器plain weave 平纹plan of attack 灭火作战计划plank and beam framing 板梁式框架plank 木板Plank's constant 普兰克常数planned cooperator 森林消防战斗员planning section chief 计划部门长官planograph 仓库堆放示意图plans chief 灭火计划负责人plant fire protection organization 工厂消防组织plant protection 工厂保护plant 安放纵火物plasma arc cutting 等离子火焰切割plasma arc welding 等离子弧焊plaster base ceiling 抹灰天花板plaster board 灰胶纸柏板plaster ceiling 灰泥吊顶plaster hook 消防钩plaster 灰泥plastic board 塑料板plastic bonded explosive 高聚物粘结炸药plastic deformation 塑性变形plastic duct system 塑料管道系统plastic explosive 塑性炸药plastic hose 塑料水带plastic media 塑料介体plastic pipe 塑料管plastic 塑料plastic-type explosive 塑性炸药platform ladder 平台梯架platform lift truck 举高平台车platform 载人平台platoon commander 小队长platoon 小队play water 射水play water 射水play with fire 玩火play 对准火射水playpipe 水枪枪身PLC= power line carrier 输电线载波plenum chamber 送气室plenum system 压力通风系统plenum ventilation 压力送风plenum 稳压室plot 标图plotted curve 曲线图plowline 防火生土带plug fuse 插式熔断器plug pressure 消火栓压力plug socket 插座plug wire 插线plug 消火栓plug-in board 插体plug-in card 插入卡plugging 封堵plumbago 石墨粉plumbing system 管道系统plume trap 排烟罩plume 烟柱plunger pump 柱塞泵plunger-type portable extinguisher 柱塞式手提灭火器plutonium fire 钚火灾pluviograph 雨量计plywood board 胶合板plywood flooring 胶合板地板plywood 胶合板PMMA=polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯pneumatic barrier 气动隔板pneumatic chute system 气动溜槽系统pneumatic chute 气动溜槽pneumatic conveyor 气动输送机pneumatic drill 风钻pneumatic dust removal system 气动除尘装置pneumatic lifting bag 气力提升袋pneumatic line type heat detector 线型气动感温探测器pneumatic pump 气压泵pneumatic rate-of-rise tubing 气动差温式探测管pneumatic robot 气动机器人pneumatic structure 气压结构pneumatic system 气动系统pneumatic tool 气动工具pneumatic trash system 风力输送废物装置pneumatic tube fire alarm system 气压管式火灾报警系统pneumatogen 急救氧气设备pocket alerter charger 袖珍报警器充电器pocket alerter system 袖珍报警系统pocket alerter transmitter 袖珍报警器发送器pocket alerter 袖珍报警器pocket bell 袖珍铃<消防人员携带的pocket corridor 袋形走道pocket lamp 小型灯pocket line 袋绳<一种放在消防战斗服口袋里的细绳pocket rot 袋腐pocket torch 手电筒pocket 小块地POC=products of combustion 燃烧产物pod 吊舱podium building 裙楼podium 墩座墙point detector 点型探测器point discharge 尖端放电point heat detector 点型感温探测器point of attack 扑救处point of burst 爆裂点point of detonation 爆震点point of ignition 着火点point of lowest burning 燃烧最低点point of no return 不能返回临界点point of origin 起火点point of perception 发觉危险的时间地点point of possible perception 可知觉点point of safety 安全地点point operation 机械动作点point source 点源point type fire detector 点型火灾探测器point type heat fire detector 点型感温火灾探测器point 点<反应火灾报警探测器等部件的地理位置point-to- point communication 点对点通讯poise 泊poison atmosphere 含毒空气poison gas 毒气poison of catalyst 催化毒物poison 毒物poisoning substance 有毒物质poisoning 中毒poisonous gas 有毒气体poisonous 毒的Poisson distribution 泊松分布Poisson's ratio 泊松比poke-through construction 公用事业穿墙洞结构pokethrough 公用事业穿墙洞polar compound 极性化合物polar explosive 防冻炸药polar solvent 极性溶剂polar 极性的Polar-Ajax explosive 阿贾克斯耐冻硝甘安全炸药pole ladder 单杠梯pole man 云梯操纵手pole shutoff 关闭杆pole top transformer 杆顶变压器pole 滑杆police department 警察局police force 警察部队police station 警察局派出所policy holder 投保人policy 保险单poling board 挡土板political commissar 政治委员polling period 巡检周期polling rate 巡检速度polling 巡检pollution control 污染控制pollution criterion 污染标准pollution prevention 防污染pollution threat 污染威胁pollution 污染poly chloroprene 聚氯丁烯poly ether 聚醚poly 聚乙烯-三氯氧化乙烯polyacrylamide 聚丙烯酰胺polyacrylonitrile 聚丙烯睛纤维polyamide 聚酰胺polybutadiene 聚丁二烯polybutylene 聚丁烯polycarbonate 聚碳酸酯polychlorinated biphenyl 多氯联二苯polychlorotrifluoroethylene 聚三氟氯乙烯polyester 聚酯polyethylene oxide 聚氧化乙烯polyethylene 聚乙烯polyfluoroethylene-propylene 聚氟乙烯-丙烯polyisoprene 聚异戊二烯polymer film detector of fire smoke 聚合物薄膜感烟火灾探测器polymer film smoke fire detector 聚合物薄膜感烟火灾探测器polymer quenching 聚合物淬火polymer 聚合物polymeric membrane 聚合隔膜<在极性溶剂燃料表面形成一层耐久的、有粘聚性的薄膜polymerism 多晶形现象polymerization inhibitor 阻聚剂polymerization 聚合polymethyl methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯polymorphism 多态现象polyolefin 聚烯烃Polyox 聚氧化乙烯的商品名polyphenylene oxide 聚苯醚polyphenylene sulfide 聚亚苯基硫醚polypropylene 聚丙烯polystyrene 聚苯乙烯polysulfonate 聚砜类polysulfone 聚砜polytetrafluoroethylene 特氟隆polythene =polyethylene聚乙烯polytropic atmosphere 多变大气polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料polyurethane 聚氨基甲酸酯polyurethane 聚氨酯polyvinyl butyral 聚乙烯缩丁醛polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯polyvinyl dichloride 聚二氯乙烯polyvinyl fluoride 聚氟乙烯polyvinyl formal 聚乙烯缩甲醛polyvinyl plastics 聚乙烯塑料pompier belt 带钩安全带pompier chain 挂钩梯链<在楼房的窗口挂数架挂钩梯pompier ladder 挂钩梯pompier 消防战斗员pond 蓄水池pontoon 浮桥pony 小型灭火器pool fire 油池水poor combustion 不良燃烧poor gas 贫煤气poor visibility 不良能见度poppet valve 提升阀population density 人口密度porch 门廊pore 毛细孔porosity 空隙率porphyrin 卟啉port 入口portable aspirating equipment 便携式吸气装备portable collection system 移动式收集系统portable cutting tool 便携式切割工具portable dam 便携式工具portable director 有定向支架的移动式消防炮portable diving air compressor 便携式潜水空气压缩机portable drop tank 可搬运可卸式水箱portable duct 移动式抽风管portable extinguishing equipment 轻便灭火设备portable fan 移动式风机portable fire extinguisher 手提式灭火器portable fire pump 手抬消防泵portable foam applicator 手提式炮沫喷口portable foam cannon 移动式泡沫炮portable foam device 手提式泡沫发生器portable foam generating device 手提式泡沫发生器portable foam monitor 移动式泡沫炮portable gas monitoring instrument 便携式气体监测仪portable generator 车载发电机portable hand lamp 手提灯portable hose reel 便携式胶管卷盘portable indicator 便携式指示器portable ladder 便携梯portable lamp 手提式灯portable manhole cover 便携式人孔盖portable metal ladder 便携式金属梯portable monitor 移动式消防炮portable pump 车载小泵portable radio 便携式无线电台portable station 便携式电台portable suction basin 便携式帆布水槽portable tank 移动式罐portable toolbox 手提工具箱portable ultra-high-speed water spray system 手提式超高速喷水系统portable vapor monitoring instrument 便携式蒸汽监测仪portable water storage dam 便携式贮水坝portable-pump trailer 手抬泵拖车porte cochere 车辆门道portland cement 普通〔硅酸盐Porto Power 液压救援设备position 战斗段positive catalyst 正催化剂positive pawl 正棘爪positive pressure air system 正压空气系统positive pressure breathing apparatus 正压式呼吸器具positive pressure fan 正压风扇positive pressure ventilation 正压通风positive pulse 正脉冲positive zone pressurization 分区正压通风positive-displacement pump 正排量泵possible cause 可能原因post burn 伤后时间post earthquake fire 震后火灾post extinguishment atmosphere 灭火后气氛post fire inspection 火灾后检查post flashover fire 轰燃后火灾post hydrant 邮筒式消火栓post indicator valve 示位阀post responsibility 岗位责任post tension concrete 后张法预应力混凝土post 柱post-accident fire 事故后火灾post-disaster damage survey 灾后损害调查post-fire critique 着火后的评论post-ignition fire risk model 起火后火灾危险模型post-ignition model 起火后模型postcrash fire 摔毁后起火postcrash 撞击引起的火灾potable water 饮用水potassium amalgam 钾汞齐potassium base agent 钾基灭火剂potassium bicarbonate powder 碳酸氢钾干粉potassium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钾potassium borohydride 硼氢化钾potassium carbamate 氨基甲酸钾potassium chlorate 氯酸钾potassium chloride 氯化钾potassium fire 钾火灾potassium hydride 氢化钾potassium nitrate 硝酸钾potassium nitrite 亚硝酸钾potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾potassium peroxide 过氧化钾potassium sulfide 硫化钾potassium 钾potassium-sodium alloy 钾合金potato roll 卷成线球状的水带potent ozone-depletion substance 强力的臭氧消耗物质potential hazard 潜在危险potential head 潜水头potential heat value 潜热值potential heat 潜热potential risk 潜在危险potential 电势pouch line 团绳<绕成团状pound 磅poundal 磅达<英制力的单位pour point 倾注点<泡沫呈液态和易于倾倒的最低温度pour-type explosive=powder-type explosive 粉状炸药powder coating 粉末涂料powder explosion suppressant 干粉抑爆剂powder extinguishing agent 干粉灭火剂<干燥的powder extinguishing system 干粉灭火系统powder fire branch 干粉枪powder fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器powder fire monitor 干粉炮powder fire truck 干粉消防车powder gun 干粉炮powder handgun 干粉炮powder hose and handgun 干粉软管和干粉枪powder installation 干粉灭火剂装置powder magazine 火药库powder mixture 火药混合物powder monitor 干粉炮powder nozzle 干粉喷嘴powder release station 干粉施放站powder suppressant 干粉抑爆剂powder technology 粉末技术powder 粉末powder-actuated tool 由起爆火药驱动的工具powder-type explosive 粉状炸药powder-type fire extinguisher 干粉灭火器powdered fuel 固体粉末燃料powderman 爆破员power board 配电板power cable 电力电缆power cell 蓄电池power company 电力公司power cut 切断电源power cutter 机动切割工具power demand 功率需量power distribution unit 配电装置power distribution 配电power divider 功率分配器power factor 功率因数power failure 断电power fuel 动力燃料power generating equipment 发电设备power grid detector 高压电力网探测器power house 发电间power input 功率输入power jet 干粉枪power line 电源线power loss 功率损失power network 电力网power operated door 动力操纵的门power operation 功率操作power outage 功率输出power plant 发电厂power rating 功率定额power saw 机动锯power source 电源power station 动力厂power substation 供电所power supply circuit 供电线路power supply reliability 电源可靠性power supply unit 供电设备power supply 电源power system 动力系统power take-off 动力输出轴power tool 动力工具power train 传动系power transformer 变压器power transmission 动力传输装置power turn-off 断电power turn-on 供电power valve 增力阀power-off protection 断电保护powered industrial truck 工业用机动车辆powerful explosive 烈性炸药powersaw boss 锯工班班长PPBS= planning-programming-budgeting system 规划PPM= parts per million 百万分之PPO= polyphenylene oxide 聚苯醚practical rate of application 实用供给强度<灭火时单位时间practice 训练期prairie fire 草原火灾Prandtl number 普朗特数Pratt truss 普拉特桁架pre-alarm state 预报警状态pre-arranged planning 预案pre-determined assembly point 预定集合点pre-determined attendance 预定的第一出动pre-determined fire plan 灭火作战计划pre-disaster planning 防灾规划pre-emergency planning 事故前预案pre-employment examination 雇佣前的体格检查pre-engineered suppression system 预制标准间的灭火系统pre-engineered system 预先设计的系统pre-flashover temperature estimation 轰燃前温度估算pre-flashover temperature 轰燃前温度pre-incident plan 事前计划pre-incident survey 事前检查pre-mix 预混pre-record voice message broadcast 预先录下的话音信息广播preaction sprinkler system 预作用喷水灭火系统preaction system 预作用灭火系统preaction valve 预作用阀preadolescent firesetter 青春前期放火犯preattack planning 灭火战斗预案preburn time 预燃时间preburning time 预燃时间preburning 预燃precast concrete plank 预制混凝土板precautionary 预防的precipitate 沉淀物<除去沉降物的泡沫液precipitation duration 降水持续期间precipitation 沉淀precombustion 预燃烧preconnect handline 预先连接的小口径水带preconnected line 预先与泵连接的水带prediction of flashover 轰燃预测prefabricated building 装配式房屋prefire information 灾前资料prefire planning 灭火作战计划prefire situation inspection 灭火前环境状况的调查prefire survey 制定灭火作战计划前的调查preflashover period 轰燃前的阶段preheat fire region 预热区preheat zone 预热区preheating 预热preignition phase 提前点火阶段preliminary combustion 预燃preliminary design 初步设计premarking burn 作标记前的烧除<在出售林产品前烧除下层灌木premature burning 炮眼内炸药的过早起爆premature combustion 早燃premature explosion 早爆premature ignition 先期点火premium rate 保险费率premixed flame 预调混合火焰premixed foam solution 预混泡沫溶液premixed solution 预混溶液premixture 预混合物prepared roof covering 预制屋面覆盖层preschool children 学龄前儿童prescribed burning 规定火烧prescription 规定prescriptive code 指令性规范prescriptive nature 指令性preservative 防腐剂preserved tree 保护树Presidential Commission on Fire Prevention and Control 总统授权的火灾预防与控制委员会presignal delay 报警延迟press button 按钮press pump 压力泵pressboard 压制板pressed brick 压制砖pressed fuel 压制燃料pressing plate 压板pressure pick-up 压力感受器pressure actuated alarm switch 压力驱动的报警开关pressure altitude 气压高度pressure atomization 加压喷雾pressure balancing 压力均衡法pressure build-up 压力增大pressure burst= rock burst 岩爆pressure cabin 增压舱pressure capsule 压力传感器pressure combustion 加压燃烧pressure contact 压力接触pressure control device 压力控制装置pressure control 压力控制pressure deluge valve 加压式雨淋阀pressure detector 感压式爆炸探测器pressure difference 压力差pressure drop 压力下降pressure effect 压力效应pressure fluctuation 压力波动pressure gage 压力表pressure gas 压缩气体pressure governor 压力调节器pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure head 压头pressure hole 测压孔pressure hose 压力水带pressure impregnation 加压浸渗pressure jet burner 压力喷嘴燃烧器pressure jet nozzle 压力式射流喷嘴pressure level 承压水位pressure limitation valve 限压阀pressure line 压力水带线pressure loss 压力损失pressure measurement pump 压力测量泵pressure measurement 压力测量pressure medium 液压介质pressure operation 串联工作pressure piping 耐压管线pressure port 压力孔pressure proportioner 压力式比例混合器pressure protection valve 压力保护阀pressure pump 压力泵pressure reducing valve 减压阀pressure regulator service 调节压力的燃料气供给pressure regulator valve 压力调节阀pressure regulator 压力调节器pressure release coupling 释压接口pressure relief device 泄压装置pressure relief opening 泄压口pressure relief valve 减压阀pressure resistance 加压阻力pressure rise 升压pressure seal 加压密封pressure sensing line 压力传感管线pressure setting spring 压力可调节弹簧pressure setting 压力调定pressure side proportioner 压力式比例混合器pressure suit 增压服pressure surge 压力波动pressure switch 压力开关pressure tank car 增压油槽车pressure tank container 压力箱容器pressure tank 压力水箱pressure tap 测压孔pressure test 压力试验pressure transducer 压力变换器pressure type system 气压式系统pressure valve 压力阀pressure vessel code 压力容器规范pressure vessel 压力容器pressure welding 压焊pressure 压力pressure-and-vacuum release valve 压力和真空释放阀pressure-loss operated deluge valve 压力损失动作的雨淋阀pressure-operated switch waterflow alarm 压力动作开关水流报警器pressure-operated switch waterflow initiating device 压力动作开关水流启动装置pressure-operated 压力操纵的pressure-regulating device 调压机构pressure-sensitive adhesive 压敏胶粘剂pressure-treated wood 经加压处理的木材pressure-vacuum gauge 真空压力计pressurevaccuum valve 真空压力阀pressurising 增压pressurization supply fan 增压供气风机pressurization system 增压系统pressurization 增压<将楼梯pressurized air 增压空气pressurized chamber 加压室pressurized container 压力容器pressurized escape route= pressurized evacuation route 正压疏散路线pressurized evacuation route 正压疏散路线<为防止火灾向疏散路线蔓延pressurized flammable liquid 加压的易燃液体pressurized gas cylinder 增压气瓶pressurized gas fire 加压气体火灾pressurized oil system 油压系统pressurized smoke control system 加压送风烟气控制系统pressurized stairway 加压楼梯pressurized stored water unit 加压的储水容器pressurized-type water supply unit 气压给水装置prestressed concrete member 预应力混凝土构件prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土presuppression activity 防火措施prevailing wind 盛行风preventable accident 可防止的事故preventative measure 预防法preventing 预防prevention measure 预防措施prevention patrolman 防火员prevention 预防preventive maintenance 预防性维修preventive measure 预防措施preventive patrolman 护林员primary power supply 主电源primary air 初级空气<供给炉子的所有气体primary alarm circuit 主报警电路primary battery 原电池primary blasting 一次爆破primary combustion air 初级燃烧空气primary combustion 初级燃烧primary damage 财产直接损失primary explosive 起爆药primary filter 初级滤清器。
Filling stationA petrol station, filling station, gas station, fueling station, service station, garage, gasbar, petrol pump or petrol bunk (India) is a facility which sells fuel and lubricants for motor vehicles. The most common fuels sold are petrol (known as gasoline in the United States and Canada, although the term petrol is also understood in Canada) or diesel fuel.Fuel dispensers are used to pump petrol/gasoline, diesel, CNG, CGH2, HCNG, LPG, LH2, ethanol fuel, biofuels like biodiesel, kerosene, or other types of fuel into vehicles. Fuel dispensers are also known as bowsers (in some parts of Australia).[1], petrol pumps (in Commonwealth countries), or gas pumps (in North America).Many filling stations also have small convenience stores, and some also sell propane or butane and have added shops to their primary business. Conversely, some chain stores—supermarkets, discount superstores, warehouse clubs, and traditional convenience stores—offer filling stations on premises.The term "gas station" is mostly used in the US and in Canada, where the fuel is known as "gasoline" or "gas". In some regions of Canada, the term "gas bar" is used. Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, mainly in the Commonwealth, the fuel is known as "petrol", and the term "petrol station" or "petrol pump" is used. In the United Kingdom and South Africa "garage" is still commonly used, even though the petrol station may have no service/maintenance facilities which would justify this description. Similarly, in Australia, the term service station ("servo") describes any petrol station. In Japanese English, it is called a "gasoline stand". In Indian English, it is called a petrol pump or a petrol bunk. In some regions of America and Australia, filling stations have a mechanic on duty, but this is uncommon in other parts of the world.Most filling stations are built in a similar manner, with most of the fueling installation underground, pump machines in the forecourt and a point of service inside a building. Single or multiple fuel tanks are usually deployed underground. Local regulations and environmental concerns may require a different method, with some stations storing their fuel in container tanks, entrenched surface tanks or unprotected fuel tanks deployed on the surface. Fuel is usually offloaded from a tanker truck into the tanks through a separate valve, located on the filling station's perimeter. Fuel from the tanks travels to the dispenser pumps through underground pipes. For every fuel tank, direct access must be available at all times. Most tanks can be accessed through a service canal directly from the forecourt.Older stations tend to use a separate pipe for every kind of available fuel and for every dispenser. Newer stations may employ a single pipe for every dispenser. This pipe houses a number of smaller pipes for the individual fuel types. Fuel tanks, dispenser and nozzles used to fill car tanks employ vapor recovery systems, which prevents releases of vapor into the atmosphere with a system of pipes. The exhausts are placed as high as possible. A vapor recovery system may be employed at the exhaust pipe. This system collects the vapors, liquifies them and releases them back into the lowest grade fuel tank available.The forecourt is the part of a filling station where vehicles are refueled. Fuel dispensers are placed on concrete plinths, as a precautionary measure. Additional elements may be employed, including metal barriers. The area around the fuel dispensers must have a drainage system. Since fuel sometimes spills on the ground, as little of it as possible should penetrate the soil. Drainage canals in the vicinity of the fuel pumps drain all fluids into a waste container.If a filling station allows customers to pay at the register, the data from the dispensers may be transmitted via RS232 or ethernet to the point of sale, usually inside the filling station's building, and fed into the station's cash register operating system. The cash register system gives a limited control over the fuel dispenser, and is usually limited to allowing the clerks to turn the pumps on and off, though the process is usually automatic. A separate system is used to monitor the fuel tank's status and quantities of fuel. With sensors directly in the fuel tank, the data is fed to a terminal in the back room, where it can be downloaded or printed out. Sometimes this method is bypassed, with the fuel tank data transmitted directly into an external database.Some filling stations include tire air pump and automatic car wash facilities with vacuum cleaners.2008年北京奥运会的举行让全中国老老少少都兴起了学英语的热潮,而时隔两年之后,正在举行的上海世博会让全国人名学英语的热情再一次被点燃。
第二部分各章主要内容第1课 History of Automobile本课主要介绍了汽车的发展史。
具体要求如下:一、重点掌握1 词汇:automobile, vehicle, auto, motor vehicle, MPV, engine, internal combustion engine, fuel, gasoline, petrol, diesel, wheel, crankshaft, piston, cylinder, stroke, four-stroke engine, motorcycle, carburetor, assembly line, transportation, spark plug, front, rear, body2 句子:1)The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile.2)An internal combustion engine is any engine that uses the explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston within a cylinder - the piston's movement turns a crankshaft that then turns the car wheels via a chain or a drive shaft.二、一般掌握1.课文后的词汇2.阅读课文,基本理解。
Automobile Component English第一章汽车配件英语第一节电控系统部件英语(Electronic Control System English)一.发动机电控系统(Engine Electronic Control System)EECS(发动机电控系统engine electronic control system)EFI(电控燃油喷射系统electronic fuel injection)ESA(电控点火系统electronic spark advance)ECU(信息处理器electronic control unit)ISC(怠速控制系统idle speed comtrol)AFS(空气流量传感器air flow sensor)CPS和CIS(曲轴位置传感器crankshaft position sensor和凸轮轴位置传感器cylinder identification sensor)CTS(冷却液温度传感器coolant temperature sensor)TPS(节气门位置传感器throttle position sensor)KS(爆燃传感器knock sensor)IATS(进气温度传感器intake air temperature )OS(氧传感器oxygen sensor)VSS(车速传感器vehicle speed sensor)NSS(空挡安全开关信号neutral start switch)IGN(点火开关信号lgnition switch)A/C(空调air conditioning switch)STA(启动开关starter switch )ISC或ISCV(怠速控制阀idle speed control valve)MAF(空气流量计mass air flow)ACIS(谐波进气增压系统acoustic control induction system ) VTEC(可变配气相位控制系统valve timing electronic system)EV AP(汽油蒸汽排放控制系统evaporative emission control system) EGR(废弃再循环控制系统exhaust gas recirculation)TWC(三元催化器three way catalyst converter)二.自动变速器电控系统auto-transmission electronic control systemO/D switch(超速档开关)Mode switch(模式开关)(Economy)经济模式(Power)动力模式(Snow)雪地模式(Normal)普通模式(Manual)手动模式ECT(电控自动变速器)三.其他控制系统other electronic control systemABS(防抱死制动系统anti-lock braking system)CCS(巡航控制系统cruise control system)SRS[安全气囊系统(辅助防护系统)]安全气囊系统supplemental restraint system第二节发动机主要零部件英语一.汽油发动机组件petrolic engine subassembly二.正时带组件timing belt subassembly三.机油泵组件oil pump subassembly。
外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 国内混合动力汽车发展
China Hybrid Electric Vehicle DevelopmentWith the depletion of oil resources, increase awareness of environmental protection, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensus of all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent innovation of new energy vehicles in the process, adhere to the government support to core technology, key components and system integration focusing on the principles established in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as a "three vertical "To vehicle control systems, motor drive systems, power battery / fuel cell for the "three horizontal" distribution of R & D, through close links between production cooperation, China's independent innovation of hybrid cars has made significant progress.With completely independent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) technology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has established a hybrid electric vehicle power system through Cooperative R & D technology platforms and systems, made a series of breakthroughs for vehicle development has laid a solid foundation. As of January 31, 2009,Technology in hybrid vehicles, China Intellectual Property Office to receive and open for the 1116 patent applications in China. In 1116 patent applications, invention 782 (authority for the 107), utility model for the 334.Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various types of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fueleconomy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%. Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R & D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. Currently, domestic automakers have hybrid vehicles as the next major competitive products in the strategic high priority, FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC Motor, Changan, Chery, BYD, etc. have put a lot of manpower, material resources,Hybrid prototyping has been completed, and some models have achieved low-volume market.FAW GroupDevelopment Goal: By 2012, the Group plans to build an annual capacity of 11,000 hybrid cars, hybrid bus production base of 1000.FAW Group since 1999 and a new energy vehicles for theoretical research and development work, and the development of a red car performance hybrid sample. "15" period, the FAW Group is committed to the national "863" major project in the "red card in series hybrid electric vehicle research and development" mission, officially began the research and development of new energy vehicles. Beginning in 2006, FAW B70 in the Besturn, based on the technology for hybrid-based research, the original longitudinal into transverse engine assembly engine assembly, using a transverse engine and dual-motor hybrid technology. At the same time, FAW also pay close attention to the engine, mechanical and electrical integration, transmission, vehicle control networks, vehicle control systems development, the current FAW hybrid electric car has achieved 42% fuel saving effect, reached the international advanced level.Jiefang CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric BusFAW "Liberation brand CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric Bus" project is a national "863" electric vehicle major projects funded project, with pure electric drive, the engine alone drives (and charge), the joint drive motor starts the engine, and sliding regenerative braking 5 kinds of basic operation. The power hybrid electric bus and economy to the leading level, 38% fuel economy than traditional buses, emissions reduced by 30%.Red Flag CA7180AE hybrid carsRed Flag hybrid cars CA7180AE according to the national "863 Plan" is the first in complete with industrial prospects of the car, it is built on the basis of red car with good performance and operational smoothness. Series which is a hybrid sedan, the luxury car ,0-100km acceleration time of 14s, fuel-efficient than traditional cars by about 50%, Euro Ⅲemission standard.Besturn B70 hybrid carsBesturn B70 Hybrid cars using petrol - electric hybrid approach. Dual motor power system programs, mixed degree of 40/103, is all mixed (Full-Hybrid, also known as re-mixed) configurations. Besturn B70 Hybrid cars are petrol version costs two to three times Besturn models, mass production will be gradually reduced after the costs, even if this hybrid version Besturn market, the price certainly higher than the existing Besturn models, but high the price of petrol will not exceed 30% version of Besturn models.SAICDevelopment Goals: 2010 launch in the mixed hybrid cars, plug-in 2012, SAIC strong mix of cars and pure electric cars will be on the market.In the R & D on new energy vehicles, SAIC made clear to focus on hybrid, fuel cell for the direction, and speed up the development of alternative products. Hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles as a new energy strategy SAIC three key.2010 SAIC Roewe 750 hybrid cars in the mix will be put on the market, during the World Expo in Shanghai, SAIC will put 150 hybrid cars in the Expo Line on the River Run. 2012 Roewe 550 plug-in hybrid cars will be strong market, the current car's power system has been launched early development and progress.Apply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1stApply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1st Academy of Engineering by the SAIC and Shanghai Jiaotong University and other units jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights. Existing cities in the Sunwin Bus Powerplatform, "the new dynamic application No. 1" uses a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drive program, so that hybrid electric vehicle operating conditions in the electric air-conditioning, steering, braking and other accessories still able to work without additional electric system, while use of super capacitors, to improve starting power, braking energy recovery efficiency, thereby enhancing vehicle dynamic performance, reduce fuel consumption. Car length 10m, width 2.5m, high-3.2m, can accommodate 76 people.Roewe 750 hybrid carsRoewe 750 hybrid cars in the mixed system with BSG (Belt drive start generating one machine), with "smart stop zero-emission" and "environmental protection and the power of both the" two prominent features of a top speed of 205 km / h, the maximum added driving range of up to 500 km. As for the industrialization of SAIC's first own-brand hybrid car, the Roewe 750 hybrid integrated hybrid fuel-efficient cars can achieve rates of around 20%.Dongfeng Motor GroupDevelopment Goals: Plans move into 33 billion in 10 years to develop a range of environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles, including cars.EQ7200HEV hybrid carsEQ7200HEV hybrid cars are "863" project of major projects and major strategic projects of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The car is EQ7200-Ⅱmodel (Fengshen Bluebird cars) is based on an electronically controlled automatic transmission with innovative electromechanical coupling in parallel programs, configure DC brushless motor and nickel-hydrogen batteries, plans to "10 5 "during the industrialization. Industrialization, the vehicle cost more than EQ7200 cars increase in costs ≤30%.EQ61100HEV Hybrid Electric BusEQ61100HEV electric hybrid bus by Dongfeng Vehicle Company Limited Joint Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Textile Co., Ltd. and Hunan sharp Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed Shenzhou. EQ61100HEV hybrid electric bus with switched reluctance motor, Cummins ISBe1504 cylinder common rail electronic injection diesel engine, new chassis design of the system,electronically controlled automatic transmission and innovative electromechanical coupling parallel program. In the annual output reached 200, the vehicle cost more than the increase in automobile engine equipped with 6CT ≤30%.China ChanganDevelopment Goals: the next three years, the formation of different grades, different purposes, carry a different system of mixed platforms, weak mix of scale, strong mixed industrial R & D capabilities, covering commercial, A grade, B grade, C grade products. 2014 will achieve sales of new energy vehicles 150 000 2020 sales of new energy vehicles for more than 500,000."Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, Chang-an increased investment in clean energy vehicles, a diversified energy technologies to carry out exploratory research. Environmental protection through energy-saving models continues to introduce new technology to lead the industry to upgrade and fully utilize and mobilize global resources, Chang'an in the middle hybrid cars, hybrid cars and other technological strength of the field are explored. Chang's first hybrid car long Anjie Xun HEV was successfully listed in June 2009; the first batch of 20 hybrid taxis Long An Zhixiang in January of this year officially put into operation in Chongqing.CheryDevelopment Goals: after 2010, more than half of Chery's products carry different levels of hybrid systems.From 2003 to 2008, mainly mixed with moderate Chery hybrid cars and energy saving system development, and industrialization; Chery in Wuhu, a taxi has been carried out on probation, fuel consumption will be reduced by 10% to 30% to reach Europe ⅣStandard. Since 2004, Chery hybrid cars mainly for the development of strong and industrialization. Chery hybrid car fuel consumption target to reach 100 km 3 liters, to reach Europe and the United States emissions regulations.Chery A5BSGChery A5BSG is a weak parallel hybrid electric car, using fuel engines, electric engines complementary mode, the two different power sources in the car while driving to work together or separately, through this combination to achieve the leastfuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in order to achieve fuel efficiency and environmental protection purposes. Compared with the conventional car, the car in urban conditions can save 10% -15% of fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12%, while costs increased by only about 25% -30%.Chery A5ISGChery A5 ISG hybrid power system consists of "1.3L gasoline engine + 5-speed manual transmission +10 kW motor +144 V Ni-MH battery," the composition of the battery system used by the Johnson Controls developed "plug-in" nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), motor with permanent magnet synchronous motor and with the motor control system, inverter and DC / DC converters. The system enables the vehicle power to 1.6L displacement level and rate of 30% fuel savings and significantly reduce the emissions of Euro V standards.Cherry A3ISGChery A3 ISG has 1.3L473F gasoline engine and equipped with 10KW motor. By gasoline engines and electric motors with torque overlay approach to dynamic mixed to provide the best vehicle power operating efficiency and energy saving environmental protection goals. Chery A3 ISG also has Stop_Restart the idling stop function such as flame start to start (BSG function), to reduce red light in the vehicle stopped or suspended when the fuel consumption and emissions expenses.FY 2BSGFY 2 BSG carry 1.5LSQR477F inline four-cylinder engine configuration BSG start / stop and so one electric motor, red light in the vehicle stopped the driver into the gap, it will automatically enter standby mode to turn off the engine, starting moments after the entry block automatically start the engine. FY 2 BSG vehicle average fuel consumption than the 1.5L petrol cars reduce about 5-10%, average fuel consumption can be reduced up to 15%.BYD AutoDevelopment Goal: to electric cars as a transitional mode, the electric car as the ultimate goal, the development of new energy cars BYD.BYD follow the "independent research and development, independent production, independent brand" development path, and the "core technology, vertical integration" development strategy, as the transition to dual-mode electric vehicles, electric vehicles as the ultimate goal, the development of BYD new energy vehicles.国内混合动力汽车发展随着石油资源的枯竭、人们环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车及电动汽车将成为新世纪前几十年汽车发展的主流,并成为我国汽车界所有业内人士的共识。
Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
Swamp: 沼泽,湿地Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
Service rig: 修井设备;修井机Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
教材知识解读 必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages Around the World
3.That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.(be of+抽象名词) 这种书写体系在凝聚中华民族和中华文化方面具有重要意义。 4.Even today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak,they can all still communicate in writing.(no matter where引导的 状语从句) 即使在今天,不论住在哪里,也不论说何种方言,中国人都仍能通过书 写(文字)进行交流。
7.specific adj.特定的;明确的;具体的 →specifically adv.特定地;明确地
8.beg vt.恳求;祈求;哀求 →beggar n.乞丐
9.equal n.同等的人;相等物 adj.相同的;同样的 →equally adv.平等地 →equality n.平等
10.demand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问 →demanding adj.要求高的
语境 填词
请先从表格中选用本单元所学词汇完成下列短文,然后核对答案并 背诵该短文。
When 1. referring to English,we know English is widely used in global affairs.No matter what kind of English people are speaking, native speakers have no trouble understanding the words like “gas”, “petrol” , “subway” , “apartment” , “pants” , “semester” and other words 2. despite the small differences in vocabulary.
AAE American Association of Engineers 美国工程师协会AB air bag安全气囊ABS anti-lock brake system 防抱死制动系统AC alternating current 交流电air conditioner 空调器automobile club汽车俱乐部ADL automatic door clock 自动门锁AEC automobile emission control 汽车排放控制AIME American institute of mechanical engineers美国机械工程师协会AIAE American institute of automobile engineers美国汽车工程师协会A/M automatic/manual自动/手动AMT automatic machincal transmission机械式自动变速器APC automatic performance control爆震自动控制系统ASC anti-slip control驱动防滑控制系统AT automatic transmission 自动变速器ATA anti-thief alarm防盗报警ATC automatic temperature control自动温度控制ATS anti-thief system防盗系统AWD all-wheel drive全轮驱动AWS all-wheel steering全轮转向BWI body in white白车身CAD computer-aided design计算机辅助设计CAM computer-aided management计算机辅助设计CAN controller area network 控制器区域网络CCS cruise control system 巡航控制系统CNG compressed natural gas压缩天然气CIM computer-integrated manufacturing system计算机集成制造系统CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission (带式)无级变速器CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle(本田)舒适休闲车DC drag coefficient风阻系数digital control数字控制ldirect current直流电DCI direct cylinder injection 直接喷入汽缸DCS deceleration control system减速控制系统DEFI digital electronic fuel injection 数字式电子控制燃油喷射D-EFI 压力计量空气流量的电控燃油系统DFI digital fuel injection数字式燃油喷射Direct fuel injection直接燃油喷射DCM diagnostic control mode诊断控制模块DI direct injection 直接喷射DI diesel engine 直喷式柴油发动机DI gasoline engine 直喷式汽油发动机DOHC double overhead camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴DPB dual power brake 双回路助力制动DTC diagnostic trouble code 诊断故障码EAT electronic automatic transmission 电控自动变速器EAS electronic (control) air suspension电子控制空气悬架EBS electronic brake system 电子制动系EBTC electronic brake and traction control 制动和牵引力电子控制ECD electronic control diesel 电子控制柴油机ECI electronic control injection电子控制喷射ECI-turbo electronic control injection turbo电子控制燃油喷射涡轮增压发动机ECS Engine Control System 发动机控制系统Electronic control suspension电子控制悬架Electronic Control System 电子控制系统ECU electronic control unit 电子控制模块EFI electronic fuel injection 电子控制燃油喷射EGR exhaust-gas recirculation废气再循环EHPS electronic hydrostatic power steering 电子液压蛀力转向EHV electric and hybrid vehicle 电动和混合动力汽车ECVT eletro-continuously variable (belt) transmission 电子控制(带式)无级变速器EGI electronic gasoline injection 电子汽油喷射EPI electronic petrol injection 电子汽油喷射ESC electronic spark control 电子点火控制electric suspension control system电子控制悬架电子控制悬架ESP electronic stability program电子稳定程序ESCS electronic suspension control system 电子悬架控制系统ETC electronic traction control 电子牵引力控制装置ETS exhaust-gas-turbo-supercharger 废气涡轮增压器Euro 2 欧洲第二阶段排放限制标准EEC European economic community 欧共体ETCC European touring car championship 欧洲房(旅游、高性能)车锦标赛F1 Formula 1 一级方程式(汽车赛)FES Federal emission standard (美)联邦排放标准FF front front(发动机)前置前驱动FMS flexible manufacturing system 柔性制造系统FR front rear(发动机)前置后驱动FWD four wheel drive 四轮驱动Front wheel drive前轮驱动FWS four-wheel steering 四轮转向GT grand touring(轿车分类)高性能类,房车类,旅游类GTCC German touring car championship 德国房车冠军赛GPS global positioning system 全球卫星定位系统HTV hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车HUD head up display 抬头显示,前窗玻璃映像显示HV hybrid vehicle 混合动力车HC hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物ICE internal combustion engine 内燃机ICS intercooler system中冷系统IDI indirect fuel injection 间接燃油喷射IEEE institute of electrical and electronics engineers(美)电气与电子工程师学会IFS independent front suspension 前轮独立悬架INFLATABLE RESTRAINT (仪表板字符)安全气囊指示灯ISO international standard organization 国际标准化组织LAN local area network 局域网LCD liquid crystal display 液晶显示LNG liquefied natural gas 液化天然气LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LMG liquefied mathane gas液化甲烷气MAN manual 手动的MT manual transmission手动变速器MIL malfunction indicator lamp 故障指示灯MPFI multi port fuel injection 多点燃油喷射MPI multi point injection 多点喷射MPV multipurpose vehicle多用途车NCAP new car assessment program 新型汽车鉴定程序NG netural gas 天然气NOX nitrogen oxide 氮氧化和物OBD system on-board diagnostic system 车载诊断装置PCV positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风PS power steering 动力转向PUC pickup car 客货两用小汽车,皮卡PU foam polyurethane foam 聚氨酯泡沫塑料PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯RC engine rotary combustion engine 转子发动机RR rear rear(发动机)后置后驱动RV recreational vehicle 休闲车RWD rear-wheel drive 后轮驱动SAE society of automotive engineers,Inc. (美)汽车工程师学会SAMT semi-automatical transmission 半自动机械式变速器SFI sequential fuel injection顺序式燃油喷射SEPFI sequential electronic port fuel injection顺序电子燃油喷射SLV sport luxury vehicle 运动型豪华多用途车SLS sport luxury sedan 运动型豪华轿车ST sport touring car 运动型旅行车SUV sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车SRD spin resistant differential 防滑差速器SRS supplemental restraint system 辅助约束装置(又称安全气囊)SRT street racing technology 公路赛车技术TBI throttle body fuel injection 节气门体燃油喷射TC technical center 技术中心Traffic control交通控制Turbo charger涡轮增压器Turbocharged coupe涡轮增压双门跑车TCC transaxle converter clutch 变矩器离合器,变速驱动桥TCCS Toyota computer controlled system 丰田计算机控制系统TCS traction control system 牵引力控制系统TD turbo diesel 涡轮增压柴油机TDI turbo-DI涡轮增压柴油机TFT thin film transistor 薄膜液晶管TUV Toyota universal vehicle 丰田多用途车T-VIS Toyota variable induction system丰田可变进气系统TWC three-way catalyst三元催化转换器TWD two-wheel drive两轮驱动UTCS urban traffic control system 城市公交管理系统VSC vehicle speed control 车辆速度控制Vehicle stability control 车辆稳定控制装置VTSS vehicle theft security system 车辆防盗安全系统VIVT variable inlet-valve timing 可变进气门正时V-TCS viscous traction control system 粘性牵引力控制系统。
T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSFORD B-MAX SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCE AND ECONOMYFuel consumptionl/100 km (mpg)PerformanceEngine Power(PS)CO2(g/km)UrbanExtraUrbanCombinedMaxspeedkm/h(mph)0-100km/h0-62 mph(sec)50-100km/h31-62 mph(sec)*1.5 TDCi (5-sp man) s/s 75 98 4.0 (70.6) 3.6 (78.5) 3.8 (74.3) 157 (98) 15.1 15.9 1.5 TDCi (5-sp man) s/s 95 98 4.0 (70.6) 3.6 (78.5) 3.8 (74.3) 173 (108) 13.0 13.8 1.0 EcoBoost (5-sp man) 100 119 6.6 (42.8) 4.3 (65.7) 5.1 (55.4) 175 (109) 13.2 12.1 1.0 EcoBoost (5-sp man) s/s 100 114 6.0 (47.1)4.2 (67.3) 4.9 (57.7) 175 (109) 13.2 12.1 1.0 EcoBoost (5-sp man) s/s 125 114 6.0 (47.1) 4.2 (67.3) 4.9 (57.7) 189 (117) 11.2 9.7 1.4 petrol (5-sp man) 90 139 7.9 (35.8) 4.9 (57.7)6.0 (47.1) 171 (106) 13.8 20.4 1.6 TiVCT (6-sp PowerShift) 105 1498.6 (32.8) 5.1 (55.4) 6.4 (44.1) 180 (112) 12.1 n/a * in fourth gearWEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONSWeightsKerb weight (kg)#GrossVehicleMass(kg)GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg)Max.TowableMass(unbraked)(kg)1.5 TDCi 75 PS (5-sp man) s/s 1316 1775 2280 575 5751.5 TDCi 95 PS (5-sp man) s/s 1316 1775 2280 575 5751.0 EcoBoost 100 PS (5-sp man) 1274 1745 2495 750 6351.0 EcoBoost 100 PS (5-sp man)s/s1279 1759 2500 750 6351.0 EcoBoost 125 PS (5-sp man)s/s1279 1750 2500 750 6351.4 Duratec (5-sp man) 1275 1720 2345 675 6351.6 TiVCT (6-sp PowerShift) 1309 1760 2345 480 480# Represents the lightest kerbweight assuming driver at 75 kg, full fluid levels and 90% fuel levels, subject to manufacturing tolerances and options, etc., fitted.Towing limits quoted represent the maximum towing ability of the vehicle at its Gross Vehicle Mass to restart on a 12 per cent gradient at sea level. The performance and economy of all models will be reduced when used for towing. Nose weight limit is a maximum of 65 kg on all models. Roof weight limit is a maximum of 60 kg on all models. Gross Train Mass includes trailer weightDimensionsDimensions (mm)ExteriorOverall length 4077Overall width with/without mirrors 2067/1751Overall width with folded back mirrors 1857Overall height 1604Wheelbase 2489InteriorFront headroom 1017Front max legroom (lowest rearmost seating posn) 1103Front shoulder room 1365Rear headroom 988Rear legroom 939Rear shoulder room 1356Luggage capacity (litres)‡5-seat mode, laden to package tray (with mini spare) 3045-seat mode, laden to package tray (with tyre repair kit) 3182-seat mode, laden to roof (with mini spare) 13722-seat mode, laden to roof (with tyre repair kit) 1386Fuel tank capacity (litres)Petrol/Diesel 48/47Turning Circle (metres) 10.45‡ Measured in accordance with ISO 3832. Dimensions may vary dependent on the model and equipment fitted.PETROL ENGINES1.6-litre Ti-VCT(105PS) 1.0-litre EcoBoost (100PS, 125PS)Type Inline four cylinder petrol with Ti-VCT,transverse Inline three cylinder turbo petrol, direct fuel injection and Ti-VCT, transverseDisplacement cm31596 999Bore mm 79.0 71.9Stroke mm 81.4 82.0 Compressionratio11.0:1 10.0:1Max power PS (kW) 105 (77) 100 (74) 125 (92) at rpm 6300 6000 6000 Max torque Nm 150 170 170 (200 withtransientoverboost) at rpm 4200 1400-4000 1400-4500Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder,twin independent variable cam timingDOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, twin independent variable cam timingCylinders 4 in line 3 in lineCylinder head Cast aluminium Cast aluminiumCylinder block Cast aluminium Cast ironCamshaft drive Timing belt with dynamic tensioner Low friction Belt-in-Oil with dynamictensionerCrankshaft Cast iron, 4 counterweights, 5 mainbearings Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 mainbearingsEngine management Siemens ECM EMS2101 16 Bit Bosch MED17 with CAN-Bus andindividual cylinder knock controlFuel injection Electronic port fuel injection High pressure direct fuel injection with 6hole injectorsEmission level Euro Stage 6 Euro Stage 6 Turbocharger n/a Continental low inertia turboLubrication system Pressure-fed lubrication system with fullflow oil filterElectronically controlled variabledisplacement oil pump for improved fueleconomySystem capacitywith filterlitres 4.1 4.1Cooling system Water pump with thermostat and valves Split cooling system with 2 thermostats System capacityincl heaterlitres 5.5 6.3Transmission PowerShift 6-speed dual clutch auto 5-speed manualGear ratios6th 0.7025th 0.8674th 1.0213rd 1.4362nd 2.4291st 3.917 Reverse 3.508 Final Drive 4.105 5th 0.6894th 0.8783rd 1.2062nd 1.9261st 3.583 Reverse 3.615 Final Drive 3.611.4-litre(90PS)Type Inline four cylinder petrol, transverse Displacement cm31388Bore mm 76.0Stroke mm 76.5Compressionratio11.0:1Max power PS (kW) 90 (66)at rpm 5750Max torque Nm 125at rpm 4000Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder Cylinders 4 in lineCylinder head Cast aluminiumCylinder block Cast aluminium Camshaft drive Timing belt with dynamic tensioner Crankshaft Cast iron, 4 counterweights, 5 mainbearingsEnginemanagementPCMFuel injection Electronic port fuel injection Emission level Euro Stage 6 Turbocharger n/aLubrication system Pressure-fed lubrication system with fullflow oil filterSystem capacitywith filterlitres 4.1Cooling system Water pump with thermostat and valves System capacityincl heaterlitres 5.5Transmission Durashift 5-speed manualGear ratios5th 0.7564th 0.9513rd 1.2812nd 1.9261st 3.583Reverse 3.615Final Drive 4.250DIESEL ENGINES1.5-litre TDCi(75PS) 1.5-litre TDCi(95PS)Type Inline four cylinder turbo diesel,transverse Inline four cylinder turbo diesel,transverseDisplacement cm31498 1498 Bore mm 73.5 73.5 Stroke mm 88.3 88.3 Compressionratio16.0:1 16.0:1 Max power PS (kW) 75 (55) 95 (70) at rpm 3750 3750 Max torque Nm 190 215 at rpm 1750 1750Valve gear SOHCwith 2 valves per cylinderSOHCwith 2 valves per cylinderCylinders 4 in line 4 in line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast aluminium Cast aluminium Camshaft drive Timing belt Timing belt Crankshaft Steel forging Steel forgingEngine managementFord Common Rail DieselEngine Management SystemFord Common Rail DieselEngine Management SystemFuel injection High pressure common raildiesel injection system with 8hole nano sac nozzle injectorsHigh pressure common rail diesel injection system with 8 hole nano sac nozzle injectorsEmission level Euro Stage 6 Euro Stage 6Turbocharger Honeywell variable geometryturbo Honeywell variable geometryturboLubricationsystemVariable flow oil pump Variable flow oil pump System capacity litres 3.8 3.8Cooling system Water pump with thermostatand valves, with thermalmanagement system Water pump with thermostat and valves, with thermalmanagement systemSystem capacity litres 5.8 5.8 Transmission 5-speed manual 5-speed manual Gear ratios5th 0.6894th 0.8783rd 1.2062nd 1.9261st 3.583 Reverse 3.615 Final Drive 3.375th 0.6894th 0.8783rd 1.2062nd 1.9261st 3.583 Reverse 3.615 Final Drive 3.37Note: The declared fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors play a role in determining a car's fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warming. Results in MPG also correspond to this European drive cycle and are stated in imperial gallons. The results may differ from fuel economy figures in other regions of the world due to the different drive cycles and regulations used in those markets.Note: The data information in this press release reflects preliminary specifications and was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford policy is one of continuous product improvement. The right is reserved to change these details at any time.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in Dearborn, Mich., manufactures or distributes automobiles across six continents. With about 195,000 employees and 66 plants worldwide, the company’s automotive brands include Ford and Lincoln. The company provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company. For more information regarding Ford and its products worldwide, please visit .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 53,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and approximately 68,000 people when joint ventures and unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 24 manufacturing facilities (16 wholly owned or consolidated joint venture facilities and 8 unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contacts: Finn ThomasenFord of Europe+44 1268 401908*****************。
P Park 停车P Pattern Select Switch 模式选择开关P *Parking *Power *Positive *Pitch *Pilot lamp *Page *Pair *Ply *(AT车)驻车位置 *动力 *正极 *节距 *引导灯 *页数 *对 *层数P Park 停车场P Peta 拍P Pico 皮P Page 页P Pitch 螺距,周节,纵倾P Ply (帘布的)层P Positive 正的,正数P Power 功率P Passable 可以通行P Pressure 压力P-AIR Pulse Air Induction Reactor 二次空气导入装置P-Y-R Pitch-Yaw-Roll 纵倾,横倾,横摆P.C. Pitch Circle 节圆P.D. Pitch Diameter 节圆直径P.F. Power Factor 功率因数P.S. Petrol Station 加油站P.T.O. Power Takeoff 动力输出P.U. Pickup 小型货车P/B Power Brakes 动力刹车P/C Printed Circuit 印刷电路P/C Parts Catalog 零件目录P/N Park/Neutral 驻车/空档P/S Powder Steering 动力转向P/S Pres Sw Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PAB Power-Assisted Brake 助力制动PACV Pulse Air Check Valve (排气负压)脉冲空气止回阀PAF Pulse Air Feeder (排气负压)脉冲供气装置PAI or PAIR Pulse Air Injection (排气负压)脉冲空气喷射PAIR Pulse Air Injection Reaction System 二次喷气净化装置PAN Peroxy Acy1nitrate 光化学烟雾PAS Pulse Air Solenoid or System (排气负压)脉冲空气电磁阀或系统PAS Pulse Air Solenoid 脉冲输送空气电磁线圈PASS Passenger 乘客PASS. Passenger 乘客(侧)PAT Patent 专利PAV Pressure-Actuated-Venting 压力动作放气稳压阀PBD Pitch Circle Diameter 节圆直径PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PC Program Controlled 程(序)控(制)PC Piece 个,件PC Prechamber(engine) 预燃室式发动机PC-SOL Purge Control Solenoid 净化控制电磁阀PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板PCC Part-Load Cylinder Cutout (system) 部分负荷时停缸系统PCF Pounds Per Cubic Foot 磅/立方英尺PCI Prechamber Injection (combustion process) 预燃室喷射燃烧过程PCM Powertrain Control Module 传动系统控制模组PCOV Purge Control Valve 碳罐控制阀PCSDM Passenger Compartment Sensor/DiagnosticModule 乘客厢传感器/自诊模组PCT Precombustion Chamber Turbocharged 预燃室式涡轮增压柴油机PCTA Precombustion Chamber TurbochargedAftercooled 预燃室式涡轮增压后冷柴油机PCU Power Conditioning Unit 功率调节装置PCU Power Control Unit 功率控制装置PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风系统PCV Purge Control Valve 净化控制阀PCV Pressure Control Valve 压力控制阀,调压阀PCV VALVE Positive Crankcase VentilationValve 曲轴箱强制通风阀PD Protective Devices 保护装置PECV Power Enrichment Control Valve 强力加浓控制阀PET. Petrol 汽油PET. Petroleum 石油PETRL Petroleum 石油PEVR Power Enrichment Vacuum Regulator 电动增浓真空调节器PF Picofarad 皮法(电容单位,旧称微微法) PFAC Pedal Free Auto Choke 免踏板自动阻风PFE Exhaust Pressure Transducer 废气压力传感器PFE Pressure Feedback Electronic EGR 压力反馈电子EGRPFI Port Fuel Injection 进气燃油式喷射系统PFI or PGM-FI Programmed Fuel Injection 程式控制燃料喷射PGCV Purge Control Valve 碳罐控制阀PGM-CARB Programmed Carburetor 电脑控制化油器(本田) PGM-FI Programmed Fuel Injection(HONDA) 本田程序燃油喷射PH Potential of Hydrogen PH值,氢离子浓度指数PHCV Power Heat Control Valve 电热控制阀PHDV Power Heat Delay Valve 电热延迟阀PHE Programmable High Energy(ignitionsystem) 可编程序向能点火系统PI Petrol-Injection 汽油喷射的PIN Product Identification Number 产品识别码PIP Profile Igntion PickUp 表面点火感测PIST Piston 活塞PK,PK Park 停车场PKG Package 行李箱PKG. Package 组. 套PL *Pay load *Pilot Light *计酬负荷 *引导灯PL Part Load 部分负荷PLBS Partial Lean Burn System 局部稀值燃烧系统PLS Pulsating Air System 脉动空气进气系统PM Preventive Maintenance 预防保养PM Powder Matallurgy 粉末冶金PNEU Pneumatic 气体的,气压PNK Pink 粉红PNL Panel 格子板,板PNP SWITCH Park/Neutral Position Switch 空档/停车档开关POS Positive 正极Postn. Position 位置Pot. Potentiometer 电位计PPF Pounds Per Foot 磅/英尺PPG Pulses Per Gallon 每加仑脉冲数PPL Purple 紫色PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一PPS Ported Pressure Switch (节气门)通气孔压力开关PPS Progressive Power Steering 进级式动力转向PQC Production Quality Control 产品质量控制PR Ply Rating 层数(轮胎强度)PR Ply-Rating(of tires) 多层胎PR-CV Pressure Control Valve 压力控制阀PR.REGUL Pressure Regulatior 压力调节器PRC Programmable Ride Control 编程式的悬挂控制PRES Pressure 压力PRESS.REGUL Pressure Regulator 压力调节器PRGMR Programmer 编程器PRGMR. Primary 一次, 低压PRI Primary 一次侧(低压侧)PRNDL Park/Reverse/Neutral/Drive/Low 停车/倒车/空档/驾驶/低速PROCC (Ford) Programmed Controlled Combustion (system) 福特发动机程序控制燃烧系统PROG Programmable 可编程的PROM Programmable Read Only Memory 可编程只读存储器Prom. Programmable 可编程式PRTL Partial 局部PRV Pressure Regulating Valve 压力调节器PRY Primary 一次PS Push Switch 按压开关PS Power Steering 动力转向PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯PS Pneumatic Suspension 空气悬挂PS Power-Assisted Stecring 助力转向PSCU Power Steering Control Unit 动力方向盘电脑盒PSD Partical Shut Down 部分气缸停止工作PSG Pressure Compensated Simple Governor带压力补偿的简易调节器PSI Pound Per Square Inch 磅/平方英寸PSIA Pound Per Square Inch Absolute 压强每平方英寸磅PSON Programmable Speedometer/ OdometerModule 可编程速度表/里程表电脑盒PSOV Purge Shutoff Valve 净化开关阀PSP Power Steering Pressure 动力转向压力PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PSR Power Steering Relay 动力方向盘继电器PSS Pattern Select Switch 样式选择开关PSTC Power Steering Test Connector 动力方向盘测试接头PSV Pulse Air Shutoff Valve 脉冲空气切换阀PSV Public Service Vehicle 公共汽车PSV Power Steering Valve 动力转向阀PT Part Throttle 节气门部分开启,部分油门PT. Pint 品脱(英制重量单位)PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient 温度系数PTCH Positive Temperature CoefficientHeater 正温度系数加温器PTE.STA. Petrol Station 加油站(英)PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PTO Power Take Off 关闭电源PTOS Power Takeoff System 动力分导系统Pts Pints 品脱(1/8加仑)PTU Partial Throttle Unlock 部分节气门开启PURGE CV Purge Control Valve(canister purge valve) 净化控制阀(碳罐净化阀)PV Pulse Air Valve 脉冲空气阀PVA Ported Vacuum Advance (节气门)真空孔真空提前PVBrk Primary Vacuum Break 基本真空中断PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PVCS Power Vlave Control System 动力阀控制系统PVFFC Pressure/Vacuum Fuel Filler Cap 压力/真空加油盖PVS Ported Vacuum Switch 真空孔开关PW Pulse Width 脉冲宽度PWM Pulse Width Modulated 调谐脉冲宽度Pwr Power 电源,动力PWRGND Power Ground 电源接地PX Pistion Engine 活塞发动机QQ *Quation *Quantity *质问 *量Q Quantity 数量Q Quarter 四分之一,一刻钟,季度Q Question 问题Q.D. Quick Detachable 可快速拆卸的QC Quality Control 质量控制QEAV Quick Exhaust Air Valve 快速排气阀QOS Quick On Start System (五十铃)快速预热系统QOS Quick Exhaut Valve 快速起动装置QPS Quick Pulse System (五十铃)二次空气导入装置QRV Quick Release Valve 快速泄放阀QSSI (Isuzu)Quick Start and Silent IdlingSystem 五十发动机快速起动与低噪声怠速系统QT. Quart 夸脱(英制容量单位)QTS. Quarts 夸特QTY Quantity 数量QTZ Quartz 石英。
P汽车维修技术缩略语英汉对照PP Park 停车P Pattern Select Switch 模式选择开关P *Parking *Power *Positive *Pitch *Pilot lamp *Page *Pair *Ply*(AT车)驻车位置*动力*正极*节距*引导灯*页数*对*层数P Park 停车场P Peta 拍P Pico 皮P Page 页P Pitch 螺距,周节,纵倾P Ply (帘布的)层P Positive 正的,正数P Power 功率P Passable 可以通行P Pressure 压力P-AIR Pulse Air Induction Reactor 二次空气导入装置P-Y-R Pitch-Yaw-Roll 纵倾,横倾,横摆P.C. Pitch Circle 节圆P.D. Pitch Diameter 节圆直径P.F. Power Factor 功率因数P.S. Petrol Station 加油站P.T.O. Power Takeoff 动力输出P.U. Pickup 小型货车P/B Power Brakes 动力刹车P/C Printed Circuit 印刷电路P/C Parts Catalog 零件目录P/N Park/Neutral 驻车/空档P/S Powder Steering 动力转向P/S Pres Sw Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PAB Power-Assisted Brake 助力制动PACV Pulse Air Check Valve (排气负压)脉冲空气止回阀PAF Pulse Air Feeder (排气负压)脉冲供气装置PAI or PAIR Pulse Air Injection (排气负压)脉冲空气喷射PAIR Pulse Air Injection Reaction System 二次喷气净化装置PAN Peroxy Acy1nitrate 光化学烟雾PAS Pulse Air Solenoid or System (排气负压)脉冲空气电磁阀或系统PAS Pulse Air Solenoid 脉冲输送空气电磁线圈PASS Passenger 乘客PASS. Passenger 乘客(侧)PAT Patent 专利PA V Pressure-Actuated-Venting 压力动作放气稳压阀PBD Pitch Circle Diameter 节圆直径PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PC Program Controlled 程(序)控(制)PC Piece 个,件PC Prechamber(engine) 预燃室式发动机PC-SOL Purge Control Solenoid 净化控制电磁阀PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板PCC Part-Load Cylinder Cutout (system) 部分负荷时停缸系统PCF Pounds Per Cubic Foot 磅/立方英尺PCI Prechamber Injection (combustion process) 预燃室喷射燃烧过程PCM Powertrain Control Module 传动系统控制模组PCOV Purge Control Valve 碳罐控制阀PCSDM Passenger Compartment Sensor/DiagnosticModule 乘客厢传感器/自诊模组PCT Precombustion Chamber Turbocharged 预燃室式涡轮增压柴油机PCTA Precombustion Chamber TurbochargedAftercooled 预燃室式涡轮增压后冷柴油机PCU Power Conditioning Unit 功率调节装置PCU Power Control Unit 功率控制装置PCV Positive Crankcase V entilation 曲轴箱强制通风系统PCV Purge Control Valve 净化控制阀PCV Pressure Control Valve 压力控制阀,调压阀PCV V ALVE Positive Crankcase VentilationValve 曲轴箱强制通风阀PD Protective Devices 保护装置PECV Power Enrichment Control Valve 强力加浓控制阀PET. Petrol 汽油PET. Petroleum 石油PETRL Petroleum 石油PEVR Power Enrichment Vacuum Regulator 电动增浓真空调节器PF Picofarad 皮法(电容单位,旧称微微法)PFAC Pedal Free Auto Choke 免踏板自动阻风PFE Exhaust Pressure Transducer 废气压力传感器PFE Pressure Feedback Electronic EGR 压力反馈电子EGRPFI Port Fuel Injection 进气燃油式喷射系统PFI or PGM-FI Programmed Fuel Injection 程式控制燃料喷射PGCV Purge Control Valve 碳罐控制阀PGM-CARB Programmed Carburetor 电脑控制化油器(本田)PGM-FI Programmed Fuel Injection(HONDA) 本田程序燃油喷射PH Potential of Hydrogen PH值,氢离子浓度指数PHCV Power Heat Control Valve 电热控制阀PHDV Power Heat Delay Valve 电热延迟阀PHE Programmable High Energy(ignitionsystem) 可编程序向能点火系统PI Petrol-Injection 汽油喷射的PIN Product Identification Number 产品识别码PIP Profile Igntion PickUp 表面点火感测PIST Piston 活塞PK,PK Park 停车场PKG Package 行李箱PKG. Package 组. 套PL *Pay load *Pilot Light *计酬负荷*引导灯PL Part Load 部分负荷PLBS Partial Lean Burn System 局部稀值燃烧系统PLS Pulsating Air System 脉动空气进气系统PM Preventive Maintenance 预防保养PM Powder Matallurgy 粉末冶金PNEU Pneumatic 气体的,气压PNK Pink 粉红PNL Panel 格子板,板PNP SWITCH Park/Neutral Position Switch 空档/停车档开关POS Positive 正极Postn. Position 位置Pot. Potentiometer 电位计PPF Pounds Per Foot 磅/英尺PPG Pulses Per Gallon 每加仑脉冲数PPL Purple 紫色PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一PPS Ported Pressure Switch (节气门)通气孔压力开关PPS Progressive Power Steering 进级式动力转向PQC Production Quality Control 产品质量控制PR Ply Rating 层数(轮胎强度)PR Ply-Rating(of tires) 多层胎PR-CV Pressure Control Valve 压力控制阀PR.REGUL Pressure Regulatior 压力调节器PRC Programmable Ride Control 编程式的悬挂控制PRES Pressure 压力PRESS.REGUL Pressure Regulator 压力调节器PRGMR Programmer 编程器PRGMR. Primary 一次, 低压PRI Primary 一次侧(低压侧)PRNDL Park/Reverse/Neutral/Drive/Low 停车/倒车/空档/驾驶/低速PROCC (Ford) Programmed Controlled Combustion (system) 福特发动机程序控制燃烧系统PROG Programmable 可编程的PROM Programmable Read Only Memory 可编程只读存储器Prom. Programmable 可编程式PRTL Partial 局部PRV Pressure Regulating Valve 压力调节器PRY Primary 一次PS Push Switch 按压开关PS Power Steering 动力转向PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯PS Pneumatic Suspension 空气悬挂PS Power-Assisted Stecring 助力转向PSCU Power Steering Control Unit 动力方向盘电脑盒PSD Partical Shut Down 部分气缸停止工作PSG Pressure Compensated Simple Governor带压力补偿的简易调节器PSI Pound Per Square Inch 磅/平方英寸PSIA Pound Per Square Inch Absolute 压强每平方英寸磅PSON Programmable Speedometer/ OdometerModule 可编程速度表/里程表电脑盒PSOV Purge Shutoff Valve 净化开关阀PSP Power Steering Pressure 动力转向压力PSPS Power Steering Pressure Switch 动力转向压力开关PSR Power Steering Relay 动力方向盘继电器PSS Pattern Select Switch 样式选择开关PSTC Power Steering Test Connector 动力方向盘测试接头PSV Pulse Air Shutoff Valve 脉冲空气切换阀PSV Public Service Vehicle 公共汽车PSV Power Steering Valve 动力转向阀PT Part Throttle 节气门部分开启,部分油门PT. Pint 品脱(英制重量单位)PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient 温度系数PTCH Positive Temperature CoefficientHeater 正温度系数加温器PTE.STA. Petrol Station 加油站(英)PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PTO Power Take Off 关闭电源PTOS Power Takeoff System 动力分导系统Pts Pints 品脱(1/8加仑)PTU Partial Throttle Unlock 部分节气门开启PURGE CV Purge Control Valve(canister purge valve) 净化控制阀(碳罐净化阀)PV Pulse Air Valve 脉冲空气阀PV A Ported Vacuum Advance (节气门)真空孔真空提前PVBrk Primary Vacuum Break 基本真空中断PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PVCS Power Vlave Control System 动力阀控制系统PVFFC Pressure/Vacuum Fuel Filler Cap 压力/真空加油盖PVS Ported Vacuum Switch 真空孔开关PW Pulse Width 脉冲宽度PWM Pulse Width Modulated 调谐脉冲宽度Pwr Power 电源,动力PWRGND Power Ground 电源接地PX Pistion Engine 活塞发动机。
1.R otating systemHello. As we know. Each drilling rig, no matter what the size or type,has one simple task and that task is to connect the earth’s surface to an underground reservoir. To enable the rig to complete this task, there are 5 main components or systems. Each rig consists of: 1.a rotating system; 2.a hoisting system; 3.a circulating system; 4.a power system and a pressure control system.Today.let me introduce r otating system to you.Rotary system consists of the drill bits, the drill collars, the drill pipe, the Kelly, the Kelly bushing and the rotary table. On more modern rigs, the Kelly and its parts have been replaced by the top drive, also known as the power swivel and the downhole mud motor for directional drilling.Drilling pipe is rotated by rotary tables. There are 3 ways to turn the drill bits.The 1st is the conventional rotating system,The 2nd is the newer type of rotating system is called the top drive and the downhole mud motor is the third type of rotating system.Over that’s all , thanks2.H oisting systemHello. As we know. Each drilling rig, no matter what the size or type,has one simple task and that task is to connect the earth’s surface to an underground reservoir. To enable the rig to complete this task, there are 5 main components or systems. Each rig consists of: 1.a rotating system; 2.a hoisting system; 3.a circulating system; 4.a power system; 5. a pressure control system.Today.let me introduce Hoisting system to you.Hoisting system consists of the derrick, the drill line, the draw works, the crown and traveling blocks and the drilling hook. It has 3 functions: 1st it transmits rotational energy from the surface to the bit; 2nd it conducts the mud system from the surface to the bit and 3rd it puts weight on the bit to maximize its penetration rate.Over thanks3.Circulating systemHello. As we know. Each drilling rig,no matter what the size or type,has one simple task and that task is to connect the earth’s surface to an underground reservoir. To enable the rig to complete this task, there are 5 main components or systems. Each rig consists of: 1.a rotating system; 2.a hoisting system; 3.a circulating system; 4.a power system; 5. a pressure control system.Today.let me introduce circulating system to you. Circulating system consists of a circulating fluid, usually referred to as mud, the mud pit, the mud pump, the rotary hose, the swivel, the flow line, the shale shaker and other filtration devices. Between the drill pipe and the borehole wall, there is a space called the annulus that’s also part of the circulating system.When circulated down the drill string and up of the hole, drilling mud serves many functions, for example:mud cleans the hole, cools and lubricates the bit and the drill string, lifts cuttings to the surface, carries information about the formations being drilled, stabilizes the wellbore, controls formation pressure and suspends cuttings when pumping stops.Over thanks4.Power systemHello. As we know. Each drilling rig, no matter what the size or type,has one simple task and that task is to connect the earth’s surface to an underground reservoir. To enable the rig to complete this task, there are 5 main components or systems. Each rig consists of: 1.a rotating system; 2.a hoisting system; 3.a circulating system; 4.a power system; 5. a pressure control system.Today.let me introduce power system to you.The power system consists mainly of diesel engines that run electric motors, fuel storage tanks, a compounder made up of pulleys, belts, shaves, gears and chains. The main function of power system is to provide power for drilling operation.Over thanks5.Pressure control systemHello. As we know. Each drilling rig, no matter what the size or type,has one simple task and that task is to connect the earth’s surface to an underground reservoir.To enable the rig to complete this task, there are 5main components or systems. Each rig consists of:1.a rotating system; 2.a hoisting system;3.a circulating system;4.a power system;5. a pressure control systemToday.let me introduce pressure control system system to you.The main component of the pressure control system is the blowout preventer, BOP. Made up of valves, pressure gauges and chokes, arranged in stacks with a series of rams and preventers, the BOP’s principal function is to prevent blowouts. (BOP is made up of valves, pressure gauges and chokes, arranged in stacks with a series of rams and preventers, and its principal function is to prevent blowouts. ) With its own, independent power source for safety, the blowout preventer panel with its control sits right on the derrick floor for easy access.Over thanks。
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New ideas are constantly being developed and put to use in oil and gas exploration. Even more common than the development of new ideas is the revival of older concepts, which are then put to use in new ways. The concept of the petroleum system is one that many geologists are intuitively familiar with and may feel thБайду номын сангаасt they have been using all along. There are several reasons why we are now proposing to revive, expand, define, and formalize this concept. First, the ability to identify a petroleum system uniquely depends on geochemical techniques needed to map organic fades, to understand and map hydrocarbon s h o w s , a n d to carry out petroleum-petroleum and petroleum-source rock correlations, some of which were put into widespread use 3
Magoon, L. B, and W. G. Dow, eds., 1994, The petroleum system—from source to trap: AAPG Memoir 60.
The Petroleum System
Leslie B. Magoon
Branch of Petroleum Geology U.S. Geological Sunvi/ Menlo Park, California, U.S.A.
Magoon and Dow Historical aspects have differing importance for each level of investigation. Investigations of sedimentary basins and petroleum systems are relative to the geologic time when processes are occurring, that is, when sediments are being deposited and when hydrocarbons are migrating to their traps. In contrast, the present-day existence of a play or prospect is the important factor. There is little interest in a play or prospect that existed at the end of the Paleozoic but has since been eroded or destroyed. A prospect is conceptual because a successful prospect turns into an oil or gas field when drilled or disappears when the prospect is unsuccessful. In addition, as the focus of investigation on hydrocarbon occurrence moves from the sedimentary basin to the prospect level, the cost of the investigation per unit surface area generally increases. Investigation of sedimentary basins requires a low-density information grid that covers a large area, such as widely spaced seismic lines, a few strategically placed exploratory wells, and small-scale geologic maps. In contrast, prospect evaluation requires a relatively high-density information grid that covers a small area, such as closely spaced seismic lines on a large-scale map. Eventually, the cost to acquire drilling rights and to drill wells must also be included in the economics of the prospect. For the purpose of this volume, each level of petroleum investigation has its own descriptive term, such as basin analysis for the investigation of a sedimentary basin. Also, modeling has a similar set of terms, such as basin modeling. The difference between analysis and modeling is that in analysis, an existing item is dissected to determine how it functions, whereas in modeling, a hypothetical item is dissected to determine how it should function. For example, prospect modeling is used on a prospect to justify drilling, whereas a prospect analysis is carried out after drilling to understand why it lacked commercial hydrocarbons. A historical summary of geologic models relevant to the different levels of petroleum investigations is outlined in Table 1.2. A descriptive comment for each reference is followed by eight items divided into two broad categories: geologic factors and evaluation criteria. These references discuss the eight items in the two categories at various levels of detail. Although this table is incomplete, it is shown to contrast and demonstrate the relationship of a petroleum system study with other levels of investigation.
only in the past 10-15 years. Second, the petroleum system approach is a way of organizing information that uniquely lends itself to efficient investigations for purposes of exploration, resource appraisal, and research. Third, the role of petroleum system investigations in basin analysis, play analysis, and prospect appraisal has never been adequately clarified. In addition to providing an introduction to this volume, the purposes of this paper are as follows: (1) to define, compare, and contrast the different levels of petroleum investigations; (2) to describe the history of the petroleum system model; (3) to identify, name, and determine the level of certainty of a petroleum system; (4) to describe those figures that best depict the geographic, stratigraphic, and temporal extent of a petroleum system; and (5) to describe how a petroleum system study is implemented.