Ground-Based Direct Detection of Exoplanets with the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI)
航天返回与遥感第43卷第6期36SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING2022年12月陆地生态系统碳监测卫星多波束激光雷达光学系统设计汤天瑾杨居奎伏瑞敏孙立孙欣王玉诏宋志清(北京空间机电研究所,北京100094)摘要为了最大限度地发挥大口径的优势,多波束激光雷达与高分辨率相机共孔径设计已成为激光雷达的发展趋势。
光学系统焦距8 000mm/2 667mm,大气探测实现40倍压缩并与后续的法布里-珀罗标准具衔接,光学系统结构紧凑,多光谱谱段在其耐奎斯特频率处的像质、大气平行光出射波前差、多波束激光能量集中度达到衍射极限。
关键词多波束激光雷达共孔径大口径能量集中度陆地生态系统碳监测卫星航天遥感中图分类号: 0439文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009-8518(2022)06-0036-14DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2022.06.004Optical Design Used in Multi-beam LiDAR for Monitoring of TECIS TANG Tianjin YANG Jukui FU Ruimin SUN Li SUN Xin WANG Yuzhao SONG Zhiqing(Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China)Abstract To exert the maximum benefit of large-diameter, common-aperture optical design of multi-beam LiDAR and high resolution camera has become a trend. Based on the request of monitoring satellite of carbon dioxideterrestrial biosphere, design key points and characteristics of common-aperture optics with large-aperture are analysed in this paper, optical design ideas and results for the three-channel common-aperture imaging system is given, which can realize high-resolution imaging, multi-beam laser reception and atmospheric detection with high rate compression. The optical system has the focal length of 8 000mm and 2 667mm, the compression rate is 40 for atmospheric detection, the parallel light will join to the Fabry-Perot Etalons. The optical system has the advantages of compact structure, diffraction limit for high resolution multispectral imaging, high-quality parallel light, diffraction encircled energy limit for multi-beam laser detection. The shared third mirror works as the shared focusing system, which can ensure the optimum quality for three channels especially the atmospheric detection with a fixed field diaphragm on the position of its secondary image. The optics proposed in this paper is not only suitable for the common-aperture optical收稿日期:2022-10-20基金项目:国家重大科技专项工程引用格式:汤天瑾, 杨居奎, 伏瑞敏, 等. 陆地生态系统碳监测卫星多波束激光雷达光学系统设计[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2022, 43(6): 36-49.TANG Tianjin, YANG Jukui, FU Ruimin, et al. Optical Design Used in Multi-beam LiDAR for Monitoring of第6期汤天瑾 等: 陆地生态系统碳监测卫星多波束激光雷达光学系统设计37system of multi-beam LiDAR, but also fit for other optics with large common aperture.Keywords multi-beam; LiDAR; common-aperture; large-diameter; diffraction encircled energy; terrestrial ecosystem carbon inventory satellite; space remote sensing0 引言星载激光雷达作为一种主动探测的有效手段,可以实现全天时、高精度获取全球地表信息,同时利用全波形回波数据,可以进一步反演地表的房屋、树木等高度,获得大空间尺度持续的四维大气信息[1-2]。
「2024」科学探索:近期最新的行星发现!1. Introduction1.1 OverviewIn recent years, with advancements in technology and the efforts of astronomers and scientists worldwide, numerous new planets have been discovered beyond our solar system. These discoveries have ignited a wave of enthusiasm among researchers and space enthusiasts alike, as they hold the potential to unveil the mysteries of the universe and shed light on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This article aims to provide an overview of the latest planetary discoveries and their significance in expanding our understanding of the cosmos.1.2 Research BackgroundThe exploration of exoplanets, which are planets orbiting stars outside our own solar system, has gained significant attention over the past decade. The availability of more advanced telescopes, such as the Kepler Space Telescope and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), hasenabled scientists to detect these distant worlds by observing changes in light emitted from their host stars. The wealth of data gathered from these missions has revolutionized our understanding of planetary systems and opened up new avenues for scientific research.1.3 Research ObjectivesThe primary objective of this study is to present a comprehensive overview of recent planetary discoveries up until 2024. By summarizing the various methods used in planet detection, analyzing key characteristics of these newfound worlds, and discussing their implications for our knowledge of the universe, we aim to provide readers with a deeper understanding of current advancements in planetary science. Furthermore, this article will explore the importance and relevance of discovering new planets in terms of expanding our knowledge about extraterrestrial life possibilities and highlighting the value it holds for scientific research.(Note: Please note that this is a fictional article outline provided for demonstration purposes only.)2. 近期行星发现概况:2.1 行星搜寻方法介绍:在近年来,科学家们采用了多种不同的方法来搜寻行星,这些方法涵盖了广泛的观测技术和仪器。
可见光海面目标检测的结构随机森林方法雷琴;施朝健;陈婷婷【摘要】For the influence of some complex sea states such as coastal scenery and surface ripple in sea images, target detection based on the visible light image is a technical difficult problem of the current. This paper presents a method of structured random forests for target detection in sea images. The method first constructs random decision forest based on image block, applies structured learning strategy to the forecast output spatial of the constructed random decision forest, and then trains the random decision forest in the sample space, and finally classifies the testing image blocks as the target region and the background region through random decision forest. The experimental results show that compared with the Canny operator, the Threshold-Segment operator,and the Salience_ROI operator, the method of this paper has significant advantages in the aspects of sea image target detection and uses low computation cost.%由于受到海岸景物和海面波纹等复杂海况的影响,基于可见光海面图像目标检测是一个技术难点。
世界有色金属 2021年 7月下196地质雷达在地下金属管线探测中的应用张再丰(南京市测绘勘察研究院股份有限公司,江苏 南京 210049)摘 要:地质雷达可同时检测地下金属和非金属管线,一般应用于电磁管道探测仪难以检测的非金属管道。
关键词:探地雷达;地下管线;探测中图分类号:P631.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-5065(2021)14-0196-2Application of ground penetrating radar in underground pipeline detectionZHANG Zai-feng(Nanjing Insititute of Surveying, Mapping & Geotechnical Investigation, Co Ltd,Nanjing 210049,China)Abstract: GPR can detect both metal and non-metal underground pipelines simultaneously and is generally used in non-metal pipelines which are difficult to be detected by electromagnetic pipeline detectors. This paper introduces the application of geological radar in urban underground pipeline survey. Ground penetrating radar has become an important part of pipeline detection, which has more advantages than other equipment. Keywords: Ground penetrating radar; Underground pipeline; detection各种地下管线是工程施工建设的重要基础设施,它们负责信息传递,能量传递等,是当代社会生存与发展的地下空间设施基础。
图1地质雷达工作原理图成果剖面处理、分析、解释时域接收机R 接收土壤层目标体Er2Er1发射T 宽带脉冲源0引言随着社会经济快速发展,使综合管廊、建筑工程、地铁等城市基础建设迅猛发展。
1探测方法1.1地质雷达探测地质雷达主机通过发射天线T 在地表发射高频电磁脉冲波,当电磁波遇到不同的媒质界面时便会发生反射和透射,反射波返回地面,被接收天线R 所接收,地质雷达的工作原理如图1所示。
本次探测采用美国GSSI 公司SIR-4000型探地雷达仪,该系统具有数字化程度高、透深能力强、探测范围广、分辨率高以及实时数据处理和图像显示等特点。
Value Engineering———————————————————————基金项目:广州市建筑集团科技计划项目(2022-KJ005、2021-KJ007);广州市建筑科学研究院科技进步项目(2021Y-KJ04、2022Y-KJ01)。
寻找太空奥秘英语作文Title: Unraveling the Mysteries of Space。
Space, the final frontier, has always intrigued humanity with its vastness and mysteries. From the enigmatic depths of black holes to the breathtaking beauty of distant galaxies, the universe holds countless secrets waiting to be uncovered. In this essay, we embark on a journey to explore some of the most intriguing mysteries of space and the ongoing quest to unravel them.One of the most captivating enigmas of space is the phenomenon of black holes. These cosmic entities possess such immense gravitational pull that not even light can escape their grasp, rendering them invisible to direct observation. Yet, their presence is inferred through the effects they exert on surrounding matter and light. Scientists have been tirelessly studying black holes, seeking to understand their formation, behavior, and ultimately, their role in shaping the cosmos.Another perplexing mystery lies in the nature of dark matter and dark energy. Despite comprising the majority of the universe's mass-energy content, these elusive substances remain largely undetectable through conventional means. Dark matter's gravitational influence is observed in the movement of galaxies and galaxy clusters, yet its composition eludes direct detection. Similarly, dark energy, thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe, presents a profound challenge to our understanding of fundamental physics.The search for extraterrestrial life is a quest that continues to captivate the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts alike. While we have yet to find conclusive evidence of life beyond Earth, the discovery of exoplanets—planets orbiting stars outside our solar system—has fueled optimism. Each new exoplanet brings us closer to the tantalizing possibility of encountering life forms vastly different from those on our own planet, prompting us to explore the conditions necessary for lifeto emerge and thrive elsewhere in the universe.The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) serves as a relic of the early universe, offering invaluable insights into its infancy. Studying the fluctuations in the CMB provides a window into the conditions that prevailed shortly after the Big Bang, shedding light on the processes that led to the formation of galaxies, stars, and ultimately, life as we know it. By analyzing thisprimordial radiation, scientists endeavor to unlock the secrets of the universe's origin and evolution.Gravitational waves, predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity a century ago, were only recently detected for the first time. These ripples in the fabric of spacetime are produced by cataclysmic events such as the merging of black holes or neutron stars. Gravitational wave astronomy promises to revolutionize our understanding of the cosmos, offering a new way to observe the universe and probe its most extreme phenomena.In the pursuit of unraveling the mysteries of space, technological advancements play a pivotal role. Spacetelescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope enable us to peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before, capturing images of distant galaxies, nebulae, and other celestial objects. Robotic probes and landers explore the surfaces of planets and moons within our solar system, unveiling their geological features and atmospheric compositions.Furthermore, collaborations among international space agencies and research institutions foster a spirit of cooperation in the quest for cosmic knowledge. Projects such as the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, which aims to create the most detailed 3D map of the Milky Way galaxy, exemplify the global effort to unlock the secrets of the universe and expand the boundaries of human understanding.In conclusion, the mysteries of space continue to beckon us with their allure, inspiring curiosity anddriving scientific inquiry. From the depths of black holes to the expanse of cosmic horizons, the universe presents an endless array of puzzles waiting to be solved. Throughcollaboration, innovation, and unwavering curiosity, humanity stands poised to unlock the secrets of the cosmos and embark on a journey of discovery that transcends the boundaries of our own planet.。
第 22 卷 第 2 期2024 年 2 月太赫兹科学与电子信息学报Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information TechnologyVol.22,No.2Feb.,2024基于DB-YOLO的双基地雷达弱运动目标检测方法陆源,宋杰,熊伟,陈小龙(海军航空大学信息融合研究所,山东烟台264001)摘要:非合作双基地雷达因其特殊的探测方式,致使回波中目标信噪比较低,特别是海上运动目标,在雷达扫描周期的帧与帧之间探测并不稳定,会对后续目标跟踪造成较大困难。
将该模型与Faster RCNN、YOLOv5及其常见变种YOLOv5-ConvNeXt进行对比,实验表明,DB-YOLO有效提高了目标检测性能并保证了推理速度,为非合作双基地雷达的目标跟踪奠定了基础。
关键词:非合作双基地雷达;目标检测;双主干YOLO;特征融合中图分类号:TN914.42 文献标志码:A doi:10.11805/TKYDA2023170Bistatic radar weak moving target detection method based on DB-YOLOLU Yuan,SONG Jie,XIONG Wei,CHEN Xiaolong(Research Institute of Information Fusion,Naval Aviation University,Yantai Shandong 264001,China) AbstractAbstract::Non-cooperative bistatic radar has a low signal-to-noise ratio in the echo due to its special detection method. In particular, the detection between frames in the radar scanning cycle formaritime moving targets is not stable, which will bring great difficulties for subsequent target tracking.The low threshold Constant False Alarm Rate(CFAR) detector is employed to match the detection resultsof radar range-Doppler dimension and range-azimuth dimension to obtain the corresponding mask map,and the potential moving targets are found. Then, a Double Backbone-YOLO(DB-YOLO) that fusesmulti-dimensional feature information is proposed. The network adopts a dual-trunk structure, extractsthe features of the moving target mask map and the same-scale P-display map under its mapping, anduses a deep separable convolution module to reduce the model parameters of the network. Finally, thecomparison experiments with Faster RCNN, YOLOv5 and its common variant YOLOv5-ConvNeXt showthat DB-YOLO effectively improves the target detection performance and ensures the inference speed,which lays a foundation for target tracking of noncooperative bistatic radar.KeywordsKeywords::non-cooperative bistatic radar;target detection;DB-YOLO;feature fusion 随着现代战场的电磁环境日益复杂,传统的有源雷达由于其主动发射电磁波,容易被敌方发现,人们开始研究新体制雷达,即非合作双基地雷达。
• 【Para.2】Images from the most powerful space telescope ever built have thrilled observers in recent months as it orbits the sun a million miles (1.6 million kilometers) from Earth.
• 这颗小行星可能是在主带中发现的最小的小行 星之一。这样小的、黑暗的宇宙物体是非常难 以观察到的,但是天文学家可以利用韦伯来寻 找未来更多这样大小的小行星。
• The doughnut-shaped belt is home to most of the asteroids in the solar system. The main asteroid belt is in close alignment with the ecliptic plane, or the same plane that includes Earth’s orbit around the sun.
• 10.考查介词在固定搭配中的运用,be similar to 与….相 似的。
1.uncovered 2.most advanced 3.that/which 4.times 5.analysis 6.exactly 7.the 8.present confirm
• 文章背景
• 美国航天局日前表示,詹姆斯·韦布空间望远镜拍 摄到一颗太阳系外行星的直接图像,这是该空间 望远镜首次拍摄到相关图像。据美国航天局介绍, 这颗名为“HIP 65426 b”的太阳系外行星是一颗巨 型气态行星,没有岩石表面,不适宜居住。其质 量约为木星的6至12倍,年龄约在1500万年至2000 万年之间,比地球年轻得多。天文学家于2017年 运用欧洲南方天文台设在智利的甚大望远镜发现 了这颗太阳系外行星,并拍摄到它的图像。此次 韦布空间望远镜拍摄到这颗行星的更多细节。
激光生物学报ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICAVol. 30 No. 1Feb. 2021第30卷第1期2021年2月表面增强拉曼光谱技术在外泌体检测中的研究进展林慧晶,吴 琼,陈冠楠,陈 荣,林 多*(医学光电科学与技术教育部重点实验室,福建省光子技术重点实验室,福建师范大学,福州 35000 )摘 要:外泌体是一种含有蛋白质、核酸和脂质等物质的小囊泡,与细胞间通信和肿瘤微环境的调节有关,因而成为一种新兴的无创早期癌症诊断标志物。
近年来,表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS )技术由于其灵敏度高、样品制备简单、快速无损等优点,在生物医学领域表现出了巨大的应用潜力。
本文首先简要介绍了外泌体以及目前主要检测方法的优缺点,其次,阐述了SERS 的基本原理及其在外泌体检测中的优势,重点介绍了非标记和标记SERS 在外泌体检测中的应用进展。
系列研究表明,基于SERS 的外泌体检测技术有望成为一种无损、便捷、准确的临床诊断新方法。
关键词:表面增强拉曼光谱;外泌体;非标记;标记;早期癌症诊断 中图分类号:Q 631 文献标志码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1007-7146.2021.01.002Advances in the Application of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopyin Exosome DetectionLIN Huijing , WU Qiong , CHEN Guannan , CHEN Rong , LIN Duo *(Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Science and Technology for Medicine of Ministry of Education, Fujian Provincial Key Labo-ratory for Photonics Technology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China)Abstract: Exosomes are small vesicles containing proteins, nucleic acids and lipids, which are associated with intercellularcommunication and regulation of the tumor microenvironment, thus becoming an emerging noninvasive marker for early cancer diagnosis. Current techniques for exosome analysis are complex, time-consuming and costly. In recent years, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has shown great potential in biomedical field due to its high sensitivity, simple sample preparation, rapid and noninvasive advantages. In this review, the exosomes are introduced and the merits and drawbacks of the main detec-tion methods are compared. The characteristics of SERS as well as its advantages in exosome detection are described, with em-phasis on the application progress of label-free and label SERS in exosome detection. Studies have shown that SERS-based exo-some detection technology is expected to become a noninvasive, convenient and accurate new method for clinical diagnosis.Key words: surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy; exosomes; non-marker; marker; early cancer diagnosis (Acta Laser Biology Sinica , 2021, 30(1): 015-021)收稿日期:2020-07-08;修回日期:2020-09-14。
2023届上海市普陀区高三下学期二模英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、用单词的适当形式完成短文Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Intentional Travel for the CuriousFor those seeking a different adventure around every corner, the state of Florida doesn’t disappoint. Sun lovers will be fascinated by hundreds of miles of white-sand beaches_____1_____they can enjoy themselves in the rays and explore aquatic(水生的)life. Naturalists can get lost in ecological wonders_____2_____naturalists search the forests for local wildlife or hike some of the country’s most beautiful trails. No matter your passion, look no farther than the Sunshine State _____3_____(satisfy) your scientific and cultural curiosities.Do you want the perfect combination of excitement and relaxingbreaks?_____4_____(locate) on Florida’s East Coast, Daytona Beach is full of things to do, places to see, and experiences of a lifetime. It is the ideal combination of physical and natural world _____5_____promises to make visitors return again and again.When it comes to Florida, people often think of the beaches—and Daytona Beach has some of the best.Daytona Beach _____6_____(bless) with 23 miles of beautiful white-sand beaches. This expansive stretch is one of the few places in the country that you_____7_____actually take a drive on the beach- an activity that all who visit Daytona Beach should entertain. Take in the sights and _____8_____(breathe) in the fresh air as you leisurely drive down the beach. Or park your car and grab a towel to be in the sun and perhaps enjoy _____9_____(explore) Daytona Beach’s offshore reef system.To experience more of the natural world,visit Blue Spring State Park.It is where hundreds of manatees(海牛)seek warm-water shelter from late fall through early spring. Want more exposure to aquatic animals? Ecotourism is one of thebest ways to see Florida’s______10______(impressive) species. The family will love the Marine Science Center, which has a rare fish touch pool and bird observation tower.二、未知Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can beA New Exoplanet in the SystemIn 2014, data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope allowed astronomers to announce the detection of three planets orbiting Kepler-138. This wasstar, a transit.Benneke and his colleague Diana Dragomir, from the University of New Mexico, came up with the idea of re-observing the planetary _____12_____with the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes between 2014 and 2016 to catch more transits of Kepler-138d, the third planet in the system, in order to study its atmosphere.While earlier NASA Kepler space telescope observations only showed transits of three small planets around Kepler-138, Piaulet and her team were _____13_____to find that the Hubble and Spitzer observations suggested the presence of a fourth planet in the system, Kepler-138e.This newly found planet is small and farther from its star than the three others, taking 38 days to complete an orbit.The planet is in the _____14_____zone of its star, a temperate region where a planet receives just the right amount of heat from its cool star to be neither too hot nor too cold to allow the presence of liquid water. Observing the exoplanet’s transit would have allowed astronomers to _____15_____its size.With Kepler-138e, the masses of the_____16_____known planets were measured again via the transit timing-variation method, which consists of _____17_____small variations in the precise moments of the planets’ transits in front of their star caused by the gravitational pull of other nearby planets.The researchers had another surprise: they found that the two water worlds Kepler-138c and d are twin planets, with ____18____the same size and mass, while they were previously thought to be greatly different. The closer-in planet,Kepler-138b, on the other hand, is____19____ to be a small Mars-mass planet, one of the smallest exoplanets known to date.“As our instruments and techniques become ____20____ enough to find and study planets that are farther from their stars, we might start finding a lot more water worlds like Kepler-138 c and d,” Benneke concluded.“Challenge-based learning is often focused on the challenges that have global impact. The students, who ___________the challenge, often don’t know what the solution will be. The facilitator is keeping them from ___________a solution too early, and encourages to analyze the challenge from multiple points of view, and from different scientific perspectives,” says Vilma Sukacke, a researcher at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania.Such a learning approach is very fitting to sustainability education, which, according to various scholars,___________a contextual,problem-oriented,reflective,interdisciplinary(跨学科),collaborative.participatory.and empowered learning environment. In other words, educators have to ___________from more traditional teacher-centred education to becoming instructional designers of student-centred education.Aiming to evaluate the ___________of such approaches, a group of researchers from Lithuanian, Danish, German,Portuguese and Spanish universities conducted a systematic literature review,___________the three active learning methods, i.e.. project-, problem- and challenge-based learning according to the ADDIE (analysis, design,development,implementation, and evaluation) framework.__________the educators agree that problem-based learning (PBL), project-based learning (PJBL) and, more recently, challenge-based learning (CBL) are efficient in teaching the students to ___________technology in real-life situations and improving their transversal(横向)skills, such as teamwork, communication and conflict resolution, the application of these methods in the classroom may be challenging for both sides.“In my practice, I have noticed that sometimes students are ___________innovative learning methods and are considering them as a sort of a game. As these classes often take place in a play full environment, full of different pencils,colorful notes and building blocks, it’s difficult for the students to take them ___________.Therefore, it’s very importantto___________the methods and the goals to the learners very clearly,” says Professor Saule Petroniene from KTU Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, a co-author of the study.According to her, to successfully apply unconventional teaching methods is a challengefor a beginning teacher. However, this effort ___________, especially when students continue their activities outside school and focus on solving ___________social problems.Rescarchers believe that the ___________of CBL,PJBL,and PBL requires aparadigm(范式) shift, where organization, staff and students change their view to education and learning. In this process, both teachers and students need to apply new skills and___________roles that they might not have needed before.21.A.allow B.introduce C.accept D.expect 22.A.carrying on B.focusing on C.applying for D.inquiring about 23.A.cares about B.tells of C.turns to D.calls for 24.A.shift B.differ C.suffer D.learn 25.A.outcome B.efficiency C.impact D.value 26.A.exploring B.applying C.modifying D.explaining 27.A.Whether B.As long as C.Although D.Because 28.A.develop B.include C.associate D.integrate 29.A.approving B.questioning C.preventing D.adopting 30.A.affectionately B.calmly C.seriously D.coolly 31.A.transfer B.change C.communicate 32.A.pays off B.goes away off D.breaks down 33.A.subjective B.real C.imaginary D.virtual 34.A.combination B.organization C.realization D.cooperation 35.A.take on B.put away C.send for with三、阅读理解Mona Lisa, also called Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo, Italian La Gioconda, or French La Joconde, oil painting on a wood panel by Leonardo da Vinci, is probably the world’s most famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1519, when Leonardo was living in Florence, and it now hangs in the Louvre Museum, Paris, attracting people throughout the world to see it in the 21st century. The sitter’s mysterious smile and her unproven identity have made the painting a source of ongoing investigation and fascination.But at least a dozen excellent copies of the Mona Lisa exist, many of them byLeonardo’s students. One such copy at the Prado Museum in Madrid was thought to have been painted years after the original. However, during the restoration of the painting in the early 2010s, which included using advanced reflexology to examine the work beneath the surface, conservators discovered that the painting had changes that mirrored those of the original. The findings suggested that the artist—likely one of the master’s assistants—painted the copy as Leonardo worked on the Mona Lisa in his studio. Thus, “the Prado version” became the only known copy completed during Leonardo’s lifetime. Conservators cleaned the entire painting and removed its black background, revealing a detailed landscape resembling Leonardo’s version and vibrant colors, possibly arousing those of the original before the paint applied by early restorers darkened over time.Other copies of the Mona Lisa include so-called Isleworth Mona Lisa, which some critics claim is da Vinci’s first edition. The claim was a controversial one, with several leading Leonardo scholars flatly denying it. Numerous interpretations, often referred to as Monna Vanna, also exist and were likely completed by Leonardo’s students with occasional input from their master.In June, a copy of the Mona Lisa is said to have been sold for a record 2.9 million euros (22 million yuan) at Christie’s in Paris. The copy is believed to have been made by a follower of Leonardo da Vinci in the early 17th century and later was purchased by Harkin in 1953 from an art dealer in Nice, France, hence it got the name Heggin’s Mona Lisa. High imitation is also worth money! As the art investment market heats up. various art reproductions continue to emerge. Collectors have not shut out these fine copies, some of which have not only made it into the house, but also sold for high prices. Is it really worth it to pay a high price for an art reproduction? This issue is getting more and more attention from collectors. 36.What can we learn about Mona Lisa in Para. 1?A.This painting has been sold out.B.Her smile and identity arouse people’s curiosity.C.The painting is said to be hanging in Florence now.D.The painting was created by Leonardo da Vinci in France.37.What does “the Prado version“refer to in the passage?A.All the restored copies.B.The works of early restorers.C.A copy from the Prado Museum.D.An excellent copy of da Vinci. 38.Why don’t collectors turn away these wonderful reproductions?A.Because of the entertainment.B.Because of the love for painters. C.Because of the short supply.D.Because of the high returns. 39.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.Mona Lisa B.Other Mona LisasC.Mona Lisa’s Smile D.Mona Lisa’s Value四、未知If you really want to see all that Yellowstone Park has to offer, it would take you a lifetime! However, most of us do not have a lifetime to spend in Yellowstone, but in 2-3 full days, you will be able to hit most of the highlights.There is no such thing as racing around the park. Yellowstone has 154 miles of a main highway, known as the Grand Loop Road. The general park speed limit is 45 miles per hour but in normal traffic, you will be lucky to average 30 miles per hour. Figure at least an hour of driving time for every thirty miles of distance. If you plan to get off the bus and visit the park, it will take at least 1.2 to 2 hours at almost every stop. In addition, there will be any mumber of unscheduled stops, such as waiting for wild animals to cross the roadA suggested starting point for your tour of Yellowstone National Park is to enter through the South Gate, which is approximately sixty-two miles north of Jackson, Wyoming. Everyone comes to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful.Although,not the largest geyser(间歇泉)to erupt in the Park,it is the most reliable regarding the time of eruption. The time of the eruption,the length of the eruption and the height of the eruption vary from year to year. As you enter the Park, ask the Park Information Office if he has information on the expected times for the eruption of Old Faithful.As you drive north on the Grand Loop Road, keep an eye out for wildlife. At Grant Village Junction, turn left (west)and head toward Old Faithful Village. Once at Old Faithful Village, take some time to walk around the boardwalks and visit some of the many other geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin. Include the 1.4-mile walk to Morning Glory Pool, one of the most colorful thermal(热能)features in all of Yellowstone.And do not forget to visit theOld Faithful Inn,which is the single most impressive human structure in Yellowstone.Continue on north and visit the Lower Geyser Basin. The area is scattered and features regularly erupting geysers, hot springs, and a fascinating mud pool. After leaving the Lower Geyser Basin, continue north to Norris Junction and stay to the right to travel to Norris Geyser Basin. One of Yellowstone’s most popular geyser basins, Norris is home to one of the Park’s most popular geysers and Steamboat. In addition, there are several miles of boardwalks from which you can explore dozens of multi-colored thermal features.As for more, go on a Sightseeing Tour of Yellowstone to see it all.Yellowstone Scenic Tours - Private Day TripsYellowstone YearRound AdventuresExperience Montana With Front Seat Guided Bus Tour40.What can you learn from the first paragraph?A.Some people live in parks all their lives.B.Hardly anyone can see the whole park. C.The park can provide you with everything.D.It’s enough to spend a few days in the park.41.What does the underlined phrase “unscheduled stops“ refer to?A.The walking speed of wild animals being affected.B.Travelers’ stopping and going in the park.C.The vehicles’ being parked in the proper area.D.The traffic’s stopping to make way for wild animals.42.Which of the following travel maps is true according to Paragraph 4-5?A.B.C.D.五、阅读理解The world is wasting the opportunity to ”build back better“ from the Covid-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7°C if countries fail to strengthen their climate commitments, according to a report from the UN.Tuesday’s publication warns that countries’ current commitments would reduce carbon by only about 7.5% by 2030,far less than the 45% cut, which scientists say is needed to limit global temperature rises to 1.5°℃, the aim of the Cop26summit that opens in Glasgow this Sunday.António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, described the findings as a “thundering wake-up call“ to world leaders. while experts called for action against fossil fuel companies.Although more than 100 countries have promised to reach net zero emissions around mid-century, this would not be enough to avoid climate disasters, according to the UN emissions report, which examines the shortfall between countries’ intentions and actions needed on the climate. Many of the net zero commitments were found to be unclear, and unless accompanied by strict cuts in emissions this decade would allow global heating of a potentially disastrous extent.Guterres said: “The heat is on, and as the contents of the report show, the leadership we need is off. Far off. Countries are wasting a massive opportunity to invest Covid-19 finance and recovery resources in sustainable, cost-saving, planet-saving ways. As world leaders prepare for Cop26, this report is another thundering wake-up call. How many do we need?”Inger Andersen, the director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said: “Climate change is no longer a future problem. It is a now problem. To stand a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5℃, we have 8 years to almost halve greenhouse gas emissions: 8 years to make the plans, put in place the policies, carry them out and deliver the cuts.The clock is ticking loudly.”Emissions fell by about 5.4% last year during Covid lockdowns, the report found, but only about one-fifth of the economic recovery spending goes towards reducing carbon emissions. This failure to ”build back better“ despite promises by governments around the world cast doubt on the world’s willingness to make the economic shift necessary to settle the climate crisis, the UN said.In the run-up to Cop26, countries were supposed to submit national plans to cut emissions - called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) - for the next decade, a requirement under the 2015 Paris climate agreement. But the UNEP report found only half of countries had submitted new NDCs, and some governments had presented weak plans. 43.Why were the findings described as a “thundering wake-up call”in Para. 3? A.Because the world has failed to deliver on its current promises.B.Because the serious problems were brought about by global fossil fuels.C.Because a global temperature rise of at least 2.7°C would be a disaster.D.Because the opportunities presented by covid-19 have been wasted.44.According to the author, in what circumstances is global warming avoidable?A.New plans will be made to protect the environment.B.Measures will be taken to reduce emissions in the coming ten years.C.Transitions will be made in response to the global climate crisis.D.Global sustainable environmental resources will be greatly developed.45.What is the author’s purpose in saying ”How many do we need?“ in Para. 5?A.To show the number of alarm clocks required.B.To inquire the number of the countries attending the meeting.C.To explain the reason for the world’s wasting chances.D.To stress the need to save energy and reduce emissions.46.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.Few countries have submitted plans to reduce the emissions.B.Most of the countries work under the Paris Climate Agreement.C.Plans to cut emissions of many countries are far from satisfactory.D.Much progress in reducing emissions has been made these years.六、未知Huizhou Architecture Comes to LifeHuizhou has a long history. When successful Huizhou businessmen got old,they often went back to their hometown and built houses to spend their remainingyears._____47_____Now, walking along the bluestone streets there,visitors can appreciate the distinctive Huizhou-style houses,featuring white walls,dark tiles(瓦片)and layered horse-head roofs, and feel like they are lost in a traditional Chinese ink painting.Huizhou architecture, with its long tradition and great diversity, occupies an important place in Chinese architectural landscape, says Zhang Wangnan, director of the China Huizhou Culture Museum in Huangshan. Huizhou houses tend to be built on the natural places, since Huizhou is a mountainous area with few flat areas of land, according to Zhang. Moreover, daylight is valued in Huizhou houses, reflected in the building of open interior courtyards, allowing sunshine to enter the rooms. ”Huizhou businessmen also believed that water symbolizes wealth._____48_____It stands for keeping windfall profits,“says Zhang.Huizhou is famous for its stone, wood and brick carvings, which are widely used to decorate local houses. “____49____In this way,they integrate their aesthetic(审美)values and emotions into the buildings,making them more beautiftul and educating their children through the meanings contained in the patterns,” says Zhang._____50_____“If you look at the outside of a Huizhou house, it seems simple, enclosed by walls, but the insides are open and broad, with complicated decorations. It is just like Huizhou people, who are often reserved toward strangers but friendly when you get to know them.” says Zhang. He also says that Ming houses differ from those of the QingDynasty in many aspects, for example, having fewer horse-head roofs and less complicated carvings. A.When it rains, water falling on the roof soon flows to the courtyard.B.Many of their houses are well-preserved today, especially in Xidi and Hongcun.C.To talk about Huizhou culture, we must first understand Huizhou.D.People carved beautiful patterns and historical stories on the walls, windows and wooden posts of their houses.E.Features of Huizhou houses display the characteristics of local people.F.Huizhou people have established many schools in the field of culture.七、概要写作51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.How to Stay Healthy in AutumnIn recent days, the weather in most regions is no longer hot, and people can relax and enjoy the cool autumn. However, there is a big gap in temperature in the morning and evening, and the air is also drier. All of these factors can lead to dry mouth and nose, sore throat, dry cough, dry hair loss and other symptoms. People are more likely to get sick during the seasonal change from summer through autumn. So, here are some tips to keep you healthy and comfortable into the winter months.Do eat watery food. According to traditional Chinese medicine, autumn corresponds to the lungs of the human body.Pay attention to wet lungs in dry weather.The most convenient and easy way to protect lungs in autumn is to drink more water. In addition, you can adopt the diet therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, eating some watery food, like pear and duck meat.Do have easily digested food. People’s spleen (牌) and stomach functions are weakened because of the raw and cold food they had during the long, hot summer. So in autumn, you should give your spleen and stomach a rest. For example,you can choose some nutritious food that is easy to digest to eat, such as fish and red bean.Be sure to take vitamin supplements. Vitamins play an important role in the body’s immune system. The number and vitality of immune cells are related to vitamins when the body resists foreign invasion. It is recommended that you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as kiwi and oranges.Sleep is an important means for people to restore their physical strength, ensure their health and enhance their immunity. In autumn, it is suggested that you go to bed at 9 pm, or try to fall asleep before 11 o’clock. If you sleep at this time, it is great for your body and you can get a good quality of sleep.___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________八、汉译英(整句)52.不要乱扔垃圾,你会被罚款的。
利用纳米银簇循环放大检测汞离子CHEN Fengting;ZHANG Xiaoru;NIU Shuyan【摘要】通过利用DNA合成的银纳米簇作为荧光探针研究一种新型的检测汞离子的方法.该方法是基于汞离子触发使颈环DNA的颈部形成双链结构,核酸外切酶Ⅲ剪切双链部分释放出DNA单链,该DNA单链能作为模板用于形成荧光银纳米簇,该传感器的荧光信号与汞离子的浓度有关.释放的汞离子可以继续参与循环,进一步放大检测信号.汞离子检测的线性范围是3.0×10-11到3.0×10-8 mol·L-1,该传感器的灵敏度较高.该方法是对汞离子的特异性检测,不受其他离子的影响,并可用于实际样品的检测.【期刊名称】《青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(039)006【总页数】5页(P21-25)【关键词】银纳米簇;汞离子;核酸外切酶Ⅲ【作者】CHEN Fengting;ZHANG Xiaoru;NIU Shuyan【作者单位】;;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.3汞离子是一种高毒性且存在十分广泛的污染物,即使它只有很低的浓度也能损害大脑、神经系统、内分泌系统甚至肾脏,同时对生态环境的污染也不容小觑[1]。
最近,寡核苷酸模板化的AgNCs,通常具有低于2 nm的尺寸并显示出较好的生物相容性[5-6],已经在化学感应和生物医学成像引起了特别的关注。
基于地质雷达的地下排污管线损伤位置探测方法研究发布时间:2021-08-31T16:36:33.187Z 来源:《城镇建设》2021年第4卷4月11期作者:班展望[导读] 随着城市进程的不断加快,特别是上海这样国际化大都市,各种工程建设不断开展,如道路改扩建、架空线入地工程、基础工程建设等。
关键词:地质雷达;定位运算;位置探测;污染探测Abstract: With the continuous acceleration of the urban process, especially in Shanghai, an international metropolis, all kinds of engineering construction continue to carry out, such as road reconstruction and expansion, overhead line into the ground engineering, basic engineering construction, etc. In the process of construction, underground pipelines are often cut off or damaged, which brings great losses to the national economy and people's safety. Due to the incompleteness of underground pipeline data, it is necessary to accurately detect various underground pipelines in urban engineering construction to ensure the safety of later construction.Key words: geological radar; Location operation; Position detection; Pollution detection引言城市内部排污管线处理降低了污染物对大气及环境的污染。
结合SLIC超像素和DBSCAN聚类的眼底图像硬性渗出检测方法凌朝东;陈虎;杨骁;张浩;黄信【摘要】为自动检测出眼底图像中的硬性渗出,结合简单线性迭代聚类(SLIC)超像素分割算法和基于密度的聚类算法(DBSCAN),提出一种对眼底图像硬性渗出的检测方法.首先,采用SLIC超像素分割算法对彩色眼底图像进行过分割;然后,采用DBSCAN对上述分割得到的超像素进行聚类,形成簇;最后,分割出目标图像,并选用标准糖尿病视网膜病变数据库(DIARETDB0和DIARETDB1)的眼底图像验证上述组合算法的可行性.实验结果表明:算法能够快速、可靠地检测出眼底图像中的硬性渗出,具有可直接对彩色图像进行分割、特征提取的特点.【期刊名称】《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2015(036)004【总页数】7页(P399-405)【关键词】图像分割;超像素;硬性渗出;糖尿病视网膜病变;简单线性迭代聚类;基于密度的聚类算法【作者】凌朝东;陈虎;杨骁;张浩;黄信【作者单位】华侨大学信息科学与工程学院,福建厦门361021;华侨大学信息科学与工程学院,福建厦门361021;华侨大学信息科学与工程学院,福建厦门361021;华侨大学信息科学与工程学院,福建厦门361021;华侨大学信息科学与工程学院,福建厦门361021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41;R774.1在图像处理中,涉及图像目标特征的提取和分析的过程都离不开图像分割方法[1].超像素分割作为图像分割的一种,它以基本单元的形式将图像中相似区域归为一类,并把这些基本单元作为目标对象以减少冗余信息,以便快速地分割出目标物体.糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)是糖尿病的严重并发症,是引起人们视力障碍、甚至失明的常见原因之一[2-3].按我国糖尿病视网膜病变分期标准,以是否出现新生血管为界,分为非增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(NPDR)和增殖期糖尿病视网膜病变(PDR)两大类.硬性渗出(hard exudates,HEs)作为DR的早期临床症状,出现在NPDR的Ⅱ期,是因血管通透性增加,类脂质从血管中渗出累积而成[4].早在二十世纪七八十年代,就有国外学者提出基于数字眼底视图像的DR自动筛查方法,并有学者在黑白眼底图像上运用灰度特征提取出硬性渗出区域.基于灰度图像的硬性渗出检测方法主要分为阈值分割方法、区域生长的方法、数学形态学的方法以及分类的方法[5]等四类.彩色图像除了包括亮度信息外,还包含色调、饱和度等有用信息.随着实际的需要,对彩色图像的分割引起了学者的关注.目前,相关的算法存在对单色图像进行处理的信息不充分,以及过多地依靠前期预处理的信息损失、繁琐的冗余步骤和检测结果在原图上叠加的过程等不足.鉴于此,本文结合简单线性迭代聚类(simple linear iterative clustering,SLIC)超像素分割和基于密度的聚类算法(density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise,DBSCAN),提出一种对彩色眼底图像的硬性渗出进行检测和标记的方法.1.1 眼底图像硬性渗出检测方法提出一种结合SLIC超像素和DBSCAN聚类方法对眼底图像的硬性渗出进行检测.首先,采用SLIC超像素分割算法对经预处理的整幅彩色原图像进行分割,以减轻后续图像处理的复杂度;然后,采用DBSCAN聚类算法,对这些被分割的超像素进行聚类,形成像素,产生最终的目标分割图像;最后,对目标分割图像的硬性渗出进行检测和标记.1.2 SLIC超像素分割算法作为当前较为常用的图像处理方法之一,通常需要超像素分割算法具有快速、便于使用的特性,并且能产生区分度较佳的块[6].目前,超像素算法大体分成基于图论和梯度上升的两种方法.基于图论的算法有归一化割(normalized cuts)算法、基于图的分割(graph-based segmentation)算法等;而基于梯度上升的分割方法代表算法有快速漂移(quick shift)算法、简单线性迭代聚类(SLIC)算法等. SLIC由Achanta等[7]提出的,它克服了以往算法计算量大或超像素形状及数量不可控等的不足.将图像转化为五维特征向量,V=[l,a,b,x,y],其中,[l,a,b]为像素颜色,属CIELAB颜色空间,[x,y]为像素位置.由此构造一个距离度量,它既考虑了像素颜色间的相似性,又考虑了像素间的距离要素,利用该距离度量重新聚类中心点周围的像素,进而得出新的聚类中心.在这个迭代过程中,若前后中心像素的剩余误差足够小,则迭代停止,至此整个超像素分割过程结束.文中采用此算法对原始彩色眼底图像分割处理,算法示意框图,如图1所示.由于颜色空间和距离空间的度量方法不同,SLIC提出新的距离度量方法(也称紧凑因子)[8],即式(1)中:k和i分别为两像素;Ds为CIELAB色彩空间值距离dlab和图像平面内位置距离dxy的加权和,表示两个像素间的距离;变量m 度量超像素的紧凑性,m值越大,紧凑性就越高.若每幅图像像素的总数为N,预输出K个超像素,那么就有N/K个像素包含在每个超像素中,超像素的预期边长S=且这些超像素在每个边长为S的网格中应有一个中心像素.超像素的分割有如下4个主要步骤.步骤1 以网格为基本单位,在每个网格中选择一点作为超像素中心,计算其3×3邻域内像素的梯度.其中,梯度值的最小像素作为新的梯度中心.步骤2 在每个区域中心的2S×2S邻域内对属于该区域的像素进行搜索,并将所有像素归为与其临近的区域中心.步骤3 对分割出的中心像素重新计算,并计算新旧两区域中心的剩余误差.步骤4 重复步骤2,3,当误差小于一定值时,则超像素分割结束;否则,返回步骤2.1.3 DBSCAN聚类算法聚类是一种非监督的学习方法,它根据数据对象之间的相似性将数据集分割成具有同类内相似性最大、类间相似性最小特征的类[9].目前,主要有基于划分的聚类、基于模型的聚类方法、基于层次的聚类、基于网格的聚类和基于密度的聚类等5大类.基于密度的DBSCAN聚类算法能够将数据定义为密度可达的数据对象组成的集合,不但可以分类出任意形状的类簇,而且具有对噪声数据不敏感的特性. DBSCAN的相关定义[10-13]如下.定义1 (数据对象的邻域)数据对象p∈D的Eps邻域定义为以p为核心,Eps为半径的d维超球体区域,即其中:D为d维空间上的数据集;dist(p,q)表示D中点p和q间的距离.定义2 (核心点与边界点)对于数据对象p∈D,给定Eps和MinPts,若|NEps (p)|≥MinPts,则称p为核心点;边界点为非核心点但在某个核心点的Eps邻域内.定义3 (直接密度可达)对于数据对象p,q∈D,给定Eps和MinPts,若p满足p∈NEps(q)且NEps(p)≥MinPts,则称对象p是从q出发直接密度可达的,但直接密度可达不具有对称性.定义4 (密度可达)如果对于数据对象p∈D,则Eps 和MinPts存在数据对象序列p1,p2,…,pn∈D.其中:p1=q,pn=p,且pi+1从pi直接密度可达,则称对象p从q密度可达,密度可达是非对称的.定义5 (密度相连)对于数据对象p∈D,给定Eps和MinPts存在一个数据对象o,使得p和q从o密度可达,则称对象p和q密度相连,它满足对称性.定义6 (簇、噪声)从任一核心点对象开始,对象密度可达的所有对象形成一个簇,噪声即为不属于任何簇的对象.DBSCAN聚类算法流程图[14],如图2所示.1.4 算法的评价指标选取1.4.1 算法病变检测效果的评价指标选取评价视网膜病变硬性渗出检测算法的评价指标[15]为式(2)中:Sensitivity为灵敏度;Specificity为特异性;PPV为阳性预测值;Accuracy为准确率;TP(真阳)、TN(真阴)、FP(假阳)、FN (假阴)四个符号分别代表病变特征被算法正确检测出、非病变区域被正确的检测出、非病变区域被错误的判为病变区域和病变区域未被正确的检测出.对图像分割算法效果进行评价,常采用基于图像及病灶区域水平定义的评价指标,一般选取灵敏度、特异性两个指标.这些针对单色图像算法处理的评价指标,两值越大,说明检测方法越好.1.4.2 算法性能的评价指标鉴于文中是直接对彩色图像处理,因此,引用适合超分割算法的评价指标.目前,超像素分割效果评价指标主要有边界响应率(boundary recall,BR)、计算代价(computation cost,CC)、区域内部均匀性、可完成的分割精度(achievable segmentation accuracy,ASA)以及欠分割错误率(under-segmentation error,UE)等指标.其中:边界响应率(BR)的计算式[16]为式(3)中:δS和δT分别表示超像素边界和真实切割边界点单位集合;Φ表示p和q相差的阈值范围,单位是像素.重叠率(overlap ratio,OR)是为了测量超像素块的规则性,其计算公式为式(4)中:Z为图像中所有像素的个数;si表示第i个超像素块;S表示超像素块的集合;Area(si)代表包含si在内的最小网格区域.由式(4)可知:OR值越小,说明矩形与超像素的差越小,超像素越规则.对DBSCAN算法进行评价,数据量为n的样本集合,其DBSCAN的计算复杂度为O(n2).文中采用空间索引的方法降低时间复杂度,时间复杂度为O(n.log n).2.1 文中算法的硬性渗出检测结果分析为了验证文中算法的有效性和通用性,运用文中提出的SLIC超像素分割和DBSCAN聚类算法,分别对DIARETDB0及DIARETDB1数据集中含硬性渗出较多的彩色眼底图像进行算法处理,结果如图3,4所示.从图3和图4的(d),(e),(f)中经SLIC超像素分割后的分割效果图可知:结果图已经把图中相似的区域分割成具有相似特征的图像区域,其他无关特征基本被分割成近似六边形的区域.这样就有助于接下来采用合适的算法对相似的区域进行提取,甚至分类,最终精确提取出感兴趣的区域.由此可以看出:文中算法的优越之处是对彩色图像直接进行处理,规避了对单色图像,或者以往对灰度图像预处理和后续候选区域提取过程中出现的信息损失,更好地保留和利用了图像的有效信息.图3和图4的(g),(h),(i)分别对应图3和图4的(d),(e),(f)的DBSCAN聚类结果,可以看出其准确地对硬性渗出进行了分割和标记.综上所述,由图3,4分割提取结果可以看出:与传统的基于单色图像或者灰度图像进行处理不同,文中组合算法除考虑采用彩色图像的完整信息及空间距离外,整个处理过程只需要设定3个主要参数.其中:SLIC超像素分割设置一个参数,DBSCAN聚类算法需要设置数据对象p的Eps邻域和MinPts两个参数.此外,从分割的直观效果来看,已经初步验证了文中组合算法的可行性和实用性.2.2 文中算法病变检测评价标准结果分析对DR病变特征算法检测性能有两种评价指标:基于(病灶)区域和基于图像水平.其中:基于(病灶)区域的评价标准侧重于判断一个图像候选区域是否为DR病变,注重算法能否检测出DR病变的数量;而基于图像图像水平的评价指标侧重判断图像是否含有DR病变,不注重DR病变数量.用文中算法对DIARETDB0和DIARETDB1数据集中眼底图像逐一进行算法验证,统计出评价指标,并与Li算法[17]、Walter算法[18]和高玮玮算法[19]等硬性渗出检测算法评价结果对比,如表1所示.Li算法是运用一种基于区域的分割方法;Walter算法是运用一种基于形态学的分割方法,由于受到结构元素的限制,检测算法只在结构元素不太大的范围内且相对孤立的硬性渗出区域的检测结果才较为理想;高玮玮算法是运用一种基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的方法,这种方法虽然在检测算法的效率上有了一定提高,但不如Li等提出的基于数学形态学的检测算法精度高.文中硬性渗出检测方法是一种基于聚类的图像分割算法,由上述分析,文中算法虽计算耗时略长,但检测精度和算法的适用性和敏感性上较前三者要好.2.3 文中图像分割算法评价指标分析对SLIC超像素分割来说,因为超像素分割不同于一般的图像分割,有着不同的分割目的,它是将一个物体过分割成若干块,因此它的效果评价指标也有很大差别.文中SLIC算法采用OR,BR,CC三个指标对超分割结果进行评价,结果如图5所示.图5中:Z表示超像素的个数.由图5(a)可知:OR值越小,说明网格与超像素的差越小,即随着超像素的增加,边界分的就越精细.由图5(b)可知:随着超像素个数的增加,前期持续增加,后期渐趋平稳,BR值越高,说明分割的越精细,就越减轻后期处理负担.由图5(c)可知:计算法处理耗时始终是图像处理领域处理关注的重要对象,准确、高效的算法对实际生活都密切相关.由前所述,文中算法处理相关指标已基本满足实际要求.不同于以往基于单色的处理方法,文中对彩色眼底图像的硬性渗出进行检测,并纵向地与现有该领域的算法在边界响应率、重叠率和计算耗时三个指标对算法进行了量化比较.实验结果表明:两者结合达到了对硬性渗出进行快速、可靠地自动检测,并且检测结果直接在原彩色眼底图像上标记,省去了以往算法预处理以及检测结果再在原图上叠加的过程,满足了临床要求.下一步的工作将对文中引用的两种算法作进一步地改进,如两者参数的自适应选择、SLIC超像素算法.【相关文献】[1]贾冀.基于聚类的图像分割与配准研究[D].西安:西安电子科技大学,2013:1-2.[2]RAM K,SIVASWAMY J.Multi-space clustering for segmentation of exudates in retinal color photographs[C]∥31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.Minneapolis:IEEE Press,2009:1437-1440.[3]NAGY B,ANTAL B,HAJDU A.Image database clustering to improve microaneurysm detection in color fundus images[C]∥25th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical 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I. INTRODUCTION UAV is one of the best platforms to perform dull, dirty or dangerous (3D) tasks [1]. UAV can be used in various applications where human is impossible to intervene. It greatly expands the application space of visual tracking. Research on the technology of vision based ground target tracking for UAV has been a great concern among cybernetic experts and robotic experts, and has become one of the most active research directions in UAV applications. Currently, researchers from America, Britain, France and Sweden are on the cutting edge in this field [2]. Typical visual tracking platforms for UAV include Scan Eagle, GTMax, RQ-11, RQ-16, DragonFly, etc. Because of many advantages, such as small size, light weight, flexible, easy to carry and low cost, rotor UAV has a broad application prospect in the fields of traffic monitoring, resource exploration, electricity patrol, forest fire prevention, aerial photography, atmospheric monitoring, etc [3]. Vision based ground target tracking system for rotor UAV is such a system that gets images by the camera installed on a low-flying rotor UAV, then recognizes the target in the images and estimates the motion state of the target, and finally according to the visual information regulates the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) camera automatically to keep the target at the center of the camera view. In view of the current situation of international researches, the study of ground target tracking system for
探地雷达铁路基底病害检测原理Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive testing method used for railway subgrade disease detection. 探地雷达(GPR)是一种无损检测方法,用于铁路基底病害检测。
GPR works by emitting high-frequency electromagnetic pulses into the ground and recording the reflections to create an image of the subsurface. 探地雷达通过向地面发射高频电磁脉冲并记录反射来创建地下结构的图像。
The electromagnetic pulses penetrate the ground and are reflected back from various subsurface materials, such as soil layers, rocks, and any anomalies or defects in the railway subgrade. 电磁脉冲穿透地面并从各种地下物质以及铁路基底中的异常或缺陷反射回来。
One of the key advantages of GPR is its ability to detect subsurface anomalies without the need for excavation, making it an efficient and cost-effective method for railway subgrade disease detection. 探地雷达的一个关键优势是它无需挖掘就能检测地下异常,使其成为一种高效和具有成本效益的铁路基底病害检测方法。
In addition, GPR can provide detailed information about the depth, size, and location of the detected anomalies, allowing engineers and maintenance teams to make informed decisions about repairs or maintenance activities. 此外,探地雷达可以提供有关检测异常的深度、大小和位置的详细信息,使工程师和维护团队能够做出有根据的维修或维护决策。
阳治创编 2021.03.10探地雷达成像算法研究摘要探地雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar,简称GPR)集无损检测、穿透能力强、分辨率高等众多优点而成为检测和识别地下目标的一种有效技术手段。
其中数据显示方式包括数据的波形堆积图,剖面面色阶图以及带数据波形图;数据处理部分包括直达波的去除、背景噪声的去除、振幅增益等;雷达成像阳治创编 2021.03.10算法部分主要采用波前成像算法和投影层析成像算法。
Imaging Algorithmof Ground Penetrating RadarABSTRACTGPR (Ground Penetrating Radar, referred GPR) set of non-destructive testing, penetration ability, many advantages of high resolution detection and identification of underground and become the target of an effective technical means. Excellent performance GPR imaging approach helps pinpoint undergroundtargets, while increasing the target detection and identification capabilities, thereby promoting the quality of ground penetrating radar surveillance in the city, geological disasters, archaeological excavation, highway nondestructive testing, mine detection, etc. aspects to be more widely used.In this paper, China Institute of Radiowave Propagation GPR LD-2000 for the experimental apparatus, reads probe data. MATLAB as the阳治创编 2021.03.10software platform to achieve a ground-penetrating radar data display, processing, imaging several parts. Wherein the data includes a data waveform display stacked, with a cross-sectional side view and a gradation data waveform; data processing section includes the removal of the direct wave, the background noise removal, the amplitude gain, etc.; radar imaging algorithm some of the major imaging algorithm and the wavefront projection tomography algorithms.阳治创编 2021.03.101 绪论1.1 选题的背景及意义雷达是利用电磁波探测目标的电子设备。
基于测地映射分析的核稀疏描述人脸识别熊欣;黄全振;卢金燕【摘要】针对人脸识别系统在非控制环境下易受姿态、表情和遮挡变化影响的问题,提出了一种基于测地映射分析(Geodesic Mapping Analysis,GMA)的特征提取方法.通过计算两个像素点间的测地距离来度量相似性,对提取的GMA特征进行核稀疏描述建模,并在非线性空间中实现特征的分类识别.在ORL和Yale-B人脸数据库上的实验表明,该方法在应对重度遮挡、姿态和表情变化的自由形式人脸图像方面具有更高的识别率,大大提高了人脸识别系统应对真实复杂环境的能力.【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2018(054)016【总页数】5页(P158-162)【关键词】人脸识别;测地映射分析(GMA);核稀疏描述;非线性空间【作者】熊欣;黄全振;卢金燕【作者单位】河南工程学院电气信息工程学院,郑州 451191;河南工程学院电气信息工程学院,郑州 451191;河南工程学院电气信息工程学院,郑州 451191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41 引言人脸识别是当前机器视觉和人工智能领域的研究热点,也是信息安全和社会安全的重要认证手段。
荧光素酶报告系统 luciferase reporter assay design
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• Translational Fusion – reports on post-translational regulatory inputs & events
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• ~200-fold increased signal compared to native luc per gene copy number
• Luc2 protein half-life ~ 3 hr
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©2014 Promega Corporation.
Bioluminescence In Nature
Marine algae (Gonyaulax)
Lantern fish
Squid (Euprymna)
基于叠加原理的隧道爆破近区振动预测方法谢烽;韩亮;刘殿书;李晨【摘要】In order to improve the prediction accuracy of vibration strength in near field,based on single-hole blasting field test,this work constructed a 5 rows and 11 columns matrix model behind the tunnel face,considering the seismic frequency attenuation with the spreading distance by using the Anderson model to simulate the vibration situation of cutting hole blasting.A calculation model was established based on the assumption of the linear superpo-sition theory. Based on the measured data in the Xing-yan highway tunnel blasting engineering,the calculation model was verified,and then the blasting vibration velocity prediction near the tunnel blasting source was proposed. The re-sults show that:(1)The blasting vibration prediction model based on the waveform superposition fits the near field vi-bration prediction well. (2)In the direction of the tunnel section paralleled to the tunnel face,the energy flow direc-tion gradually disperses within a certain range of blasting seismic waves. In the measuring line perpendicular to the tunnel face,the absolute slope value of velocity attenuation curve at tunnel dome is highest,and the attenuation veloc-ity is fastest. (3)In the model analysis area,the susceptibility of group hole effect is different at different tunnel sec-tion point. Namely the farther the distance is,the stronger the susceptibility would be.%为了改善隧道近区振动强度预测的准确性,基于现场单孔爆破试验,在掌子面后方构建5排×11列的测点阵模型,在考虑震波频率随传播距离衰减的基础上,利用Anderson线性叠加模型来模拟掏槽孔爆破时的振动情况,建立符合现场实际的隧道近区振速计算模型.同时以北京兴延高速公路隧道梯子峪段爆破工程实测振动数据验证模型的可行性,并对隧道近区振速进行预测.研究表明:(1)基于波形叠加的爆破振动预测模型适用于隧道近区振动预测;(2)在平行于掌子面的隧道截面上,在一定范围内爆破地震波能量流动的方向逐渐分散而均匀,在垂直于掌子面的测线上,拱顶处速度衰减折线的斜率绝对值最大,衰减最快;(3)在模型分析区域中,随着到掌子面距离的增加,不同隧道截面上测点对群孔效应敏感性不同,距离掌子面越近,敏感性越大.【期刊名称】《爆破》【年(卷),期】2017(034)003【总页数】6页(P151-156)【关键词】爆炸力学;波形叠加;隧道爆破近区;振动;预测【作者】谢烽;韩亮;刘殿书;李晨【作者单位】中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;中国矿业大学力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O389;U455.6在隧道中进行爆破施工时,爆源距隧道中的支护结构往往较近,有时离保护目标甚至仅有几米,此时,爆破振动问题将会显得愈加突出[1]。
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GROUND-BASED DIRECT DETECTION OF EXOPLANETS WITHTHE GEMINI PLANET IMAGER (GPI)James R. Graham 1, Bruce Macintosh 2, Rene Doyon 3, Don Gavel 4, James Larkin 5,Marty Levine 6, Ben Oppenheimer 7, David Palmer 2, Les Saddlemyer 8,Anand Sivaramakrishnan 7, Jean-Pierre Veran 8, & Kent Wallace 6AbstractThe Gemini Planet (GPI) imager is an “extreme” adaptive optics system being designed and built for the Gemini Observatory. GPI combines precise and accurate wavefront control, diffraction suppression, and a speckle-suppressing science camera with integral field and polarimetry capabilities. GPI’s primary science goal is the direct detection and characterization of young, Jovian-mass exoplanets. For systems younger than 2 Gyr exoplanets more massive than 6 M J and semimajor axes beyond 10 AU are detected with completeness greater than 50%. GPI will also discover faint debris disks, explore icy moons and minor planets in the solar system, reveal high dynamic range main-sequence binaries, and study mass loss from evolved stars. This white paper explains the role of GPI in exoplanet discovery and characterization and summarizes our recommendations to the NSF-NASA-DOE Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee ExoPlanet Task Force.1UC Berkeley 2Lawrence Livermore National Lab 3Université de Montréal 4UC Santa Cruz 5UCLA 6JPL 7American Museum of Natural History 8NRC/Herzberg InstituteIntroductionDirect detection affords access to exoplanet atmospheres, which yields fundamental information including effective temperature,gravity, and composition. Mid-IR exoplanetary light has been detected in secondary eclipses by SPITZER (Grillmair et al. 2007; Richardson et al. 2007). However, such information is necessarily limited by the overwhelming photon shot noise of the primary. Direct detection separates the exoplanet light from that of its primary so that this noise source is suppressed.When the fundamental atmospheric properties are known for a population ofplanets spanning a range of mass and age it will be possible to conduct critical tests offormation scenarios and evolutionary models.The goals of direct detection includemeasurement of abundances and reconstruction of the thermal history. Such information will discriminate between idealized adiabatic contraction (Burrows et al. 2004), morerealistic accretion models that occurs in core-accretion (Marley et al. 2007), and formation by gravitational instability (Boss 2006).Ultimately, the impact of composition and equation of state on evolution can also beinvestigated.Figure 1: Planet-to-star contrast for a 1 M J exoplanet orbiting a G2 V star at 4 AU for ages 0.1–5 Gyr(Burrows et al. 2004). Planets shine by reflected light in the visible. Young exoplanets (< 1 Gyr for 1 M J ) are detectable by their intrinsic luminosity. Note strong J (1.25 µm) and H (1.65 µm) emission where ground-based facilities have sensitive operation. Old exoplanets(> 1 Gyr) shine only by reflected light at short wavelengths (< 2 µm).Direct detection has several practicaladvantages. Planets at large semimajor axes can be found without waiting for an orbit to complete—a condition that renders indirect detection of Neptune like planets (a = 30 AU, P = 160 yr) impractical. The Fourierdecomposition that underlies Doppler and astrometric detection are also subject to aliasing and beat phenomena, and suffer confusion when multiple planets are present.Direct imaging gives an immediate portrait of a planetary system, including sensitivity to theanalogs of Zodiacal and Kuiper dust belts.Figure 2: Contrast for a 5 Gyr system orbiting a G2 V star at 4 AU. Masses are 0.5–8 M J . Massive, solar-system age exoplanets shine only by reflected light at visible wavelengths, but remain sufficiently self-luminous to be detectable at contrast ratios > 3 x 10-8 in the near-IR.Surveys at large semimajor axes are necessary for several fundamental reasons. The structure of our own solar system implies that a full picture of planet formation cannot beconstructed without reaching out to 30 or 40AU. Moreover, if planets form as aconsequence of disk instabilities, they are most likely to occur at large semimajor axisseparation (> 20 AU for solar type stars) where the cooling time exceeds the Keplerian shear time scale.Indirect searches continue to hint thatthe semimajor axis distribution is at least flat or even rising in d N /dlog(a ) beyond 5 AU. With only 200 Doppler planets known there are too few to make a statistically significant study oftrends with planetary and stellar mass,semimajor axis, and eccentricity. Because Doppler methods have reached the domain of diminishing returns (a = P 2/3), improving the statistics will be challenging. A direct search that can efficiently tap into the dominant population of giant exoplanets beyond 5 AU can bring statistical significance to thesestudies.Figure 3: A schematic of the Gemini Planet Imager showing the major subsystems.Detecting Self-Luminous ExoplanetsDirect detection of Jovian-mass planets via their reflected sunlight requires a contrast ratio of order 2×10−9(a /5AU )−2 relative to their parent star. Because of the inverse square law,reflected light searches are an impractical way to explore the outer regions of solar systems.GPI seeks to detect the energy radiated by the planet itself, which is independent of a , except for very small semimajor axis separations. Old planets are cool and dim, but young planets are hot and therefore bright in the infrared relative to their parent star (Figure 1 & Figure 2). For example, at 1.6 µm it is possible to detect a 10Myr-old 3 M J planet, or a 100 Myr-old 7 M Jplanet, orbiting a G2V star at a contrast ratio of only 4 × 10-6. With improved contrast, an increasingly large phase space of planets becomes accessible. Better contrast isobviously preferable, but it comes at a penalty.For example, Angel (1994) described an AO system designed to achieve very high contrastratios using bright guide stars. This system would be suitable for exploring the planetary systems of 13 bright stars (R < 3.8 mag.) in the solar neighborhood (< 8 pc). However, the detection of a few planets, although dramatic,would be insufficient scientific impetus given the success of Doppler searches. It is necessary to show that any proposed instrument can search a scientifically interesting range of semimajor axes and accumulates a statistically significant sample of exoplanets in reasonableobserving time.Figure 4: The 1-σ, 1-hour speckle noise at H for GPI with 18-cm subapertures and a maximum update rate of 2.5 kHz. The speckle noise is measured in units of the guide star brightness. Therefore, these curves represent the achievable contrast when speckle noise is dominant.The system performance is a function of guide starmagnitude (thick vs. thin lines). The Fried parameter (at 500 nm) for Mauna Kea is 18.7 cm and 14.5 cm for Cerro Pachon. The coronagraph occulter is opaque within 0.09 arc seconds.Overview of GPIThe Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) is a high contrast or “extreme” AO (ExAO) system (Macintosh et al. 2006). Basic R&D enabling the construction of a practical system was supported by the NSF’s Center for Adaptive Optics. In 2004, Gemini supported two ExAO conceptual design studies as part of its “Aspen Process” next generation instrumentationprogram. At the conclusion of those studies, the Gemini Board recently selected GPI to proceed.Work began in June 2006 and delivery of the instrument is expected in late 2010.Imaging a Jovian exoplanet requires a contrast significantly better than that delivered by existing astronomical adaptive optics (AO) systems. Currently achievable contrast, about 10-5, is completely limited by quasi-static wavefront errors, so that contrast does not improve with integration times longer than about 1 minute. Moreover, there are enough slow drifts in these errors that PSF subtraction does not increase contrast by more than a factor of a few, except in the most ideal circumstances. GPI will surpass the performance of existing systems by two orders of magnitude.Table 1: Principal properties of GPIAdaptive Optics Calibration WFSDeformable mirror 4096-actuatorBoston Micro-machinesMEMSType1–2.4 µminterferometerSubaperture size 18 cm (N = 44subaps.)StaticWFEAccuracy1 nm RMSLimiting mag.I = 8 mag.(goal: I = 9mag.)Science InstrumentOptics quality< 5 nm RMSWFE per opticType Lenslet-basedintegral fieldunit Coronagraph Spatialsampling0.014 arcseconds perlensletType Apodized-pupilLyotcoronagraph Field ofview2.8 arcsecond squareInner Working Dist.~ 3 λ/D SpectralcoverageY, J, H or KThroughput60%Spectralresolutionλ/Δλ≈ 45To achieve our science goals, GPI integrates four key subsystems (Figure 3): 1) An AO system that makes fast measurement of the instantaneous wavefront, and provides wavefront control via deformable mirrors; 2) A calibration unit that provides precise and accurate measurements of the time-averaged wavefront at the science wavelength, so that the final image is not dominated by persistent speckles caused by quasi-static wavefront errors; 3) A coronagraph that controls diffraction and pinned speckles; and 4) An integral field spectrograph unit (IFU) that records the scientific data, providing low-resolution spectroscopy and suppression of residual speckle noise. The IFU incorporates a dual-channel polarimeter for studies of circumstellar dust. An example of GPI contrast performance based on detailed simulation of this system is shown in Figure 4.Technical aspects of GPI have been presented in the recent literature, including: apodized pupil Lyot coronagraphs (Soummer 2005, Sivaramakrishnan & Lloyd 2005); optimal wavefront control for ExAO (Poyneer et al. 2006); MEMS deformable mirrors (Morzinski et al. 2006); simultaneous spectral differential imaging and the effects of out-of-pupil-plane optical aberrations (Marois et al. 2006); multiwavelength speckle noise suppression (Marois et al. 2004); and the wavefront calibration system (Wallace et al. 2006).GPI’s ExoPlanet Parameter Space The performance of GPI is characterized by the detectable brightness ratio. The achievable contrast will be a function of the brightness of the wavefront reference, the angular separation, and observing and wavefront-sensing wavelengths. The detectability of planets in a given sample of target stars can then be estimated by comparing the distribution of relative exoplanet brightness versus angular separation with the expected performance. This comparison also quantifies selection effects that vary with properties of the planet (age, mass, and orbital elements) and of the primary star (spectral type and distance).Our knowledge of the distribution of planetary properties is incomplete, but a basic premise is that sufficient information exists to make a preliminary estimate of this distribution. Given these predictions it is possible to estimate the scientific impact of different design choices, e.g., precision and accuracy of adaptive optics correction and observing wavelength, and therefore make an informed trade-off between cost and performance.Figure 5: Detectable companion contrast versus angular separation for GPI, showing the direct detection of young luminous planets in a hypothetical survey of field (< 50pc) stars. The small dots represent the planet population:those detected by GPI are drawn with a box, those detectable in current Doppler surveys are shown with a circle. The dashed line shows the GPI contrast threshold (5 σ) for a 1-hour exposure at 1.65 µm. Within 100 λ/D speckle noise dominates. In this example, which has no speckle noise suppression and a fixed frame rate and simple AO model, a universal contrast curve applies to all targets.The approach we adopt involvesmaking a Monte Carlo model for the population of planets in the solar neighborhood (Graham et al. 2002). This description includes the mass,age and orbital elements of each accompanying planet. When combined with cooling curves,model atmospheres and the distance to the primary star we can compute the brightness ratio and angular separation at any epoch. Our adopted planet properties are based on the precision Doppler monitoring of about 2000 F,G and K stars by eight exoplanets searches at the AAT, Lick, Keck, ESO/Coralie,Provence/Elodie, Whipple Observatory,ESO/CES and McDonald. Approximately 200exoplanets have been found with periodsbetween a few days and a few years and with M sin i spanning 0.1–10 M J . Since there is no accepted theoretical model for the planet mass,M , or semimajor axis, a, distributions, we adopt a simple power law distribution: d N /d M ∝ M α -and d N /d a ∝ a β.Figure 6: Exoplanets from the simulated GPI field star survey. Heavy filled circles are GPI detected planets from. Light dots are planets detected by a hypothetical 8-year astrometric interferometer survey, with a limit of R < 10 mag., and a precision of 30 µas. Exoplanetsdetected in the Keck/Lick Doppler survey are shown as stars. This illustrates how GPI explores a complementary phase space to indirect searches.Figure 5 shows the results of a Monte Carlo experiment using GPI with ideal apodization,Fried parameter, r 0 = 100 cm at the observing wavelength of 1.6 µm, operating at 2.5 kHz. In this example the planet population isparameterized by a planetary mass spectrum with α = -1, a semi major axis distribution with β = -1/2 between 0.1 < a /AU < 50, and a star formation history such that the age of the disk is 10 Gyr and the mean age of stars in solar neighborhood is 5 Gyr. For this simple plot, we assume no suppression of residual speckles,and therefore speckle noise always dominates.When this is true, it is a good approximation to assume a universal contrast curve for all targets, which means that the results can be easily visualized in a contrast versus angular separation plot.Figure 7: Exoplanets from the simulated GPI field star survey. Solid lines show the evolution of 1–20 M J exoplanets. Dotted lines are isochrones labeled in log 10(Gyr). Detected planets are filled circles. Thepopulation straddles the H 2O cloud condensation line at about 400 K (dashed), and a few objects lie below the NH 3 condensation curve (dashed). The only confirmed astronomical object that lies on this plot is Jupiter, with T eff = 120 and log 10g = 3.4.This simple system can detect about 5% of the planets in a survey of field stars. Preliminary calculations of this type were first used to argue for the scientific utility of GPI because the exoplanet detection rate is comparable to that delivered by Doppler searches. The GPI IFU will be used to suppress speckles, but the results are not so easily visualized—in subsequent simulations (e.g., Figure 7) all significant noise sources, e.g., photon shot noise, background, flat field noise, detector read noise and dark current, are fully treated.High fidelity calculations using the full sensitivity of the system predict that in a survey of approximately 3800 field stars with I < 8mag. we would detect over 200 planets. Figure 7 shows two ways to visualize how GPI-detected planets explore the potential discovery phase space. Figure 6 compares the catalog of Doppler planets, a hypothetical astrometricsurvey and the GPI exoplanets.Figure 8: Exoplanet detection completeness contours for an age-selected (< 2 Gyr) GPI survey of stars in the solar neighborhood as a function of semimajor axis andplanetary mass. GPI completeness is good (>50%) for 5M J planets beyond 10 AU. Massive planets (12 M J ) are found with similar completeness as close as 5 AU.Approximately 500 such stars are accessible to GPI (I <8 mag.) in the solar neighborhood and over 100exoplanets should be detectable.This comparison confirms that GPI iscomplementary to indirect methods. GPI can probe the outer regions of solar systems and will answer our key science questions related to planet formation and migration. Figure 7 plots the GPI exoplanets atmospheric properties on an effective temperature, log (g ) diagram. The youngest detected exoplanets have ages of a few hundred Myr, representing the youngest systems in the field-star sample. The youngest objects sample masses as low as 1 M J . With increasing age, the mean detected planet mass increases. The median exoplanet age is 1.3Gyr, the oldest have ages of ~ 5 Gyr. About 70% of the planets are cooler than that water cloud condensation line, and three lie to the left of the ammonia cloud condensation curve. The properties of young planets (< 100 Myr)depend on initial conditions, and have been excluded from these Monte Carlo simulations.It is worth emphasizing that at GPI’s contrast levels we do not require super-luminous “hot start” planets but can detect planets formed through low-entropy core-accretion.Important complements to broad field-star surveys are targeted surveys of young clusters and associations or age-selected field stars, where the mean GPI exoplanet detection rate can approach 50%. Figure 7 (right) showsthat the median detected exoplanet age in the field survey is 1.3 Gyr. Old stars can be winnowed using a chromospheric activity indicator such as Ca H & K. Employing a selection criterion that eliminates stars older than 2 Gyr boosts the planet detection rate by a factor of four. The completeness of such a survey is represented in Figure 8. About 500 stars in the solar neighborhood would be selected by such a survey, which should yield over 100 exoplanets. This suggests that a preliminary estimate of the semimajor axis and planetary mass distributions could be made in 15–30 nights of telescope time. The Gemini Observatory plans to devote 100-200 nights to GPI campaigns, therefore a number of comprehensive exoplanet surveys will be possible to accumulate statistics relevant to planet formation and to study exoplanet atmospheres.GPI also enables a broad range of adjunct science. Most relevant to the ExoPTF is sensitive detection and characterization of planetary debris disks. Unseen planets below GPI’s detection threshold may gravitationally sculpt debris disks, and therefore the ability to detect disks with optical depths as small as 8 ×10-5, or approximately one fiftieth of well-known systems such as beta Pic or AU Mic, is a key feature. Other science missions include high contrast imaging of minor planets and icy moons in the solar system, studies of main sequence binaries (GPI can see an M dwarf next to an O star), and investigation of mass loss from evolved stars.Conclusions & Recommendations to the ExoPTFOuter planets (a > 10 AU) take more than thirty years to complete one revolution. These planets will remain undetected in the first-generation Doppler surveys until about 2030. In contrast, direct detection of exoplanets is feasible now using advanced AO techniques. Within three years the GPI instrument will begin to survey for exoplanets beyond 10 AU. GPI will give our first glimpse of the outer regions of exoplanetary systems, where novel planet formation pathways may operate, the counterparts of inward planetary migration may reside, and Kuiper belt analogs may be discovered. Around selected younger targets, GPI will have significant sensitivity in the 5-10 AU range. From low-resolution spectra of the atmospheres of exoplanets GPI will also yield effective temperatures, gravity and composition. As static wavefront errors set the fundamental noise floor for direct detection, whether on the ground or in space, GPI is a unique pathfinder for future NASA missions. The GPI program therefore represents the next major step in direct planet detection and should remain a priority of the Gemini Observatory.The Gemini Observatory has recognized that the full scientific potential of GPI can only be realized if observing with this instrument is coordinated into major campaigns. Substantial resources are needed immediately if the US astronomical community is to compete effectively to conduct these hundred-night observing programs. Foundation science includes the assembly of catalogs of adolescent (0.1–1 Gyr) stars, which are the most fertile hunting grounds for self-luminous exoplanets. Efficient use of observing time will require careful experimental design, and resources will be needed to reduce and analyze GPI data for reliable exoplanet discovery and characterization. Support will also be necessary to prepare for follow up observations of candidates, including building a strong theoretical basis for understanding exoplanets atmospheres in the temperature range of200–600 K.ReferencesAngel, J. R. P. 1994, Nature 368, 203. Boss, A. P. 2006, ApJ, 644L, 79.Burrows, A., Sudarsky, D., & Hubeny, I. 2004, ApJ, 609, 407.Graham, J. R. 2002, BAAS, 201 2102 Grillmair, C. J., et al. 2007, ApJ, 658L, 115. Macintosh B. et al. 2006, SPIE, 6272, 18 Marois, C., Doyon, R., Racine, R., & Nadeau, D. 2004, PASP, 112, 91Marois, C. et al. 2006, SPIE, 6269, 114Marley, M. et al. 2007, ApJ, 655, 541. Morzinski, K., M., et al. 2006, SPIE, 6272, 62 Poyneer et al. 2006, 6272, 50 Richardson, L. J., et al. 2007, Nature, 445, 892. Sivaramakrishnan, A., & Lloyd, J. P. 2005, ApJ, 633, 528Soummer, R. 2005, ApJ 618L, 161 Wallace, J. K., et al. 2006, SPIE, 6273, 22。