Lexical gapppt课件


英语词汇学 ppt课件

英语词汇学  ppt课件
and suffixation? 3. What do we mean by literary and common
words? 4. What is the difference between grammatical
meaning and lexical meaning? 5. What are the differences between
meaning), capable of performing a given syntactic function.词是语言组织中的基本 单位,能独立运用的,具有声音 、意义 和语法功能。
1.The Development of the English vocabulary(英语发展史)
eg. (1) hām(home)的变格: Singular
Subjective hām
Possessive hāmes
Objective hām
Plural hāmas hāma hāmum hāmas
6)Loan Words 外来语
(1) Introduction of Christianity(基督教) Fr. Latin: bargain, cheap, inch, pound, cup, dish, wall, wine, etc.; abbot, alter, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, num, priest, pope, shrine, temple, etc. (2) Scandinavian invasion — Vikings Fr. Old Norse: are, they, their, them, till, call, die give, take skin, sky, window, ill, weak, etc.

Lecture 11 lexical cohesion 英语词汇学 教学课件

Lecture 11 lexical cohesion  英语词汇学 教学课件
❖ They are exophora (指外) and
What is exophora?
❖ It is also called exophoric reference or situation reference, referring to an item whose referent is retrievable in the context of situation.
Task 1 Brainstorming
❖ _______ but he couldn’t keep her
❖ Please help make a complete sentence with the part mentioned above
❖ Peter had a wife but he couldn’t keep her
❖ There are two main types of cohesion: grammatical, referring to the structural content, and lexical, referring to the language content of the piece. A cohesive text is created in many different ways. In Cohesion in English, Halliday and Hasan identify five general categories of cohesive devices that create coherence in texts: reference, ellipsis, substitution, lexical cohesion, and conjunction.



1)英大于汉:指一个英语词语可以对应多个 汉语词语。如:
marry thick
嫁、娶 厚、稠、粗 薄、稀、细
哥哥,弟弟 夫
在英译汉的过程中,应根据具体语境来判断 英语词语的确切含义。
you, Colonel; but I bare no malice(恶意; 怨恨). I should have done the same myself. I’ve been the victim of one woman after another all of life…
上校,你真鬼,可是咱不怪你;要是咱,咱 也这么办。咱一辈子总是吃娘们的亏,…
社会主义 上海
socialism Shanghai carbon dioxide
2、部分对应(partial equivalence)
由于人们对客观事物的命名和概念划分方式不 尽相同,无论是在英文还是在汉语中,都存在 一词多义现象。所谓英汉词汇的对应,绝大多 数是部分义项的对应。
一些英语国家特有的语言文化现象在汉语中也找 不到对应的表达方式,这就造成了英有汉无的词
理念刚刚传入中国,出现了一些新词,如 science, democracy,都是汉语中所没有的,最 初人们只好音译为“赛因斯”和“德莫克拉西”,
后来随着社会的发展,它们才逐渐翻译成“科学” 和“民主”。再如:
Have you had breakfast/lunch/supper?


Grammatical knowledge allows us to generate sentences.
If we want to express meanings, we need to have a store of words that we can select from when we wish to express these meanings under the control of grammatical rules.
What is linguistics then? Linguistics is the scientific study of
Lecture 1
Connection of Lexicology with Other Branches of Linguistics
A /bull-ˋcalf is a young bull.
2. With grammar
Vocabulary and grammar are organically related to one another.
In learning a language, attention to grammar is as important as attention to vocabulary.
语义学(semantics),分析语言单位和所指内 容之间的关系。
语用学(pragmatics),分析语言符号和使用者之 间的关系,如何通过语言符号表达语言符号所 表达的以及语言符号之外的意义。
The nature and domain of lexicology
Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins, meaning and uses of words.

Lexical Gap between Chinese and English and Its Translation Strategies

Lexical Gap between Chinese and English and Its Translation Strategies

毕业设计(论文)Title: Lexical Gap between Chinese and English and Its Translation Strategies题目:英汉翻译中词汇空缺现象与翻译策略学生姓名:专业:学号:指导老师:二零一二年六月AbstractNowadays, the international communication is frequent in the area of globalization. However, lexical gap hinders the communication between different languages. Sometimes, we can find that a word’s meaning in one language does not exist in another, which results from either language or cultural difference. It always cause many misunderstanding between different languages, which affects greatly on economic development and intercultural communication. So it is important and necessary for us to deal with lexical gaps in translation. By studying this phenomenon, it will not only help us to reduce the mistakes and convey message properly but have a better command of intercultural communication. More and more people focus their attention on lexical gap phenomenon, while it seems to be simple, in fact is difficult. Therefore, this thesis will study the classification and reasons of lexical gap between English and Chinese as well as some proper methods to solve lexical gap problems in translation.Key words: Lexical gap; Classification of lexical gap; Causes of lexical gap; Strategies in translation摘要21世纪的今天在经济全球化的大背景下,国际间的交流日益频繁。

English Lexicology (Introduction) 英语词汇学 教学课件

English Lexicology (Introduction) 英语词汇学 教学课件

Its Relation to other Disciplines IV
Stylistics is the study of style. It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic element in a particular context for special effects, including lexis, phonology, syntax, graphology.
Lexicology focuses on the lexical level, dealing with the types of meaning and sense relations such as :Polysemy, homonymy synonymy, Antonymy, hyponymy, and semantic field, which constitute an important part of lexicology
lexicology: the form , meaning , origins and usage of words. They have pragmatic differences. A lexicographer’s task is to record the language as it is used to so as to present the genuine picture of words to the reader, providing authoritative reference . While the student of lexicology is to acquire the knowledge and information of lexis so as to increase their lexical awareness and capacity of language use.


Linguistic semantics involves all aspects of meaning in natural languages, from the meaning of complex utterances in specific context to that of individual sounds in syllables.
a new waste paper basket
The second type of definition considers the word as a thought unit or a psychological unit.
Farmer Rethink Spoonful all of a sudden as usual.
Morphology is the study of the forms of words and their components. In morphology, morpheme is a basic concept. The major purpose of study in morphology is to look at morphemes and their arrangements in word formation.
Third, there can be no ‘true’ or original meaning, since human language stretches too far back in history.
When speakers cannot analyze an obscure form, they use ‘folk etymology’ to replace it with a different form which is morphologically transparent.

the lexical approachPPT教学课件

the lexical approachPPT教学课件

以人民教育出版社出版的《英语》(新版)五年级 上册 Unit one 中的 Lesson one 一课为例:
Miss Liu: Hello,boys and girls. We have two new friends in our class. Come here, Bob and Zhou Pei. Come to the front.
the belief that building blocks of
language learning and communication
are not grammar, functions, notions or
some other unit of planning and
teaching but lexis, that is, words and
Bob: Hello! I'm Bob. I'm eleven. I come from Britain.
Zhou: Good morning! I'm Zhou Pei. I'm ten. I come from Beijing.
Class: Welcome to our class!
Both: Thank you!
word combinations.
Lexical approach in language teaching reflex a belief in the centrality of the lexicon to language structure, second language learning and language use, and in particular to multiword lexical units or chunks that are learned and used as single items.

Lexical gap

Lexical gap

Cultural Vacancy Related to Religion
Religion is an important part of culture. In China, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have pervaded ordinary people’s beliefs and ideas. There are rich resources of idioms and folk stories that make the Chinese language vigorous and colorful. For example, the expressions “跑得了和尚跑不了庙”, “道高一尺,魔 高一丈”and “四大皆空”and others are related to Buddhism and Taoism cultures. Moreover, Confucianism advocates ethnics and conduct enhancement which are exhibited in language, such as “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”. As one of the most important religions in the world, Christianity pervades people’s life in almost every aspect with its deep and latent influence on their ideas and behaviors. Numerous English proverbs are based on or directly come from the Bible of Christianity which is traditionally the belief of the English speaking nations. For instance, “Man proposes, God disposes”, “God helps those who help themselves”,


❖ It should be noted that anaphora refers to an item whose referent is retrievable in the preceding part of the text.
❖ Cataphora refers to an item whose referent can be retrieved within the succeeding part of the text.

It is generally accepted that revolves around the sun.
❖ Do you want to have another biscuit?
❖ Secondly the grammatical device worth mentioning here is ellipsis and substitution.
❖ Here, cohesive ties refer to one occurrence of a pair of cohesively related items, the single instance of cohesion.
❖ Three blind mice, three blind mice.
❖ Ellipsis refers to the omission of an item and substitution refers to the replacement of one item by another.
❖ Task 4 discussion
❖ Why do we often adopt ellipsis and substitution in writing and speaking?

Introduction to lexicologyPPT课件

Introduction to lexicologyPPT课件

Why should
we study lexicology ?
Three elements in language:
1. speech sounds (Pronunciation)
2. grammar 3. vocabulary
•1 2
elementary foundation
advanced enhancement
English Vocabulary
How many
words in
How many words are there in English?
At least:
a) 10,000 b) 100,000 c) 250,000 d)500,000
The size of English vocabulary
Etymology studies the _h_i_s_to_r_y_ of the
word. 语源学
Semantics studies the _m__e_a_n_in_g__ of
the word. 语义学 Lexicography studies 词典学
• 专八:通过课堂教学和其他 途径认知词汇达10,000-12, 000个;且能正确而熟练地使 用其中的5,000-6,000个及 其最常用的搭配。
魏望东 我们可以认定中国大学生具有的英语词汇 量严重偏低, 这大大影响了他们的综合语言 能力。研究者们调查出来的中国非英语专 业大学生的最高词汇量仅为5920, 而英语 专业大学生的最高词汇量也仅为6804。英 国的 COBUILD 词典认为英语最基本, 最核 心的词汇为6600 个。Laufer (1989) 认为 5000 个词汇应是阅读所需词汇量的下限, 学习者若拥有9000词汇, 阅读正确率也只 有70%。



适当使用Lexis,语言表达更 准确,避免歧义和误解。
恰到好处的Lexis应用,提升 口语和书面语的流利程度。
通过本课程,您将掌握Lexis的定义、特点、使用方法和应用场景。加强对Lexis的理解和应用,提升您的语言能 力和表达效果。
3 语言重塑
通过大量阅读,理解词汇在真 实语境中的含义和用法。
使用记忆技巧和练习,将Lexis 融入自己的语言表达中。
将掌握的Lexis应用于其他学科 和领域,并与其他语言相互迁 移。
通过掌握实用的Lexis,流利并准确地进 行日常对话和表达。
Hale Waihona Puke 高效性掌握恰当的Lexis,能够更有 效地传达想法和意思。
《Lexis使用指南》PPT课 件
欢迎来到《Lexis使用指南》PPT课件!在本课程中,我们将探讨如何使用Lexis, 这是一个强大的语言工具,帮助您提升语言学习和研究的能力。
在本节中,我们将介绍《Lexis使用指南》这门课程的目标和内容,帮助您了解将在接下来的内容中学到的知识 和技能。
我们将深入探讨Lexis的定义和概念,了解它在语言学中的重要性和作用。您将了解到Lexis与词汇量、词汇选择 和词义等方面的关系。



the definition of lexical coverage1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在探讨词汇覆盖率的定义及其重要性。




1.2 文章结构本文分为五个部分,即引言、正文、覆盖率定义与意义、影响词汇覆盖率的因素以及结论。

- 引言部分将提出研究目的和文章结构;- 正文部分将详细阐述本文主题,并引入相关理论和研究结果进行分析;- 覆盖率定义与意义部分将阐述什么是词汇覆盖率,为什么关注词汇覆盖率以及测量方法;- 影响词汇覆盖率的因素部分将探讨不同文本类型、文化差异以及学习者个体特点对词汇覆盖率的影响;- 结论部分将总结全文内容并给出进一步研究的展望和建议。

1.3 目的本文的目的是提供关于词汇覆盖率概念、测量方法以及影响因素的详细介绍。



这样写对吗?2. 正文正文部分将对词汇覆盖率进行进一步的介绍和讨论。









my lexical ppt资料

my lexical ppt资料

1.1the importantance of advertisingWe live in a world of advertising. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of product or s ervice information from various media including newspaper s, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. A dvertising provides a valuable service to society and its me mbers, because it defines for consumers the meaning and the role of products, services, and institutions. It indicates the difference that exists between brands of products and alternative services, as well as the distinguishing characteri stics of companies and institutions. Advertising also tells th e consumer what a specific product, brand or service shou ld do when it is used and thus helps him or her to under stand and evaluate experience with the products and servi ces that he or she uses. On the other hand, by making p eople aware of products, service and ideas, advertising pro motes sales and profits. Finally, advertising is one of the major forces that are helping improve the standard of livin g around the world. Combined with all these communicatio nal, marketing and social functions. Advertising becomes in dispensable in the modern world.Naturally, advertisements in English have become an important means of communicating ideas, demonstrating a variety of linguistic features of its own.1.2Definition of advertisingAccording to the Definition Committee of American Marketin g Association(方薇, 1997:2)advertising is defined as follows:Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information us ually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various m edia.2.1 Classification of advertising and its aud ienceGenerally speaking, advertisements can be divided into two typ es: public relation ads and commercial ads. The former tries to advocate reputation for a social group, whose purpose is to l eave a favorable impression upon the potential audience. The l atter leads to the act of purchasing the products or using therecommended service. Commercial ads are much more present ed through mass media for the reason that manufacturers and companies are willing to spend a large sum of money to mak e a certain product known or to boost the image of a certain brand. In some cases, competitors, like Coca-cola and Perpsi, even spare no expense to launch advertising campaigns to win over the market share.Graph 1 Classification of advertisementsPublic ads Daily consumer goods adsAdvertising Consumer ads Technical equipment ads Commercial adsBusiness ads Service ads2.2.1 Few verbs are usedG. N. Leech, English linguist, lists 20 most used verbs in his English In Advertising: Linguistic study of Advertising In Great Britain (方薇, 1997:20). They are: make, get, give, have, see, buy, come, go, know, keep, look, need, love, use, feel, like, choose, t ake, start, taste.All these verbs listed above are also popular in the corpus we built.You will often read such sentences in an advertisement:Buy x. Use it. We make… X will give you what you need. Yo u’ll love x. Get x. Fox example:We’ll make this qui ck. (Hertz Car Return)Get great coverage that’s so weightless and water-fresh. (ALM AY)All you need is a taste for adventure. (Millstone Coffee)You’ll love it even more with the 2.1 megapixel C-2000 ZOOM. (Olympus Camera)Don’t ha ve much of a personality? Buy one. (Honda Motor)…All these frequently used verbs are monosyllabic and most of th em have Anglo-Saxon origin that is the common core of English vocabulary. Linguistic study shows English native speakers tend t o use words of Anglo-Saxon origin, because native words have c omparably stable meaning. In advertising, these simple words ca n win the consumers by their exact, effective expression and a k ind of closeness. Etymological studies show that the 20 verbs lis ted before, except use and taste which are from ancient French, all are Anglo-Saxon origin. Even the two words, use and taste have long become indispensable lexical items in the stock of co mmon core vocabulary of the English people, developing their st able meaning and usage.2.2.2 Use of emotive wordsA close scrutiny of recent advertisements suggests that the sof t-sell technique is now popular. By soft-sell technique we mean the one that favors a more emotive and less directive approa ch to promote a product, mainly focusing on the building of br and image. As a result, emotive words, most of which are ple asant adjectives, are greatly encouraged to use.Data from the corpus shows that the most frequently use d adjectives are as follows:new, good/better/best, fresh, free, delicious, sure, full, clean, wonderful, special, crisp, real, fine, great, safe, and rich.These adjectives help to build a pleasant picture in readers’ mi nds and manage to create a belief in the potential consumer: If I buy this product or if I choose this service, I will lead a b etter life. In addition, comparatives and superlatives occur to h ighlight the advantage of a certain product or service. For exa mple:Nothing comes closer to home. (Vegetable and Chicken Pasta Bake)Think Lysol is the best disinfecting spray. (Disinfecting Spray)The world’s coolest CDs aren’t made in New York, London or L.A.They are made in my apartment. (Philips CD Recorder)2.2.3 Make pun and alliterationPun is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meani ngs which is called Polysemy or of words with the same sound but different meanings which is called Homonymy. Pun, the gam e of words, will leave a deep impression on readers by its reada bility, wit, and humor. However, to make a successful and impre ssive pun is not easy. Except for its own meaning, the word use d as a pun is usually closely related to the characteristics of a c ertain product or the brand name of the product. Such coinciden ce doesn’t occur often. Here we presen t several classic pun- use d advertisements. For example:Give your hair a touch of spring.Ask for more. (More is a famous brand of cigarette)Give your business the sharp edge. (Sharp Corporation) …By using pun, advertisements will be easily remembered by th e readers. In addition, filled with wit and humor, puns help the advertised product win favor from readers.Alliteration is the use of words that begin with the same so und in order to make a special communicative effect. Usually the y are pleasing to ears because of the clever choice of the word by the advertiser. In addition, the repetition of the beginning so und emphasizes the meaning the advertisement wants to expres s. The following are examples picked from the corpus.…, everything you need for that big bargain basement special.…, and vitamin E to leave skin soft and smooth.Treat your weary ghosts and goblins to a warm bowl of chill an d ……2 Comparison of frequently-used adjectives in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment adsDescriptive adjectivesEvaluative adjectivesDailyConsumerGoodsAdsradiant, shiny, dazzling, gold soft, smoothfreshcreamy, crispycleaneasy, convenient rich, effective, crucial healthy, fast valuable, flew essentialgood/better/best magicTechnicalEquipmentAdsaudible, visiblehigh-volume, full-colour,high-speedmagnetic, sharpinvisible, multipleflexible, versatilethat descriptive adjectives in daily consumer goods ad s such as fresh, crispy, and soft, tend to convey the se nse of sight, touch, and taste. The temptation arousedby this vivid description of a product is hard to resist e specially for women who tend to be moved by pleasant senses; compared with men, women are inclined to thi nk in terms of images and perceive through senses. Ho wever, men, the target audience of technical equipment, are good at rational thinking. Men are not controlled by senses. On the contrary, the product’s interior qualit y and function is what they pay attention to. So the de scriptive adjectives used in technical equipment ads are the ones conveying information of the product, such a saudible, visible, high-volume, high-speed, etc.2.3.3 Compound wordsCompound words in technical equipment ads, are usuall y combined to give an exact description of a certain fe ature or a certain function such as high-volume, full-col or, multi-functional, non-stop, water-cooled. Often num bers are employed in front of the hyphen, which is seldom seen in other advertisements, such as 64-bit, 24-v alve, 4-wheel, 255-horsepower. 多给一些例子2.3.4 Use of pronounsPronouns of the first and second person: we, I and you outnu mber the other pronouns in advertisements. It is because that you, we and I help create a friend-like intimate atmosphere to move and persuade the audience. Advertisements with lots of pronouns of the first and second person are called gossip adv ertisements. Here, gossip has not the least derogative meaning. It originates from old English god sib, meaning friendly chats between women. Advertisements that go like talking with frien ds closely link the advertisement and the audience. The audien ce will easily accept a product, a service or an idea as if a go od friend recommended them.Though pronouns of the first and second person are popular i n advertisements, there are some differences in the use of the se pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first per son we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads, whereas we is used in almost 80% the service ads in the corpus. The following are some examples. What can we do for you?So come on and join us as we celebrate MillenniaMania Singap ore.…, we help our neighbors find the best ways to give to their f avorite charitiesWe’re stronger than ever.4.conclusionIn summary, no matter what kind of structure, or cont ent, or words are used in an advertisement, all of them serve the purpose of attracting ads readers, conveyi ng information to them, and urging them to purchase t he products or to use the service. That is what an ad f or, and that is also the function advertising language p erforms.。



另一个特点是语义对立的渐进性( gradual ), 即对立的两极词中间可插进表示不同程度性 质的词语,体现出对立的层次性。如在 beautiful和ugly之间可以加入pretty, goodlooking,plain等词;在love 和 hate之间 可加入 attachment , liking , indifference , antipathy 等词;在 hot 和 cold 之间可以插入 warm ,lukewarm ,cool等词。这类语义场中 的词描述不同事物时,所依据的标准是不同 的,如在 big , small 这个语义场中,显然, a small elephant要比a big mouse大,而a small mouse 要比 a big mosquito 大。
1.一种语言词汇中的词在语义上是互 相联系的,这些词共同构成一个完整 的词汇系统,该系统是不断变化的。 一方面,在语言的历史长河中,旧词 消失,新词诞生;另一方面,随着时 间的推移,词与词之间的语义关系也 在不断变化、调整。有时,一个词的 词义扩大了,跟它邻近的词的词义就 会缩小。
2 .既然一种语言词汇中的词在语义上 是相互联系的,我们就应该把它们当作 一个完整的系统来加以研究,而不应该 孤立地研究单个的词的语义变化。传统 的 “ 历 时 语 义 学 ” ( diachronic semantics)在研究方法上的主要缺陷之 一,就是忽略了词与词之间的语义关系 及其相互影响,而单纯地去追溯单个的 词在语义上的历史发展。
顺序义场中各词义间的界限一般 是清楚的,只有少数例外,如“季节” 这个语义场中的“春、夏、秋、冬”, 这四个词的意义除了在天文历法中所 作的人为明确规定外,它们在日常用 语中所表达的都是模糊概念。


第四节 中国菜名翻译方法
饮食文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分中 国菜历史悠久,其高超的烹饪技艺和丰富的 文化内涵 令外国游客大开眼界。但是因为东 西方语言和文化的差异,要把中国菜名翻译 得准确生动,并不是一件容易的事 。翻译菜 名要抓住用料,刀法,烹调法,口味几个关 键。
4. 删减法 在旅游资料中,有些内容是中国传统文化特 有的产物,若逐字逐句翻译,对理解原文没 有任何帮助,甚至外国游客根本看不懂,这 时就应该适当的删改
关于华清池有这样一段文字描写: 华清池内有一贵妃池,相传是杨贵妃当年沐浴的地方。 唐代名诗人白居易的“长恨歌”中有:“春寒赐浴华 清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”的诗句。
and herbal cuisine 康健旅游(气功,太极,就诊及药膳)
3 生动形象,引人入胜 旅游英语总是运用活泼而风趣的措辞,生动而高雅 的描述,给人以美的享受,激发起浓厚的游兴。
例如:落泉别墅体现了动与静,变幻与永恒,强劲与 易逝的对立,使人生处于矛盾之中:兴致勃勃的进 取与忧虑不安。
4 活泼热情,富有感染力 旅游文本往往热情活泼,朗朗上口,融旅游与宣传 于一体。
例如:Where to now? I’ll tell you: the oasis绿洲, the best Mexican food at that altitude in the cityand the most spectacular sunset.
念,在中文里,“风水”和“阴阳”不但与地理 有关,更与信仰有关。在翻译的时候,可采用译 出指称寓意,同时加适当注释的方法。
例如 大乘寺坐北朝南,院墙按八卦建造。 译文 The Great Vehicle Temple faces south



Explore Explode爆炸 Exploit 利用开发 Explicit
Elaborate 详尽 concise Exquisite (nearly perfect)
Suspicious of(skeptical about) Indicative of
In quest of In persuit of
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Cultural Vacancy
Many scholars give different definitions on cultural vacancy from different angles. According to Wang Bingqin (1985), cultural vacancy refers to a kind of cultural phenomenon. The uniqueness of a given culture cannot be understood or accepted by people from other cultures, and can be easily misunderstood and may cause cultural vacancy in other cultures. Their definitions can be summed up as this: some linguistic phenomena or cultural items exist in one language, but cannot find their corresponding expressions in the languages of another culture due to cultural differences in historical background, social customs, religious beliefs and ideology.
CultuLeabharlann eIn 1871 E.B. Taylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and many other capabilities and habits acquired by...[members] of society." "Culture means the total body of tradition borne by a society and transmitted from generation to generation. It thus refers to the norms, values, standards by which people act, and it includes the ways distinctive in each society of ordering the world and rendering it intelligible. Culture is...a set of mechanisms for survival, but it provides us also with a definition of reality. It is the matrix into which we are born, it is the anvil upon which our persons and destinies are forged." (Robert Murphy. Culture and Social Anthropology: An Overture. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1986: 14)
When we learn a word, we are inclined to look for its meaning in the word itself. Yet in addition to its dictionary meanings, the same word may evoke different associations in people. Take the word dog as an example. In the United States of America, the word dog in most cases conjures up an image of a furry, domesticated family pet. In many other places of the world, such as Hong Kong, however, dogs are considered to be a culinary amenity and often are eaten.The example indicates that language use is heavily tinted with its culture. Language is the carrier and foundation of culture, through which the history of human civilization and social progress are recorded. Therefore, language contributes to the communication, transmission and evolution of culture. On the other hand, language itself is a product of culture and influenced and shaped by culture.
Lexical gap
Culture Language and Culture Definition of Cultural Vacancy Definition of Lexical Gap Different Types of Cultural Vacancy Different Types of Lexical Gap
Language and Culture For a better understanding of the relationship between cultural vacancy and lexical gaps, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between language and culture.