Microcontroller Based System for theMeasurement of Dielectric Constant inLiquidsCh.V.V.Ramana and K.MalakondaiahDepartment of Instrumentation and University Science InstrumentationCentre,Sri Krishnaevaraya University,Anantapur,IndiaAbstract:A microcontroller based system using 89c51microcontroller for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids has been designed and developed.It is based on the principle that the change in frequency of an XR–2206function generator,when the liquid forms the dielectric medium of the dielectric cell,is measured with a microcontroller.Atmel’s AT89C51microcontroller is used in the present study.Further,an LCD module is interfaced with the microcontroller in 4-bit mode,which reduces the hardware complexity.Software is developed in C using Ride’s C-cross compiler.The instrument system covers a wide range of dielectric constants for various liquids at various concentrations and at different temperatures.The system is quite successful in the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids with an accuracy of +0.2%.The paper deals with the hardware and software details.Keywords:Dielectric constant,XR-2206Function generator,Frequency measure-ment,C using Ride’s C-cross compiler and 89C51MicrocontrollerINTRODUCTIONThe dielectric constant is a property of major concern in understanding acid-base behaviour in various solvents.A “dielectric”is a substance that can sustain an electric field and acts as an insulator.Some liquids and gases can serve as good dielectric materials,having a special property of storing and dis-sipating electrical energy when subjected to electromagnetic fields.Dry air is Address correspondence to K.Malakondaiah,Department of Instrumentation and University Science Instrumentation Centre,Sri Krishnaevaraya University,Anantapur 515003,India.E-mail:ramana6@Instrumentation Science and Technology ,35:599–608,2007Copyright #Taylor &Francis Group,LLCISSN 1073-9149print /1525-6030onlineDOI:10.1080/10739140701651581599an excellent dielectric.Dielectric measurements are useful for detecting explosives,plastic and metal weapons,drugs,chemical agents,and biological agents.The dielectric constant 1of a liquid is defined as the ratio of the electrical capacitance of a cell when the liquid /solution forms the dielec-tric medium (C s )to the capacitance of the cell when air forms the dielectric medium (C 0)at a given temperature,which is represented by the following equation:1¼ðC s Þ=ðC 0Þð1ÞThe dielectric cell consists of two parallel metallic plates which act as electrodes.The cell acts as a capacitor,while the liquid acts as a dielectric medium.The cell has to be first standardized to measure the dielectric constants of unknown solutions.This is accomplished by considering a pure liquid,such as benzene,as the reference liquid.The dielectric constant of an unknown liquid (1x )can be determined by measuring the capacitance of the cell in air (C 0),the capacitance of cell in the reference liquid (C r ),such as benzene,and the capacitance of the cell in the liquid whose dielectric constant has to be measured (C x ),using the relationship:1x ¼1þ½ðC 0ÀC x Þ=ðC 0ÀC r Þ Âð1r À1Þð2Þwhere 1r is the dielectric constant of the reference liquid.The dielectric constant of a material contains detailed information about the physical and chemical composition and structure.[1]Nowadays,the popularity of microcon-trollers is increasing,due to the fact that they are being used in all types of instruments and in embedded environments.In the present study,the technique utilizes frequency measurement for determination of capacitance using the microcontroller as a tool,while most of the conventional techniques measure the capacitance using bridge methods.PRINCIPLEThe IC XR–2206is a function generator chip.It acts as an RC oscillator.The frequency of oscillations depends on the values of timing resistor R and timing capacitor C.The value of R is kept constant.The dielectric cell acts as a capacitor C that varies with the dielectric medium.Consequently,the frequency of the oscillator also changes.The measurement of the frequency of the oscillator enables one to measure the value of the capacitance of the cell and,thus,the dielectric constant of the medium.In the present study,with suitable interface of the oscillator circuit with a 89C51microcontroller,the frequency of the oscillator is measured.The dielectric constant of the medium is computed using Eq.(2)and is displayed on the LCD.Ch.V.V.Ramana and K.Malakondaiah 600EXPERIMENTALInstrumentationHardware DesignThe block diagram of the microcontroller based system for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids is shown in Fig.1.A schematic diagram which contains more details is shown in Fig.2.The designed cell is connected between pins 5and 6of THE XR-2206using A BNC connector.The dielectric cell acts as a capacitor C whose capacitance can be measured in terms of frequency.The block A of Fig.2consists of the XR-2206function generator.The output of the RC oscillator (the square wave output (pin 11)is an open collector and,hence,it needs a pull up resistor to V cc .Connecting a 10K resistor between pins 11and V cc ,makes the square wave output to be TTL compatible.In the present study,the XR-2206function generator generally operates at 1MHz frequency.But,the 8051microcontroller can measure the frequency accurately up to a few hundred kilohertz frequency.Hence,the divide counter shown in block B of Fig.2is used.The output of the RC oscillator is given to the clock input of the 74LS90IC [3]decade counter;(which acts as a divide counter (410,412,and a 4-bit binary counter)that divides the RC oscillator output by 10times.The output of the 74LS90is given to the timer 0external input,which is available on the micro-controller (port 3).The microcontroller counts the clock pulses that are given from the 74LS90over an interval of 1sec,which gives the frequency of the oscillator.Block C of Fig.2consists of an LM335[4]which is used as a sensor to measure the temperature of the solution.It also consists ofthe Figure 1.Block diagram of microcontroller based system for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids.Microcontroller Based System 601hardware that amplifies the signal from the temperature sensor.The output of the temperature unit is given to the analog-to-digital converter (IC 0809)which is shown in block D of Fig.2.The IC 0809is a monolithic CMOS device with an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter,8-channel multiplexer,and microprocessor compatible control logic.[5]The 8-bit A /D converter uses suc-cessive approximation,which can make 100conversions per microsecond at a clock rate 120KHz.The 0809operates 0to 5V input range with single 5V power supply.It is used to convert the analog temperature into digital values.Block E of Fig.2is an AT89C51microcontroller from the Atmel Company.[6]It is a low-power,high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 4K bytes of flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM).It has four parallel ports,two 16-bit timers /counters,six interrupt sources,and one programmable serial port,with low powerideal Figure 2.Schematic diagram of microcontroller based system for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids.(continued )Ch.V.V.Ramana and K.Malakondaiah 602and power down modes;it has the facility of three-program memory lock.The on-chip flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer.All ports are used (port 1is used for LCD display,port 2is for ADC,port 0is used for control signals (that are RS,RW,and EN for LCD display,and SC,ALE and EOC for ADC),port 3(one line is used)is used for frequency measurement.Block F of Fig.2is a two-row 16characters LCD display from ODM;[7]it is interfaced with the microcontroller through port 1to display the measured data and results.The interfacing of the ADC with the microcontroller is shown in Fig.2(a)[continu-ation of Fig.2].Interfacing of the Oscillator with the MicrocontrollerThe frequency of oscillation f 0is determined by the external timing capacitor C (across pins 5and 6)and the timing resistor R (connected to either pin 7or8).The frequency is given by:f 0¼1=R ÃC ð3ÞThe frequency f 0can be adjusted by varying either R or C.In the present study,the timing resistor R is kept constant.Since the timing capacitor C is to be maintained at a minimum of 100pf,a capacitor of value 100pf is connected in parallel with the dielectric cell.TheFigure 2.Continued.Microcontroller Based System 603designed cell is connected between pins5and6of the XR-2206using a BNC connector.The dielectric cell acts as a capacitor C whose capacitance can be measured in terms of frequency using the following equation:C¼1=RÃf0ð4ÞSoftwareSoftware is developed in C using Ride’s(Raisonance Integrated Develop-ment Environment)C-cross compiler to initialize the LCD display and measure the frequency,capacitance,dielectric constant,and temperature. After development,the codes are stored in the program memory(flash EPROM)of the AT89C51microcontroller by using the Atmel programmer and the program is executed.Theflow chart of the program is presentedFig.3.Calibration and MeasurementThe instrument is calibrated and measured following the procedure mentioned below.1.Clean the dielectric cell,dry it,and keep it in a beaker containing air.2.Connect the cell to the circuit as shown in Fig.2.3.Switch on the system and activate the software.4.The system measures and displays the frequency,along with tempera-ture and,in turn,the capacitance of the cell using Eq.(4).Make a note of the values.5.Keep the reference liquid (benzene in the present study)in the cell.6.Repeat the steps from (2)to (4).7.Place the unknown liquid in the cell.8.Repeat the steps from (2)to (4).9.Then,calculate the dielectric constant of the unknown liquid using Eq.(2).10.Note the readings of the dielectric constant of unknown liquids along with temperature.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe performance of the microcontroller-based system for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids is tested with some liquids at 308C.The samples are selected to cover a wide range.The results are presented in Table 1.The results of the present study are in good agreement with the literature values.The dielectric constant measurements for the binary liquid mixtures(1)benzene þnitrobenzene;(2)nitrobenzene þchlorobenzene;and (3)nitrobenzene þcyclohexanone for various concentrations (mole /L)at 308C were made.The results are graphically represented in Fig.4.Table I.Dielectric constants of pure liquids at 308CSamplePresent work Literature Reference Toulene2.46 2.40[9]Chlorobenzene5.96 5.91[10]5.90[9]Cyclohexanone17.9618.2[9]Acetone20.3020.35[9]Methanol32.5632.6[9]Nitrobenzene 34.8934.81[12]34.80[11]Ch.V.V.Ramana and K.Malakondaiah 606CONCLUSIONThe hardware and software features of a microcontroller based system for the measurement of dielectric constant in liquids are described.The necessary software is developed in C,using Ride’s C-cross compiler.The system is quite successful for the measurement of dielectric constants in liquids with an accuracy of +0.2%.The measurement of dielectric constant,over a wide range,is a special feature of the present study.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors are thankful to M /S Mittal Enterprises,New Delhi for providing the necessary help to carry out this work.REFERENCES1.Hoppe,W.Bio Physics ;Springer-Verlag:New York,1983.2.XR-2206function generator chip Datasheet,Exar ;the Analog Plus Company,1997.3.IC 74LS90Decade Counter Datasheet ;Motorola,1999.4.Data Acquisition Data Book ;National Semiconductor,1993.5.IC 08098-Bit Analog to Digital Converter Datasheet ;National Semiconductor,1999.6.IC AT89C518-Bit Microcontroller with 4K Bytes Flash Datasheet ;Atmel Company,2000.7.ODM LCD User Manual ;1998.8.Rajendran,A.;Neelamegam,K.An instrument for measurement of dielectric constant of liquids using 8031Microcontroller.Bull.Electrochem.2004,20(2),59–62..This site is for dielectric constanttables.Figure 4.Concentration versus dielectric constant for three binary liquid mixtures.Microcontroller Based System 60710.International Critical Tables of Numerical Data in Physics,Chemistry and Tech-nology ;USA,1933.11.Weissberger,A Ed.,Technique of Organic Chemistry .Vol.III;Interscience:New York,1967.12.Hand Book of Chemistry and Physics ,76th Edn.;The Chemical Rubber Co:Cleveland,Ohio,1995.Received November 17,2006Accepted March 13,2007Manuscript 1605Ch.V.V.Ramana and K.Malakondaiah608。
A diret current is a current flowing always in the same direction.2、阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理.Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.3、地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化.The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night.4、极化产生的异常会远远大于地形引起的异常。
Anomalies due to polarization can be so much larger than those resulting from topography.5、娱乐用水标准的发展是一个棘手的问题。
Development of standards for recreational water is therefore a complicated issue.6、结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持弹性。
Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so that they hehave elastically in the environmental conditions.7、柔性转子动平衡一直是现代工业中一项很实用的关键技术。
Flexible rotor balancing is a practical and key technique in modern industry.8、你可以采取手动的方法将此服务添加到本地连接里。
You can manually add the service to the local area connection.9、他们特别强调提高电子设备的质量。
科技英语课文翻译课文翻译英语Unit 1罗素悖论的提出是基于这样的一个事例:设想有这样一群理发师,他们只给不给自己理发的人理发。
“一开始我们不情愿相信我们的结果,”加州大学伯克利分校的劳伦斯伯克利实验室的天体物理学家Saul Perlmutter说,他领导的一个竞争性的小组发现了和Schmidt以及Riess 相同的结果。
x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。
一、时间(1-80)1. When a wire is broken by bending it back and forth rapidly, some of the work is transformed into heat and the wire gets hot.当把导线快速地(通过)来回弯曲折断时,部分功就转换成热,所以导线变热.2. When the moon changes it position, so do the orientation of the tide-generating forces and the position of the equilibrium tide.当月亮的位置改变时,引潮力的取向和平衡潮的位置也改变了.3. The water vapor will change from its invisible state to condense into visible moisture when the dew point temperature is reached.当露点温度达到时,水气将从其看不见的状态凝结成可见的水分.4.When a user requests a set of resources, it must be determined whether the allocation of these resources will leave the system in safe state.当用户要求一组资源时,必须确定这些资源的分配是否会让系统处于安全状态.5.As the number of users sharing the segment increases, so does the difficulty of finding an acceptable segment number.当合同程序段的用户数目增加时,查找可接受的程序段的号码的困难也增加.6. The air pressure begins falling accordingly as a typhoon comes near.随着台风的临近,气压开始下降.7.While they are waiting in the ready queue, the I/O devices are idle.当它们在就绪队列中等待时,输入/输出装置则空闲着.8. At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating by wavelength, a process known as dispersion.当这些波向外扩散时,它们也在按波长分开,这一过程叫频散.9.Current stars flowing at the very moment when we close the circuit.当我们一接通线路,电流马上就开始出现.10. Meteorology entered a period of rapid advance about the time the Bjerknes' cyclone model appeared.大约在Bjerknes的气旋模型问世前后,气象学进入了一个迅速发展的时期.11. While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.当能量以辐射能形式存在时,可以在经过很长距离后,才被吸收或转化为热.12. When moving over land, a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.当台风在陆地上移动时,其猛烈性逐渐减弱.13. It is only when particles are close enough to exert relatively large forces on one another that they are able to set each other into this type of vibration.只有当粒子紧密到能够相互施加较大的力时,它们才能使彼此产生这样的振动.14.Only when its melting-point temperature is reached does iron start to pass into a liquid.只有当熔点温度达到时,铁才开始变成液体.15. Only if the component vectors are on a straight line will the length of the vector for the sum be equal to the sum of the lengths of these components or to their difference.只有当几个分矢量在一直线上,那么表示其和的矢量长度才会等于这些分量的长度和或它们的差.16. Whenever occasion arises intensive observations are to be done to get the information on the fine structure of the atmospheric event.每当必要时,应该进行加密观测以便获得这一大气事件的细微结构的资料.17. Whenever a wave moves out from a source in uniform medium, it travels in straight lines.每当(凡是)波从均匀介质中的波源移出时,它都呈现直线传播.18. Each time the current changes directions, a period of no current, known as slack water, intervenes.每当潮流改变方向时,中间都有一段叫做平潮的无潮流阶段.19.As a rule, the temperature in the troposphere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached.通常对流层温度直到对流层顶都是随高度增加而不断地减小的.20. The jet stream was not fully recognized as a meteorological entity until 1949.直到1949年急流才作为一种气象实体现象为人们充分认识到.21. The seeds did not start germinating until late March because of a long spell of drought.由于一段很长时间的干旱直到3月下旬这些种子才开始发芽.22. Not until August 1974 did the expeditionary observations begin.直到1974年8月考察(探险)活动才开始.23. A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat.一片放在阳光下的金属,其温度要上升到它吸收热量和失去热量的速率相等时才停止.24. In the simplest case, we start the requested I/O and wait until it is complete before returning control to the user program.在最简单的情况下,我们启动一个I/O请求,且一直等到它实现再(才)使控制器返回到用户程序.25. The weather remained the same until after June.那种天气一直维持到6月以后.26. By the time winter begins, coastal waters are thoroughly mixed, with virtually no temperature or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters.到冬季快要开始的时候,沿岸的海水已经彻底混合,表层和底层的水几乎没有什么温度差和盐度差了.27. If there is a page fault, all the old values are written back into memory before the trap occurs.如果有页面错误,则在自陷中断产生之前,所有原来的数值都要写回存储器.28.Such observations must be processed before we can utilize them.在我们能应用这些观测资料之前,它们必须进行处理.29. But thirty years were to elapse before suitable instruments were available to allow a detailed and systematic investigation.但是竟然过了30年才出现了适用的仪器让我们对之进行细微的系统的考察.30. It was a few years before a breakthrough was made in this field.过了几年在这一领域才有了突破.31. Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.向尘埃和小水滴这种小物体只下降很短距离就失去它们的大部分加速度。
科技英语翻译联系200句1.To transmit electromagnetic waves takes energy. 传送电磁波需要能量2.Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.化学防治能在病虫害防治中起主要作用。
3.It is not until wires are connected that the path is completed.直到导线接上以后,此电路才接通。
4.The odds are heavily against any man being able to do the work in the field of abstract theory that Einstein is doing.对任何能从事爱因斯坦正在进行的抽象理论研究的人来说,条件都是极为不利的。
5.Oscillator design is of an art rather than an exact science.与其说振荡器的设计是一门严谨的科学,不如说它是一门艺术。
6.A rapid decrease by a factor of 7 was observed.发现迅速减少到(了)1/7。
7.Birds and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all,so they cannot see colors.凡是夜间觅食的飞禽走兽,因为眼睛中的视维细胞数量极少或根本没有,所以不能辨别颜色。
8.Tsunami is sometimes powerful enough to destroy a coastwise building it strikes.海啸有时威力很打,足可摧毁它所冲击的沿岸的建筑物。
9.Not everybody is convinced the Leaning Tower of Pisa really can be saved.并非每个人都相信比萨斜塔真的能免于坍塌。
科技英语的翻译——15 科技英语翻译基本技巧
[例句]Scientific discoveries and inventions have often been translated rapidly into practical devices.[译文]科学的发现和发明,常常迅速变成实用器件。
(translate不能译作“翻译”)[例句]Nanometer electronics is now in its infancy.[译文]纳米电子学正处于发展的初级阶段。
(词义引申)[例句]With transistors this equipment can be made much smaller and more lovely.[译文]有了晶体管,这种设备可以制造得更加小巧玲珑。
[例句]Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. [译文]电视是通过无线电波发送和接收移动物体的图像的。
科技英语阅读与翻译(李健)第二章设想一下:在一个新的产业诞生之际, 你目=睹见证了这一切! 这个产业是在前所未有的新技术基础上发展起来的, 其中包括一些实力雄厚企业销售的高度专业化商务设备, 还有越来越多的新兴公司生产的新奇玩具、为玩具藏家青睐的机巧装置, 以及其他一些奇特有趣的特殊产品。
但同时, 这还是一个缺乏行业标准和平台的、尚不成规模的产业。
项目复杂, 进步缓慢, 实际应用更是少之有少。
事实上, 尽管对这个产业的未来充满热情和希望,但是没有人能明确地说出什么时间- 或究竟是否有可能-它能取得关键性的规模发展。
但是,若真能实现发展, 那么,它很可能改变整个世界。
当然, 上述描述可算是上世纪70 年代中期计算机产业的写照, 也就在那时, 保罗·艾伦和我成立了微软公司。
知名大学和大型工业实验室的研究人员正试图建造出最基本的构件, 以使信息化时代的到来成为可能。
当时英特尔公司刚刚推出他们的8080 微处理器,雅达利公司正在销售一款流行电子游戏“乒乓”。
但当时我脑海中所萦绕的则是更具前瞻性的问题:机器人产业即将作为一项新兴的产业而崛起,其当时的发展同30 年前计算机的发展如出一辙。
想想看, 目前汽车组装线上使用的制造型机器人已替代了昔日的主计算机。
这个产业其他的典型产品包括可进行外科手术的机器手, 在伊拉克和阿富汗用于路边及地面排雷的侦察机器人, 以及可以进行地板吸尘的家用机器人。
电子产品公司还推出了可模仿人类、或是狗、恐龙等的机器人玩具, 而玩具收藏者们正迫不及待地想要猎取一套乐高公司生产的最新机器人系列玩具。
与此同时, 世界尖端科技人员正试图解决机器人技术中最棘手的难题, 诸如视觉识别、远程操控、以及学习型机器等问题, 而且他们正在不断获得成功。
自动化按其确切的意义,只有全面运用通信、计算和控制三个主要组成部分(“三C" )才能完全实现。
30. It was a few years before a breakthrough was made in this field.
31. Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.
12. When moving over land, a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.
13. It is only when particles are close enough to exert relatively large forces on one another that they are able to set each other into this type of vibration.
8. At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating by wavelength, a process known as dispersion.
科技英语翻译中篇第一章科技英语翻译常用技巧1.Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。
2.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。
3.The flowing of current first in one direction, and then in another makes an alternatingcurrent.电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动构成交流电。
4.If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to studynuclear physics.我们如果不知道原子的结构,就不可能研究核子物理学。
5.Both of the substances are not soluble in water.这两种物质都不溶于水。
6.Whenever one body touches another, heat always passes by the conduction from thewarmer to the colder.当一个物体接触到另一个物体时,热量总是从较热的物体传导到较冷的物体。
7.All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of protein.所有这一切证明,我们必须深入的研究蛋白质的特性。
8.The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development ofscience and technology.电子计算机的广泛应用对科学和技术的发展有极大的影响。
《科技英语翻译》课程练习十五答案一、翻译以下句子,注意修辞艺术的处理1) Without any companion it grew there uttering joyous leaves of dark green.译文:没有任何伙伴,它独自生长,发出暗绿色的快乐枝叶。
(移就对等直译)2) This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible. 译文:这是一个轻信的年代,究其原因,部分在于如今我们必须掌握的知识实在太多。
(移就对等直译)3) There used to be a lot of traffic accidents sat the bottle neck of the road before, it was taken place by the present highway clover leaf junction.译文:在现在这座立交桥取代原来那个瓶颈般的路口之前,这里的交通事故频繁发生。
(移就变通)4) In spring the ice is treacherous.译文:春天的冰貌似坚实而实际上容易破碎。
(移就引申)5) An excellent example is the operating system found on most computers. An operating system serves as an interface, bridging the gap between hardware and application software.译文:建立在大量计算机上的操作系统就是典型的一例,操作系统作为一个接口提供服务,在硬件和应用软件之间搭起了一座桥梁。
(隐喻)6) Using this instrument is like trying to pick up one grain of rice with chopsticks: possible, but difficult for the uninitiated.译文:使用这一仪器就象要用筷子夹一粒米那样,能用,但对外行人来说是困难的。
system of organs may be traced back, like those of
other mammals, to the fishes.
From a textbook of biology
Of the two passages, the first one is a piece of literary work, and the second, EST.
句法∕语法特征 4、 Semantic Features语篇特征
Graphologically, in the first passage the typical feature is the frequent use of exclamation marks (which show feelings); while in the second passage, the frequent use of commas (which offer information).
clearly revealed.
1、Graphological Features 语相特征 2、Lexical Features 词汇特征 3、Syntactic∕Grammatical Features
句法∕语法特征 4、 Semantic Features语篇特征
Generally speaking, EST makes full use of graphological devices.
2. The sentences are usually long and complete and subordinate appositive( 同 位 语 从 句 ) and parenthetical clauses(插入语从句) are often used.
U11.He reported years later;this new-found faculty increased the duo’s odds of winning by 44 percent.很多年后他透露说/承认,这个新发现的技术增加了两个人44%的胜算。
2.Engineers widely regard this invention as the first wearable computer-an early glimpse at today’s fitness trackers smart watches, and augmented-reality eyewear, and their possible descendants.工程技术人员大都把这个发明视作第一代可穿戴的电脑设备——今天的健康记录仪,智能手表,AR眼镜以及他们的诸多衍生品皆出自于此。
3.Yet the impact on its wearers was profound-foretelling, perhaps, a future when we depend on our electronic devices to experience life as much as we rely on our eyes,ears, and skin.然而,它对佩戴者的影响是深远的——它或许预示了这样一个未来:我们不仅依赖眼睛、耳朵和皮肤去感知世界,还会倚重电子设备去感知生活。
4.There are all these other, really rich dimensions of touch that touch screensignore-such as pressure, contact area, the shape of your hand, and whether you use a pad, knuckle, or nail.触摸屏忽略了很多其他形式的触感——比如压力、接触面积、手的形状,以及你是使用指肚、指节或指甲来触屏。
Unit 2 Physics1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.Part 1 (Paras. 1-3): Brief introduction to dark energy Para. 1: Dark energy is an unexplained force which tugs galaxies away from each other.Para. 2: Dark energy is somewhat like anti-gravity.Para. 3: Dark energy is scientists’ hypothetic form of energy to explain the universe’s expansion.Part 2 (Paras. 4-9): The discovery of dark energy: confounding expectationsPara. 4: The discovery of dark energy is a case of science confounding expectations.Para. 5: Experts expected that gravity had slowed down the universe’s rate of expansion.Para. 6: The universe’s rate of expansion was speeding up.Para. 7: The result was beyond experts’ expectations which caused much nervous laughter.Para. 8: The measurements of supernovae provided the evidence that the universe’s rate of ballooning was speeding up.Para. 9: The scientists observed many supernovae at different distances to determine how fast they are speeding away from us.Part 3 (Paras. 10-13): The rate of the expansion of the universe: shocking resultsPara. 10: The rate of the universe’s expansion is accelerating.Para. 11: More researches done by other experts also show the same results.Para. 12: Einstein’s cosmologica l constant has been revived to explain the puzzling findings.Para. 13: The cosmological constant is one of the leading theories to explain the expansion of theuniverse.Part 4 (Paras. 14-17): The difference between dark energy and dark matterPara. 14: The confusion of dark energy and dark matter.Para. 15: Dark matter is an invisible hypothesized form of matter.Para. 16: Dark matter and dark energy seem to make up most of the mass of the universe.Para. 17: The discovery of dark energy stirred up a lot of other issues, such as making some peoplebelieve that there are several universes.2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words givenin the brackets. Change the form if necessary.1)Skin injury, infection, stress, and certain drugs maytrigger psoriasis. Skin cells move at an accelerated ratefrom the dermis into the epidermis, where they sloughoff, causing inflammation.牛皮癣可能由皮肤外伤、感染、压力和某些药物引起。
科技英语翻译480句科技英语翻译480句(一)时间一,时间1. When a wire is broken by bending it back and forth rapidly, some of the work is transformed into heat and the wire gets hot.当把导线快速地(通过)来回弯曲折断时,部分功就转换成热,所以导线变热.2. When the moon changes it position, so do the orientation of the tide-generating forces and the position of the equilibrium tide.当月亮的位置改变时,引潮力的取向和平衡潮的位置也改变了.3. The water vapor will change from its invisible state to condense into visible moisture when the dew point temprature is reched.当露点温度达到时,水气将从其看不见的状态凝结成可见的水分.4.When a user requests a set of resources, it must be determined whether the allocation of these resources will leave the system in safe state.当用户要求一组资源时,必须确定这些资源的分配是否会让系统处于安全状态.5.As the number of users sharing the segment increases, so does the difficulty of finding an acceptable segment number.当合同程序段的用户数目增加时,查找可接受的程序段的号码的困难也增加.6. The aire pressure begins falling accordingly as a typhoon comes near.随着台风的临近,气压开始下降.7.While they are waiting in the ready queue, the I/O devices are idle.当它们在就绪队列中等待时,输入/输出装置则空闲着.8. At the same time the waves are fanning out, they are also separating by wavelength, a process known as dispersion.当这些波向外扩散时,它们也在按波长分开,这一过程叫频散.9.Current stars flowing at the very moment when we close the circuit.当我们一接通线路,电流马上就开始出现.10. Meteorlogy entered a period of rapid advance about the time the Bjerknes' cyclone model appeared.大约在Bjerknes的气旋模型问世前后,气象学进入了一个迅速发展的时期.11. While in the form of radiation, the energy may travel a tremendous distance before being absorbed or changed back into heat.当能量以辐射能形式存在时,可以在经过很长距离后,才被吸收或转化为热.12. When moving over land, a typhoon is gradually decreased in severity.当台风在陆地上移动时,其猛烈性逐渐减弱.13. It is only when particles are close enough to exert relatively large forces on one another that they are able to set each other into this type of vibration.只有当粒子紧密到能够相互施加较大的力时,它们才能使彼此产生这样的振动.14.Only when its melting-point temperature is reached does iron start to pass into a liquid.只有当熔点温度达到时,铁才开始变成液体.15. Only if the component vectors are on a straight line will the length of the vector for the sum be equal to the sum of the lengths of these components or to thier difference.只有当几个分矢量在一直线上,那么表示其和的矢量长度才会等于这些分量的长度和或它们的差.16. Whenever occasion arises intensive observations are to be done to get the information on the fine structure of the atmospheric event.每当必要时,应该进行加密观测以便获得这一大气事件的细微结构的资料.17. Whenever a wave moves out from a source in uniform medium, it travels in straight lines.每当(凡是)波从均匀介质中的波源移出时,它都呈现直线传播.18. Each time the current changes directions, a period of no current, known as slack water, intervenes.每当潮流改变方向时,中间都有一段叫做平潮的无潮流阶段.19.As a rule, the temperature in the troposhere decreases steadily with increasing altitude until the tropopause is reached.通常对流层温度直到对流层顶都是随高度增加而不断地减小的.20. The jetstream was not fully recognized as a meteorological entity until 1949.直到1949年急流才作为一种气象实体现象为人们充分认识到.21. The seeds did not start germinating until late March becasue of a long spell of drought.由于一段很长时间的干旱直到3月下旬这些种子才开始发芽.22. Not until August 1974 did the expeditionary obervations begin.直到1974年8月考察(探险)活动才开始.23. A piece of metal left in the sun rises in temperature until it loses heat at the same rate at while it absorbs heat.一片放在阳光下的金属,其温度要上升到它吸收热量和失去热量的速率相等时才停止.24. In the simplest case, we start the requested I/O and wait until it iscomplete before returning control to the user program.在最简单的情况下,我们启动一个I/O请求,且一直等到它实现再(才)使控制器返回到用户程序.25. The weather remained the same until after June.那种天气一直维持到6月以后.26. By the time witer begins, coastal waters are thoroughly mixed, with virtually no temperture or salinity differences between surface and bottom waters.到冬季快要开始的时候,沿岸的海水已经彻底混合,表层和底层的水几乎没有什么温度差和盐度差了.27. If there is a page fault, all the old values are written back into memory before the trap occurs. 如果有页面错误,则在自陷中断产生之前,所有原来的数值都要写回存储器.28.Such observations must be processed before we can utilize them.在我们能应用这些观测资料之前,它们必须进行处理.29. But thirty years were to elapse before suitable instruments were available to allow adetailed and systematic investigation.但是竟然过了30年才出现了适用的仪器让我们对之进行细微的系统的考察.30. It was a few years before a breakthrough was made in this field.过了几年在这一领域才有了突破.31. Small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their acceleration.向尘埃和小水滴这种小物体只下降很短距离就失去它们的大部分加速度。
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Translating Skills 名词的翻译
1. 意译
semiconductor 半导体 digital computer 数字计算机
loudspeaker 扬声器 superconductor 超导体
NC (numerical control) 数控 preamplifier 前置放大器
AC(alternate current) 交流电 modem 调制解调器
Bandwidth 带宽 LAN (local area network) 局域网
Avalanche diode 雪崩二极管 PDA(personal digital assistant) 掌上电脑
2. 音译
Radar 雷达(radio detection and ranging 无线电探测及测距设备) Sonar 声纳(sound navigation and ranging 声波导航与测距设备)
Bit 比特(二进制信息单位)
Watt 瓦特(功率,辐射通量)
Nylon 尼龙(酰胺纤维)
Logic 逻辑
Einstein equation 爱因斯坦方程
Rifle 来复枪
Ballet 芭蕾舞
Aspirin 阿司匹林
Vitamin 维他命(维生素)
3. 像译
cross-wire 十字线
X-network X 型网络
Zigzag wave 锯齿波
Group O O 型
4. 形译
L-electron L 层电子
NPN diode NPN二极管
X-ray examination X光检查
P-N-P P-N-P 型晶体管
The ICE2 would be a push-pull unit….
ICE2 型城际快车将是一种穿梭于城际间的推拉式动力列车……。
Admission Card :IC cards, magnetic card, CDs, and non-contact cards.
门禁卡:IC 卡,磁卡,光盘和非接触式卡。
Wi-fi doesn’t interfere with plane communications because it operates on a different part of the spectrum, 2.4 GHz.
Wi-fi不会干扰飞机的通信,因为它采用的是不同的频段—2.4 GHz.
The service promises up to 700 kbps.
服务速度有望达到 700 kbps.
1. 一词多义
如:shield 的基本释义为“盾,罩,屏,防御物,保护物,吸汗垫布”。
在生物学中,shield 指“盾状物,背甲,头胸甲”;在地质学中,指“地盾”如:mining shield 掘进护盾;在矿物学中,指“掩护支架”如:top shield 顶部支架;在电学中,指“屏蔽铠装”。
另外还有许多技术词与 shield 有关,如:hand face shield (焊工的)面罩;electrostatic shield 静电屏。
2. 词义引申
There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology.
我们要完全掌握集成电路工艺,必须采取 3 项措施。
The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.
1. Translate the following into Chinese.
(1) There is also an unmanned robot that Jetpod has designed with the ability to hover.
(2) The brief pulse was enough to melt the nanoparticles , which could be seen under an electron microscope to swell to up to 50 nanometers in diameter as they coalesced.
(3) In 1979, the Romanian founded the Juran Institute for the study of quality management, and served as its first chairman.。