Cao-2015-Protein-inorganic hy



4. Apparatus and Equipment
4.1 Balance: with sensitivity of 1 mg. 4.2 Nitrogen determination distillation apparatus: as shown inFig.1. 4.3 Automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer.
GB 5009.5-2016 Determination of Protein in Foods
National Standard of the People’s Republic of China
GB 5009.5-2016
National Food Safety Standard Determination of Protein in Foods
GB 5009.5-2016 Determination of Protein in Foods
National Food Safety Standard
Determination of Protein in Foods
1. Scope This standard specifies the method for the determination of protein in foods. Method I and Method II of this standard are applicable to the determination of protein in all kinds of foods; Method III applies to the determination of solid test samples with protein content higher than 10 g/100 g, including grains, beans, milk powder, rice powder and protein powder, etc. This standard does not apply to the determination of the foods containing inorganic nitrogenous substances or non-protein organic nitrogenous substances.



蛋白组学知识点整理proteomicsProteome: 细胞或组织或机体在特定时间和空间上表达的所有蛋白质。

Proteomics: 分析细胞内动态变化的蛋白质组成成分,表达水平于修饰状态,了解蛋白质之间的相互作用于联系,在整体水平上研究蛋白的组成与调控的活动规律。

研究蛋白组学希望达到的目标:By studying global patterns of protein content and activity and how these change during development or in response to disease, proteomics research is poised to boost our understanding of systems-level cellular behaviors. Clinical research also hopes to benefit from proteomics by both the identification of new drug targets and the development of new diagnostic markers.蛋白质组学研究内容:蛋白鉴定,蛋白定量,蛋白相互作用,蛋白修饰。

Why proteomics(为什么研究蛋白组学)•Proteins distinguish various types of cells, since all cells have essentially the same “Genome” their differences are dictated by which genes are active and the corresponding proteins that are made.•Similarly, diseased cells may produce dissimilar proteins to healthy cells.•Post-translational modifications can dramatically alter protein function - the task of studying proteins is often more difficult than genes.What’s MS(mass spectrometry),即质谱的工作原理1.The basic principle of MS is to generate ions from either inorganic or organiccompounds by suitable method, to separate these ions by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and to detect them qualitatively and quantitatively by their respective m/z and abundance.即质谱能够实现不同质量离子的分离和相对定量,m/z(谱图中的x轴)值可以区分出不同的离子,intensity(谱图中的y轴)表示离子的相对丰度。



草鱼鳞胶原蛋白肽对骨质疏松小鼠骨微结构、血清TNF-α、IL-1β与IL-6和肠道菌群的影响杨平;王丽娟;徐昕;徐彩红;公丽艳;黄趁;许青【期刊名称】《食品科学》【年(卷),期】2022(43)13【摘要】为了研究草鱼鳞胶原蛋白肽(collagen peptide,CP)防治骨质疏松(osteoporosis,OP)作用与血清炎性细胞因子、肠道菌群的关系,将雌性ICR小鼠分为假手术组、模型组、钙尔奇D组和胶原蛋白组,建立OP模型。

分析CP对小鼠股骨的生物力学特性、骨微结构、血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白细胞介素(interleukin,IL)-1β与IL-6以及肠道菌群相关指标的影响。






苯磺酰苯丙氨酸构筑的一维链状钙(Ⅱ)配位聚合物的合成、结构表征和抗肿瘤活性台夕市;赵文华;李法辉【摘要】在95%乙醇溶剂中,通过高氯酸钙、苯磺酰苯丙氨酸和NaOH反应,合成了一个新型的一维链状钙配位聚合物.对其进行了元素分析和红外光谱分析表征,并用X-射线单晶衍射测定了它的单晶结构.结果表明:在配合物分子中,每个钙原子分别与配体中羧酸根的4个氧原子、配位水中的2个氧原子以及配位乙醇分子中的1个氧原子配位,形成了畸变的五角双锥构型.配合物分子通过羧酸根的桥联作用形成了一维链状配位聚合物结构.初步研究了配合物对肝癌、肺腺癌、白血病和结肠癌的抗肿瘤活性.【期刊名称】《无机化学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(029)010【总页数】5页(P2200-2204)【关键词】苯磺酰苯丙氨酸;Ca(Ⅱ)配位聚合物;合成;结构表征;抗肿瘤活性【作者】台夕市;赵文华;李法辉【作者单位】潍坊学院化学化工学院,潍坊261061;青海师范大学化学系,西宁810008;潍坊学院化学化工学院,潍坊261061【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O614.23+10 IntroductionThe chemistry ofmetal-organic coordination polymers has been enriched enormously in the past two decades owing to their interesting framework topologies and their wide range of potential applications in adsorption,separation, catalysis, magnetism and fluorescence[1-7].A large numberofcoordination polymers constructed by transition metal ions with carboxylate ligands have been extensively investigated.These complexes exhibit extraordinary structural diversity and provide facile accessibility to functionalized new materials[8-10].Calcium is an indispensable element in biology.It is involved in several biochemical processes and is an essential cofactor required for the activation of a variety of enzymes[11].Amino acid is also an important physiological active substance in biological processes.To the best of our knowledge,the calciumギcomplex materials with amino acid ligands have been much less extensively studied than other metal complexes.In this paper,we report the synthesis and structure of[Ca(L)2(H2O)2(CH3CH2OH)]n,which was constructed from calcium perchlorate and N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine.The antitumor activity against SMMC-7721,A549,WiDr and P388 cancer cells of the Caギcomplex also was investigated.1 Experimental1.1 Materials and measurementsCalcium perchlorate,benzene sulfonyl chloride,L-phenylalanine and other chemicals were obtained commercially and used without furtherpurification.Elementalanalyses were determined on a Elementar Vario III EL elemental analyzer.Infrared spectra were recorded with KBr optics on a Nicolet AVATAR 360 FTIR spectrophotometer in the range of 4,000~400 cm-1.Mass spectrum was performed on VG ZAB-HS Fast-atom bombardment (FAB)instrumrnt.The crystal data were collected on a Bruker smart CCD Area Detector.1.2 Synthesis of the ligand(L)The ligand was prepared according to the literature[12].Yield may reach up to over 65% .Anal.Calcd.forC15H15NSO4(%):C,58.96;H,5.00;N,4.52.Found(%):C,59.02;H,4.92;N,4.59.IR νmax(cm-1):νas(COOH):1 659,νs(COOH):1 437,ν(-SO2-NH-):3 247,1 321,1 154.FAB-MS:m/z=306[M+H]+.1.3 Synthesis of the complex1.0 mmol (0.305 g)of N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine and 1.0 mmol (0.04 g)of sodium hydroxide were added to the 10 mL of 95%CH3CH2OH solution.After being dissolved,0.5 mmol(0.119 5 g)of calcium perchlorate was added to the above solution.The mixture was continuously stirred for 4 h at refluxing temperature.The mixture was cooled at room temperature,and was collected by filtration.By evaporation in air at room temperature,the single crystal suitable for X-ray determination was obtained from 95%ethanol solution after 7 d.Anal.Calcd.for C32H38CaN2O11S2(%):C,52.59;H,5.24;N,3.83;Found(%):C,52.78;H,5.59;N,3.72%.IR νmax(cm-1):νas(COO):1 586,νs(COO):1400,ν(-SO2-NH-):3 246,1322,1,153,ν(H2O):3350~3467,ν(Mg-O):423.1.4 Crystal structure determinationA colourless block single crystal was placed on a glass fiber and mounted on a CCD area detector.Diffraction data were collected by φ-ω scan mode using a graphite-monochromatic Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.071 073 nm)at 291(2)K.A total of 15 466 reflections were collected,of which 6 656 were unique (Rint=0.015 2)and 4 989 were observed with I>2σ(I).The data were corrected for Lp factors.The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares techniques on F2using SHELXL-97[13]and Fourier techniques.All non-hydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically and isotropically,respectively.The final refinement by full-matrix least squares method was converged at R=0.059 6,andwR=0.1431(w=1/[σ2(Fo2)+(0.06P)2+1.99P],P=(Fo2+2Fc2)/3,S=1.108,(Δ/σ) max=0.000).Molecular graphics were drawn with the program package SHELXTL-97 crystallographic software package[14].The most relevant crystal data for complex are quoted in Table 1.CCDC:890991.Table 1 Crystal structure parameters of the title complexSymmetry code:A:x+1,y,zFormula C32H38CaN2O11S2 V/nm3 3.447 6(13)Formula weight 730.84 Calculated density/(g·cm-3) 1.408 Crystal system Orthorhombic Crystal size/mm3 0.32×0.30×0.28 Space group P212121 θ Range for data collection/(°) 1.56~26.00 a/nm 0.519 06(18) Limitingindices -6≤h≤6,-31≤k≤13,-31≤l≤31 b/nm 2.541 1(2) Reflections collected/unique 15 466/6 656 c/nm 2.613 9(3) R1,wR2(all data) 0.0670,0.144 7 Z 4 R1,wR2(I>2σ(I)) 0.059 6,0.143 1 F(000) 1536 Largest diff.peak and hole/(e·nm-3) 345 and-345 Temperature/K 291(2)1.5 Antitumor activitySMMC-7721,A549,WiDr and P388 cancer cells were propagated continuously in culture and grown in RPMI 1640 medium with10%inactivated fetal calf serum and antibiotics.Cell harvested from exponential phase were seeded equivalently into 96 well plates and incubated for 24 h,then compounds studied were added in a concentration gradient.The final concentrations were maintained at c(μg·mL-1)5,10,20,respectively.The plates were maintained at 37℃in a humidified 5%CO2-90%N2-5%O2atmosphere and incubated for 48 h,the MTT solution was added,the following procedure referred to[15].The measurements of absorption of the solution concerned with the number of live cells were performed on spectrophotometer at 570 nm.2 Results and discussion2.1 IR spectraIn the IR spectra,the characteristic bands at 1 659 and 1 437 cm-1 are assigned to the asymmetric stretching and symmetric stretching of COOH group,respectively.For the complex, the asymmetric stretching and symmetric stretching of COO-group are observed at 1 586 and 1 400 cm-1.It can be explained that the oxygen atoms of carboxylate group take part in the coordination with calcium atom[16].The value of Δν(νas(COO-)-νs(COO-))is 186 cm-1and reveals that the carboxylate groups are coordinated in bidentate fashion,which is consistent with the results of the X-ray analysis.In addition,the broad and strong absorption bands at 3 350~3 467 cm-1correspond to the presence ofwatermoleculesin the complex,which are accordance with the results of elemental analysis.2.2 Crystal structureFig.1 Coordination environment of Ca ギ in the title complexTable 2 Selected bond lengths(nm)and angles(°)of complexSymmetry code:A:x+1,y,zCa1-O1 0.2341(3) Ca1-O10 0.2446(4) S1-O3 0.1426(4)Ca1-O2A 0.2377(3) Ca1-O6A 0.2428(4) S1-O4 0.1416(4)Ca1-O5 0.2380(3) Ca1-O11 0.2430(4) S2-O7 0.1430(3)Ca1-O9 0.2448(3)O1-Ca1-O2A 87.04(11)O9-Ca1-O10 69.61(12) O5-Ca1-O11 92.60(13)O1-Ca1-O5 167.31(12) O1-Ca1-O6A 107.25(12) O9-Ca1-O11 144.19(13)O5-Ca1-O2A 80.48(11) O2A-Ca1-O6A 144.60(13) O10-Ca1-O11 144.99(13)O1-Ca1-O9 83.50(12) O5-Ca1-O6A 84.51(11) O11-Ca1-O6A 78.16(12)O5-Ca1-O9 104.99(12) O9-Ca1-O6A 72.91(11) C2-N1-S1 119.7(3)O1-Ca1-O10 92.60(13) O10-Ca1-O6A 134.91(12) O4-S1-O3 118.4(2)O10-Ca1-O2A 74.24(12) O1-Ca1-O11 85.39(13) O4-S1-N1 106.4(2)O5-Ca1-O10 81.86(12) O11-Ca1-O2A 70.75(12) O4-S1-C10 107.0(2)Colourless block crystals of the Caギcomplex were obtained and its structure was determined by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study.The selected bond lengths and angles with their estimated standard deviations are listed in Table 2.As depicted in Fig.1,the coordination environment of the Caギatom consists of seven oxygen atoms from the N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine ligand,the coordinated water molecules and the coordinated CH3CH2OH molecule,making up a distorted pentagonal pyramid coordination environment.The distances of the Ca-O bonds are in the range of 0.234 2(3)~0.244 8(3)nm.The bonds lengths of Ca-O are consistent with those in reported previously[17-18].The bond lengths and bond angles of benzyl rings in the molecules are within the range of normal values.The benzyl rings(C4-C9 and C25-C30)and the CH3CH2OH are disordered.The molecular structure is one dimensional chain structure by the interaction of bridged carboxylato groups and result in an 1D coordination polymer(Fig.2).Fig.2 One dimensional chain structure of Ca ギ coordination polymer2.4 Antitumor activityThe data of the antitumor activities of Caギcomplex and N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine are given in Table 3.The concentration of DMSO was controlled under 1%to assure not to affect the results.Ascan beseen,theCaギ complexand N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine exerted cytotoxic effect against SMMC-7721,A549,WiDr and P388 cancer cells,however the better cycotoxicity against P388 cancer cell with lower IC50value (<50 μg·mL-1)than other cancer cell,and the complex displays the weaker cytotoxic activity than that of N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine.Further structure modification to enhance the cytotoxic activity of the Caギcomplexes is desirable.Table 3 Cytotoxicity of CaギcomplexComplex IC50/(μg·mL-1)SMMC-7721A549 WiDr P388 Caギcomplex 88±1.6 71±0.2 76±0.8 36±0.9 N-benzenesulphonyl-L-phenylalanine 73±2.7 60±0.3 68±0.13 31±1.16 References:[1]Garnovskii A D,Nivorozhkin A L,Minkin V I.Coord.Chem.Rev.,1993,126:1-20[2]Deng H X,Crunder S,Cordova K E,et al.Science,2012,336:1018-1023[3]Erxleben A,Schumacher D.Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.,2001,2001(10):3039-3046[4]Lu J W,Huang Y H,Wei H mun.,2007,10(10):1210-1213[5]Lecren L,Wernsdorfer W,Li Y T,et al.J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2007,129(16):5045-5051[6]Mala N,Pramendra K S,Ashokanometal.Chem.,2009,23(11):434-445[7]Qiao C J,Li J,Xu Y,et anometal.Chem.,2009,23(10):421-424[8]TAI Xi-Shi(台夕市),WANG Dong-Fang(王东方),ZHAO Zeng-Bing(赵增兵).Chinese J.Inorg.Chem.(Wuji Huaxue Xuebao),2008,24(5):831-834[9]TAI Xi-Shi(台夕市),FENG Yi-Min(冯一民),KONG Fan-Yuan(孔凡元),etal.Chinese J.Inorg.Chem.(Wuji Huaxue Xuebao),2010,26(8):1490-1494 [10]WANG Yan(王彦),WANG Tao(王涛),LIU Guang-Xiang(刘光祥),etal.Chinese J.Inorg.Chem.(Wuji Huaxue 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1 实验材料天然冬虫夏草(Cordyceps sinensis)采自四川省,天然蛹虫草(Cordyceps militaris)采于辽宁省沈阳市辉山。

人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721(中国第二军事医学院);人肺癌细胞株95D(华东理工大学药学院);2 方法2.1 虫草提取物减轻金属离子诱导的95D细胞氧化损伤2.2 虫草提取物提升胞内SOD和CAT水平胞内SOD和CAT水平的测定分为两组:(a)不加入0.01 mmol/L H2O2和50 µmol/L Fe2+,只加样品(10-50 μg/ml)的组,此组设有不加样品的空白。

(b)加入含0.01 mmol/L H2O2、50 µmol/L Fe2+、样品或茶多酚(10-50 μg/ml)的组,此组设有只加H2O2和Fe2+,不加样品的对照。


过氧化氢酶活力的测定按照文献[180]:一个酶活力单位(U)定义为在25 ℃,50 mM磷酸缓冲液中(pH 7.0),每分钟分解一个微摩尔过氧化氢所需要酶的量,以U/mg 蛋白质表达。

其中过氧化氢在240 nm处的消光系数定为43 mol/(L×cm)。



挥发性漆稀释剂LACQUER THINNER混二甲苯Mixed XYLENE混合苯基苯酚Mixed phenyl phenol混合二甲苯Mixed Xylene混合二甲代苯胺MIX XYLIDINE混合物mix fcl混合脂肪酸fatty acid mixture混旋蛋氨酸DL METHIONINE混旋蛋氨酸DL METHIONINE FEED GRADE活性白土ACTIVATED BLEACHING EARTH活性橙12 REACTIVE ORANGE 12活性橙122 REACTIVE Orange 122活性橙13 REACTIVE ORANGE 13活性黑 5 REACTIVE Black 5活性黑HFGR REACTIVE Black HFGR活性黑5 Reactive Black 5活性黑5 REACTIVE BLACK 5 100%活性黑GR Reactive Black GR活性红194 Reactive Red 194活性红195 Reactive Red 195活性红31 REACTIVE RED 31活性红35 Reactive Red 35活性红76 REACTIVE RED 76活性黄145 REACTIVE Yellow 145活性黄160 REACTIVE Yellow 160活性黄18 REACTIVE YELLOW 18活性黄紫63 REACTIVE Violet 63活性精致白土activated bleaching earth 1040活性蓝Reactive blue活性蓝19 REACTIVE Blue 19活性蓝19 Reactive Blue 19 100%活性蓝21 REACTIVE Blue 21活性蓝221 Reactive Blue 221活性蓝222 Reactive Blue 222活性蓝59 Reactive Blue 59活性漂土ACTIVATED BLEACHING EARTH CS-1040 活性漂土Activated bleaching earth活性染料reactive dyes活性柔软剂REACTIVE SOFTNER活性碳ACTIVATED CARBON活性炭activated carbon活性炭activated carbon 99%活性氧化铝Activated Alumina活性氧化铝Activated Alumina Beads 3 mm diameter活性氧化铝Active Alumina活性印花染料reactive printing dyes活性紫1 REACTIVE VIOLET 1活性紫5 Reactive Violet 5活性橘黄17 Reactive Yellow 17活性橘黄42 Reactive Yellow 42活性橘黄64 Reactive Orange 64火棉胶Collodion肌氨酸Creatin肌氨酸酐Creatinine肌安宁Carisoprodol肌醇Inositol NF肌醇六磷酸phytic acid 50%肌醇六磷酸钙镁Phytin肌苷Inosine己內酸胺Caprolactom己二酸ADIPIC ACID己二酸二辛酯DIOCTY PHTHALATE(D.O.P)己二酸哌嗪PIPERAZINE ADIPATE己二腈Adiponitrile己内酰胺Caprolactam己内酰胺Caprolactam (Nylon Fibre Grade)己内酰胺(Caprolactam)己酸Caproic Acid己酸羟孕酮Hydoxyprogesterone caproate己酸羟孕酮Hydroxyprogesterone caproate bp 98己烷HEXANE季戊四醇PENTA季戊四醇Pentaerythritol季戊四醇PENTAERYTHRITOL 98 % MI季戊四醇pentaerythritol 98%季戊四醇pentaerythritol 99.7% nitration季戊四醇PENTAERYTHRITOL MONO家属钠SODIUM METAL加氯器Gas / Liquid chlorinator加替沙星Gatifloxacin甲氨蝶呤Methotrexate甲氨基甲酰氯Methylaminoformyl chloride甲胺Methyl amine甲胺磷methamidophos甲苯Toluene甲苯Tolune甲苯Toluol甲苯xylene甲苯,二甲苯,溶剂级石脑油Toluene, Xylene, Solvent Naphtha甲苯胺ortho toluidine min 99%甲苯达唑Mebendazole甲苯二异氰酸酯TDI甲苯二异氰酸酯TDI 80/20甲苯二异氰酸酯TDI LIQUID甲苯二异氰酸酯toluene diisocynate 80/20( tdi 80/20 )甲苯咪唑mebendazole甲苯咪唑MEBENDAZOLE USP甲叉丁二酸Itaconic Acid 99%甲醇carbinol甲醇Ethanol甲醇MANTHOL CRYSTAL BP甲醇Menthol Crystal甲醇Menthol Crystals甲醇Methanol甲醇METHANOL 99%甲醇Methanol 99.9%甲醇METHANOL甲醇(桶装)METHANOL IN DRUM PACKING 甲醇钠sodium Methoxide甲酚cresol甲酚p-cresoloxonium salt 氧盐oxozone 双氧气oxy acid 含氧酸oxyacetylation 氧氯净化oxyacetylene flame 氧乙炔焰oxyazo color 氧化叠氨色素oxybenzone 氧苯酮oxybromide 溴氧化物oxycalorimeter 氧量热计oxycarboxin 氧化萎锈灵oxycellulose 氧化纤维素oxychloride cement 氯氧化水泥oxycompound 氧基化合物oxygen 氧oxygen bomb 氧气瓶oxygen bomb test 氧气瓶试验oxygen bonding properties 氧结合性能oxygen carrier 载氧体oxygen convertible alkyd resin 氧化型醇酸尸oxygen convertible phthalic resin 氧化型苯二甲酸尸oxygen enriched air 富氧空气oxygen flask method 氧瓶法oxygen hydrogen cell 氧氢电池oxygen inhalator 氧吸入器oxygen number 氧价oxygen permeable membrane 富氧膜oxygen point 氧点oxygen pole 氧极oxygenase 氧合酶oxyhemoglobin 氧合血红蛋白oxyhydrogen blowpipe 氢氧气吹管oxyhydrogen flame 氢氧火焰oxyhydrogen light 氢氧爆气光oxyhydrogen welding 氢氧焊接oxyliquit 液氧炸药oxymeter 氧气计oxysalt 含氧盐oxytetracycline 氧四环素oxytocin 氧毒素ozalid 熏晒图ozalid paper 氨熏晒图纸ozocerite 天然地蜡ozokerite 木炭ozonation 臭氧化ozone 臭氧ozone bleaching 臭氧漂白ozone generator 臭氧发生器ozonide 臭氧化物ozonizer 臭氧发生器ozonolysis 臭氧分解ozonometer 臭氧计ozonometry 臭氧测定术ozonoscope 臭氧测量仪Actinium(Ac) 锕Aluminium(Al) 铝Americium(Am) 镅Antimony(Sb) 锑Argon(Ar) 氩Arsenic(As) 砷Astatine(At) 砹Barium(Ba) 钡Berkelium(Bk) 锫Beryllium(Be) 铍Bismuth(Bi) 铋Boron(B) 硼Bromine(Br) 溴Cadmium(Cd) 镉Caesium(Cs) 铯Calcium(Ca) 钙Californium(Cf) 锎Carbon(C) 碳Cerium(Ce) 铈Chlorine(Cl) 氯Chromium(Cr) 铬Cobalt(Co) 钴Copper(Cu) 铜Curium(Cm) 锔Dysprosium(Dy) 镝Einsteinium(Es) 锿Erbium(Er) 铒Europium(Eu) 铕Fermium(Fm) 镄Fluorine(F) 氟Francium(Fr) 钫Gadolinium(Gd) 钆Gallium(Ga) 镓Germanium(Ge) 锗Gold(Au) 金Hafnium(Hf) 铪Helium(He) 氦Holmium(Ho) 钬Hydrogen(H) 氢Indium(In) 铟Iodine(I) 碘Iridium(Ir) 铱Iron(Fe) 铁Krypton(Kr) 氪Lanthanum(La) 镧Lawrencium(Lr) 铹Lead(Pb) 铅Lithium(Li) 锂Lutetium(Lu) 镥Magnesium(Mg) 镁Manganese(Mn) 锰Mendelevium(Md) 钔Mercury(Hg) 汞Molybdenum(Mo) 钼Neodymium(Nd) 钕Neon(Ne) 氖Neptunium(Np) 镎Nickel(Ni) 镍Niobium(Nb) 铌Nitrogen(N) 氮Nobelium(No) 锘Osmium(Os) 锇Oxygen(O) 氧Palladium(Pd) 钯Phosphorus(P) 磷Platinum(Pt) 铂Plutonium(Pu) 钚Polonium(Po) 钋Potassium(K) 钾Praseodymium(Pr) 镨Promethium(Pm) 钷Protactinium(Pa) 镤Radium(Ra) 镭Radon(Rn) 氡Rhenium(Re) 铼Rhodium(Rh) 铑Rubidium(Rb) 铷Ruthenium(Ru) 钌Samarium(Sm) 钐Scandium(Sc) 钪Selenium(Se) 硒Silicon(Si) 硅Silver(Ag) 银Sodium(Na) 钠Strontium(Sr) 锶Sulphur(S) 锍Tantalum(Ta) 钽Technetium(Tc) 锝Tellurium(Te) 碲Terbium(Tb) 铽Thallium(Tl) 铊Thorium(Th) 钍Tin(Sn) 锡Thulium(Tm) 铥Titanium(Ti) 钛Tungsten(W) 钨Uranium(U) 铀Vanadium(V) 钒Xenon(Xe) 氙Ytterbium(Yb) 镱Yttrium(Y) 钇Zinc(Zn) 锌Zirconium(Zr) 锆●化学常用词汇汉英对照表1●氨ammonia氨基酸amino acid铵盐ammonium salt饱和链烃saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon苯benzene变性denaturation不饱和烃unsaturated hydrocarbon超导材料superconductive material臭氧ozone醇alcohol次氯酸钾potassium hypochlorite醋酸钠sodium acetate蛋白质protein氮族元素nitrogen group element碘化钾potassium iodide碘化钠sodium iodide电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion电解质electrolyte电离平衡ionization equilibrium电子云electron cloud淀粉starch淀粉碘化钾试纸starch potassium iodide paper二氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化硅silicon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide二氧化锰manganese dioxide芳香烃arene放热反应exothermic reaction非极性分子non-polar molecule非极性键non-polar bond肥皂soap分馏fractional distillation酚phenol复合材料composite干电池dry cell干馏dry distillation甘油glycerol高分子化合物polymer共价键covalent bond官能团functional group光化学烟雾photochemical fog过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide合成材料synthetic material合成纤维synthetic fiber合成橡胶synthetic rubber核电荷数nuclear charge number核素nuclide化学电源chemical power source化学反应速率chemical reaction rate化学键chemical bond化学平衡chemical equilibrium还原剂reducing agent磺化反应sulfonation reaction霍尔槽Hull Cell极性分子polar molecule极性键polar bond加成反应addition reaction加聚反应addition polymerization甲烷methane碱金属alkali metal碱石灰soda lime结构式structural formula聚合反应po1ymerization可逆反应reversible reaction空气污染指数air pollution index勒夏特列原理Le Chatelier&#39;s principle离子反应ionic reaction离子方程式ionic equation离子键ionic bond锂电池lithium cell两性氢氧化物amphoteric hydroxide两性氧化物amphoteric oxide裂化cracking裂解pyrolysis硫氰化钾potassium thiocyanate硫酸钠sodium sulphide氯化铵ammonium chloride氯化钡barium chloride氯化钾potassium chloride氯化铝aluminium chloride氯化镁magnesium chloride氯化氢hydrogen chloride氯化铁iron (III) chloride氯水chlorine water麦芽糖maltose煤coal酶enzyme摩尔mole摩尔质量molar mass品红magenta或fuchsine葡萄糖glucose气体摩尔体积molar volume of gas铅蓄电池lead storage battery强电解质strong electrolyte氢氟酸hydrogen chloride氢氧化铝aluminium hydroxide取代反应substitution reaction醛aldehyde炔烃alkyne燃料电池fuel cell弱电解质weak electrolyte石油Petroleum水解反应hydrolysis reaction四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride塑料plastic塑料的降解plastic degradation塑料的老化plastic ageing酸碱中和滴定acid-base neutralization titration酸雨acid rain羧酸carboxylic acid碳酸钠sodium carbonate碳酸氢铵ammonium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠sodium bicarbonate糖类carbohydrate烃hydrocarbon烃的衍生物derivative of hydrocarbon烃基hydrocarbonyl同分异构体isomer同素异形体allotrope同位素isotope同系物homo1og涂料coating烷烃alkane物质的量amount of substance物质的量浓度amount-of-substance concentration of B烯烃alkene洗涤剂detergent纤维素cellulose相对分子质量relative molecular mass相对原子质量relative atomic mass消去反应elimination reaction硝化反应nitratlon reaction硝酸钡barium nitrate硝酸银silver nitrate溴的四氯化碳溶液solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride溴化钠sodium bromide溴水bromine water溴水bromine water盐类的水解hydrolysis of salts盐析salting-out焰色反应flame test氧化剂oxidizing agent氧化铝aluminium oxide氧化铁iron (III) oxide乙醇ethanol乙醛ethana1乙炔ethyne乙酸ethanoic acid乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate乙烯ethene银镜反应silver mirror reaction硬脂酸stearic acid油脂oils and fats有机化合物organic compound元素周期表periodic table of elements元素周期律periodic law of elements原电池primary battery原子序数atomic number皂化反应saponification粘合剂adhesive蔗糖sucrose指示剂Indicator酯ester酯化反应esterification周期period族group(主族:main group)Bunsen burner 本生灯product 化学反应产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒element 元素body 物体compound 化合物atom 原子gram atom 克原子atomic weight 原子量atomic number 原子数atomic mass 原子质量molecule 分子electrolyte 电解质ion 离子anion 阴离子cation 阳离子electron 电子isotope 同位素isomer 同分异物现象polymer 聚合物symbol 复合radical 基structural formula 分子式valence, valency 价monovalent 单价bivalent 二价halogen 成盐元素bond 原子的聚合mixture 混合combination 合成作用compound 合成物alloy 合金organic chemistry 有机化学inorganic chemistry 无机化学derivative 衍生物series 系列acid 酸hydrochloric acid 盐酸sulphuric acid 硫酸nitric acid 硝酸aqua fortis 王水fatty acid 脂肪酸organic acid 有机酸hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫alkali 碱,强碱ammonia 氨base 碱hydrate 水合物hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物hydracid 氢酸hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟anhydride 酐alkaloid 生物碱aldehyde 醛oxide 氧化物phosphate 磷酸盐acetate 醋酸盐methane 甲烷,沼气butane 丁烷salt 盐potassium carbonate 碳酸钾soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠ester 酯gel 凝胶体analysis 分解fractionation 分馏endothermic reaction 吸热反应exothermic reaction 放热反应precipitation 沉淀to precipitate 沉淀to distil, to distill 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏to calcine 煅烧to oxidize 氧化alkalinization 碱化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化to neutralize 中和to hydrogenate 氢化to hydrate 水合,水化to dehydrate 脱水fermentation 发酵solution 溶解combustion 燃烧fusion, melting 熔解alkalinity 碱性isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象hydrolysis 水解electrolysis 电解electrode 电极anode 阳极,正极cathode 阴极,负极catalyst 催化剂catalysis 催化作用oxidization, oxidation 氧化reducer 还原剂dissolution 分解synthesis 合成reversible 可逆的。



蛋白质纯化的原理和方法(Protein Purification Principles and Methods)Proteins•Complex, polymeric, asymmetric and sensitive molecules•Contain covalent bound prosthetic groups and non-covalent bound cofactors •Many non-covalent bounds e.g. Hydrogen-Bounds, Dipol-Interactions and Hydrophobic-Interactions•“Weak” interactions are important for structure and function (activity) of the protein In most cases the purification must be gentle!Before the purification…•Cultivation of bacteria•Cell disruption: Periplasmic and cytoplasmic proteins are released •Centrifugation leads to a soluble fraction(supernatant) which contains all soluble periplasmic and cytoplasmic proteins and a membrane fraction from which membrane bound proteins can be solubilised with detergents (e.g. Triton X-100)•The soluble or membrane fraction are the start point of the further purification by chromatographyCell disruption:French PressLysozymeUltrasonicFrench PressMembrane Proteins•Peripheral membrane proteins: in most cases soluble in buffers with high or low ionic strength or high pH•Integral membrane proteins: they contain trans membrane helices and must be solubilised to conserve conformation and function of the proteinSolubilisationof integral membrane proteins•Solubilisationof proteins is done with a detergents concentration above the CMC to ensure the incorporation of membrane lipid into detergent micelles.•CMC = critical micelle concentrationdepends on temperature, ionic strength and pH of the buffer and concentration of uncharged substances like urea or alcoholSome detergents•Ionic detergents:Sodium-Dodecylsulfate:denatures Proteins (SDS-PAGE)Na-Deoxycholate: preticipatesby pH<6.8preticipatewith Ca2+or Mg2+In General: No ionic Detergents in purifications with depend on the charge of the proteins. •Non-ionic detergents:Triton X-100 Phenyl groups strong Absorbance at 280 nmTween 20 like Triton X-100 not dialyzable•Zwitter-ionic detergentsChaps dialyzableWhich proteins are purified?•Metabolic pathways•Energy productionAim: biochemical characterisation (Reactivity, subunit composition, organic and inorganic cofactors, 3D structure)…a nd why?Purification strategies•Protein stabilisation:–Integral membrane Proteins: Solubilisation–Purification at 4°C: reduces protease activity–Addition of protease inhibitors: commonly used are EDTA and PMSF (toxic) –Quickly load on first column after cell disruption and ultra centrifuge•Main impurities are removed first, lesser in the second or thirdstep•Max 5% impurities are acceptableIn general:Max 4 purification stepsNo steps with purification factor < 5No steps with < 30% yieldNo steps which last longer than one day and one night Chromatography •Separation material in columns, streamed by buffer →liquid chromatography HPLC: high pressure/performance liquid chromatographyFPLC: fast protein liquid chromatographyFPLC unitSeparation principles•Size:size exclusion chromatography (= gel filtration, = gel permeation chromatography) •Chargeanion or cation exchange chromatography; chromatofocusing •Hydrophobicityhydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC)•Affinityaffinity chromatography•Solubilityammonium sulfate precipitation (non chromatographic, rel. imprecise)Size exclusion chromatography•Different pore sizes, depending on the size of the proteins •Separation is based in diffusion slow flow rate •Pressure sensitive materialsExample for a separation by gel filtrationNoteworthy about chromatographyGel filtration:limited sample volume: 2-3mllimited flow rate gel filtraion takes timedelutionof the sample by a factor of about 3low purificatopn factor: 3-6needs column buffer with high ionic strength: min 0.1 MIon exchage chromatography:To remember:Protein binding depents on electrostatic interactions with the column material.Strength of binding depents on pH and ionic strength of the buffer, the pI of the protein and the charge density on the column.In general:Technical easier than gel filtration: columns could be packed at the FPLC.Sample volume can be multiple times the column volume.Higher flowrates.Purification factor: 3-15Sample gets concentrated.Don’t use charged detergents!Ion exchage chromatographyBinding behaviour of proteins•pI= isoelectricpoint of the protein the pH value at which the posses no net charge •The pI determines the charge of the protein at a given pHpH > pI negative net charge pH < pIpositive net chargepIand protein separation on ion exchange columnsBut...•pIis not alone responsible for the binding behaviour of proteinsBinding is sometimes influenced by local charges and not by thenet charge of the proteinExample for a separation by ion exchange chromatographyMaterialsCarrier materials•Poly sugars–Sepharose (Agarose), Sephadex (Dextran), Sephacel (Cellulose) –Rare sugars can hardly be utilised by bacteria.–Low flow rates–Material changes it’s Volume depending on the ion ic strangth –Material settles over time•Beads–Polystyrol/Divinylbenzen beads with charge carrier added–Relative high flow rates–Good pressurestability, no compression–Hard charges could stress the protein•Beads and tentacle–Charges are linked with flexiblespacers to polymeric beads. This leadsto a soft binding of proteins despite of hard charges on the matrix –Relative high flow rates–Good pressure stability–High capaticity•Perfusion beads–Porous material, beads with chanels –Very big surface–Highly pressure stable–Very high flow ratesQuality of the separation。



山 东 化 工 收稿日期:2020-12-31氟化钾制备工艺的研究毛振东,刘忠宝,朱祺,席涛(武汉船用电力推进装置研究所,湖北武汉 430064)摘要:氟化钾是一种重要的无机化合物,有着极其广泛的应用。





关键词:氟化钾;蒸发结晶;X射线衍射;产率中图分类号:TQ131.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-021X(2021)06-0066-03PreparationofPotassiumFluorideStudyMaoZhendong,LiuZhongbao,ZhuQi,XiTao(WuhanResearchofMarineElectricPropulsion,Wuhan 430064,China)Abstract:Potassiumfluorideisanimportantinorganiccompounds,Ithasanextremelywiderangeofapplications.Describestheproducesituationofpotassiumfluoride,introducingthecurrentproductionprocessofallkindsofpotassiumfluorideandcorrespondingadvantagesanddisadvantages.Inthispaper,potassiumchlorideandhydrofluoricacid,potassiumhydroxideandhydrofluoricacidhadbeenusedasrawmaterialforpreparingpotassiumfluoride.Throughyieldanalysis,X-raydiffraction,andthewatercontentofthesampleswereanalyzedtostudythepreparationofpotassiumfluoride,andfoundthatintheexperimentalconditionsofcannotusepotassiumchlorideandpotassiumfluoridetopreparationpotassiumfluoride,potassiumfluorideandhydrofluoricacid.Inneutraloralkalineconditionswithpotassiumhydroxideandhydrofluoricacidwithpotassiumfluoridecanbeprepared.Keywords:potassiumfluoride;evaporationandcrystallization;xraydiffraction;yield 中国无机氟化工行业约有50年的历史[1],其中氟化钾最主要的用途是生产含氟中间体,氟化钾(KF)白色单斜结晶或结晶性粉末。

Advances in synthesis of calcium phosphate crystals with controlled size and shape

Advances in synthesis of calcium phosphate crystals with controlled size and shape

Article history: Received 24 February 2014 Received in revised form 6 June 2014 Accepted 11 June 2014 Available online xxxx Keywords: Calcium phosphates Crystals Synthesis Size Shape
1. Introduction Calcium phosphate (CaP) materials, as shown in Table 1, have received great interest since most of them are widely applied as biomedical materials, including bone fillers [1–4], bone tissue engineering scaffolds [5] and bioactive coatings and composites [1] due to their excellent biocompatibility, osteoconductive properties and similarity to the inorganic component of natural bone [5]. CaP materials are also potential candidates for drug/protein/gene delivery [6–15], cell targeting [16], fluorescence labeling, imaging and
Advances in synthesis of calcium phosphate crystals with controlled size and shape


第7卷 第3期 2021 年 6 月
生物化工 Biological Chemical Engineering
Vol.7 No.3 Jun. 2021
邱颖胜 1,刘燕敏 1,魏超 2,董舒乐 1,刘骕骦 1*
(1. 湖州学院 生命科学与健康系,浙江湖州 313000;2. 肇庆学院 生命科学学院,广东肇庆 526061)
Biochemistry (Mosc),2016,81(6):565-573.
Expression and Induction During Senescence and in Response to [13] CHEN Y,ZHI J,LI X,et al.Diversity in Cadmium Accumulation and
积极的作用。Liu 等利用酵母双杂交和双分子荧光 互补(BiFC)实验发现大豆基质金属蛋白酶 Gm1MMP 与 GmMT4 存在互作关系,并推测 Gm1-MMP 与
的萌发有关。番茄中,SlMT1 在根中高表达,SlMT2 在叶片中高表达,SlMT3 在根、叶片和果实中高表达, SlMT4 主要在果实中高表达 [8]。瓜尔豆中,CtMT1 在
因 类 型、物 种、组 织 和 器 官、生 长 发 育 时 期 和
环境因子的不同,植物 MTs 基因呈现出不同的表达
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金(LQ20C130003);湖州学院大学生创新创业训练科研项目(2021CXCY06)。 作者简介:邱颖胜(2000—),男,浙江宁波人,本科在读,研究方向:种子生物学。 通 信 作 者:刘 骕 骦(1990—),男,黑 龙 江 绥 化 人,博 士,讲 师,研 究 方 向:植 物 耐 逆 分 子 生 物 学。E-mail:8387870552@ 。





地址:650204 云南省昆明市蓝黑路132号



•字餌蓀索蛋白质免疫印^It在大学生创新实验中的应用陈立杰杜巧丽陈美晴谢鑫*(贵州大学贵州•贵阳550025)摘要在生物功能研究过程中,通常需要从混合蛋白中区分、检測目标靶蛋白,而蛋白免疫印迹技术能较好的 实现该目的。

蛋白免疲印迹技术是一种先择性地结合被分离混合物中特异蛋白的分析技术,具有灵敏度高、特异 性强、分辨率高、分析容量大,可对蛋白进行定性、定量分析,检测蛋白的时空表达变化情况,被广泛应用于蛋白定 性实验技术中。

为在大学生创新实验中推广该技术,本教学实验以责州大学本科生为对象,课程的主要内容包括 了解蛋白印迹法的原理、目标蛋白载体的构建、蛋白可溶性表达、PAGE胶制作,以及蛋白质免疫印迹试验。

该教 学可提高学生对蛋白免疫印迹技术原理和实验操作技能的认识和掌极,同时训练学生在科研中的能力。

关键词蛋白免疫印迹实验教学中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/ki.kjdks.2021.01.022Application of W estern Blotting in Innovative Experiment of College Students CHEN Lijie, DU Qiaoli, CHEN Meiqing, XIE Xin(Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou 550025)Abstract In the process of biological function research,it is usually necessary to distinguish and detect the target protein from the mixed protein,and Western blot technology can better achieve this purpose.Protein immunoblotting is a kind of analytical technology that selectively combines the specific proteins in the separated mixture.It has high sensitivity, specificity,high resolution and large analysis capacity.It can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of proteins and detect the changes of spatiotemporal expression of p roteins.It is widely used in the qualitative experiment of p roteins.In order to popularize the technology in the innovative experiment of college students,this teaching experiment is aimed at undergraduates of Guizhou University.The main contents of t he course include understanding the principle of western blotting,the construction of target protein vector,the soluble expression of protein,the preparation of page gel,and the protein immunoblot test.This teaching can improve students'imderstanding and mastery of Western blotting technology principle and experimental operation skills,and train students'ability in scientific research.Keywords protein;immunoblotting;experimental teaching蛋白质印迹法(蛋白免疫印迹)即Western Blot,11-21是在 DNA印迹法(Southern blot)和 RNA印迹法(Northern blot)之后,整合电泳、转印和免疫标记为一体的蛋白分离检测技 术,是对电泳技术的进一步延深和发展。



虫草复合营养液对过氧化氢致PC12细胞损伤的保护作用研究郝春艳【摘要】Objective To study the protective effect of Cordyceps composite nutrient solution on hydrogen peroxide-induced PC12 cell injury.MethodsP12 cells were divided into negative control group,model group,low-dose group(1%Cordyceps complex nutrient solution),middle dose group(3% Cordyceps complex nutrient solution)and high-dose group(5%Cordyceps complex nutrient solution).After 24 h cultured,except the negative control group,other groups were added H2 O2 and cultured for another 24h.Cell viability,LDH activity and NO were compared in each group. Results Survival rate in model group was(62.8 ±4.2)%,the survival rate of the negative control group was(100.0 ±1.7)%,the survival rate in the model group was significantly lower than that in negative controlgroup(P<0.01 ),and cell viability increased significantly in composite nutrient solution group compared with model group(P<0.01).Cellular LDH levels and NO content in the model group and negative control group were significantly higher than that in negative control group(P<0.01),which decreased significantly when added cordyclps composite nutrientsolution(P<0.01).Conclusion Cordyceps composite nutrient solution shows protective effect on hydrogen peroxide in PC12 cells.%目的:研究虫草复合营养液对过氧化氢损伤的PC12细胞的保护作用。



虫草素对β-淀粉样蛋白诱导PC12细胞损伤的保护作用赵国华;韩笑【摘要】目的应用Aβ25-35孵育PC12细胞制作细胞损伤模型,探讨虫草素对PC12细胞损伤的保护作用.方法将不同组别PC12细胞用Aβ25-35诱导48 h后,采用MTT法测定细胞活力,LDH法测定细胞膜通透性,化学比色法测定细胞中SOD 活性和MDA含量,Western blot法检测PC12细胞中Caspase-3的表达.结果与模型组相比,两种剂量的虫草素均使细胞存活率显著增加,细胞培养上清中LDH含量显著减少,细胞中SOD活性显著升高,mDA含量显著下降,并明显降低PC12细胞Caspase-3的表达.结论虫草素对Aβ325-35诱导的PC12细胞死亡、氧化损伤和细胞凋亡有明显保护作用.【期刊名称】《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2012(013)004【总页数】3页(P413-415)【关键词】虫草素;β-淀粉样蛋白;PC12细胞【作者】赵国华;韩笑【作者单位】北华大学药学院,吉林吉林132013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R741阿尔茨海默病(AD)又名老年痴呆症,是一种严重和复杂的神经退行性疾病,全球每年约有15万人患病[1].研究表明:细胞内β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)的产生和积聚是AD 的主要病因.Aβ的积累可诱导细胞产生氧自由基,使大脑神经细胞氧化还原失衡而发生损伤[2].因此,增强神经细胞的抗氧化能力在一定程度上能够抑制Aβ的神经毒性,从而达到治疗目的.虫草素是我国名贵中药冬虫夏草的有效成分,为3’-脱氧腺嘌呤核苷.虫草素具有显著药理活性,主要包括抗炎、抗细菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、免疫调节及降血糖等功能[3-5].最近有报道指出:虫草素能够改善东莨菪碱所致小鼠记忆障碍[6],但虫草素是否能对Aβ所致的神经细胞损伤有保护作用尚未见相关报道.本研究旨在探讨虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞损伤的保护作用,为虫草素应用于AD的防治提供实验依据.1 材料与方法1.1 试剂虫草素、四甲基偶唑盐(MTT)和Aβ25-35(美国sigma公司);DMEM培养基(美国Gibco公司);小牛血清(杭州四季青公司);caspase-3单克隆抗体、β-actin单克隆抗体和羊抗鼠二抗(北京博奥森公司);乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)试剂盒、丙二醛(MDA)试剂盒和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)试剂盒(南京建成生物工程研究所).1.2 细胞培养和分组PC12细胞购自上海中科院细胞生物学研究所.细胞培养在含10%小牛血清的DMEM培养液中,置于37℃、5%CO2培养箱中培养.Aβ25-35使用前置37℃老化7 d.实验设4组,分别为空白对照组、模型组(10μmol/L Aβ25-35)、虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL).模型组加入Aβ25-35孵育48 h;虫草组先加入相应浓度的虫草素处理1 h,再加入终浓度10μmol/L Aβ25-35孵育 48 h.1.3 MTT法检测细胞活力将对数生长期的PC12细胞以4×105/mL密度接种至96孔细胞培养板,按上述分组处理.Aβ25-35诱导48 h后,加入终浓度为0.5 mmol/L的MTT,37℃孵育4 h,吸出培养液,加入150μL裂解液充分震荡10 min,利用酶标仪检测样品570 nm处吸光度.1.4 LDH活性测定Aβ25-35诱导48 h后,收集各组细胞培养上清,按照LDH检测试剂盒说明书操作,进行LDH活性测定.酶标仪测定各组样品450 nm处吸光度,每组设3个复孔,重复3次.1.5 SOD和MDA测定Aβ25-35诱导48 h后,收集各组细胞培养上清,按照试剂盒说明书操作,使用分光光度计测定各组样品吸光度,每组设3个复孔,重复3次.1.6 Western blot检测PC12细胞中Caspase-3的表达Aβ25-35诱导48 h后,将各组细胞用冰冷PBS洗涤,用RIPA法提取PC12细胞总蛋白,取30μg蛋白样品进行SDS-PAGE电泳,蛋白转印至醋酸纤维素膜上,用含5%脱脂牛奶的TBST缓冲液封闭醋酸纤维素膜过夜,用TBST缓冲液1 500稀释一抗(Caspase-3、β-actin单克隆抗体),并与膜共孵育1 h.洗膜,加入1 1 000稀释的HRP标记的羊抗鼠二抗,孵育1 h后,洗膜,加入酶底物显色,曝光.1.7 统计学方法利用SPSS 16.0软件,数据采用均值±标准差(±s)表示,组间数据采用student t检验.2 结果2.1 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞损伤的影响MTT测定结果见表1.与模型组相比,虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL)的OD值明显升高(P<0.05),且呈剂量依赖性,说明虫草素能够增加活细胞数.LDH活性测定结果见表1.与模型组相比,虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL)的细胞培养上清中LDH活性明显降低(P<0.05),且呈剂量依赖性,说明虫草素使PC12细胞膜损伤减轻.表1 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞损伤的影响Tab.1 Effect of cordycepin on PC12 cells injury induced by Aβ25-35(n=3,± s)a:与空白对照组比较P<0.05;b:与模型组比较P<0.05.组别MTT/OD LDH/OD空白对照组0.463 ±0.061 0.037 ±0.009模型组0.185 ±0.030a 0.105 ±0.013a虫草素低剂量组0.296 ±0.068b 0.082 ±0.011b虫草素高剂量组0.354 ±0.072b 0.059±0.004b2.2 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞抗氧化能力的影响如图1所示,与空白对照组相比,模型组PC12细胞的SOD活性显著降低(P<0.05);与模型组比较,虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL)细胞的SOD活性显著升高(P <0.05).1 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞SOD活性的影响Fig.1 Effect of cordycepin on SOD activity in PC12 cells induced by Aβ25-35如图2所示,与空白对照组相比,模型组PC12细胞的MDA含量显著升高(P<0.05);与模型组比较,虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL)细胞的MDA含量显著降低(P <0.05).2 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞MDA含量的影响Fig.2 Effect of cordycepin on MDA content inPC12 cells induced by Aβ25-352.3 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞Caspase-3表达的影响经Western blot检测(图3),模型组PC12细胞的Caspase-3表达显著升高;与模型组比较,虫草素低剂量组和高剂量组细胞中Caspase-3表达显著降低.图3 虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞Caspase-3表达的影响Fig.3 Effect of cordycepin on Caspase-3 level in PC12 cells induced by Aβ25-353 讨论β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)是一种含39~42个氨基酸的多肽,Aβ的凝聚是AD发病的关键病理原因.Aβ致病机制可能是由于在Aβ积聚过程中释放氧自由基,引起细胞氧化应激和钙离子浓度失衡,进而促使神经细胞凋亡导致的[7-8].本研究应用Aβ25-35孵育PC12细胞制作细胞损伤模型,探讨虫草素对PC12细胞损伤的保护作用.LDH是细胞中稳定存在的标志酶,只有在细胞膜通透性发生改变时才会明显漏出,因此,其释放量反映了受损神经细胞水平.研究发现:虫草素能够使细胞存活率显著增加,细胞培养上清中LDH含量显著减少,说明虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞损伤具有保护作用.SOD和MDA是反映神经细胞自由基损伤最具有代表性的指标.实验结果显示:与模型组比较,虫草素低剂量组(10μmol/mL)和虫草素高剂量组(100μmol/mL)细胞的SOD活性显著升高(P <0.05),MDA 含量显著下降(P <0.05),提示虫草素能够增强Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞抗氧化能力.Western blot结果显示:虫草素能够明显降低PC12细胞Caspase-3的表达(P<0.05),提示虫草素对PC12细胞凋亡有抑制作用.综上所述:虫草素对Aβ25-35诱导的PC12细胞死亡、氧化损伤和细胞凋亡有明显保护作用,对防治AD等神经系统疾病具有潜在药用价值.参考文献:【相关文献】[1]Barnes D E,Yaffe K.The Projected Effect o f Risk Factor Reduction on Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence[J].Lancet Neurol,2011,10(9):819-828.[2]Billings L M,Oddo S,Green K N,et al.Intraneuronal Abeta Causes the Onset of Early Alzheimer’s Diseaserelated Cognitive Deficits in Transgenic Mice[J].Neuron,2005,45(8):675-688.[3]Jeong JW,Jin C Y,Kim G Y,et al.Anti-inflammatory Effects of Cordycepin Via Suppression of Inflammatory Mediators in BV2 Microglial Cells[J].Int Immunopharmacol,2010,10(12):1580-1586.[4]Dong JZ,Lei C,Ai X R,et al.Selenium Enrichment on Cordyceps Militaris Link and Analysis on Its Main Active Components [J].Appl Biochem Biotechnol,2012,166(5):1215-1224.[5]余伯成,唐永范,唐亮,等.虫草素的药理作用研究进展[J].现代药物与临床,2011,26(5):349-352.[6]党和勤,张继国.虫草素对东食若碱所致小鼠记忆障碍的影响[J].泰山医学院学报,2009,30(11):818-819.[7]Darryl C B,Andrew T E,Christine A B,et al.An Investigation of the Neuroprotective Effects of Tetracycline Derivatives in Experimental Models of Retinal Cell Death[J].Mol Pharmacol,2004,66(5):1113-1122.[8]Cai L,Wang H,Li Q,et al.Salidroside Inhibits H2 O2-induced Apoptosis in PC12 Cells by Preventing Cytochrome Crelease and Inactivating of Caspase Cascade[J].Acta Biochim Biophys Sin,2008,40(9):796-802.。



人体结构(Body structure)Source: Institute of food and nutrition and health careAuthor: SuPublication date: 2008-6-4 9:50:02Read the number: 2773View: View: [in] [click print characters word scrolling]What is the chemical composition of human bodyThe chemical composition of human body a lot, if we take similar material together, there are carbohydrates, lipids, protein, water, inorganic salt and so on. Different functions of these chemicals in the human body, they constitute a variety of cells and human mesenchymal cells, and the supply of energy. The lack of any kind of material, will lead to human disorders and injuries.Sugar: sugar and carbohydrates, is composed of three elements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Sugar is the main fuel of human life activities. The sugar of biological oxidation in the human body, can produce carbon dioxide and water, and release energy for the body cells to use. The body weight of sugar generally accounted for about 0.5%, mainly glucose and glycogen.Lipids: the body fat and lipids including phospholipids and cholesterol etc.. Fat is the body's fat and carbohydrate fuel, compared to only a small part of the supply of energy neededby the body; the similar structure of phospholipids and fatty, it is easily combined with other materials. For example: phospholipid and protein binding, can form a lipoprotein composition of cell membrane components; human skin cholesterol in the sunlight exposure, can produce vitamin D, while raw material cholesterol is also sex hormone and adrenocortical hormone synthesis. Lipid insoluble in water, they accounted for about 15% of the weight.Protein: protein is the basis of human life activities, but also an important part of the organism. Every cell in our bodies and the existence of a protein. In the body of the growth, proliferation, digestion, secretion of all life activities have protein. The composition of the human protein is a variety of amino acids. Protein accounted for about 18.3%0 of body weightWater: in the composition of the human body, the water content is the highest, adult body water accounted for 60 of body weight. The water in the body can be divided into three parts, one is the water inside the cells, called the intracellular fluid, accounting for about 45 of the weight; one is present in the spaces between the cells, called interstitial fluid, accounting for about 11% of the weight; one is in plasma water, about 4%0 weightInorganic salt: inorganic salt in the body are sodium, potassium and chlorine, calcium and phosphorus etc.. They exist in the form of ions. Which contains about 80 grams of sodium, potassium containing about 150 grams.In addition, the human body and nucleic acids, vitamins and other substances. They are an important part of the composition, growth and activity of human body life indispensable human tissue cells.The composition of the human cell volume is very small, the average diameter of only 10 to 30 microns. The largest cell in the human body is a mature egg cell, its diameter is 100-300 microns, is a tip size just out of the naked eye can see. The smallest cell is small lymphocytes, its diameter is only about 6 microns. The cells are so small that we are invisible to the naked eye, must see with their shape and structure in microscope to.Species composition of cell in the human body is different, the shape of a variety of functions are also different. For example: epithelial cells (including glandular cells) scaly or columnar; muscle cells like slender fiber; red blood cell (RBC) round cakes; nerve cell is raised; the egg cell is spherical; sperm has a big head and a long tail; eyes there are 130 million photoreceptor cells, either in the light or dark environment can perform the task. The human body in different types and different functions, different shapes of various cells in the form of various tissues of the human body. Such as epithelial tissue, membrane organization, paid muscle tissue, connective tissue and nervous tissue. Several different organizations together constitute the various organs of the body. Some organs together constitute the system to complete certain functions, these systems constitute the entire body.SummaryThe basic unit of the structure of human body cell. There is a non cell structure of the material between the cells, called mesenchymal cells. Cells can be divided into three parts: the cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. The cell membrane is composed of protein, lipid and carbohydrate composition, protect cells, maintain the stability of the cell's internal control, inside and outside the cell material exchange function. The cell cytoplasm is mainly composed of The new supersedes the old. center, water, protein, nucleic acid, enzyme and electrolyte etc.. Cytoplasmic organelles are also suspended. The main organelles mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, centrosome etc.. The nucleus surrounded by the nuclear envelope, inside the nucleolus and chromatin. Chromatin containing nucleic acid and protein. Nucleic acid is the genetic material of biological control. Nerve tissue composed of neurons and glial cells, with a high degree of induction and conduction. The neuron cell body, dendrites and axons form. Dendritic short branch like like branches, its function is to be transmitted to the cell body, axon impulses; longer, to the end of its nerve endings, and its function is the impulse from the cell body to out muscle tissue composed of muscle cells. Muscle contraction function. According to the morphology and function of muscle tissue can be divided into skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and connective tissue by three kinds of myocardial cells, interstitial cells and fibers. The characteristics of cell distribution in interstitial cells more loose. Connective tissue including loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, blood and lymph etc.. They are support, connection, nutrition, defense, repair and other functions. Belgian doctorVesala J published a book "Human Anatomy", "three-in-one" theory of Galen challenge. The blood circulation system of the small Spanish doctor Servetus found that, the blood from the right ventricle to the lungs, through a tortuous route to the left ventricle. The British anatomist Harvey through a lot of experimental animal anatomy, published "painstaking exercise theory" and other works, explains the blood movement and heart work principle. He pointed out that the heart is the source of the blood center of motion and power. This discovery makes him become the originator of modern physiology.Edit this paragraph eight systemThe circulatory system of digestive system, nervous system, motor system, endocrine system, urinary system, reproductive system, respiratory systemEdit this section of human body chemical compositionWater accounted for 65% of the weight of the human body. A weight of 70 kg adult, after dehydration is only 25 kg, of which 3 kg 7 kg of carbohydrate, fat, protein, 12 kg, 3 kg of salt.Edit this paragraph of bloodThe human body is about 8% of the total blood volume weight. If a blood loss of body volume 20%, life activities will be blocked. Healthy people, a loss of less than 10%, can be quickly restored. A drop of blood in the human body cycle for 22 seconds.Edit this paragraph muscleThe body of about 639 muscles. From about 6 billion muscle fibers, one of the longest muscle fibers up to 60 cm, the shortest only about 1 mm. There are 2000 large muscle weight, small muscles only a few grams. The general human muscle weight 35%-40%. The total length of the muscle capillaries of up to 100 thousand kilometers, two times around the earth half.Edit this section of the brainThe brain consists of about 14 billion cells, weighing about 1400 grams, the cerebral cortex thickness is about 2-3 mm, a total area of about 2200 square centimeters, it is estimated to be 1000 to every brain cell death 100 thousand (no more brain, brain cell death more). A person's brain library information storage capacity equivalent to ten thousand books in 10 million volumes, the most good people with the brain, life also uses only 10% off the brain. The main component of the human brain is water, accounting for 80%. Although it only accounts for 2% of body weight, but the oxygen consumption of whole body oxygen consumption accounted for 25%, the blood flow of cardiac output in 15% days, a 2000 liters of blood flowing to the brain. The brain energy consumption if the electric power said the equivalent of about 25 watts.The mystery of human body chemical composition.Although human life is very complex, but the human body in the chemical composition is very simple. From the perspective of water molecules, only accounted for 2 / 3 of the body weight. As a man of medium height weight is 70 kilograms, thedehydration after only 25 kg. The carbohydrate 3 kg, 7 kg, 12 kg of fat, protein, salt is about 3 kg. If the atomic terms, the four elements of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen accounted for 96% of the weight. The other 20 elements would have less. Therefore, if a body weight of 70 kg, 45.5 kg, in which oxygen carbon 12.6 kg, 7 kg, 2.1 kg of nitrogen and hydrogen. In addition it is minerals: calcium and phosphorus 1.5 kg 860 grams, 300 grams of sulfur, potassium 210 grams, 100 grams of sodium chloride, 70 grams, a few grams of magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, fluoride, and a few milligrams of iodine, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, selenium. Finally, there are more trace vanadium, nickel, aluminum, lead, tin, titanium, boron, bromine, arsenic and silicon, and radioactive elements such as uranium and potassium 40.Interestingly, it is human body with radioisotope Trace Potassium 40, so there are also nuclear fission in the human body. The body of the 40 isotopes of potassium per second to nearly 7000 times and each time the fission fission, can produce high energy particles and rays to emit. People will naturally ask, produced by nuclear fission radiation will cause harm to the human body? In fact, although people every day in the intake of radioactive elements, but in the process of The new supersedes the old. will continue, most of its body. As long as the accumulation of radioactive elements in the human body does not exceed a certain limit, will not damage the body. Such as uranium, the largest in the body of the limit is 7000 micrograms, while the body actually accumulated capacity of only about 50 micrograms. At the same time, although the radioactive elements emit high-energy particles damage human cells in fission, but due to human tissue has its own repairfunction, so the damaged cells can be repaired. As long as the damage does not exceed the ability to repair, the body will not hurt.。





%In order to improve the added value of visscose fiber, viscose fiber modified by methanol protein was prepared by blending methanol protein and viscose concentrate, and its structure and performance were investigated by means of Kjeldahl nitrogen determination apparatus, infrared spectroscopy ( IR ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) , X⁃ray diffraction ( XRD ) and fiber mechanical properties experimental methods. The results show that compared with ordinary viscose fiber, the crystallinity of the methanol protein modified viscose fiber decreased, cross section abnormity degree slightly lowered, zigzag trend abates, burnish is slightly darker, fiber fracture strength is reduced, and the elongation at break decreased. The fiber shows characteristics of protein fiber and it can be viewed from the infrared spectra of the fiber and fiber nitrogen content test results that methanol protein modified viscose fiber has been successfully prepared.【期刊名称】《纺织学报》【年(卷),期】2016(037)009【总页数】4页(P12-15)【关键词】甲醇蛋白;粘胶纤维;改性;结晶度;拉伸性能【作者】刘东奇;王喆;王翔;尹翠玉;张宇峰【作者单位】天津工业大学天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室,天津300387; 新乡白鹭化纤集团有限责任公司,河南新乡 453242;天津工业大学天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室,天津 300387;天津工业大学天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室,天津 300387;天津工业大学天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室,天津300387;天津工业大学天津市先进纤维与储能技术重点实验室,天津 300387【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS102.5天然蛋白质纤维如羊毛、蚕丝等是优良纺织材料,其纺织品深受消费者喜爱,但其价格相对较高,且产量较低,很难满足消费需求,因此,制备再生蛋白改性纤维成为热门课题之一[1]。

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Protein-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers as ultrasensitive electrochemical cytosensing Interfaces for evaluation of cell surface sialic acidHongmei Cao a,Da-Peng Yang b,n,Daixin Ye a,Xianxia Zhang a,Xueen Fang a,Song Zhang a,Baohong Liu a,Jilie Kong a,na Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biomedical Sciences,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,PR Chinab College of Chemistry and Life Science,Quanzhou Normal University,Quanzhou,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received9October2014Received in revised form22December2014Accepted2January2015Available online3January2015Keywords:Electrochemical cytosensorsBovine serum albumin(BSA)incorporatedAg nanoflowersSambucus nigra agglutinin(SNA)DLD-1cellsSialic acida b s t r a c tThe identification of biocompatible nanomaterials with high conductivities as sensing interfaces is im-portant in developing novel electrochemical cytosensors.We prepared a novel protein-inorganic nano-material-bovine serum albumin(BSA)incorporated Ag nanoflowers with three-dimensional porous ar-chitectures,using a simple biomimetic method.The BSA-incorporated Ag nanoflowers were modified ona glassy carbon electrode(GCE)surface and conjugated with a targeting lectin molecule,i.e.,Sambucusnigra agglutinin(SNA),for sensing DLD-1human colon cancer cells.The BSA-incorporated Ag nano-flowers were a suitable platform,and showed improved cell-immobilization capacity,and good bio-compatibility,with retention of activity of the immobilized cells.These properties are attributed to thelarge surface area of the porous structure and the natural BSA layer acting as a biocompatible support.The attachment of DLD-1cells to the GCE increased the electron-transfer resistance,with a good cor-relation with the logarithm of the concentration from1.35Â102to1.35Â107cells mLÀ1,with a lowdetection limit of40cells mLÀ1.Based on the affinity between SNA and sialic acid(SA),the UV–visabsorption spectrum of the one-step reaction between SA and acidic ninhydrin indicated that theaverage number of SA molecules on a single living DLD-1cell surface was approximately2.16Â1012.Thisproposed cytosensing strategy had good reproducibility,acceptable precision,and high specificity for SA-over-expressed cells,indicating that it has potential applications for the early monitoring of tumor cellsand convenient evaluation of SA on living cells.&2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGlycoproteins on cell surfaces play essential roles in a widevariety of cell activities,including cell proliferation and differ-entiation,cell–cell communication,and immune response mod-ulation(Raman et al.,2005).Sialic acid(SA),a clinically approvedtumor marker,is a glycoprotein containing a nine-carbon back-bone,and is commonly found at the terminal positions of sugarchains(Liu et al.,2011;Matsumoto et al.,2009).Accumulatingevidence shows that over-expression of SA on cell surfaces isclosely associated with the malignant and metastatic phenotypesof many cancers such as colorectal,breast,liver,and ovarian can-cers(Ang et al.,2006;Chen et al.,2007a;Wang et al.,2003;Zhanget al.,2010).Therefore,the study of SA on the cell surface is criticalboth to understand its role in disease development and to provideeffective diagnostic tools to help prompt therapy.Currently,there are various methods for SA analysis,includingfluorescence analysis,mass spectrometry(MS),and liquid chro-matography(LC)(Shen et al.,2007;Wang et al.,2014a,2014b;Xiong et al.,2013).However,these techniques need long analyticaltimes and stringent laboratory conditions,and are not suitable forliving cell analysis.The design and development of rapid,non-invasive,highly sensitive,and specific techniques for evaluating SAexpression level are therefore important.In recent years,electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)has become a popularapproach in a broad range offields,including semiconductorbatteries,corrosion,fuel cells,and biosensors(Chang and Park,2010;Sherif and Park,2006;Venkatanarayanan et al.,2013;Wanget al.,2014c).In particular,EIS has been widely applied in livingcell measurements;for example,Zhu et al.reported a highlysensitive impedance sensor for HL-60cells,based on carboxylicsingle-walled carbon nanotube/Au composites(Zhang et al.,2009),Ju et ed electrochemical impedance detection of K562leu-kemia cells(Ding et al.,2007),and Wang et al.prepared folateconjugated-polyethylenimine carbon nanotubes for HeLa cell de-tection using EIS(Wang et al.,2013).Thus,we intend to fabricateEIS cytosensor to evaluate SA expression level of cell membrane.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectjournal homepage:/locate/biosBiosensors and Bioelectronics/10.1016/j.bios.2015.01.0030956-5663/&2015Elsevier B.V.All rightsreserved.n Corresponding authors.Biosensors and Bioelectronics68(2015)329–335However,interfacial effects play a key role in EIS measurements, therefore selecting appropriate and biocompatible interface ma-terials is crucial in fabricating EIS cytosensors.Moreover,cell im-mobilization based on nanomaterials with good biocompatibility also provides a favorable platform for evaluating SA expression on the living cell surface.Recently,protein-mediated synthesis of inorganic nanomater-ials for the sensing interfaces of electrochemical cytosensors is attractive for a number of reasons:the synthetic conditions are mild,i.e.,near room temperature,in aqueous solutions,and at neutral pH;the sizes,shapes,morphologies,and crystal structures are complex and controllable;and the resulting products are multifunctional and biocompatible.In our previous work,we synthesized a series of metal@protein nanocomposites via a pro-tein-mediated method,and used them as sensing platforms for the sensitive detection of cancer cells(Hu et al.,2013a,2013b).These hybrid nanocomposites have a range of advantages such as ex-cellent conductivities,large surface areas,and nontoxicity.Con-sidering the effects of the substrate morphology and structure on the cytosensor performance,we preparedflower-like Ag nano-materials using bovine serum albumin(BSA)as a -pared with previously reported Ag@BSA microspheres(Huang et al.,2011),the BSA-incorporated Ag nanoflowers have larger surface areas and open nanoporous structures,providing an elec-trochemical sensing matrix that is better for cytosensor fabrication for the following reasons.First,the three-dimensional(3D)porous architecture promotes cell anchoring and increases the number of cells that adhere to the substrate.Secondly,the incorporated BSA molecules provide a multifunctional interface for conjugation of targeting molecules,improving the water solubility and main-taining the biomolecule bioactivity and reducing nonspecific in-teractions.Finally,Ag has excellent electrical conductivity and can amplify the electrochemical signal,improving the cytosensing ability.Because of these advantages,BSA-incorporated Ag nano-flowers are expected to provide an effective sensing platform for monitoring SA change on tumor cells surface.However,the de-signed substrate should achieve specific target-cell recognition, while preventing nonspecific adhesion of non-target cells,there-fore modification of specific recognition molecules is required. Sambucus nigra agglutinin(SNA)with a highly specific binding affinity with SA(Chen et al.,2007a)is an excellent candidate for biosensor fabrication,because of its ease of production and la-beling,and good stability during long-term storage(Cho et al., 2014).Herein,we report the synthesis of novel BSA-incorporated Ag nanoflowers as biomimetic3D nanoporous sensing interfaces for electrochemical measurements of tumor cells and SA on the DLD-1cells surface.Human colon cancer DLD-1cells,which have SA expression patterns on the cellular surface,were used as model SA-over-expressed cells.Lectin(SNA),which was successfully conjugated with the sensing platform using glutaraldehyde(GA), was employed as the targeting molecule for specifically re-cognizing SA groups on cell surfaces.The DLD-1cells were cap-tured on the cytosensor surface by specific binding between the SA groups on the cell surfaces and SNA,i.e.,the amount of cells captured on the cytosensor surface was related to the expression of SA groups on the cell surfaces.On the basis of this,we devel-oped a novel approach for conveniently and sensitively quantify-ing the SA expression value on the DLD-1cell surface by com-bining a simple UV–vis measurement with one-step reaction. Owning to achieving highly specific recognition and utilizing ul-trasensitive interfaces,the proposed cytosensor had a broad de-tection range,with a lower detection limit,than other reported electrochemical cytosensors.Our proposed EIS cytosensing therefore offers a potential protocol for tumor cells detection and quantitative evaluation of the cell surface SA in clinical diagnosis.Furthermore,our results highlight the importance of nano-bio interfaces in optimizing biosensor performances.2.Experimental2.1.Chemicals and materialsAgNO3,ascorbic acid,and ethanol GA solution(25%)were purchased from the Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd.(China). SNA,3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bro-mide(MTT,ultrapure grade),lyophilized99%BSA(molecular mass ∼68kDa),and dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)were acquired from the Sigma-Aldrich Corporation.A10mM phosphate buffer solution (PBS,pH7.4)was used as the rinsing solution and SNA diluent.A [Fe(CN)6]3À/4Àsolution containing10mM K3Fe(CN)6,10mM K4Fe (CN)6,and0.1M KCl(as the supporting electrolyte)was prepared as a redox probe for the measuring system.Doubly distilled water was used in all experiments.All reagents were analytical grade and used as received,without further purification.2.2.Apparatus and measurementsThe morphologies of the BSA-incorporated Ag nanoflowers were investigated using transmission electron microscopy(TEM; JEOL2011)andfield-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM;Philips XL30,the Netherlands),at accelerating voltages of 200and10kV,respectively.EIS was performed,using an Autolab PGSTST30analyzer(Metrohm Autolab BV,Switzerland),in0.1M KCl solution containing10mM[Fe(CN)6]3À/4À(1:1)as the redox probe,at an open-circuit potential.The impedance spectra were recorded in the frequency range10À1–105Hz,with a signal am-plitude of5mV.Cyclic voltammetry(CV)was performed using a CHI1030electrochemical workstation with a conventional three-electrode system.A modified electrode was used as the working electrode,with a platinum wire as the auxiliary electrode and a saturated calomel electrode as the reference.Zeta potential was measured in Zeta potential analyzer(Malvern Instruments ZS90). MTT assays were performed using an enzyme-labeled microplate reader(SUNOSTIK SPR-960).2.3.Cell culture and collectionHuman colon cancer DLD-1cells were purchased from the Cell Bank of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The DLD-1cells were cultured in RPMI1640medium supplemented with10%fetal bo-vine serum(FBS),and incubated at37°C in a humidified atmo-sphere containing5%CO2(Matsumoto et al.,2005).The DLD-1 cells were trypsinized for2–3d in0.25%trypsin solution,collected from the culture medium by centrifugation at1000rpm for5min, and then washed twice with1ÂPBS(pH7.4).The sediment was resuspended in the1ÂPBS to obtain a0.5mL homogeneous cell suspension.Cell suspensions of different concentrations were prepared from this stock.The cell numbers were determined usinga Petroff–Hausser counter.2.4.Fabrication of BSA-incorporated Ag nanoflowers/GA-modified electrochemical cytosensorThe method for synthesizing the sensingfilm(BSA-in-corporated Ag nanoflowers)is key to our research.Briefly,BSA (5mg mLÀ1,10mL)and AgNO3(10mM,10mL)aqueous solutions were mixed in a50mL beaker.The mixture was stirred at room temperature for10min,and then the solution was placed in a water-bath at55°C for5min.Ascorbic acid(50mg)was then rapidly added to the solution.The mixture was kept at55°C forH.Cao et al./Biosensors and Bioelectronics68(2015)329–335 3305min.Magnetic stirring was used throughout the process.The resulting products were collected and washed three times with water and ethanol,respectively.The final precipitate was redis-persed in deionized water for subsequent use.The assembly and recognition process of the electrochemical cytosensor based on BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers is shown in Scheme 1.Glassy carbon electrodes (GCEs,diameter 3.0mm)were used as the substrates for modi fication with the prepared BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers.Prior to modi fication,the GCEs were polished to a mirror-like appearance with 1.0,0.3,and 0.05μM αalumina powder.The electrodes were successively sonicated in ethanol and doubly distilled water,and then allowed to dry in a stream of nitrogen.BSA-incorporated Ag nano flower solution (0.625mg/ml,3μL)was dropped onto the pretreated GCE surface,and the GCE was kept in a refrigerator (4°C)for 2h.To attach the targeting molecules,i.e.,SNA,freshly prepared GA solution (25%,2μL)was added to the substrate,followed by incubation for 1.5h at room temperature.Herein a high molar ratio of GA was used to ensure that only one aldehyde group of GA reacted with the amino groups of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers.After the reaction,the electrode was washed with PBS (pH 7.4)and then the modi fied electrode surface was coated with SNA solution (3μL)and in-cubated at 4°C under a wettish atmosphere for at least 4h to prepare the SNA-based biosensor.Finally,above modi fied elec-trode was then rinsed thoroughly with PBS (pH 7.4)to remove nonspeci fic bound species.In the process of preparation,the so-lutions of SNA and BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers reacted with GA,forming a Schiff base structure (Cozzi,2004;Olde Damink et al.,1995),according to the following equation:SNA –NH 2þBSA –NH 2þO ¼CH(CH 2)3HC ¼O -BSA –N ¼CH (CH 2)3HC ¼N –SNA þ2H 2OThe cytosensor exploited the signal ampli fication effect of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers for the mass loading of SNA,to achieve highly sensitive recognition of cell surface SA by lectin SNA.EIS was used to record the electrochemical response of the [Fe(CN)6]3À/4Àprobe.The electron-transfer resistance (R et )re-flected the amount of cells captured by the cytosensor,providing a potential strategy for the analysis of SA expression in living cells.2.5.MTT assayFirst,DLD-1cells were cultured in RPMI 1640supplemented with 10%FBS.The cells were incubated for 2–3d in a humidi fied 5%-CO 2-containing balanced air incubator at 37°C.Cells (100μL),at a density of 1Â105cells/well,were seeded in each well of a 96-well plate.The cells were incubated for 24and 48h at 37°C,re-spectively.The medium was then removed and the cells were in-cubated with different concentrations of BSA-incorporated Agnano flowers.The controls contained only cells.The medium con-taining the matrix was removed,and 20μL of a stock solution containing 5mg mL À1of MTT were added,followed by incubation for 4h.Finally,an MTT-solubilizing agent (150μL,DMSO)was added,and the mixture was shaken thoroughly for 15min (Zhang et al.,2013).3.Results and discussion3.1.Characterization of BSA-incorporated Ag nano flower sensing layerThe sensing substrate (BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers)plays a crucial role in the cytosensor detection performance.The structure and morphology of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano-flowers were investigated using FESEM and TEM.Fig.1A shows the overall morphology of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers;the product consists of large quantities of flower-like structures of average diameter 500nm.The enlarged FESEM image in Fig.1B shows that numerous thin petals assemble into 3D flower-like structures.Fig.1C displays a typical example of nano flower mor-phology,wrapped with a thin layer of BSA;this con firms the FESEM results.The TEM image of a single nano flower (Fig.1D)clearly shows that the nano flower is porous.The porous nanos-tructure and large number of self-assembled Ag nanoparticles signi ficantly increase the effective electrode surface for biomole-cule loading,promoting electron transfer.The thin layer of BSA molecules acts as a multifunctional platform for conjugating the targeting reagent,i.e.,SNA,and blocking nonspeci fic interaction sites.Cytosensors are used to investigate the viability and natural physiological states of cells.The cells usually need to be im-mobilized on the cytosensor surface during constructing of the cytosensor,therefore the biocompatibility of the nano-biointerface materials is important in the subsequent electrochemical detec-tion.MTT assays were performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers at various concentrations (Fig.2).SA-over-expressed DLD-1cells were chosen as the cell model.The formazan absorbance,which is proportional to the number of living cells,was measured at a wavelength of 492nm (Zhu et al.,2012).The relative cell viability was measured by comparison with the control well containing only cells.The MTT assay showed no obvious cytotoxic effect on DLD-1cells after 48h treatment,even at a concentration of 1.25mg/ml,suggesting good biocompatibility of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers in cellproliferation.Scheme 1.Fabrication of EIS Cytosensor Based on BSA-Incorporated Ag nano flowers.H.Cao et al./Biosensors and Bioelectronics 68(2015)329–3353313.2.EIS characterization of cytosensor fabricating stepsEIS is generally used to characterize the assembly of modi fied electrodes,because it gives sensitive and immediate responses to changes in electroactive substances (K ’Owino and Sadik,2005).In impedance spectra,the semicircle (in the high-frequency region)represents the electron-transfer process and the straight line (in the low-frequency region)corresponds to the diffusion process.Fig.3A shows the detailed changes in the R et value during layer-by-layer assembly,using [Fe(CN)6]3À/4Àas the electroactive redox probe.After assembly of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers into a 3D sensing layer,the nyquist plots displayed an almost straight line,with an R et value of 77.5Ω(curve b,inset),which is lower than that of the pretreated GCE (119Ω),indicating sig-ni ficant electrochemical signal ampli fication by the BSA-in-corporated Ag nano flower sensing layer,and a diffusion-limitedelectron-transfer process.This indicates that nano flowers ac-celerated electron transfer.GA acted as a mediator to achieve cross-links between the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers and SNA,to give covalent conjugation with SNA.GA is an ideal reagent,because it reacts immediately and quantitatively with primary amino groups to give stable imines,giving chemical activation.After the immediate and quantitative reaction with GA,the R et value sharply increased to 832Ω(curve c),because of the for-mation of Schiff base structures and steric hindrance of kinetic solvent effect (Hu et al.,2013b ).BSA,which has a large number of functional groups (e.g.,ÀSH and ÀNH 2)(Hu et al.,2012),can be converted to a reactive interface by GA,where another layer of target biomolecules SNA was covalently immobilized on the sur-face of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers via Schiff base structures,the R et value increased to 1943Ω(curve d).This large increase in R et could be caused by SNA limiting access of the redox probe to the electrode surface.Highly speci fic recognition of DLD-1cells attached to the biosensor (1.35Â103cells mL À1)increased the R et value to 4004Ω(curve e),indicating a larger barrier,caused by cell membranes hindering the redox couple [Fe(CN)6]3À/4Àfrom getting close to the electrode surface.In addition,based on an equivalent circuit model (inset in Fig.3B),the successive changes in the impedance data were fitted to the R et values using Autolab software;the results are shown in a histogram.The equivalent circuit includes the following elements:(a)R s ,the oh-mic resistance of the electrolyte solution;(b)Z w ,the Warburg impedance;and (c)C dl ,the interfacial double layer capacitance between the solution and electrode,related to the surface condi-tion of the electrode.3.3.Optimization of biosensing conditionsWe investigated the effects of SNA concentration and DLD-1cells incubation time,which are related to the cytosensor sensi-tivity,on the modi fied electrode in detail,to construct an EIS cy-tosensor with good cells capture capabilities andrecognitionFig.1.FESEM (A,B,from lower magni fication to higher magni fication)and TEM (C,D)images of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers.Fig.2.Cytotoxicities of various concentrations of BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers incubated with DLD-1cells for 24and 48h.H.Cao et al./Biosensors and Bioelectronics 68(2015)329–335332ef ficiency.The CV peak current decreased to a minimum response at 1.5mg mL À1(Fig.S1.B in the Supporting Information (SI))with increasing SNA concentration.This demonstrated that the amount of adhered DLD-1cells gradually increased with increasing SNA concentration,which would effectively restrain penetration of the redox probe.The optimum SNA concentration for maximum DLD-1cell capture was 1.5mg mL À1,and was used for target conjugation.For SA recognition,the incubation time is also an important factor,because it affects SA-SNA combination.The fabricated cy-tosensor was immersed in [Fe(CN)6]3À/4Àsolutions for various reaction times from 30to 180min to further explore the effect of incubation time on the EIS response.The EIS R et response in-creased (Fig.S1.A in the Supporting Information (SI))with in-creasing binding time,indicating capture of increasing amounts of DLD-1cells on the sensing platform.After incubation for 120min,the R et reached a steady value,demonstrating that the amount of cells anchored on the cytosensor surface reached saturation.Ac-cordingly,120min should be used for binding of DLD-1cells to achieve the best cytosensor performance.3.4.EIS detection of DLD-1cells on SNA/BSA-incorporated Ag na-no flower sensing interfaceEIS re flects the ef ficiency of electron transfer between an electroactive substance and the electrode surface.Quantitative monitoring of tumor cells was performed using impedance mea-surements.The optimized cytosensor was used to detect DLD-1cells.As shown in Fig.4A,the semicircle diameter in the Nyquist diagram for the captured DLD-1cells/SNA/BSA-incorporated Ag nano flower electrode increased with increasing amount of DLD-1cells in the range 1.35Â102–1.35Â107cells mL À1.The R et increase is de fined as ΔR et ¼R cell ÀR SNA ,where R cell is the R et value after cell capture and R SNA is the impedance after conjugation with SNA but without cell adhesion.The linear equation is given as ΔR et (Ω)¼1092.68Âlog C [DLD À1](cells mL À1)À1287.68(R ¼0.993);the de-tection limit is 40cells mL À1(signal-to-noise ¼3)(Fig.4B),which is much lower than,or comparable with,the values of 40cells mL À1for a MUC-1conjugated CNS interface for detection of DLD-1cells (Cao et al.,2014),90cells mL À1based on a folate-PEI-CNT cytosensor for detection of HeLa cells (Wang et al.,2013)and 80cells mL À1at PANI-NFs/AuNPs/anti-P-gp for detection of K562/ADM cells (Zhang et al.,2014)[see Table S1in the Sup-porting Information (SI)].The proposed cytosensor was also more sensitive than these reported EIS sensors,because of the large surface area of the porous structure,the good electroconductivity and biocompatibility of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers,and high af finity between SNA and SA,with high expression levels on the DLD-1cell membranes.We investigated the performance of a BSA-incorporated Ag nano flower/GCE biosensor without SNA.Pure BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers alone were used for DLD-1cell detection.As shown in Fig.S2.A ,the Nyquist diagrams gra-dually changed with increasing adhered concentrations of DLD-1cells;the change was proportional to the logarithm of cell con-centration in the range 2.8Â103–2.8Â105cells mL À1.The ΔR et value was de fined as the difference between the values before and after cell adhesion for the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers/GCE.The linear relationship is ΔR et (Ω)¼421.96Âlog C [DLD-1](cells mL À1)À568.05(R ¼0.987)(Fig.S2.B ).The analytical perfor-mance of the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flower sensing layerwasFig.3.(A)Nyquist diagrams of EIS recorded from 0.1to 105Hz (a)bare GCE pretreated electrochemically,(b)formation of BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers film,(c)conjugation with GA,(d)immobilization of SNA,and (e)after DLD-1cell adhesion in 10mM [Fe(CN)6]3À/[Fe(CN)6]4À(10mM,1:1)containing 0.1M KCl.(B)Histogram shows fitting impedance data for R et during assembly (inset:equivalent circuitmodel).Fig.4.(A)EIS responses of the electrode modi fied with BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers/GA/SNA after recognition with different concentrations (cells mL À1)of DLD-1cells for 120min:(a)0;(b)1.35Â102;(c)1.35Â103;(d)1.35Â104;(e)1.35Â105;(f)1.35Â106;and (g)1.35Â107.(B)Calibration curve for change in electron-transfer resistance with logarithm of DLD-1cell concentration.H.Cao et al./Biosensors and Bioelectronics 68(2015)329–335333attributed to electrostatic adhesion between the BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers,which had excellent electroconductivity and biocompatibility,and the negatively charged tumor cells.In addi-tion,the charge of BSA-incorporated Ag,SNA and BSA were char-acterized by zeta-potential measurements.Based on the different isoelectric points of each substance,the obvious changes of zeta-potential could be observed from Fig.S3(SI),providing a favour-able evidence for electrostatic adhesion.The introduction of SNA reduced the detection limit of the BSA-incorporated Ag/SNA cy-tosensor by almost two orders of magnitude;therefore,the novel cell biosensor have a better capability for targeting tumor cells and hinder non-speci fic binding,and greatly improved sensitivity in detecting tumor cells.3.5.Evaluation of sialic acid expression on DLD-1cellsSA on cell surfaces has been implicated in many different types of cancer,and its expression on cancer cells can provide rational indexes of phenomena,such as dynamic changes in tumor ma-lignancy,metastatic phenotypes,and diabetic symptoms.It is therefore important to monitor cell surface SA expression.We used UV –vis absorption spectroscopy to determine the amount of SA on the cell surface.As can be seen in Fig.S4(SI),SA and acidic ninhydrin solution form a stable yellow complex,generating a distinct maximum absorption peak at about 470nm.The standard curve of peak absorbance vs.SA concentration from 10to 70μg mL À1was drawn (Fig.S4,inset,SI).An electrode modi fied with SNA/BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers was incubated in SA solution of concentration 70μg mL À1for 2h,until saturated.Then acidic ninhydrin solution was added to the SA solution,and the UV –vis absorption spectrum of the yellow complex was recorded.The intensity of absorbance of the SA solution incubated on the electrode modi fied with SNA/BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers decreased (curve b)(Fig.S5,SI)compared with that of the SA solution (70μg mL À1).Based on the difference between the peak absorbances,the SA loading on the SNA/BSA-incorporated Ag na-no flowers was calculated to be 15μg mL À1.The number of im-mobilized cells on the cytosensor surface was calculated to be 4.05Â104.The amount of SA on each DLD-1cell was therefore 2.16Â1012molecules.3.6.Speci ficity,stability,and reproducibility of cytosensor strategy To evaluate the selectivity of the BSA-incorporated Ag-based cytosensor,differential pulse voltammetry (DPV)and EIS techni-que were applied in our study.DPV were performed to monitorthe current signal changes after incubating different cells.Human embryonic kidney 293cells (HEK 293),human astrocyte 1800cells,and DLD-1cells,at the same concentrations,were used to study the speci ficity of our cytosensor under the optimized conditions.As shown in Fig.5A,no obvious peak current changes were detected after incubation of the cytosensor in HEK 293cells and 1800cells,whereas the DLD-1cells gave a signi ficant DPV peak current.EIS result (Fig.5B)was consistent with DPV.They were therefore expected that the prepared cytosensor could dis-tinguish between cancer cells and noncancerous ones.The good selectivity of this cytosensor is attributed to the speci fic binding between cell surface SA and lectin SNA.The stability of the sensing interface was further investigated by storing the prepared cyto-sensor in a refrigerator at 4°C for 20d.The peak current only decreased by 8.7%.The cytosensor was therefore suf ficiently stable for detection of cancerous DLD-1cells.The intra-assay precision of the cytosensor was estimated by detecting DLD-1cells at two le-vels for five replicate determinations.At DLD-1cell concentrations of 1.35Â106and 1.35Â107cells mL À1,the relative standard de-viations (RSDs)of the intra-assay using the fabricated biosensor were 4.7%and 4.8%,respectively,signifying acceptable precision.The reproducibility of the cytosensor for DLD-1cells was evaluated using five replicate measurements from the batch;the RSD was 4.3%,indicating that the developed cytosensor gives excellent reproducibility.4.ConclusionsIn summary,we developed a novel electrochemical cytosensor based on a 3D nano-bio interface,with BSA-incorporated Ag na-no flowers as a new platform with excellent biocompatibility and cell capture capability.The BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers provide an ideal sensing layer for cell adhesion,because of the excellent conductivity of Ag nanoparticles and high stability and biocompatibility of the BSA layer.With the help of GA,SNA was covalently immobilized on the BSA-incorporated Ag,for speci fic recognition and binding of SA on cell surfaces.The proposed bio-sensor was successfully used to quantify DLD-1cells and evaluate the average expressed amount of SA on a single cell surface.The cytosensing strategy based on BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers had a wide linear range,low detection limit,good fabrication re-producibility,detection precision,and high speci ficity for SA-po-sitive tumor cells,and will help to achieve early diagnosis and treatment of humancancer.Fig.5.Speci ficity of the fabricated EIS biosensor.(A)Typical DPV response changes in peak current with modi fied electrode after respective incubations with same con-centration of DLD-1,HEK-293,and 1800cells in [Fe(CN)6]3À/4À(10mM,1:1)containing 0.1M KCl.(B)Histogram shows relative data of ΔR et ,inset:EIS responses of (a)BSA-incorporated Ag nano flowers/GA/SNA electrode after respective incubations with same concentration of DLD-1(d),HEK-293(b),and 1800cells (c)in [Fe(CN)6]3À/4À(10mM,1:1)containing 0.1M KCl.Error bars are standard deviations of three replicate determinations.H.Cao et al./Biosensors and Bioelectronics 68(2015)329–335334。
