
四十二天学会英语的模范短文第一天:THENEWSPAPER报纸NowadaysthenewspaperpossessesconsiderablevalueEverybodys houldreaditItsuppliesuswithavarietyofnewseverydayIttells usthepoliticalsituationoftheworldIfweformthehabitofreadi ngthenewspaper,weshallgetenoughknowledgetocopewithourcircumstances现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二天:MYDAILYLIFE我的日常生活Thoughmydailylifeisextremelymonotonous,Itryhardtoadaptmy selftoitWhy?BecauseIintendtobeagoodstudentIwishtorenders ervicetomycountryIgetupatsixo’clockeverydayAfterIwashmyfaceandbrushmyteeth,Ibegintorev iewmylessonsIgotoschoolatseveno’clockAfterschoolisover,IreturnhomeWeusuallyhavesupperatseveno’clockThenIbegintodomyhomeworkIwanttofinishitbeforeIgotobed 虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。

四十二天学会英语的模范短文第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报纸Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.现今报纸拥有极大的价值,人人都应该看它。
第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。

七天学长的考验英语作文模板Seven-Day Challenge of Learning English。
Learning a new language can be a challenging and rewarding experience. For many people, English is a language they want to master, whether it's for academic, professional, or personal reasons. However, the process of learning English can be daunting, especially for those who are not exposed to it on a daily basis. In this article, we will explore a seven-day challenge of learning English, and how it can help learners improve their language skills in a short amount of time.Day 1: Immersion。
On the first day of the challenge, learners should immerse themselves in the English language as much as possible. This can include listening to English music, watching English movies or TV shows, and reading English books or articles. Immersion is a key component of language learning, as it helps learners get used to the sounds and rhythms of the language.Day 2: Vocabulary Building。

英语作文《我的一天》四年级上册,八行My DayHello there! My name is Emily and I'm a 4th grader at Sunshine Elementary School. I can't wait to tell you all about my typical day. It's pretty busy and fun!I wake up at 7am every morning. My mom comes into my room, opens the curtains, and says "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!"I groan a little because I'm definitely not a morning person. But I know I have to get going for school. I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed.After that, I go downstairs for breakfast. My favorite is pancakes with syrup and a glass of orange juice. My little brother Johnny is already at the table making a mess as usual. We all eat together as a family before the big rush to get out the door.The morning is a whirlwind! I put on my backpack full of books and supplies, grab my lunchbox, and wait by the door with Johnny. Mom does a last minute check to make sure we're ready. She gets us out the door by 8am so we can walk to school on time. Johnny and I like to have contests to see who can find the most interesting leaf or rock along the way.We arrive at school and I give my mom a hug goodbye. Then I head inside to my 4th grade classroom. My best friend Anna always saves me a seat and we chat before class starts at 8:30am.The morning goes by super fast. We have reading group first where we take turns reading pages from our latest book out loud. After that is math where we learn about multiplication and division. Those are my favorite subjects!Around 11am, we get ready to go to lunch and recess. We line up and walk quietly to the cafeteria. I always get the hot lunch which is something like chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, and a fruit cup. Anna and I like to talk and joke around at our usual lunch table.Once we're done eating, it's time for recess outside! That's definitely the best part of the day. I love running around on the playground, going down the big twisty slide, and playing on the swings. Before we know it, the bell rings and recess is over. We have to line up again and head back inside.In the afternoon, we have science class where we get to do experiments. My favorite was the baking soda and vinegar volcano! We also have social studies where we learn about geography and history. On certain days, we have fun classes like art, music, gym, and computer lab too.Finally, it's 3pm and the end of the school day. We pack up our backpacks and get ready to go home. The bus kids line up first to go to the cafeteria for bus dismissal. Then the kids who get picked up go to wait in a separate area.I'm a walker, so I meet up with Johnny and we start our journey home together. We like to stop at the park on the way back. We play for a little while before finally getting home around 4pm.Once I'm home, I have a small snack and get started on my homework right away. I try to get as much done as I can before dinner at 6pm. After dinner, I take a break to watch a TV show or play outside if it's nice out. Then it's back to any more homework left to finish up.Around 8pm, I start getting ready for bed. I take a shower, put on my pajamas, and do my nightly routine like brushing my teeth again. I read out loud to my parents or little brother for 20 minutes too. We all say goodnight and I'm off to sleep for another day!Well, that's basically what my day is like as a 4th grade student. It's a lot of running around between school, activities, homework and more. But I love my daily routine and all the fun I have throughout it. Being a kid is hard work but it's the best!。

Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the newspaper, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.
虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。为什么?因为我打算做一 个好学生,希望将来为国家服务。 我每天六点起床、洗脸刷牙后,就开始复习功课,七点钟我就去上学。 放学后,我就回家了。我们通常在七点钟吃晚餐,之后我就开始做家庭作业,希望 在睡觉前把它做完。
要使国家富强是每个公民的责任。为了达到此目的,必须爱国。我认为这是一条不 易的定理。 一个学生如何才能爱国呢?我发觉答复很简单明了。他必须用功读书并积储知识以 便将来服务国家。如果每个学生能按照我所说的去做,国家一定会富强。
无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如 果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。 健康是快乐的要诀。唯有身体强壮的人才能享受人生的乐趣。 快乐在于知足。一个不满于现状的人终是处在痛苦之中。

一周七天的英文作文怎么写Monday is the start of the week, and I usually feel abit sluggish after the weekend. It's always a struggle toget back into the routine of work or school.Tuesday is when I start to feel more productive. I've shaken off the Monday blues and I'm ready to tackle therest of the week.Wednesday is hump day, and I always feel a sense ofrelief that the weekend is getting closer. It's a good dayto catch up on any work or tasks that I've been putting off.Thursday is like a mini-Friday for me. I start to feel the excitement of the upcoming weekend, and I'm usually ina pretty good mood.Friday is the best day of the week. I'm always in agreat mood, looking forward to the weekend ahead. It's aday for finishing up work and making plans for the next twodays of freedom.Saturday is my favorite day of the week. I can sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, and spend time doing things I enjoy. It's a day for relaxation and fun.Sunday is a bittersweet day. On one hand, I love having a lazy day to relax and recharge. On the other hand, Istart to feel the Sunday evening blues as the weekend comes to an end.。

我的开学七天英语作文1. The first day of school was a whirlwind of emotions.I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as I walked through the school gates. Seeing familiar faces and meeting new classmates made me realize that this year was going to be full of surprises.2. The second day brought a sense of routine as I settled into my classes and got to know my teachers. The workload seemed manageable, but I knew I had to stay organized and focused to stay on top of everything.3. By the third day, I was already feeling overwhelmed with assignments and deadlines. It was a reminder that high school wasn't going to be a walk in the park. I had to push myself to stay motivated and not fall behind.4. On the fourth day, I joined a club that piqued my interest. It was a great way to meet new people and pursue my passions outside of the classroom. I felt a sense ofbelonging and purpose as I got involved in various activities.5. The fifth day was a rollercoaster of emotions. I hada challenging test in my hardest class, but I also received positive feedback on a project I had been working on. It was a reminder that hard work pays off and that I was capable of overcoming obstacles.6. As the sixth day approached, I realized how quickly time was flying by. I made a mental note to cherish every moment and make the most of my high school experience. The friendships I was forming and the memories I was creating were what truly mattered.7. Finally, on the seventh day, I reflected on the week and felt a sense of accomplishment. I had survived my first week of school and had already learned so much about myself and the world around me. I knew that the rest of the year would be full of ups and downs, but I was ready to face whatever challenges came my way.。

以一周的七天为题目写英语作文The Seven Days of the WeekMonday is the start of the week, a day to begin anew. It is a time to set goals, make plans, and start fresh. For many, Monday can be a daunting day, the end of the weekend and the start of the workweek. However, it is also a chance to approach the week with a positive mindset and a sense of purpose. Whether it's tackling a big project, attending to important tasks, or simply organizing one's schedule, Monday presents an opportunity to lay the groundwork for a productive and successful week ahead.Tuesday, the second day of the week, is often seen as a continuation of the workweek. It is a time to build momentum and make progress on the tasks and objectives set forth on Monday. For some, Tuesday may be a day to dive deeper into their work, exploring new ideas or refining existing strategies. It can also be a time to check in on progress, assess what's working, and make any necessary adjustments. Regardless of one's specific responsibilities, Tuesday is a chance to maintain the focus and drive established at the start ofthe week.Wednesday, the middle of the week, is often referred to as "hump day." This designation reflects the sense that the week is halfway over, and the remaining days will be a downhill journey towards the weekend. For many, Wednesday can be a time of renewed energy and motivation, as the end of the workweek is in sight. It is a day to push through any midweek slumps, tackle any lingering tasks, and set the stage for a strong finish to the week. Whether it's taking a short break, treating oneself to a favorite snack, or simply acknowledging the progress made so far, Wednesday is a chance to recharge and re-energize.Thursday, the fourth day of the week, is often seen as a precursor to the weekend. For some, it is a day to start winding down, tying up loose ends, and preparing for the upcoming days off. However, Thursday can also be a time to maintain momentum and continue making progress on important projects or tasks. It is a day to stay focused and productive, while also allowing oneself to look forward to the relaxation and rejuvenation of the weekend. Whether it's a quick burst of energy or a more gradual winding down, Thursday is a unique day that bridges the gap between the workweek and the weekend.Friday, the fifth day of the week, is widely celebrated as the start ofthe weekend. For many, Friday is a day of excitement, anticipation, and a sense of freedom. It is a time to wrap up the workweek, celebrate accomplishments, and look ahead to the leisure and relaxation that the weekend promises. Whether it's making plans with friends, indulging in a favorite activity, or simply enjoying the relief of the workweek being over, Friday is a day that is often imbued with a sense of joy and liberation.Saturday, the sixth day of the week, is a day of rest, relaxation, and personal time. For many, it is a chance to catch up on sleep, pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones, or simply engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. Saturday is a day to recharge, rejuvenate, and savor the freedom of the weekend. Whether it's a day spent outdoors, indulging in a favorite pastime, or simply enjoying the slower pace of the day, Saturday is a time to prioritize one's own well-being and personal needs.Sunday, the seventh and final day of the week, is often seen as a day of reflection, preparation, and anticipation. For some, it is a time to engage in spiritual or religious practices, to spend time with family and friends, or to simply enjoy the quieter pace of the day. It is also a day to reflect on the past week, to consider the accomplishments and challenges, and to set the stage for the week ahead. Whether it's tackling any remaining tasks, planning for the upcoming days, or simply taking time to rest and recharge, Sunday is a unique andimportant day that sets the tone for the start of a new week.Each day of the week, from Monday to Sunday, holds its own unique character and significance. Whether it's the energy and focus of the start of the week, the momentum and progress of the midweek, or the relaxation and rejuvenation of the weekend, each day offers its own opportunities and challenges. By embracing the unique qualities of each day, individuals can approach the week with a sense of purpose, balance, and well-being, ultimately contributing to a more fulfilling and productive life.。

Seven-Sentence Sundays: A Day of BlissOn Sundays, the sun shines bright, casting its warm glow over the city. The air is filled with the scent of fresh coffee and baking bread, a sweet aroma that wafts through the neighborhood, inviting everyone to enjoy the lazy morning. The streets are quiet, as most people arestill indulging in their weekend slumber. Only the occasional jogger or dog walker breaks the silence, their footsteps echoing on the pavement.In my small apartment, the sun streams through the windows, painting the room in a golden hue. I sit at the kitchen table, a steaming cup of coffee in hand, lost in the pages of a book. The words flow smoothly, carrying me to different worlds and times, a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of the weekdays. The sunshine warms my skin, and I feel a sense of contentment wash over me.The day ahead is filled with plans. First, a leisurely breakfast of fresh fruit and toast, followed by a trip to the local farmer's market. The vibrant market is a favorite destination, with stalls filled with fresh produce, artisan breads, and flowers in bloom. I love to wander through theaisles, chatting with the vendors and discovering new treasures.After the market, it's time for a walk in the park. The trees are lush and green, and the birds sing their happy songs. I stroll along the paths, taking in the beauty of nature and feeling the stress of the week melt away. Sometimes, I bring a sketchbook and capture the moments with my drawings, a hobby that brings me joy and peace.In the afternoon, I indulge in a bit of self-care. A bubble bath relaxes my muscles, and a face mask rejuvenates my skin. While I enjoy this pampering session, I reflect on the week that was and the week that lies ahead. I make a mental note to appreciate the small joys and to be grateful for the blessings in my life.Evening brings a quiet dinner, prepared with the fresh ingredients from the market. I enjoy the meal slowly, savoring each bite. After dinner, I curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a good movie. The warmth of the blanket and the comfort of my home wrap around me, making me feel safe and secure.As the sun sets and the day comes to an end, I feel a sense of fulfillment and happiness. This Sunday, like most Sundays, has been a day of bliss. It's been a day of indulgence, exploration, and self-care. It's been a day of peace and tranquility, filled with simple pleasures and moments of joy. And as I drift off to sleep, I know that tomorrow will bring new challenges and opportunities, but for now, I am content and at peace.**七句话的星期天英语作文:悠然的周日**每个星期天的阳光总是特别灿烂,城市的每个角落都被温暖的阳光所笼罩。

周未的一天作文英语初一It was a beautiful Saturday morning as I opened my eyes and stretched my arms. The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window, and I could hear the birds chirping outside. I felt well-rested and energized, ready to make the most of my weekend day.I got up and went to the kitchen to make myself a hearty breakfast. I decided on scrambled eggs, toast, and a fresh fruit salad. As I cooked, I savored the delicious aromas filling the air. I sat down at the table and enjoyed my meal, taking my time to savor each bite. After breakfast, I cleaned up the kitchen and got dressed for the day ahead.Since it was such a lovely day, I decided to spend some time outdoors. I grabbed my hiking boots and backpack and headed to a nearby nature trail. The fresh air and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze were incredibly refreshing. As I walked along the trail, I took in the beautiful scenery around me – the towering trees, the vibrant wildflowers, and the gentle stream that ran alongside thepath.After an hour or so of hiking, I came across a peaceful little clearing. I found a nice spot to sit down and take a break. I pulled out a book I had been wanting to read and became lost in the story, my mind transported to another world. The sound of the birds and the occasional rustling of the leaves provided a soothing soundtrack as I read.When I finally looked up from my book, I realized a couple of hours had passed. I decided it was time to head back home. On my way back, I stopped by a local farmer's market that I had been meaning to visit. I strolled through the various stalls, admiring the fresh produce, baked goods, and handmade crafts. I couldn't resist picking up a few items, including some fresh fruits and vegetables, a loaf of artisanal bread, and a beautiful handwoven scarf.Back at home, I put away my purchases and decided to do a bit of light cleaning and organizing around the house. I tidied up my living room, dusted the shelves, and reorganized my closet. It felt good to have a clean and orderly living space.Once I was done with the chores, I treated myself to a delicious homemade lunch. I decided to get creative in the kitchen and whipped up a colorful salad with the fresh produce I had boughtearlier. I also made a simple but flavorful pasta dish to accompany it. As I sat down to enjoy my meal, I felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment.After lunch, I decided to indulge in a relaxing activity. I drew a warm bath, added some soothing essential oils, and immersed myself in the calming waters. As I soaked, I let my mind wander, reflecting on the day's events and feeling grateful for the opportunity to simply slow down and unwind.When I emerged from the bath, I felt rejuvenated and decided to spend the rest of the afternoon pursuing a hobby I enjoyed –painting. I set up my easel in the living room, grabbed my paints and brushes, and began to create a vibrant landscape inspired by the nature I had witnessed earlier in the day. Painting always brought me a sense of peace and joy, and I became completely absorbed in the process.As the sun began to set, I decided to take a break from painting and prepare a simple but delicious dinner. I opted for a hearty vegetable stir-fry, accompanied by a side of steamed rice. As I sat down to eat, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. It had been a truly fulfilling day, filled with a perfect balance of activity, relaxation, and self-care.After dinner, I settled into the couch and turned on a movie I had been wanting to watch. I made myself a warm cup of tea and snuggled up with a soft blanket. As the movie played, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and I soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep, grateful for the wonderful day I had experienced.The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I reflected on the previous day and felt a sense of satisfaction and gratitude. Spending a weekend day in this way – filled with a mix of outdoor adventure, creative pursuits, and quiet moments of relaxation – was truly the perfect way to recharge and reset. I knew that I would carry this sense of balance and contentment with me throughout the week ahead, and I looked forward to many more weekends filled with similar joyful experiences.。

英语下册五年级第七莫块作文我的一天Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow, and this is especially true for a fifth-grader like me. My day is filled with various activities that help me develop academically, socially, and personally. Let me take you through a typical day in my life.The day begins bright and early at 6:30 AM when my alarm clock rings. I reluctantly get out of bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face to wake up fully. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so I make sure to eat a healthy meal. My breakfast usually includes a bowl of cereal, a piece of fruit, and a glass of milk. This nutritious start helps me stay energized and focused throughout the morning.After breakfast, I put on my school uniform and pack my school bag. I double-check to ensure I have all my books, notebooks, and stationery. By 7:30 AM, I am ready to leave forschool. My school is not very far from my home, so I usually walk there with my friends. We enjoy chatting and laughing together on our way to school, which makes the walk enjoyable.School starts at 8:00 AM sharp. The first thing we do is attend the morning assembly, where we sing the national anthem and listen to important announcements. The assembly sets a positive tone for the day and reminds us of our responsibilities as students.Our classes begin right after the assembly. Each subject has its own unique challenges and joys. For example, I love English because it allows me to express myself creatively through writing and reading interesting stories. Mathematics is another favorite because I enjoy solving problems and finding logical solutions.During our lessons, the teachers use various methods to make learning engaging. Sometimes we work in groups, whichhelps us develop teamwork skills. Other times, we participate in interactive activities like quizzes and educational games, which make the learning process fun and memorable.Recess is a much-anticipated break for all of us. It usually lasts for about 20 minutes. During this time, we go to the playground and play games like tag, soccer, or jump rope. Playing outside gives us a chance to stretch our legs and refresh our minds before heading back to class.Lunch break is another important part of the day. I bring my lunch from home, which usually consists of a sandwich, some vegetables, a piece of fruit, and a juice box. Eating a balanced meal is crucial for maintaining my energy levels. Lunchtime is also a great opportunity to catch up with friends and talk about our favorite subjects, hobbies, and plans for the weekend.The afternoon classes are as engaging as the morning ones. After lunch, we have subjects like Science, Social Studies, and Art. Science is fascinating because it helps us understand the world around us. We often conduct experiments and learn about different scientific principles through hands-on activities. Social Studies teaches us about history, geography, and cultures, which broadens our understanding of the world and our place in it.Art class is a wonderful way to end the school day. It allows us to express our creativity through drawing, painting, and crafting. I find it relaxing and enjoyable to work on art projects, and it’s always exciting to see what my classmates create.School ends at 3:00 PM, but my day doesn’t stop there. I participate in several after-school activities that help me develop additional skills and interests. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have soccer practice. Soccer is my favorite sport,and I love the thrill of the game and the camaraderie with my teammates.On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I attend a music class where I am learning to play the piano. Music has always been a passion of mine, and playing the piano helps me express my emotions and improve my concentration.After returning home from my after-school activities, I take a short break to relax and have a snack. By 5:00 PM, I start working on my homework. Completing homework is an essential part of my learning process as it reinforces what I have learned in class and helps me prepare for upcoming lessons.I usually spend about an hour or two on homework, depending on the amount of work assigned. My parents always encourage me to ask for help if I have any difficulties, and they provide guidance when needed.Dinner time is a special family moment. We sit together at the dining table and share stories about our day. It’s a great time to bond and catch up with each other. After dinner, I help with some household chores like washing the dishes or tidying up my room.Before going to bed, I like to read a book or listen to some calming music. This helps me unwind and relax my mind. By 9:00 PM, I am usually ready for bed. I make sure to get a good night’s sleep so that I am refreshed and ready for the next day.Every day in my life as a fifth-grader is filled with learning, fun, and growth. From the early morning routine to the evening relaxation, each activity plays an important role in shaping my character and knowledge. I am grateful for the opportunities I have and look forward to each new day with enthusiasm and curiosity.。

文昌老师的一天英语作文In the morning, I wake up early and have a quick breakfast before heading to the school. I always enjoy the quietness of the morning and the fresh air.My first class is with a group of energetic and lively young students. They always keep me on my toes and make the class fun and exciting. I love seeing their enthusiasm for learning.After the morning classes, I have a short break to grab a coffee and catch up with my colleagues. It's nice to have a moment to relax and chat before diving back into teaching.In the afternoon, I have a few one-on-one sessions with students who need extra help. It's rewarding to see their progress and know that I'm making a difference in their education.After the last class, I usually stay behind to preparefor the next day or attend a meeting with other teachers.It's a busy time, but I enjoy the camaraderie and collaboration with my colleagues.Once I'm done with work, I like to unwind by going for a walk or doing some exercise. It's important for me to take care of my own well-being so that I can be the best teacher I can be.In the evening, I often spend some time grading papers or preparing lesson plans for the upcoming week. It's a never-ending cycle, but I find satisfaction in knowing that I'm helping my students learn and grow.Finally, before bed, I like to read for a bit or watch a short TV show to wind down. It's a peaceful way to end the day and get ready for another busy day ahead.。

写一篇英语小作文描述他7天的活动It was a busy week for me as I had a lot of activities planned. From work to personal engagements, each day was filled with different tasks and responsibilities. Let me take you through my week and share the highlights of my daily routine.Monday started off with my regular work schedule. I arrived at the office around 9 AM and dove right into my tasks. There was a team meeting scheduled for the morning where we discussed the progress of our ongoing projects and any roadblocks we were facing. I contributed my ideas and suggestions to help find solutions. The rest of the day was spent attending to emails, preparing reports, and collaborating with my colleagues on various assignments. I made sure to take short breaks in between to recharge and stay focused. As the workday drew to a close, I headed to the gym for my weekly workout session. I find that exercising helps me relieve stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. After an intense training, I returned home, had a light dinner, and spent the evening reading a book before going to bed.Tuesday began with my regular morning routine. I woke up, had a nutritious breakfast, and got ready for work. On my way to the office, I stopped by the local coffee shop to grab my usual latte. Once I arrived, I dove right into my tasks for the day. There was a client presentation scheduled for the afternoon, so I spent the morning preparing my notes and reviewing the key talking points. The presentation went smoothly, and the client was impressed with our proposal. I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that my hard work had paid off. After the meeting, I had a quick lunch and then continued working on other projects. In the evening, I met up with some friends for dinner at a new restaurant in town. We caught up on each other's lives and shared a few laughs over a delicious meal.Wednesday was a bit different as I had a doctor's appointment scheduled in the morning. I arrived at the clinic on time and waited patiently for my turn. The doctor checked my vitals, asked about any health concerns, and conducted a routine check-up. Everything seemed to be in order, and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health.I was relieved to hear the good news and thanked the doctor before leaving. The rest of the day was spent at the office, where I focused on tackling my to-do list. In the afternoon, I had a conference call with our team in another country to discuss a new initiative. We brainstormed ideas and set some deadlines for the project. After the call, I wrapped up my work and headed home. In the evening, I decided to unwind by watching a movie and enjoying a home-cooked meal.Thursday was a bit more eventful as I had a dentist appointment scheduled in the morning. I arrived at the clinic, filled out the necessary paperwork, and waited to be called in. The dentist examined my teeth, performed a cleaning, and recommended a few minor procedures. We discussed the treatment plan, and I scheduled a follow-up appointment for the following week. After the dentist visit, I returned to the office and continued with my regular tasks. In the afternoon, I had a meeting with my manager to discuss my performance and any areas for improvement. The feedback was constructive, and we set some goals for the next quarter. I left the meeting feeling motivated and ready to take on new challenges. In the evening, I attended a networking event organized by my professional association. It was a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, exchange ideas, and learn about new industry trends.Friday was a bit more relaxed as I had a half-day at the office. I arrived around 9 AM and focused on wrapping up any pending tasks and preparing for the weekend. I had a lunch meeting with a client to discuss a potential project, and the discussion went well. We agreed to follow up in the coming week to finalize the details. After the meeting, I left the office around 2 PM and headed home. I spent the rest of the afternoon running errands, grocery shopping, and preparing for the weekend. In the evening, I met up with somefriends for a casual dinner and a movie night.Saturday was a day for leisure and personal activities. I started the day with a leisurely breakfast at a local café, followed by a visit to the farmer's market to pick up some fresh produce. I then spent the afternoon working on a DIY project at home, something I had been wanting to do for a while. It was a great way to unwind and unleash my creative side. In the evening, I attended a dinner party hosted by a friend. It was a great opportunity to socialize, catch up with friends, and enjoy some delicious food and drinks.Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation. I slept in, had a leisurely brunch, and spent the day reading, listening to music, and taking a long walk in the park. It was a perfect way to recharge and prepare for the upcoming week. I also took some time to plan my schedule for the next few days and make any necessary arrangements. As the day drew to a close, I had a light dinner, watched some TV, and went to bed early to ensure I was well-rested for the new week ahead.Overall, it was a busy but fulfilling week filled with a variety of activities and responsibilities. From work to personal engagements, each day presented its own unique challenges and opportunities. I feel grateful for the chance to be productive, stay healthy, and maintain a balanced lifestyle. As I look ahead to the next week, I'm excited to see what new adventures and experiences await me.。

介绍别人一家的一天作文英语A Day in the Life of the Smith Family.The Smith family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two children, Emily and James. They live in a cozy house in a quiet suburb of a large city. On a typical weekday, their days are filled with activity and bustle, yet also moments of peace and tranquility.Early in the morning, the Smith household is awakened by the sound of the alarm clock. Mr. Smith is the first to stir, groggily reaching for the snooze button. He eventually forces himself out of bed and shuffles into the kitchen to start the coffee machine. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, a sure sign of a new day beginning.Mrs. Smith, a teacher by profession, follows suit and gets ready for her day. She prepares a healthy breakfast of eggs, toast, and fresh fruit for the family. Emily andJames, both teenagers, roll out of bed and join their parents at the kitchen table. The morning meal is a lively affair, with everyone sharing stories of their dreams and plans for the day.After breakfast, the Smith children head to their respective schools while Mr. Smith catches the train to his office in the city center. Mrs. Smith, who teaches at a nearby high school, walks to work, taking in the fresh air and the sights of the neighborhood.At school, Emily and James are busy with their classes and extracurricular activities. Emily is a member of the debate team and spends her lunch break preparing for the next competition. James, on the other hand, is passionate about science and spends his free time in the lab conducting experiments.Meanwhile, Mr. Smith spends his day in a fast-paced work environment, dealing with the demands of his job as a financial planner. Despite the stress, he finds moments of respite in small talks with his colleagues and theoccasional glance at the photos of his family on his desk.Mrs. Smith's day is filled with teaching andinteracting with students. She enjoys the challenge of inspiring her students to learn and the satisfaction of seeing them grow and excel. She finds balance in her busy schedule by taking a moment to herself during her lunch break, reading a book or simply reflecting on the day's events.As the afternoon wears on, the Smith family's thoughts turn to home. Emily and James look forward to the end of the school day, anticipating the comforts of their own beds and the familiar sights of their house. Mr. Smith dreams of the peaceful evening he will spend with his family, free from the hustle and bustle of the office.When the final bell rings, Emily and James gather their things and make their way home. They chat excitedly about their day's events, sharing stories and laughter as they walk. Mr. Smith, too, finishes his work and makes his way back home, eager to unwind and relax.Back at the house, the Smith family enjoys a cozy dinner together. The table is filled with Mrs. Smith's home-cooked meals, a blend of nutritious ingredients and family favorites. Conversation flows freely as they discuss their respective days, sharing highlights and challenges.After dinner, the family settles into their evening routine. Emily and James do their homework while Mr. and Mrs. Smith prepare for their own evening activities. The house is filled with the sounds of pencils scratching on paper and the occasional laughter as the children joke around.Once homework is done, the family spends some quality time together. They might watch a movie, play a board game, or simply sit in the living room, chatting and laughing. These moments of togetherness are precious to them, serving as a reminder of the importance of family and the bond that they share.As the evening winds down, the Smith family preparesfor bed. Emily and James brush their teeth, read a few pages from their favorite books, and finally make their way to their bedrooms. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, too, ready themselves for sleep, reflecting on the day's events and looking forward to the new adventures that await them in the morning.Such is a day in the life of the Smith family. It is filled with hustle and bustle, yet also moments of peace and tranquility. It is a day that is ordinary yet special, filled with love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.。

A Day on a Monday in the Second Semester of Grade FiveWaking up to the sounds of the alarm clock, I began my Monday with a smile. The sun was shining brightly through my window, promising a beautiful day ahead.As I got ready for school, I felt a sense of excitement. Monday always marked the start of a new week, filled with fresh opportunities and challenges. After a healthy breakfast, I packed my bag with my schoolbooks and lunchbox, ready to face the day.The school gates were abuzz with activity as students chatted and laughed, greeting each other with enthusiasm. Our class began the day with a lively lesson in Math, followed by a thought-provoking session in Science. The lessons flew by, and before we knew it, it was recess time.We rushed out to the playground, eager to stretch our legs and let off some steam. The fresh air and sunshine did wonders for our spirits, and we returned to the classroom refreshed and ready to learn.The afternoon was filled with more engaging lessons, including a lively English class where we discussed interesting stories and practiced our reading and writing skills. The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.As I walked home, I reflected on the day's events. It had been a productive and enjoyable Monday, filled with learning and fun. I knew that the rest of the week would bring more challenges and opportunities, and I was ready to embrace them all.。

2024年开学第一天英语作文(通用30篇)开学第一天英语作文 1Today is the first day of school. It is also a new day. We are also new. The campus has not changed. The changes are classes and teachers. We will have new teachers and classes.Many parents encourage their children outside. and I am no exception. My mother also encourages me to study hard and be the best myself.The teacher is coming soon. I heard footsteps and looked out of the window. The teacher came. The teacher came into the classroom and introduced himself. The head teacher taught mathematics and Miss Li taught Chinese. The teacher said to us. "this is the first day of school. I dont want everyone to be criticized." With that. we immediately closed our mouths tightly. and the classroom was silent. In this way. the first day of school began.Writing here. I thought: people should have their own goals. and only when they have goals can they be ideal!开学第一天英语作文 2School starts! Everything has returned to calm. there is no fatigue after playing. and there is no time to pursue every day!Back to the school. once again returned to the learning atmosphere. Under the sunshine. everything is kind. There is no blockage in the bustling streets. no noise of crowded shopping malls. only the sound of reading in the classroom. and the students make trouble on the playground after class. Compared with the outside world. I think it is a paradise! This is the first image I got back to school. Five new students have come to our class this semester. One of them is from another class. They are all very excellent! In addition. our head teacher should become our math teacher because she is very experienced and has been a head teacher for 20 years. What Im interested in is that we began to learn computers. The teacher is very interesting and the class is very lively!开学第一天英语作文 3In the alarm of the urging of me quickly took the bed, then I will be with a happy mood carrying a newbag to wear new clothes to the school rushed to the. But there are always so many unexpected things in life.I walk for a while, the thunder of the thunder of the head suddenly rang up, the sky sunset was dark clouds covered in the air. Raindrops hit my new clothes, the new bag, the vitality and spirit of the I was instantly poured into a poor shed chicken. The first day of school must not be late, so I did not go back to school.Finally rushed to the classroom, looked up, the students are still full of spring breeze, high spirits sitting on the seat, waiting for the bell rang ring.I also quickly sit in their own position. School bell rang then rang up, first came in is on our math class teacher Zhao. I saw her light pace into the classroom, the students also immediately quiet down. Zhao teacher clear his throat, said: "The students, today is your first class after the math class, the following please write your first page of your own this semester of the goal." Teachers voice Fall, the students are in a bitter thought to brew up, and then solemnly write their own aspirations in the new semester.The third lesson is a science class, before thislesson also accidentally happened some small regret! Because I do not know today there are science classes, so my mother did not give me a science book. I thought: since I did not have a science book, then read the book for a while! So I could not wait to come up with my beloved "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" read with relish. Is to read the wonderful place, the science teacher is a plate came over. She said to me sternly: "science class is not allowed to read books, the book to me!" I am tears, reluctantly dawdle to the teacher to the teacher. I was so distressed ah! That was the father just bought me from the Internet to buy a new book ah.I secretly determined that after the class I will be a good performance, for the teacher to leave a good impression, the book again to come back!This is the first day of school, there are joy, but also regret, and I can not calm the mood for a long time.memorable first day of school!开学第一天英语作文 4Today. the school opened and I came to the classroom. As soon as I entered the door. I smelled the smell ofthe new book. I hurried to my seat and felt nervous and excited. Look at the students. They are taller and understand more.At this time. teacher Yan came to collect our winter vacation homework. but some students couldnt hand it in. Mr. Lin collected his homework and gave us sugar.Finally. I wait until I publish a new book. which is also the time I look forward to most. The students brought a lot of books. and teacher Yan distributed all kinds of textbooks and recycled textbooks. As soon as the students saw that the new book was issued. they picked up the book and turned it over. I saw my classmates do this and picked up books to read. While I was reading with great interest. an information technology book and a labor technology book fell from the sky. These two books just "landed" on my Chinese book.After delivering the book. the teacher asked the students to clean up. and I also participated in cleaning the walls.Today is really a busy day.开学第一天英语作文 5Today is the first day of this new term. After a long summer vacation , we all waitting for this day.I bring my new packbag and going school happily.When I walk into our new classroom,I meet my best friend,he is taller than he used to be. Then I see our teacher,he(she)is as strict as before. I look around ,all the classmeets are very excited,and so am I.I wish I will do better this terms, and I will try my best!开学第一天英语作文 6Its school. Its school. I couldnt sleep happily at night. because I was so excited that I could finally go back to the school where I looked forward to a summer vacation. However. my original class was torn down. and I was assigned to class 51.When I arrived at class 51. hahaha. they were not as fast as me. I grabbed a seat in the second row and sat down. Well. the distance is good! Or right in the middle! At this time. two teachers came in. I looked. wow! They were two young female teachers who introduced themselves respectively. Mr. Luo told us many warmstories. praised the beautiful spirit of students mutual help. and told us a lot about discipline. which made us understand the importance of discipline.Although I still miss my former teacher. I also like my current teacher. New semester. new starting point. new start. new teacher. new schoolbag. new stationery. new process. new end. I must study hard and do a good job in the goal of the new semester.This is the first day of school. We may be reluctant to give up. but we are facing a new beginning. The past is no longer important. The important thing is to start from a new starting point and reach a new end.开学第一天英语作文 7The first day of high school life I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains.In the next three years we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true.I will have new friends and share the joy andsadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.Similarly I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates bearing some pressure in life.However I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.开学第一天英语作文 8Today is the first day of school. My mother called me up early in the morning. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I ate the breakfast cooked by my grandmother and came to school happily.As soon as I got to the school gate, I saw a lot of people. Later, the school gate opened and I was finally crowded into the campus. WOW! Everything is familiar, familiar students, familiar campus, familiar teachers, this feeling is good! But unfortunately, I changed my Chinese teacher when I was promoted to the fourth grade. I thought it might take some time to adapt! Finally, the new Chinese teacher came to the class and said to us, "students, Im your new teacher, surnamed CAI. Ill be strict with you this semester, and youshould study hard. I believe that strict teachers make excellent students." After listening to the teachers words, the students can be serious one by one.This is my first day of school. In the future, I will study hard and make progress every day.开学第一天英语作文 9School has begun. Im very happy to get together with my classmates. I couldnt sleep that night because I was so happy. On the first day of school, I put on my new clothes and jumped happily towards the school. As soon as I entered the classroom, my classmates were talking. Every time I saw them for a long time, there must be a lot of things to talk to my classmates. I also put down my schoolbag, handed in my homework and talked with my classmates. There were more and more people in the classroom. The classroom was boiling up.After a while, I walked into three strange classmates. I was all right and was thinking; Who are they? Will they go to the wrong class? My mind is full of doubts. I think the teacher will be able to solve these problems when he comes. After a while, the teacher came in. Although I felt a little strange, I becamefamiliar with it gradually. The teacher walked into the classroom and smiled at us Another thing, the teacher has a good memory and can remember our names.开学第一天英语作文 10How quickly time has flown by!My summer holiday is over.Our school is much more beautiful than before.The grass in front of the office building is so green.The river beside it is so clean and the trees around it are so tall.Our classroom building has changed a lot.It has become higher and more new than last term.I come into our classroom.The windows are very new and clean.My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom.We have come into the third year.We are a little nervous.Were very busy today.We have three new teachers.We all like them.Today just as usualwe have been busy doing everythingbut I like life like this.Busy days can make me happy and excited.This is my first day of school.It is busy but interesting.I like my classroommy school and I like myfirst day.开学第一天英语作文 11Today. all our teachers and students held the opening ceremony in the school auditorium.At the opening ceremony. President Wang made an important speech. He actively encouraged us to do a good job in study. strive for classes. and build Yujiang school into a first-class school in the county. After that. the teachers representative made a statement. and some students made a brief speech. The most wonderful is the award ceremony. The school awarded outstanding cadres. three good students. students with the top three academic achievements. learning stars and health stars last semester. Some students not only received certificates of merit. but also got scholarships.After the opening ceremony. recalling the speeches made by the school and the representatives of teachers and students just now. I set myself a new and greater goal: in the new semester. I must make my own efforts to achieve excellent results and become the leader of the whole class and even the whole school. At the same time. we should strive to be a primary school studentwith all-round development.开学第一天英语作文 12Today was the first day of my new life.l looked at my new books and checked everything for the new school year.I was excited as well as worried.I was excited because l was a student of junior middle school now.I was worried because I didnt quite know about the teachers,students in this school.I was afraid that I couldnt fit in well.When I got to school,I found everyone was really sweet to me. Teachers were kind and ready to help us.l soon forgot my nervousness.I felt at home.At the end of todays school life,I felt no more fear,and I believed I would have lots of fun at this new school.开学第一天英语作文 13Today I am very happy, because I can see teachers and classmates. When I walk into a familiar classroom, it is still so noisy.I saw the math teacher holding a mobile phone and was very happy. I looked carefully. It turned out that the math teacher was taking pictures and videos.Maybe the math teacher is a little reluctant, and we may have more possibilities. Next, the teacher starts to call the roll. After counting the roll, I begin to read our class. I came to the new class and saw new teachers and new students. Miraculously, the third grade Chinese teacher is still my fourth grade Chinese teacher. The teacher didnt give a lecture in the morning. In the second Chinese class in the afternoon, the teacher let us ourselves. Write what you want to be on a piece of paper, and then the teacher chooses who is the cadre on duty. I became the representative and platoon leader of Chinese class. Im very happy.This is my first day of school. Im so happy!开学第一天英语作文 14Today is going to school.I got up early and went to bed. I checked my bag and checked it carefully.After dinner I put everything packed cant stop looking at the time 8:30 before school I feel time is somewhat slow my heart already fly to school to do.8:15 I set out on my back. Todays fog is a bit largebut it does not affect the mood of my happiness.To the classroom some students have arrived we greet each other talking about interesting things in the holidays. I saw some students grow in the vacation some fat some become more handsome more beautiful.We are discussing in full swing Zhang came in the classroom immediately quiet down as if frightened the little frog all of a sudden stopped croak. Zhang looks younger.She first gave us a summary of the results of the last semester but also to give us a talk about the arrangement of this semester and then we began to clean the health.After cleaning the teacher gave us a new book we are carefully looked at I feel this semesters book is more difficult than the previous semester but I am confident that they learn to have a solid.The teacher gave us some of the requirements of this semester announced today after school so we carefully put the book into the bag happily go home.开学第一天英语作文 15Today, it is the first day of school, I look forwardto the mood, walked, he thought: look like a classmate, teacher if there is any change. Walk, see the schools have people mountain people sea, to the classroom, ah! Move the classroom, the teacher also changed. Students grow fat in vain.I really happy today! Later want to have a class, listening!开学第一天英语作文 16The first day of my high school lifeThe first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true.I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life.However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.开学第一天英语作文 17Today. we officially started school. Im very excited because I can go back to class 3. which I didnt see in winter vacation. I can see the students I havent seen for a long time again.Carrying my schoolbag on my back. I walked excitedly to the class. At this time. many students have begun to preview. I also took out my book. sat in my seat and began to preview. Look at the familiar faces of the students and the current class four and three.I cant help but recall how many good times we had in class three. After a while. when all the students in the class arrived. Mr. Zhai asked them to start cleaning. After the work was assigned. the students did it all the time. No one shouted tired when they were tired! Well done. In a short time. we were finished.This semester. I will be the monitor. I must take this responsibility very responsibly. Try to make yourself better. Let the students recognize me.Im so happy at the beginning of school. I must dowell this semester. Be your own little master. Do your own thing and solve problems for the students.开学第一天英语作文 18In the game free to spend the summer vacation has been and we say goodbye, today is September 1 day of our school. Everyone is happily, smiling to the school.I as a brigade members, but also at the school gate to greet the first grade new students! Every new school, we will bring him to the big red flowers and said: "Welcome to become a senior students of Jindu Tianchang!" When I see us Class classmates into the school, can not wait to run the speed of 100 meters sprint up, to help her bring saffron. Looking at the new one happy smile, I suddenly felt that I was a big child. Secretly determined: must give them a role model!Back to the classroom, the long-standing students gathered today, even the usual serious teacher, but also against the students smile. However, the only bit unhappy is that Tang Xiaoshan students transferred back to Jinhua.With the radio came: "Now the ceremony will begin, please enter the class." School began to begin. First,President Fu speech, he said good, suddenly appeared six "ancient people", to be my eyes, I actually recognized one of them, they are the fourth grade students play! They recommend to us six The book: "Three characters" "Thousand words" and so on. They also in the form of guessing, slightly revealing clues, let us guess the title. Finally, we ended the opening ceremony with Lang Langs endorsement.The new semester began, I was already a big sister, so I want to work harder, for those who do not do a good example开学第一天英语作文 19The first day of my high school lifeThe first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progretogether to make our dreams come true.I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadnewith them. The proceof learning is also a growing process.Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.How quickly time has flown by! My winter holiday is over.Our school is much more beautiful than before. Our classroom building has changed a lot. It has become higher and more new than last term. I come into our classroom. The windows are very new and clean. My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom.We have come into the third year. We are a little nervous. Were very busy today. We have three new teachers. We all like them. Today just as usual, we have been busy doing everything, but I like life like this. Busy days can me happy and excited.This is my first day of school. It is busy but interesting. I like my classroom, my school and I like my first day.开学第一天英语作文 20我擦干了眼泪,开始认识我这个学校的新同学。

六年级下册英语作文上周日做了什么五到七句Last Sunday, I had a very busy and fulfilling day. 上个星期天,我过了一个非常忙碌而充实的一天。
In the morning, I woke up early and went for a jog in the park. 早上,我起得很早,去公园慢跑了一圈。
After that, I joined a charity event organized by my school. 之后,我参加了学校组织的慈善活动。
It was a fun and meaningful experience to help those in need. 帮助有需要的人是一次有趣而有意义的体验。
In the afternoon, I visited my grandparents and spent some quality time with them. 下午,我去看望了我的祖父母,并和他们度过了一些美好的时光。
We talked, played games, and I even helped them with some household chores. 我们聊天、玩游戏,我甚至帮他们做了一些家务。
In the evening, I went to a friend's birthday party and had a great time celebrating with them. 晚上,我去参加了一个朋友的生日派对,和他们一起度过了一个愉快的时光。
We sang, danced, and enjoyed some delicious food together. 我们一起唱歌、跳舞,还一起享用了一些美味的食物。
Overall, it was a day filled with activities, joy, and meaningful connections with others. 总的来说,那是一个充满活动、快乐和与他人有意义联系的一天。

七天学长英语作文As the sun dipped below the horizon, marking the end of my first day at the university, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Little did I know that the following week would not only be a crash course in academic writing but also a transformative journey under the guidance of my senior, Alex.Day 1: The First EncounterMy first encounter with Alex was in the university's library. He was a third-year student, well-known for his proficiency in English literature. We exchanged pleasantries, and he offered to help me with my writing skills. His first piece of advice was to read extensively to understand the nuances of the language.Day 2: Understanding the BasicsAlex emphasized the importance of understanding the basic structure of an essay: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. He showed me how each part contributes to the overall argument of the essay.Day 3: The Art of ResearchOn the third day, Alex introduced me to the art of research. He taught me how to find credible sources, synthesize information, and cite them properly to avoid plagiarism.Day 4: Crafting the IntroductionWe focused on writing compelling introductions. Alex explained that a good introduction should hook the reader and provide a clear roadmap of what the essay will discuss.Day 5: Deepening the ArgumentThe body paragraphs were our main focus on day five. Alex showed me how to develop a strong argument by presenting evidence, analyzing it, and linking it back to the thesis statement.Day 6: Concluding EffectivelyOn the sixth day, we worked on conclusions. Alex stressedthat a conclusion should not only summarize the main points but also leave a lasting impression on the reader.Day 7: The Final PolishThe final day was dedicated to editing and proofreading. Alex taught me the importance of revising my work to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness in grammar and spelling.By the end of the week, I had not only learned the mechanics of writing a stellar English essay but also gained a mentor and friend in Alex. His guidance was invaluable, and the lessons I learned during those seven days have become the foundation of my academic writing journey.。

tony的一天英语作文初一下册Tony is a typical thirteen-year-old boy. He wakes up early every morning, reluctantly dragging himself out of bed to begin his day.He brushes his teeth, washes his face, and gets dressed in his school uniform.Tony是一个典型的13岁男孩。
He heads downstairs to the kitchen where his mother has prepared breakfast for him. They exchange a few words as he eats before he grabs his backpack and rushes out the door to catch the school bus.他下楼到厨房,母亲早已为他准备好早餐。
At school, Tony attends his classes, participating actively in discussions and completing his assignments diligently. He enjoys learning new things and is always eager to ask questions to deepen his understanding of the subject matter.在学校里,Tony上课认真听讲,积极参与讨论,勤奋地完成作业。
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它们分别是:book, water, computer n.名词I, you, his, ours, what, who pron. 代词come, write, bring v. 动词.clear, happy, surprised, adj. 形容词.here, today, happily adv. 副词.four, sixty, fourth, ninth, num. 数词.on, over, above, from prep. 介词.and, on, when ,as conj. 连词.a, an, the art. 冠词.oh, ouch, dear .int. 感叹词。
以上1-6为实词(national word),有实意;7-10为虚词(form word) 没有实意。
除了以上10大词类,还有三种短语构成的词类:短语动词:get up; call on; take care of; get in touch ….短语介词:because of; in front of; instead of短语连词:as if; even if; what if; as long as….在英语的10大词类中,使用频率最高的是名次,代词,动词,形容词和副词。
巧记英语十大词类:瞧这一‘家’子,‘人人’有本事名、代、动、形、副,句中老相识数、介、连、冠、感,个个司其职“10人”成一‘家’,都是为句子三.词类使用中的10种常见错误1. 把形容词当名词。
爱美之心人皆有之误:Everybody likes beautiful.正:Everybody likes beauty.分析:动词之后接名词做宾语,而beautiful 为形容词。
随着科技的发展,我们生活的越来越好误:With the develop of science and technology, we live better and better.正:With the development of science and technology, we live better and better.分析:with 为介词词,之后接名词作宾语。
而develop 是动词。
3. 把形容词当动词。
别害怕,你妈妈就在你身边误:Don’t afraid. Your mother is beside you.正:Don't be afraid. Your mother is beside you.分析:don’t 之后接动词原形,而afraid 是形容词。
4. 把介词当连词。
随着时间的推移,我们学得越来越多误:With time goes on, we have learned more and more.正:As t ime goes on, we have learned more and more.分析:with是介词,其后接单词或短语;as是连词,后面接句子。
5. 把数词当名词操场上大约有700个学生误:There are about seven hundreds students on the sports ground.正:There are about seven hundred students on the sports ground.分析:hundred,thousand,million等数词与具体数字连用时,不能加s变为复数。
6.把副词当连词这女孩经常帮助我,即使她很忙误:The girl often helps me, even she is very busy.正:The girl often helps me, even if she is very busy.分析:even是adv。
不能接句子,因此要换用连词词even if /even though.7. 把形容词/介词当动词张老师今天很忙,他不在办公室误:Mr. Zhang very busy today. He not in the office.正:Mr. Zhang is very busy today. He is not in the office.分析:两个句子都没有谓语,因为形容词和介词不能做谓语。
8. 把不可数名词当可数名词不要在这种坏天气植树。
误:Don’t plant a tree in such a bad weather.正:Don’t plant a tree in such bad weather.分析:属于冠词词的误用。
因为混淆了可数名词和不可数名词9. 把及物动词当不及物动词妈妈进来时,我正坐在电视机前误:When Mother came in, I seated in front of the TV set.正:When Mother came in, I was seated(was sitting) in front of the TV set.分析:seat为及物动词,意为“使某人就坐”“自己坐”要用被动语态语态。
误:Class is begin. Why not stand up?正:Class begins. Why not stand up?分析:be动词之后只能接动词ing形式和过去分词,不能接动词原形。
Computer is wide used in our every day life. Many people , especially young people have good knowledge of computer. Computer is more and more advance and nobody knows what computer will like in one hundred years.分析:总共有5处错误。
正确表达:Computer is widely used in our everyday life. Many people, especially young people have a good knowledge of computer. Computer is more and more advanced and nobody knows what computer will be like in one hundred years.(1)属副词使用错误。
Wide 和widely 都可以用做副词,但wide表具体的“宽”widely表抽象的“宽”是“广泛”的意思。
Every day 分开时,在句中做状语;而everyday是形容词,修饰名词life。
(3) 属抽象名词具体化。
Knowledge是不可数名词,但表示某一方面的知识时可以说 a knowledge of,(4) 属名词和形容词不分。
Advance是名词,advanced才是形容词(5) 属动词和介词不分。
Like做动词时是‘喜欢”的意思,当介词用时是“像”的意思;will 之后接动词原形,故意思表达错了。
All my family enjoy sports very much, including my father and i. I’ve been dond of play badminton since I was child. Before entered senior middle school, I had taken part in many badminton match. My father is a basketball fan. In his twenty, he was one of famous basketball players in his university.分析:总共有7处错误。
正确表达:All my family enjoy sports very much, including my father and me. I've been fond of playing badminton since i was a child. Before entering senior middle school, I had taken part in many badminton matches. My father is a basketball fan. In his twenties, he was one of the famous basketball players in his university.(1)属代词使用错误。
Including 之后的代词要用宾格,而i 是主格,应为宾格me。
Child 是可数名词,故其前要加不定冠词a;match 是可数名词,要用复数。
“他们大学的有名运动员”属特指,座椅应是one of the famous basketball players。
1.Doctors must be patient with each patient. (adj. 耐心的)(n. 病人)2.He runs a big farm and often runs over there.(vt 开办)(vi。
跑步)3.The children often study in this study.(v。
学习)(n. 书房)4.The boy runs fast, and likes fast reading.(adv. 快地)(adj。
快的,迅速的)5.She asked me to wait a while while I was in the office.(n. 一会儿)(conj. 当,然而,虽然)6.This isn’t my raincoat. Mine is in the mine.(pron. 我的)(n. 矿山)7.They want to fire the firefighter because he refused to fight fire.(vt. 解雇,开除)(n. 火灾)8.It’s wrong of you to desert the dog in the desert.(vr。