下面是参数概况,工程浩大精力有限,剩余需要选择的依葫芦画瓢自己尝试,有问题尽早讨论:EV中,“车辆参数”有21组,给出4组“电池组”有45组,给出1组“”二、单位转换Advisor使用英制单位,写文章和仿真时注意转换,给出单位转换表1磅=0.45359237千克(公斤)1千克(公斤)=2.2046226218488磅1英尺=0.3048米1米=3.2808398950131英尺Mph为英里每小时1MPH=1.609KM/H三、汽车参数load file载入文件我们选择两组EV和fuel_celldrivetrain config驱动链结构同上我们只做两种选择vehicle车辆参数fuel converter燃料转换器,即发动机exhaust aftertreat废弃后处理energy storage能量储存系统,即电池组motor电机starter启动器generator发电机transmission变速器clutch/torq.conv离合器/转矩转换器wheel/axle车轮/车轴accessory附件acc electrical电子附件powertrain cont驱动控制文件详细的参数说明请看excle表格。
我这里只有n v的,你参考一下。
一、什么是RAI D?其具备哪些常用的工具模式?即然提到了RAID磁盘阵列,那么我们就先来了解一下什么是RAID?所谓的RAID,是Redundant Arrays ofIndependent Disks的简称,中文为廉价冗余磁盘阵列。
R AID作为一种廉价的磁盘冗余阵列,能够提供一个独立的大型存储设备解决方案。
1、RAID 0RAID 0是最早出现的RAID模式,即Data Stripp ing数据分条技术。
RAID 0是组建磁盘阵列中最简单的一种形式,只需要2块以上的硬盘即可,成本低,可以提高整个磁盘的性能和吞吐量。
RAID 0没有提供冗余或错误修复能力,是实现成本是最低的。
R AID 0最简单的实现方式就是把N块同样的硬盘用硬件的形式通过智能磁盘控制器或用操作系统中的磁盘驱动程序以软件的方式串联在一起创建一个大的卷集。
如使用了三块80GB的硬盘组建成RAID 0模式,那么磁盘容量就会是240GB。
为了解决这一问题,便出一了RAID 0的另一种模式。
Optima 8000安装要求
1. 用户实验室的准备,应由用户聘请符合资质的人员,按照仪器的安装要求进行施工。PerkinElmer的工程师 不具备相关的资质。
2. 所列仪器的安装要求,解释权归PerkinElmer公司所有。 3. PeikinElmer公司认为用户的实验室应具备实验室的设施。 4. 其它未尽事宜应符合中华人民共和国国家标准。
1. 用户实验室的准备,应由用户聘请符合资质的人员,按照仪器的安装要求进行施工。PerkinElmer的工程师 不具备相关的资质。
2. 所列仪器的安装要求,解释权归PerkinElmer公司所有。 3. PeikinElmer公司认为用户的实验室应具备实验室的设施。 4. 其它未尽事宜应符合中华人民共和国国家标准。
1. 用户实验室的准备,应由用户聘请符合资质的人员,按照仪器的安装要求进行施工。PerkinElmer的工程师 不具备相关的资质。
2. 所列仪器的安装要求,解释权归PerkinElmer公司所有。 3. PeikinElmer公司认为用户的实验室应具备实验室的设施。 4. 其它未尽事宜应符合中华人民共和国国家标准。
1. 用户实验室的准备,应由用户聘请符合资质的人员,按照仪器的安装要求进行施工。PerkinElmer的工程师 不具备相关的资质。
2. 所列仪器的安装要求,解释权归PerkinElmer公司所有。 3. PeikinElmer公司认为用户的实验室应具备实验室的设施。 4. 其它未尽事宜应符合中华人民共和国国家标准。
我们有必要担心吗?他对新奇事物的开放态度是我们的标杆他们保护地球的意识是我们的标杆她缺乏耐心、追求完美的精神是我们的标杆 她轻松玩转科技的能力是我们的标杆03智慧性能性能对于任何机器或部件来说都是第一要求,其直观衡量指标为理论最高速度。
如果有额外的维护要求,请联系PerkinElmer 维修工程师。
切割气输出压力:550-825kPa(80-120psig)水循环机将冷却液(Part No.N077-6060)倒满水箱,水循环机容量不同,有的可以达到7升。
Part No.N077-6060盛在5个容量为半加仑的瓶子里。
optimal selection英语缩写
optimal selection英语缩写English: "Optimal Selection is often abbreviated as 'OS'. It refers to the process of choosing the best option or decision among various alternatives. This concept is widely used in fields such as decision theory, operations research, and management science. Optimal Selection involves evaluating different choices based on specific criteria, such as cost-effectiveness, efficiency, risk, and performance. It aims to identify the option that maximizes benefits or achieves the desired outcome while minimizing drawbacks or costs. This process typically entails thorough analysis, mathematical modeling, and sometimes simulation to assess the potential impact of each alternative. By applying rigorous methodologies, Optimal Selection helps organizations make informed decisions and allocate resources efficiently, leading to improved performance and competitive advantage."中文翻译: “Optimal Selection通常缩写为'OS'。
P E O p t i m a电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪技术指标公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]Optima8000电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪技术规格1.设备用途及总体要求:用于对各类样品中主量、微量及痕量元素的定性、半定量和定量分析。
2.设备总体性能:动态范围:? 106,具有同时准确分析出中量(1%以上)、常量(%)和微量(1ppm以下)元素的实际样品用户应用实例。
分析速度: ? 15 个元素/分钟,且实施背景校正。
精密度:1ppm 混合多元素溶液。
稳定性:1小时RSD<1%, 4小时RSD<2%。
元素检出限(ppb)元素检出限(ppb)元素检出限(ppb)元素检出限(ppb)Al1As4B2BeCd Co Cr CuFe Mn Mo NiPb Sb4Se5T14 V Zn灵敏度旋流雾室和同心雾化器(单位:cps/ppm)Mn > ×106,Al > 1×106,Ni > 3×105As > ×104,Pb > 5×104,P > 3×104具有高纯气体中痕量杂质分析的能力和用户应用实例。
5. 空调、洗片机、照明及电源插座用电必须与本系统用电分开,请院方根据所需设备 的负荷单独供电。 6. 扫描间、设备间及操作间均要有带地线的 220V 电源插座,以便维修。 7. 电缆槽只供本系统设备专用,且必须做到表面平整,防水防油,远离发热源,避免 温度剧烈变化。金属电缆槽必须接地。电缆沟尺寸通常为(宽 x 深)0.2mx0.15m。
1.扫描机架自重 1886kg,扫描机架下方的地面承重不小于 1286kg/m2;扫描机架底板 为 700x1977mm 的矩形,通过四个直径为 63.5mm 的圆垫与地面接触,每个圆垫对 地面的最大集中荷载如下图所示。
2. 扫描床重 525kg,扫描床下方的地面承重不小于 1851kg/m2。扫描床底板为面积 0.27m2 的矩形,通过四个直径为 50mm 的圆垫与地面接触,每个圆垫对地面的最 大集中荷载为 360kgf。 3. 扫描机架和扫描床均用膨胀螺栓固定于地面,螺栓固定位置处地下必须保证有 110mm 混凝土层,且无钢筋等物影响螺栓固定。此混凝土标号不小于 C20, 混凝 土强度不小于 f’c=2000psi(1.4x107Pa)。 4. 扫描间内地面水平度要求为 3m 距离范围内小于 6mm。 5. 请酌情考虑附属设备及人体之重量。请院方负责聘请建筑结构工程师做承重和受 力分析,以确保安全。
8. 扫描间和操作间及操作间和设备间之间必须预留 0.15mx0.15m 的电缆穿墙孔,以确 保电缆的正常连接。 9. 请院方准备一根五芯电源软电缆, 每一线芯的导体截面积均为 35mm2,用以连接配电 柜和设备柜;电源软电缆应符合 GB 9706.1《医用电气设备:第 1 部分 安全通用要 求》中的相关要求,并获得 CCC 认证;电源软电缆的长度由工程师根据场地实际情 况确定。 注:本系统电源要求上所涉及的电源、电缆、接地体、配电柜均由院方提供,并需符 合国家相关法律法规的要求。
安迪玛克 Optima 8x00 系列 ICP 光谱仪说明书
Optima 8x00 SeriesICP Optical Emission SpectrometersENVIRONMENTALEasy to use and engineered for exceptional throughput and detection limits,the Optima™ 8x00 series helps maximize productivity and profitability.• D ual view capability allows measurement of high and low concentrationsin the same run for enhanced productivity• T orch cassette—low maintenance, simple operationGEOCHEMICALDesigned to deliver reproducible accuracy even with complex matrices, theOptima 8x00 series offers unsurpassed performance without compromisingsample throughput.• F lat Plate™ plasma technology lowers operating and maintenance costs• W inLab™ Multicomponent Spectral Fitting—superior interference correctionfor more accurate results• S imultaneous data acquisition for maximum sample throughputPHARMACEUTICAL/NUTRACEUTICALWith the lowest detection limits of any ICP-OES and a full suite of enhanceddata security features, the Optima 8x00 series makes it easy to comply withstringent regulatory requirements.• D etection of full list of elements for transition to USP 232/233• W inLab for ICP Enhanced Security™ for 21 CFR Part 11 complianceFOOD/PRODUCT SAFETYWith a range of revolutionary technologies, the Optima 8x00 series offersunsurpassed flexibility for handling a variety of sample types and matrices.• F lat Plate plasma technology improves robustness for many different matrices• P lasmaCam™ aids in method development and productivity• W inLab for ICP software designed to deliver rapid method development2With its groundbreaking features and expanded capabilities, the Optima 8x00 series is more than justan evolution of the world’s most popular ICP-OES… it’s a revolution.Continuing PerkinElmer’s long history of excellence and leadership in ICP technology, the Optima 8x00 series carries on a tradition of offering the best resolution and linear dynamic range. More significantly, the 8x00 series delivers a level of stability and detection limits never before seen in an ICP instrument.Built around the proven design of the Optima platform and controlled with our industry-leading, Windows 7-compatible WinLab software, the 8x00 series will change the way you look at ICP-OES. Optima’s breakthrough performance is the result of a series of cutting-edge technologies that increase productivity, enhance plasma stability, simplify method development, and dramatically reduce operating costs. Laboratories have very different definitions of what it means to get the most out of their ICP. But whether your priority is precision or reliability, flexibility or stability, speed or simplicity, you’ll find the ideal solutionOptima 8300Two SCD detectors —Deliver superior resolution across the entire wavelength range, reducing interferences and improving accuracy, offering truly simultaneous data acquisition (Optima 8300).8000Maximum Throughput Fastest Warm-Up XUniversal Data Acquisition Time-Resolved Data Acquisition Smallest Instrument FootprintXneeds and priorities of your laboratoryTo complement its many new hardware innovations, the Optima 8x00 series features an equally impressive array of software enhancements making it faster and easier than ever to go from The Windows 7-compatible industry-leading WinLab for ICP software simplifies every stepUse the software’s built-in methods for added speed and simplicity, or follow four easy steps to create your own. Either way, WinLab software makes method development effortless and ensures compliance even with today’s most stringent regulatory standards.Particularly effective when running complex matrices, this patented approach to interferenceMulticomponent Spectral Fitting allows the analytical signal to be isolatedfrom the measured spectra—without interferences—for superior accuracy,precision and detection limits.Get more out of your dataTransient signal handling expands sample-introduction capabilities to includespeciation and hydride analysis.Sample preparationThe S10 Autosampler can easily turnyour Optima ICP-OES into a fullyautomated analytical workstation.ICP-MSFor more information on our full suite of atomic spectroscopy products and services—including a wide array of mercury analyzers and sample preparation tools—please visit /atomicspectroscopy。
彩色反转片品牌/彩色反转片/片速/缩写/分辨率/锐度/饱和度/颗粒度/反差/宽容度/片幅/评语爱克发RSX II 50(专业)50 RSX 50 很高很高增强特细中中35mm/120 颗粒细,锐度好,拍摄明亮风光时灰色对比度平衡,也适合拍摄特写富士 Velvia(专业) 50 RVP 很高特高提高特细中偏高窄 35mm/120/220/页片颗粒细,色彩明亮,暖调肤色平衡好富士 Pro 64T Type II(灯光专业型) 64 RTP II 高高增强很细中中 35mm/120/页片钨丝灯光色温平衡,颗粒细微,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物柯达 Ektachrome 64(专业) 64 EPR 高高增强很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片曝光宽容度较宽,色彩明亮,颗粒细微,是专业摄影师喜爱的胶片柯达 Ektachrome 64T(专业) 64 EPY 高高增强很细中窄 35mm/120/页片钨丝灯光色温平衡,适用于摄影室内拍摄人像或静物柯达 64(专业) 64 PKR 高特高增强特细中偏高窄 35mm 颗粒细微,色彩真实,接近档案照片保存时间的要求。
有业余型胶片的提供爱克发 Ctprecisa 100 100 CT100 高特高增强特细中偏高中 35mm 锐度很好,色彩明亮,适用于拍摄人像、风光和档案文件富士 Astia 100(专业) 100 RAP 很高很高增强很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片影调柔和,肤色自然,色彩明亮。
适用于拍摄时装和产品富士 Provia 100F(专业) 100 RDP III 很高很高增强特细中中 35mm/120/220/页片颗粒特细,色彩亮丽,适用于时装、风光和人像摄影富士 Sensia 100 100 RA 很高很高增强特细高中 35mm 颗粒特细,适用于拍摄人像、自然风光、水下和特写,是Sensia II的重新命名柯达 Ektachrome 100(专业) 100 EPN 高高中等很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片灰色对比度平衡,色彩真实,适用于要求严格的目录、翻拍录制柯达 Ektachrome 100Plus(专业) 100 EPP 高高中等很细中中 35mm/120/220/页片色彩真实,灰色对比度平衡。
_CU_5_3_1_01_nbrRrcAttConnEstab(CU_5_3_1_01)(No unit) _CU_5_3_1_02_nbrRrcSuccConnEstab(CU_5_3_1_02)(No unit) _CU_5_3_1_03_rrcConnSuccRate(CU_5_3_1_03)(%) _CU_5_3_1_31_nbrErabAttEstab(CU_5_3_1_31)(No unit) _CU_5_3_1_32_nbrErabSuccEstab(CU_5_3_1_32)(No unit) _CU_5_3_1_101_nbrErabSuccRate(CU_5_3_1_101)(%) _CU_5_3_1_58_radioConnSuccRate(CU_5_3_1_58)(%) _CU_5_3_2_07_nbrErabAbnormRel(CU_5_3_2_07)(No unit) _CU_5_3_2_101_nbrErabTotalRel(CU_5_3_2_101)(No unit) _CU_5_3_2_01_totalDropRate(CU_5_3_2_01)(%) _CU_5_3_3_32_nbrAttOutIntraEnb(CU_5_3_3_32)(No unit) _CU_5_3_3_33_nbrSuccOutIntraEnb(CU_5_3_3_33)(No unit) _CU_5_3_3_34_nbrSuccOutIntraEnbRate(CU_5_3_3_34)(%) _Dizao_noise_PRB_group_avg_percell(Dizao_noise_PRBgroup_avg)(d Bm)
RRC连接建立请求次数 RRC连接建立成功次数 RRC建立成功率 E-RAB建立请求个数 E-RAB建立成功个数 ERAB建立成功率 无线接通率 LTE业务掉线次数 LTE业务释放次数 掉话率 切换尝试次数(出) 切换成功次数(出) 同频切换成功率 上行底噪
Materials:Grey Thermoplastic UL Flammability:UL 94VO Agency Information:UL - see table belowCSA Certified: C22.2 No. 39, Class 6225-01, File 47235IEC - see table belowShipping Weight:Approx. 213g (.47 lb.)Carton Quantity:1Form No. OPM-1038Non-Switch SeriesPhysical Characteristics:•Small size matches 45mm IEC starter width.•Fits #8-18 AWG stranded wire, #10-18 AWG solid wire.•3-pole version.Product Features:•“Open” fuse indication lights. (Min. 100V required)•Cam action handle for easy removal.•Finger safe terminals. (Qualified as IP2O per IEC529)•Removable module for convenient fuse loading.•35mm DIN-rail or screw panel mounting (#8 screw, 1⁄Ω¢∑long).•Dead front construction.Additional Features:•Option for remote “open fuse” status indication feature available (less down-time).•Offered with Class CC rejection clips or European 10mm ≈38mm clips to meet global needs.•Wire ready: Saves time as terminals are ready to accept wires.Catalog SC Remote Open UL Information NumberElectrical RatingRatingClipsFuse IndicationStd.File GuideIECOPM-103830A, 600V UL/CSA***Non-rejection,NoRecognized (Max. 3 Watts per fuse)10x 38mm or32A, 660V IEC13/32” x 1-1/2”UL 512E14853IZLT2IEC 269-2-1OPM-1038R 30A, 600V UL/CSA**200kARejection,No Listed Class CC UL 512E14853IZLTOPM-1038C30A, 600V UL/CSA***Non-rejection,YesRecognized (Max. 3 Watts per fuse)10x 38mm or32A, 660V IEC13/32” x 1-1/2”UL 512E14853IZLT2IEC 269-2-1OPM-1038RC30A, 600V UL/CSA**200kARejection,YesListed Class CCUL 512E14853IZLT*Rating varies depending on fuse used in module.**DC Voltage Rating: 600V UL/CSARecommended Fuse Types:Class CC Midget (non-rejection)LP-CC KTK KTK-R FNM FNQ-R FNQO P M -1038SeriesFuse TypeCommunicationC - CommunicationFeature Blank - 10 x 38mm or 13/32” x 1-1/2”R - Class CCCatalog Symbol:Form No. OPM-1038Non-Switch SeriesPage 2 of 3Dimensional DataForm No. OPM-1038Non-Switch SeriesThe only controlled copy of this Data Sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann Network Drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Status Output Specifications:*Minimum operating voltage: 460Vac, 3-phase *Maximum operating voltage: 620Vac, 3-phaseStatus output maximum conducting current: 40mA Status output maximum on resistance: 35 ohms @ 40mAStatus output typical off resistance: >10 Mohm Status output maximum turn-on and turn-off delay: 850 milli-secondStatus Output Interface Specifications:Rated Voltage: Recommended 5-35Vdc, 300Vac max.Rated Current: 40mA max.Wire Size: #28-14 AWG Torque: 2.25 lb. in.Open Fuse Indicator Status Output Description:The open fuse indicator status output acts very much like an on/off switch. With all three fuses in place and operating properly, this status output has a high resistance value ofgreater than ten mega-ohms. When one or more of the fuses are open, the status output becomes turned-on with a resistance value less than 35 ohms. This status output withstands voltage (AC or DC) up to 35 volts at off-state and conducts current up to 40 milli-amps at on-state.Applying voltage and current exceeding these limits willresult in damage to the components inside this status output device permanently. There is some time-delay when the status output changes on/off state. The open fusecommunications or status output device includes optical isolators within the unit.Communications output states:Fuse Good NO - High Resistance, >10 mega-ohms Opened Fuse NC - Low Resistance, < 35 ohmsOPEN FUSE INDICATIONNote: Operating this device beyond the above limits willcause permanent damage to the components on the board.For applications requiring status output below a system voltage of 460V , contact Bussmann.The examples shown below illustrate typical interface toProgrammable Logic Controllers.STATUS OUTPUTTTL Digital InputPC / PLCVcc (5V to 35V)Pull up Resistor (> 1K)EXAMPLE 1: DIRECT INTERFACE TO PC/PLCPC / PLC EXAMPLE 2: INTERFACE TO PC / PLC WITH OPTICAL ISOLATIONCurrent-Limiting ResistorOptical IsolatorTTL Digital InputVcc (5V to 35V)ISOLATED AC OR DC POWER SOURCESTATUS OUTPUTPull up Resistor (> 1K)Note: When energized, a low load terminal voltage will be present when fuses areopen or when pullout module is removed. The leakage current is limited to .5mA maximum.Example of Output Voltage with three open fuses or pullout module removed.Catalog Number OPM-1038, OPM-1038R OPM-1038C, OPM-1038RC Type of Indication Standard Communication System Voltage Load Terminal Voltage (1L1-3L2-5L3)(2T1-4T2-6T3)125Vdc *12Vdc *31Vdc *480Vac, 3-phase 26Vac 56Vac 600Vac, 3-phase 33Vac 88Vac*The communication device requires a minimum circuit voltage (1L1-3L2-5L3) of 460 volts for the status indicating device to operate. Below 460 volts, but above 120 volts the indicator lights will luminate, but there will not be any communication status output.。
GBS-2 Optima 电子秤使用手册说明书
ManualManual for the scalesGBS-2 OptimaPrzedsiębiorstwo Pszczelarskie Tomasz ŁysońSpółka z o.o. Spółka Komandytowa34-125 Sułkowice, ul. Racławicka 162, Polska.pl, email; ***************.plSiedziba Firmy Klecza Dolna 148, 34-124 Klecza GórnaKOD PINManual for the scales GBS-2 OptimaThe scales consist of a table with a movable top fixed to a strain gauge and a controller including a display, GSM communication module as well as a battery compartment.1. Preparing the scales for operationThe scales will be ready for operation when all its components have been connected. The following activities must be therefore performed sequentially:•By means of a screwdriver, unscrew six screw fixing the controller casing lid, subsequently take the lid off carefully. Watch carefully for the cable connecting the lid and the casing.•The controller electronic board is fixed to the inside of the casing, the board houses a slot for a SIM card (marked with SIM marking). The SIM card must be inserted into a swing flap of the slot. Subsequently, close and latch the flap .ATTENTION: The SIM card must be prepared for usage beforehand. For this purpose, in line with the statutory obligation the card must be registered in the way stipulated by an operator and subsequently is must be activated in an external device, e.g. a telephone, in line with the instructions provided by an operator. During the first activation, the operator shall text special messages about the activation status and activated services. Subsequently, if there is a need to activate further services and packages, they must be activated at an external telephone.The SIM card must not be protected by any other protection except for a PIN code . When the card is blocked and requires for a PUK code (special code granted by an operator), its unlocking must beperformed at an external device.• A battery to supply a local cock must be inserted into the slot CR2032 (a battery supplied with the scales)•Check whether a GSM antenna is fixed properly• A battery compartment fixed at the casing lid should be opened and six LR6 batteries (AA) inserted, then the compartment must be closed (batteries not supplied with the scales)•It is recommended to use alkaline batteries•Start the scales and run through the configuration – detailed description in point 2 of the following Manual•Put the lid on the casing controller and tighten the lid fixing screws2. Start-up and configurationHaving prepared the scales for operation in a proper manner, a short configuration must be performed.First, the scales must be switched on by changing the switch on the left side of the controller casing to SWITCH ON) (I) position. Next, place the slide of the SET/WORK switch , located in the left bottom corner of the bard, to SET position. SET mode is signalled by lighting a red diode located next to the switch. Controller display should light up and a welcoming message shall appear containing a software version and the controller serial number.ATTENTION: The configuration screen shall be completed any time the scales is switched into the SET mode.•Protection screenA controller will first request for a five-digit PIN code ascribed to a given device. The code must beinserted by using four buttons located under the screen.Screen:First line: 16 characters of the first part of a special identification number in the form:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXSecond line: 8 characters of the second part of a special identification code in the form: XXXXXXXX, and the space for ascribing a five-character code: XXXXXButtons:SELECT: inactiveMINUS: lowering the value of the digit to be entered.PLUS: increasing the value of the digit entered.ENTER: Moving a blinking cursor to a space where the value is to be changed as well as confirmation of the code entered. When the code is wrong, the digits are reset and the cursor shows the first digit to be entered.•Setting the clockHaving entered the PIN code correctly, the current date and time can be set. For this purpose, the four buttons located under the screen must be usedScreen:Blinking letter T means the initial position of the cursor.In the first line: letter T, TIMEIn the second line: date and time to be setButtons:SELECT: moving from the screen intended for setting the device identification number. The button remains inactive as the cursor is not set for initial position by the ENTER button.MINUS: Lowering the value of the number to be entered.PLUS: Increasing the value of the number to be entered.ENTER: moving the blinking cursor to the space where the value is to be changed.ATTENTION: in the WORK mode the local time may be corrected automatically to the GSMnetwork operator time. The correction shall occur when the discrepancy between the local time and the operator’s time exceeds ± 1 h 5 min•Setting up the device identification numberSetting up the scales identification number remains a subsequent step. The identification number is set up by a user in order to mark the scales at their discretion. The identification number is texted in a message in order to distinguish between the scales in case many of them are used at the same time.Screen:Blinking letter D means the cursor initial position.The first line: letter D, SCALES IDThe second line: the identification number in the form XXXXXXButtons:SELECT: moving to the screen for setting a user’s telephone number. The button remains inactive, as the cursor is not set to the initial position by the ENTER button.MINUS: lowering the value of the digit to be entered.PLUS: increasing the value of the digit to be entered.ENTER: moving a blinking cursor to the space where the value is currently being changed.•Setting the number for SMSSubsequently, the user’s tele phone number must be provided. Messages on the device status shall be texted to it.Screen:Blinking letter S indicates the initial position of the cursor.The first line: letter S, text message (SMS) numberSecond line: telephone number in the form +XX XXX XXX XXX , 00XX XXX XXX XXXThe underlined beginning of the number is the country code.Buttons:SELECT: moving from the screen to set up the PIN code. The button remains inactive as the cursor is not set at the initial position by the ENTER button.MINUS: lowering the value of the digit to be entered.PLUS: increasing the value of the digit to be entered.ENTER: moving a blinking cursor to the space where a value is currently being changed.•Settings for PIN numberCorrect PIN number activates the access to SIM card. When the number is not entered, instead of the digits the displays shows : ––––Screen:Blinking letter P indicates the initial position for the cursorThe first line: letter P , PIN NUMBERSecond line: PIN number in the form XXXXButtons:SELECT: finishing the configuration and moving to the information screen. The button is inactive as the cursor is not set to initial position by the ENTER buttonMINUS: lowering the value of the digit to be entered.PLUS: increasing the value of the digit to be entered.ENTER: moving the blinking cursor to the space where a value is currently being changedrmation screen•Screen 1: informationScreen:First line: the screen number: 1, current weightSecond line: GSM operator name, signal strength, battery statusButtons:SELECT: deleting the messages.MINUS: moving to screen 2: SMS TESTPLUS: moving to screen 2: SMS TESTENTER: pressing for a longer time resets the weight (TARA). Tare weight value is stored in non-volatile memory.•Screen 2: SMS TESTScreen:the first line: the screen number: 2, SMS TESTthe second line: Press ENTERButtons:SELECT: deleting the messages / moving to the information screenMINUS: moving to screen 1 : InformationPLUS: moving to screen 1: InformationENTER: sending the test text message (SMS) with the current device status.In the SET mode, while displaying the information screen , after 5 seconds of inactivity the message “Switch to work mode!” is displayed, which reminds about the necessity to switch the scales in the WORK mode in order to achieve the device proper operation. Failure to perform the said steps shall result in switching to stand-by mode after approximately 2 minutes of inactivity (the display is switched off, red diode blinks and an alarm signal is heard). In order to stop the stand-by , press the SELECT button or change the SET/WORK switch to WORK position and again to SET position. In both cases it will be necessary to go through the configuration menu in line with point 2 of the following manual.ATTENTION: Once the configuration has finished, the scales must be switched into the WORK mode by means of the SET/WORK switch located in the lower bottom corner of the board. In the WORK mode, the display is switched off, a red diode next to the switch does not light.In order to complete the configuration or read the scales status on the display, the switch must be changed into the SET position and act in line with point 2 of the following manual. If the configuration has been completed correctly, each switch from the SET mode into the WORK mode shall bring about an attempt to send a test text message (SMS) with the information on the signal strength, battery status and the current weight. If a recipient receives such a text message, it means that the device functions properly.4. Operation of the scalesThe scales operates properly after the correct configuration and once it has been switched into the WORK mode. In this mode, the display is switched off and the red diode next to the SET/WORK switch dies not light.If the configuration has been completed properly and the switch has been changed into the WORK mode, a special text message (SMS) with the information on the signal strength, battery status and the current weightshall be sent once the main supply has been activated with the switch located on the scales casing. If a recipient has received such a text message it means that the device functions properly.The device periodically checks the weight status at 6:00 am, 1:00 pm and 8:30 pm and sends an informative text message at 8:30 pm. The cycle repeats every 24 hours. The battery status and the weight measurement are performed every 15 minutes. If the battery level decreases critically or there is a sudden loss of weight, a text message shall be sent with information on the incident – see point 7 of the following manual.The scales takes up 3 attempts to deliver the text message (SMS). Sending the message is repeated in case of GSM error brought about by the lack of network reception.5. Starting sequenceAfter switching the scales into the SET mode and having entered the code, the controller checks the device status. When there are any irregularities, the following messages may appear on the display:MEMORY ERROR– means that the local memory is damaged. This is a serious error and scales operation is stopped.WARNING: BATTERY LOW– warning on a low battery status, when the battery level drops below 10% of its capacity. Additionally, any report sent by a text message is accompanied by the low battery status information The battery shall be replaced promptly in order for the scales to operate properly.The warning does not block the device operation but is displayed every 15 seconds. Its display may be stopped by pressing the ENTER button.6. GSM messages presented on the display•GSM connecting– a message displayed every time when GSM connection is tested•Sending SMS...– information on sending a text message (SMS).•PIN is required but is not set– information that the SIM card requires a PIN number but it is not set. Move to Settings of the PIN number and enter the PIN number. NOTE: make sure that the PIN number is correct as wrong number may block the access to SIM card.•SIM CARD ERROR: SIM not found! – information when the SIM card is missing. Check whether the SIM card is in the slot and whether is has been placed correctly.•SIM CARD ERROR: PIN is incorrect– information on wrong PIN number having been entered. Move to Settings of the PIN number and enter the correct PIN number. NOTE: make sure that the PIN number is correct as wrong number may block the access to SIM card.•SIM CARD ERROR: PIN test error –message that appears when erroneous communication with the SIM card occurs or the SIM card is damaged.•SIM CARD ERROR: Card locked– message on the blocked access to the SIM card. Unblock the SIM card at an external device, e.g. a mobile.•Error: GSM issue– information that a serious hardware problem has occurred with a GSM device. GSM device is disconnected than and connecting it is impossible.7. Text messages (SMS)Information message sent to a recipient consists of the following spaces:Bee scale report headlineID: XXXXXX ID number granted by a user during the configuration –see point 2 of the following manual: Setting up thedevice ID number.C: XX-XX-XXXX XX:XX Data and time when the report has been producedW06.00: XX.XX kg Weight measurement taken at 6:00 amW13.00: XX.XX kg Weight measurement taken at 1:00 pmW20.30: XX.XX kg Weight measurement taken at 8:30 pmD: +XX.XX kg Weight difference between the last measurement taken onthe current date and the last measurement taken n theprevious day.+ means the weight gainmeans the weight lossB: XX%Battery charging levelS:Scales status.OK–everything all rightBattery Low! – battery should be replaced or chargedMass Loss! – weight loss has occurredTest text message sent to a recipient consists of the following spaces:Bee scale TEST headlineID: XXXXXX ID number granted by a user during the configuration –see point 2 of the following manual: Setting up thedevice ID number.Date: XX-XX-XXXX XX:XX Date and time when the test has occurredWeight: XX.XX kg Current weight statusSignal: XX%GSM signal strength valueBattery: XX%Current battery charging levelAlarming text message sent to a recipient consists of the following spaces:ALARM! Bee scale report headlineID: XXXXXX ID number granted by a user during the configuration –see point 2 of the following manual: Setting up thedevice ID number.Date: XX-XX-XXXX XX:XX Data and time when the alarm has been triggeredMASS LOSS!In case of a sudden weight lossBATTERY LOW!In case when the battery charging level drops below 10%。
AgfaPhoto OPTIMA 100 说明书
单个浏览查看......................................................................................................... 54 查看缩览图 ............................................................................................................ 54 缩放图像................................................................................................................ 56 播放视频................................................................................................................ 56 播放录音................................................................................................................ 58 播放语音备忘录 ..................................................................................................... 58 删除图像 / 视频 / 音频............................................................................................ 59 回放菜单................................................................................................................ 60
GE Optima IGS 330产品说明书
Optima IGS 330The right combinaison - every way that matters. When it comes to making smarter choices, we believethat you and your patients must be 100% confident inthe image-guided solutions you turn to every day.That is why at GE we have designed the IGS 3 series *with exceptional care, inside and out.The IGS 3 series helps you perform complex procedureswith the utmost accuracy and efficiency, time after timeand enabling you to stay focused on what matters most:your patients.2Designed to meet your high standards of care3ReliabilityWorlwideinstallationsFast on-siteserviceMaximizeuptimeGreat returnon investment4The IGS 330** is designed to sustain long, demanding, and complex procedures.The high-definition imaging chain has proven its reliability at over thousands of installations worldwide. All our systems share thesame premium critical components and spare parts. Our local service experts are available at short notice for on-site service at any location, maximizing your uptime and helping you sustain your clinical activity with minimal interruptions.Its reliability assures low running costs and minimize uptime.For all these reasons, the IGS 330 is a superb work horse that will help you grow your activity at limited cost, while maximizing your return on investment.5Powered by proven technologyHigh resolution imaging at low doseSee what you need to see, make diagnosis with confidence and treat your patients withhighest level of care.All products from GE Healthcare Interventional portfolio share the same ima-6ging chain. Hence whatever system you chose, from IGS 5, IGS 6, Discovery IGS 7***product family, you will benefit from exactly the same high image clarity, at low dose.The entire image chain is optimized, from the digital detector, collimator,tube, and exposure management strategy to image processing, so that you caneasily view small details as well as low-contrast objects during bothfluoroscopy and record imaging.78Interactive User Interface.Smart nav.9Work smarter and faster As your procedures increase in volume and complexity, the IGS 330 has been designed to streamline your workflow.With our intuitive user interface and automated tools, you can personalize your IQ settings, memorize gantry angle positions, and control the system directly from tableside with a touch of a button.Every aspect of the system has been simplified for easy access and comfortable ergonomics, helping you focus on your patient and conduct fast and efficient interventions. In order to enable comfortable viewing while you perform your procedures, you can also position your monitors on both sides of the table.10The combo system - in every way that mattersIn addition to being the perfect platform to support high procedure volumes, the IGS 330 is designed to address a wide variety of complex procedures.With its 31 x 31 cm detector, the IGS 330 is optimally sized to accommodate the wide range of vascular, neurological, and oncological procedures. The result is a versatile system that supports high volume of interventions with high-resolution imaging, at low dose.Powered by the same imaging chain as the IGS 5, IGS 6, and Discovery IGS 7, a full suite of advanced applications1 is available to assist you with the most complex procedures such as bifurcations and multiple stents for long lesions. Moreover, the system can help you guide the stent placement for optimal positioning thanks to StentViz fast image display on in-room monitor.Advanced applications were designed to address specific interventions:For PCI: Stentviz, One touch QA, and Innova Spin (to see entire heart chamber/coronary anatomy)For EP: Innova 3D to integrate with mapping system - Innova Chase for bolus chasingFor V ascular/Diagnostic: I nnova C hase &I nnova B reeze f or l ower a nd u pper l imbs b olus c hasing,One T ouch Q A For Planning & Assessment: Innova 3D (stent and vascular structures visualization)For Neuro: Subtracted 3D (DSA) to clearly see devices such as coils in even very thin vesselsInteractive User Interface.Blended roadmap.Stentviz.Stenosis analysis.11GE Healthcare@GEHealthcareGE HealthcareGE Healthcare * IGS 3 series stands for Image Guided Systems and refers2-*** IGS 5, IGS 6, Discovery IGS 7, cannot be placed on the market or put into service until it has been made to comply with all required regulatory authorizations including the Medical Device Directive requirements for CE marking. Products mentioned in this material cannot be marketed in countries where market authorization is required and not yet obtained. Refer to your sales representativeto Optima IGS 320 or Optima IGS 330** IGS 330 is used in place of the product model name Optima IGS 330。
Bien-Air Optima MCX ZH 使用说明说明书
Rx OnlyREF 2100289-0003/2022.11Optima MCXZH 使用说明其他语言版本请访问 /ifuREF 2100289-0003/2022.11 © Bien-Air Dental产品编号 1600959-001 (白色)产品编号 1600751-001 产品编号 1501938-001产品编号 1600965-001(淡蓝色)产品编号 1600751-001 产品编号 1501938-001产品编号 1600966-001 (粉橙色)产品编号 1600751-001 产品编号 1501938-001产品编号 1600967-001 (石灰绿)产品编号 1600751-001 产品编号 1501938-001产品编号 1600968-001(粉色)产品编号 1600751-001 产品编号 1501938-001产品编号 1600036-006产品编号 1501988-001产品编号 1502056-0011符号 (2)1.1符号描述 (2)1.2Optima配件符号描述 (3)2产品简介、预期用途与表示法 (4)2.1产品简介 (4)2.2预期用途 (4)2.3预期患者人群 (4)2.4预期用户 (4)2.5预期医疗条件 (4)2.6患者禁忌症与警告 (4)2.7事故情形 (5)2.8表示法 (5)3警告与使用预防措施 (6)4描述 (7)4.1Optima MCX系统概览 (7)4.2套装提供的 (8)4.3选配件 (8)4.4技术数据 (8)4.5性能 (9)4.6环境保护和处置信息 (9)4.7电磁兼容性(技术说明) (9)4.7.1电磁兼容性警告 (9)4.7.2电磁兼容性 – 辐射和抗干扰能力 (10)5安装 (14)5.1安装Optima MCX系统 (14)6操作 (16)6.1MCX微型电动马达速度 (16)6.2MCX微型电动马达旋转方向 (16)6.3标准用途 (16)7错误和故障处理列表 (17)7.1设备运行错误...................................................................178 维护 . (18)8.1维修 (18)8.2清洁-消毒 (18)8.3重要提示 (18)8.4更换4VL密封件 (18)9基本信息和保修 (20)9.1基本信息 (20)9.2保修条款 (20)目录11符号1.1符号描述序列号。
循环水中钾质量浓度原子光谱测定方法的比较武伟;王霞辉;任革莉【摘要】测量循环冷却水中钾离子质量浓度,以此来计算循环水浓缩倍数、调节新鲜水的加入量是工厂维持热平衡的重要手段.为了比较、优化各种测量钾离子质量浓度的原子光谱方法,配制钾标准溶液,选择合适的仪器条件,分别用火焰原子吸收、火焰原子发射、电感耦合等离子体原子发射测定了循环冷却水中的钾离子质量浓度.针对不同测量方法的线性范围、检出限、准确度等进行了对比讨论,确定了3种方法的最佳测量条件、各自的测量特性以及测量范围,比较了3种方法的优劣.结果表明3种方法都能定量测量出钾离子质量浓度:其中电感耦合等离子体原子发射有较佳的测量效果,但是价格昂贵,不利于例行分析;两种火焰原子方法测量性能接近,火焰原子发射硬件条件要求低,是测量碱金属的较佳方法.不同方法的比较为工厂根据实际条件进行选择提供了依据.【期刊名称】《武汉工程大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(035)012【总页数】4页(P59-62)【关键词】钾离子;质量浓度;原子光谱【作者】武伟;王霞辉;任革莉【作者单位】中石化武汉分公司化验车间,湖北武汉430082;中石化武汉分公司化验车间,湖北武汉430082;中石化武汉分公司化验车间,湖北武汉430082【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ0140 引言一般工矿企业都要用到循环冷却水系统,通过计算循环水浓缩倍数,调配与补充循环水是工厂生产建立热平衡的重要手段.早期计算循环水浓缩倍数,有人选择过通过测量钙离子来进行,但水循环时钙离子有可能遇到硫酸根等产生沉淀,给计算带来误差;而钾离子基本无沉淀或挥发,同时又不易由外界引入,测量计算它更能表征循环水的浓缩情况.本实验比较了适合一般工厂化验室采纳的几种原子光谱[1-3]测量方案,通过实测数据分析了它们各自的特点,给同类型企业进行测量方法选择提供了参考.1 实验部分1.1 试剂和仪器实验试剂:钾离子储备标准溶液[4](100mg·L-1,按GB602配制),1∶1硝酸(优级纯),1∶1盐酸(优级纯),1∶1硫酸(优级纯),氯化铯(优级纯),实验用水均为去离子水.实验仪器:原子发射光谱仪(optima 8000型,美国PE公司),原子吸收光谱仪(SpectrAA 240FS型,美国安捷伦公司),钾空心阴极灯(北京真空电子技术研究所),100mL容量瓶.1.2 钾离子的火焰方法测定1.2.1 仪器条件波长:766.5nm;狭缝宽度:发射时0.2nm,吸收时1.0nm;灯电流5mA(吸收时);燃烧器高度:发射时5mm,吸收时8mm;乙炔流量2.0L·min-1;空气流量13.5L·min-1;电离抑制剂:氯化铯(吸收时使用,使标样、样品试液中Cs达到1 000mg·L-1).1.2.2 标准曲线绘制配置空白和2.0,5.0,10.0mg·L-1三点质量浓度的标液(各取2.0,5.0,10.0mL的钾储备液,加入5mL硝酸,定容至100mL),按设定火焰吸收、火焰发射条件,以吸收值或发射值为纵坐标,质量浓度值为横坐标,绘制出工作曲线(见图1).图1 钾的火焰发射工作曲线Fig.1 The flame emission curve of the potassium ion1.2.3 钾离子测定在与标准系列相同的条件下用吸收法和发射法测定经过稀释、酸化(吸收时还加入了电离抑制剂)的试样,从工作曲线上查出然后计算出循环水中钾的质量浓度(见图2).图2 钾的火焰吸收工作曲线Fig.2 The flame absorption curve of the potassium ion1.3 钾离子的ICP发射方法测定1.3.1 仪器条件波长选择为766.490nm;流量:等离子体15L·min-1,辅助气0.2L·min-1,雾化器0.55L·min-1;等离子功率为1 300W;谱峰计算:7点峰面积;观测方向:径向观测.1.3.2 标准曲线绘制一般循环水中钾质量浓度小于25mg·L-1,所以在用ICP测量时配制了空白和2.0,5.0,10.0,15.0,30.0mg·L-1五点质量浓度的标液,以发射值为纵坐标,质量浓度值为横坐标,绘制出工作曲线(见图3).图3 钾的ICP发射工作曲线Fig.3 The ICP-AES curve of the potassium ion 1.3.3 钾离子测定因标准系列的质量浓度范围很大,所以试样酸化后可以直接测量,直接就能读出循环水中钾的质量浓度.2 结果与讨论2.1 酸度对信号的影响标样和样品定容时都同样加入硝酸,盐酸,硫酸酸化,与不加酸的样品一起测试,比较测量结果:有文献[5]介绍硫酸对原子吸收信号不利,但实验结果显示各种酸都能使信号增强,原因应该是各种酸都降低了溶液的表面张力,扩大了形成液滴的比例.测钾时本不需加酸酸化,但为了与ICP使用混标时实验条件统一,测试都统一加入硝酸酸化.2.2 测定的线性、灵敏度定量时为了准确,标样系列最好使用一次曲线拟合.要想达到R=0.999的线性,火焰方法标液质量浓度跨度就不能过大,增加质量浓度时标准曲线就会向横轴方向弯曲,线性不足以完成定量分析.质量浓度比较大的试样,也要相应的稀释测定,这就是火焰法的天然缺点;而ICP测量时标液质量浓度可到30mg·L-1以上,大多数待测液可酸化后直接测定读数,避免了计算的繁琐(见图4).图4 火焰法质量浓度跨度过大时的工作曲线Fig.4 The flame method curve of the potassium ion灵敏度是指质量浓度变化带来的发射或吸收强度的变化,一般测量灵敏度越大越好,而在火焰法这里追求标样系列的线性是主要矛盾,为了工作曲线的线性需要人为降低灵敏度,比如将火焰偏转一个角度(不止火焰吸收,火焰发射也同样需要),调节减少虹吸进样速率,降低光电倍增管的增益等.2.3 火焰高度由实验可得,随高度不同火焰发射的强度呈曲线变化,而火焰吸收变化很少,这里是因为不同火焰温度处,处于高能级的钾离子分布不同,火焰发射强度对火焰高度更敏感.但是已经需要人为的降低测量灵敏度了,所以选择更低的火焰高度(开放性火焰氛围,火焰根部会更稳定)(见图5).图5 不同燃烧器高度对信号值的影响Fig.5 Different height of the burner impact on signal values2.4 方法检出限由国际纯粹和应用化学协会的规定,连续11次测量空白溶液,三倍标准偏差即为方法的检出限(对应于99.7%的置信度).表1 三种方法检出限Table 1 The detection limit of the three methods元素波长/nm 方法文献检出限/(mg·L-1)实验检出限/(mg·L-1)0.003 0.03 K 766.5 火焰发射 0.1[2] 0.06 ICP发射 0.035[6]火焰吸收 0.05[2]因为测量的目的是为了计算循环水浓缩倍数,为常量分析,不是很需要极低的检出限,验证检出限只是证明仪器的状态符合测量的需要.2.5 方法准确度评估一个方法被采用,它的精密度和准确度就需要是经得起考验的,用t检验法评价已知质量浓度样品的准确度.由表2可得,测量的t值都小于理论t值,结果表明三种方法均准确可靠.此外又进行了回收率的考察,结果如表3所示。
充氮技术对天然矿泉水品质的影响吴木生;周欣欣;李爱梅;晏日安;姜新慧【摘要】为了探究在矿泉水瓶轻量化包装过程中,充氮是否会影响矿泉水的品质,将3种天然矿泉水置于密闭的高压反应釜中,由氮气钢瓶向高压反应釜中充入氮气,控制氮气压强和承压时间,得到在不同氮气压强和承压时间下的待测水样.检测添加氮气前后水样感官指标、pH值、偏硅酸、碳酸盐和碳酸氢盐、溶解性总固体、钾、钠、钙、镁、锶、水分子团簇的变化情况.结果表明:氮气添加到天然矿泉水中对矿物质成分、分子团簇结构等没有影响,可为天然矿泉水轻量化包装提供参考数据.【期刊名称】《食品与机械》【年(卷),期】2015(031)004【总页数】5页(P223-227)【关键词】氮气;矿泉水;矿物质;团簇【作者】吴木生;周欣欣;李爱梅;晏日安;姜新慧【作者单位】广东鼎湖山泉有限公司,广东肇庆526070;暨南大学食品科学与工程系,广东广州 510632;广东鼎湖山泉有限公司,广东肇庆526070;暨南大学食品科学与工程系,广东广州 510632;广东鼎湖山泉有限公司,广东肇庆526070【正文语种】中文天然矿泉水中富含矿物质和微量元素,长期饮用可预防心脏病、高血压、糖尿病、冠心病、心血管疾病、癌症等疾病的发生[1,2]。
液态水分子通过氢键缔合成团簇结构,水分子团簇结构是决定黏度、沸点、熔点、表面张力的主要因素,水的团簇结构也会影响水的功能,17 O谱线宽度可以用来表征水样的水分子团簇大小,在同一温度下,谱线宽度越小,水分子团簇越小,水质就越好[7]。
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指导手册电子称OPTIMA填充和称量机GmbH邮编:100520D-74505 Schwäbisch Hall电话:(0791) 506-0传真:(0791) 506-9000目录1 Introduction/safety 简介/安全 (1)1.0 Preface 前言 (1)1.1 Legend 图标 (1)1.2 Safety 安全 (2)1.3 Installation and connection 安装和连接 (5)1.4 Technical data 技术数据 (6)2 Operation panel 操作面板 (8)2.0 Touch-screen display 接触屏显示 (9)2.1 Symbols on the keys 各键的标识 (10)2.2 Password symbols 密码标识 (11)2.3 Symbols of weight display 重量显示的标识 (11)3 Description 描述 (13)2.5 Function 功能 (20)4 Operation 操作 (24)4.0 Switching on 启动 (24)4.1 Operation conditions (status display) 操作条件(状态显示) (28)4.2 Switching off 关闭 (28)4.3 Access levels 多级入口 (29)4.4 Entering the password 输入密码 (31)4.5 General parameter entry 大致参数输入 (32)4.6 Product Parameter Memory 产品参数记忆(PPM) (34)Changing the product parameter memory (PPM) 修改PPM (34)Looking for a product parameter memory 寻找一个PPM (38)4.7 Maintaining the product parameter memory 维护PPM (38)5 Settings 设置 (43)5.0 Preparation for data entry 数据输入前的准备 (43)5.1 Product setting 产品设定 (44)5.2 Regulators 调整器 (47)5.3 Optimizing times 最优化时间 (49)5.4 Product transport 产品传送 (51)5.5 Running-in 优化 (52)5.6 Running-in aid 辅助优化 (55)5.7 Regulator status 调整阀的状态 (56)5.8 Manual functions 手动功能 (58)5.9 Overweight rejection 超重停止 (59)6 Operating elements 操作要领 (60)7 Fluidization 助流 (60)8 Statistics 统计 (61)8.0 Relation between the analyses 分析之间的联系(带打印) (62)8.1 Analysis 分析 (63)8.2 Types of statistical data 统计数据的种类 (64)8.3 Setting statistics 设定统计 (69)9 Maintenance 维护 (70)9.0 Calibrating the touch-screen 校准接触屏 (70)9.1 Loading macros 加载宏指令 (73)9.2 Calibrating the load cell 校准传感器 (75)9.3 Cleaning 清洁 (77)9.4 Printer 打印机 (79)10 Troubleshooting 解难 (83)10.0 Fault display on touch-screen 接触屏上的错误显示 (83)10.1 Resetting faults 重置错误 (84)10.2 Fault messages 出错信息 (85)Faults caused by the product (fault group 100) 由产品引起的错误(错误组100) (86)Faults caused by external modules (fault group 200) 由外部组件引起的错误(错误组200) (87)Faults caused by the control or operating unit (fault group 300) 由控制或操作单元引起的错误(错误组300) (88)Faults caused by load cell (fault group 400) 由传感器引起的错误(错误组400) (90)Faults caused by operator (fault group 500) 由操作员引起的错误(错误组500) (92)Synchronization faults (fault group 600)同步化错误(错误组600) (93)10.3 General faults 一般错误 (93)10.4 Weigher failure 称失效 (94)11 Dialogue texts 对话框 (96)1 Introduction/safety 简介/安全1.0 Preface 前言If you should have any questions, please contact OPTIMA. The manual is to be stored in a place near to the machine and must be easily accessible for the operator.如果有任何问题,请与OPTIMA 联系。
Please operate you OPTIMA machine in accordance with the instructions given in this manual.请按照手册中所说的操作你的OPTIMA 机器。
1.1 Legend 图标Pressing a key 按一个键and bold type =take special note 之后字体加粗表示特别注意and italics =refers to another passage in the document 加斜体表示指向书中的另一章and bold type =warning of danger of life 之后字体加粗表示警告有生命危险and bold type =warning of damage to equipment 之后字体加粗表示警告对设备有损害and bold type =danger, voltage is being supplied/danger of voltage 之后字体加粗表示危险,正在供电或者高压危险All persons involved in the installation, set-up, operation, maintenance and/or repair of this machine must thoroughly read and fully understand this instruction manual.所有参与安装、搭建、运行、保养或维修这台机器的人必须仔细阅读并充分理解这本说明手册。
1.2 Safety安全General information 大概信息The machine can become dangerous :在以下情况时,这台机器是危险的:- if operated improperly by operating personnel not trained and instructed thoroughly. - 由完全未经过培训和指导的操作人员不正常地操作时- if the instructions given in this operation and maintenance manual are not strictly observed. - 由本手册给出的关于操作和保护的指导未被严格执行时We specifically point out that you should only :特别强调,你只能•operate •service •maintain •supervise•操作 •服务 •保养 •监督the OPTIMA machine if you are specially trained and instructed to do so.OPTIMA 机器,如果你接受了特别的培训并且被指导这样做。
- The machine must only be operated with all safety devices in their proper location and intheir operating order- 机器只有在所有安全设备都到位且均处于启动顺序的情况下使用。
- No modifications must be made on the control unit of the machine without the prior permission of OPTIMA.- 未经OPTIMA 事先许可的情况下,不得对机器的控制部分作任何改动。
Note the following when installing the machine:The company operating the machine must take any safety measures to prevent danger from equipment being used in conjunction with the OPTIMAmachine.安装机器时,应注意:操作此机器的公司一定要采取足够的安全措施,以避免OPTIMA 与其他设备连接Only use products as agreed upon with OPTIMA. No liability will be accepted for damage arising from improper use and nonobservance of the instructionsgiven in this manual. The responsibility must be assumed by the user.只能使用与OPTIMA 兼容的产品。