A Method for Describing Plant Architecture which Integrates Topology and Geometry
[关键词]城市污水处理厂Carrousel氧化沟重力式污泥浓缩池The Primary Design of an Urban Sewage Treatment PlantJia Linlin(Grade06, Class1, Environmental Engineering,School of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong 723001,Shaanxi)Tutor:Yue SiyuAbstract: It is a primary design and construction drawing for the sewage treatment plant development zone。
The municipal sewage is mainly treated in this plant。
Its water quality is more complicated。
According to the demands for the design, the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus are high in the water quality of this project 。
2023Vol.55No.3林㊀业㊀科㊀技㊀情㊀报基金项目:武汉生物工程学院校级教学研究项目 美育文化融入植物造景课程的教学研究与实践 (2022M27);武汉设计工程学院校级教学研究项目 数字化景观技术下的风景园林规划设计课程教学模式探索与实践(2021JY101) ㊂∗第一作者简介:胡俊(1983-),女,湖北蕲春人,副教授,研究方向为植物造景,E -mail:61758870@㊂∗通信作者:王植芳(1982-),女,湖北武汉人,讲师,研究方向为风景园林规划设计,E -mail:14605268@㊂园林专业美育实践以‘植物造景“课程改革为例胡㊀俊1∗㊀王植芳2∗(1.武汉生物工程学院,武汉430415;2.武汉设计工程学院,武汉430205)[摘㊀要]㊀通过对园林专业植物造景课程的教学实践,提出了 美育 融入植物造景课程教学的改革思路,探讨了植物造景美育实践的新路径,旨在为其他高校开展美育类专业课程提供一定的参考㊂[关键词]㊀植物造景;美育;教学改革中图分类号:G642.0㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1009-3303(2023)03-0205-03Practice of Aesthetic Education in Landscape Architecture SpecialtyTaking the Curriculum Reform of Plant Landscage Architecture as ExamapleHu Jun 1∗㊀Wang Zhifang 2∗(1.Wuhan University of Bioengineering,Wuhan 430415,China;Wuhan Institute of Design and Sciences,Wuhan 430205,China)Abstract :Through the teaching practice of the course of plant landscape achitecture,this paper puts forward the reform idea of integra-ting aesthetic education into the course of plant landscape architecture,and discusses the new way of the practice of aesthetic educa-tion of plant landscape architecture,aiming to provide some reference for other universities to carry out the course of aesthetic educa-tion.Key words :Plant landscaping;aesthetic education;the teaching reform‘植物造景“是园林专业的主干课,是连接园林植物学㊁树木学㊁园林设计的重要纽带,也是园林艺术类课程中的核心课,在整个人才培养体系中处于承上启下的地位,是集植物景观设计㊁园林文化场景创造和美丽环境建设的一门专业课程㊂ 德智体美 全面发展是在新时代背景下对高校大学生提出的新要求,然而高校在人才培养过程中往往忽略了 美育 [1]㊂美育是培养学生认识美㊁欣赏美㊁爱好美和创造美的能力的教育,也称美感教育或审美教育[2]㊂美育是一种关乎如何促使人们身心和谐发展的教育形态[3]㊂培养大学生的艺术审美情趣,培养有文化内涵的创新人才,建立中国文化自信,传承弘扬中国民族文化是教育教学的根本目标㊂教育的本质是育人,学校教育的重要支柱是课程,校本专业课程的开发及教学方法研究是彰显学校魅力与特色,提升学校内涵式发展的重要途径㊂只有学生心中有美,才能创造出自然美㊁文化美㊁艺术美,加强园林专业学生的美育培养,提高其专业实践能力显得尤为重要,大学生美育培养应与专业课程相结合,与专业课程同向同行,形成良好的协同效应[4]㊂中国园林的特色在于将功能与审美完美地融合统一,人们在欣赏自然山水的同时又体察到自然万物的生机和意境,这就是中国古典园林的美学意义所在[5]㊂其中,历代诗人们绝大多数都爱借用植物或叙事㊁或写景㊁或抒情㊁或阐述哲理,植物虽属于自然之物,但是人们往往会赋予其高尚的品格,使其具有精神美㊁文化美,从而产生联想和感情升华的思想感情,不但含意深远,而且达到天人合一的境界㊂在中国园林中有大量的植物文化类景观可作为高校植物造景美育课程的案例素材,需要教师进行课程内容的精心组织㊁精心设计㊁案例筛选及提炼,运用系统而科学的教学方法让美育进课程,让美育进课堂,因此,积极探索美育在植物造景课程中的教学方法及实践显得尤为重要㊂1㊀ 美育 融入植物造景课程教学改革思路1.1㊀优化教学内容,提高教师审美素养,建立美育课程案例库教师是知识的传播者和课堂的主要引导者,教师只有在思想上足够重视美育㊁深入了解美育,提高自身的美育素养,才能更好地主导课堂,这就需要教师在备课过程中全方面搜集㊁研究国内外以及校园植物景观文化构建的项目案例,建立美育课程㊃502㊃林㊀业㊀科㊀技㊀情㊀报2023Vol.55No.3案例库,将课程案例中的美育文化元素进行提炼,一方面可丰富植物造景课堂教学内容,另一方面可提高教师自身的专业素养㊁文化素养以及美学素养㊂在制定大纲㊁教案以及PPT时,通过在植物造景的课程教学目标体现美育元素,彰显出植物造景课程的美育特色,结合不同重点章节内容,找到案例融入的契合点,教师围绕不同章节的美育主题授课,让学生明晰学习目标,让 美育 真正内涵式进专业课堂㊂1.2㊀紧扣美育主题,以案例为驱动,精心课程设计教师在围绕美育主题进行重点章节授课时,应精心策划课程的导入,结合大量经典的美育案例,以项目案例为驱动,开展美育文化主题讨论,结合学习通㊁微助教等平台,促使学生在课前㊁课中以及课后对美育文化进行深入学习,加强学生对植物景观美育文化的理解及景观构建,让美育以 点 ㊁ 线 ㊁ 面 贯穿在整个专业课程中,突破园林设计类专业传统的课程教学模式,让美育进课程目标,以美育为脉络,通过课前㊁课中㊁课后小结及实践验证,将美育课程不同环节进行有机融合,让美育有系统地贯穿在植物造景课程中,提高课程的整体性㊁系统性㊁连续性㊂1.3㊀依托校内㊁外基地建设,将美育与校园结合,与企业结合新农科 概念的提出,对园林专业人才培养提出了新要求,旨在培养契合新时代要求的创新应用型农林人才[6]㊂应用型人才培养的目标,应既能体现知识㊁能力㊁素质目标,又能体现人才培养中企业项目实践技能㊂在进行美育类专业课程时,应与企业合作,共同探讨新时代背景下的大学生美育人才培养模式[7]㊂探讨美育专业课程的教学模式㊁教学手段,并与园林设计㊁园林建筑设计等课程结合,形成完整的美育类专业课程群,构建园林专业完整的课程体系㊂与校园基地结合,将基于校园文化背景下的植物景观设计方案进行后期落地,教师结合课程指导校园各类植物景观的建设,学生从校园植物景观中体验审美趣味和挖掘美的内涵,形成良性循环,为发扬新时代美育精神营造良好的校园文化氛围创造有利条件,同时,让学生的设计成果变成立体的实景,转换为实体的校园景观,也是实施劳动教育的一种新形式㊂2㊀物造景课程开展美育实践的教学实施2.1㊀依托校企合作项目,强化项目实战性引入校企合作设计项目,以武汉市军运会项目为例,将师生团队参与的 武汉市江岸区迎军运天桥植物景观设计 中的美育文化融入课堂教学,讲解 中国红 ㊁ 琉璃黄 ㊁ 长城灰 等中式色彩在植物景观设计中的应用,结合 大江 ㊁ 大湖 ㊁ 楚文化 等武汉地域文化特色,提炼鲜明的文化主题,以此激发学生的文化自信,引导学生树立 生态美㊁文化美㊁自然美 等设计理念,让学生深刻认识到园林植物美的文化内涵,让学生在设计过程中,学会利用文化美构建景观主题,合理处理植物与道路绿地之间的关系,同时邀请企业设计师以及该门课程的专业教师对学生的设计方案进行多重考核及评价,并在考核评价指标中渗透美育元素,通过学生PPT 答辩以及企业设计师㊁教师点评等互动环节,发现项目设计存在的一些实际问题,让学生能力迁移,以此培养学生感受美㊁鉴赏美㊁创造美的综合能力㊂鼓励学生将学习的舞台搬到企业㊁行业,培养大学生创新思维能力,充分将课堂和课外联动,全面提升学生的美育素养和专业实践能力㊂2.2㊀利用网络课程资源,构建美育课程教学案例库植物造景除了专业理论知识以外,还需要一定的人文素养和大量的案例学习,因此要激发学生学习兴趣,情智教育是指教育者采用积极的情感和灵动智慧作用于受教育者[8],促使他们运用信息媒介获取知识,拓宽知识面,将网上的精品课程与课堂教学紧密结合[9]㊂植物造景课程组教师利用景观中国㊁芦苇景观㊁植物前沿㊁秋凌景观㊁中国花卉报㊁中国园林等专业网站及相关微信订阅号,分别从历史㊁人文㊁诗歌㊁案例㊁政策㊁热点㊁前沿等多维度挖掘美育要素,从线下到线上㊁从课堂到课外㊁从校内到校外,集思广益㊁常教常新(见表1)㊂通过及时开展教师示范公开课以及各项教研活动等,对 美育 课程案例进行不断完善,注意引导学生提升知识技能,培养大学生的艺术审美情趣,培养有文化内涵的创新人才,结合 翻转课堂 ㊁ BOPPPS ㊁ 案例研讨式 等不同教学方法,让美育元素从多方面融入课堂㊂教师要 入境动情 ,以精彩的教学内容来激发教学高潮[10]㊂例如: 竹之 高耸挺拔,质地坚硬,中空有节,它的外形特点容易使人联想起高风亮节和谦逊好学的品质,是一种具有雅逸神美的植物,因此,在讲解中国古典园林中 竹子 造景时,案例选择了苏州留园的 碧梧栖凤 ㊁拙政园的 海棠春坞 ㊁网师园的 竹外一枝轩 ㊁沧浪亭的 倚玉轩 等,分别对 竹子 不同的造景形式㊁形态美㊁文化美进行深入分析及讲解,而 梅花 具有不惧严寒㊁不怕艰险㊁乐观向上的精神, 梅花 花开五瓣正符 五福之义 ,加之初春开花,象征否极泰来,吉祥幸福之意,在讲解 梅花 的植物造景时,案例选择了杭㊃602㊃2023Vol.55No.3林㊀业㊀科㊀技㊀情㊀报州花港观鱼牡丹亭旁的 梅影坡 ㊁苏州狮子林的问梅阁 等,通过案例分析㊁头脑风暴㊁小组分组汇报等不同形式,培养学生的美学鉴赏能力,树立学生的文化自信㊁增强民族自豪感以及价值认同感㊂表1㊀‘植物造景“美育课程案例及主题章节内容案例融入点美育主题第1章绪论 海绵城市 ㊁ 雨水花园 ㊁ 可食地景 等绿水青山,金山银山的生态美第2章植物造景的类型及其特点 苏州博物馆 ㊁ 拙政园 ㊁ 个园 ㊁ 留园 ㊁沧浪亭 ㊁ 网师园 ㊁避暑山庄 ㊁ 圆明园 等工匠精神美㊁家国情怀美㊁植物比德美㊁植物视觉美㊁植物听觉美㊁植物嗅觉美第3章植物的观赏特性及其配置原则 南京中山陵 ㊁ 杭州西湖景区 ㊁ 颐和园 ㊁法国维兰德里庄园 等植物形态美㊁色彩美㊁虚实空间美㊁层次美㊁季相美第4章植物造景的基本形式广州 中山纪念 堂㊁杭州 三潭映月 ㊁南京莫愁湖公园 ㊁上海世纪大道 ㊁北京天安门 祝福 主题花坛等大国自信美㊁爱国情怀美㊁构图艺术美㊁造园技艺美第5章植物要素综合造景校企合作项目案例:北京四季青镇生态系统规划 ㊁ 江岸区迎军运 道路绿化设计文化创新美㊁尊重园林场地美㊁发扬新时代美育精神美2.3㊀结合 魅力校园,诗画校园 建设,培养学生美育实践能力围绕 魅力校园,诗画校园 的建设目标,营造更具特色的大学生校园文化艺术环境,以此提升大学校园的文化内涵,利用高校校园园林场域,达到校园环境育人的目的㊂在植物造景授课过程中,教师结合校园植物园㊁智慧农场㊁花木园㊁园林客厅等实践平台,充分利用植物造景实践课程㊁植物造景综合实习周㊁园林第二课堂㊁植物景观设计竞赛等,让学生能因地制宜地提出既具科学性又具艺术美㊁文化美的植物景观设计方案,将植物景观文化的艺术设计手法更好地运用在校园花坛㊁花境㊁道路绿地建设中,提升设计作品的文化内涵,丰富设计方案的艺术形式,后期通过对校园植物景观设计方案的落地,让学生寓教于乐,提高对专业学习的兴趣,树立爱国爱校爱劳动的意识,对加强课程思政㊁美育文化在植物造景课程中的渗透,能产生一定社会效应㊂以微视频为主要载体,以 我最爱的校园植物文化景观 为主题,让学生结合植物造景专业知识,从园林植物文化的角度,对景点内的植物配置进行分析,结合园林植物诗词文化等,制作校园植物景观文化微视频,后期发动全校师生对微视频进行网络投票评选,从而激发了学生的学习热情,加强了校园文化宣传,丰富了植物景观文化资源库,为构建校园景观文化体系提供保障,为构建园林文化艺术类课程提供保障,让校园基地成为学生多样化学习的 立体课堂 ,通过开展校园 四季花展 等实践活动,打造了一批具有鲜明特色的校园植物景观文化品牌㊂将文化自信㊁价值认同㊁植物文化艺术等潜移默化地融入植物造景教学过程中,使学生在大学期间就开始接受园林文化艺术素质㊁大学生职业素质培育,为学生的专业能力提升㊁未来职业发展以及文化传承奠定坚实的基础,从而提高了学生的美育实践能力㊂3㊀结语通过美育课程的教学实践改革,能突破园林设计类课程传统的教学模式,让美育有系统地贯穿在植物造景课程中,以此提高园林设计类课程的连贯性及整体性,通过反复验证学生的实践成果以及教师的教学效果,积极探讨园林专业课程渗透美育的新思路㊁新路径㊁新方法㊂将美育与魅力校园建设结合,与企业相结合,与基地建设相结合,探索企业与学校共赢的教学模式与教学方法,形成隐性教育路径,从而发挥文化景观育人的功能,也可为其它高校美育类专业课程提供一定的理论依据㊂参考文献[1]王刚.关于高校美育建设的思考[J].美术教育研究, 2018,181(18):116-118.[2]安波,贾浩洋.试论新时代加强高校美育工作的必然逻辑及实现路径[J].艺术视角,2018,(24):196-197. [3]栗睿.浅论美育对大学生综合素质提升的重要意义[J].艺术视角,2018(22):145-146.[4]陆祉亦.高校思想政治理论课同向同行形成协同效应模式的构建[J].太原城市职业技术学院学报,2018,201(4):80-82.[5]王瑞.中国古典园林中的自然美及美育思想[J].美术教育研究,2021(15):90-91.[6]韩西清. 双高计划 背景下高职学校校企合作的任务与举措 基于契约理论的视角[J].现代管理教育,2019, (10):119-123.[7]郑海霞,窦雯桐. 科教+产教 双融合下园林专业创新人才培养模式探索[J].安徽农学通报,2021,(19):172-174. [8]张晶红,吴姝菊.以专业情智教育为基础的植物造景课程改革[J].高师理科学刊,2021(5):107-110. [9]高春艳,丁明静,丁晓浩.园林植物造景课程教学改革探析[J].信阳农林学院学报,2020,30(2):146-149. [10]郭奇梅.园林专业教学与美育教学的融合探析[J].教育培训,2018(19):74-75.来稿日期:2022-08-04㊃702㊃。
研究植物计划的英语英文回答:Studying plant biology has always been a fascinating journey for me. From learning about photosynthesis to understanding plant hormones, there is so much to explorein the world of plants. One of the most interesting aspects of plant research is studying plant responses to different environmental stimuli.For example, I remember conducting an experiment in college where we exposed a group of plants to varyinglevels of light. It was amazing to see how the plants adjusted their growth patterns based on the amount of light they received. Some plants thrived in bright light, while others preferred shade. This experience taught me the importance of understanding how plants interact with their environment.Another fascinating area of plant research is studyingplant genetics. By delving into the genetic makeup of plants, scientists can uncover valuable information about traits such as disease resistance, yield potential, and even flavor profiles. This knowledge is crucial for developing new plant varieties that can withstand changing climate conditions and provide nutritious food for a growing population.In addition to scientific research, studying plant biology also involves practical applications. For instance, plant breeding programs aim to improve crop varieties by selecting for desirable traits over multiple generations. This process requires patience and careful observation, but the rewards can be significant in terms of increased crop yields and resilience to pests and diseases.Overall, studying plant biology is a rewarding and enriching experience. Whether I'm conducting experiments in the lab or observing plants in their natural habitats, there is always something new and exciting to discover in the world of plants.中文回答:研究植物生物学一直是我着迷的旅程。
A method for repotting plants, as well as a planti
专利名称:A method for repotting plants, as well as aplanting head and an apparatus providedwith a planting head发明人:Van Malsen, Arie Dirk,Sluiter, Jan NicolaasHendrik申请号:EP09075074.6申请日:20090217公开号:EP2090148A1公开日:20090819专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:Method for repotting plants wherein a rootball is moved from a first rootballcontainer to a second rootball container using a planting head (1). The planting head (1) has legs (3) which legs (3) are provided with pins (7) which may be in a first retracted position and in a second extended position, wherein - in a first step the planting head (1) is brought above the rootball surface; - in a second step the distance of the distal ends (6) of the legs (3) to the central axis (H) of the planting head (1) is reduced; - in a third step the pins (7) are inserted into the rootball; - in a fourth step the distal ends (6) of the legs (3) are brought closer together; after which the rootball is taken out of the first rootball container and deposited into the second rootball container. The invention also relates to an apparatus for carrying out the method.申请人:Sluiter Techniek B.V.地址:Parallellweg 17A 4043 KG Opheusden NL国籍:NL代理机构:Altenburg, Bernardus Stephanus Franciscus更多信息请下载全文后查看。
A method and a plant for preparing shrimps
专利名称:A method and a plant for preparing shrimps发明人:Hansen, Sören, Mölgaard申请号:EP03388011.3申请日:20030212公开号:EP1447007A1公开日:20040818专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method of preparing shrimps comprises the following steps: Steam boiling the shrimps at a high pressure exceeding the atmospheric pressure, and at an elevated temperature exceeding the boiling temperature of water at the atmospheric pressure for a specific period of time for keeping the meat of the shrimps in a compressed statedue to the pressurisation while rapidly heating the shrimps to the elevated temperature for causing the meat of the shrimps to solidify and cause the meat of the shrimps to loosen from the shells of the shrimps. The shrimps are then rapidly cooled to a temperature to or below the atmospheric temperature for causing substantially all meat of the shrimps to be separated from the shells of the shrimps between an area behind the head of the individual shrimp and a part above the tail of the individual shrimp. Subsequently, the shrimps are peeled by mechanically opening the shells of the shrimps for allowing the meat loosely contained within the shells of the shrimps to fall out from the shells of the shrimps, and the meat of the shrimps is separated from the remainings of the shrimps, including the shell parts and any eggs by flotational separation of the meat from the remainings by introducing the meat and the remainings into a separation liquid such as a brine solution, including a specific amount of NaCl by weight for causing the meat to float on the separation liquid while allowing the remainings of the shrimps, including the shell parts and any eggs to sink. Finally, the meat is removed from the separation liquid.申请人:CABINPLANT INTERNATIONAL A/S地址:Roesbjergvej 9 DK-5683 Haarby DK国籍:DK代理机构:Nielsen, Henrik Sten更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:A PLANT AND A METHOD FOR PURIFYING WATER AND A DEVICE FOR DETECTINGORGANIC COMPOUNDS发明人:Axelsson, Per申请号:EP01977008.0申请日:20011018公开号:EP1334071A1公开日:20030813专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A plant for purifying water contaminated with floating organic compounds, which comprises a purification device (1) comprising a first room (7) arranged for receiving the contaminated water and for purifying the water from said organic compounds. The plant further comprises a detection device (2) and means (4) for transferring the purified water from the purification device (1) to the detection device (2). The detection device comprises a second room (10), which is arranged such that possibly remaining floating organic compounds are separated from the water and which contains a detector member (11) for detecting said remaining organic compounds, and an outlet member (18) designed so that it discharges the water but keeps said organic compounds in the second room (10), and an alarm device (12) generating an alarm signal when the detector member (11) indicates that there are organic compounds in the second room (10). A method for purifying water contaminated with floating organic compounds, whereby the contaminated water firstlt is purified in a first room (7) and thereafter is transferred to a second room (10) in which possibly remaining floating organic compounds are allowed to separate from the water, whereupon the water is diverted from the second room (10)and said remaining organic compounds are kept, whereby it is detected in the second room whether there are any floating organic compounds in the water and if so, an alarm signal is generated.申请人:Axelsson, Per地址:Loviseberg 733 91 Sala SE国籍:SE代理机构:Reyier, Ann-Mari更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:A PLANT AND A METHOD FOR PURIFYING WATER AND A DEVICE FOR DETECTINGORGANIC COMPOUNDS发明人:AXELSSON, Per申请号:SE2001002274申请日:20011018公开号:WO02/034674P1公开日:20020502专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A plant for purifying water contaminated with floating organic compounds, which comprises a purification device (1) comprising a first room (7) arranged for receiving the contaminated water and for purifying the water from said organic compounds. The plant further comprises a detection device (2) and means (4) for transferring the purified water from the purification device (1) to the detection device (2). The detection device comprises a second room (10), which is arranged such that possibly remaining floating organic compounds are separated from the water and which contains a detector member (11) for detecting said remaining organic compounds, and an outlet member (18) designed so that it discharges the water but keeps said organic compounds in the second room (10), and an alarm device (12) generating an alarm signal when the detector member (11) indicates that there are organic compounds in the second room (10). A method for purifying water contaminated with floating organic compounds, whereby the contaminated water firstlt is purified in a first room (7) and thereafter is transferred to a second room (10) in which possibly remaining floating organic compounds are allowed to separate from the water, whereupon the water is diverted from the second room (10)and said remaining organic compounds are kept, whereby it is detected in the second room whether there are any floating organic compounds in the water and if so, an alarm signal is generated.申请人:AXELSSON, Per地址:SE国籍:SE代理机构:BJERKÉNS PATENTBYRÅ KB更多信息请下载全文后查看。
发明人:BJÖRKMAN, Eric,ERICSSON, Stefan 申请号:EP 9591154 2.0 申请日:19950303 公开号:EP 074 6736A1 公开日:19961211
摘要:The invention relates to a method and to a plant for drying with circulating drying air wooden elements that are stacked in mutually spaced relationship in a chamber (2) which is essentially sealed from the outside. The heat content and the moisture content of the drying air can be controlled, wherein the moisture content of the drying air circulating in the chamber (2) is controlled by ventilation and the drying air is cooled by and condenses on one or more cooling surfaces (11) disposed in the chamber as the air passes in contact with said surfaces, these surfaces being cooled by replacement air which enters the chamber (2) from outside the chamber.
如何值树英语作文Planting trees is not just an environmental activity; it is a commitment to the future of our planet. Trees are the lungs of the Earth, providing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus playing a crucial role in combating climate change. In this essay, we will explore the significance of tree planting and how it can be integrated into our daily lives.Firstly, trees are essential for maintaining the ecological balance. They serve as habitats for countless species of birds, insects, and mammals, contributing to biodiversity. By planting trees, we are not only beautifying our surroundings but also preserving the natural habitats of various creatures.Secondly, trees offer numerous environmental benefits. They help to prevent soil erosion, regulate water cycles, and provide shade, which can lead to a reduction in energy consumption for cooling buildings. Moreover, trees can act as a natural noise barrier, reducing noise pollution in urban areas.In addition to their environmental contributions, trees also have economic value. They can be a source of timber, fruit, and other products, supporting local economies and providing jobs in forestry and related industries.Incorporating tree planting into our lives can be assimple as participating in community tree planting events or starting a tree nursery at home. Schools can also play avital role by educating children about the importance oftrees and encouraging them to plant trees as part of their environmental studies.Governments and organizations can support tree planting initiatives by providing resources, land, and educational materials. They can also enact policies that protect existing forests and promote afforestation.In conclusion, tree planting is a simple yet profound act that can have a lasting impact on our environment and society. It is a step towards a greener, more sustainable future and a testament to our collective responsibility to the Earth. Letus all take the initiative to plant more trees and nurturethe environment for the generations to come.。
grafting to合成方法
grafting to合成方法Grafting is a method of combining parts from two separate plants to create a new plant with desired qualities. This technique is commonly used in horticulture to produce new fruit tree varieties, improve disease resistance, and enhance overall plant vigor. 合成方法是将两个独立植物的部分结合起来,以创造出具有期望特性的新植物的方法。
One of the primary reasons for grafting is to create new plant varieties. By combining the desirable traits of two plants, such as fruit size, flavor, or overall growth habit, horticulturalists can develop unique and valuable cultivars. 一种嫁接的主要原因之一是创造新的植物品种。
In addition to creating new varieties, grafting is also used to improve disease resistance in plants. By grafting a susceptible plant onto a disease-resistant rootstock, horticulturalists can create plants that are more resistant to common diseases, ultimately reducing the need forchemical pesticides and promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. 除了创造新品种外,嫁接还用于提高植物的抗病能力。
A METHOD FOR STERILISING ARABIDOPSIS SEEDLluis Balcells(Department of Molecular Genetics, The Cambridge Laboratory, TheJohn Innes Centre for Plant Science Research, Colney Lane, NorwichNR4 7UJ, England, U.K.)* This method is based on a previous one, developed by RenateSchmidt, which consists of passing the sterilising solutions through afilter containing the seed. In the new method, seed are placed in a filter-paper packet and soaked in the sterilising solutions. Several packets,around 15 to 20, can be sterilised together, but use of much largernumbers (50) has led to contamination.1. METHOD(i) Take a sheet of Whatman filter paper No.1, 5.5 cm in diameter andfold it in the way you would for putting it in a funnel (Figs. a & b-- see below). Place the Arabidopsis seed in thebottom and fold the filter once more, to enclose the seed (Fig. c).Spread the seed inside the packet, so they form a thin layer ratherthan a clump. Use a paper-clip to prevent the packet from opening andlabel the packet in pencil to identify it (Fig. d).(ii) Immerse the packet in 70% ethanol (solution A) in a Magenta pot and remove any remaining air, pressing with a pair of forceps. Leave thepacket there for 2 min. Drain the packet for a few sec by leaning it on the internal wall of the pot.(iii) Transfer the packet to a Majenta pot containing 5% sodiumhypochlorite (bleach) + 0.5 % SDS (solution B) and shake for a fewseconds so that the solution can reach the seed. Leave the packetthere for 15 min and drain it as explained above.* From now on, but not before, working in sterile conditions is essential.(iv) Transfer the packet to a Magenta pot containing sterile distilledwater and leave it there for aproximately 5 min, making sure the packet is properly washed. Repeat this step -- several times if sterilising several or many packets.(v) Transfer the packet to a sterile, empty petri dish and remove the clip, using two pairs of forceps. Open the packet and spread the seed out onthe filter paper as much as possible. Use one plate per packet and leavethe petri dish open in the flow hood until the filter paper is completelydry.(vi) At this point you can store your sterile seed by sealing the petri dish with Micropore tape. However, if you want to sow immediately on a petridish containing the appropriate medium, scratch through the surface ofthe filter paper with a spatula to sprinkle the seed.2. NOTES(i) If you are sterilising more than aproximately 500 seed at a time,bigger pieces of filter paper are necessary. Use sheets 7 or 8.5 cm indiameter and remember to spread the seed inside the packet. Shouldyou want to sterilise a bulk of seed, place it in several packets. If you fail to take these precautions the solutions may not reach all the seeds and contamination can occur.(ii) Plastic-coated paper-clips resist solution B very well. They come in a variety of colours and can be bought in Sainsbury's. If you are sterilisinga few packets (with different seed per packet) and each one has adifferent-coloured clip, there is no need to label the packets.(iii) The same solution A can be used many times. To avoid solution B becoming contaminated with ethanol, you can transfer the packet(s) to apetri dish containing solution B prior to the treatment with solution B in a Magenta pot. This enables you to use the same solution B in theMajenta pot several times.(iv) If you are going to sow seeds on medium and have just sterilised the seed, you can place them individually on the surface of the medium,using forceps. In this case do not allow the filter paper to dry out. This operation takes only a few minutes and can save you a great deal of time. Following this system, you sow the exact number of seeds that you wantand isolated seedlings grow faster and healthier than in clumps. Forscoring KmR/KmS individuals, sow 70-100 seed using a templateunderneath the plate. This greatly facilitates counting, without the needto open the plate.(v) It is easiest to make the seed packets and immerse them in solutionsA &B at the bench, before transfering to the flow hood.。
Plant Fruit Core Tissue Specimen
Plant Fruit Core Tissue Specimen As a human, I understand the importance of plant fruit core tissue specimensin the field of agriculture and botany. These specimens are crucial for studying the genetic makeup of fruits, understanding their physiological processes, and developing new varieties with improved traits. However, obtaining high-qualitycore tissue specimens can be a challenging task, as it requires careful handling and preservation to maintain the integrity of the genetic material. In this response, I will address the various perspectives related to the collection, preservation, and utilization of plant fruit core tissue specimens, highlighting their significance and the challenges associated with them. First and foremost, the collection of plant fruit core tissue specimens is a delicate process that requires precision and expertise. The core tissue, which contains the genetic material of the fruit, must be carefully extracted without damaging thesurrounding tissues. This is particularly important for fruits with a soft or delicate core, as any damage to the tissue can compromise the quality of the specimen. Additionally, the collection process must be carried out in a sterile environment to avoid contamination, which can affect the genetic analysis of the specimen. Therefore, researchers and technicians involved in collecting coretissue specimens must be well-trained and equipped with the necessary tools to ensure the integrity of the samples. Once the core tissue specimens are collected, their preservation becomes a critical concern. The genetic material in the core tissue is highly susceptible to degradation, especially when exposed to environmental factors such as temperature, light, and moisture. Therefore, proper preservation methods, such as cryopreservation or desiccation, must be employed to maintain the stability of the genetic material. This is essential for long-term storage of core tissue specimens, as they may be used for future research or breeding programs. Moreover, the preservation of core tissue specimens also requires adequate record-keeping to track the source and characteristics of each specimen, ensuring their traceability and reliability for research purposes. In addition to the technical challenges associated with collecting and preserving plant fruit core tissue specimens, there are also logistical and ethical considerations to be taken into account. The collection of core tissue specimensmay require permission from the owners or custodians of the fruit trees,especially in the case of rare or endangered species. Moreover, the transportation of core tissue specimens from the collection site to the laboratory must be carefully planned to minimize any potential damage or degradation. This may involve the use of specialized packaging and transportation methods to ensure the integrity of the specimens during transit. Furthermore, ethical considerations regarding the sustainable use of plant resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of core tissue specimens must be addressed, particularly when conducting research in collaboration with local communities or indigenous groups. Despite the challenges associated with the collection, preservation, and utilization of plant fruit core tissue specimens, their significance in agricultural and botanical research cannot be overstated. These specimens serve as a valuable resource for understanding the genetic diversity of fruit crops, identifying traits of interest, and developing new varieties with improved characteristics. They also play a crucial role in the conservation of plant genetic resources, particularly for rare and endangeredfruit species. Moreover, core tissue specimens are essential for advancing research in areas such as genomics, breeding, and biotechnology, contributing to the development of sustainable and resilient fruit production systems. Therefore, efforts to overcome the challenges associated with plant fruit core tissue specimens are essential for advancing scientific knowledge and supporting the development of innovative solutions for the agricultural sector. In conclusion, the collection, preservation, and utilization of plant fruit core tissue specimens present a range of challenges, from technical and logistical considerations to ethical and conservation concerns. However, the significance of these specimens in advancing agricultural and botanical research cannot be understated. Efforts to address these challenges, such as through the development of best practices for collection and preservation, the establishment of ethical guidelines for research, and the promotion of collaborative and inclusive approaches, are essential for ensuring the sustainable use of plant genetic resources and the advancement of scientific knowledge. By addressing these challenges, we can harness the potentialof plant fruit core tissue specimens to drive innovation and contribute to the development of resilient and productive fruit production systems.。
温州2024年01版小学4年级上册英语第五单元期中试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:Sugar dissolves in __________.2、听力题:The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining).3、听力题:The element with the symbol K is __________.4、填空题:My puppy loves to snuggle on my ______ (腿).5、听力题:My dad loves to go fishing at the ____ (lake).6、填空题:A _____ (植物说明) can guide proper growth techniques.7、听力题:The ______ is known for her cooking skills.8、What is the capital of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. Seville答案:B9、听力题:A ______ is a systematic method for testing hypotheses.10、What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. SaturnC. JupiterD. Neptune答案:C11、What is the capital of Brazil?A. Rio de JaneiroB. BrasíliaC. São PauloD. Salvador答案: B12、What gas do plants take in to make food?A. OxygenB. Carbon dioxideC. NitrogenD. Hydrogen答案:B13、填空题:The __________ (状态) of matter includes solid, liquid, and gas.14、填空题:Plants help to prevent ______ (土壤侵蚀) by holding the soil in place.15、听力题:I see a _____ (cloud/rock) in the sky.16、听力题:The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is ______.17、填空题:I can use my ________ (玩具名称) to create art.18、听力题:My mom enjoys making ____ (smoothies) for breakfast.19、Which one is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Grape答案:B20、How many bones are in the adult human body?A. 206B. 256C. 306D. 156答案:A21、听力题:A chemical equation must be balanced according to the law of _____ of mass.22、填空题:In art class, we can draw and ________ (涂色). I love using bright ________ (颜色).23、What is the main ingredient in pasta?A. RiceB. CornC. WheatD. Oats答案:C24、of Mexico is located ________ (在美国南部). 填空题:The Gupt25、听力题:A substance that has a pH of is considered ______.26、听力题:An electric generator converts mechanical energy into ______ energy.27、填空题:The ice cream is ________ (冷).28、填空题:There are many __________ (岛屿) in the ocean.29、听力填空题:One thing I love about nature is __________. It is so beautiful to see __________ in the park. I enjoy going for walks and listening to the __________.30、What is the term for the process of learning how to read and write?a. Literacyb. Numeracyc. Educationd. Training答案:AThe _____ (cabbage) is fresh.32、选择题:What do we call a story that is told through pictures?A. ComicB. Graphic NovelC. Picture BookD. All of the above33、填空题:The turtle moves ________.34、填空题:I enjoy _______ (参加) educational trips.35、听力题:The capital of Thailand is __________.36、填空题:We should not waste _____ (水) when watering plants.37、What is 4 x 3?A. 10B. 12C. 14D. 16答案:B38、填空题:I love to eat ______ (汉堡包).39、填空题:The _______ (小狮子) is known for its roar.40、What is the weather like when it rains?A. SunnyB. CloudyC. WindyD. Snowy41、听力题:Solids, liquids, and gases are the three main _____ of matter.The _____ of a solution tells us how much solute is dissolved in a given amount of solvent.43、听力题:The playground is ___. (fun)44、填空题:We went _______ (露营) in the mountains.45、What is the capital of Vietnam?A. Ho Chi Minh CityB. HanoiC. Da NangD. Can Tho答案:B. Hanoi46、选择题:What do we call a person who studies the weather?A. MeteorologistB. ClimatologistC. GeologistD. Biologist47、听力题:The chemical formula for water is ______.48、选择题:What do you call the large body of fresh water?A. OceanB. LakeC. RiverD. Sea49、听力题:The teacher is in the ___. (classroom)50、听力题:The _____ (铃铛) chimes softly.51、填空题:The _____ (植物语言) can express emotions and messages.52、听力题:We play _____ (乒乓球) after school.The best time to see stars is when it's ______.54、听力填空题:I love spending time outdoors. Activities like __________ help me appreciate nature and stay active. It’s refreshing to breathe in the fresh air.55、听力题:The _______ of a wave can be affected by the temperature of the medium.56、填空题:A _____ (小狗) enjoys playing fetch with a ball.57、填空题:The ______ (生长) of plants requires proper care.58、听力填空题:I think it’s important to be curious. Asking questions helps us learn and grow. I love discovering new facts about __________ and sharing them with my friends.59、选择题:What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. The Mona LisaC. The Last SupperD. The Scream60、填空题:My _____ (阿姨) has a lovely garden full of flowers and herbs.我阿姨有一个美丽的花园,里面种满了花和草药。
侈剪果树的方法英文文档:Methods of Pruning Fruit TreesPruning fruit trees is an essential practice for maintaining their health, increasing yield, and ensuring the quality of the fruit.There are several methods of pruning fruit trees, each with its own benefits and purposes.1.Thinning: This involves removing excess branches to allow for better air circulation and sunlight penetration.Thinning helps the tree to focus its energy on producing higher-quality fruit.2.Heading: This method involves removing the tips of the branches to encourage branching and promote new growth.Heading is useful for training young trees and encouraging them to grow in a desired direction.3.Shearing: Shearing involves cutting back branches to a specific shape or size.This method is often used to maintain the shape of the tree and control its growth.4.Pollarding: This method involves cutting back the main branches toa low point, promoting the growth of new branches.Pollarding is useful for encouraging new growth and can help to prevent diseases.5.Summer pruning: This involves removing diseased, damaged, or crossing branches during the growing season.Summer pruning helps to maintain the health of the tree and improve fruit quality.6.Winter pruning: This involves removing dead, diseased, or crowded branches during the dormant season.Winter pruning is the most common method of pruning and is essential for maintaining the overall structure of the tree.When pruning fruit trees, it is important to use sharp tools and make clean cuts to minimize damage to the tree.It is also important to consider the specific needs of the tree variety and the desired outcome of the pruning.中文文档:果树修剪方法修剪果树是保持果树健康、增加产量和确保果实品质的重要实践。
Plant Fruit Pulp Tissue Specimen
Plant Fruit Pulp Tissue Specimen Plant fruit pulp tissue specimens are an essential component of botanical research and agricultural studies. These specimens provide valuable insights into the cellular structure, composition, and nutritional content of fruits, offering a deeper understanding of plant biology and potential applications in food science and horticulture. The examination of fruit pulp tissue specimens can revealcrucial information about the quality, ripeness, and overall health of fruits, serving as a basis for assessing their suitability for consumption or processing. Furthermore, these specimens play a pivotal role in the development of new cultivars, the improvement of fruit quality, and the advancement of sustainable agricultural practices. From a scientific perspective, the analysis of plantfruit pulp tissue specimens involves various methodologies and techniques to characterize the cellular and molecular attributes of fruits. Microscopic examination allows researchers to observe the cellular structure of fruit pulp, including the arrangement of cells, presence of specialized tissues such as vascular bundles and parenchyma cells, and the distribution of organelles within the cells. This microscopic analysis provides valuable information about the physiological processes occurring within the fruit, such as respiration, photosynthesis, and the accumulation of secondary metabolites. Additionally, advanced techniques such as transmission electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy enable a more detailed investigation of subcellular structures and biochemical pathways within the fruit pulp tissue. In the realm of agricultural research, plant fruit pulp tissue specimens serve as a critical tool for evaluating the nutritional composition and sensory attributes of fruits. Analysis of the pulp tissue can reveal the concentrations of essential nutrients such as sugars, organic acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are key determinants of fruit quality and consumer acceptance. Furthermore, the assessment of fruit pulp tissue can provide valuable data on textural properties, juiciness, aroma compounds, and flavor profiles, contributing to the development of superior fruit varieties with enhanced sensory appeal and nutritional value. This knowledge is instrumental in guiding breeding programs and cultivation practices aimed at producing fruits with desirable traits and improved marketability. Beyond thescientific and agricultural domains, the study of plant fruit pulp tissue specimens holds significant implications for the food industry and consumer health. By understanding the cellular composition and biochemical characteristics of fruit pulp, researchers can devise innovative strategies for fruit processing, preservation, and product development. This may involve the optimization of extraction methods for obtaining fruit juices, the utilization of fruit pulp inthe production of functional foods and nutraceuticals, and the enhancement of food formulations to maximize the retention of bioactive compounds present in the pulp tissue. Moreover, the insights gained from fruit pulp tissue analysis contributeto promoting consumer awareness of the nutritional benefits of fruits andfostering informed dietary choices, thereby supporting public health and well-being. In the context of environmental sustainability and conservation, the examination of plant fruit pulp tissue specimens offers valuable insights into the physiological adaptations of fruits to their ecological niche and the impacts of environmental stressors on fruit quality. Through the analysis of pulp tissue, researchers can investigate the responses of fruits to abiotic factors such as temperature, water availability, and soil nutrients, as well as biotic factors including pathogens and pests. This knowledge is instrumental in developingresilient fruit crops that can thrive in diverse environmental conditions, mitigating the effects of climate change and contributing to the preservation of agro-biodiversity. Furthermore, the understanding of fruit pulp tissue physiology aids in the development of sustainable agricultural practices that minimize resource inputs, reduce environmental impact, and promote the conservation of natural ecosystems. In conclusion, the examination of plant fruit pulp tissue specimens is a multifaceted endeavor with far-reaching implications for scientific research, agricultural innovation, food technology, and environmental stewardship. By delving into the cellular intricacies of fruit pulp, researchers gain valuable insights that transcend disciplinary boundaries, informing the development ofnovel cultivars, nutritious food products, and sustainable agricultural systems.As we continue to unravel the mysteries held within fruit pulp tissue, we are poised to unlock new opportunities for advancing human health, ecological resilience, and the appreciation of nature's bountiful harvest.。
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INTRODUCTION Plants are complex structures which can be described in many different ways depending on the requirements of the application, e.g. for bio-mechanics, hydraulic architecture or micrometeorology, or for simulation of plant growth. There is a general agreement that plants can be regarded as a collection of components having specific morphological characteristics, organized at several scales (White, 1979 ; Barthe! le! my, 1991). Plant architecture is a term applied to the organization of plant components in space which can change with time. At a given time, plant architecture can be defined by topological and geometric information. Topology deals with the physical connections between plant components, while geometry includes the shape, size, orientation and spatial location of the components. Measuring plant architecture allows one to make a bridge between real and modelling worlds. Indeed, plant architecture is necessary input data for statistical and functional models of plants : geometry is mainly involved in plantenvironment exchanges and resource capture, (e.g. light interception ; Ross, 1981) while topology can be used to build up biological sequences embedded in axes (Costes and Gue! don, 1997) or can be considered as the seat for internal fluxes for energy, mass and information (e.g. water trans§ For correspondence. Fax j33 4 67 59 38 58, e-mail godin!cirad.fr
C. G O D IN*§, E. C O S T ES† and H. S I N O Q U ET‡ * Cirad-Amis, Programme de modeT lisation des plantes, BP 5035, 34032 Montpellier Cedex, France, Z re, INRA-ENSAM, 2 place Viala, 34060 Montpellier, France and ‡ INRA-PIAF, † UFR d’Arboriculture Fruitie Domaine de Crouelle, 63039 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 02, France
Annals of Botany 84 : 343–357, 1999 Article No. anbo.1999.0923, available online at http:\\ on
A Method for Describing Plant Architecture which Integrates Topology and Geometry
port ; Dauzat and Rapidel, 1998 ; Sperry et al., 1998). Plant architecture can also be the output of plant structure-function models dealing with the dynamics of growth and development (e.g. Takenaka, 1994 ; Mech and Prusinkiewicz, ' s et al., 1997 ; Fournier 1996 ; deReffye et al., 1997 ; LeDize and Andrieu, 1998). Several methods have been proposed to measure either plant topology or geometry. For topological analysis, Godin and Caraglio (1998) developed a model of plant topological structure, called a multiscale tree graph (MTG). MTGs are suitable for representing plant topology with respect to scale and time. The multiscale nature of MTGs lies in the decomposition of the plant into larger or smaller components. At a given scale, topology expresses succession and branching relationships between plant components. For geometric analysis, Sinoquet et al. (1998) proposed a method based on digital, three-dimensional measurements. This method was applied to analysis of leaves to derive attrmate from plant geometry. A geometric model, i.e. a shape, was associated with each component : for leaves, the geometric model was a set of triangles obeying leaf allometry. The geometric model was then scaled, rotated and translated according to the size, orientation and spatial location of leaves. Orientation angles and spatial co-ordinates were measured in three-dimensions with a digitizing device (Polhemus, 1993). Recent works have used both topological and geometric information to describe plant architecture. Hanan and # 1999 Annals of Botany Company
Received : 19 January 1999 Returned for revision : 21 March 1999 Accepted : 15 May 1999
This paper presents a method for describing plant architecture using topological and geometric information. This method is based on the use of a multiscale model of plant topology—called multiscale tree graphs—which is extended to include geometry. The relationships between both multiscale topology and geometry are explicitly identified and topology and geometry are shown to contain redundant information. This redundancy is expressed as sets of constraints between the geometrical parameters of plant components that belong either to one scale or to different scales. These within- and between-scale constraints are used to reduce the number of measurements when digitizing plant architecture and to implement the geometrical parameters that are not specified. Different solutions for simplifying plant architectural descriptions are proposed. The method, implemented in software dedicated to plant architecture analysis (AMAPmod), does not depend on the plant species or on the geometric model used to describe the plant components. The multiscale approach allows plant architecture to be represented at different levels of accuracy. This method is illustrated on two plants, a 3-year-old apple tree and a 20-year-old walnut tree, which correspond to applications of different sizes and with different goals for the representation. # 1999 Annals of Botany Company Key words : Plant architecture, digitizing, topology, geometry, multiscale tree graph, measurement, simplification schemes, 3D-reconstruction, AMAPmod.