ECE R100 第1次修订
ECE R78 第1版 第1次修订
E/ECE/324}Rev.1/Add.77/Rev.1/Amend.1E/ECE/TRANS/50516 April 2009AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS ∗/(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 77: Regulation No. 78Revision 1 - Amendment 1Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 26 February 2009UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLESOF CATEGORIES L1, L2, L3, L4 AND L5 WITH REGARD TO BRAKING_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.09-Annex 3 Paragraph 1.1.3.(b), amend to read:"(b) The method specified in Appendix 1 to this annex." Add a new Appendix 1, to read: "Annex 3 - Appendix 1ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OFPEAK BRAKING COEFFICIENT (PBC)(see paragraph 1.1.3. to this annex)1.1.General:(a) The test is to establish a PBC for the vehicle type when being braked on the test surfaces described in Annex 3, paragraphs 1.1.1. and 1.1.2. (b) The test comprises a number of stops with varying brake control forces. Bothwheels shall be braked simultaneously up to the point reached before wheel lock,in order to achieve the maximum vehicle deceleration rate on the given testsurface.(c) The maximum vehicle deceleration rate is the highest value recorded during allthe test stops.(d) The Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) is calculated from the test stop that generates the maximum vehicle deceleration rate, as follows:t PBC 566.0=where:t = time taken for the vehicle speed to reduce from 40 km/h to 20 km/h in seconds. Note: For vehicles unable to achieve a test speed of 50 km/h, PBC shall be measured as follows:tPBC 566.0=where:t = time taken, in seconds, for the speed of the vehicle to reduce from 0.8 Vmax to (0.8 Vmax - 20), where Vmax is measured in km/h.(e) The value of PBC shall be rounded to three decimal places.1.2. Vehicle condition:(a) The test is applicable to vehicle categories L1 and L3.(b) The anti-lock system shall be either disconnected or inoperative, between 40 km/hand 20 km/h.(c) Lightly loaded.(d) Engine disconnected.1.3. Test conditions and procedure:(a) Initial brake temperature: ≥ 55 °C and ≤ 100 °C.(b) Test speed: 60 km/h or 0.9 Vmax, whichever is lower.(c) Brake application:Simultaneous actuation of both service brake system controls, if so equipped, orof the single service brake system control in the case of a service brake systemthat operates on all wheels.For vehicles equipped with a single service brake system control, it may benecessary to modify the brake system if one of the wheels is not approachingmaximum deceleration.(d) Brake actuation force:The control force that achieves the maximum vehicle deceleration rate as definedin paragraph 1.1.(c).The application of the control force must be constant during braking.(e) Number of stops: until the vehicle meets its maximum deceleration rate.(f) For each stop, accelerate the vehicle to the test speed and then actuate the brakecontrol(s) under the conditions specified in this paragraph."----。
ECE R100
E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.2-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.22013年8月12日协定书关于对轮式车辆、设备及在轮式车辆上安装或使用的部件采用统一技术要求及基于此要求的互认条件(修订版2,包括在1995年10月16日实施的修订本)ECE R100 修订版2含所有有效文本,包括01系列修正本增补件1-实施日期:2012年07月26日01系列修正本增补件2-实施日期:2013年07月15日法规02系列修正本-实施日期:2013年07月15日关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定———————*协定书的原标题:《关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书》, 1958年3月20日制定于日内瓦.ECE R100 关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定目录1 范围 (4)2 定义 (4)3 认证申请....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4 认证............................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
5 第一部分:车辆电气安全的要求.............................................................错误!未定义书签。
6 第二部分:可再充式能量储存系统(REESS)的安全要求7 车型的更改及认证扩展.............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
ECE系列标准序号代号法规名称1 ECE R1 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有R2/或HS1类灯丝灯泡的机动车前照灯的统一规定2 ECE R2 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光的前照灯用白炽电灯泡的统一规定3 ECE R3 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车回复反射装置的统一规定4 ECE R4 关于批准机动车辆(摩托车除外)及其挂车后牌照板照明装置的统一规定5 ECE R5 关于批准发射欧洲型不对称近光和/或远光机动车封闭式前照灯(SB) 的统一规定6 ECE R6 关于批准机动车及其挂车转向指示器的统一规定7 ECE R7 关于批准机动车(不含摩托车)及其挂车前后位置(侧边)灯、制动灯和示廓灯的统一规定8 ECE R8 关于批准发射不对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H1、H2、H3、HB3、HB4、H7、H8、H9、HIR1、HIR2和/或H11)的机动车前照灯的统一规定9 ECE R9 关于就噪声方面批准L2、L4和L5类车辆的统一规定10 ECE R10 关于就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定11 ECE R11 关于就门锁和车门保持件方面批准车辆的统一规定12 ECE R12 关于就碰撞中防止转向机构伤害驾驶员方面批准车辆的统一规定13 ECE R13 关于就制动方面批准M类、N类和O类车辆的统一规定14 ECE R13--H 关于就制动方面批准乘用车的统一规定(欧美日协调版)15 ECE R14 关于就安全带固定点方面批准车辆的统一规定16 ECE R15 关于就发动机气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火式发动机或压燃式发动机的车辆的统一规定--点火式发动机的功率测量方法---车辆的油耗测量方法17 ECE R16 关于:1批准机动车成年乘客用安全带和约束系统;2批准装用安全带的车辆的统一规定18 ECE R17 关于就座椅、座椅固定点和头枕方面批准车辆的统一规定19 ECE R18 关于就防盗方面批准机动车的统一规定20 ECE R19 关于批准机动车前雾灯的统一规定21 ECE R20 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光并装有卤素灯丝灯泡(H4)的机动车前照灯的统一规定22 ECE R21 关于就内饰件方面批准车辆的统一规定23 ECE R22 关于批准摩托车轻便摩托车驾驶员及乘客用头盔和面罩的统一规定24 ECE R23 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车的倒车灯的统一规定25 ECE R24 关于1.就可见污染物排放方面批准压燃式(C.I)发动机; 2.就已获得型式批准的C.I.发动机的安装方面批准机动车; 3. 就发动机可见污染物排放方面批准装用C.I.发动机的车辆; 4 .C.I.发动机的功率测量的统一规定26 ECE R25 关于批准与车辆座椅一体或非一体的头枕的统一规定27 ECE R26 关于就外部凸出物方面批准车辆的统一规定28 ECE R27 关于批准提前三角警告牌的统一规定29 ECE R28 关于就声响信号方面批准声报警装置和机动车辆的统一规定30 ECE R29 关于就商用车辆驾驶室乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定31 ECE R30 关于批准机动车及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定32 ECE R31 关于批准发射非对称近光和/或远光的卤素封闭式(HSB)机动车前照灯的统一规定33 ECE R32 关于就追尾碰撞中被撞车辆的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定34 ECE R33 关于就正面冲撞中被撞的结构特性方面批准车辆的统一规定35 ECE R34 关于就火灾预防方面批准车辆的统一规定36 ECE R35 关于就脚控制件的布置方面批准车辆的统一规定37 ECE R36 关于就一般结构方面批准大型客车的统一规定38 ECE R37 关于批准用于已经批准的机动车和挂车灯具中的白炽灯的统一规定39 ECE R38 关于批准机动车和挂车后雾灯的统一规定40 ECE R39 关于就车速表及其安装方面批准车辆的统一规定41 ECE R40 关于就发动机气体污染物的排放方面批准装有点火式发动机的摩托车的统一规定42 ECE R41 关于就噪声方面批准摩托车的统一规定43 ECE R42 关于就车辆前、后保护装置(保险杠等)批准车辆的统一规定44 ECE R43 关于批准安全玻璃材料的统一规定45 ECE R44 关于批准机动车儿童乘客约束装置(儿童约束系统)的统一规定46 ECE R45 关于就前照灯清洗器方面批准机动车辆和批准前照灯清洗器的统一规定47 ECE R46 关于批准后视镜和就后视镜的安装方面批准机动车辆的统一规定48 ECE R47 关于就发动机的气体污染物排放方面批准装有点火发动机的轻便摩托车的统一规定49 ECE R48 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定50 ECE R49 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准压燃式发动机、天然气发动机和燃用液化石油气的点燃式发动机以及装有这些发动机的车辆的统一规定51 ECE R50 关于批准轻便摩托车、摩托车及其类似车辆前后位置灯、制动灯、转向信号灯和后牌照板照明装置的统一规定52 ECE R51 关于就噪声排放方面批准四轮及四轮以上机动车的统一规定53 ECE R52 关于就一般结构方面批准小型公共运输车辆(M2、M3)的统一规定54 ECE R53 关于就灯光及光信号装置的安装方面批准L3类车辆(摩托车)的统一规定55 ECE R54 关于批准商用车辆及其挂车气压轮胎的统一规定56 ECE R55 关于批准汽车列车机械联结件的统一规定57 ECE R56 关于批准轻便摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定58 ECE R57 关于批准摩托车以及类似车辆前照灯的统一规定59 ECE R58 关于1.批准后下部防护装置;2.就已批准的后下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.就后下部防护装置方面批准车辆的统一规定60 ECE R59 关于批准备用消声系统的统一规定61 ECE R60 关于就驾驶员操纵的控制件,包括控制件、信号装置和指示器的识别方面批准两轮摩托车的统一规定62 ECE R61 关于就驾驶室后挡板之前的外部凸出物方面批准商用车的统一规定63 ECE R62 关于就防盗方面批准带有操纵把的机动车的统一规定64 ECE R63 关于就噪声方面批准两轮轻便摩托车的统一规定65 ECE R64 关于批准装有应急备用车轮/轮胎的车辆的统一规定66 ECE R65 关于批准机动车特别警告灯的统一规定67 ECE R66 关于就上部结构强度方面批准大型客车的统一规定68 ECE R67 关于:1批准在其驱动系统中使用液化石油气的机动车辆特殊装置;2 在这一装置的安装方面批准装用使其驱动系统使用液化石油气的特殊装置的车辆的统一规定69 ECE R68 关于就最大车速的测量方面批准包括纯电动车辆在内的机动车的统一规定70 ECE R69 关于批准低速车辆及其挂车后标志牌的统一规定71 ECE R70 关于批准重,长型车辆后标志牌的统一规定72 ECE R71 关于就驾驶员视野方面批准农用拖拉机的统一规定73 ECE R72 关于批准发射非对称近光和远光并装有卤素灯(HS1灯)的摩托车前大灯统一规定74 ECE R73 关于就侧防护方面批准货车、挂车和半挂车的统一规定75 ECE R74 关于就灯光和光信号装置方面批准L1类车辆的统一规定76 ECE R75 关于批准摩托车和轻便摩托车气压轮胎的统一规定77 ECE R76 关于批准发射远光和近光的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定78 ECE R77 关于批准机动车驻车灯的统一规定79 ECE R78 关于就制动方面批准L类车辆的统一规定80 ECE R79 关于就转向装置方面批准车辆的统一规定81 ECE R80 关于就座椅及其固定点方面批准大型客车座椅和车辆的统一规定82 ECE R81 关于就车把上后视镜的安装方面批准后视镜及带与不带边斗的二轮机动车的统一规定83 ECE R82 关于批准装有卤素灯丝灯泡(HS2)的轻便摩托车前照灯的统一规定84 ECE R83 关于根据发动机燃油要求就污染物排放方面批准车辆的统一规定85 ECE R84 关于就油耗测量方面批准装有内燃机的机动车的统一规定86 ECE R85 关于就净功率和最大30分钟电传动系功率的测量方面批准用于驱动M和N类机动车辆的内燃机或电传动系的统一规定87 ECE R86 关于就灯光和光信号装置的安装方面批准农林拖拉机的统一规定88 ECE R87 换向批准机动车白天行车灯的统一规定89 ECE R88 关于批准摩托车反光轮胎的统一规定90 ECE R89 关于1.就最高车速限制或其可调车速限制功能方面批准车辆;2.就已批准型式的最高车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的安装方面批准车辆;3.批准车速限制装置或可调车速限制装置的统一规定91 ECE R90 关于批准机动车辆及其挂车用可更替制动衬片总成和鼓式制动器衬片的统一规定92 ECE R91 关于批准机动车及其挂车侧标志灯的统一规定93 ECE R92 关于批准摩托车、轻便摩托车和三轮车辆非原装可更换排气消声系统的统一规定94 ECE R93 关于1.批准前下部防护装置;2.就已批准型式的前下部防护装置的安装方面批准车辆; 3.就前下部防护方面批准车辆的统一规定95 ECE R94 关于就前碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定96 ECE R95 关于就侧碰撞中乘员防护方面批准车辆的统一规定97 ECE R96 关于就发动机污染物排放方面批准农林拖拉机和非道路机动机械装用的压燃式发动机的统一规定98 ECE R97 关于批准车辆报警系统和就报警系统方面批准机动车辆的统一规定99 ECE R98 关于批准装用气体放电光源的机动车前照灯的统一规定100 ECE R99 关于批准用于已获得型式批准的机动车气体放电灯具的气体放电光源的统一规定101 ECE R100 关于就结构、功能安全性和氢排放的特殊要求方面批准蓄电池电动车辆的统一规定102 ECE R101 关于就CO2排放和油耗的测量方面批准装用内燃机的乘用车和就电能消耗量和范围的测量方面批准装用电传动系的M1和N1类车辆的统一规定103 ECE R102 关于1.批准紧耦合装置;2.就已批准的紧耦合装置的安装方面批准车辆的统一规定。
ece r100法规申请要求
ece r100法规申请要求ECE R100法规是指欧洲经济委员会(ECE)制定的关于电动车辆(Electric Vehicles,简称EVs)安全要求的一项法规。
ECE R100法规要求电动车辆在设计和制造过程中必须符合一系列的安全规定。
ECE R100法规还对电动车辆的动力系统和电气系统进行了详细的规定。
ECE R100法规还对电动车辆的辐射和噪声进行了规定。
为了确保电动车辆的安全性能符合ECE R100法规的要求,制造商需要进行相应的认证和测试。
总体而言,ECE R100法规对电动车辆的安全性能提出了严格的要求,旨在保障乘员和周围环境的安全。
随着电动车辆的快速发展,ECE R100法规的重要性日益突显。
ECE R122 第1次修订
}Rev.2/Add.121/Amend.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/50530 October 2009AGREEMENTCONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF UNIFORM TECHNICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT AND PARTS WHICH CAN BE FITTED AND/OR BE USED ON WHEELED VEHICLES AND THE CONDITIONS FOR RECIPROCAL RECOGNITION OF APPROVALS GRANTED ON THE BASIS OFTHESE PRESCRIPTIONS∗/(Revision 2, including the amendments that entered into force on 16 October 1995)_________Addendum 121: Regulation No. 122Amendment 1Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation: Date of entry into force: 22 July 2009UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF VEHICLES OF CATEGORIES M, N AND O WITH REGARD TO THEIRHEATING SYSTEMS_________UNITED NATIONS∗/ Former title of the Agreement:Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.GE.09-}Rev.2/Add.121/Amend.1E/ECE/324E/ECE/TRANS/505Regulation No. 122page 2Annex 9,Paragraph 2., amend to read:"2. DefinitionsFor the purpose of this Annex, the vehicle designations EX/II, EX/III, AT, FL, OXand MEMU are as defined in Chapter 9.1 of the ADR.Vehicles approved as being in compliance with the requirements applicable to EX/IIIvehicles under this Annex shall be deemed to comply with the requirements applicableto MEMU vehicles."Paragraph 3.1., amend to read:"3.1. General (EX/II, EX/III, AT, FL, O X and MEMU vehicles)"Paragraph 3.2., title, amend to read:"3.2. EX/II, EX/III and MEMU vehicles"-----。
ECE R10 就电磁兼容性方面批准车辆的统一规定 通过对单独的 ESA 进行检测来对车辆型式进行认证。
车辆制造厂可以通过向认证主管部门证明所有相关(见本法规的 3.1.3 条)电气/电子系统或 ESA 已经 认证,并根据附属的条件安装而获得对车辆的认证。
第1版 1999 年 8 月
法规号: 10
标准情报室第 3 页
“ESA类型” 就电容兼容性能而言,是指在下述方面没有本质区别的 ESA:
ESA 所具有的功能;
资料文献的样式请参阅附录 2A。 车辆型式认证的通知表格的样式包含在附录 3A 中。
如果电气/电子部件(ESA)的样品能够满足本法规第 6 条的要求,那么应通过电气/电子部件的型式的 认证。 电气/电子部件(ESA)型式认证的通知表格的样式包含在附录 3B 中。
按照车辆制造厂与行政管理部门所达成的共同协议,制造厂应从该方案中选出代表提交认证的型式的审 核认证的一车辆。车辆的选择方法应该使用制造厂所提供的电气/电子系统。如果车辆制造厂与行政管 理部门所达成的协议认为与第一辆代表车辆相比,不同的电气 /电子系统可能对车辆的电磁兼容性能产 生明显的影响,制造厂应该从该方案选取一辆或更多的车辆。
如果负责车辆型式认证试验的技术服务部门亲自进行该试验,如果有必要,在与制造厂就有关整体布置 的可能变动、元件的数量及传感器数量进行讨论之后,制造厂应该提供代表提交认证的 ESA 系统的样 品。
ECE R100 第1次修订
E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 2
The title of the Regulation, amend to read: “UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SAFETY AND HYDROGEN EMISSION” Paragraph 4.1., amend to read: “4.1. If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph 5 below and annexes 3, 4, 5 and 7 to this Regulation, approval of this vehicle type shall be granted.”
E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 3
During a normal charge procedure in the conditions given in annex 7, hydrogen emissions must be below 125 g during 5 h, or below 25 x t2 g during t2 (in h). During a charge carried out by an on-board charger presenting a failure (conditions given in annex 7), hydrogen emissions must be below 42 g. Furthermore the on-board charger must limit this possible failure to 30 minutes. All the operations linked to the battery charging are controlled automatically, included the stop for charging. It shall not be possible to take a manual control of the charging phases. Normal operations of connection and disconnection to the mains or power cuts must not affect the control system of the charging phases. Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver. An important failure is a failure that can lead to a disfunctioning of the on-board charger during charging later on. The manufacturer has to indicate in the owner's manual, the conformity of the vehicle to these requirements. The approval granted to a vehicle type relative to hydrogen emissions can be extended to different vehicle types belonging to the same family, in accordance with the definition of the family given in annex 7, appendix 2.”
ECE R100 第1版
6 Essential characteristics of road vehicles or systems .........................................................................
7 Determination of hydrogen emissions during the charge procedures of the traction battery............
of administrative departments.............................................................................................................
11. Transitional provisions........................................................................................................................
7. Conformity of production ...................................................................................................................
8. Penalties for non-conformity of production .......................................................................................
GE.13-Economic Commission for EuropeInland Transport CommitteeWorld Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle RegulationsWorking Party on Passive SafetyFifty-third sessionGeneva, 13–17 May 2013Item 16 of the provisional agendaRegulation No. 100 (Battery of electric vehicles)Draft Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments Submitted by the expert from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers *The text reproduced below was prepared by the expert from the InternationalOrganization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) proposing to remove unnecessaryconstraints to electric vehicle systems having a working voltage of 48 V and to adapt thesafety provisions to this technology. The modifications to the text of the UN Regulation aremarked in bold for new or strikethrough for deleted characters.* In accordance with the programme of work of the Inland Transport Committee for 2010–2014(ECE/TRANS/208, para. 106 and ECE/TRANS/2010/8, programme activity 02.4), the World Forumwill develop, harmonize and update Regulations in order to enhance the performance of vehicles. Thepresent document is submitted in conformity with that mandate.United NationsECE /TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/11Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 27 February 2013 Original: EnglishECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/112I. ProposalList of Annexes,Annex 6, amend to read:"Annex 6…Part 2: …Part 3: Essential characteristics of road vehicles or systems withchassis connected to electrical circuits ..................................... "Paragraph 2.20., amend to read:"2.20. "High voltage bus" means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on high voltage.Where electrical circuits, that are galvanically connected to each other,are galvanically connected to the electrical chassis and the maximumvoltage between any live part and the electrical chassis or any exposedconductive part is ≤30 V AC and ≤60 V DC, only the components orparts of the electric circuit that operate on high voltage are classified as ahigh voltage bus."Insert new paragraph 2.39., to read:"2.39. "Chassis connected electric circuit" means AC and DC electric circuits galvanically connected to the electrical chassis."Paragraph 5.1.3., amend to read:"5.1.3. Isolation resistanceThis paragraph shall not apply to chassis connected electrical circuitswhere the maximum voltage between any live part and the electricalchassis or any exposed conductive part does not exceed 30V AC (rms) or60 V DC."Annex 6, insert new Part 3, to read:"Annex 6 - Part 3Essential characteristics of road vehicles or systems withchassis connected to electrical circuits1. General1.1. Make (trade name of manufacturer): .......................................................................1.2. Type: ............................................................................................................................1.3. Vehicle category: .........................................................................................................1.4. Commercial name(s) if available: ..............................................................................1.5. Manufacturer's name and address: ...........................................................................1.6. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer's representative: ......................ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/11......................................................................................................................................1.7. Drawing and/or photograph of the vehicle: ..............................................................1.8. Approval number of the REESS: ..............................................................................2. REESS2.1. Trade name and mark of the REESS:.......................................................................2.2. The cell chemistry: ......................................................................................................2.3. Electrical specification:2.3.1. Nominal voltage (V): ...................................................................................................2.3.2. Capacity (Ah): .............................................................................................................2.3.3. Maximum current (A): ...............................................................................................2.4. Gas combination rate (in per cent): ...........................................................................2.5. Description or drawing(s) or picture(s) of the installation of the RESSS in thevehicle: .........................................................................................................................3. Additional data3.1. Working voltage (V) AC circuit: ...............................................................................3.2. Working voltage (V) DC circuit: ............................................................................... "II. JustificationA. Current situation.1. Today automotive industry is making a real effort to reduce environmental impact,especially on limiting CO2emissions. New solutions are developped and produced toensure reduction of emissions, and the electrification of the powertrains presents a highpotential to this challenge. Electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles now create the possibilityof having low levels of emission when using a vehicle.2. There are nevertheless some restrictions to these technologies. They are very costly,which is a hurdle for market introduction. To ensure wide acceptance by the customers offuture zero emission vehicles, mass production solutions to cut down the CO2emissionsneed to be developed.B. Motivation and objectives for systems having a working voltage of 48 V3. Car manufacturers are now aiming at additional solutions to reduce CO2 emissions.The objective is to find a technology that offers a high potential to reduce the overall fleetconsumption. Therefore, such technology should be compatible with every conventionalvehicle model and through this, provide an opportunity for mass scale production.4. The general idea is to replace the electric alternator of thermal vehicles with apowerful alternator/motor in conjunction with a 48 V battery. The basic functions for theCO2 reduction are the following:(a) energy is stored during braking instead of being dissipated(b) energy is provided to the vehicle network (12 V system)3ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/114(c) energy is provided to support the thermal engine for vehicle tractionC. Stop and Start operation5. A system having a working voltage of 48 V allows more efficiently controlledenergy flow and the potential reduction of CO2 emissions is high. It is fully applicable to all vehicle models and hence ensures the fulfillment of the previously described objective.6. Today, there are several major car manufacturers and automotive suppliersdeveloping such technologies for such applications.D. System description7. A small 48 V battery ensures energy storage. A DC/DC converter then provides thesupply of the 12 V network and the charge of the 12 V battery. The system is described in the figure below:Figure 1E. 48V working voltage rationale8. In order to provide the necessary power, the 48 V working voltage has beenidentified as the best compromise in terms of CO2reduction, voltage level and electric current. In fact, a lower voltage would lead to an increase of the current at the same power.This would lead to higher cross-sections of wiring and costly modifications of cells and other electronic components. On the other hand, an voltage higher than 48 V would lead to more complex systems and would be as costly as hybrids and electric vehicles (EVs and HEVs).F. Electrical architecture and voltages9. Two different architectures are available for such a system: one with a singlehousing with the motor and the inverter inside and the other one with two different housings, one for each component. In both cases, the repartition of the voltages is the same, as described in the Figures 3 below:Components 12 Vstarter motor (for coldcranking) – optional12 V loads and auxiliaries12 V batteryComponents 48 V:Alternater/starter (GS)Loads and auxiliaries48 V batteryDC/DC converterECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/115 Figure 2Single housing:Figure 3Two housings :10. According to the current high voltage definition of UN Regulation No. 100, there is AC high voltage in the system but no DC high voltage. The AC high voltage is located A.C.: U > 30V a .c . U <60V d .c . U < 60V d .ca .c . v oltages ( s witched / s inusoidal ), a .c . c urrent ( s inusoidal ) →in s ome operation m odes U > 30 V a.c . b etween phases , but switched d.c . v oltage U <60 V d.c . b etween phase and c hassisD.C. v oltage , s witched current ( r ipple )D.C.: d .c . v oltage , d .c . c urrent → U < 60 V d.c . A.C. U > 30V a.c . U <60V d.c . U < 60V .c . v oltages ( s witched / s inusoidal ), a .c . c urrent ( s inusoidal ) → in some operation m odes U > 30 V a.c . b etween p hases , but switched d .c . v oltage U <60 V d.c . b etween p hase and c hassisD.C. v oltage , s witched c urrent ( r ipple )D.C. d .c . v oltage , d .c . c urrent → U < 60 V d.c . D.C. v oltage switchedECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/116between the phases of the electric motor. However, the rest of the system, as well as between the phase and chassis of the electric motor is considered as DC low voltage.Today, the working voltage of the circuit is defined as the highest voltage between any two conductive parts. Accordingly, the working voltage of a 48 V system is high voltage, so the whole 48 V system would be classified as high voltage.11. However, the system described here presents major differences with a high voltagesystem (as used in EVs and HEVs): to simplify the system, the battery voltage is low, as are the voltages of all other components, and there is a galvanic conection to the chassis, which means no isolation resistance.G. Electrical safety analysis of 48V12. In any case, electrical safety needs to be guaranteed. Electrical safety of the 48 Vsystem would be ensured by:(a) physical protection provided by IP degree (enclosures, barriers…)(b) insulation of wiring(c) equipotential bonding13. Regarding the safety, there is no risk of being exposed to high voltage in a singlefailure condition, see section 5, paragraph below Figure 3 ("According to the current …2).The only way to get an electric shock is to touch two different phases of the motor with two hands, when the motor is running. Protection against direct contact is also provided by mechanically robust enclosures or insulation and two indirect contacts are avoided due to equipotential bonding. Therefore, there is no safety risk in this situation.14. The current requirement of UN Regulation No. 100 on isolation resistance leads toan unnecessary constraint on the 48 V system.15. In single fault conditions, there is no risk of electric shock by touching one ACphase and the chassis. Neither in direct nor indirect contact will the touch voltage be high voltage. In all cases, customers are protected, as there is only low voltage, independant of isolation resistance. Therefore, the fact that there is no isolation resistance on the system is not a safety issue for a 48 V system.ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2013/117Figure 4H. Conclusion and proposal16. Hence, the proposal is to consider the particular circumstances of 48 V systems in UN Regulation No. 100 by ensuring the safety of the system without being forced to fullfill the insulation resistance requirement. Such a system, as described above, shall fullfill the high voltage requirements only for the part that operates on high voltage if it responds to the above specified voltage and chassis connection characteristics.17. The proposed modification will effectively limit the voltage between the phases as well as the phases and chassis of 48 V systems. When the voltages are limited as proposed, such a design cannot be used for designing high voltage systems which are currently in the scope of UN Regulation No. 100 without protection. The proposed modification will not reduce the level of safety of high voltage EVs or HEVs because such systems will not fall under the modification, as voltage between phase and chassis would be at high voltage level. It will simply remove unnecessary constraints on 48 V systems and enable the development of this high potential technology.18. Since the design of 48 V is less complex than high voltage hybrid- or electric vehicle systems, a new Part 3 of Annex 6 is proposed to be added to the UN Regulation to take into account the essential characteristics of the 48 V systems. For example: (i) a 48 V system cannot be equipped with a fuel cell system, (ii) for a 48 V system a 30 minutes maximum net power is not meaningful and (iii) the design of a 48 V battery is (even if it fulfils the requirements of the Part 2 of this UN Regulation) not comparable to the design of a huge and heavy pure electric vehicle battery with an electric range of 150 km or more.Indirect contactDirect contact。
In accordance with the programme of work of the Inland Transport Committee for 2010–2014 (ECE/TRANS/208, para. 106 and ECE/TRANS/2010/8, programme activity 02.4), the World Forum will develop, harmonize and update Regulations in order to enhance the performance of vehicles. The present document is submitted in conformity with that mandate.
Paragraph 5.1.3., amend to read: "5.1.3. Isolation resistance This paragraph shall not apply to chassis connected electrical circuits where the maximum voltage between any live part and the electrical chassis or any exposed conductive part does not exceed 30V AC (rms) or 60 V DC." Annex 6, insert new Part 3, to read:
Paragraph 2.20., amend to read: "2.20. "High voltage bus" means the electrical circuit, including the coupling system for charging the REESS that operates on high voltage. Where electrical circuits, that are galvanically connected to each other, are galvanically connected to the electrical chassis and the maximum voltage between any live part and the electrical chassis or any exposed conductive part is 30 V AC and 60 V DC, only the components or parts of the electric circuit that operate on high voltage are classified as a high voltage bus." Insert new paragraph 2.39., to read: "2.39. "Chassis connected electric circuit" means AC and DC electric circuits galvanically connected to the electrical chassis."
汽车动力电池un ece r10 0法规的03系列修订文件
汽车动力电池un ece r10 0法规的03系列修订文件
汽车动力电池UN ECE R100法规的03系列修订文件是指联合国欧洲经济委员会(UNECE)于2021年6月或7月正式发布的一份关于汽车动力电池的法规修订文件。
要求从原来的不低于50% 修改为不小于95%,以更严格地考核动力储能系统的安全性。
ece r100认证流程
ece r100认证流程下载温馨提示:该文档是我店铺精心编制而成,希望大家下载以后,能够帮助大家解决实际的问题。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copy excerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!ECE R100 认证是欧洲经济委员会(ECE)针对电动汽车和混合动力汽车制定的安全认证标准。
1. 适用范围:本法规适用于最大电力传动速度超过25 km/h,且车辆配备一个或多个由电力驱动马达并且非永久链接至充电系统的M和N类道路车辆。
2. 安全要求:R100规定了REESS(可充电电能存储系统)的安全要求,包括设计、制造、测试、标识、运输、安装、使用和回收等方面。
3. 测试项目:根据R100规定,REESS需要通过一系列测试,包括机械性能测试、电气性能测试、热性能测试、环境适应性测试、可靠性测试等。
4. 认证与市场准入:R100规定了REESS的认证流程和市场准入要求,只有通过认证的REESS才能进入欧洲市场销售和使用。
ECE R100
E/ECE/324/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.2-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2/Add.99/Rev.22013年8月12日协定书关于对轮式车辆、设备及在轮式车辆上安装或使用的部件采用统一技术要求及基于此要求的互认条件(修订版2,包括在1995年10月16日实施的修订本)ECE R100 修订版2含所有有效文本,包括01系列修正本增补件1-实施日期:2012年07月26日01系列修正本增补件2-实施日期:2013年07月15日法规02系列修正本-实施日期:2013年07月15日关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定———————*协定书的原标题:《关于采用统一条件批准机动车辆装备和部件并相互承认此批准的协定书》, 1958年3月20日制定于日内瓦.ECE R100 关于电动车特殊要求的统一规定目录1 范围 (4)2 定义 (4)3 认证申请....................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
4 认证............................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
5 第一部分:车辆电气安全的要求.............................................................错误!未定义书签。
6 第二部分:可再充式能量储存系统(REESS)的安全要求7 车型的更改及认证扩展.............................................................................错误!未定义书签。
ECE R110法规简介(修改)
ECE R110 《车用推进系统应用压缩天然气的特定部件》法规简介ECE R110法规是根据联合国协议《关于轮式车辆,及/或用在轮式车辆上的装备及零部件采用统一的技术法规以及满足这些法规的认证相互认可的条件》而制定。
110法规关于认证的统一规定:1. M,N1类车辆在其推进系统中应用压缩天然气(CNG)和/或液化天然气的特定部件;2. 为在M,N1类车辆的推进系统中应用压缩天然气和/或液化天然气,必须安装经认证的特定部件。
该法规适用于以下特定部件:(a) 容器(或气缸);(b) 安装在容器上的附件;(c) 压力调节器;(d) 自动阀;(e) 手动阀;(f) 天然气供应设备;(g) 天然气流量调节器;(h) 可弯曲的燃油管;(i) 不可弯曲的燃油管;(j) 填充装置或容器;(k) 止回阀或单向阀;(l) 减压阀(卸压阀);(m) 减压装置(温度触发型);(n) 过滤器;(o) 压力或者温度传感器/指示器;(p) 溢流阀;(q) 检修阀;(r) 电控元件;(s) 密封壳;(t) 附件;(u) 通风软管(v) 减压装置(压力触发型)(w) 燃油分配管(x) 热交换器/气化器(y) 天然气检测器(z) 燃油泵(液化天然气用)机动车辆在其推进系统中应用压缩天然气(CNG)和/或液化天然气(LNG)的特定部件的认证流程:一、认证申请1. 特定部件或多功能部件的认证申请应由商品或商标持有人或其他正式授权代理人提交;2. 附以下列文件,一式三份,以及下列详细资料:- 包含相关部件的车辆详情描述;- 特定部件或多功能部件的详细描述;- 足够详细的,适当大小的特定部件或多功能部件的图纸;- 符合该法规要求规格的鉴定3. 提供特定部件样品。
二、标志1. 提交进行认证的特定部件样品应贴有制造厂的商品名称或商标型式;柔性胶皮管也应有生产年、月标志,这个标志应清楚、易认且不可擦除;2. 有的部件应该有一个足够大的安放认证标志的空间;这个空间应在所提供的草图里标出来;3. 每一个容器也应贴有一个标牌,标牌上清楚标出下面的数据,不可擦除:(a) 系列号;(b) 用升表示的容量;(c) “ CNG”标志;(d) 工作压力/试验压力[MPa];(e) 质量(kg)(f) 认证的年、月(例如:96/01)(g) 认证标志。
1. 转向系统:测试车辆在特定速度下的转向性能,着重测试转向系统的稳定性和可靠性。
2. 制动系统:测试车辆在不同速度下的刹车性能,着重测试制动系统的效率和可靠性。
3. 能量吸收:测试车辆在碰撞时吸收和分散能量的能力,着重测试车辆的车身结构和安全气囊等被动安全系统。
4. 安全带:测试车辆安全带的拉力和舒适度,着重测试安全带的可靠性和舒适性。
5. 儿童座椅:测试儿童座椅的固定性和舒适度,着重测试儿童座椅的安全性和舒适性。
ece r100测试标准
ece r100测试标准
ECE R100标准是针对车辆在防爆环境中的安全性能制定的详细规定。
根据ECE R100标准的要求,车辆在防爆环境中必须具备防爆性能,以确保在潜在的爆炸危险环境中依然能够安全运行。
为了达到ECE R100标准的要求,车辆制造商需要针对车辆的各个系统和部件进行严格的防爆设计和测试。
另外,ECE R100标准还对车辆的防爆结构和防爆材料也提出了严格的要求。
总之,ECE R100标准的制定和执行对车辆在防爆环境中的安全性能提出了严格的要求,为车辆制造商和使用者提供了更加可靠的保障。
因此,ECE R100标准的认证对提升车辆在防爆环境中的安全性能具有重要意义,为车辆制造商和使用者提供了更加可靠的保障。
ECE R10本文档将介绍《ECE R10》标准的基本信息和背景。
ECE R10》标准是为了解决电动和混合动力车辆在电磁环境中可能引发的干扰问题而制定的。
ECE R10》标准中规定了各种电磁测试方法和技术要求,用于评估车辆和其配件的电磁兼容性。
通过遵循《ECE R10》标准,车辆制造商和配件供应商可以确保其产品在市场上符合电磁兼容性要求,减少与其他设备之间发生干扰的潜在风险,提高用户的安全性和满意度。
需要注意的是,本文档所提供的信息仅用于概述《ECE R10》标准的基本内容和背景,具体的技术细节和要求需要参考标准的正式文件。
本部分将解释《ECE R10》标准适用的范围和对象。
《ECE R10》是___(ECE)制定的规范,主要用于对车辆及其设备的电磁干扰进行评估和监测。
ECE R10》标准适用的对象包括汽车制造商、零部件供应商、车辆测试实验室以及监管部门等。
总之,《ECE R10》标准的适用范围涵盖了车辆及其零部件和设备的电磁干扰评估和监测,旨在保障车辆和设备的电磁兼容性,维护其正常运行并确保不对其他系统造成干扰。
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E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 2
The title of the Regulation, amend to read: “UNIFORM PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE APPROVAL OF BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLES WITH REGARD TO SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTIONAL SAFETY AND HYDROGEN EMISSION” Paragraph 4.1., amend to read: “4.1. If the vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraph 5 below and annexes 3, 4, 5 and 7 to this Regulation, approval of this vehicle type shall be granted.”
E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 Regulation No. 100 page 3
During a normal charge procedure in the conditions given in annex 7, hydrogen emissions must be below 125 g during 5 h, or below 25 x t2 g during t2 (in h). During a charge carried out by an on-board charger presenting a failure (conditions given in annex 7), hydrogen emissions must be below 42 g. Furthermore the on-board charger must limit this possible failure to 30 minutes. All the operations linked to the battery charging are controlled automatically, included the stop for charging. It shall not be possible to take a manual control of the charging phases. Normal operations of connection and disconnection to the mains or power cuts must not affect the control system of the charging phases. Important charging failures must be permanently signalled to the driver. An important failure is a failure that can lead to a disfunctioning of the on-board charger during charging later on. The manufacturer has to indicate in the owner's manual, the conformity of the vehicle to these requirements. The approval granted to a vehicle type relative to hydrogen emissions can be extended to different vehicle types belonging to the same family, in accordance with the definition of the family given in annex 7, appendix 2.”
Addendum 99: Regulation No. 100 Amendment 1
Supplement 1 to the original version of the Regulation - Date of entry into force: 21 February 2002
Paragraph 4.4.1., footnote 1/, amend to read: "1/ 1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Yugoslavia, 11 for the United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant), 16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 (vacant), 36 for Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Community (Approvals are granted by its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa and 48 for New Zealand. Subsequent numbers shall be assigned to other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement." Insert a new paragraph 5.3., to read: “5.3. 5.3.1. Determination of hydrogen emissions This test must be carried out on all battery electric road vehicles referred to in paragraph 1 of this Regulation. Road vehicles equipped with non-aqueous electrolyte batteries or sealed "gas recombinant "batteries are excluded. 5.3.2. The test must be conducted following the method described in annex 7 to the present Regulation. The hydrogen sampling and analysis must be the ones prescribed. Other analysis methods can be approved if it is proven that they give equivalent results.
E/ECE/324 Rev.2/Add.99/Amend.1 E/ECE/TRANS/505 7 may 2002