






A.不超过2h B.不超过3h C.不超过5h D.不超过6h3.维修是对船舶机械和设备。










中华人民共和国海事局2002年第2期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第29期)科目:轮机长业务试卷代号:811适用对象:3000KW及以上船舶轮机长(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。

1.轮机长在管理中应知道安全行为的激励机制,从而引发人们采取安全的行为,那么激励的方法包括领导者:Ⅰ、因势利导,设法满足其不同层次的需要Ⅱ、避免使人产生不公平感Ⅲ、采取强硬与温和相结合的管理方法A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ对 D.Ⅰ+Ⅲ对2.轮机部档案内的文件部分存船几年后,如无需要可送公司保存:A.5年 B. 4年 C. 3年 D. 2年3.轮机设备检修记录薄,各船负责填写并保管的人员是:A.轮机长 B.主管轮机员 C.机务主管 D.设备检修负责人4.STCW78/95公约规定,负责值班的轮机员是:A.轮机长的代表 B.不受轮机长的约束C.船长的代表 D.轮机部的代表5.STCW78/95规则第A-Ⅲ/2节规定:轮机长实际知识应达到对电气、电子控制设备的_____水平。

Ⅰ、操作Ⅱ、测试和保养Ⅲ、故障诊断A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ6.STCW78/95规则规定,当船员在下列情况下将不允许值班:Ⅰ、被发现受到吸毒的影响时Ⅱ、被发现受到酗酒的影响时Ⅲ、被发现受到赌博的影响时A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ7.为保证船舶顺利通过PSC检查,我国对开往PSC检查重点港口的船舶以及在国内PSC中曾被强行要求修理的船舶,事实:A.采取更详细的检查 B.船舶自查 C.开航前安全检查 D.A或B或C8.在调动交接班中,交班轮机长应办理好:A.新上船人员的工作分配B.有关机损事故报告C.下航次修船的修理报告 D.下航次物料定购单9.无人机舱,在何种情况下轮机长必须到机舱亲自指挥?Ⅰ、值班轮机员有疑难要求前往时Ⅱ、机电设备发生故障危及安全运转时Ⅲ、遥控装置进行模拟实验时A.仅Ⅰ对 B.仅Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ10.当______时,值班驾驶员应及时将情况通知值班轮机员。





1. 下列现象中________是反映船机性能方面的故障先兆A. 压力异常B. 消耗反常C. 声音异常D. 外观反常2. 在实际生产中,通过对产品________的调查、统计和计算分析,便可评价和鉴定产品的可靠性。

A.故障发生的原因 B.故障模式C.故障规律 D.故障的征兆3. 图的曲线属于往复式发动机的气缸、轴承、船体和飞机机体等大量单体部件的故障率曲线。

4. 按故障的原因分类来说,滑油变质造成轴瓦合金熔化的故障属于:A.人为故障 B.波及性故障 C.结构性故障 D.管理性故障5. 按故障的发生和发展过程的特点来看,发电柴油机的连杆螺栓的断裂引起的活塞的破坏(连杆伸腿)属于:A.突发性故障 B.渐近性故障 C.二次故障 D.断续性故障6. 船舶主机自动停车是________故障。

A. 渐进性B. 突发性C. 波及性D. 管理性7. 属于船舶短时停航的重大故障是主机的:A. 某缸发生较严重拉缸B. 某缸喷油泵柱塞咬死C. 曲轴折断D. 增压器损坏不能工作8. 关于“视情维修”的描述,错误的是:A. 可依设备的技术状态确定检修时间B. 针对性强,但维修费用高C. 可以有效预防故障及充分利用寿命D. 机械设备应具有视情设计的设备结构9. 可维修度M(t):A.随维修时间t增大而减小 B.随维修时间t增大而增大C.不随维修时间t变化 D.没有固定的规律10. 在设计时赋予产品的可靠性是_______可靠性。

A. 实际B. 固有C. 使用D. 综合11. 关于设备采用定时维修方式的缺点,说法不对的是:A.针对性和准确性不高B.有时不仅无效,甚至有害C.可靠性不很高、维修工作量大、费用高D.从对设备状态监控的角度来看,对设备的监控是非阶段性的和不连续的12. 产品的使用可靠性难于达到其_______可靠性。





1. 侧推器的使用是海船动力装置的发展趋势之一,船上设侧推器不能起到的作用是:A. 可减少主机起动次数B. 可减少主机换向次数C. 延长主机寿命D. 提高动力装置的经济性2. 船体强度包括:Ⅰ、纵向强度Ⅱ、横向强度Ⅲ、局部强度Ⅳ、扭转强度Ⅴ、中垂强度Ⅵ、中拱强度A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅥC. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅵ3. 中机型货船满载航行遇到波浪时,最可能会发生:A. 中拱弯曲变形B. 中垂弯曲变形C. 扭曲变形D. 严重振动4. 甲板所受的总纵弯曲应力比船底所受的弯曲应力:A. 大B. 小C. 一样D. 大小不定5. 纵骨架式结构是沿船长方向的骨架布置的:A. 疏而间距小B. 密而间距小C. 疏而间距大D. 密而间距大6. 以下关于燃油系统的管理中,哪一项是错误的?A. 不同加油港加装的同一牌号燃油可混舱B. 不同牌号的同一油品的燃油不可混舱C. 燃油流经滤器后无压差,则表明滤网破损D. 燃油流经滤器后压差超过正常值,则表明滤器脏堵7. 任何海洋运输船舶均需设置的舱壁是:A. 防火舱壁B.防撞舱壁C.油密舱壁D.制荡舱壁8. 船进坞需要修理水舱时,通过______放净舱底水。

A. 海底阀门B. 船底塞C. 舱底水泵D. 污水泵9. 若将少量载荷装卸在船舶的______的垂线上,船舶将会发生平行沉浮。

A. 重心B. 浮心C. 稳心D. 漂心10. 船舶由海水水域驶入淡水水域而吃水增加:A. 浮力增加B. 排水量增加C. 浮力减少D. 排水量不变11. 当外力消除后,船舶具有恢复到原平衡位置的能力称为船舶的:A. 惯性B. 浮性C. 稳性D. 抗沉性12. 在小角度稳性中,如果初稳性高度变小,那么静稳性的变化是:A. 变好B. 变差C. 不变D. 无法确定13. 提高船舶静稳性的方法有:Ⅰ、提高重心Ⅱ、降低重心Ⅲ、减少自由液面Ⅳ、固定悬挂物,防止摇摆Ⅴ、调整重物的水平位置Ⅵ、垂直向上移动重物A. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅣB. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ14. 机舱是整个船舶的要害地区,其应急舱底水吸入阀阀杆应适当加长,以使手轮高出花铁板至少______毫米,应急舱底水吸口阀应安装永久性的清晰铭牌。





1. 已发生故障的产品在规定的时间内通过维修使之保持或恢复到规定的条件下完成规定功能的能力,称为______。

A. 可靠度B. 可靠性C. 可维修性D. 可维修度2. 对于船舶中央空调风机通常采用的维修方式是_______。

A. 视情维修B. 事后维修C. 定时维修D. 视情维修+定时维修3. 轮机维修,应大力推广_______。

A. 事后维修B. 计划维修C. 定期维修D. 以可靠性为中心的维修4. 运动副正常运转的前提是进行______。

A. 运转B. 配合C. 磨合D. 研磨5. 微动磨损通常发生在具有______配合的配合件上。

A. 间隙B. 过渡C. 过盈D. 滑动6. 船舶柴油机的拉缸,实质上是发生严重的______磨损。

A. 磨粒B. 粘着C. 腐蚀D. 疲劳7. 燃油中的______是柴油机气缸套产生腐蚀磨损的重要原因。

A. 含钒量B. 含硫量C. 含钠量D. 含氧量8. 磨合期使摩擦表面的______从初始状态过渡到正常使用状态,这个过程称为磨合或跑合。

A. 形貌B. 形状C. 性质D. 形貌和性质9. 柴油机运转中______将对其缸套和活塞环的过度磨损产生影响。

A. 冷却水压力稍低B. 冷却水高温C. 气缸冷却水腔结垢D. 冷却水处理不良10. 一般曲轴转速越高越容易形成油膜,但过高时,因______而使油膜破坏。

A. 压力过大B. 轴承温度升高C. 轴承间隙过大D. 螺栓预紧力不均11. 柴油机运转时,主轴承下瓦的磨损一般是_____。



轮机维护与修理418731. 润滑油变质引起轴瓦合金熔化的故障是属于______故障。

DA. 工艺性B. 波及性C. 渐进性D. 管理性2. 对于柴油机气缸、轴承其故障规律是______。

AA. 浴盆曲线B. 无明显的磨损故障期,故障率随时间缓慢增加C. 无早期和磨损故障期D. 只有偶然故障期3. 维修的目的是迅速而又经济地______船舶机械和设备的原有功能。

BA. 保持B. 保持或恢复C. 提高D. 修复4. ISM规则规定,对关键性的设备、系统进行功能检查工作应纳入______。

AA. 日常值班和检查B. 年度检验C. 特别检验D. 循环检验5. 船舶修理是以______为重要的依据。

DA. 船舶损坏情况B. 修理要求C. 修理内容D. 船舶使用年限428731.船舶管系输送各种气体或液体,管子经常发生腐蚀烂穿,这是一种______故障。

CA.结构性 B.工艺性C.渐进性 D.偶然性2.故障率曲线具有明显的______故障期和______故障期足够大的机械和设备适于采用定时维修方式。

CA.早期/磨损 B.随机/磨损C.磨损/随机 D.磨损/早期3.为保持或恢复机械设备、系统或零部件规定的使用功能而采取的技术措施称为______。

AA.维修 B.维修科学 C.可靠性 D.可维修性4.我国船厂把船舶修理分为_____。

DA.小修、中修和大修 B.航修、小修和检修C.航修、中修和大修D.坞修、小修、中修和大修5.对主、副机和锅炉等主要设备进行不拆开或少拆开的重点检验,修复过度磨损件,保证安全航行到下次计划修理的是_____。

C A.事故修理 B.航修C.小修 D.检修438731. 船舶机械或零部件规定功能的丧失称为______。

CA. 损坏B. 故障率C. 故障D. 失效2. 在故障率曲线上故障率较高,但随着使用时间的增加而迅速下降的这段时间称为______。

AA. 磨合期B. 磨损期C. 使用寿命期D. 随机故障期3. 为保持或恢复机械设备、系统或零部件规定的使用功能而采取的技术措施称为______。




A.临时的组织机构/ 代表船东对船舶质量进行把关B.常设的组织机构/ 确认和审核施工图纸C.临时的组织机构/ 确认技术规格书D.常设的组织机构/ 确认和审核施工图纸并安排接船船员2.【单选题】在调动交接班中,交班轮机长应办理好:A.新上船人员的工作分配B.有关机损事故报告C.下次修船的修理报告D.下航次备件定购单的填写3.【单选题】新上船工作的船员应:Ⅰ、接受安全教育Ⅰ、熟知应变部署Ⅰ、了解船舶工作注意事项A.Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ+Ⅰ+Ⅰ4.【单选题】轮机部的台帐一般分为三大部分,主要是指:Ⅰ、法定记录Ⅰ、船公司根据SMS规定的各种台帐、报表Ⅰ、航次报告Ⅰ、船舶各种设备操作规程A.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ +Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ5.【单选题】轮机长的技术能力是()的决定条件。

Ⅰ、调动轮机人员积极性Ⅰ、提高轮机管理水平Ⅰ、增进船舶经济效益A.Ⅰ+ⅠB.Ⅰ+ⅠC.Ⅰ+ⅠD.Ⅰ+Ⅰ+Ⅰ6.【单选题】轮机长在实施轮机值班制度时,正确的做法是:Ⅰ、与船长协商安排的值班应确保安全值班Ⅰ、根据轮机部特殊情况可自行安排,无须得到船长的同意Ⅰ、指导并监督轮机部人员严格遵守机舱工作制度A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅰ +ⅠC.Ⅰ ~ⅠD.Ⅰ +Ⅰ7.【单选题】机舱应急吸入阀,应______检查开关活络情况,_______打开检查清洁保养、涂油保养、彻底检查。

A.1 个月/6 个月B.3 个月/ 一年C.3 个月/6 个月D.6 个月/ 一年8.【单选题】轮机长在填写轮机部航次报告时下列正确的是:A.主机平均转速是本航次主机“转速计”累计转速除以航行时间B.船舶燃、润料消耗应是动力装置在正午实测数据C.船舶燃、润料消耗是指主机在正午时的计算数据D.船舶平均理论航速应是主机累计转速与螺距的乘积9.【单选题】船上安全管理的要求是实现“本质化管理”,即运用安全科学,从根本上消除形成事故的_______,采取尽可能的防护措施,形成某种条件下的_______。




A.燃油性能指标报告B.冷却水化验报告C.气缸油性能指标报告D.主、辅机系统滑油化验报告3.开航前,轮机长不必向船长报告的项目是:A.机电设备情况B.燃油存量C.炉水存量D.润滑油存量4.在新造船舶交接前,轮机长应作好下列组织工作:Ⅰ、组织轮机员参与分管设备检验Ⅱ、组织轮机人员尽快熟悉设备性能特点及运行参数Ⅲ、组织编写设备特别的补充操作规程Ⅳ、作好备件、工具清点及法定备件的定位A.Ⅰ +ⅡB.Ⅰ +Ⅱ+ⅣC.Ⅰ ~Ⅳ5.新船投入营运后,轮机长应组织轮机员结合新船特点建立健全基础工作,其中有:Ⅰ、尽快掌握轮机所有设备使用、操作和管理,确保安全航行Ⅱ、确保航行设备的工况调节、参数校核操作正确Ⅲ、开航后完成对所有机电设备的测试A.仅仅是ⅠB.仅仅是ⅡC.Ⅰ +ⅡD.Ⅰ ~Ⅲ6.轮机长职责范围内的常规工作之一是A.及时汇总轮机部机械动力设备方面的物料、工具及劳保用品的申领计划B.负责轮机部安全设备处于随时可用状态C.厂修期间落实轮机部安全防护措施,组织监修和验收D.在维护保养时协调检修人员并配合调试7.下列属于轮机长职责范围的工作是Ⅰ、经常亲自检查机电设备工作情况,纠正异常工况参数Ⅱ、航行中每日正午检查轮机日志记录情况Ⅲ、航行中每天正午审签炉水处理报告表及冷却水处理记录Ⅳ、厂修期间落实各种安全防护措施A.报告船长征得其同意,并对参加吊缸工作人员进行安全教育B.亲自指挥吊缸工作C.吊缸前检查起吊及其他要用的工具D.在操纵台上挂上“正在检修、不准动车”警示牌8.接新船,在轮机设备安装调试过程中,如允许轮机人员参加检验时,其正确的做法是:Ⅰ、了解设备试验方法和要求Ⅱ、尽可能参加操作调试Ⅲ、不得擅自使用测试设备Ⅳ、验证符合规范或说明规定A.仅仅是ⅠB.Ⅲ +ⅣC.Ⅰ +Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ ~Ⅳ9.在轮机长的常规管理工作中,应注意保管好各种票据及电函文书,其主要目的是A.应对公司的检查B.应对船舶安全检查C.证实执行上级指示情况D.加强经济管理、提高经济效益、完善管理制度10.轮机长在常规管理工作中应负责_____。





1. “液压锁”通常是由一对______组成。

A. 直控顺序阀B. 外控顺序阀C. 液控单向阀D. 单向节流阀2. 先导型溢流阀用于远控调压时导阀弹簧张力应。

A. 调至较大B. 调至最小C. 调至适中D.按要求随时调整3. 调速阀的作用是控制______。

A. 油泵转速B. 执行元件速度C. 管路中油的流速D. 执行元件速度和油泵转速4. 如右图所示,阀件3是______阀。

A. 安全B. 卸荷溢流C. 电磁溢流D. 定值减压5. 如4题图所示,此系统为______。

A. 高压供油系统B. 低压供油系统C. 高、低压油泵串联供油系统D. 高、低压油泵并联供油系统6. 如4题图所示,如果负载升高,执行机构中的油压继续升高,达到阀件3的开启压力时______。

A.泵1和泵2同时向执行机构供油B.只有泵2向执行机构供油,泵1卸荷C.只有泵1向执行机构供油,泵2卸荷D.因为溢流阀开启,所以两台泵都不能向执行机构供油,两台泵都属于卸载状态7. 如4题图所示,该系统开始工作时,______向系统供油。

A. 泵1B. 泵2C. 泵1、泵2同时D. 不一定8. 溢流节流阀稳定流量的方法属______补偿型。

A. 温度B. 粘度C. 压力D. 温度和压力9. 以下液压控制阀中属于压力控制阀的是______。

A. 卸荷阀B. 溢流节流阀C. 液控单向阀D. 换向阀10. 对开度既定的节流阀的流量影响最大的是______。

A. 阀前后油压之差B. 油温C. 节流口吸附层厚度D. 油污染程度11. O型三位四通换向阀中位时______。





一、单项选择题1.During the valve overlap period, the exhaust pressure of a turbocharged four-stroke/cycle dieselengine must be less than the intake manifold pressure to ensure ______.A. effective cylinder scavenging and coolingB. constant pressure from the turbochargersC. cooler operation of the exhaust systemD. effective constant pressure for turbocharger operation2.The relative air pressure in the inlet manifold of a turbocharged diesel engine is usually ______.A. greater than the average exhaust manifold pressureB. less than the average exhaust manifold pressureC. greater at the turbine wheel than at the impellerD. greater at reduced engine speed3.Cooling of engines is achieved by circulating a cooling liquid around internal ______within theengine.A. airB. passagesC. pipesD. means4.An over-speed safety device is usually fitted to a generator engine for ___ in the event of over-speed.A. stabilizing the ship speedB. increasing the fuel pump settingC. braking the crankshaftD. cutting power off the engine5.The amount of fuel delivered by a helical plunger fuel injection pump is controlled by ______.A. varying the pump discharge pressureB. varying the pump return pressureC. rotation of the pump plungerD. rotation of the pump barrel6.Prolonged operation of a diesel engine with a closed cooling water system, at lower than normaldesigned operating temperatures can ______.A. increase power outputB. decrease lube oil viscosityC. eliminate fuel knockD. cause sulfuric acid formation7.If the sump ______ were to rise this would indicate water leakage into the oil and an investigationinto the cause must be made.A. temperatureB. viscosityC. leverD. level8.In a diesel engine, when refitting piston rings you should______. I. check the ring gap at thesmallest diameter of the cylinder II. remove carbon from the ring grooveA. I onlyB. II onlyC. both I and IID. neither I nor II9.Fuel has been injected but ignition fails. The possible cause may be ______.A. slightly leaky exhaust valveB. increased scavenging air temperatureC. engine cylinders not scavenged sufficientlyD. too much water in the fuel oil 10.If some of the cylinders are not firing, the ones affected may be determined by watching _____.A. the exhaust temperatureB. the exhaust pressureC. the governorD. the fuel flow meter11.The major cause of trouble in a mechanical-hydraulic governor is contamination of the hydraulicfluid by ______.A. dirtB. fuel oilC. governor cooling waterD. fuel oil tar(焦油)12.Modern marine diesel engines equipped with mechanical fuel injection operate on a combustionphase within the cycle which is ______.A. entirely constant pressureB. entirely constant temperatureC. a combination of constant volume and constant pressureD. a combination of constant temperature and constant pressure13. A controllable pitch propeller on a diesel driven vessel eliminates the need for ______.A. friction clutchesB. disconnect clutchesC. reversing gearsD. reduction gears14.Propeller pitch speed minus ship speed divided by the propeller pitch speed is termed ______.A. apparent slipB. true slipC. pitchD. propulsive efficiency15.Pitted reduction gear teeth having a deep blue color with evidence of overheating have beenoperated with ______.A. excessive speedB. improper warm-upC. extreme misalignmentD. inadequate lubrication16. A bypass line provided around a waste heat auxiliary boiler in a diesel engine exhaust system,may be used to avoid boiler ______.A. corrosion at low engine loadsB. erosion at high engine loadsC. overload at high engine loadsD. scaling at all exhaust temperatures17. A firebox explosion in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler may be the result of ______.A. excessive purging before lighting offB. insufficient trail for ignition periodC. a faulty transformer in the ignition circuitD. insufficient purging before lighting off18. A spur gear pump should be operated with the discharge valves ______.A. slightly openedB. throttledC. fully openedD. halfway opened19. A centrifugal pump may fail to deliver water when first started if the ______.A. water seal pipe is pluggedB. pump is not primedC. seal ring is properly locatedD. impeller is flooded20.The sum of the sensible heat and the latent heat of any substance is known as ______.A. total heatB. residual heatC. specific heatD. superheat21.As the amount of moisture in the air increases, the difference between the dry bulb and wet bulbtemperatures will ______.A. increaseB. decreaseC. remain unchangedD. be greatest at dew point22.Which of the problems listed could cause erosion of the expansion valve disks and seats?A. Overcharging the system with refrigerantB. Faulty compressor suction valveC. Failure of the high pressure cutoutD. Flash gas formed in the liquid line23.Sludge may be formed in the oil in the crankcase of a reciprocating air conditioning compressoras a result of ______.A. refrigerant bubbles in the lube oilB. refrigerant reducing the lube oil viscosityC. oxidation of the lube oil from overheatingD. reducing the floc or cloud point of the oil24.______ are used to ensure that ships don't discharge oil when pumping out oily water from anyoil contaminated space.A. BoilerB. IncineratorC. Oily water separatorD. Sewage treatment unit25.The ______ is used to burn oil sludge.A. clarifierB. oily water separatorC. incineratorD. distiller26.Most marine biological sewage treatment plants consist of all the following statements except______.A. aeration tanksB. settling tanksC. disinfection agentD. anaerobic bacteria(厌氧细菌)27.The separation of impurities and water from ______is essential for good combustion of dieselengines.A. lube oilB. fuel oilC. turbine oilD. grease28.Which of the listed problems could produce a high absolute pressure within a flash typeevaporator?A. production of high salinity distillateB. seawater feed temperature below 165℃C. a leak in the first stage demisterD. a cracked distillate pump vent line29.Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert mechanicalinto hydraulic energy?A. the hydraulic pumpsB. valvesC. hydraulic cylindersD. hydraulic motors30.Mooring winch should be equipped with mechanical brakes which are capable of holding ______.A. half the breaking strength of the mooring lineB. the full breaking strength of the mooring lineC. the maximum expected tension of the mooring lineD. 50% over the working tension of the mooring line31.According to Regulations, a power driven auxiliary steering gear for a vessel capable of a 12 knotservice speed, must be able to meet the rudder movement requirements at which of the minimum vessel speeds listed below?A. 6 knotsB. 7 knotsC. 9 knotsD. 12 knots32.Pressure drop in an operating hydraulic system is developed ______.A. only by the pump as its primary functionB. by resistance to the fluid flow through the systemC. by the thermal input to the system's fluidD. solely(单独地) by the charge applied by the accumulators33.The frequency of an alternator at a given RPM is determined by the ______.A. number of turns of wire in the armature(电枢) coilB. number of magnetic polesC. strength of the magnets usedD. output voltage34.You are attempting to parallel two AC generators, and the synchroscope(同步器) pointer isrevolving in the fast direction. This indicates that the frequency of the incoming machine is______.A. higher than the bus frequencyB. lower than the bus frequencyC. the same as the bus frequency but out of phase with itD. the same as the bus frequency and the circuit breaker may be closed at any pointer position35.The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators operating in parallel are mostlydependent on their governor ______.A. load limit settingsB. idle speed settingsC. speed limit settingsD. speed droop settings 36.The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to _______.A. collect all available data on a casualtyB. recognize normal operationC. identify the probable cause of a symptomD. isolate the faulty component37.The purpose of a main switchboard circuit breaker's reverse-power trip is to ______.A. prevent main circuit overloadB. protect the circuit breaker blowout coilC. prevent alternator motorizationD. prevent low voltage tripout38.An advantage of DC motors over AC motors is that they ______.A. are less expensiveB. require less maintenanceC. can be started across the lineD. offer a more effective means of controlling speed39.Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are ______.A. liveB. deadC. excitedD. on line40. A circuit breaker differs from a fuse in that a circuit breaker ______.A. melts and must be replacedB. is enclosed in a tube of insulating material with metal ferrules(环) at each endC. gives no visual indication of having opened the circuitD. trips to break the circuit and may be reset41.The ratio of output response to a specified change in the input is known as ______.A. primary feedbackB. sensitivityC. deviationD. dead band42.Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?A. TransducerB. ReducerC. TransformerD. Rectifier43.The meat box temperature control circuit, as used in the ship service refrigeration system, is anexample of ______.A. two position controlB. single speed floating controlC. proportional(比例) controlD. reset control44.If both the ‘high level’and ‘low level’ alarms come on for the same address of a centralized(集中的) control console, the most likely problem is a/an ______.A. sensor failureB. failed alarmC. low levelD. extremely high level45.When under maneuvering conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unitor console should be ______.A. automatically controlledB. continuously mannedC. off powerD. continuously unmanned46.Before the seas get rough, it is a good safety practice to______.A. secure loose gearB. move quickly about the shipC. increase lightingD. shutdown auxiliary equipment47.Which of the listed classes of fire would most likely occur in the engine room of a vessel?A. Classes A and BB. Classes B and CC. Classes C and DD. Classes A and D48.To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should ______.A. cool the bulkheads around the fireB. remove combustibles from direct exposureC. close all openings to the areaD. shut off all electric power49.The fire extinguishing action of CO 2 comes mostly from ______.A. breaking the fire chemical chain reactionB. smotheringC. coolingD. isolating the heat from the fuel50.The necessity for administering artificial respiration may be recognized by the victim's ______.A. vomiting(呕吐)B. blue color and lack of breathingC. irregular breathingD. unconscious condition51.When you notice oil on the water near your vessel while taking on fuel, you should FIRST______.A. stop loadingB. notify the senior deck officerC. notify the terminal superintendentD. determine whether your vessel is the source52.The flash point of a liquid refers to the temperature ______.A. at which a liquid will give off inflammable(易燃的) vaporsB. at which a liquid will burn steadilyC. at which a liquid will explodeD. that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily53.Why is it necessary to have routine testing of the cooling water?A. To ensure that the proper residuals of treatment chemicals, as specified, are maintained alltime.B. To trace leakage in the cooling water system.C. It is not necessary.D. To detect the presence of contaminants in the water that may be injurious to the coolingsystem.54.“AMIDSHIPS ” refers to______.A. Back of the vesselB. The middle portion of a shipC. A backward movement of a vesselD. Across the ship, at right angles to the fore-and-aft centerline55.______, the second one will start automatically.A. If the first stand-by set failedB. If the first stand-by set failsC. If the first stand-by set will failD. If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail56.The additional mark ______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsionapparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-157.The core(核心) item in the Oil Record Book Part I is______, and its main content is______.A. Item A, BALLAST OR CLEANING OF FUEL OIL TANKSB. Item B, DISCHARGE OF DIRTY BALLAST OR CLEANING WATER FROM FUEL OILTANKS REFERRED TO UNDER SECTION(A)C. Item C, DISPOSAL OF OIL RESIDUES(SLUDGE)D. Item H, BUNKERING OF FUEL OIL58. A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of ______.A. all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB. any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in anyform can be carried aboardC. an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD. an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above59.During PSC inspection related to the ISM Code, ______of the Safety Management System (SMS)should be carried out if clear grounds are established.A. a less favorable inspectionB. a more favorable inspectionC. a less detailed inspectionD. a more detailed inspection60.All of the followings are the detainable deficiencies under the SOLAS Convention except ______.A. failure of proper operation of propulsion and other essential machinery, as well as electricalinstallationB. failure of the proper operation of the main and auxiliary steering gearC. failure of engineering watch arrangements to conform to the requirements specified for theship by AdministrationD. failure of the proper operation of emergency generator, lighting, batteries and switches61.When deciding the composition of the engineering watch, which may include______appropriately(适当地), many factors shall be taken into account.A. satisfied engineersB. qualified ratingsC. satisfied chief engineerD. qualified chief engineer62.The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall notify the chief engineer withoutdelay______.A. in any emergency or if in any doubt as to what decision or measures to takeB. in the event of any impending(迫近) action in machinery spaces that may cause reductionin ship’s speedC. when isolating and bypassing machinery to be worked onD. co-operating with any engineer in charge of maintenance work63.At an unsheltered(开放的) anchorage the chief engineer officer shall consult with ______whetheror not to maintain an underway watch.A. the engineer officer in charge of watchB. the deck officer in charge of watchC. the masterD. the chief mate64.When off loading garbage to another ship, your records must identify that ship by name and______.A. home portB. operator's name of recordC. official numberD. master's name65.Bilges may be pumped______.A. on the outgoing tideB. overboard after darkC. overboard through an anti-pollution equipmentD. anytime in an emergency, i.e. main engine lube oil failure66.According to the international regulations concerning the prevention of pollution of sea areasfrom ships, the disposal into the sea of all plastics is _____.A. welcomeB. admitted in some special sea areasC. prohibitedD. acceptable67.The Company should establish in the SMS that ______has the overriding authority and theresponsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention.A. the masterB. the chief engineerC. the officer on dutyD. the engineer in charge of watch68.The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into account theguidance given in Part B of______.A. the ISM CodeB. the ISPS CodeC. the IBC CodeD. the IGC Code二、关联题(关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between the ship’s hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the thickness of the oil film. With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is increased. This will reduce the oil film thickness, and enable the discharge to take place at a lower voltage level.Since the hydrodynamic oil film thickness varies through a rotation cycle, the discharge will take place at roughly the same instant during each rotation cycle, i.e. when the film thickness is at its minimum. The roughening will accordingly be concentrated in certain areas on the journal surface. In the early stages, the roughened areas can resemble pitting erosion. but later, as the roughness increases, the small craters will scrape off and pick up white metal-hence the silvery white appearance. Therefore, to ensure protection against spark erosion, the potential level must be kept at maximum 80 mV, which is feasible today with a high efficiency earthing device. If an earthing device is installed, its effectiveness must be checked regularly. Spark erosion is only observed in main bearings and main bearing journals.69. According to the paragraph one, a voltage between the main bearing and journal surface isproduced by______.A. propeller rotationB. leakage from M/E electric control unitC. a galvanic elementD. friction between the main bearing and journal surface70. ______engine ratings increase, the hydrodynamic oil film between the main bearing andjournal surface is______.A. The lower/thinnerB. The higher/the thickerC. The lower/thickerD. The higher/thinner71. When will the spark erosion take place on the journal surface during each rotation cycle?A.when the film thickness is at its minimumB.when the film thickness is at its maximumC.when the engine is on its compression strokeD.when the engine is on its exhaust stroke72. During the engine room watch keeping, which equipment must be noted to ensure protectionagainst spark erosion?A.the antifouling plant B.the earthing deviceC.the main engine electric heating coils D.the shaft generator第二组:The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level. Previously the standards of training, certification and watch-keeping of officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually without reference to practices in other countries. As a result standards and procedures varied widely, even though shipping is the most international of all industries.The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to meet or exceed.The Convention did not deal with manning levels: IMO provisions in this area are covered by regulation 13 of Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, whose requirements are backed up by resolution A.890(21) Principles of safe manning, adopted by the IMO Assembly in 1999, which replaced an earlier resolution A.481(XII) adopted in 1981.The Articles of the Convention include requirements relating to issues surrounding certification and Port State Control.One especially important feature of the Convention is that it applies to ships of non-party States when visiting ports of States which are Parties to the Convention. Article X requires Parties to apply the control measures to ships of all flags to the extent necessary to ensure that no more favorable treatment is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not a Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State that is a Party.The difficulties which could arise for ships of States which are not Parties to the Convention is one reason why the Convention has received such wide acceptance. By December 2000, the STCW Convention had 135 Parties, representing 97.53 percent of world shipping tonnage.73. Before the establish of the STCW78, the standards of training, certification and watch-keeping ofseafarers _____.A.were established by IMOB.were established by a famous organizationC.were established by individual governments with reference to practices in other countries D.varied widely among countries74. The regulation 13 of Chapter V of the SOLAS 1974 covered _____.A.the manning of shipsB.the standards of training certificationC.the standards of trainingD.the standards of watch-keeping75.One especially important feature of the STCW Convention is _____.A.the adoption of the policy “ more favorable treatment”B.“ no more favorable treatment” to Non-parties of the conventionC.the adoption of the minimum standardsD.the adoption of the obligatory standards76.One reason why the Convention has received such wide acceptance is _____.A.that it is only the minimum standardsB.that it is the obligatory standardsC.that it is established by IMOD.difficulties could arise for ships entitled to fly the flag of a Non-Party State三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77. 航行期间,主机1号气缸发出敲击声,经确认敲击声来自气缸内部。








1. 故障是指船舶系统、机械或零部件原有功能的:A. 降低B. 减少C. 丧失D. 部分丧失2. ______是可靠性研究的对象,也是维修科学研究的内容。

A. 故障B. 损坏C. 失效D. 故障模式3. 更换主机某缸的喷油泵属于:A. 异常故障B. 全局性故障C. 局部故障D. 重大故障4. 属于船舶短时间停航的重大故障是主机:A. 某缸喷油器咬死B. 某缸主轴轴瓦烧熔C. 螺旋桨失衡D. 某缸活塞环折断5. 柴油机活塞与气缸产生的敲缸、窜气等故障,属于________故障。

A. 管理性B. 突发性C. 磨损性D. 结构性6. 设备在某一时间呈故障状态,而在另一时间功能又自行恢复属于________故障。

A. 波及性B. 突发性C. 断续性D. 结构性7. 下列故障率曲线中,故障率为常数的是:()tλ()tλA. B.()tλ()tλ8. 晚期故障期是指:A. 随机故障期B.磨合期C. 偶然故障期D. 磨损故障期9. 由于结构和材料的缺陷而造成的故障属于:A. 自然故障B. 人为故障C. 管理故障D. 操作故障10. 一个系统,如其中某一组成单元失效就会导致整个系统失效,这种系统称为:A. 单一系统B. 串联系统C. 并联系统D. 子系统11. 可靠性是船舶机械、设备和系统的一个________性能,反映了设计、材料、制造和安装等的质量。

A. 全面B. 质量C. 综合D. 技术12. 已发生故障的产品在规定的时间内通过维修使之保持或恢复到规定的条件下完成规定功能的能力,称为:A. 可靠度B. 可靠性C. 可维修性D. 可维修度13. 利用外部压力将具有一定压力的润滑油不断地打入摩擦表面间并使之隔开,这种润滑称为:A. 流体动压润滑B. 流体静压润滑C. 边界润滑D. 润滑14. 船机零件表面层在结构和性能上与其基体:A. 相同B. 不同C. 接近D. 部分相同15. 在曲轴箱中,润滑油被剧烈地搅拌,为了防止产生稳定的泡沫,应在油中加入:A. 防锈添加剂B. 清净分散剂C. 抗泡剂D. 油性剂16. 反映气缸套内圆表面磨损量的指标有:A. 圆柱度和圆度B. 圆度和磨损率C. 内径增量和锥度D. 磨损率和内径增量17. 四冲程柴油机活塞的磨损主要发生在:A. 裙部外圆表面B. 头部外圆表面C. 环槽D. 裙部下端外圆表面18. 船机零件磨损后的______直接影响机器的性能和可靠性。





一、单项选择题:1.The diesel engine is similar to the gasoline engine in that______.A. both of them are ignited by compressed airB. both of them are the forms of external combustion enginesC. both of them have spark plugsD. the power is developed by the piston in the cylinder2.Fuel is admitted to a diesel engine cylinder through the ______.A. injector nozzlesB. carburetorC. exhaust portsD. intake valves3.The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its ______.A. viscosityB. acid contentC. heating valueD. ignition quality4.Constant cooling the various components of diesel engine has a number of functions except for______.A. good lubricationB. low thermal stressC. good mechanical propertiesD. acid corrosion5.Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ______.A. over-speed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank6.Maintaining the lowest possible scavenging air temperature at all times is not recommended due tothe possibility of the ______.A. air charge density becoming too highB. piston crown surfaces becoming too coldC. formation of excessive quantities of condensateD. compression pressure being greatly reduced7.Among the rings of a piston the ______one is subjected to the greatest load and temperature.A. bottomB. middleC. topD. any position8.Adjust ______by means of lead wire.A. the clearance of the main bearingB. the diameter of main bearingC. the gap of main bearingD. the tolerance of main bearing9.One cylinder of a diesel engine is persistently knocking and does not cease(停止) when the fuelsupply to that cylinder is secured. Which of the following problems may be the cause?A. Low loading of the cylinderB. Excessive cooling of that pistonC. Sluggish ring action on the pistonD. A mechanical defect in a working part10.In a diesel engine, late fuel injection is indicated by black or gray exhaust smoke with ______.A. low firing pressureB. low exhaust temperatureC. mechanical knock in each cylinderD. fuel knock in each cylinder 11.In the event of the cylinder starting valve leakage ______would pass into the air pipes and ignitethe oil deposited.A. cooling waterB. vapor from the boilerC. starting airD. hot gases12.Wear occurring at the tips of the reduction gear teeth is usually the result of ______.A. surface fatigueB. fretting corrosionC. heavy overloadingD. gear misalignment13.High diesel engine cooling water temperatures can be caused by ______.A. air in the cooling systemB. an overhauled water pumpC. correct amount of coolantD. no air in the cooling system14.Because of the high loads the bearing material is a tin-aluminum(锡-铝) alloy bonded to a steelshell. The crosshead pin is highly polished to a______.A. flat surfaceB. mirror finishC. sloping(倾斜的) surfaceD. inclined(倾向的) surface15.Prolonged operation of a diesel engine with a closed cooling water system, at lower than normaldesigned operating temperatures can ______.A. increase power outputB. decrease lube oil viscosityC. eliminate fuel knockD. cause sulfuric acid formation16.Propeller pitch speed minus ship speed divided by the propeller pitch speed is termed ______.A. apparent slipB. true slipC. pitchD. propulsive efficiency17.A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particlesof ______.A.water B.babbitt C.acids D.iron or steel18.The heat gained per pound of refrigerant in the evaporator is known as the ______.A. latent heat of vaporizationB. sensible heatC. refrigerating effectD. specific heat of vaporization19.The sensing line for the low pressure cutout switch to a refrigeration system is located ______.A. in the chill box(冰箱)B. before the receiverC. on the suction side of the compressorD. on the discharge side of the compressor20.If liquid refrigerant accidentally comes in contact with the eyes, _____ immediately.A. rub the eyesB. irritate the eyesC. wash the eyes with a heavy boric acid solutionD. obtain medical help21.Sub-cooling is a method of reducing the temperature of the liquid refrigerant below its ______.A. freezing pointB. floc point(浊点)C. condensing temperatureD. compression temperature22.Badly leaking refrigeration compressor discharge valves will cause ______.A. overfeeding of the expansion valveB. damage to the condenserC. constant running of the compressorD. flooding of the receiver23.If the suction pressure for an operating refrigeration compressor is below normal, the cause maybe ______.A. an excess of liquid refrigerantB. the expansion valve overfeedingC. a fouled compressor suction strainerD. the compressor short cycling24.High-speed rotation in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force ______the force of gravity.A. many thousand times larger thanB. the same asC. many thousand times smaller thanD. which has nothing to do with25.An increase in the heat load to a refrigeration system will cause ______.A. the suction pressure to decreaseB. the suction temperature to increaseC. increased ice formation on the evaporator coilD. excessive short cycling of the compressor26.______ play a very important part in hydraulic systems by preventing interaction betweendifferent parts of the hydraulic circuit.A. MotorsB. Check valvesC. Safety valvesD. Reducing valves27.Leakage of hydraulic fluid from around the shaft of a hydraulic motor may be caused by ______.A. permanent loss of pump suctionB. worn shaft sealsC. high level in the oil sumpD. low motor RPM28.As the designated rudder angle is being achieved, as a result of the original command input, thesteering gear follow-up mechanism is ______.A. in motion, providing a null inputB. not in motion, thus providing a null inputC. in motion, providing an input to place the main pump on maximum strokeD. in motion, providing an input to place the main pump at null stroke29.Hydraulic machinery failures are commonly caused by contamination of the hydraulic fluid and______.A. fluid frictionB. fluid turbulenceC. component misalignmentD. pressure surges30.Which of the following problems may be encountered by using an oil having a viscosity higherthan that specified for an operating hydraulic system?A. External seal leakage.B. Hunting due to fast response.C. Hydraulic oil film breakdown.D. Increased power consumption.31.Which of the following can be used in hydraulic transmission system?A. Hydraulic oilB. Animal oilC. Light oilD. Fuel oil32.The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by the ______.A. prime mover speedB. exciter output voltageC. load on the alternatorD. number of poles33.The field coils ______ and the armature(电枢) ______. This is in fact the arrangement adopted forlarge, heavy duty alternators.A. are stationary(固定的)/rotatesB. are stationary/is stationaryC. rotate/ is stationaryD. rotate/rotate34.While paralleling two AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both lamps will go darkwhen the generators are______.A. running at the same speedB. groundedC. of the same polarityD. in phase35.Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an automatic______.A. voltage regulatorB. reverse power relayC. reverse current relayD. governor control switch36.A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an ______.A. over-speed tripB. reverse power relayC. back pressure tripD. governor controls 37.The part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of power to the branchcircuits, is the ______.A. bridge control panelB. disconnect linksC. governor relay boxD. main switchboard38.The ratio of output response to a specified change in the input is known as ______.A. primary feedbackB. sensitivityC. deviationD. dead band39.Bourdon Tube is probably the most commonly used______ measuring instrument.A. the absolute pressureB. the gauge pressureC. the vacuum pressureD. the differential pressure40.Restrictions occurring in the small orifices(孔) of pneumatic control system components can becaused by ______.A. moisture in the compressed air supplyB. excessive dryness in the compressed air supplyC. pressure surging in the compressed air receiverD. insufficient lubrication of the system components41.Before putting on the starting air, the reversing and control gear should be _____.A. operatedB. stoppedC. checkedD. removed42.With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched, ______will control the main engine.A. the bridge officer on watchB. the chief engineerC. the duty engineerD. the duty motorman43.Prior to starting most medium-speed propulsion diesel engines, which of the procedures listedshould be observed?A. The expansion tank should be topped off.B. The thermostatic water regulating valves should be manually opened.C. The fuel filters should be changed.D. The engine should be turned over slowly with the indicator cocks open.44.“Movement of engine no longer required.” means “______”.A. Stop EngineB. No Engine RevolutionsC. Stand-by EngineD. Finished With Engine45.A tank has been sealed and unventilated(不通风的) for a long period of time. Which of thefollowing conditions does this indicate?A. The tank is safe to enter.B. The tank is especially dangerous to enter.C. Carbon monoxide(一氧化物) is present.D. Water vapor present when the tank was sealed has oxidized(使氧化).46.A fire in a pile of canvas would be classified as a ______.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D47.Fires resulting from spontaneous(自发的) combustion are usually caused by the improper disposalof______.A. cigarette butts(烟头)B. oily ragsC. burner torchesD. lighted matches48.CO2 extinguishes a fire by __________.A. a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fireB. smotheringC. coolingD. isolating the heat from the fuel49.At the earliest indication of fire aboard your vessel, you must FIRST ______.A. locate the fireB. determine which type of fire is burningC. sound the alarmD. fight the fire50.The necessity for administering artificial(人工的) respiration may be recognized by the victim's______.A. vomiting(呕吐)B. blue color and lack of breathingC. irregular breathingD. unconscious(无意识的) condition51.The flash point of a petroleum product is an indication of its ______.A. viscosityB. pour pointC. volatilityD. lower explosive limit52.Before replacing a piston you should check that all rings are ___.A. freeB. fastenedC. brokenD. stuck53.The tool used in precision(精确) work to smooth or enlarge a slightly undersized(不够大的) hole,is called a ______.A. round outB. round fileC. reamer(铰床)D. hole driller54.Preventive maintenance______.A. should not be carried out during the watchesB. can only be carried out in portC. is a kind of maintenances carried out prior to the occurrenceD. is a kind of maintenances carried out after the occurrence55.The depth of the ship below the waterline measured vertically to the lowest part of the hull iscalled_____.A. trimB. leanC. draftD. tonnage56.The additional mark ______in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents thatpersonnel are watching at engine assembly control station and monitoring all machinery and electronic devices.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-157.Which of the following is NOT on the list items to be recorded in Oil Record Book Part I(machinery space operation)?A. accidental discharge of oilB. disposal of oil residuesC. quantity of water produced by F.W.GD. discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from fuel oil tanks58.The International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate required by MARPOL is issued to Chineseflag by the _______.A. IMOB. CCSC. USCGD. PICC59.Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of ______have been developed to allowintervention(干涉) in the case of deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment.A. port state controlB. flag state controlC. fire and boat drillD. safety inspection60.The fire drill must, as far as practicable, be conducted as if ______.A. there is a minor emergencyB. there is an actual emergencyC. there were a minor emergencyD. there were an actual emergency 61.STCW shall apply to seafarers ______on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.A. servedB. servingC. surveyedD. surveying62.The engineer ______ the watch to the relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter isobviously not capable of carrying out the watch-keeping duties effectively.A. shall take overB. shall not take overC. shall hand overD. shall not hand over63.The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with themaneuvering of the ship can immediately be placed in the ______of operation when notified that the ship is in congested(拥挤的) waters.A. manual modeB. automatic modeC. remote modeD. follow-up mode64.The term "moderate speed" was previously interpreted(解释) as meaning a speed which wouldenable a vessel ______within half the range of visibility.A. stoppingB. being stoppedC. to stopD. to be stopped65.Waste oil from the lube oil sumps of machinery may NOT be ______.A. drained into the vessel's bilgesB. reclaimed(回收的) for other usesC. held in a slop tankD. purified and then reused66.The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of allinternational treaties concerning the ______ of merchant ships.A. pollutionB. economizationC. safetyD. efficiency67.The Company should ensure that the master is fully ______with the Company's SMS.A. familiarB. understandC. conversationD. confused68.Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by_____.A. the chief engineer officerB. the master of the shipC. the manager of the companyD. the Administration二、关联题(关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports for the purpose of verifying that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international conventions and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with applicable international laws. The primary responsibility for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to that specified in international conventions rests with the flag State and if all flag States performed their duties satisfactorily there would be no need for port State control. Unfortunately this is not the case as evidenced by the many marine accidents around the world - hence the need for additional control.The authority for exercising PSC is the national law based on relevant conventions. It is therefore necessary for a port State to be Party to those conventions and to have promulgated the necessary legislation before exercising PSC. In accordance with the provisions of the applicable conventions, Parties may conduct inspections of foreign ships in their ports through Port State Control Officers (PSCOs).69.The purpose of PSC is ______.① to check and inspect foreign ships② to verify the condition of a ship in compliance with requirements of international conventions;③ to make sure that the ship is manned and operated well;④to detain shipsA.①②B.②③C.①③D.①②③④70.Who will be responsible for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to thatspecified in international conventions?A. PSCOsB. Ship ownersC. Flag statesD. Port states71. Before exercising PSC, a port state should______.A. become a contracting Party and promulgate regulations for implementing PSCB. inform ship ownersC. establish proceduresD. inform shipping companies72.PSC inspection is implemented by______ through______.A. flag states/PSCOsB. flag states/ship ownersC. port states/PSCOsD. port states/ship owners第二组:The field current supply in older machines comes from a lower voltage direct current generator or exciter on the same shaft as the alternator. Modern machines however are either statically excited or of the high-speed brush-less type. The exciter is required to operate to counter the effects of power factor for a given load. The power factor is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expressed as the cosine of the phase angle. With a purely resistance load the voltage and the current are in phase, giving a power factor of one. The power consumed is therefore the product of voltage and current. Inductive or capacitive loads, combined with resistance loads, produce lagging or leading power factors which have a value less than one. The power consumed is therefore the product of current, voltage and power factor. The alternating current generator supplying a load has a voltage drop resulting from the load. When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. Therefore the exciter, in maintaining the alternator voltage, must vary with load current and also the power factor. The speed change of the prime mover must also be taken into account.73.The word “machines” in the passage refers to _____.A. the direct current generatorB. the alternating current generatorC. the exciterD. the prime mover74.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?A. With a purely resistance load, the power factor is zero.B. Inductive loads combined with resistance loads produces leading power factors.C. Capacitive loads combined with resistance loads produces lagging power factors.D. With a purely resistance load, the phase angle is zero.75.When the load has a lagging power factor this voltage drop is considerable. This sentence meansthat _____.A. with a purely resistance load, the voltage drops too muchB. there is a considerable voltage drop in the capacitive load combined with resistance loadC. when the load is the capacitive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drops to zeroD. when the load is the inductive load combined with resistance load, the voltage drop is fairlylarge76.The exciter must vary with:① load current② the power factor,③ speed change of the prime mover.A.①B.②C.①②D.①②③三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77.主机以83转/分钟正常航行时,增压器的转速为11700转/分钟,上午10时增压器突然开始产生异常声音,出现振动,主机转速降至60转/分钟, 同时增压器转速降至2400转/分钟。





1. 妨碍产品完成规定功能的某种可能方式称为:A.故障机理B.故障模式C.故障现象D.故障征兆2. 副机某缸发生了严重的拉缸故障,这种故障属于:A.不停航的重大故障B.短时间停航的重大故障C.长时间停航的全局故障D.厂修故障3. 增压器喘振最常见原因的是______。

A. 叶片折断B. 轴承损坏C. 流道阻塞D.转子变形4. 造成船舶短时间停航的是______故障。

A.局部B.较大C.重大D.全局性5. 柴油机气缸套上部凸缘根部产生裂纹或断裂是______ 故障。

A.工艺性B.结构性C.磨损性D.管理性6. 处于随机故障期的船舶机械,其故障的特点是:A.与机械新旧有关B.与使用时间有关C.不能通过调试来消除D.可以预测7. 有关“定时维修”的描述,错误的是:A.适用于任何机械设备的维修B.是现代预防维修不可缺少的维修方式C.存在维修不足或维修过剩的缺点D.针对性和正确性不高,往往工作量大、费用高8. 船机故障,按故障原因分,下列哪一项占比例最大?A.污损B.材料不良C.安装不良D.9. 以下哪一项不属于船机故障发生前的外观征兆?A.外观反常B.示功图异常C.声音异常D.气味反常10. 可靠性是反映产品耐用和可靠程度的一种性能,是产品______特性之一。

A.原有的B.设计的C.固有的D.应有的11. ______理论是研究故障规律的理论。

A.可靠性B.可维修性C.维修D.系统工程12. 若曲柄销中心线与主轴颈中心线不平行,则活塞在上、下止点位置时,会出现_____。

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35874 轮机维护与修理

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:35874 轮机维护与修理



1. 轮机员______机器、设备是衡量其业务素质和技术水平的标准。

A.熟练的操纵B.定期保养C.正确管理D.熟悉和掌握2. 妨碍产品完成规定功能的某种可能方式称为:A.故障机理B.故障模式C.故障现象D.故障征兆3. ①功能异常②声音异常③气味异常④温度异常⑤压力异常⑥示功图异常⑦消耗异常,以上故障发生前的征兆属于船机性能方面的是:A.①④⑤⑥B.①②③④C.②⑤⑥⑦D.①③⑥⑦4. 对船舶营运无影响,不需停航的是______故障。

A.小的B.轻微C.局部D.严重5. 当船舶机械设备、系统或零部件的使用性能下降,状态不良,发生故障或失效时,为了保持或恢复其原有的技术性能所采取的技术措施,称为:A.维修B.维护C.保养D.修船6. 柴油机主轴承的轴承间隙过小,导致轴瓦合金熔化,此为______故障。

A.工艺性B.结构性C.管理性D.偶然性7. 主机、辅机和轴系等的损伤主要是______造成的。

A.人为因素B.设计不良C.船机本身材质D.加工制造8. 下列故障/事故的原因,不属于人为因素的是:A.船员技术水平有限,对先进的设备不敢动,致使缺乏维护而损坏B.船长老要快车,轮机长却不管不问C.设备材质不佳、设计不合理引发的曲轴断裂D.连杆螺栓服役>1.5~2万小时后仍继续使用,后来引起“伸腿”事故9. 下列哪项不属于船机故障发生前的外观征兆?A.外观反常B.示功图异常C.声音异常D.气味反常10. 在设计时赋予产品的可靠性是______可靠性。

A.实际B.固有C.使用D.综合11. 可维修性理论是研究______的理论。




















1. 船舶机械发生渐进性故障,其特点是______。

A. 渐进的、不突然B. 出现故障的时间在零件有效寿命的后期C. 与运转时间无关D. 无法预防2. 在故障率曲线上故障率较高,但随着使用时间的增加而迅速下降的这段时间称为:A. 磨合期B. 磨损期C. 使用寿命期D. 随机故障期3. 轮机维修技术主要由______组成。

A. 修理工艺B. 修理工艺、拆装技术C. 修理工艺、拆装技术、检验技术D. 修理工艺、拆装技术、检验技术、失效分析4. ______属于中国船级社对营运船舶保持船级进行的替代检验。

A. 年度检验B. 水下检验C. 坞内检验D. 特别检验5. 我国交通部规定的船舶最高级别的修理是______。

A. 小修B. 检修C. 航修D. 坞修6. 零件表面粗糙度直接影响摩擦表面的实际接触面积大小和实际______的大小。

A. 压力B. 作用力C. 压强D. 剪力7. 摩擦表面没有加入任何润滑剂,所发生的摩擦为______。

A. 纯净摩擦B. 干摩擦C. 流体摩擦D. 混合摩擦8. 在曲轴箱中,润滑油被剧烈地搅拌,为了防止产生稳定的泡沫,应在油中加入:A. 防锈添加剂B. 清净分散剂C. 抗泡剂D. 油性剂9. 磨合运转实质上是一个______的过程。

A. 配合件工作表面相互适应B. 试运转C. 加速摩擦D. 加速磨损10. 在摩擦过程中,运动副工作表面上的______不断脱落和形成使运动副零件金属损失的现象称为氧化磨损。

A. 表面膜B. 边界膜C. 氧化膜D. 钝化膜11. 运动副相对运动中,摩擦表面与周围酸、碱、盐等介质发生电化学作用生成的产物并在摩擦过程中脱落的现象称为______磨损。

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中华人民共和国海事局2007年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第42期) 科目:轮机维护与修理试卷代号:873适用对象:3000KW及以上船舶二/三管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间为100分钟)答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。


1. 船舶管系输送各种气体或液体,管子经常发生腐蚀烂穿,这是一种______故障。

A. 结构性B. 工艺性C. 渐进性D. 偶然性2. 故障率曲线具有明显的______故障期。


A. 早期/磨损B. 随机/磨损C. 磨损/随机D. 磨损/早期3. 为保持或恢复机械设备、系统或零部件规定的使用功能而采取的技术措施称为______。

A. 维修B. 维修科学C. 可靠性D. 可维修性4. 我国船厂把船舶修理分为______。

A. 小修、中修和大修B. 航修、小修和检修C. 航修、中修和大修D. 坞修、小修、中修和大修5. 对主、副机和锅炉等主要设备进行不拆开或少拆开的重点检验,修复过度磨损件,保证安全航行到下次计划修理的是_______。

A. 事故修理B. 航修C. 小修D. 检修6. 两零件在外力作用下产生相对运动(或有运动趋势)时,接触表面间产生切向阻力和阻力矩阻止运动的现象,称为_______。

A. 摩擦B. 磨损C. 摩擦力D. 摩擦力矩7. 按摩擦副的运动形式,摩擦可分为______。

A. 滑动摩擦与滚动摩擦B. 干摩擦与液体摩擦C. 边界摩擦和干摩擦D. 静摩擦和动摩擦8. 在高温重载条件下,为了提高油膜强度,在润滑油中应添加______。

A. 抗泡剂B. 油性添加剂C. 碱性添加剂D. 极压添加剂9. ______不是实现船机零件良好磨合的必要条件。

A. 运动副的材料应具有良好耐磨性、抗咬合性B. 保证良好的润滑C. 初始粗糙度越小越好D. 制订科学合理的磨合程序10. 在润滑条件下,运动副相对运动时产生轻微磨损、涂抹、擦伤等形式的表面破坏是属于______磨损。

A. 微动B. 粘着C. 磨粒D. 疲劳11. ______是决定磨粒磨损的关键因素。

A. 磨粒的大小B. 润滑条件C. 磨粒的硬度D. 磨粒的多少12. 柴油机正常运转时气缸套—活塞环的摩擦表面间可能出现的摩擦类型有______。

Ⅰ、边界摩擦Ⅱ、液体摩擦Ⅲ、干摩擦Ⅳ、半干摩擦Ⅴ、半液体摩擦A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅣB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅤD. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ13. 燃油中的______是气缸套产生低温腐蚀磨损的重要原因。

A. 含钒量B. 含钠量C. 含硫量D. 含碱性添加剂量14. 气缸套磨粒磨损的表面特征是产生______。

A. 擦伤撕裂B. 纵向拉痕C. 局部剥落D. 裂纹15. 柴油机燃用重油时,磨合运转应选用______的气缸油,以加速磨损。

A. 低碱值B. 中度碱值C. 高度碱值D. 不含碱性16. 船舶主、副机运转期间,______能减少气缸套磨损,防止产生异常磨损。

Ⅰ、使用高碱值的润滑油Ⅱ、保证气缸良好的润滑条件Ⅲ、使用高粘度的润滑油Ⅳ、定期化验滑油A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢB.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅣC. Ⅱ+ⅣD. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ17. 保证滑动轴承形成流体动压润滑,不要求______。

A. 保持一定的相对运动速度B. 具有合适的轴承间隙C. 连续供给品质和数量相适应的滑油D. 具有较高的滑油压力18. 轴承安装时应保证______,以防止或减少发生过度磨损。

A. 轴瓦的加工质量B. 正确地安装轴瓦C. 轴承间隙符合规范要求D. 上紧轴承螺栓时预紧力不过大19. 柴油机曲轴和轴瓦在材料的选配上主要是出于减少______磨损考虑。

A. 磨粒B. 粘着C. 腐蚀D. 疲劳20. 金属与周围______介质直接发生化学作用引起的破坏称为化学腐蚀。

A. 电解质B. 非电解质C. 溶液D. 气体21. 根据金属腐蚀表面的特征将其分为______。

Ⅰ、全面腐蚀Ⅱ、局部腐蚀Ⅲ、化学腐蚀Ⅳ、电化学腐蚀Ⅴ、穴蚀A. Ⅰ+ⅡB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤC. Ⅲ+ⅣD. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ22. 柴油机燃用劣质重油时最容易发生高温腐蚀的零件是______。

A. 进气阀B. 排气阀C. 活塞环D. 气缸套23. 碳钢零件防止化学腐蚀的措施除在零件表面覆盖一层保护膜外,还可______。

A. 进行介质处理B. 选用耐蚀材料C. 加强润滑D. 安装锌块24. 异金属接触电池是两种不同电位的金属或合金接触并处于同一电解质溶液中,便会使______金属不断被腐蚀。

A. 低电位B. 高电位C. 相接触D. 阴极25. 对于微观电化学腐蚀的不正确说法是______。

A. 具有可见的阴阳极B. 阳极不断溶解C. 阳极发生氧化反应D. 由金属表面的电化学不均匀性引起的26. 气缸套外表面发生的浓差腐蚀是由______引起的。

A. 酸浓差B. 氧浓差C. 温差D. 盐浓差27. 在电解质溶液中相接触的零件应选用______对防止腐蚀有利。

A. 相同或相近的材料B. 不同材料C. 电极电位差大的材料D. 任意材料28. 穴蚀的特征是在零件______。

A. 端面上分布着孔洞B. 表面上的孔穴有铁锈C. 孔洞自表面向内扩展D. 表面上有蜂窝状或分散状的小孔群29. 采用______的措施来增加气缸套的刚度以减少穴蚀。

A. 减小缸套壁厚B. 减小活塞缸套间隙C. 减少缸套纵向支承跨距D. 减小缸套的长度30. 产生波动穴蚀的原因主要是______,甚至出现负压而产生气泡,高压时气泡溃灭所致。

A. 燃油流动时产生强烈节流B. 柴油机振动C. 燃油流动时产生压力变化D. 操作不当31. 高速大功率柴油机铜铅合金主轴瓦和曲柄销轴瓦上______处容易产生穴蚀。

A. 油孔和油槽B. 垃圾槽C. 瓦口D. 端面32. 高周疲劳是______应力,______寿命的疲劳破坏。

A. 低/高B. 高/低C. 低/低D. 高/高33. 零件______升高会使其材料的疲劳强度降低。

A. 工作温度B. 工作压力C. 环境温度D. 承受的应力34. 听响法是根据敲击零件时发出的声音来判断零件______的缺陷。

A. 材料B. 加工C. 表面D. 表面和内部35. 渗透探伤是应用较早的检验船机零件______缺陷的方法。

A. 制造B. 使用C. 表面D. 内部36. 关于煤油白粉法、着色探伤和荧光探伤三种渗透探伤法的精度高低,正确的是______。

A. 煤油白粉法精度最高B. 着色探伤精度最高C. 荧光探伤精度最高D. 三种具有相同精度37. 磁粉探伤适用于探测______材料的零件表面缺陷。

A. 铜合金B. 铝合金C. 铁碳合金D. 非金属38. 磁粉探伤时采用______磁化方法可以探测零件横截面上的缺陷。

A. 纵向B. 周向C. 交流电D. 直流电39. 磁粉探伤的磁化电流可选用直流电或交流电,为了获得强磁场和确保安全,通常选用______。

A. 高电压小电流B. 高电压大电流C. 低电压大电流D. 低电压小电流40. 选用的修复工艺应保证零件修后的耐用度至少应维持______。

A. 一个修理间隔期B. 一年C. 半年D. 一个季度41. 下列可选用尺寸选配法修复的零件可能是______。

A. 针阀-针阀B. 活塞-活塞销C. 柱塞-套筒D. 曲轴主轴颈-主轴瓦42. 下列修复工艺中,适用于裂纹或断裂件修理的是______。

Ⅰ、修理尺寸法Ⅱ、尺寸选配法Ⅲ、热喷涂Ⅳ、电镀Ⅴ、焊补Ⅵ、金属扣合工艺Ⅶ、粘接A. Ⅲ+Ⅴ+ⅦB. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅵ+ⅦC. Ⅱ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ+Ⅶ D. Ⅴ+Ⅵ+Ⅶ43. 修理尺寸法修复零件后,为恢复配合间隙,与之相配合的零件应______。

A. 保留B. 换新C. 按修理尺寸制造 D. 按原尺寸制造44. ______是指在零件表面上熔敷一层或多层金属的操作。

A. 喷熔B. 喷涂C. 堆焊D. 喷焊45. 为了保证堆焊质量,除应清洁零件待修表面和预热外,还要求应______。

Ⅰ、有合适的焊条Ⅱ、使零件受热均匀Ⅲ、焊后退火Ⅳ、严格的堆焊工艺Ⅴ、较高的堆焊技术A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D. Ⅰ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ46. 铸铁件焊接难于保证质量的原因是焊接时______。

A. 焊接工艺不良B. 温度高零件易变形C. 铸铁含碳量高和焊后对冷却速度控制不当D. 冷却速度快,焊缝容易形成白口,且硫、磷含量也促进白口47. 有机粘接技术具有粘接力强、______和不受零件材料限制等优点。

A. 抗冲击B. 抗老化C. 耐热D. 温度低48. 船用发电机的轴与滚动轴承的配合松动,离心泵的轴与叶轮的配合松动均可采用______修理,获得良好的修理质量。

A. 铁水泥B. 环氧树脂C. 液态密封胶D. 厌氧胶49. 无机胶粘剂用于零件的______和函接时粘接强度高。

A. 套接B. 搭接C. 斜接D. 平接50. 氧化铜无机胶粘剂用于修补高温下工作的零件,可代替______工艺。

A. 焊接、键连接B. 焊接、铆接C. 铆接、键连接D.螺纹连接、键连接51. 粗研时选用较粗的研磨剂、较高的压力和较低的研磨速度是为了______。

A. 消除误差B. 增大切削量C. 减少时间D.提高效率52. 喷油器针阀偶件的锥面配合面和四冲程机进、排气阀的阀面磨损、腐蚀后,在船上条件下采用______方法进行修复。

A. 在平板上沿8字形轨迹研磨B. 在平板上沿O字形轨迹研磨C. 互研D. 机械研磨53. 在研磨阀杆和阀座的过程中,主机排气阀研磨机磨轮的轴线与水平方向的夹角应该______。

A. 保持一致B. 磨阀杆时调大,磨阀座时调小C. 根据磨损情况调整D. 根据磨轮直径调整54. 拆卸船机零件时,通常_______。

A. 应将拆不开的零部件强行拆开B. 不必对拆下的零件进行磁粉探伤C. 不必将相互配合的零件做好标记D. 不必将拆开的孔口遮盖封堵,避免损伤或进入异物55. 拆卸过程中一般应保证不损伤零件和不破坏零件精度,但是为了保护______可采用破坏某些零件来完成拆卸工作。

A. 重要件B. 配合件C. 回转件D. 难拆件56. 吊缸检查气缸盖的气阀时,主要检查______的损伤情况。

A. 阀面和阀盘B. 阀面和阀座C. 阀杆和气动活塞(或弹簧)D. 阀面和气动活塞或弹簧57. 拆卸过程中,必要时对重要的零件进行______,以查明损伤情况。

A. 观察B. 测量C. 无损探伤D. 拆卸58. 在船上吊缸检修时常采用的量具有______等。

A. 样板、外径千分尺、内径百分表、塞尺B. 内、外径千分尺、拐挡表、塞尺C. 桥规、塞尺、水平尺、外径千分尺D. 内径百分表、样板、塞尺、桥规59. 液压拉伸器活塞顶部设有泄放旋塞,其主要的作用是______。
