2017年江苏省苏州市高中英语公开课大赛---高中拓展阅读-A cat that lived a

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A life which is ______________ comfortable is not always happy. While a life which is _______________ uncomfortable is not always unhappy.
His fear of death
When he was a home cat
Never had a fear of dying
When he was a stray cat
No more dared to mention death
meaningful life once is much Living a _____________ meaningless life a better than living a _____________ million times.
His tears
When he was a home cat, the cat …
When he was a stray cat, the cat …
A life with no tears doesn’t mean happiness ________________. While a life with tears doesn’t mean unhappiness __________________.
_______ loved others.
loving others is much Sometimes ________________ happier than ________________ being loved by others.
You prefer to be a home cat or a stray cat ? List your reasons!
Para. 6-11
stray cat that This time he became a ________ lived ______________ on his own and loved _________ himself more than anyone else. But when he met __________________, the white cat he had the fear of ________ dying and ________ cried for the first time when the white cat died. He spent this life with her and _________ never came back to life again.
Sometimes loving others is much happier than being loved by others.
Thank you
Do you notice the changes ? Do you understand the changes ? his life style his fear of death his tears his love
His life style
It is the white cat that totally changes the cat.
Is there someone in your life that changes you ?
Suppose you were the cat, what would you want to say to those who once changed you? Write a letter to them.
Questions ?
1. What did the cat do for the white cat ?
2. Why did the cat have the fear of dying? 3. Why did the cat cry ?
happy => He lived a(n) ____________________ life.
Questions ?
1. What did the cat want to do for those people ?
2. Why did the cat have no fear of dying ? 3. Why did the cat never cry ? unhappy => He lived a(n) ____________________ life.
I want to say “thank you” from the bottom of my heart.
Dear mom and dad: With childhood memories flooding back, I find that even thousands of words can’t express my gratitude completely. Flashing in front of my eyes are your dedicated love, patient education and great encouragement. I used to be a girl that didn’t understand your intention behind what you have done and always quarreled with you. But it is you who kept me company with your unconditional love and devotion. It is you who always trust and support me whenever I meet with difficulties, teaching me to be a kind and useful person. I want to say “thank you” from the bottom of my heart.
When he was a home cat
Live a c_____________ omfortable
When he was a stray cat
Live an u_______________ ncomfortable appy but h_________ life
but u_________ nhappy life
江苏省梁丰高级中学 蔡琦
Para. 1-5
There once was a tiger-striped cat. He _______ died a million deaths, came back to life and ________ owned lived a million lives. He was _________ by various people. But he never _______, cried not even once and had no fear of ________. dying
A life which is comfortable is not always happy. While a life which is uncomfortable is not always unhappy.
Living a meaningful life once is much better than living a meaningless life a million times. A life with no tears doesn’t mean happiness. While a life with tears doesn’t mean unhappiness.
Dear _________:
With childhood memories flooding back, I find that even thousands of words can’t express my gratitude completely. Flashing in front of my eyes are _____________________________. …….
His love
When he was a home cat
The cat __________ was loved by others and
When he was a stray cat
The cat __________ loved himself and also
_______ loved nobody.