Completeness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities - Revisited
Notions of symmetry
Broken symmetry revisitedF.A.Bais and Wild PropitiusNotions of symmetrySymmetry has become one of the major guiding principles in physics during the twentieth century.Over the past ten decades,we have gradually progressed from external to internal,from global to local,fromfinite to infinite,from ordinary to super symmetry and quite recently arrived at the notion of Hopf algebras or quantum groups.In general,a physical system consists of afinite or infinite number of degrees of freedom which may or may not interact.The dynamics is prescribed by a set of evo-lution equations which follow from varying the action with respect to the different degrees of freedom.A symmetry then corresponds to a group of transformations on the space time coordinates and/or the degrees of freedom that leave an action and therefore also the evolution equations invariant.External symmetries have to do with invariances(e.g.Lorentz invariance)under transformations on the space time coordinates.Symmetries not related to transformations of space time coordinates are called internal symmetries.We also discriminate between global symmetries and local symmetries.A global or rigid symmetry transformation is the same throughout space time and usually leads to a conserved quantity.Turning a global symmetry into a local symmetry,i.e.allowing the symmetry transformations to vary continu-ously from one point in space time to another,requires the introduction of additional gauge degrees of freedom mediating a force.It is this so-called gauge principle that has eventually led to the extremely successful standard model of the strong and electro-weak interactions between the elementary particles based on the local gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).1Broken symmetryThe use of symmetry considerations has been extended significantly by the ob-servation that a symmetry of the action is not automatically a symmetry of the groundstate of a physical system.If the action is invariant under some symmetry group G and the groundstate only under a subgroup H of G,the symmetry group G is said to be spontaneously broken down to H.The symmetry is not completely lost though,for the broken generators of G transform one groundstate into another. The physics of a broken global symmetry is quite different from a broken local (gauge)symmetry.The signature of a broken continuous global symmetry group G in a physical system is the occurrence of massless scalar degrees of freedom,the so-called Goldstone bosons.Specifically,each broken generator of G gives rise to a massless Goldstone bosonfield.Well-known realizations of Goldstone bosons are the long range spin waves in a ferromagnet,in which the rotational symmetry is broken below the Curie temperature through the appearance of spontaneous mag-netization.An application in particle physics is the low energy physics of the strong interactions,where the spontaneous breakdown of(approximate)chiral symmetry leads to(approximately)massless pseudoscalar particles such as the pions.In the case of a broken local(gauge)symmetry,in contrast,the would be massless Goldstone bosons conspire with the massless gaugefields to form massive vector fields.This celebrated phenomenon is known as the Higgs mechanism.The canon-ical example in condensed matter physics is the ordinary superconductor.In the phase transition from the normal to the superconducting phase,the U(1)gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken to thefinite cyclic group Z2by a condensate of Cooper pairs.This leads to a mass M A for the photonfield in the superconducting medium as witnessed by the Meissner effect:magneticfields are expelled from a superconducting region and have a characteristic penetration depth which in proper units is just the inverse of the photon mass M A.Moreover,the Coulomb interactions among external electric charges in a superconductor are offinite range∼1/M A.The Higgs mechanism also plays a key role in the unified theory of weak and electromag-netic interactions,that is,the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model where the product gauge group SU(2)×U(1)is broken to the U(1)subgroup of electromagnetism.In this context,the massive vector particles correspond to the W and Z bosons medi-ating the short range weak interactions.More speculative applications of the Higgs mechanism are those where the standard model of the strong,weak and electromag-netic interactions is embedded in a grand unified model with a large simple gauge group.The most ambitious attempts invoke supersymmetry as well.2Topological excitations or defectsIn addition to the aforementioned characteristics in the spectrum of fundamental excitations,there are in general otherfingerprints of a broken symmetry in a physical system.These are usually called topological excitations or just defects and correspond to collective degrees of freedom carrying‘charges’or quantum numbers which are conserved for topological reasons,not related to a manifest symmetry of the action. (See,for example,the references[1,2,3,4]for reviews).It is exactly the appearance of these topological charges which renders the corresponding collective excitations stable.Topological excitations may manifest themselves as particle-like,string-like or planar-like objects(solitons),or have to be interpreted as quantum mechanical tunneling processes(instantons).Depending on the model in which they occur, these excitations carry evocative names like kinks,domain walls,vortices,cosmic strings,Alice strings,monopoles,skyrmions,texture,sphalerons and so on.Defects are crucial for a full understanding of the physics of systems with a broken symmetry and lead to a host of rather unexpected and exotic phenomena which are in general of a nonperturbative nature.The prototypical example of a topological defect is the Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesenflux tube in the type II superconductor with broken U(1)gauge symmetry[5,6].The topologically conserved quantum number characterizing these defects is the magnetic flux,which indeed can only take discrete values.A beautiful but unfortunately not yet observed example in particle physics is the’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole[7,8] occurring in any grand unified model in which a simple gauge group G is broken to a subgroup H containing the electromagnetic U(1)factor.Here,it is the quantized magnetic charge carried by these monopoles that is conserved for topological reasons. In fact,the discovery that these models support magnetic monopoles reconciled the two well-known arguments for the quantization of electric charge,namely Dirac’s argument based on the existence of a magnetic monopole[9]and the obvious fact that the U(1)generator should be compact as it belongs to a larger compact gauge group.An example of a model with a broken global symmetry supporting topological exci-tations is the effective sigma model describing the low energy strong interactions for the mesons.That is,the phase with broken chiral symmetry mentioned before.One may add a topological term and a stabilizing term to the action and obtain a theory that features topological particle-like objects called skyrmions,which have exactly the properties of the baryons.See reference[10]and also[11,12].So,upon extending the effective model for the Goldstone bosons,we recover the complete spectrum of the underlying strong interaction model(quantum chromodynamics)and its low en-3ergy dynamics.Indeed,this picture leads to an attractive phenomenological modelfor baryons.Another area of physics where defects may play a fundamental role is cosmology.See for instance reference[13]for a recent review.According to the standard cosmo-logical hot big bang scenario,the universe cooled down through a sequence of localand/or global symmetry breaking phase transitions in a very early stage.The ques-tion of the actual formation of defects in these phase transitions is of prime impor-tance.It has been argued,for instance,that magnetic monopoles might have beenproduced copiously.As they tend to dominate the mass in the universe,however,magnetic monopoles are notoriously hard to accommodate and if indeed formed,they have to be‘inflated away’.Phase transitions that see the production of(localor global)cosmic strings,on the other hand,are much more interesting.In contrastwith magnetic monopoles,the presence of cosmic strings does not lead to cosmo-logical disasters and according to an attractive but still speculative theory cosmicstrings may even have acted as seeds for the formation of galaxies and other largescale structures in the present day universe.Similar symmetry breaking phase transitions are extensively studied in condensedmatter physics.We have already mentioned the transition from the normal to thesuperconducting phase in superconducting materials of type II,which may give riseto the formation of magneticflux tubes.In thefield of low temperature physics,there also exists a great body of both theoretical and experimental work on thetransitions from the normal to the many superfluid phases of helium-3in whichline and point defects arise in a great variety,e.g.[14].Furthermore,in uniaxialnematic liquid crystals,point defects,line defects and texture arise in the transitionfrom the disordered to the ordered phase in which the rotational global symmetrygroup SO(3)is broken down to the semi-direct product group U(1)×s.d.Z2.Bi-axialnematic crystals,in turn,exhibit a phase transition in which the global rotationalsymmetry group is broken down to the product group Z2×Z2yielding line defects labeled by the elements of the(nonabelian)quaternion group¯D2,e.g.[2].Nematiccrystals are cheap materials and as compared to helium-3,for instance,relativelyeasy to work with in the laboratory.The symmetry breaking phase transitionstypically appear at temperatures that can be reached by a standard kitchen oven,whereas the size of the occurring defects is such that these can be seen by means ofa simple microscope.Hence,these materials form an easily accessible experimentalplayground for the investigation of defect producing phase transitions and as suchmay partly mimic the physics of the early universe in the laboratory.For some recentingenious experimental studies on the formation and the dynamics of topologicaldefects in nematic crystals making use of high speedfilm cameras,the interested4reader is referred to[15,16].From a theoretical point of view,many aspects of topological defects have been studied and understood.At the classical level,one may roughly sketch the following programme.Onefirst uses simple topological arguments,usually of the homotopy type,to see whether a given model does exhibit topological charges.Subsequently, one may try to prove the existence of the corresponding classical solutions by func-tional analytic methods or just by explicit construction of particular solutions.On the other hand,one may in many cases determine the dimension of the solution or moduli space and its dependence on the topological charge using index theory. Finally,one may attempt to determine the general solution space more or less ex-plicitly.In this respect,one has been successful in varying degree.For example, the self-dual instanton solutions of Yang-Mills theory on S4have been obtained completely.Properties of a single defectThe physical properties of topological defects can be probed by their interactions with the ordinary particles or excitations in the model.This amounts to inves-tigating(quantum)processes in the background of the defect.In particular,one may calculate the one-loop corrections to the various quantities characterizing the defect,which involves studying thefluctuation operator.Here,one naturally has to distinguish the modes with zero eigenvalue from those with nonzero eigenvalues. The nonzero modes generically give rise to the usual renormalization effects,such as mass and coupling constant renormalization.The zero modes,which often arise as a consequence of the global symmetries in the theory,lead to collective coordinates. Their quantization yields a semiclassical description of the spectrum of the theory in a given topological sector,including the external quantum numbers of the soliton such as its energy and momentum and its internal quantum numbers such as its electric charge,e.g.[1,3].In situations where the residual gauge group H is nonabelian,the analysis outlined in the previous paragraph is rather subtle.For instance,the naive expectation that a soliton can carry internal electric charges which form representations of the complete unbroken group H is wrong.As only the subgroup of H which commutes with the topological charge can be globally implemented,these internal charges form representations of this so-called centralizer subgroup.(See[?,19,18]for the case of magnetic monopoles and[20,21]for the case of magnetic vortices).This makes the full spectrum of topological and ordinary quantum numbers in such a broken phase5rather intricate.Also,an important effect on the spectrum and the interactions of a theory with a broken gauge group is caused by the introduction of additional topological terms in the action,such as a nonvanishingθangle in3+1dimensional space time and the Chern-Simons term in2+1dimensions.It has been shown by Witten that in case of a nonvanishingθangle,for example,magnetic monopoles carry electric charges which are shifted by an amount proportional toθ/2πand their magnetic charge[22]. Other results are even more surprising.A broken gauge theory only containing bosonicfields may support topological excitations(dyons),which on the quantum level carry half-integral spin and are fermions,thereby realizing the counterintuitive possibility to make fermions out of bosons[23,24].It has subsequently been argued by Wilczek[25]that in2+1dimensional space time one can even have topologi-cal excitations,namelyflux/charge composites,which behave as anyons[26],i.e. particles with fractional spin and quantum statistics interpolating between bosons and fermions.The possibility of anyons in two spatial dimensions is not merely of academic interest,as many systems in condensed matter physics,for example,are effectively described by2+1dimensional models.Indeed,anyons are known to be realized as quasiparticles in fractional quantum Hall systems[27,28].Further,it has been been shown that an ideal gas of electrically charged anyons is supercon-ducting[29,30,31,32].At present it is unclear whether this new and rather exotic type of superconductivity is actually realized in nature.Furthermore,remarkable calculations by’t Hooft revealed a nonperturbative mecha-nism for baryon decay in the standard model through instantons and sphalerons[33]. Afterwards,Rubakov and Callan discovered the phenomenon of baryon decay catal-ysis induced by grand unified monopoles[34,35].Baryon number violating processes also occur in the vicinity of grand unified cosmic strings as has been established by Alford,March-Russell and Wilczek[36].Topological interactions between defectsSo far,we have given a(rather incomplete)enumeration of properties and processes that involve the interactions between topological and ordinary excitations.However, the interactions between defects themselves can also be highly nontrivial.Here,one should not only think of ordinary interactions corresponding to the exchange offield quanta.Consider,for instance,the case of Alice electrodynamics which occurs if some nonabelian gauge group(e.g.SO(3))is broken to the nonabelian subgroup6U(1)×s.d.Z2,that is,the semi-direct product of the electromagnetic group U(1) and the additional cyclic group Z2whose nontrivial element reverses the sign of the electromagneticfields[37].This model features magnetic monopoles and in addition a magnetic Z2string(the so-called Alice string)with the miraculous property that if a monopole(or an electric charge for that matter)is transported around the string, its charge will change sign.In other words,a particle is converted into its own anti-particle.This nonabelian analogue of the celebrated Aharonov-Bohm effect[39]is of a topological nature.That is,it only depends on the number of times the particle winds around the string and is independent of the distance between the particle and the string.Similar phenomena occur in models in which a continuous gauge group is sponta-neously broken down to somefinite subgroup H.The topological defects supported by such a model are string-like in three spatial dimensions and carry a magneticflux corresponding to an element h of the residual gauge group H.As these string-like objects trivialize one spatial dimension,we may just as well descend to the plane,for convenience.In this arena,these defects become magnetic vortices,i.e.particle-like objects of characteristic size1/M H with M H the symmetry breaking scale.Be-sides these topological particles,the broken phase features matter charges labeled by the unitary irreducible representationsΓof the residual gauge group H.Since all gaugefields are massive,there are no ordinary long range interactions among these particles.The remaining long range interactions are topological Aharonov-Bohm interactions.If the residual gauge group H is nonabelian,for instance,the non-abelianfluxes h∈H carried by the vortices exhibitflux metamorphosis[40].In the process of circumnavigating one vortex with another vortex theirfluxes may change. Moreover,if a charge corresponding to some representationΓof H is transported around a vortex carrying the magneticflux h∈H,it returns transformed by the matrixΓ(h)assigned to the element h in the representationΓof H.The spontaneously broken2+1dimensional models just mentioned will be the sub-ject of these lecture notes.One of our aims is to show that the long distance physics of such a model is,in fact,governed by a Hopf algebra or quantum group based on the residualfinite gauge group H[20,41,42,43].This algebraic framework mani-festly unifies the topological and nontopological quantum numbers as dual aspects of a single symmetry concept.The results obtained are quirte general and strongly suggest that revisiting the symmetry breaking concept in general will reveal similar underlying algebraic structures.7Bibliography[1]S.Coleman,Classical lumps and their quantum descendents,in Aspects ofsymmetry,(Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,1985).[2]N.D.Mermin,Rev.Mod.Phys.51(1979)591.[3]J.Preskill,in Architecture of the fundamental interactions at short distances,edited by P.Ramond and R.Stora,(North-Holland,Amsterdam,1987).[4]R.Rajaraman,Solitons and Instantons,(North-Holland,Amsterdam,1982)[5]A.Abrikosov,JETP5(1959)1174.[6]H.B.Nielsen and P.Olesen,Nucl.Phys.B61(1973)45.[7]G.’t Hooft,Nucl.Phys.B79(1974)276.[8]A.M.Polyakov,JETP Letters20(1974)194.[9]P.A.M.Dirac,Proc.R.Soc.London A133(1931)60.[10]T.H.R.Skyrme,Proc.Roy.Soc.A260(1962)127.[11]D.Finkelstein and J.Rubinstein,J.Math.Phys.9(1968)1762,reprinted inreference[32].[12]E.Witten,Nucl.Phys.B223(1983)433.[13]R.H.Brandenberger,Int.J.Mod.Phys.9(1994)2117.[14]G.E.Volovik,Exotic Properties of Superfluid3He,Series in Modern CondensedMatter Physics Volume1,(World Scientific,Singapore,1992)[15]M.Bowick,L.Chandar,E.Schiffand A.Srivastava,Science263(1994)943.8[16]I.Chuang,R.Durrer,N.Turok and B.Yurke,Science251(1991)1336.[17]A.P.Balachandran,F.Lizzi and V.G.Rodgers,Phys.Rev.Lett.52(1984)1818.[18][19]P.Nelson and A.Manohar,Phys.Rev.Lett.50(1983)943.P.Nelson and S.Coleman,Nucl.Phys.B237(1984)1.[20]F.A.Bais,P.van Driel and Wild Propitius,Phys.Lett.B280(1992)63.[21]A.P.Balachandran,F.Lizzi and V.G.Rodgers,Phys.Rev.Lett.52(1984)1818.[22]E.Witten,Phys.Lett.B86(1979)293.[23]G.’t Hooft and P.Hasenfratz,Phys.Rev.Lett.36(1976)1116.[24]R.Jackiw and C.Rebbi,Phys.Rev.Lett.36(1976)1116.[25]F.Wilczek,Phys.Rev.Lett.48(1982)1144.[26]J.M.Leinaas and J.Myrheim,Nuovo Cimento37B(1977)1.[27]B.I.Halperin,Phys.Rev.Lett.52(1984)1583.[28]ughlin,Phys.Rev.Lett.50(1983)1395.[29]Y.-H.Chen,F.Wilczek,E.Witten and B.I.Halperin,Int.J.Mod.Phys.B3(1989)1001.[30]A.Fetter,C.Hanna and ughlin,Phys.Rev.B39(1989)9679.[31]ughlin,Phys.Rev.Lett.60(1988)2677.[32]F.Wilczek editor,Fractional statistics and anyon superconductivity,(WorldScientific,Singapore,1990).[33]G.’t Hooft,Phys.Rev.Lett.37(1976)8;Phys.Rev.D14(1976)3432.[34]C.Callan,Phys.Rev.D26(1982)2058;Nucl.Phys.B212(1983)391.[35]V.Rubakov,Pis’ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.33(1981)658;JETP Lett.33(1981)644;Nucl.Phys.B203(1982)311.9[36]M.G.Alford,J.March-Russell and F.Wilczek,Nucl.Phys.B328(1989)140.[37]A.S.Schwarz,Nucl.Phys.B208(1982)141.[38]S.Shnider and S.Sternberg,Quantumgroups,from coalgebras to Drinfeld al-gebras,a guided tour,International Press Incorporated,Boston,1993).[39]Y.Aharonov and D.Bohm,Phys.Rev.115(1959)485.[40]F.A.Bais,Nucl.Phys.B170(FSI)(1980)32.[41]F.A.Bais,P.van Driel and Wild Propitius,Nucl.Phys.B393(1993)547.[42]F.A.Bais and Wild Propitius,in The III International Conference onMathematical Physics,String Theory and Quantum Gravity,Proceedings of the Conference,Alushta,1993,Theor.Math.Phys.98(1994)509.[43] Wild Propitius,Topological Interactions in Broken Gauge Theories,PhDthesis,Universiteit van Amsterdam,1995,hep-th/9511195.10。
A Chinese absolute maximum絕對最大值absolute minimum絕對最小值absolutely convergent絕對收斂absolute value絕對值acceleration加速度alternating series交錯級數angle角antiderivatives反導數approach趨近
arc length弧長
t distribution 学生t分布t number t数t statistic t统计量t test t检验t1topological space t1拓扑空间t2topological space t2拓扑空间t3topological space 分离空间t4topological space 正则拓扑空间t5 topological space 正规空间t6topological space 遗传正规空间table 表table of random numbers 随机数表table of sines 正弦表table of square roots 平方根表table of values 值表tabular 表的tabular value 表值tabulate 制表tabulation 造表tabulator 制表机tacnode 互切点tag 标签tame 驯顺嵌入tame distribution 缓增广义函数tamely imbedded 驯顺嵌入tangency 接触tangent 正切tangent bundle 切丛tangent cone 切线锥面tangent curve 正切曲线tangent function 正切tangent line 切线tangent of an angle 角的正切tangent plane 切平面tangent plane method 切面法tangent surface 切曲面tangent vector 切向量tangent vector field 切向量场tangent vector space 切向量空间tangential approximation 切线逼近tangential component 切线分量tangential curve 正切曲线tangential equation 切线方程tangential stress 切向应力tangents method 切线法tape 纸带tape inscription 纸带记录tariff 税tautology 重言taylor circle 泰勒圆taylor expansion 泰勒展开taylor formula 泰勒公式taylor series 泰勒级数technics 技术technique 技术telegraph equation 电报方程teleparallelism 绝对平行性temperature 温度tempered distribution 缓增广义函数tend 倾向tendency 瞧tension 张力tensor 张量tensor algebra 张量代数tensor analysis 张量分析tensor bundle 张量丛tensor calculus 张量演算法tensor density 张量密度tensor differential equation 张量微分方程tensor field 张量场tensor form 张量形式tensor form of the first kind 第一张量形式tensor function 张量函数tensor of torsion 挠率张量tensor product 张量乘积tensor product functor 张量乘积函子tensor representation 张量表示tensor space 张量空间tensor subspace 张量子空间tensor surface 张量曲面tensorial multiplication 张量乘法term 项term of higher degree 高次项term of higher order 高次项term of series 级数的项terminability 有限性terminable 有限的terminal decision 最后判决terminal edge 终结边terminal point 终点terminal unit 级端设备terminal vertex 悬挂点terminate 终止terminating chain 可终止的链terminating continued fraction 有尽连分数terminating decimal 有尽小数termination 终止terminology 专门名词termwise 逐项的termwise addition 逐项加法termwise differentiation 逐项微分termwise integration 逐项积分ternary 三元的ternary connective 三元联结ternary form 三元形式ternary notation 三进制记数法ternary number system 三进制数系ternary operation 三项运算ternary relation 三项关系ternary representation og numbers 三进制记数法tertiary obstruction 第三障碍tesseral harmonic 田形函数tesseral legendre function 田形函数test 检验test for additivity 加性检验test for uniform convergence 一致收敛检验test function 测试函数test of dispersion 色散检验test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验test of hypothesis 假设检验test of independence 独立性检验test of linearity 线性检验test of normality 正规性检验test point 测试点test routine 检验程序test statistic 检验统计量tetracyclic coordinates 四圆坐标tetrad 四元组tetragon 四角形tetragonal 正方的tetrahedral 四面角tetrahedral angle 四面角tetrahedral co ordinates 四面坐标tetrahedral group 四面体群tetrahedral surface 四面曲面tetrahedroid 四面体tetrahedron 四面形tetrahedron equation 四面体方程theorem 定理theorem for damping 阻尼定理theorem of alternative 择一定理theorem of identity for power series 幂级数的一致定理theorem of implicit functions 隐函数定理theorem of mean value 平均值定理theorem of principal axes 轴定理theorem of residues 残数定理theorem of riemann roch type 黎曼洛赫型定理theorem on embedding 嵌入定理theorems for limits 极限定理theoretical curve 理论曲线theoretical model 理论模型theory of automata 自动机理论theory of cardinals 基数论theory of complex multiplication 复数乘法论theory of complexity of computations 计算的复杂性理论theory of correlation 相关论theory of differential equations 微分方程论theory of dimensions 维数论theory of elementary divisors 初等因子理论theory of elementary particles 基本粒子论theory of equations 方程论theory of errors 误差论theory of estimation 估计论theory of functions 函数论theory of games 对策论theory of hyperbolic functions 双曲函数论theory of judgment 判断论theory of numbers 数论theory of ordinals 序数论theory of perturbations 摄动理论theory of probability 概率论theory of proportions 比例论theory of relativity 相对论theory of reliability 可靠性理论theory of representations 表示论theory of sets 集论theory of sheaves 层理论theory of singularities 奇点理论theory of testing 检验论theory of time series 时间序列论theory of transversals 横断线论theory of types 类型论thermal 热的thermodynamic 热力学的thermodynamics 热力学theta function 函数theta series 级数thick 厚的thickness 厚度thin 薄的thin set 薄集third boundary condition 第三边界条件third boundary value problem 第三边界值问题third fundamental form 第三基本形式third isomorphism theorem 第三同构定理third proportional 比例第三项third root 立方根thom class 汤姆类thom complex 汤姆复形three body problem 三体问题three dimensional 三维的three dimensional space 三维空间three dimensional torus 三维环面three eighths rule 八分之三法three faced 三面的three figur 三位的three place 三位的three point problem 三点问题three series theorem 三级数定理three sheeted 三叶的three sided 三面的three sigma rule 三规则three termed 三项的three valued 三值的three valued logic 三值逻辑three valued logic calculus 三值逻辑学threshold logic 阈逻辑time interval 时程time lag 时滞time series analysis 时序分析timesharing 分时toeplitz matrix 托普利兹矩阵tolerance 容许tolerance distribution 容许分布tolerance estimation 容许估计tolerance factor 容许因子tolerance level 耐受水平tolerance limit 容许界限tolerance region 容许区域top digit 最高位数字topological 拓扑的topological abelian group 拓扑阿贝耳群topological algebra 拓扑代数topological cell 拓扑胞腔topological circle 拓扑圆topological completeness 拓扑完备性topological complex 拓扑复形topological convergence 拓扑收敛topological dimension 拓扑维topological direct sum 拓扑直和topological dynamics 拓扑动力学topological embedding 拓扑嵌入topological field 拓扑域topological group 拓扑群topological homeomorphism 拓扑同胚topological index 拓扑指数topological invariant 拓扑不变量topological limit 拓扑极限topological linear space 拓扑线性空间topological manifold 拓扑廖topological mapping 拓扑同胚topological pair 拓扑偶topological polyhedron 曲多面体topological product 拓扑积topological residue class ring 拓扑剩余类环topological ring 拓扑环topological simplex 拓扑单形topological skew field 拓扑非交换域topological space 拓扑空间topological sphere 拓扑球面topological structure 拓扑结构topological sum 拓扑和topological type 拓扑型topologically complete set 拓扑完备集topologically complete space 拓扑完备空间topologically equivalent space 拓扑等价空间topologically nilpotent element 拓扑幂零元topologically ringed space 拓扑环式空间topologically solvable group 拓扑可解群topologico differential invariant 拓扑微分不变式topologize 拓扑化topology 拓扑topology of bounded convergence 有界收敛拓扑topology of compact convergence 紧收敛拓扑topology of uniform convergence 一致收敛拓扑toroid 超环面toroidal coordinates 圆环坐标toroidal function 圆环函数torque 转矩torsion 挠率torsion coefficient 挠系数torsion form 挠率形式torsion free group 非挠群torsion group 挠群torsion module 挠模torsion of a curve 曲线的挠率torsion product 挠积torsion subgroup 挠子群torsion tensor 挠率张量torsion vector 挠向量torsionfree connection 非挠联络torsionfree module 无挠模torsionfree ring 无挠环torus 环面torus function 圆环函数torus group 环面群torusknot 环面纽结total 总和total correlation 全相关total curvature 全曲率total degree 全次数total differential 全微分total differential equation 全微分方程total error 全误差total graph 全图total image 全象total inspection 全检查total instability 全不稳定性total inverse image 全逆象total matrix algebra 全阵环total matrix ring 全阵环total order 全序total predicate 全谓词total probability 总概率total probability formula 总概率公式total regression 总回归total relation 通用关系total space 全空间total stability 全稳定性total step iteration 整步迭代法total step method 整步迭代法total stiefel whitney class 全斯蒂费尔惠特尼类total subset 全子集total sum 总和total variation 全变差totally bounded set 准紧集totally bounded space 准紧空间totally differentiable 完全可微分的totally differentiable function 完全可微函数totally disconnected 完全不连通的totally disconnected graph 完全不连通图totally disconnected groupoid 完全不连通广群totally disconnected set 完全不连通集totally disconnected space 完全不连通空间totally geodesic 全测地的totally nonnegative matrix 全非负矩阵totally ordered group 全有序群totally ordered set 线性有序集totally positive 全正的totally positive matrix 全正矩阵totally quasi ordered set 完全拟有序集totally real field 全实域totally reflexive relation 完全自反关系totally regular matrix method 完全正则矩阵法totally singular subspace 全奇异子空间totally symmetric loop 完全对称圈totally symmetric quasigroup 完全对称拟群touch 相切tournament 竞赛图trace 迹trace form 迹型trace function 迹函数trace of dyadic 并向量的迹trace of matrix 矩阵的迹trace of tensor 张量的迹tracing point 追迹点track 轨迹tractrix 曳物线trajectory 轨道transcendence 超越性transcendence basis 超越基transcendence degree 超越次数transcendency 超越性transcendental element 超越元素transcendental equation 超越方程transcendental function 超越函数transcendental integral function 超越整函数transcendental number 超越数transcendental singularity 超越奇点transcendental surface 超越曲面transfer 转移transfer function 转移函数transfinite 超限的transfinite diameter 超限直径transfinite induction 超限归纳法transfinite number 超限序数transfinite ordinal 超限序数transform 变换transformation 变换transformation equation 变换方程transformation factor 变换因子transformation formulas of the coordinates 坐标的变换公式transformation function 变换函数transformation group 变换群transformation of air mass 气团变性transformation of coordinates 坐标的变换transformation of parameter 参数变换transformation of state 状态变换transformation of the variable 变量的更换transformation rules 变换规则transformation theory 变换论transformation to principal axes 轴变换transgression 超渡transient response 瞬态响应transient stability 瞬态稳定性transient state 瞬态transient time 过渡时间transition function 转移函数transition graph 转换图transition matrix 转移矩阵transition probability 转移函数transitive closure 传递闭包transitive graph 传递图transitive group of motions 可迁运动群transitive law 可迁律transitive permutation group 可迁置换群transitive relation 传递关系transitive set 可递集transitivity 可递性transitivity laws 可迁律translatable design 可旋转试验设计translate 转移translation 平移translation curve 平移曲线translation group 平移群translation invariant 平移不变的translation invariant metric 平移不变度量translation number 殆周期translation of axes 坐标轴的平移translation operator 平移算子translation surface 平移曲面translation symmetry 平移对称translation theorem 平移定理transmission channel 传输通道transmission ratio 传输比transport problem 运输问题transportation algorithm 运输算法transportation matrix 运输矩阵transportation network 运输网络transportation problem 运输问题transpose 转置transposed inverse matrix 转置逆矩阵transposed kernel 转置核transposed map 转置映射transposed matrix 转置阵transposition 对换transversal 横截矩阵胚transversal curve 横截曲线transversal field 模截场transversal lines 截线transversality 横截性transversality condition 横截条件transverse axis 横截轴transverse surface 横截曲面trapezium 不规则四边形trapezoid 不规则四边形trapezoid formula 梯形公式trapezoid method 梯形公式traveling salesman problem 转播塞尔斯曼问题tree 树trefoil 三叶形trefoil knot 三叶形纽结trend 瞧trend line 瞧直线triad 三元组trial 试验triangle 三角形triangle axiom 三角形公理triangle condition 三角形公理triangle inequality 三角形公理triangulable 可三角剖分的triangular decomposition 三角分解triangular form 三角型triangular matrix 三角形矩阵triangular number 三角数triangular prism 三棱柱triangular pyramid 四面形triangular surface 三角曲面triangulate 分成三角形triangulation 三角剖分triaxial 三轴的triaxial ellipsoid 三维椭面trichotomy 三分法trident of newton 牛顿三叉线tridiagonal matrix 三对角线矩阵tridimensional 三维的trigammafunction 三函数trigonometric 三角的trigonometric approximation polynomial 三角近似多项式trigonometric equation 三角方程trigonometric function 三角函数trigonometric moment problem 三角矩问题trigonometric polynomial 三角多项式trigonometric series 三角级数trigonometrical interpolation 三角内插法trigonometry 三角学trihedral 三面形的trihedral angle 三面角trihedron 三面体trilateral 三边的trilinear 三线的trilinear coordinates 三线坐标trilinear form 三线性形式trinomial 三项式;三项式的trinomial equation 三项方程triplanar point 三切面重点 ?triple 三元组triple curve 三重曲线triple integral 三重积分triple point 三重点triple product 纯量三重积triple product of vectors 向量三重积triple root 三重根triple series 三重级数triple tangent 三重切线triply orthogonal system 三重正交系triply tangent 三重切线的trirectangular spherical triangle 三直角球面三角形trisecant 三度割线trisect 把...三等分trisection 三等分trisection of an angle 角的三等分trisectrix 三等分角线trivalent map 三价地图trivector 三向量trivial 平凡的trivial character 单位特贞trivial cohomology functor 平凡上同弹子trivial extension 平凡扩张trivial fibre bundle 平凡纤维丛trivial graph 平凡图trivial homogeneous ideal 平凡齐次理想trivial knot 平凡纽结trivial solution 平凡解trivial subset 平凡子集trivial topology 密着拓扑trivial valuation 平凡赋值triviality 平凡性trivialization 平凡化trochoid 摆线trochoidal 余摆线的trochoidal curve 摆线true error 真误差true formula 真公式true proposition 真命题true sign 直符号true value 真值truncated cone 截锥truncated cylinder 截柱truncated distribution 截尾分布truncated pyramid 截棱锥truncated sample 截样本truncated sequence 截序列truncation 舍位truncation error 舍位误差truncation point 舍位点truth 真值truth function 真值函项truth matrix 真值表truth set 真值集合truth symbol 真符号truth table 真值表truthvalue 真值tube 管tubular knot 管状纽结tubular neighborhood 管状邻域tubular surface 管状曲面turbulence 湍流turbulent 湍聊turing computability 图灵机可计算性turing computable 图灵机可计算的turing machine 图录机turn 转向turning point 转向点twice 再次twice differentiable function 二次可微函数twin primes 素数对twisted curve 空间曲线twisted torus 挠环面two address 二地址的two address code 二地址代码two address instruction 二地址指令two body problem 二体问题two decision problem 二判定问题two digit 二位的two dimensional 二维的two dimensional laplace transformation 二重拉普拉斯变换two dimensional normal distribution 二元正态分布two dimensional quadric 二维二次曲面two dimensional vector space 二维向量空间two fold transitive group 双重可迁群two person game 两人对策two person zero sum game 二人零和对策two phase sampling 二相抽样法two place 二位的two point distribution 二点分布two point form 两点式two sample method 二样本法two sample problem 二样本问题two sample test 双样本检验two sheet 双叶的two sided condition 双边条件two sided decomposition 双边分解two sided divisor 双边因子two sided ideal 双边理想two sided inverse 双边逆元two sided module 双边模two sided neighborhood 双侧邻域two sided surface 双侧曲面two sided test 双侧检定two stage sampling 两阶段抽样法two termed expression 二项式two valued logic 二值逻辑two valued measure 二值测度two variable matrix 双变量矩阵two way array 二向分类two way classification 二向分类twopoint boundary value problem 两点边值问题type 型type problem 类型问题typenumber 型数typical mean 典型平均。
This file contains the exercises, hints, and solutions for Chapter 11 of the book ”Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms,” 3rd edition, by A. Levitin. The problems that might be challenging for at least some students are marked by B; those that might be difficult for a majority of students are marked by I
专题05 阅读理解D篇(2024年新课标I卷) (专家评价+三年真题+满分策略+多维变式) 原卷版
《2024年高考英语新课标卷真题深度解析与考后提升》专题05阅读理解D篇(新课标I卷)原卷版(专家评价+全文翻译+三年真题+词汇变式+满分策略+话题变式)目录一、原题呈现P2二、答案解析P3三、专家评价P3四、全文翻译P3五、词汇变式P4(一)考纲词汇词形转换P4(二)考纲词汇识词知意P4(三)高频短语积少成多P5(四)阅读理解单句填空变式P5(五)长难句分析P6六、三年真题P7(一)2023年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P7(二)2022年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P8(三)2021年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P9七、满分策略(阅读理解说明文)P10八、阅读理解变式P12 变式一:生物多样性研究、发现、进展6篇P12变式二:阅读理解D篇35题变式(科普研究建议类)6篇P20一原题呈现阅读理解D篇关键词: 说明文;人与社会;社会科学研究方法研究;生物多样性; 科学探究精神;科学素养In the race to document the species on Earth before they go extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have collected billions of records. Today, most records of biodiversity are often in the form of photos, videos, and other digital records. Though they are useful for detecting shifts in the number and variety of species in an area, a new Stanford study has found that this type of record is not perfect.“With the rise of technology it is easy for people to make observation s of different species with the aid of a mobile application,” said Barnabas Daru, who is lead author of the study and assistant professor of biology in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences. “These observations now outnumber the primary data that comes from physical specimens(标本), and since we are increasingly using observational data to investigate how species are responding to global change, I wanted to know: Are they usable?”Using a global dataset of 1.9 billion records of plants, insects, birds, and animals, Daru and his team tested how well these data represent actual global biodiversity patterns.“We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru.Their study revealed that the large number of observation-only records did not lead to better global coverage. Moreover, these data are biased and favor certain regions, time periods, and species. This makes sense because the people who get observational biodiversity data on mobile devices are often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in areas nearby. These data are also biased toward certain species with attractive or eye-catching features.What can we do with the imperfect datasets of biodiversity?“Quite a lot,” Daru explained. “Biodiversity apps can use our study results to inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places – and even species – that are not w ell-sampled. To improve the quality of observational data, biodiversity apps can also encourage users to have an expert confirm the identification of their uploaded image.”32. What do we know about the records of species collected now?A. They are becoming outdated.B. They are mostly in electronic form.C. They are limited in number.D. They are used for public exhibition.33. What does Daru’s study focus on?A. Threatened species.B. Physical specimens.C. Observational data.D. Mobile applications.34. What has led to the biases according to the study?A. Mistakes in data analysis.B. Poor quality of uploaded pictures.C. Improper way of sampling.D. Unreliable data collection devices.35. What is Daru’s suggestion for biodiversity apps?A. Review data from certain areas.B. Hire experts to check the records.C. Confirm the identity of the users.D. Give guidance to citizen scientists.二答案解析三专家评价考查关键能力,促进思维品质发展2024年高考英语全国卷继续加强内容和形式创新,优化试题设问角度和方式,增强试题的开放性和灵活性,引导学生进行独立思考和判断,培养逻辑思维能力、批判思维能力和创新思维能力。
About the T utorialBadminton is a game played between two or four players. Both teams have to make points in order to defeat the other team. This is a small tutorial that explains the basic rules of how to play this game.AudienceThis tutorial is for anyone who is interested in badminton and wants to learn the rules of how to play badminton.PrerequisiteThere are no prerequisites whatsoever. All that you need is a passion to learn and play badminton.Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2022 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (1)Audience (1)Prerequisite (1)Copyright & Disclaimer (1)Table of Contents (2)1.BADMINTON – OVERVIEW (4)Objective (4)Team Size (4)2.BADMINTON – PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES (5)3.BADMINTON – PLAYING ENVIRONMENT (6)Court Dimensions (6)4.BADMINTON – EQUIPMENT (7)Badminton Racket (7)Shuttlecock (7)Badminton Shoes (7)Badminton Accessories (8)5.TERMS IN BADMINTON (9)6.HOW TO PLAY BADMINTON? (11)Getting Ready and Serving (11)Scoring (12)Fouls (13)7.BADMINTON –VARIANTS (14)Speed Badminton (14)Doubles (14)Black Lighting (14)8.BADMINTON – TOURNAMENTS (15)9.BADMINTON – CHAMPIONS (16)Badminton 1.Badminton, prominently known as Shuttlecock, is an age old game that has its origin about 2000 years ago in parts of Europe and Asia. Badminton was mostly played by the higher society of England as a pastime and the game was mostly practiced by hitting the shuttlecock forward and backward. Rules similar to that of today’s Badminton were written in 1893 and the modern game was popularized in England.Badminton as battledore and shuttlecock is played with sides across a string suspended some five feet above the ground. The sport tests player’s athletic stamina, agility and good motor coordination skills.ObjectiveThe objective of badminton is similar to that of other racket games. This game can be played in three variants; singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. A shuttle cock is shot with a wired metal rimmed racket across the net, called a serve, to player(s) on the other side of the court who try to send it back.Each player tries to land the shuttle cock on the opposite teams while intercepting it on their side. The cock has to fly over the net and reach the other side once a player hits it. The shuttlecock volleys among the players to make a rally, and they hit it with their rackets till it lands on the court or till one of the players commits a fault.The player scores a point if the opposite player misses the shuttle. These hits can either be smashes, slow and light, or flat and low.T eam SizeSize is no barrier for forming a badminton team. In university level or junior college level, teams can either be of single gender or mixed. Players from a school can form many teams and participate in the tournament. Two players of the same or different gender can form a team and participate in doubles, while single players can participate in singles tournaments.Badminton 2.The following countries have international players participating in Badminton tournaments.Badminton 3.Badminton is usually played outdoors as the shuttlecock drag is higher and it is difficult to play in windy weather conditions. As a recreational activity Badminton can be played outdoors.Court DimensionsBadminton court is rectangular and is divided into two equal symmetric halves by a net suspended from two vertical posts fixed at either sides of the court. Courts are marked for singles and doubles, as they differ in their dimensions; the doubles court is larger in breadth than a singles court and has a shorter serve-length dimension.The width of doubles court is 20 feet and that of singles court is 17 feet, and both are of the same 44 feet length. A short service line is marked on either sides of the court at a distance of 6ft 6inches from the net. A doubles long service line runs across the breadth of the court at 13 feet from the short service line, and the end of the court marks the singles’ long service line.A center line parallel to the length of the court divides each side of the court into two equal halves. A net is suspended from poles at the centre on each side of the court on double sidelines. The bottom of the net is at a height of 5 feet 1 inch from the ground at the edges and 5 feet at the center.Badminton Apart from the Badminton Racket and Shuttlecock, one would normally get to see the following equipment when a game is on.Badminton RacketModern Badminton Rackets are light in weight and don’t weigh more than 100 grams. The frame of the Racket can be made of common metals like steel or aluminum. Sometimes rackets are made of alloys, tough carbon fiber, ceramic, or boron. Its length does not exceed 680mm and width does not exceed 230 mm.ShuttlecockSixteen feathers fixed in a cork base enveloped in a thin leather sheet make a shuttlecock. Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made from feathers from the wing of a goose. The shuttle weighs between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.Badminton ShoesA good pair of Badminton Shoes provide good grip, cushioning and some flexibility at the forefoot.4.BadmintonBadminton AccessoriesThe commonly used Badminton Accessories are Grip, Badminton Clothes, Socks, Wrist Band and Head Band.GripA grip made of cloth or synthetic fiber absorbs sweat and provides you a drier feel.Badminton ClothesComfortable T-shirts and shorts, that don’t hinder your movement are ideal to pla y Badminton. A cotton round-neck or a collar t-shirts with a pair of light shorts are usually preferred.SocksWear a pair of thick cotton socks as they help to absorb sweat. They also prevent your feet from slipping inside your shoes. Avoid wearing Nylon socks that don’t absorb sweat. Wrist BandIf you perspire a lot, you may consider getting a wrist band that prevents your sweat from flowing to your racket handle.Head BandWear a Head Band if you wear spectacles. It prevents your lenses from getting wet and also stops the sweat and hair from getting into your eyes while playing.Badminton 5.Attacking clear: An offensive player makes this stroke when he shoots the shuttlecock deep into the opponent’s court.Backcourt: Back one thirds of the court before the boundary lines on either sides of the net.Backhand: The stroke that returns shuttle cock to the left of a right-handed player and to the right of a left-handed player.Base position: A singles player tries to return to the center of the court during the play; it is also called Base position of the player.Baseline: The line that marks the boundary at the breadth of court.Carry: If the shuttle gets stuck for a while in the wires before getting released, the stroke the player makes with the racket is called a carry, sling, or throw and is considered illegal. Drive: A fast shot when the shuttle flies straight over the net but close to it.Drop shot: A clever shot when the player rapidly drops the shuttle close to the net to the opponent's court.Feint: Any pretend shot or movement also called as "balk" that unsettles an opponent before or during the serve.Flick: A quick wrist-and-forearm rotation that changes the course of a soft shot into a fast one and surprises the opponent.Forecourt: The front one thirds of the half court on both sides of the net, between the net and the short service line.Forehand: The stroke that returns a racket to the right side of a right-handed player and to the left side of a left-handed player.Game: A game is finished when a player or team scores enough points to win a single contest; it is a part of a set.Hairpin net shot: The trajectory of racket is hairpin shaped when a player lifts it from falling close to the net and sends it to the other side where it drops sharply close to the net.Half court shot: A low shot to the midcourt, usually used in doubles game.High clear: A deep shot by a defending player to the opponent’s courtKill: The shuttlecock is shot very fast; so that, it cannot be returned.Let: A minor violation of the rules when the referee allows players to replay the rally.Badminton Long Service Line: In singles it is same as the boundary line at the breadth. In doubles the line is 2.5 feet inside the singles line. The serve should not go past this line. Match: A series of games where a winner emerges at the end.Midcourt: One third middle part of court between the net and the back boundary line on either sides of the net.Net shot: A shot hit high from the forecourt close to the net that just flings the shuttlecock over the net and drops it sharply.Passing shot: Any shot passing the shuttlecock to the opposing player or team.Push shot: A slight wrist movement that gently shoots the shuttlecock.Service court: The area into which a service must be delivered; this is different for singles and doubles.Short service line: The line marked at 1.98 meters from the net in service courts where player plays in a singles game.Singles sideline: The side boundary of a singles court.Smash: A hard-hit overhead shot into the opponent’s court that pushes the shuttlecock downwards very fast.Wood shot: A shot with the frame of a racket.Short Serve: This kind of serve is mostly used in Doubles. The shuttle cock barely clears the net and lands close to the serve line.Long Serve: This kind of serve is mostly used in Singles. The shuttlecock reaches far and deep into the court.Badminton 6.Badminton is similar to other racket games, but it requires swift wrist and arm movements. The feathered shuttlecock has a greater aerodynamic drag and it swings differently from a ball.Below is a simplified version of badminton rules that can acclimatize you to the game. Getting Ready and ServingThe game starts with a toss. The referee tosses the coin and one player calls ‘Head’ or ‘Tail’. Player or team that wins the toss has an option to choose a side of the court, or an option to serve or receive first. If the player chooses his/her preferred side of the court then, the opponent player or team can choose to serve or receive first and vice versa. Serving is done diagonally and the first serve is made from the right hand service court. The server should hit the shuttle underarm while it is below his/her waist. The server cannot step on boundaries and should serve from the correct service court. If the shuttle hits the net and doesn’t cross it after the service, it has to be served again. If the server commits a fault while serving the opponent gets the opportunity to serve.The receiving player receives the shuttlecock from the correct service court diagonally opposite to the server’s court and returns it, thus starting a rally. Players can move around their side of the court after returning the service.When a player shoots the shuttle outside the court boundaries or when a player misses to return the shuttle from his/her side of the court, the opponent gets a point and the rally ends.At the end of a game players change ends, and in a deciding game players change ends when one player or pair scores 8 (men) or 6 (ladies) points.Serving rules for singlesThe server serves from the right and left side of the service courts alternatively. Once the service is lost the opponent gets the chance.If the players haven’t scored any points or if they have scored an even number of points they serve from the right side of the service court to the right side of the opponent.If the players scored an odd number of points, they serve from the left side of the court to the left side of the opponent.Serving rules for doublesEach team gets two chances to serve, one for each player. The members in a team serve alternatively. After losing two serves the opposite team gets a chance to serve, and they start from the right side of the court.The serving team gets only one chance to serve at the beginning of the game.In Doubles, the pair that served in the previous rally and at the receiving end in the current rally doesn’t change their sides. Players that win a rally and are serving change th eir sides.If the players haven’t scored any points or if they have scored an even number of points they serve from the right side of the service court to the right side of the opponent.If the players scored an odd number of points, they serve from the left side of the court to the left side of the opponent.ScoringWhen the serving side wins a rally a point is added to its score and the player/team serves the next rally.When the receiving side wins a rally they add a point to their score and serve the next rally.A rally is won when a player or team makes a fault or when the shuttle lands in the opponent’s court.The most common faults during a rally are:∙Not hitting the shuttle before it lands within the boundaries.∙The shuttle is hit into the net.∙The shuttle fails to fly above the net.∙The shuttle lands outside the court boundary (if the shuttle lands on a line, it is in, but if a player steps on a line while serving or receiving, they are out) ∙The player’s body or the racket coming into contact with the net.∙Same player hitting the shuttle subsequently.Winning a match∙The best of three games make a match.∙The team or player scoring 21 points faster, wins a game.∙If the score of both the teams is 20 (20-all), then the team that gets a 2-point lead wins the game.∙If the score of both the teams is 29 (29-all), then the team that reaches 30th point first wins the game.∙The winner of a game also wins the right to serve first in the next game. Fouls∙Players should hit the shuttle only from their side of the court.∙Players should not touch the net or slide under it.∙The racket of a player should not land on the opposing team’s side.∙The shuttle should never hit players, even outside the boundaries.∙In Doubles, the shuttle shouldn’t hit a player or his clothin g or his racket before his teammate hits it.∙Both feet of a player should be on the ground while serving and receiving the serviceBadminton 7.Speed BadmintonThis game is inspired from Tennis, Badminton and Squash, and is fast gaining popularity throughout the world. It doesn’t require a n et or any specific court, and players can play on empty roads, beaches, badminton, or tennis courts.Two squares, each of 18 feet sides at a distance of 42 feet from each other make the court. The rackets are of length 58-60 cm and similar to Badminton’s but the material of strings is different. The ball, called a speeder, is heavier than a badminton shuttlecock and can shoot through wind better.DoublesThe doubles match is a variant of Singles Speed Badminton and is played on a single court. The serving rules are tweaked a bit; so that, all four players get a chance to play the match. A toss or rotating speeder decides who should serve first, and the server rotate among the four players. While the serving player stands at the back court, the other player stands at the front. The rules of faults are similar. The right to serve goes to the one who lost the previous rally.Black LightingWith proper lighting and fluorescent equipment, you may play speed badminton even at night. It is a very flexible sport and can be played indoors or outdoors in a court that is painted or pegged off. In some cases, a portable court, similar to a carpet court is also used.When played at night, speed badminton is called Blackminton. Back light, fluorescent paints, glow sticks also called as speed lights, special rackets and speeders fluorescent in color make it possible to play at night.Badminton 8.Badminton has been a part of Summer Olympics since 1992. It is now also held in Youth Olympic Games. BWF World Championships is the most prestigious tournament in Badminton where the winners emerge as world champions. It is held every year but not in the year of Olympics.Thomas & Uber Cup is a badminton team championship; Thomas Cup is for men and Uber Cup for women. The recent one was held in 2014 in Siri Fort Sports Complex in New Delhi, India.Here is a list of some prominent tournaments that are being organized for Badminton: ∙Olympics∙BWF World Championships∙Thomas & Uber Cups∙Sudirman CupBadminton9.Badminton – ChampionsBadminton rules were formulated and the sport was standardized in Europe, but most of the prominent players belong to China, Malaysia, and Indonesia. However, the sport is loved and widely played in Europe too.Players win points by participating in graded tournaments. The World Championships and the Olympics determine the world champion of the year. Players are ranked in all the five categories men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and m ixed doubles.Here are some of the prominent players.Gao LingLing is a Chinese badminton Doubles champion popular for her consistent performance and sporting smile. She won four Olympic medals, two Gold medals in Mixed doubles in 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics, a Silver medal in Women’s doubles in 2004 Summer Olympics, and a Bronze medal in Women’s doubles in 2000 Summer Olympics. She also won four World Championship titles, one World Cup, five Uber cup and three Sudirman Cup titles.Saina NehwalThe c urrent worlds Women’s Singles Champion is from India. She won a Bronze medal in 2012 London Olympics, and is the first Indian to win an Olympic medal for Badminton. She won a Silver medal at 2015 World Championship held at Jakarta.Li LingweiLi is a forme r Chinese badminton Champion who dominated the sport during the 80’s. She won many Singles as well as Doubles Championships. She won two Gold medals, one Silver medal in Singles, and a Gold medal and a Silver medal in Doubles at World Championships. She retired in 1989, three years before Badminton was included in the Olympics; so she never won an Olympic medal. She carried the Olympic flag during the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics in 2008.Lin DanLin Dan is widely considered to be the best SinglesBadminton player. He won two consecutive Olympic Goldmedals for men’s Singles at 2008 and 2012 Olympics.He is also a five-time World Champion, having won the titlein 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013.Taufik HidayatTaufik is a former Indonesian Badminton Champion who won Indonesian Open six times. He is popular for forceful smashes, backhand shots, drop shots, and tricky net shots. He won Olympic Gold for Men’s singles in 2004 Olympics and a World Championship in 2005.BadmintonLee Chong WeiLee Wei is a Malaysian Badminton champion of Chinese descent.He was ranked as the World’s top Champion for 199 consecutiveweeks.This man won two Olympic silver medals in 2008 and 2012, threeSilver medals in World championships in 2015, 2013, 2011, anda Bronze medal in World Championships in 2005.Tony GunawanHe is a former Indonesian Men’s Doubles Champion of Chinese descent and has been playing for United States since 2002. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest doubles Badminton players. He won an Olympic Gold at Olympics in 2000 and is the World Champion in Men’s Doubles in 2001 and in 2005.Rudy HartonoRudy Hartano is a former Indonesian Badminton star and is one of thegreatest men’s singles badminton champio n in the history of the sport.He won the prestigious All England Championship eight timesconsecutively from 1968 to 1974 and in 1976, and also the WorldChampionship in 1980.Morten Frost HansenMortean Hansen, a former Danish badminton player and coach is fondly called Mr. Badminton for he was one of the top three world’s best Badminton players for twelve years. He won almost every international Championship, but he only won two Silvers at World Badminton Championships in 1985 and 1987. He dominated the All England Open Badminton Championships, European Championships, and Nordic Championships in the 80’s. As a successful coach he steered the Danish team to win over 20 major international titles.。
2024年外研版英语初三上学期期中复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、What is the weather like today in the city?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy.D. Cloudy.Answer: BExplanation: The question asks about the weather in the city today. The answer can be inferred from the conversation or the given information provided in the listening passage. In this case, the correct answer is “Rainy” (选项B).2、How does the man usually travel to work?A. By bus.B. By car.C. On foot.D. By train.Answer: AExplanation: This question inquires about the man’s usual mode of transportation to work. The answer can be found in the dialogue or the information given in the listening section. Her e, the correct answer is “By bus” (选项A), as mentioned by the man.3.You are listening to a conversation between two friends, Tom and Lucy. They are discussing their weekend plans.Tom: Hey Lucy, what are you doing this weekend?Lucy: Oh, I’m planning to vi sit my grandparents. How about you, Tom? Tom: I’m thinking of going hiking with some friends. We’re going to a nature reserve.Question: What is Tom planning to do this weekend?A) Visit his grandparents.B) Go hiking with friends.C) Stay at home and read books.Answer: B) Go hiking with friends.Explanation: In the conversation, Tom explicitly mentions that he is planning to go hiking with some friends, making option B the correct answer.4.You are listening to a short news report about a local charity event.News Anchor: This weekend, the city will host a charity run to raise funds for children’s hospitals. Participants will run a 5-kilometer course starting from the city park. The event is scheduled to begin at 8:00 a.m. sharp.Question: What is the purpose of the charity run?A) To promote a new sports shoe brand.B) To raise funds for children’s hospitals.C) To celebrate the city’s sports day.Answer: B) To raise funds for children’s hospitals.Explanation: The news report clearly states that the charity run is organized to raise funds for children’s hospitals, making option B the correct answer.5、You hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans.A. Student 1: “I’m planning to go hiking in the mountains this weekend.”B. Stud ent 2: “That sounds great! I’m thinking of going to the beach instead.”Question: What are the students planning to do this weekend?Answer: A) go hiking / B) go to the beachExplanation: The first student mentions “go hiking in the mountains,” which corre sponds to option A. The second student suggests an alternative plan, “go to the beach,” which is option B. Since the question asks for what the students are planning to do, the correct answer is the activity mentioned by the first student, which is hiking.6、You hear a short dialogue between a teacher and a student about a school project.Teacher: “How are you doing with your science project?”Student: “I’m almost finished. I’ve collected all the data and I’m now working on the analysis.”Question: What stage is the student currently at in their science project? Answer: A) collecting data / B) working on analysisExplanation: The student responds to the teacher’s question by saying, “I’ve collected all the data and I’m now working on the analysis.” This indicates that the student has completed the data collection phase and is currently engaged in the analysis phase. Therefore, the correct answer is B) working on analysis.7、What is the name of the author of the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”?A. J.K. RowlingB. Harper LeeC. George OrwellD. Jane AustenAnswer: BExplanation: The correct answer is B. Harper Lee is the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird”. The other options are authors of different famous works, such as J.K. Rowling for “Harry Potter” series, George Orwell for “1984”, and Jane Austen for classic novels like “Pride and Prejudice”.8、How many seasons are there in the four seasons?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveAnswer: CExplanation: The correct answer is C. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The other options do not represent the number of seasons.9.You hear a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, discussing their weekend plans.Alice: “Hey Bob, do you have any plans for this weekend?”Bob: “Yeah, actually, I’m going to visit my grandparents. They live in the countryside.”Alice: “Oh, that sounds nice. Do you think they’ll be staying for the whole weekend?”Bob: “I think they’ll be here until Sunday evening. They always visit for at leas t two days.”Question: How long will Bob’s grandparents be visiting?A) One dayB) Two daysC) Three daysD) One weekAnswer: B) Two days解析:从Bob的回答中可以得知,他的祖父母会待至少两天,因此答案是B) Two days。
Hausdorff distance
Hausdorff distanceIn mathematics, the Hausdorff distance , or Hausdorff metric , also called Pompeiu –Hausdorff distance ,[1]measures how far two subsets of a metric space are from each other. It turns the set of non-empty compact subsets of a metric space into a metric space in its own right. It is named after Felix Hausdorff.Informally, two sets are close in the Hausdorff distance if every point of either set is close to some point of the other set. The Hausdorff distance is the longest distance you can be forced to travel by an adversary who chooses a point in one of the two sets, from where you then must travel to the other set. In other words, it is the greatest of all the distances from a point in one set to the closest point in the other set.It seems that this distance was first introduced by Hausdorff in his book Grundzüge der Mengenlehre , first published in 1914.DefinitionComponents of the calculation of the Hausdorff distance between thegreen line X and the blue line Y.Let X and Y be two non-empty subsets of a metricspace (M , d ). We define their Hausdorff distance d H (X ,Y) bywhere sup represents the supremum and inf theinfimum.Equivalently,[2]where,that is, the set of all points within of the set(sometimes called the -fattening ofor a generalized ball of radius around ).RemarkIt is not true in general that if , then .For instance, consider the metric space of the real numberswith the usual metric induced by the absolute value,.Take.Then . However because , but .Properties•In general, dH (X,Y) may be infinite. If both X and Y are bounded, then dH(X,Y) is guaranteed to be finite.•We have dH(X,Y) = 0 if and only if X and Y have the same closure.•On the set of all non-empty subsets of M, dHyields an extended pseudometric.•On the set F(M) of all non-empty compact subsets of M, dHis a metric.•If M is complete, then so is F(M).[3]•(Blaschke selection theorem) If M is compact, then so is F(M).•The topology of F(M) depends only on the topology of M, not on the metric d.MotivationThe definition of the Hausdorff distance can be derived by a series of natural extensions of the distance function d(x, y) in the underlying metric space M, as follows:[4]•Define a distance function between any point x of M and any non-empty set Y of M by:.For example, d(1, [3,6]) = 2 and d(7, [3,6]) = 1.•Define a distance function between any two non-empty sets X and Y of M by:.For example, d([1,7], [3,6]) = d(1, [3,6]) = 2.•If X and Y are compact then d(X,Y) will be finite; d(X,X)=0; and d inherits the triangle inequality property from the distance function in M. As it stands, d(X,Y) is not a metric because d(X,Y) is not always symmetric, and d(X,Y) = 0 does not imply that X = Y (It does imply that ). For example, d([1,3,6,7], [3,6]) = 2, but d([3,6], [1,3,6,7]) = 0. However, we can create a metric by defining the Hausdorff distance to be:ApplicationsIn computer vision, the Hausdorff distance can be used to find a given template in an arbitrary target image. The template and image are often pre-processed via an edge detector giving a binary image. Next, each 1 (activated) point in the binary image of the template is treated as a point in a set, the "shape" of the template. Similarly, an area of the binary target image is treated as a set of points. The algorithm then tries to minimize the Hausdorff distance between the template and some area of the target image. The area in the target image with the minimal Hausdorff distance to the template, can be considered the best candidate for locating the template in the target.[5] In Computer Graphics the Hausdorff distance is used to measure the difference between two different representations of the same 3D object[6] particularly when generating level of detail for efficient display of complex 3D models.Related concepts. Namely, A measure for the dissimilarity of two shapes is given by Hausdorff distance up to isometry, denoted DH(X,Y) is the infimum of let X and Y be two compact figures in a metric space M (usually a Euclidean space); then DH (I(X),Y) along all isometries I of the metric space M to itself. This distance measures how far the shapes X and Y dHare from being isometric.The Gromov–Hausdorff convergence is a related idea: we measure the distance of two metric spaces M and N by (I(M),J(N)) along all isometric embeddings I:M→L and J:N→L into some common metric taking the infimum of dHspace L.References[1]R. Tyrrell Rockafellar, Roger J-B Wets, Variational Analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2005, ISBN 3-540-62772-3, ISBN 978-3-540-62772-2,pg.117.[2]Munkres, James; Topology (2nd edition). Prentice Hall, 1999. Pages 280--281.[3](/phase2/UJM/vol1/HAUSF.PDF) Completeness and Total Boundedness of the Hausdorff Metric[5]Hausdorff-Based Matching (/vision/hausdorff/hausmatch.html)[6]P. Cignoni, C. Rocchini, R. Scopigno, "Metro: Measuring Error on Simplified Surfaces", Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 17, Number 2,June 1998, pp. 167-174External links•/encyclopedia/HausdorffMetric.html•Completeness and Total Boundedness of the Hausdorff Metric (/phase2/UJM/vol1/ HAUSF.PDF) (pdf)••Using MeshLab to measure difference between two surfaces (/2010/01/ measuring-difference-between-two-meshes.html) A short tutorial on how to compute and visualize the Hausdorff distance between two triangulated 3D surfaces using the open source tool MeshLab.•MATLAB code for Hausdorff distance: (/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ 27905-hausdorff-distance)Article Sources and Contributors4 Article Sources and ContributorsHausdorff distance Source: /w/index.php?oldid=553672153 Contributors: A. Pichler, ALoopingIcon, Ace of Spades, AxelBoldt, Bdmy, Beamishboy, CBM, CharlesMatthews, Ciphers, Daniel Mietchen, Diegotorquemada, Dvsphanindra, Emanuele.paolini, EoGuy, Gandalf61, Gauge, Jeanpetr, JohnBlackburne, JorgeGG, Lambiam, Lupo, Madmath789,Marcosaedro, Merewyn, Michael Hardy, Omnipaedista, Papadim.G, Patrick, Paul August, Psdey1, Rat, Rocchini, Simplifix, Small potato, Stimpy, Sullivan.t.j, TedPavlic, The man who wasFriday, Tiled, Toby Bartels, Tosha, Unenough, Vmoraru, 33 anonymous editsImage Sources, Licenses and ContributorsImage:Hausdorff distance sample.svg Source: /w/index.php?title=File:Hausdorff_distance_sample.svg License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Contributors:RocchiniLicenseCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported///licenses/by-sa/3.0/。
12个字母的英文单词你知道的12个字母的单词有哪些吗?一小编为大家整理了一些,起来学习一下吧!1.handkerchief 手帕12个字母的英语单词例句:1. She balled the handkerchief up and threw it at his feet. 她把手绢揉成一团,丢在了他的脚边。
2. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to him. 他从口袋里掏出手绢递给他。
3. He took out a handkerchief and blew his nose. 他掏出一块手帕,擤了擤鼻子。
4. Blake held his handkerchief over the mouthpiece to muffle his voice. 布莱克把手绢包在话筒上,以使自己的声音听起来模糊不清。
5. Tom tried to staunch the blood with his handkerchief. 汤姆试图用手帕来止血。
6. She lowered the handkerchief which she had kept dabbing at her eyes. 她放下了那块一直用来擦眼睛的手帕。
7. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth. 他从口袋里掏出手帕,轻轻擦了擦嘴。
8. "Is this what you were looking for?" Bradley produced the handkerchief. “你刚才找的是不是这个?”布拉德利掏出那块手绢。
9. Her sister broke down, sobbing into her handkerchief. 她姐姐再也控制不住自己的情绪,捂着手绢呜咽起来。
中国组织工程研究与临床康复第15卷第21期 2011–05–21出版Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research May 21, 2011 Vol.15, No.21 ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: Z LKHAH3905 Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, ChinaWang Chun☆, Doctor, Attending physician, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinadoctorchun@ Correspondence to: Gu Tian-xiang, Doctor, Professor, Department of Cardiac Surgery, the First AffiliatedHospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning Province, Chinacmugtx@ Supported by: the Funding Program of Liaoning Educational Committee, No.2004C050*; Science and Technology Planof Liaonign Province, No.2006401013-2* Received: 2011-02-18 Accepted: 2011-04-23中国医科大学附属第一医院心脏外科,辽宁省沈阳市 110001王春☆,男,1979年生,山东省陵县人,汉族,2007年中国医科大学毕业,博士,主治医师,主要从事成人心血管疾病的外科治疗研究。
离散数学中英文名词对照表外文中文AAbel category Abel 范畴Abel group (commutative group) Abel 群(交换群)Abel semigroup Abel 半群accessibility relation 可达关系action 作用addition principle 加法原理adequate set of connectives 联结词的功能完备(全)集adjacent 相邻(邻接)adjacent matrix 邻接矩阵adjugate 伴随adjunction 接合affine plane 仿射平面algebraic closed field 代数闭域algebraic element 代数元素algebraic extension 代数扩域(代数扩张)almost equivalent 几乎相等的alternating group 三次交代群annihilator 零化子antecedent 前件anti symmetry 反对称性anti-isomorphism 反同构arboricity 荫度arc set 弧集arity 元数arrangement problem 布置问题associate 相伴元associative algebra 结合代数associator 结合子asymmetric 不对称的(非对称的)atom 原子atomic formula 原子公式augmenting digeon hole principle 加强的鸽子笼原理augmenting path 可增路automorphism 自同构automorphism group of graph 图的自同构群auxiliary symbol 辅助符号axiom of choice 选择公理axiom of equality 相等公理axiom of extensionality 外延公式axiom of infinity 无穷公理axiom of pairs 配对公理axiom of regularity 正则公理axiom of replacement for the formula Ф关于公式Ф的替换公式axiom of the empty set 空集存在公理axiom of union 并集公理Bbalanced imcomplete block design 平衡不完全区组设计barber paradox 理发师悖论base 基Bell number Bell 数Bernoulli number Bernoulli 数Berry paradox Berry 悖论bijective 双射bi-mdule 双模binary relation 二元关系binary symmetric channel 二进制对称信道binomial coefficient 二项式系数binomial theorem 二项式定理binomial transform 二项式变换bipartite graph 二分图block 块block 块图(区组)block code 分组码block design 区组设计Bondy theorem Bondy 定理Boole algebra Boole 代数Boole function Boole 函数Boole homomorophism Boole 同态Boole lattice Boole 格bound occurrence 约束出现bound variable 约束变量bounded lattice 有界格bridge 桥Bruijn theorem Bruijn 定理Burali-Forti paradox Burali-Forti 悖论Burnside lemma Burnside 引理Ccage 笼canonical epimorphism 标准满态射Cantor conjecture Cantor 猜想Cantor diagonal method Cantor 对角线法Cantor paradox Cantor 悖论cardinal number 基数Cartesion product of graph 图的笛卡儿积Catalan number Catalan 数category 范畴Cayley graph Cayley 图Cayley theorem Cayley 定理center 中心characteristic function 特征函数characteristic of ring 环的特征characteristic polynomial 特征多项式check digits 校验位Chinese postman problem 中国邮递员问题chromatic number 色数chromatic polynomial 色多项式circuit 回路circulant graph 循环图circumference 周长class 类classical completeness 古典完全的classical consistent 古典相容的clique 团clique number 团数closed term 闭项closure 闭包closure of graph 图的闭包code 码code element 码元code length 码长code rate 码率code word 码字coefficient 系数coimage 上象co-kernal 上核coloring 着色coloring problem 着色问题combination number 组合数combination with repetation 可重组合common factor 公因子commutative diagram 交换图commutative ring 交换环commutative seimgroup 交换半群complement 补图(子图的余) complement element 补元complemented lattice 有补格complete bipartite graph 完全二分图complete graph 完全图complete k-partite graph 完全k-分图complete lattice 完全格composite 复合composite operation 复合运算composition (molecular proposition) 复合(分子)命题composition of graph (lexicographic product)图的合成(字典积)concatenation (juxtaposition) 邻接运算concatenation graph 连通图congruence relation 同余关系conjunctive normal form 正则合取范式connected component 连通分支connective 连接的connectivity 连通度consequence 推论(后承)consistent (non-contradiction) 相容性(无矛盾性)continuum 连续统contraction of graph 图的收缩contradiction 矛盾式(永假式)contravariant functor 反变函子coproduct 上积corank 余秩correct error 纠正错误corresponding universal map 对应的通用映射countably infinite set 可列无限集(可列集)covariant functor (共变)函子covering 覆盖covering number 覆盖数Coxeter graph Coxeter 图crossing number of graph 图的叉数cuset 陪集cotree 余树cut edge 割边cut vertex 割点cycle 圈cycle basis 圈基cycle matrix 圈矩阵cycle rank 圈秩cycle space 圈空间cycle vector 圈向量cyclic group 循环群cyclic index 循环(轮转)指标cyclic monoid 循环单元半群cyclic permutation 圆圈排列cyclic semigroup 循环半群DDe Morgan law De Morgan 律decision procedure 判决过程decoding table 译码表deduction theorem 演绎定理degree 次数,次(度)degree sequence 次(度)序列derivation algebra 微分代数Descartes product Descartes 积designated truth value 特指真值detect errer 检验错误deterministic 确定的diagonal functor 对角线函子diameter 直径digraph 有向图dilemma 二难推理direct consequence 直接推论(直接后承)direct limit 正向极限direct sum 直和directed by inclution 被包含关系定向discrete Fourier transform 离散 Fourier 变换disjunctive normal form 正则析取范式disjunctive syllogism 选言三段论distance 距离distance transitive graph 距离传递图distinguished element 特异元distributive lattice 分配格divisibility 整除division subring 子除环divison ring 除环divisor (factor) 因子domain 定义域Driac condition Dirac 条件dual category 对偶范畴dual form 对偶式dual graph 对偶图dual principle 对偶原则(对偶原理) dual statement 对偶命题dummy variable 哑变量(哑变元)Eeccentricity 离心率edge chromatic number 边色数edge coloring 边着色edge connectivity 边连通度edge covering 边覆盖edge covering number 边覆盖数edge cut 边割集edge set 边集edge-independence number 边独立数eigenvalue of graph 图的特征值elementary divisor ideal 初等因子理想elementary product 初等积elementary sum 初等和empty graph 空图empty relation 空关系empty set 空集endomorphism 自同态endpoint 端点enumeration function 计数函数epimorphism 满态射equipotent 等势equivalent category 等价范畴equivalent class 等价类equivalent matrix 等价矩阵equivalent object 等价对象equivalent relation 等价关系error function 错误函数error pattern 错误模式Euclid algorithm 欧几里德算法Euclid domain 欧氏整环Euler characteristic Euler 特征Euler function Euler 函数Euler graph Euler 图Euler number Euler 数Euler polyhedron formula Euler 多面体公式Euler tour Euler 闭迹Euler trail Euler 迹existential generalization 存在推广规则existential quantifier 存在量词existential specification 存在特指规则extended Fibonacci number 广义 Fibonacci 数extended Lucas number 广义Lucas 数extension 扩充(扩张)extension field 扩域extension graph 扩图exterior algebra 外代数Fface 面factor 因子factorable 可因子化的factorization 因子分解faithful (full) functor 忠实(完满)函子Ferrers graph Ferrers 图Fibonacci number Fibonacci 数field 域filter 滤子finite extension 有限扩域finite field (Galois field ) 有限域(Galois 域)finite dimensional associative division algebra有限维结合可除代数finite set 有限(穷)集finitely generated module 有限生成模first order theory with equality 带符号的一阶系统five-color theorem 五色定理five-time-repetition 五倍重复码fixed point 不动点forest 森林forgetful functor 忘却函子four-color theorem(conjecture) 四色定理(猜想)F-reduced product F-归纳积free element 自由元free monoid 自由单元半群free occurrence 自由出现free R-module 自由R-模free variable 自由变元free-Ω-algebra 自由Ω代数function scheme 映射格式GGalileo paradox Galileo 悖论Gauss coefficient Gauss 系数GBN (Gödel-Bernays-von Neumann system)GBN系统generalized petersen graph 广义 petersen 图generating function 生成函数generating procedure 生成过程generator 生成子(生成元)generator matrix 生成矩阵genus 亏格girth (腰)围长Gödel completeness theorem Gödel 完全性定理golden section number 黄金分割数(黄金分割率)graceful graph 优美图graceful tree conjecture 优美树猜想graph 图graph of first class for edge coloring 第一类边色图graph of second class for edge coloring 第二类边色图graph rank 图秩graph sequence 图序列greatest common factor 最大公因子greatest element 最大元(素)Grelling paradox Grelling 悖论Grötzsch graph Grötzsch 图group 群group code 群码group of graph 图的群HHajós conjecture Hajós 猜想Hamilton cycle Hamilton 圈Hamilton graph Hamilton 图Hamilton path Hamilton 路Harary graph Harary 图Hasse graph Hasse 图Heawood graph Heawood 图Herschel graph Herschel 图hom functor hom 函子homemorphism 图的同胚homomorphism 同态(同态映射)homomorphism of graph 图的同态hyperoctahedron 超八面体图hypothelical syllogism 假言三段论hypothese (premise) 假设(前提)Iideal 理想identity 单位元identity natural transformation 恒等自然变换imbedding 嵌入immediate predcessor 直接先行immediate successor 直接后继incident 关联incident axiom 关联公理incident matrix 关联矩阵inclusion and exclusion principle 包含与排斥原理inclusion relation 包含关系indegree 入次(入度)independent 独立的independent number 独立数independent set 独立集independent transcendental element 独立超越元素index 指数individual variable 个体变元induced subgraph 导出子图infinite extension 无限扩域infinite group 无限群infinite set 无限(穷)集initial endpoint 始端initial object 初始对象injection 单射injection functor 单射函子injective (one to one mapping) 单射(内射)inner face 内面inner neighbour set 内(入)邻集integral domain 整环integral subdomain 子整环internal direct sum 内直和intersection 交集intersection of graph 图的交intersection operation 交运算interval 区间invariant factor 不变因子invariant factor ideal 不变因子理想inverse limit 逆向极限inverse morphism 逆态射inverse natural transformation 逆自然变换inverse operation 逆运算inverse relation 逆关系inversion 反演isomorphic category 同构范畴isomorphism 同构态射isomorphism of graph 图的同构join of graph 图的联JJordan algebra Jordan 代数Jordan product (anti-commutator) Jordan乘积(反交换子)Jordan sieve formula Jordan 筛法公式j-skew j-斜元juxtaposition 邻接乘法Kk-chromatic graph k-色图k-connected graph k-连通图k-critical graph k-色临界图k-edge chromatic graph k-边色图k-edge-connected graph k-边连通图k-edge-critical graph k-边临界图kernel 核Kirkman schoolgirl problem Kirkman 女生问题Kuratowski theorem Kuratowski 定理Llabeled graph 有标号图Lah number Lah 数Latin rectangle Latin 矩形Latin square Latin 方lattice 格lattice homomorphism 格同态law 规律leader cuset 陪集头least element 最小元least upper bound 上确界(最小上界)left (right) identity 左(右)单位元left (right) invertible element 左(右)可逆元left (right) module 左(右)模left (right) zero 左(右)零元left (right) zero divisor 左(右)零因子left adjoint functor 左伴随函子left cancellable 左可消的left coset 左陪集length 长度Lie algebra Lie 代数line- group 图的线群logically equivanlent 逻辑等价logically implies 逻辑蕴涵logically valid 逻辑有效的(普效的)loop 环Lucas number Lucas 数Mmagic 幻方many valued proposition logic 多值命题逻辑matching 匹配mathematical structure 数学结构matrix representation 矩阵表示maximal element 极大元maximal ideal 极大理想maximal outerplanar graph 极大外平面图maximal planar graph 极大平面图maximum matching 最大匹配maxterm 极大项(基本析取式)maxterm normal form(conjunctive normal form) 极大项范式(合取范式)McGee graph McGee 图meet 交Menger theorem Menger 定理Meredith graph Meredith 图message word 信息字mini term 极小项minimal κ-connected graph 极小κ-连通图minimal polynomial 极小多项式Minimanoff paradox Minimanoff 悖论minimum distance 最小距离Minkowski sum Minkowski 和minterm (fundamental conjunctive form) 极小项(基本合取式)minterm normal form(disjunctive normal form)极小项范式(析取范式)Möbius function Möbius 函数Möbius ladder Möbius 梯Möbius transform (inversion) Möbius 变换(反演)modal logic 模态逻辑model 模型module homomorphism 模同态(R-同态)modus ponens 分离规则modus tollens 否定后件式module isomorphism 模同构monic morphism 单同态monoid 单元半群monomorphism 单态射morphism (arrow) 态射(箭)Möbius function Möbius 函数Möbius ladder Möbius 梯Möbius transform (inversion) Möbius 变换(反演)multigraph 多重图multinomial coefficient 多项式系数multinomial expansion theorem 多项式展开定理multiple-error-correcting code 纠多错码multiplication principle 乘法原理mutually orthogonal Latin square 相互正交拉丁方Nn-ary operation n-元运算n-ary product n-元积natural deduction system 自然推理系统natural isomorphism 自然同构natural transformation 自然变换neighbour set 邻集next state 下一个状态next state transition function 状态转移函数non-associative algebra 非结合代数non-standard logic 非标准逻辑Norlund formula Norlund 公式normal form 正规形normal model 标准模型normal subgroup (invariant subgroup) 正规子群(不变子群)n-relation n-元关系null object 零对象nullary operation 零元运算Oobject 对象orbit 轨道order 阶order ideal 阶理想Ore condition Ore 条件orientation 定向orthogonal Latin square 正交拉丁方orthogonal layout 正交表outarc 出弧outdegree 出次(出度)outer face 外面outer neighbour 外(出)邻集outerneighbour set 出(外)邻集outerplanar graph 外平面图Ppancycle graph 泛圈图parallelism 平行parallelism class 平行类parity-check code 奇偶校验码parity-check equation 奇偶校验方程parity-check machine 奇偶校验器parity-check matrix 奇偶校验矩阵partial function 偏函数partial ordering (partial relation) 偏序关系partial order relation 偏序关系partial order set (poset) 偏序集partition 划分,分划,分拆partition number of integer 整数的分拆数partition number of set 集合的划分数Pascal formula Pascal 公式path 路perfect code 完全码perfect t-error-correcting code 完全纠-错码perfect graph 完美图permutation 排列(置换)permutation group 置换群permutation with repetation 可重排列Petersen graph Petersen 图p-graph p-图Pierce arrow Pierce 箭pigeonhole principle 鸽子笼原理planar graph (可)平面图plane graph 平面图Pólya theorem Pólya 定理polynomail 多项式polynomial code 多项式码polynomial representation 多项式表示法polynomial ring 多项式环possible world 可能世界power functor 幂函子power of graph 图的幂power set 幂集predicate 谓词prenex normal form 前束范式pre-ordered set 拟序集primary cycle module 准素循环模prime field 素域prime to each other 互素primitive connective 初始联结词primitive element 本原元primitive polynomial 本原多项式principal ideal 主理想principal ideal domain 主理想整环principal of duality 对偶原理principal of redundancy 冗余性原则product 积product category 积范畴product-sum form 积和式proof (deduction) 证明(演绎)proper coloring 正常着色proper factor 真正因子proper filter 真滤子proper subgroup 真子群properly inclusive relation 真包含关系proposition 命题propositional constant 命题常量propositional formula(well-formed formula,wff)命题形式(合式公式)propositional function 命题函数propositional variable 命题变量pullback 拉回(回拖) pushout 推出Qquantification theory 量词理论quantifier 量词quasi order relation 拟序关系quaternion 四元数quotient (difference) algebra 商(差)代数quotient algebra 商代数quotient field (field of fraction) 商域(分式域)quotient group 商群quotient module 商模quotient ring (difference ring , residue ring) 商环(差环,同余类环)quotient set 商集RRamsey graph Ramsey 图Ramsey number Ramsey 数Ramsey theorem Ramsey 定理range 值域rank 秩reconstruction conjecture 重构猜想redundant digits 冗余位reflexive 自反的regular graph 正则图regular representation 正则表示relation matrix 关系矩阵replacement theorem 替换定理representation 表示representation functor 可表示函子restricted proposition form 受限命题形式restriction 限制retraction 收缩Richard paradox Richard 悖论right adjoint functor 右伴随函子right cancellable 右可消的right factor 右因子right zero divison 右零因子ring 环ring of endomorphism 自同态环ring with unity element 有单元的环R-linear independence R-线性无关root field 根域rule of inference 推理规则Russell paradox Russell 悖论Ssatisfiable 可满足的saturated 饱和的scope 辖域section 截口self-complement graph 自补图semantical completeness 语义完全的(弱完全的)semantical consistent 语义相容semigroup 半群separable element 可分元separable extension 可分扩域sequent 矢列式sequential 序列的Sheffer stroke Sheffer 竖(谢弗竖)simple algebraic extension 单代数扩域simple extension 单扩域simple graph 简单图simple proposition (atomic proposition) 简单(原子)命题simple transcental extension 单超越扩域simplication 简化规则slope 斜率small category 小范畴smallest element 最小元(素)Socrates argument Socrates 论断(苏格拉底论断)soundness (validity) theorem 可靠性(有效性)定理spanning subgraph 生成子图spanning tree 生成树spectra of graph 图的谱spetral radius 谱半径splitting field 分裂域standard model 标准模型standard monomil 标准单项式Steiner triple Steiner 三元系大集Stirling number Stirling 数Stirling transform Stirling 变换subalgebra 子代数subcategory 子范畴subdirect product 子直积subdivison of graph 图的细分subfield 子域subformula 子公式subdivision of graph 图的细分subgraph 子图subgroup 子群sub-module 子模subrelation 子关系subring 子环sub-semigroup 子半群subset 子集substitution theorem 代入定理substraction 差集substraction operation 差运算succedent 后件surjection (surjective) 满射switching-network 开关网络Sylvester formula Sylvester公式symmetric 对称的symmetric difference 对称差symmetric graph 对称图symmetric group 对称群syndrome 校验子syntactical completeness 语法完全的(强完全的)Syntactical consistent 语法相容system Ł3 , Łn , Łא0 , Łא系统Ł3 , Łn , Łא0 , Łאsystem L 公理系统 Lsystem Ł公理系统Łsystem L1 公理系统 L1system L2 公理系统 L2system L3 公理系统 L3system L4 公理系统 L4system L5 公理系统 L5system L6 公理系统 L6system Łn 公理系统Łnsystem of modal prepositional logic 模态命题逻辑系统system Pm 系统 Pmsystem S1 公理系统 S1system T (system M) 公理系统 T(系统M)Ttautology 重言式(永真公式)technique of truth table 真值表技术term 项terminal endpoint 终端terminal object 终结对象t-error-correcing BCH code 纠 t -错BCH码theorem (provable formal) 定理(可证公式)thickess 厚度timed sequence 时间序列torsion 扭元torsion module 扭模total chromatic number 全色数total chromatic number conjecture 全色数猜想total coloring 全着色total graph 全图total matrix ring 全方阵环total order set 全序集total permutation 全排列total relation 全关系tournament 竞赛图trace (trail) 迹tranformation group 变换群transcendental element 超越元素transitive 传递的tranverse design 横截设计traveling saleman problem 旅行商问题tree 树triple system 三元系triple-repetition code 三倍重复码trivial graph 平凡图trivial subgroup 平凡子群true in an interpretation 解释真truth table 真值表truth value function 真值函数Turán graph Turán 图Turán theorem Turán 定理Tutte graph Tutte 图Tutte theorem Tutte 定理Tutte-coxeter graph Tutte-coxeter 图UUlam conjecture Ulam 猜想ultrafilter 超滤子ultrapower 超幂ultraproduct 超积unary operation 一元运算unary relation 一元关系underlying graph 基础图undesignated truth value 非特指值undirected graph 无向图union 并(并集)union of graph 图的并union operation 并运算unique factorization 唯一分解unique factorization domain (Gauss domain) 唯一分解整域unique k-colorable graph 唯一k着色unit ideal 单位理想unity element 单元universal 全集universal algebra 泛代数(Ω代数)universal closure 全称闭包universal construction 通用结构universal enveloping algebra 通用包络代数universal generalization 全称推广规则universal quantifier 全称量词universal specification 全称特指规则universal upper bound 泛上界unlabeled graph 无标号图untorsion 无扭模upper (lower) bound 上(下)界useful equivalent 常用等值式useless code 废码字Vvalence 价valuation 赋值Vandermonde formula Vandermonde 公式variery 簇Venn graph Venn 图vertex cover 点覆盖vertex set 点割集vertex transitive graph 点传递图Vizing theorem Vizing 定理Wwalk 通道weakly antisymmetric 弱反对称的weight 重(权)weighted form for Burnside lemma 带权形式的Burnside引理well-formed formula (wff) 合式公式(wff)word 字Zzero divison 零因子zero element (universal lower bound) 零元(泛下界)ZFC (Zermelo-Fraenkel-Cohen) system ZFC系统form)normal(Skolemformnormalprenex-存在正则前束范式(Skolem 正则范式)3-value proposition logic 三值命题逻辑。
The Irish countryside is very beautiful.[1] There is a popular Irish song which says that there are 100 different shades of green in the Irish landscape, and this is no exaggeration.[2]Thanks to generous rainfall, much of the countryside is covered in rich green vegetation, which is why Ireland is also known as the Emerrald Isle.[3] It also has a varied landscape with dramatic mountains, rocky coastlines and rolling hills.[4]
Definition of Completeness Checklist for paragraph Completeness Exercises
Definition of Completeness completeness--- it explores the main idea explicitly and concretely, with plenty of details, examples, and explanations.
Tourism is a booming business in China. However, some people worry that too many tourists may bring harm to the environment, while others don't think so. What is your opinion?
人教版高中英语选择性必修第三册UNIT2 Section Ⅲ 练习含答案
SectionⅢUsing Language,Assessing Your Progress&Video Time课后·训练提升一、单词拼写.There are many different kinds of flu v..The movie is a romantic c,making the audience happy and content.’d better go to the d.the web page a few times and still see no comments..He seems to be a d and energetic leader..Climbing so high made me feel d..Proper encouragement will s young people to make further efforts..Many people are now having trouble making their m house payments..Employing these methods,you can e your understanding of the data..Plants a carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.二、单句语法填空’ve got one of the most (stress) jobs there.(refresh)drink for those hot summer days.flu.4.You will surely make great progress as long as you are (absorb) in your(month)to discuss progress.6.I am pleased by every opportunity (enhance) this7.In a recent survey the majority of people who were interviewed supported a ban on8.Too many (sugar) canned drinks will harm your teeth,so you should learn to9.Exercise is beneficial to people’s health in (stimulate)the digestive and excretory(wear)out for looking after their four children.三、阅读理解A(2022·湖南常德高二期末)In the UK,shoppers spent over £365 million on mushrooms over the last year,making them the nation’s third most popular vegetable after potatoes and tomatoes.And mushrooms are now more popular than carrots,onions,broccoli and peppers because they are an excellent source of B vitamins which are needed for a healthy diet.That is good news especially for many teenagers trying to lose weight.Today most teenagers are keen about food with a lot of fat,oil,salt and sugar.People call this kind of food “junk food”.But bad eating habits go beyond fast food.We find many teenagers eat unhealthily.Some don’t have breakfast before they go to school.During the day,some don’t have a proper meal for lunch.In a recent survey at one school,scientists found that over two thirds of the students didn’t follow a healthy diet.They didn’t like vegetables,and many of them didn’t like to eat fruits.They preferred to eat food with a lot of salt,sugar,or fat.Parents today also worry about their children’s diet.Some doctors give the following advice: •Teenagers shouldn’t eat too much junk food.•Don’t eat food with too much salt.Salt can cause high blood pressure in the future.•Teenagers should eat food without much fat,oil and sugar.•Eat some fruits and vegetables every day,which are rich in vitamins and have little fat.•Drink more k will help their bones grow.•Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day.It is good for their body and mind.1.Which is the most popular vegetable in the UK?A.Mushrooms.B.Potatoes.D.Carrots.“In the UK,shoppers spent over £365 million on mushrooms over the last year,making them the nation’s third most popular vegetable after potatoes and tomatoes.”可知,英国最受欢迎的蔬菜是土豆,其次是西红柿和蘑菇。
Concurrent Zero-Knowledge with Logarithmic Round-Complexity并发零知识和对数圆形的复杂性共55页
This is a Completeness behavior.
Reductions & Completeness
• A function g securely reduces to f if an SFE for g can be constructed using calls to an ideal box for evaluating f.
• Strong results in form of combinatorial criteria. • Most works consider functions with a constant
or small domain size ( “Crypto-gates”).
• Avoid computational issues.
Main Result
• Introduce a computational criterion for
completeness called Row Non-Transitivity.
Main Theorem
• If f is Row Non-Transitive then it is Complete.
Previous Work
• SFE-Completeness discussed in:
[CK91, Kush92, Kil91, KMO94, BMM99, Kil00]
Beimel, Chor, Kilian, Kushilevitz, Malkin, Micali, Ostrovsky
• Mostly studied under Information Theoretic security definitions.
The Turing-completeness of multimodal categorial grammars
The inference schemes then follow the general scheme of residuation for unary and binary operations Moortgat 1994]. In terms of sequent rule schemes, this amounts to left and right rules for each of our binary and unary connectives. These are as follows.
? (A)u ] B ? A 3u L 3u R a ? 3uA] B (?) 3uA ? A] B (?)u A 2uL 2u R ? (2u A)u ] B ? 2u A (?; B )b A B ? A] C =b L =bR ? (A=b B; )b ] C ? A=b B B ? A] C (B; ?)b A L b bR b] ? ( ; B b A) C ? B bA ?(A; B )b C ? A B bL bR ? A bB] C (?; )b A b B A proof of a sequent ? A consists of a tree rooted at ? A, every local tree of which matches some inference rule, and every branch of which is terminated with an application of the identity scheme. Lambek's 1961] non-associative calculus, often called NL, is given by simply taking UnMod = and BinMod = n . The rules for the product and the left and right slash then correspond to Lambek's own presentation. NL is the weakest possible logic based on residuation, thus making it the one that is most sensitive to the structure of expressions. Lambek's 1958] associative calculus, often called L, on the other hand, can be de ned by taking UnMod = and BinMod = a , along with the following pair of structural postulates for associativity. ? (A; (B; C )a )a ] D ? ((A; B )a ; C )a ] D A (a) A (a) ? (A; (B; C )a )a ] D ? ((A; B )a ; C )a ] D These postulates encode the associativity of the mode of combination a. Similarly, the Lambek-van Benthem calculus van Benthem 1983], often called LP, is derived with a single binary mode of combination p, along with the postulates of associativity and permutation. ? ((A; B )p ; C )p ] D ? (A; (B; C )p )p ] D A (p) A (p) ? (A; (B; C )p )p ] D ? ((A; B )p ; C )p ] D
专利名称:METHOD FOR CHECKING FORCOMPLETENESS发明人:KOHLMANN, Klaus,MASSANELL, Javier,GONSCHIOR, Mike申请号:EP17739211.5申请日:20170628公开号:EP3427005B1公开日:20190515专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention relates to a method for checking for the completeness of a container (2) provided with a multiplicity of objects (3), using a 3D camera (4) which supplies a three-dimensional image (9) of the objects and a multi-ROI (12), wherein the multi-ROI (12) comprises a multiplicity of ROIs (13) which have a shape which can be adjusted by a user, and are arranged within the multi-ROI in a number of rows and columns and in a type of grid which can be adjusted by a user, having a learning mode and a chronologically following working mode The learning mode has the following steps: detecting an image (9) of the objects (3) in the form of a three-dimensional pixel matrix by means of the 3D camera, wherein the pixel matrix contains in one dimension distance values of the detected objects (3) from the 3D camera (4), and in the two other dimensions contains location values in respective planes perpendicularly with respect thereto, representing the detected image (9) is a two-dimensional image with the location values in a first image region (8), displaying input fields (10, 11, 14) for the shape or the number of rows, columns and type of grid of the ROIs (13), displaying a two-dimensional multi-ROI (12) with a number of rows, columns and type of grid of the ROIs(13) which can be input by the user, and a shape of the ROIs (13) which can be input by the user, in the first image region (8), adapting the size, position and rotation of the multi-ROI (12) to at least one input of the user, adapting the size of the ROIs (13) to at least one input of the user, displaying height values for each ROI (13), derived from the distance values, in a second image region (16) which is different from the first image region (8), displaying a lower limit and/or an upper limit for the height values in the second image region (16), and adapting the lower limit and/or the upper limit for the height values to at least one input of the user. In the working mode, the state of a respective ROI (13) is then displayed. In this way, such a method is made available for checking for completeness which can be configured simply.申请人:IFM Electronic GmbH更多信息请下载全文后查看。
3M Scotch-Weld Two-Part Epoxy Adhesive DP420黑色版本技术
Dispensing Guide for 3M™ Scotch-Weld™Cartridge StartupWhen dispensing from a cartridge level the A&B pistons at initial set up. Material should be purged from the static mixer until a homogenous mix between parts A&B is achieved.Purge RecommendationFor short purge times between runs the graph below shows the mixed viscosity of DP420 over time, based on static mixer and purge volume use this graph for a recommended purge time. For a one component purge using bulk dispensers, purge with DP420 Part B.*Note: Viscosity vs Time measurement at 25˚CDP420 Mixed Viscosity vs. TimeT echnical BulletinDispensing Guide for 3M™ Scotch-Weld™Two-Part Epoxy Adhesive DP420 Black Mixing Nozzlessku: 7000043674Cleaning of Equipment AbrasivesExcess uncured adhesive can be cleaned with methyl ethyl No abrasive fillers are used in this material.ketone (MEK). Follow equipment manufacturingprocedures for cleaning of their equipment.Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of such information is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information.Product Selection and Use:Many factors beyond 3M’s control and uniquely within user’s knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer’s application, including conducting a workplace hazard assess ment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property.Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of t he purchase price.Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.Disclaimer: 3M industrial and occupational products are intended, labeled, and packaged for sale to trained industrial and occupational customers for workplace use. Unless specifically stated otherwise on the applicable product packaging or literature, these pr oducts are not intended, labeled, or packaged for sale to or use by consumers (e.g., for home, personal, primary or secondary school,recreational/sporting, or other uses not described in the applicable product packaging or literature), and must be selected a nd used in compliance with applicable health and safety regulations and standards (e.g., U.S. OSHA, ANSI), as well as all product literature, user instructions, warnings, and limitations, and the user must take any action required under any recall, field action or other p roduct use notice. Misuse of 3M industrial and occupational products may result in injury, sickness, or death. For help with product selection and use, consult your on-site safety professional, industrial hygienist, or other subject matter expert. For additional product information, visit .SO9001:Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division 3M Center, Building 225-3S-06St. Paul, MN 55144-1000800-362-3550 • 877-369-2923 (Fax)/structuraladhesives 3M and Scotch-Weld are registered trademark of 3M Company. © 3M 2017.。
2023年高考真题全国乙卷 英语(Word版)
2023年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国乙卷)英语第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分1.5分)1.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In the book store.B.In the register office.C.In the dorm building. 2.What is the weather like now?A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C.Rainy.3.What does the man want to do on the weekend?A.Do some gardening.B.Have a barbecue.C.Go fishing.4.What are the speakers talking about?A.A new office.B.A change of their jobs.C.A former colleague. 5.What do we know about Andrew?A.He’s optimistic.B.He’s active.C.He’s shy.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.Which of the following does the woman dislike?A.The bedroom.B.The sitting room.C.The kitchen.7.What does the woman suggest they do next?A.Go to another agency.B.See some other flats.C.Visit the neighbours.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.What is the man doing?A.He’s making a phone call.B.He’s chairing a meeting.C.He’s hosting a program.9.What makes Mrs. Johnson worried about her daughter in Africa?A.Lack of medical support.B.Inconvenience of communication.C.Poor transportation system.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
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Completeness for Symmetric Two-PartyFunctionalities-RevisitedYehuda Lindell1,Eran Omri2,and Hila Zarosim11Bar-Ilan, University Centeromrier@Abstract.Understanding the minimal assumptions required for carry-ing out cryptographic tasks is one of the fundamental goals of theoreticalcryptography.A rich body of work has been dedicated to understandingthe complexity of cryptographic tasks in the context of(semi-honest)se-cure two-party computation.Much of this work has focused on the char-acterization of trivial and complete functionalities(resp.,functionalitiesthat can be securely implemented unconditionally,and functionalitiesthat can be used to securely compute all functionalities).All previous works define reductions via an ideal implementation of the functionality;i.e.,f reduces to g if one can implement f using anideal box(or oracle)that computes the function g and returns the out-put to both parties.Such a reduction models the computation of f asan atomic operation.However,in the real-world,protocols proceed inrounds,and the output is not learned by the parties simultaneously.Inthis paper we show that this distinction is significant.Specifically,weshow that there exist symmetric functionalities(where both parties re-ceive the same outcome),that are neither trivial nor complete under“ideal-box reductions”,and yet the existence of a constant-round pro-tocol for securely computing such a functionality implies infinitely-oftenoblivious transfer(meaning that it is secure for infinitely-many n’s).Inlight of the above,we propose an alternative definitional infrastructurefor studying the triviality and completeness of functionalities.1IntroductionSecure Computation and Completeness.In the setting of secure two-party computation,two parties with respective private inputs x and y,wish to compute a function f of their inputs.The computation should preserve a number of security properties,like privacy(meaning that nothing but the specified output is learned),correctness and more.In the late1980s,it was shown that every function can be securely computed in the presence of semi-honest and malicious adversaries,assuming the existence This work was supported by the israel science foundation(grant No.189/11).Hila Zarosim is grateful to the Azrieli Foundation for the award of an Azrieli Fel-lowship.This work was done while Eran Omri was at Bar-Ilan University.X.Wang and K.Sako(Eds.):ASIACRYPT2012,LNCS7658,pp.116–133,2012.c International Association for Cryptologic Research2012Completeness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities-Revisited117 of enhanced trapdoor permutations[18,6].Soon after,it was shown that any function can be securely computed,given an ideal box for computing the obliv-ious transfer function[9].This work demonstrated that there exist“complete”functions for secure computation;that is,functions that can be used to securely compute all other functions.Such functions are of great interest.On the one hand,when attempting to base secure computation on weaker hardness assump-tions,it suffices to construct a secure protocol for a complete function based on some weaker assumption,since it will imply that this assumption suffices for securely computing all functions.On the other hand,it is immediate that a com-plete function is the“hardest”to compute,at least with respect to the minimum hardness assumption.Due to the above,much research has been carried out in an attempt to classify functions as complete or not,and as trivial or not(where triviality means that it can be securely computed without any assumption). The Complexity of Secure Computation.Currently,we have a good picture regarding the complexity of secure computation,through the aforementioned research of completeness.For example,we know that in the setting of asymmetric functionalities(where only one of the two parties receives output),every two-party(deterministic)asymmetric function is either complete or trivial[1,11]. Thus,no non-trivial asymmetric function can be securely computed under an assumption weaker than that needed for securely computing oblivious transfer.However,in the setting of symmetric functionalities,where both parties re-ceive the same output,the picture is more complex[10,13,15].For example, unlike the asymmetric setting,there exist(deterministic)symmetric functions that are neither complete nor trivial;see Figure1below for an example of such a function.This begs the following fundamental question:What hardness assumptions are sufficient and necessary for securely computing functions that are neither complete nor trivial?The starting point of this work is the above question.We stress that although Kilian[10]separated these functions from all complete functions,hinting that it may be possible to devise secure protocols for such functions relying on as-sumptions that are strictly weaker than those needed for oblivious transfer,the only known protocols for securely computing non-trivial functions are general protocols that rely on hardness assumptions that can be used to compute any function including oblivious transfer.Black-Box Reductions and Black-Box Separations.As we have men-tioned,a large body of work has been dedicated to understanding the complexity of cryptographic tasks in the context of(semi-honest)secure two-party compu-tation(see,e.g.,[1,9,10,11,2,7,15]).The idea underlying much of this work is that if the possibility to securely compute a functionality f1implies the possi-bility to securely compute a functionality f2,then f1is at least as hard as f2. It is then said that f2reduces to f1.A functionality f is called complete if all other functionalities reduce to f.The question of how to define the notion of reduction is of great importance to the implication of these results.118Y.Lindell,E.Omri,and H.ZarosimAll previous works define a reduction via an ideal implementation of a func-tion;i.e.,f2reduces to f1if a secure protocol for computing f2can be constructed given an ideal box(trusted party or oracle)that computes f1and gives the out-puts to both parties simultaneously.1The advantage of(black-box)reductions of the above type is that they provide a constructive way of securely computing one functionality given an implementation of another.However,the disadvan-tage of black-box reductions is that a separation(i.e.,a proof that one function does not reduce to another)does not necessary imply that one cannot construct a secure protocol for one function given a secure protocol from the other.This is due to the fact that a reduction may be nonblack-box.Our Contributions.In this work we give substantial evidence that the pic-ture of computational hardness of securely computing two-party functionalities in the presence of semi-honest adversaries is different to that drawn by the char-acterizations of completeness of[10,13].Specifically,we show that there exist symmetric functionalities f(i.e.,where both parties get the same output),that are not ideal-box-complete(i.e.,OT cannot be implemented using an ideal-box computing f)but may be in some sense as hard to obtain as OT.Specifically, we prove the following:Theorem1.1(informal).If there exists a constant round protocolπthat se-curely computes a symmetric non-trivial functionality f over a constant-size do-main,in the presence of semi-honest adversaries,then there exists an infinitely-often-OT that is secure in the presence of semi-honest uniform adversaries.2 Needless to say,Theorem1.1is of interest for functionalities f that are not complete;as we have mentioned,such functionalities exist.Our main observation in proving this result is that in real-world protocols,an ideal-box that simultaneously provides outputs to both parties does not exist. Rather,parties learn their outputs gradually,and hence,in any constant-round protocol,there must be a round in which one party learns substantial information before the other party does.Thus,essentially there is no difference between the symmetric setting(where both parties receive output and there are functions that are neither complete nor trivial)and the asymmetric setting(where only one party receives output and all functions are either trivial or complete). Alternative Formulation of Completeness–Existential Completeness. In light of the above,we propose a new definition of completeness that is not black box.We define the notion of an“achievable class”of a given functional-ity rmally speaking,the achievable class of a functionality f contains all 1We stress that the issue of simultaneity has nothing to do with fairness since we consider semi-honest adversaries.Rather,the important point is that both parties receive the same information and it is not possible for one party to learn the output of the function while the other does not.If this were not the case,and only one party receives output then the symmetric setting reduces to the asymmetric setting where all functionalities are either trivial or complete.2Infinitely-often-OT is a protocol for computing OT for which correctness and security hold for infinitely many n’s(rather than for all sufficiently large n).Completeness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities -Revisited 119functionalities that can be securely computed,assuming that f can be securely computed.We use this notion in the natural way in order to redefine reductions,and trivial and complete functionalities.Our formulation has the disadvantage of being completely non-constructive.However,it has the advantage of providing a more accurate picture regarding the hardness assumptions required for secure computation.Related Work.As we have already mentioned,completeness in secure two-party computation was investigated in a large body of work [2,13,10,1,12,14,11,15,16,7].We discuss a few that are more relevant to our discussion.Kilian [10]and Kushile-vitz [13]consider the symmetric model and give criteria for the existence of uncon-ditionally secure protocols [13]and for completeness [10].Maji et al.[15]extended the discussion of the symmetric model to the UC-setting.Beimel,Malkin and Mi-cali [1]considered the asymmetric model.They prove a zero-one law for complete-ness vs.triviality in this model.Almost all of these works consider functions with a constant size domain and information-theoretic security.The only exception is [7]who deals with computational security in the asymmetric model.2Definitions 2.1PreliminariesA function μ:N →N is negligible if for every positive polynomial p (·)and all sufficiently large n it holds that μ(n )<1p (n ).We use the abbreviation PPT to denote probabilistic polynomial-time.For an integer ,define [ ]={1,..., }.A probability ensemble X ={X (a,n )}a ∈{0,1}∗;n ∈N is an infinite sequence of random variables indexed by a and n .(The value a will represent the parties’inputs and n the security parameter.All polynomials that we will consider will be with respect to the security parameter,unless explicitly stated otherwise;specifically,all polynomial time machines will be polynomial in the security parameter.)We let λdenote the empty word.Two ensembles X ={X (a,n )}a ∈{0,1}∗;n ∈N and Y ={Y (a,n )}a ∈{0,1}∗;n ∈N are computationally indistinguishable ,denoted X c≡Y ,if for every family {C n }n ∈N of polynomial-size circuits,there exists a negligible function μ(·)such that for every a ∈{0,1}∗and every n ∈N , Pr [C n (X (a,n ))=1]−Pr [C n (Y (a,n ))=1] <μ(n ).The ensembles X and Y are computationally indistinguishable by uniform machines ,denoted X C ≡U Y ,if the above holds for every PPT distinguisher D .2.2Secure Two-Party Computation and Oblivious Transfer We follow the standard definition of secure two party computation for semi-honest adversaries,as it appears in [5].In brief,a two-party protocol πis de-fined by two interactive probabilistic polynomial-time Turing machines A and B .120Y.Lindell,E.Omri,and H.ZarosimThe two Turing machines,called parties,have the security parameter1n as their joint input and have private inputs,denoted x and y for A and B,respectively. The computation proceeds in rounds.In each round of the protocol,one of the parties is active and the other party is idle.If party P∈{A,B}is active in round i,then in this round P writes some value Out i P on its output tape,and sends a message m i to the other party.Without loss of generality,we assume that A is always active in the odd rounds inπand B in the even rounds.The number of rounds in the protocol is expressed as some function r(n)in the security parameter(where r(n)is bounded by a polynomial).The view of a party in an execution of the protocol contains its private input, its random string,and the messages it received throughout this execution.The random variable ViewπA(x,y,1n)(respectively ViewπB(x,y,1n))describes the view of A(resp.B)when executingπon inputs(x,y)(with security parameter n). The output of an execution ofπon(x,y)(with security parameter n)is the pair of values written on the output tapes of the parties when the protocol execution terminates.This pair is described by the random variable Outputπ(x,y,1n)= (OutputπA(x,y,1n),OutputπB(x,y,1n)),where OutputπP(x,y,1n)is the output of party P∈{A,B}in this execution,and is implicit in the view of P.In this work,we consider deterministic functionalities over afinite domain.We therefore provide the definition of security only for deterministic functionalities; see[5]for a motivating discussion regarding the definition.Definition2.1(security for deterministic functionalities).A protocolπ= A,B securely computes a deterministic functionality f=(f A,f B)in the pres-ence of semi-honest adversaries if the following hold:Correctness:There exists a negligible functionμ(·),such that for every n and every pair of inputs x,y,it holds thatPr[Outputπ(x,y,1n)=f(x,y)]≥1−μ(n).(1) where the probability is taken over the random coins of the parties. Privacy:There exist two probabilistic polynomial-time(in the security param-eter)algorithms S A,S B(called“simulators”),such that:{S A(x,f A(x,y),1n)}x,y∈{0,1}∗;n∈N C≡{ViewπA(x,y,1n)}x,y∈{0,1}∗;n∈N,(2) {S B(y,f B(x,y),1n)}x,y∈{0,1}∗;n∈N C≡{ViewπB(x,y,1n)}x,y∈{0,1}∗;n∈N.(3) For most of this paper,we will consider functionalities where both parties receive the same output,meaning that f A=f B.We call such functions symmetric and we denote by f(x,y)the output that both parties receive.We will also only consider the semi-honest model here,and therefore omit this qualification from hereon.Oblivious Transfer–Naive-OT Variant.The oblivious transfer functional-ity(OT)is one of the most important cryptographic primitives and is known to beCompleteness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities -Revisited 121complete for general two-party computation [19,6].There are several equivalent versions of OT;the most common being Rabin-OT [17]and 1-out-of-2OT [3].In this paper we use a slightly different version presented in [7],called Naive-OT ,de-fined by the functionality OT(b,c )= (λ,λ)if c =0(λ,b )if c =1,meaning that the sender never learns anything (recall that λis the empty string),and the receiver learns the sender’s bit b if its choice-bit c equals 1,but does not learn anything if c =0.This is the same as Rabin-OT except that the receiver chooses whether or not to receive the sender’s bit b .In the semi-honest model it is equivalent to Rabin-OT (and to 1-out-of-2-OT).2.3Uniform Infinitely-Often SecurityOur main result is a proof that the existence of a constant-round protocol for functionalities that are neither complete nor trivial almost implies oblivious transfer.The “almost”in this sentence is due to the fact that we can only prove that it implies oblivious transfer that is secure for infinitely many n ’s ,in contrast to all sufficiently large n ’s.In addition,we can only prove that the oblivious transfer is secure in the presence of uniform distinguishers.We therefore need to define this weaker notion of security.Definition 2.2(uniform infinitely-often security).A protocol πsecurely computes a deterministic functionality f in the presence of semi-honest adver-saries with uniform infinitely-often security if there exists an infinite subset N ⊆N such that Equations (1),(2)and (3)hold for every n ∈N ,and Equations (2)and (3)hold with respect to uniform distinguishers.We stress that the correctness and privacy conditions must all hold for every n ∈N (it does not suffice to require infinitely many n ’s for which each requirement holds since it is possible that they may hold for different n ’s in which case the function will be trivial).3Our Main Technical ResultIn this section,we prove Theorem 1.1.In order to formally state the theorem and our result,we first need to define the class of functions that we consider.We therefore begin with preliminaries.3.1PreliminariesOur theorem applies to all non-trivial functionalities,as characterized by Kushile-vitz [13].This characterization uses the notion of “decomposition”of a function.We now define this notion.Definition 3.1(equivalence relation ≡over inputs).Let X,Y,Z ⊆{0,1}∗,and let f :X ×Y →Z .Two inputs x 1,x 2∈X existentially coincide ,denoted x 1∼x 2,if there exists an input y ∈Y such that f (x 1,y )=f (x 2,y ).We define an equivalence relation ≡over X to be the transitive closure of the relation ∼over all x ∈X .The relations ∼and ≡are defined over Y similarly.122Y.Lindell,E.Omri,and H.ZarosimDefinition3.2(strongly non-decomposable functions).A function g: X×Y→Z is strongly non-decomposable if it is not monochromatic,all x∈X are equivalent,and all y∈Y are equivalent.We refer to[13]in order to see why this is called non-decomposable.The binary OR and AND functions are strongly non-decomposable,as is the function f KUSH defined below:y1y2y3x1001x2341x3322Fig.1.Kushilevitz’s function f KUSHA strongly non-decomposable function has the property that all inputs are equivalent.We now define a non-decomposable function simply to be a function which has a subfunction that is strongly non-decomposable.Definition3.3(non-decomposable functions).A symmetric function f: X×Y→Z is non-decomposable if there exist X ⊆X and Y ⊆Y such that f restricted to X and Y is strongly non-decomposable;else it is decomposable.We remark that Kushilevitz[13]proved that a function is non-trivial if and only if it is non-decomposable.The function f KUSH is of particular interest since it is neither trivial(as shown by[13])nor complete(as shown by[10]).3.2The Theorem and ProofLet f be a symmetric non-decomposable functionality with domain of constant size.We show that the existence of a constant-round protocol for computing f implies the existence of a weak variant of oblivious transfer.The idea behind the proof is to run a protocolπfor f until thefirst round in which one of the parties learns meaningful information about the input of the other party.Since this is the first round that something is learned and only one party can learn information in any single round,we have that one party has learned something and the other has not.This asymmetry of information suffices for us to construct oblivious transfer.Our proof proceeds in three stages.First,we prove that a round as described above exists.Intuitively,this is the case since before the protocol execution neither party has any information about the other party’s input,but at the end of the execution each party learns significant information about the other party’s input.Next,we show that a weak form of oblivious transfer can be constructed from any protocol with such a round(in actuality,we need to prove that such a round exists on a special subset of inputs called a minor,and we demonstrate this in thefirst step).The OT that we construct is weak in the sense that it is only correct with noticeable probability.Finally,we show how to boost the weak correctness of the OT to fully correct oblivious transfer.Completeness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities-Revisited123 We stress that we do not actually obtain a full oblivious transfer protocol. Rather,our protocol is only secure infinitely often;see Definition2.2.We explain why this is the case at the end of Section3.3.Theorem3.1.If there exists a constant round protocolπthat securely computes a symmetric,deterministic,non-decomposable functionality f(over a constant-size domain),then there exists a uniform infinitely-often OT protocol.Proof:Recall that a non-decomposable functionality is a function with a sub-set of inputs that defines a strongly non-decomposable functionality.Since we consider the semi-honest model and so parties use only their prescribed inputs, it follows that the existence of a secure protocol for a non-decomposable func-tion implies the existence of a secure protocol for the strongly non-decomposable function defined over the appropriate subset.It thus suffices to prove the theorem for a strongly non-decomposable function.As we have described above,there are three steps in the proof of this theorem. In Section3.3we prove thefirst step.Specifically,in Lemma3.1we prove that there exists an“exclusive revelation round”which is a round in which one party has learned while the other has not,and then in Lemma3.2we prove that such a round must exist for inputs that form an insecure minor(defined below).We call this an“exclusive revelation minor”.Next in Section3.4we prove that the existence of an exclusive revelation minor implies the existence of OT with weak correctness,andfinally in Section3.5we explain how to boost the correctness and thus obtain full OT(with infinitely-often uniform security).3.3Step1–The Existence of an Exclusive Revelation MinorIn order to prove our result we exploit the fact that parties obtain information about the output of a computation gradually and that one party learns sub-stantial information before the other party does.We begin with some notation regarding partial protocol executions.For an r-round protocolπand a func-tionν:N→N such thatν(n)≤r(n)for all n∈N,we denote byπνthe protocol obtained by haltingπafter roundν(n)is completed.Specifically,therandom variables ViewπνA (x,y,1n)and ViewπνB(x,y,1n)describe the views of Aand B(respectively)in a random execution ofπνon inputs(x,y)with security parameter n.We next formally define what it means for a party to obtain non-trivial infor-mation about the other party’s input.Definition3.4(distinguishing between inputs).Letπbe a c-round pro-tocol for computing a functionality f(where c is some function of the security parameter n),andfix i∈N.For a triple x,y,y of inputs,we say that A(x) distinguishes between y and y at round i if there exists a polynomial p(·)and a (uniform)PPT machine D such that for infinitely many n’s,|Pr[D(Viewπi A(x,y,1n),1n)=1]−Pr[D(Viewπi A(x,y ,1n),1n)=1]|≥1p(n)124Y.Lindell,E.Omri,and H.ZarosimFor a triple x,x ,y of inputs we define that B(y)distinguishes between x and x at round i in an analogous way.As we will see below,it is crucial that D be a uniform PPT machine,since the parties need to run D in the OT protocol that we construct.For simplicity(and since it suffices for our needs),the above definition considers afixed round i. This can be easily generalized to any(polynomial time computable)function i:N→N such that i(n)≤c(n)for every n.We now define the notion of an exclusive revelation round,which is just a round in which one party can distinguish inputs of the other,while the other cannot.Our formulation of this uses Definition3.4.Definition3.5(exclusive-revelation round).Letπbe a protocol for com-puting a symmetric functionality f.Then,πhas an exclusive revelation at roundi if one of the following holds:1.There exists a triplet x,y,y such that A(x)distinguishes between y and yat round i,and B(y)does not distinguish between x and x at round i for any triplet x,x ,y(we say that x,y,y define the revelation round);or2.There exists a triplet x,x ,y such that B(y)distinguishes between x and xat round i and,A(x)does not distinguish between y and y at round i for any triplet x,y,y (we say that x,x ,y define the revelation round). Protocolπhas an exclusive-revelation round if there exists0≤i≤c,such thatπhas an exclusive revelation at round i.We are now ready to prove that any constant-round protocol for computing a non-constant function(i.e.,a function that has at least two different outputs) has an exclusive-revelation round.Lemma3.1.Let f be a symmetric functionality that is not constant(and has domain of constant size).Letπbe a constant-round protocol for securely com-puting f.Then,πhas an exclusive-revelation round.Proof:For every(round number)i≤c,every uniform PPT machine(distin-guisher)D,and every triplet x,x ,y(recall that there is a constant number of such triplets),we defineεi,D x,x ,y (n)=Pr[D(ViewπiB(x,y,1n),1n)=1]−PrDViewπiBx ,y,1n,1n=1and let r Dx,x ,ybe the minimal round number0≤i≤c for which there exists apolynomial p(·)such thatεi,Dx,x ,y (n)>1p(n)for infinitely many n’s.If no such i ex-ists,we let r Dx,x ,y =c+1.Note that this means that r Dx,x ,yis thefirst round suchthat the PPT machine D can distinguish the ensembles{ViewπiB (x,y,1n)}n∈Nand{ViewπiB (x ,y,1n)}n∈N.We further define r x,x ,y=min Dr Dx,x ,y(this is well defined,as everyr D x,x ,y∈[c+1]).Observe that this means that r x,x ,y is the minimal roundCompleteness for Symmetric Two-Party Functionalities -Revisited 125for which there exists any uniform PPT machine that can distinguish the two ensembles (equivalently,the minimal round for which B (y )distinguishes between x and x ).For every triplet x,y,y ,we define r x,y,y analogously.By the correctness of the protocol,for every triplet x,x ,y such that f (x,y )=f (x ,y ),the view of both parties after the last round (that is,round c )implies the output and hence there exists a uniform PPT machine D and a negligible function μ(·)such that for all sufficiently large n ’s,εc,Dx,x ,y (n )≥1−μ(n ).Thisin turn implies that for such triplets,there exists a PPT machine D for which r D x,x ,y ≤c ,and hence r x,x ,y ≤c .Similarly,for every triplet x,y,y such that f (x,y )=f (x,y ),it holds that r x,y,y ≤c .Since f is not constant,there either exists a triplet of the former type or of the latter type.Now,define i ∗A =min x,y,y {r x,y,y }and i ∗B =min x,x ,y {r x,x ,y }.Note that i ∗A is the minimal round for which there exists a triplet x,y,y such that A (x )distinguishes between y and y ,and i ∗B is the minimal round for which there exists a triplet x,x ,y such that B (y )distinguishes between x and x .Since f is not constant,it holds that either i ∗A ≤c or i ∗B ≤c (or both).We claim that πhas exclusive revelation at either round i ∗A or at round i ∗B .Assume without loss of generality that i ∗A ≤i ∗B ;we show that i ∗A <i ∗B .It suffices to show that i ∗A <i ∗B ,since by the definition of i ∗B we know that B (y )does not distinguish between x and x at any round i <i ∗B and for any triplet x,x ,y .A crucial observation is that the view of a party does not change in the round that it is active,and hence,neither does its distinguishing capability.Hence,by the minimality of i ∗A ,it must be that B is the one sending a message in round i ∗A ,since otherwise A would be able to distinguish already in round i ∗A −1.This means that B ’s view does not change in round i ∗A ,and hence,by the minimality of i ∗B it cannot be that i ∗A =i ∗B .The case that i ∗B ≤i ∗A is dealt with analogously. We complete this step of the proof by showing that when a strongly non-decomposable function has a protocol with an exclusive-revelation round,this round is defined by inputs that form an insecure minor.An insecure minor is a tuple of inputs x,x ,y,y such that f (x,y )=f (x,y )and f (x ,y )=f (x ,y )(X -minor ),or f (x,y )=f (x ,y )and f (x,y )=f (x ,y )(Y -minor ).Definition 3.6(exclusive-revelation minor).Let πbe a protocol for com-puting a symmetric functionality f .If there exists an X -minor x,x ,y,y with respect to f such that x ,y,y define an exclusive revelation round for π,then we say that πhas an exclusive-revelation X -minor ;an exclusive-revelation Y -minor is defined analogously.We say that πhas an exclusive-revelation minor if it has an exclusive revelation X -minor or an exclusive revelation Y -minor.The next lemma states that strongly non-decomposable functions have the prop-erty that the existence of an exclusive-revelation round implies the existence of an exclusive-revelation minor.Lemma 3.2.Let πbe a protocol that securely computes a strongly non-decompos-able symmetric function f with constant-size domain.If πhas an exclusive-revelation round then it has an exclusive-revelation minor.。