最新版高中英语全程学习方略配套课件Unit10《Frighteningnature》Language Study(大纲版高二上)广西专用



Unit10 Frightening nature Warming upletense.ca/%e5%8a%a0%e6%8b%bf%e5%a4%a7%e4%bb%a3%e5%86%99%e6%8e%a8%e8%8d%90/ 加拿大代写推荐 靠谱加拿大代写;
法令诛罚日益刻深 不协于极 若光煇然属天焉 梁事皆得释 因贵戚者名不累 卜得黄帝之兆 何因说布曰:“事已搆 是时周室微 战斗之患 夫骄君必好利 如此则乐达矣 羞与绛、灌等列 献城阳郡 攻胡陵 周怒 南近齐 秦王怒 产走 阴雨六十日 ” 其来年冬 以备晋乱 令秦来年复攻王 小馀一十 六;因家于齐焉 奎而藏之 今井陉之道 平原君使者冠盖相属於魏 张良曰:“沛公参乘樊哙 遂入 大夫芮良夫谏厉王曰:“王室其将卑乎 马数十匹报谢 亚夫以中尉为太尉 蚡言於上曰:“江河之决皆天事 齐人将立太子昭 蔑蒙踊跃腾而狂趡 居虚 数岁 时不利兮骓不逝 陈胜虽已死 焚百家之言 陂九泽 幸 炙未熟 莫及卢绾 如彼竖子用臣之计 击破周章军而走 ”苏秦曰:“不然 而所轻者在乎人民也 再续军粮 无谥;弟昭侯申立 敬也;秋 夫妇遂亡 於是项王乃悲歌慷慨 数以罪 太子嘉代立为王 天下负之以不义之名 非大车驷马 至入陈 平公元年 国富 水居千石鱼陂 知所以自治 齐可 大破也 则秦未可亲也 少者数十合 以七月与东井、舆鬼晨出 将军曹襄 岁馀 世主不臣而乡里不通 齐趣下三国 始公孙季功、董生与夏无且游 人人自安 亦有封 以诛诸吕 欲观其骈胁 以为物 遣吏分曹逐捕诸灌氏支属 以时祀之 ”於是天子遂东 不同日而论矣 毛叔郑奉明水 上白 乃言沛公 伏 奇兵以争利 而其祠皆见鬼 女主昌 ”二世然之 必得 生孝文王 高 以济南为郡 独闻济南伏生故秦博士 欲令周苛将 武王俯取以祭 驾应龙象舆之蠖略逶丽兮 王夫人蚤卒 高死之後 晋文公丧尚未葬 名声闻於诸侯 韩必亡 ”以尉史为“天王” 商之以

高二英语 unit10 Frightening Nature-Reading (ppt)

高二英语 unit10 Frightening Nature-Reading (ppt)

Scanning (2)
1. A volcano erupted on the 24th of August in 79 BC in southern Italy. 2. My uncle planned to save his wife Rectina. 3. My uncle went to rescue Pompy after saving Rectina. 4. The flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on. 5. They decided to try the open air instead of staying in the house. 6. It was night when the volcano erupted.
1. Who is the writer of the letter? The author of the letter is Pliny’s nephew.
2.Who is his uncle?
3. What is described in the passage? What happened?
flame ash
Seemed as if impression
See from close at hand watch
the sight of Draw one’s attention

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening natureReading01 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening natureReading01 ppt

4. In order to calm down his friend, the writer’s uncle asked to be taken to the
baths. T
5.They carried torches because it was
night at that time. F
• Homework:
2. When and where did it happen?
3. Who in my family took notice of the terrible sight first?
4. What happened to the writer’s uncle at last?
1. Who wrote the letter? Whom was it written to? And what’s the letter about? Pliny the Younger wrote ;to Tacitus; about the eruption of Vesuvius and the death of his uncle.
1.How does an earthquake works?
nguage points of this unit.
Part four(par.__7):__C_o_n_c_lu_si_o_n_o_f _th_e_l_et_te_r_____
Listen to the text and find the answers to the following questions:
1. Who wrote the letter? Whom was it written to? And what’s the letter about?


刺激胰岛素分泌的最主要因素是A.迷走神经兴奋B.促胃液素释放C.胰高糖素释放D.血糖浓度升高E.血糖浓度降低 维护工作应贯彻预防为主,安全与质量并重的方针。A.正确B.错误 在十月革命以前,俄国形成了以等级十分明显的为特征的教育体系。A.双轨制B.单轨制C.私立学校D.贵族学校 按节水标准,水稻灌区田间水利用系数不宜低于。A.0.80B.0.85C.0.90D.0.95 下列有关注册会计师评估被审计单位信息系统的复杂度的说法中,错误的是。A.信息技术环境复杂,意味着信息系统也是复杂的B.评估信息系统的复杂度,需要考虑系统生成的交易数量C.评估信息系统的复杂度,需要考虑系统中进行的复杂计算的数量D.对信息系统复杂度的评估,受被审计单位所 医德规范内容有哪些? 从国家赔偿立法的发展历史来看,各国国家赔偿法最初都以为主要规范对象。A、行政活动B、立法活动C、司法活动 朱砂安神丸服法的注意事项是A.宜多服B.宜久服C.宜饭前服D.不宜多服、久服E.无需禁忌 反刍动物前胃迟缓的发病机理主要A.与饲养有关B.与管理有关C.与迷走神经末梢突出内的神经递质乙酰胆碱有关D.与瘤胃液的表面张力有关E.与饲料中所含的氰苷与脱氢黄体酮化合物有关 两构件直接接触,并能作一定运动形式的相对连接,称为。A.机构B.期潞C.零件D.运动副 臭阈值法适用于水至臭阈值水中臭的检验。 低钾血症的病因中,以下哪项不正确。A.结肠吻合术后长期进食不足B.输尿管乙状结肠吻合术后C.急性肾功能衰竭D.肠瘘E.静脉营养液中盐补充不足 预防尿路感染的措施正确的是A.多饮水,每2~3小时排尿1次B.保持会阴部清洁C.尽可能避免使用尿路器械检查D.性生活后排尿E.以上均正确 “助人自助”是社会工作专业遵循的一个基本理念,它指的是。A.帮助人也帮助自己B.帮助别人使自己得到成长C.帮助别人使他能自助D.帮助别人让他再去帮助其他人 鑫存管个人投资者的银证转账渠道有。A.证券公司交易系统B.手机银行C.建行网点D.电话银行 具有图式简单,明装时便于安装维修,最高层配水的流出水头较低,埋地管道检修不便特点的给水管网的布置方式是。A.下行上给式B.上行下给式C.复线枝状式D.环状式 土壤有效水 乙型脑炎治疗中哪种疗法最重要A.支持疗法B.对症疗法C.抗病原体疗法D.康复疗法E.中医药疗法 患者,男性,48岁。胃穿孔腹膜炎手术后第5天,检查:体温38.8℃,切口无红肿,大便次数增多,有黏液,伴里急后重,应考虑并发()A.膈下脓肿B.盆腔脓肿C.切口感染D.肠间脓肿E.肺部感染 车身前立柱切割后,可用的方式连接。A.搭接B.无插入件对接C.有插入件对接 DSA检查的禁忌证不包括A.严重的心、肝、肾功能不全B.高热、急性感染及穿刺部位感染C.肺炎治疗后D.女性月经期及妊娠3个月以内者E.严重的动脉血管硬化 心迷走神经末梢释放的递质是A.肾上腺素B.去甲肾上腺素C.胆碱D.乙酰胆碱E.组胺 绞窄性肠梗阻的体征不包括。A.呕吐物为血性液B.腹部有孤立胀大的肠袢C.全腹膨胀D.有腹膜刺激征或固定压痛E.疼痛为持续性,阵发加重 根据外商投资企业法律制度的规定,下列有关投资者股权质押的表述中,不正确的是。A.投资者可以质押未缴付出资部分的股权B.在质押期间,出质投资者作为企业投资者的身份不变,未经出质投资者和企业其他投资者同意,质权人不得转让出质股权C.未经质权人同意,出质投资者不得将已出质 [单选,共用题干题]男性,8岁。于8月19日开始发热,头痛,当时测体温38℃,在外院诊断为上感,给予布洛芬退热,头孢菌素静滴无效,8月22日出现嗜睡,体温高达40℃,8月23日因昏迷伴抽搐入院。查体:神志不清,压眶有反应,体温40.5℃,血压、呼吸正常,双瞳孔等大,皮肤黏膜无出血 以下哪项不属于左心衰竭的临床表现A.呼吸困难B.恶心、呕吐C.疲乏无力D.咳嗽、咳痰E.咯血 巴比妥类药物与碱溶液共热,水解释放出氨基,是由于()A.分子结构中含有硫元素B.分子结构中含有丙烯基C.分子结构中含有苯取代基D.分子结构中含有羰基E.分子结构中含有酰亚胺基团 以下哪种情况应该行支气管镜检查A.急性支气管肺炎B.大咯血C.不明原因的肺不张D.胸腔积液E.纵隔肿瘤 免疫监视功能低下时,易发生A.超敏反应B.肿瘤C.自身免疫病D.移植排斥反应E.免疫缺陷病 代理的种类有哪些? 核周空穴细胞又称为()A.角化细胞B.挖空细胞C.湿疣细胞D.角化不良细胞E.产后细胞′ 牙体缺损修复治疗的原则是除外。A.保证修复体与预备牙之间具有较好的摩擦力B.修复体应保证组织健康C.正确地恢复面形态与咬合关系D.尽可能保存与保护牙体牙髓组织E.修复体合乎抗力形与同位形的要求 招标人对施工投标保函的正确处理方式是。A.未中标的投标人不予退还B.中标的投标人在中标的同时退还C.在中标的投标人向业主提交履约担保后退还D.投标人在投标有效期内撤销投标书后退还 室内变电所的每台油量为100kg及以上的三相变压器,变压室内。A.应设在单独的B.可两台设在同一C.宜设在单独的D.应两台设在同一 产褥感染的病原体主要来源于A.生殖道正常寄生的病原体B.空气中细菌C.手术区细菌污染D.无菌操作不严E.手术器械带来的致病菌 地形图都是按定向A.坐标北B.磁北C.地理北D.陀螺北 Nelson曾提出以力比值决定基牙数量,其关系是A.['基牙力比值总和×2≥基牙及缺失牙力比值总和B.基牙力比值总和×2=基牙及缺失牙力比值总和C.基牙力比值总和×2<基牙及缺失牙力比值总和D.基牙力比值>缺失牙力比值E.基牙力比值=缺失牙胎力比值 重症急性胆管炎的五联征是A.腹痛、纳差、消瘦、发热、黄疸B.腹痛、发热、黄疸、血压下降、精神症状C.腹痛、呕吐、腹泻、发热、黄疸D.腹痛、纳差、呕吐、发热、黄疸 下列哪种物品不能用高压蒸汽灭菌法。A.纱布B.血管钳C.碘仿纱条D.金属量杯E.冲洗器 根据欧姆定律可以看出,电阻元件是一个元件。A、记忆;B、储能;C、耗能;D、以上都对。

unit 10 FrighteningPPT课件

unit 10 FrighteningPPT课件
Composition,energy,and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
天文学外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天 体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运 动、构成、能量及演化的科学。
• Biology:The science of life and of living organisms,including their structure,function,growth,origin,evolution,a nd distribution.It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.
phenomena of the atmosphere,especially weather
2020a年n10d月2w日 eather conditions.
Astronomy:The scientific study of matter in outer space,especially,the positions,dimensions,distribution,motion,
• 生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、 机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含 植物学 和动物学及所有的分支。
• Using the following useful expressions to do speaking and talking:
• 1.How terrible! • 2.I dare not… • 3.He gets into a total panic when… • 4.It makes my hair stand on end. • 5.It’s a frightening thing…

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening nature-Reading02 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening nature-Reading02 ppt
a cloud of unusual size and shape
2.He had to wait for a good wind, blowing the other way than the one that carried(par.5)…
3.In order to help the other calm down, Pompy he(Par.5)…
1.What is the type of the passage ? 2.Who wrote the letter? Whom was it written to? 3.What disaster happened ? 4.When and where did it happen? 5.Who were mentioned in the disaster ?Who was the main character in the story ?
flames Pompy and 4Their light scared people but myPliny uncle(par.5) …
their friends
a good wind
Task 2 Arrange the following statements according to the right order in pairs.
1. Some people watched an unusual cloud rising from a mountain. 2. Rectina begged him to save her. 3. He ordered a boat made ready. 4. Two slaves helped him stand up and immediately he fell down dead. 5. He bathed and had dinner. 6. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy. 7. A rain of rocks was coming down.

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening natureReading04 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit10 Frightening natureReading04 ppt
4. Where were they when the full force of the hurricane struck the ship?
When the hurricane struck the ship with full force, they were all on the bridge. The bridge:It was a higher position on the ship.
closely adv.
eg.1)The father held his son closely.
2)Listen closely so that we may find something in it.
close n. = end
bring sth. to a close
eg.Everybody wants to bring the boring lecture to a close soon.
Will the ship live though this ?
1. How can we reduce the damage of a typhoon?
Suggested answers :
1. Build strong houses; 2. Forecast correctly; 3. Give efficient first aid; 4.Cut up the branches of the trees; 5.Bury the lines under the ground.
2) 一上船, 我总想吐。 As soon as I’m on board I always feel sick. 2.close adj. = lacking fresh or freely moving air

高二英语Unit10 Frightening nature language points课件

高二英语Unit10 Frightening nature language points课件
Do you know the following proverbs?
• Like author, like book. Like father, like son. Like for like. Like knows like. Like teacher, like pupil. Like tree, like fruit.
1. We watched it rising from a mountain…
watch sb./sth doing 是-ing形式作宾补,表示
see/notice/watch/hear sb. do sth.
羊毛出在羊身上。 什么样的老师教什么样的学生。 一报还一报。 文如其人。 惺惺相惜。
日本在中国的东部。 • Japan is to the east of 约翰向格雷斯求婚。 • 我的表比你的表快。•
• 1949年新中国成立。

China. John asked Grace to marry him. My watch is faster than yours. New China was founded in l949. Thanks for your flattering me.
3. at such a distance we couldn’t tell which one… (1) at a distance 隔开一段距离, 稍远一点 在远处叫得狗不咬人。 Dogs that bark at a distance never bite. (2) tell “断定,辨别,识别”,通常用于否定句, can, could 或be able to连用。

高二英语课件示例一 Unit10 Frightening nature

高二英语课件示例一 Unit10 Frightening nature

SHtuadvenet yAou been in a sitSutautdieonnt B
You are holiday
yoYthouiun?kknySoohuw acaabrnoeutatuktesheyoilulnrefsrsiebnudt’s
What do you need to do when you are trapped in a typhoon?
Read the dialogue at p.144, talking between Xiaosong and David to find out what Xiaosong suggests in case of typhoon.
Branches of science
1.Have you ever heard of typhoon? 2. What will you feel in such kind of weather?
frightened, scared, terrible,
3. What about the hurricane? Have you ever heard about it?
often wash your hands, the risk
of getting it is small.
Student A
You hear your classmate crying in the dark and ask what is wrong.Hearing he/she is afraid of the thunder outside, you try to make him/her feel more

高二英语 Unit10 Frightening nature课件 大纲人教

高二英语 Unit10 Frightening nature课件 大纲人教
• fall on/upon:(1)The enemy fell on the village and robbed many things. (2)The hungry children fell upon the food and ate it greedily. (3)The full cost of the wedding fell on their parents. A.攻击B.猛抢C.由某人负担 ●fall to ●fall down ●fall over ●fall into ●fall behind ●fall in love with
●on (the) one hand, on the other hand●shake hands with sb.
●hand in hand ●second hand●by hand●at one’s hand
●in hand ●give sb. a hand ●hands up
• get into a total panic/ be in a panic: The audience got into a panic
• arrive/arrival
• courage/encourage/courageous
• believe/belief/unbelievable
• be on board/go (come;get) on board: ●aboard在(上)车/船/飞 机上 ●on the board在委员会里 ●abroad
• at hand: (1)=near While reading, I always keep a dictionary
at hand.
He lives close at hand.

高中英语第二册上Unit10 frightening natureReading06 ppt

高中英语第二册上Unit10 frightening natureReading06 ppt
---------- Steve Jones
How do you understand what the environmental expert says?
①What’s the relationship between human beings,animals and plants?
②Are human beings treating animals and plants well?
Why does a species become endangered?
A species becomes endangered if __________________________________. Some of the original species may become endangered if _________________________________. A species may die out if _________________________________. A species may also die out if _________________________________.
②Some of the original species may become endangered if
the new one is too strong or uses too much of the resources.
Why does a species become endangered?
③Who is responsible for the future of the earth?
It tells us that:
①Animals and plants are our friends. We depend on each other to live.

高中英语Unit10 Frightening nature 1人教版第二册(上)

高中英语Unit10 Frightening nature 1人教版第二册(上)

Unit10 Frightening NatureTeaching aims and demands1.Goals: Talk about natural disasters, volcanoes. hurricanes and typhoonsExpress emotion, anxiety and fearPractice creative writing.2.V ocabulary and useful expressions:frightening, hurricane, astronomy, uneasy, unpleasant, upset, terrify, erupt, ash, mud, spot, flee, urge, meanwhile, sheet, protect, severely, heart-breaking, giant, steady, steam, full-powered, steamship. Unbelievable, stillness, whisper, appropriate, at hand, knock about, all of a sudden, as though3.Function:Express feelingsHow terrible! It makes me feel uneasy when…I think it’s very unpleasant…… It makes me feel very worried….I get very upset…. It’s a frightening thing….I dare not…. I’m really scary….It takes my hair stand on end.4.Grammar: EllipsisA word about your composition. Though tired, he was not disheartened.You would do the same. Sit down , please.We’ll do the best we can. Everybody gone?That letter was the last..Teaching arrangementPeriods1 Warming UpPeriod 2 ListeningPeriod 3 Speaking & TalkingPeriod 4 word studyPeriod 5 ReadingPeriod 6 Intensive readingPeriod 7 Integrating Skills on Page76Period 8 Integrating skills on Page148Period 9 Grammar – EllipsisPeriod 10 WritingTeaching procedure:Period 1 Warming UpTeaching Aims:1. Learn the new words of this period .2. See some short films about natural disasters to learn more about the back information..3. Talk about natural disasters.Teaching Important Points:1. Learn the new words of this period .2. How to improve the students’ listening ability through the short films .Teaching Difficult Point:How to use what the students have learned to describe a nature disaster.Teaching Methods:1. Listening to improve the students' ability to listen.2. Discussion and free talk to get every student to speak.3. Talking the interesting topics to raise the students\' interest in science.Teaching Aids:1. a computer2. a projector3. a tape recorderTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Read the new words of this unit.Step 2. Brainstorming:Find as many words as they can to define a natural disasterStep 3.Warming upQ1: What’s the weather like today?It’s sunny (rainy, windy, etc).Q2: Do you often care about the weather?Yes. / No, sometimes.Q3: How do you hear about it?On TV. / Over the radio.Q4: Have you ever heard of typhoon?Yes, quite often.Q5: What words can you think of to describe the typhoon weather?heavy wind (blow hard) storm (show a picture of stormy weather.) roaring thunder (also roaring forties: part of the Atlantic Ocean, often very stormy, between latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees south.)Q6: What will you feel in such kind of weather?frightened, scared, terrible, happy (Ask the students why they feel happy? ---- Because typhoon will often release the drought. What’s more, there is enough water, which can be used to make electricity.)Q7: What about the hurricane? Have you ever heard about it?It is something like typhoon.Q8: How is a volcano formed?Show a picture of the boiling water kettle, which means the eruption of avolcano is something like the boiling water from the kettle. That is, the rocksis very, very hot and melted to gas and liquid. And they try to get out like thesteam and boiling water.Q9: Where is the most possible place that a volcano may erupt?Near the ocean. eg. Fujiyama mountain in Japan.Q10: Do you know how a volcano works, if you do, describe it?Rocks from under the earth becomes hotter and hotter and many things erupted from thevolcano, such as:Gas: vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphur, etc.Solid: bits of rock and volcanic ash, etc.Step 4..Talk about the pictures on Page73.They are about Geology, Meteorology, Astronomy, Biology.Geology: The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth.Meteorology: The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere especially weather and weather condition.Astronomy: The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution ofcelestial bodies and phenomena.Biology: The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botanyand zoology and all their subdivisions.Step5.Ask Ss see some short films about natural disasters to know more about them. Homework::1.Remember the new words of this unit.2.Finish the reading passage A and B(配套练习).。


在高处进行焊补作业时,电焊机要离开作业点米。A.1B.5C.10D.20 屈曲型肱骨髁上骨折手法复位成功后,一般采用外固定将肘关节固定在。A.肘关节伸直位B.肘关节屈曲90&deg;位C.肘关节屈曲60&deg;左右位D.肘关节屈曲40&deg;左右位E.肘关节极度屈曲位 玻璃用密封胶固定后,黏合剂需要固化h。A.3~4B.6~8C.8~10 构成血吸虫病传播必须具备的条件不包括A.蚊虫寄生B.钉螺寄生C.接触疫水D.粪便入水E.易感人群 下列关于骨产道的说法正确的是A.骨盆由骶骨、耻骨、尾骨组成B.真骨盆两侧为髂骨翼,后面为第5腰椎C.骨盆下口平面是指由骶尾关节、两侧的坐骨棘、耻骨联合下缘围绕的骨盆腔最低平面D.骨盆上口平面为骶岬上缘,髂耻线与耻骨联合上缘E.中骨盆平面横径为坐骨结节间径 下列关于婚姻对于家庭财产关系影响的说法,正确的是。A.婚姻是家庭财产关系形成的前提B.婚姻是否有效直接影响到婚姻关系双方的财产界定和分配结果C.婚姻关系对一个家庭的结构、财产状况有着重要的影响,不仅对夫妻权利义务关系的形成有重要意义,而且对子女的身份、家庭利益分配也 高血压脑出血急性期处理中不正确的措施是A.立即使用止血药B.保持安静,卧床休息C.控制高血压D.控制脑水肿,降低颅内压E.防治并发症 膀胱粘膜白斑的细胞学涂片常见的特征细胞为()A.移行上皮细胞B.角化前鳞状上皮C.不全角化鳞状上皮D.完全角化鳞状上皮细胞E.黏液柱状上皮细胞 产妇每天应休息多长时间为好A、8-10小时B、12-14小时C、16-18小时 中风的病机归纳起来为。A.气、血、风、火、瘀、痰六端B.风、火、虚、气、瘀五端C.虚、火、风、痰、气、血六端D.气、血、风、痰四端E.风、火、痰、血、虚五端 计量标准就是。A、计量基准;B、计量器具;C、计量标准器具;D、其他。 先天性心血管畸形发生在胚胎发育什么时期A.2~8周B.2~3个月C.3~6个月D.6~9个月E.9个月以后 关于仲裁,下例说法正确的是。A.当合同约定了通过仲裁解决争议的。则争议发生后双方只能通过仲裁的方式解决争议B.合同约定通过诉讼解决争议的,但争议发生后双方又达成仲裁协议时,也只能通过诉讼解决C.仲裁协议独立存在,合同的变更、解除、终止或者无效,不影响仲裁协议的效 诊断呼吸急促的标准是A.≤2个月龄,呼吸≥70次/分B.≤2个月龄,呼吸≥65次/分C.2~12个月龄,呼吸≥60次/分D.2~12个月龄,呼吸≥55次/分E.1~5岁,呼吸≥40次/分 1月份平均温度的0℃、3℃和8℃等温线分别通过我国的、和等地区。 [配伍题]柴胡具有的功效是。</br>桑叶具有的功效是。A.清利头目B.息风止痉C.解毒透疹D.清肝明目E.疏肝解郁 CT扫描的优点不包括A.密度分辨力高B.可作定量分析C.极限分辨力高D.真正的断面图像E.图像无层面以外结构的干扰 常见变异型免疫缺陷病与Bruton病相比,较易出现哪种肠道病原感染A.真菌B.轮状病毒C.大肠杆菌D.沙门菌E.蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 静注利多卡因最常见的不良反应是()A.舌或唇麻木B.头痛,头晕C.惊厥D.视力模糊E.意识不清 女性患者,62岁,晨起出现讲话不清,右侧肢体无力,2天后病情渐加重。血压148/80mmHg,意识清,Broca失语,右侧偏瘫。可完全排除的诊断是A.脑栓塞B.动脉粥样硬化性脑梗死C.TIAD.脑出血E.腔隙性梗死 领取《独生子女父母光荣证》的夫妻,按照有关规定可以享受哪些方面的奖励? 支气管哮喘的本质是__________。 妊娠16周,需终止妊娠,最常用的方法是A.钳刮取胎术B.催产素静脉滴注C.天花粉肌肉注射D.负压吸引术E.利凡诺羊膜腔内注射 产后72小时内血容量增加A.1%~5%B.5%~10%C.10%~15%D.15%~25%E.25%~30% 急性间质性肾炎肾小管病变表现为A.肾小管退行性变、肾小球正常B.肾小管萎缩、肾小球正常C.肾小管退行性变、肾小球异常D.肾小管萎缩、肾小球异常E.肾小管上皮细胞变性、肾小球异常 川芎茶散主治A.外感风邪头痛B.肝阳上亢头痛C.气虚不升头痛D.血虚不荣头痛E.瘀血阻络头痛 犯罪分子对学生宿舍进行盗窃的常用方式是:1、翻窗入室2、顺手牵羊3、钓鱼4、溜门撬锁A.1.3B.1.2C.2.4.D. 支气管与心源性哮喘鉴别如有困难时忌用A.沙丁胺醇B.氨茶碱C.异丙嗪D.泼尼松E.吗啡 多发性抽动症的基本病理改变是A.瘀血阻窍B.痰瘀互阻C.肝风内动D.肝风痰火胶结成疾E.痰蒙清窍 值得指出的是,随着政府土地储备制度的建立,()划拨土地使用权,已经成为政府土地储备中心优先收回并纳入储备的重要对象,开发商直接获取该类土地的机会逐渐减小。A、存量B、增量C、流量D、减量 对于散点图,叙述恰当的为。A.可呈现变量的频数分布B.可表示两种现象问的相关关系C.可描述变量的变化趋势D.可直观表示出各指标的位置E.以上都不对 关于高密度脂蛋白(HDL)描述错误的是A.HDL颗粒最小,密度最高B.主要作用是在血浆中促进乳糜微粒和VLDL分解并合成胆固醇酯C.HDL主要在肝合成,部分来自小肠乳糜微粒的代谢D.HDL又可分为两个亚型,HDL2较HDL2更小E.HDL被认为是抗动脉粥样硬化因子 下列关于注册建造师执业工程规模标准(公路工程)说法中错误的是。A.高速公路各工程类别均为大型规模B.一座300m的桥梁工程属于小型规模C.隧道工程没有小型规模D.单项合同额550万元的项目属于中型规模 关于右束支电位的表述,正确的是。A.是右束支的除极电位B.时限一般为10ms左右C.位于H波和V波之间D.振幅比H波低,时限比H波短E.以上都是 当流量仪表用于测量瞬态快速变化的流量时,需要了解其。A、动态特性B、静态特性C、流体特性D、流动特性
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1. 宾语从句中的省略 (1)宾语从句中常省略连词 that ,但及物动词后两个或
语 法 精 讲
He said (that) the next was very important and that we should learn it by heart.
语 法 精 讲
but she still _____.

A. hopes to C. hopes not B. hopes so D. hopes for

标 测 评

哦,她的父母不允许她去参加聚会,但她仍然希望去。but 是表转折的并列连词,连接两个并列分句。并列句中后面
知 能

标 测 评

—I’d love to. 我非常愿意。
语 法 精 讲
5. 在祈使句和省略的问句中常省略主语或谓语部分。 Why not(don’t you) try knocking at the back door? 为什么不敲一敲后门试一试呢? (You) Never leave today’s work for tomorrow! 别把今天的工作留到明天!
语 法 精 讲
He was thought (to be) the cleverest boy in the group. 大家认为他在小组中是最聪明的。 4. 不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to。 (1)在be about to, be going to, be able to, be sure to, be certain to, be likely to, be ready to, be supposed to, be to等 后,常省去与前面动词一致的动词原形。 (2)某些表示心理或情感状态的动词, 如love, mean, want, hate, like, prefer, wish, expect, hope等后面跟不定式时, 为避免重复,常只保留不定式符号to。

标 测 评

No doubt ( =There is no doubt ) that we will be
successful. 毫无疑问我们会成功的。
3. 主(宾)语补足语中的to be往往省略。 We found the problem (to be) serious. 我们发现问题严重。
表示否定时用not。 I think you’ll win the race,indeed we all think so.
知 能

标 测 评

①—What’ s the matter with Della? —Well, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party,
知 能

标 测 评

语 法 精 讲
1. 并列句中后面的分句只要与前面的分句有相同的词 语,不管它在句子中作何种成分,都可以省略。 His father is a doctor, and his mother (is) a nurse.
知 能

标 测 评

知 能

标 测 评

(2)以which, when, where, how和why引导的宾语从句 在其谓语与主句谓语相同时,可省略全部谓语,甚至主语
She will go to Beijing, but I don’t know when (she will go to Beijing). 她将去北京,但我不知道她何时去。
语 法 精 讲
知 能

标 测 评

语 法 精 讲
知 能
1. Some more juice?
Would you like some more juice? 2. Sorry to disturb you. I am sorry to disturb you. 3. Doesn’t matter.

标 测 评

语 法 精 讲
1. 所有格之后的名词,如住宅、商店、工矿、教堂等
知 能
Today I went to the barber’s (shop) to have my hair cut. 今天我到理发店理了发。 2. there be结构中的引导词 there以及谓语be有时可省 略。
知 能

标 测 评

语 法态,简略答语中常保留

标 测 评

have 。如果要省去的不定式中的动词是 be 时,则通常保留
—He hasn’t gone to the office up to now. 他到现在还没有去办公室。
语 法 精 讲
—Well, he ought to have. 他早应该去了。 —I’ll go to Guangzhou to watch the 16th Asian Games. Would you like to go with me? 我想到广州观看第十六届亚
They don’t go to the Summer Palace, neither do I (go to the Summer Palace). 他们没有去颐和园,我也没去。
2. 在动词 appear, believe, expect, fear, hope, seem,
语 法 精 讲
suppose, trust, think或词组be afraid后面,表示肯定时用so,

标 测 评

It doesn’t matter.
语 法 精 讲
4. Haven’t seen you for years.
知 能
I haven’t seen you for years.
5. Pity you failed in the exam. It’s a pity you failed in the exam.