Microbial cell disruption by high pressure homogenization


微生物生长促进剂 英语

微生物生长促进剂 英语

微生物生长促进剂英语Microbial growth-promoting agents, commonly known as microbial growth promoters or MGPs, are substances that enhance the growth and development of microorganisms. These agents have gained significant importance in various fields, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and industrial biotechnology.In agriculture, microbial growth promoters are used to improve crop yield and enhance plant health. They can stimulate root development, increase nutrient uptake, and enhance plant resistance against diseases and pests. Examples of microbial growth promoters in agriculture include rhizobacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, and plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB).Rhizobacteria are beneficial bacteria that colonize the root system of plants. They have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, convert insoluble nutrients into plant-available forms, and produce growth-promoting substances such as auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. These substances promote root growth, enhance nutrient absorption, and stimulate plant growth.Mycorrhizal fungi form mutualistic associations with plants, where they colonize the plant roots and provide increased nutrient uptake capabilities. The fungi can absorb nutrients, such as phosphorus and micronutrients, more efficiently than plant roots alone. In return, the plant provides the fungi with carbohydrates produced through photosynthesis. This symbiotic relationship improves plant growth and increases plant resistance against various stresses, such as drought and nutrient deficiencies.Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are another type of microbial growth promoters commonly used in agriculture. PGPB have diverse mechanisms to promote plant growth, including producing plant hormones, solubilizing nutrients, and suppressing plant pathogens. Some PGPB can also enhance plant tolerance to abiotic stresses, such as drought and salinity.In the pharmaceutical industry, microbial growth promoters are used in the production of antibiotics, vaccines, and other therapeutic substances. For example, certain bacteria and fungi are used as hosts for the production of recombinant proteins or enzymes through genetic engineering. These microorganisms are genetically modified to express specific proteins that can be further purified and utilized for various pharmaceutical applications.Moreover, microbial growth promoters play a crucial role in industrial biotechnology. They are used in the production of biofuels, enzymes, and other biobased products. For instance, certain bacteria and yeasts are used to produce ethanol through fermentation. The microorganisms convert sugars into ethanol, which can be used as a renewable and sustainable fuel source.In conclusion, microbial growth promoters are substances that enhance the growth and development of microorganisms. They have diverse applications in agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and industrial biotechnology. These substances can improve crop yield, enhance plant health, produce therapeutic substances, and facilitate the production of biobased products. Microbial growth promoters are an important tool in sustainable agriculture and bio-based industries.。


作者简介: 马明艳 (1995— )ꎬ 女ꎬ 在读硕士研究生ꎬ 研究方向: 心血管病流行病学ꎮ
通信作者: 胡继宏 (1976— )ꎬ 女ꎬ 博士ꎬ 教授ꎬ 研究方向: 心血管病流行病学ꎮ
Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.
中 国 食 物 与 营 养
2 1 3 奶制品及其蛋白质成分 奶及奶制品的蛋白成
胶囊ꎬ 还 可 促 进 肠 道 微 生 物 群 对 短 链 脂 肪 酸 的 生 物
合成[26] ꎮ
胖[34] ꎮ 肠道屏障功能障碍会导致细菌或有毒细菌的代
来改善肥胖和代谢综合征[36] ꎮ 褐藻黄质 ( Fx) 可通过
抑制与炎症相关的毛螺菌科和 Erysipelotrichaceae 的生长ꎬ
缓解肥胖和相关炎症的发展[18] ꎮ 肠道变形菌属可产生
2 1 5 水果 (葡萄、 石榴和蓝莓) 相关成分 Han 等[22]
肠道菌群稳态ꎬ 引起与肠道菌群失调有关的疾病ꎬ 包
发现ꎬ 葡萄提取物通过优化厚壁菌门与拟杆菌门的比率
括肥胖 [33] ꎮ
和增加双歧杆菌、 Akkermansia 和梭状芽胞杆菌属的丰度
3 肠道微生物与肥胖间的相关作用机理
进入血液中[13] ꎮ 慢性炎症细菌和 LPS 的积累会导致代
谢性菌血症 (MB) 和内毒素血症 ( ME)ꎬ 是肥胖和其
他代谢综合征表现特征的促炎过程[35] ꎮ 钙三醇联合联
iBRD9 治疗通过调节肥胖小鼠的肠道微生物群ꎬ 改善肠
黏膜屏障功能ꎬ 减少 LPS 吸收入血ꎬ 从而减轻肥胖[38] ꎮ
常化ꎻ 还可以减轻 HFD 诱导的肥胖ꎬ 提高循环促炎细
谢产物从肠道进入血液ꎬ 从而导致全身炎症ꎬ 这就是许



微生物组学英语Microbiome: The Unseen World Within UsThe human body is a complex and intricate ecosystem, teeming with trillions of microorganisms that play a vital role in our overall health and well-being. This vast and diverse community of microbes, collectively known as the microbiome, has been the subject of extensive research in recent years, as scientists strive to unravel the mysteries of this unseen world within us.The microbiome is a term that encompasses the entirety of the microbial communities that reside in various parts of the human body, including the gut, skin, oral cavity, and even the respiratory system. These microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and archaea, have evolved alongside humans over millions of years, forming a symbiotic relationship that is essential for our survival.One of the most well-studied aspects of the microbiome is its role in the gut. The human gut is home to a vast and diverse array of microbes, with an estimated 100 trillion bacteria residing in thedigestive tract. These gut microbes play a crucial role in digesting and metabolizing the food we consume, extracting essential nutrients and energy that our bodies can then utilize.Beyond their role in digestion, gut microbes also have a profound impact on our immune system. They help to train and regulate the immune cells, ensuring that they are able to effectively fight off harmful pathogens while also maintaining a delicate balance that prevents autoimmune disorders. This intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and the immune system has been the focus of numerous studies, with researchers exploring the potential of probiotics and other microbial-based therapies to treat a wide range of health conditions.The skin microbiome is another area of intense research. The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is home to a diverse array of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. These skin-dwelling microbes play a crucial role in maintaining the skin's barrier function, protecting us from harmful environmental factors and pathogens. They also contribute to the skin's overall health, helping to regulate inflammation, prevent the overgrowth of harmful microbes, and even influence the appearance of the skin.The oral microbiome is another important aspect of the human microbiome. The mouth is a complex ecosystem, with a diverse arrayof microbes that play a critical role in maintaining oral health. These microbes help to break down food, regulate pH levels, and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria that can lead to dental problems such as cavities and gum disease.In addition to these well-known aspects of the microbiome, there is growing evidence that the microbial communities in other parts of the body, such as the respiratory system and the urogenital tract, also play important roles in human health and disease.One of the most exciting areas of microbiome research is the potential for microbiome-based therapies to treat a wide range of health conditions. By understanding the composition and function of the microbiome, researchers are exploring ways to manipulate it to improve human health. This includes the use of probiotics, which are live microorganisms that can be consumed to help restore the balance of the microbiome, as well as the development of personalized therapies that target specific microbial imbalances.Another promising area of research is the role of the microbiome in mental health. Emerging evidence suggests that the gut microbiome may play a significant role in the development and maintenance of mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. This has led to the concept of the "gut-brain axis," which posits that the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain can havea profound impact on our emotional and cognitive well-being.As our understanding of the microbiome continues to grow, it is clear that this unseen world within us is a critical component of human health and well-being. By unraveling the complexities of the microbiome, researchers and clinicians are paving the way for new and innovative approaches to disease prevention and treatment. From improving gut health to enhancing mental well-being, the potential of the microbiome is limitless, and the future of personalized, microbiome-based medicine is rapidly taking shape.。



Annual Review of Microbiology IF=13.412 IF= 15.500
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reபைடு நூலகம்iews
Journal of Clinical Microbiology
IF= 3.537
1.下面所述不是微生物共性的是( )。 A.体积小 B.性状稳定 C.繁殖快 D.分布广
微生物(microorganism)是一切肉眼看不见或看不清的微 小生物的总称。包括: 原核类:细菌(真细菌、古细菌),放线菌,蓝细菌,枝原体, 立克次氏体,衣原体等; 真核类:真菌(酵母菌,霉菌,蕈菌),原生动物,显微藻类; 非细胞类:病毒,亚病毒(类病毒,拟病毒,阮病毒) 特点:小(个体微小)、简(构造简单)、低(进化地位低)
罗伯特 虎克 Robert Hooke
英国博物学家,发明家 贡献: 设计制造了显微镜,著 有《显微术》一书,命名“细 胞”一词。
路易· 巴斯德 Louis Pasteur
罗伯特 科赫 Robert Koch
法国微生物学家、化学家 杰出贡献:1.否定自然发生说 2.倡导疾病细菌学说 3.发明预防接种方法 4.创造狂犬病和炭疽的疫苗 5.巴氏消毒法 微生物学的奠基人
获得有关微生物学的诺贝尔生理学和医学奖的人: 1901年,E . A . V . 贝林(德国人)从事有关白喉血清疗法的研究 1905年,R.柯赫(德国人)从事有关结核的研究 1945年A.弗莱明、E.B.钱恩、H.W.弗洛里(英国人)发现表霉素以及表霉素对传染病的治疗 效果 1958年G.W.比德乐、E.L.塔特姆(美国人)发现一切生物体内的生化反应都是由基因逐步控 制的;J.莱德伯格(美国人)从事基因重组以及细菌遗传物质方面的研究 1965年F.雅各布、J.L.莫诺、A.M.雷沃夫(法国人)研究有关酶和细菌合成中的遗传调节机 构 1975年D.巴尔摩、H.M.特明(美国人)、R.杜尔贝科(美国人)从事肿瘤病毒的研究 1978年W.阿尔伯(瑞士人)、H.O.史密斯、D.内森斯(美国人)发现限制性内切酶以及在分 子遗传学方面的应用 1997年S.B.普鲁西纳(美国人)发现了一种全新的蛋白致病因子 —— 朊蛋白(PRION)并 在其致病机理的研究方面做出了杰出贡献 2008年,德国科学家哈拉尔德·楚尔·豪森因发现人乳突淋瘤病毒引发子宫颈癌获此殊荣, 两名法国科学家弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔-西诺西和吕克·蒙塔尼因发现人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)获 此殊荣。 摘自《西北师范大学生命科学学院生物学通报》



微生物名词解释微生物(Microbe): 微观的生物机体。

(细小的肉眼看不见的生物) 微生物(Microorgamism): 微观的生命形式。


微米(Micrometer): 一种测量单位:1/1,000mm,缩写为um。

原核微生物(prokaryotic microbe):指核质和细胞质之间不存在明显核膜,其染色体由单一核酸组成的一类微生物。

原核细胞型微生物(procaryotic cell microbe):指没有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间没有明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。

真核细胞型微生物(eukaryotic cell microbe):指具有真正细胞核(即核质和细胞质之间存在明显核膜)的细胞型微生物。


霉菌(Mold): 具有丝状结构特征的真菌。










感染(Infection): 宿主由于微生物生长的病理学状况。



active immunity(主动免疫): Immunity acquired through direct stimulation of the immune system by antigen.active transport(主动运输):Transport of molecules against a concentration gradient (from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration) with the aid of proteins in the cell membrane and energy from ATP.Alcohol fermentation(乙醇发酵):is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Yeast, when under anaerobic conditions, convert glucose to pyruvic acid via the glycolysis pathways, then go one step farther, converting pyruvic acid into ethanol, a C-2 compound.aerobe(好氧微生物): A microorganism that lives and grows in the presence of free gaseous oxygen (O2).aflatoxin(黄曲霉毒素): From Aspergillus flavus t, a mycotoxin that typically poisons moldy animal feed and can cause liver cancer in humans and other animals.AIDS(爱滋病): Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome. The complex of signs and symptoms characteristic of the late phase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.Ames test(艾姆氏实验): A method for detecting mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic agents based upon the genetic alteration of nutritionally defective bacteriaanabolism(合成代谢): The energy consuming process of incorporating nutrients into protoplasm through biosynthesis.anaerobe(厌氧微生物): A microorganism that grows best, or exclusively, in the absence of oxygen.antibiotic(抗生素):A chemical substance from one microorganism that can inhibit or kill another microbe even in minute amounts.antibody(抗体): A large protein molecule evoked in response to an antigen that interacts specifically with that antigen.antigen(抗原): Any cell, particle, or chemical that induces a specific immune response by B cells or T cells and can stimulate resistance to an infection or a toxin.antigenic determinant(抗原决定基):The precise molecular group of an antigen that defines its specificity and triggers the immune response.antimetabolite(抗代谢物):A substance such as a drug that competes with, substitutes for, or interferes with a normal metabolite.antiseptic(防腐剂):A growth-inhibiting agent used on tissues to prevent infection. antiserum(抗血清):Antibody-rich serum derived from the blood of animals (deliberately immunized against infectious or toxic antigen) or from people who have recovered from specific nfections.antitoxin(抗毒素):Globulin fraction of serum that neutralizesa specific toxin. Also refers to the specific antitoxin antibody itself.arthrospore(节孢子):A fungal spore formed by the septation fragmentation of hyphae. ascospore(子囊):A spore formed within a saclike cell (ascus) of Ascomycota following nuclear fusion and meiosis.asepsis(无菌):A condition free of viable pathogenic microorganisms.autoantibody(自身抗体):An "anti-self antibody having an ffinity for tissue antigens of the subject in which it is formed.autoantigen(自身抗原):Molecules that are inherently part of self but are perceived by theimmune system as foreignautoimmune disease(自身免疫疾病):The pathologic condition arising from the production of antibodies against autoantigens. Example: rheumatoid arthritis. Also called autoimmunitybacteriophage(噬菌体):A virus that specifically infects bacteria.bacteriostatic(抑菌):Any process or agent that inhibits bacterial growth.binary fission(二分裂):The formation of two new cells of approximately equal size as the result of parent cell division.B lymphocyte (B cell):A white blood cell that gives rise to plasma cells and antibodies. broad spectrum(广谱):A word to denote drugs that affect many different types of bacteria, both gram-positive and gram-negative.Capsid(衣壳):The protein covering of a virus's nucleic acid core. Capsids exhibit symmetry due to the regular arrangement of subunits called capsomers.capsomer(衣壳粒):A subunit of the virus capsid shaped as a triangle or disc. capsule(荚膜):In bacteria, the loose, gel-like covering or slime made chiefly of simple polysaccharides. This layer is protective and can be associated with virulence. Catabolism(分解代谢):The chemical breakdown of complex compounds into simpler units to be used in cell metabolism.cell-mediated immune(细胞介导免疫):The type of immune responses brought about by T cells, such as cytotoxic, suppressor, and helper effects.chemoautotroph(化能自养菌):An organism that relies upon inorganic chemicals for its energy and carbon dioxide for its carbon. Also called a chemolithotraphchemotaxis(趋化性):The tendency of organisms to move in response to a chemical gradient (toward an attractant or to avoid adverse stimuli).Chemotherapy(化学治疗剂):The use of chemical substances or drugs to treat or prevent disease.Chitin(几丁质):A polysaccharide similar to cellulose in chemical structure. This polymer makes up the homy substance of the exoskeletons of arthropods and certain fungi complement(补体):In immunology, serum protein components hat act in a definite sequence when set in motion either by an antigen-antibody complex or by factors of the alternative (properdin) pathway.Conldia(分生孢子):Asexual fungal spores shed as free units from the tips of fertile hyphae. Conjugation(接合):In bacteria, the contact between donor and recipient cells associated with the transfer of genetic material such as plasmids. Can involvespecial (sex) pili. Also a form of sexual recombination in ciliated protozoans.Colony(菌落):A macroscopic cluster of cells appearing on a solid medium, each arising from the multiplication of a single cell.Contaminant(污染物):An impurity; any undesirable material or organism.Culture(培养物):The visible accumulation of microorganisms in or on a nutrient medium. Also, the propagation of microorganisms with various media. curddifferential medium(鉴别培养基):A single substrate that discriminates between groups of microorganisms on the basis of differences in their appearance due to different chemical reactions.differential stain(鉴别染色):A technique that utilizes two dyes to distinguish betweendifferent microbial groups or cell parts by color reaction.Disinfection(消毒):The destruction of pathogenic nonsporulating microbes or their toxins, usually on inanimate surfaces.ELISA(酶联免疫):Abbreviation for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a very sensitive serological test used to detect antibodies in diseases such as AIDS。

Antibiotics (anti-microbials)

Antibiotics (anti-microbials)
However, many bacteria are now resistant to antibiotics and some are resistant to all known agents.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ New drugs are continually being introduced to combat evolving patterns of resistance.
Disruption of the microbial cell membrane
Essentially, affect cell membrane transportation in and out
Increases permeability of membrane
External influences have greater effect Microbe death
Interrupt this leads to new microbes being susceptible to external influences
Cell ruptures Microbe death
Eg. Penicillinsm cephalosporins, vancomycin and bacitracin
Antibiotics (anti-microbials)
Dr Gareth Noble (and Dr Sue Jordan)
Kock & Pasteur over a century
Discovered ‘cause and effect’ Once found, needed an agent to be created to handle them



2、预防措施: ● 甲类传染病:鼠疫和霍乱。应在2小时内向 CDC报告,强制性隔离,加强国际性检疫。 ● 乙类传染病,但纳入甲类管理:人感染高 致病性禽流感、SARS(传染性非经典肺炎、 严重急性呼吸综合症)、肺炭疽。 ● 乙类传染病:麻疹、取得性免疫缺陷综合征 (艾滋病)。
易感者:人类是霍乱弧菌旳唯一易感者 传染源:患者和带菌者 传播途径:消化道:水、食物(海产品)
3. Each of the following statements concerning the pathogen(病原体)is correct EXCEPT A. It is a gram-negative bacterium B. It grows best at a very high pH() C. It is actively motile by means of a polar flagellum(鞭毛) D. It is spread by contaminated water and food E. It can induce an invasive infection
1.The most likely cause of her illness is A.Clostridium difficile(艰难梭菌)enterotoxin B.Vibrio cholerae (霍乱弧菌)enterotoxin C.Shigella dysenteriae (痢疾志贺菌)Shiga toxin D.Enterohemorrhagic E. coli(肠出血性大肠埃希 菌)Shiga toxin E. S. aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)enterotoxin



Cell Culture Solutions Millicell® Inserts & Sterile FiltrationContinuing Innovation in Membrane-BasedCell CultureMillipore has been developing innovative research tools for over 50 years.Since revolutionizing in vitro cell culture in the 1950s with the introduction of the first microporous membrane, we’ve expanded our line to includehundreds of high quality products.The Millicell family of membrane-based cultureware now includes single-well standing and hanging inserts, as well as 24- and 96-well cell cultureinsert plates, with the most extensive membrane selection available.We also provide a variety of sterile filtration tools to use with your cell culture media. Whether you need to filter 1 mL or 10 L, we offer a devicewith the speed and recovery that you need.23Millicell Inserts and PlatesDeviceFormatSingle well Standing & Hanging Inserts (Page 6)6-, 12-, and 24-well Cell Culture InsertsMulti well Insert Plates (Page 8)24- and 96-wellCell Culture Insert PlatesAdditional Products for Use in Cell CultureDeviceFormatMultiscreen MESH System (Page 16)20, 40, 60, and 100 µm Pore SizesFast-Trap Virus Purification and Concentration Kits (Page 16)All Inclusive Kit Stem Cell Research Antibodies (Page 16)Variety to choose fromLab Filtration Vacuum- and Pressure-Driven DevicesDeviceMaximum Process Volume Stericup ® Filter Units (Page 13)150, 250, 500 or 1000 mLSteritop ® Filter Units (Page 13)150, 250, 500 or 1000 mLSteriflip ® Filter Units (Page 14)50 mLStericap ™ PLUS Filter Units (Page 14)2 to 10 LMillex ® Syringe Filters (4, 13, 25, 33 mm)(Page 15)1, 10, 100-200 mL4Characteristics HA CM PCF PET Microscopically Transparent No Yes No 1 µm only Tissue Culture Treated No No Yes Yes Membrane Thickness120 µm50 µm10 µm10 µm Matrix/ECM Coatable Yes Yes Yes YesMeMbrAne ProPertIeSoptimize Your researchMillipore offers the largest selection of microporous membrane-based cell culture inserts.Today’s Millicell family includes single well standing and hanging inserts, as well as 24- and96-well cell culture systems. These products are compatible with imaging systems, as wellas all tests for cell viability and monolayer integrity, including lucifer yellow, transepithelialelectrical resistance (TEERS), and sodium fluorescein.For optimal assay results, begin by selecting a Millipore membrane based on yourapplication needs and membrane properties.Millicell Cell CulturePlates and Insertsthe MILLICeLL CeLL CULtUre ADVAntAGeMillicell cell culture inserts promote natural cell growth andincorporate unique design features to improve flexibility intoday’s labs. Unlike cells grown on plastic plates, membrane-supported cell cultures are shown to mimic more natural cellbehavior and demonstrate improved growth, structure, andfunction. They have improved differentiation, more intracellularorganelles, and higher cell densities.Regular plastic tissue culture plates only allow cells toaccess media from their apical side. With Millicell microporousinserts, cells are given a three dimensional environmentin which they can access media from both the apical andbasolateral sides, resulting in improved cell morphology.5APPLICAtIon GUIDeFilter Code (Recommended Pore Size)Filter CodesCode Membrane Type Membrane Material CM Biopore™Hydrophilic PTFE HA MF-Millipore™Mixed cellulose esters PCF Isopore™PolycarbonatePETPETPolyethylene terephthalateSingle Well Cell Culture InsertsIndividual Millicell cell culture inserts provide a great amount of user flexibility in thenumber of samples to run at one time. The inserts are available for 24-, 12- and 6-wellplates. They are easily prepared for SEM and TEM, and are compatible with cellular andfluorescent stains.• Membrane-based design promotes more natural cell behavior than plastic plates• Unique design allows cells to access media from both the apical and basolateral sides• Choose from the widest range of membrane-based devicesMillicell Standing InsertsFor excellent cell growth and easy cell studiesThe original Millicell standing cell culture inserts are available with three differentmembrane types, including the Biopore (PTFE) membrane, the MF-Millipore(mixed cellulose esters) membrane, and the Isopore™ (polycarbonate) membrane.Millicell hanging InsertsFor co-culturing, permeability assays, or frequently handled insertsA unique design allows easier basolateral access than other hanging inserts with less riskof contamination. The inserts are available in 5 pore sizes and 3 diameters, including a 1 µm pore size that is optically transparent for better visualization by microscopy.Millicell organotypic InsertsFor high cell viability and superior study of three-dimensional explant structureThese standing inserts have a lower wall, so they are easy to manipulate and can fit inside a standard petri dish. The Biopore (PTFE) membrane provides high viability—for as long as 40 days—and excellent trans-membrane oxygen transport. The membrane is optically clear and optimized for long-term organotypic explant maintenance.Multiwell receiver PlatesTissue culture treated solid bottom receiver plates designed towork with our Millicell single well inserts are available in 6-, 12-,and 24-well formats. They are manufactured from clear virginpolystyrene, and are supplied sterile and non-pyrogenic. Thewell design and low evaporation lids with condensation ringsreduce the risk of cross-contamination.6MeMbrAne tYPeS AVAILAbLebiopore Membrane (hydrophilic PtFe)*For low protein-binding, live cell viewing,and immunofluorescent applicationsBiopore membrane exhibits little or no background when using fluorescent stains compared to other membrane matrices. Provides optimum viewing of live cells through the transparent Biopore membrane.MF-Millipore Membrane (Mixed Cellulose esters) For exceptional anatomical and functional polarization and growth of attachmentdependent cellswithout tissue culture treatment or ECM coatingThe Triton®-free, mixed cellulose esters membrane can be used for cell surface receptor, in vitro toxicology, microbial attachment and polarized uptake assays. Compared to plastic, cells had higher densities and a more cuboidal morphology.Isopore Membrane (Polycarbonate)For growth of attachment-dependent cellswithout ECM coatingThe hydrophilic polycarbonate membrane is tissue culture treated to allow growth of attachmentdependent cells without the use of extracellular coating matrix (ECM). Itis especially recommended for transport/permeability applications. The inserts are available in 5 pore sizes.Pet (Polyethylene terephthalate) Membrane For growth of attachment-dependent cellswithout ECM coatingThis track-etched, thin film membrane is translucent or microscopically transparent for better cell visualization and monitoring of the cell monolayer. It istissue culture treated to promote cellattachment and growth.*Requires ECM coating for attachmentdependent cells.Millicell Single Well Standing Inserts(50 per pack)Membrane Pore Size Device Size Catalogue No. OrganotypicInsert**Biopore (PTFE)0.4 µm 6 well PICM ORG 50HA InsertMF-Millipore0.45 µm 24 well PIHA 012 506 well PIHA 030 50 CM Insert**Biopore (PTFE)0.4 µm 24 well PICM 012 506 well PICM 030 50 PCF InsertIsopore0.4 µm 24 well PIHP 012 503 µm 24 well PITP 012 508 µm24 well PI8P 012 5012 µm24 well PIXP 012 500.4 µm 6 well PIHP 030 50** For adherent cells, this membrane should be coated withan extracellular matrix.Millicell Single Well hanging Inserts(48 per pack)Membrane Pore Size Device Size Catalogue No.PET Insert PET 0.4 µm 6 well PIHT 30R 481 µm PIRP 30R 48 3 µm PISP 30R 48 5 µm PIMP 30R 48 8 µm PIEP 30R 480.4 µm 12 well PIHT 15R 481 µm PIRP 15R 48 3 µm PISP 15R 48 5 µm PIMP 15R 48 8 µm PIEP 15R 480.4 µm 24 well PIHT 12R 481 µm PIRP 12R 48 3 µm PISP 12R 48 5 µm PIMP 12R 48 8 µm PIEP 12R 48orDerInG InForMAtIon7Multi Well Cell Culture Insert Plates Millicell 24- and 96-well cell culture insert plates are designed to support cell attachment,growth and differentiation in many cell lines including MDCK and Caco-2. The plates are compatible with automated cell seeding, feeding, and washing systems. Unique features such as the apical assist and tear-drop well design provide greater convenience and reproducibility than standard multiwell cell culture insert plates.• Patented plate design improves cell growth and analysis• Optimized for user convenience• Automation compatiblePLAte FeAtUreSApical Assist Protects Cell MonolayerA small shelf on the inside edge of each well prevents the tip of the pipette from going too far into the apical well and accidentally touching the cell monolayer. (See illustration below.)Unique Design Prevents trapped AirA unique tear-drop well design reduces the chance of air bubbles forming under the filter plate, which can interfere with optimal cell feeding. The single well feeder tray has bafflesto reduce media leakage and contamination.Ports Provide easy basolateral AccessPatent-pending apical and basolateral access ports provide contamination-free accessto cell monolayers. They also simplify cell feeding, media changes, and sample analysis. Basolateral access ports are especially effective during transport rate analysis as there is no need to disassemble the assay system to sample basolaterally. Each well and basolateral access hole is aligned to facilitate the use of automated probes.Millicell Multi wellCell Culture Insert Plates These automation-compatible plates incorporate a patented design to maintain assay integrity and prevent monolayer disruption, contamination, or damage during analysis. The96-well growth assemblies includea choice of a 96-well or single well feeder trays. The format is also available in a 24-well design.Top view(not assembled)GrowthAssembly(single wellfeeding trayalso available)ApicalAccess PartApicalAssistFeederTrayBasolateralAccess Port8ForMAtS AVAILAbLeMillicell-24 Cell Culture Insert PlatesLarger membrane area increases assay sensitivityMillicell-24 plates have twice the surface area of other 24-well membrane-basedplates, so you can increase cell growth and assay sensitivity.Smaller liquid volumes mean less dilution of transported materialMillicell-24 plates have a recommended 1:2 ratio between the volumes of liquid inthe apical and basolateral chambers, as compared to other 24-well inserts thathave up to a 1:6 ratio. The smaller differential in Millicell-24 plates results in lessdilution of transported material, higher signal, and greater sensitivity.Millicell-96 Cell Culture Insert PlatesComplete system for cell growth and drug transport experimentsWith this complete system, you can grow, feed, and analyze cells in one membrane-bottomplate. The plate can be used with either a single well or a 96-well feeding tray. At the time oftransport analysis, the plate is simply transferred to a 96-well transport tray for analysis. Thisstreamlined design enhances compatibility with:• Seed-and-feed systems• Most liquid handlers• Transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER)tissue Culture Plates for Cell GrowthTissue culture treated plates offer a surface which enables most adherent cells to attach and proliferate.The 6-, 12-, and 24-well formats provide users flexibility to run multiple samples simultaneously. Theseplates can be easily prepared for SEM and TEM, and are compatible with cellular and fluorescent stainingprocedures. Additionally, TC-treated plates can be used in conjunction with membrane-based Millicell inserts asreceiver plates.Plates are also available precoated with common ECM proteins which have been shown to enhance the growth ofmore challenging cell lines. It has been shown that anchor-dependent cells growing on ECM undergo more efficient plating,have a higher proliferation rate, reach a higher density, and demonstrate enhanced differentiation potential.Migration, Invasion and ChemotaxisThe MultiScreen-MIC filter plate provides a reliable, versatile platform for a range of cell-based screening assays including migration, invasion, chemotaxis, co-culture, angiogenesis and transmigration.Plates are available in a range of pore sizes for assays with suspension and adherent cell lines, and for co-culture and transmigration assays. Results show that the plates demonstrate high assay consistency with little inter-assay variability.The plates are provided sterile to support longer incubation times and allow for assay set up and analysis in the samedevice.MultiScreen-MIC filter plates are available in three membrane pore sizes.• Use with adherent or suspension cells• Polycarbonate membrane available in 3, 5, and 8 µm pore sizes• Pre-assembled kits available910Millicell 24-well Cell Culture Insert Plate AssembliesMillicell 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plate AssembliesMembraneTypeMembrane Pore Size (µm)Qty/Pk Catalogue licell-96 cell culture insert plates96-well cell culture plate, single-well feeder tray, 96-well receiver tray and lid PCF (0.4 µm)1PSHT 004 R1Growth plate, single-well feeder tray PET (1.0 µm) PSRP 004 R196-well cell culture plate, 96-wellreceiver tray and lid PCF (0.4 mm)5PSHT 004 S596-well cell culture plate, single-well feeder tray and lidPCF (0.4 mm)5PSHT 004 R5PET (1.0 mm)PSRP 004 R596-well receiver trays with lids5MACA COR S5Millicell Inserts Pre-loaded in 24-well receiver Plates*Membrane Pore Size Catalogue No.PET 0.4 µm PIHT 12L 04PET8.0 µmPIEP 12L 04*Coming soon. Check with technical service for availability.AccessoriesMembraneQty/Pk Catalogue No.24-well receiver trays with lids 5PSMW 010 R5Single-well feeder trays with lids5PSSW 010 R5orDerInG InForMAtIonMillicell-treated tissue Culture PlatesMembrane Pore Size Catalogue No.6-well cell culture plate, tissue culture treated, sterile50PIMW S06 5012-well cell culture plate, tissue culture treated, sterile50PIMW S12 5024-well cell culture plate, tissue culture treated, sterile50PIMW S24 50Millicoat eCM Precoated tissue Culture receiver Plates, SterileDescription Coating Qty/Pk Catalogue No.6-well plate with Collagen coating Collagen Type I5PICL 06P 0524-well plate with Collagen coating Collagen Type I5PICL 24P 056-well plate with Poly-D-Lysine coating Poly-D-Lysine5PIDL 06P 0524-well plate with Poly-D-Lysine coating Poly-D-Lysine5PIDL 24P 056-well plate with Fibronectin coating Fibronectin5PIFB 06P 0524-well plate with Fibronectin coating Fibronectin5PIFB 24P 05 MultiScreen-MIC SystemIncludes ten (10) 96-well receiver plates housed in single-well trays, with lids. All parts are sterilized.Description Pore Size Qty/Pk Catalogue No. MultiScreen-MIC 3 µm 10MAMI C3S 10 MultiScreen-MIC 5 µm 10MAMI C5S 10 MultiScreen-MIC 8 µm 10MAMI C8S 10AccessoriesDescription Qty/Pk Catalogue No. Millicell-ERS Volt-Ohm Meter 1MERS 000 01 Replacement electrodes 1 pair MERS STX 011112Sterile Filtration DevicesSpeed you can count on; recovery you can trust.Don’t tAke rISkS WIth YoUr WorkEliminating bacteria and other contaminants from cell growth media and additives is crucial to ensuring accurate results.For over 50 years, Millipore has provided a range of sterile filtration membranes and products that have been optimized to meet all your application needs. Our membranes include the high performance Express PLUS ™ membrane, which provides fast flow with low protein binding and saves valuable laboratory time while minimizing the loss of expensive protein based growth additives.Millipore’s line of sterile filtration devices includes pressure and vacuum driven filter units for preparing aqueous solutions from 1 milliliter to 20 liters. Millipore has a device with the speed, low protein binding, and recovery you need.Stericup and Steritop Filter UnitsLoW bInDInGMembranes with low protein binding ensure that key growth factors and proteins won’t beabsorbed into the filter. Millipore Express® PLUS membrane binds significantly less non-specificprotein than other membranes.InteLLIGent DeSIGnThe Stericup vacuum filtration system can process and store volumes from 150 mL to 1 L. Itsnew, no-tip/easy-grip flask design and compact profile improve stability during filtration, makegripping the receiver easier, and make Stericup filter units ideal for use in laminar flow hoods.As an added convenience, the bottom of the receiver flask is slightly recessed, enabling cappedflasks to be stacked for easy storage.Stericup Filter Units with Millipore express PLUS MembraneStericup filter devices combine a filter unit with a receiver flask and cap for processing and storage.Steritop Filter UnitsSteritop bottle-top filter units can be used with bottles that have a 33 mm or 45 mm opening.1314Steriflip Filter UnitsStericap PLUS Filter UnitsDeviceMembranePore Size (µm)Qty/Pk Catalogue No.Stericap PLUS Filter UnitMillipore Express PLUS (PES)0.2210SCGP CAP RE15Millex Syringe FiltersMillex syringe filters provide convenient sterilization of small volumes and are ideal for solutions such as antibiotics and tissue culture additives. Their unsurpassed quality and consistency of results has led to the creation of many sample preparation methods that specify Millex filters.Manufactured for reliable PerformanceManufacturing occurs in a controlled environment using an automated process. Sterile devices are provided with a certificate of quality.Faster Flow rate33 mm Millex filters have 20% more filter surface than 25 mm filters for significantly higher flow rate and throughput.higher operating PressureWith a maximum housing pressure of 150 psig (10 bar), solutions can be filtered faster.Low extractables, Low bindingA variety of membranes and housings ensurechemical compatibility with a range of samples and solvents.V o l u m e (m L )Time (Minutes)Fast FlowNylonOther PES MembranesCellulose AcetateMillipore Durapore Millipore Express µg/cm 2Low Protein Binding5015020025010033 mm Diameter MembranePore Size (µm)Type ProcessVolume Hold-up Volume (after air purge)Sterilization Method*Qty/Pk Catalogue lipore Express PLUS (PES) Membrane0.22GP200 mL< 100 µLRS50SLGP 033 RS 250SLGP 033 RB 1000SLGP 033 RK 0.45HP200 mL< 100 µLRS50SLHP 033 RS 250SLHP 033 RB50 mm DiameterMillipore Express (PES) Membrane0.22GP504000 mL< 1 mLRS10SLGP 050 10GP50 with filling bell10SLGP B50 10Millipore, Millicell, Durapore, Millex, Millipore Express, Multiscreen, Stericup, Steritop, and Steriflip are registered trademarks of Millipore Corporation. The M mark, MF-Millipore, Stericap, Biopore, Isopore, and FastTrap are trademarks of Millipore Corporation. Triton is a registered trademark of Union Carbide Corporation.Fisher BN1120081 Millipore Lit No. PB2569ENUS Printed in the USA 11/08 BS-GEN-08-00989 ©2008 Millipore Corporation, Billerica, MA 01821 U.S.A. All rights reserved.For technical assistance, contact Millipore:1-800-MILLIPore (1-800-645-5476)e-mail:**************************Multiscreen MeSh SystemMultiscreen MESH plates provide a complete system for target screening and other applications by evaluating new compounds using multi-cellular organisms as the in vivo model. They are routinely used in pharmaceutical and agropharma discovery for assays measuring paralysis, cytotoxicity, and death. They also can be utilized for declumping cells prior to FACS analysis.Description Pore Size (µm)Qty/Pk Catalogue No.Multiscreen MESH2010MANM N20 1040MANM N40 1060MANM N60 10100MANM 100 10Stem Cell research AntibodiesMillipore offers specific, validated antibodies for embryonic and adult stem cell research. Choose from a wide selection of published antibodies designed to help you isolate and characterize your stem cells.When ordering antibodies through Fisher Scientific, please add MI to the end of the part number.For a complete listing of Millipore antibodies, please visit our website at .new Fast-trap ™ Virus Purification and Concentration kitsThe Fast-Trap Lentivirus, Adenovirus, and Adeno Associated Virus Purification and Concentration Kits contain the reagents, filtration devices, and concentration devices necessary to purify the virus away from cellular contaminants and the expressed recombinant transgene.DescriptionCatalogue No.Fast-Trap Lentivirus Purification and Concentration Kit FTLV00003Fast Trap Adenovirus Purification and Concentration KitFTAV00003Fast Trap Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) Purification and Concentration KitFTAA00003Additional Products for Use in Cell CultureDescriptionQty/Pk Catalogue No.Anti-Nuclei, clone 235-1100 µL MAB1281Anti-Nestin, clone rat-401100 µg MAB353Anti-Nestin, human, clone 10C2100 µg MAB5326Anti-TRA-1-60, clone TRA-1-60100 µg MAB4360Anti-Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-4, clone MC-813-70100 µg MAB4304Anti-TRA-1-81, clone TRA-1-81100 µg MAB4381Anti-Nestin50 µL AB5922Anti-Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-1, clone MC-480100 µg MAB4301Anti-SOX-2 Monoclonal Antibody100 µgMAB4343DescriptionQty/Pk Catalogue No.Anti-Mitochondria, surface of intact mitochondria, clone 113-1100 µL MAB1273Anti-Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigen-3, clone MC-631100 µg MAB4303Anti-Oct-4, clone 10H11.2100 µg MAB4401Anti-Oct-4100 µg AB3209Anti-CD133, clone 13A4100 µg MAB4310Anti-BCRP, clone BXP-21100 µgMAB4146Anti-TRA-2-49, Liver/Bone/Kidney Alkaline Phosphatase, clone TRA-2-49/6E100 µgMAB4349FSC Logo here。



商务英语词汇 - 医学寄生虫学英语词汇_外贸商务英语四级六级考研雅思英语翻译写作作文听力单词在线字典,learn english dictionary,spkcn首页英语听力词汇学习英语童话英语演讲 ESL资源 Delphi 站内搜索联系我们设为首页您的位置:商务英语词汇 > 医药卫生 > 医学寄生虫学英语词汇医学寄生虫学英语词汇2006-09-18 spkcn 点击: 18Aedes 伊蚊alternation of generations 世代交替amastigote 无鞭毛体Amoebiasis 阿米巴病,变形虫病(尤指原虫寄生肠内引起的阿米巴痢疾)Ancylostoma duodenale 十二指肠钩口线虫Anopheles 按蚊ascariasis 蛔虫病ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫arthropod 节肢动物bradysporozoite 迟发型子孢子bradyzoite 缓殖子Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫capsule 荚膜,被膜,囊胞carrier 携带者,载体,载流子,带虫者cercaria 尾蚴cercarial dermatitis 尾蚴性皮炎daughter cyst 子囊ectopic parasitism 异位寄生egg 卵elephantiasis 象皮肿enterobiasis 蛲虫病Enterobius vermicularis 蠕形住肠蛲虫erythrocytic stage 红细胞内期facultative parasite 兼性寄生虫fasciolopsiasis 布氏姜片虫病fasciolopsis buski 布氏姜片虫fertile egg 受精卵filaria 丝虫filariasis 丝虫病filariform larvae 丝状蚴final host 终宿主flea 蚤fly 蝇gametocyte 配子体Giardia lamblia 蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 Giardiasis 贾第虫病gravid proglottid 孕节helminth 蠕虫helminthiasis 蠕虫病 hemimetabola 不全变态 hexacanth 六钩蚴hookworm disease 钩虫病host 宿主human parasitology 人体寄生虫学 hydatid cyst 棘球蚴囊hydatid disease 包虫病, 棘球蚴病immature proglottid 幼节 immune evasion 免疫逃避infective stage 感染阶段infertile cyst 不育囊larva 幼虫larva migrans 幼虫移行症Leishmania donovani 杜氏利什曼原虫Leishmaniasis 利什曼病life cycle 生活史louse 虱macrogametocyte 大配子体malaria 疟疾malaria pigment 疟色素mature proglottid 成节medical arthropodology 医学节肢动物学merozoite 裂殖子metacercaria 囊蚴microfilaria 微丝蚴microgametocyte 雄配子体,小配子体miracidium 毛蚴mosquito 蚊myiasis 蛆病Necator americanus 美洲板口线虫Nematode 线虫nocturnal periodicity 夜现周期性nymph 若虫obligatory parasite 专性寄生虫onchosphere 六钩蚴oocyst 卵囊ovum 卵,卵细胞Pagumogonimus skrjabini 斯氏狸殖吸虫paragonimiasis 肺吸虫病parasite 寄生虫parasitic zoonosis 人兽共患寄生虫parasitism 寄生paratenic host (transport host) 转续宿主plerocercoid (sparganum) 裂头蚴Pneumocystis carinii 卡氏肺孢子虫premunition 带虫免疫procercoid 原尾蚴promastigote 前鞭毛体protoscolex 原头蚴protozoon (protozoa) 原生动物pseudocyst 假包囊pupa 蛹recrudescence 再燃redia 雷蚴relapse 复发reservoir host 保虫宿主sandfly 白蛉sarcoptes mites 疥螨Sarcoptes scabiei 人疥螨scabies 疥疮Schistosoma haematobium 埃及血吸虫Schistosoma japomicum 日本血吸虫Schistosoma mansoni 曼氏血吸虫Schistosomiasis 血吸虫病schistosomule (schistosomula) 童虫schizont 裂殖体Schuffners dots 薛氏小点scolex 头节soft ticks 软蜱somatic antigen 虫体抗原sparganosis 裂头蚴病Spirometra mansoni 曼氏迭宫绦虫sporocyst 胞蚴sporozoite 子孢子sterilizing immunity 消除性免疫surface antigen 表面抗原tachysporozoite 速发型子孢子tachyzoite 速殖子taeniasis 带绦虫病tapeworm 绦虫Copyright &copy; 2005-2010 商务英语词汇, Inc. All Rights Reserved.版权声明:未经本站许可,任何人不得复制本站内容。




病原微生物(pathogenic microbes):能引起人类和动、植物致病的少数微生物。






细菌L型(细菌细胞壁缺陷型bacterial L form):细菌细胞壁的肽聚糖结构受到理化或生物因素的直接破坏或合成被抑制,细胞壁受损后,仍能在高渗环境下存活的细菌。

专性厌氧菌(obligate aerobe):缺乏完善的呼吸酶系统,利用氧以外的其他物质作为受氢体,只能在低氧分压或无氧环境中进行发酵的一类细菌。

培养基(culture medium):将细菌生长繁殖所需的各种营养物质按比例配置而成的制剂。








肠道微生物的英语单词The Complex World of Gut Microbiota.The gut microbiota, often referred to as the "microbiome" or the "intestinal flora," refers to the vast community of microorganisms that reside within the human gastrointestinal tract. This intricate ecosystem plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. The gut microbiota is composed of a diverse range of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that coexist in a delicate balance.The human body is estimated to contain trillions of microbial cells, outnumbering the human cells by a ratio of 10 to 1. The majority of these microbial cells reside in the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the colon. The gut microbiota performs various vital functions, including digesting food, synthesizing vitamins, and regulating the immune system.Functions of the Gut Microbiota.Digestion and Nutrition: The gut microbiota aids in the breakdown of dietary fiber and other complex carbohydrates, releasing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These SCFAs serve as a source of energy for the host and have been linked to various health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity and reduced inflammation.Immune System Regulation: The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in shaping and regulating the immune system. It stimulates the development of immune cells and helps maintain a balanced immune response, protecting against both infectious diseases and autoimmune conditions.Barrier Function: The gut microbiota contributes to maintaining the integrity of the gut barrier, which prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from leaking into the bloodstream. A healthy gut microbiota supports tight junctions between gut cells, ensuring a strong barrier against pathogens.Brain-Gut Axis: The gut microbiota also interacts with the brain through the gut-brain axis, influencing mood, cognition, and behavior. This axis involves a complex communication network between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system, which is believed to play a role in conditions like depression, anxiety, and autism.Importance of Gut Microbiota Balance.Disruptions to the gut microbiota, known as "dysbiosis," can lead to various health issues. Changes in the composition of the microbiota can be triggered by various factors, including diet, antibiotics, stress, and chronic illnesses.Diet: The composition of the gut microbiota is significantly influenced by the diet. A diet rich in fiber and diverse in plant-based foods promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria, while a diet high in processed foods and low in fiber can lead to a decrease in microbial diversity and an increase in harmful bacteria.Antibiotics: The use of antibiotics can have a profound impact on the gut microbiota, killing off both harmful and beneficial bacteria. This can lead to a temporary imbalance in the microbiota, allowing opportunistic pathogens to proliferate.Stress: Chronic stress has been shown to alter the gut microbiota composition, leading to an increase in inflammatory markers and a decrease in beneficial bacteria.Chronic Illnesses: Conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and obesity have been linked to alterations in the gut microbiota. These changes can contribute to the development and progression of these diseases.Modulating the Gut Microbiota.Given the crucial role of the gut microbiota in maintaining health, there has been increasing interest in modulating its composition through various strategies.Probiotics: Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. They are commonly found in yogurt, fermented foods, and dietary supplements. Probiotics can help restore balance to the gut microbiota, improving digestive health and immune function.Prebiotics: Prebiotics are dietary fibers that promote the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the gut. By providing food for the probiotic bacteria, prebiotics can help support a healthy gut microbiota.Dietary Changes: Incorporating a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and maintain gut microbiota diversity.Conclusion.The gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in maintaining human health and well-being. Its intricate balance ofmicroorganisms is essential for digestion, immune system regulation, and overall physiological functions. Disruptions to this balance can lead to various health issues, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiota through diet, lifestyle choices, and probiotic supplementation. As research in this field continues to evolve, so does our understanding of the crucial role the gut microbiota plays in our lives.。

微生物生长促进剂 英语

微生物生长促进剂 英语

微生物生长促进剂英语Microbial growth promoters (MGP) are substances that stimulate the growth and development of microorganisms. They are commonly used in various industries, including agriculture, food production, wastewater treatment, and pharmaceuticals. The use of microbial growth promoters has gained significant attention due to their potential benefits in enhancing productivity, improving product quality, and minimizing environmental impact. This article will provide an overview of microbial growth promoters, their applications, and their benefits.Microbial growth promoters can be classified into three main categories: probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer health benefits on the host when consumed in adequate amounts. They can improve digestion, boost the immune system, and enhance nutrient absorption. Common examples of probiotics include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.Prebiotics, on the other hand, are non-digestible food ingredients that promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. They serve as nourishment for probiotics and stimulate their multiplication. Inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are commonly used prebiotics.Synbiotics are a combination of probiotics and prebiotics. They are designed to maximize the benefits of both by delivering live microorganisms together with nutrients that promote their growth and colonization. Synbiotics can effectively modulate the gut microbiota and improve gastrointestinal health.In the field of agriculture, microbial growth promoters are used to enhance crop growth and yield. They can improve nutrient uptake, increase resistance to pests and diseases, and promote soil fertility. For example, certain bacteria, such as Azospirillum and Rhizobium, can fix atmospheric nitrogen and make it available to plants. This reduces the reliance on chemical fertilizers, resulting in cost savings and reduced environmental pollution.In the food industry, microbial growth promoters are used to improve the production and quality of various food products. They can enhance fermentation processes, manage spoilage organisms, and increase the shelf life of food. For instance, certain lactic acid bacteria are used in the production of yogurt and cheese to improve texture, flavor, and microbial safety.Microbial growth promoters also play a crucial role in wastewater treatment. They can degrade organic pollutants, remove nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and improve overall treatment efficiency. Certain strains of bacteria, such as Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, are commonly used in biological wastewater treatment systems to convert ammonia into nitrate through nitrification.In the pharmaceutical industry, microbial growth promoters are used in the production of antibiotics, vaccines, and other biologics. They can enhance the yield and quality of microbial fermentation processes, leading to increased production efficiency and reduced costs.The use of microbial growth promoters offers several benefits. Firstly, they can improve productivity and yield in variousindustries. This leads to increased profitability and competitiveness. Secondly, they can enhance product quality by improving characteristics such as taste, texture, and safety. Thirdly, they can reduce environmental impact by minimizing the use of chemical inputs and promoting sustainable practices. Finally, microbial growth promoters can have positive health effects on both humans and animals by promoting gut health and improving disease resistance.In conclusion, microbial growth promoters are valuable substances that stimulate the growth and development of microorganisms. They have wide-ranging applications in industries such as agriculture, food production, wastewater treatment, and pharmaceuticals. The use of microbial growth promoters can lead to increased productivity, improved product quality, and reduced environmental impact. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics are common types of microbial growth promoters that offer various health and production benefits.。



现代微生物英语作文Title: The Wonders of Modern Microbiology。

Microbiology, as a scientific discipline, has witnessed remarkable advancements in modern times, revolutionizing our understanding of the microbial world and its profound impact on various aspects of life. In this essay, we delve into the fascinating realms of modern microbiology, exploring its key developments, applications, and significance.At the forefront of modern microbiology is the elucidation of microbial diversity and dynamics. Through advanced genomic sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools, scientists have unveiled the staggering diversity of microorganisms inhabiting diverse ecosystems, from the depths of oceans to the human gut. Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metaproteomics have enabled researchers to decipher the functional capabilities of microbial communities, shedding light on their roles inbiogeochemical cycles, environmental sustainability, and human health.One of the most transformative applications of modern microbiology lies in the field of biotechnology. Microorganisms serve as versatile biocatalysts in various industrial processes, including the production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and biodegradable plastics. Genetic engineering techniques, such as recombinant DNA technology and synthetic biology, empower scientists to engineer microorganisms with tailored metabolic pathways for enhanced productivity and novel functionalities. This convergence of microbiology with engineering principles has spurred innovation and economic growth across industries.Moreover, modern microbiology plays a pivotal role in human health and medicine. Microbial pathogens pose significant threats to public health, causing infectious diseases that have historically ravaged populations. However, advances in diagnostic techniques, such as next-generation sequencing and molecular diagnostics, enable rapid and accurate identification of pathogens,facilitating timely intervention and outbreak control. Furthermore, the advent of antimicrobial agents and vaccines has revolutionized disease management, saving countless lives and mitigating the burden of infectious diseases globally.Furthermore, microbiome research has unveiled the intricate interplay between microbial communities and human health. The human microbiome, comprising trillions of microorganisms residing in and on the body, exerts profound effects on host physiology, immune function, and susceptibility to diseases. Dysbiosis, or microbial imbalance, has been implicated in various disorders, including inflammatory bowel diseases, obesity, and neurological conditions. By understanding the dynamic interactions within the microbiome, scientists aim to develop targeted interventions, such as probiotics andfecal microbiota transplantation, to restore microbial equilibrium and promote health.In agriculture and environmental science, modern microbiology offers sustainable solutions to addresspressing challenges. Beneficial microorganisms, such as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria and nitrogen-fixing symbionts, enhance crop productivity and soil fertility while reducing the reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Moreover, microbial bioremediation strategies harness the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to degrade pollutants and remediate contaminated environments, mitigating the impact of human activities on ecosystems.In conclusion, modern microbiology stands at the forefront of scientific innovation, driving progress across diverse fields ranging from biotechnology and medicine to agriculture and environmental science. By unraveling the mysteries of the microbial world and harnessing its potential, we not only deepen our understanding of life's complexities but also pave the way for a more sustainable and healthier future. As we continue to explore the frontiers of microbiology, the possibilities for discovery and application are limitless, promising to shape the course of scientific advancement and human well-being in the years to come.。






关键词:超声波;细胞破碎;高压处理;第一章前言..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二章常用的细胞破碎方法......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1细胞方法概述及其机理..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2机械法................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.3物理法................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2.4化学及生物化学法............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Microbial Metaproteomics

Microbial Metaproteomics

Microbial Metaproteomics Microbial metaproteomics, the study of the proteins expressed by microbial communities in their natural environments, stands at the forefront of modern biological research, offering profound insights into the functioning of complex ecosystems. At its core, metaproteomics aims to unravel the intricate interplay between microbial communities and their surrounding environments, shedding light on their metabolic activities, ecological roles, and potential applications in various fields. One of the key challenges in microbial metaproteomics is the inherent complexity of microbial communities. Unlike traditional proteomics studies focusing on individual organisms, metaproteomics deals with a multitude of species interacting within a given ecosystem. This complexity poses significant analytical challenges, requiring advanced techniques for sample preparation, protein extraction, and data analysis. Moreover, the dynamic nature of microbial communities adds another layer of complexity, as their composition and activity can vary over time and in response to environmental stimuli. Despite these challenges, microbial metaproteomics holds immense promise for addressing fundamental questions in ecology, biotechnology, and human health. By characterizing the protein expression profiles of microbial communities, researchers can decipher their functional diversity and identify key players driving ecosystem processes. This knowledge is invaluable for understanding the resilience of ecosystems to environmental perturbations and for informing strategies for conservation and ecosystem management. Furthermore, microbial metaproteomics has significant implications for biotechnological applications, particularly in the fields of wastewater treatment, bioremediation, and bioenergy production. By harnessing the metabolic capabilities of microbial communities, researchers can develop novel biotechnological processes for mitigating pollution, producing renewable energy, and valorizing waste streams. For example, metaproteomics can be used to identify enzymes involved in the degradation of recalcitrant pollutants or the production of valuable bioproducts, guiding the design of engineered microbial consortia for specific applications. In addition to its ecological and biotechnological significance, microbial metaproteomics is also poised to revolutionize our understanding of human health and disease. Thehuman microbiome, comprised of trillions of microbial cells inhabiting our bodies, plays a crucial role in maintaining health and modulating disease states. By applying metaproteomics to study the human microbiome, researchers can elucidate the functional interactions between host and microbial proteins, uncovering potential biomarkers for disease diagnosis and therapeutic targets for intervention. Despite these exciting prospects, microbial metaproteomics is still in its infancy, with many challenges and limitations yet to be overcome. Technical hurdles such as sample heterogeneity, protein identification sensitivity, and data interpretation complexity continue to impede progress in the field. Moreover, the lack of standardized protocols and reference databases poses challenges for data reproducibility and comparability across studies. In conclusion, microbial metaproteomics represents a powerful approach for studying microbial communities and their interactions with the environment. By unraveling the protein expression profiles of complex microbial ecosystems, researchers can gain deeper insightsinto ecosystem functioning, develop innovative biotechnological applications, and advance our understanding of human health and disease. Despite the challenges ahead, the potential impact of metaproteomics on science and society is profound, offering new avenues for addressing pressing environmental, health, and societal challenges.。

Microbial Metaproteomics

Microbial Metaproteomics

Microbial Metaproteomics Microbial metaproteomics, a burgeoning field at the intersection of microbiology, biochemistry, and computational biology, delves into the intricate tapestry of microbial proteins within complex communities or ecosystems. By unveiling the repertoire of proteins expressed by microbial consortia, metaproteomics provides invaluable insights into their functional capabilities, interactions, and responses to environmental cues. One of the primaryapplications of microbial metaproteomics lies in deciphering the metabolic pathways and enzymatic machinery that govern microbial communities. By identifying the proteins involved in specific metabolic reactions, researchers can elucidate the intricate web of nutrient cycling, energy production, and metabolite exchange within these complex systems. This knowledge holds immense promise for harnessing the metabolic potential of microbial communities for biotechnological applications, such as bioremediation, biofuel production, and the development of novel antibiotics. Beyond metabolic insights, microbial metaproteomics also sheds light on the dynamic interactions between microbes and their environment. By analyzing the proteins expressed in response to environmental perturbations, researchers can unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying microbial adaptation, resilience, and competition. This understanding is crucial for predicting and mitigating the impacts of environmental changes on microbial communities, which play vital rolesin ecosystem functioning and human health. Moreover, metaproteomics has emergedas a powerful tool for studying host-microbe interactions. By comparing the metaproteomes of microbial communities in different host environments, researchers can identify proteins involved in colonization, pathogenesis, and immune modulation. This knowledge holds great promise for advancing our understanding of infectious diseases, developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, and promoting microbiome-based interventions for human health. The power of microbial metaproteomics stems from its ability to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the proteins expressed by microbial communities, offering a more holistic view than traditional approaches that focus on individual species. By capturing thecollective protein expression of a community, metaproteomics enables researchersto investigate the interplay between different microbial species, unravel hiddenmetabolic pathways, and identify novel proteins with potential biotechnological or therapeutic value. Despite its transformative potential, microbial metaproteomics faces several challenges. The sheer complexity of microbial communities, the dynamic nature of protein expression, and the limitations of current analytical techniques pose significant hurdles. However, ongoing advancements in mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, and computational modeling are continuously expanding the capabilities of this field. In the years to come, microbial metaproteomics is poised to revolutionize our understanding of microbial communities and their profound impacts on human health, environmental sustainability, and biotechnology. By unraveling the intricate dance of proteins within these microbial ecosystems, we embark on a journey of discovery, unlocking the potential for transformative applications that will shape the future of science and society.。

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表 1. 细胞化学破碎法
方法 化学法 技术 渗透冲击 酶消化法 增溶法 脂溶法 碱处理法 原理 渗透压破坏细胞 细胞壁被消化,使 细胞破碎 表面活性剂溶解细 胞壁 有机溶剂溶解细胞 壁并使之失稳 碱的皂化作用使细 胞壁融解 效果 温和 温和 温和 适中 剧烈 成本 便宜 昂贵 适中 便宜 便宜 胆盐作用于大 肠杆菌 甲苯破碎酵母 细胞 举例 血红细胞的破 坏
• Additional heat-transfer capacity can be obtained by including internal cooling coils or an in-line heat exchanger, but with considerably more difficulty in final cleaning. For most laboratory or pilot-scale applications, the external jacket should suffice. Suspension of the tank contents is important, particularly where storage before subsequent processing is required. Tanks fitted with stirrers are ideal but expensive, and cleanability is again an issue. In laboratory settings, effective suspension can be obtained using a recirculation loop on each tank. This can be conveniently implemented using, for example, a doubleheaded peristaltic pump to simplify cleanability.
Gram-negative procaryotes
Crushing in ball mill
WSK 卧式高效全能珠磨机
ZM系列 卧式密闭珠(砂)磨机
High Speed Bead Mill
Moderate Moderate
Moderate Cheap
Animal tissue and cells
Cells broken with ultrasonic cavitation
Cells forced through small hole are broken by shear Cells crushed between glass or steel balls
• In this chapter, We consider the methods for cell rupture most likely to be useful at larger scales. These methods are conveniently split into two groups, described as “chemical” and “mechanical.” In the chemical methods, the cell membrane is ruptured by osmotic pressure, dissolved by detergents, or enfeebled by organic solvents. These chemical cases are often gentle so that the products are not irreversibly denatured even while the cells are ruptured. Scale-up is easy: If we want to treat 10 times the biomass, we need to use 10 times as much chemical.
Crushing in ball mill
表 2. 细胞物理破碎法
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ技术
匀浆法(片型) 研磨法 超声波法 匀浆法(孔型)
适中 便宜 昂贵 适中
动物组织及动 物细胞
细胞被搅拌器劈碎 适中 细胞被研磨物磨碎 适中 用超声波的空穴作 适中 用使细胞破碎 须使细胞通过的小 剧烈 孔,使细胞受到剪 切力而破碎 细胞被玻璃珠或铁 剧烈 珠捣碎
K-破碎速率常数 t-停留时间 R-破碎率 破碎速率常数K与许多操作参数有关,如搅拌转速、料液 的循环流速、细胞悬浮液的浓度、玻璃小珠的装置和珠体的直 径以及温度等。
• The chemical methods of cell rupture are dominated by osmotic shock, detergent solubilization, and lipid dissolution. These three methods are described in the following paragraphs. Before this description, we want to give some brief generalizations about the other two methods: enzyme digestion and alkali treatment.
Fig 2. Example of a high-pressure homogenization system.
• Figure 2 shows a typical layout for a celldisruption system based on high pressure homogenization. Two storage tanks are employed as improved disruption efficiency is achieved by operating a discrete-pass strategy, where the homogenizer feed is drawn from one tank, whereas the homogenate is passed to the other. The location of the three-way valves enables feed to be drawn from, and fed to, either tank. The feed and homogenate tanks, therefore, alternate for multiplepass strategies (the normal operational mode). As homogenization generates considerable heating of the suspension (typically 2.5 ℃ per 10 MPa of operating pressure), the tanks are jacketed and cooled at 5 ℃.
TABLE 1. Chemical Cell Disintegration Techniques
Chemical Technique Osmotic shock Principle Stress Cost Cheap Examples Rupture of red blood cells Osmotic rupture of Gentle membrane
Cell suspensions on a small scale
Large scale treatment of cell suspensions, Large scale treatment of cell suspensions and plant cells
Homogenization (orifice type)
Microbial cell disruption by high pressure homogenization
• The disruption of a cell’s wall is often a primary step in product isolation, particularly when hosts such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which generally do not excrete product, are employed. Of the available methods, high-pressure homogenization is dominant at moderate or large process volumes.
TABLE 2. Mechanical Cell Disintegration Techniques
Homogenization (blade type) Grinding
Cells chopped in Waring blender Cells ruptured by grinding with abrasives