VLSI Implementation of Conjugate Gradient Based Mobile User Tracking System
Synopsys RTL Architect
DATASHEET OverviewThe RTL Architect™ solution is the industry’s first physically aware RTL design system that significantly reduces the development cycle and delivers superior quality-of-results. RTL Architect continues the “shift-left” strategy introduced in the Synopsys Fusion Design Platform™ to address power, performance, and area (PPA) challenges earlierin the design cycle. The complexities of advanced process nodes have made it more difficult to meet PPA targets through physical implementation techniques alone, so RTL designers are tasked with exploring domain-specific architectures to dramatically improve PPA. RTL Architect provides a logical/physical workbench that can accurately predict the PPA impact of architectural changes without waiting for feedback from the physical design team.Key Benefits• Unified data model that provides multi-billion gate capacity and comprehensive hierarchical design capabilities• Fast, multi-dimensional implementation prediction engine that enables RTLdesigners to predict power, performance, area, congestion• Dedicated workflow environment for ease-of-use and seamless analysis of key quality metrics• RTL re-structuring with automatic constraint updates for architectural changes and IP re-targeting• Hierarchical floorplan creation for block area, timing, and congestion estimation • Leverages Synopsys’ world-class implementation and golden signoff solutions to deliver results that correlate-by-construction• RTL power estimation and optimization of energy efficient designs with thePrimePower golden signoff power analysis engine• Comprehensive cross-probing facilitates debug from layout, schematic andreports to RTLRTL Architect’s “shift-left” strategy significantly reduces time-to-feedback RTL Architect2Predictive ModelingRTL Architect’s new Predictive Engine (PE) is derived from Synopsys’ implementation environment and enables rapid multi-dimensional analysis and optimization of RTL to predict PPA of downstream implementation accurately. This Predictive Engine utilizes new correct-by-construction modeling, leveraging the proven and widely used core implementation algorithms and architectures of the Synopsys Fusion Design Platform. This ensures tight correlation to the best implementation.This also allows the RTL designers to experiment and tune their HDL code without multiple, back-and-forth, hand-offs to synthesis and to pinpoint timing bottlenecks in their source code to improve RTL quality.Design PlanningRTL Architect’s hierarchical, design planning, infrastructure automatically generates a physical implementation, with clock trees, to provide the RTL designer with accurate power, timing and area estimates. Additionally, the RTL block integrator can use the design planning capabilities to integrate in-house and third-party IP (as seen in Figure 1 Arteris ® IP FlexNoC ® Interconnect Integration) including bus and pipeline register planning. This fast and deep look-ahead allows the designers to not only predict but also drivephysical implementation.Figure 1: Arteris IP FlexNoC Interconnect IntegrationRTL Design ExperienceThe RTL Architect experience is built around the RTL designer. The PE maps leaf cells back to the RTL so that the designer can see the direct impact a code change has on PPA. Figure 2 RTL Cross-Probing, shows the cross-probing capability from various design views to RTL. Color coded reports indicate severity level.Layout viewRTL Architect Unified GUI EnvironmentRTL view view viewFigure 2: RTL Cross-Probing©2020 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks isavailable at /copyright .html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.02/28/20.CS469885535_RTL Architect_DS.For example, the designer can see how the logic is physically implemented by cross-probing from a report directly to the layout. This is useful for seeing the predicted congestion hotspots caused by RTL, so they can experiment with different architectures to reduce the congestion. Figure 3 shows the high degree of correlation between the place and route engines of RTL Architect and Fusion Compiler™.Fusion CompilerRTL Architect Figure 3: RTL Architect vs. Fusion Compiler CongestionAnother key concern for RTL designers is power usage. The interactive power summary report provides an overview of key power metrics, such as, switching and glitch power, leakage, and clock gating efficiency. The results are based on the PrimePower golden signoff power analysis engine. The report data can be sorted, filtered and cross-probed to RTL.Bridging the GapRTL Architect significantly improves the quality of RTL before handing off to implementation. It addresses the limitations of the existing solutions which are hampered by inaccuracies that impact productivity as downstream implementation tools compensate. The shift-left strategy identifies and corrects physical implementation issues early in the design cycle to achieve aggressive PPA targets at advanced nodes through better RTL.。
vlsi-2013UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOWDegree of MSc in EngineeringVLSI DESIGN AND CAD (ENG5092)Friday 13 December 201309:30-11:30Answer FOUR questionsAnswer only TWO questions from each of sections A and B Each question is worth 25 marksThe numbers in square brackets in the right-hand margin indicate the marks allotted to the part of the question against which the mark is shown. These marks are for guidance only.An electronic calculator may be used provided that it does not have a facility for either textual storage or display, or for graphical display.Continued overleafPage 1 of 6Continued overleaf Page 2 of 6Section A : Attempt any TWO questions [50 marks] Q1 (a)A pipelined system architecture must be able to arbitrarily shift data one bit to the left, one bit to the right, or not at all, in a single clock cycle. Sketch a circuit that will do this using pass-transistor logic. You may assume that there is an input and an output register associated with the device. [8] (b)A simple digital multiplier relies on a process of successive shifting of data to the left, and addition. (i) Show how you can express a m -bit unsigned binary number using radix-2 notation.[4] (ii) By expressing two unsigned binary numbers X and Y, oflength m and n respectively, in radix-2 notation, derive a formula for the product Z = XY . [8] (c)Using your answer for part (b(ii)) of this question, write down the Boolean expression for the partial products that would appear in a logical implementation of the multiplier, and sketch the logic circuit required to calculate a partial product. [5] Q2 (a) Sketch the circuit diagram for a CMOS circuit with the function: D C B A Z ).(++= [8] (b)A layout is required for the circuit. (i) In the layout for the circuit, what is the minimum number of regions of active required to make all the transistors? [2] (ii) Draw a stick diagram for the circuit, including features such as merged transistor active layers and bulk connections. Clearly label each part of your diagram. Coloured pens or pencils may be used, but are not essential. [9] (c)What is the advantage of using techniques such as placing more than one transistor on a single region of active. [3] (d) How are the standard cells designed in practice to achieve regular layouts for blocks? Illustrate your answer with a sketch if necessary. [3]Q3 (a) State the key dimensions th constructed us (b) The Elmore d between cells also be used, compared to u (c) Figure Q3 sho of three furthe the inputs layers of met connected usi interconnect, assume that al(d) Cell placemen how cell pla minimize delaTable Q3. InterconneM1 area capacitance = 0.2 fF/μm M2 edge capacitance = 0.05 fF/μM2 area capacitance = 0.1 fF/μm M2 edge cap acitance = 0.05 fF/μ Co Page 3 of 6e key MOSFET properties and their relationshi ons that determine the propagation delay a ted using them. more delay model can be used to estimate the int cells in a layout. Identify and describe two other m used, and say what advantages or disadvantages ed to using the Elmore method. Q3 shows the routing connecting the output of a cel further cells, labeled A, B and C. The load capaci uts is labeled in Figure Q3. The routing is requ f metal (M1 (horizontal) and M2 (vertical)) th ed using vias. Using Table Q3 for the electrical p nect, calculate the Elmore delay from Z to input A that all tracks are laid out to be of minimum width,cement strongly influences the overall delay of a c l placement affects delay, and what methods e delay by means of judicious cell placement. Figure Q3. Interconnect routing layout.nnect electrical properties.fF/μm 2 5 fF/μm fF/μm 2 5 fF/μm Via resistance = 0.5 ?M1 resistivity = 0.1 ?/square M2 resistivity = 0.1 ?/squareContinued overleafonship to the deviceof a digital circuit[5]he interconnect delayother methods that canages they have when[8]f a cell, Z, to the inputcapacitance at each ofrequired to use two) that are electricallyrical properties of thenput A only. You maywidth, which is 1 μm.[6] of a circuit. Describehods can be used to[6]Continued overleafPage 4 of 6Section B : Attempt any TWO questions [50 marks]Q4 (a)Draw a clearly labeled diagram showing the cross-section of a n-channel MOSFET in a p-type substrate. [4] (b)Explain what is meant by the term inversion in the operation of a MOSFET. [3] (c) Consider a MOSFET of gate length L and gate width W .(i) Write down an expression for the gate charge in terms of the gatecapacitance per unit area C ox , the applied gate-to-source voltageV GS and threshold voltage V th . [2](ii) Show that at very low drain-to-source voltage V DS (near 0 V) thedrain current I D is given by()DS th GS ox n D V V V L W C I ?=μwhere μn is the mobility of electrons near the si licon surface.[8](d) Sketch a transistor layout indicating the active region, the polysilicon gate, and the contact areas for the smallest transistor that can be realized in a CMOS process. Using this, list and explain at least three basic design rules for laying out transistorsassuming that each mask has a worst case misalignment of 0.75λ, where λ is half the gate length. [8]Q5 (a) Draw a labelled block diagram of a typical sampled data system. [6](b) Complex MOS ICs, such as microcontrollers, require on-chip dataconversion capabilities using only MOSFETs and capacitors.A weightedcapacitor digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is a good example of such aconverter.(i) Give the circuit diagram of a 3-bit weighted capacitor DAC andexplain its operation. [8] (ii) Comment on the drawbacks of this DAC architecture. [2](iii) What is the output voltage of a 3-bit weighted capacitor DACwhen the input word is 110 and the reference voltage V ref = 5V?[2](c) Sketch the schematic diagram of a potentiometric DAC using a 2-bit DACas an example. What is the main advantage of this DAC implementation?[7]Continued overleafPage 5 of 6Q6 (a) Flash analog-to-digital converters (ADC) are used in high-speed applications such as video and radar signal processing.(i) Sketch the schematic diagram of a flash ADC using a 3-bit ADC toillustrate your answer. Specify the relative reference resistor valuesof the ADC and explain how high conversion speed is achieved. [7] (ii) If the reference voltage for the ADC is 3 V, specify the actualreference voltage levels used in the conversion process. What willbe the digital output for an input voltage of 1 V? What range ofinput voltages would give the same digital output in this case?[6](b) Sigma-delta analog-to-digital converters (Σ-? ADC) are very popular forvery high resolution (≥16 bit) low-to-medium speed applications such asdigital audio.(i) Explain what is meant by the term quantization noise. [3](ii) State and briefly explain the two techniques employed in Σ-?ADCs to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. [6] (iii) The signal-to-noise (SNR) for a first order Σ-? ADC is given bySNR = 6.02(n + 1.5m) – 3.41 dB, where the basic ADC is n-bit andthe oversampling ratio (OSR) is given by 2m. What sample rate isrequired to obtain 16-bit resolution if the system uses a 1-bit ADCand the Nyquist sampling rate is 44 kHz? [3]End of question paperPage 6 of 6。
1910.147原文上锁挂牌 (1)
• Part1910Number:• PartOccupational Safety and Health StandardsTitle:• Subpart:J• SubpartGeneral Environmental ControlsTitle:• StandardNumber:• Title:The control of hazardous energy (lockout/tagout).• Appendix:A• GPOe-CFRSource:Scope, application, and purpose—(a)(1)ScopeThis standard covers the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energization or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy, could harm employees. This standard establishes minimum performance requirements for the control of such hazardous energy.(a)(1)(ii)This standard does not cover the following:(a)(1)(ii)(A)Construction and agriculture employment;(a)(1)(ii)(B)Employment covered by parts 1915, 1917, and 1918 of this title;(a)(1)(ii)(C)Installations under the exclusive control of electric utilities for the purpose of power generation, transmission and distribution, including related equipment for communication or metering;(a)(1)(ii)(D)Exposure to electrical hazards from work on, near, or with conductors or equipment in electric-utilization installations, which is covered by subpart S of this part; and(a)(1)(ii)(E)Oil and gas well drilling and servicing.(a)(2)Application.(a)(2)(i)This standard applies to the control of energy during servicing and/or maintenance of machines and equipment.Normal production operations are not covered by this standard (See Subpart O of this Part). Servicing and/or maintenance which takes place during normal production operations is covered by this standard only if:An employee is required to remove or bypass a guard or other safety device; orAn employee is required to place any part of his or her body into an area on a machine or piece of equipment where work is actually performed upon the material being processed (point of operation) or where an associated danger zone exists during a machine operating cycle.Note: Exception to paragraph (a)(2)(ii):Minor tool changes and adjustments, and other minor servicing activities, which take place during normal production operations,are not covered by this standard if they are routine, repetitive, and integral to the use of the equipment for production, provided that the work is performed using alternative measures which provide effective protection (See Subpart O of this Part).(a)(2)(iii)This standard does not apply to the following:Work on cord and plug connected electric equipment for which exposure to the hazards of unexpected energization or start up of the equipment is controlled by the unplugging of the equipment from the energy source and by the plug being under the exclusive control of the employee performing the servicing or maintenance.(a)(2)(iii)(B)Hot tap operations involving transmission and distribution systems for substances such as gas, steam, water or petroleum products when they are performed on pressurized pipelines, provided that the employer demonstrates that-(a)(2)(iii)(B)(1)continuity of service is essential;(a)(2)(iii)(B)(2)shutdown of the system is impractical; and(a)(2)(iii)(B)(3)documented procedures are followed, and special equipment is used which will provide proven effective protection for employees.(a)(3)Purpose.(a)(3)(i)This section requires employers to establish a program and utilize procedures for affixing appropriate lockout devices or tagout devices to energy isolating devices, and to otherwise disable machines or equipment to prevent unexpected energization, start up or release of stored energy in order to prevent injury to employees.When other standards in this part require the use of lockout or tagout, they shall be used and supplemented by the procedural and training requirements of this section.Definitions applicable to this section.Affected employee. An employee whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout, or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed.Authorized employee. A person who locks out or tags out machines or equipment in order to perform servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. An affected employee becomes an authorized employee when that employee's duties include performing servicing or maintenance covered under this section.Capable of being locked out. An energy isolating device is capable of being locked out if it has a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking mechanism built into it. Other energy isolating devices are capable of being locked out, if lockout can be achieved without the need to dismantle, rebuild, or replace the energy isolating device or permanently alter its energy control capability.Energized. Connected to an energy source or containing residual or stored energy.Energy isolating device. A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy, including but not limited to the following: A manually operated electrical circuit breaker; a disconnect switch; a manually operated switch by which the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors, and, in addition, no pole can be operated independently; a line valve; a block; and any similar device used to block or isolate energy. Push buttons, selector switches and other control circuit type devices are not energy isolating devices.Energy source. Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other energy.Hot tap. A procedure used in the repair, maintenance and services activities which involves welding on a piece of equipment (pipelines, vessels or tanks) under pressure, in order to install connections or appurtenances. it is commonly used to replace or add sections of pipeline without the interruption of service for air, gas, water, steam, and petrochemical distribution systems.Lockout. The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.Lockout device. A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock, either key or combination type, to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. Included are blank flanges and bolted slip blinds.Normal production operations. The utilization of a machine or equipment to perform its intended production function.Servicing and/or maintenance. Workplace activities such as constructing, installing, setting up, adjusting, inspecting, modifying, and maintaining and/or servicing machines or equipment. These activities include lubrication, cleaning or unjamming of machines or equipment and making adjustments or tool changes, where the employee may be exposed to the unexpected energization or startup of the equipment or release of hazardous energy.Setting up. Any work performed to prepare a machine or equipment to perform its normal production operation.Tagout. The placement of a tagout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.Tagout device. A prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of attachment, which can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.(c)General-Energy control program. The employer shall establish a program consisting of energy control procedures, employee training and periodic inspections to ensure that before any employee performs any servicing or maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energizing, startup or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment shall be isolated from the energy source and rendered inoperative.Lockout/tagout.(c)(2)(i)If an energy isolating device is not capable of being locked out, the employer's energy control program under paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall utilize a tagout system.(c)(2)(ii)If an energy isolating device is capable of being locked out, the employer's energy control program under paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall utilize lockout, unless the employer can demonstrate that the utilization of a tagout system will provide full employee protection as set forth in paragraph (c)(3) of this section.After January 2, 1990, whenever replacement or major repair, renovation or modification of a machine or equipment is performed, and whenever new machines or equipment are installed, energy isolating devices for such machine or equipment shall be designed to accept a lockout device.Full employee protection.(c)(3)(i)When a tagout device is used on an energy isolating device which is capable of being locked out, the tagout device shall be attached at the same location that the lockout device would have been attached, and the employer shall demonstrate that the tagout program will provide a level of safety equivalent to that obtained by using a lockout program.(c)(3)(ii)In demonstrating that a level of safety is achieved in the tagout program which is equivalent to the level of safety obtained by using a lockout program, the employer shall demonstrate full compliance with all tagout-related provisions of this standard together with such additional elements as are necessary to provide the equivalent safety available from the use of a lockout device. Additional means to be considered as part of the demonstration of full employee protection shall include the implementation of additional safety measures such as the removal of an isolating circuit element, blocking of acontrolling switch, opening of an extra disconnecting device, or the removal of a valve handle to reduce the likelihood of inadvertent energization.Energy control procedure.Procedures shall be developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy when employees are engaged in the activities covered by this section.Note: Exception:The employer need not document the required procedure for a particular machine or equipment, when all of the following elements exist: (1) The machine or equipment has no potential for stored or residual energy or reaccumulation of stored energy after shut down which could endanger employees; (2) the machine or equipment has a single energy source which can be readily identified and isolated; (3) the isolation and locking out of that energy source will completely deenergize and deactivate the machine or equipment; (4) the machine or equipment is isolated from that energy source and locked out during servicing or maintenance; (5) a single lockout device will achieve a locked-out condition; (6) the lockout device is under the exclusive control of the authorized employee performing the servicing or maintenance; (7) the servicing or maintenance does not create hazards for other employees; and (8) the employer, in utilizing this exception, has had no accidents involving the unexpected activation or reenergization of the machine or equipment during servicing or maintenance.The procedures shall clearly and specifically outline the scope, purpose, authorization, rules, and techniques to be utilized for the control of hazardous energy, and the means to enforce compliance including, but not limited to, the following:(c)(4)(ii)(A)A specific statement of the intended use of the procedure;(c)(4)(ii)(B)Specific procedural steps for shutting down, isolating, blocking and securing machines or equipment to control hazardous energy;(c)(4)(ii)(C)Specific procedural steps for the placement, removal and transfer of lockout devices or tagout devices and the responsibility for them; and(c)(4)(ii)(D)Specific requirements for testing a machine or equipment to determine and verify the effectiveness of lockout devices, tagout devices, and other energy control measures.Protective materials and hardware.(c)(5)(i)Locks, tags, chains, wedges, key blocks, adapter pins, self-locking fasteners, or other hardware shall be provided by the employer for isolating, securing or blocking of machines or equipment from energy sources.Lockout devices and tagout devices shall be singularly identified; shall be the only devices(s) used for controlling energy; shall not be used for other purposes; and shall meet the following requirements:(c)(5)(ii)(A)Durable.(c)(5)(ii)(A)(1)Lockout and tagout devices shall be capable of withstanding the environment to which they are exposed for the maximum period of time that exposure is expected.(c)(5)(ii)(A)(2)Tagout devices shall be constructed and printed so that exposure to weather conditions or wet and damp locations will not cause the tag to deteriorate or the message on the tag to become illegible.(c)(5)(ii)(A)(3)Tags shall not deteriorate when used in corrosive environments such as areas where acid and alkali chemicals are handled and stored.Standardized. Lockout and tagout devices shall be standardized within the facility in at least one of the following criteria: Color; shape; or size; and additionally, in the case of tagout devices, print and format shall be standardized.(c)(5)(ii)(C)Substantial-(c)(5)(ii)(C)(1)Lockout devices. Lockout devices shall be substantial enough to prevent removal without the use of excessive force or unusual techniques, such as with the use of bolt cutters or other metal cutting tools.(c)(5)(ii)(C)(2)Tagout devices. Tagout devices, including their means of attachment, shall be substantial enough to prevent inadvertent or accidental removal. Tagout device attachment means shall be of a non-reusable type, attachable by hand, self-locking, and non-releasable with a minimum unlocking strength of no less than 50 pounds and having the general design and basic characteristics of being at least equivalent to a one-piece, all environment-tolerant nylon cable tie.(c)(5)(ii)(D)Identifiable. Lockout devices and tagout devices shall indicate the identity of the employee applying the device(s).(c)(5)(iii)Tagout devices shall warn against hazardous conditions if the machine or equipment is energized and shall include a legend such as the following: Do Not Start. Do Not Open. Do Not Close. Do Not Energize. Do Not Operate.(c)(6)Periodic inspection.(c)(6)(i)The employer shall conduct a periodic inspection of the energy control procedure at least annually to ensure that the procedure and the requirements of this standard are being followed.(c)(6)(i)(A)The periodic inspection shall be performed by an authorized employee other than the ones(s) utilizing the energy control procedure being inspected.(c)(6)(i)(B)The periodic inspection shall be conducted to correct any deviations or inadequacies identified.(c)(6)(i)(C)Where lockout is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall include a review, between the inspector and each authorized employee, of that employee's responsibilities under the energy control procedure being inspected.(c)(6)(i)(D)Where tagout is used for energy control, the periodic inspection shall include a review, between the inspector and each authorized and affected employee, of that employee's responsibilities under the energy control procedure being inspected, and the elements set forth in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section.(c)(6)(ii)The employer shall certify that the periodic inspections have been performed. The certification shall identify the machine or equipment on which the energy control procedure was being utilized, the date of the inspection, the employees included in the inspection, and the person performing the inspection.Training and communication.The employer shall provide training to ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program are understood by employees and that the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of the energy controls are acquired by employees. The training shall include the following:(c)(7)(i)(A)Each authorized employee shall receive training in the recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of the energy available in the workplace, and the methods and means necessary for energy isolation and control.(c)(7)(i)(B)Each affected employee shall be instructed in the purpose and use of the energy control procedure.(c)(7)(i)(C)All other employees whose work operations are or may be in an area where energy control procedures may be utilized, shall be instructed about the procedure, and about the prohibition relating to attempts to restart or reenergize machines or equipment which are locked out or tagged out.(c)(7)(ii)When tagout systems are used, employees shall also be trained in the following limitations of tags:(c)(7)(ii)(A)Tags are essentially warning devices affixed to energy isolating devices, and do not provide the physical restraint on those devices that is provided by a lock.(c)(7)(ii)(B)When a tag is attached to an energy isolating means, it is not to be removed without authorization of the authorized person responsible for it, and it is never to be bypassed, ignored, or otherwise defeated.(c)(7)(ii)(C)Tags must be legible and understandable by all authorized employees, affected employees, and all other employees whose work operations are or may be in the area, in order to be effective.(c)(7)(ii)(D)Tags and their means of attachment must be made of materials which will withstand the environmental conditions encountered in the workplace.(c)(7)(ii)(E)Tags may evoke a false sense of security, and their meaning needs to be understood as part of the overall energy control program.(c)(7)(ii)(F)Tags must be securely attached to energy isolating devices so that they cannot be inadvertently or accidentally detached during use.(c)(7)(iii)Employee retraining.Retraining shall be provided for all authorized and affected employees whenever there is a change in their job assignments, a change in machines, equipment or processes that present a new hazard, or when there is a change in the energy control procedures.Additional retraining shall also be conducted whenever a periodic inspection under paragraph (c)(6) of this section reveals, or whenever the employer has reason to believe that there are deviations from or inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of the energy control procedures.(c)(7)(iii)(C)The retraining shall reestablish employee proficiency and introduce new or revised control methods and procedures, as necessary.(c)(7)(iv)The employer shall certify that employee training has been accomplished and is being kept up to date. The certification shall contain each employee's name and dates of training.(c)(8)Energy isolation. Lockout or tagout shall be performed only by the authorized employees who are performing the servicing or maintenance.(c)(9)Notification of employees. Affected employees shall be notified by the employer or authorized employee of the application and removal of lockout devices or tagout devices. Notification shall be given before the controls are applied, and after they are removed from the machine or equipment.Application of control. The established procedures for the application of energy control (the lockout or tagout procedures) shall cover the following elements and actions and shall be done in the following sequence:(d)(1)Preparation for shutdown. Before an authorized or affected employee turns off a machine or equipment, the authorized employee shall have knowledge of the type and magnitude of the energy, the hazards of the energy to be controlled, and the method or means to control the energy.(d)(2)Machine or equipment shutdown. The machine or equipment shall be turned off or shut down using the procedures established for the machine or equipment. An orderly shutdown must be utilized to avoid any additional or increased hazard(s) to employees as a result of the equipment stoppage.(d)(3)Machine or equipment isolation. All energy isolating devices that are needed to control the energy to the machine or equipment shall be physically located and operated in such a manner as to isolate the machine or equipment from the energy source(s).(d)(4)Lockout or tagout device application.Lockout or tagout devices shall be affixed to each energy isolating device by authorized employees.Lockout devices, where used, shall be affixed in a manner to that will hold the energy isolating devices in a "safe" or "off" position.(d)(4)(iii)Tagout devices, where used, shall be affixed in such a manner as will clearly indicate that the operation or movement of energy isolating devices from the "safe" or "off" position is prohibited.(d)(4)(iii)(A)Where tagout devices are used with energy isolating devices designed with the capability of being locked, the tag attachment shall be fastened at the same point at which the lock would have been attached.(d)(4)(iii)(B)Where a tag cannot be affixed directly to the energy isolating device, the tag shall be located as close as safely possible to the device, in a position that will be immediately obvious to anyone attempting to operate the device.(d)(5)Stored energy.(d)(5)(i)Following the application of lockout or tagout devices to energy isolating devices, all potentially hazardous stored or residual energy shall be relieved, disconnected, restrained, and otherwise rendered safe.If there is a possibility of reaccumulation of stored energy to a hazardous level, verification of isolation shall be continued until the servicing or maintenance is completed, or until the possibility of such accumulation no longer exists.(d)(6)Verification of isolation. Prior to starting work on machines or equipment that have been locked out or tagged out, the authorized employee shall verify that isolation and deenergization of the machine or equipment have been accomplished.(e)Release from lockout or tagout. Before lockout or tagout devices are removed and energy is restored to the machine or equipment, procedures shall be followed and actions taken by the authorized employee(s) to ensure the following:(e)(1)The machine or equipment. The work area shall be inspected to ensure that nonessential items have been removed and to ensure that machine or equipment components are operationally intact.(e)(2)Employees.(e)(2)(i)The work area shall be checked to ensure that all employees have been safely positioned or removed.(e)(2)(ii)After lockout or tagout devices have been removed and before a machine or equipment is started, affected employees shall be notified that the lockout or tagout device(s) have been removed.Lockout or tagout devices removal. Each lockout or tagout device shall be removed from each energy isolating device by the employee who applied the device. Exception to paragraph (e)(3):When the authorized employee who applied the lockout or tagout device is not available to remove it, that device may be removed under the direction of the employer, provided that specific procedures and training for such removal have been developed, documented and incorporated into the employer's energy control program. The employer shall demonstrate that the specific procedure provides equivalent safety to the removal of the device by the authorized employee who applied it. The specific procedure shall include at least the following elements:(e)(3)(i)Verification by the employer that the authorized employee who applied the device is not at the facility:(e)(3)(ii)Making all reasonable efforts to contact the authorized employee to inform him/her that his/her lockout or tagout device has been removed; and(e)(3)(iii)Ensuring that the authorized employee has this knowledge before he/she resumes work at that facility.(f)Additional requirements.Testing or positioning of machines, equipment or components thereof. In situations in which lockout or tagout devices must be temporarily removed from the energy isolating device and the machine or equipment energized to test or position the machine, equipment or component thereof, the following sequence of actions shall be followed:(f)(1)(i)Clear the machine or equipment of tools and materials in accordance with paragraph (e)(1) of this section;(f)(1)(ii)Remove employees from the machine or equipment area in accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this section;(f)(1)(iii)Remove the lockout or tagout devices as specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section;(f)(1)(iv)Energize and proceed with testing or positioning;(f)(1)(v)Deenergize all systems and reapply energy control measures in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section to continue the servicing and/or maintenance.(f)(2)Outside personnel (contractors, etc.).Whenever outside servicing personnel are to be engaged in activities covered by the scope and application of this standard, the on-site employer and the outside employer shall inform each other of their respective lockout or tagout procedures.(f)(2)(ii)The on-site employer shall ensure that his/her employees understand and comply with the restrictions and prohibitions of the outside employer's energy control program.Group lockout or tagout.(f)(3)(i)When servicing and/or maintenance is performed by a crew, craft, department or other group, they shall utilize a procedure which affords the employees a level of protection equivalent to that provided by the implementation of a personal lockout or tagout device.Group lockout or tagout devices shall be used in accordance with the procedures required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section including, but not necessarily limited to, the following specific requirements:(f)(3)(ii)(A)Primary responsibility is vested in an authorized employee for a set number of employees working under the protection of a group lockout or tagout device (such as an operations lock);(f)(3)(ii)(B)Provision for the authorized employee to ascertain the exposure status of individual group members with regard to the lockout or tagout of the machine or equipment and(f)(3)(ii)(C)When more than one crew, craft, department, etc. is involved, assignment of overall job-associated lockout or tagout control responsibility to an authorized employee designated to coordinate affected work forces and ensure continuity of protection; and(f)(3)(ii)(D)Each authorized employee shall affix a personal lockout or tagout device to the group lockout device, group lockbox, or comparable mechanism when he or she begins work, and shall remove those devices when he or she stops working on the machine or equipment being serviced or maintained.(f)(4)Shift or personnel changes. Specific procedures shall be utilized during shift or personnel changes to ensure the continuity of lockout or tagout protection, including provision for the orderly transfer of lockout or tagout device protection between off-going and oncoming employees, to minimize exposure to hazards from the unexpected energization or start-up of the machine or equipment, or the release of stored energy.。
Package‘cPCG’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Efficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate GradientMethod for Solving System of Linear EquationsVersion1.0Date2018-12-30Author Yongwen ZhuangMaintainer Yongwen Zhuang<******************>Description Solves system of linear equations using(preconditioned)conjugate gradient algo-rithm,with improved efficiency using Armadillo templated'C++'linear algebra library,andflex-ibility for user-specified precondition-ing method.Please check<https:///styvon/cPCG>for latest updates.Depends R(>=3.0.0)License GPL(>=2)Imports Rcpp(>=0.12.19)LinkingTo Rcpp,RcppArmadilloRoxygenNote6.1.1Encoding UTF-8Suggests knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2019-01-1117:00:10UTCR topics documented:cPCG-package (2)cgsolve (3)icc (4)pcgsolve (5)Index712cPCG-package cPCG-package Efficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methodfor Solving System of Linear EquationsDescriptionSolves system of linear equations using(preconditioned)conjugate gradient algorithm,with im-proved efficiency using Armadillo templated’C++’linear algebra library,andflexibility for user-specified preconditioning method.Please check<https:///styvon/cPCG>for latest up-dates.DetailsFunctions in this package serve the purpose of solving for x in Ax=b,where A is a symmetric andpositive definite matrix,b is a column vector.To improve scalability of conjugate gradient methods for larger matrices,the Armadillo templatedC++linear algebra library is used for the implementation.The package also providesflexibility tohave user-specified preconditioner options to cater for different optimization needs.The DESCRIPTIONfile:Package:cPCGType:PackageTitle:Efficient and Customized Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving System of Linear Equati Version: 1.0Date:2018-12-30Author:Yongwen ZhuangMaintainer:Yongwen Zhuang<******************>Description:Solves system of linear equations using(preconditioned)conjugate gradient algorithm,with improved effic Depends:R(>=3.0.0)License:GPL(>=2)Imports:Rcpp(>=0.12.19)LinkingTo:Rcpp,RcppArmadilloRoxygenNote: 6.1.1Encoding:UTF-8Suggests:knitr,rmarkdownVignetteBuilder:knitrIndex of help topics:cPCG-package Efficient and Customized PreconditionedConjugate Gradient Method for Solving System ofLinear Equationscgsolve Conjugate gradient methodicc Incomplete Cholesky Factorizationpcgsolve Preconditioned conjugate gradient methodcgsolve3Author(s)Yongwen ZhuangReferences[1]Reeves Fletcher and Colin M Reeves.“Function minimization by conjugate gradients”.In:Thecomputer journal7.2(1964),pp.149–154.[2]David S Kershaw.“The incomplete Cholesky—conjugate gradient method for the iter-ativesolution of systems of linear equations”.In:Journal of computational physics26.1(1978),pp.43–65.[3]Yousef Saad.Iterative methods for sparse linear systems.V ol.82.siam,2003.[4]David Young.“Iterative methods for solving partial difference equations of elliptic type”.In:Transactions of the American Mathematical Society76.1(1954),pp.92–111.Examples#generate test datatest_A<-matrix(c(4,1,1,3),ncol=2)test_b<-matrix(1:2,ncol=1)#conjugate gradient method solvercgsolve(test_A,test_b,1e-6,1000)#preconditioned conjugate gradient method solver,#with incomplete Cholesky factorization as preconditionerpcgsolve(test_A,test_b,"ICC")cgsolve Conjugate gradient methodDescriptionConjugate gradient method for solving system of linear equations Ax=b,where A is symmetric and positive definite,b is a column vector.Usagecgsolve(A,b,tol=1e-6,maxIter=1000)ArgumentsA matrix,symmetric and positive definite.b vector,with same dimension as number of rows of A.tol numeric,threshold for convergence,default is1e-6.maxIter numeric,maximum iteration,default is1000.4iccDetailsThe idea of conjugate gradient method is tofind a set of mutually conjugate directions for the unconstrained problemargmin x f(x)where f(x)=0.5b T Ab−bx+z and z is a constant.The problem is equivalent to solving Ax=b.This function implements an iterative procedure to reduce the number of matrix-vector multiplica-tions[1].The conjugate gradient method improves memory efficiency and computational complex-ity,especially when A is relatively sparse.ValueReturns a vector representing solution x.WarningUsers need to check that input matrix A is symmetric and positive definite before applying the function.References[1]Yousef Saad.Iterative methods for sparse linear systems.V ol.82.siam,2003.See AlsopcgsolveExamples##Not run:test_A<-matrix(c(4,1,1,3),ncol=2)test_b<-matrix(1:2,ncol=1)cgsolve(test_A,test_b,1e-6,1000)##End(Not run)icc Incomplete Cholesky FactorizationDescriptionIncomplete Cholesky factorization method to generate preconditioning matrix for conjugate gradi-ent method.Usageicc(A)ArgumentsA matrix,symmetric and positive definite.DetailsPerforms incomplete Cholesky factorization on the input matrix A,the output matrix is used for preconditioning in pcgsolve()if"ICC"is specified as the preconditioner.ValueReturns a matrix after incomplete Cholesky factorization.WarningUsers need to check that input matrix A is symmetric and positive definite before applying the function.See AlsopcgsolveExamples##Not run:test_A<-matrix(c(4,1,1,3),ncol=2)out<-icc(test_A)##End(Not run)pcgsolve Preconditioned conjugate gradient methodDescriptionPreconditioned conjugate gradient method for solving system of linear equations Ax=b,where A is symmetric and positive definite,b is a column vector.Usagepcgsolve(A,b,preconditioner="Jacobi",tol=1e-6,maxIter=1000) ArgumentsA matrix,symmetric and positive definite.b vector,with same dimension as number of rows of A.preconditioner string,method for preconditioning:"Jacobi"(default),"SSOR",or"ICC".tol numeric,threshold for convergence,default is1e-6.maxIter numeric,maximum iteration,default is1000.DetailsWhen the condition number for A is large,the conjugate gradient(CG)method may fail to converge in a reasonable number of iterations.The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient(PCG)Method appliesa precondition matrix C and approaches the problem by solving:C−1Ax=C−1bwhere the symmetric and positive-definite matrix C approximates A and C−1A improves the con-dition number of A.Common choices for the preconditioner include:Jacobi preconditioning,symmetric successive over-relaxation(SSOR),and incomplete Cholesky factorization[2].ValueReturns a vector representing solution x.PreconditionersJacobi:The Jacobi preconditioner is the diagonal of the matrix A,with an assumption that all diagonal elements are non-zero.SSOR:The symmetric successive over-relaxation preconditioner,implemented as M=(D+L)D−1(D+ L)T.[1]ICC:The incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioner.[2]WarningUsers need to check that input matrix A is symmetric and positive definite before applying the function.References[1]David Young.“Iterative methods for solving partial difference equations of elliptic type”.In:Transactions of the American Mathematical Society76.1(1954),pp.92–111.[2]David S Kershaw.“The incomplete Cholesky—conjugate gradient method for the iter-ativesolution of systems of linear equations”.In:Journal of computational physics26.1(1978),pp.43–65.See AlsocgsolveExamples##Not run:test_A<-matrix(c(4,1,1,3),ncol=2)test_b<-matrix(1:2,ncol=1)pcgsolve(test_A,test_b,"ICC")##End(Not run)Index∗methodscgsolve,3icc,4pcgsolve,5∗optimizecgsolve,3pcgsolve,5∗packagecPCG-package,2cgsolve,3,6cPCG(cPCG-package),2cPCG-package,2icc,4pcgsolve,4,5,5preconditioner(pcgsolve),57。
物流英语试题及参考答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does the term "LCL" stand for in logistics?A. Less than Container LoadB. Large Container LoadC. Limited Container LoadD. Local Container Load答案:A2. The process of managing the flow of goods and information involves which of the following?A. Inventory managementB. Supply chain managementC. Warehouse managementD. All of the above答案:D3. Which of the following is not a type of transportation mode?A. RoadB. RailC. AirD. Cable答案:D4. What is the abbreviation for "International Commercial Terms"?A. ICTB. ICPC. INCOTERMSD. ITC答案:C5. The term "EDI" refers to:A. Electronic Data InterchangeB. Electronic Document InterfaceC. Electronic Delivery InformationD. Electronic Distribution Interface答案:A6. Which of the following is a key factor in supply chain risk management?A. Cost reductionB. Inventory optimizationC. Supplier reliabilityD. Customer satisfaction答案:C7. The term "3PL" stands for:A. Third Party LogisticsB. Third Party LiabilityC. Third Party LoanD. Third Party Lease答案:A8. What is the role of a customs broker?A. To facilitate the import and export processB. To handle international paymentsC. To manage warehouse operationsD. To provide transportation services答案:A9. Which document is used to provide a detailed description of the goods being shipped?A. Bill of LadingB. Commercial InvoiceC. Packing ListD. Certificate of Origin答案:C10. The term "VMI" stands for:A. Vendor Managed InventoryB. Volume Management IndexC. Value Management IndicatorD. Vehicle Management Interface答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The _______ is responsible for the goods until they are delivered to the consignee.答案:shipper12. In logistics, "CIF" stands for _______.答案:Cost, Insurance, and Freight13. The process of managing the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption is known as the _______.答案:supply chain14. A _______ is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods for others.答案:freight forwarder15. The term "FOB" refers to _______.答案:Free On Board16. The _______ is a document that provides evidence of the terms of a contract for the sale of goods.答案:sales contract17. A _______ is a system that tracks and manages the flow of products and information from raw material stage to the final consumer.答案:ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)18. The _______ is the process of managing the demand and supply of products or services.答案:demand planning19. The _______ is a document that certifies the origin ofthe goods being shipped.答案:certificate of origin20. The _______ is the process of managing the movement of goods from the warehouse to the customer.答案:distribution三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between "FOB" and "CIF" in international trade.答案:FOB (Free On Board) is a term used when theseller's responsibility ends once the goods are loaded onto the ship, while the buyer is responsible for the transportation from that point. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) means the seller pays for the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight until they reach the port of destination, after which the buyer takes over the responsibility.22. What are the benefits of using a 3PL provider in a supply chain?答案:Benefits of using a 3PL provider include reduced capital expenditure, access to specialized logistics expertise, improved scalability and flexibility, and the ability to focus on core business activities.23. Describe the role of a bill of lading in international shipping.答案:A bill of lading serves as a contract of carriage, a receipt for the goods shipped, and a document of title. It outlines the terms and conditions of the transport, confirmsthe receipt of the goods by the carrier, and can be used as a legal document in case of disputes.24. What is the purpose of inventory management in logistics。
浙江大学毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:水解反应釜设计外文题目:MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES 译文题目:泄压阀的最低要求系(部):机械系专业班级:过程装备与控制工程0702学生姓名:指导教师:指导教师评阅意见MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FORPRESSURE RELIEF VALVESUG-136(a) Mechanical RequirementsUG-136(a) (1) the design shall incorporate guiding arrangements necessary to ensure consistent operation and tightness.UG-136(a) (2) The spring shall be designed so that the full lift spring compression shall be no greater than 80% of the nominal solid defection. The permanent set of the spring (defined as the difference between the freeheight and height measured 10 min after the spring has been compressed solid three additional times after presetting at room temperature) shall not exceed 0.5% of the free height.UG-136(a)(3) Each pressure relief valve on air, water over 140°F (60°C), or steam service shall have a substantial lifting device, which when activated will release the seating force on the disk when the pressure Relief valve is subjected to a pressure of at least 75% of the set pressure of the valve. Pilot operated pressure relief valves used on these services shall be provided with either a lifting device as described above or means for connecting and applying pressure to the pilot adequate to verify that the moving parts critical to proper operation are free to move.UG-136(a) (4) the seat of a pressure relief valve shall be fastened to the body of the pressure relief valve in such a way that there is no possibility of the seat lifting.UG-136(a) (5) in the design of the body of the pressure relief valve, consideration shall be given to minimizing the effects of deposits.UG-136(a) (6) Pressure relief valves having screwed inlet or outlet connections shall be provided with wrenching surfaces to allow for normal installation without damaging operating parts.UG-136(a) (7) Means shall be provided in the design of all pressure relief valves for use under this Division for sealing all initial adjustments which can be made without disassembly of the valve. Seals shall be installed by the Manufacturer or Assembler at the time of initial adjustment. Seals shall be installed in a manner to prevent changing the adjustment without breaking the seal. For pressure relief valves largerThan NPS 1|2 (DN 15), the seal shall serve as a means of identifying the Manufacturer Or Assembler making the initial adjustment.UG-136(a) (8) If the design of a pressure relief valve is such that liquid can collect on the discharge side of the disk, except as permitted in (a)(9) below, the valve shall be equipped with a drain at the lowest point where liquid can collect (for installation, see UG-135).UG-136(a) (9) Pressure relief valves that cannot be equipped with a drain as required in (a) (8) above because of design or application may be used provided:(a) The pressure relief valves are used only on gas service where there is neither liquid discharged from the valve nor liquid formed by condensation on the discharge side of the valve; and(b) the pressure relief valves are provided with a cover or discharge piping per UG-135(f) to prevent liquid or other contaminant from entering the discharge side of the valve; and(c) The pressure relief valve is marked FOR GAS SERVICE ONLY in addition to the requirements of UG-129.UG-136(a) (10) for pressure relief valves of the diaphragm type, the space above the diaphragm shall be vented to prevent a buildup of pressure above the diaphragm. Pressure relief valves of the diaphragm type shall be designed so that failure or deterioration of the diaphragm material will not impair the ability of the valve to relieve at the rated capacity. UG-136(b) Material SelectionsUG-136(b) (1) Cast iron seats and disks are not permitted.UG-136(b) (2) Adjacent sliding surfaces such as guides and disks or disk holders shall both be of corrosion resistant material. Springs of corrosion resistant material or having a corrosion resistant coating are required. The seats and disks of pressure relief valves shall be of suitable material to resist corrosion by the fluid to be contained. NOTE: The degree of corrosion resistance, appropriate to the intended service, shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer andThe purchaser.UG-136(b)(3) Materials used in bodies and bonnets or yokes shall be listed in Section II and this Division.Carbon and low alloy steel bodies, bonnets, yokes and bolting (UG-20) subject to in-service temperatures colder than −20°F(−30°C) shall meet the requirements of UCS-66, unless exempted by the following.(a) The coincident ratio defined in Fig. UCS-66.1 is 0.35 or less.(b) The material(s) is exempted from impact testing per Fig. UCS-66. UG-136(b) (4) Materials used in nozzles, disks, and other parts contained within the external structure of the pressure relief valves shall be one of the following categories:(a) Listed in Section II;(b) listed in ASTM specifications;(c) Controlled by the Manufacturer of the pressure relief valve by a specification ensuring control of chemical and physical properties and quality at least equivalent to ASTM standards.UG-136(c) Inspection of Manufacturing and/or Assembly of Pressure Relief ValvesUG-136(c)(1) A Manufacturer or Assembler shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of a representative from an ASME designated organization that his manufacturing, production, and testing facilities and quality control procedures will insure close agreement between the performance of random production samples and the performance of those valves submitted for Capacity Certification.UG-136(c) (2) Manufacturing, assembly, inspection, and test operations including capacity are subject to inspections at any time by a representative from an ASME designated organization.UG-136(c) (3) A Manufacturer or Assembler may be granted permission to apply the UV Code Symbol to production pressure relief valves capacity certified in accordance with UG-131 provided the following tests are Successfully completed. This permission shall expire on the fifth anniversary of the date it is initially granted. The permission may be extended for 5 year periods if the following tests are successfully repeated within the 6-month period before expiration.(a) Two sample production pressure relief valves of a size and capacity within the capability of an ASME accepted laboratory shall be selected by a representative from an ASME designated organization.(b) Operational and capacity tests shall be conducted in the presence of a representative from an ASME designated organization at an ASME accepted laboratory. The pressure relief valve Manufacturer or Assembler shall be noticed of the time of the test and may have representatives present to witness the test. Pressure relief valves having an adjustable blow down construction shall be adjusted by the Manufacturer or Assembler following successful testing for operation but prior to flow testing so that the blow down does not exceed 7% of the set pressure or 3 psi (20 kPa), whichever is greater. This adjustment may be made on the flow test facility.(c) Should any pressure relief valve fail to relieve at or above its certified capacity or should it fail to meet performance requirements of this Division, the test shall be repeated at the rate of two replacement pressure relief valves, selected in accordance with (c)(3)(a) above, for Each pressure relief valve that failed.(d) Failure of any of the replacement pressure relief valves to meet the capacity or the performance requirements of this Division shall be cause for revocation within 60 days of the authorization to use the Code Symbol on that particular type of pressure relief valve. During this period, the Manufacturer or Assembler shall demonstrate the cause of such decadency and the action taken to guard against future occurrence, and the requirements of (c) (3) above shall apply.UG-136(c) (4) Use of the Code Symbol Stamp by an Assembler indicates the use of original, unnoticed parts in strict accordance with the instructions of the Manufacturer of the pressure relief valve.(a) An assembler may transfer original and unnoticed pressure relief parts produced by the Manufacturer to other Assemblers provided the following conditions are met:(1) Both Assemblers have been granted permission to apply the V or UV Code Symbol to the specifi c valve type in which the parts are to be used;(2) The Quality Control System of the Assembler receiving the pressure relief valve parts shall define the controls for the procurement and acceptance of those parts; and(3) The pressure relief valve parts are appropriately packaged, marked, or sealed by the Manufacturer to ensure that the parts are:(a) Produced by the Manufacturer; and(b) The parts are original and unnoticed. However, an Assembler may convert original finished parts by machining to another finished part fora specifi c application under the following conditions:(1) Conversions shall be specified by the Manufacturer. Drawings and/or written instructions used for part conversion shall be obtained from the Manufacturer and shall include a drawing or description of the converted Part before and after machining.(2) The Assembler’s quality control system, as accepted by a representative from an ASME designated organization, must describe in detail the conversion of original parts, provisions for inspection and acceptance, personnel training, and control of current Manufacturer’s Drawings and/or written instructions.(3) The Assembler must document each use of a converted part and that the part was used in strict accordance with the instructions of the Manufacturer.(4) The Assembler must demonstrate to the Manufacturer the ability to perform each type of conversion. The Manufacturer shall document all authorizations granted to perform part conversions. The Manufacturer And Assembler shall maintain a file of such authorizations.(5) At least annually a review shall be performed by the Manufacturer of an Assembler’s system and machining capabilities. The Manufacturer shall document the results of these reviews. A copy of this documentation shall be kept onfile by the Assembler. The review results shall be made available to a representative from an ASME designated organization.UG-136(c) (5) In addition to the requirements of UG-129, the marking shall include the name of the Manufacturer and the finalAssembler. The Code Symbol Stamp shall be that of the final Assembler.NOTE: Within the requirements of UG-136(c) and (d): A Manufacturer is defined as a person or organization who is completely responsible for design, material selection, capacity cortication, manufacture of all component parts, assembly, testing, sealing, and shipping of pressure relief valves credited under this Division. An Assembler is defined as a person or organization who purchases or receives from a Manufacturer or another Assembler the necessary component parts or pressure relief valves and assembles, adjusts, tests, seals, and ships pressure relief valves credited under this Division, at a geographical location other than and using facilities other than those used by the Manufacturer. An Assembler may be organizationally independent of a Manufacturer or may be wholly or partly owned by a Manufacturer.UG-136(d) Production Testing by Manufacturers and Assemblers UG-136(d) (1) each pressure relief valve to which the Code Symbol Stamp is to be applied shall be subjected to the following tests by the Manufacturer or Assembler. A Manufacturer or Assembler shall have a documented program for the application, calibration, and maintenance Of gages and instruments used during these tests.UG-136(d)(2) The primary pressure parts of each pressure relief valve exceeding NPS 1 (DN 25) inlet size or 300 psi (2100 MPa) set pressure where the materials used are either cast or welded shall be tested at a pressure Of at least 1.5 times the design pressure of the parts. These tests shall be conducted after all machining operations on the parts have been completed. There shall be no visible sign of leakage.UG-136(d) (3) the secondary pressure zone of each closed bonnet pressure relief valve exceeding NPS 1 (DN 25) inlet size when such pressure relief valves are designed for discharge to a closed system shall be tested With air or other gas at a pressure of at least 30 psi (200 kPa). There shall be no visible sign of leakage.UG-136(d) (4) each pressure relief valve shall be tested to demonstrate its popping or set pressure. Pressure relief valves marked for steam service or having special internal parts for steam service shall be tested with steam, except that pressure relief valves beyond the capability Of the production steam test facility either because of size or set pressure may be tested on air. Necessary corrections for differentials in popping pressure between steam and air shall be established by the Manufacturer and applied to the popping point on air. Pressure relief valves marked for gas or vapor may be tested with air. Pressure relief Valves marked for liquid service shall be tested with water or other suitable liquid. When a valve is adjusted to correct for service conditions of superimposed back pressure, temperature, or the differential in popping pressure between steam and air, the actual test pressure (cold differential test pressure) shall be marked on the valve perUG-129. Test fixtures and test drums where applicable shall be of adequate size and capacity to ensure that pressure relief valve action is consistent with the stamped set pressure within the tolerances required by UG-134(d).UG-136(d) (5) after completion of the tests required by (d) (4) above, a seat tightness test shall be conducted. Unless otherwise designated by a Manufacturer’s published pressure relief valve specification or another specification agreed to by the user, the seat tightness test and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with API 527.UG-136(d) (6) Testing time on steam pressure relief valves shall be sufficient, depending on size and design, to insure that test results are repeatable and representative of held performance.UG-136(e) Design Requirements.At the time of the submission of pressure relief valves for capacity cortication, or testing in accordance with (c) (3) above, the ASME designated organization has the authority to Review the design for conformity with the requirements of UG-136(a) and UG-136(b) and to reject or require medication of designs which do not conform, prior to capacity testing.UG-136(f) Welding and Other Requirements.All welding, brazing, heat treatment, and nondestructive examination used in the construction of bodies, bonnets, and yokes shall be performed in accordance with the Applicable requirements of this Division. Selections from:ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE AN INTERNATIONAL CODE泄压阀的最低要求UG(a)136机械需求UG 136(a)(1)设计应纳入指导和进行必要安排以确保一致的行动和密封性。
美国Atmos Energy公司管理员James M. Doyle写的关于管道设备检查的文件说明书
PERIODIC INSPECTION OF REGFULATORS AND RELIEF VALVESJames M. DoyleOperations SupervisorAtmos Energy Co.106 N. BradshawDenton, Texas USAIntroductionInspections and tests on regulators and relief valves is a Department of Transportation Compliance rule. The sections within the DOT manual stating the rule include 192.351 through 192.359, 192.751, 192.479, 192.481, 192.739, and 192.741. Keep in mind; these rules are the minimum required tests. Your Company or Regulatory Agency may be more stringent and require more or detailed testing. You must also keep in mind that the Manufacturer of your equipment will also provide a guideline pertaining to maintenance. These tests are not only required for safe, reliable service to your Customers, but also could be used in any legal proceeding for documentation and purpose.There are many important tasks and precautionary measures to perform and inform before you actually start the actual testing. Listing these items and performing a checklist could provide to be a reminder. Some station designs and equipment installations may require more than one person to perform a safe, reliable test. Plan the procedure within your work group, be sure all safety equipment and notifications are in place, perform the task and document the results according to your Company procedures.We must also be aware of the Operator Qualifications rule. The Technician must be completely OQ qualified and have the proof of all the required OQ tests readily accessible.Most importantly, these required DOT and Regulatory Agency tests are done for the safety of the system, customers and you.CommunicationsBefore the testing begins, there may be many other departments within your company and customers that requires to be notified of the task. SCADA systems may be attached to the piping. These systems which are called telemeters or RTU’s are used to control pressures within the system.Customers within a local, general area may need to be notified of blowing gas noise or smell. This notification is easy and could eliminate a possible emergency situation. Local Authorities may require a notification as well.Customer call center notification is also a good policy. In case of a passerby or some one not within your communications loop, does notify the Call Center of a possible indecent, the Center will be aware of the task and can explain the reasoning to the person for their concern and call.Prepare and observeBe aware of your surroundings. The station and components must be readily accessible and protected from stress, rain and debris. The station must also be protected from equipment submerge possibilities if within a possible flooding area. Traffic control or concerns should be implemented if required. This could revert back to the communication effort to Authorities. Observe the stations surroundings such as a fence or vehicular crash barriers. Be aware of above head power lines, or any source of ignition.Review the station design and recognize the flow pattern of the station. Observe valve locations and their correct operation. By-passing the station may be required. Check all valves before the testing for proper operation and required locking devices. Be attentive to pressure setting stamps or tags. Check pipe fittings such as nipples. These fittings must meet wall thickness requirements in which the system Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) dictates. Check for atmospheric corrosion issues. All above ground piping must be properly coated as to eliminate atmospheric corrosion. Observe station Cathodic protection insulators (if applicable). Be sure tubing and or nipples are not connected to the piping around an insulator. This could result in a transient or stray current coming into contact with your measurement electronic devices.Use the proper tools and equipment, along with your PPE. Do not take a short cut! Injuries are usually the out come of a short cut.In summation, prepare yourself and others before the task begins. These items listed aboveif found abnormal may affect the proper operation of the station and therefore nullify your efforts during the tests.Test minimum requirementsWhen you are ready to begin the testing of the regulator(s), be sure you have made your communication efforts, surveyed your surroundings and made all safety precautions, recognize the station design and flow pattern, and installed all appropriate gauges along the station piping for monitoring pressures as you test.According to the DOT Rule, 192.739 all pressure reducing devices such as single reducing regulator(s) and a worker/monitor set up must be test once each calendar year, not to exceed 15 months. The Technician must monitor inlet and outlet pressures as the testing is performed (that is the minimum requirement). The Technician must also be positively knowledgeable of the systems normal operational pressure and MAOP. A Lock-up test may be performed, as well as proper operation of the equipment. The regulator vents must be protected from debris and rain, and if inside a structure, the vent must be piped to the outside atmosphere. A worker/monitor set-up system must be recognized as to which regulator is performing what duty in the system, and the correct pressure settings known. A stamp or tag may provide to be very useful when attached to the equipment.Manufacturer requirements for maintenance should be considered during every inspection or test, along with your Regulatory Agency requirements.Relief valve or pressure limitingRelief Valve testing is also required just as pressure reducing devices are under the sub part 192 sections of the DOT rule. These devices must be test once each calendar year, not to exceed 15 months. The relief valves proper operational test is imperative to safety for the system and protection to our customers should a failure occur. Relief valves are set to a pressure that will allow the activation of the device so that the systems MAOP are not compromised. That pressure setting must be stamped or tagged on the device and accessible at all times. A valve located under the relieving device must also be locked into the open position during normal conditions. Rain caps or other barriers must be placed on the device as to not allow debris or rain to penetrate the internal components of the device.The capacity of the relief valve must be reviewed annually. If any station parameter is changed, such as spring ranges, regulator core size, component changes, or anything that may affect the capacity of the station output, a review of that relief valve capacity must be checked and calculated by qualified personnel. This may require a new calculation sheet, and or re-sizing of the component.NotablesAnother part of the DOT rule 192.741 that applies to regulator stations concerns recording pressures that are output into the system.If a system has more that one regulator station providing service, the Operator must have pressure recording device(s) placed within the system, or a telemeter/RTU monitoring the output of the station. These recording devices will provide feedback on indications of high or low abnormal system pressure. When an indication such as this occurs, the regulator(s) must be inspected for proper operation and any unsatisfactory condition found repaired.If the system has only one regulator station providing service, the Operator has the discretion of installing such pressure recording or telemeter/RTU equipment. The Operator should take into account several items before making that decision. These items may include Customer count, location, condition or any safety related issue.DocumentationAll DOT test required documentation must be kept for the life of the facility. These records should be accessible by Regulatory Authorities and other Company Personnel at all times. The Technician must be accurate and complete with all testing information. These documents not only provide the information required to satisfy the DOT Rule, but can also be used in a legal proceeding.ConclusionThe testing procedures for satisfying the DOT section 192 sub-parts for regulators and relief valves is all about safety. That safety is specifically stated to our systems that provide ourCustomers the fuel for their comforts. As stated, the DOT sub-part 192 sections applicable to this compliance is the minimum requirement necessary. There are many other items of importance that we as Operators must observe during these tests. Ironically, all these items also immediately bring safety and reliable service to the fore front.Our OQ procedures must also be followed as to the competency of the Technician and the tasks being performed.Refer to your Vendors or manufacturers of the specific equipment that your Company chooses to purchase and use. They are a great source for specific training needs.。
ASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test 弯曲试验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt lands 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段Fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fabrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强Forming 成型ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头)Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径Heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 识别of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器Inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备qualification 资格reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Data Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in SectionⅡ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体) through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理V olume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定义。
1999.Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning__Applications in VLSI Domain
Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning:Applications in VLSI DomainGeorge Karypis,Rajat Aggarwal,Vipin Kumar,Senior Member,IEEE,and Shashi Shekhar,Senior Member,IEEE Abstract—In this paper,we present a new hypergraph-partitioning algorithm that is based on the multilevel paradigm.In the multilevel paradigm,a sequence of successivelycoarser hypergraphs is constructed.A bisection of the smallesthypergraph is computed and it is used to obtain a bisection of theoriginal hypergraph by successively projecting and refining thebisection to the next levelfiner hypergraph.We have developednew hypergraph coarsening strategies within the multilevelframework.We evaluate their performance both in terms of thesize of the hyperedge cut on the bisection,as well as on the runtime for a number of very large scale integration circuits.Ourexperiments show that our multilevel hypergraph-partitioningalgorithm produces high-quality partitioning in a relatively smallamount of time.The quality of the partitionings produced by ourscheme are on the average6%–23%better than those producedby other state-of-the-art schemes.Furthermore,our partitioningalgorithm is significantly faster,often requiring4–10times lesstime than that required by the other schemes.Our multilevelhypergraph-partitioning algorithm scales very well for largehypergraphs.Hypergraphs with over100000vertices can bebisected in a few minutes on today’s workstations.Also,on thelarge hypergraphs,our scheme outperforms other schemes(inhyperedge cut)quite consistently with larger margins(9%–30%).Index Terms—Circuit partitioning,hypergraph partitioning,multilevel algorithms.I.I NTRODUCTIONH YPERGRAPH partitioning is an important problem withextensive application to many areas,including very largescale integration(VLSI)design[1],efficient storage of largedatabases on disks[2],and data mining[3].The problemis to partition the vertices of a hypergraphintois definedas a set ofvertices[4],and the size ofa hyperedge is the cardinality of this subset.Manuscript received April29,1997;revised March23,1998.This workwas supported under IBM Partnership Award NSF CCR-9423082,by theArmy Research Office under Contract DA/DAAH04-95-1-0538,and by theArmy High Performance Computing Research Center,the Department of theArmy,Army Research Laboratory Cooperative Agreement DAAH04-95-2-0003/Contract DAAH04-95-C-0008.G.Karypis,V.Kumar,and S.Shekhar are with the Department of ComputerScience and Engineering,Minneapolis,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN55455-0159USA.R.Aggarwal is with the Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,Milpitas,CA95131USA.Publisher Item Identifier S1063-8210(99)00695-2.During the course of VLSI circuit design and synthesis,itis important to be able to divide the system specification intoclusters so that the inter-cluster connections are minimized.This step has many applications including design packaging,HDL-based synthesis,design optimization,rapid prototyping,simulation,and testing.In particular,many rapid prototyp-ing systems use partitioning to map a complex circuit ontohundreds of interconnectedfield-programmable gate arrays(FPGA’s).Such partitioning instances are challenging becausethe timing,area,and input/output(I/O)resource utilizationmust satisfy hard device-specific constraints.For example,ifthe number of signal nets leaving any one of the clustersis greater than the number of signal p-i-n’s available in theFPGA,then this cluster cannot be implemented using a singleFPGA.In this case,the circuit needs to be further partitioned,and thus implemented using multiple FPGA’s.Hypergraphscan be used to naturally represent a VLSI circuit.The verticesof the hypergraph can be used to represent the cells of thecircuit,and the hyperedges can be used to represent the netsconnecting these cells.A high quality hypergraph-partitioningalgorithm greatly affects the feasibility,quality,and cost ofthe resulting system.A.Related WorkThe problem of computing an optimal bisection of a hy-pergraph is at least NP-hard[5].However,because of theimportance of the problem in many application areas,manyheuristic algorithms have been developed.The survey byAlpert and Khang[1]provides a detailed description andcomparison of such various schemes.In a widely used class ofiterative refinement partitioning algorithms,an initial bisectionis computed(often obtained randomly)and then the partitionis refined by repeatedly moving vertices between the twoparts to reduce the hyperedge cut.These algorithms oftenuse the Schweikert–Kernighan heuristic[6](an extension ofthe Kernighan–Lin(KL)heuristic[7]for hypergraphs),or thefaster Fiduccia–Mattheyses(FM)[8]refinement heuristic,toiteratively improve the quality of the partition.In all of thesemethods(sometimes also called KLFM schemes),a vertex ismoved(or a vertex pair is swapped)if it produces the greatestreduction in the edge cuts,which is also called the gain formoving the vertex.The partition produced by these methodsis often poor,especially for larger hypergraphs.Hence,thesealgorithms have been extended in a number of ways[9]–[12].Krishnamurthy[9]tried to introduce intelligence in the tie-breaking process from among the many possible moves withthe same high gain.He used a Look Ahead()algorithm,which looks ahead uptoa move.PROP [11],introduced by Dutt and Deng,used a probabilistic gain computation model for deciding which vertices need to move across the partition line.These schemes tend to enhance the performance of the basic KLFM family of refinement algorithms,at the expense of increased run time.Dutt and Deng [12]proposed two new methods,namely,CLIP and CDIP,for computing the gains of hyperedges that contain more than one node on either side of the partition boundary.CDIP in conjunctionwithand CLIP in conjunction with PROP are two schemes that have shown the best results in their experiments.Another class of hypergraph-partitioning algorithms [13]–[16]performs partitioning in two phases.In the first phase,the hypergraph is coarsened to form a small hypergraph,and then the FM algorithm is used to bisect the small hypergraph.In the second phase,these algorithms use the bisection of this contracted hypergraph to obtain a bisection of the original hypergraph.Since FM refinement is done only on the small coarse hypergraph,this step is usually fast,but the overall performance of such a scheme depends upon the quality of the coarsening method.In many schemes,the projected partition is further improved using the FM refinement scheme [15].Recently,a new class of partitioning algorithms was devel-oped [17]–[20]based upon the multilevel paradigm.In these algorithms,a sequence of successively smaller (coarser)graphs is constructed.A bisection of the smallest graph is computed.This bisection is now successively projected to the next-level finer graph and,at each level,an iterative refinement algorithm such as KLFM is used to further improve the bisection.The various phases of multilevel bisection are illustrated in Fig.1.Iterative refinement schemes such as KLFM become quite powerful in this multilevel context for the following reason.First,the movement of a single node across a partition bound-ary in a coarse graph can lead to the movement of a large num-ber of related nodes in the original graph.Second,the refined partitioning projected to the next level serves as an excellent initial partitioning for the KL or FM refinement algorithms.This paradigm was independently studied by Bui and Jones [17]in the context of computing fill-reducing matrix reorder-ing,by Hendrickson and Leland [18]in the context of finite-element mesh-partitioning,and by Hauck and Borriello (called Optimized KLFM)[20],and by Cong and Smith [19]for hy-pergraph partitioning.Karypis and Kumar extensively studied this paradigm in [21]and [22]for the partitioning of graphs.They presented new graph coarsening schemes for which even a good bisection of the coarsest graph is a pretty good bisec-tion of the original graph.This makes the overall multilevel paradigm even more robust.Furthermore,it allows the use of simplified variants of KLFM refinement schemes during the uncoarsening phase,which significantly speeds up the refine-ment process without compromising overall quality.METIS [21],a multilevel graph partitioning algorithm based upon this work,routinely finds substantially better bisections and is often two orders of magnitude faster than the hitherto state-of-the-art spectral-based bisection techniques [23],[24]for graphs.The improved coarsening schemes of METIS work only for graphs and are not directly applicable to hypergraphs.IftheFig.1.The various phases of the multilevel graph bisection.During the coarsening phase,the size of the graph is successively decreased;during the initial partitioning phase,a bisection of the smaller graph is computed,and during the uncoarsening and refinement phase,the bisection is successively refined as it is projected to the larger graphs.During the uncoarsening and refinement phase,the dashed lines indicate projected partitionings and dark solid lines indicate partitionings that were produced after refinement.G 0is the given graph,which is the finest graph.G i +1is the next level coarser graph of G i ,and vice versa,G i is the next level finer graph of G i +1.G 4is the coarsest graph.hypergraph is first converted into a graph (by replacing each hyperedge by a set of regular edges),then METIS [21]can be used to compute a partitioning of this graph.This technique was investigated by Alpert and Khang [25]in their algorithm called GMetis.They converted hypergraphs to graphs by simply replacing each hyperedge with a clique,and then they dropped many edges from each clique randomly.They used METIS to compute a partitioning of each such random graph and then selected the best of these partitionings.Their results show that reasonably good partitionings can be obtained in a reasonable amount of time for a variety of benchmark problems.In particular,the performance of their resulting scheme is comparable to other state-of-the art schemes such as PARABOLI [26],PROP [11],and the multilevel hypergraph partitioner from Hauck and Borriello [20].The conversion of a hypergraph into a graph by replacing each hyperedge with a clique does not result in an equivalent representation since high-quality partitionings of the resulting graph do not necessarily lead to high-quality partitionings of the hypergraph.The standard hyperedge-to-edge conversion [27]assigns a uniform weightofisthe of the hyperedge,i.e.,thenumber of vertices in the hyperedge.However,the fundamen-tal problem associated with replacing a hyperedge by its clique is that there exists no scheme to assign weight to the edges of the clique that can correctly capture the cost of cutting this hyperedge [28].This hinders the partitioning refinement algo-rithm since vertices are moved between partitions depending on how much this reduces the number of edges they cut in the converted graph,whereas the real objective is to minimize the number of hyperedges cut in the original hypergraph.Furthermore,the hyperedge-to-clique conversion destroys the natural sparsity of the hypergraph,significantly increasing theKARYPIS et al.:MULTILEVEL HYPERGRAPH PARTITIONING:APPLICATIONS IN VLSI DOMAIN 71run time of the partitioning algorithm.Alpert and Khang [25]solved this problem by dropping many edges of the clique randomly,but this makes the graph representation even less accurate.A better approach is to develop coarsening and refinement schemes that operate directly on the hypergraph.Note that the multilevel scheme by Hauck and Borriello [20]operates directly on hypergraphs and,thus,is able to perform accurate refinement during the uncoarsening phase.However,all coarsening schemes studied in [20]are edge-oriented;i.e.,they only merge pairs of nodes to construct coarser graphs.Hence,despite a powerful refinement scheme (FM with theuse oflook-ahead)during the uncoarsening phase,their performance is only as good as that of GMetis [25].B.Our ContributionsIn this paper,we present a multilevel hypergraph-partitioning algorithm hMETIS that operates directly on the hypergraphs.A key contribution of our work is the development of new hypergraph coarsening schemes that allow the multilevel paradigm to provide high-quality partitions quite consistently.The use of these powerful coarsening schemes also allows the refinement process to be simplified considerably (even beyond plain FM refinement),making the multilevel scheme quite fast.We investigate various algorithms for the coarsening and uncoarsening phases which operate on the hypergraphs without converting them into graphs.We have also developed new multiphase refinement schemes(-cycles)based on the multilevel paradigm.These schemes take an initial partition as input and try to improve them using the multilevel scheme.These multiphase schemes further reduce the run times,as well as improve the solution quality.We evaluate their performance both in terms of the size of the hyperedge cut on the bisection,as well as on run time on a number of VLSI circuits.Our experiments show that our multilevel hypergraph-partitioning algorithm produces high-quality partitioning in a relatively small amount of time.The quality of the partitionings produced by our scheme are on the average 6%–23%better than those produced by other state-of-the-art schemes [11],[12],[25],[26],[29].The difference in quality over other schemes becomes even greater for larger hypergraphs.Furthermore,our partitioning algorithm is significantly faster,often requiring 4–10times less time than that required by the other schemes.For many circuits in the well-known ACM/SIGDA benchmark set [30],our scheme is able to find better partitionings than those reported in the literature for any other hypergraph-partitioning algorithm.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section II describes the different algorithms used in the three phases of our multilevel hypergraph-partitioning algorithm.Section III describes a new partitioning refinement algorithm based on the multilevel paradigm.Section IV compares the results produced by our algorithm to those produced by earlier hypergraph-partitioning algorithms.II.M ULTILEVEL H YPERGRAPH B ISECTIONWe now present the framework of hMETIS ,in which the coarsening and refinement scheme work directly with hyper-edges without using the clique representation to transform them into edges.We have developed new algorithms for both the phases,which,in conjunction,are capable of delivering very good quality solutions.A.Coarsening PhaseDuring the coarsening phase,a sequence of successively smaller hypergraphs are constructed.As in the case of mul-tilevel graph bisection,the purpose of coarsening is to create a small hypergraph,such that a good bisection of the small hypergraph is not significantly worse than the bisection di-rectly obtained for the original hypergraph.In addition to that,hypergraph coarsening also helps in successively reducing the sizes of the hyperedges.That is,after several levels of coarsening,large hyperedges are contracted to hyperedges that connect just a few vertices.This is particularly helpful,since refinement heuristics based on the KLFM family of algorithms [6]–[8]are very effective in refining small hyperedges,but are quite ineffective in refining hyperedges with a large number of vertices belonging to different partitions.Groups of vertices that are merged together to form single vertices in the next-level coarse hypergraph can be selected in different ways.One possibility is to select pairs of vertices with common hyperedges and to merge them together,as illustrated in Fig.2(a).A second possibility is to merge together all the vertices that belong to a hyperedge,as illustrated in Fig.2(b).Finally,a third possibility is to merge together a subset of the vertices belonging to a hyperedge,as illustrated in Fig.2(c).These three different schemes for grouping vertices together for contraction are described below.1)Edge Coarsening (EC):The heavy-edge matching scheme used in the multilevel-graph bisection algorithm can also be used to obtain successively coarser hypergraphs by merging the pairs of vertices connected by many hyperedges.In this EC scheme,a heavy-edge maximal 1matching of the vertices of the hypergraph is computed as follows.The vertices are visited in a random order.For eachvertex are considered,and the one that is connected via the edge with the largest weight is matchedwithandandofsize72IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION(VLSI)SYSTEMS,VOL.7,NO.1,MARCH1999Fig.2.Various ways of matching the vertices in the hypergraph and the coarsening they induce.(a)In edge-coarsening,connected pairs of vertices are matched together.(b)In hyperedge-coarsening,all the vertices belonging to a hyperedge are matched together.(c)In MHEC,we match together all the vertices in a hyperedge,as well as all the groups of vertices belonging to a hyperedge.weight of successively coarser graphs does not decrease very fast.In order to ensure that for every group of vertices that are contracted together,there is a decrease in the hyperedge weight in the coarser graph,each such group of vertices must be connected by a hyperedge.This is the motivation behind the HEC scheme.In this scheme,an independent set of hyperedges is selected and the vertices that belong to individual hyperedges are contracted together.This is implemented as follows.The hyperedges are initially sorted in a nonincreasing hyperedge-weight order and the hyperedges of the same weight are sorted in a nondecreasing hyperedge size order.Then,the hyperedges are visited in that order,and for each hyperedge that connects vertices that have not yet been matched,the vertices are matched together.Thus,this scheme gives preference to the hyperedges that have large weight and those that are of small size.After all of the hyperedges have been visited,the groups of vertices that have been matched are contracted together to form the next level coarser graph.The vertices that are not part of any contracted hyperedges are simply copied to the next level coarser graph.3)Modified Hyperedge Coarsening(MHEC):The HEC algorithm is able to significantly reduce the amount of hyperedge weight that is left exposed in successively coarser graphs.However,during each coarsening phase,a majority of the hyperedges do not get contracted because vertices that belong to them have been contracted via other hyperedges. This leads to two problems.First,the size of many hyperedges does not decrease sufficiently,making FM-based refinement difficult.Second,the weight of the vertices(i.e.,the number of vertices that have been collapsed together)in successively coarser graphs becomes significantly different,which distorts the shape of the contracted hypergraph.To correct this problem,we implemented a MHEC scheme as follows.After the hyperedges to be contracted have been selected using the HEC scheme,the list of hyperedges is traversed again,and for each hyperedge that has not yet been contracted,the vertices that do not belong to any other contracted hyperedge are contracted together.B.Initial Partitioning PhaseDuring the initial partitioning phase,a bisection of the coarsest hypergraph is computed,such that it has a small cut, and satisfies a user-specified balance constraint.The balance constraint puts an upper bound on the difference between the relative size of the two partitions.Since this hypergraph has a very small number of vertices(usually less than200),the time tofind a partitioning using any of the heuristic algorithms tends to be small.Note that it is not useful tofind an optimal partition of this coarsest graph,as the initial partition will be sub-stantially modified during the refinement phase.We used the following two algorithms for computing the initial partitioning. Thefirst algorithm simply creates a random bisection such that each part has roughly equal vertex weight.The second algorithm starts from a randomly selected vertex and grows a region around it in a breadth-first fashion[22]until half of the vertices are in this region.The vertices belonging to the grown region are then assigned to thefirst part,and the rest of the vertices are assigned to the second part.After a partitioning is constructed using either of these algorithms,the partitioning is refined using the FM refinement algorithm.Since both algorithms are randomized,different runs give solutions of different quality.For this reason,we perform a small number of initial partitionings.At this point,we can select the best initial partitioning and project it to the original hypergraph,as described in Section II-C.However,the parti-tioning of the coarsest hypergraph that has the smallest cut may not necessarily be the one that will lead to the smallest cut in the original hypergraph.It is possible that another partitioning of the coarsest hypergraph(with a higher cut)will lead to a bet-KARYPIS et al.:MULTILEVEL HYPERGRAPH PARTITIONING:APPLICATIONS IN VLSI DOMAIN 73ter partitioning of the original hypergraph after the refinement is performed during the uncoarsening phase.For this reason,instead of selecting a single initial partitioning (i.e.,the one with the smallest cut),we propagate all initial partitionings.Note that propagation of.Thus,by increasing the value ofis to drop unpromising partitionings as thehypergraph is uncoarsened.For example,one possibility is to propagate only those partitionings whose cuts arewithinissufficiently large,then all partitionings will be maintained and propagated in the entire refinement phase.On the other hand,if the valueof,many partitionings may be available at the coarsest graph,but the number of such available partitionings will decrease as the graph is uncoarsened.This is useful for two reasons.First,it is more important to have many alternate partitionings at the coarser levels,as the size of the cut of a partitioning at a coarse level is a less accurate reflection of the size of the cut of the original finest level hypergraph.Second,refinement is more expensive at the fine levels,as these levels contain far more nodes than the coarse levels.Hence,by choosing an appropriate valueof(from 10%to a higher value such as 20%)did not significantly improve the quality of the partitionings,although it did increase the run time.C.Uncoarsening and Refinement PhaseDuring the uncoarsening phase,a partitioning of the coarser hypergraph is successively projected to the next-level finer hypergraph,and a partitioning refinement algorithm is used to reduce the cut set (and thus to improve the quality of the partitioning)without violating the user specified balance con-straints.Since the next-level finer hypergraph has more degrees of freedom,such refinement algorithms tend to improve the solution quality.We have implemented two different partitioning refinement algorithms.The first is the FM algorithm [8],which repeatedly moves vertices between partitions in order to improve the cut.The second algorithm,called hyperedge refinement (HER),moves groups of vertices between partitions so that an entire hyperedge is removed from the cut.These algorithms are further described in the remainder of this section.1)FM:The partitioning refinement algorithm by Fiduccia and Mattheyses [8]is iterative in nature.It starts with an initial partitioning of the hypergraph.In each iteration,it tries to find subsets of vertices in each partition,such that moving them to other partitions improves the quality of the partitioning (i.e.,the number of hyperedges being cut decreases)and this does not violate the balance constraint.If such subsets exist,then the movement is performed and this becomes the partitioning for the next iteration.The algorithm continues by repeating the entire process.If it cannot find such a subset,then the algorithm terminates since the partitioning is at a local minima and no further improvement can be made by this algorithm.In particular,for eachvertexto the other partition.Initially allvertices are unlocked ,i.e.,they are free to move to the other partition.The algorithm iteratively selects an unlockedvertex is moved,it is locked ,and the gain of the vertices adjacentto[8].For refinement in the context of multilevel schemes,the initial partitioning obtained from the next level coarser graph is actually a very good partition.For this reason,we can make a number of optimizations to the original FM algorithm.The first optimization limits the maximum number of passes performed by the FM algorithm to only two.This is because the greatest reduction in the cut is obtained during the first or second pass and any subsequent passes only marginally improve the quality.Our experience has shown that this optimization significantly improves the run time of FM without affecting the overall quality of the produced partitionings.The second optimization aborts each pass of the FM algorithm before actually moving all the vertices.The motivation behind this is that only a small fraction of the vertices being moved actually lead to a reduction in the cut and,after some point,the cut tends to increase as we move more vertices.When FM is applied to a random initial partitioning,it is quite likely that after a long sequence of bad moves,the algorithm will climb74IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI)SYSTEMS,VOL.7,NO.1,MARCH1999Fig.3.Effect of restricted coarsening .(a)Example hypergraph with a given partitioning with the required balance of 40/60.(b)Possible condensed version of (a).(c)Another condensed version of a hypergraph.out of a local minima and reach to a better cut.However,in the context of a multilevel scheme,a long sequence of cut-increasing moves rarely leads to a better local minima.For this reason,we stop each pass of the FM algorithm as soon as we haveperformedto be equal to 1%of the number ofvertices in the graph we are refining.This modification to FM,called early-exit FM (FM-EE),does not significantly affect the quality of the final partitioning,but it dramatically improves the run time (see Section IV).2)HER:One of the drawbacks of FM (and other similar vertex-based refinement schemes)is that it is often unable to refine hyperedges that have many nodes on both sides of the partitioning boundary.However,a refinement scheme that moves all the vertices that belong to a hyperedge can potentially solve this problem.Our HER works as follows.It randomly visits all the hyperedges and,for each one that straddles the bisection,it determines if it can move a subset of the vertices incident on it,so that this hyperedge will become completely interior to a partition.In particular,consider ahyperedgebe the verticesofto partition 0.Now,depending on these gains and subject to balance constraints,it may move one of the twosets .In particular,if.III.M ULTIPHASE R EFINEMENT WITHR ESTRICTED C OARSENINGAlthough the multilevel paradigm is quite robust,random-ization is inherent in all three phases of the algorithm.In particular,the random choice of vertices to be matched in the coarsening phase can disallow certain hyperedge cuts,reducing refinement in the uncoarsening phase.For example,consider the example hypergraph in Fig.3(a)and its two possible con-densed versions [Fig.3(b)and (c)]with the same partitioning.The version in Fig.3(b)is obtained by selectinghyperedgesto be compressed in the HEC phase and then selecting pairs ofnodesto be compressed inthe HEC phase and then selecting pairs ofnodesand apartitioningfor ,be the sequence of hypergraphsand partitionings.Given ahypergraphandorpartition,,are collapsedtogether to formvertexof,thenvertex belong。
内部控制国外学者发表的观点英文回答:Internal Control: Perspectives from International Scholars.Internal control is a critical component of any organization, as it helps to ensure the accuracy and reliability of financial reporting, safeguard assets, and promote operational efficiency. Over the years, numerous international scholars have conducted extensive research on internal control, offering valuable insights into its various aspects.Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO)。
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) is a renowned organization that has significantly contributed to the development ofinternal control frameworks. COSO's Internal Control Integrated Framework (IC-IF) provides a comprehensive model for evaluating and improving internal control systems. The IC-IF consists of five components: control environment,risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring.International Internal Control Framework (IICF)。
ASME常用词汇Abrasion, allowance for 磨损,裕量Accessibility,pressure vessels 压力容器可达性Access openings 通道孔Allowance for corrosion, erosion, or abrasion 腐蚀裕量侵蚀或/磨损裕量Applied linings, tightness 应用衬里密封性Approval of new materials, 新材料的批准Articles in Section V 第V卷中的各章Article 1, T-150 第1章T150Article 2 第2章Attachments 附件lugs and fitting 支耳和配件lugs for platforms, ladders, etc. 平台,梯子等的支耳nonpressure parts 非受压件nozzles 接管pipe and nozzle necks to vessel walls 在器壁上的管子和接管颈stiffening rings to shell 壳体上的刚性环Backing strip 垫板Bending stress, welded joints 弯曲应力,焊接接头Bend test 弯曲试验Blind flanges 盲板法兰Bolted flange connections 螺栓法兰连接bolt laods 螺栓载荷bolt stress 螺栓应力design of 关于设计flange moments 法兰力矩flange stresses 法兰应力materials 材料studs 双头螺栓tightness of 紧密性types of attachment 附件类型Bolts 螺栓Braced and stayed surfaces 支持和支撑面Brazed connections for nozzles 接管的钎焊连接Brazed joints, efficiency of 钎焊接头,焊缝系数maximum service temperature 最高使用温度strength of 强度Brazing, cleaning of brazed surfaces 钎焊,钎焊的表面清理fabrication by 用……制造filler metal 填充金属fluxes 钎焊剂heads into shells 封头接入壳体operating temperature 操作温度Buttstraps, curvature 对接盖板,曲率forming ends of 成型端thickness and corrosion allowance 厚度和腐蚀裕量welding ends of 焊接端Carbon in material for welding 焊接用材料中的碳Cast ductile iron vessels, design 可锻铸铁容器,设计pressure-temperature limitations 压力-温度界限service restrictions 使用限制Castings 铸件carbon steel 碳钢defects 缺陷impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查quality factor 质量系数specifications 标准Cast iron circular dished heads 铸铁碟形封头Cast iron standard parts, small 铸铁标准部件,小件Cast iron pipe fittings 铸铁管件Cast iron vessels 铸铁容器corners and fillets 圆角和倒角head design 封头设计hydrostatic test 水压试验nozzles and fittings 接管和配件pressure-temperatures limitations 压力-温度界限Certificate of Authorization for Code Symbol Stamp 规范符号标志的认可证书Certification of material 材料证明书Certification of Nondestructive Personnel 无损检验人员证明书Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检验Liquid Penetrant Examination液体渗透检验Radiographic Examination 射线超声检验Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Chip marks on integrally forged vessels 整体锻造容器上的缺口标志Circumferential joints alignment tolerance环向连接,组对公差assembling装配brazing钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Clad material, inserted strips 覆层材料,嵌条examination 检查Clad plate 复合板Cleaning ,of brazed surfaces 钎焊表面清理of welded surfaces 焊接表面Clearance between surfaces to be brazed 钎焊表面间的间隙2第 3 页共19 页Combination, of different materials 不同材料组合of methods of fabrication制造方法Computed working pressure from hydrostatic tests 由水试验计算的工作压力Conical heads 锥形封头Conical sections 圆锥截面Connections ,bolted flange (see Bolted flange connections)连接,螺栓法兰(见螺栓法兰连接)brazed 钎焊clamp 卡箍expanded 胀接from vessels to safety valves 由容器至安全阀studded 双头螺栓threaded 螺纹welded 焊接Cooling, after postweld heat treating 冷却,焊后热处理Corrosion allowance 腐蚀裕度Corrosion resistant linings 防腐蚀衬里Corrugated shells 波纹形壳体Corrugating Paper Machinery 波纹板机械Cover plates 盖板on manholes and handholes 在人孔和手孔上的spherically dished 球形封头Cracking, stress corrosion 应力腐蚀裂缝Cutting plates 板材切割Cylindrical shells, supplementary loading 柱状壳体,附加载荷thickness 厚度transition in 过渡段Data report, guide for preparation 准备数据报告的指南Defects in welded vessels, repair 修理焊接容器中的缺陷Definitions 定义Design, brazed vessels 设计钎焊容器carbon and low alloy steel vessels 碳钢及低合金钢容器cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器ferritic steel vessels with properutsenhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器loadings 载荷multichamber vessels 多受压室容器nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器welded vessels 焊接容器design pressure 设计压力Diameter exemption 直径的豁免3Dimensions, checking of 尺寸,校核Discharge of safety valves 安全阀泄放Dished heads (see formed heads) 碟形封头(见成形封头)Disks, rupture 防爆膜Dissimilar weld metal 不同金属的焊接Distortion, of welded vessels 大变形、焊接容器supports to prevent 用支撑防止Drainage, discharge from safety and relief valves 排放,由安全阀和泄压阀泄放Drop weight tests 落锤试验Eccentricity of shells 壳体的偏心度Edges of plates, metal removal from 由加工板边去除金属tapered 锥度Efficiency, around openings for welded attachments 焊缝系数,环绕焊接附件孔口Elasticity, modulus of 弹性模量Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Ellipsoidal heads 椭圆封头Erosion, allowance for 侵蚀裕量Etching, of sectioned speciments 侵蚀,关于截面试样solutions for examination for materials 检验材料的溶液Evaporators 蒸发器Examination, of sectioned speciments 剖面试样的检验of welded joints 焊接接头的检验Exemptions diameter and volume 直径和容积的豁免Expanded connections 胀接连接External pressure, tube and pipe 外压管External pressure vessels 外压容器allowable working pressure for 许用工作压力charts 算图design of heads for 封头设计joints in shells of 壳体上的接头reinforcement for openings 开孔补强stiffening rings in shells 壳体上的刚性环supports for 支承thickness of shell 壳体厚度reducers 变径段Fabrication, brazed vessels 制造,钎焊容器Ferritic steels vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment, design经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器,设计fabrication 制造head design 封头设计heat treatment热处理heat treatment verification tests 热处理验证试验marking 标志4第 5 页共19 页materials 材料stamping 标记welded joints 焊接接头Field assembly of vessels 容器的现场安装Filler plugs for trepanned holes 锥孔的管塞Fillet welds 角焊Fired process tubular heaters 直接火管式加热炉Fitting attachments 附件装配Flange connections 法兰连接Flange contact facings 法兰接触面Flanges 法兰bolted design 螺柱法兰设计of formed heads for welding 用于焊接成型封头type of attachment 附件的类型Flat heads and covers, unstayed 无支撑平封头和盖板reinforcement of openings 开孔补强Flat spots on formed heads 成型封头上的平坦部分Flued openings 翻边开孔Forged parts, small 锻造部件,小的Forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment 热处理localized thin areas 局部薄壁区welding 焊接Forgings 锻件identification of 识别Ultrasonic Examination 超声检验Formmanufacturer’s data report 制造厂数据报告格式partial report 零部件数据报告Formed heads 成型封头flued openings in 封头上翻边开孔insertion of, welded vessels 插入,焊接容器joint efficiency 接头系数knuckle radius 转角半径length of skirt 直边长度on welded vessels 在焊接容器上reinforcement for openings 开孔补强Forming 成型ends of shell plates and buttstraps 壳体板和对接搭板端forged heads 锻造封头shell sections and heads 筒节和封头Furnaces 炉子temperatures for postweld head treatment 焊后热处理温度Furnaces for heat treating 热处理炉5temperature control of 炉温控制Galvanized vessels 镀锌容器Gasket materials 垫片材料Girth joints (see circumferential joints) 环缝接头(见环向接头)Handhole and manhole openings 手孔和人孔开孔Head flange (skirt) length 封头翻边(直边)长度Head joints 封头接头brazing 钎焊welded 焊接Head openings 封头开孔entirely in spherical portion 全部在球体部分Head joints 封头接头concave and convex 凹面和凸面flat (see flat heads) 平板(见平封头)forged 锻造的formed (see Formed heads) 成型的(见成形封头)forming 面型thickness, after forming 厚度,成型之后Heads, design, conical 封头,设计,锥形ellipsoidal 椭圆形hemispherical 半球形spherically dished 球状碟形toriconical 带折边的锥形torispherical 带折边的球形torispherical, knuckle radius 带折边的球形,转角半径Heads and shells 封头和壳体external pressure, out-of-roundness 外压,不圆度openings through or near welded joints 通过或靠近焊缝处的开孔roundness tolerance 不圆度公差Heat exchangers 热交换器Heat treatment 热处理by fabricator 由制造厂进行carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器forged vessels 锻造容器furnaces 炉子high-alloy vessels 高合金容器of test specimens 试样的热处理verification tests of 热处理验证试验Hemispherical heads 半球形封头High pressure vessels 高压封头Holes 小孔for screw stays 用于螺丝固定6第7 页共19 页for trepanning plug sections, refilling 用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充telltale 指示孔unreinforced, in welded joints 不补强,在焊缝上Hubs, on flanges 高颈,在法兰上Hydrostatic proof tests 水压验证试验destructive 破坏性prior pressure application 在升压之前Hydrostatic test 水压试验cast iron vessels 铸铁容器combined with pneumatic 与气压试验混合的enameled vessels 搪玻璃容器external pressure vessels 外压容器galvanized vessels 镀锌容器standard 标准welded vessels 焊接容器Identification 识别of forging 锻件of plates 平板of welds 焊接Identification markers, radiographs 识别标志,射线照相Impact test 冲击试验certification 证明properties 性能specimens 试样temperature 温度Inspection 检查before assembling 组装之前carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast ductile iron vessels 可锻铸铁容器cast iron vessels 铸铁容器clad vessels 覆层容器during fabrication 在制造期间ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经过热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体的容器fitting up 组对forged vessels 锻造容器heat treatment, forgings 热处理,锻件high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器magnetic particle 磁粉material 材料nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器plate 板材postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pressure vessels, accessibility 压力容器,可达性7quality control 质量管理sectioning of welded joints 焊接接头的剖面检验spot examination 抽样检查steel castings 铸钢件surfaces exposed and component parts 暴露的表面和元件部分test specimens 试样vessels 容器vessels exempted from 免检容器welded vessels 焊接容器Inspection openings 检查孔Inspectors 检查师access to plant 在厂内应有的便利control of stamping 打印管理duties 职责facilities 装备qualification 资格reports 报告Installation 安装pressure-relieving devices 泄压装置pressure vessel 压力容器Integral cast iron dished heads 整体铸铁碟形封头integrally finned tubes 整体翅片管Internal structures 内部构件Jacketed vessels 夹套容器Joints 接头brazed 钎焊circumferential (see Circumferential joints) efficiency, brazed 环缝(见环向接头)系数,钎焊welded 焊接electric resistance, butt welding 电阻,对接焊in cladding and applied linings 在覆层及衬里in vessels subjected to external pressure 在承受外压的容器lap (see Lap joints) 搭接(见搭接接头)longitudinal (see Longitudinal joints) 纵向(见纵向接头)tube-to-tubesheet 管子对管板Jurisdictional Review 权限审查Knuckles 过渡圆角radius 半径transition section 变径段Lap joints 搭接接头amount of overlap 搭接量brazed 钎焊longitudinal under external pressure 在外压作用下纵向的welded 焊接Laws Covering Pressure Vessels 涉及压力容器的法规8第9 页共19 页Lethal gases or liquids 致命的气体或液体Ligaments, efficiency of 孔带,系数Limitation on welded vessels 焊接容器的限制Limit of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度的限制Linings 衬里corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀Liquid penetrant examination 液体渗透检验Loadings 载荷Local postweld heat treatment 局部焊后热处理Longitudinal joints 纵向接头alignment tolerance 对准公差brazing 钎焊vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Low-temperature operation 低温操作Low-temperature vessels brazed 低温容器,钎焊for gases and liquids 用于气体和液体impact test requirements 冲击试验要求impact test, when not required 冲击试验,当不要求时marking 标志materials 材料testing of materials 材料试验Lugs for ladders, platforms, and other 梯子,平台及其它附件的支耳Magnetic particle inspection 磁粉检查Manholes, and handholes 人孔,手孔cover plate for 盖板minimum vessel diameter requiring 所需最小容器直径Manufacture, responsibility of 制造者,职责Manufacturer’s Data Report (see Data Report) 制造厂数据报告(见数据报告) Manufacturer’s stamps 制造厂的印记Marking castings 标志,铸件materials 材料plates 板材standard pressure parts 标志受压件valves and fittings 阀门和配件with Code symbol 带有规范符号Markings, transfer after cutting plates 标志,板材切割以后的转移Materials, approval of new 材料,新材料的批准approval of repairs 修补的批准brazed vessels 钎焊容器carbon and low-alloy steel vessels 碳钢和低合金钢容器cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁castings 铸铁cast iron vessels 铸铁容器certification 合格证9clad vessels 覆层容器combination of 组合材料ferritic steel vessels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器forged vessels 锻造容器for nonpressure parts 非受压元件heat treatment of 热处理high-alloy steel vessels 高合金钢容器inspection of 检查nonferrous vessels 非铁金属容器pipe and tube 管子plate 板rods and bars 杆和棒specification for 标准standard pressure, parts 标准受压元件unidentified 未鉴别的use of over thickness listed in SectionⅡ采用超过列于第Ⅱ卷表中的厚度welded vessels 焊接容器Measurement, 测量dimensional 尺寸of out-of-roundness of shells 壳体不圆度Metal temperature determination 金属温度,确定control of 控制Mill undertolerance 钢厂负公差控制Minimum thickness of plate 板材的最小厚度控制Miscellaneous pressure parts 其它受压件控制Multichamber vessels design 多承压室容器,设计Multiple duplicate vessels 多个相同的容器Multiple safety valves 多个安全阀Nameplates 铭牌New materials 新材料Noncircular vessels 非圆形容器ligament efficiency 孔带系数nomenclature 术语obround design 长圆形设计rectangular design 矩形设计reinforcement 补强examples 实例Nonpressure parts, attachment of 非受压元件的连接Notch ductility test 缺口韧性试验Nozzle openings, reinforced 接管开孔,补强的unreinforced 非补强的vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压得容器10第11 页共19 页Nozzles attachment of to shell 接管,与壳体的连接minimum thickness of neck 缩颈的最小厚度(see also Connections)(也可见连接件)Nuts and washers 螺母和垫圈Offset of edges of plates at joints 在接头处板边的偏差Openings adjacent to welds 开孔,邻近焊缝closure of 封闭for connections to brazed vessels 用于对钎焊容器的连接for drainage 用于排放head (see Openings head and shell) 封头(见开孔,封头和壳体)in flat heads 在平板封头上inspection 检查manhole (see Manholes) 人孔(见人孔)nozzle (see Nozzle opening) 接管(见接管开孔)shell (see Openings, head and shell) 壳体(见开孔,封头和壳体) through welded joints 通过焊接接头Openings, head and shell, computation of 开孔,封头和壳体,计算not requiring additional reinforcement 不需要附加补强reinforced, size 补强,尺寸reinforcement for adjacent openings 邻近开孔的补强reinforcement of 补强requiring additional reinforcement 需要附加补强shapes permissible 许用形式unreinforced, size 不补强的,尺寸Outlets, discharge, pressure relieving devices 排放口,出料,泄压装置Out-of-roundness 不圆度Overpressure limit for vessels 容器的超压极限Partial data report, manufacturer’s 零部件数据报告,制造厂的Parts, miscellaneous 部件,各种各样的Peening 捶击Pipe connections openings for 管子的连接,用于开孔Pipe fittings vessels built of 管子配件,制造的容器Pipe and tubes 各类管子Pipe used for shells 用作壳体的管子piping external to vessel 容器外的管子Plate, curvature 板,曲率measurement, dimensional check 测量,尺寸校核Plate edges cutting 板边,切割exposed left unwelded 留下不予焊接的显露部分inspection of 检查Plates 平板alignment 找准cover 盖板cutting 切割forming 成型heat treatment 热处理identification 标志impact test 冲击试验inspection 检查laying out 划线less than 6 mm thickness 厚度小6mmmarkings transfer after cutting 标志,在切割以后的转移minimum thickness 最小厚度repair of defects 缺陷修理specifications 标准structural carbon steel 结构碳钢Plug welds 塞焊Pneumatic test 气压试验pressure 压力yielding 屈服Porosity welded joints 气孔,焊接接头Porosity charts 气孔图Postheat treatment 后热处理connections for nozzles and attachments 用于接管和附件的连接cooling after 随后的冷却furnace temperature 炉温inspection 检查local 局部requirements 要求temperature range 温度范围welded vessels 焊接容器Preheating 预热Preparation of plates for welding 焊接板材的准备pressure, design 压力,设计limits 极限(see also Working pressure, allowable) (也可见工作压力,许用)Pressure parts miscellaneous 受压件,其它的Pressure relieving devices 泄压装置discharge 排放installation and operation 安装和运转rupture disks 防爆模setting 整定Pressure vessels 压力容器exempted from inspection 免检Produce form of Specification 产品技术条件Proof test hydrostatic (see Hydrostatic proof test) 验证试验,水压(见水压试验) Qualification 评定of brazers 钎焊工第13 页共19 页of welders 焊工of welding procedure 焊接工艺Quality Control System 质量保证体系Quenching and tempering 淬火及回火Quick-actuating closures 快开盖Radiograph factor 射线照相系数Radiographing 射线照相examination by 检查partial 部分quality factors 质量系数requirements 要求spot examination 抽样检查retests 重新试验thickness, mandatory minimum 规定最小厚度Radiographs, acceptance by inspector 射线照相,由检查员认为合格gamma rays, radium capsule γ射线,装镭的盒子interpretation by standard procedure 由标准程序的说明rounded indications 圆形显示Reaming holes for screw stays 为固定螺钉用的铰孔Reducer sections, rules for 变径段,规程Reinforcement 补强defined limits 规定的范围head and shell openings 封头及壳体开孔large openings 大开孔multiple openings 多个开孔nozzle openings 接管开孔of openings in shells, computation of 壳体上开孔,计算openings subject to rapid pressure fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔Fluctuation 经受压力突然波动的开孔strength 强度Relief devices 泄放装置(see also Pressure relieving devices, Safety and relief Valves)(也可见泄压装置,安全阀和泄压阀)Relieving capacity of safety valves 安全阀排量Repairs, approval of defects in material 修理,材料中缺陷的认可defective Brazing 有缺陷的钎焊defects in forgings 锻件中的缺陷defects in welds 焊缝中的缺陷Responsibility of manufacturer 制造者的职责Retention of Records 记录的保存Radiographs 射线照相Manufacturer’s Data Reports 制造厂的数据报告Retests, frogings 复试,锻件impact specimens 冲击试样joints, welded 接头,焊接Rods, bars, and shapes 杆棒喝型材Rolled parts, small 轧制件,小件Rupture disks 爆破模Safety 安全性safety relief, and pressures relief valves, adjustable blow down, capacity certification 安全泄放和泄压阀,可调节的泄放,排放量证明capacity, conversion 排量,换算connection to vessels 连接至容器construction 结构discharge pipe 排放管indirect operation 间接操作installation 安装installation on vessels in service 容器在役时的安装liquid relief 液体泄放marking 标志minimum requirements 最低要求pressure setting 压力整定spring loaded 受载弹簧springs, adjustment 弹簧,调节stop valves adjacent to 邻近的截止阀test 试验protective devices 防护装置for unfired steam boiler 对非直接火蒸气锅炉Scope 适用范围sectioning, closing holes left by 解剖,解剖孔的封闭etching plugs taken 解剖样的侵蚀examination by 检查Service restriction 使用限制Shapes, special 形状,特殊Shell plates, forming ends of 壳体用材料,封头成型Shells 壳体allowable working pressure 许用工作压力computation of openings in 开孔计算forming 成型made from pipe 由管子制造的stiffening rings 刚性环thickness 厚度Transition section 过渡段Sigma-phase formation σ相的形成Skirts length on heads 直边、封头上的长度support of vessels 裙座,容器支撑Slag inclusion welds 焊缝中的夹渣Special constructions 特殊结构第15 页共19 页Specification for materials 材料标准Spherical sections of vessels 容器的球形部分Spot examination of welded joints 焊接接头的抽样检查Springs for safety valves 安全阀的弹簧Stamping location of 打印位置multipressure vessels 多重压力容器omission of 省略safety valves 安全阀with Code symbol 带有规范标记Stamps, certificate of authorization 钢印,授权low stress 低压力not to be covered 不应覆盖to be visible on plates 在板上可见Static head, in setting safety valves, effect of on limiting stresses 静压头,在整定安全阀时,影响,对极限应力Stayed surfaces 支撑表面Staying formed heads 成型封头的支撑Stays and staybolts, adjacent to edges of staybolted surface 支撑件及拉撑螺栓,邻近用螺栓拉撑得表面周边处allowable stress 许用应力area supported 支撑面dimensions 尺寸ends 端部location 位置pitch 节距screw, holes for 螺孔upset for threading 为车制螺纹的镦粗welded 焊接的Steam generating vessels, unfired 蒸汽锅炉,非直接火Steel, carbon content 钢,含碳量Stenciling plates for identification 在板材上打印标志Stiffening rings, attachment to shell 刚性环,和壳体的装配for vessels under external pressure 用于外压容器Stiffness, support of large vessels for 刚性,大容器支座Stop valves 截止阀adjacent to safety and relief valves 邻近于安全和泄压阀Strength of brazed joints 钎焊接头的强度Stress corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀裂缝Stress values, attachment weld 应力值,连接焊缝basis for establishing 确定的基础carbon and low-alloy steel 碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment 经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体刚high-alloy steel高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属Stud bolt threads 双头螺栓螺纹Studded connections 双头螺纹连接Supplementary design formulas 补充设计公式Supports, design 支座,设计pressure vessels 压力容器temperature free movement under 在温度下活动不受约束types of steel permissible for 容许的钢材类型vessels subjected to external pressure 承受外压的容器Surface Weld Metal Buildup 金属堆焊表面Tables, effective gasket width b 表,有效垫片宽度bgasket materials and contact facings 垫片材料和接触面maximum allowable efficiencies for arc and gas welded joints 电弧焊和气焊接头的最大许用系数minimum number of pipe threads for connections 管螺纹连接的最少螺纹牙数molecular weights of gases and vapors 气体和蒸汽的分子量of stress values, carbon and low-alloy steel 应力值,碳钢和低合金钢cast iron 铸铁cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢high-alloy steel 高合金钢nonferrous metals 非铁金属welded carbon low-alloy pipe and tubes 焊接低合金碳钢管of values factor K系数K值factor M 系数Mfactor 系数postweld heat treatment requirements 焊后热处理要求recommended temperature ranges for heat treatment 推荐的热处理温度范围spherical radius factor K1球半径系数K1Telltale holes 指示孔in opening reinforcement 开孔补强Temperature, definitions 温度,定义design 设计determination 确定free movement of vessel on supports 支座上的容器活动不受约束heat treatment 热处理limitations, of brazed vessels 限制,钎焊容器of cast ductile iron 可锻铸铁of postweld heat treating 焊后热处理metal, control of 金属,控制operating or working, definitions 操作或工作,定义zones of different 不同区域第17 页共19 页Termination point of a vessel 容器的界限点Test coupons 试样Test gages requirements 试验仪表,要求Test plates heat treatment 试板,热处理impact test 冲击试验production 生产Tests, hydrostatic proof 试验,水压验证pneumatic (see pneumatic test) 气压,见气压试验vessels whose strength cannot be calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器calculated 不能由计算求得强度的容器Thermal buffers 热缓冲器Thermocouples attachment 热电偶,安装Thickness gages, details 厚度量规,细节Thick shells, cylindrical 厚壳体,圆柱形spherical 球形Thin plates marking 薄板,标志Threaded connection 螺纹连接Threaded inspection openings 螺纹检查孔Threads, stud bolts 螺纹,双头螺栓Tolerances, forged shells and heads 公差,锻造容器及封头Toriconical heads 带折边的锥形封头Torispherical heads 带折边的球形封头Transfering marking on plates 板上标志的移植Transition in cylindrical shells 柱状壳体的过渡Trays and baffles, acting as partial shell stiffeners 塔盘及挡板,作为部分壳体加强圈Tubes and pipe 管子Tube-to-tubesheet joints 管子与管板的连接Ultrasonic examination of welds 焊缝的超声检验UM vessels UM 容器Unfired steam boiler 非直接火蒸汽锅炉Unidentified materials 未识别的材料Valves, connections 阀,连接safety and relief (see safety and relief valves) 安全和泄压装置Valves and fittings, marking 阀及其配件,标志Verification tests, heat treatment 验证试验,热处理V olume exemption 容器的免检Weld deposits, cleaning 焊接熔敷金属,清理peening 捶击Welded joints, category 焊接接头,类别description of types 类型的描述efficiency 焊缝系数impact test, across 冲击试验,横向postweld heat treating 焊后热处理radiographic examination, complete 射线照相检查,整个的rounded indications 圆形显示sectioning, etch test 解剖,侵蚀试验spot examination 抽样检查staggered, longitudinal 错开,轴向taper, plates of unequal thicknesses 锥度,不等厚板types around openings 类型,环绕开孔ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Welded reinforcement of nozzle openings 接管开孔的焊缝补强Welded vessels 焊接容器holes in joints of 接头处的孔inspection 检查limitations on 限制tests of 试验Welders and welding operators 焊工和自动焊工identifying stamps 识别标记records of, by manufacturers 由制造厂所作的记录test of qualification 评定试验Welding 焊接cleaning of welded surfaces 焊件表面清理details, limitations 细节,限制forged vessels 锻造容器materials 材料materials having different coefficients of expansion 膨胀系数不同的材料of attachment around openings 开孔周围的连接plate, fitting up joints 平板,连接处的装配plate edges, matching 板边,匹配preparation of plates 钣材的制备procedure qualification 工艺评定processes 工艺test requirement 试验要求Weld metal, composition 焊缝金属,成分Welds acceptability, when radiographed 焊缝合格,用射线照相时when sectioned 解剖时fillet 填角identification of 识别plug 塞焊reinforcement, butt welds 补强,对接焊repairs of defects in 焊缝中缺陷的修补sharp angles, avoid at weld edges 尖角,避免在焊缝边上structural 结构tack 定位焊types, description 类型,描述ultrasonic examination of 超声检验Working pressure allowable, braced and stayed surfaces 许用工作压力,有拉撑和支撑表面第19 页共19 页by proof test 验证性试验definition of 定义。
ACCA F3 第二课监管框架中英文翻译The following factors that have shaped financial accounting can be identified.有形财务会计的以下因素可以识别。
国家/地方立法会计概念和个人判断Accounting standards会计准则其他国际影响一般公认会计原则(GAAP)公允表达National/local legislation国家/地方立法1.4 Accounting standards1.4会计准则Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs).财务报告准则(IFRS)IFRSs are produced by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). 国际财务报告准则由国际会计准则理事会(IASB)产生。
Monitoring Board监控板IFRS Foundation国际财务报告准则的基础IFRS Advisory Council国际财务报告准则咨询理事会IIFRS Interpretations Committeeiifrs解释委员会Appoints任命Reports to报告Advises建议The IFRS Advisory Council (formerly called the Standards Advisory Council or SAC) is essentially a forum used by the IASB to consult with the outside world. It consults with national standard setters,academics, user groups and a host of other interested parties to advise the IASB on a range of issues, from the IASB's work programme for developing new IFRSs to giving practical advice on the implementation of particular standards.国际财务报告准则咨询委员会(以前称为准则咨询委员会或囊)本质上是一个由IASB用来与外界咨询论坛。
VLSI设计提纲VLSI设计提纲一基本概念Synthesis:设计向低层描述转换和优化Target_library:目标库-工艺库Constraint:性能约束,设计按时序(时钟延时,输入延时,输出延时)和面积要约束求转换Optimization:优化 ,根据约束条件,按照一等的算法对转化结果作逻辑重组和优化Mapping:映射,从目标工艺库中搜索符合条件的单元来构成电路synopsy_dc.setup:工作路径下的环境文件DC初始化文件LEF Library Exchange Format单元的库交换文件。
是对单元版图抽象描,DEF ( Design Exchange Format)•设计交换文件,设计数据的ASCII描述;•指定单元名、图层排例、位置;•指定图形坐标、长度单位。
GCF General Constraint Format包括设计各层次时需要的约束、功耗约束、面积约束、寄生参数约束。
指定在SE环境文件中CTLF(Compiled Timing Library Format)CTLF File编译后的单元的TLF时序文件;TLF指定了单元的具有统一标准输入输出失时间转换;TLF指定了单元的输入输出时延。
定义了时间、电流、电压的物理单位CDL Circuit Description Language, 电路描述语言PDRACUL用于检查Dracula中命令语法的文件,LOGLVS 用于做Dracula lvs的net的数据转换二Dracula1 Dracul文件结构描述、层定义、逻辑操作和打印输出模块(gds,lvs,drc文件,layout文件.rul。
cdl文件等)2 系统描述语INDISK = CELLNAME.gdsPRIMARY = CELLNAMEPRINTFILE = out_CELLNAMESYSTEM = gds2SCHEMATIC = LVSLOGICMODE = EXEC NOWLISTERROR = YESKEEPDATA = INQUERYCNAMES-CSEN = YESOUTDISK = drcout.gds3 图层处理命令and NSD poly1 ngatenot NSD poly1 nsdand PWELL PSD ptapselect ndiff inside pbase nemit(内部含内切)select diff outside pwell pdiff(外部含外切)select diff cut poly sd(选择被部分覆盖的图层)select diff overlap well tap(选择第一图层用来偿还孔接触包围等的图形)4 drc命令width metal1 lt 2 output met1wid 2length metal1 gt 20 output fmetsep 4ext met poly le 1 out...width metal1 lt 1.2 ;5 连接命令connect metal1 poly1 by contactconnect pwell psd by ptap6 提取器件的步骤及命令element mos[n] ngate poly1 nsd pwell7 lvs命令wfinal = winital - ( weffect * length * bends )三设计方法1、基于平台的设计方法基于平台的Soc设计平台是关于虚部件与某个体系结构框架的库。
2024年环保法律法规的新要求和挑战英文版New Requirements and Challenges of Environmental Laws and Regulations in 2024 Environmental laws and regulations are constantly evolving to address the growing concerns of climate change and the protection of our planet. In 2024, there are new requirements and challenges that businesses and individuals must navigate.One of the key requirements is the reduction of carbon emissions. Companies will be required to implement strategies to lower their carbon footprint and transition towards renewable energy sources. This will involve investing in green technologies and sustainable practices to comply with the regulations.Another important aspect is the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity. Laws will be stricter in preserving ecosystems and preventing habitat destruction. Businesses will need to conduct thoroughenvironmental impact assessments before starting any new projects to ensure minimal impact on the environment.Waste management is also a critical issue that will be addressed in 2024. Companies will have to adhere to strict guidelines for handling and disposing of waste materials. Recycling and waste reduction programs will be encouraged to minimize the environmental impact of waste disposal.Water conservation will be another focus of environmental laws in 2024. Businesses will need to implement water-saving measures and reduce water wastage in their operations. This will involve improving water efficiency and implementing water recycling systems.Compliance with environmental laws and regulations will pose challenges for businesses in 2024. Companies will need to invest in training and resources to ensure they are up to date with the latest requirements. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and damage to the company's reputation.Overall, the new requirements and challenges of environmental laws and regulations in 2024 will push businesses and individuals to adopt more sustainable practices and prioritize environmental protection in their operations.。
单侧下界公差极限法 英文 范文
单侧下界公差极限法英文范文Navigating through the intricacies of manufacturing standards can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring precision and quality in production processes. One such method that has garnered attention in recent years is the Single-Sided Lower Tolerance Limit (SSLTL) approach, a technique that plays a pivotal role in maintaining product consistency and reliability.At its core, the SSLTL method revolves around establishing a minimum acceptable limit for product dimensions, particularly in scenarios where asymmetry or unidirectional specifications are prevalent. Unlike traditional tolerance analysis methods that consider deviations from both sides of a nominal value, the SSLTL method focuses solely on the lower end of the spectrum. This unique approach offers several advantages, ranging from enhanced efficiency to cost savings in manufacturing processes.One of the key benefits of employing the SSLTL method isits ability to streamline production workflows bypinpointing critical areas where deviations could lead to functional or structural issues. By setting a single-sided lower tolerance limit, manufacturers can concentrate their efforts on mitigating potential risks without overcompensating for variations that may not significantly impact product performance.Furthermore, the SSLTL approach aligns with the principles of lean manufacturing by promoting waste reduction and process optimization. Instead of allocating resources to address tolerance variations that fall within an acceptable range, organizations can allocate their resources more effectively, thereby maximizing productivity and minimizing defects.In addition to its operational advantages, the SSLTL method also holds implications for quality assurance and regulatory compliance. By establishing clear guidelines for minimum acceptable limits, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet industry standards and customer expectations consistently. This proactive approach to quality management not only enhances brand reputation butalso fosters trust and confidence among consumers.Despite its merits, implementing the SSLTL method requires careful consideration of various factors, including product specifications, manufacturing capabilities, and risk assessment. Additionally, organizations must invest in advanced metrology and measurement technologies to accurately quantify and monitor deviations within the defined tolerance limits.In conclusion, the Single-Sided Lower Tolerance Limit (SSLTL) method represents a paradigm shift in tolerance analysis, offering a streamlined approach to ensuring product quality and consistency. By focusing on the lower end of tolerance specifications, manufacturers can optimize production processes, minimize waste, and enhance overall efficiency. However, successful implementation necessitates a comprehensive understanding of industry standards, technological advancements, and risk management strategies. As manufacturing continues to evolve, the SSLTL method stands poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of quality assurance and precision engineering.。
构型管理 英语作文
构型管理英语作文Title: Configuration Management: Key Concepts and Practices。
Configuration management is a crucial aspect of software development, ensuring that software systems remain stable, reliable, and scalable throughout their lifecycle. In this essay, we will explore the key concepts and practices of configuration management.Firstly, let's define configuration management. Configuration management refers to the process of identifying, organizing, and controlling software and hardware components within a system. It involves tracking changes, ensuring consistency, and maintaining documentation to facilitate the efficient management of complex systems.One of the fundamental concepts in configuration management is version control. Version control systems suchas Git, Subversion, and Mercurial enable developers to track changes to source code and collaborate effectively. By maintaining a history of changes, version control systems allow developers to revert to previous versions, identify the author of each change, and merge contributions from multiple developers seamlessly.Another important concept is environment management. In software development, applications often need to run in different environments, such as development, testing, staging, and production. Environment management involves configuring these environments to mirror each other as closely as possible to ensure consistent behavior across the software development lifecycle. Tools like Docker and Kubernetes facilitate environment management by enabling developers to package applications and their dependencies into portable containers.Configuration management also encompassesinfrastructure as code (IaC). IaC involves managing infrastructure using code and automation tools rather than manual processes. With IaC, infrastructure configurationsare defined in code files, allowing developers to version control, test, and deploy infrastructure changes alongside application code. Popular IaC tools include Terraform, Ansible, and Chef, which enable infrastructure to be provisioned, configured, and managed programmatically.Furthermore, configuration management involves dependency management. Modern software applications rely on numerous third-party libraries and dependencies. Managing these dependencies is critical to ensuring thatapplications remain stable and secure. Dependency management tools such as Maven, npm, and pip automate the process of fetching, installing, and updating dependencies, reducing the risk of dependency conflicts and security vulnerabilities.Change management is also a key aspect of configuration management. Changes to software configurations must be carefully planned, documented, and tested to minimize the risk of disruptions to system stability and performance. Change management processes typically involve submitting change requests, reviewing proposed changes, obtainingapprovals, and implementing changes in a controlled manner.In addition to these concepts, effective configuration management requires robust monitoring and auditing capabilities. Monitoring tools provide visibility into system performance, resource utilization, and configuration changes, enabling administrators to detect and respond to issues proactively. Auditing tools track changes to system configurations and enforce compliance with organizational policies and regulatory requirements.In conclusion, configuration management is essentialfor ensuring the stability, reliability, and scalability of software systems. By implementing version control, environment management, infrastructure as code, dependency management, change management, monitoring, and auditing practices, organizations can streamline the development process, minimize risks, and deliver high-quality software products efficiently.。
SECTION 23 09 23SPECIFICATIONSTAG: CASLink Building Management System, SCADAPART 1- GENERAL1.1 SUMMARYA. Building Management System (BMS), utilizing Direct Digital Controls (DDC).1.2 DESCRIPTIONA. CASLink is a cloud-based Building Management System that can be used to monitor,control and optimize the operation of kitchen ventilation, lighting, utilities and HVACequipment. It gathers sensor data, component operating data, alarms, user and factorysettings information periodically.B. Information is displayed in a user-friendly interface hosted on the CASLink website, whichis accessible through a secure login to owners and operators using an internet enableddevice.C. Email alerts based on sensor data and system alarms, both prescriptive and custom, canbe set up on demand.1.3 SUBMITTALSA. The manufacturer assumes no liability for the use or results of use from this document.Specifications are to be reviewed by the engineer to confirm the requirements of theproject and meet Federal, State, and Local codes.B. As the manufacturer continues product development, it reserves the right to change thedesign and specifications without notice.1.4 WARRANTYA. All units shall be provided with the following standard warranties:1. System is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship, u ndernormal use and service, for a period of 2-years from date of shipment.B. The manufacturer shall not be liable for incidental and consequential losses anddamages potentially attributable to malfunctioning equipment. Should any part of theequipment prove to be defective in material or workmanship within the 60-month warranty period, upon examination by the manufacturer, such part will be repaired or replaced by manufacturer at no charge. The buyer shall pay all labor costs incurred in connection with such repair or replacement. Equipment shall not be returned without manufacturer’s prior authorization, and all returned equipment shall be shipped by the buyer, freight prepaid toa destination determined by the manufacturer.C. Refer to Manufacturer’s Operation, Installation, and Maintenance (OIM) Manua l fordetailed descriptions of what is/is not covered and contact information for warranty claims.PART 2- PRODUCTS2.1 GENERALA. CASLink is implemented by a SCADA module installed in an electrical control panel or inan electrical cabinet. The SCADA module serves as a gateway to communicate locallygathered data from CASLink-enabled controllers to CASLink’s servers. Data istransmitted via a factory installed cellular device, which is integral to the SCADA module.2.2 COMPONENTSA. System integration (Products Not Furnished or Installed)1. Kitchen Hood Demand Control Ventilation Systems2. Kitchen Hood Smart Control Systems3. Paragon Dedicated Outdoor Air System4. Direct Fired MUA Controls5. Indirect Fired MUA Controls6. RTULink Cloud-Based Thermostat7. CORE Fire Protection8. TANK Fire Protection9. High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) Fans10. Lighting Control Panel11. Hood Self-Cleaning Remote ManifoldPART 3- EXECUTION3.1 EXAMINATIONA. Examine areas and conditions under w hich the system is installed. Do not proceed withwork until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in manner acceptable toInstaller.3.2 APPLICATIONA. CASLink monitors relevant sensor and system data at adequate data rates which allowsusers and support teams to assess performance and diagnose alarms remotely.Gathered data is displayed and organized in a user-friendly interface which can beaccessed by customers and manufacturer engineering support teams.B. CASLink’s website requires login credentials. These can be created for owners andoperators as needed. Two-factor authentication is required for enhanced s ecurity.C. CASLink’s interface allows for adjustments of critical system settings such thatperformance can be optimized remotely using historical data. CASLink processeshistorical data to create dashboards that include real time operating information, analytics and insights derived from proprietary machine learning algorithms.3.3 INSTALLATIONA. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, drawings, written specifications,manufacturer’s installation manual, and all applicable building codes.。
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VLSI Implementation of Conjugate Gradient BasedMobile User Tracking SystemRamin Baghaie and Petri KarttunenLaboratory of Telecommunications TechnologyHelsinki University of TechnologyP.O. BOX 3000, FIN-02015 HUT, Finlande-mail: {ramin.baghaie, petri.karttunen}@hut.fi Abstract- This paper considers the implementation of a signalsubspace based mobile user tracking system that utilizes anefficient Conjugate Gradient (CG) based step-by-step adaptationscheme. First, we estimate the computational complexity of different units of the tracking system. Based on these estimations, we partition the implementation task into two parts: software and hardware. Finally, for the hardware implementation of the tracking unit a systolic architecture is proposed. With the aid of the proposed systolic array the time complexity of the tracking unit is reduced to O(M).I. I NTRODUCTIONThe channel parameter tracking problem arises in numerous situations. One example is mobile user tracking in which the spatial beamforming procedure must be carried out continuously for each user. In [1], for the mobile user tracking system, a step-by-step update scheme of the CG method was implemented. It was shown that the proposed CG based tracking system has a better tracking performance in terms of faster and smoother convergence and smaller misadjustment.In this paper, we consider the VLSI implementation of the tracking system of [1], and focus on developing efficient systolic architectures that are suitable for real-time applications. This paper is organized as follows. Section II briefly presents the structure of the CG based tracking system. In Section III, the computational complexity of the system is evaluated. In Section IV, implementation issues of the tracking system are discussed. Furthermore, for the tracking unit a novel systolic architecture is designed that reduces the required computational time by an order of magnitude. Finally, concluding remarks are provided in Section V.II. S YSTEM M ODELFigure 1 illustrates the overall system model of our tracking system [1]. In this section, we briefly describe the function of each unit.__________________________This work is part of a research project of the Institute of Radio Communication (IRC) funded by the National Technology Agency (TEKES), NOKIA Research Center, Sonera Ltd., and the Helsinki Telephone Company.k(n) x(n)y k(n)w(n)BeamformingunitTrackingunitDOAunitFig. 1. The overall system for the signal subspace based user tracking [1] A. Tracking UnitThe signal subspace tracking problem is formulated as the quadratic cost function for which a step-by-step update scheme has been implemented [1].For the step-by-step update scheme the modified CG (MCG) algorithm has been utilized [2]. In the MCG algorithm of Table I, (n) is the step size that minimizes the cost function through the line search procedure along the search direction p n-1. The residual vector g(n) points to the direction of the steepest descent. f is the forgetting factor and should beff)5.0([2]. Factor (n) ensures that the R-orthogonality is preserved between search directions.TABLE IS AMPLE-BY-S AMPLE CG (MCG) A LGORITHMSet initial conditions: 0w(0),(0)(0)bg , (0)(0)gpfor n = 1, 2, …1)()1(1)(1)()1()(HHnnnnnnpRpgp)1()()1()(nnnn pww1))()()(()(1)()1()(1)()(HnnndnnnnnnfwxxpRgg0,)1()1()()1()(max)(HHnnnnnnggggg1)-()(+)()(nnnn pgpendIn our system derivation, for the sake of simplicity initially unknown antenna response vector a( k) has been replaced with a weight vector estimate w(n). The weight vector w(n) asprovided by the tracking unit converges to the desired steering vector which correlates best the desired user signal.B. DOA Extraction UnitIn the Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) extraction unit, the new tracking angle estimates k (n ), (k =1,…,N ) are computed through the Least Square (LS) fitting criterion that are based on the small deviations in the array manifold [1].The LS criterion is based on the linear model and can be expressed as:)()(ˆT 1T (LS)n n kkz H H H (1)where z k (n ) consists of array samples of k , and H is the M 1observation vector.C. Beamforming UnitIn this unit, the following conventional beamforming method has been utilized [1].)()()()()(H 1H n n n n n y k x w w w (2)III. C OMPLEXITY OF THE S YSTEMIn this section, the computational complexity of different units are estimated and compared. In the tracking, DOA, and beamforming units, the most computationally intensive operations are the calculation of step size , Eq. (1), and Eq.(2), respectively. In Table II for N sources, the order of computational complexity for different units of the tracking system is calculated.TABLE IIC OMPARISON OF C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITIESUnit Order of complexity for N sources Tracking )(2NMO DOA)(NM O Beamforming)(NM O M: Number of antennas N: Number of sourcesAs can be seen from Table II, the tracking unit has the highest order of complexity. The core of this unit is the sample-by-sample CG algorithm. As compared to the conventional CG algorithm also referred to as Block Conjugate Gradient (BCG), in the MCG algorithm, the computation of the residual vector g (n ) and the factor (n ) are more complex and require a higher number of vector inner products. Next, we study and compare the computational complexities of the sample-by-sample CG and the BCG algorithms. The results are shown in Table III.It is clear that the computational complexity of the BCG depends on the number of iterations I and for a large M, the BCG is I times more complex than the sample-by-sample CG algorithm.TABLE IIIC OMPARISON OF C OMPUTATIONAL C OMPLEXITIES OF T WO CG A LGORITHMS Algorithm Number of complex multiplications BCG 12)25(2 M M M I MCG3102 M M I: Maximum number of iterations for a block M: Number of antennasIV. I MPLEMENTATION O F T HE S YSTEMFor real-time applications, in order to meet the demand of high sampling rates the conventional DSP-based implementation methods are not sufficient. Consequently, for the implementation of units with high computational complexity, application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC)should be utilized.As can be seen from Table II, in our system the most computationally intensive block is the tracking unit. In this unit, the order of complexity for N sources is O(NM 2). In Figure 2, the hardware (HW)/software (SW) partitioning of our system is illustrated.In this section, we discuss the implementation of the HW partition that is needed for the MCG algorithm and focus on developing an efficient VLSI array processor that is suitable for real time applications. For this purpose, we design a systolic array that targets the most computationally intensive block of the MCG algorithm.A. Review of the Implementation TechniquesAs can be seen from Table I, in our tracking unit the most computationally intensive operations are the matrix computations. Furthermore, in order to meet the demand for high sampling rates and to achieve acceptable execution speed the conventional serial implementation methods are not sufficient. Thus, parallel architectures should be utilized.For the matrix-vector computations needed in the MCG algorithm of Table I, several classes of parallel architectures such as multiprocessors, systolic-type arrays, vector computers and array computers have been proposed [3].BeamformingunitDSPASICDOA unitTracking unitFig. 2. Partitioning of the overall system into HW/SWAlthough many of these parallel architectures have demonstrated their effectiveness for executing matrix-vector computations, due to their broadcasting or complex interconnection network they may not be suitable for VLSI implementation. These drawbacks led to the introduction of application-specific architectures and in particular systolic arrays, which are natural for matrix operations. They match the fine granularity of parallelism available in the computations and have very low overhead in communication and synchronization. In addition, the regular nature of systolic-type arrays meets the requirements for effective use of VLSI [3,4].Although, for the matrix operations needed in the MCG algorithm, a variety of systolic architectures exists, the main problem is to map the entire algorithm onto a suitable and practical VLSI architecture. In the MCG however, due to the serial nature of the algorithm, there is a very low degree of parallelism and therefore, parallelization of the algorithm is not trivial. Similarly, this is the case when implementation of the Block conjugate Gradient algorithm is of interest [5],[6].B. Systolic implementationIn this section, we design a systolic architecture that reduces the time complexity of the MCG algorithm to O (M ).As discussed in the previous section, due to the serial nature of the algorithm, there is a very low degree of parallelism in the algorithm. Furthermore, due to the iterative nature of the algorithm and the requirement for different resetting schemes for [2], direct mapping of the MCG algorithm to ASIC is not practical. Therefore, our systolic architecture targets the matrix-vector and vector-vector products needed in the calculation of the step size and the factor .Consider the calculation of the step size :1)()1(1)(1)()1()(HH n n n n n n p R p g p (3)For simplicity, we introduce the new variable v (n ) as follows:)()()(n n n p R v (4)Due to the sample-by-sample update scheme in the MCGalgorithm, the correlation matrix R (n ) varies in every sample.However, when calculating the weight vectors for N individual sources, R (n ) remains the same and therefore, for N iterations the same R (n ) is used. As a result, for the systolic architecture a 2D array implementation is adopted. The elements of the R (n )= r ij (n ) (i ,j = 1, …, M ) are preloaded into this array processor and remain constant for N iterations.Now, consider the following vector-vector multiplications that are needed in the MCG algorithm.1)()1()1(H n n n g p pg (5))(1)()(H n n n v p pv (6)0000000000g 3g 4g 1g 2000000p 1p 2p 3000p 4000(a)v in p2in g inv out p2out g out p1in p1outPE1ij in in out r p v v 1inout g g in out p p 11 j i if p p inout 22ji if p p inout 12gg outpv out pg out gg inpv in pg in v in p in g inPE2in in in out v p pv pv *in in in out g p pg pg *inin in out g g gg gg *(b)Fig. 3. a) Systolic architecture when M =4b) Input-output ports and cell functionsFor the realization of Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), a linear array is selected. For synchronization purposes, the linear array is placed below the 2D array.Figure 3 illustrates the proposed systolic array when M =4.In Figure 3b, the cell function of each Processor Element (PE) is illustrated.Furthermore, this architecture utilizes the availability of the residual vector g (n ) and performs the following vector inner product needed in the calculation of .)1()1()1(H n n n g g gg (7)As can be seen from Table I, for the calculation of the residual vector g (n ), matrix-vector multiplication of (4), i.e.vector v (n ), is required. For utilizing v (n ) two methods can be exercised. One method is to keep the elements of v (n ) by allocating a local memory to each PE2 and then sequentially transfer them to the host from the last PE2 of the linear array.The second method is to slightly modify the PE2s. This can be achieved by adding an extra output port to the PE2s as it is illustrated in Fig. 4. The total number of PEs required in this systolic architecture is M 2+M .gg outpv out pg out gg inpv in pg in v in p in g inv outPE2in inin out v p pv pv *in in in out g p pg pg *in inin out g g gg gg *inout v v Fig. 4. I/O ports and cell functions of the modified PE2r R-++++xx x+-r Ip1R p1Ipr Rpr IFig. 5. Implementation of a complex multiplier by using the SR techniquen =1n =2n =3n =4n =5n =6n =7n =2M Fig. 6. Illustration of the data movement for each computation stepFor the implementation of the complex multipliers needed in the PEs, Strength Reduction (SR) transformation technique has been utilized [7]. By utilizing the SR transformation the total number of real multiplications needed in a complex multiplier is reduced to only three. To clarify this further,consider the complex multiplications required in PE1, i.e.r p pr j pr pr I R 1)(. By utilizing the SR technique we have:)(1)11(I R R I I R R r r p r p p pr (8a))(1)11(I R I I I R I r r p r p p pr (8b)As can be seen from Eq. (8) and Figure 5, by utilizing the SR transformation the total number of real multiplications needed in a complex multiplication is reduced to only three.This is at the expense of having three additional adders.However, it is well known that multiplications are more complex than additions and consume much more power as well. In fact, for a single complex multiplication power reductions of up to 25% can be achieved [7]. Thus, the SR transformation can result in remarkable savings in consumed power and silicon area.In order to calculate the throughput of the systolic array, weassume that one time step of the global clock corresponds to the processing time required for each PE. For the initialization of PE1s, M time steps are needed. Thus, the total computation time required by the array is 3M steps. Figure 6illustrates the flow of data in the proposed systolic architecture for different time steps.V. C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper, implementation of a signal subspace based mobile user tracking system was discussed that utilizes an efficient sample-by-sample CG algorithm. First, the computational complexity of different units of our mobile user tracking system was estimated. Based on these estimations, for a more realistic implementation, the tracking system was partitioned into two parts: HW and SW. For the hardware implementation of the tracking unit, a systolic architecture was proposed. With the aid of this systolic array,the time complexity of the most computationally intensive unit was reduced to O (M ). Furthermore, for the implementation of the complex multipliers needed in the PEs,Strength Reduction transformation technique was utilized. As a result, remarkable savings in consumed power and silicon area were achieved. Future research should be directed towards mapping the system into a fixed number of processors when the number of antennas M is large.R EFERENCES[1] P. 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Shanbhag and M. Goel, "Low-Power adaptive filterarchitectures and their applications to 51.84 Mb/s ATM-LAN," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , vol.45, no. 5, pp. 1276-1290, May 1997.。