Hydration characteristics of waste sludge ash that is reused in eco-cement clinkers




DOI :10.19965/ki.iwt.2022-1284第 44 卷第 2 期2024年 2 月Vol.44 No.2Feb.,2024工业水处理Industrial Water Treatment 污泥脱水絮凝剂的研究进展及应用探索张洁1,赖月1,杨朝辉1,林皓2,周顺桂1,叶捷1,刘昌庚1,3(1.福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福建福州 350002;2.武夷学院生态与资源工程学院,福建武夷山 354300;3.攀枝花学院生物与化学工程学院,四川攀枝花 617000)[摘要]活性污泥法是污水生物处理最广泛使用的工艺之一。




[关键词] 污泥脱水;化学调理;絮凝;调理技术联用[中图分类号] X703.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1005-829X (2024)02-0048-15Research advance and application exploration ofsludge dewatering flocculantsZHANG Jie 1,LAI Yue 1,YANG Chaohui 1,LIN Hao 2,ZHOU Shungui 1,YE Jie 1,LIU Changgeng 1,3(1.College of Resources and Environment ,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ,Fuzhou 350002,China ;2.College of Ecology and Resource Engineering ,Wuyi University ,Wuyishan 354300,China ;3.College of Biology and Chemical Engineering ,Panzhihua University ,Panzhihua 617000,China )Abstract :Activated sludge process is one of the most widely used processes for wastewater biological treatment. As the main by -product of activated sludge process ,sludge with the high moisture content easily results in various prob⁃lems such as the difficult transportation ,high cost of resource utilization ,and low calorific value. Therefore ,it is nec⁃essary to conduct the sludge dewatering. Flocculation is widely used in sludge dewatering due to its unique advan⁃tages including simple operation ,fast reaction rate ,extensive application scope and excellent dewatering perfor⁃mance. The composition ,advantages and disadvantages ,and related flocculation mechanisms of various flocculants are introduced in detail. Subsequently ,the preparation strategies of various flocculants and their application in sludge dewatering are systematically summarized. Finally ,the outlooks of various flocculants on sludge dewateringare presented in order to provide a reference for future research on the application of flocculation technology on sludge dewatering.Key words :sludge dewatering ;chemical conditioning ;flocculation ;combined conditioning technology活性污泥法是污水生物处理最常用的方法之一,其在高效处理污水的同时会产生大量富含有机物和氮、磷等营养物质的剩余污泥〔1〕。



二氟尼柳/水滑石插层组装结构、氢键及水合特性的分子动力学模拟潘国祥倪哲明*王芳王建国李小年(浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院,杭州310032)摘要:采用分子动力学方法模拟二氟尼柳插层水滑石(DIF/LDHs)的超分子结构,研究复合材料主客体间形成的氢键以及水合膨胀特性.结果表明,当水分子总数与DIF 分子总数之比N w ≤3时,层间距d c 保持基本恒定,约1.80nm;当N w ≥4时,层间距逐渐增大,且符合d c =1.2611N w +13.63线性方程.随着水分子个数增加,水合能ΔU H逐渐增大.当N w ≤16时,由于ΔU H <-41.84kJ ·mol -1,LDHs -DIF 可以持续吸收水,从而使材料层间距不断膨胀.但当N w ≥24时,ΔU H >-41.84kJ·mol -1,此时LDHs -DIF 层间不能再进一步水合,因此LDHs -DIF 在水环境中膨胀具有一定的限度.水滑石层间存在复杂的氢键网络.DIF/LDHs 水合过程中,水分子首先同步与层板和阴离子构成氢键;当阴离子趋于饱和后,水分子继续与层板形成氢键,并逐步发生L -W 型氢键取代L -A 型氢键,驱使阴离子向层间中央移动,与层板发生隔离;最后水分子在水滑石羟基表面形成有序结构化水层.关键词:分子动力学模拟;二氟尼柳/水滑石;氢键;水合中图分类号:O641Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Structure,Hydrogen -Bond and Hydration Properties of Diflunisal Intercalated Layered DoubleHydroxidesPAN Guo -Xiang NI Zhe -Ming *WANG Fang WANG Jian -Guo LI Xiao -Nian(College of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou310032,P.R.China )Abstract :The supramolecular structure of diflunisal intercalated layered double hydroxides (DIF/LDHs)wasmodeled by molecular dynamics (MD)methods.Hydrogen bonding,hydration and swelling properties of DIF/LDHs wereinvestigated.The interlayer spacing d c was found to be constant (ca 1.80nm)when N w (the ratio of the numbers of watermolecule to DIF)≤3.The interlayer spacing d c gradually increases as N w ≥4and this increase follows the linearequation d c =1.2611N w +13.63.The hydration energy gradually increases as the water content increases.LDHs/DIFhydrates when N w ≤16because hydration energy ΔU H <-41.84kJ ·mol -1.At N w ≥24the hydration of LDHs/DIF doesnot occur because ΔU H >-41.84kJ ·mol -1.Swelling of LDHs/DIF is thus limited in an aqueous environment.Theinterlayer of DIF/LDHs contains a complex hydrogen bonding network.The hydration of DIF/LDHs occurs as follows:water molecules initially form hydrogen bond with layers and anions.While the anions gradually reach a saturationstate and water molecules continue to form hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyls of the layers.The L -W type hydrogenbond gradually substitutes the L -A type hydrogen bond and the anions move to the center of an interlayer and thenseparate with the st,a well -ordered structural water layer is formed on the surface hydroxyls of DIF/LDHs.Key Words :Molecular dynamics simulation;Diflunisal/layered double hydroxide;Hydrogen -bond;Hydration [Article] 物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin .,2009,25(2):223-228Received:August 1,2008;Revised:October 8,2008;Published on Web:November 26,2008.*Corresponding author.Email:jchx@;Tel:+86571-88320373.浙江省自然科学基金(Y406069)资助项目鬁Editorial office of Acta Physico -Chimica Sinica February 223Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2009Vol.25水滑石(简写为LDHs)为典型的阴离子型层状材料,其化学式为[M2+1-x M3+x(OH)2]x+A n-x/n·m H2O(其中, M2+和M3+分别代表二价和三价金属阳离子,下标x 为M3+/(M2++M3+)金属离子摩尔比,A n-代表层间阴离子)[1].由于LDHs具有特殊的层状结构和层间离子的可交换性,可向层间引入新的客体阴离子,从而组装得到系列新型有机/无机复合材料,在催化、吸附、离子交换、药物缓释和功能助剂等领域得到广泛应用[2-5].水滑石作为新型的药物传输载体,可增强药物分子的扩散性能、热稳定性以及控制药物分子的释放速率[6,7].此外,水滑石呈碱性(pH值(10%悬浮液): 7-9),具有较强的抗酸作用.其作为抗酸剂与非甾体抗消炎镇痛药(NSAIDs)联用,可以减少该类药物对十二指肠的损害,提高NSAIDs的溶解度,甚至还可以缓解其对胃的刺激.二氟尼柳(DIF)作为一种新型的非甾体抗消炎镇痛药,具有抗炎、镇痛作用强,不良反应少等优点[8],与同类的消炎镇痛药(如布洛芬、阿斯匹林)相比疗效要好.因此,将二氟尼柳与水滑石复合后,既能提高抗炎、镇痛效果,又能减少药物带来的副反应,可以说是一举两得,对治疗风湿等病症具有重要的意义.前期工作中,我们采用共沉淀法和离子交换法成功将二氟尼柳嵌入Mg-Al水滑石,得到一种新型的二氟尼柳插层水滑石(DIF/LDHs)[9].并采用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(IR)、热重-差热分析(TG-DTA)等表征手段得到了DIF/LDHs复合材料的部分结构信息.然而,目前采用实验仪器表征方法仍无法准确得到水滑石层间客体药物分子以及水分子的排布形态.因此需要结合计算机模拟技术,对药物/LDHs复合材料层间复杂结构进行确认[10-16].我们曾采用密度泛函理论(DFT)研究了简单客体阴离子(如Cl-和CO2-3等)在LDHs的排布形态、主客体作用以及水合情况[17-19].但是药物/LDHs复合材料体系庞大、原子类型多样,因此本文采用分子动力学模拟方法研究DIF/LDHs的超分子结构、氢键及水合膨胀特性,为药物/LDHs的微观结构确认与特性研究提供理论依据.1计算模型与方法1.1模型建立LDHs具有类似水镁石(Mg(OH)2)的层状构型,由于层板中部分Mg被Al取代而带有正电荷,所以本文层板计算模型取4个Mg3Al(OH)+8结构单元,层板结构见图1(a).模型中,Al3+离子是均匀分布且没有相邻的情况存在,与Sideris等[20]采用NMR表征研究结果相一致.二氟尼柳分子属于水杨酸类药物,p Ka值相对较低.其插入水滑石中,羧基官能团被认为是去质子化的,因此其模拟结构设为单价阴离子,结构见图1 (b).研究DIF/LDHs超分子结构时,以Mg12Al4(OH)4+32作为主体层板,以2H堆积模式(晶胞参数a为层板相邻金属离子平均间距,晶胞参数c=2dc)构建LDHs 周期性模型(图1(c)).初始构型中,药物DIF以羧基垂直指向水滑石(111)晶面,并且羧基以交错的方式与层板羟基相结合(计算表明,相比层间药物的羧基一致朝向,交错方式能量更低);而水分子采用随机的方式添加入水滑石层间.模拟的超胞模型(supercell)由4×4个单元晶胞组成,每个超胞模型包含两个金属氢氧化物层,每个夹层含4个二氟尼柳阴离子和不定数量的水分子4Nw,其中0≤N w≤32(N w为水分子总数与二氟尼柳药物分子总数之比).模拟体系应用三维周期性边界条件,初始结构参数:α=β=90°,γ=120°.c值随层间阴离子种类与水含量变化而变化.1.2模拟方法UFF(universal force field)[21]是具有普适性的力场,它可以模拟的元素几乎覆盖了整个元素周期表,所有的力场参数按照一套元素杂化连接性的规则产生,其合理性已被许多结构类型所证实.目前,UFF 已被应用于金属-有机骨架材料中吸附与扩散[22]以及层状粘土材料[23,24]的分子模拟研究与预测.力场选择是一个体系模拟成败的关键点之一.因此我们首先尝试UFF[21]、COMPASS[25]和DREIDING[26]三种方法,对Mg3Al-Cl体系(Mg24Al8(OH)64Cl8,与LDHs-DIF结构类似)进行前期分子动力学模拟实验,然后将模拟得到的材料结构形态以及晶胞参数与实验测定值进行对比.计算结果表明,使用DREIDING 力场,优化失败(其不包含Mg的力场参数);用COMPASS力场得到的优化结构中,层板结构对称性差,且上下层板存在交错现象,层间距为0.72 nm;而使用UFF,优化得到材料结构原子排列规则、有序,层间距为0.80nm.三种力场相比,使用UFF 得到材料的层间距0.80nm与实验值[27,28]0.78nm比较接近,因此UFF对于药物/水滑石体系结构模拟是适用的.224No.2潘国祥等:二氟尼柳/水滑石插层组装结构、氢键及水合特性的分子动力学模拟药物/水滑石体系主客体间存在复杂分子间作用力(静电、氢键和范德华力),但是UFF 的力场选项没有包含氢键描述.王三跃等[22]将UFF 用于柔性金属-有机骨架材料体系的模拟,并对所形成的氢键情况进行探讨.而UFF 对于LDHs 主客体间存在的氢键数量模拟统计是否适用?我们采用密度泛函理论对LDHs -Cl 的计算结果[19]与分子动力学模拟结果进行对比,结果列为表1.在LDHs -Cl 体系中存在的O —H …Cl 型氢键,由DFT -LDA 得到的l (H …Cl)约为0.2297-0.2311nm,θ(O —H …Cl)约为152.06°-152.81°;而由MD -UFF 计算得到的l (H …Cl)约为0.2390-0.2617nm,θ(O —H …Cl)约为150.70°-160.79°,两者计算得到的氢键键长和键角相当接近,因此本文使用UFF 力场优化计算结果用于统计药物/LDHs 体系中的氢键数量是可信的.药物/LDHs 模拟计算采用Materials Studio 4.1(Accelrys,San Diego,CA)材料模拟软件.体系进行能量最小化和动力学模拟采用forcite 模块,选用UFF,电荷计算运用电荷平衡法(Qeq).选用smart 算法,用不同的迭代步数进行能量最小化计算.长程静电作用采用Ewald 加和方法计算,范德华力选用atom based 方法[25],截断半径为0.85nm.采用forcite模块分别对层间水分子数目(4N w )在0-128之间的二氟尼柳插层水滑石体系进行能量优化,由能量优化后得到的最低能量结构作为MD 模拟的初始结构.首先选择等温等压系综(NPT)模拟得到体系的平衡结构,温度T =300K,压力p =105Pa,时间步长0.5fs,模拟时间为50ps [29],温度控制方法选择Nose -hoover [30],压力控制方法选择Berendsen 法[31].模拟图1(a)层板、(b)二氟尼柳和(c)二氟尼柳/水滑石复合材料的计算模型Fig.1The calculation models of (a)layer,(b)DIF and (c)DIF/LDHs The color scheme used is white for hydrogen,red for oxygen,green for magnesium,peachblow for aluminum,grey for carbon,and sky blue for fluorin.N w =4N w =8N w =12N w =24图2Mg 3Al -DIF -n H 2O -LDHs 模型动力学模拟结果Fig.2The dynamics simulation results of Mg 3Al -DIF -n H 2O -LDHsbond length in nm,bond angel in degree表1不同计算方法得到的Mg 24Al 8(OH)64Cl 8材料中氢键Table 1The hydrogen bond existed in Mg 24Al 8(OH)64Cl 8with different calculation methodsDFT -LDA [19]MD -UFF d c0.760.80l (H …Cl)0.2306;0.2307;0.2472;0.2482;0.2311;0.2297;0.2617;0.2491;0.2308;0.23110.2390;0.2572θ(O —H …Cl)152.06;152.39;158.47;151.55;152.10;152.81;156.98;153.24;152.37;152.15150.70;160.79225Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2009Vol.25周期中最初的30ps用于平衡结构[29,32],在剩余的20 ps内计算晶胞参数和水合能.然后选择正则系综(NVT)模拟统计体系的结构和动力学信息,以NPT系综模拟得到的最后平衡结构作为NVT系综模拟的初始结构,温度T=300K,时间步长0.5fs,模拟时间200ps,其中最初的50ps 用于平衡结构,模拟结果用于详细氢键分析.2结果与讨论2.1结构参数分子动力学模拟可得二氟尼柳插层水滑石的晶胞参数a(层板相邻金属离子平均间距)为0.2781 nm,略小于文献报道值0.3046nm[33].结构中二氟尼柳阴离子主要以垂直于层板的方式存在于LDHs层间,层间距dc为1.7785nm.图2中绘出了水含量变化所得的复合材料优化结果.从图2中可得,①当层间引入水分子后,因水合膨胀作用使层间距变大,且水分子越多,层间距越大;②水分子较少时,阴离子主要以接近于垂直状态与层板结合,水分子填充于阴离子之间的空隙;③当引入的水分子个数较多时,阴离子逐渐发生倾斜,水分子倾向于结合层板,形成有序排列的结构化水层,且水分子的氧原子朝向层板,与层板羟基形成氢键.将层间水分子含量变化与水滑石晶胞参数的关系绘入图3中.从图3可以看出,水分子对层板晶胞参数a影响不大,基本维持在0.2766-0.2890 nm,而对层间距d c影响比较大.当N w≤3时,层间距的变化缓慢,基本保持在1.7859-1.7975nm;当N w≥4时,随着引入的水分子个数增多,层间距逐渐增大,基本呈线性变化.我们采用线性方程进行拟合,得到方程:dc=1.2611N w+13.63(4≤N w≤32,相关系数R2=0.9893).在水合程度较小时,水分子有部分填充于层间阴离子间的空隙中,所以对层间距影响相对较小.随着水合程度增加,由于水分子与层板具有更强的亲合性,致使药物阴离子逐渐与层板隔离,削弱了两者间的静电作用,导致材料层间距逐渐呈线性增加.我们采曾用共沉淀法[9]制备得到DIF/LDHs样品的两种构型层间距分别为2.14和1.85nm,和本文模拟结果中N w=7(d c=2.18nm)和N w= 4(d c=1.85nm)相接近.离子交换法对应的层间距为1.96nm,这与分子动力学模拟结果中当N w=5(d c=1.98 nm)相接近.理论计算的N w值与实验测定的H2O/DIF 相比,两者有一定的差别,可能与层板中Mg/Al比及层间DIF伴随OH-的差异有关.2.2水合能层间水分子对于水滑石结构以及膨胀性能具有重要影响,所以本文采用水合能来分析引入水分子对水滑石结构与性能产生的影响.水合能定义[32]如下:ΔU H(N w)=(U(N w)-U(0))/n(1)其中,n是水分子的总数,U(Nw)是系统的总势能,U(0)是系统无水分子时的总势能.该公式能够简便并有效地计算出层间水的亲和能.Mg3Al-DIF-n H2O-LDHs的水合能U H与其水合程度(Nw)的关系见图4.从图4中可看出,在低水含量时,水合能是最负的;随着引入水分子个数增多,水合能以较快速率增加;当Nw≥12时,增大的趋势变缓.在整个水合过程中,水合能并没有发现局域最大值,这一现象与先前有关简单无机阴离子插层水滑石(如LDHs-Cl-)图4Mg3Al-DIF-n H2O-LDHs的水合能U H和N w的关系Fig.4Relationship of hydration energy U H and N w ofMg3Al-DIF-n H2O-LDHs图3Mg3Al-DIF-n H2O-LDHs的d c、a和N w的关系Fig.3Relationship of d c and a versus N w for Mg3Al-DIF-n H2O-LDHs226No.2潘国祥等:二氟尼柳/水滑石插层组装结构、氢键及水合特性的分子动力学模拟的模拟结果截然相反[34].从图中还可以发现,当N w ≤16时,ΔU H <-41.84kJ ·mol -1(体相水(bulk SPC water)的势能[29,32]约-41.84kJ ·mol -1(-10kcal ·mol -1)),这说明在此区间LDHs -DIF 可以持续吸收水,从而使材料层间距不断膨胀.但当N w ≥24时,ΔU H >-41.84kJ ·mol -1,此时LDHs -DIF 层间不能再进一步水合,因此LDHs -DIF 在水环境中膨胀具有一定的限度.2.3氢键分析为了从本质上理解DIF/LDHs 复合材料水合膨胀特性,对水滑石主客体间存在的氢键进行统计分析,结果如图5所示.将与氢原子成键的原子称为给体(donor),以D 表示;与氢原子形成氢键的原子称为受体(acceptor),以A 表示.本文所统计的氢键定义[35]为:r (AH)<0.25nm,θ(AHD)>90°.其中,r (AH)表示氢原子与受体间的距离;θ(AHD)表示受体-氢-给体间的夹角.将模拟体系中存在的氢键分为以下四类:层板-阴离子(L -A)、层板-水分子(L -W)、阴离子-水分子(A -W)以及水分子-水分子(W -W).文中表示的氢键数量都为单个给体(受体)所对应氢键数.对于二氟尼柳阴离子而言,其羧基和氟原子作为纯的氢键受体,可接受水分子中的氢以及层板羟基中的氢而形成氢键.另外,其本身含有的羟基与羧基形成分子内氢键,对体系主客体作用影响不大.图5(a)中,DIF 与层板M —OH 形成的L -A 型氢键随着层间水分子含量增加,呈线性减少趋势;且当N w =7-8时,L -A 型氢键基本保持恒定.图2中,水滑石在水合程度增加时,二氟尼柳阴离子逐渐向层间中央迁移,直到药物分子与层板间几乎被水分子所隔离,这与L -A 型氢键数量在水合过程中呈减少趋势相一致.A -W 型氢键在N w =1-3时,两者间形成的氢键数量逐步增加;当N w >3时,A -W 型氢键数量基本保持在4个左右.此外,还可以发现由阴离子接受的总氢键数量随着水合程度增加,先增加后减少.水滑石层板羟基(M —OH)作为纯的氢键给体,与水分子和阴离子分别形成L -W 和L -A 型氢键.图5(b)中,随着层间水分子含量增加,L -W 型氢键与L -A 型氢键数量呈相反的变化趋势,前者逐渐替代后者而占主导优势.从层板羟基接受的氢键总数来看,单个层板羟基的氢键饱和值在1.3左右,与文献[29]报道的0.9略有差异,主要是对统计氢键的定义不同所致.层间水分子既可作为氢键给体,又可作为氢键受体.从图5(c)中可以发现水分子作为氢键受体要比作为给体形成的氢键更占优势.随着水分子含量增加,单位水分子给予的氢键数量先增加后减小,主要是由于其与阴离子形成的氢键数量达到饱和所致.当N w =3,给体型和受体型氢键数量相当;随着水合程度进一步增加,水作为受体型氢键要完全占优势.而W -W 型氢键开始随着水合程度增加而增加,而当N w >4之后,趋向于恒定,约0.5个氢键/水分子.综合以上分析,可以推断DIF/LDHs 水合过程如下:首先水分子将同步与层板和阴离子形成氢键;当阴离子趋于饱和后,水分子继续与层板形成氢键,并逐步发生L -W 型氢键取代L -A 型氢键,驱使阴离子向层间中央迁移;而水分子在水滑石表面形成有序结构化水层.3结论采用分子动力学模拟方法研究了二氟尼柳插图5Mg 3Al -DIF -n H 2O -LDHs 模型中氢键分析Fig.5Hydrogen bond analysis of Mg 3Al -DIF -n H 2O -LDHsN w =1-8;(a)the average number of H -bonds accepted by DIF from LDHs and water,(b)the average number of H -bonds donated by the LDHs to DIFand water,(c)the average number of H -bonds accepted/donated by water molecules from/to other species as well as themselves;L:LDHs,A:acceptor,W:water(a)(b)(c)227。





发现疏水部分是EfOM的主要成分,而且还发现疏水性 - 中性级分具有最高的SUVA水平(7.06毫克每毫升),这一点明显不同于国内废水. 柱吸附实验表明,对于EFOM nda-802来说它比其他聚合物吸附剂例如 d-301,XAD-4树脂,具有更高的吸附效率,而且效率可以按连续28批实验周期那样很稳定地持续下去。



1 概述随着城市化和工业化的进程,出水有机物(EFOM)从生物处理后的污水(BTSE)已经成为一个受纳水体有机污染物的主要来源。





大多数EfOM存在可溶性成分,而且以及构成了80%的COD (Shon等人。









中村裕纪用聚丙烯酸胺包埋法固定硝化菌和脱氮菌,用好氧硝化与厌氧反硝化两段工艺进行合成废水的脱氮试验,其结果表明:与悬浮生物法相比,低温下硝化速度(以N计)加快了6~7倍,约为0.5 kg/(m2·d);脱氮速率提高了3倍,约为1.5 kg/(m2·d);停留时间由原来的7h(硝化4h,反硝化3h)缩短为4h(硝化2h,反硝化2h),即处理装置容积可减少约50%左右。



1 试验水体试验水体选自小区内夏季最容易发生水华且最严重的水域进行试验,并以与其相近的水域作为对照。














§1 引言金刚石是当今可以使用的先进科技材料之一。














粉 体 发 生化 学键 合 。而硬 脂 酸盐 属于 阴离 子 表面 活

摄 蓉
性剂 , 其在 叶蜡石粉体表面的改性很容易受到破坏,
且 化 学作 用力 不 够强 。以下 工艺 优化 过程 均采 用 甲 基 硅油为表 面改 眭剂 。
21 改性剂含量 : .2 . 在叶蜡石粉中添加 甲基硅油, 球 磨2 , 转速为 10/ i, h 5 mn 甲基硅油含量与改性叶蜡石 r
学反应 , 并使得 改性剂 充分包 覆在 叶蜡石表 面 。当继
方面 , 在机 械力 作 用下 , 叶蜡 石 晶体 内部 层与 层 之
间发 生晶格 位 移 , 致 畸变 , 而 形成 晶格 缺 陷 。在 导 从
这些变化中, 最明显的变化就是超细磨过程中机械力 的作 用排除叶蜡石 中的羟基 , 形成 的 H0不 断增 多 『 5 ] 。
第3 卷 第4 4 期 2 1 年7 0 1 月
非金 属 矿
N o M e a lc M i s n. t li ne
V_ .4 No 4 0 3 . 1
J y,2 ul 01 1
机械力化 学法超疏水改性叶蜡石 的研究
方 伟 屠 宇迪 严 俊 姚 程 张 俭 盛 嘉伟
301) 104 ( 浙江工业大学 化学工程与材料学院,浙江 杭州
加值 。
1 设备 仪 器及 测试 方 法 . 2
粉 体 的表 面 接触 角
当前, 对叶蜡石的改性研究报道较多 [】 1, 。 但是其 改性剂主要集 中于偶联剂, 如硅烷偶联剂、 钛酸酯偶 联剂等 , 对于表面活性剂 的相关文献报道较少 , 而且 诸多文献中所涉及 的改性工艺多采用湿法。本实验 以硬脂酸钙、 硬脂酸钠和 甲基硅油作为表面改性剂 ,

Biodiesel production from waste cooking oils

Biodiesel production from waste cooking oils

Biodiesel production from waste cooking oilsAnh N.Phan a,*,Tan M.Phan ba School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials,Newcastle University,NE17RU,UK bDepartment of Science and Technology,HCMC,Viet Nama r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 12May 2008Received in revised form 3July 2008Accepted 8July 2008Available online 15August 2008Keywords:Transesterification BiodieselWaste cooking oil Boiling range Carbon residuea b s t r a c tAlkali-catalyzed transesterification of waste cooking oils,collected within Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam,with methanol was carried out in a laboratory scale reactor.The effects of methanol/waste cooking oils ratio,potassium hydroxide concentration and temperature on the biodiesel conversion were investi-gated.Biodiesel yield of 88–90%was obtained at the methanol/oil ratios of 7:1–8:1,temperatures of 30–50°C and 0.75wt%KOH.Biodiesel and its blends with diesel were characterized for their physical properties referring to a substitute for diesel fuel.The results showed that the biodiesel experienced a higher but much narrower boiling range than conventional diesel.Carbon residue content was up to 4wt%.Blends with a percentage of the biodiesel below 30vol%had their physical properties within EN14214standard,which indicated that these could be used in engines without a major modification.Crown Copyright Ó2008Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIncreasing concerns regarding environmental impacts,the soar-ing price of petroleum products together with the depletion of fos-sil fuels have prompted considerable research to identify alternative fuel sources.Biofuel has recently attracted huge atten-tion in different countries all over the world because of its renew-ability,better gas emissions and its biodegradability.It is estimated that biodiesel/bio-ethanol could replace approximately 10%of die-sel fuel consumption within Europe and 5%of Southeast Asia’s to-tal fuel demand.Biodiesel is superior to conventional diesel in terms of its sul-phur content,aromatic content and flash point.It is essentially sul-phur free and non-aromatic while conventional diesel can contain up to 500ppm SO 2and 20–40wt%aromatic compounds.These advantages could be a key solution to reduce the problem of urban pollution since transport sector is an important contributor of the total gas emissions.Amongst vehicle fuels,diesel is dominant for black smoke particulate together with SO 2emissions and contrib-utes to a one third of the total transport generated greenhouse gas emissions [31].According to Utlu and Kocak [42],there was on average of a decrease of 14%for CO 2,17.1%for CO and 22.5%for smoke density when using biodiesel.Biodiesel production from vegetable oils has been extensively studied in recent literature reviews.There were more than 50papers cited relating to biodiesel production from vegetable oils in the Fukuda et al.’s work [17].Many researchers have reported the biodiesel production in several ways:(a)the effect of operating parameters [3,15,16,29,36];(b)the effect of the type of catalysts such as enzyme catalysts [17,20,32,33,38],heterogeneous catalysts [21,39]and acidic catalysts [4,28].However,the raw material costs and limited availability of vegetable oil feedstocks are always crit-ical issues for the biodiesel production.The high cost of vegetable oils,which could be up to 75%of the total manufacturing cost,has led to the production costs of biodiesel becoming approximately 1.5times higher than that for diesel [30,44].Nevertheless,the price of waste cooking oils (WCO)is 2–3times cheaper than virgin vegetable oils.Consequently,the total manu-facturing cost of biodiesel can be significantly reduced [44].In addi-tion,a similarity in the quality of biodiesel derived from WCO and from vegetable oils could be achieved at an optimum operating condition [6].Increasing food consumption has increased the pro-duction of a large amount of waste cooking oils/fats.It was,for example,4.5–11.3million litres a year in USA or 4Â105–6Â105ton/year in Japan [34].The conversion of this amount of WCO into fuel also eliminates the environmental impacts caused by the harmful disposal of these waste oils,such as into drains [41].Bio-diesel from WCO (or used frying oils)has been recently investigated [6,11–13,18,24,27,37,41,45].However,the optimum conditions for biodiesel production (methanol/oils ratio and concentration of catalyst)are inconsis-tent.They strongly depend on the properties of WCO.Dorado et al.[10]found that the ester yield reached 90%at the methanol/oil ratio of 3.48:1and 1.26wt%KOH;while Encinar et0016-2361/$-see front matter Crown Copyright Ó2008Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2008.07.008*Corresponding author.Tel.:+44(0)1912225747;fax:+44(0)1912225292.E-mail address:a.n.phan@ (A.N.Phan).Fuel 87(2008)3490–3496Contents lists available at ScienceDirectFueljournal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /f u elal.[11]revealed that the best results obtained at the molar ratio of 6:1and 1wt%KOH.According Zhang et al.[44],only refined/crude oils have acid value less than 1could be used in an alkali-catalyzed process.A pre-treatment step was required for oils having acid va-lue higher than 2[13].Nevertheless,some authors had also carried out successfully the alkali-catalyzed transesterification of WCO having an acid value up to 4.91mg KOH/g [40].Numerous research projects on the utilization of biodiesel as well as its blends in engines have been done [13,23,26].However,most of these were focused on short-term tests on different types of direct injection engines in terms of gas emissions (CO,CO 2,NO x ,un-burnt hydrocarbons etc.)and engine performances (power out-put,specific fuel consumption).A suggested proportion of biodie-sel in a blend used in engines,therefore,varied and could be up to 50vol%[2,26].Most of the research has not taken into account carbon deposit formation when fuelled with biodiesel.Carraretto et al.[5]have recently suggested that the most viable option for biodiesel is in boilers with a minor modification of nozzles and gas-kets that give a comparable efficiency and less fouling.Alkali catalysts used in transesterification can be potassium hydroxide,sodium hydroxide or alkali methoxides.However,potassium hydroxide was considered as a best catalyst for transe-sterification of used frying oils [11].In this study,the transesterifi-cation of WCO was carried out for a reaction temperature of up to 70°C.The molar ratio of methanol/WCO ranged from 5:1to 12:1in the presence of KOH catalyst concentration varying from 0.5wt%of oil to 1.5wt%of the WCO.The physical properties of biodiesel and its blends were characterized for distillation curve,carbon residue,cloud and pour points,viscosity,density,calorific value and acid value.2.Experiments 2.1.MaterialsWCO samples were collected from restaurants and shops within Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam with 5–10l each and filtered to remove inorganic residues.The WCO samples were obtained from different ways:(a)collecting after being used several times for frying pur-poses at small shops;(b)taking after being used once for big res-taurants.The characteristics of the WCO samples are illustrated in Tables 1and 2.Acid values of the samples varied from 0.67to 3.64mg KOH/g.The acid value was relatively low in the sample 4,where it was used once.The low level of free fatty acid content in the WCO sam-ples could be an advantageous for an alkali catalyzed transesterifi-cation process.The samples had saponification values ranging from 264to 272mg KOH/g oil.Considering the composition of the sam-ples,the WCO molecular weights can be calculated between 670.1and 694.3g/mol.This value was much lower than WCO from other research,which had molecular weight ranging from 866to 873.4g/mol [6,11].These WCO samples had 10–15times higher viscosity than die-sel oil.They are composed mainly of saturated short length fatty acid alkyl chains,which was 42–50wt%of C12:0,17wt%C14:0,10wt%C16:0and less than 10wt%of unsaturated compounds (Ta-ble 2).Methanol and KOH used were obtained from Aldrich Com-pany Ltd.Diesel was taken from commercial diesel (No.2)with their characteristics listed in Table 1.The WCO samples were mixed together prior to the transesterification.2.2.TransesterificationThe transesterification was carried out in a 500ml three-neck glass flask connecting with a reflux condenser using tap water to condense methanol vapour and a thermocouple probe.The mix-ture was agitated by using a stainless steel stirrer comprising of a turbine.The reactor was placed in a heated water bath.KOH pel-lets were dissolved in methanol before being poured in the reactor containing about 200g WCO heated up to a desired temperature,which was 30°C,50°C or 70°C.The reaction was kept at a desired temperature for 20min,40min,60min,90min or 120min.The molar ratio of methanol and WCO varied from 5:1to 12:1while the amount of KOH cata-lyst was ranging from 0.5wt%to 1.5wt%of the WCO.After a certain time,the mixture was poured into a separating funnel.The ester layer was separated by gravity and located in the upper layer.The glycerol,extra methanol and undesired prod-ucts were in the lower layer and were decanted.The ester layer was washed several times with a small amount of hot water each until the washings were neutral.The ester layer was then dried over sodium sulphate and filtered.The conversation of biodiesel was determined as follows:Conversion ð%Þ¼m ester 3Âm oilMW oilMW esterÂ100;Table 1Physical properties of WCO samples and diesel QualityUnit Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4Diesel Acid number mg KOH/g 2.36 1.80 3.640.670.11Iodine numbermg KOH/g 13.2012.698.579.45–Saponification number mg KOH/g 268.22264.10272.00270.60–Density g/cm 30.920.920.920.920.83Flash point °C 26927624329869Cloud point °C 21.0015.0016.5025.000Pour point°C18.0013.0014.0018.50<À12Viscosity @40°Cmm 2/s30.0533.4727.4231.773.53Table 2Quantitative of fatty acids in WCO samples Componentg/100g total fatty acid methyl ester Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3Sample 4C6:000.88 1.31 1.02C8:08.82 6.649.988.90C10:0 6.21 5.387.32 6.51C12:044.6542.3049.5946.96C14:016.3116.7716.2817.45C15: 3.29 4.16 2.01 2.54C18:18.179.97 4.83 6.00C18:2 1.96 1.82 1.34 1.69C18:,T.M.Phan /Fuel 87(2008)3490–34963491where m ester:weight of ester collected(g);m oil:weight of the oil sample(g);MW oil:averaged molecular weight of oil sample.MW oil¼3ÂXiðMW iÂ%m iÞþ38;MW i:molecular weight of fatty acid i;%m i:percentage of fatty acid i in the raw material.MW ester:averaged molecular weight of fatty acid ester.MW ester¼XiðMW iÂ%m iÞþ14:2.3.AnalysisFatty acid quantitative was determined by using a Hitachi G-5000A GC(column length:30m;diameter:0.25mm,film thick-ness:0.25l m).The physical properties of the raw samples,biodie-sel and its blends with diesel were measured by using ASTM standard methods,including density(D1298),kinetic viscosity (D445),flash point(D93),cloud point(D2500),pour point(D97), distillation curve(D86)and carbon residue(D189),calorific value (D240)and acid value(D664).3.Results and discussion3.1.Transesterification of WCO with methanol3.1.1.Effect of ratio of methanol to WCOThe methanol/oil ratio is one of the most important factors affecting the yield of biodiesel.Although stoichiometric ratio re-quires3:1,the transesterification is commonly carried out with an extra amount of alcohol in order to shift the equilibrium to the proposed product,methyl ester.According to Centikaya and Karaosmanoglu[6],for example,transesterification is insufficient at the ratios of methanol/oils below5:1.Furthermore,the metha-nol/oil ratio is associated with operating parameters such as the type of catalyst used and the quality of oils.The optimum ratio of methanol/used frying oils was,for instance,4.8in the presence of sodium hydroxide[13];while it could be up to250in the pres-ence of acidic catalysts[45].Shown in Fig.1is the effect of the methanol/oil ratio on the con-version of biodiesel at a temperature of30°C in the presence of 0.75wt%KOH.The conversion reached a value of above50%in just 20min.Increasing the ratio from5:1to8:1increased the conver-sion.It rose from50%for the ratio of5:1to64%for the ratio of8:1.The difference in the conversion between the ratios of5:1and8:1 was about24%in thefirst60min and slightly decreased to13–16% for the last60min.The difference in the conversion was less than 2%when the methanol/WCO ratio increased from8:1to9:1.A further increase in the methanol/WCO ratio above9:1caused a reduction in the conversion.It was82%for the ratio of12:1com-pared to88%for the ratio of8:1after80min as illustrated in Fig.1. The reduction could be because the excess of methanol could inter-fere with the separation of ester product and by-products by increasing solubility of glycerol.Consequently,part of the diluted glycerol remained in the ester phase,leading to foam formation and therefore apparent lost ester product.In addition,the excess of methanol could also drive the combination of ester product and glycerol into mon-glycerides[11].This indicated that the opti-mum molar ratio of methanol/WCO was7:1–8:1,giving a biodiesel yield of approximately88–90%after80min.The optimum ratio in this study was in accordance with that obtained from other inves-tigators[1].Increasing the ratio also enhanced a settling process.The set-tling time took hours for the molar ratios below7:1while it was only approximately30min for the ratios of7:1and8:1.The ester layer isolated in the cases of7:1and8:1was yellowish and trans-parent while it was translucent for the other cases.This indicated that there was a certain amount of un-reacted glycerides diluted in the ester phase at the ratios below7: of concentration of catalystFelizardo et al.[13]revealed that the optimum concentration of sodium hydroxide was0.6wt%.This value was much lower than thefinding of Georgogianni et al.[18].Leung et al.[25]also studied the effect of NaOH concentration on biodiesel derived from neat Canola and used frying oil.The results showed that the optimum value of NaOH concentration for neat Canola oil and used frying oil was1.0wt%and1.1wt%,respectively.It could be concluded that the concentration of alkali catalyst is strongly dependent on the type of oils used.Considering data from literature reviews,the concentration of KOH was tested in a range of0.5–1.5wt%of WCO.Fig.2shows the effect of concentration of KOH on the conversion at the meth-anol/WCO ratio of8:1.Increasing KOH concentration from0.5wt% to0.75wt%increased the conversion.It was82%and90%at 0.5wt%KOH and0.75wt%KOH,respectively during120min. However,the conversion reduced to75%in the case of 1.5wt%KOH.This could be explained by the fact that the forma-3492 A.N.Phan,T.M.Phan/Fuel87(2008)3490–3496tion of soap hindered the separation of the methyl ester phase dur-ing the washing step.The soap particles formed emulsions with water,which resulted in increased viscosity.This phenomenon did not occur at low KOH concentrations.As a consequence,the yields of biodiesel were low for the cases of1wt%and 1.5wt%KOH.The optimum concentration of KOH in this study was proximate close to thefinding of Felizardo et al.[13].However,it was slightly lower than that from other research[11,36,40].This was due to the lower free fatty acid content in the WCO samples.The higher free fatty acid requires an addition of KOH to compensate for this acidity.3.1.3.Effect of temperatureTransesterification can occur at different temperatures,depend-ing on the properties of oils.It could be at ambient temperature [40];or at a temperature close to the boiling temperature of meth-anol[13,43].However,high reaction temperatures speed up the reaction and shortens the reaction time[8,30].Freedman et al.[16]found that biodiesel yield depended on temperature in the first30min reaction.It was,for example,94%,87%and64%at the temperatures of60°C,45°C and32°C,respectively.Fig.3shows the effect of temperature on the conversion at the methanol/oil ratio of8:1in the presence of0.75wt%KOH.Increas-ing the temperatures from30°C to50°C,the conversion increased 10–13%.However,if the temperature increased up to70°C,there was a slight reduction in the conversion.This is because high tem-perature enhances both transesterification and saponification reactions.3.2.Characteristics of biodiesel and its blends with diesel3.2.1.Distillation curveA distillation curve is used to characterize the volatility of fuel and its tendency to form soot and smoke and considered as an important indicator for long-term analysis of fuel performance relating to optimization and design engines.It is essential for bio-diesel and its blends since biodiesel is oxygenated fuel which is the distinct difference to conventional diesel.Shown in Fig.4a,the initial boiling point of the biodiesel(IBP)was213°C compared to162°C for diesel.A much narrower boiling range but higher value could be observed in the case of the biodie-sel than in the case of diesel.The boiling temperatures kept almost constant at a value of330°C from20vol%fraction to70vol%frac-tion while it increased steadily in the case of conventional diesel,which was an average of10–12°C/10vol%recovery.This narrow range can be explained as the biodiesel consists mainly of alkyl es-ters that have a little difference in the boiling temperature.The dif-ference in boiling points among pure fatty acid methyl esters was approximately20–30°C.The distillation curve behaviour was sim-ilar for the biodiesel obtained from this study to those obtained from soybean oil and rapeseed oil,which had a8–10°C different boiling range from10vol%to90vol%[19].Considering biodiesel obtained from other types of WCO[1],the boiling points at10vol%,50vol%in this study was20–30°C lower but was slightly higher at the boiling point at90vol%.This was be-cause of the difference in the chemical properties of the raw mate-rials.The WCO samples used in this study consisted mainly of saturated short alkyl chain fatty acids(C12and C14)compared to other raw used frying oil samples being composed mainly of oleic(53%)and linoleic(33%).Thefinal boiling point(FBP),in contrast,was much lower in the biodiesel than in diesel.They were348°C and387°C for the bio-diesel and for diesel,respectively.The lower FBP for the biodiesel was because the double bond of unsaturated of alkyl chains could be polymerised at high temperatures.This,therefore,hindered the volatilization of liquid at the end of the distillation process,which could lead to the formation of gums,carbon residue in the nozzles or on the surface of pistons causing corrosions.Smoke formation occurs mainly in the local fuel-rich zones where pyrolysis of the fuel is going on in accordance with a com-A.N.Phan,T.M.Phan/Fuel87(2008)3490–34963493plicated multi-stage mechanism of fractioning and decomposing of fuel molecules with air.The low volatility of the biodiesel(high boiling point range)could cause a poor atomisation,leading to a potential formation of soot particles and a proportion of un-burnt and/or partially burned droplets.These droplets could potentially survive due to a poor mixing with air and therefore could impinge on cylinder walls and pistons or be released during the exhaust process.Knothe et al.[22]found that there was a greater varnish and deposits on the pistons and also a greater level of high molec-ular weight organic compounds absorbing to particles when fuelled with biodiesel than when fuelled with diesel.The high 10vol%temperature of the biodiesel could also contribute to the formation of billowing clouds of white smoke during premixed combustion.Blends of the biodiesel with diesel are designated as‘‘B”fol-lowed by a volumetric percentage of the biodiesel in the blend. For example,B5stands for the blend of5vol%biodiesel and 95vol%diesel.Shown in Fig.4b,the trend of distillation curves of the blends was similar to that of diesel at a percentage of the biodiesel below50vol%.The percentage of diesel had little influ-ence on the IBP.The IBP was170–172°C for all the blends.How-ever,the FBP decreased with increasing percentage of the biodiesel.It was368°C for B5while354°C for B75.As expected, the mid-boiling point increased by increasing the proportion of the biodiesel.They were,for instance,304°C,328°C and334°C for B20,B50and B75.3.2.2.Carbon residueCarbon residue is an important indicator to measure of the ten-dency to form carbonaceous deposits in engines,which can cause several operational problems such as blockage of nozzles,corro-sion,cracking of components.As shown in Fig.5,the carbon residue content increased expo-nentially with percentage of biodiesel.It was0.15wt%,0.23wt%, 0.27wt%and4.0wt%for B10,B15,B20and B100,respectively. The relation between the carbon deposit(y)and percentage of the biodiesel(x)in the blend could be described as follows by using a95%confidence limit:y¼0:1676Âe0:0315Âx;with a correlation coefficient R=0.9914.The level of carbon residue content at a percentage of the bio-diesel above20vol%was exceeding the current diesel specification for carbon residue in the Petroleum Products Specifications Regu-lations2002(PPSR),which is a maximum of0.3wt%.This is one of the disadvantages of biodiesel in considering it as a substitute fuel for engines.For biodiesel,the carbon residue is an indicator of not only the amount of the material left after vaporation and pyrolysis but also the amount of glycerides(free glycerol,partially reacted/un-reacted glycerides)and other residues remaining in the biodiesel product(free fatty acids and catalyst residue).The free glycerol and catalyst residue can be easily removed during the washing step whereas the content of glycerides can be only con-verted by using specific catalysts and reactions conditions or by further distillation products.According to Fernando et al.[14], increasing an amount of un-converted/partially converted glyce-rides increased the amount of carbon residue.Therefore,the for-mation of a high amount of residue could be due to the polymerisation of unsaturated alkyl chains(approximately 10wt%)and the degradation of glycerides and free fatty acid remaining in the biodiesel at a high temperature.In addition,the degradation of glycerides at high temperature can also act as a cat-alyst for polymerisation of the unsaturated fatty acids[31].Therefore,it is vital to have major modifications in engines fuelled with100%biodiesel in order to overcome operational prob-lems as mentioned previously.Although not displayed in this work,the10vol%distillation residues from B50,B75and B100 were brownish and sticky compared to those from diesel and other blends.3.2.3.Other properties of biodiesel and its blendsAs shown in Table3,the properties of the biodiesel from WCO in this study were in accordance with other investigators and with-in EN14214standard.The biodiesel had a density of0.88g/ml and was slightly higher than diesel,which is0.83g/ml.Flash point strictly corresponds to the methanol content and viscosity correlates with un-reacted triglycerides.According to Felizardo et al.[13],theflash point could decrease50°C with increasing only0.5%of methanol content in the ester phase.The flash point in this study was slightly lower than that from other re-search[6,11]but much higher than biodiesel obtained from used soybean oil and mixture frying oils[18].The viscosity of the biodie-sel in this study was4.89mm2/s,slightly lower than that from other investigators[9,35].Generally,the viscosity of the biodiesel derived from WCO decreased10times compared to the original WCO samples.The properties offinal product strongly depend on the yield of methyl ester(purity of methyl ester phase).The presence of glyc-eride types,in particular,in the fuel can cause serious problems in commercial applications.According to EN14214biodiesel stan-dard,there are strict limitations for both free and total glyceride contents of biodiesel and the level of methyl ester content. Although the amounts of free glyceride and total glyceride were not measured,the purity of biodiesel can be determined by using the viscosity measurement[7,13].Regarding the measured viscos-ity of the biodiesel,the calculated methyl ester content in this study was approximately91–92%.This was slightly lower than the minimum level of methyl ester content,which is96.5%.Once again,this explained the formation of high carbon residue of the biodiesel mentioned in the previous section.Theflow properties,including cloud point and pour point,were much higher for the biodiesel than for conventional diesel.The cloud and pour points were3°C and0°C for the biodiesel while 0°C and<À12°C for conventional diesel.This indicates that the biodiesel is less suitable in cold conditions.The cloud and pour points of the biodiesel derived from WCO in this study are higher than those from other research[10,18].This is due to chemical properties of the raw WCO samples,consisting of90%saturated fatty acid alkyl chains.The acid value indicates the content of free fatty acid in biodie-sel.The value found in this study was0.43mg KOH/g.Referring to3494 A.N.Phan,T.M.Phan/Fuel87(2008)3490–3496EN14214standard for bio-auto fuels,the biodiesel obtained from this study was found to be within the limits in terms of density, viscosity,flash point,acid value and water content.As observed in Table4,increasing the percentage of the biodie-sel resulted in a reduction in calorific value but an increase in other parameters such as acid number,viscosity andflash point.The reduction in calorific value for the biodiesel and its blends com-pared to diesel was due to the presence of oxygen in the biodiesel.4.ConclusionsAlthough being collected from different sources,there was little difference in properties among the WCO samples in terms of chem-ical and physical properties.This could then assist the implementa-tion of biodiesel production process from waste cooking oils.In this study,biodiesel production from the WCO was carried out in the laboratory scale reactor.The results showed that the highest yield of biodiesel was obtained at the ratio of methanol/WCO of7:1–8:1during80–90min at temperatures ranging30–50°C in the presence of0.75wt%KOH.Although most of the physical properties of the biodiesel were within standards for diesel fuel and for bio-auto fuels(EN14214),the carbon residue was much higher in the biodiesel than in diesel.The carbon residue was4.0wt%for the bio-diesel but only0.05wt%for diesel.Furthermore,the volatility char-acteristics of the biodiesel were much different to that of diesel as clearly projected in the distillation curve.There was a very narrow range of boiling temperature for biodiesel.The boiling temperature remained approximately330°C from20vol%to70vol%fraction. Mixing the biodiesel with diesel improved significantly the volatil-ity and decreased the carbon deposits at a percentage of biodiesel in the blends below50vol%.The results obtained showed that the blend of20vol%the biodiesel and80vol%diesel(B20)could be ap-plied in engines without major modification.References[1]Alcantara R,Amores J,Canoira L,Fidalgo E,Franco MJ,Navarro A.Catalyticproduction of biodiesel from soy-bean oil used frying oil and tallow.Biomass Bioenergy2000;18:515–27.[2]Ali Y,Hanna MA,Leviticus LI.Emissions and power characteristics of dieselengines on methyl soyate and diesel fuel blends.Bioresour Technol 1995;52:185–95.[3]Antonlin G,Tinaut FV,Brceno Y,Castano V,Perez C,Ramirez AI.Optimisationof biodiesel production by sunflower oil transesterification.Bioresour Technol 2002;83:111–4.[4]Canakci M,Van Gerpen J.Biodiesel production via acid catalysis.Trans Am SocAgric Eng1999;5:1203–10.[5]Carraretto C,Macor A,Mirandola A,Stoppato A,Tonon S.Biodiesel asalternative fuel:experimental analysis and energetic evaluations.Energy 2004;29:2195–211.[6]Cetinkaya M,Karaosmanoglu F.Optimisation of base-catalysedtransesterification reaction of used cooking oil.Energy Fuels2004;18:1888–95.[7]De Filippis P,Giavarini C,Scarsella M,Sorrentino M.Transesterification processfor vegetable oils:a simple control method of methyl ester content.J Am Oil Chem Soc1995;72:1399–404.[8]Demirbas A.Biodiesel fuels from vegetable oils via catalytic and non-catalyticsupercritical alcohol transesterifications and other methods:a survey.Energy Convers Manage2003;44:2093–109.[9]Dorado MP,Ballesteros E,Arnal JM,Gomez J,Lopez FJ.Exhaust emissions froma diesel engine fueled with transesterified waste olive oil.Fuel2003;82:1311–5.[10]Dorado MP,Ballesteros E,Lopez FJ,Mittelbach M.Optimisation of alkali-catalyzed transesterification of Brassica Carinata oil for biodiesel production.Energy Fuels2004;18:77–83.[11]Encinar JM,Gonzalez JF,Rodriguez-Reinares A.Biodiesel from used frying oil.Variables affecting the yields and characteristics of the biodiesel.Ind Eng Chem Res2005;44:5491–9.[12]Encinar JM,Gonzalez JM,Rodriguez-Reinares A.Ethanolysis of used frying oil.Biodiesel preparation and characterisation.Fuel Process Technol 2007;88:513–22.[13]Felizardo P,Correia MJN,Paposo I,Mendes JF,Berkemeier R,Bordado JM.Production of biodiesel from waste frying oils.Waste Manage2006;26: 487–94.[14]Fernando S,Karra P,Hernandez R,Jha SK.Effect of incompletely convertedsoybean oil on biodiesel quality.Energy2007;32:844–51.[15]Freedman B,Butterfield RO,Pryde EH.Transesterification kinetics of soybeanoil.JAOCS,J Am Oil Chem Soc1986;63:1375–80.[16]Freedman B,Pryde EH,Mounts TL.Variables affecting the yields of fatty estersfrom transesterified vegetable oils.J Am Oil Chem Soc1984;61:1638–43. 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水下超疏油表面是指在油/水/固三相体系中, 对油的接触角大于 150°的固体表面,且滚 动角小于10 °
鱼鳞化学组成是亲水性的羟基磷灰石 蛋白 质和一层薄薄的黏液
在空气中,鱼体表是超亲油的, 而在水下 却表现出超疏油的性质, 对油的接触角为 ( 156. 4 ± 3. 0) °
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人兴奋和神往,不过目前理论体系需要进 一步的发展和完善,不过我们相信,这些 研究将会极大地造福人类。
[1].薛众鑫 ,江 雷.仿生水下超疏油表面[J].高 分 子 学 报,2012,10 [2].卢 晟 ,李 梅.超疏油表面研究进展[J]. 2012,CB9338 [3]. Lianbin Zhang, Zhonghai Zhang and Peng Wang. Smart surfaces with switchable superoleophilicity and superoleophobicity in aqueous media: toward controllable oil/water separation[J]. NPG Asia Materials (2012) 4
The thermal- responsive adhesion between the surface of PNIPAAm hydrogel and oil droplets: ( a) the oil droplet can easily roll off the surface at 23℃, while firmly adheres on the surface at 40℃,( b
A brife introduction about



技术应用与研究2018·0554Chenmical Intermediate当代化工研究净化天然气制乙炔的废硫酸处理利用研究*陈海滨(青海盐湖工业股份有限公司化工分公司 青海 816000)摘要:纯化N-甲基吡咯烷酮并用98%H 2SO 4纯化乙炔。

硫酸用作W H 2SO 4/86%废硫酸,其中含有各种有机物质,有一种黑酸味,具有强烈的酸度和恶臭,严重影响环境,在运输和使用上造成很大困难,实验采用了废硫酸,采用活性吸附剂(高比表面积的吸附剂)去除废硫酸的臭味,硫酸在过磷酸钙生产中的应用有得到了较好的社会效益和经济效益。

关键词:废硫酸;除臭;利用;过硫酸钙中图分类号:TQ 文献标识码:AStudy on Treatment and Utilization of Waste Sulfuric Acid for Acetylene Production fromPurified Natural GasChen Haibin(Chemical Engineering Branch of Qinghai Saline Lake I ndustrial CO., LTD., Qinghai, 816000)Abstract :N-methyl pyrrolidone was purified and acetylene was purified by 98%H 2SO 4. Sulfuric acid is used as W H 2SO 4/86% waste sulfuricacid, which contains a variety of organic substances, which has black sour taste, strong acidity and odor, and seriously affect the environment and cause great difficulties in transportation and use. The waste sulfuric acid is used in the experiment, and the odor of waste sulfuric acid is removed by active adsorbent (adsorbent with high specific surface area). The application of sulfuric acid in the production of calcium phosphate has achieved good social and economic benefits.Key words :waste sulfuric acid ;deodorization ;utilization ;calcium persulfate1.前言废硫酸含有机物的处理和利用主要有以下方法:一是高温废酸加热热解消除高纯有机硫酸的收率,主要缺点是能耗非常高,废硫酸中有机物总量少于2时,可直接用于生产铵硫酸钙和过磷酸钙,但PRP可直接使用。



拆解塑料类采自北京某废旧塑料回收利用地. 样品
经去离子水超声清洗表面 30 minꎬ干燥后用破碎机将
其破碎成粒径为 1 cm 的小块ꎬ分别混匀后依次编号ꎬ
1.青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院ꎬ 山东 青岛 266033
2.中国环境科学研究院土壤与固体废物环境研究所ꎬ 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100012
摘要: 为探索垃圾模拟填埋过程中 PBDEs( 多溴联苯醚) 的污染释放规律ꎬ选取填埋场中典型的含 PBDEs 废物为研究对象ꎬ以填
liquid ̄liquid extractionꎬ and the concentrations of 21 PBDEs homologs were measured by gas chromatography ̄mass spectrometry
( GC ̄MS) . The results showed that: (1) The total leaching amount of each waste gradually increased in the first 120 days and showed a
31 4 × 10 t. 尽管目前商用五溴联苯醚的添加剂已经

大量含 PBDEs 的废物进入填埋场ꎬ更为重要的是ꎬ由
PP ̄R 管材、PE ̄RT 管材、PVC 管材、PP 塑料板凳和
( 洗衣机外壳) 、PS 电视机( 电视机外壳) 和阻燃 ABS.
PP ̄R pipe and PE ̄RT pipe increased gradually with the rising temperature. ( 3) Different optimum concentrations of surfactants also



有机废水处理的典型流程英文回答:Typical Wastewater Treatment Processes.Organic wastewater treatment processes seek to remove organic matter from wastewater. These processes can be physical, chemical, or biological.Physical Processes.Physical processes remove suspended solids, including grit, sand, and other particles. These processes involve:Screening: Removes large objects such as debris, plastics, and rags.Sedimentation: Settling of solids from wastewater.Floatation: Removal of lighter-than-water materials.Chemical Processes.Chemical processes use chemicals to remove organic matter from wastewater. These processes include:Chemical precipitation: Adding chemicals to wastewater to form insoluble solids that settle out.Neutralization: Adjusting the pH of wastewater to remove acids or bases.Coagulation and flocculation: Adding chemicals to wastewater to form larger particles that settle out.Biological Processes.Biological processes involve the use of microorganisms to remove organic matter from wastewater. These processes occur naturally in the environment but can be enhanced through wastewater treatment systems.Aerobic Processes.Aerobic processes provide oxygen for microorganisms to degrade organic matter. These processes include:Activated sludge: Mixing wastewater with activated sludge, a culture of microorganisms.Trickling filters: Wastewater trickles over a bed of microorganisms attached to a medium.Membrane bioreactors (MBRs): Combining activated sludge with membrane technology to separate treated water from microorganisms.Anaerobic Processes.Anaerobic processes occur in the absence of oxygen and produce methane as a byproduct. These processes include:Anaerobic digestion: Microorganisms degrade organic matter in enclosed tanks.Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB): Wastewater flows upward through a bed of anaerobic microorganisms.Tertiary Treatment.Following primary and secondary treatment, tertiary treatment may be required to remove additional pollutants from wastewater. These processes include:Filtration: Removing fine particles using filters.Disinfection: Killing pathogens using chemicals or UV light.Reverse osmosis: Removing dissolved solids using a semipermeable membrane.中文回答:有机废水处理的典型流程。






关键词:制革废水水解酸化 CAST工艺制革工业是我国国民经济中的重工业部门。



1. 废水的水质水量浙江某制革工业区,有多家加工猪皮、牛皮的专业制革生产企业。




表1 废水水质指标(mg/l)CODcr(mg/l)BOD5SS(mg/l)总Cr(mg/l)S2-(mg/l)pH值2500~30001000~15001200~210010~4525~756.5~10.5根据该工业区的位置及及环保求,废水经处理后应达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)二级标准,即CODcr ≤300mg/l, BOD5≤100mg/l,SS≤150mg/l, S2-≤1.0mg/l, 总Cr≤1.5mg/l。

2. 处理工艺2.1 工艺流程本制革废水的BOD5/CODcr的比值在0.30~0.55之间,可生化性较好,但由于其含有对于生化处理有毒有害的物质S2-和Cr3 ,并且悬浮物也很高,采用“物化生化”处理工艺,工艺流程如图1所示。



2000吨每天化肥生产废水处理工艺的设计的英语Design of Wastewater Treatment Process for 2000 Tons of Fertilizer Production per Day1. IntroductionIn the production process of 2000 tons of fertilizer per day, a significant amount of wastewater is generated, which contains various pollutants that need to be treated before discharge. The design of an efficient wastewater treatment process is crucial to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and to protect the surrounding environment.2. Characteristics of WastewaterThe wastewater generated from the fertilizer production process is characterized by high organic content, high ammonia nitrogen concentration, and alkaline pH. It also contains suspended solids, phosphorus, and other nutrients that can cause eutrophication in water bodies if discharged untreated.3. Design ConsiderationsWhen designing a wastewater treatment process for a large-scale fertilizer production facility, several factors must be taken into consideration:- Treatment Efficiency: The treatment process should be able to remove or reduce the concentration of pollutants to below the regulatory limits for discharge.- Cost-effectiveness: The treatment process should becost-effective in terms of capital investment, operational costs, and energy consumption.- Compliance: The treated wastewater should meet the regulatory requirements for discharge into the environment.- Sustainability: The treatment process should be sustainable and environmentally friendly, with a minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem.4. Wastewater Treatment Process DesignBased on the characteristics of the wastewater and the design considerations, the following process can be used for treating the wastewater generated from the fertilizer production process:- Screening: The wastewater is first passed through a screening process to remove large debris and suspended solids.- Equalization: The wastewater is then collected in a equalization tank to homogenize the flow and reduce fluctuations in flow rate and pollutant concentration.- Biological Treatment: The wastewater is then treated in a biological reactor using activated sludge process or other biological treatment methods to remove organic matter and ammonia nitrogen.- Chemical Treatment: After biological treatment, the wastewater is treated with chemicals such as coagulants or flocculants to remove phosphorus and other nutrients.- Filtration: The treated wastewater is then passed through a filtration system to remove any remaining suspended solids and impurities.- Disinfection: The final step in the treatment process involves disinfection of the treated wastewater using methods such as chlorination or UV irradiation to eliminate pathogens.5. ConclusionThe design of a wastewater treatment process for a 2000 tons per day fertilizer production facility is a complex task that requires careful consideration of the characteristics of the wastewater, regulatory requirements, and sustainability goals. By following the outlined process design and considering the design considerations, it is possible to develop an efficient and cost-effective treatment process that meets the requiredstandards for discharge into the environment. With proper operation and maintenance, the wastewater treatment process can ensure the protection of the environment and the health of surrounding communities.。



卡鲁塞尔氧化沟的英文When it comes to wastewater treatment, the Carrousel Oxidation Ditch is a popular choice. It's a type of activated sludge process that uses a continuous loop channel to mix and aerate the wastewater. The design is pretty simple but highly effective.The Carrousel Oxidation Ditch gets its name from the circular flow pattern it creates. The water flows around the ditch in a continuous loop, and the mixing and aeration happen simultaneously. This helps break down organic matter and remove pollutants from the water.One of the best things about the Carrousel Oxidation Ditch is its flexibility. It can be scaled up or down depending on the size of the treatment plant and the amount of wastewater that needs to be processed. Plus, it's relatively easy to maintain and operate.Another cool thing about this technology is that it'senvironmentally friendly. It doesn't require a lot of energy to run, and it produces less sludge waste than some other treatment methods. Plus, the treated water can be reused for various purposes, like irrigation or industrial use.So in a nutshell, the Carrousel Oxidation Ditch is a great choice for wastewater treatment. It's efficient, flexible, environmentally friendly, and easy to operate. It's a win-win situation all around!。














提纯硅藻土对废水中磷的吸附张开永;黄玲【摘要】In this work ,the effects of diatomite dosage ,solutionpH ,adsorption time and temperature on the adsorption process were investigated through studying the adsorption of phosphorus by purification of diatomite in the simulated wastewater .The results showed that the optimal dosage of diatomite was 3 .5g per 0 .1 mg phosphorus and the adsorption time was about 20min .The optimal solution pH was around 3 .0 and the adsorption rate decreased with the increase of pH value ,especially in alkaline solution .The best adsorption temperature was about 25℃ .Diatomite on phosphorus removal in wastewater adsorption process is in line with the Freundlich isothermal adsorption equation .%通过提纯后的硅藻土对模拟废水中磷素的吸附研究,考察了硅藻土的用量、吸附时间、溶液pH值、吸附温度对吸附过程的影响。

研究结果表明:硅藻土的最佳用量为3.5g 硅藻土/0.1mg磷左右;最佳震荡吸附时间为20min左右;溶液的最佳pH值为3.0左右,且随着pH值的增大吸附率减小,特别在溶液呈碱性的时候吸附效果明显变差;最佳吸附温度约为25℃;硅藻土对废水中磷素的吸附过程符合Freundlich等温吸附方程。



结合先进的氧化与生物处理制革废水美国诉Srinivasan•G. PREA尚美泰玛丽•西特拉Kalyanaraman•又及,该•K.斯里兰卡balakameswari•兰迦萨米suthanthararajan•ethirajulu ravindranath月28日收到:2011 / 2011 / 19可以接受:发表于:2011六月12摘要在制革皮革加工过程中,相当大的用有机和无机污染物的废物量生成。












参与单元操作个人ETP / CETP包括小学,中学,和三级处理方法。






自由水清除率名词解释自由水清除率(FreeWaterClearanceRate),也称为舍仑聪清洁度指数(Schulze Cleanliness Index),是指把原水中的有机物、无机物、微量元素、重金属和放射性污染物经过净化处理后,产生的净水浊度、流量和其它指标,来衡量污水处理设备的净化效率及污水处理效果。












浸出液的处理英语The treatment of leachate is a critical environmental concern, particularly in the context of waste management. Leachate is the liquid that has passed through a waste material, picking up potentially harmful substances along the way. It is commonly associated with landfill sites, where it can contaminate groundwater and pose a significant risk to public health and the environment if not properly managed.Effective leachate treatment involves several stages, starting with the collection of the liquid. This is typically done through a network of pipes or channels within thelandfill that direct the leachate to a treatment facility. Once collected, the leachate must be treated to remove contaminants, which can include heavy metals, organic compounds, and pathogens.Physical treatment methods such as sedimentation and filtration are often used to remove larger particles and suspended solids. Following this, chemical treatments may be employed to neutralize the pH and precipitate out heavy metals. Biological treatment processes can also be used to break down organic compounds by introducing microorganisms that feed on these substances.Advanced treatment techniques, such as membranefiltration and reverse osmosis, can further purify the leachate, removing a high percentage of contaminants andproducing a cleaner effluent that can be safely discharged or reused.Monitoring the quality of leachate before and after treatment is essential to ensure that the treatment processis effective. This involves regular testing for a range of chemical and biological parameters.In addition to the technical aspects of treatment, there is also a need for robust regulatory frameworks that set clear standards for leachate management. This includes guidelines for the design and operation of landfills, as well as the treatment and disposal of leachate.The environmental impact of leachate can be mitigated through a combination of careful waste management practices, advanced treatment technologies, and stringent regulations. As the world grapples with the challenges of waste disposal, the responsible treatment of leachate will play a crucialrole in protecting our natural resources and safeguarding public health.。

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Hydration characteristics of waste sludge ash that isreused in eco-cement clinkersK.L.Lin a,T ,K.Y .Chiang b ,C.Y .Lin caDepartment of Environmental Engineering,National I-Lan University,I-Lan 260,Taiwan,ROCbDepartment of Environmental Engineering and Science,Feng-Chia University,Tai-chung407,Taiwan,ROCcWaste Minimization Division,Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service,Taipei 198,Taiwan,ROCReceived 22January 2004;accepted 23November 2004AbstractThe study reports on the hydration characteristics of eco-cement clinkers produced with waste sludge ash as raw components.The tested mixtures were composed of different types of waste sludge ash,including sewage sludge ash,water purification sludge ash,limestone,and ferrate,prepared using the optimum proportioning method.The mixtures were burned at 14008C for 6h.The clinkers thus obtained were quantified and the hydration characteristics of the eco-cement pastes prepared from the waste sludge ashes.The setting time,compressive strength,hydrates and porosity distribution were examined at various ages.The 28-day compressive strength of the early high strength developing of eco-cement C paste outperformed that of ordinary Portland cement paste by 3MPa.It is supposed that the large quantity of limestone used provided CaO,which in turn enhanced the formation of C 3S,leading to the greater compressive strength development in the eco-cement C paste.From the porosity distribution,shown by the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results,it was found that,with increasing curing ages,the gel pores (b 0.01A m)increased and the total porosity and capillary pores (N 0.01A m)decreased—a result that shows that hydrates had filled the pores.This resulting densification and enhanced later strength were caused by the shifting of the pore size distribution to a smaller diameter range.D 2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Compressive strength;Eco-cement;Hydration;Mercury porosimetry;Pore size distribution1.IntroductionIncreasing demands on natural resources and a scarcity of environmentally acceptable solid waste disposal sites are hastening many municipalities in Taiwan to consider resource recovery as an alternative.The annual sludge production from Taiwan in 29purification treatment plants and 22sewage treatment plants is 160,000tons and 180,000tons,respectively.Currently sanitary landfills are commonly used for the disposal of this sludge but rapidurbanization has made it increasingly difficult to find suitable landfill sites [1].Currently,the most common methods of sludge disposal are in ocean or land fills,or for agricultural purposes.In recent years,studies had been carried out by various researchers investigating the use of sludge as construction material.Tay [2,3]found that sludge mixed with clay could be used in the production of bricks for construction use.The sewage sludge ash (SSA)retained in filters can be deposited in controlled landfills or used in construction to improve some of the properties of the building materials.Incineration residues,such as rice husk ash [4,5]and municipal solid waste ash [6],have been used successfully in construction.SSA has been used in mortars [7],in concrete mixtures [8,9],in brick manufacture [10],as a fine aggregate in mortars [11],andT Corresponding author.Tel.:+88639357400x749;fax:+88639367642.E-mail address:kllin@.tw (K.L.Lin).Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–1081in asphalt paving mixes[12].The reuse of a waste in cement production mainly depends on the chemical composition of the waste.The major components in sewage sludge ash and water purification sludge ash, SiO2,CaO,Al2O3and Fe2O3[13,14]can through the burning process,produce such compounds as calcium aluminates and calcium silicates,which include C3S,C2S and C3A.Such compounds,which also commonly present in ordinary Portland cement,may function as binders or possess hardening characteristics.A new type of Portland cement has been developed not only to solve the landfill sites problem,but also to conserve the environment by the resources circulation. This new type of cement is called b eco-cement Q.It is the compound word of b Ecology Q and b Cement Q[15].It has been expected greatly for the conservation of energy and environment by virtue of decreasing energy necessary for production,reducing CO2emission,reducing the natural resources for cement and reducing the load to disposal sites.In view of the aforementioned disposal problems and the increasing cost of construction materials,labo-ratory studies have been conducted to evaluate the use potential of sludge clinkers as a cement replacement material.The study discussed in this paper reports on the hydration characteristics of waste sludge that is reused in eco-cement clinkers.The tested mixtures were composed of different types of waste sludge,including sewage sludge ash,water purification sludge ash,limestone and ferrate,which were prepared using the optimum propor-tioning method.The mixtures were burned at14008C for 6h.The clinkers thus obtained were quantified and the hydration characteristics of the eco-cement pastes pre-pared from the waste sludge examined at various ages,2.Materials and methods2.1.Clinker preparationA pilot-scale test was conducted to study the possibility of applying this technology in actual practice.Water purification sludge ash and sewage sludge ash, limestone,and ferrate were used as raw materials in the tests.The oxide compositions of these raw materials,on a loss free basis,are given in Table1.A computational model[14]was used to formulate the composition of the raw clinkers.The raw materials were blended using three different ratios:eco-cement A,eco-cement B,and eco-cement C. Each cement clinker ratio was determined after considering the hydration modulus,[HM=(CaO/SiO2+Al2O3+Fe2O3), 1.7b HM b2.3],the lime saturation factor[LSF=(CaO/ SiO2+1.18Al2O3+0.65Fe2O3),0.8b LSF b0.95],the silica modulus[SM=(SiO2/Al2O3+Fe2O3), 1.9b SM b3.2],and the iron modulus[IM=(Al2O3/Fe2O3),1.7b IM b2.5].The four unknowns could be solved by1st order simultaneous equations.The blend ratios are shown in Table2.The burning process is summarized as follows:incin-erated ash of sewage sludge and water purification sludge ash was separated,dried and pulverized in a pretreatment process.The pretreated incinerated ash was mixed with other raw materials(e.g.ferrate)and supplements(e.g. limestone).The ground mixtures were burned in a programmable electrical furnace.The compound material was burned for6h at14008C to form eco-cement clinker. After the burning process,the resultant clinkers were cooled in a clinker cooler,then mixed with plaster(e.g.3.5%gypsum)and pulverized to produce eco-cement clinker.The fraction passing through a#325mesh was then analyzed to determine its principal properties(shown in Table1).The cement used in this research was ordinary Portland cement(OPC)Type I,supplied by the Taiwan Cement Company.The major composition of the OPC is listed in Table3.Table1Chemical analysis of the raw materialsComposition Primarilysewagesludge ash Waterpurificationsludge ashLimestone FerrateSiO2(%)63.3154.47 3.76 6.61Al2O3(%)15.3829.12 1.10 2.25Fe2O3(%) 6.817.250.6662.30CaO(%) 1.800.9352.460.71MgO(%) 1.03 1.12 1.230.23SO3(%) 1.51 3.550.01NDP2O5(%)7.20ND a ND NDClÀ(ppm)105311ND NDCu(mg/Kg)5420150ND NDCr(mg/Kg)20ND ND NDCd(mg/Kg)20ND ND NDPb(mg/Kg)74050210730Ni(mg/Kg)310ND ND850Zn(mg/Kg)351011011501320a ND:not detected.Table2Blend ratios(wt.%)of the raw materialsType of blend Eco-cement A Eco-cement B Eco-cement CType of blendSewage sludge ash 4.69%8.98% 4.24%Water purificationsludge ash13.03%9.34%12.45%Ferrate 1.88% 2.08% 1.85%Limestone80.40%79.60%81.45%ModulusLSF0.920.840.95HM 2.03 1.9 2.11K.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research35(2005)1074–108110752.2.ApproachThree types of eco-cement clinkers prepared as above were used.Pastes using the aforementioned blends were prepared with a water to binder ratio ofÂ25.4Â25.4mm (1Â1Â1in.)test cubes were prepared according to ASTM-305,followed by a mould-ing process (ASTM C31-69).The specimens were then demoulded and cured in a container at 95%humidity at 258C for 3–28days.The compressive strength develop-ment of three samples was measured for specimens of each types of eco-cement pastes at different ages,according to ASTMC39-72.The leachability of the specimens was analyzed by Toxicity Characteristic Leach-ing Procedure (TCLP)tests.The chemical composition was analyzed,using X-ray fluorescence (XRF)techniques.The composition changes and hydration characteristics were analyzed,using both the XRD and MIP techniques,for pulverized and sieved (#300)samples whose hydration was terminated at the tested age with acetone under a vacuum for 24h.Table 3Chemical composition of the OPC and eco-cement clinkersOPCEco-cement A Eco-cement B Eco-cement CComposition SiO 2(%)20.0421.2423.1520.93Al 2O 3(%) 5.357.11 6.39 6.60Fe 2O 3(%) 3.44 3.55 3.67 3.35CaO (%)63.1664.8363.1265.23MgO (%) 2.31 1.28 1.11 1.17SO 3(%) 2.03 3.24 3.27 3.51R 2O (%)a 0.560.720.260.56TiO 2(%)0.270.330.310.27P 2O 5(%)ND b 0.460.750.21Free CaO (%)0.230.300.200.40Ignition loss (%)0.850.940.960.93Constituents C 3S 51.0148.6531.7456.91C 2S 23.2124.2042.4717.07C 3A 8.2112.8310.7211.82C 4AF10.3210.8011.1710.19a R 2O:Na 2O+0.659K 2O.bND:not detected.253035404550I n t e n s i t y1.C 3S,2. β -C 2S,3. Ca(OH)2,4.CaO,5.C 3A,6. C 4AF7.α-C 2S OPCEco-cement AEco-cement BEco-cement C713452162θTable 4Heavy metal concentrations in TCLP leachates for the OPC and the eco-cement clinkersCu (mg/L)Cr(mg/L)Cd (mg/L)Pb (mg/L)Ni (mg/L)Zn (mg/L)OPCND a ND b ND c 0.7ND d 0.3Eco-cement A ND ND ND 0.6ND 0.3Eco-cement B ND ND ND 0.6ND 0.3Eco-cement C ND ND ND 0.6ND 0.3Regulatory thresholds–––a Detection limitsb 0.020mg/L.b Detection limits b 0.016mg/L.c Detection limits b 0.014mg/L.dDetection limits b 0.014mg/L.K.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–108110762.3.AnalysesChemical and physical analyses of the ordinary Portland cement and the three types of eco-cement pastes were conducted at different ages as follows:!Unconfined compressive strength (UCS):ASTMC39-72.!Heavy metal leachability (TCLP):SW-864-1311.!Heavy metal concentration:Cd (SW864-7131A),Pb (SW864-7421),Zn (SW864-7951),Cu (SW864-7211),Cr (SW864-7191).!Setting time:the setting times of the cement mixes were determined according to ASTM C191using a Vicat apparatus at room temperature.The initial setting time was defined as when a Vicat needle 1mm in diameter would penetrate the sample to a point 5F 1mm from the bottom of the mould.The final setting time was defined as when a 5-mm cap ring would leave no visible mark when placed on the surface of the sample.!Mineralogy:the XRD analysis were carried out by a Siemens D-5000X-ray diffractometer with CuK a radia-tion and 2h scanning,ranging between 108and 508.!Chemical composition:the X-ray fluorescence (XRF)was performed with an automated RIX 2000spectrom-eter.The specimens were prepared for XRF analysis by mixing 0.4g of the sample and 4g of 100Spectroflux,ata dilution ratio of 1:10.Homogenized mixtures,were placed in Pt–Au crucibles,then treated for 1h at 10008C in an electric furnace.The homogeneous melted sample was recast into glass beads 2mm thick,and 32mm in diameter [16].3.Results and discussion3.1.Characterization of the eco-cement clinkersThe X-ray diffraction patterns of the OPC and the eco-cement clinkers are illustrated in Fig.1,showing the speciation.The major components of the Portland cement,C 3S (i.e.,3CaO.SiO 2),C 2S (i.e.,2CaO.SiO 2),C 3A (i.e.,3CaOAl 2O 3),and C 4AF (i.e.,4CaO.Al 2O 3.Fe 2O 3),were all found in both the eco-cement A clinker and eco-cement C clinker.Eco-cement B clinker also showed the formation of a -C 2S phase.The properties of the three types of eco-cement clinker used in this study were analyzed.The XRF analysis results are summarized in Table 3.It is noted that SiO 2,CaO,Al 2O 3were the primary components found in the eco-cement clinkers.The belite content in the eco-cement A clinker was similar that in the OPC.Phase compositions were predicted theoretically using a modified Bogue calculation.These are given in Table 3.Table 3indicates that the clinker produced from eco-cement B contained larger amount of belite and a smaller amount of alite.It is believed that the phosphate in the raw material did not decompose during the burning process and was fixed in the final product.Normally the P 2O 5content in Portland cement is as much as 0.2%,but cements produced from clinker had 0.5%P 2O 5,leading to lowerTable 5Setting times for OPC and eco-cement pastes Paste Initial setting (h)Final setting (h)OPC3.20 5.28Eco-cement A4.275.92Eco-cement B 8.8010.85Eco-cement C1.683.130102030405060708090100051015202530C o m p r e s s i v e S t r e n g t h (M P a )K.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–10811077strength due to the decomposition of C 3S,obtaining a -C 2S rich in P 2O 5[17].Increasing the P 2O 5content increases the free-CaO content and lowers the C 3S/C 2S rate [18].The clinker produced from eco-cement C had greater amount of alite.The oxides Na 2O and K 2O,so called alkalis,are normal components of all the eco-cement clinkers [18].The alkalis content in Portland cement is usually 0.5–1.3%.All the tested eco-cement clinkers met the TCLP requirements.There was a high heavy metal content,which included Pb,Zn,Cd,Ni,Cr and Cu (See Table 1).But it was found that the leaching concentrations all met the regulatory thresholds (see Table 4).3.2.Setting times of the OPC and eco-cement pastes As the cementitious hydraulic reactions progress,cement hardens and develops its strength.Basically,the setting behavior is a result of the cement grains dispersing (dissolving)and hydrating in the water,to gradually form a solid/liquid suspension of the various hydrates.As the process continues,the inner structure of the cement paste is further reinforced to become a network structure,which causes the cement to set and gain strength.The setting times for the three types of OPC and the eco-cement pastes are given in Table 5.The results show that eco-cement A paste had a bigger initial setting time and final5101520253035404550556065702θI n t e n s i t yOPC PasteEco-cement A PasteEco-cement B PasteEco-cement C PasteW/C = 0.38Curing Time = 3 days11.Ca(OH)2,2.C 2S,3.C 3A,4.C 4AF ,5.C 3S1112345Fig.3.XRD patterns of the OPC and eco-cement pastes at 3days.I n t e n s i t yOPC PasteEco-cement A PasteEco-cement B PasteEco-cement C PasteW/C = 0.38Curing Time = 28 days11.Ca(OH)2,2.C 2S,3.C 3A,4.C 3S1113245101520253035404550556065702θK.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–10811078setting time to OPC paste.Eco-cement B paste had adelayed setting time,which may be attributed primarily to the large amount of a -C 2S.The accelerated setting of eco-cement C paste could be attributed to more C 3S.The setting time of the eco-cement C paste was shorter,thereby decreasing its workability.pressive strength development of the OPC and eco-cement pastesFig.2shows the compressive strength of the OPC and eco-cement pastes.It can be observed that the compressive strengths of OPC and all three types of eco-cement pastes occurred within the curing times (3to 28days).At 28days,the strength of eco-cement A paste was similar to that ofOPC paste.The experimental results indicate that eco-cement B paste had a slower compressive strength develop-ment.It can be noticed that the eco-cement B clinker contained larger amounts of a -C 2S,which led to lower compressive strengths,relative to the OPC paste.The experimental results indicate that eco-cement C paste showed a slower compressive strength development at 3days,but at 28days,the strength was 3MPa,which exceeds that of OPC paste.3.4.OPC and eco-cement paste hydratesFigs.3and 4show the XRD analyses of the hydrates of OPC and three types of eco-cement pastes,at 3days and 28days,respectively.We can see that the main hydration0. o r e V o l u m e (m l /g )371428Curing Time (days)OPC Paste W/C = 0.38Total Pore = Capillary + G el Pore> 0.01µm Capillary Pore< 0.01µm Gel Pore Fig.5.Pore size distribution in OPC pastes. o r e V o l u m e (m l /g )371428Curing Time (days)Eco-cement A PasteW/C = 0.38K.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–10811079products in the pure cement were C–S–H gels,Ca(OH)2,and unhydrated C 3S and C 2S (See Fig.3).In eco-cement A paste,the hydration products in the mixture were the same as those in pure cement.Fig.4shows the XRD patterns of eco-cement pastes hydrated for 28days.By comparing Fig.3with Fig.4,we find that the intensities peaks of the eco-cement A pastes and eco-cement C pastes of the Ca(OH)2diffraction peaks were basically the same as that of the OPC paste,while the strengths of the C 3S and C 2S diffraction peaks had clearly decreased at 28days.In addition,because of the vast amount of Ca(OH)2that was formed,the hydration of the eco-cement pastes increased greatly,obviously enhancing the rate of the strength developing.3.5.Porosity distribution in OPC and eco-cement pastes The cumulative porosity for the three types of pastes,as obtained from the MIP tests,can be used to represent the total paste porosity.The porosities of the OPC and eco-cement A,B,and C pastes are shown in Figs.5–8,respectively.The capillary pores (N 0.01A m)decreased continuously with curing time while the gel pores increased.At 28days,the gel pores (b 0.01A m)in the eco-cement A paste increased with curing time.At 28days,the gel porosity of the eco-cement C paste increased in volume similar to the plain paste (Fig.8).This could be due to the presence of larger amounts of C 3S,the hydration product of the calcium silicate hydrates,which0. o r e V o l u m e (m l /g )371428Curing Time (days)Eco-cement B PasteW/C = 0.38Total Pore = Capillary + Gel Pore> 0. 01µm Capillary Pore< 0.01µm Gel PoreFig.7.Pore size distribution in eco-cement B pastes. o r e V o l u m e (m l /g )371428Curing Time (days)Eco-cement C PasteW/C = 0.38Total Pore = Capillary + G el Pore> 0.01µm Capillary Pore< 0.01µm Gel PoreK.L.Lin et al./Cement and Concrete Research 35(2005)1074–10811080filled the capillary pores.At a curing age of28days,the volume percentage of fine pores in eco-cement B paste was less than in OPC paste(Fig.7).One possible explanation for the pore size variation in eco-cement B paste was that the amount of a-C2S led to the retardation of the early stages so the fine pore volume was less than in OPC paste.4.ConclusionsFrom the studies carried out,the following conclusions can be drawn:1.The leaching concentrations of all three types of eco-cement clinkers met the regulatory thresholds.2.In the XRF analysis we note that SiO2,CaO,Al2O3werethe primary components found in the eco-cement clinkers.Belite content in the clinker of eco-cement A clinker was similar that in OPC.3.Eco-cement A paste had an initial setting time and finalsetting time similar to OPC paste.4.Eco-cement B paste had an observed delay in the settingtime which may be primary attributed to the larger amount of a-C2S.5.The compressive strength of OPC,eco-cement A andeco-cement B pastes occurred within the curing times.Eco-cement B clinker contained larger amounts of a-C2S,which led to lower compressive strength.6.From the porosity distribution,it was found 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