多缸发动机模拟器 SimMotor MC-1使用手册
西门子SC MC安装手册(原厂版)1
InstallationsanleitungBetriebssystem Windows XP Embeddedfür den MaschinencontrollerInstallation ManualOperating System Windows XP Embeddedfor the Machine Controller11/2006 EditionUNIX is a registered trademark of AT&TX-Windows is a trademarkLINUX is a trademarkMicrosoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation(The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.) (We have checked the contents of the printed documentation to ensure that is in agreement with the hardware and software described therein. However, since discre-pancies cannot be ruled out, we cannot assume responsibility for complete agreement.the information given in this printed documentation is however regulary reviewed and necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. We would appreciate any suggestions for improvements.)Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensUNIX ist ein Warenzeichen von AT&TX-Windows ist ein WarenzeichenLINUX ist ein WarenzeichenMicrosoft und MS-DOS sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der Microsoft Corporation(Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts sind nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbesondere für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.) (Wir haben den Inhalt der Druckschrift auf Übereinstimmung mit der beschriebenen Hard- und Software geprüft. Dennoch können Abweichungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden, so dass wir für die vollständige Übereinstimmung keine Gewähr übernehmen.Die Angaben in dieser Druckschrift werden jedoch regelmäßig überprüft und notwendige Korrekturen sind in den nachfolgenden Auflagen enthalten. Für Verbesserungsvorschläge sind wir dankbar.)Siemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensInstallationsanleitung Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded Ausgabe 11/2006InhaltsverzeichnisSeite 1Übersicht (4)2Lieferumfang (5)2.1Software-Komponenten (5)2.2Voraussetzungen für die Installation (5)2.3Umrüstpakete und Komponenten für die Software 603.xx (6)2.4Hardware-Komponenten des Rechnersystems für den Maschinencontroller (7)2.4.1Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3 (7)2.4.2Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE D-Serie (8)3Installation (9)3.1Vorbereitungen zur Installation des Maschinencontrollers (9)3.2BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner (optional) (9)3.3Automatische BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (optional) (11)3.3.1Setup-CD für erstellen für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (11)3.3.2BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner durchführen (optional) (12)3.4Installation des Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystems Windows XP Embedded (13)3.4.1Installationsablauf (13)3.5Ausgangszustand wiederherstellen (16)3 von 181 ÜbersichtDie Installationsanleitung dient als Arbeitsanweisung für die Installation des Betriebssystems "Windows XP Embedded" für den Maschinencontroller.Sie enthält Informationen über den Lieferumfang und die Voraussetzungen zur erfolgreichen Installation.4 von 182 Lieferumfang2.1 Software-KomponentenFür jeden MC-Rechnertyp steht ein eigenes Standardpaket für die Installation des Betriebssystems"Windows XP Embedded" zur Verfügung.Achtung:Für die Installation des Betriebssystems auf einem MC-Rechner muss unbedingt die Installations-DVD aus dem Standardpaket verwendet werden, das für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp in dernachfolgenden Tabelle angegeben ist! Wird das nicht beachtet, fährt die Maschine nicht hoch.Inhalt eines Standardpaketes:- Installations-DVD für das Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded XP SP2- Lizenz / Produktschein- Installationsanleitung "Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded für den Maschinencontroller"D+E (00195327-01)- VerpackungBezeichnungen der Standardpakete MC-Rechnertyp03053898-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 all für alle MC-Rechnertypen, die von einerVorgängerversion (< 603) hochgerüstet wurden 03053907-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 CPU086 SMP16-CPU08603053908-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Micro PC SIMATIC Microbox 42003053909-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Box PC SIMATIC BoxPC 6272.2 Voraussetzungen für die Installation- Verwendung der Stationssoftware 603.01 oder größer- Installations-DVD- Hardware-Komponenten (siehe Abschnitt 2.4)- BIOS-Versionen (siehe Abschnitte 3.2 und 3.3)5 von 182.3 Umrüstpakete und Komponenten für die Software 603.xxFür die Maschinentypen SIPLACE X4, X2 und X3 mit CPU 076 sind bei einem Upgrade von SW-Version 601.x oder 602.x folgende Umrüstpakete für den Maschinencontroller erforderlich:- Umrüstpaket für SIPLACE X4 mit CPU 076 Æ Rechner-Upgrade auf CPU 086 Artikelnummer: 03029123S03- Umrüstpaket für SIPLACE X2 und X3 mit CPU 076 Æ Speichererweiterung 128 MB Artikelnummer: 03051831Für alle Maschinentypen der SIPLACE X- und D-Serie ist das folgende Umrüstpaket erforderlich:- Umrüstpaket DVD-Brenner EW167B extern Æ externes DVD -Laufwerk6 von 182.4 Hardware-Komponenten des Rechnersystems für denMaschinencontroller2.4.1 Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3Bezeichnung SMP16-CPU076CPU / Taktfrequenz Celeron / 650 MHzSpeicher RAM 256 MBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jaDiskettenlaufwerk 3.5", 1.44 MBjaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 1 x 10/100Base-TTabelle 2-1: Hardware Maschinencontroller (bisherige Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie)Bezeichnung SMP16-CPU086CPU / Taktfrequenz Intel M / 1600 MHzSpeicher RAM 512 MBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jajaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 1 x 10/100Base-TTabelle 2-2: Hardware Maschinencontroller (aktuelle Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3)Bezeichnung SIMATIC Box PC 627CPU / Taktfrequenz Pentium M / 2 GHzSpeicher RAM 1 GBGBFestplatte 40externes DVD-Laufwerk jaSerielle Schnittstellen 1jaUSB-Schnittstellenund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 2x 100 MBitTabelle 2-3: Hardware Maschinencontroller (zukünftige Konfiguration SIPLACE X-Serie und SIPLACE D3)7 von 182.4.2 Hardware Maschinencontroller SIPLACE D-SerieBezeichnung SIMATIC Microbox 420CPU / Taktfrequenz Pentium III / 933 MHzSpeicher RAM 256 MBFestplatte 40 GBexternes DVD-Laufwerk jaSerielle Schnittstellen 1USB-Schnittstellenjaund externer USB-HubNetzwerk 2x 100 MBitTabelle 2-4: Hardware Maschinencontroller (SIPLACE D-Serie)8 von 183 Installation3.1 Vorbereitungen zur Installation des Maschinencontrollers→Stecken Sie die USB-Tastatur vom SR ab und schließen Sie sie am MC-Rechner an.→Schalten Sie den Videomultiplexer vom SR auf den MC um.→Verbinden Sie das externe DVD-Laufwerk mit dem MC-Rechner per USB-Kabel.3.2 BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner (optional)Bei Hochrüstung einer SIPLACE X2 oder X3 von SW-Version 601.0x auf SW-Version 603.01 ist außer dem Umrüstpaket (siehe Abschnitt 2.3) ein Update der BIOS-Firmware am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 bzw.mit CPU086 erforderlich. Vor einer Erstinstallation des Betriebssystems auf dem MC-Rechner mussebenfalls ein Update der BIOS-Firmware durchgeführt werden.Diskette für das BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 erstellen:→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk eines Rechners mit DVD- und Disketten-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie eine formatierte Diskette (3,5", 1,44MB) in das Disketten-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Doppelklicken Sie auf die selbst-extrahierende EXE-Datei "CPU076_BIOS_Update.exe" und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Schreibvorgangs die Diskette und die DVD aus den Laufwerken.BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU076 durchführen:Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge dieDiskette an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von Diskette gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die erstellte Diskette in das Disketten-Laufwerk des MC-Rechners ein und booten Sie ihn von der Diskette, indem Sie die Maschine einschalten. Das BIOS-Update wird jetzt automatischvorgenommen.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Vorgangs die Diskette aus dem Laufwerk und führen Sie mit der Tastenkombination <Ctrl><Alt><Del> einen Warmstart des MC-Rechners durch.9 von 18CD für das BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU086 erstellen:→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk eines Rechners mit DVD- und CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie eine leere CD-R in das CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Öffnen Sie die Image-Datei "CPU086_BIOS_Update.iso" mithilfe des installierten Brennprogramms und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Brennvorgangs die CD und DVD aus den Laufwerken.BIOS-Update am MC-Rechner mit CPU086 durchführen:Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von CD gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die erstellte CD in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein und booten Sie ihn von der CD, indem Sie die Maschine einschalten. Das BIOS-Update wird jetztautomatisch vorgenommen.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Vorgangs die CD aus dem Laufwerk und führen Sie mit der Tastenkombination <Ctrl><Alt><Del> einen Warmstart des MC-Rechners durch.10 von 183.3 Automatische BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner (optional)Für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner muss für den MC eine entsprechende Setup-CD (siehe Tabelle 3-1) erstellt werden. Hierzu benötigen Sie einen Rechner mit Windows XP, der über ein DVD- und CD-RW-Laufwerk verfügt.Die zur Erstellung erforderlichen Dateien (siehe Tabelle 3-1) sind auf der DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 im Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images" abgelegt.Maschinencontroller Rechnertyp BIOS-Einstellungen ISO-ImageSMP16-CPU086 CPU086_SR_MC_BIOS_Settings.iso SIMATIC Microbox 420 CPU420_MC_BIOS_Settings.isoSIMATIC Box PC 627 CPU627_SR_MC_BIOS_Settings.isoSMP16-CPU076 CPU076_MC_BIOS_Settings.iso Tabelle 3-1: Dateien zur Erstellung der Datenträger für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC3.3.1 Setup-CD für erstellen für die BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner→Legen Sie eine leere CD-R in das CD-RW-Laufwerk ein.→Legen Sie die DVD für die SW-Version 603.01 in das DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Öffnen Sie im Explorer auf der DVD das Verzeichnis "BIOS-Images".→Öffnen Sie die Image-Datei für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp (siehe Tabelle 3-1) mithilfe desinstallierten Brennprogramms und folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.→Entfernen Sie nach Beendigung des Brennvorgangs die CD und DVD aus den Laufwerken.3.3.2 BIOS-Einstellungen am MC-Rechner durchführen (optional)Die erforderlichen BIOS-Einstellungen befinden sich auf der Setup-CD für den jeweiligen Rechnertyp (siehe Abschnitt 3.3, Tabelle 3-1), mit deren Hilfe die BIOS-Einstellungen durchgeführt werden.Hinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von CD gebootet werden kann.Vorgehensweise:→Legen Sie die Setup-CD, die Sie für den entsprechenden Rechnertyp erstellt haben (siehe Abschnitt3.3.1) in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Schalten Sie die Maschine ein, um den MC-Rechner von CD zu booten bzw. führen Sie bei bereits eingeschalteter Maschine einen Restart des MC-Rechners durch.→Folgen Sie den Anweisungen am Bildschirm zu den BIOS-Einstellungen.→Stellen Sie, wenn keine weiteren Aktionen am MC-Rechner durchgeführt werden sollen, nach Beendigung der BIOS-Einstellungen den Ausgangszustand wieder her (siehe Abschnitt 3.5).3.4 Installation des Maschinencontroller-Betriebssystems Windows XPEmbedded3.4.1 InstallationsablaufHinweis:Stellen Sie vor Beginn der Arbeiten sicher, dass im BIOS in der Boot-Reihenfolge die CD-ROM an erster Stelle steht, damit der Rechner von DVD gebootet werden kann.→Legen Sie die Installations-DVD für das Betriebssystem Windows XP Embedded (siehe Abschnitt2.1) in das extern am MC-Rechner angeschlossene DVD-Laufwerk ein.→Schalten Sie die Maschine ein, um den MC-Rechner von DVD zu booten bzw. führen Sie bei bereits eingeschalteter Maschine einen Restart des MC-Rechners durch.Nach automatischer Überprüfung des Systems wird die Sprachauswahl angezeigt.Deutsch1Englisch2→Wählen Sie mit den Cursortasten die die gewünschte Sprache für die Installation aus und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl mit <ENTER>.Die Wiederherstellungsoptionen werden jetzt angezeigt.1 Nur Systempartition wiederherstellen2 Festplatte komplett wiederherstellenAbbruch3→Wählen Sie die Option 2 "Festplatte komplett wiederherstellen" aus und bestätigen Sie die Auswahl mit <ENTER>.→Bestätigen Sie die Sicherheitsabfrage, ob die Aktion wirklich ausgeführt werden soll, mit "Ja".Das Betriebssystem wird installiert und anschließend der Rechner automatisch neu gestartet.Nach kurzer Zeit werden die Meldung "Restore beendet" und die Aufforderungen zum Entfernen des Datenträgers und zum Neustarten des Rechners angezeigt.→Entfernen Sie die Installations-DVD aus dem DVD-Laufwerk und starten Sie den Rechner neu.→Warten Sie, bis das Anmeldefenster angezeigt wird und melden Sie sich dann als Administrator an.Nach der Anmeldung werden einige Einstellungen und Installationen selbsttätig durchgeführt.Anschließend wird der Rechner automatisch neu gestartet. Nach dem Neustart erfolgt die Anmeldung ebenfalls automatisch als "Operator".Nach weiteren selbsttätig durchgeführten Einstellungen wird das folgende Fenster angezeigt, in dem bestätigt wird, dass die Installation von Windows XP Embedded auf dem MC-Rechner fertig gestellt ist.→Betätigen Sie eine beliebige Taste um das Fenster zu schließen.Die Einstellungen für die Anzeigeeigenschaften müssen jetzt noch überprüft und bei Bedarf geändert werden.Anzeigeeigenschaften ändern→Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf eine freie Stelle des Desktops und wählen Sie aus dem Menü die Option Properties.→Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Screen Saver.→Wählen Sie in der Liste der "Screen Saver" (None) aus.→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.→Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Power….→Stellen Sie unter "Settings for Presentation power scheme" alle Optionen auf Never.→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.→Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Settings.→Stellen Sie den Schieberegler für "Screen resolution" auf "1024 by 768 pixels".→Bestätigen Sie die Einstellungen mit OK.3.5 Ausgangszustand wiederherstellen→Entfernen Sie die Installations-DVD bzw. Setup-CD aus dem DVD-Laufwerk.→Schließen Sie die USB-Tastatur wieder am SR an.→Schalten Sie den Videomultiplexer auf den SR um.→Stecken Sie das USB-Kabel für das DVD-Laufwerk vom MC-Rechner ab.Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensSiemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensInstallationsanleitungBetriebssystem Windows XP Embeddedfür den MaschinencontrollerInstallation ManualWindows XP Embedded Operating Systemfor the Machine Controller11/2006 IssueUNIX is a registered trademark of AT&TX-Windows is a trademarkLINUX is a trademarkMicrosoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation(The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.) (We have checked the contents of the printed documentation to ensure that is in agreement with the hardware and software described therein. However, since discrepancies cannot be ruled out, we cannot assume responsibility for complete agreement.the information given in this printed documentation is however regularly reviewed and necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. We would appreciate any suggestions for improvements.)Siemens AG 2006 All rights reserved Subject to change without prior noticeItem-No.: 00195327-01 Siemens AGTo be ordered from:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensUNIX ist ein Warenzeichen von AT&TX-Windows ist ein WarenzeichenLINUX ist ein WarenzeichenMicrosoft und MS-DOS sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der Microsoft Corporation(Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts sind nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten, insbesondere für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM-Eintragung.) (Wir haben den Inhalt der Druckschrift auf Übereinstimmung mit der beschriebenen Hard- und Software geprüft. Dennoch können Abweichungen nicht ausgeschlossen werden, so dass wir für die vollständige Übereinstimmung keine Gewähr übernehmen.Die Angaben in dieser Druckschrift werden jedoch regelmäßig überprüft und notwendige Korrekturen sind in den nachfolgenden Auflagen enthalten. Für Verbesserungsvorschläge sind wir dankbar.)Siemens AG2006 All rights reserved Technische Änderungen vorbehaltenArtikel-Nr.: 00195327-01Siemens AGBestellung an:Siemens AG, Automation and DrivesElectronic Assembly SystemsRupert-Mayer-Strasse 44D-81359 München / GermanyPrinted by SiemensContentsPage 1Overview (4)2Scope of delivery (5)2.1Software components (5)2.2Prerequisites for installation (5)2.3Upgrade packages and components for the 603.xx software (6)2.4Hardware components of the computer system for the machine controller (7)2.4.1SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3 machine controller hardware (7)2.4.2SIPLACE D series machine controller hardware (8)3Installation (9)3.1Preparations for installing the machine controller (9)3.2Updating the BIOS on the machine controller computer (optional) (9)3.3Automatic BIOS settings on the MC computer (optional) (11)3.3.1Creating a setup CD for making the BIOS settings on the MC computer (11)3.3.2Making the BIOS settings on the MC computer (optional) (12)3.4Installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system for the machine controller (13)3.4.1Installation procedure (13)3.5Restoring the initial configuration (16)1 OverviewThis installation manual provides instructions on installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system for the machine controller.It contains information on the scope of delivery and requirements for successful installation.2 Scope of delivery2.1 Software componentsA separate standard package for installing the Windows XP Embedded operating system is available foreach machine controller type.Caution:It is imperative that the installation DVD from the standard package for the relevant computer typeas given in the table below is used to install the operating system on a machine controllercomputer. The machine will not boot if this is not done.Contents of a standard package:- Installation DVD for the Windows XP Embedded XP SP2 operating system- License/product certificate- Installation Manual "Windows XP Embedded Operating System for the Machine Controller" German + English (00195327-01)- PackagingNames of the standard packages MC computer type03053898-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 all For all MC computer types being upgraded froma predecessor version (< 603)03053907-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 CPU086 SMP16-CPU08603053908-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Micro PC SIMATIC Microbox 42003053909-01 Software eXP-SP2 RT MC-2.01 Box PC SIMATIC BoxPC 6272.2 Prerequisites for installation- Version 603.01 or later of the station software must be usedDVD- Installation- Hardware components (see section 2.4)- BIOS versions (see sections 3.2 and 3.3)2.3 Upgrade packages and components for the 603.xx softwareThe following upgrade packages are required for SIPLACE X4, X2 and X3 machines with CPU 076 when upgrading from Version 601.x or 602.x of the software:- Upgrade package for SIPLACE X4 with CPU 076 Æ Computer upgrade to CPU 086Item number: 03029123S03- Upgrade package for SIPLACE X2 and X3 with CPU 076 Æ 128 MB memory expansion Item number: 03051831The following upgrade package is required for all machine types of the SIPLACE X and D series:- Upgrade package, external DVD writer EW167B Æ external DVD drive2.4 Hardware components of the computer system for the machinecontroller2.4.1 SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3 machine controller hardwareName SMP16-CPU076CPU / clock frequency Celeron / 650 MHzMBRAM 256Hard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesFloppy drive 3.5", 1.44 MBYesUSB interfacesand external USB hubNetwork 1 x 10/100Base-TTable 2-1: Machine controller hardware (previous configuration of SIPLACE X series)Name SMP16-CPU086CPU / clock frequency Intel M / 1600 MHzMBRAM 512Hard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesYesUSB interfacesand external USB hubNetwork 1 x 10/100Base-TTable 2-2: Machine controller hardware (current configuration of SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3)Name SIMATIC Box PC 627CPU / clock frequency Pentium M / 2 GHzRAM 1GBHard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesSerial interfaces 1USB interfacesYesand external USB hubNetwork 2x 100 MBitTable 2-3: Machine controller hardware (future configuration of SIPLACE X series and SIPLACE D3)2.4.2 SIPLACE D series machine controller hardwareName SIMATIC Microbox 420 CPU / clock frequency Pentium III / 933 MHz RAM 256 MBHard disk 40 GBExternal DVD drive YesSerial interfaces 1USB interfacesYesand external USB hubNetwork 2x 100 MBitTable 2-4: Machine controller hardware (SIPLACE D series)3 Installation3.1 Preparations for installing the machine controller→Disconnect the USB keyboard from the station computer and connect it to the machine controller computer.→Switch the video multiplexer from the station computer to the machine controller.→Use the USB cable to connect the external DVD drive to the machine controller computer.3.2 Updating the BIOS on the machine controller computer (optional)When upgrading a SIPLACE X2 or X3 machine from software version 601.0x to version 603.01, it isnecessary to update the BIOS firmware on a machine controller computer fitted with CPU076 or CPU086.This is necessary in addition to the upgrade package (see section 2.3). The BIOS firmware must also be updated before the operating system is installed on the machine controller computer for the first time.Creating a floppy for updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU076:→Insert the DVD for Version 603.01 of the software into the DVD drive of a computer fitted with a DVD drive and a floppy drive.→Insert a formatted floppy (3.5", 1.44MB) into the floppy drive.→In the Windows Explorer, open the "BIOS-Images" folder on the DVD.→Double-click the self-extracting EXE file "CPU076_BIOS_Update.exe" and follow the instructions on screen.→Once the floppy has been written, remove the floppy and the DVD from the drives.Updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU076:Note:Before you start work, ensure that the floppy drive is set as the first boot device in the BIOSto allow the computer to be booted from floppy.→Insert the floppy you have created in the floppy drive of the machine controller and boot from the floppy by switching the machine on. The BIOS is now updated automatically.→After the operation has been completed, remove the floppy from the drive and carry out a warm start of the MC computer by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del>.Creating a CD for updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU086:→Insert the DVD for Version 603.01 of the software into the DVD drive of a computer fitted with a DVD drive and a CD-RW drive.→Insert an empty CD-R in the CD-RW drive.→In the Windows Explorer, open the "BIOS-Images" folder on the DVD.→Open the image file "CPU086_BIOS_Update.iso" using the installed CD writing program and follow the instructions on screen.→Once the CD has been written, remove the CD and DVD from the drives.Updating the BIOS on an MC computer with CPU086:Note:Before you start work, ensure that the CD-ROM drive is set as the first boot device in theBIOS to allow the computer to be booted from CD.→Insert the CD you have created in the DVD drive which is connected externally to the machine controller and boot from the CD by switching the machine on. The BIOS is now updatedautomatically.→After the operation has been completed, remove the CD from the drive and carry out a warm start of the MC computer by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del>.。
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P240 B B B
P244205 BK K K
在标准情况下,在基本装置调 速器中,电子箱灵活地允许插 入通讯模块和工艺模块。
灵活性和经济性 SIMOREG DC-MASTER 在任 何应用场合,均具有最佳的灵 活性和经济性: • 减轻主动系统和总线系统压
SimMotor 小型发动机模拟器使用手册
SimMotor小型发动机模拟器使用手册目录简介 (1)注意事项 (3)附录:25针接口引脚定义图 (4)工作条件 (5)操作说明 (6)连接线路 (6)SimMotor面板操作说明: (7)打开电源 (7)启动模拟器 (8)调节输出信号 (9)用PC端软件控制模拟器 (10)关闭模拟器(熄火) (11)关闭电源 (12)PC端软件使用说明 (13)界面说明 (13)联机通讯 (14)设置发动机参数 (18)转速控制 (20)断开联机 (21)简介本产品用来模拟一个单缸/双缸发动机所产生的各种传感器信号,包括:(1)模拟常用的小型发动机电喷系统的输入和输出信号;(2)内含小型发动机数学模型,适用于硬件在环测试(HIL);(3)模拟器可以和PC机进行串行通信,用户可以通过PC机设置发动机参数,以适合不同型号小型发动机;(4)包括模拟VRS转速传感器信号,齿数和缺齿都可以通过PC机端软件设置;曲轴信号示意图(5)包括模拟实际MAP传感器信号,并且和VRS信号同步,适用于发动机正时检测;MAP信号示意图(6)用户可以手动调节节气门位置,和发动机外部负载,从而实现发动机工况各种模拟;(7)模拟喷油,点火驱动负载,包括其他各种模拟,数字输入输出信号等。
SimMotor 小型发动机模拟器使用手册
SimMotor小型发动机模拟器使用手册目录简介 (1)注意事项 (3)附录:25针接口引脚定义图 (4)工作条件 (5)操作说明 (6)连接线路 (6)SimMotor面板操作说明: (7)打开电源 (7)启动模拟器 (8)调节输出信号 (9)用PC端软件控制模拟器 (10)关闭模拟器(熄火) (11)关闭电源 (12)PC端软件使用说明 (13)界面说明 (13)联机通讯 (14)设置发动机参数 (18)转速控制 (20)断开联机 (21)简介本产品用来模拟一个单缸/双缸发动机所产生的各种传感器信号,包括:(1)模拟常用的小型发动机电喷系统的输入和输出信号;(2)内含小型发动机数学模型,适用于硬件在环测试(HIL);(3)模拟器可以和PC机进行串行通信,用户可以通过PC机设置发动机参数,以适合不同型号小型发动机;(4)包括模拟VRS转速传感器信号,齿数和缺齿都可以通过PC机端软件设置;曲轴信号示意图(5)包括模拟实际MAP传感器信号,并且和VRS信号同步,适用于发动机正时检测;MAP信号示意图(6)用户可以手动调节节气门位置,和发动机外部负载,从而实现发动机工况各种模拟;(7)模拟喷油,点火驱动负载,包括其他各种模拟,数字输入输出信号等。
M O D R O L E L E C T R I C C O ., L T D .IMS -G F 系列使用手册交流伺服驱动器 400V 级1.5KW ~ 55KW产 品 运 转 前 请 认 真 阅 读 说 明 书 , 并 保 存 好 , 以 备 今 后 查 阅 。
VERSION: VS501目录第1章概要1.2 性能指标 (6)第2章变频器的相关说明第3章接线第4章操作器的使用第5章参数一览表第6章参数的说明第7章保护功能及故障显示7.1故障检出 (59)11.2 性能指标 (6)1.1 功能MODROL公司IMS-GF系列通用型驱动器采用智能功率模块IPM模块,具有集驱动、保护、功率交换于一体的优点,大大提高整机的可靠性;采用优化的PWM生成技术,输出谐波小;丰富的保护功能,使驱动器及周边设备的使用寿命更长!■具有V/F曲线控制、无传感矢量控制、电流矢量控制、磁通矢量控制四种电机控制模式,具有低速高转矩、低噪音等优点,适合不同的应用场合■可驱动交流异步电机、交流永磁同步电机■强大的控制功能转矩提升、全领域直流制动、速度搜索、PID控制、输出电压自动调整(AVR)等■接口丰富可切换的共发射极/共集电极端子输入模式标准的通信接口RS-422/485脉冲输入/输出■频率指令的种类●操作器直接设定●操作器UP/DOWN设定●外部端子多段速控制●外部端子UP/DOWN设定●模拟量输入●脉冲输入■特殊功能应用模式●主轴定位●刚性攻丝●PID控制卷绕控制■客户化功能追加具有系统的客户化功能追加体系,轻松实现控制驱动一体化。
■ 铭牌示例三相AC 400V 11KW 铭牌示例:图2.1 铭牌■ 型号说明在铭牌上的驱动器型号(MODEL )一栏里,用数字和字母表示了驱动器的系列号、电压等级、最大适用电机容量以及改版记号。
目录第一章简要介绍1.1前言----------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.2 功能简介------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.2.1 基本功能 ---------------------------------------------------------------3 1.2.2 特殊功能 ---------------------------------------------------------------4 1.2.3 安全保护功能 -----------------------------------------------------------4 第二章系统介绍2.1.1 主控微机输入接线端子(变频电梯)----------------------------------------6 2.1.2 主控微机输出接线端子(变频电梯)----------------------------------------7 2.1.3 主控微机输入接线端子(双速电梯)----------------------------------------8 2.1.4 主控微机输出接线端子(双速电梯)---------------------------------------10 2.1.5 主控微机呼梯端子-------------------------------------------------------11呼梯按钮开关接线端子--------------------------------------------------11呼梯按钮灯接线端子---------------------------------------------------12 第三章系统参数菜单3.1液晶显示屏及按键功能介绍-------------------------------------------------19 3.2主菜单-------------------------------------------------------------------19 3.2.1 CALL(召梯指令)菜单---------------------------------------------------20 3.2.2 TIME(定时计数)菜单---------------------------------------------------21 3.2.3 STATION(设定层站)菜单------------------------------------------------26 3.2.4 I/O(输入输出点)菜单--------------------------------------------------28 3.2.5 SYSTEM(设置系统)菜单-------------------------------------------------33 3.2.6 DOORS(门机系统)菜单 -------------------------------------------------34 3.2.7 ERROR(故障记录)菜单--------------------------------------------------34 3.2.8 PASSWORD(设置密码)菜单-------------------------------------------------35 3.2.9 井道数据菜单-----------------------------------------------------------41 3.3 速度组合表---------------------------------------------------------------44第四章安装及调试4.1 减速距离的确定 ----------------------------------------------------------46 4.2 试运行慢车输入信号-------------------------------------------------------46 4.3 试运行快车输入信号要求---------------------------------------------------46 4.4 井道自学习方法-----------------------------------------------------------46 第五章故障说明及处理方法---------------------------------------------------------48 附表1:安川616G5变频器参数表-------------------------------------50附表2:安川G7变频器参数表----------------------------------------56 附表3:富士G11UD变频器参数表------------------------------------62 附表4:富士5000VG7S变频器参数表---------------------------------67第一章简要介绍1.1 前言LIFTCON-MB1并行电梯控制微机是一款高性能低价格电梯控制系统,是以可靠、低价功能全、易维护、易使用、美观为设计思想。
3. 操作模式............................................................................................................16
3.1. ON LINE在线操作 .......................................................................................16 3.2. 高效模式下的操作 .......................................................................................17 3.3. 手动旁路操作...............................................................................................17 3.4. 外部手动旁路操作(选).............................................................................17 3.5. GE配置操作.................................................................................................18 3.6. “Energy Saver” “节能”模式......................................................................18
Minimo ONE 系列 Ver. 2 电机操作手册说明书
A combination of C2212 conforms to EN specificationEN60745-1、EN60745-2-3EN61000-6-4、EN61000-4-2、EN61000-4-3、EN61000-4-4EN61000-4-5、EN61000-4-6、EN61000-4-8、EN61000-4-11 Products are subject to change without notice.Thank you very much for purchasing Minimo ONE Series Ver. 2 Motor.This product is the Motor for Minitor Handpieces.Read carefully this instruction manual before use.Also read carefully the instruction manuals of head (Standard/Slender Rotary, and Anglon) D.C. power pack, and of foot switch. Please keep this instruction manual near the power pack for any operators to refer to whenever operating this system.If you lost your instruction manual, download it from our website. Introduction*Hand Switch refers to the switch on the motor.●Read the precautions below to ensure safe use and handling. These precautions are intended toprotect you and others around you. Read and follow them carefully to avoid injury, damage to theproduct or damage to property.●Read carefully the instruction manual of this power pack, handpieces and foot switch.●Keep this instruction manual near the power pack for any operators to refer to whenever operating this system.■ About Warning and CautionSafety instructions are classified as Warning and Caution in accordance with the seriousness of the risk.■ About SymbolsThe symbols below have the following meanings.Cautions for handling and operationContents※This instruction manual is shared for every Minimo One Series Ver.2 motor. ・KM112 ・KM112H ・KM112G ・KM212 ・KM212H ・KM212L ・KV112H ・KV212 ・KV212H【Allowed Powerpack】 C2012/C2112/C2212 Only (Minimo One Series Ver.2 since 2013) Not available with all the other powerpacksfig-4.Speed / Torque Curve Load torque(cN・m)●Hand Switch The hand switch enables quick start/stop operation. This is very useful if you often make the start/stop operation and/or you work away from the powerpack ●Mounting Handpiece Identification Resistor The handpiece mounts a handpiece identification resistor corresponded to the handpiece identification function on Minimo One Series Ver.2 powerpacks. This function optimally controls rotation speed and torque of the handpiece.●Removable Handpiece The motor and head part are removable. So, you can select motors and heads for your own purpose.●Curl Cord As the curl cord is elastic, it does not interrupt your work.IntroductionSafety Precautions・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・1~2Contents ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・31. Confirmation of this product ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・32. Equipment Features・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・33. Specifications・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・34. Names of Each Component・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・55. Operating Procedure ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・5 5-1 Atataching the head to the motor 5-2 Connecting to Powerpack 5-3 Operation of Hand Switch6. Replacement of Carbon Brush (Curl Cord)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・67. Accessories ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・78. Trouble Shooting ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・79. Maintenance and inspection ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・7Motor ※The picture above is KM212H.fig-3.System configuration table fig-1Please make sure of standardequipments and accessories inside. D.C. POWER PACKHandpiece Foot SwitchAC Cord CA20/CA21CA22fig-2A Motor is only included.Except the Motor, please purchase individually.Carbonbrush 1set (2pieces)Operation Manual■Over load function when the motor is locked ・Danger avoidance function The overload funciton will operate if its collet chuck opens or the load is stable.●Usual overload. ・Opened collet chuck. ⇒ Switch ON ⇒ Overload caution.(5 sec) ⇒ Overload(Stop)●Over load in case that its collet chuck opens. ・Opened collet chuck. ⇒ Switch ON ⇒ 15 sec ⇒ Overload caution.(5 sec) ⇒ Overload(Stop)●Trouble shooting in case that the danger avoidance function operates under constant load. ・A constant load process(15 sec). ⇒ Overload caution. ⇒ Set to no-load condition within 5 seconds. ⇒ Danger avoidance function is reset.※The time by the caution and the load displacement can be changed.Please ask to Minitor for changing.※If the symptom is not improved after corrective action, the handpiece might be defective. Please ask for repair.※Any other troubles or obscure points, please contact our minitor dealer.Condition Investigation Corrective actionMotor does not run.Please plug an AC cord.Is an AC cord unplug?Motor is overheated while running.Please replace e equivalent fuse.Is a fuse blown?Use the handpiece within the green lights ofthe load meter on the powerpack.Do you use the handpiece with excessive loads?Unusual noise and/or vibration occurs.Ask us for repair.Make sure if the noise and/or vibration occurs when the handpiece runs in slow rotation speed.Replace carbon brushes.Are the carbon brushes worn away?Please close the collet of the handpiece.Is a fuse blown?While a foot switch is connected with the powerpack,the start/stop operation is done only by the foot switch.Is a foot switch connected with the powerpack?Hand switch does not work.●Please check if there is some damage or not on the case and cord.●Please check if there is accumulated dust, oil, water and so on or not.※Please maintain and inspect a handpiece.Rubber CradleRM11Carbonbrush 1set (2pieces)。
The height and the guide block side of every vise are
all made with full control.
H- Dimension tolerance 0.02
L- Dimension tolerance 0.02 or less. or less.
࢙࠽ Allowance
Ꮸݟධͦ InspectiSS
1. Parallelism of guide block side of body bottom face and fixed jaw clamp force. ཌɹࠦ࿁ਗࠦʘٜۧܓ
J J1 K L
153 JQV-160L 161 635 536 99 94 86 60 100 160 355 535 18 145 159 153 JQV-160XL 161 800 701 99 94 86 60 100 160 520 695 18 145 159 153 JQV-160LL 161 985 886 99 94 86 60 100 160 705 800 18 145 159
2. Squareness of fixed jaw clamp face and
jaw slide way.
14. Route the hose with the rubber elbow under the bypass valve pipe and connect it to the valve cover. Route the other end under the turbocharger muffler and connect it to the IN port on the catch can. (1x worm gear clamp)
intercooler pipe. The image below is of an aftermarket intercooler pipe. The stock pipe will look different.
5. Squeeze the quick-disconnect fittings at each end of the crancase breather hose, and then remove the hose.
Mounting Hardware
2.5m m Allen Key 7m m Socket 8m m Socket 10m m Socket 1/ 4" Drive Rat chet 1/ 4" Drive Ext ension 7/ 8 Wrench
IN STALL TIM E 30 M in u t es
M ISHIM OTO | 18 BOULDEN CIRCLE, NEW CASTLห้องสมุดไป่ตู้, DE 19720 | P 1.877.GOM ISHI | WWW.M ISHIM
SIEMENSSIMOTRAS HD6SG70系列数字式三相定子调压调速控制装置用于起重机的转子绕线式滑环电动机控制最简式参数及调试说明书1. 调回出厂时设定参数1.1 调回确省(出厂时设定)参数值为了重新执行一个完全新的驱动系统,而对已设定好的基本参数的装置可执行一个“调回确省参数值”的功能重新设置参数。
1.2 功能的执行1.2.1 设置参数P051=211.2.2 传输参数值到可读写寄存器中参数值被存贮在可读写寄存器(EEPROM)中,因此既使装置断电之后该参数仍然不会丢失。
2. 在接通电源之前必须阅读下述注意事项:2.1 危险性:在起动装置工作之前必须保证传动系统是安全的,即周围无人,机构无卡阻或危及其它物体的可能。
2.2 在第一次启动该装置之前应首先完成如下工作内容2.2.1 SIMOTRAS HD 装置任何端子上均不带电。
2.2.2 检查接线、保护及接地等是否齐全正确。
2.2.3 检查主回路电源(最大交流500V)。
2.2.4 检查控制回路电源(最大交流250V)。
2.2.5 连接并设定电动机保护元件(电动机保护开关,电动机保护继电器),如果连接有PTC,请检查温度检测元件。
OBD Solutions ECUsim 2000 5100 软件配置可复现OBD模拟器说明书
ECUsim 2000 ECUsim 5100 Programming ManualPRELIMINARYInformation contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners.Copyright © 2013 OBD Solutions. All rights reserved.Table of Contents1.0Introduction (4)2.0Commands (4)2.1Command Summary (4)2.2General ECUsim Commands (7)2.3DTC Commands (7)2.4ECU Commands (8)2.5Freeze Frame Commands (8)2.6PID Commands (9)3.0Event Messages (10)4.0Error Messages (10)5.0Examples (11)5.1Creating a Basic ECU (11)5.2Adding PIDs (11)5.3Adding DTCs (12)5.4Adding Freeze Frames (12)5.5Setting the VIN and CAL ID (12)1.0IntroductionECUsim 2000 and 5100 are software-configurable, stand-alone benchtop OBD simulators.Internally, the objects (ECUs, DTCs, PIDs, and Freeze Frames) are created dynamically at runtime, and stored in RAM. Consequently, objects can be created and deleted at will, but are lost after a software reset, or when power is removed. The high-level object hierarchy is:ECUsimo ECUs▪PIDs▪Fault Sets▫DTCs▫Freeze FramesWhen a parent object is deleted, all its child objects are deleted as well.ECUsim object cannot be deleted.Certain objects can have multiple child objects. For example, ECUsim can have multiple ECUs. In turn, each ECU can have multiple PIDs, DTCs, and Freeze Frames.The number of objects that can be created depends on the size of the objects, and is limited by available RAM.Objects have many user-settable properties (e.g., name, VIN, protocol preset). These properties can be set at run-time.Most objects are self-explanatory, and their behavior is straightforward. Two important exceptions are the concepts of System-Managed ECUs and Fault Sets.System-Managed ECUs have their relevant properties (active protocol preset, physical address, functional address, etc) updated automatically after a protocol switch is made (SP). Default ECUs are system-managed, but user-created ECUs are not. This attribute is controlled by the ESM command.A Fault Set is a group of fault conditions, which define what happens when the user generates a fault event (by pressing the FAULT button, or issuing the SF command) and when the fault event is cleared via a Mode $04 OBD request. There are two fault sets defined for each ECU: “no fault” (0) and “fault” (1).2.0Commands2.1Command SummaryThe following tables list all available ECUsim commands. Note that while the ECUsim 5100 and the U ltimate edition of the ECUsim 2000 support all commands, some of the commands are not available in the S tandard and P rofessional editions.Table 1 – General ECUsim CommandsTable 2 – DTC CommandsTable 3 – ECU CommandsTable 4 – Freeze Frame CommandsTable 5 – PID Commands2.2General ECUsim CommandsSF on|offTurn “Fault” mode on or off. Fault mode is off by default.SOMM on|offTurn OBD bus monitoring on or off. OBD monitoring is on by default.SOMMT on|offTurn timestamp printing on or off. Timestamps are on by default.SOMT header, dataTransmit OBD message. The message will be sent over the active protocol set by the SP command.SIPrint device information.SP protocol_numberSet active OBD protocol. Note that ECUs must be set to the same OBD protocol as the simulator to be able to send and receive messages.Table 6: OBD Protocol Presets1 The 5BAUD/FAST switch determines the type of initialization (5 baud or fast).2 Baud rate and CAN ID type are controlled by the 250K/500K and 11/29 BIT switches.SPBR baud_rateSet active OBD protocol. Note that ECUs must be set to the same OBD protocol as the simulator to be able to send and receive messages.SPIPrint current OBD protocol settings.SRReset the PIM. This command is equivalent to power cycling the simulator. It is useful for setting the PIM back to its “power on” state.2.3DTC Commands DAD ecu_id, fault_setDelete all DTCs for the specified ECU and fault set. DPA ecu_id, fault_set, dtcAdd pending DTC to the specified ECU and fault set. DPDA ecu_id, fault_setDelete all pending DTCs for the specified ECU and fault set.DRA ecu_id, fault_set, dtcAdd permanent DTC to the specified ECU and fault set. DRDA ecu_id, fault_setDelete all permanent DTCs for the specified ECU and fault set.DSA ecu_id, dtc,fault_setAdd stored DTC to the specified ECU and fault set. DSDA ecu_id, fault_setDelete all stored DTCs for the specified ECU and fault set.2.4ECU CommandsE ecu_id, on|offEnable/disable specified ECU. This allows the user to quickly remove an ECU from OBD communication, without affecting the ECU’s properties. User still has the ability to change the attributes of disabled ECUs (set VIN, add DTCs and PIDs, etc).EA ecu_idAdd an ECU. This command creates a blank ECU. To be able to communicate with the ECU via OBD, configure it by setting the physical and functional addresses, CAN ID type (if applicable), protocol, and add PIDs and/or DTCs.The ECU ID is a parameter required by most ECUsim commands. It must be unique, and once an ECU is created, its ID cannot be changed.EAF ecu_id, functional_addrSet the functional address for the specified ECU.EAP ecu_id, physical_addrSet the physical address of the specified ECU.EAPA ecu_id, protocol, physical_addr, functional_addr, [can_id_type]Add address pair to the specified ECU. Address pairs allow the simulator to update ECU protocol settings automatically, when user changes the active protocol of the simulator. Only one address pair is allowed per protocol. Enable system management (ESM) when using this command.EAUPP ecu_id, on/offSet auto update protocol properties on or off. Auto protocol properties allow the simulator to change the protocol of enabled ECUs when the SP x command is entered. When switching the protocol, a valid address pair must exist. If a valid address pair cannot be found, then the simulator will not change any of the ECUs attributes. EC ecu_id, “calid”Set the Calibration ID number for the specified ECU (Mode $09, SID $04). Maximum length of calid is 16 characters. Unused data bytes will be padded with $00. ECD ecu_idDelete the Calibration ID number for the specified ECU.ED ecu_idDelete the specified ECU.EDADelete all ECUs.ELPrint ECU list.EN ecu_id, “ecu name”Set the name of the specified ECU. Maximum length of ecuname is 20 characters. Unused data bytes will be padded with $00.END ecu_idDelete the name of the specified ECU.EP ecu_id, protocolSet the protocol of the specified ECU. When using this command, users are also required to set the physical and functional addresses and CAN id type (if applicable). Refer to the “SP” command definition for valid protocols.EV ecu_id, vinSet the Vehicle Identification Number for the specified ECU. Maximum length of vin is 17 characters. Unused data bytes will be padded with $00.EVD ecu_idDelete the VIN for the specified ECU.2.5Freeze Frame CommandsFA ecu_id, fault_set, frame_numAdd freeze frame to the specified ECU and fault set. FD ecu_id, frame_numDelete the specified freeze frame.FDA ecu_id, fault_set, frame_num, dtcAdd a DTC to the specified freeze frame.FTD ecu_id, fault_set, frame_numDelete the DTC in the specified freeze frame.FT ecu_id, fault_set, frame_num, dtcSet a specified frame’s DTC. This command is used to change an existing DTC (created by the FDA command). FPA ecu_id, fault_set, frame_num, pid_num, pid_data Add a PID to the specified freeze frame. FPD ecu_id, fault_set, frame_num, pid_numDelete the specified PIDFPSD ecu_id, fault_set, frame_num, pid_num, pid_data Set the PID data for the specified freeze frame. This command is used to change the data of an existing PID (created by the FPA command)2.6PID Commands PA ecu_id, pid_num, pid_dataAdds a new PID to the specified ECU.PAUDC ecu_id, on|offTurn on/off auto updating of DTC count for PID 0x01. PAUMS ecu_id, on|offTurn on/off auto-update of the MIL status flag in PID 0x01.PAUS ecu_id, on|offTurn on/off auto-update of supported PIDs PIDs (PIDs $00, $20, etc). PD ecu_id, pid_numDelete PID from the specified ECU.PSD ecu_id, pid_number, pid_data, [offset]Set the value of the specified PID. The offset refers to the number of bytes to shift the PID’s value to the right. If pid_data exceeds the length of the PID data field, the command will be ignored.3.0Event Messages<MALFUNCTION EVENT>Status message, indicates that a Fault Event was generated via the ‘Fault’ button press, o r a software command.<WAITING FOR 5 BAUD INIT>ECUsim is waiting for the OBD tester to start the 5-baud ISO 9141 or ISO 14230 initialization sequence.<WAITING FOR FAST INIT>ECUsim is waiting for the OBD tester to start the fast ISO 14230 initialization sequence. <5 BAUD INIT: OK>Detected a successful 5 baud initialization sequence. <FAST INIT: OK>Detected a successful ISO 14230-4 fast initialization sequence.<ALL ECUS TIMED OUT>All virtual ECUs had timed out, because a supported request had not been received within P3MAX(ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4 protocols).<UART TX OVERFLOW>UART transmit buffer overflow detected.4.0Error MessagesCAN ERRORThe CAN peripheral had trouble transmitting or receiving messages. Possible causes include:∙Device not connected to the CAN bus∙Wrong protocol/CAN baud rate∙Wiring problemCMD NOT FOUNDUnrecognized command.ECU NOT FOUNDSpecified ECU does not exist.INVALIDIncorrect command syntax, or the command is not appropriate for the context (e.g., send OBD message while the protocol is set to NONE). INVALID PARAM COUNTToo few or too many parameters specified.OUT OF MEMORYNot enough available RAM to complete the requested operation.PARAM ERRORInvalid parameter specified.PROTOCOL LOCKEDUnable to switch to the specified protocol, because the protocol has not been enabled.5.0Examples5.1Creating a Basic ECUIn this example, we will create a basic custom ECU. This ECU will use the J1850 PWM protocol and support one PID (RPM).Notes:∙After any reset, the simulator automatically creates default ECUs. Therefore, the first step is to delete the default ECUs.∙The knobs are assigned to the first three ECUs (IDs $0, $1, and $2). We want to set the RPM to a fixed value, therefore we will use the next available ID ($3).Here is the complete list of commands:SP 1set the simulator’s protocol to PWMEDA delete all existing (default) ECUsEA 3 create ECU #3EN 3, “My ECU” specify ECU nameEAP 3, 10 assign ECU physical address $10EAF 3, 6A assign ECU functional address $6AEP 3, 1 set ECU’s protocol preset to PWMPA 3, 0C, 0FA0 create PID (RPM) and set its value to 1000 r/minE 3, on turn on the ECUSend the EL(“list ECUs”) command to verify that the ECU has been created correctly. You should see the following summary:3 My ECU 10,6AWe can now request RPM to verify proper operation. Commands below assume that you’re using an STN11xx-based OBD tester (e.g., OBDLink SX or OBDLink MX):>ATSP 1 set protocol to PWMOK>ATH 1 turn on message headersOK>01 0C send a request for RPM41 6B 10 41 0C 0F A0 DE response from ECUsim5.2Adding PIDsPrevious example already demonstrated how to add the PID for RPM ($0C). However, most OBD testers would not be able to read out the RPM value, or even connect to the ECU, because the ECU will not respond to a PID $00 request. There are two ways to remedy this problem: either add the PID manually using the PA command, or use the PAUS command to have the ECU automatically create and update the “supported PIDs” PIDs ($00, $20, $40, etc) on as-needed basis.We’ll use the PAUS command in this example, as we add PIDs for vehicle speed and fuel level. Assuming you’ve already set up a basic ECU from the previous example, enter the following commands:PAUS 3, on enable auto-update of supported PIDsPA 3, 0D, 64vehicle speed = 100 km/hPA 3, 2F, 80fuel level = 50%Use an OBD tester to confirm that the ECUsim automatically created and properly encoded PIDs $00 and $020:>0100 request supported PIDs in the $01-$20 range41 6B 10 41 00 00 18 00 01 95>0120 request supported PIDs in the $21-$40 range41 6B 10 41 20 00 02 00 00 5ENotice that the PAUS command encoded the existing PID ($0C), as well as the new PIDs.5.3Adding DTCsECUs can have stored, pending, and permanent DTCs. A given DTC can be added to either a “no fault” or “fault” fault set.A “fault” event is generated when the user presses the “FAULT” button, or enters the SF on command.To add a stored DTC to the “fault” fault set, issue this command:DSA 3, 1, P0100report a stored DTC (P0100) after a fault event To automatically update DTC count and MIL status:PAUDC 3, on enable automatic updates of stored DTC countPAUMS 3, on enable automatic updates of MIL statusIf PID $01 does not exist, it will be automatically added to the ECU.5.4Adding Freeze FramesA freeze frame belongs to a fault set, has a frame number, and may contain PIDs and DTCs. In this example, we will create a freeze frame that will be created after a “FAULT” event, and add one DTC and one PID:FA 3, 1, 0 create freeze frame #0 for ECU ID=3FT 3, 1, 0, P0100 add DTC (P0100) to freeze frame #0FPA 3, 1, 0, 0C, 0FA0 add PID (RPM) to freeze frame #0To verify, generate a “FAULT” event, and us e OBDLink to send the commands:>02 00 00 request supported PIDs in the $01-$20 range41 6B 10 42 00 00 40 10 00 00 27>02 02 00 request PID $02 (which DTC generated Freeze Frame?)41 6B 10 42 02 00 01 00 58>02 0C 00 request PID $0C (RPM)41 6B 10 42 0C 00 0F A0 E35.5Setting the VIN and CAL IDVIN and CAL ID are limited to 17 and 16 ASCII characters, respectively:EV 3, “MyCustomVIN123456”EC 3, “MyCustomCALID 12”Revision History Appendix A:Revision B (April 29, 2013)Fixed header and footer alignmentsRenamed this document to ecusim-pm.pdf Revision A (April 23, 2013)Initial release of this documentAppendix B:Contact InformationOBD Solutions1819 W Rose Garden Ln Ste 3Phoenix, AZ 85027United StatesPhone:+1 623.434.5506Fax:+1 623.321.1628Email:****************Web:。
Vacuubrand ME 1 和 ME 1C 系统的产品说明书
M ás i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mSistemas de vacío en el laboratorioLa filtración por vacío es una aplicación muy usual para la preparación de muestras en la microbiología, controles de aguas residuales y en analítica. Con un vacío final de solo 100 mbar ya se cuenta con el 90% de la presión atmosférica como fuerza impulsora para la filtración. Para filtraciones en me-dios acuosos es la ME 1 la elección correcta. En el caso sitrabaja con solventes corrosivos, se aconseja la ME 1C con suexcelente resistencia a químicos.RENDIMIENTO ME 1 y ME 1C■0.7 m³/h máx. capacidad de aspiración, 100 mbar vacío final (abs.)■pequeña, robusta, confiable■fácil de operar■bombeo y evacuación libre de contaminación■excelente resistencia química (ME 1C)■demostrada larga vida útil de su membranas ¿Cansado de esperar para la filtración? Permíta-nos ayudarle a acelerar sus s nuevas bombas ME 1 y ME 1CLa filtración a vacío es una aplicación muy co-mún en todo laboratorio. Estas nuevas bombasde membrana ME 1 y ME 1C son compactas, dealta eficiencia y fácil de operar, hacen que seanel aliado perfecto para filtraciones y dispositivosmúltiples de aspiración de líquidos. La ME 1C po-see además una excelente resistencia química.M á i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mLos requerimientos de vacío para la rotaevaporación pueden ser muy variados, dependiendo del tipo de solvente y su temperatura de evaporación. En ese sentido un moderno equipo de vacío ofrece una solución con un controlador de vacío integrado, a fin de lograr un óptimo índice de evaporación. Esto reduce significativamente los tiempos de proceso, energética-mente eficiente y en conformidad con el medio ambiente.RENDIMIENTO PC 3001 VARIO1.7 m³/h máx. capacidad de aspiración, 2 mbar vacío final■controlador de vacío CVC 3000 fácil de manejar con menú guiado en 14 ■idiomasadaptación automática del vacío a cada proceso y para un trabajo sin cons- ■tante supervisióntiempos de proceso 30% más rápidos gracias a su regulación precisa y conti- ■nua (libre de histéresis)muy buen vacío final aún trabajando con gas lastre abierto (Gas Ballast) ■de marcha muy silenciosa y de bajas vibraciones■excelente conformidad con el medio ambiente por una eficiente recupera- ■ción de los solventess ¡No más líquidos hirviendo!PC 3001 VARIOEl PC 3001 VARIO satisface los requerimientos dellaboratorio para muchos solventes con alto puntode ebullición (Por ej. rotaevaporación). La precisaregulación automática del vacío evita la ebulli-ción retardada y la formación de espuma, acortatiempos de trabajo y ofrece una alta seguridad enel proceso sin la necesidad de vigilar constante-mente el trabajo.M á i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mEstufas de secado se usan muy a menudo para compuestos delicados en los cuales se desea eliminar la mayor humedad posible. Independientemente del grado de secado, de la máxima temperatura permitida y del tipo de solvente usado, se hace necesario mayormente un buen vacío final. En determinados procesos de secado la bomba debe desplazar gran-des volúmenes de vapor, estos solo pueden ser bienevacuados con bombas con elevada capacidad deaspiración.RENDIMIENTO PC 3003 VARIO2.8 m³/h máx. capacidad de aspiración, 0.6 mbar vacío final■controlador de vacío CVC 3000 fácil de manejar con menú guiado ■en 14 idiomasadaptación automática del vacío a cada proceso y para una elevada ■seguridad sin constante supervisióntiempos de proceso cortos gracias a su regulación del vacío pun- ■tual y precisa (libre de histéresis)ideal para líquidos de elevado punto de ebullición y bajas tempera- ■turas de secado excelente conformidad con el medio ambiente por una eficiente ■recuperación de los solventess La mejor adaptación al proceso de secado loofrecen las bombas a membrana y puestos debombas como por ej. el PC 3003 VARIO. Adecuael vacío de forma puntual y automática (libre dehistéresis) a cada proceso de secado y esta equi-pado con un controlador de vacío CVC 3000 demanejo fácil e intuitivo.Un secado más suave, imposible.PC 3003 VARIOM á i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mLa liofilización requiere equipos con un vacío final de hasta 10-3 mbar. La solución ideal es una bomba rotativa de dos etapas (diferentes capacidades de aspiración disponibles) o la bomba especial versión química-HYBRID RC 6, es una combinación de una bomba rotativa y una bomba a membranas versión química. El constante vacío en la cámara de aceite generado por la bomba a membrana, impide que los vapores condensen en lacámara de aceite, reduciendo así cambios de aceite a un90 %, por lo tanto la bomba rotativa adquiere cualidadesde versión química.RENDIMIENTO RC 65.9 m³/h máx. capacidad de aspiración, 2 x 10 ■-3 mbar vacío final muy reducida corrosión interna al trabajar con vapores agresivos ■significativo ahorro de aceite por los cambios prolongados de aceite y ■bajo mantenimientoexcelente conformidad con el medio ambiente por una recuperación efi- ■ciente de los solventes (como puesto de bomba PC 8 con condensador de emisiones)es una solución económica: en la práctica mayormente no necesita de una ■trampa de fríos M á i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mEl equipo perfecto en tiempos fríos.Bomba versión Química-Hybrid™ RC 6El colaborador perfecto para su liofilización. LaRC 6 es una combinación de una bomba rotativaa paletas de dos etapas y una bomba a membra-nas versión química de dos etapas, optimizadaspara la resistencia a la corrosión. Esta ofrece unaexcelente capacidad de aspiración, bajo mante-nimiento y una notable reducción de aceite des-echable.La concentración por vacío pone en desafío a equipos con elevados requeri-mientos respecto a vacío final y elección de accesorios. Aparte de una buena resistencia química de la bomba, se desea una alta tolerancia a condensación de vapores. Los vapores de solventes aspirados puedenser recuperados por medio de un condensador de emi-siones a la salida de la bomba.RENDIMIENTO MD 1C1.3 m³/h máx. capacidad de aspiración, 2 mbar vacío final■excelente resistencia química y tolerancia a condensación de va- ■poreselevada capacidad de aspiración hasta cerca del vacío final■muy buen vacío final aún con gas lastre abierto (Gas Ballast)■de marcha muy silenciosa y de bajas vibraciones■de comprobada larga vida útil de las membranas, partes del motor ■libres de mantenimientos Tecnología de vacío Gire sin preocupaciones con su concentrador de vacío.Por la acción simultánea del vacío y la fuerza cen-trífuga, las muestras pueden ser concentradas sinformación de espuma y aglutinación. La MD 1C esuna de las bombas base confiable de gran rendi-miento para toda una gama de bombas versiónquímica y el socio ideal para la generación devacío en concentradores a vacío.M á i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mBomba a membrana MD 1C versión químicaMás información en RENDIMIENTO bVC 21 NTaspiración suave y eficaz también con volúmenes muy pequeños ■una aspiración precisa evita turbulencias en la muestra■mantiene y controla automáticamente la demanda de vacío■recipiente colector autoclavable con microfiltro estéril 0.2 μm y ■válvulas de acople rápido con autocierrelarga duración del microfiltro por una óptima construcción del reci- ■piente colector que minimiza la formación de espuma y aerosoles bomba a membranas de gran rendimiento para la operación simul- ■tánea de dos operarios (accesorio opcional un segundo asidero o handset y acoplamiento)En laboratorios de biología molecular, bioquímica y laboratorios de cul-tivos celulares se aspiran de forma rutinaria líquidos sobrenadantes. La cantidad de muestra que se gana es a menudo tediosa su obtención o de muy pequeña cantidad. Por eso líquidos sobrenadantes deberán ser se-parados de forma eficiente y total, sín estropear o peor aun, perder mues-tra en la aspiración. La solución profesional es el BioChem-VacuuCenterBVC 21 NT que facilita de gran manera esta labor y aumenta su seguridad.M ás i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w a c ub r a .c o Tecnología de vacíoPreciso y sensibleEl sistema de aspiración de líquidos BVC 21 NT por microlitros con perilla giratoria.automático de la demanda de vacío, siny desacoplamiento rápido con autocierreun recambio seguro del recipiente autocla-de conectar un segundo vacuum-hand-M ás i n f o r m a c i ón e n w .v u n d mMás información en RENDIMIENTOconexión de sensor externo al DCP 3000 para medición directa en ■el proceso, ampliación flexible hasta cuatro sensores del tipo VSK 3000 (Atm. hasta 0.1 mbar) y cuatro VSP 3000 (Atm. hasta 10-3 mbar)novedoso sensor VSP 3000, robusto con materiales sintéticos y■cerámicos, con excelente resistencia química el VSP 3000, rango de medición desde la presión atomosférica hasta ■el vacío medio 10-3 mbar, principio de medición de la conductividad térmica de los gasesla combinación de un controlador CVC 3000, sensor de vacío VSP■3000 y válvula de vacío VV-B permite el control y regulación del vacío medio El DCP 3000 es un vacuómetro para el rango que va desde el vacío primario hasta el vacío medio. Su display amplio y claro ofrece un manejo sencillo por medio de un botón giratorio y la observación de todos los sensores conecta-dos. El novedoso sensor de vacío VSP 3000 se basa en el principio de medición de la conductividad térmica de los gases (Pirani) para un amplio rango de medición, desde la presión atmosférica hasta 10-3 mbar. Este sensor por sus características únicas de construcción, ofrece una excelente resistencia quími-ca como también robustez mecánica en comparación con sensores Pirani co-munes que no posee protección alguna en su alambre metálico de medición.M ás i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c omTecnología de vacíoUna combinación asombrosa de sensibilidad y resistencia.Sensor de vacío Pirani VSP 3000 y vacuómetro DCP 3000El sensor de vacío VSP 3000 para medidores ycontroladores de la serie 3000, ofrece una incom-parable resistencia a la corrosión y robustez me-cánica para la medición desde la presión atmosfé-rica hasta 10-3 mbar. Es resistente a salpicaduras yapto para zonas duras de trabajo.M ás i n f o r m a c i ón e n w w w .v a c u u b r a n d .c o mVACUUbRAND GMbH + CO KGAlfred-Zippe-Str. 4 · 97877 Wertheim · Germany Tel.: +49 9342 808-0 · Fax: +49 9342 808-450 ******************· Tecnología de vacío© 2010 VACUUBRAND GMBH + CO KG · 06/2010 Reservado el derecho a modificaciones técnicas.。
说明MC 系列 Millennium 控制器是一种以微机为基础的监视、控制和数据采集系统。
MC 系列适用于机动压缩机及其它多种工业设备控制。
MC 系列作为成套控制设备的核心,可无间断地监视输入信号和设置点,并相应控制输出,以保持设备正常运行。
除监视,停机和控制功能外,MC 系列控制器还可进行重要的设备及操作数据的本地以及远程通信。
对于可编程逻辑控制器、PC 和 SCADA 系统均提供了一个串行链接。
无线电和卫星通信通过 MODBUS RTU 协议提供。
摩菲公司 (Murphy) 可为您定制设计成套控制设备,以满足您的具体规格要求。
基本组件MC 系列由一个显示模块、一个带有连接电缆的电源,以及各种扩展模块和相应电缆组成。
控制器显示 PC 模块MCH-V-M :586 兼容处理器、100 MHz ;8MB RAM ;VFD 显示屏电源MCPS-A2:带两路模拟输出。
I/O 扩展模块C267:8 路数字输入、7 路模拟输入、电源监视、8 路数字输出。
9 – 28 伏直流,2.25 – 11.2 瓦,不包括最大 18 安的额外输出。
C277:18 路热电偶或 4 – 20 毫安电流输入。
9 至 28 伏直流,0.6 瓦C287:9 至 28 伏直流,3 – 5 瓦,包括4 – 20 毫安输出。
MC 系列通用规格电源输入:10 – 32 伏直流,最大 26 瓦。
操作温度:-40 至 85°C (-40 至 185°F )底座装置及VFD 显示 -40 至 85°C (-40 到185°F )。
编者:目录前言 (2)编者: (2)目录 (3)安装向导 (4)《注:产品图片更新可能跟实物有区别》 (4)产品组成: (5)功能特点 (5)手动故障设计使用说明 (8)触摸屏智能考核系统使用说明 (10)实训项目 (12)注意事项 (15)常见故障排除 (16)安装向导实验台分为台架与面板,先把实验台面板抬放在台架上,再把台架上一个50芯插头与面板上的50芯插座对准缺口往上插并随之往右拧紧即可。
●可通过原厂组合仪表、可以看到发动机的转速,及其它指示灯的工作情况. 可以通过故障指示灯来显示故障●数字表、指针表等可直观地看到各个传感器等的电压随着负载不同而变化的情况,实时显示发动机的动态、静态信号参数●通过压力表显示燃油、真空表显示进气真空压力的实际数据;还可以看到进气真空度随负载而变化的情况功能说明:本台采用轿车发动机,增设检测端子、故障开关、组合仪表以及与发动机工作相关的辅助系统,在每个传感器设有数字电压表、指针式表显示真空压力、机油压力、燃油压力;指示灯显示喷油器电磁阀。
1.2 功能
本仿真仪的功能是仿真发动机 ECU 模块工作需要的发动机正时信号以及各 种传感器及开关信号。
编号 信 号 名 称 型式 范 围 方向
1 电源
电压 24V
输出 额定电流 32A(800W)
2 T15
电压 悬空|24V 输出
3 T50
电压 0|24V
4 发动机转速
12 机油压力
电压 0-5V
13 进气压力
电压 0-5V
14 远程油门
电压 0-5V
15 预留模拟通道 1 电压 0-5V
16 EGR 前压力
电压 0-5V
17 EGR 后压力
电压 0-5V
18 DPF 压降
电压 0-5V
EVS‐I 型发动机车辆信号仿真仪
19 预留模拟通道 2 电压 0-5V
1 前言
1.1 术语
警告: 警告性声明指出可能会危害生命安全的条件和行
注意: 注意性声明指出使用本产品中的一些辅助事项。
输出 见软件帮助
5 车速
频率 0-0.5kHz 输出 0/12V 方波
6 风扇转速
频率 0-1.5kHz 输出 0/5V 方波
7 多态开关
输出 9.8/4.2/1.5kΩ
8 油门踏板
电压 0-5V
9 油轨压力
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Mobil 1 Racing 产品指南说明书
Mobil 1™, the world’s leading synthetic motor oil brand, has long been the lubricant of choice for race teams competing in motorsports series across the globe. Its technology is relied on for its ability to deliver exceptional all-round performance and protection under extreme operating conditions.Mobil 1 Products Available Include:•Engine Oils•Gear Oils for Transmission, Transaxle and Rear End Gear Applications•Automatic Transmission Fluid for Transmissions and Power Steering Systems•Greases for Wheel Bearings, Tripod Joints, Spline Shafts and Swivel JointsMobil 1 Racing™ oils exploit many core performance attributes found in Mobil 1 oil technology that are directly beneficial to racing engine performance, such as outstanding high temperature wear and deposit protection in turbocharger bearings.These race-proven products are the result of extensive testingand development in a wide range of race series including:•NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series™•NASCAR Xfinity Series™•NASCAR Camping World Truck Series™•NASCAR Whelen All-American Series™•Formula 1™•ARCA Racing Series™•IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship™•FIA World Endurance Championship™•FIA World Rally Championship•World of Outlaws Sprint Car Series™•World of Outlaws Late Model Series™•Formula DRIFT•Virgin Australia Supercars ChampionshipWear Protection: Engine configuration should dictate whether a high zinc oil is needed or not.Select an oil which offers maximum protection.Temperature Range: Select an engine oil based on the operating race engine temperature for the best engine film thickness to protect your engine.Protection Against Deposits: Not all race oils offer the detergency and other additive content to protect against deposits. Deposits insulate against the cooling properties of the engine oil and can shorten engine life and lower performance and efficiency.Viscosity Grade: Select the viscosity grade which best suits the application and provides the best combination of power and protection. A wider viscosity range oil such as a 0W-50 is better suited for all around temperature and race performance.Mobil 1 Racing Oil Advantages:•Double the zinc for protection in extreme racing conditions.•Advanced fully synthetic proprietary base oil technology.•Protection against high temperatures and deposits.•Friction reduction to deliver increased horsepower.•Detergent technology provides excellent engine component cleanliness.•Offered in two viscosity ranges for a variety of racing applications: Mobil 1 Racing™ 0W-30and Mobil 1 Racing™ 0W-50.Mobil 1 Racing ProductsRace Proven byChampionsSelecting a Racing OilKey ConsiderationsMobil 1 Racing™ 0W-30Mobil 1 Racing™ 4T 10W-40Mobil 1™ V-Twin 20W-50Mobil 1™ 15W-50Mobil™ 1 FS 0W-40Mobil™ 1 5W-30Mobil 1 Racing™ 0W-500 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000Mobil 1 Nominal Zinc Level, PPM* Zinc derives from ZDDP (Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate) — A class of anti-wear additives which form surface films that help protect highly loadedengine components such as flat tappets.Zinc LevelMobil 1 NominalKey Features•Recommended for higher temperature and durability racing applications.•Boosted levels of anti-wear protection (nominal zinc level of 1850 ppm) well beyond those of typical automotive engine oils.•Highly friction modified for maximum power .•Recommended for a wide range of race engine applications,including highly loaded flat tappet designs.•Exceptional high-temperature protection in high RPM engine operation, even at temperatures of over 500°F (260°C).0W-50Mobil 1 Racing™Provides maximum protection and durability under higher temperatures. Perfectly suited for short oval track racing to long-duration road racing.Key Features•Highly friction modified for maximum power .•Boosted levels of anti-wear protection (nominal zinc level of 1850 ppm) well beyond those of typical automotive engine oils.•Recommended for a wide range of race engine applications,including highly loaded flat tappet designs.•Exceptional high-temperature protection in high RPM engine operation, even at temperatures of over 500°F (260°C).A very low friction racing oil developed for a wide variety of race engines and is recommended and used by builders of engines for NASCAR and ARCA series.0W-30Mobil 1 Racing™Understanding Oil Viscosity and ZincViscosityViscosity refers to the weight and thickness of a motor oil. Motor oil gets thicker when it’s cold and thinner when it heats up.•The first number (i.e. 0W-50) indicates the viscosity of the oil at a cold temperature (40°C or 104°F).•The second number (i.e. 0W-50)indicates the viscosity at operating temperatures (100°C or 212°F).Mobil 1 Racing oils are designed to help protect an engine at lower temperature as well as providing excellent protection and durability at operating or race temperatures. The wider viscosity range is designed give more efficiency which can potentially result in better fuel economy and increased horsepower.While some racers see the “0W” and think this oil would be too light, in fact Mobil 1 Racing 0W-30 and 0W-50 are the same weight at operating temperatures as other SAE 30 and 50 grade oils.Product SKU #NominalPhosphorusLevel, PPMNominalZincLevel,PPMProductDescriptionRecommendedconsumerapplicationsAPL, ILSAC, andother industryapprovalsMobil Racing™0W-30Case - 10262255 gal. drum -10255417501850Advanced fullsynthetic formulaspecifically designedto maximizehorsepower underrace conditions.Race engines.Notrecommendedfor street use.-Mobil Racing™ 0W-50Case - 10414555 gal. drum -10416617501850Advanced fullsynthetic formulaspecifically designedto maximizehorsepower underrace conditions.Race engines.Notrecommendedfor street use.-Mobil 1™5W-20Case - 10299155 gal. drum -105737800900Advanced full syntheticformulation designed tomeet the requirementsof many newervehicles includingHondas, Fords,Chryslers and newerToyotas.Vehicles thatrequire 5W-20.GF-5, SNMobil 1™5W-30Case - 10291155 gal. drum -105737800900Advanced fullsynthetic formulationdesigned to meetthe requirementsof many domestic,including GM, andimported vehicles.Vehicles that require5W-30. Corvetteapproved.GF-5, SN HondaMobil 1™ 10W-30Case - 10299255 gal. drum -106076800900Advanced fullsynthetic formuladesigned fordomestics andimports.Vehicles that require10W-30.GF-5, SNProduct SKU #NominalPhosphorusLevel, PPMNominalZincLevel,PPMProductDescriptionRecommendedconsumerapplicationsAPL, ILSAC, andother industryapprovalsMobil 1™ FS0W-40Case - 10353755 gal. drum -10190110001100Advancedfull syntheticformulationdesigned to meetthe requirementsof many Europeanvehicles.Many Europeanvehicles.HT/HSapplications.SN, Porsche A40,Nissan GT-R,ChryslerMS10850,ChryslerMS10725Mobil 1™Turbo DieselTruck 5W-40Case - 10317111301250Advanced fullsynthetic formuladesigned for dieselpowered pick-ups and trucks.Most dieselapplications.including engineswith dieselparticulate filters.CJ-4, CI-4, CI-4Plus, SN,Caterpillar ECF-2and ECF-3Mobil 1™FS X25W-50Case - 11262855 gal. drum -10562310001100Higher Viscosity,advanced fullsynthetic formuladesigned forperformancevehicles.Porsche. HT/HSapplications.SN, Porsche A40Mobil 1™15W-50Case - 10353755 gal. drum -10190112001300Boosted, higherviscosity,advanced fullsynthetic formuladesigned forperformancevehicles.HT/HS applications.Racing and Flattappetapplications.SNMobil 1Racing™4T 10W-40Case - 10343611001200Advanced fullsynthetic formulasdesignedspecifically formotorcycles whereclutchlubrication is alsoimportant.All motorcycleswhere10W-40 isspecified.JASO MA 2011MA2 2011Mobil 1™V-Twin20W-50Case - 11263016001750Advanced fullsynthetic formulasdesignedspecifically formotorcycles whereclutchlubrication is alsoimportant.All motorcycleswhere20W-50 isspecified,especiallyV-Twinengines.SLProduct SKU #Product DescriptionRecommended Consumer ApplicationsIndustry ApprovalsMobil 1™ Synthetic Gear Lubricant LS 75W-90 & 75W-14075W-90 Case - 1043615 gal. - 10570475W-140Case - 102490Mobil 1™ Syn Gear Lube LS 75W-140 is a high performance,synthetic, multi-purpose, automotive gear lubricant designed to help meet the highest level performance requirements of many modern passenger vehicles in all types of operating conditions, from mild to severe, including limited slip applications, as well as deliver outstanding power transferperformance.Transaxles and rear axles.GL-5Mobil 1™ Synthetic ATFCase - 11298055 gal. drum - 105473Mobil 1™ Synthetic ATF is a multi-vehicle, fully synthetic fluid designed to meet the demandingrequirements of modern passenger vehicles.Power steering.JASO 1-A Ford Mercon VMobil 1™ Synthetic GreaseCase- 102481Cart - 121070Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease is an NLGI No 2 high-performance automotive grease which combines a synthetic base fluid with a lithium complex soapthickener .Wheel bearings, suspension points and engine assembly.NLGI GC-LBMobilith SHC 220,460, 15002205 gal. pail - 10580140 tubes -11062950 gal. bucket - 10579246040 tubes - 110630150040 tubes - 110628Mobilith SHC™ Series greases are superior performance products designed for a wide variety of applications at extremes of temperature. They combine the unique features of synthetic base fluids with those of a high quality lithium complexthickener .Wheel bearingsand tripod joints.220 - KPHC 2N-30460 - KPHC 1-2N-401500 - KPHC 1-2N-30Other Mobil 1 Racing ProductsMobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lubricant LS 75W-90 & 75W-140Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS contains a unique proprietary formulation that helps deliver optimized viscosity along with the highest level of formulation stability along with outstanding power transfer performance.Mobil 1 Gear Lubes & GreasesThe same hardworking protection found in Mobil™ motor oils is available in our synthetic gear lubricants and greases.Mobil Delvac 1 Gear Oil 75W-90 & 80W-140Mobil Delvac 1 Gear Oil is a fully synthetic drivetrain lubricant designed for use in heavy-duty drivetrains that require gear lubricants with excellent load-carrying capability and where extreme pressures and shock loading are expected.Mobil 1 Synthetic GreaseAll Mobil 1™ lubricants – just like the Mobil 1 family of motor oils – protect hardworking parts fromtemperature extremes, rust and wear . In fact, we use the same synthetic technology from our motor oil in our fully synthetic grease.Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease is suitable for: •Wheel bearings.•Ball joint suspensions.•Steering linkages.•Pin and chassis lube points.•A wide operating range:-40ºC (-40ºF) to 150ºC (302ºF).Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease is suitable for: •Excellent resistance to rust and corrosion.•Strong shock-loading protection.•Excellent resistance to water washout.•Outstanding lubrication over a wide temperature range.•Certification to the NLGI GC-LB specifications for both chassis and wheel bearing lubrication.Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear Lube LS key features:•Meets or exceeds the highest level ofperformance requirements of many modern passenger vehicles – including limited slip applications.•Help protect against thermal and oxidative degradation,wear and corrosion, and viscosity loss associated with premature shearing.•Help promote outstanding power transfer performance –even in some of the most severe driving conditions.Mobil Delvac 1 Gear Oil key features:•Exceptional thermal stability and resistance to high-temperature oxidation help to extend gear , bearing and seal life due to minimal deposits.•Deliver exceptional shear stability helps to retain viscosity and film strength under severe operating conditions to prevent wear .•Provide excellent rust, staining and corrosionprotection of copper and its alloys helps to reduce wear and provide long component life.I’m a vehicle dynamics specialist by trade, but a racer by heart. I know that selecting only the best parts will get me ahead of the next guy, so that’s why I choose Mobil 1 Racing ™ oils.Tim BrownDriver/Owner - Brown Motorsports Inc10-time Bowman Gray Track Champion We build all of our chassis and engines with one goal in mind - winning achampionship. That performance goal is why we only use Mobil 1 Racing™ oils.Jimmy CarrRace Director , Tony Stewart Racing Crew Chief, Donny Schatz No. 15Winged Sprint CarWith more than 30 years in the engine business, Katech has worked with many different oil companies. They all claim their products arespecial in some way or another . Mobil 1 products are superior in every aspect and they prove themselves on the road and the track. From winning Le Mans to our famous Track Attack Vettes, Mobil 1 products are behind every one of our successes.Kevin PrangerKatech Engines and Development 3-time 24 Hour of Le Mans WinningEngine Lead DeveloperWhat Champions SayJohn Heinricy13-Time SCCA National ChampionMobil 1 provides us with unmatched technology and race-proven results. It’s great to be partnered with a brand that not only produces championship winning products, but has a passion for the sport.Donny SchatzDriver , Tony Stewart Racing8-time and defending World of OutlawsSprint Car Series ChampionWhen pushing factory parts to their limits, Mobil 1™ is a key contributing factor to keeping our COPO moving down the strip, and at the top of the time sheets.Bruno MasselOwner/Driver - 2014 COPO Camaro 2014 NHRA US Nationals Winnerin Stock EliminatorMobil 1 Racing oils have been an incredible asset to myself and our company over the past few years. This brand has been involved in the top levels of motorsports for a long time winning countless races and championships and I’m proud to run them in the engines that I support.Ron ShaverEngine Builder, Tony Stewart Racing I’m an engineer first and a racer second. So no matter what racecar I look to set up, I knowhaving Mobil 1™ under the hood will help reduceunnecessary costs and performance issues.What makes Mobil 1 Racing™ oil the best choice for my race engine?Mobil 1™ has more than 40 years of experience in formulating lubricants for all types of racing worldwide. Engine builders, racers, and team owners have long relied on the high level of performance and engine protection of Mobil 1 engine oils. The Mobil 1 “track use only ” Racing oils are the newest in our pedigree of winning formulations and are designed to help improve engine performance and protect against wear.Q.01Can I run the lighter viscosity Mobil 1 Racing™ 0W-30 oil without sacrificing engine durability?Lighter viscosity oils can be used depending on specifics such as engine design, engine operating temperatures, and type of racing. We recommend to consult your engine builder for advice on your specific application and performance needs.Can I use Mobil 1 Racing™ oil in my street car?This is not recommended due to the higher levels of additive elements such as Zinc and Phosphorus contained in Mobil 1 Racing oils which can have an adverse effect on the exhaust emission control systems fitted to street cars.Do I need to run break-in oil before using Mobil 1 Racing™ oils?No special break-in oil is recommended.Can I use Mobil 1 Racing™ oils in a turbocharged application?Yes. Mobil 1 Racing oils are specifically formulated with race-proven technology that helps combat deposit formation in high temperature areas of the engine such as the turbocharger.Do you have a tech line that customers can call if they have a question?Mobil 1 has a dedicated support line for requests regarding the complete line of Mobil 1 products.Q.02Q.03Q.04Q.05Q.06Frequently AskedMobil 1 Racing OilsQuestionsHow does Mobil 1 Racing™ 0W-50 react to ethanol/methanol-based fuels?Mobil 1 advanced full synthetic motor oils are compatible with most fuels; however, excess fuel dilution may require more frequent changes and used oil analysis for quality monitoring.Q.07。
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SimMotor MC-1 多缸发动机模拟器使用手册二零一四年十一月益科创新科技有限公司目录第一章产品清单 (1)第二章简介 (2)第三章技术参数 (4)第四章工作条件 (5)第五章功能介绍 (6)第六章操作说明 (8)6.1连接线路 (8)6.2模拟器面板操作说明: (9)6.2.1打开电源 (9)6.2.2启动模拟器 (9)6.2.3调节输出信号 (10)6.2.4信号输出、输入和显示 (12)6.2.5其他功能端口 (15)6.2.6关闭模拟器(熄火) (15)6.2.7关闭电源 (16)6.3用PC端软件控制模拟器 (17)6.3.1安装ProCAL (17)6.3.2运行ProCAL (19)6.3.3使用ProCAL (19)第七章注意事项 (26)第一章产品清单物品名称单位数量备注多缸发动机模拟器部 1(SimMotor MC-1)电源线条 1串口线条 1USB模块个 1香蕉头线条60第二章简介本产品用来模拟一个1-8缸发动机所产生的各种传感器信号,在开发电喷发动机的ECU时,需要对ECU进行测试。
本产品基本功能包括:(1)模拟常用的发动机电喷系统的输入和输出信号;(2)内含多缸发动机数学模型,适用于硬件在环测试(HIL);(3)模拟器可以和PC机利用SCI或者CAN bus进行通信,用户可以通过PC机软件设置发动机参数,以适合不同型号发动机;(4)模拟VRS曲轴位置传感器信号,信号盘齿数和缺齿位置都可以通过PC机端软件设置;曲轴信号示意图(5)模拟MAP进气压力传感器信号,并且和VRS信号同步,适用于发动机正时检测;MAP信号示意图(6)用户可以手动调节节气门位置,和发动机外部负载,从而实现模拟发动机工况各种;(7)模拟真实喷油,点火驱动负载,包括两路CDI点火、8路IGBT信号点火、8路喷油信号负载;(8)其他各种模拟,数字输入输出信号,以及发动机上常用的传感器等。
模拟器面板图(SimMotor MC-1)第三章技术参数1、供电电压:AC 220V 或DC 12V±1V 3A(注意:不可同时使用12V电源和220V交流电给模拟器供电!)2、静态工作电流:250mA3、面板接口允许最大电流:1A4、面板12V、5V供电接口可提供最大电流:1A5、反接保护:具有正负极反接保护功能6、短路保护:具有短路保护功能7、模拟器箱体尺寸:360*240*105mm8、输入信号:8路IGBT点火控制信号,2路CDI点火控制信号,8喷油器控制信号9、输出信号:VRS传感器、MAP传感器、HALL传感器、凸轮轴信号和其他旋钮可控信号10、通信方式:串行SCI、CAN bus11、面板接口数量:60个香蕉插头接口、2通道串口通信接口、2通道CAN 通信接口12、CAN通信接口定义:DB9-2脚对应CANL,DB9-7脚对应CANH第四章工作条件模拟器一台使用220V交流电,或使用满足电压电流要求的电源一台(推荐12V 3A电源)(注意:不可同时使用12V电源和220V交流电给模拟器供电!)RS232串口连接线一根或USB-CAN设备一套(不使用PC端软件ProCAL时可不选)Window s XP以上操作系统的PC计算机一台,并带有RS232串口和USB端口(不使用PC端软件ProCAL时可不选)ECU连接线束一套(可根据ECU接口自行制作线束)第五章功能介绍本产品的功能是模拟一台小型发动机,内涵小型发动机的数学模型,给客户提供ECU的硬件在环测试,或用在其他需要模拟发动机的地方。
其中包括:(1)VRS传感器、MAP传感器、霍尔传感器、凸轮轴信号、TPS传感器等,这几个传感器可用来提供发动机的正时检测,调整模拟器面板上面的相应旋钮,会改变这几个信号的输出;(2)IA T(大气温度)、IAP(大气压力)、ECT(发动机温度)、ExT(尾气温度)、EGP(尾气压力)、CoT(冷却水温度)、NBOUT1、NBOUT2(窄域氧传感器信号)、O2S1、O2S2(宽域氧传感器信号)、AFS(空气流量)、PerSW、FTS(油温)等,这几个信号都是通过面板旋钮来进行改变,并独立输出,调节这几个旋钮,并不会改变模拟器的正时信号输出。
如果想模拟其他相同输出的传感器信号,可用这几个旋钮来实现;(3)NGEARSW(空档开关)、CLTCHSW(离合开关)、BKSW(刹车开关)、KEYSW(钥匙开关)等,这几个开关量,用来模拟发动机的几个开关,给ECU 提供相应的开关量;这几个信号都是通过面板开关来进行改变,同样也是独立输出,调节这几个开关,并不会改变模拟器的正时信号输出。
3、通信方式模拟器提供两种通信方式来和上位机进行连接,一种是串口通信,一种是CAN 通信。
第六章操作说明连接线路电源:模拟器需接入满足电压电流要求的电源,电源连接有两种方式:1、可使用模拟器附带的电源线直接连接220V交流电;2、可使用满足电压电流要求的直流电源一台(推荐12V 3A电源),正极接面板接线柱+12电源+端,负极接电源-端。