驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 11 What do you think of game shows 教学设计 人教新目标版


【知识学习】新目标七年级英语下册全册Unit 11- What do you think of ga

【知识学习】新目标七年级英语下册全册Unit 11- What do you think of ga

新目标七年级英语下册全册Unit 11: What do you think of game shows?英文教案Unit11:whatdoyouthinkofgameshows?Languagegoalstothisunitstudentslearntostatetheiropinionsandtalka boutlikesanddislikes.Newlanguagewhatdoyouthinkofsoapoperas?Idon'tlikesoapoperas.whatdoeshethinkofsportsshows?Helovessportsshows.whatdoesshethinkofmaria?Shelikesmaria.whatdotheythinkofTommy?Theycan'tstandTommy.SectionAAdditionalmaterialstobringtoclass:alocaltelevisionlistinglistthenamesofseveralfoodsontheboard.Forexample:piz za,broccoli,icecream,mushrooms.Nexttothatlist,writethesentence,whatdoyouthinkof___?andleaveablankattheend.Askastudentthequestion,substitutingthewordpizza:whatdoyouthinkofpizza?Helphimo rheranswer/likepizzaotIdon'tlikepizza,Pointtotheotherfoodsonebyone.Askastudentthequestion andhelphimorheranswerjlike...orIdon'tlike....Thenpointtothesentence.whatdoyouthinkof___?Pointtoa foodnameontheboardandchooseastudenttoaskthequestion :whatdoyouthinkof?Thenpointtoastudenttoanswer.Repeattheactivityseveraltimes,givingseveralstudents chancestoaskandanswerthequestion.aThisactivityintroducesthekeyvocabulary.FocusattentiononthefiveTVs.Say,EachTVshowsdifferentkindofTVshow.InTVpicturea,thereisaanplayin gbaseball.Thisiscalledasportsshow.Talkabouttheotherkindsofshowsandaskstudentswhatthey see.Tellthenameofeachkindofshowasyoudiscussthepicture.Askstudentstorepeatthenamesoftheshows.writethewordsitcomontheboard.Underitwritethewordssi tuationcomedy.Say,Thewordsitcomcomesfromthetwowords situationcomedy.Asitcomisafunnyshow.Thepeopleinsitc omsdoorsaythingsthatmakeTVwatcherslaugh.Pointoutthenumberedlistofshows.Sayeachoneagainandas kstudentstorepeatit.ThenaskstudentstomatcheachTVpicturewithoneoftheword s.Say,writetheletterofeachkindofshownexttothecorrec tword.Pointoutthesampleanswer.bThisactivitygivesstudentspracticeinunderstandingthe targetlanguageinspokenconversation.Pointtothesmileyfacesandthefrownyfacesandthewordsne xttothem.Readthewordstotheclassorhaveastudentdothis .Say,Thesefacesshowyouwhatthewordsmean.Ifyoudon'tmi ndsomething,youdon'teitherlikeitordislikeit.Ifyoucan'tstandsomething,youdislikeitverystrongly.yourleas tfavoritefoodissomethingyoucan'tstand.Ifyoulovesome thing,youlikeitvery,verymuch.yourfavoritefoodissome thingyoulove.Say,NowIwillplayarecording.Listentowhatmarksaysabou ttheTVshowsinla.writetheletteroftheTVshowsnexttothe wordsheuses.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylisten.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Pointtotheletteredpictu res.Say,Eachpicturehasaletter.Pointouttheblankspace sbeforethewords.Say,Eachwordorphrasehasaspaceinfron tofit.ListentothetapeandwritetheletterofaTVshowpict ureineachblank.Pointoutthesampleanswer.correcttheanswers.cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetarge tlanguage.PointtothepicturesofTVshowsinactivitylaandaskstudentstosaythenameofeachkindofshow.Pointouttheexampleconversation.Asktwostudentstoread ittotheclass.Thenasktheclasstopointtothepictureofth esitcom.Sayadialoguewithastudent.Havethestudentaskouaquesti on.Thenanswerittruthfully.Pointtotheppropriatepictu reasyouanswer.Say,Nowworkwithapartner.Askandanswertheqstions.Havestudentsworkinpairs.Astheytalk,moveroundtheroom monitoringtheirwork.offeranguageorpronunciationsupp ortasneeded.2aThisactivityprovideslisteningpracticeusingthetarget language.callattentiontothelistoffive"wordsandexpressions.Po intouttheblankinfrontofeachone.Askastudenttoreadthe listtotheclass.Say,ThepeopleontherecordingaretalkingaboutTVshows.T heyusethesewordsandphrasesastheytalkabouttheshows.y ouwillnumberthesewordsandphrases1-5intheorderyouhea rthemontherecording.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylisten.Pointoutthesampleanswer1infrontofthewordlove.Say,Th efirstwordontherecordingisloveinthesentenceIloveit. Sotheanswerinfronto/"loveisnumber1.Playtherecordingagain.Askstudentstowriteanumberfrom1to5infrontofeachofthewordsandphrases.checktheanswers.2bThisactivityprovidesmorelisteningpracticeusingtheta rgetlanguage.Pointoutthedialoguewithblanks.Readittotheclasssayin gblankeachtimeyoucometoablank.Say,Listentotherecordingagain.Thistime/illineachbla nkwithawordorphrasefromthelistin2a.Playtherecording.Studentswritewordsintheblanks.checktheanswers.2cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetarge tlanguage.callattentiontothedialoguestudentscompletedinactivi ty2b.Say,Readthedialoguewithapartner.\Helpstudentsfindpartners.Havethestudentspractice thedialogueseveraltimes.Thensay,NowtalkaboutaTVshowyoubothknow.Tellwhatyoul ikeanddon'tlikeabouttheshowandthepeopleinit.Asstude ntsworktogether,movearoundtheroomansweringquestions andofferinglanguagesup-sportasneeded.Asksomepairsofstudentstopresenttheirdialogue!tothec lass.3aThisactivityprovidespralandwritingpracticeusingthet argetlanguage.callattentiontothelistofTVshowsandaskastudenttoread thenamestotheclass.Say,Inthisactivityyouaskeachothe rquestionsaboutTVshows.Askstudentstoworkinpairs.AskstudentAineachpairtoloo katthechartonpage67.AskstudentBtolookatthechartonpa ge86.Remindstudentsnottolookattheirpartners'pages.Saythefirstquestionandanswerwithastudent.Pretendyou arestudentAandworkwithastudentpartner.SaywhatdoesSt uartthinkof"SportsNews"?HavestudentBlookattheanswer onhisorherchartonpage86.StudentBanswers,Stuartloves "SportsNews".Showstudentsthatyouarewritingintheword lovesafterStuart'snameonthechartonpage67.Thensaytoyourpartner,AskmeaboutStuartStudentBasks,w hatdoesStuartthinkof"SportsNews"?youanswer,Stuartlikes"SportsNews".Havethestudentwritethewordlikesafte rStuart'snameonthechartonpage86.Askthepairstocontinueontheirown.movearoundtheroommo nitoringtheprogressofthepairs.Goovertheanswers.3bThisactivityprovidesguidedreadingpracticeusingtheta rgetlanguage.Readthedialoguewithastudent.Everytimeoneofyouconies toablank,sayblank.callattentiontothechartstudentscompletedinactivity3 a.Say,Usethewordsinthischarttofillintheblanksinthed ialogueinactivity3b.4Thisactivityprovideslistening,speaking,andwritingpr acticeusingthetargetlanguage.Readtheinstructionstotheclass.Thenaskstudentstoname someTVshowstheyknowabout.writethelistontheboard.Try toincludesomethatstudentslikeandsometheydon'tlike.Pointoutthedialogueinthespeechbubbles.Havetwostuden tsreadittotheclass.Thenpointoutthesampleanswerinthechart.Say,ThisTVsho wiscalled"Tellitlikeitis!"Iloveit,andLinPengdoes,to o.Iwrite"Iloveit"under"whatIthink"andIwrite"LinPeng "under"Studentwhoagreeswithme".Say,Nowgoaroundtheclass.AskstudentsaboutTVshowsyouk now.Findstudentswhoagreewithyou.Afterfiveminutesaskstudentstositdown.Thenasksomestu dentstoreadtheinformationfromtheirchartstotheclass. AskstudentstomakestatementssuchasIdon'tlike"Thecrim eFiles".carlosdoesn'tlike"ThecrimeFiles",too.Alternative:Ifyoudonotwantstudentstogetupandmovearoundtheclass,youcanaskthemtodothisactivityingroupsoffour.SectionBNewlanguagehairclip,sunglasses,scarf,watch,wallet,belt,keyring Additionalmaterialstobringtoclass:mailordercatalogscontainingwatches,jewelry,etc.aThisactivityintroducesmorekeyvocabulary.Pointoutthe sevenwords.Sayeachwordandaskstudentstorepeatit.callattentiontothefirstpicture.Say,Lookatpicturea.T hisisabelt.Isanyoneintheclasswearingabelt?Dothesame thingfortheothersixpictures.Thenpointouttheblanklineinfrontofeachnumberedword.A skstudentstomatcheachwordwithapicturebywritingthele tterofthepictureintheblankinfrontofthecorrectword.Pointoutthesampleanswer.Asstudentswork,movearoundtheroomansweringquestionsasneeded.checktheanswers.bThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetarge tlanguage.Readtheinstructionstotheclass.Thenfollowtheinstruct ionsyourself.Holduporpointtoeachitemyouhave.Then,ca llonstudentstoholdupitemsandrespond.Forexample,hold upyourwalletandpointtoyourwatch.Say,Ihaveawalletand awatch.whatdoyouhave?Askstudentstoholdupitemsandtelltheclasswhattheyhave.2aThisactivityprovidesguidedlisteningandwritingpracti ceusingthetargetlanguage.Say,youivillhearaconversation.mariaisaskingcaroland Evanwhattheythinkaboutdifferentfhings.writethenameo feachitemunder"Thing"inthechart.Playtherecordingthefirsttime.Studentsonlylisten.Pointouttheexample.Say,onethingtheyaretalkingabouti sawatch."watch"iswritteninforyou.Playtherecordingasecondtime.Studentswritethenamesof thethingsthatarebeingtalkedabout.checktheanswers.2bThisactivityprovidesmoreguidedlisteningandwritingpr acticeusingthetargetlanguage.Say,NowIwillplaytherecordingagain.Thistime,writedow nwhatcarolandEvanthinkabouteachthing.Askastudenttoreadthewordsinthecharttotheclass.Pointoutthesampleanswersasyousay,Theyaretalkingabou tawatch.carollovesthewatch.Evandoesn'tmindthewatch.Playtherecordingagain.Thistime,havestudentsfillinwh atcarolandEvanthink.checktheanswers.2cThisactivityprovidesguidedoralpracticeusingthetarge tlanguage.Pointouttheexampleinthespeechbubbles.Asktwostudents toreadit.Showstudentshowitconnectswiththechartinact ivity2a.Say,Nowworkwithapartner.Talkaboutwhathisorherparent sthinkaboutthethingsinactivity2a.youcanusequestions andanswersliketheonesinthespeechbubbles.Asstudentsworkinpairs,movearoundtheroommonitoringth eirwork.offerlanguagesupportasneeded,watchsunglasse sscarfwallet3aThisactivityprovidesreadingandwritingpracticeusingt hetargetlanguage.Askstudentstoreadthearticleindividually.Thenaskthem tosayanywordsorsentencestheydon'tunderstand.Explain thewordsandsentencesinyourownwords.Forexample,ifast udentasks,whatdoes"It'sformoms!"mean?Say,"It'sformo ms!"meansthatthescarfissomethingthatamotherwears,no tsomething,thatayoungpersonwears.Readthearticletotheclass.Afteryoufinish,askforanymo requestions.callattentiontothechartonpage88.Pointtoandreadthehe adingofeachcolumn.Say,Thefirstcolumnisalistofthings inthearticle;thesecondcolumnisloves;thethirdcolumni slikes;thefourthcolumnisdoesn'tmind;thefifthcolumni sdoesn'tlike;thesixthcolumniscan'tstand.Say,Nowreadthearticleagain.writethenameofeachperson inthearticleintheblankaftereachitem.Asstudentswork, movearoundtheroomclarifyingtheinstructionsandofferi ngotherhelp.checktheanswers.Thisactivityprovidesreading,speaking,andlistening practiceusingthetargetlanguage.Readthedirectionstotheclass.Pointoutthespeechbubble s.Havetwostudentsreadthedialoguetotheclass.Say,Thinkofsixthingstoaskeachotherabout.whataresome thingsyoucanthinkof?writethewordsontheboard,providi ngtranslationhelpwithnewwordsifnecessary.Thensay,Nowgoaroundtheclassroom.Askstudentswhatthey thinkaboutsixdifferentthings.youcanusethewordsonthe boardoryoucanusedifferentones.Asstudentstalk,movearoundtheroom,monitoringconversa tionsandofferingassistancewithvocabularyandpronunci ationifneeded.Alternative:Ifyoudonotwantstudentstogetupandmovearo undtheclass,youcanaskthemtodothisactivityingroupsof。

七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11 What do you think of game shows- 知识点整理

七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11   What do you think of game shows- 知识点整理

七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11 hat d u thin f gae shs? 知识点整理七年级英语下册第七单元Unit11hatduthinfgaeshs?知识点整理第十一单元Unit11hatduthinfgaeshs?本单元重点是掌握“hatduthinf…”的用法,能够简单表达对某物/某事的看法。















七年级英语下册unit11知识点七年级英语下册Unit 11 知识点Unit 11的主题是:“What do you think of game shows?”,它主要介绍了英语中的游戏类节目以及关于节目创意的观点。

1.常见的游戏类节目在Unit 11中,你可以了解到英语中常见的游戏类节目:1) Quiz show:这是一种通过问题回答竞赛获胜的游戏节目。

2) Talent show:选手通过展示才能或特殊天赋来获得胜利的游戏节目。

3) Reality show:观众可以观察到一个或多个人生活、工作、旅行等多个方面的真实情况。

4) Game show:这是一种采用游戏规则来竞争最终胜者的游戏节目。


利用Unit 11中提供的句子,你可以非常容易地表达出自己的观点:1) I think game shows are entertaining, especially when I’m feelinga little bored.我认为游戏类节目非常有趣,特别是当我感到有点无聊的时候。

2) I’m not a fan of talent shows because I think they can be too competitive.我不喜欢选秀节目,因为我认为它们过于竞争。

3) I enjoy watching quiz shows because I like testing myself and learning something new.我喜欢看问答竞赛,因为我喜欢测试自己并学习一些新东西。

4) Reality shows are not for me because I prefer to watch something that’s more educational.我不喜欢看真人秀,因为我更喜欢看一些具有教育意义的节目。

3.设计自己的节目你可以通过Unit 11中提供的词汇和短语,设计自己的节目并向同学演示。



新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit11Whatdoyout新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 教案示例新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 教案示例一 (Section B) 一、教学目标◆谈论自己对人、事的态度和看法倾听并转述他人对人、事的态度和看法能运用已有的语言知识简单阐明理由二、教学向导语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇What do you think of …..?句式在不同人称中的使用及其几种不同的答语方式掌握表示装饰的词汇掌握运用love, like, dont mind, cant stand, dont like恰当表达对有关事物的观点和态度。

·小组学习:群体思维、互换信息·自主学习·参照图表·wallet, hair clip, b elt, sunglasses key ring, scarf, ·love, dont mind, cant stand 语言结构语言功能跨文化学习·以What do you think of ….?为主的询问他人对人或物的'态度的问句及其答语, 并能简单陈述理由。


三、主题思维图及任务型活动What do you think of Task 1 Make a conversation Task 2 Do a survey Task 3 Make a report 11 What do you think of game shows? 教案示例 TITLE=新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 四、课前准备将学生分成七组,每组选定本组的话题,可以从以下话题选择,也可自拟话题:Movie, Music, Food, Sports, Clothes, TV show etc. 2、准备本组话题的相关图片或其它资料。



新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit11:Whatdoyou新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit 11: What do you think of game shows?英语教案新目标英语七年级下册第十一单元Unit 11: What do you think of game shows? Language goals to this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. New language What do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap operas. What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows. What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria. What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy. Section A Additional materials to bring to class: a local television listing list the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms. Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of ___ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza, Point to the other foods one by one. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like...or I dont like.... Then point to the sentence. What do you think of ___ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer. Repeat the activity several times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question. 1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the five TVs. Say, Each TV shows different kind of TV show. In TV picture a, there is a an playing baseball. This is called a sports show. Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows. Write the wordsitcom on the board. Under it write the words situation comedy. Say, The word sitcom comes from the two words situation comedy. A sitcom is a funny show. The people in sitcoms do or say things that make TV watchers laugh. Point out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it. Then ask students to match each TV picture with one of the words. Say, Write the letter of each kind of show next to the correct word. Point out the sample answer. 1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your favorite food is something you love. Say, Now I will play a recording. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in la. Write the letter of the TV shows next to the words he uses. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Point to the lettered pictures. Say, Each picture has a letter. Point out the blank spaces before the words. Say, Each word or phrase has a space in front of it. Listen to the tape and write the letter of a TV show picture in each blank. Point out the sample answer. Correct the answers.1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the pictures of TV shows in activity la and ask students to say the name of each kind of show. Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the picture of the sitcom. Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question.Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropriate picture as you answer. Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions. Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed. 2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class. Say, The people on the recording are talking about TV shows. They use these words and phrases as they talk about the shows. You will number these words and phrases 1-5 in the order you hear them on the recording. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the sentence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases. Check the answers. 2b This activity provides more listening practice using the target language. Point out the dialogue with blanks. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank. Say, Listen to the recording again. This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a. Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks. Check the answers. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Call attention to the dialogue students completed in activity 2b. Say, Read the dialogue with a partner. \\ Help students find partners. Have the students practice the dialogue several times. Then say, Now talk about a TV show you both know.Tell what you like and dont like about the show and the people in it. As students work together, move around the room answering questions and offering language sup- sport asneeded. Ask some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class. 3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class. Say, In this activity you ask each other questions about TV shows. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not to look at their partners pages. Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show students that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67. Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart on page 86. Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs. Go over the answers. 3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language. Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank. Call attention to the chart students completed in activity 3a. Say, Use the words in this chart to fill in the blanks in the dialogue in activity 3b. 4 This activity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Then ask students to name some TV shows they know about. Write the list on the board. Try to include some that students like and some they dont like. Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class. Then point out the sample answerin the chart. Say,This TV show is called Tell it like it is! I love it, and Lin Peng does, too. I write I love it under What I think and I write Lin Peng under Student who agrees with me. Say, Now go around the class. Ask students about TV shows you know. Find students who agree with you. After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask students to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too. Alternative: If you do not wan。

【知识学习】七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11 What do you think of ga

【知识学习】七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11   What do you think of ga

七年级英语下册第七单元Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 知识点整理课件www.5yk 七年级英语下册第七单元Unit11whatdoyouthinkofgameshows?知识点整理第十一单元Unit11whatdoyouthinkofgameshows?本单元重点是掌握“whatdoyouthinkof…”的用法,能够简单表达对某物/某事的看法。









解释②athirteen-year-oldboy是一个名词短语,意为“一个十三岁的男孩”在thirteen-year-old中,名词year 要用单数,而且中间有连字符“—”,这种结构常做定语。



Iagreewithyou.showsbsth=showsthtosb给某人看某物canyoushowmeyournewscarf?=canyoushowyournewscarftom e?能给我看看你的新围巾吗?asksbaboutsth关于某时询问某人yesterdayIaskedstudentsaboutpopmusic.昨天我就流行音乐问了几个同学。

七下英语unit 11知识点

七下英语unit 11知识点

七下英语unit 11知识点摘要:一、单元概述二、重点词汇与短语1.单词解析2.短语解析三、重点句型与语法1.句型解析2.语法解析四、实用对话与情景应用1.对话解析2.情景应用五、单元练习与巩固正文:一、单元概述Unit 11 of the seventh-grade English course is centered around the theme of "School Life." In this unit, students will learn to describe their daily routines, hobbies, and interests while developing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.The unit aims to foster communication between students and teachers, as well as enhance their understanding of English grammar and vocabulary.二、重点词汇与短语1.单词解析(1)routine:[rtin] n.常规,日常事务(2)hobby:[hbi] n.爱好(3)interest:[ntrst] n.兴趣(4)daily:[deli] adj.每日的,日常的(5)weekend:[wkend] n.周末2.短语解析(1)get up:起床(2)have breakfast:吃早餐(3)go to school:上学(4)have lunch:吃午餐(5)do homework:做作业(6)play sports:参加运动(7)watch TV:看电视(8)have dinner:吃晚餐(9)go to bed:睡觉三、重点句型与语法1.句型解析(1)What do you do in your daily life? 你日常生活中做什么?(2)Do you have any hobbies? 你有爱好吗?(3)What"s your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?(4)Do you like to watch TV in your free time? 你在空闲时间喜欢看电视吗?2.语法解析本单元主要涉及到一般现在时和一般过去时的用法。

七年级英语下册 Unit11(What do you think of game shows_Sct

七年级英语下册 Unit11(What do you think of game shows_Sct

Unit 11What do you think of game shows?Section B一、单项选择()1. Monday follows_________.A. SundayB. TuesdayC. ThursdayD. the morning()2. The little duck___________its mother everywhere.A. behindB. was behind toC. followedD. followed to ()3. — What's your favorite____________?— Action movie.(动作片)A. movie kindB. movies kindsC. kind of movieD. kinds of movies ()4. I like koala bears, but my father thinks that they are________.A. amazingB. awfulC. greatD. fantastic()5. — Excuse me. Where's the video store?— It’ s___________. Go downstairs and go straight. It s on your left.A. in Floor FirstB. in Floor OneC. on One FloorD. on the first floor二、根据句意,写出单词,完成句子。

1. When she "Began to sing a song, her husband went out of the house, because her songwas really a_______2. She had a f_____dream. In the dream, she became a famous singer.3. She buys every new CD or VCD of Jay Chou. She is a big f_________of him.4. Our science teacher asked us to follow his d__________in the lab.5. The math teacher asked Jim to draw two s_________lines on the blackboard.6. Go d_________to the first floor.7. Today is Tuesday, Oct, 5th . N_________Tuesday is Oct, 12th.8. I like drinking c_______cola in summer.三、完形填空。

河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 11 What do you thi

河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 11 What do you thi
4. sitcom
Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-e].
(situation c comedy)___
5. game show___ b
What do you think of soap operas?
I can’t stand them.
-What do you think of talk shows…? (认为) - I …them.
I love them. I love them.
TV shows:
What do you think of
talk shows soap operas sports shows sitcoms game shows
love them. like them. don’t mind them. don’t like them. can’t stand them.
I like them .
What do you think of sitcoms ?
I don’t mind them .
What do you think of talk shows ?
I don’t like them .
What do you think of soap operas ?
doesn’t mind
can’t stand
doesn’t like
Let’s sing a song
How do you like fashion shows? I like them. I like them.
What do you think of game shows?

七年级人教版英语下册 unit11教案

七年级人教版英语下册 unit11教案
Make sure that everyone has got the right answers, and let the Ss read the dialogue and try to remember it.
Step6 Summary
Help the Ss see what they have learned this class.
A: What do you think of game shows?
B: I like them. What about you?
A: I love them.
First, practice in pairs. Then act the dialogues in class.
Step5: Listening practice
A: What do you think of our math/English/…classes?
B: I love them./I don’t mind them./I can’t stand them…
A: What do you think of our math/English/…teacher?
Step3 Presentation
T: Do you like seeing movies?
Ss: Yes.
T: What kind of movies do you like?
Ss:Documentaries/comedies/actionmovies/thrillers/ Beijing Opera.)
Difficult points:
What does he/she think of it? He doesn’t mind it.
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河北省秦皇岛市抚宁县驻操营学区初中七年级英语下册 Unit 11 What do you think of gameshows 教学设计人教新目标版教材分析本单元的内容主要是“表达自己的看法和喜好”。

Section A通过“谈论电视节目”这一话题,通过听力、对话练习、做调查等方式帮助学生掌握如何陈述自己的看法和意见,以及如何谈论自己的喜好;Section B通过“谈论对物品的看法和喜好”这一话题,通过听力、对话、阅读等方式,帮助学生进一步掌握如何表达自己的看法和喜好,以及一些物品的名称;Self Check 部分帮助学生复习所学词汇,通过对他人观点表达自己的看法帮助学生巩固所学。


重点词汇:soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show, don’t mind, can’t stand, wallet, scarf, belt, key ring重点句型:What do you think of ...?Part 1: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计)Teaching Aims● Learn some names about different kinds of shows● Learn to talk about likes and dislikesV ocabulary Wordssoap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglasses, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said,article, put , cap, idea, colorful, wordPhrasestalk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal world, Chinese cooking, key ring, askaboutExpressions what do you think of sitcoms?I love them.What does he think of game shows?He doesn’t mind them. In fact he can’t stand them.How about --?I enjoyed reading your “What’s cool?” article in the school magazine.I can’t stand that idea that old people can’t be beautiful.Structures What do you think of soap operas / sports shows?I can’t stand them. We don’t m ind them.What does he / she think of Pumpling king?She doesn’t like it.What do they think of Anna?They love her.Section ATeaching goals● Master the new words: nothing, soap opera, sitcom, situation, stand, mind, king, host, culture, agree● Learn to ask and answer: What do you think of ...?I like / love ...I can’t stand ....I don’t love / like / mind ...Teaching procedures1. Show students some pictures about fruits and ask students:Do you like apples / bananas?What fruit do you like?What abut your parents / friends?Help students answer using the following sentences.I like / love them very much/ a little.I don’t like / love them.2. Ask students their feelings about different kinds of shows.For example: Do you like comedies or action movies?Step 2: Presenting1. ask students to say out different shows they know.talk show, soap opera, sports news, sports show, sitcom, game show, culture-China, animal world. around the world, thriller, Legal Report, action movie ...2. Ask students: What do you think of ...?Do you like / love ...?Help them answer using the words: love, like, don’t mind, can’t stand, don’t love / like3. Let students read the drills aloud.Step 3: PracticingActivity 11. Point to the five pictures in 1a. Let students guess what shows they are.For example: T: There is a man playing baseball in Picture a. I think it’s a sports show.Let students talk about the other shows in Picture b—e in the same way.2. Point to the 5 phrases in 1a. Let students read them aloud.3. Ask students to match the TV shows with the pictures.4. Check the answers. 1.e 2.d 3.a 4.c5.bActivity 21. Students work in pairs, ask and answer about the shows in 1a.Model: A: What do you think of sitcoms?B: I love them. What about you?A: I don’t mind them.Step 4: Listening (1b)1. Read the instructions to class. Let students listen carefully. Pay attention to what Mary says about TV shows.2. Play the recording the first time, students only listen.TapescriptJack: What do you think of soap opera, Mark?Mark: I don’t like them.Jack: What do you think of game shows?Mark: I love them.Jack: What do you think of sitcoms?Mark: Sitcoms? Mmm. I don’t mind them.Jack: What do you think of sports shows?Mark: I like them.Jack: What do you think of talk shows?Mark: Talk shows?!! I can’t stand them.3. Play the recording the second time, students listen and write a letter a—e from activity 1a.4. Check the answers: 1.b 2. a 3.c 4.d5.e1. Call students’ attent ion to the five phrases in 2a and read them.2. Draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the TV show.3. Play the recording the first time, students listen and number the expressions 1—5 as they hear them.Tape scriptA: What do you think of Dumpling King?B: I love it.A: Do you like ErBao?B: No. I can’t stand him. But I don’t mind his brother, Xiao Bao. How about you?A: I don’t like him. In fact, I don’t like sitcoms.4. Check the answers: 1 2 4 5 35. Play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart. Before listening, draw their attention to the dialogue in 2b.6. Check the answers: 1)love 2)like 3)can’t stand 4)don’t mind 5)don’t like7. Students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about TV shows they know.Model: A: What do you think of the Pink Lady?B: I love it very much. How about you?A:I don’t mind it. What do you think of Xiaoping?B: I like her a lot. What about you?A: I can’t stand her.Check some pairs.Step 5: Practicing (3a)Activity 11. Call students’ attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class.2. Ask students to work in pairs: What do you think of English Today / Sports News ...?3. Ask students to work in pairs. Student A looks at this page. Student B looks at Page 85. Ask and answer questions:What do Yang Lin and Alan think of these CCTV show? Then fill in the blanks.4. Check the answ ers: Yang Lin: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t likeAlan: loves, likes, doesn’t like,likes, can’t stand, doesn’t mindActivity 21. Call students attention to the conversation in 3b. Teacher reads it to the class. Ask students to pay attention to the blanks.2. Work alone. Ask students to use the information in Activity 3a. Fill in the blanks.3. Check the answers.1) Yes, I do. 2) I like it. 3) I don’t like it. 4) English Today 5) I like it.4. Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b. Then make their own conversations.Activity 31. Students work in groups. Take out a piece of paper and list TV shows as many as possible.2. Students write down what they think of the TV shows on the paper.3. Ask one of students to do a report for their group. Listen and check.Section BTeaching goals● Master the new words: belt, wallet, key, ring, by, fashion, show, said, article, put, cap, idea, colorful, word● Learn some new phrases: show sb sth, enjoy doing sth,This is what I think.Can you please put my opinions in the next month's magazine?Here are their likes and dislikes.Teaching procedures1. Show some real object used in daily life and ask them "What do you think of ...?" "Do you like ...?" " What about ...?2. Show students some school things and let students talk about their likes and dislikes. for example:I like color pencils. I don't like .... I can't stand ....Step 2: Presenting1. Call students attention to the six pictures in 1a. Teach them the new words and let them repeat.2. Show students some real objects used in daily life and let students shout out their names as quickly as possible.3. Ask students: What do you think of ...?students use the verbs they learned to answer.Step 3: PracticingActivity 11. Call students attention to the six words in 1a. Let students read them loud together.2. Students look at the pictures; match the words with the pictures.3. Check the answers. 1.b 2.a 3.e4.c5.f6.dActivity 21. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer about the six pictures. For example:A: What do you think of the belt?B: I don’t' mind it. Do you like the sunglasses?A: Yes, I like them.B: What does your father think of the watch?A: He can't stand it.Activity 3Read the instructions to the class. Let students tell the class what they have. For example:I have a watch, a scarf and sunglasses.Step 4: Listening. (2a,2b)1. Point to the chart in 2a. Call students attention to the things that Maria, Carol and Paul talk about.2. Play the tape the first time, fill what they hear in the chart.TapescriptMaria: Hey, guys.Carol: Hello, Maria.Paul: Hi. What’s up?Maria: I’m writing the “What’s Cool?” article for the school magazine, and I want to a sk you some questions. Ok?Carol: Sure.Paul: Uh-huh.Maria: Well, look at these things. What do you think of them?Carol: OK. Um, well ... Hmm. I love the watch.Paul: Oh, I don’t mind the watch. My sister has one of those.Maria: What do you think of the sunglasses?Carol: I like them.Paul: Hmm .... I do, too ...Yeah, I like them.Maria: And how about the scarf?Paul: Oh, I don’t like the scarf.Carol: I don’t, either. I can’t stand those scarves. My mom wears scarves like that.Maria: What do you think of the wallet?Paul: I like the wallet. It’s really cool.Carol: I love it.3. Check the answers. watch, sunglasses, scarf, walletfollowing words: loves, likes, doesn't mind, doesn't like, can't stand.5. Check the answers: Carol: loves, likes, can’t stand, loves,Paul: does n’t mind, likes, doesn’t like, likesStep 5: Reading1. Ask students to read the article in 3a individually. At the same time, students get ready to answer the following questions: What did Maria Lee do this week?Who likes the key ring / the sunglasses?Who loves the wallet / the watch?Who can't stand the scarf?2. Ask several students to give their answers.3. Students read Maria's article again. Fill in names of the students in the chart on Page 87.4. Check the answers.(watch)Gina Taylor loves. Ann Rice doesn’t mind.(key ring) Jack Smith likes(sunglasses) Ann Rice likes, Jerry Green likes(scarf) Jordan can’t stand(wallet)William Jones loves(belt) everyone lovesStep 6: Writing1. Teacher reads the letter to class and call their attention to the blanks.2. Students look at the pictures in activity 1a on Page 68. Complete the letter with their own opinions. Use the words like, love, don't mind, don't like, can't stand,3. Students read the letter aloud again and pay attention to the following words and expressions:enjoy doing sth.This is what I think.Self-checkTeaching goals● Help students to review all the key vocabulary presented in this unit.● Help students practice writing about others.● Give students an opportunity to use the target language in conversation.Teaching ProceduresStep 1: Learning words1. Ask students to read the words in Part 1 aloud and know the meanings of them.2. Ask students to divide the words into 3 different groups.1) shows: talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show.2) daily things: sunglasses, watch, scarf, wallet3) words about likes and dislikes: don't mind, don't like, can't stand3. Ask students to write 5 or more new words in their vocab-builder中国书法艺术说课教案今天我要说课的题目是中国书法艺术,下面我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程、课堂评价四个方面对这堂课进行设计。
