
10.当选择了“Clear all hard disk drives and restore ServeRAID to defaults”后显示如下界面;
11.下一步将进行 RAID 卡的配置过程,点击下一步;
12. 进入了ServeRAID Manager配置界面后,有两个选项“Express configuration for controller 1(快速配置)”和“ Custom configuration for controller 1(手工配置)”,快速配置将按软件默认选项进行配置,如果想定制配置请选择手工配置;
36.插入win2003 光盘后回车确认,认真阅读微软最终用户License使用手册后选择“I agree”
37.开始copy windows安装文件:
38.按照屏幕要求移除WINDOWS 2003 光盘后重启服务器,服务器将进入无人职守安装,自此ServerGuide光盘配置完成。
32.在以下界面选择您要安装的windows组件,点击下一步确பைடு நூலகம்
33.ServerGuide 会显示windows的相关安装路径,查看无误后点击下一步
35.数据copy完成后,提示如下信息,ServerGuide光盘会自动弹出,您需要更换Windows2000 Server光盘:
18.RAID配置完成,点击“Continue”则回到ServeRAID Manager配置界面,(注:这时候RAID开始初始化、同步,需要很长的时间,其实不用等,直接继续下面的步骤,他会在过程中自己继续进行)点击“Exit”则退出ServeRAID Manager界面继续安装;

IBM服务器系统安装教程步步图解 IBM服务器系统安装傻瓜教程用IBM引导盘装系统前请备份你服务器硬盘上的所有资料,因为整个安装过程相当于把硬盘重新分区~~一定要记住,备份所有资料~~在给服务器安装操作系统的时候会用到两张光盘,第一张是引导盘,第二张是我们的操作系统光盘,要先把引导盘放进去,进行一些安装过程的设置和驱动的安装,如果直接把操作系统光盘放进去安装的话,之后还要再装驱动,很麻烦的。
首先,找出IBM随机安装光盘,诺,就是这张:放大一些看看对,就是这张,因为我们这次准备安装的是WINDOWS 2003系统,所以就是它了 from oil conservator rated. oil is finished, should beset aside for 24 hours. can be replaced after the transformer, cooling unit, gas relays and pressure release valve devices, exhaust gas related sites multiple times. 4.1.13 electric overall construction process chart, see next page. Turn off the security system, access to the site had to wear a helmet, aerial work have to fasten your seat belt. Using power tools, the shell shall be reliable grounding to prevent electric shock, do the construction site security, preventing mounted electrical components and material damage, such as lost,electrical simulation test and operation of the transmission, and carry out the operation and the tone system; ongoing safety and quality education, improving safety awareness to ensure smooth and safe, high quality finish. 4.3 projects 4.3.1 quality assurance measurespreparation of construction organization design and construction program. Careful review of the drawings, in-depth understanding of site, construction workers doing construction gives the low-down, prior to construction as far as possible the problems right. 4.3.2 compliancewith specifications, in accordance with the drawings, encountered in the process of unclear are not free to change, must inform the unilateral changes by the design department to modify. 4.3.3 site full-time quality inspector and team part-time Inspector on construction quality of electrical installation check, nonconforming areas for correctiveactions in a timely manner until it reaches the required. 4.3.4installed in well construction record, done self-inspection, mutual,total work quality appraisal work, improve the quality of workers and ensure the project progress in order将那张光盘插入服务器的DVDROM中,启动服务器。
IBM PowerLinux操作手册


I B M系列服务器w i n d o w s操作系统安装步骤集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]IBM X系列服务器Windows操作系统安装步骤引言本文介绍采用IBM Server Guide光盘引导安装Windows操作系统,使用IBM Server Guide光盘安装会清除硬盘上的分区和数据,安装前请务必向客户说明,确认是否需要备份数据。
一、工具准备IBM ServerGuide光盘一张,windows操作系统安装光盘一套(以windows2003为例),IBM ServeRAID Manager 安装光盘一张。
需要注意的是,根据服务器型号不同,所需要的IBM ServerGuide 光盘版本也不同,下面给出两者对应关系,请根据服务器型号选择合适版本。
2、用ServerGuide CD光盘启动服务器,光盘启动后,显示如下画面选择使用本引导盘的语言(注意:此时语言为ServerGuide引导程序语言,与所要安装操作系统无关),出现如下画面,选择English)3、选择键盘布局以及国家或地区画面,在这里全部选择United States,然后点击Next4、出现许可协议界面,阅读许可协议内容,点击I accept继续即可中文用户可以在Language选项中选择Chinese 阅读中文协议5、查看概述了解ServerGuide 功能,请在使用前仔细查看相关使用说明,点击Next继续6、在这里可以选择要安装的操作系统,选择后点击Next7、列表显示接下来将要做的配置,目前提示要设置日期和时间,点击Next8、设置正确的日期和时间后点击Next9、当出现清除硬盘信息界面时,请根据需要选择,如果需要保留已有的阵列信息,请选择Skip this task,但硬盘上的数据和分区仍然会被清除掉,选择clear all hard …会直接清除阵列及硬盘信息,如无特殊要求,我们一般选择第二项clear all hard disk drives and restoreservraid to defaults,选择后点击Next继续10、删除分区完成后服务器会重新启动,不要取出ServerGuide 光盘,服务器重启后,会自动继续下面步骤11、显示分区清除完成点击Next继续接下来提示更新阵列卡微码(只有光盘中微码版本高于阵列卡微码版本时才会出现该步骤)12、要选择升级(Update),否则只能退回,就无法使用该版本的ServerGuide CD了升级后服务器会再次重启.可以看到版本已经升级到[15411](示例)13、点击Next 进入ServeRaid阵列控制器配置界面这里建议选择Custom configuration 方式配置,点击Next接着可以选择阵列级别根据客户要求选择RAID1或者是RAID5,一般两块硬盘做RAID1,三块及以上硬盘选RAID5,这里以RAID1为例,选好阵列级别后点击Next,接下来可以在右边视图中选择参与RAID 1阵列的物理硬盘,将两块可用硬盘打勾。

此试验机当时已配置RAID1阵列。如果需要保留原有的阵 列,则选择上图中间的“Bypass RAID Configuration” 选项,然后点击“NEXT”继续。
(4)、在此页面可以更改阵列级别,如果阵列卡支持及硬盘数量足 够,在Select RAID Level的选项下会有一些可以更改的阵列级别 可选:
3、出现许可协议界面,阅读许可协议内容,点击“I accept”继续即可
中文用户可以在Language选项中选择Chinese 阅读中文协议.
4、查看概述以了解ServerGuide 功能,请在使用前仔细查看相关使用说 明,点击“NEXT”继续
注意:如果想更改阵列级别,点中阵列选项后屏幕下方会有提示: “如果点击Next继续,那么所有现存的分区和数据将会丢失。”
点击“NEXT”继续后进入下个页面,显示阵列状态Status是 Configuring(正在配置):
(5)、配置完成后点击“NEXT”继续,如果没有做过任何阵列操作,那么 会进入第8步。如果做过阵列操作,那么会进入下图所示:
11、下面开始设置windows安装的相关配置: 在下面界面上输入用户名,计算机名和序列号,注意“Product ID*” 要输入Windows操作系统光盘的序列号(注:带*号的为必填项目);

IBM X 系列服务器操作系统安装图解----制做:寒武第一步取出机器自身带的ServerGuide 光盘第二步放入CD 一般默认情况下是由光盘引导启动,所以无需做修改.第三步等引导出现选择语言时,选English 就OK下边就基本上直接点下一步NEXT就行了这里当然要点接受I accept 装软件时的通病,不同意绝对不可能下一步的拉.第四步这里需要注意一下了,要看你自己要安装什么操作系统啦,装什么版本就选什么就行了,如果要装liunx 选最下面的other 就OK了基本上这里都是点下一步第五步到这一步时请注意有两个选项上面的意思是跳过,下面是要清除硬盘和RAID信息,如果你的RAID是做过的,不想动的话就选跳过,不然的话就最好选第二个清除一下.清除完后这一步就是说要启动RAID管理了第六步这里同样会出来两个选项让你来选,前者是自动后者是自定义,这里如果你的硬盘>2块;通常选第二个,如果加有RAID卡的话,可以有RAID 0 /1/ 5/ 可供选择.这里我们只有一块硬盘做演示只出现了RAID 0和1 但我前面说过只有>2块硬盘才用自定义来安装,这里是有原因的;这里我要用一块盘的话你的RAID就无法创建好了,可以看一下我用的的确是一块盘吧,在此可以显示实际个数,我们要做的是用鼠标分别把要做RAID的硬盘点选一下就可,然后选APPL Y 创建既可..下一步NEXT点到这里机器此刻就会重启第七步机器第一次重启以后就会提示你要给主分区分多大空间了,一般建议硬盘实际容量大于146G时最后分大于20G空间就可以了.下面的格式化一般都是NTFS第八步这里是时个给你的机器起名的时候了,还有那个ID序列号可别输错了,如果想加密码可以在下面输入,系统做好了后也可以输入密码所以不用麻烦了省点时间下一步吧.如果要创建域的话可以选Domain 为了想早一点看到操作系统这里我选择了放弃,直接下一步.这里是选择用户的访问个数是不是版操作系统根据实际情况定吧第九步选择时区和语言第十步:安装光盘COPY完成,等待机器自行安装OS。

PXE网启安装法这一次我采用了WEB BIOS来配置阵列,用光盘引导盘配置阵列虽然简单,但是如果想随心所欲的配置的,这一种方法比较好,可以配置成复合型阵列。
一.启动WebBIOS启动WebBIOS有两种方法1.配置有ServeRaid MR 5000阵列卡的服务器,在开机自检的过程中会有CTRL+H的提示。
按下CTRL+H组合键后会出现阵列卡配置界面2.开机按F1进入UEFI配置界面选择System Settings->Adapters and UEFI Drivers,可以看到配置的阵列卡,按回车选中后,按1进入WebBIOS二.配置RAID0,RAID1,RAID51.在WebBIOS中选择配置向导Configuration Wizard2.选择New Configuration,选择后会清除现有阵列卡上的所有阵列信息;如果此时阵列卡上已经配置了其他阵列,此处请选择Add Configuration。
选择Yes确定3.选择手动配置Manual Configuration4.选择要配置在阵列中的硬盘,按Add to Array从左边的Drivers中选到右边的Driver Groups中,配置RAID1需要2块硬盘,配置RAID5至少需要3块硬盘。
5.选好硬盘后,选择Accept DG后点击Next7.在左侧的ArrayWithFreeSpace中选中刚刚做好的Disk Groups按Add to SPAN添加到右侧的span中,然后选择Next8.Virtual Disk配置界面,选好Virtual Disk参数后,点选Accept接受配置,最后选择Next。
·RAID Level中可以选择要配置的RAID级别;·右侧的Possible RAID Level中显示可能的RAID级别的磁盘容量,比如示例中三个73G 的硬盘配置raid0容量约为200G,而如果配置RAID5容量约为134G;·Select size选项中可以修改Virtual Disk的容量,通常这个值设定为该磁盘组RAID级别的最大容量。

PXE网启安装法这一次我采用了WEB BIOS来配置阵列,用光盘引导盘配置阵列虽然简单,但是如果想随心所欲的配置的,这一种方法比较好,可以配置成复合型阵列.一.启动WebBIOS启动WebBIOS有两种方法1。
配置有ServeRaid MR 5000阵列卡的服务器,在开机自检的过程中会有CTRL+H的提示。
按下CTRL+H组合键后会出现阵列卡配置界面2.开机按F1进入UEFI配置界面选择System Settings—〉Adapters and UEFI Drivers,可以看到配置的阵列卡,按回车选中后,按1进入WebBIOS二.配置RAID0,RAID1,RAID5 1。
在WebBIOS中选择配置向导Configuration Wizard2.选择New Configuration,选择后会清除现有阵列卡上的所有阵列信息;如果此时阵列卡上已经配置了其他阵列,此处请选择Add Configuration。
选择Yes确定3.选择手动配置Manual Configuration4.选择要配置在阵列中的硬盘,按Add to Array从左边的Drivers中选到右边的Driver Groups中,配置RAID1需要2块硬盘,配置RAID5至少需要3块硬盘.5.选好硬盘后,选择Accept DG后点击Next7.在左侧的ArrayWithFreeSpace中选中刚刚做好的Disk Groups按Add to SPAN添加到右侧的span中,然后选择Next8。
Virtual Disk配置界面,选好Virtual Disk参数后,点选Accept接受配置,最后选择Next。
·RAID Level中可以选择要配置的RAID级别;·右侧的Possible RAID Level中显示可能的RAID级别的磁盘容量,比如示例中三个73G 的硬盘配置raid0容量约为200G,而如果配置RAID5容量约为134G;·Select size选项中可以修改Virtual Disk的容量,通常这个值设定为该磁盘组RAID级别的最大容量。
ibm powervm安装配置手册

PowerVM 安装配置手册Version 1.1目录1虚拟IO服务器安装配置 (3)1.1 ......................................................... 虚拟IO服务器创建31.1.1........................................ 虚拟IO服务器分区Profile文件创建31.1.2.................................................. 虚拟IO 服务器软件安装121.1.3................................................. 安装虚拟IO服务器升级包161.2 ............................................... VIOS S HARED E THERNET A DATPER创建161.3 ....................................................... VIOS VIRTUAL DISK映射181.4 ............................................................ VIOS NPIV映射191.5 ...................................................... V IOS VIRTUAL CDROM映射201.6 ....................................................... VIOS VIRTUAL TAPE映射222 .......................................................... 分区服务器安装配置232.1 ............................................................ 分区服务器创建232.2 .................................................... 分区服务器虚拟光驱配置262.3 ............................................................ 分区服务器安装322.4 ........................................................ 分区服务器磁盘配置322.5 .................................................... 分区服务器SAN存储配置332.6 ........................................................ 分区服务器网络配置333 ......................................................... 动态逻辑分区资源调整333.1 .............................................................. 分区资源调整333.2 .............................................................. 查看分区资源354 ........................................................... 在线分区迁移(LPM) 364.1 ............................................................... 迁移前准备364.2 .............................................................. 分区迁移验证364.3 ................................................................. 迁移分区385 ................................................................... 设备维护415.1 ............................................................... 光纤卡更换416.2网卡更换 (42)5.3 ........................................................... R OOTVG备份与恢复426 ..................................................................相关红皮书437 ................................................................ 常见问题排错437.1 ................................................................. 性能监控437.2 ................................................................. 常见问题431虚拟IO服务器安装配置1.1虚拟IO 服务器创建请依照如下步骤创建VIOS分区1.1.1虚拟IO服务器分区Profile文件创建1) 如下图在HMC所管理的服务器上选择左侧server菜单下的POWER服务器建立虚拟IO 服务器分区,选择Configuration -> Create Logic Partition -> VIO Server2) 输入Partition ID 和Partition name, 完成后继续选择Next3)输入Profile name,完成后继续选择Next4)选择CPU的配置。

IBM-POWER8服务器虚拟化及系统安装使用手册PowerKVM安装&Kimchi使用手册华讯中星科技-内部资料目录一、........................ P owerKVM安装11.1、 ASM设置 (1)1.2、为IPMI登录设置密码 (1)1.3、使用IPMI工具连接服务器,常用IPMI管理命令 (2)1.4、 IPMI不能正常连接处理 (2)1.5、启动POWERKVM的安装 (3)1.6、选择安装语言 (3)1.7、开始安装PowerKVM (3)1.8、选择安装磁盘位置 (5)1.9、设置PowerKVM登录时root用户的密码 (5)1.10、设置时区 (6)1.11、设置网络时间服务器NTP地址.. 61.12、设置日期和时间 (7)1.13、配置网络 (7)1.14、配置服务器IP地址 (8)1.15、配置DNS (8)2.18、系统安装完成界面 (20)一、PowerKVM安装1.1、ASM设置主机通电后用网线连接HMC1管理口,将操作设备的IP地址改成与ASM同一网段,在Firefox浏览器输入“”进入ASM管理界面,默认用户名和密码都是admin,操作界面如下图所示:1.2、为IPMI登录设置密码1.3、使用IPMI工具连接服务器,常用IPMI管理命令连接:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sol activate断开:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sol deactivate开启服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power on关闭服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power off重启服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power cycle 1.4、IPMI不能正常连接处理连接报错信息:Error in open session response message : insufficient resources for sessionError: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ sessionUnable to set Chassis Power Control to Up/On解决方法:将服务器固件版本更改为OPAL模式,具体操作如下图所示:1.5、启动POWERKVM的安装将PowerKVM镜像光盘放入服务器,然后用ipmi工具重启服务器,进入Petitboot中选择光盘镜像进行系统的安装,操作界面如下图所示:1.6、选择安装语言1.7、开始安装PowerKVM1.8、选择安装磁盘位置1.9、设置PowerKVM登录时root用户的密码1.10、设置时区1.11、设置网络时间服务器NTP地址1.12、设置日期和时间1.13、配置网络请将网口1连接到交换机,才能进行1.14的配置启用操作:1.14、配置服务器IP地址为网口1分配IP地址,红框部分必需填写或选中:1.15、配置DNS1.16、PowerKVM安装参数确认1.17、系统执行安装界面1.18、安装完成提示至此PowerKVM安装结束,可使用系统内置的Kimchit管理工具进行虚拟机的安装,如果Kimchi无法使用,在KVM中使用“configure-system”命令检查网络设置参数是否正确。

3、需要一张由信息技术部提供的有许可证的Windows 2003 Server光盘,一张由供应商提供的最新的引导盘,一个外接USB的DVD光驱。
操作系统安装1、将刻录好的引导盘放入光驱,连接到服务器上;等待机器启动后按F12”如下图:2、选择从光驱启动CD/DVE R0,如下图3、选择语言为“ English ”如下图:4、为默认选择“ Next ”如下图:5、选中要安装的操作系统然后“ Next”,如下图:the netwerkiMicroaoft ® Windows S«rv.r Z008 R2Sy^ternt andTirr^f e ftA® Ada&tp"?Par ti bonSTOW卞gxxlSyitem SctUG■er FfGuNd*6、设置系统日期和时间,根据安装日期和时间设置,设置好选择“Next ”如下图:蜒 Ste onCLTime 61饨1_■屯總.丸H 二亡•!* ar titisn 点”r 号虹打齐*#修Opfra tm^g 刍 Ecm MtupCx>T Server7、这一步我们可以看到磁盘的阵列信息,此时做的是“ Raidl ”状态为(Good )说明之前已经做好了;如果阵列没有做这里我们可以选择要做的阵列,如“ RAID*然后选择“ Next ”等待几分钟;建议安装系统前配置好RAIDb 这里我们直接选择“ Next ”如下图:reltAJo AdapterAdapter Kaim^ Nu mhc-r of Orivc^s: B ■。
IBM 有限使用虚拟服务器和有限使用套接字子容量许可指南说明书

Limited Use Virtual Server andLimited Use Socket Sub-capacity Licensing GuideSub-capacity licensing is an option that allows for licensing the Program on a subset of a physical server's processor cores. Sub-capacity licensing gives the flexibility to install eligible software on any size physical server.This Guide provides information and examples regarding Sub-capacity licensing under both Limited Use Virtual Server (LU Virtual Server) and Limited Use Socket (LU Socket) licensing. For details on Sub-capacity licensing under Processor Value Unit (“PVU”) licensing terms, see: http://www-/software/lotus/passportadvantage/subcaplicensing.html.1. LU Virtual Server Sub-capacity LicensingA LU Virtual Server is a physical server or a virtual server created by partitioning the resources available to a physical server using an eligible virtualization technology (see /software/passportadvantage/Sub-capacity/Eligible_Virtualization_Technology.pdf). A server is a physical computer that is comprised of processing units, memory, and input/output capabilities and that executes requested procedures, commands, or applications for one or more users or client devices. Where racks, blade enclosures, or other similar equipment is being employed, each separable physical device (e.g., a blade or a rack-mounted device) that has the required components is considered itself a separate Server. You must: (1) acquire one LU Virtual Server entitlement for each LU Virtual Server on which an instance of the Program is installed as described below; and (2) for each instance of the Program comply with the resource use restrictions.The process for determining the number of required LU Virtual Server licenses is: 1. Total up all the un-partitioned physical and virtual servers that the Program using the LU Virtual Server metric is or will be deployed in2. The required number of LU Virtual Server licenses is equal to this countNote: In order to help you comply with the processor core resource usage restrictions, DB2 Express will not use more than 8 cores per physical server or, where partitioned virtual server, on Windows and Linux x64 platforms.Example 1.1: Physical server with a single server of DB2 ExpressOne un-partitioned physical server with 16 processor cores on 2 socketsIn order to install one or more copies of DB2 Express on an un-partitioned Windows or Linux x64 physical server, you require a single LU Virtual Server license. The number of cores on the server doesn't matter as DB2 Express will automatically use no more than 8 cores in total on Windows and Linux x64 platforms. However, if the server was Solaris x64, you could not install DB2Express unless you used an eligible virtualization technology to restrict all copies of DB2 Express to using up to the same 8 processor cores.Example 1.2: Physical server with multiple copies of Informix Innovator-C One un-partitioned physical server with 4 processor coresIf your un-partitioned server contains only 4 processor cores total, you may install and run as many copies of Informix Innovator-C as you wish with a single LU Virtual Server license, because each is limited to the same 4 processor cores.OS Layer over 16 coresExample 1.3: Using DB2 Express with virtual serversOne physical server with 32 processor cores partitioned into 2 virtual servers with 16 processor cores eachIn order to install copies of DB2 Express on two partitions or virtual serverrunning on Windows and Linux x64 platforms. you require two LU Virtual Server licenses. The number of cores per partition or virtual server doesn't matter as DB2 Express will automatically not use more than 8 cores in total per virtualserver on Windows and Linux x64 platforms. However, you could not install DB2 Express on Solaris x64 unless you limited the virtual servers to only 8 processor cores each.Example 1.4: Using Informix Innovator-C with many virtual serversOne physical server with 8 processor cores partitioned into 4 virtual servers with 2 processor cores eachOS Layer over 16 coresOS Layer over 16 cores core socket core core socket coreIf your physical server with 8 processor cores is partitioned into 4 virtual servers using 2processor cores each, and you install a copy of Informix Innovator-C on each of the 4 virtual servers, then you must license for four LU Virtual Server licenses. If the Program is licensed using LU Virtual Server the total number of LU Virtual Server licenses required is not limited by the physical capacity of the machine. 2. LU Socket Sub-capacity LicensingA Limited Use Socket is an electronic circuitry that accepts a processor chip. A server is a physical computer that is comprised of processing units, memory, and input/output capabilities and that executes requested procedures, commands, or applications for one or more users or client devices. Where racks, blade enclosures, or other similar equipment is being employed, each separable physical device (e.g., a blade or a rack-mounted device) that has the required components is considered itself a separate server. A virtual server is created by partitioning the resources available to a physical server using an eligible virtualization technology (see/software/passportadvantage/Sub-capacity/Eligible_Virtualization_Technology.pdf ). A processor chip is electronic circuitry containing one or more processor cores that plugs into a socket. A processor core is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes program instructions, and consists of at least an instruction control unit and one or more arithmetic or logic units. You must: (1) acquire one LU Socket entitlement for each full or partial socket on the physical or virtual server on which the Program is installed as described below; and (2) for each instance of the Program comply with the resource use restrictions.The process for determining the number of required LU Socket licenses is:OS Layer over 2 cores OS Layer over 2 coresOS Layer over 2 coresOS Layer over 2 cores socket core socket1.For each physical server or, where partitioned, virtual server that will have the Program installed, sum the number of processor cores available to the Program.2.Sum the results of step 1 for all virtual servers on a single physical server.3.Divide the result of step 2 by the number of processor cores per socket on the physical server.4.Round up the result of step 3 to the nearest whole number.5.The lesser of the result of step 4 and the number of active sockets on the physical server is the required LU Socket entitlement.Note: In order to help you comply with the processor core resource usagerestrictions, DB2 Workgroup will not use more than 16 cores per physical server or, where partitioned virtual server, on Windows and Linux x64 platforms. Example 2.1: Limited Use Socket on a physical serverOne un-partitioned physical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor cores.If you install a single copy of DB2 Workgroup Edition on an un-partitionedphysical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor cores, you require one LU Socket license per socket for a total of 4 LU Socket licenses for the Server.Example 2.2: Deploying Limited Use Sockets in a virtual environment One physical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor cores partitioned into 2 virtual servers with 2 sockets / 8 processor cores eachIf the physical server with 4 sockets / 16 processor cores is partitioned into 2virtual servers using 2 sockets / 8 processor cores each, and you install a copy of DB2 Workgroup on one of the two virtual servers, then you must purchase two LU Socket licenses.Example 2.3: Deploying Limited Use Sockets with partial socket allocations One physical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor corespartitioned into 2 virtual servers with 2.5 sockets / 10 processor cores in one and 1.5 sockets / 6 processor cores in the other.If the physical server with 16 processor cores is partitioned into 2 virtual servers using 2.5 sockets / 10 processor cores in one and 1.5 sockets / 6 processor cores in the other, with DB2 Workgroup running only in the smaller partition, you must purchase two LU Socket licenses since DB2 is using all or part of two sockets. To determine the total number of LU Sockets that must be licensed when partial sockets are allocated on a server the total number of partial socketssocket core OS Layer over 2 sockets / 8 coressocket core OS Layer over 1.5 sockets / 6 coreis added up and then rounded up to a whole socket. In this example 1.5 sockets of DB2 is rounded up to two LU Socket entitlements being required.Example 2.4: Multiple virtual servers and Limited Use SocketOne physical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor corespartitioned into 5 virtual servers with .5 sockets / 2 processor cores in each and one partition with 2 sockets / 8 cores allocated to it.If the physical server with 4 sockets / 16 processor cores is partitioned into 4 virtual servers using 0.5 sockets / 2 processor cores each, and virtual server with 2 sockets/8 cores, and you install a copy of DB2 Workgroup on each of the four virtual servers with 0.5 sockets, then you must only purchase two LU Socket licenses. In this example the cores allocated to DB2 are totaled, 2+2+2+2=8, then divided by the number of cores per physical socket, 8/4=2, then rounded up to a whole number of sockets, which in this case is two.Example 2.5: Limited Use Sockets on a server that has over allocated resources using virtualizationOne physical server with 4 sockets, each containing 4 processor cores partitioned into 4 virtual servers with 2 sockets / 8 processor cores in each.OS Layer over 0.5 sockets / 2 cores OS Layer over 0.5 sockets / 2 coresOS Layer over 0.5 sockets / 2 cores OS Layer over 0.5 sockets / 2coresIn this example, the number of sockets allocated to the virtual machines isgreater than the total number of physical sockets on the machine. If the physical server with 4 sockets / 16 processor cores is partitioned into 4 virtual servers using 2 sockets / 8 processor cores each, and you install a copy of DB2 Workgroup on each of the four virtual servers with 2 sockets, then you must acquire four LU Socket licenses. In this example, the cores allocated to DB2 are totaled, 8+8+8+8=32, then divided by the number of cores per physical socket, 32/4=8, then rounded up to a whole number of sockets, which in this case is eight. However, the total physical capacity of the machine is only four sockets so the total required LU Socket licenses is lowered to four as the maximum required number of LU Socket licenses is capped a the physical capacity of the server.OS Layer over 2 sockets / 8 cores OS Layer over 2 sockets / 8 coresOS Layer over 2 sockets / 8 cores OS Layer over 2 sockets / 8cores。

IBM虚拟化基本概念(2)---VIOS的安装与配置一、VIO server 的 profile 配置现在我们开始实施了。
首先进入 HMC 的服务器界面,创建一个 VIO server 分区,注意这个分区只能用这种方式创建。
虽然我们知道 VIO server 实际上是一个 mksysb 的光盘,但选用一般 AIX 分区是无法安装运行的。
分区创建的 ID 为唯一标示,这点和创建一个 AIX 分区没有不同。
按设计实施,设置 CPU 各个值。
这里将所有设备加入 VIO Server, 包括 CD ROM,但记住安装完成后去除 T16 的 IDE CD ROM。
下面开始配置 VIO SERVER 的特殊部分,首先将最大适配器数调到 500,便于增加虚拟网卡和存储卡,缺省值远远不够。
我们先来配置需共享的网卡:按设计配置第一块需共享的虚拟网卡同样增加其他虚拟网卡,此处 11、12、13、14 共 4 块下面增加虚拟 SCSI 存储卡增加第一块卡同样一直增加到 202 虚拟存储卡,共增加 20 块。
这里只设计 20 个 adapter,但建议可以设计更多,因为事后添加需要重起 VIO server。
跟着安装向导,设置为正常启动,以免启动停留在 SMS 菜单。
可以点击详细信息确认配置建立完成,此时再逐一确认一下CPU 设置确认内存配置确认设备确认虚拟网卡确认虚拟 SCSI 卡确认开启确认二、VIO server 的安装注:由于以下此处文档事后所补,所以截图中分区名称有所区别,供参考示意。
开始激活该分区(之前请记得把 VIO server 的安装光盘放入光驱):选择 profile,开启终端窗口开始启动按 5 进入 SMS 菜单,选择 CD-ROM 启动安装接下来实际就是一个 mksysb 的恢复过程。
在 Power Systems 服务器上安装虚拟 I O 服务器说明书

Installing Virtual I/O Server on Power SystemsserversVersion 1.0.1IBM®Quick Start Guide for installing Virtual I/O Server on Power Systems serversThis guide helps you install Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) and Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) on a Power Systems server that has a graphics card.OverviewUse this information to install VIOS on a Power Systems server that has a graphics card installed. When you install VIOS on a system that is not managed by an Hardware Management Console (HMC), IVM is automatically installed and available for use.1Step 1: Complete the prerequisitesBefore you install Linux on your system, ensure that you have the following items:•USB keyboard and mouse•Monitor•Power cords and outlet for your system•Distribution media2Step 2: Prepare to power onBefore you power on the system, follow these steps:•If your system belongs in a rack, install your system into that rack. For instructions, see the IBM Knowledge Center and search for your Power hardware model: IBM Knowledge Center.•Remove the shipping brackets from the power supplies. Ensure that the power supplies are fully seated in the system.•Connect the monitor, mouse, and keyboard.•Connect the power cords to the system and plug them into the outlets.After you connect the power cords, your firmware boots. Wait for a few minutes for this process to complete. Look for the green power LED on the control panel to start flashing, indicating that it is ready to use, and for the prompt 01 N V=N to display in the control panel window.For information about accessing and using the control panel, see the Control panel topic in the at https:/// BdYjwz.3Step 3: Power® on the systemAfter the firmware boots, you can power on the system. Press and hold the white power-on button on the front of the control panel for 3 seconds to start the server.As the system powers up, you might notice the following:•System reference codes display on the control panel while the system is being started.•The power LED continues to flash and might speed up.•The system cooling fans are activated after approximately 30 seconds and begin to accelerate to operating speed.•The power LED on the control panel stops flashing and remains on, indicating that system power is on.Note: If you system fails to start, verify that the prompt 01 N V=N is displaying in the control panel and and the green power LED is flashing green.When the system is powered on, the monitor activates and the Boot selection window is displayed.Note: You can also connect to your system using the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI). For more information, see the IBM Knowledge Center and search for your Power hardware model: IBM Knowledge Center.4Step 4: Booting VIOSTo set up your server to boot the Linux installer kernel, follow these steps:a.At the Boot selection window, enter 1 to select the SMS Menu. Enter 1 before the firmware boot screen iscompletely shown on the display, because it will disappear when complete. If you miss the screen, reboot thesystem.b.Insert the VIOS media disk into the disk drive.c.Enter 2 to Continue to password entry on the Language selection menu. Enter admin.d.On the main SMS menu, enter 5 to go to the Select Boot Options option.e.Enter 1 to select Install/Boot Device.f.Enter 7 to view all of the available boot devices.g.Enter the number corresponding to the device that you want to use. If your device is not displayed, you canenter N to display more.h.Enter 2 to perform a Normal Mode Boot.i.Enter 1 to leave the SMS menu and to start the boot process.5Step 5: Install VIOSa.Select the console by entering a 1 and pressing Enter.b.Select a language for the installation and press Enter.c.Select Change/Show Installation Settings and Install.d.Verify your settings. If your settings are correct, type 0 and then press Enter.The installation begins. After a while, you are prompted to insert the second disk. After the installation is complete, the system restarts and the login prompt is displayed.6Step 6: Configure IVMa.Log in to the management partition with the user ID: padmin.b.When prompted, change the login password to a secure password.c.Accept the Virtual I/O Server license agreement by using the license command: license -accept. Formore information about using this command, see Virtual I/O Server and IVM commands.d.Configure the TCP/IP connection for the Virtual I/O Server management partition by using the mktcpipcommand. For example: mktcpip -hostname fred -inetaddr -interface en0 -start -netmask -gateway -nsrvaddr -nsrvdomain You must configure TCP/IP before you can perform any dynamic logical partitioningoperations.7Step 7: Connecting to IVM Web-based interfacea.Open a Web browser window, and connect using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol to the IP address that wasassigned to the Integrated Virtualization Manager during the installation process. For example, enter https:// 123.456.7.890 in your Web browser, where 123.456.7.890 is the IP address assigned to the IntegratedVirtualization Manager.b.Enter the default user ID of padmin, and enter the password that you defined during the installation process.c.In the Integrated Virtualization Manager interface, select View/Modify Virtual Ethernet.d.Click Initialize Virtual Ethernet. A virtual Ethernet provides Ethernet connectivity among the partitions.e.Click Apply.f.If your installation requires external networking, create a virtual Ethernet bridge:i.Select Virtual Ethernet Bridge.ii.Select the physical adapter to bridge.iii.Click Apply.More informationFor more information, see the following resources:•Linux information for IBM systems at https:///support/knowledgecenter/linuxonibm/liaaa/ic-homepage.htm•IBM Knowledge Center: https:///support/knowledgecenter/.•The Linux on Power developer portal at https:///linuxonpower/.© Copyright IBM® Corp. 2018. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, and ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" (/legal/copytrade.shtml).。

鸿鹄论坛IBM服务器系统安装图解全攻略2007-12-05 14:39前段时刻有个朋友在硬件版块问起了IBM服务器如何进行系统安装工作的。
当时我就一口承诺给大伙儿写一个安装攻略出来,国庆长假过完后,我就拿了一台IBM服务器开刀,边做边拍,全程图解<br />备份服务器硬盘上的全部资料<br /><br />假如您的服务器是全新的硬盘,那么你能够跃过此步,否那么,请备份你服务器硬盘上的所有资料,因为整个安装过程相当于把硬盘重新分区!!一定要记住,备份所有资料!!<br />假如您的服务器是全新的硬盘,那么你能够跃过此步,否那么,请备份你服务器硬盘上的所有资料,因为整个安装过程相当于把硬盘重新分区!!一定要记住,备份所有资料!!找出IBM安装光盘服务器的安装与PC的安装差不多相同,但也有不同。
第一,找出IBM随机安装光盘,诺,确实是这张:放大一些看看对,确实是这张,因为我们这次预备安装的是WINDOWS 2003系统,因此确实是它了。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一、P owerKVM安装 (1)
1.1、 ASM设置 (1)
1.2、为IPMI登录设置密码 (1)
1.3、使用IPMI工具连接服务器,常用IPMI管理命令 (2)
1.4、 IPMI不能正常连接处理 (2)
1.5、启动POWERKVM的安装 (2)
1.6、选择安装语言 (3)
1.7、开始安装PowerKVM (3)
1.8、选择安装磁盘位置 (4)
1.9、设置PowerKVM登录时root用户的密码 (4)
1.10、设置时区 (5)
1.11、设置网络时间服务器NTP地址 (5)
1.12、设置日期和时间 (6)
1.13、配置网络 (6)
1.14、配置服务器IP地址 (7)
1.15、配置DNS (7)
1.16、 PowerKVM安装参数确认 (8)
1.17、系统执行安装界面 (8)
1.18、安装完成提示 (8)
二、K imchi的使用 (9)
2.1、通过浏览器访问Kimchi (9)
2.2、 Kimchi管理主界面: (9)
2.3、 PowerLinux系统镜像管理 (10)
2.4、创建虚拟网络 (10)
2.5、创建虚拟机安装模板 (11)
2.6、虚拟机创建模板参数修改 (12)
2.7、开始创建虚拟机 (12)
2.8、启动虚拟机的安装 (13)
2.9、进入VNC安装界面 (13)
2.10、 Redhat For Power安装界面 (13)
2.11、选择系统安装位置 (14)
2.12、本地磁盘格式化 (14)
2.13、网络连接编辑 (15)
2.14、配置网络地址 (15)
2.15、磁盘使用配置 (16)
2.16、选择安装系统类型 (16)
2.17、系统安装界面 (17)
2.18、系统安装完成界面 (17)
连接:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sol activate 断开:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> sol deactivate 开启服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power on 关闭服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power off 重启服务器:ipmitool -I lanplus -H <FSP IP ADDRESS> -P <IPMI PASSWORD> power cycle
Error in open session response message : insufficient resources for session
Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session
Unable to set Chassis Power Control to Up/On
向存储池中上传Linux for Power镜像文件,将镜像文件复制到下图红框中的路径中:
2.10、Redhat For Power安装界面