



















目录国际结算认知.................................................................国际结算整体认知......................................................................................................................................................汇款认知......................................................................................................................................................................托收认知......................................................................................................................................................................信用证认知..................................................................................................................................................................贸易融资认知..............................................................................................................................................................保函备证认知.............................................................................................................................................................. 汇款.........................................................................汇出汇款......................................................................................................................................................................汇款人汇出汇款01.............................................................................................................................................汇款人汇出汇款02.............................................................................................................................................汇出行汇出汇款01.............................................................................................................................................汇出行汇出汇款02.............................................................................................................................................汇入汇款......................................................................................................................................................................汇入行汇入汇款01.............................................................................................................................................汇入行汇入汇款02.............................................................................................................................................收款人办理国际收支申报01.............................................................................................................................收款人办理国际收支申报02 ............................................................................................................................. 托收.........................................................................出口托收业务..............................................................................................................................................................委托人委托银行办理出口托收01.....................................................................................................................托收行办理出口托收业务01.............................................................................................................................托收行办理出口托收业务02 .............................................................................................................................进口代收业务..............................................................................................................................................................付款人托收项下对外付款01.............................................................................................................................代收行进口代收业务01.....................................................................................................................................代收行进口代收业务02..................................................................................................................................... 信用证.......................................................................进口信用证业务..........................................................................................................................................................申请人申请开证01.............................................................................................................................................申请人申请开证02.............................................................................................................................................申请人申请开证03.............................................................................................................................................申请人申请改证01.............................................................................................................................................申请人申请改证02.............................................................................................................................................开证行开立信用证01.........................................................................................................................................开证行开立信用证02.........................................................................................................................................开证行开立信用证03.........................................................................................................................................开证行修改信用证01.........................................................................................................................................开证行修改信用证02.........................................................................................................................................付款行通知付款01.............................................................................................................................................付款行通知付款02.............................................................................................................................................出口信用证业务..........................................................................................................................................................通知行通知信用证01.........................................................................................................................................通知行通知信用证02.........................................................................................................................................通知行通知信用证03.........................................................................................................................................受益人审证交单01.............................................................................................................................................受益人审证交单02.............................................................................................................................................受益人审证交单03.............................................................................................................................................交单行审单01.....................................................................................................................................................交单行审单02.....................................................................................................................................................交单行审单03..................................................................................................................................................... 贸易融资.....................................................................出口融资案例01.........................................................................................................................................................出口融资案例02.........................................................................................................................................................进口融资案例..............................................................................................................................................................银行贸易融资操作...................................................................................................................................................... 银行保函及备用信用证.........................................................申请人申请开立保函..................................................................................................................................................担保人开立保函..........................................................................................................................................................通知行通知保函..........................................................................................................................................................受益人审核保函..........................................................................................................................................................申请人申请开立备证.................................................................................................................................................. 专项练习.....................................................................国际结算概述..............................................................................................................................................................国际结算中的票据......................................................................................................................................................汇款..............................................................................................................................................................................托收..............................................................................................................................................................................信用证..........................................................................................................................................................................国际贸易融资..............................................................................................................................................................银行保函及备用信用证..............................................................................................................................................国际结算中的单据......................................................................................................................................................国际贸易结算的风险及防范......................................................................................................................................国际结算认知国际结算整体认知P7内容4(录音听完,8分)P8内容5(6分)国际结算与国内结算的区别有哪些?(ABC)A、货币的活动范围不同B、使用的货币不同C、遵循的法律不同D、支付的工具不同P9内容6(录音听完,8分)P11内容9(6分)P14内容12(录音听完,8分)P15内容13(录音听完,8分)P16内容14(录音听完,8分)P17内容15(录音听完,8分)P18内容16(6分)国际结算的衍变历程经历哪些方面的变革?(ABCD)A、现金结算变为票据结算B、货物买卖变为单据买卖C、直接结算变为银行结算D、人工结算变为电子结算P21内容19(录音听完,8分)P22内容20(6分)国际贸易结算中的票据主要包括哪几种?(ABC)A、汇票B、本票C、支票D、发票P23内容21(6分)国际结算方式主要包括哪几种?(ABC)A、汇款B、托收C、信用证P25内容23(录音听完,8分)P31内容29(6分)下列选项中,哪些是属于国际结算中的货币清算系统?(ABCE)A、SWIFTB、CHIPSC、CHAPSD、EDIE、TATGET汇款认知P5内容2(录音听完,6分)P7内容4 (10分)在汇款的当事人中,汇款人和汇出行之间是哪种关系?(B)A、债权债务关系B、委托与被委托关系C、委托代理关系D、账户往来关系P10内容7(录音听完,6分)P11内容8(录音听完,6分)P12内容9(录音听完,6分)P14内容11(10分)汇款按照结算工具的不同,可以分为哪几种?(ABC)A、电汇B、信汇C、票汇P18内容15(录音听完,6分)P19内容16(录音听完,6分)P20内容17(录音听完,6分)P21内容18(10分)如果汇出行与汇入行之间没有帐户关系或没有所汇货币帐户关系,那么,头寸应该通过什么方式来完成转账?(B)A、账户行直接入账型B 、“碰头行”转帐型C、各自帐户行转帐型P26内容23(录音听完,6分)P27内容24(录音听完,6分)P28内容25(录音听完,6分)P29内容26(10分)在国际贸易中,汇款主要包括哪几种方式?(ABC)A、货到付款B、预付货款C、交单付现托收认知P5第2页(录音听完,7分)P8第5页(录音听完,7分)P9第6页(10分)托收的当事人中,代收行与付款人之间是什么关系?(C)A、债权债务关系B、委托代理关系C、无契约关系P11第8页(录音听完,7分)P14第11页(录音听完,7分)P18第15页(录音听完,7分)P19第16页(10分)P21第18页(录音听完,7分)P22第19页(录音听完,7分)P23第20页(录音听完,7分)P25第22页(录音听完,7分)P26第23页(录音听完,7分)P27第24页(10分)对出口商来说,风险最小的托收结算方式是哪一种?(A)A、即期付款交单B、远期付款交单C、承兑交单D、光票托收信用证认知P5内容2(录音听完,8分)P6内容3(录音听完,8分)P8内容5(录音听完,8分)P9内容6(7分)具备哪些要素的约定就可以称之为信用证?(ABC)A、信用证应当是开证行开出的确定承诺文件B、开证行承付的前提条件是相符交单C、开证行的承付承诺不可撤销P11内容8(录音听完,8分)P12内容9(录音听完,8分)P13内容10(录音听完,8分)P14内容11(录音听完,8分)P16内容24(7分)信开本信用证包括哪几种?(BCD)A、电开本信用证B、简电本信用证C、全电本信用证D、SWIFT开证P28内容24(7分)按照付款时间划分,信用证可以分为哪几种?(CDE)A、即期付款信用证B、延期付款信用证C、即期信用证D、远期信用证E、假远期信用证P31内容27(录音听完,8分)P32内容28(录音听完,8分)P35内容32(7分)银行应该对信用证的哪些方面进行审查?(ABCDE)A、审查开证行资信B、审查信用证的有效性C、审查信用证的责任条款D、索汇路线和索汇方式的审查E、信用证项下的费用问题贸易融资认知P6内容3(录音听完,5分)P8内容5(录音听完,5分)P11 内容8 (12分)在国际贸易中,进口商可以采用哪些结算方式来完成债权债务关系?(ABC)A、汇款B、托收C、信用证P15 内容12 (12分)进口商对贸易融资会有哪些需求呢?(ABC)A、进口货物的时候能否不占压资金或少占压资金B、可以在货物售出后再付款吗C、怎样在货先到而单据未到的情况下提货P16内容13(录音听完,5分)P18 内容15 (14分)出口商对贸易融资会有哪些需求呢?(ABCD)A、组织货流资金不够,银行能帮我吗?B、如何在出货后,立即获付?C、远期结算方式,可以立即收款吗?D、在托收或赊帐情况下,如何能够有保证地收回货款?P19内容16(录音听完,5分)P21 内容18 拖曳匹配题(16分)P25 内容22 (16分)国际贸易融资主要具有哪些特点?(ABCDE)A、具有自偿性B、单据通过银行传递C、期限较短D、综合收益高E、时效性强保函备证认知P5第2页(录音听完,10分)P6第3页(录音听完,10分)P9第6页(录音听完,10分)P10第7页(录音听完,10分)P12第9页(10分)银行保函的基本当事人是哪三个?(ADF)A、申请人B、转开行C、通知行D、受益人E、保兑行F、担保人G、反担保人P18第15页(10分)P20第17页(录音听完,10分)P23第20页(10分)备用信用证具有哪些性质?(ABCD)A、不可撤销性B、独立性C、跟单性D、强制性P25第22页(录音听完,10分)P26第23页(录音听完,10分)汇款汇出汇款汇款人汇出汇款01P12提问(6分)谢晓峰:“海运,从汉堡到广州航行时间大概30天左右。




公司(单位)名称:(盖章)年月日一、分管负责人与部门负责人四、后台托管结算业务人员:境外机构投资者投资中国银行间债券市场备案表Registration Form for Overseas Institutional Investors in China’sInter-Bank Bond Market(法人类)(For Incorporated Entities)投资者名称:Name of Entity 结算代理备案□Settlement Agent“债券通”备案□盖章/签字(Official Seal/Signature):境外机构投资者投资中国银行间债券市场备案表Registration Form for Overseas Institutional Investors in China’sInter-Bank Bond Market(非法人类)(For Unincorporated Entities)投资者名称:Name of Entity结算代理备案□Settlement Agent“债券通”备案□填表说明Note:1.表格用中文和英文填写。


Please fill out this form in both Chinese and English. If an overseas investor has no Chinese name, “Name of Entity” may be filled in English name only.2.申请机构简介或投资管理人简介包括监管法律、组织结构(含投资职能)等内容。

Brief Introduction or Brief Introduction of Investment Management Company:background on governing law, organizational structure (including investment function), etc.3.投资负责人信息须填写债券投资管理人及投资主要负责人的基本情况。

















“对开备用证③(注③:或称反担保备用证(counter standby)。






















2003年5月1日,美国海关边防总署发出通知,扩大实施‘24小时规定’扩大实施规定内容包括:1.自2003年5月4日起,美国海关边防总署将对装有生造的,无效品名或不完全品名的集装箱货物予以‘Do Not Load’(禁止装船)。


例如,含糊不清的品名‘Freight-All-Kinds’,‘Said-To-Contain’或‘General Merchandise’等将不再允许使用。


3.自2003年5月15日起,美国海关边防总署将对显然违反有关收货人名称、地址要求的予以‘Do Not Load’(禁止装船)。

例如,收货人栏空白,或使用‘To Order’‘To Order of Shipper’而在收货人栏和通知方栏内不提供相关的联系信息,或仅提供收货人名称但无地址,或地址不详,或假地址等,都将不予接受。






待运的集装箱货物凡带有含糊其词的‘freight of all kinds’‘said to contain’‘consolidated cargo’‘general merchandise’和‘various retail merchandise’等都不予接受。









附件:国家(地区)代码表国家(地区)代码表(请按汉语拼音顺序查找)┏━━━━━┯━━┯━━━━━┯━━┯━━━━━┯━━┯━━━━┯━━┓┃国家名称│数字│ 国家名称│数字│ 国家名称│数字│国家名称│数字┃┃│代码││代码││代码││代码┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃A││法罗群岛│234 │罗马尼亚│642 │圣文林特│670 ┃┃││││││和格林纳│┃┃││││││丁斯│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿尔巴尼亚│008 │法属波利尼│258 │M││斯里兰卡│144 ┃┃││西亚│││││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿尔及利亚│012 │法属圭亚那│254 │马达加斯加│450 │斯洛伐克│703 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿富汗│004 │法属南部领│260 │马尔他│470 │斯洛文尼│705 ┃┃││土││││亚│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿根廷│032 │梵蒂冈│336 │马尔代夫│462 │斯瓦尔巴│744 ┃┃││││││群岛│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿联酋│784 │菲律宾│608 │马尔维纳斯│238 │斯威士兰│748 ┃┃││││群岛│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿鲁巴│533 │斐济│242 │马拉维│454 │苏丹│736 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿曼苏丹│512 │芬兰│246 │马来西亚│458 │苏里南│740 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃阿塞拜疆│031 │佛得角│132 │马里│466 │索马里│706 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃埃及│818 │G││马其顿│807 │所罗门群│090 ┃┃││││││岛│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃埃塞俄比亚│231 │冈比亚│270 │马绍尔群岛│584 │T│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃爱尔兰│372 │刚果│178 │马提尼克│474 │塔吉克斯│762 ┃┃││││││坦│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃爱沙尼亚│233 │哥伦比亚│170 │马约特│175 │泰国│764 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃安道尔│020 │哥斯达黎加│188 │毛里求斯│480 │坦桑尼亚│834 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃安哥拉│024 │格林纳达│308 │毛里塔尼亚│478 │汤加│776 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃安圭拉│660 │格陵兰│304 │美国│840 │特克斯和│796 ┃┃││││││凯科斯│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃安提瓜和巴│028 │格鲁吉亚│268 │美属萨摩亚│016 │特立尼达│780 ┃┃布达││││││和多巴哥│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃奥地利│040 │古巴│192 │美国太平洋│581 │突尼斯│788 ┃┃││││各群岛│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃澳大利亚│036 │瓜德罗普│312 │蒙古│496 │图瓦卢│798 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃澳门│446 │关岛│316 │蒙特塞拉特│500 │土耳其│792 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃B││圭亚那│328 │孟加拉│050 │土库曼斯│795 ┃┃││││││坦│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴巴多斯│052 │H││秘鲁│604 │托克劳│772 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴布亚新几│598 │哈萨克斯坦│398 │密克罗尼西│583 │W│┃┃内亚││││亚联帮│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴哈马│044 │海地│332 │缅甸│104 │瓦利斯和│876 ┃┃││││││富图纳群│┃┃││││││岛│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴基斯坦│586 │韩国│410 │摩尔多瓦│498 │瓦努阿图│548 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴拉圭│600 │荷兰│528 │摩洛哥│504 │危地马拉│320 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴勒斯坦│374 │荷属安的列│530 │摩纳哥│492 │委内瑞拉│862 ┃┃││斯│││││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴林│048 │赫德岛和麦│334 │莫桑比克│508 │文莱│096 ┃┃││克唐纳岛│││││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴拿马│591 │洪都拉斯│340 │墨西哥│484 │乌干达│800 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃巴西│076 │J││N││乌克兰│804 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃白俄罗斯│112 │基里巴斯│296 │纳米比亚│516 │乌拉圭东│858 ┃┃││││││岸共和国│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃百慕大群岛│060 │吉布提│262 │南非│710 │乌兹别克│860 ┃┃││││││斯坦│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃保加利亚│100 │吉尔吉斯│417 │南极洲│010 │X│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃北马里亚纳│580 │几内亚│324 │南乔治岛和│239 │西班牙│724 ┃┃││││南桑德韦奇│││┃┃││││岛│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃贝劳│585 │几内亚比绍│624 │南斯拉夫│891 │西撤哈拉│732 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃贝宁│204 │加拿大│124 │瑙鲁│520 │西萨摩亚│882 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃比利时│056 │加纳│288 │尼泊尔│524 │希腊│300 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃冰岛│352 │加蓬│266 │尼加拉瓜│558 │香港│344 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃波多黎各│630 │柬埔寨│116 │尼日尔│562 │新加坡│702 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃波兰│616 │捷克│203 │尼日利亚│566 │新喀里多│540 ┃┃││││││尼亚│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃玻利维亚│068 │津巴布韦│716 │纽埃│570 │新西兰│554 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃波斯尼亚和│070 │K││挪威│578 │匈牙利│348 ┃┃黑塞哥维那│││││││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃博茨瓦纳│072 │喀麦隆│120 │诺福克岛│574 │叙利亚│760 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃伯利兹│084 │卡塔尔│634 │P││YZ│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃不丹│064 │开曼群岛│136 │皮特凯恩岛│612 │牙买加│388 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃布基纳法索│854 │科科斯(基│166 │葡萄牙│620 │雅美尼亚│051 ┃┃││林)群岛│││││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃布隆迪│108 │科隆罗│174 │R││也门│887 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃布维岛│074 │科特迪瓦│384 │日本│392 │伊拉克│368 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃C││科威特│414 │瑞典│752 │伊朗│364 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃朝鲜│408 │克罗地亚│191 │瑞士│756 │以色列│376 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃赤道几内亚│226 │肯尼亚│404 │S││意大利│380 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃D││库克群岛│184 │萨尔瓦多│222 │印度│356 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃丹麦│208 │L││赛拉利昂│694 │印度尼西│360 ┃┃││││││亚│┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃德国│276 │拉脱维亚│428 │赛内加尔│686 │英国│826 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃东帝汶│626 │莱索托│426 │赛浦路斯│196 │约旦│400 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃多哥│768 │老挝│418 │塞舌尔│690 │越南│704 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃多米尼加│214 │黎巴嫩│422 │沙特阿拉伯│682 │赞比亚│984 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃多米尼克│212 │利比里亚│430 │圣诞岛│162 │扎伊尔│180 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃E││利比亚│434 │圣多美和普│678 │乍得│148 ┃┃││││林西比│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃俄罗斯│643 │立陶宛│440 │圣赫勒拿│654 │直布罗陀│292 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃厄瓜多尔│218 │列支敦士登│438 │圣基茨和尼│659 │智利│152 ┃┃││││维斯联邦│││┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃厄立特里│232 │留尼汪│638 │圣卢西亚│662 │中非│140 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃F││卢森堡│442 │圣马力诺│674 │中国│156 ┃┠─────┼──┼─────┼──┼─────┼──┼────┼──┨┃法国│250 │卢旺达│646 │圣皮埃尔和│666 │中国台湾│158 ┃┃││││密克隆│││┃┗━━━━━┷━━┷━━━━━┷━━┷━━━━━┷━━┷━━━━┷━━┛。

TradeMark Registration 商标注册注意事项及法律法规

TradeMark Registration 商标注册注意事项及法律法规

Trademark registration is a must for all business.Trademark is the company's intangible capital,and the advantage which would help improve the reputation of the products and company.If you want to register a trademark in China, you should know about the Laws and regulations on trademark registration, or it would be a pity that the trademark, which you pay great affort on, fail to be approved finally.Mistake 1:The trademarks is the s ame as or similar with the county’s nameReason to be rejected:The characters and letters are the same as China.Reason to be rejected:The meaning and pronunciation is similar with China.Likely, no trademark will be approved if they are the same as or similar with the name, the national emblem, or the flag of other country.But there are two exceptions:1.You have gotten the permission of the government.The applicant should submit the written documents to prove that the trademark have been registered in foreign countries, which is regarded as an evidence about the approval of foreign governments.2. The trademark has other definite meaning, and will not cause any misunderstanding to the public.Exception: The trademark will not be misunderstood by public.For example:Specify goods to apply:spices and vegetal spices (essential oil)Reason to be exclusive:The words in the trademark have no meaning and will not mislead the public.Mistake 2 :The trademark only show the general name, pattern and typeSpecify goods to apply:Grinding toolReason to be rejected:“MULLER”(can be translated to be “Grinder”.)The trademark just concludes the general name of the certain commodity.Specify goods to apply:FruitReason to be rejected:The trademark just contains general pattern.Specify goods to apply:ClothesReason to be rejected:The trademark just contains general type.Specify goods to apply: leakage protection switchReason to be rejected:“SAFETY” means“safe and insurance”.The trademark only containsthe function of the product.So Blue Trust suggest our customers that , if you want to register a trademark, you should consult experts in advance, in case of delaying the registration progress and wasting valuable time and investment.Mistake 3 :The trademark only indicates the production sites and time of the productSpecify goods to apply:CigaretteReason to be rejected:The trademark can be translated to be “America local product”, only indicating the production sites.Above are some regulations about “Trademark Law”. If you want to know more about the “Trademark Law” or whether your trademark can be approved, please consult Blue Trust, and we will provide a professional Service for you.。




(Cap 332 section 59)[1 April 1962](G.N.A. 152 of 1961)Cap 332A reg 1 CitationThese regulations may be cited as the Trade Union Registration Regulations.Cap 332A reg 2 Contents of the register(1) The following particulars regarding any trade union or trade union federation shall be recorded by or at the direction of the Registrar in the register-(a) the name and the date of registration of the trade union or trade union federation and its rules;(b) the address of the head office;(c) the amalgamation of the trade union or trade union federation, as the case may be, with any other trade union or trade union federation;(d) the dissolution of the trade union or trade union federation;上网找律师就到中顾法律网快速专业解决您的法律问题/souask/(e) the cancellation of the registration of the trade union or trade union federation; and(f) any change in-(i) the name;(ii) the rules; or(iii) the address of the registered office, of the trade union or trade union federation.(2) Every entry in the register and any amendment thereto shall be signed or initialled by the Registrar or the Deputy Registrar of Trade Unions.Cap 332A reg 3 Inspection of registerThe register may, on application in writing to the Registrar, be inspected, free of charge, at the Registry of Trade Unions during office hours, by any member of the public.Cap 332A reg 4 Inspection of accounts, etc. of registered trade unionsAny member of a registered trade union may, on application in writing to the Registrar, inspect free of charge, at the Registry of Trade Unions during office hours, any documents, being documents required by law to be filed with the Registrar, relating to such registered trade union or to any registered trade union federation to which such registered trade union is a party.上网找律师就到中顾法律网快速专业解决您的法律问题/souask/ Cap 332A reg 5 Provisions as to submission for registration of rules on application for registration of trade unionWhere rules are sent to the Registrar for registration by a trade union or trade union federation that has applied for registration under the Ordinance-(a) two copies of the rules shall be sent; and(b) in the case of a trade union, both copies of the same shall be signed by each of the persons who has signed the application for registration of the trade union or, if, by reason of death or illness or any other good cause, any such person is unable or ineligible to sign such copies, by some other voting member of such trade union; or(c) in the case of a trade union federation, both copies of the same shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of each of the registered trade unions comprised therein.(L.N. 44 of 1971)Cap 332A reg 6 Documents to be issued on registration of a trade unionUpon the registration of a trade union or a trade union federation, the Registrar shall issue to the trade union or the trade union federation, as the case may be, the following documents-(a) a copy of the Ordinance and of these regulations;上网找律师就到中顾法律网快速专业解决您的法律问题/souask/(b) a certificate of registration; and(c) a copy of the rules of the trade union or trade union federation certified by the Registrar as complying, in his opinion, with the provisions of section 18 of the Ordinance.Cap 332A reg 7 Use of nameNo registered trade union or registered trade union federation shall display or otherwise in any manner make use of any name purporting to be the name of the trade union or of the federation except the name under which such trade union or such trade union federation is for the time being registered.Cap 332A reg 8 Application for registration of change of name to be accompanied by certificate of registrationWhere, in accordance with section 23 of the Ordinance, application is made to the Registrar for the registration of a change of the name of any registered trade union or registered trade union federation, the certificate of registration issued in respect of such trade union or trade union federation shall be sent to the Registrar at the same time as such application is made.Cap 332A reg 9 Procedure on registration of change of nameWhere, under section 23 of the Ordinance, the Registrar registers a change of the name of any registered trade union or registered trade union federation, he shall-上网找律师就到中顾法律网快速专业解决您的法律问题/souask/(a) amend, accordingly, the certificate of registration issued by him in respect of the trade union or trade union federation, and return such certificate to the trade union or trade union federation; or(b) if he thinks fit, issue a new certificate of registration.Cap 332A reg 10 Provisions as to submission for registration of wholly new rules or altered, amended or added rules(1) Where wholly new rules are sent to the Registrar for registration by a registered trade union-(a) two copies of the rules shall be sent; (L.N. 44 of 1971)(b) an application for the registration thereof shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of such trade union; and(c) both copies of such rules shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union. (L.N. 44 of 1971)(2) Where an alteration to or amendment of a registered rule, or an addition to the registered rules, of a registered trade union is sent to the Registrar for registration by a registered trade union-(a) an application for the registration of the amended or altered rule or the rule so added shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of the trade union; and上网找律师就到中顾法律网快速专业解决您的法律问题/souask/(b) there shall be sent to the Registrar at the same time as such application for registration-(i) one copy of the registered rules marked so as to indicate the alteration, amendment or addition, as the case may be; and(ii) one copy of the text of the amendment, alteration or addition, as the case may be, which shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union.。







二OO七年二月九日附件:《外汇局代码申领表》年月日┌─────────────┬─────────────────┐│外汇局名称││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│外汇局级别│┌┐分局┌┐中心支局┌┐│││└┘ └┘ └┘ 支局│├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│外汇局地址││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│邮政编码││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│联系人││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│联系电话││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│传真││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│上级外汇局名称││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│所属数据中心的外汇局代码││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│外汇局内部网络节点地址││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│地址确认││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│银行专线网络IP节点地址││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│地址确认││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│银行专线网络E-MAIL节点地址││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│地址确认││├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│申领外汇局代码原因│┌┐新增│││└┘ │││┌┐ 变更原外汇局代码为:____│││└┘ │││┌┐ 其他│││└┘ │├─────────────┼─────────────────┤│外汇局签章││└─────────────┴─────────────────┘。

trade union registration 说明书

trade union registration 说明书

User Manual for Trade Union RegistrationLoginAll applicants who want to obtain registration certificate or license from Labour department need to first register on this portal. Once applicant has registered on this portal, he is not required to register again to obtain registration certificate or license from Labour department in any other Act. He can just login on this portal and apply for registration certificate or license in other acts.After opening the portal, Applicant need to click the Login button on Shramadhan Portal from the below screen:Click on login link present at the right side.Login ScreenClick Login button to login into the application. User can see a popup as shown below:For new user registration, the applicant needs to click on link- “Not Registered? Register here”.After clicking on this link, following popup opens:Note:a) Applicants cannot use same mobile no for registering more than once on this portal.b) Same User Name cannot be used for registering more than once on this portal.When user clicks on “Register Yourself”, following popup comes to verify the OTP:After entering the OTP code received on the mobile, following popup comes up:Now, user can login with their credentials to access the features of this portal.1.If due to any reason, user has received OTP but the screen where OTP needs to be entered does notcome, Applicant can use the link “Verify OTP” from the Login page.When applicant clicks on “Verify OTP” link, following message comes:Now, when applicant logins with his user id and password and if his OTP is not verified, he will be re-directed to “Verify OTP” screen to complete the registration process2.If applicant forgot his password any time after completion of registration, he/she can use the link“Forgot password” to retrieve it. When applicant clicks on this link, following popup opens:There are 2 options:a)If applicant knows his username, then he can use the above screen and when he clicks on Submit, hewill be re-directed to “Verify OTP” page. Here applicant needs to enter the OTP code received on his mobile.After applicant enters his OTP, following screen (shown in next page) comes:Applicant will receive temporary password on his mobile which needs to be used to login and thereafter he needs to change his password.b)If applicant has entered his email, then he can use the below screen to reset his password:When he clicks on Submit, he will be re-directed to “Verify OTP” page. Here applicant needs to enter the OTP code received on his mobile.After applicant enters his OTP, following screen comes:Applicant will receive temporary password on his mobile which needs to be used to login and thereafter he needs to change his password.3.If the applicant is a registered user, he needs to enter his Username, Password and Captcha to loginto this portal and access its services.When applicant clicks on “LOGIN” button, he is re-directed to his home page.Trade Union Registration ProcessApplicant ProcessFor online registration under this act; go to Services-->Trade Union -->Registration New Registration as shown below:Step-1:Fill the form as shown below:When applicant clicks on “SUBMIT” button, following message comes-Step-2:Pay the Feesa)Click on Make Payment button shown in the message.b)Or Go to Services-->Trade Union -->Registration Pay Application FeeFollowing screen opens up-W hen applicant clicks on “PROCEED” button, following message comes up-Step-3:Check Application Status:Go to Services--> Trade Union -->Registration Check Application StatusFollowing screen comes up-When applicant clicks on “View Remarks”, following screen opens up-If application registration is approved and, and applicant checks his application status, following screen will come-Applicant can print his Trade Union Registration Details once the application has been approved by Labour Commissioner.User Manual for Trade Union Registration-Office Process Department ProcessDepartment processes the application at Labour Commissionerate Level.Note: The applicant will be able to see the comment of the LC, on his application.Step-1:Once application has been submitted by the applicant, the LC will login with his user ID and password already provided to them.To check new applications received, the LC goes to “Unverified Applications” in the menu Application→Trade Union Establishment→Unverified Applications.Following list of applications will be displayed-Step-2:If LC clicks on “APPLICATION ID”, the complete application form should open up-Here, LC can perform following functions-a.Verify the complete details of the applicantb.View the documents uploaded by the applicantc.If LC clicks on “VALIDATE” button in fee information block, the details are fetched from thetreasury and clerk can check if challan has been correctly deposited or not.d.After verifying the complete data, LC can close this form from the CLOSE button.Step-3:a)Approve the application: If LC finds all details correct in application. LC can click on below button toapprove the application.All the approved applications are visible in Verified Applications List which can be accessed from the below menu-Application→Trade Union Applications→Verified ApplicationsEven after verification of Trade Union registration, the LC can send his comments or any file directly to the applicant which will be visible in applicant login under “Check Status” menu.b)Reject the Application: If LC finds any such detail incorrect in application and clerk has also givensame recommendation; LC can click on below button to reject the application.Such applications will be visible in Rejected Applications List from the below menu-Applications→Trade Union Applications→Rejected Applicationsc)Send Remarks/File Upload: If LC needs to communicate with the applicant, he can send his remarksvia this button. In case of any wrong file upload, he can inform the applicant through this. For this, LC needs to click on the below button.Following screen opens up-Once applicant replies to the comment for LC or uploads the required file, such applications will again be visible in Unverified Application List.。

FIDI 全球联盟进口海关指南:利比里亚说明书

FIDI 全球联盟进口海关指南:利比里亚说明书

Import Customs guide LIBERIAThe global quality standard for international moving.The FAIM label is your global assurance for a smooth, safe and comprehensive relocation process.GOODS DOCUMENTS REQUIRED CUSTOMS PRESCRIPTIONS REMARKSPersonal Effects▪Expatriates working for a private companyor NGO without a duty-free agreement withthe Liberian government:▪Detailed inventory, valued in USD,showing the exact number of boxespacked, the type of goods, their value perunit, their quantity, the type of material(wood, iron, plastic, etc.), the purchasecountry as well as the weight per box▪Company/NGO tax clearance andregistration certificates▪Client’s passport copy▪Request for importation approval letteron company/NGO letterhead addressed toLRA.▪Returning residents:▪Passport copy▪Detailed inventory following samerequirements as above▪Valid TIN certificate▪Application letter for permission ofimporting personal effects addressed toLRA.▪Diplomats:▪Diplomatic ID ▪Import duties and taxes are applicable for all categories of customers (diplomats and exempted organizations staff excluded), it iscalculated as per the valued inventory list provided and corresponding items HS codes.▪Customs clearance takes on average 2 to 3 weeks for AIR shipments and 3 to 5 weeks for SEA shipments. It can be initiated only after reception of all requested documentation from the client. Port storage and demurrage charges are frequent, 150 to 300 USD per TEU on average.▪For duty paid cargo, an import duty report will be generated by MEDTECH Liberia (CRF) before Customs declaration can be initiated with estimation of duties and taxes. This can be completed with a destination physical inspection.▪BIVAC fees are billed 1.20% of FOB value with a minimum fee of USD 190 for sea cargo and 1.50% of CIF value with a minimum fee of USD 100 for air cargo.▪Customs duties are settled by certified bank check addressed to Liberia General Revenue Account only.GOODS DOCUMENTS REQUIRED CUSTOMS PRESCRIPTIONS REMARKS▪Passport copy▪Verbal note from the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirming new diplomat posting in Liberia▪Approval request for duty free importation addressed to Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA)▪For NGO/Organizations which benefit from a duty-free agreement, the same regulations as diplomats apply.Motor Vehicles▪Copy of vehicle registration documents▪Chassis/engine number▪Commercial invoice, if available.▪Only vehicles that are less than 10 years old and left-hand drive cars can be imported into Liberia.Prohibited/ Restricted Items▪Unlawful drugs▪Food (reasonable quantities are allowedonly).▪Special authorisation required for:▪Arms and ammunition: Ministry ofInternal Affairs, Intelligence section ▪Plants: Ministry of Agriculture andForestry▪Pharmaceuticals: Ministry of Health.。



上海浦东国际机场(Shanghai Pudong International Airport,IATA代码:PVG,ICAO代码:ZSPD),位于中国上海市浦东新区,距上海市中心约30公里,为4F级民用机场,是中国三大门户复合枢纽之一、长三角地区国际航空货运枢纽群成员、华东机场群成员、华东区域第一大枢纽机场、门户机场。

























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如何查询外汇交易商注册信息外汇通编者注:美国国家期货协会(NFA)是美国外汇交易商的行业自律监管组织,要想了解美国外汇交易商的底细--办公地址、NF A会员编号、业务范围,只需登陆NFA官方网站即可。



外汇通注:BASIC(Background Affiliation Status Information Center )就"背景属所信息中心"的意思,这是National Futures Ass ociation(NFA)美国国家期货协会在线查询系统,通过这个在线系统可以查到交易商的登记注册信息以及期货交易相关信息,如果查在BASI C查询不到你想要的交易商注册信息,美国境内客户可以拨打咨询电话 800-621-3570 。

查询路径有四个:1、按照交易商的 NFA 注册号 (NFA ID) 查询2、按照交易商的公司名称 (Firm Name) 查询3、按照经纪人姓 (Last Name ) 名 (First Name) 查询4、按照Pool Name查询例如查询MG金融集团,MG金融集团在NFA 的注册号为:030 8808, 其公司英文名称为:MG Financial Group。

我们可以通过注册号(ID NUMBER)和公司名称(FIRM NAME)两个搜索框来查查询美国外汇交易商“MG金融集团”的信息,具体见下图,在以下两个搜索框内输入其中任何一个搜索条件,都能查询到MG金融集团的相关资料。

以下是MG金融集团的重要信息我们还可以看到MG金融集团的其他信息,例如:Regulatory Actions (监管部门的处理)NFA Arbitration Awards (NFA仲裁案例) - NFA并不列举所有的案例CFTC Reparations Cases (CFTC 处罚备案)在查询注册交易商时﹐要特别注意,有些交易商同时拥有较多的业务部门﹐它们的部分业务注册了,但外汇保证金业务也许并没有注册,因此也就不受监管。




以下是各个章节的详细定义:1. 进口商(Importer):指在国际贸易中购买并引进产品或者服务的个人或者企业。

1.1 进口许可证(Import License):由进口国政府或者机构颁发的许可证明文件,允许进口商进口特定商品。

1.2 进口报关单(Import Declaration):进口商向海关提供的报关文件,包含有关进口货物的详细信息和价值,以便确定应征的关税和税收。

1.3 进口配额(Import Quota):政府规定的进口特定商品的数量限制。

2. 出口商(Exporter):指在国际贸易中销售产品或者服务给海外个人或者企业的个人或者企业。

2.1 出口许可证(Export License):由出口国政府或者机构颁发的许可证明文件,允许出口商出口特定商品。

2.2 出口报关单(Export Declaration):出口商向海关提供的报关文件,包含有关出口货物的详细信息和价值。

2.3 出口配额(Export Quota):政府规定的出口特定商品的数量限制。

3. 装运单据(Shipping Documents):指用于证明货物已装船或者交付给承运人的文件。

3.1 提单(Bill of Lading):船运货物的主要运输文件,包含货物数量、描述和收货人信息。

3.2 航空运单(rway Bill):航空运输货物的主要文件,包含货物数量、描述和收货人信息。

3.3 清洁提单(Clean Bill of Lading):确认货物外观和数量无异常的提单。

4. 保险单据(Insurance Documents):用于证明货物在运输过程中得到适当保险的文件。

4.1 装运保险单(Marine Insurance Policy):用于保障货物在海上运输过程中的保险单据。

5. 支付单据(Payment Documents):用于证明买卖双方之间支付事项的文件。

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Cap 332A reg 10 Provisions as to submission for registration of wholly new rules or altered, amended or added rules(1) Where wholly new rules are sent to the Registrar for registration by a registered trade union-(a) two copies of the rules shall be sent; (L.N. 44 of 1971)(b) an application for the registration thereof shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of such trade union; and(c) both copies of such rules shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union. (L.N. 44 of 1971)(2) Where an alteration to or amendment of a registered rule, or an addition to the registered rules, of a registered trade union is sent to the Registrar for registration by a registered trade union-(a) an application for the registration of the amended or altered rule or the rule so added shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of the trade union; and(b) there shall be sent to the Registrar at the same time as such application for registration-(i) one copy of the registered rules marked so as to indicate the alteration, amendment or addition, as the case may be; and (ii) one copy of the text of the amendment, alteration or addition, as the case may be, which shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union.(a) two copies of the rules shall be sent; (L.N. 44 of 1971)(b) an application for the registration thereof shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of such trade union; and(c) both copies of such rules shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union. (L.N. 44 of 1971)(2) Where an alteration to or amendment of a registered rule, or an addition to the registered rules, of a registered trade union is sent to the Registrar for registration by a registered trade union-(a) an application for the registration of the amended or altered rule or the rule so added shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman and one other officer of the trade union; and(b) there shall be sent to the Registrar at the same time as such application for registration-(i) one copy of the registered rules marked so as to indicate the alteration, amendment or addition, as the case may be; and (ii) one copy of the text of the amendment, alteration or addition, as the case may be, which shall be signed by not less than seven voting members of the trade union.Cap 332A reg 11 Procedure on registration of amalgamation of trade unions, etc.Where, under section 6 of the Ordinance, the Registrar registers a trade union or trade union federation formed by the amalgamation of two or more trade unions or trade union federations, as the case may be, he shall issue-(a) one certificate of registration in the name under which such trade unions or trade union federations are amalgamated; and(b) a copy of the rules of the trade union or trade union federation certified by him as complying, in his opinion, with the provisions of section 18 of the Ordinance.Cap 332A reg 12 Loss, etc. of certificateIf the Registrar is satisfied that a certificate of registration has been lost, destroyed or defaced, he may issue, free of charge, a duplicate thereof.Cap 332A reg 13 Certificate of registration to be returned on cancellation of registrationWhere the registration of a registered trade union or a registered trade union federation is cancelled, the person for the time being having custody of the certificate of registration of the trade union or trade union federation shall, within fourteen days of the publication in the Gazette, in accordance with section 66 of the Ordinance, of a notice of the fact that the registration has been cancelled, return such certificate to the Registrar.Cap 332A reg 14 Accounts of trade union to include accounts of any branch, etc., thereofEvery registered trade union shall include in its statement of account the accounts of any branch of the trade union and of every business or charitable, cultural, educational or medical undertaking that is operated by or in the name of the trade union.(L.N. 44 of 1971)Cap 332A reg 15 Access to books for purposes of audit(1) Every auditor approved by the Registrar for the purpose of auditing the annual statement of account, required by section 36 of the Ordinance, of a trade union or trade union federation shall be granted access by every person having the custody or control of any of the books and accounts of the trade union or trade union federation to all of such books and accounts in his custody or control.(2) No person shall conceal any book or account of a registered trade union or registered trade union federation from any such auditor or deny any such auditor access to any such book or account or obstruct any such auditor in any examination thereof.Cap 332A reg 16 Audit of annual statement of accountEvery auditor approved by the Registrar for the purpose of auditing the annual statement of account, required by section 36 of the Ordinance,of a registered trade union or registered trade union federation shall examine every balance sheet and every statement of receipts and expenditure of the trade union or trade union federation relevant to the period under audit and shall verify them against all accounts or vouchers relating thereto, and shall-(a) if such be the case, sign the annual statement of account as exhibiting a true and correct view of the affairs of the trade union or trade union federation; or(b) report in writing to the Registrar in what respect he finds such statement of account to be incorrect, unsupported by vouchers or not in accordance with any requirement of the Ordinance or any regulations made thereunder or any rules of the trade union or trade union federation, as the case may be.Cap 332A reg 17 Offences and penalty(1) Any person who contravenes regulation 13 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars, and shall be liable in addition to a fine of ten dollars for each day during which it is proved to the satisfaction of the court that the offence has continued.(2) Any person who contravenes paragraph (2) of regulation 15 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine of five hundred dollars.(3) Any trade union or trade union federation that contravenes regulation 7 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars.(4) Any trade union that contravenes regulation 14 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars. (L.N. 44 of 1971)。
