Transition radiation in turbulent astrophysical medium. Application to solar radio bursts
矿 物 岩 石 地 球 化 学 通 报
侯德封奖获奖者论文 ・
Bu l tn o i e a o le i fM n r lgy, e r lgy a d Ge c e s r P t o o n o h mi ty
Vo. 6 No ,a . 0 7 12 .1 J n 2 0
的 NbTa [ 9 9± 1O 1) 一 1] 而 10Ma碱 锅 玄武 岩 具 有 与球 粒 陨 石 (7 6 接 近 的 Nb T / 值 1. .(o, 6 ; 0 1. ) / a值E 7 3±O 2 1 ) 。 再 1. . (o ]
循 环 地 壳 岩 石 在 金 红 石 稳 定 域 内 以榴 辉 岩 为残 余 的 部分 熔 融体 + 地 幔 橄 榄 岩 反 应 , 仅 使 地 幔 岩 石 熔 点 降低 、 得 高 Nb T 不 获 /a 值及石榴子石特征 , 而且 橄 榄 石 向 辉 石 的 转 变 反 应使 Ni C 在 交代 地 幔 中 的 总分 配 系 数 显著 降低 。 受熔 体 交代 地 幔橄 榄岩 和 r 的 部 分 熔 融 可 合 理 解 释 1 9 15Ma玄武 岩 的 上述 地 球 化 学 特 征 , l~ 2 玄武 岩 Nb T / a值 应 是 对 岩 石 圈减 薄 过 程 中地 壳 物 质 返 回
rma k byfat n td rr a t lme t L / e r a l rci ae a eerhee n s( a Yb 一 3 — 6 ) sa d act p rc lme tc mp st n ,b t o 5 0 ,iln r—y eta eee n o o io s u i as ihNi 2 0 1 一一 5 0 1 )a dC 5 0 1 一一 1 0 × 1 )cn e t a dhg ( 1 7 )a dNb Ta lohg ( 1 × 0 1× 0 n r( 1 × 0 40 0 o tn s n ih Mg 7 — 8 n / r t sr 9 9 ± 1 0 1 ) 一 1 ) I o tat h 0 aJa g o b slsh v / ai o 7 3 4 0 2 1 ) ai 1 . o . ( o ,n 6 . n c n rs ,te 1 0 M in u a at a eNb Tart f1 . - . ( 口 o
1.1 Introduction
The origins of atomic physics :quantum mechanics Bohr model of the H This introductory chapter surveys some of the early ideas: Spectrum of atomic H and Bohr Theory Einstein's treatment of interaction of atom with light the Zeeman effect Rutherford scattering And so on
Shanxi University Atomic Physics
1.2 Spectrum of atomic hydrogen_3
Wavenumbers may seem rather old-fashioned but they are very useful in atomic physics
the characteristic spectrum for atoms is composed of discrete lines that are the ‘fingerprint' of the element.
In 1888, the Swedish professor J. Rydberg found that the spectral lines in hydrogen obey the following mathematical formula:
Shanxi University Atomic Physics
Lyman series: n’ = 2; 3; 4; … n = 1. Balmer (n = 2), Paschen series: (n = 3), Brackett (n = 4) and Pfund (n = 5)
起始相||starting phase气爆震源||gas exploder气辉||airglow气压层||barosphere气压层顶||baropause汽孔||steam vent钱德勒晃动||Chandler wobble; 又称“钱德勒章动”。
前进波||progressive wave前兆||precursor前兆时间||precursor time前震||foreshock潜波||diving wave浅[源地]震||shallow-focus earthquake浅海海底电缆||bay cable强地动地震学||strong motion seismology强地面运动||strong [ground] motion; 简称“强地动”。
强震||strong earthquake强震仪||strong-motion seismograph倾角测井||dipmeter survey倾角赤道||dip equator倾向定向||dip orientation倾斜叠加||slant stack倾斜改正||tilt correction倾斜时差校正||dip move-out, DMO倾斜仪||tiltmeter球面发散补偿||spherical divergence compensation球型||spheroidal球型振荡||spheroidal oscillation区域地震||regional earthquake区域异常||regional anomaly全波理论||full-wave theory全方位检波器组合||omnidirectional geophone pattern全球风系||global wind system全球环流||global circulation全球数字地震台网||Global Digital Seismograph Network, GDSN全球性地热带||planet-wide geothermal belt全天空照相机||all-sky camera群速度||group velocity扰动位||disturbing potential扰动质量||disturbing mass扰日日变化||disturbed daily variation, Sd热层||thermosphere热层顶||thermopause热磁分离||thermomagnetic separation热磁曲线||thermomagnetic curve热点||hot spot热量收支||heat budget热流||heat flow热流单位||heat flow unit, HFU热流区||heat flow province热流亚区||heat flow subprovince热清洗||thermal cleaning热剩磁||thermoremanent magnetization, TRM, thermoremanence热焰||hot plume热源||heat source热壑||heat sink人工磁化法||artificial magnetization method人工地震||artificial earthquake人工震源||artificial seismic source刃型位错||edge dis[]日本气象厅[烈度]表||Japan Meteorological Agency [intensity] scale, JMA [intensity] scale; 简称“JMA表”。
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论上海发展面临的虚拟经济膨胀问题…………………………………………………高炜宇(47) 社会情境理论:贫困现象的另一种解释…………………………………………………周怡(56) 浦东新郊区建设和人口城市化再推进研究……………………………………………孙嘉丰(63) 后形而上时代的“沟通主义法律观”——啜法律的沟通之维》代译序………………邓正来(69) 单位人格刑事责任沦纲……………………………………………………………………杜文(72) 沦行政行为的代表性…………………………………………………………樊明亚赖声利 (80) 对我国学前教育改革若干问题的文化观照……………………………………………华爱华(87) 《沦语》:孔子弟子博弈之成果——兼谈战国后期儒家八派之争及荀卿的态度……李露平(96) 中西和谐社会思想之异同:经济学说史的视角………………………………………钟祥财(105) 清末新政对民生问题的恶性操作与社会矛盾的激化…………………………………陆兴龙(115) 《月令》;农耕民族的人生模型……………………………………………………………薛富(123) 书生立武勋——湘军功成的内在因素…………………………………………………李志茗(134) 塞上海柴拉报势考略……………………………………………………………………褚晓琦(147) 墓惠与商道:近代上海慈善组织兴起的原因探析……………………………………汪华(154) 走向·间性哲学·的跨文化研究…………………………………………………………周宁(162) 空间,性别与认同——女性写作的·地理学·转向…………………………………陈惠芬(170)月西方理论和方法解析中国古代诗词——叶嘉莹中西诗学研究之阐释……………徐志啸(183)法商研究[双月刊]=Studies in LAW And Business/中南财经政法大学.—第1期,2008年.—武汉市:《法商研究》编辑部,(430073).18.00元ISSN 1672-0393 CN 42-1664/D索书号:C5/73 馆藏地:本部四楼本期目录内容“美国对华铜版纸案”述评——基于反补贴申诉的考察……………………李仲平李炼(3) 美国反补贴法适用探析——以对“非市场经济国家”的适用为考察对象…………徐泉(10) WTO法律体系下实施“双反”措施的合法性研究——由“美国对华铜版纸案”引发的思考………………………………………………………………………………………臧立(16)从立法中心主义转向司法中心主义?——关于几种“中心主义”研究范式的反思、延伸与比较……………………………………………………………………………………喻中(22) 转化型抢劫罪主体条件的实质解释——以相对刑事责任年龄人的刑事责任为视角………………………………………………………………………………………刘艳红(29) 论我国股权激励的本土创新——股权分置改革视野下的反思与重构………………官欣荣(42) 论以人为本的“人”……………………………………………………………………胡锦光(48) 限时刑法探究……………………………………………………………………………黄明儒(55) 农民土地产权资本化经营实现的法律保障……………………………………………李丽峰(61) 城市土地节约利用法律制度:现状、问题与对策……………………………………王文革(69) 论现行保证制度的局限及其完善——以成本收益分析为中心………………………许德风(78) 保护传统文化的政策目标论纲…………………………………………………………黄玉烨(86) 我国新能源与可再生能源立法之新思维………………………………………………杨解君(92) 美国监管影响分析制度述评……………………………………………………………马英娟(98) 论犯罪的相对性——从绝对理性到相对理性…………………………………………张建军(107) 基于信息的荐证广告之法律规制——以保健品广告为中心…………………………吴元元(113) 环境罚款数额设定的立法研究…………………………………………………………程雨燕(121) 委托调解若干问题研究——对四个基层人民法院委托调解的初步考察……………李浩(133) 中国法律史研究思路新探………………………………………………………………邓建鹏(141) 中国法学会商法学研究会2007年年会综述…………………………………………冯兴俊(147) 第十五届全国经济法理论研讨会综述…………………………………………………管斌(153)复印报刊资料·社会学[月刊]Sociology.—第2期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).10.00元ISSN 1001-344X CN 11-4250/C索书号:C91/3 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容理论研究中国社会发展范式的转换:普遍性与特殊性……………………………………………刘新刚(3) 欧洲社会模式的反思与展望……………………………………………(英)安东尼·吉登斯(10) 分支学科自我行动与自主经营——理解中国人何以将自主经营当作其参与市场实践的首选方式……………汪和建(21) 声望危机下的学术群体——当代知识分子身份地位研究……………………………刘亚秋(37) 中国城市教育分层研究(1949-2003) …………………………………………………郝大海(51) 法律执行的社会学模式——对法律援助过程的法社会学分析………………王晓蓓郭星华(63) 社会发展系统打造农村现代职业体系的创新探索——武汉农村家园建设行动计划和实践的社会学分析之一……………………郑杭生(69) “活着的过去”和“未来的过去”——民俗制度变迁与新农村建设的社会学视野…………………………………杨敏(76) 社会问题解决社会问题的关键:协调好社会各群体之间的关系…………………………………李强(87) 环球视窗美国式的贫困与反贫困...........................................................................张锐(89) 索引 (92)英文目录 (96)领导科学[半月刊]=Leadership Science—第21期,2007年.—河南:领导科学杂志社编辑出版,(450002).3.80元ISSN1003-2606 CN41-1024/C索书号: C93/8 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容领导科学界的首要政治任务…………………………………………………………本刊编辑部(1)学习贯彻十七大精神把思想和行动统一到党的十七大精神上来——在2007年度省领导与社科葬专家学者座谈会上的讲话…………………………………………………………………………………徐光春(4)新一届中央领导集体治国理政的新方略(上) …………………………………………姜平(9)理论前沿关于领导、发展、以人为本的关系解读…………………………………………………王伟凯(ll)领导方法有效解决集体上访问题的思考与实践…………………………………………………陈丰林(14)引导信访户从“上访路”走上“致富路”………………………………………………邱金义(16)增强班子合力关键要合理分工…………………………………………………………枣甘(13)高校党建工作进网络的探索…………………………………………………张进超詹爱琴(17)市县领导欠发达地区构建和谐社会的着力点……………………………………………………丁善余(20)拓展农业发展思路的五种渠道…………………………………………………………盛高攀(22)乡镇领导推进乡镇党委和谐班子建设的途径……………………………………………………王晓宏(23)乡镇党委如何统揽工作全局……………………………………………………………刘久正(25)职工论坛建立体现科学发展观要求的干部政绩考核机制………………………………………盛克勤(30)组织部门信访工作机制探索……………………………………………………………钟群妹(26)用人之道有效规范干部选任初始提名工作……………………………………………李明辉韩振松(32)如何用好有过失的干部…………………………………………………………………蒋红波(34)办公室领导办公室工作如伺体现科学发展观要求…………………………………………………王合清(36)怎样在被动服务中求得主动……………………………………………………………方黎(38)学术动态中国领导科学研究会2007年年会将在上海市召开 (43)领导决策实现政府公共决策机制法治化的基本途径……………………………………………李光明(40)领导素养领导行为与对人的认识…………………………………………………………………周丽丽(42)军事领导基层政治工作如何贯彻科学发展观……………………………………………………鲁鸿飞(44)培养官兵对制度的敬畏感………………………………………………………………何洪江(46)领导鉴戒“大胜”更须戒骄………………………………………………………………………李颖(48)领导作风领导工作应坚持“三真”原则………………………………………………余丰立朱伟(47)外国政要帕蒂尔:温和印度的政治选择……………………………………………………………史泽华(50)治政史鉴朱元璋的反贪之策………………………………………………………………………韩立竖(52)特别阅读真相(中篇小说梗概) (54)热风细雨“经济提拔”与“提拔经济”…………………………………………………………江波(35)新视野(十七大的历史地位和历史意义)等7篇 (18)中国人才[半月刊]= Chinese Talents Magazine.—第10期,2007年.—北京:中国人才杂志社,(100101).6.00元ISSN 1003-4072 CN 11-2455/C索书号:C96/5 馆藏地:西康校区四楼江宁校区二楼本期目录内容人才精论“以人才为本”是人才开发的核心 (1)瞭望要闻.政策法规.声音.动态.数字信息 (4)考录:严把公务员“入口”关倡培养造就高素质公务员队伍 (10)人才市揭:为人才成长提供良好机遇与环境 (12)高校毕业生就业服务成效显著 (14)聚焦人事争议仲裁制度迈向新的发展 (15)完善人事争议仲裁构建和谐社会——《人事争议处理规定》解读 (16)努力开创人事争议仲裁工作新局面 (20)“六大人才高峰”彰显人才集聚效应 (21)高技能人才从何而来 (23)造福于民方能造福于己 (25)以.三最.为民生轴心彰显科学发展 (25)理论研究区分公共服务与经营性服务的理论思考 (26)探寻人才科学开发之道 (29)如何实施人才激励 (31)人才铺就小康路·走进昆山实施“人才强市”大战略加速“两个率先”新征程——本刊专访中共昆山市委书记张国华 (38)广纳八方英才创新昆山发展 (42)人才亮点点亮昆山 (44)名家在线科学大家平民本色——记中国测绘科学研究院名誉院长、中国工程院院士刘先林眉 (56)群星闪烁 (59)公务员管理提高公务员考试科学性 (61)加强县乡公务员队伍建设必须从优化人员结构入手 (63)“在线学习”引领干部培训“网络化” (66)事业单位聘用制推行中常见问题与对策分析 (68)如何做好当前外国专家管理与服务工作 (68)西部地区海外引才的一道亮丽风景线 (70)巧用职称评聘“杠杆”支撑人才活力 (72)人才资源配置流动人员人事档案管理难点与对策 (74)搞好毕业生人事档案管理 (77)县域人才开发如何与国际化接轨 (79)集团文化建设落地的关键点 (80)国有企业“二线”人员的开发 (81)简明定位“薪”事不再重重 (83)公备员在受处分期间受到新的处分,处分期如何计算 (85)未满服务期辞职应如何承担违约责任 (86)27 经济、经济学(F 经济)中文期刊世界经济[月刊]=The Journal of World Economy /中国经济学会中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所.—第2期,2008年2月.—北京:《世界经济》编辑部,(100732).15.00元ISSN1002-9621 CN11—1138/F索书号:F1/45本期目录内容国际贸易与国际投资研发全球化与本土知识交流:对北京跨国公司研发机构的经验分析…………………………………………………………………梁正,薛澜,朱琴,朱雪炜(3) 区际壁垒与贸易的边界效应…………………………………………赵永亮,徐勇,苏桂富(17) 国际金融国际分工体系视角的货币国际化:美元和日元的典型事实……………………徐奇渊,李婧(30) 存在金融体制改革的“中国模式”吗…………………………………………………应展宇等(40) 宏观经济学习惯形成与最优税收结构…………………………………………………………邹薇,刘勇(55) R&D溢出渠道、异质性反应与生产率:基于178个国家面板数据的经验研究……………………………………………………………………………高凌云,王永中(65) 中国经济三种自主创新能力与技术进步:基于DEA方法的经验分析……………李平,随洪光(74) 经济史明代海外贸易管制中的寻租、暴力冲突与国家权力流失:一个产权经济学的视角……………………………………………………………………………………郭艳茹(84) 会议综述第一届青年经济学家研讨会(YES)综述 (95)经济与管理研究[月刊]=Research on Economics and Management/首都经济贸易大学.—第2期,2008年2月.—北京:《经济与管理研究》编辑部,(100026).10.00元ISSN1000-7636 CN11—1384/F索书号:F2/8本期目录内容会议纪要努力探索中国特色国有公司治理模式——中国特色国有公司治理高层论坛综述 (5)专题论坛改革开放与国有经济战略性调整………………………………………………………王忠明(13) 股权多元化的国有控股公司治理结构特点及其构建………………………………魏秀丽(21) 剩余权的分配与国企产权改革……………………………兰纪平,罗鹏,霍立新,张凤环(28) 企业创新需求与我国自主创新能力的形成:基于收入分配视角………………………张杰,刘志彪(33) 集成创新过程中的三方博弈分析……………………………………………宋伟,彭小宝(38) 创新与企业战略制定模式的演进………………………………………刘鹏,金占明,李庆(43) 企业管理大型国际化零售企业经营绩效的影响因素分析………………………………蔡荣生,王勇(49) 跨团队冲突与组织激励机制分析………………………………………………李欣午(54) 运用基尼系数增强企业薪酬制度的公平性……………………………王令舜,马彤(59) 三农研究乡村旅游发展的公共属性、政府责任与财政支持研究……………单新萍,魏小安(64) 论失地农民长效保障机制的构建………………………………………………魏秀丽(69) 资本市场外资银行进入与东道国银行体系的稳定性:以新兴市场国家为例………………张蓉(74) 挤兑风险与道德风险的权衡:显性存款保险制度下最优保险范围的制定…冯伟,曹元涛(80) 贸易经济在反倾销中对出口商利益的考量………………………………………………金晓晨(86) 我国加征出口关税政策思辨…………………………………………夏骋祥,李克娟(90) 名刊要览公司治理和并购收益 (94)规制——自由化的必由之路:以色列电信市场1984-2005 (94)金融与收入分配不平等:渠道与证据 (94)特别主题论坛:重新审视组织内部和组织自身的“污名”问题 (95)经济理论与经济管理[月刊]= Economic Theory and Business Management.—第11期,2007年.—北京:《经济理论与经济管理》编辑部,(100080).8.00元ISSN 1000-596X CN 11-1517/F索书号:F2/12 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容深入贯彻落实科学发展观的经济视阈……………………………………………………张雷声(5) 科学发展观与中国特色社会主义经济理论体系的创新与发展…………………………张宇(9) 关于转变经济发展方式的三个问题……………………………………………………方福前(12) 统筹城乡协调发展是落实科学发展观的重大历史任务………………………………秦华(16) 中国进出口贸易顺差的原因、现状及未来展望………………………………王晋斌李南(19) 劳动力市场收入冲击对消费行为的影响………………………………………杜凤莲孙婧芳(26) 中国经济增长中土地资源的“尾效”分析……………………………………………崔云(32) 货币需求弹性、有效货币供给与货币市场非均衡模型解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩……………………………………………………………………………………李治国 (38) 全流通进程中的中国股市全收益率研究………………………………………陈璋李惊(45) 金融体系内风险转移及其对金融稳定性影响研究……………………………………许荣(50) 金融衍生品交易监管的国际合作……………………………………………………谭燕芝等(56) 税收饶让发展面临的挑战及我国的选择………………………………………………张文春(61) 区域产业结构对人民币升值“逆效应”的影响………………………………………孙伯良(66) 企业社会责任管理新理念:从社会责任到社会资本……………………………………易开刚(71) 关于建设创新型国家的讨论综述………………………………………………………杨万东(76)经济理论与经济管理[月刊]= Economic Theory and Business Management.—第1期,2008年.—北京:《经济理论与经济管理》编辑部,(100080).8.00元ISSN 1000-596X CN 11-1517/F索书号:F2/12 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容经济热点中国宏观经济形势与政策:2007—2008年………………………中国人民大学经济学研究所(5) 理论探索出口战略、代工行为与本土企业创新——来自江苏地区制造业企业的经验证据…张杰等(12) FDI在华独资化的动因——基于吸收能力的分析……………………………秦凤鸣张中楠(20) 学术前沿主权财富基金的发展及对21世纪初世界经济的影响………………………宋玉华李锋(27) 公共经济环境税“双重红利”假说述评……………………………………………………………司言武(34) 基于合谋下的税收征管激励机制设计………………………………………………岳朝龙,等(39) 金融研究内生货币体系下房价波动对货币供求的冲击…………………………………丁晨屠梅曾(43) 基于DEA的中小企业债务融资效率研究………………………………………曾江洪陈迪宇(50) 区域经济地区经济增长中的金融要素贡献的差异与金融资源配置优化——基于环北部湾(中国)经济区的实证分析…………………………………范祚军等(54) 工商管理基于价值链的预算信息协同机制研究………………………………………………张瑞君,等(59) 公司特征、行业特征和产业转型类型的实证研究……………………………王德鲁宋学锋(64) 国际经济基于市场体系变迁的中国与欧洲银行业发展比较……………………………胡波郭艳(70) 动态与综述我国发展现代农业问题讨论综述………………………………………………………王碧峰(75) 全国马克思列宁主义经济学说史学会第十一次学术研讨会纪要……………………张旭(80)国有资产管理[月刊]= State assets management /中国人民共和国财政部.-第1期,2008年.—北京:《国有资产管理》杂志社,(100036) .10.00元ISSN 1002-4247 CN 11-2798索书号:F2/51 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容贯彻落实科学发展观开创中央企业又好又快发展新局面.................................李荣融(4)努力做好新形势下的监事会工作..................................................................黄丹华(8)资产评估行业发展的重要里程碑...............................................................朱志刚(13)加快评估立法步伐加强评估法律体系建设................................................石秀诗(15)资产评估行业将进入新的发展时期............................................................李伟(16)提升资产评估执业质量促进资本市场健康发展..........................................李小雪(17)评估准则对中国不动产及相关资产评估的作用..............................埃尔文.费南德斯(18)发挥评估准则对中国资产评估行业健康发展的作用.......................................林兰源(20)正确发展适合中国国情的评估准则..........................................格来格.麦克纳马拉(21)财政部国资委关于印发《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》的通知 (22)财政部关于印发《中央国有资本经营预算编报试行办法》的通知 (25)力口快建立国有资本经营预算推动国民经济又好又快发展..............................贾谌(28)关于国有企业改制和整体上市..................................................................季晓南(30)加快建立科学规范的财务监督体系............................................................孟建民(39)贯彻科学发展观’开创财务监督管理工作新局面..........................................赵杰(43)寓监管于服务之中——对做好四川国资监管工作的思考.................................李成云(47)努力实现广西区国资国企健康发展............................................................尹建国(49)新企业会计准则对国资监管可能带来的影响................................................安玉理(52)2007年宏观经济形势分析及2008年展望 (54)央企人力资源管理的“蜕变”......................................................周放生张应语(57)推进预算管理与资产管理相结合的实践探索.......................................广东省财政厅(60)规范事业资产管理保障水利事业可持续发展..............................水利部财务经济司(63)全面提高产权管理水平推动中国石化快速发展.....................中国石油化工集团公司(66)规范运作加快整合提高控股上市公司的核心竞争力......中国航空工业第一集团公司(69)强化产权制度建设实现产权规范有序流转.................................国家开发投资公司(71)加强国有资产评估管理确保国有资产有效流转...........................中国电信集团公司(74)上市公司国有股价值变化的信息披露.............................................文宗瑜谭静(77)进一步提高中央企业安全生产管理水平 (80)国有资产管理[月刊]= State assets management /中国人民共和国财政部—2期,2008年.—北京:《国有资产管理》杂志社,(100036) .10.00元ISSN 1002-4247 CN 11-2798索书号:F2/51 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容进一步提高中央企业安全生产管理水平.........................................................黄淑和(4)关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见 (10)深入贯彻落实科学发展观更好地推进中央企业履行社会责任工作——国务院国资委就《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》答记者问 (12)完善体制机制和政策措施促进经济发展方式转变.......................................陈柱兵(17)转变国有经济发展方式实现国有资产保值增值.......................................郭复初等(21)国有独资公司董事会的重塑.....................................................................赵大鹏(25)加强沟通交流提高监督质量......................................................张仆杨中静(29)以科学发展理念构建地方国资监管体系的思考.............................................汤光强(31)2008年宏观经济增长趋势展望及政策建议...................................................课题组(34)强化资产安全与效益监管服务交通事业又好又快发展........................交通部财务司(38)积极探索整合资源加强事业单位国有资产处置管理........................湖南省财政厅(41)全面开创国有资产管理工作新局面...................................................河南省财政厅(43)在实践中不断捉高集团公司产权管理水平.................................中国核工业集团公司(46)规范产权管理做好主辅分离助推企业发展........................中国冶金科工集团公司(49)公司治理与企业竞争力...........................................................................周放生(53)中国资产评估协会关于印发《资产评估准则——评估报告》等7项资产评估准则的通知 (55)国有公司治理结构存在的问题及其法律风险防范……………………………………王玉宝(61)加强对外投资及多种经营监管…………………………………………………………张凯(64)盈余管理对企业有益性的探讨…………………………………………………………葛晓红(66)国有企业引进战略投资者的策略……………………………………………屈艳芳郭敏(68)促进我国企业内部控制的建设………………………………………………张宜霞文远怀(71)企业年金信托管理的治理结构研究(一) ……………………………………李连仁周伯岩(74)美英国家政府绩效考评对我国的启示与借鉴…………………………………………聂常虹(76)复印报刊资料·外贸经济、国际贸易[月刊]=Economy of Foreign Trade And Internaional Trade.—第1期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).11.00元ISSN 1001-3407 CN 11-4289/F索书号:F7/17 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容本刊综述2007年国际贸易与我国对外贸易问题综述………………………………………………王亚星(3) 研究与探讨试论新贸易理论之新……………………………………………………………郭界秀朱廷捃(9) 比较优势理论的有效性:基于中国历史数据的检验……………………………………管汉晖(14) 制度分析视角中的贸易开放与经济增长——以投资效率为中心……………………盘为龙(23) 国际贸易、外国直接投资、经济增长对环境质量的影响——基于环境库兹涅茨曲线研究的回顾与展望…………………………胡亮潘厉(30) 贸易政策贸易模式与国家贸易政策差异…………………………………………………………曹吉云(37) 分工演进对贸易政策的影响分析——基于交易成本的考虑…………………张亚斌李峰(44) 中国贸易结构的变化特点、决定要素以及政策建议……………………………………章艳红(50) 专题:进出口贸易二元经济结构、实际汇率错位及其对进出口贸易影响的实证分析……………………吕剑(56) 人民币汇率波动性对中国进出口影响的分析……………………………………谷宇高铁梅(66) 中国对外贸易出口结构存在的问题……………………………………………………魏浩(75) 服务贸易国际知识型服务贸易发展的现状、前景及我国对策分析……………………潘菁刘辉煌(80) 国际服务外包趋势与我国服务外包的发展……………………………………李岳云席庆高(86) 文摘加快我国资本输出和经济国际化的建议......................................................裴长洪(90) 双赢的中美经贸关系缘何被扭曲...............................................................李若谷(91) 索引 (93)英文目录 (96)复印报刊资料·市场营销 [月刊]=Marketing.—第2期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).6.00元ISSN 1009-1351 CN 11-4288/F索书号:F7/26 馆藏地:西康校区四楼视点营销资讯 (4)特别关注激情燃烧的岁月——行将远去的2007…………………………………………………刘超等(6) 营销创新数字营销上路……………………………………………………………………………岳占仁(12) 手机广告:精准营销的黄金地段…………………………………………………………王浩(15) 论坛营销分析中小企业网上营销安全问题分析...............................................................潘素琼(17) 如何克服电子邮件营销中的广种薄收.........................................................郝洁莹(19) 国产洗发水何以走出迷局? (21)营销人物校长茅理翔………………………………………………………………………………叶丽雅(23) 营销策略博客营销策略……………………………………………………………………………缪启军(26) 企业社会责任标准下的出口营销策略转变……………………………………于晓玲胡日新(29) 品牌管理品牌管理的价值法则……………………………………………………………………辰平(30) 品牌延伸:中国企业需要补课……………………………………………………………曾朝晖(33) 渠道管理渠道模式:一半是火焰一半是海水………………………………………………………钱言(36) 弱势品牌渠道拓展之路…………………………………………………………吴勇毅陈绍华(39) 销售管理销售经理管控销售队伍的四种工具……………………………………………………谢宗云(41) 遭遇难题,见招拆招……………………………………………………………虞坚老树(44) 销售冠军是怎样炼成的——专访苏宁朝阳路店店长刘玉君…………………………齐鹏(47) 成功策划“右手之戒”成就戴比尔斯 (49)拉芳舍一个休闲餐饮王国扩张之谜……………………………………………………王翼(51) 阿尔迪最赚钱的“穷人店”………………………………………………………………杨育谋(53) 个案解读LG巧克力手机得失之间…………………………………………………………………林景新(56) 南京菲亚特:四面楚歌……………………………………………………………………陈宇祥(58) 奥克斯:反思“三大败笔”…………………………………………………………………刘步尘(62)财经科学[月刊]=Finance And Economics—第4期,2007年.—成都:《财经科学》编辑部,(610074).8.00元ISSN1000-8306 CN51-1104/F索书号: F8/19 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼。
0 前
1 数值分析方法
由于 N S oo 3 A A R tr 7跨音速压气机转子具有较为丰富 的 实验测量数据 , 其内部的流动特性在 跨音 速压气机中具有一 定代表性。因此 以 N S o r 7跨音速压 气机转子为研究 A AR t o3 对象 , 使用商业 C D软 件 ( U E A) 拟低雷诺 数条 件下 F N M C 模 失速工况时转 子内部流场 的流动失稳机制 。其 中, 控制方程 为雷诺平均 N v r Soe 方程 , ai — t s e k 湍流模 型采用加入 A S转 G 捩模型的 Saa —Al rs 流 , 算 中还采 用 了隐式 残差 plr l a 湍 t ma 计 光顺法和完全 多重 网格加速收敛技术 。 在之前 的研究 中已经 对该数值模 拟方法 的模 拟精度和
第5 2卷 第 1 期
21 0 0年 2月
V0 _ 2 No 1 l5 . F b2 O e . 0l
对跨 音 速 转子 附面层 发 展控 制研 究
李 勇 , 王如 根 , 夏钦 斌
( 空军工程 大 学工程 学院 , 西安 7 0 3 ) 10 8
可 靠 性进 行 了详 细 的分 析 结 果 表 明 : …, 采用 加 入 A S转 捩 G
压气机 内部不 稳定流动现 象的研究一直 是学术界关 注
的焦点 , 研究 目标 在技 术 上是实 现对 不稳 定流 动现象 的控
制, 在学术上是 澄清 叶片通 道 内部流 动失 稳 的流体力 学机 制, 从而二者结 合起来 建立 叶轮 机稳 定型设 计 的思路 和方 法 。然而 只有深刻理解 了轴流压气机 内部 流动失稳的机制 , 人们才能有 的放矢地发展各种控制策 略。在 近些年 , 研究人 员对轴流压气机 内部流 动失稳触 发机制进行 了广 泛深入 的 研究 , 现在一般认 为激波与间隙泄漏 涡的相互作用使得 间隙 泄漏涡破裂 , 这可能成为导致跨音速 压气机转子 内部流 动失 稳的重要原 因C s。而在低雷诺数条件下 , 分文献认为 由 1] - 部 于受到雷诺数和逆压梯度等 因素的作用 , 叶片吸力面附 面层 气流分离 现象必将更 加严重 , 附面层 径 向涡 迅速发展起 来 , 并在叶顶形成 大面 积附面层 分离区 , 阻塞 叶顶流场 , 对压气 机稳定性产生重要影响 , 甚至会使压气机 的流动失稳机 制发 生变化。许多研究人员 还对 于扩 大压气 机转子 的稳定工作 范围进行 了大 量的研究 , 如机匣处理 、 叶顶 喷气 、 吸等 , 抽 并 取得 了一定 的效果 I 。因此 , 9 本文对低雷诺数 下跨音速转 子的流动失稳机制进行了初 步探讨 , 并针对该转子 的流 动失
heat transfer in automoble radiators of the tubular type_Dittus_Boelter
1 Dd 1 ln D / d 1 ( )( ) Uo 2 Uo D 2k Ut D
The type of fluid flow existing within a tube may be determined by calculating “Reynolds criterion”, which is defined as follows:
1 1 1 1 Uo U w Ut U a
Uo=overall transfer factor (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Uw=film transfer factor on water side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Ua=film transfer factor on air side (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). Ut=thermal conductance of separating wall (BTU/sq.ft./℉./hr.). The value of Ut can be readily calculated by the use of the following equation:
1 1 1 1 U o Am U a Aa U t At U w Aw
or, referred to the mean diameter of the tube, equation (4) becomes:
1 1 1 1 Uo U w R ' Ut U a R
where Am=Mean area of heat transfer section based on mean tube diameter (sq.ft). Aa=Area of heat transfer section on air side (sq.ft). Aw=Area of heat transfer section on water side (sq.ft). R=Ratio of outer tube surface (air) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube. R’=Ratio of inner tube surface (water) to surface of tube at mean diameter per unit length of tube. R=2D/(D+d). R’=2d/(D+d). D=Outside diameter of tube (inches). d=Inside diameter of tube (inches). The value of Ut for a curved separating wall is:
(三)实验步骤1. 对岩心样品进行预处理,如真空干燥、饱和水等;2. 调整核磁共振实验装置的参数,如磁场强度、扫描时间等;3. 测量不同弛豫时间(T2)下的核磁共振信号;4. 分析数据,确定可动流体的T2截止值。
(二)结果分析1. 可动流体的T2截止值与岩心类型、孔隙结构等因素密切相关。
不同类型岩心的T2截止值存在差异,这反映了不同储层中流体的可动性差异;2. 通过分析T2分布曲线,可以了解岩石中流体的分布情况及孔隙结构特征。
例如,曲线的宽度和高度可以反映岩石中孔隙的大小和数量;3. 结合地质背景和基本参数,可以对实验结果进行对比分析,进一步了解储层的性质和潜力。
2024/040(05):1587 1602ActaPetrologicaSinica 岩石学报doi:10.18654/1000 0569/2024.05.15纪敏,高晓英,涂聪等.2024.巴罗型变质作用的地质特征及其构造启示:以苏格兰高地和喜马拉雅造山带为例.岩石学报,40(05):1587-1602,doi:10.18654/1000-0569/2024.05.15巴罗型变质作用的地质特征及其构造启示:以苏格兰高地和喜马拉雅造山带为例纪敏1 高晓英1,2 涂聪1 陈宣锦1 窦玉欣1 肖萌1JIMin1,GAOXiaoYing1,2 ,TUCong1,CHENXuanJin1,DOUYuXin1andXIAOMeng11 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院,合肥 2300262 中国科学院壳幔物质与环境重点实验室,中国科学院比较行星学卓越创新中心,合肥 2300261 SchoolofEarthandSpaceSciences,UniversityofScienceandTechnologyofChina,Hefei230026,China2 KeyLaboratoryofCrust MantleMaterialsandEnvironments,CenterofExcellenceforComparativePlanetology,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Hefei230026,China2024 01 02收稿,2024 03 13改回JiM,GaoXY,TuC,ChenXJ,DouYXandXiaoM 2024 GeologicalfeatureofBarrovian typemetamorphismanditstectonicimplications:InsightsfromtheScottishHighlandsandHimalayanorogen.ActaPetrologicaSinica,40(5):1587-1602,doi:10.18654/1000 0569/2024.05.15Abstract Barrovian typemetamorphiczoneisaproductofmetamorphismofAl richpeliticrocksunderintermediategeothermalgradientatconvergentplatemargins,widelyexposedinvariousorogensworldwide Whilethemineralassemblagesandmetamorphicpressure temperatureconditionsofBarrovian typemetamorphiczonesindifferentregionsaresimilar,thespatialdistributionfeaturesofdistinctmetamorphiczonescharacterizedbyindexmineralsexhibitnotabledifferences TheScottishHighlandsshowcasesatypicalBarrovian typemetamorphiczone,whereastheHimalayanorogenexposesaninvertedBarrovian typemetamorphiczone Thetwotypesdocumentdiversemetamorphicandtectonicevolutionprocesses,actingasnaturallaboratoriesforcomparingandinvestigatingthespatiotemporalevolutionofthermalstructureanddynamicregimeofcollisionorogensaswellasthegeodynamicmechanism ThisstudyutilizestheScottishHighlandsandHimalayanorogenascasestudies,comparingthepetrologicalandpetrochronologicalfeaturesofthetypicalandinvertedBarrovian typemetamorphiczones,anddiscussingtheformationmechanismsofthetwotypes Studiesinthetworegionshaveuniquecharacteristics InvestigationsintheScottishHighlandsprimarilyconcentrateontheheatingmechanism,highlightingthesignificantinfluenceofexternalheatsourcefromasthenosphericmantleanditsderivedmagmasonthedevelopmentofBarrovian typemetamorphiczone Incontrast,investigationsintheHimalayanorogenpredominantlyfocusonthestructuralprocesses,emphasizingtheroleofin sequencethrustingintheformationofinvertedmetamorphiczone Onthisbasis,thisstudyextendstheperspectivefromBarrivoan typemetamorphiczonetoBarrovian typemetamorphism,comprehensivelyexaminingitsheatingmechanismandtectonicsetting,andsubsequentlyexploringitsimplicationforcollisionalorogenandcrustalreworkingprocessesKeywords Convergentplatemargin;Barrovian typemetamorphism;Heatingmechanism;Tectonicsetting;ScottishHighlands;Himalayanorogen摘 要 巴罗型变质带是汇聚板块边缘富铝泥质岩在中等地温梯度下变质作用的产物,广泛分布于全球各造山带。
有关近空间高超声速飞行器边界层转捩和湍流的两个问题周恒;张涵信【摘要】和一般的飞行器一样,在近空间飞行器的研制中,其边界层的转捩和湍流也是需要考虑的两个重要问题.但即使是对一般的飞行器,"转捩"和"湍流"也还是两个历经百年而仍未很好解决的问题,而对近空间飞行器来说,空气动力学本身就还存在若干新的需要研究解决的基础问题,边界层的转捩和湍流就更是没有很好解决的问题.本文讨论了两个问题;1) 为增强对高超声速飞行器边界层转捩预测的能力,需要开展哪些方面的研究工作及其困难;2) 是否有可能当飞行器飞行高度足够大时,其边界层就不会再有湍流问题?%For the research and development of near space flying vehicles, also as the same for conventional flying vehiclessuch as airplanes, the problems of transition and turbulence of the boundary layers are two important issues must be taken into consideration.However, even for conventional flying vehicles, these two problems are still not fully resolved, even though the investigations have been lasted for more than 100 years already.For near space flying vehicles, not only the related aerodynamics has its own unsolved fundamental scientific problems, let along the problems of transition and turbulence.In this paper, two related problems are focused on: 1) In order to enhance our capability of predicting the transition of the boundary layer of a hypersonic flying vehicle, what kinds of research work should we do and what difficulties we might face? 2) Would it be possible that there would be no problem of turbulence for its boundary layer if the attitude of the flying vehicle is sufficiently high?【期刊名称】《空气动力学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(035)002【总页数】5页(P151-155)【关键词】近空间飞行器;转捩;湍流;预测能力【作者】周恒;张涵信【作者单位】天津大学力学系, 天津 300072;中国空气动力研究与发展中心国家计算流体力学实验室, 北京 100191【正文语种】中文【中图分类】V211.3转捩问题历经百年的研究,在低速流方面已经有了不小的进展。
1.舰船磁场动态测量中的小波消噪技术研究 [J], 王志刚
2.用动态斯塔克效应测量环形等离子体中磁场倾斜角 [J], Xu,J;海韵
3.KT—5C托卡马克等离子体中磁场涨落的测量 [J], 朱士尧;王成
4.利用斯塔克效应直接测量托卡马克等离子体的径向电场 [J], Rice.,DW;思静
5.舰船磁场动态检测中舰船航迹测量方法研究 [J], 刘胜道;张明;赵文春;周国华;高俊吉
1.一种激光导引星自适应光学系统中激光上行到达角起伏测量方法的研究 [J], 黄凯; 曹进; 肖啸; 李语强
2.近地面层湍流大气中光传输到达角起伏实验研究 [J], 梅杰;袁仁民;王显;吴徐平
3.部分相干光在大气湍流中的到达角起伏 [J], 柯熙政;薛瑶
4.大气中激光到达角起伏引起跟踪系统角误差的研究 [J], 李泽民;田文艳;齐文宗
5.利用闪烁和到达角起伏测量横向风速的对比研究 [J], 董婷;吴毅;侯再红;靖旭;谭逢富;何枫
地球定向参数范文地球定向参数(Earth Orientation Parameters,EOP)是用于描述地球旋转状态的一组物理量。
1. 地球自转角速度(Earth's rotation rate):指的是地球每单位时间自转的角度变化量。
由于地球自转速度不是恒定的,这个参数被称为UT1(Universal Time 1)。
2. 坐标极移(Polar motion):地球旋转轴相对于地球表面的移动被称为极移。
3. 瞬时轴偏移(Instantaneous axis of rotation):地球自转轴的方向在一段时间内可能会有细微变化,这个变化被称为瞬时轴偏移。
4. 岁差(Nutation):地球自转轴在空间中的变化被称为岁差。
锆石U-Pb定年结果显示富铌辉长岩样品锆石加权平均^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄为512±4 Ma;两个斜长花岗岩样品的锆石加权平均^(206)Pb/^(238)U年龄分别为522±3 Ma和519±1 Ma。
斜长花岗岩样品K_(2)O含量(0.31%~1.66%)和K_(2)O/Na2O值(0.05~0.43)较低,稀土元素分布模式较为平缓,具有轻微的Eu正或负异常,相对富集Ba、Sr、U 等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素,结合其正的εNd(t)值(+3.35)和高、正的锆石εHf(t)值(主要在6.2~12.9之间),类似于弧前大洋斜长花岗岩。
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2.河南西峡寨根地区韧性剪切带中斜长角闪岩角闪石组构特征的探讨 [J], 韩郁菁;陈云兰
3.中红外完全光子带隙Ge反蛋白石三维光子晶体的制备(英文) [J], 李宇杰;谢凯;
4.金属玻璃剪切带中应力诱导的纳米缺陷形成(英文) [J], 顾晓峰;王军;秦卫东;寇宏超;李金山;周廉
5.中澳洲Florence剪切带中角闪石的变形行为 [J], 刘援朝
全新世的新构造运动和拉马波断层带的海面异常:纽约... Newm.,WS;郭永志
1.美国《共同核心州立标准》实施效果--美国纽约州立大学塔尼亚•拉马略教授与伊丽莎白•斯蒂文斯助理教授专访 [J], 塔尼亚·拉马略;伊丽莎白·斯蒂文斯;刘菁菁
2.郯庐断裂带渤中-渤南段新构造运动期断层活动与油气运聚 [J], 姜丽娜;邹华耀
3.Rossby波临界周期与海面高度异常能谱临界周期在南海的空间分布特征 [J], 杨棋;陈桂英;尚晓东
4.新疆雪米斯坦火山岩带阿日合拉提地段隐伏断层的物探异常特征 [J], 籍增贤;张俊伟;陈志财;张岩
5.谢拉马德雷断层带——一组复杂环境中的复杂断层 [J], 安德鲁斯
【总页数】12页(P153-164)【关键词】地震数据;喜马拉雅逆冲;速度结构;地震波【作者】Y.马可夫斯基;S.克莱姆佩雷;黄立言;卢德源【作者单位】美国斯坦福大学地球物理系,中国地质科学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P548.2【相关文献】1.朋宽角地震数据得出的特提斯喜马拉雅南部的速… [J], 黄立言;马可.,Y2.西藏特提斯喜马拉雅早-中侏罗世岩石薄片偏光显微图像数据集 [J], 韩中;胡修棉3.西藏特提斯喜马拉雅早-中侏罗世岩石薄片偏光显微图像数据集 [J], 韩中;胡修棉4.特提斯喜马拉雅铅锌锑金成矿带含炭质岩石中热液脉型矿床的综合电法勘探——以西藏扎西康铅锌锑多金属矿为例 [J], 郭镜;焦彦杰;梁生贤5.特提斯喜马拉雅多重基性岩浆事件:追溯新特提斯洋的生存时限(英文) [J], ZENG Ling-sen1),GAO Li-e1),HE Ke-jun2),TANG Suo-han1),GUO Chun-li2) 1).State Key Laboratory of Continental Tectonics and Dynamics,Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
Institute for Internal Combustion Engines
KEY WORDS C5.4 Tumble
tangential/helical port 切向/螺旋进气道 variable swirl ratio 可变涡流比
molecular diffusion 分子扩散
turbulent “diffusion” 湍流扩散
momentum 动量
turbulent shear layers 湍流剪切层
recirculating regions 回旋区
boundary layers 边界层
irregularity or randomness 无规律性和随机性
time, quantity, quality 定时,定量,定质
traverse 穿越
air utilization 空气利用率 atm – atmospheric pressure 大气压力
mechanical/ electronic control 机械式/电控 喷油系统 fuel injection systems
turbulence, turbulent 湍流,剧烈扰动的、动荡的
chaotic 混沌的
stochastic 随机的
flow regime 体制,体系
fluctuation 变动,波动
irregularity 随机性
Diffusivity 扩散性
rotationality 旋转状态
vorticity, 漩涡
cycle-by(to)-cycle variations 循环间变动
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a rXiv:071.351v1[astro-ph]1Oct27Transition radiation in turbulent astrophysical medium.Application to solar radio bursts.Gregory D.Fleishman 1,2,Dale E.Gary 1,Gelu M.Nita 11New Jersey Institute of Technology,Newark,NJ 091022Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,St.Petersburg,194021Russia Summary.Modern observations and models of various astrophysical objects suggest that many of their physical parameters fluctuate substantially at different spatial scales.The rich variety of the emission processes,including Transition Radiation but not limited to it,arising in such turbulent media constitutes the scope of Stochastic Theory of Radiation.We review general approaches applied in the stochastic theory of radiation and specific methods used to calculate the transition radiation produced by fast particles in the magnetized randomly inhomogeneous plasma.The importance of the theory of transition radiation for astrophysics is illustrated by one example of its detailed application to a solar radio burst,including specially designed algorithms of the spectral forward fitting.1Introduction The phenomenon of transition radiation was discovered theoretically by two Nobel Prize winning (2003and 1958respectively)physicists [1].Ginzburg and Frank (1946)considered a simplest case when a charged particle passed through a boundary between two dielectrically different media and so generated waves due to a variation of the dielectric constant at the boundary.Remarkably,no acceleration of the particle is necessary to produce the emission due to transition through the boundary.It is easy to understand that a similar effect of electromagnetic emission will take place if a medium is uniformly filled by turbulence that produces fluctuations of the dielectric constant throughout the whole volume rather than at an isolated boundary.Many astrophysical sources,especially those under strong energy release,are believed to be filled by turbulent,randomly in-homogeneous plasma and fast,nonthermal particles.In this situation,an efficient contribution of the transition radiation to the overall electromagnetic emission should be produced.Therefore,distinguishing this contribution from competing mechanisms is important.Below we describe the fundamentals of the transition radiation produced in a magnetized turbulent plasma,and demon-strate its high potential for astrophysical applications.2Fundamentals of Stochastic Theory of Radiation.Stochastic theory of radiation now represents a broad field of physics with many applications.In astrophysical sources the nonthermal radiation arises as charged fast particles move througha turbulent plasma with random fluctuations of plasma density,electric,and magnetic fields.An immediate consequence of the random magnetic and electric fields at the source is that the trajectory of a charged particle is a random function of time.This means that calculating the emission requires some appropriate averaging of the relevant equations and parameters over the possible particle paths.The presence of the density inhomogeneities acts differently.Indeed,these inhomogeneities have little effect on the fast particle trajectories;rather they give rise to fluctuations of the plasma dielec-tric tensor.These fluctuations allows for the plasma current stimulated by the fast particle field to emit powerful transition radiation.Since the plasma has a resonance around the plasma frequency,the intensity of the transition radiation is extremely large around this plasma frequency.The cor-responding peak in the transition radiation spectrum is referred to as resonant transition radiation (RTR)and is of exceptional importance for astrophysical applications.Indeed,the microturbulence accompanied by the density fluctuations is likely to exist in various cosmic objects from geospace to distant cosmological sources of gamma ray bursts.In many instances,however,the number density of the plasma in the astrophysical object and the corresponding plasma frequency is so low that the radiation cannot be observed at the Earth because of ionosphere opacity and absorption of this radiation in the interstellar medium.2Gregory D.Fleishman,Dale E.Gary,Gelu M.NitaIn some cases,nevertheless,the plasma frequency of a source is large enough for the corre-sponding radiation to be observable.For example,this is true for radio bursts produced in the solar corona.In our previous publications[2,3]we demonstrated that about10%of all microwave solar continuum bursts are accompanied by decimetric resonance transition radiation(RTR)and pre-sented ample evidence in favor of transition radiation for one of the events,06April2001,including detailed study of spatially resolved observations.Specifically,Nita et al.(2005)summarized and checked against observations the following main properties of RTR,expected in the case of solar bursts.The emission(1)originates in a dense plasma,f pe≫f Be,where f pe and f Be are the electron plasma-and gyro-frequencies;(2)has a relatively low peak frequency in the decimetric range,and so appears as a low-frequency compo-nent relative to the associated gyrosynchrotron spectrum;(3)is co-spatial with or adjacent to the associated gyrosynchrotron source;(4)varies with a time scale comparable to the accompanying gyrosynchrotron emission(assuming a constant or slowly varying level of the necessary microtur-bulence);(5)is typically strongly polarized in the ordinary mode(o-mode),since the extraordinary mode(x-mode)is evanescent,as for any radiation produced at the plasma frequency in a magne-tized plasma;(6)is produced by the lower-energy end of the same nonthermal electron distribution that produces the gyrosynchrotron emission,with intensity proportional to the instantaneous total number of the low-energy electrons in the source;(7)has a high-frequency spectral slope that does not correlate with the spectral index of fast electrons(in contrast to gyrosynchrotron radiation, which does).Here we analyze this event in even more detail and apply the observations to theflare plasma diagnostics.3Two-component radio burst06April2001.Fig.1gives an overview of the event under study.It displays the dynamic spectrum of the radio burst06April2001recorded by Owens Valley Solar Array(OVSA)in the frequency range1-18 GHz(Nita et al.2005)in total intensity and polarization,as well as images of the dm and cm sources superimposed on a Transition Region and Coronal Explorer(TRACE)171˚A image.This figure shows that the event indeed consists of two distinct spectral components,whose sources coincide spatially with each other and with a dense loop visible in the TRACE UV image.The dm component is highly right-hand circularly(RCP)polarized.Fig.1.Overview of the event.Left:dynamic spectra of the total power(top)and circular polariza-tion(bottom).The period of RTR is the highly polarized(red)emission in the lower panel.Right: OVSA maps of radio emission at2GHz(red)and7.4GHz(blue)superimposed on the TRACE 171˚A image.Fig.2displays contour levels of the dm emission at95,97and99%of the peak intensity at eight dm OVSA frequencies in RCP(thick lines)and LCP(thin lines)superimposed on the photospheric magnetogram(left)and on the SXR SOHO image of a dense hot loop(right).A number of things can be noted in thisfigure.The stronger,RCP,component of the dm emission originates from the region of the negative magnetic polarity throughout all the dm frequency channels;therefore,it is O-mode radiation.All the RCP contours coincide spatially with the brightest part of the hot dense loop visible in SXR,i.e.,this emission goes from a region with relatively large plasma density, although exact position of the peak brightness changes with frequency.The trend of this change is such that the lower frequency radiation tends to originate at the loop-top,while higher frequencyTransition radiation in turbulent astrophysical medium.Application to solar radio bursts.3 radiation tends to originate from the loop legs.The behavior of the weaker LCP component bears both similarities and differences with the RCP component.First,the LCP emission at1.2-2GHz comes from the region of positive magnetic polarity,so it is also O-polarized radiation.Second, the lower frequency LCP sources are displaced relative to the brightest part of the SXR loop.And finally,the higher frequency LCP sources(at2.4-3.2GHz)are located in a region with negative magnetic polarity;therefore,it is X-mode polarized radiation,unlike other dm radiation.These spatial relationships are in excellent agreement with expectations derived from the spectral behav-ior of this radio burst:indeed,since the LCP contribution of the RTR component is very weak, the LCP emission at2.4-3.2GHz is interpreted as a continuation of the X-polarized microwave gyrosynchrotron radiation,rather than RTR contribution.Fig.2.OVSA maps of the RCP(thick lines)and the LCP(thin lines)dm emission at8distinct frequencies superimposed on the magneticfield distribution(left)and SXR SOHO map(right).In addition to previously established properties of the dm continuum component(Nita et al. 2005)and spatial relationships discussed above,we consider here the characteristic decay time constants at both dm and cm spectral components.Specifically,we looked into the decay phases of the light curves at all frequencies and determined the range of time when the decay profile can be approximated by an exponential function.Then,the characteristic decay constant at each light curve was considered as a characteristic decay time at this frequency.Fig.3displays these time decay constants vs frequency for the dm and cm components separately.The dependences are remarkably different for these two emission components,although both of them can be easily understood if the decay constants are specified by the fast electron life times against the Coulomb collisions at the source.Indeed,for the gyrosynchrotron emission,higher emission frequency means greater mean energy of the emitting electrons.These higher energy electrons have a longer life time against the Coulomb collisions,which explains the observed increase of the decay constant with frequency.For the RTR contribution,however,higher emission frequency corresponds to a higher plasma frequency in the corresponding source level,therefore,denser plasma and,consequently,shorter life time of the fast electrons,which is really observed.Thus,the more detailed study performed here confirms further the interpretation of the dm continuum component as an RTR contribution.4Flare plasma diagnostics based on the transition radiation.Now,as we have a solid interpretation of the dm continuum component as produced by RTR by fast electrons moving in a dense plasma,we can make a next step and apply the observations for theflaring plasma diagnostics.We assume that the inhomogeneity of theflare volume can be described by a Gaussian distribution of the source volume over the plasma frequency with some mean plasma frequency(mean plasma density)and dispersion(provided by scatter of the plasma density through the source),F(f pe)=A exp(−(f pe−f0)2/∆f2).Depending on how other relevant parameters change with the plasma density at the source,the RTR intensity can be parameterized4Gregory D.Fleishman,Dale E.Gary,Gelu M.Nita 810121416182080901001101201301.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.210203040506070τ, s e cf, GHzτ=27 f 0.52τ=100/ f 2 τ, s e c f, GHz Fig.3.The decay constant of the radio emission vs frequency for the dm component (left)and cm component (right).as proportional to f a exp(−(f −f 0)2/∆f 2)with different values of the parameter a .For clarity,we use two distinct values a =0(model 1–no dependence on frequency besides the Gaussian factor)and a =2(model 2–rather strong frequency dependence).Then,we fit the sequence of the observed dm spectra with these two model functions to obtain a sequence of the fitting parameters,which are the peak flux,the mean plasma density f 0,and the dispersion ∆f .Fig.4displays the sequence of the recorded spectra and corresponding fits.It is clear that fits with both values of a are comparably good and even indistinguishable for most of the instances.Fig.5gives the sequence of the fitting parameters together with the chi-square plot.Again,we cannot select between the two models based on the chi-square criterion,since they are very similar to both considered models.Both models give the same peak flux values and similar bandwidth of the distributions.However,the central frequency of the distribution behaves differently in the two models:it is almost constant with 10%variations in model 1,while it varies substantially in model 2.Thus,using the requirement of reasonable smoothness of the derived physical parameters we conclude the model 1(which assumes that all other parameters besides the plasma density are constant through the source)is preferable.5DiscussionNita et al.(2005)proved that the dm continuum component of this solar radio burst is produced by RTR and derived the level of the microturbulence in the plasma to be ∆n 2 /n 2=10−5.This finding is potentially very important for other cosmic objects.Indeed,the obtained microturbulence level is not particularly strong and much stronger turbulence is expected in many cases,especially,when there is a strong release of the energy at the source.Sometimes,such energy release gives rise to a relativistic expansion of the source,so the emission spectrum is Doppler-boosted and RTR produced at the local plasma frequency can be observed at the Earth even from relatively tenuous sources with low plasma frequency.In this study we present more evidence in favor of RTR generation at the dm continuum solar bursts and use this emission component to derive additional plasma parameters.In particular,we determine the mean plasma frequency and its dispersion at the source in the course of time.Interestingly,these two parameters do not change much during the time of the dm burst.We note that these parameters are obtained from the total power spectra recorded without spatial resolution.Fig.2demonstrates that the radio sources at various frequencies do not coincide exactly.Therefore,in cases where a sequence of spatially resolved spectra are available we would be able to study the structure of the flaring plasma density in much greater detail as well as the distribution of the microturbulence over the source.Generally speaking,the RTR contribution is also informative about the fast electrons producing it.In the example presented in Fig.3we show the emission decay constants,which can be associatedTransition radiation in turbulent astrophysical medium.Application to solar radio bursts.5Fig.4.Sequence of the dm spectra with twofits:S(f)fa exp(-(f-f0)2/?f2).Model1(a=0,red) and model2(a=2,blue).with the fast electron life times.In our case we used exponential fragments of the light curves at the late decay phase of the emission,since no exponential phase was found in the early decay phase. We found the life time to be within10-40sec,which corresponds to the electrons of300keV or larger in the case of denseflare plasma available in this event.On the other hand,we can expect that most of the RTR emission(around the peak of the burst)is produced by the electrons with E=100-200keV(Nita et al.2005).This apparent contradiction can be easily resolved if we recall that the lower energy electrons have the life time of only a few seconds in the given dense plasma, so they die even before the light curves reach the exponential decay stage,and we observe the RTR contribution from preferentially higher energy electrons late in the event.Conclusions.RTR represents a distinct emission mechanism,which is observable in many solar burst and probably relevant to many other cosmic sources.Application of the available theory to observations allows for advanced plasma diagnostics,including study of the plasma density and the turbulence distributions, and fast particle kinetics.The theory of RTR is currently developed for usual plasmas,but is not available for the case of relativistic plasmas.Given that the turbulence level in the relativistic6Gregory D.Fleishman,Dale E.Gary,Gelu M.Nita 19:2019:2119:2219:23Start Time (06-Apr-01 19:19:31)01000200030004000P e a k F l u x [s f u ]19:2019:2119:2219:23Start Time (06-Apr-01 19:19:31) e n t r a l F r e q u e n c y [G H z ]19:2019:2119:2219:23Start Time (06-Apr-01 19:19:31)012345B a n d w i d t h [G H z ]19:2019:2119:2219:23Start Time (06-Apr-01 19:19:31) H I S Q Fig.5.Evolution of the fitting parameters and chi-square measure for model 1(red)and model 2(blue).plasmas is expected to be very high,the extension of the RTR theory to the relativistic case is highly desirable.Acknowledgments.GDF is grateful to organizers of the Baikal School for Fundamental Physics for invitation to deliver a lecture on transition radiation.This work was supported in part by NSF grant ATM-0707319to New Jersey Institute of Technology,and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research,grants No.06-02-16295,06-02-16859,06-02-39029.References1.V.L.Ginzburg,I.M.Frank:Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.16,15(1946)2.G.D.Fleishman,G.M.Nita,D.E.Gary:ApJ 620,506(2005)3.G.M.Nita,D.E.Gary,G.D.Fleishman:ApJL 629,L65(2005)。