



钛牌号对照表钛牌号对照表2007-06-07 11:25中国美国俄罗斯TAD 碘化钛 Grade1 1号纯钛 BT1-00 ⼯业纯钛TA1 ⼯业纯钛 Grade2 2号纯钛 BT1-0 ⼯业纯钛TA2 ⼯业纯钛 Grade3 3号纯钛 OT4 -0 Ti-0.8Al-0.7Sn TA3 ⼯业纯钛 Grade4 4号纯钛 OT4 -1 Ti-2Al-1.5MnTA4 Ti-3Al Grade5 Ti-6Al-4V OT4 Ti-3Al-1.5MnTA5 Ti-4Al-0.005B Grade6 Ti-5Al-2.5V BT5 Ti-5AlTA6 Ti-5Al Grade7 Ti-0.2Pd BT5 -1 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn TA7 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn Grade9 Ti-3Al-2.5V BT6 Ti-6Al-4VTA8 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn-3Cu-1.5Zr Grade10 Ti-11.5Mo-4.5Sn-6Zr BT6c Ti-6Al-4VTC1 Ti-2Al-1.5Mn Grade11 Ti-0.2Pd BT3 -1 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3SiTC2 Ti-3Al-1.5Mn Grade12 Ti-0.3Mo-0.75Ni BT9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-0.3SiTC3 Ti-4Al-4V A-1 Ti-5Al-2.5Sn BT/4 Ti-5Al-3Mo-1.5V TC4 Ti-6Al-4V A-3 Ti-6Al-2Nb-1Ta BT16 Ti-2.8Al-5Mo-5V TC6 Ti-6Al-1.5Cr-2.5Mo-0.5Fe-0.3Si A-4 Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V BT18 Ti-8Al-0.6Mo-11Zr-1NbTC7 Ti-6Al-0.6Cr-0.4Fe-0.4Si-0.01B AB-1 Ti-6Al-4V BT19 Ti-3Al-5.5Mo-3.5V-5.5Cr-1ZrTC9 Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-2.5Sn-0.3Si AB-3 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn BT20 Ti-6Al-1.5Mo-1.5VTC10 Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn-0.5Cu-0.5Fe AB-4 Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo BT22 Ti-5.5Al-5V-5Mo-1.5Cr-1.0FeTC11 Ti-6Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si AB-5 Ti-3Al-2.5V ПT-3B Ti-4Al-2VTB2 Ti-5Mo-5V-3Cr-3Al B-1 Ti-3Al-13V-11Cr ПT-7M Ti-2Al⾼耐腐蚀,耐⾼温材料2007-06-07 11:32⼀.⾼耐腐蚀钢.合⾦:1.NAS 155N(S31727)主成分:18Cr-15Ni-4MO-3CU-0.16N 专门燃烧重油⽤的锅炉的热交换器,烟倒,烟囱。

6000系列 产品说明书

6000系列 产品说明书

目录第一章系统简介 (1)1.1简介 (1)1.2系统最低配置要求 (1)1.3系统推荐配置:..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3系统参数 (2)第二章硬件安装 (3)第三章驱动程序安装 (4)1.1、通用安装 (4)第四章系统程序安装 (15)第五章系统软件功能和操作说明 (16)一、主界面介绍 (16)1.1 基本操作 (16)1.2 屏幕显示 (17)1.3 颜色调节 (18)1.4 云台控制 (18)1.5 手动录像 (18)1.6 信息显示 (19)二、系统管理 (19)2.1 系统设置 (19)2.2 报警设置 (21)2.3 视频报警 (23)2.4 日志管理 (24)2.5 计划管理 (24)2.6 区域设置(V2.1版本此项目已经取消) (25)2.5 用户设置 (25)2.8 监看管理(V2.1版本此项目已经取消) (26)2.9 快球设置 (27)3.0 云台辅助 (27)3.1 恢复视频 (28)三、回放操作 (28)3.1 通道选择及操作信息显示 (29)3.2 操作区 (29)3.3 时间显示 (29)3.4 录像方式说明 (29)3.5 日期时间选择 (30)附录: 常见问题解答: (30)第一章系统简介1.1简介本说明书描述了与6000/8000 系列视频压缩卡(简称压缩卡)有关的硬件安装、软件安装、系统设置、软件使用等方面的内容,请务必按照说明书的指导进行这些工作,以确保监控系统正常、稳定地运行。






Galaxy6000TM50,60Hz 160-800Kva用户手册UPS 单机 模块化UPS 含SSC 的并机UPS 变频器 静态开关机柜M G E U P S S Y S T E M S第2页- 6739380EN/JA目录介绍系统性能 (5)系统描述 (5)Galaxy 6000系统的不同类型 (6)隔离设备及保护设备 (8)主要运行模式 (9)Galaxy 6000系列机柜描述逆变器机柜 (13)电池机柜 (14)静态开关机柜 (15)外部维护旁路机柜 (15)控制面板可视控制面板 (16)隐藏控制面板 (18)启动系统启动 (20)单台设备的启动 (22)关机单台设备关机 (24)系统关机 (25)蜂鸣器复位 (26)报警维护旁路 (27)环境信息标准信息“Media Contacts 9” (28)“LED”信令箱 (29)附加信息“Media Contacts 15” (29)维护维护配置 (31)电池维护 (33)自动诊断 (34)外观检查 (34)功能检查 (34)培训中心 (34)“监控器”字母数字显示屏概述 (35)控制面板 (35)指示灯1到8 (36)报警显示及蜂鸣器复位 (37)测量系统 (40)电压测量 (41)电流测量 (41)频率及功率测量 (42)电池测量 (42)逆变器“开启/关闭”命令 (44)语言、显示屏对比度及蜂鸣器音量设定 (44)显示系统配置 (45)6739380EN/JA –第3页目录(续)选件“LED”信令箱 (46)“介质触点15”附加辅助传输 (46)“Tele Monitor”远程指示单元 (46)“GTC链路”通信系统 (46)“Vision”显示屏 (47)“Remote vision”显示屏 (47)隔离及主交流电源1, 2和负载电压匹配变压器 (47)谐波滤波器及功率因数改进 (47)双桥整流器-充电器 (48)电池“温度监控器” (48)空柜 (48)所有Galaxy 6000系列产品均受专利保护。



XMT — 6000 系列仪表使用说明书目录一、概述(1)、主要特点(2)、型号定义二、技术规格三、面板说明及操作说明(1)、面板说明(2)、操作说明1、上电过程2、给定值/手动输出值设置3、启动自整定4、参数设置四、参数功能及设置(1)、参数速查表(2)、参数详细说明1、软件参数锁Loc2、与仪表输入有关的参数(SN、DIP、DIL、DIH、DL、SC)3、与仪表报警输出有关的参数(HIAL、LOAL、DHAL、DLAL、DF、ALP)4、与控制输出有关的参数(CF、OP1、OPL、OPH、CTRL、RUN)5、与自整定有关的PID控制参数(M50、P、T)6、与仪表通讯/变送输出有关的参数(CF、ADDR、BAUD、DIL、DIH)7、现场参数(EP1—EP8)五、仪表接线六、典型应用XMT—6000D系列仪表使用说明书目录一、概述(1)、功能简述(2)、型号定义二、面板说明及操作说明(1)、面板说明(2)、操作说明1、设置程序2、设置参数3、显示及修改程序运行段号4、显示运行时间5、运行时修改程序曲线6、运行/暂停(run/HoLd)7、停止(StoP)8、自整定(AT)三、概念解释四、程序编排与操作(1)、时间设置(2)、给定值设置(3)、程序的输入操作(4)、运行多条曲线时程序的编排方法(5)、外部事件输入接口五、停电处理六、与XMT—6000系列仪表的不同之处1、系统运行参数2、参数设置权限选择Loc3、输出定义参数oP14、功能参数CF5、现场定义参数(EP1—EP8)6、仪表与计算机通讯XMT—6000系列仪表使用说明书一、概述(一)主要特点:◆采用先进的微电脑芯片及技术,减小了体积,并提高了可靠性及抗干扰性能。

适用于各种温度,压力,流量,液位, 湿度等的测量控制。























XMT□-□□□□□□□—□①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨①面板尺寸mm⑤输入类型D:96×96 1:热电偶信号E:72×72 2:热电阻信号F:96×48(竖式);F(H):48×96(横式) ⑥输出类型G:48×48 空:继电器(最大1A)②显示方式 V:逻辑电平输出用于SSR6:双排显示(经济型) B: 继电器(最大10A)③控制类型 G: 可控硅输出(直接带300W以下负载)0:位式动作⑦分度号3:时间比例动作⑧量程下限4:两位PID动作及自动整定⑨量程上限7:单相过零脉冲PID及自动整定<附件>④限位报警安装支架2套,说明书一份0:无报警1:上限报警(XMTD、XMTF过零脉冲输出、逻辑电平输出,以及XMTG的各型号不能带上限报警)*报警常闭需注明2.安装注意事项(5)推紧安装支架,使仪表与盘面结合牢固,收紧螺钉。





技术参数参数值激光波长 1.06μm激光功率6000W工作台尺寸3000mm×1500mm切割速度最大100m/min最大加工厚度不锈钢30mm、碳钢30mm定位精度±0.03mm重复定位精度±0.02mm辅助气体氮气、氧气、惰性气体控制系统Cypcut/FSCUT传动方式双动驱动冷却方式水冷主要特点1.高功率激光:6000w的激光功率可以快速切割各种金属材料,工作效率高。














PerkinElmer STA 6000 综合热分析仪 使用手册说明书

PerkinElmer STA 6000 综合热分析仪 使用手册说明书

STA 6000综合热分析仪使用手册珀金埃尔默仪器(上海)有限公司目录第一章 STA 6000仪器简介-------------------------------------------------------------------1第二章 Pyris Software使用方法-------------------------------------------------------------2第三章STA 6000仪器校正-------------------------------------------------------------------17第四章数据分析--------------------------------------------------------------------------------22第一章STA 6000仪器简介美国PerkinElmer公司是世界上最早研发生产热分析仪器的制造商,是国际先进热分析技术的代表。

其STA 6000同步热分析仪可以同时测试样品的TGA、DTA/DSC 信号,可以测试分析样品的热稳定性能、多组份分离分析、玻璃化转变温度、熔点、结晶性能、固化性能、分解温度以及分解动力学、分解热焓、氧化诱导过程等性能,适用于高分子材料、精细化工、无机材料等各个领域的高级研发和质量控制。

STA 6000具有优异的性能指标,例如:●温度范围:15 °C~1000 °C,测试起始温度低,可以更好的控制样品中的水份和溶剂;●DT和DSC(mW)信号任意显示,增强数据解析能力;●天平灵敏度:0.1 μg;●量热精度:± 2%;●升温速率:0.01~100 °C min-1;●冷却速率快,仪器测试效率高,从1000 °C降温到30 °C少于20分钟;●内置式气体质量流量控制器,可以方便的在两种气体间进行切换,无需手动操作(通过方法编辑实现自动切换);●模块化设计可以与质谱(MS)或者分子光谱(IR)进行联用。





•工作台尺寸:3000mm x 1500mm




3.2 旋转鼠标操作说明 .................................................................................................... 16
3.3 菜单树型图 ................................................................................................................ 17
3.3.5 DVP-6541 装置菜单树型图 ...........................................................................25
DVP-6000 系列微机保护监控装置
3.3.6 DVP-6621 装置菜单树型图 ...........................................................................27
1.3 DVP-6000 系列各型号配备的保护功能 .................................................................... 3
1.4 技术参数 ...................................................................................................................... 4
DVP-6000 系列微机保护监控装置
尊敬的顾客,感谢您选用本公司的产品。我们将秉承“厚德、自强、创新、合作” 的企业精神,为您提供优质的产品和完善的服务。为了您能正确无误的使用我公司产 品,请务必注意以下事项:








不锈钢 1 6000 10 1.2 80
铝合金 5 6000 8 1.0 100
碳钢8 6000 6 1.5 120
钛合金 3 6000 12 1.0 90




BVP6000 全功能拼接处理器用户手册说明书

BVP6000 全功能拼接处理器用户手册说明书

简介 (3)1产品概述 (4)1.1产品简介 (4)1.2产品特性 (4)2外观说明 (6)2.1前面板 (6)2.2后面板 (7)2.3技术规格 (1)2.4板卡介绍 (3)3上位机软件 (6)3.1运行环境 (7)3.2安装与卸载 (7)4软件说明 (9)4.1连接 (9)4.2文件菜单介绍 (10)4.3语言菜单介绍 (10)4.4关于菜单介绍 (11)4.5分辨率菜单介绍 (11)4.6显示屏菜单介绍 (12)4.7多窗口菜单介绍 (12)4.7.1字幕 (13)4.8保存菜单介绍 (14)4.9场景菜单介绍 (14)4.10设备菜单介绍 (15)4.11授权菜单介绍 (16)5调试引导 (17)5.1网线连接 (17)5.2分辨率设置 (18)5.3显示屏设置 (18)5.4多窗口设置 (19)5.5保存 (20)6常见问题 (21)7保修说明 (22)简介版权所有©北京视睿讯科技有限公司未经本公司许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制本手册内容,不得将本手册以任何形式或任何方式进行商品传播或用于任何商业、营利目的。








STa 6000
更好、更快的检查质量,功能 强大,操作灵活。
优质产品, 为您的工具和工艺而打造
为质量监控人员和操作人员改善日常任务。 STa 6000质量轻便,设计紧凑,易于在生产线中使用。 可用于检查工具库和生产线上的工具及拧紧的螺栓,保证质量。
结果无线储存 到服务器中
评审结果 分析
有 有 1 (未保存) 有 有 无 有 无 无 无 无 有 (IRC-W 型) 有
软件功能– onBoard板上











六角形 mm x x 36 36 50 50 50
方形 in 1/2
订货号 8059 0978 63 8059 0978 64 8059 0978 65 8059 0978 66 8059 0978 67 8059 0978 68 8059 0978 69 8059 0977 64 8059 0977 65 8059 0977 66 8059 0977 67 8059 0978 52 8059 0977 68 8059 0977 69 8059 0977 70 8059 0978 53
Tools talk BLM 软件
TTBLM是用于STa 6000编程的基 本软件。质量管理员可利用自己 的电脑在STa 6000上设置工具和 Pset数据库,并可检索所有测试 结果和曲线。使用IRC-W模块将 STa 6000连接到工厂网络,操作 人员可通过无线方式从STa 6000 检索并以ExcelPDF或图像格式导 出数据。

National Instruments USB-6000 OEM设备参考指南说明书

National Instruments USB-6000 OEM设备参考指南说明书

USER GUIDENI USB-6000 OEMThis document provides information about the dimensions, pinouts, and other information about the connectors, switch, LEDs, and mounting holes of the National Instruments USB-6000 OEM device.For more information about the device, refer to the NI USB-6000 User Guide and NI USB-6000 Specifications documents available at /manuals.Caution There are no product safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), orCE marking compliance claims made for the NI USB-6000 OEM devices.The NI USB-6000 OEM device is intended to be used as a component of a largersystem. National Instruments can help developers meet their compliancerequirements. The end product supplier, however, is responsible for conforming toany and all compliance requirements.Figure 1. USB-6000 OEM DeviceUSB-6000 OEM Device SpecificationsMost specifications of the USB-6000 OEM device are listed in the NI USB-6000 Specifications document on /manuals. The following sections contain exceptions to the main specifications.Physical Characteristics Weight...............................................................23 g (0.811 oz) Dimensions.......................................................693 mm × 658 mm × 117 mm(2.73 in. × 2.59 in. × 0.46 in.)Figure 2. USB-6000 OEM Device Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters)2||NI USB-6000 OEM User GuideI/O Connector PinoutsFigure3 shows the USB-6000 OEM device I/O connector pinouts.Figure 3. USB-6000 OEM Terminal AssignmentsSignal DescriptionsMost of the signals available on the I/O connector are described in the NI USB-6000 User Guide document available for download at /manuals. Table1 describes additional signals on the I/O connector of the OEM device.Table 1. Additional Signal DescriptionsSignal Name Reference Direction Description VBUS D GND Input USB PowerD+, D- D GND Input/Output USB Data LinesLED D GND Output Status LED DriverFor more information about USB signals, refer to the Universal Serial Bus Specification accessible at .NI USB-6000 OEM User Guide|© National Instruments|34| |NI USB-6000 OEM User GuideUsing the 34-Pin Connector with a Board Mount SocketThe USB-6000 OEM device can be mounted to a motherboard using the 34-pin connector, as shown in Figures 4 and 5.Figure 4. Mounting Using a 34-Pin ConnectorNoteRefer to the Device Components section for more information aboutmounting components.Figure 5. USB Device Installed on Motherboard1Board Mount Socket 234-Pin Connector3USB-6000 OEM Device4Mounting Screw 5Mounting StandoffConnecting to USBYou can use the USB connector on the USB-6000 OEM device to connect to the USB host. In this case, leave the D+ and D- signals (on the 34-pin connector) and VBUS unconnected.You can also use a USB connector on your motherboard to connect the USB-6000 OEM device to the USB host through the 34-pin connector. In this case, do not connect to the USB connector on the USB-6000 OEM device.Using the Status LED DriverThe LED signal indicates the device status as listed in the NI USB-6000 User Guide document on /manuals. An open collector output drives the LED signal. For applications that use the LED signal, connect an external pull-up resistor from the LED signal to an external voltage.To drive a status LED, refer to the circuit as shown in Figure6.Figure 6. To Drive a Status LEDTo use the LED signal to monitor the device state, refer to the circuit as shown in Figure7.Figure 7. To Monitor Device State Through the LED SignalNI USB-6000 OEM User Guide|© National Instruments|56| |NI USB-6000 OEM User GuideElectrical CharacteristicsTable 2 lists the LED electrical characteristics.Device ComponentsTable 3 lists the components used for interfacing and interacting with the USB-6000 OEM device.Table 2. LED Electrical CharacteristicsParameter Condition Typical MaximumOutput Low V oltageI OL = 8 mA —0.4 V I OL = 18 mA1.2 V —External Pull-up V oltage —— 5.25 V Maximum Sinking Current——18 mATable 3. NI USB-6000 OEM Device ComponentsComponent Reference Designator(s) on PCBManufacturerManufacturer Part NumberPartSpecificationsMicro USB connector J001Molex 105164-0001—Hi-Speed USB cable, A to Micro-B, 1m —NI 782909-01—Hi-Speed USB cable, A to Micro-B, 2m —NI 782909-02—34-pin connector J0023M N2534-6V0C-RB-WF —34-pin mating connector—3M 8534-4500PL (or equivalent)—Mounting StandoffUsing 34-pin board mount socket ———4.76 mm (3/16 in.) HEX female-to-female, 15 mm (0.59 in.) long Using ribbon cable———4.76 mm (3/16 in.) HEX female-to- female, 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) long Screw ———M3 × 0.5, 4-40 UNCWhere to Go for SupportThe National Instruments Web site is your complete resource for technical support. At / support you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers.National Instruments corporate headquarters is located at 11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. National Instruments also has offices located around the world to help address your support needs. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support and follow the calling instructions or dial 512 795 8248. For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of / niglobal to access the branch office Web sites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for more information on National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents. You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2013 National Instruments. All rights reserved.373896A-01Aug13。



CPC6000 ModularPrecision Pressure ControllerData Sheet CPC6000 • 11/2014ApplicationsPressure Sensor Manufacturers Calibration Labs Aerospace UtilitiesPharmaceutical / Medical / Health CareFeatures0.01% of Reading Accuracy (0.01% IntelliScale-50 ) 365 day calibration interval on specific rangesDual channel with up to 2 T ransducers per channel Removable / Interchangeable T ransducersRemovable / Interchangeable Barometric Reference Multi-language menusRanges from 10 inches of water to 1500 psiDescriptionCPC6000 Modular Precision Pressure ControllerData Sheet CPC6000Page 1 of 8ApplicationsThe CPC6000 can be configured to match the application. This makes it particularly suited for calibration labs and production environments where a wide range of pressure sensors must be calibrated or qualified.Functional FlexibilityMensor’s CPC6000 Modular Precision Pressure Controller (formerly the APC 600) has two independent precision pressure regulating channels which can operate simultaneously. Each channel can have up to two transducers; each transducer has an accuracy of 0.01% IntelliScale-50 with a calibration interval of 365 days on specific ranges (see page 4 for complete specification). T ransducer modules and the Barometric Reference transducer can be quickly removed for calibration or service. Calibration configuration data is stored on each transducer module, which provides the capability of interchanging one transducer with another of the same, or different range. On-the-shelf spare modules can be interchanged with modules in the CPC6000 to virtually eliminate down time during calibration cycles. Manual user interface is through a color touch screen and the menus can be configured in different languages for international use.For low pressure control (<15 psi) an innovative internal pressure generator is included which eliminates the need for an external pressure source. The CPC6000’s flexible architecture, innovative user interface, and modular design make it the right choice for pressure calibration or production test environments.CommunicationsT o communicate with external programs for automated control, the CPC6000 is equipped with IEEE-488, RS-232 and Ethernet. Automated control of the CPC6000 can be accomplished using the remote command set. An external computer using any of a variety of software programs (LabVIEW ® Drivers are available) can remotely control the functions of the CPC6000. This is useful in production environments where repetitive processes are required or in a lab environment where calibration certificates need to be produced and stored.Calibration CertificateEach CPC6000 is shipped with a NIST traceable calibration cer-tificate. Mensor’s calibration laboratory is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by A2LA.19814321657 11891210Page 2 of 8 Data Sheet CPC6000Data Sheet CPC6000Page 3 of 8The CPC6000 brings a high degree of flexibility to the automated pressure calibrator market and opens the door to a wide variety of configurations. T wo independent channels means each controller can be configured with two independent pressure regulators, providing two pressure outputs. Each regulator has a standard range (see T able 1). Each channel can contain up to two internal transducers and utilize the system’s removable barometric reference for display or pressure mode emulation.Each transducer module (including the barometric reference) contains calibration, characterization, communication functions and information needed to communicate the pressure reading to the system electrical module. Modules can be removed or replaced in just 30 seconds and the pneumatic channel can be removed in less than 5 minutes. An optional calibration kit is available to calibrate the pressure modules externally. This eliminates the need to place the CPC6000 out of service during calibration of a transducer and allows the unit to operate with the remaining transducers or a replacement transducer. T ransducer modules of the same or different range can be interchanged to increase utilization and productivity.The modular nature of the CPC6000 also extends to the electrical module where software upgrades can be accomplished by removing and replacing the memory module or using a remote upgrade program.Modular DesignThe RegulatorThe CPC6000 has four unique pressure regulators to choose from (T able 1): The Pump Regulator (LPPR) utilizes a pump to both generate and regulate pressure. It can generate pressures as low as 0.5 psia. An external pressure or vacuum source can be used to achieve a quicker response to the control point. This regulator is generally used when extreme precision is needed at very low gauge pressures or when an external source is not available. The Low Pressure Solenoid Valve Regulator (LSVR) is recommended when the internal transducer full scale ranges fall between 1 psi and 50 psi. All SVR’s require an external pressure source that is approximately 10% above the full scale range of the highest internal pressure range. The Medium Pressure SVR (MSVR) is recommended when the internal full scale ranges fall between 10 psi and 150 psi. The High Pressure SVR (HSVR)is recommended when the internal transducer full scale ranges fall between 75 and 1500 psi.All of the CPC6000 regulators have specific programmable coefficients that control the speed and stability characteristics of the controlled pressure. Each regulator can be tuned to meeta specific customer requirement. Specific control requirements, such as control speed, overshoot and external volume, are just a few of the variables that the CPC6000 regulator is able to accommodate.The Pump Regulator can be adjusted to accommodate different external volumes or set to “auto tune” which automatically senses the external volume and adjusts accordingly.Regulators for Bi-directional, Gauge and Absolute modes are shown in Table 1 below.Bi-DirectionalGaugeAbsoluteMin. SpanMaxMinMaxMinMaxLPPR .36-15 to +150-.360-150-50-30LSVR 1-15 to 500-10-500-50-65MSVR 10-15 to 1500-100-1500-150-165HSVR75-15 to 15000-750-15000-750-1515T able 1Channel moduleRemovable T ransducersModel CPR6000Removable BarometerThe T ransducer Model CPR6000The transducers and the optional barometer are configured in a proprietary process characterizing each range over a temperature of 15 to 45 o C. This process has been developed and optimized to give greatest accuracy, stability and reliability. Each range is calibrated with NIST traceable primary standards and provided with a calibration certificate from our A2LA accredited laboratory.T ransducers can be of three types: “Intelliscale T ransducers” (IS), “T urndown T ransducers”(TD) or Barometric reference (baro).Intelliscale Transducers (IS) have an uncertainty of 0.01%Intelliscale-50 (0.01%IS-50). This specification is a percent ofreading specification with a 365 day calibration stability and is explained in the Transducer Specification section below. The 0.01%IS-50 specification is available in all new CPC6000’s and applies to full scale ranges above 15 psi absolute or gauge.T urndown T ransducers (TD) can have two ranges configured oneach transducer. These ranges are referred to as turndowns andeach one has an uncertainty of 0.01%FS (0.03%FS for ranges < 1 psig) with a calibration stability of 180 or 365 days depending on the range. The second (lower span) turndown cannot have a span that is less than 50% of the primary turndown span.On-the-shelf spare modules can be interchanged with modules in the CPC6000 to virtually eliminate down time during calibrationcycles. Transducers can be used in ‘Range Hold’ mode or ‘Auto Range’ mode to optimize accuracy over a wide range of pressures. Aremovable barometric reference is optional, permitting the CPC6000to emulate either gauge or absolute pressures.All CPC6000’s are custom manufactured for specific customer requirements. Our technical sales staff is available to guide you in the selection of appropriate transducers that will cover your application at the lowest possible cost. This process involves optimizing the mix ofranges and regulators in the CPC6000 to allow calibration of all of yoursensors at appropriate test uncertainty ratios.Page 4 of 8Data Sheet CPC6000T ransducer SpecificationIntuitive User InterfaceMAIN OPERATING SCREENThe main operating screen appears after turning on the CPC6000. It is the starting point to move to any other screen. Measurementand control is accomplished here.SETUP SCREENSSetup screens are used to set up conditions for functions relatedto the channel, the transducer or the controller.CALIBRATION SCREENThe calibration screen is a password protected screen used tocalibrate the transducer ranges within the CPC6000.MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SCREENLanguages are indicated by national flags.PROGRAM SCREENThe program screen allows detailed sequences to be saved. Up to 64 sequences can be programmed with up to 99 steps. Sequencescan have alpha-numeric names.DIAGNOSTICSDiagnostics screen allows manual touch screen control of the regulator and pneumatic control solenoids.Data Sheet CPC6000Page 5 of 8Data Sheet CPC6000Page 6 of 8OptionsT wo virtual delta functions are available : A-B and B-A. The CPC6000 with the Virtual Delta Software can display Channel A and B, Channel A and Delta or Delta and Channel B. In the screen below, delta is displayed on the right and is either A-B or B-A as selected. A is displayed on the left and is the leading channel. Channel B’s reading is displayed where the range information normally appears on the Delta channel. Channel B is the following channel. Whenever the A channel is changed, the B channel setpoint follows to maintain the differential setpoint displayed on the Delta channel. Whenever the Delta channel setpoint is changed, the B setpoint is changed as well. The delta functions are strictly a mathematical difference between the two physical channel readings. There is no pressure connection between the channels. This option is useful for calibration of differentialtransducers at line pressure.The removable Barometric Reference T ransducer option is an absolute pressure device used to accurately measure local atmospheric pressure. It can also be used to emulate gauge mode pressure from absolute sensors or absolute mode from gauge sensors. This is done by simply subtracting or adding the barometric reading from the reading of the absolute or gauge sensor ranges in a channel. The barometric reference has an uncertainty of 0.01% of reading with a recommended calibration interval of 365 days.Additional transducers (Model CPR6000) can be purchased as an option. T ransducers will work within any channel as a replacement for another transducer in addition to the transducer already in place. Although transducers will work in any channel, the range of the regulator must be considered to insure optimum performance. Choosing a transducer that matches the channel and regulator is explained on page 3 and 4 of this brochure.A rack mount kit allows the customer to install an CPC6000 into a standard 19” instrument rack. It includes pre-installed brackets on the sides of the instrument as well as spacer panels (not pictured) and hardware to rack mount the CPC6000.A wheeled transport case suitable for moving the CPC6000 between sites, or as an airfreight shipping container. The case is constructed of a high impact plastic with a black exterior. It includes two keys, locks, a vinyl satchel style handle and a retractable pullout handle. The interior is filled with high density polyurethane foam with a die-cut cavity to cradle the instrument with fitting adapters in place, and an additional cavity to store related accessories. Rugged and weather resistant, the case makes an attractive, practical shipping and moving container.The Calibration Sled allows customers to calibrate transducersoutside the CPC6000. This allows the customer to continue using the other ranges inside the CPC6000, while calibrating one of the transducers in order to reduce down time. The Calibration Sled Kit includes the serial interface software, the Calibration Sled, a serial cable to connect the sled to the host computer, and a power supply (not pictured) to power up the Calibration Sled.Mensor provides custom systems which can consist ofMensor products, computers, software, pressure and vacuum sources, valves, regulators, tubing, specified fittings, Mensor custom components, DMMs, and any other components specified. Systems can be racks, test benches, portable carts, vibration resistant cases or cabinets. The Mensor team works closely with customers to develop systems to meettheir specific requirements.Order Entry: Configuring the CPC6000Initial ConsiderationsBecause our customers have a variety of needs, we have made the CPC6000 configurable to suit a wide range of requirements. Our T echnical Sales staff is available to guide you in the selection of appropriate regulator and transducers that will cover your application. This process involves optimizing the mix of ranges to allow calibration of all of your pressure instruments at appropriate test uncertainty ratios. To do this the range of the pressure instrument and accuracy must be considered and compared to the range and accuracy of the transducers in the CPC6000.The CPC6000 configuration depends on the mode (absolute, gauge, bi-directional), range and the uncertainty of the pressure instruments being tested. The mode of the calibrator and the mode of the device being tested must be the same. Each channel of the CPC6000 must be configured with either absolute or gauge transducers. Absolute and gauge transducers cannot be used simultaneously on the same channel, however, absolute and gauge transducers can be interchanged with one another within a channel. So, a channel can be populated with absolute transducers or gauge transducers but not both at the same time.A Barometric Reference can be added to emulate gauge from absolute transducers or absolute from gauge transducers. When in emulation mode the uncertainty is the RSS of the uncertainty of the transducer being used and 0.01%R of the barometer. When emulating absolute pressures in the sub-atmospheric range the gauge transducer ranges used must be spanned from negative one atmosphere up to the desired full scale pressure.The CPC6000 is ideally suited for applications where there is a need to calibrate multiple ranges that are a mix of both gauge and absolute ranges. Any two of the four regulators plus custom transducer ranges from 0 - 0.36 psig up to 0 - 1500 psig or 0 - 7.5psia up to 0 - 1515 psia will combine to produce a unique CPC6000 ideally suited for almost any application. ConfigurationT o start the process, first decide if a single or dual channel CPC6000 is required. A single channel CPC6000 has one regulator and either one or two transducers. A dual channel CPC6000 has two regulators and can have up to four transducers. Second, select the regulator that will cover the ranges that are needed. T able 2 shows the available pressure regulators. Third, choose the transducer ranges needed. Transducer ranges can be any range within Min / Max range of the regulator. Forth, add any options and / or accessories from page 6.Bi-DirectionalGaugeAbsoluteMin. SpanMax MinMaxMinMaxLPPR .36-15 to +150-.360-150-50-30LSVR 1-15 to 500-10-500-50-65MSVR 10-15 to 1500-100-1500-150-165HSVR75-15 to 15000-750-15000-750-1515T able 2Table 3 is a typical CPC6000 configuration. The absolute transducers can emulate gauge using the Barometric Reference.RegulatorsHSVRHSVRT ransducer 11515 psia 379 psia T ransducer 2758 psia 190 psiaT able 3This configuration takes advantage of the percent of reading portion of each transducer and gives 0.01% of reading from 1515 psia down to 95 psia (Figure 3).Figure 3Figure 4 shows a complete description of this CPC6000. This is the preferred format showing all of the information for each channeland options that might be added.Figure 4Data Sheet CPC6000Page 7 of 8Mensor Model CPC6000 Channel A: HSVR T ransducer 1: Range: 0-1515 psia T ransducer 2: Range: 0-758 psia Channel B: HSVR T ransducer 1: Range: 0-379 psia T ransducer 2: Range: 0-190 psia Accuracy 0.01%FS Intelliscale-50Communication: IEEE-488, RS-232 and Ethernet Barometric reference Rack Mount05001000150020000. (psi)A c c u r a c y (p s i )Mensor201 Barnes DriveSan Marcos, T exas 78666T el: 512.396.4200Fax: 512.396.1820Email:****************Page 8 of 8SpecificationsData Sheet CPC6000 • 11/2014The calibration program at Mensor is accredited by A2LA as complying with both the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and the ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 standards. All Mensor primary standards are traceable to NIST . Mensor is registered to ISO 9001:2008.T otal uncertainty See page 4 “T ransducer Specification”.Pressure ranges Specific custom ranges between 0.36 to 1500 psig or 5 to 1515 psia. See page 4. Optional barometric reference: 8 to 17 psiaPressure unitspsi, inHg@0o C and 60o F , inH2O@4o C, 20o C and 60o F , ftH2O@4o C, 20o C and 60o F , mT orr, inSW@0o C, ft SW@0o C, mSW@0o C, ATM, bar, mbar, mmH2O@4o C and 20o C, cmH2O@4o C and 20o C, MH2O@4o C, mmH2O@0o C, cmHg@0o C, T orr, hPa, kPa, Pa, Mpa, D/cm2, G/cm2, Kg/cm2, OSI, PSF , TSF , TSI, µHg@0o C, %FS and 2 user-defined units.Source pressure requirements Fast mode: 10% over range of highest pressure transducer. Slow mode: None.Exhaust pressure requirementsFast mode: A vacuum source is required for sub-atmospheric pressure control. Slow mode: one.Stability of controlled pressure Fast and slow mode: 0.003% of active range - typically better than 0.001% of span 10 seconds after displaying stable flag.Available sensor range Absolute: 0 to 7.5 psia to 0 to 30 psia. Gauge: 0 to 0.36 psig to 0 to 15 psig. Bi-directional: -0.18 to +0.18 to -atm to 15 psig.Minimum controlled pressure 0.05% of full scale or 0.05 psi over exhaust pressure, whichever is greater. The minimum control point on absolute ranges is 0.5 psia.Control timeFast mode: <10 seconds to stable flag for 10% FS step pressure change into a 50 cc volume.Slow mode: <15 seconds to stable flag for 10% FS step pressure change into a 50 cc volume. In both cases larger volumes can lengthen this time. Controlling to low absolute pressures will increase this time.Source pressure requirements 10% over range of highest pressure transducer or 20 psi over highest pressure transducer for a pressure channel, whichever is less.Exhaust pressure requirements A vacuum source is required for sub-atmospheric pressure control.Stability of controlled pressure 0.003% of span on active range. T ypically better than 0.001% of span 10 seconds after displaying stable indication.Maximum control pressure See T able 2 on page 7.Minimum control pressure 0.05% FS or 0.025 psi over exhaust pressure, whichever is greater.Control timeFor 150 psi or less: <10 seconds to stable flag for 10% FS step pressure change into a 50 cc volume. Greater than 150 psi: <12 seconds to stable flag for 10% FS step pressure change into a 50 cc volume. Larger volumes can lengthen this time. Controlling to low absolute pressures can also increase this time.Pressure control rate settings Slow, Medium, Fast, and Max (default).Supply consumption<2.5 scfh in steady-state control.Remote User Interfaces RS-232 (which requires a null modem cable), Ethernet, and IEEE-488 are standard.Warm-up Less than 15 minutes.Display 8.4” color LCD display with 8 wire resistive touch screen.Case size 14.02” wide x 7.55” high x 12.42” deep (35.61 cm x 19.2 cm x 31.55 cm).Weight36 lbs. (16.3 kg) with all internal options.Pressure mediaClean, dry, non-corrosive, non-combustible, non-oxidizing gases. Not suitable for Oxygen use.Pneumatic interfaces 7/16-20 Female SAE, 1/8 FNPT adaptors included.Power input requirement100-240 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 92 VA max.T emperatureOperating T emp: 0C to 49C; Compensated T emp: 15C to 45C; Storage T emp: 0C to 70C;。

卡西欧pro trek prw-6000使用手册-基础操作

卡西欧pro trek prw-6000使用手册-基础操作

卡西欧PRO TREK PRW-6000使用手册——基础操作手表用途卡西欧PRO TREK PRW-6000系列是卡西欧登山表家族一个系列,目前在国内拥有PRW-6000YT-1B、PRW-6014H-1、PRW-6000Y-1、PRW-6000Y-1A和PRW-6000YT-1共五款产品,它们内置的三重感应器能测量方向、气压、温度及高度,上述测量数值将显示在表盘上,这些功能有助于手表在远足、登山、或进行其他屋外活动时使用。

手表规格常温下的精确度:每月±15秒(无校准信号时)数字计时:时、分、秒、上午(A)/下午(P)、月、日、星期,气压变化指示时制:12小时及24小时日历系统:2000年至2099年间的全自动日历其他:三种数字画面格式(星期,月,日;气压变化,月日;时分秒);本地城市代码(可从29个城市代码中选择);标准时间/夏令时间(日光节约时间)指针计时:时,分(指针每10秒钟转动一下),秒时间校准信号的接收:每天最多自动接收信号6次(中国校准电波信号为每天5次);一次成功后当天便不再自动接收;手动信号接收;信号接收模式可接收的时间校准电波信号:德国Mainflingen(简称:DCF77,频率:77.5kHz);英国Anthorn(简称:MSF,频率:60.0kHz);美国科罗拉多州Fort Collins(简称WWVB,频率:60.0kHz);日本福岛(简称:JJY,频率:40.0kHz);日本福冈/佐贺(简称:JJY,频率:60.0kHz);中国河南省商丘市(简称:BPC,频率:68.5kHz)数码罗盘:60秒钟连续测定;16个方向;角度值0°至359°;测量单位:1°(数字画面)/6°(指针);秒针指示北方:罗盘校准(双向,磁偏角)测高计:测量范围:无参考高度的情况下-700至10000m(或-2300至32800ft.)显示范围:-3000至10000米(或-9840至32800ft.)根据参考高度的测量或由于大旗条件可能会产生负数值。



用离子交换 树脂提取碘 在树脂上还 原碘
由醋酸钙粉制醋酸 苯粉 浮选剂
容器设备、泵、管道、阀件 涡轮式鼓风机叶轮、SO2集管 三氯乙烯蒸发器 苯取设备、泵、管道、阀件 贮槽、计量槽、管道、泵、阀件 混合器 结晶反应器、沉淀器、容器、泵、离心机 结晶反应器、沉淀器、容器、泵、离心机 干燥器、贮料斗 膜式蒸发器 氯化器、容器、泵、管道、阀件 解吸器、泵、管道、阀件 高位槽、混合器、泵、管道、阀件 贮槽、泵、管道、阀件 氯化器、泵、管道、阀件 吸附器、泵、管道、阀件 吸附器、泵、管道、阀件 吸附器、泵、管道、阀件 吸附器、泵、管道、阀件 吸附器、泵、管道、阀件 精馏设备中的盘管和分馏器 食用醋酸半制品中杂质连续氧化装置:蒸馏釜、顶盖、变向管 盘管式冷却器 管式冷却器、泵、管道、阀件 管式废气冷却器 成品塔的换热器 成品塔的蒸发器
食盐溶液储槽,结晶槽,饱和槽,盐水预热器,过滤器,压滤机,管道,泵,阀门 中和槽,原料溶液槽,管道,泵,阀 阳极液真空脱氯塔,管道,泵,阀 氯吸收塔 阳极液化学脱氯反应器 水银电解法工艺的脱氯、饱和盐水贮槽 氯碱 金属阳极电解槽 湿氯冷却器、管道、阀 碱液贮槽、管道、泵、阀 风机、气道 蒸发器、容器设备、盐脚贮槽、离心机、除尘设备、泵、阀 (离子膜法)氯气洗涤塔、阳极液循环槽。 碳化塔冷却小管、蒸馏塔顶氨冷却器、分 离器、管道、泵、阀。 钛板式换热器 纯碱 (联碱法)外冷器、管道 CO2透平压缩机、TC4叶轮、油冷却器 电解法制氯化钾 阳极、阳极液槽子 石灰法制氯化钾 氯化塔、CIO-分解器、压滤机、换热器、 容器、倾析器、泵、阀 预热器 加热器 氯化铵 蒸发器 冷凝器,预热器,喷射器 结晶器、容器、离心机、泵、阀、管道 尿素合成塔、CO2汽提塔、一段分解塔加 热器。 尿素 高压甲铵泵的缸体(TC4)进液阀弹簧、减压 阀体 氨水泵 碳酸氢铵 异径泵 泵轴、紧固件、阀、换热器、容器、洗涤 塔 三氯化铁 风机 钛白粉 偏钛酸锻烧窑进料管、薄膜蒸发器、分离器,风机 硫酸铝 蒸发器 香兰素生产用温度计套管 香兰素生产用:一次蒸馏锅、异径弯管、 冷却器、汽管道、捕集器 香料 合成葵花子麝香生产用丁基化反应釜液下 滴加管(Ti-32Mo) 结晶盐析器、容器 氯化钡 沸腾器、换热器 二溴化铁 制取50%二溴化铁溶液的真空蒸发器 吸收器的噴淋器、泵、阀、管道 三溴化铁 风机、气道 压滤机、反应器、鼓式结晶器 氯化钾 气体的膜式净制器 硝酸钾 换热器、泵、阀、管道 液体氯化钙 真空蒸发器的加热室、泵、阀、管道 氯的含氧化 物次氯酸 氯化塔、容器、压缩设备、料槽、干燥器、旋风分离器、洗涤器、贮罐、次 钙 氯酸盐溶液分解塔、泵、阀、管道 氯酸镁 反应器、容器、泵、阀、管道 电化法氯酸钠 碱液氯化法氯酸钠 漂白粉 予热器、蒸发器、塔、容器、分离器、贮槽、过滤器、泵、阀、管道。 氯化塔NaCIO分离器、蒸发器、予热器、 澄清器、贮槽、泵、阀、管道。 沸腾床装置、搅拌耙、氯化器

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施耐德MGE Galaxy 6000

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灰尘、潮湿、震动、巨大温差等无处不在 – 加工设备必须能够承受各种苛刻的工作条件,确保正常工作。

MGE TM Galaxy TM 6000系列UPS坚固耐用,机械和电气性能出众,堪称一流的不间断电源产品。




第一章产品概述1.1 产品简介皮带秤是一种常见的动态物料计量和控制设备,它通过测量皮带上物料的重量和皮带的速度来核算物料的输送流量,并可通过调节皮带速度或辅助给料机的给料量来实现流量的控制。





第二章功能特点及技术参数2.1 功能特点1. 采用现场总线技术(CAN),通讯速度快,可靠性高,通讯距离远。



















6000系列深沟球轴承型号规格表6000系列深沟球轴承型号规格表轴承代码内径d毫米英寸外径D毫米英寸宽度W毫米英寸倒角r毫米英寸基本额定负荷KN极限转速重量Kg/pc动负荷C静负荷C0脂r/min油r/min6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 601810 .393712 .472415 .590617 .669320 .787425 .984330 1.181135 1.378040 1.574845 1.771750 1.968555 2.165460 2.362265 2.955170 2.755975 2.952880 3.149685 3.346590 3.543326 1.023628 1.102432 1.259835 1.378042 1.653547 1.850455 2.165462 2.440968 2.677275 2.952880 3.149690 3.543395 3.7402100 3.9370110 4.3307115 4.5276125 4.9213130 5.1181140 5.51188 .31508 .31509 .354310 .393712 .472412 .472413 .511814 .551215 .590616 .629916 .629918 .708718 .708718 .708720 .787420 .787422 .868122 .868124 .94490.3 .0120.3 .0120.3 .0120.3 .0120.6 .0240.6 .0241.0 .0391.0 .0391.0 .0391.0 .0391.0 .0391.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.5 .0594.555.105.606.809.4010.1013.2016.0016.8021.0021.8028.3029.5031.9039.7041.6047.5049.5058.001.962.392.843.355.055.858.3010.3011.5015.1016.6021.2023.2025.0031.0033.5040.0043.0049.5020000190001800017000150001300012000100008000720064005700500048004600440043004200400028000260002400022000190001700015000130001100090007800700063006100580056005500530051000.0190.0210.0300.0390.0690.0800.1160.1550.1850.2310.2500.3620.3850.4400.6000.64000.85400.89001.02006200系列深沟球轴承规格型号表代码内径d毫米英寸外径D毫米英寸宽度W毫米英寸倒角r毫米英寸基本额定负荷KN极限转速重量Kg/pc动负荷C静负荷C0脂(r/min)油(r/min)6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 621610 .393712 .472415 .590617 .669320 .787425 .984330 1.181135 1.378040 1.574845 1.771750 1.968555 2.165460 2.362265 2.559170 2.755975 2.952880 3.149630 1.181132 1.259835 1.378040 1.574847 1.850452 2.047062 2.440972 2.834680 3.149685 3.346590 3.5433100 3.9370110 4.3307120 4.7244125 4.9213130 5.1181140 5.11819 .354310 .393711 .433112 .472414 .551215 .590616 .629917 .669318 .708719 .748020 .787421 .826822 .866123 .905524 .944925 .984326 1.02360.6 .0240.6 .0240.6 .0240.6 .0241.0 .0391.0 .0391.0 .0391.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.1 .0431.5 .0591.5 .0591.5 .0591.5 .0591.5 .0592.0 .0785.106.107.759.6012.8014.0019.5025.7029.1032.5035.0043.5052.5058.5063.7068.9072.502.392.753.604.606.657.8511.3015.3017.8020.4023.2029.2036.0040.5045.0049.0053.0019000180001700016000140001200010000880077006800610055005000480046004400420026000240002200020000180001600013000100009200820073006600600058005600540053000.0320.0370.0450.0660.1060.1280.1990.2870.3670.4160.4620.6020.7890.9901.1001.2001.4006300系列深沟球轴承规格型号表轴承代码内径d毫米英寸外径D毫米英寸宽度W毫米英寸倒角r毫米英寸基本额定负荷KN 极限转速重量Kg/pc动负荷C静负荷C0脂r/min油r/min6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 630510 .393712 .472415 .590617 .669320 .787425 .984335 1.378037 1.456742 1.653547 1.850452 2.047262 2.440911 .433112 .472413 .511814 .551215 .590617 .66930.6 .0241.0 .0391.0 .0391.0 .0391.1 .0431.1 .0438.209.7011.4013.5015.9021.203.504.205.456.557.9010.901500014000130001200011000100002100020000180001700015000130000.0530.0600.0820.1150.1440.21936306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 631530 1.181135 1.378040 1.574845 1.771750 1.968555 2.165460 2.362265 2.559170 2.755975 2.952872 2.834680 3.149690 3.5433100 3.9370110 4.3307120 4.7244130 5.1181140 5.5118150 5.9055160 6.299219 .748021 .826823 .905525 .984327 1.063029 1.141731 1.220533 1.299235 1.374037 1.45671.1 .0431.5 .0591.5 .0591.5 .0592.0 .0792.0 .0792.1 .0832.1 .0832.1 .0832.1 .08326.7033.5040.5053.0062.0074.1085.2097.50111.00119.0015.0019.1024.0032.0038.5045.0052.0060.0068.0076.508000680058005000440042004000390038003600100008000720062005500530051005000480056000.34980.45420.63940.83631.08221.35001.70002.10002.50003.00006400系列深沟球轴承型号规格表轴承型号孔径外径宽度倒角额定载荷(KN) 钢球参数极限转速(转/分) 重量/套DynamicCrStaticCorNo.SizemmGreaser/minOilr/minKG(套)6403 17 0.6693 62 2.4409 17 0.6693 1.1 22.7 10.8 6 12.7 14000 16000 0.27 6404 20 0.7874 72 2.8346 19 0.7480 1.1 28.5 13.9 6 15.081 12000 14000 0.4 6405 25 0.9843 80 3.1496 21 0.8268 1.5 34.5 17.5 6 17.000 10000 12000 0.53 6406 30 1.1811 90 3.5433 23 0.9055 1.5 43.5 23.9 6 19.05 8800 10000 0.735 6407 35 1.3779 100 3.9370 25 0.9843 1.5 55.0 31.0 6 21.000 7800 9100 0.952 6408 40 1.7716 110 4.3307 27 1.0630 2.0 63.5 36.5 7 21.000 7000 8200 1.23 6409 45 1.7716 120 4.7244 29 1.1417 2.0 77.0 45.0 7 23.000 6300 7400 1.53 6410 50 1.9650 130 5.1181 31 1.2205 2.1 83.0 49.5 7 25.4 5700 6700 1.88 6411 55 2.1653 140 5.7087 33 1.2992 2.1 89.0 54.0 7 26.988 5200 6100 2.29 6412 60 2.3620 150 5.9055 35 1.3780 2.1 102 64.5 7 28.575 4800 5700 2.77 6413 65 2.5590 160 6.2992 37 1.4567 2.1 111 72.5 7 30.162 4400 5200 3.30 6414 70 2.7559 180 7.0886 42 1.6535 3.0 128 89.5 7 34.000 4100 4800 4.83 6415 75 2.9528 190 7.4803 45 1.7717 3.0 138 99.0 7 36.512 3800 4500 5.72 6416 80 3.1496 200 7.8740 48 1.8898 3.0 164 125 7 38.1 3600 4200 6.76 6417 85 3.3465 210 8.2677 52 2.0472 4.0 165 128 7 40.000 3400 4000 7.95 6418 90 3.5466 225 8.8583 54 2.1260 4.0 184 149 7 42.862 3200 3800 11.4 6419 95 3.7402 240 94488 55 2.1654 4.0 186 153 7 45.000 3000 3500 13.4 6420 100 3.9370 250 9.8425 58 2.2835 4.0 206 175 7 47.625 2900 3400 15.0。

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2YAH2160 TD75-6550
XPA250/200 55KW 6XH-800*1200 φ1500x900 4520*1825*560 XPA250/200 65QV-SP
台 台
台 台 套 台 台 台 台
2 1
4 2 1 36 12 3 4
7.5 2.7
1.1 55 7.5*4
5 1.2 1.2 7.5 2.5
棒条筛 板式给矿机 1#皮带运输机
6000 GBH120*4500 TD75-8063
台 台 台

3 3 3
8.36 22.6
圆振筛 2#皮带运输机
鑫海耐磨胶泵 变频柜
2YAH2160 TD75-6550
XPA200/150 45KW 6XH-800*1200 φ1500x900 4520*1825*560 XPA250/200 65QV-SP
功率 序号 设备名称 一、洗矿选别系统 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 规格 单位 数量 (kw) kw) 7.5 30 37*2 30 7.5 45 单价 总价 备注 条缝100mm 暂定L=40m 20mm,3mm 暂定L=45m 用1备1;Q=265m3/h; H=20m; 万元) (万元) (万元) 万元) 8 10.5 24 31.5 25.08 135.6 64.5 6.8 30 7.2 5 43.2 14.4 22.5 10 419.78 用1备1;Q=300m3/h; H=20m; 尾矿泵,用二备一,暂定 分六槽 粗、中、细各12台
台 台
台 台 套 台 台 台 台
3 1
6 3 1 36 12 3 4
5.0 2.4
108 109 110 111 112
连续水力分级机 螺旋溜槽 6S摇床 鑫海耐磨胶泵 液下泵 小计
1.1 55 7.5*4
5 1.2 1.2 7.5 2.5
二、磨矿系统 201 202 203 204 205 206 鑫海耐磨胶泵 变频柜 脱水斗 湿式棒磨机 鑫海耐磨胶泵 液下泵 小计 XPA250/200 55KW XH5000 MBY2130 XPA200/150 65QV-SP 台 台 台 台 台 台 2 1 1 1 2 1 210 45 7.5 55 7.5 2.7 8.5 55.6 5 2.5 94.3 514.08 15 2.7 8.5 55.6 10 2.5 有效防止过磨 用1备1;Q=240m3/h; H=20m;
二、磨矿系统 201 202 203 204 205 206 鑫海耐磨胶泵 变频柜 脱水斗 湿式棒磨机 鑫海耐磨胶泵 液下泵 小计 XPA250/200 55KW XH5000 MBY2130 XPA200/150 65QV-SP 台 台 台 台 台 台 2 1 1 1 2 1 210 45 7.5 55 7.5 2.7 8.5 55.6 5 2.5 94.3 438.9 15 2.7 8.5 55.6 10 2.5 有效防止过磨 用1备1;Q=240m3/h; H=20m;
Hale Waihona Puke 合计备注1、由于具体的供水条件不详,选厂水泵待定。 2、由于尾矿库位置不详,尾矿泵暂定。
功率 序号 设备名称 一、洗矿选别系统 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 规格 单位 数量 (kw) kw) 7.5 30 245 55 30 7.5 55 单价 总价 备注 条缝100mm 暂定L=40m 带电控 用一备一 20mm,3mm 暂定L=45m 用1备1; 万元) (万元) (万元) 万元) 8 10.5 16 21 10 102.3 15 43 6.8 30 5.4 5 43.2 14.4 22.5 10 344.6 用1备1;Q=300m3/h; H=20m; 尾矿泵,用二备一,暂定 分六槽 粗、中、细各12台
1、由于具体的供水条件不详,选厂水泵待定。 2、由于尾矿库位置不详,尾矿泵暂定。 3、设备选型考虑流程简化,矿石含泥量大,将洗矿擦洗选换成格子型球磨机,装部分钢球, 效果较好。
棒条筛 板式给矿机 1#皮带运输机
格子型球磨机 鑫海耐磨胶泵
6000 GBH120*4500 TD75-10063
MQGg2721 XPA250/200
台 台 台
台 台
2 2 1
1 2
10 102.3
7.5 21.5
圆振筛 2#皮带运输机
鑫海耐磨胶泵 变频柜 连续水力分级机 螺旋溜槽 6S摇床 鑫海耐磨胶泵 液下泵 小计