The Story of the Word




故事的英文怎么写The word "story" is a common term in English, and it refers to a narrative, either true or fictional, that is intended to interest, amuse, or instruct the listener or reader. In English, the word "story" can be used in avariety of contexts, from discussing a personal experienceto analyzing a work of literature. 。

When writing the word "story" in English, it is important to remember that it can have multiple meanings.In its most general sense, "story" refers to a narrative of events, either true or fictional. This can include a personal anecdote, a news report, or a work of fiction. 。

In the context of literature, a "story" often refers to the plot or narrative of a work of fiction. This caninclude the sequence of events, the characters, the setting, and the conflict. When discussing a literary work, it is important to consider the story as a whole and how it contributes to the overall meaning and impact of the work. 。



Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care wa s taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints th at revealed in half concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, ne ar her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of t he railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of "killed." He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a par alyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild a bandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into thi s she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that we re all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds t hat had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window. She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite moti onless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and e ven a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. Wh at was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she fe lt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scen ts, the color that filled the air.Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize t his thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have be en.When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly part ed lips. She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!" The vaca nt stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They s tayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed an d relaxed every inch of her body.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial. She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands f olded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spr ead her arms out to them in welcome.There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persiste nce with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act s eem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination. And yet she had loved him--sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matte r! What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession o f self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her b eing!"Free! Body and soul free!" she kept whispering.Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole, i mploring for admission. "Louise, open the door! I beg, open the door--you will make yourself ill. What are you doing Louise? For heaven's sake open the door. ""Go away. I am not making myself ill." No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window.Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her. Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.She arose at length and opened the door to her sister's importunities. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a go ddess of Victory. She clasped her sister's waist, and together they descended th e stairs. Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom.Some one was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbr ella. He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.But Richards was too late.When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-- of joy that kills.参考译文1大家都知道马兰德夫人的心脏有毛病,所以在把她丈夫的死讯告诉她时都是小心翼翼的,尽可能地温和委婉。

THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)

THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)

[43:53.08] 第四集分裂[43:54.98][43:55.14]1825年1825.[43:56.83][43:57.14]全世界迎来了现代化的曙光All over the world, the modern era is being born. [44:00.13][44:01.12]工业革命来临It's the Industrial Revolution.[44:02.85][44:03.62]美国努力迎头追赶America is racing to catch up.[44:06.22][44:09.31]在纽约州北部In upstate New York,[44:10.97]一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness. [44:13.81][44:14.65]伊利运河是四千年来The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project[44:18.17]西方世界规模最大的建筑工程in the Western world in the last 4,000 years.[44:21.28][44:24.32]全长超过300英里完全由手工开凿Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand, [44:27.65][44:27.97]而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有and America lacks a single qualified engineer.[44:31.66][44:33.12]美国人The United States of America[44:35.45]不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路isn't about to let nature stand in its way.[44:37.26][44:37.72]我认为美国精神是I think of the spirit of America[44:40.53]想象力与毅力的完美结合being imagination combined with tenacity.[44:44.04][44:38.43] 迈克尔·道格拉斯[著名演员][44:43.20][44:44.44]人们有兢兢业业的工作精神There's a strong work ethic,[44:47.09]有可以尽情施展的创造力a wonderful freedom of creation,[44:50.23]加上脑力与体力相得益彰combined with the mental muscle and physical labor. [44:55.07]对我来说它是人类精神的最高体现So to me, it represents the best of the human spirit.[44:59.92][45:02.48]然而大自然并不见得愿意合作But the land doesn't always cooperate.[45:04.85][45:05.73]一道60英尺高的石灰岩壁挡住了去路A wall of solid limestone 60 feet high. [45:09.31][45:15.20]仅仅30英里开外就是终点伊利湖Just 30 miles from the finish line, Lake Erie. [45:19.00][45:21.16]运河将会改变一切The canal will change everything,[45:22.81][45:23.08]将整个美国中部与大西洋连接起来linking the Atlantic Ocean to the whole middle of[45:26.47][45:28.02]它改变人们的居住地点和人生追求It changes where people live, and why,[45:30.09][45:31.56]把整个北方变成了全球经济中心and turns the North into a global economic powerhouse.[45:35.22][45:39.40]主持运河开凿的The man behind the canal[45:40.89]是满腔热忱的纽约州州长德威特·克林顿is New York's gung-ho governor, Dewitt Clinton.[45:43.76][45:46.70]出身富庶之家的他坚信一切皆可为Born to wealth, he won't take no for an answer. [45:49.88][45:51.48]他有志当总统He wants to be president.[45:52.90][45:52.95]却最终在纽约州长任上尽心竭力了20年Instead, he runs New York for 20 years. [45:56.03][45:56.71]美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人America was blessed with many inspirational leaders,[45:59.49][45:59.50]我认为德威特·克林顿and I think Dewitt Clinton[46:00.81][46:00.82]深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大had a real sense of how important new York could be for America.[46:04.43][45:59.39] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长][46:03.05][46:09.43]克林顿的愿景是让纽约州富起来Clinton's vision: to make New York rich.[46:12.34][46:15.82]从政治层面说开凿运河就像一场豪赌Politically, the canal is a huge gamble. [46:18.63][46:18.90]舆论纷纷抨击这项危险而又昂贵的工程It's savaged in the press as dangerous and too expensive.[46:21.95][46:22.24]他们将其戏称为"克林顿的大沟" They call it "Clinton's big ditch."[46:24.45][46:24.46]而这条"大沟"将永远改变纽约州But it will change New York forever.[46:27.14]这一工程比人类迄今为止所完成的It is a work more stupendous,[46:29.07][46:29.37]任何工程都更伟大更壮观more magnificent, and more beneficial[46:32.77][46:33.04]并能产生更多效益than has hither to been achieved by the human race.[46:36.13][46:38.37]所谓创业精神就是Entrepreneurship is about doing things[46:41.10] 迈克尔·R·彭博[纽约市市长][46:43.80][46:41.64]尽管你不知道结果怎样when you don't know what it's gonna look like,[46:43.38][46:43.39]也不知道该如何着手you don't know what it's gonna be made of,[46:44.79]你所凭借的只是一种直觉you just have this instinct[46:46.49]一种充满必胜信心的直觉that you can do it and it'll work.[46:47.85]这群人很有远见并且敢想敢做Those guys had visions and did it.[46:50.37][46:53.89]5万人50,000 men.[46:55.22]1100万立方码的石块11 million cubic yards of rock.[46:57.69]玫瑰碗球场可容纳92,542人[46:59.69][46:57.69]足以填满26000个玫瑰碗球场Enough to fillthe Rose Bowl 26,000 times.[47:01.54][47:07.39]工人中有很多是爱尔兰移民Crews are filled with Irish immigrants.[47:09.39][47:10.57]大卫·吉尔罗伊在这里挣的钱是家乡的5倍David Gilroy makes five times what he can earn back home,[47:14.41]但这是项危险的工作but it's hazardous work.[47:16.79][47:17.68]他们其实是在移山They're literally moving mountains,[47:19.99][47:20.00]而唯一可行的办法就是用火药and there's only one way through-- gunpowder. [47:23.66][47:24.03]这是一种由硝酸盐木炭及硫磺制成的A highly combustible mix of[47:26.74]极易燃的混合物nitrate, charcoal and sulfur.[47:28.67][47:29.12]一旦配比出错后果就是致命的The wrong proportions can be lethal.[47:31.79][47:43.14]只有一项工作比There's only one job[47:44.17]比点燃导火索更危险that's more dangerous than lighting the fuse...[47:46.52][47:48.59]那就是回去再点一次going back to relight it.[47:50.42][48:09.42]为了克服恐惧工人们喜欢喝酒To cope, workers drink.[48:11.53][48:11.99]威士忌能缓解紧张Whiskey calms the nerves--[48:14.31]同时也会麻痹大脑and clouds the brain.[48:15.63][48:16.12]一名英国游客不敢相信An English tourist can't believe[48:18.07]他们在执行爆破工作的时候还敢喝酒they're mixing alcohol and explosives. [48:20.65][48:21.00]这些爱尔兰工人变得越发莽撞大胆The Irish laborers grew so reckless of life, [48:23.49]以至于当听到爆炸的信号时that at the signal for blasting,[48:25.02][48:25.86]他们只不过拿铲子在头顶挡一下they would just hold their shovels over their heads. [48:28.01][48:36.24]我认为成长在美国I think when you're brought up in America,[48:37.75][48:36.75] 肖恩·康姆斯[著名歌手绰号"吹牛老爹"][48:40.75][48:38.03]就是成长在一段辛勤劳动的历史之中you're brought up on the history of hard work. [48:40.50][48:41.00]有那么多的移民There are so many immigrants[48:42.79]为建设这个国家献出了生命that have died to build this country.[48:45.17][48:45.52]这种精神流淌在我们美国人的血液中That's in our bloodstream,[48:47.00]深藏在我们美国人的基因里that's in our DNA as Americans.[48:48.39][48:48.67]我们不想让先辈们的牺牲付诸东流We don't want their lives to go in vain.[48:50.47][48:50.48]因此我们会比其他人更勤劳Because of that, we usually work harder than anybody else.[48:54.01][48:58.30]八年的开凿Eight years of digging.[48:59.44][48:59.77]近千人的牺牲Nearly a thousand lives lost.[49:01.43][49:01.74]七百万美元的投入相当于如今的一亿美元$7 million, more than 100 million today.[49:05.17][49:05.61]换来了伊利运河于1825年的顺利通航The Erie Canal opens in 1825,[49:08.55][49:08.56]一个工程史上的奇迹诞生了 a miracle of engineering,[49:10.79]东部和中西部从此连为一体connecting East and Midwest.[49:13.48]运河立刻成为了一条推动经济的高速公路It's an instant economic superhighway. [49:16.00][49:16.22]每年有总价值1500万美元的货物来往于河上$15 million of goods a year flow along the canal.[49:20.27][49:21.16]沿岸的小村庄迅速发展成了发达的城市Villages along the canal boom into dynamic cities--[49:24.59][49:24.60]水牛城锡拉丘兹和罗切斯特Buffalo, Syracuse and Rochester.[49:27.32][49:29.50]物价大幅下降最大降幅达到95% Goods crash in price, up to 95%.[49:34.05]昔日不得不自给自足的边陲小镇A frontier that had to be self-sufficient[49:36.27]如今各种商品应有尽有can now buy anything they want.[49:38.72][49:41.40]繁荣之火开始燎原Prosperity is on the move.[49:43.37][49:46.06]纽约市变成了一座繁华都市New York City becomes a boomtown.[49:48.65][49:53.56]华尔街迅速崛起成为了世界金融中心Wall Street takes off as a global financial center.[49:56.80][49:59.83]城市规模扩大了4倍The city quadruples in size...[50:02.04][50:04.44]并一举超越新奥尔良成为全国第一大港口and surpasses New Orleans as the nation's number-one port.[50:08.57][50:14.22]这里财富聚集There's so much money around,[50:16.01][50:16.32]"百万富翁"一词就是1840年在这里诞生的the word "Millionaire" is invented in 1840.[50:20.18][50:22.35]伊利运河仍在影响着今天的纽约州The Erie Canal still shapes New York today. [50:24.99][50:25.56]其北部80%的人口80% of the upstate population[50:27.14]依然生活在运河25英里的流域范围内still lives within 25 miles of it.[50:30.52][50:37.00]向南数百英里Hundreds of miles to the south,[50:38.65][50:39.07]一种小型作物正在创造另一种经济腾飞a small plant is creating another economic boom.[50:42.63][50:43.00]棉花Cotton.[50:44.04][50:44.22]然而这种作物也导致了后来的国家分裂But this one will eventually tear the nation apart.[50:47.71][50:49.79]棉花原产于热带地区Cotton is native to tropical regions,[50:51.85][50:52.13]因此美国南部各州成为了理想的种植区making the Southern states of the US a perfect breeding ground.[50:55.73][50:58.43]棉花有价值的部分是The valued part is the soft fiber[51:00.69]紧密地长在这种灌木黏性种子周围的柔软纤维which grows tightly around the shrub's sticky seeds.[51:05.58]全世界有30个棉花品种There are 30 species worldwide.[51:07.34][51:08.32]引进种植不成问题Growing it is no problem,[51:09.66][51:12.39]但是加工这些纤维并使之能纺织成布料but processing the fiber before it can be spun into cloth[51:15.77][51:15.78]则需要大量劳动力is labor-intensive.[51:17.23][51:17.93]特别是在除去棉籽时Especially, separating the seeds.[51:19.93][51:20.92]多年来只能通过手工来完成For years, it could only be done by hand.[51:23.73][51:24.16]仅分离一磅棉花就需要一整天的劳动One pound took an entire day.[51:26.48][51:28.34]1794年3月4日一项简单的发明A simple patent filed on March 4, 1794, [51:32.01][51:32.02]改变了这一切changes all that.[51:33.04][51:35.61]轧棉机The cotton gin.[51:36.54][51:38.00]它实现了加工过程自动化It automates the process[51:39.47][51:39.48]也加深了国家的分裂and deeply divides the country.[51:41.95][51:42.12]轧棉机不仅改变了美国The cotton gin transformed not only America,[51:44.35]也改变了世界but the world.[51:46.03]利用机器进行大规模生产的理念The concept of mass production using a machine [51:49.96]从此开始在各地流行just exploded everywhere.[51:52.43][51:46.66] 伍迪·诺里斯[发明家][51:50.66][51:53.50]一个工人现在能加工比从前多50倍的棉花One man can now process 50 times more cotton.[51:57.20][51:57.49]整个南方的棉产量因此突飞猛进Output skyrockets all over the South.[52:00.18][52:03.50]1830年美国棉产量占世界总产量的一半In 1830, America is producing half the world's cotton.[52:07.11][52:07.67]到1850 这一比例接近四分之三By 1850, it's nearly 3/4.[52:10.91][52:15.29]被喻为"白色黄金"的棉花Called white gold,[52:16.58]给南方带来了一种新式的奢华生活cotton supports a new lavish lifestyle in the South.[52:20.21][52:22.30]到1850年By 1850,[52:23.51]密西西比州的纳奇兹市的人均百万富翁数量there are more millionaires per capita in Natchez, Mississippi,[52:27.02]比全世界任何一个地方都要多than anywhere else on Earth.[52:28.86][52:31.63]城里最富有的人拥有4万英亩田地The richest man in town owns 40,000 acres, [52:34.76][52:34.77]几乎是曼哈顿岛的3倍大nearly three times the size of Manhattan Island.[52:37.83][52:43.30]南方的迅速繁荣The South is thriving[52:45.90]离不开一种人剥削人的制度on the backs of humans owning other humans.[52:48.51]也就是奴隶制It's called slavery.[52:50.69][52:51.75]北方也受到了南方繁荣的影响The North is implicated in the South's success. [52:55.38][52:58.84]工业发达的北方从南方的棉花中获益The industrial North is profiting from Southern cotton,[53:02.15][53:04.00]而对奴隶制却视而不见but turns a blind eye to slavery.[53:06.28][53:07.93]开国元勋中的许多人自己就是奴隶主Many of them slave owners themselves, [53:09.99][53:10.27]他们以为奴隶制会很快消失the Founding Fathers assumed slavery would soon disappear.[53:14.22][53:14.90]奴隶制在英国已经被废除了20年Slavery has already been abolished for 20 years in Britain[53:18.63]而且在欧洲的大多数地区属于违法and is outlawed across most of Europe.[53:20.80][53:21.09]但由于棉产量的剧增But with the cotton explosion,[53:22.82][53:23.11]奴隶制变得对南方经济极其重要slavery becomes critical to the Southern economy. [53:25.88][53:29.26]现在每个奴隶可以创造比以前多50倍的利润Each slave is now 50 times more profitable.[53:32.61][53:32.98]在轧棉机问世前只卖300美元的奴隶A slave who sold for $300 before the cotton gin[53:36.37]到1860年可以卖到近2000美元goes for nearly 2,000 by 1860.[53:39.25]人们没有真正意识到这一点People don't really realize this,[53:40.37] 詹姆斯·梅格斯[《大众机械》杂志总编[53:43.37][53:40.51]在轧棉机发明之前but slavery was actually on the decline in the South[53:42.50][53:42.51]奴隶制在南方实际是在逐渐衰退的prior to the invention of the cotton gin,[53:44.39]然而轧棉机使得棉花种植如此有利可图but then once the cotton gin made it so practical to grow cotton,[53:48.60]突然间所有南方农场主all of a sudden, every farmer in the South[53:50.59][53:50.60]都想尽可能地多种棉花wanted to plant as much cotton as possible.[53:52.58][53:54.55]然而过度种植导致了土地贫瘠But overproduction is destroying the land.[53:56.69][53:58.17]棉花种植向西部肥沃的土地进发Cotton heads west in search of fertile soil,[54:01.49]并带去了奴隶制bringing slavery with it.[54:03.42][54:06.12]而北方的废奴势力则要维护边远地区的自由But antislavery forces in the North want to keep the frontier free.[54:10.65][54:11.09]废奴战争的第一枪即将打响The stage is set for the first battles in the war over slavery.[54:15.56][54:24.90]棉花改变了美国人的生活方式Cotton is changing the way Americans live.[54:27.80][54:28.80]不久以后它还会带来国家的分裂In time, it will blow the nation apart.[54:31.82][54:33.26]对南方来说棉花就是金矿For the South, cotton is a gold mine.[54:35.92][54:36.20]而现在北方也想来分一杯羹Now the North wants a piece of the action.[54:38.49][54:38.77]这种互利共赢的合作关系It's a partnership that makes everyone rich,[54:41.54][54:42.60]建立在一种新型机器的基础上based on a new machine,[54:44.76]动力织布机the power loom.[54:45.48][54:48.34]运进来的是粗制棉绒Raw cotton comes in,[54:49.67]送出去的是精美的布料finished cloth goes out.[54:51.13][54:51.42]一切都在一个车间内完成All under one roof.[54:53.40][54:54.72]现代工厂诞生了The modern factory is born.[54:56.82][55:00.56]马萨诸塞州的洛威尔Lowell, Massachusetts,[55:01.88]这个纺织业发达的城市有着"纺锤之城"的美称is called the city of spindles, a textiles boomtown.[55:06.55]人口在短短15年内Population explodes[55:07.88]由1820年的200人骤增至近20000人from 200 in 1820 to nearly 20,000 in just 15 years.[55:13.99][55:14.55]城里超过三分之一的人在工厂里工作More than a third of the town works in the mills.[55:16.84][55:17.60]其中85%是15岁至25岁的单身女性85% are single women between 15 and 25. [55:21.36][55:23.04]哈丽特·罗宾逊只有10岁Harriet Robinson is ten.[55:24.75][55:25.05]父亲死后她就进了工厂When her father dies, she goes to work at the mill. [55:28.32][55:29.76]那情景历历在目我在走廊里来回穿梭I can see myself now, racing down the alley, [55:32.77]奔走于纺机之间between the spinning frames,[55:34.65]搬着个比自己还大的线筒箱carrying in front of me a bobbin box bigger than I was. [55:38.33]妇女第一次可以通过劳动挣钱Women earn money for the first time.[55:41.65][55:42.13]哈丽特的工钱帮助补贴家用Harriet's wages help supporther family.[55:44.64][55:45.04]工业化改变着每个人的生活Industrialization is changing everyone's lives.[55:48.65][55:51.45]所有女童工的收入都得到了合理利用All the mill girls make good use of their money.[55:53.79][55:54.06]家里的抵押被赎回来了The mortgage is lifted from the homestead,[55:56.34]农舍也被粉刷一新the farmhouse is painted.[55:57.73][55:58.00]女童工的收入能贴补守寡的母亲Mill girls help maintain widowed mothers[56:00.24]或者酗酒或者伤残的父亲and drunken or invalid fathers.[56:02.07][56:06.00]我们每周能挣2美元We were paid $2 a week.[56:07.71]当轮到我站在线筒箱上时Oh, how proud I was when[56:09.03]我是多么激动啊it came to my turn to stand up on the bobbin-box.[56:11.61][56:12.81]当妇女到纺织厂制线厂真正参与生产劳动时When women really joined the workforce in the cotton mills and the thread factories,[56:19.04][56:16.30] 玛莎·斯图尔特[著名女企业家有"家政女王"之称][56:19.30][56:19.31]这使她们有机会挣脱传统束缚I think it gave women an opportunity to get out,[56:23.13]并认真考虑自力更生了be serious about being bread winners.[56:25.61][56:25.81]这改变了整个美国的社会格局And it changed the whole fabric of America.[56:28.88][56:30.50]纺织工厂还掀起了美国人的服装革命The mills also revolutionize how Americans dress.[56:33.96][56:36.05]廉价棉布的大量生产Mass production of cheap cotton fabrics[56:38.69]振兴了美国的服装业spawns America's clothing industry.[56:40.88][56:42.29]以前大多数家庭的衣服都是自制的Previously, most families made their own clothes.[56:45.25]现在人们开始购买成衣Now, people buy ready-to-wear.[56:47.17][56:47.80]东方潮流取代了鹿皮大衣Eastern fashions replace buckskin.[56:50.20][56:50.55]到1850年By 1850,[56:52.04]服装业成了纽约市最大的制造业men's clothing is the largest manufacturing industry in New York City.[56:55.72][56:56.00]作为美国人我最自豪的一点就是For me, what makes me proudest to be an American[56:59.38][56:57.38] 吉米·威尔士[维基百科创始人之一][57:00.38][56:59.38]美国精神中的高效和乐观is that American spirit of productivity, optimism,[57:03.29]坚信人定胜天前景光明this idea that the world doesn't have to be doom and gloom,[57:06.52]我们可以利用科技让生活更美好that we can use technology to make our lives better.[57:09.09][57:11.45]时装并不是来自纺织厂的唯一新事物Fashion isn't the only innovation to come out of the mills.[57:14.61][57:15.00]这里发明的技术直接导致了硅谷的诞生Technology developed here will lead straight to Silicon Valley.[57:18.87][57:19.19]织布机上首创了穿孔卡用于生产带花纹的布料Looms pioneer punch cards to produce patterned fabric.[57:23.00][57:25.02]卡上的每个孔Each hole in the card tells[57:26.49]决定织机是否使用不同颜色的纺线the loom to use a different-colored thread, a yes-no decision.[57:30.68][57:31.38]这就是二进制代码所有现代计算机的基础It's binary code, the basis of all modern computers.[57:35.69][57:37.28]计算机和互联网的诞生The birth of the computer and Internet[57:39.45]都始于棉纺工厂里的织机began in cotton mills with these looms.[57:42.60][57:43.29]我认为在美国历史上的每一个You know, in every major development,[57:47.18][57:44.80] 约翰·拉萨特[皮克斯和迪斯尼公司创意总监][57:47.80][57:47.18]重要的发展时期I think, in the history of America,[57:49.33]科技都起到了核心作用technology has been at the center of it.[57:53.69][57:58.00]尽管轮班时间长达12个小时Despite 12-hour shifts,[57:59.47]工厂还是给妇女们带来了无限的机遇the factories offer a new world of opportunity for women.[58:02.53][58:03.83]她们通过更多的阅读和交流来提高自己They are reading more, talking more, educating themselves.[58:07.39][58:08.52]没错在上工时间读书是违规的Yeah, reading books on factory time was against the rules,[58:12.40]但我们把书藏在围裙口袋和废料桶里but we hid books in apron pockets and waste baskets.[58:15.81]有时我们也把诗贴在织机上背诵Sometimes we pasted poems on our looms to memorize.[58:19.29]美国社会第一次听到了她们的声音And for the first time in America, their voices are heard.[58:23.56][58:26.54]1836年10月October 1836.[58:28.59]洛威尔纺织厂的女工下班后有组织地聚集起来Women from the Lowell Mills gather after work and organize.[58:32.87]她们反对降薪的抗议Their protest against wage cuts[58:34.76]是美国历史上最早的罢工之一is one of the first strikes in US history.[58:37.72][58:39.38]最后她们赢了And they will win.[58:40.27][58:40.94]工厂老板作出了让步The mill boss is back down.[58:42.57][58:43.61]新一代的年轻女性后来成为了老师A generation of young women go on to become teachers,[58:46.65]作家甚至大学毕业生writers and even college graduates.[58:49.37][58:49.87]哈丽特·罗宾逊后来成了争取妇女参政权的领军人物Harriet Robinson will become a leading suffragette,[58:53.95]并在国会前作证and testify before Congress.[58:55.67][58:58.21]她们是第一批They're the first wave in a movement[58:59.88][58:59.89]争取妇女选举权运动的发起者that results in women getting the vote.[59:02.12][59:04.07]照亮她们夜间秘密会议的灯光Their secret meetings at night are only possible [59:06.85]来自一种非凡生物点燃的油灯with the light from lamps powered by an extraordinary creature.[59:10.54][59:15.10]鲸油照亮了夜晚Whale oil opened up the night,[59:16.69][59:16.70]正如许多其它革命性的新发明一样and like so many really transformative technological innovations,[59:20.43][59:16.70] 詹姆斯·梅格斯[《大众机械》杂志总编][59:19.70][59:20.43]它使人们更加自由it expanded human freedom.[59:21.86]它为人们开拓了一条多劳多得的劳动之路It created a way for people to get more, do more and achieve more.[59:26.59][59:28.90]原油在20年之后才被发现Crude oil won't be discovered for another 20 years. [59:31.73][59:33.28]在那之前是鲸油照亮着美国Until then, America runs on whale oil.[59:36.72][59:36.86]捕鲸业The whaling industry[59:38.13][59:38.14]推动了工业革命中的研发过程helped invent part of the Industrial Revolution [59:41.06]还给典型的美国工作狂帮了大忙and the classic American workaholic,[59:44.99][59:41.99]史蒂文·约翰逊[著名作家][59:44.29][59:44.99]通宵达旦的工作环境work-round-the-clock kind of environment,[59:46.99][59:47.00]在这种环境下如果你能有更多的亮光where if you have more light[59:48.30]来熬过那段不见天日的寒冬to keep you going in those dark winter days,[59:50.36]就能有更多成就赚到更多钱you could get more done, you could make more money,[59:52.79]因而在某种程度上你也推动了经济的发展and you could kind of drive the economy forward.[59:55.41][00:08.50]鲸是在地球上曾有过的最大的生物之一Whales are among the largest creatures toever live on Earth.[00:11.78][00:15.41]体重可达一百八十吨身长逾百英尺Up to 180 tons and more than 100 feet long. [00:19.18][00:25.10]一条鲸鱼可以制成A single whale can produce[00:26.23]可以高达三千加仑[约11立方米]的鲸油up to 3,000 gallons of oil.[00:28.50][00:31.30]时至今日美国航空航天局仍在使用鲸油Even today, whale oil is used by NASA. [00:33.90][00:34.34]哈勃空间望远镜就是靠鲸油工作的The Hubble space telescope runs on it.[00:37.05][00:42.67]捕鲸业是北方最大的产业之一Whaling is one of the North's biggest industries, [00:46.06][00:46.33]每年带来一千一百万美元的收入bringing in $11 million a year.[00:48.86][00:49.85]但从业者的伤亡代价也很高But the human cost is also high.[00:52.04][00:54.31]一半的捕鲸船最后会在大海里失踪Half of all ships will eventually be lost at sea. [00:57.53][00:58.00]很少有人甘冒此风险Few men are willing to take the risk.[01:00.05][01:00.35]但对于非裔美国人来说这却是一个良机But it's an opportunity for African-Americans.[01:02.67][01:03.25]两万名自由人和逃跑的奴隶选择了出海20,000 freemen and escaped slaves take to the seas.[01:06.81][01:08.10]约翰·汤普森是马里兰州一名逃跑的奴隶John Thompson is a runaway from Maryland.[01:11.03][01:12.49]我的家在费城I have a family in Philadelphia.[01:14.51][01:15.21]但我不敢再在那里多呆But fearing to remain there any longer,[01:17.41][01:17.42]我想到了去航海捕鲸I thought I would go on a whaling voyage[01:19.88]抓捕逃奴的赏金猎人们不太可能where I stood least chance of[01:22.21]跑到海上来追捕我being arrested by slave hunters.[01:23.61][01:27.93]捕鲸业所提供的平等机会超前于其所处的时代The equal opportunity offered in whaling is ahead of its time.[01:31.73][01:32.93]在这里有色人种真正被当人看待Here, a colored man is only known and looked upon as a man[01:36.39]并且他们的晋升只取决于能力和技术水平and is promoted in rank according to hisability and skill[01:40.64]干的活也和白人一样to perform the same duties as a white man.[01:42.95][01:47.63]从某种角度来说捕鲸业The whaling industry offered[01:49.47]为那些像约翰·汤普森一样当过奴隶的人an ex-slave like John Thompson[01:52.42]提供了社会经济层面的流动性the possibility of socialand economic fluidity, mobility [01:55.65][01:52.83]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][01:58.00][01:55.65]和被人接受的可能性and acceptance in a way.[01:58.08]即使在北方Even in the North,[01:59.75][01:59.76]对于黑人来说这在其它行业也是不可能的that was not possible for black people otherwise.[02:02.78][02:07.30]负责瞭望的人大声叫道The man on the lookout cried out,[02:09.46]"她在那儿喷水呢" "There she blows!"[02:10.86]海面上出现了四只鲸鱼There were four whales in sight,[02:13.07]距离他们只有不到四分之三英里not more than 3/4 of a mile distant.[02:15.76][02:20.90]猎杀它们需要花费数小时的时间It takes hours to kill them.[02:22.48][02:24.06]他们用的是最先进的鱼叉They use state-of-the-art harpoons[02:26.26]路易斯·坦普[美国著名废奴主义者发明家][02:29.26][02:26.26]这是由一个名叫路易斯·坦普的逃奴发明的invented by runaway slave Lewis Temple.[02:29.22][02:31.08]杀死鲸鱼的唯一方法是在鱼鳍处捅入鱼叉The whale can only be killed by lancing him under the fin,[02:34.65][02:34.66]这需要很多练习和技巧which is a work of much skill and practice.[02:37.36][02:39.50]一头盛怒之中的猛兽A monster, terrible in his fury,[02:42.26][02:42.77]足以在摆尾之间让小船灰飞烟灭able to shiver the boat in atoms by one stroke of his tail.[02:46.57][02:50.00]但海上生活纵使再凶险And yet even the dangers at sea[02:52.49]也比可怕的奴隶生活要强得多are preferable to the horror of life as a slave.[02:56.16][02:58.74]对那些冒险逃跑的奴隶的惩罚手段极其凶残Punishment is savage for those who risk escape,[03:01.57]但仍有人为了自由不惜一切代价but some will do anything to be free.[03:04.92][03:09.56]1841年新奥尔良1841, New Orleans.[03:12.47][03:12.48]奴隶交易的中心Ground zero for the slave trade.[03:14.89][03:16.05]这一天是拍卖日It's auction day.[03:17.17]一个让所有奴隶心惊胆战的日子The day every slave fears the most.[03:19.83][03:22.60]在十九世纪上半叶In the first half of the 19th century,[03:24.76][03:25.03]超过一半的奴隶是在拍卖会上被卖出的over half a million slaves are sold at auction.[03:27.75][03:29.69]这一行业在南方经济中占了20亿美元It's a business worth $2 billion to the Southern economy.[03:33.03][03:34.00]由于棉花种植业的繁荣Since the cotton boom,[03:36.57]奴隶的价格飙升the value of slaves has skyrocketed.[03:37.93][03:38.38]现在男奴隶1000美元Now men cost $1,000.[03:40.50][03:40.94]女奴隶800美元Women, 800.[03:42.14][03:42.42]儿童500美元Children, 500.[03:43.94][03:46.16]所罗门·诺萨普Solomon Northup,[03:48.20][03:46.20]所罗门·诺萨普[曾著自传《为奴十二载》][03:51.81][03:48.21]一位来自北方的受过教育的自由人an educated freeman from the North,[03:49.65]因遭绑架而沦为奴隶was kidnapped into slavery.[03:51.81][03:53.11]你到这边来You, come over here.[03:54.68][03:56.30]他会要求我们把头抬起来He would make us hold up our heads,[03:58.52]让我们快速来回奔跑walk us briskly back and forth,[04:01.19]这样顾客们就能观察我们的手臂和躯干while customers would feel our hands and arms and bodies,[04:05.85]他让我们张开嘴巴露出牙齿make us open up our mouths and show our teeth, [04:09.03][04:09.04]简直就像一个骑师在检验马匹precisely as a jockey examines a horse,[04:12.08]然后再决定是用钱还是用货物来完成交易which he is about to barter for or purchase.[04:15.05][04:16.52]奴隶后背上的伤疤被视为Scars upon a slave's back were considered[04:19.04]该奴隶反叛或难以管束的证据evidence of a rebellious or unruly spirit,[04:22.55]因而影响售价and hurt his sale.[04:23.77][04:26.20]把上衣脱了Take your top off.[04:27.16]九成的非裔美国人都是奴隶90% of all African-Americans are slaves,[04:31.36]包括400万男人女人和小孩4 million men, women and children.[04:34.20][04:34.80]我们的建国纲领是We had based this country on[04:36.75]人人都享有不容侵犯的自由和平等权利everyone having inalienable rights to freedom and equality,[04:40.60][04:37.60]雪儿·克罗[上世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一][04:39.60][04:40.60]然而我们也创造了一套惨无人道的迫害机制and yet we created a system of abject persecution.[04:45.60][04:47.81]奴隶们被养肥了送去拍卖就像牲口一样Slaves are fattened for auction, like livestock.[04:51.22][04:51.78]深肤色的男人被买走干农活Dark-skinned men are bought for the fields,[04:54.00]而浅肤色的女人则用来做家务活light-skinned women for the house.[04:56.33][04:57.81]奴隶贩子们谎报他们的年龄Traders lie about their ages,[05:00.36]甚至会给奴隶的白发染色even dye a slave's gray hairs.[05:02.37][05:03.02]对于农场主来说For the plantation owners,[05:04.82]买奴隶就像去当地的超市买糖和面粉一样it was like just going to your local supermarket to get sugar or flour.[05:10.59][05:06.90]艾尔·夏普顿牧师[美国人权领袖][05:10.30][05:10.80]他们已经完全忘了奴隶也是人They had become so desensitized to the humanity of the slave[05:16.44]以至于根本不把奴隶当人看that they did not see them as human beings.[05:19.61][05:23.00]买家需要生育能力强的奴隶来繁衍后代Buyers demand the most fertile slaves for breeding.[05:25.60][05:26.57]身价最高的就是浅肤色未成年处女The most expensive are light-skinned teenage virgins.[05:29.77][05:30.70]强奸已是稀松平常Rape is common.[05:32.53][05:36.61]伊莱扎来自一个州立农场Eliza's from a state plantation.[05:38.99][05:41.95]和她一起被拍卖的还有她的两个孩子She's being sold, with her two children, [05:44.82]埃米莉和兰德尔Emily and Randall.[05:46.89][05:47.33]在路易斯安那州In Louisiana,[05:48.99]将11岁以下的孩子从父母身边带走是违法的it's illegal forchildren under 11 to be taken from their parents.[05:52.67]小伙子过来Boy, come over here.[05:54.14][05:54.39]但这种事屡见不鲜It happens all the time.[05:55.69][05:56.74]给我看看你的牙齿Show me your teeth.[05:58.50][05:58.88]140年的时间对于You know, 140 years is not[06:00.27]整个历史进程来说并不漫长a really long time in the context of history.[06:02.78]所以我真的不敢相信So it's hard for me to believe[06:04.55]140年前黑人在这里没有任何权利可言that blacks didn't have any rights here, [06:06.98]他们遭受的是非人的对待they weren't treated as human beings,[06:09.19][06:07.19]约翰·勒珍德[五次荣获格莱美奖的R&B歌手和歌曲作家][06:11.18][06:09.20]本质上他们的待遇和动物无异they were treated like animals, essentially.[06:11.18][06:12.50]求你了先生Sir, please![06:13.63][06:29.00]拍卖会上过半的交易都会拆散一个家庭Over half the sales at auction will tear a family apart.[06:32.83]想象一下一个八岁的孩子If you've ever been eight, to think of being[06:35.91]被迫与父母分开separated from your mother and your father[06:37.63]被人买走永远不能再见父母一面and sold and you'll never see them again. [06:39.96]想象一下这过程中的惊恐与辛酸The horror of that, the poignancy of all of that, [06:42.38][06:40.38]安妮特·戈登·里德[罗格斯大学历史学系教授][06:43.38][06:42.39]而类似事件却在整个南方屡见不鲜and yet that's the kind of thing that happened across the South[06:46.19]直到奴隶制度瓦解up until the end of slavery.[06:48.09][06:49.00]好了我最后一次出价Okay, my final offer,[06:50.31][06:51.32]这个男人我出一千那个男人我出九百I'll give you 1,000 for that man, 900 for that man.[06:54.66]。



中考英语阅读理解词义猜测与上下文理解题50题1. I saw a “sale” sign in the shop window. What does “sale” mean?A. 购买B. 出售C. 打折D. 交换答案:C。

“sale”常见的意思是“打折”“促销”,在商店橱窗看到的“sale” sign 通常表示商品在打折出售。

A 选项“购买”是“buy”;B 选项“出售”可以用“sell”;D 选项“交换”是“exchange”。

2. The teacher said, “Class, please be quiet.” What does “quiet” mean?A. 大声的B. 安静的C. 活跃的D. 忙碌的答案:B。


A 选项“大声的”是“loud”;C 选项“活跃的”是“active”;D 选项“忙碌的”是“busy”。

3. We had a picnic in the park yesterday. What does “picnic” mean?A. 会议B. 旅行C. 野餐D. 聚会答案:C。


A 选项“会议”是“meeting”或“conference”;B 选项“旅行”是“trip”或“journey”;D 选项“聚会”是“party”。

4. The students are playing football on the playground. What does “playground” mean?A. 教室B. 操场C. 图书馆D. 实验室答案:B。


A 选项“教室”是“classroom”;C 选项“图书馆”是“library”;D 选项“实验室”是“laboratory”。

2024年冀教版九年级英语上册Unit 5 Lesson 29 DNA-The StoryofYou

2024年冀教版九年级英语上册Unit 5 Lesson 29 DNA-The StoryofYou

Lesson 29DNA — The Story of You 教学目标通过本课的学习,学生能够:1.获取和梳理文中关于DNA的介绍,形成信息结构图。


(应用实践)3.运用本课所学词汇和句型,结合自己对DNA的了解,谈谈对改变食物DNA 的看法。





Activity 6: Work in groups 小组合作Is it a good idea to change the DNA ofthe food we eat? Some people say doingthis makes our food better. Others thinkit’s too dangerous. Search the Internetfor information and write down yourideas.观察学生小组讨论和完成任务的情况,倾听学生的展示并根据实际情况给出必要的指导和反馈设计意图小组合作,让学生讨论对转基因食物的看法。

一方面可以锻炼学生的思维能力,另一方面还可以加深对课文的理解,并能够灵活运用本课所学进行表达【迁移创新】Activity 7:Practice 通过练习巩固用法Complete the sentences, one word ineach blank.(见PPT)观察学生是否能完成练习任务,根据学生情况给出必要的指导和反馈设计意图通过练习,帮助学生在语境中练习本课知识点,锻炼学生在真实情况中运用所学的能力,让学生把所学加以内化【应用实践】板书设计Lesson 29DNA — The Story of Youa blueprint: a drawing, show how to put… togetherWhat’s DNA: the blueprint of lifefar more complextake millions of yearsDNA is fantastic: unique, except for some twinschange DNA, help with health problemsin every part of your bodyrepeat patterns from parentsinstructions作业设计基础型作业:1.Read the lesson fluently.2.Finish Exercises 2&3 on page 75.实践型作业:Write about your idea of changing the DNA of the food we eat. 教学反思。



九年级英语阅读理解词义猜测题单选题40题1. In the story, the word "mysterious" probably means _____.A. strangeB. beautifulC. commonD. friendly答案:A。


A 选项“strange”有“奇怪的”意思,与“mysterious”意思相近;B 选项“beautiful”意为“美丽的”,与“mysterious”含义不同;C 选项“common”表示“常见的”,与“mysterious”相反;D 选项“friendly”是“友好的”,不符合“mysterious”的含义。

2. The word "adventure" in the text might refer to _____.A. a dangerous tripB. a happy partyC. a quiet restD. a boring day答案:A。

解析:在这篇文章中,“adventure”通常指充满刺激和不确定性的经历,A 选项“a dangerous trip”即“危险的旅行”,符合“adventure”的含义;B 选项“a happy party”是“快乐的聚会”,与冒险无关;C 选项“a quiet rest”是“安静的休息”,不是冒险;D 选项“a boring day”是“无聊的一天”,也不是冒险。

3. In the passage, the word "courage" could mean _____.A. fearB. braveryC. sadnessD. anger答案:B。

解析:在这段文字中,“courage”通常表示勇敢面对困难或危险的精神,B 选项“bravery”就是“勇敢”的意思,与“courage”意思相符;A 选项“fear”是“害怕”,与“courage”相反;C 选项“sadness”是“悲伤”,与“courage”无关;D 选项“anger”是“愤怒”,与“courage”不同。



九年级上册英语句子Module 11.我一点也不知道。

That’s news to me!2.我看见大地沉入下面遥远的河流。

I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me.3.最后,我向两侧遥望,峡谷在我的视线中逐渐消失,超过400米。

Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon disappeared into the distance……over 400 kilometers long.4.大峡谷不仅地大,它是巨大!The Grand Canyon is not just big .It’s huge!5.一些石头丢失了,但它仍是世界上最美好的奇观之一。

Some of the stones are messing, but it’s still one of the most wonderful sights of the world.6.太阳从我背后的岩石后升起。

The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks.7.大峡谷是自然界最伟大的景观吗?我知道答案,你怎么认为?Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world? I know the answer. But what do you think.Module 21.故事的主题是关于孩子们的成长、成熟。

The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more serious.2.他是一个活泼聪明的小男孩,参与了许多令人兴奋的历险。

He’s a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures.3.听起来是个好主意。



中考英语阅读理解词义猜测上下文线索单选题40题1.In the story, the word "gloomy" most probably means _.A.happyB.sadC.angryD.excited答案:B。



2.The word "furious" in the passage could be replaced by _.A.calmB.angryC.happyD.surprised答案:B。



3.The word "cheerful" in the text is closest in meaning to _.A.sadB.angryC.happyD.tired答案:C。



4.The word "miserable" in the story means _.A.happyB.sadC.angryD.excited答案:B。


The jeaning of America 课文原文

The jeaning of America 课文原文

The jeaning of AmericaThis is the story of a sturdy American symbol which has now spread throughout most of the world. The symbol is not the dollar. It is not even Coca-Cola. It is a simple pair of pants called blue jeans, and what the pants symbolize is what Alexis de Tocqueville called "a manly and legitimate passion for equality..." Blue jeans are favored equally by bureaucrats and cowboys, bankers and deadbeats, fashion designers and beer drinkers. They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes: they are merely American. Yet they are sought after almost everywhere in the world—including Russia, where authorities recently broke up a teenaged gang that was selling them on the black market for two hundred dollars a pair. They have been around for a long time. And it seems likely that they will outlive even the necktie.This ubiquitous American symbol was the invention of a Bavarian-born Jew. His name was Levis Strauss.He was born in Bad Ocheim, Germany, in 1829, and during the European political turmoil of 1848 decided to take his chances in New York, to which his two brothers already had emigrated. Upon arrival, Levis soon found that his two brothers had exaggerated their tales of an easy life in the land of the main chance. They were landowners, they had told him; instead, he found them pushing needles, thread, pots, pans, ribbons, yarn, scissors, and buttons to housewives. For two years he was a lowly peddler, hauling some 180 pounds of sundries door to door to eke out a marginal living. When a married sister in San Francisco offered to pay his way West in 1850, he jumped at the opportunity, taking with him bolts of canvas he hoped to sell for tenting.It was the wrong kind of canvas for that purpose, but while talking with a miner down from the mother lode, he learned that pants—sturdy pants that would stand up to the rigors of the digging—were almost impossible to find. Opportunity beckoned. On the spot, Strauss measured the man's girth and inseam with a piece of string and, for six dollars in gold dust, had the canvas tailored into a pair of stiff but rugged pants. The miner was delighted with the result. Word got around about "those pants of Levis's", and Strauss was in business. The company has been in business ever since.When Strauss ran out of canvas, he wrote his two brothers to send more. He received instead a tough, brown cotton cloth made in Nimes, France—called serge de Nimes and swiftly shortened to "denim" (the word "jeans" derives from Genes, the French word for Genoa, where a similar cloth was produced). Almost from the first, Strauss had his cloth dyed the distinctive indigo that gave blue jeans their name. But it was not until the 1870s that he added the copper rivets which have long since become a company trademark. The rivets were the idea of a Virginia City, Nevada, tailor, Jacob W. Davis, who added them to pacify a mean-tempered miner called Alkali Ike. Alkali, the story goes, complained that the pockets of his jeans always tore when he stuffed them with ore samples and demanded that Davis do something about it. As a kind of joke, Davis took the pants to a blacksmith and had the pockets riveted; once again, the idea worked so well that word got around. In 1873 Strauss appropriated and patented the gimmick—and hired Davis as a regional manager.By this time, Strauss had taken both his brothers and two brothers-in-law into the company and was ready for his third San Francisco store. Over the ensuing yearsthe company prospered locally, and by the time of his death in 1902, Strauss had become a man of prominence in California. For three decades thereafter the business remained profitable though small. With sales largely confined to the working people of the West—cowboys, lumberjacks, railroad workers, and the like. Levis's jeans were first introduced to the East, apparently, during the dude ranch craze of the 1930s, when vacationing Easterners returned and spread word about the wonderful pants with rivets. Another boost came in World War Ⅱ, when blue jeans were declared an essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work. From a company with fifteen salespeople, two plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946, the organization grew in thirty years to include a sales force of more than twenty-two thousand, with fifty plants and offices in thirty-five countries. Each year, more than 250,000,000 items of Levis's clothing are sold—including more than 83,000,000 pairs of riveted blue jeans. They have become, through marketing, word of mouth, and demonstrable reliability, the common pants of America. They can be purchased pre-washed, pre-faded, and preshrunk for the suitably proletarian look. They adapt themselves to any sort of idiosyncratic use; women slit them at the inseams and convert them into long skirts, men chop them off above the knees and turn them into something to be worn while challenging the surf. Decorations and ornamentations abound.The pants have become a tradition, and along the way have acquired a history of their own—so much so that the company has opened a museum in San Francisco. There was, for example, the turn-of-the-century trainman who replaced a faulty coupling with a pair of jeans; the Wyoming man who used his jeans as a towrope to haul his car out of a ditch; the Californian who found several pairs in an abandoned mine, wore them, then discovered they were sixty-three years old and still as good as new and turned them over to the Smithsonian as a tribute to their roughness. And then there is the particularly terrifying story of the careless construction worker who dangled fifty-two stories above the street until rescued, his sole support the Levis belt loop through which his rope was hooked.。



高中英语影评阅读单选题60题1. In the review, the word "spectacular" is closest in meaning to _____.A. amazingB. commonC. boringD. simple答案:A。

“spectacular”意为“壮观的;惊人的”,A 选项“amazing”表示“令人惊奇的”,意思相近;B 选项“common”是“常见的;普通的”;C 选项“boring”是“无聊的”;D 选项“simple”是“简单的”。

2. The word "engrossing" in the film review can be replaced by _____.A. uninterestingB. fascinatingC. difficultD. easy答案:B。

“engrossing”意思是“引人入胜的”,B 选项“fascinating”有“迷人的;吸引人的”之意,可替换;A 选项“uninteresting”是“无趣的”;C 选项“difficult”是“困难的”;D 选项“easy”是“容易的”。

3. In the movie review, the term "riveting" is similar in meaning to _____.A. dullB. excitingC. calmD. slow答案:B。

“riveting”表示“吸引人的;极精彩的”,B 选项“exciting”是“令人兴奋的”,意思相近;A 选项“dull”是“枯燥的”;C 选项“calm”是“平静的”;D 选项“slow”是“缓慢的”。

4. The word "thrilling" in the review is most similar to _____.A. peacefulB. terrifyingC. excitingD. quiet答案:C。



The Story-T ellerBy Hector Hugh MunroIt was a hot afternoon, and the railway carriage was correspondingly sultry1, and the next stop was at Templecombe, nearly an hour ahead. The occupants of the carriage were a small girl, and a smaller girl, and a small boy. An aunt belonging to the children occupied one corner seat, and the further corner seat on the opposite side was occupied by a bachelor who was a stranger to their party, but the small girls and the small boy emphatically occupied the compartment.2Both the aunt and the children were conversational in a limited, persistent way, reminding one of the attentions of a housefly that refuses to be discouraged3. Most of the aunt's remarks seemed to begin with "Don't," and nearly all of the children's remarks began with "Why?" The bachelor said nothing out loud. "Don't, Cyril, don't," exclaimed the aunt, as the small boy began smacking the cushions of the seat, producing a cloud of dust at each blow4."Come and look out of the window," she added.The child moved reluctantly to the window. "Why are those sheep being driven out of that field?" he asked."I expect they are being driven to another field where there is more grass," said the aunt weakly."But there is lots of grass in that field," protested the boy; "there's nothing else but grass there. Aunt, there's lots of grass in that field.""Perhaps the grass in the other field is better," suggested the aunt fatuously5."Why is it better?" came the swift, inevitable question."Oh, look at those cows!" exclaimed the aunt. Nearly every field along the line had contained cows or bullock6s, but she spoke as though she were drawing attention to a rarity."Why is the grass in the other field better?" persisted Cyril.The frown on the bachelor's face was deepening to a scowl.7He was a hard, unsympathetic man, the aunt decided in her mind. She was utterly unable to come to any satisfactory decision about the grass in the other field.The smaller girl created a diversion by beginning to recite "On the Road to Mandalay." She only knew the first line, but she put her limited knowledge to the fullest possible use. She repeated the line over and over again in a dreamy but resolute and very audible voice; it seemed to the bachelor as though some one had had a bet with her that she could not repeat the line aloud two thousand times without stopping. Whoever it was who had made the wager was likely to lose his bet.81sultry: 闷热的2An aunt belonging to the children…emphatically occupied the compartment: 孩子们的姨妈坐在包厢的角落里,对面的角落坐着一位素不相识的单身汉,但无疑占据整间包厢的是这三个孩子。



故事的英文怎么读The English pronunciation of the word "故事" is "gùshì", with the first syllable "gù" pronounced like "goo" and the second syllable "shì" pronounced like "sure" but with a softer "r" sound. 。

A story is a narrative, either true or fictitious, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader. In English, the word "story" is pronounced as "stawr-ee", with the "o" sounding like the "aw" in "saw" and the "ry" sounding like the word "ree". 。

When pronouncing the word "story" in English, it is important to stress the first syllable "stawr" and pronounce the second syllable "ee" quickly and lightly. 。

In English, the word "story" can also refer to thelevel of a building, such as "a 10-story building". In this case, the pronunciation remains the same as "stawr-ee". 。



英文版中国古代神话故事Word版Title: Chinese Ancient Mythology TalesIntroduction: Chinese ancient mythology is a rich and colorful treasure trove of stories that have been passed down through generations. These tales often depict gods, goddesses, heroes, and magical creatures, reflecting the beliefs, values, and cultural heritage of ancient China. In this article, we will explore some of the most captivating and enduring Chinese ancient mythological stories.The Legend of Nüwa: In ancient times, the world was in chaos, withno humans inhabiting the earth. Nüwa, a goddess with the body of a snake and the head of a human, saw the desolation and decided to create human beings. She molded clay into human figures and brought them to life. These early humans multiplied rapidly, and the world became populated.Nüwa's creation of humans is seen as a significant event in Chinese mythology, symbolizing the birth of humanity.The Legend of Houyi and Chang'e: Houyi, a skilled archer, saved the earth from ten suns that scorched the land. As a reward, the Queen Mother of the West gifted him an elixir of immortality. However, Houyi's wife, Chang'e, consumed the elixir and flew to the moon, becoming the Moon Goddess. Houyi was devastated and began offering sacrifices to his wife on every full moon. This legend explains the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, during which people offer mooncakes to Chang'e and celebrate family reunion.The Story of the Monkey King: The Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong, is one of the most well-known characters in Chinese mythology.Born from a stone, the Monkey King possessed supernatural powers and intelligence. He embarked on a journey to seek immortality and gainedthe title "Great Sage, Equal of Heaven." The Monkey King played a significant role in the famous novel "Journey to the West," where he accompanied the monk Xuanzang on a pilgrimage to retrieve Buddhist scriptures.The Legend of the Eight Immortals: The Eight Immortals are a groupof legendary figures with extraordinary abilities, each representing different virtues. They include Li Tieguai, Zhang Guolao, Lan Caihe, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Cao Guojiu, Lu Dongbin, and Zhongli Quan. Together, they embarked on various adventures and helped people in need. The story of the Eight Immortals symbolizes the pursuit of enlightenment and the importance of moral conduct in Chinese culture.The Legend of the Dragon: Dragons hold a prominent place in Chinese mythology, symbolizing power, strength, and good fortune. The Dragon Kings, rulers of the seas, were believed to control rainfall and protect people from floods. The Dragon Dance, a popular Chinese tradition during festivals, depicts a dragon made of colorful fabric carried by a team of dancers. The dragon's dance is believed to bring good luck and blessings to the community.Conclusion: Chinese ancient mythology is a treasure trove of captivating stories that continue to fascinate people worldwide. These tales reflect the rich cultural heritage and spiritual beliefs ofancient China. From the creation of humans by Nüwa to the adventures of the Monkey King, each story carries valuable lessons and moral teachings.Exploring these ancient mythological tales allows us to appreciate the wisdom, imagination, and creativity of ancient Chinese civilization.。

(完整word)THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)

(完整word)THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们的故事第4集-- 分裂)



14]1825年 1825.[43:56.83][43:57。

14]全世界迎来了现代化的曙光 All over the world, the modern era is being born.[44:00.13][44:01。

12]工业革命来临 It’s the Industrial Revolution.[44:02。


62]美国努力迎头追赶 America is racing to catch up.[44:06。

22][44:09.31]在纽约州北部 In upstate New York,[44:10.97]一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿 a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness.[44:13。


65]伊利运河是四千年来 The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project[44:18。

17]西方世界规模最大的建筑工程 in the Western world in the last 4,000 years。


32]全长超过300英里完全由手工开凿 Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand,[44:27。

65][44:27.97]而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有 and America lacks a single qualified engineer.[44:31.66][44:33。

12]美国人 The United States of America[44:35.45]不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路 isn't about to let nature stand in its way。


26][44:37.72]我认为美国精神是 I think of the spirit of America[44:40。



故事书的英文单词As a creator of Baidu Wenku documents, I am here totalk about the English words related to storybooks.The first word we need to know is "storybook". A storybook is a book that contains stories, especially for children. It is a collection of stories, usually with colorful illustrations, designed to entertain and educate young readers.The next word is "narrative". A narrative is a story or an account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious. It is the way in which a story is told.Another important word is "plot". The plot of a storyis the sequence of events that make up the story. It includes the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution."Character" is also a key word in the context ofstorybooks. Characters are the people or animals who take part in the action of a story. They can be protagonists, antagonists, or supporting characters."Setting" is an essential word to understand in the context of storybooks. The setting of a story is the time and place in which it takes place. It includes the physical location, the time period, and the social environment."Conflict" is another important word. Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces in a story. It can be internal (within a character) or external (between characters or with the environment)."Resolution" is the final word we will discuss. The resolution is the part of the story's plot where the main conflict is resolved or settled. It is the outcome of the story.In conclusion, these are the key English words related to storybooks. Understanding these words is essential for anyone who wants to write, read, or analyze stories. Byknowing these words, we can better appreciate and enjoy the world of storytelling. Thank you for reading.。


Unit 8 Dolls Story time
Let’s talk
Game time
If you see the word(s), read it out.
If you see the doll of clay, please say “A oh”!
如果你看到了泥娃娃,请说“A oh”!
watch and choose
They are talking about the ____ of dolls. A. colors B. appearances (长相) C. clothes
watch and choose
watch and choose
They are talking about the ____ of dolls. A. colors B. appearances (长相) C. clothes

Her nose and mouth are small.
This is our doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small.
Listen and repeat
But his mouth is big. His ears are big too.
Read and underline
H同is.桌..合is/作ar,e... 接龙描述男娃娃。
haLior oke! yHees 's anoksieng nmoowu!th




story的用法总结大全story的意思n. 故事,传奇,历史,沿革,内情,传记vt. 用历史故事画装饰,讲…的故事,把…作为故事讲解并描述vi. 说谎变形:过去式: storied; 如今分词:storying; 过去分词:storied;story用法story可以用作名词story的基本意思是“故事”,既可以指真实发生过的事件或对一系列真实事件的描述,也可以指书中编写或想象出来的供人欣赏的故事。

引申可指人的“阅历,经受”; 故事、戏剧等的“情节”; 新闻报道,新闻报道的“题材”; 在口语或对小孩的用语中的“谎话,假话”。

story用作名词的用法例句The story stirred her sympathy.这故事激起了她的怜悯心。

The story took place in a serene summer night.故事发生在一个清静的夏夜。

This novel has been developed out of a folk story.这部小说脱胎于民间传奇。

story用作名词的用法例句That is a house of six stories.那是一栋六层楼的房子。

story用法例句1、She probably sensed that I wasnttelling her the whole story.她可能意识到了我并没有对她全盘托出。

2、The story ascends from a gothic tragedy to a miraculous fairy-tale.故事从一个哥特式悲剧升华为奇异的童话。

3、Lucilla often asks her sisters to retell the story.露西拉经常要姐姐们把这个故事反复讲给她听。




名词所有格也称为属格、主格,它主要包括\'s 所有格、of 所有格和双重所有格三种表现形式。

A. 's 所有格的用法1. 表示有生命的东西的名词末尾加\'s。

例如:Jim'sbed, the man's wife, children's toys, the fox's tail2. 以-es 或-s 结尾的名词末尾加"'s"。

例如:the students' books, Teachers' Day, my boss' office, a girls' dormitory3. 有些表示时间、距离、度量衡、价值、自然现象、国家、城镇等无生命东西的名词,也可以加's 构成所有格。

例如:today's newspaper,five minutes' walk,a ton's weight,a dollar's worth of stamps,the moon's rays4. 表示两者共同拥有的人或物(共有)时,只需要后一个名词加's (或')即可。


例如:Joan and Jane's room(房间属二人共同所有)Joan's and Jane's room(指Joan 和Jane 各自的房间)an hour and a half’s walk(步行一个半小时的路程)5. 's 所有格所修饰的词的省略现象(1)表示诊所、店铺或某人的家等地点名词,其名词所有格后的被修饰语常常省略。

例如:I met her at the doctor's(office).我在诊所遇见了她。

The_Story_of_an_Hour 翻译

The_Story_of_an_Hour 翻译

"The Story of an Hour"Kate Chopin (1894)Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.知道马兰德夫人(Mrs. Mallard)的心脏很衰弱,他们尽可能小心冀冀把她丈夫死亡的消息告诉她。





It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of "killed." He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.玛兰德的姐姐,约瑟芬(Josephine),用不连贯的语言,遮遮掩掩地给她一些暗示。

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Sandwich was rich(富裕的), but he like to play cards(纸牌)for money, He often play for 24 hours, and did not even stop to have his meals. He ordered(命令)his servants(仆人) to bring him some meat and bread And he played while eating. He put the meat between two pieces of bread and he held(握紧)the food in his left hand, While he played with his right hand.
The Story of the Word “sandwich”
在许多英语词汇的背后都有着一段有趣的故事 就拿“三明治”一词的来历说, 就有着一个广为人知的趣事。
In every language there are words that have some interesting stories behind them. The word “sandwich” , for example, is very common in English. If we want to know something about an Englishman His name was sandwich. He live in the 18th century
People liked sandwich’s idea
and began to eat bread and meat this way.
From the name of the man Sandwich,
we have the word ”sandwich”.
Sandwich, today, is also used as a verb.
When you sit between two persons you can say,
“I’m sandwich.” By saying that, You mean you have someone sitting on both sides of you.