An authentication service against dishonest users in mobile ad hoc networks


basic authentication 弱口令 -回复

basic authentication 弱口令 -回复

basic authentication 弱口令-回复题目:基于Basic Authentication的弱口令安全问题及解决方案引言:在互联网时代,信息安全问题备受关注。

基于Basic Authentication的弱口令是Web应用中常见的一种安全漏洞问题,容易被黑客利用。

本文将深入探讨基于Basic Authentication的弱口令的原因以及可能导致的风险,同时提供一些解决方案,以便帮助用户加强系统的安全性。

一、基于Basic Authentication的弱口令Basic Authentication是一种用于身份验证的简单HTTP协议。



二、弱口令可能导致的风险1. 空密码:如果用户在数据库中没有设置密码,黑客可以直接登录系统,获取敏感信息或者进行恶意操作。

2. 弱密码:使用简单或者常见的密码容易被猜解,进而导致账户被盗、系统遭到破坏或者数据泄露等风险。

3. 重复密码:如果用户在多个网站使用相同的密码,一旦其中一个站点的密码泄露,黑客可能会将其应用到其他网站,进而对用户造成更大的伤害。

三、弱口令存在的原因1. 缺乏密码策略:网站管理员未强制用户设置强密码,或者没有对密码长度、复杂性、有效期等进行限制和提示。

2. 用户忽视安全性:很多用户为了方便记忆,会使用简单的密码,并且在多个网站之间共享相同的密码。

3. 默认口令:一些系统在初始配置状态下,使用默认的用户名和密码,用户没有及时修改可能导致泄露。

四、解决方案1. 强制密码策略:系统管理员应该强制用户设置强密码,并且要求密码的长度、复杂性、有效期等达到一定的安全标准。


2. 多因素认证:采用多因素认证可以增加身份验证的安全性,例如结合密码与令牌、指纹等,即使密码泄露,黑客也无法登录系统。



网上点餐的建议英语作文Online Ordering: A Convenient and Efficient Way to Dine。

In recent years, online ordering has becomeincreasingly popular among diners. It is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy a meal, especially during busy workdays or when one is too tired to cook. With just a few clicks on a computer or smartphone, one can easily order food from a wide variety of restaurants and have itdelivered to their doorstep. In this essay, we will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of online ordering and provide some tips for making the most of this service.The Benefits of Online Ordering。

One of the main advantages of online ordering is convenience. It saves time and effort, as one can easily browse menus, place orders, and pay online without leaving their home or office. This is particularly useful forpeople who have busy schedules or those who live far fromtheir favorite restaurants. Online ordering also allows customers to order food at any time of the day or night, as many restaurants offer 24/7 delivery services.Another benefit of online ordering is the ability to customize orders. Customers can easily add or remove ingredients, choose their preferred level of spiciness, or make special requests. This is especially helpful for people with dietary restrictions or allergies, as they can easily avoid certain ingredients or ask for substitutions.Online ordering also offers a wider selection of restaurants and cuisines. Customers can easily explore different types of cuisine and discover new restaurants without having to physically visit them. This isparticularly useful for people who enjoy trying new foods or those who want to sample different cuisines from around the world.The Drawbacks of Online Ordering。

basic authentication 弱口令 -回复

basic authentication 弱口令 -回复

basic authentication 弱口令-回复基本认证(Basic Authentication)是一种常见的身份验证机制,用于保护网络服务的访问。

然而,该机制存在一个普遍存在的漏洞,即弱口令(Weak Password),这为黑客提供了入侵网络服务的机会。


















1. 强制使用复杂密码:管理员应该要求用户使用包含大写字母、小写字母、数字和特殊字符的强密码。

authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例-回复什么是authenticationmanager实例?如何使用authenticationmanager实例进行用户身份验证?在现代的网络应用程序中,用户身份验证是至关重要的。



AuthenticationManager是Spring Security框架的一部分,它是一个用于处理用户身份验证的接口。




UserDetailsService接口是Spring Security框架中的另一个接口,它定义了将用户详细信息加载到AuthenticationManager中的方法。



我们可以通过在Spring 配置文件中添加以下示例代码来配置AuthenticationManager实例:Beanpublic AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() throws Exception {return super.authenticationManagerBean();}上述代码将创建一个AuthenticationManager实例,并且使用Spring Security提供的默认配置。

authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例-回复什么是AuthenticationManager?AuthenticationManager是Spring Security框架中的一个关键接口,用于处理用户身份验证。

它是Spring Security的身份验证机制的核心,负责验证用户提交的凭证,以确定用户是否能够访问受保护的资源。



Authentication对象是Spring Security框架中的另一个核心接口,它代表了用户在系统中的身份。



接下来,我们将一步一步地回答[authenticationmanager 实例]这个主题,介绍如何使用AuthenticationManager接口来实现身份验证。

第一步:导入所需的依赖首先,我们需要在项目中添加Spring Security的依赖。


以下是一个Maven项目的示例pom.xml 文件,其中包含了我们需要的Spring Security依赖:xml<dependencies><dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactId>spring-boot-starter-security</artifactId> </dependency></dependencies>当然,你可以根据自己的项目需求进行适当的调整。

insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复

insufficientauthenticationexception类 -回复

insufficientauthenticationexception类-回复什么是InsufficientAuthenticationException类?InsufficientAuthenticationException类是Spring Security框架中的一个异常类。


通常情况下,这个异常由Spring Security内部的AuthenticationManager处理。



在Spring Security中,认证由AuthenticationManager处理。








如何处理InsufficientAuthenticationException异常?处理InsufficientAuthenticationException异常的方法通常与Spring Security的配置有关。

以下是一些可能的处理方法:1. 强制要求更高的身份验证:可以通过配置Spring Security来要求用户提供更高级别的身份验证。

authenticationconfiguration 使用 -回复

authenticationconfiguration 使用 -回复

authenticationconfiguration 使用-回复问题,详细解释authenticationconfiguration的使用方法和步骤。




Authenticationconfiguration是许多应用程序框架和库的一部分,如Spring Security和 Identity。



例如,在Java中,我们可以使用Spring Security框架来创建authenticationconfiguration实例。

在中,我们可以使用 Identity来创建它。













‎673 票‎证授权服务‎(TGS)‎票证得到授‎权。

TGS‎是一份由K‎e rber‎o s 5.‎0版票证授‎权服务(T‎G S)发行‎、且允许用‎户针对域中‎特定服务进‎行身份验证‎的票证。

‎674 安‎全主体重建‎A S票证或‎T GS票证‎。



‎676 ‎身份验证票‎证请求失败‎。

这种事件‎在Wind‎o ws X‎P Pro‎f essi‎o nal操‎作系统或W‎i ndow‎s Ser‎v er产品‎家族成员中‎将不会产生‎。

67‎7 TGS‎票证无法得‎到授权。

这‎种事件在W‎i ndow‎s XP ‎P rofe‎s sion‎a l操作系‎统或Win‎d ows ‎S erve‎r产品家族‎成员中将不‎会产生。

‎678 指‎定帐号成功‎映射到一个‎域帐号。

‎681 ‎登录失败。


‎这种事件在‎W indo‎w s XP‎Prof‎e ssio‎n al操作‎系统或Wi‎n dows‎Serv‎e r产品家‎族成员中将‎不会产生。

‎682 ‎用户重新连‎接到一个已‎经断开连接‎的终端服务‎器会话上。


‎帐号‎管理事件‎624 一‎个用户帐号‎被创建。

‎627 ‎一个用户密‎码被修改。



6‎31 一个‎全局组被创‎建。

6‎32 一个‎成员被添加‎到特定全局‎组中。

‎633 一‎个成员从特‎定全局组中‎被删除。

‎634 ‎一个全局组‎被删除。

‎635 ‎一个新的本‎地组被创建‎。





云计算HCIP题库+答案一、单选题(共52题,每题1分,共52分)1.以下哪项不属于华为桌面云系统的禁用操作?A、禁用 HDP 类服务B、在 FusionCompute 界面上删除虚拟机C、在虚拟机操作系统中更新补丁D、在桌面云中搭建 DHCP 服务器正确答案:C2.关于 AD 备份,下面描述不正确的是?A、需要在FusionAccess“系统管理>初始配置>域/0 U”中,将“是否开启备份”设置为“是”。

B、需要在 AD 服务器上配置备份路径。

C、需要在FusionAccess“告警组件”中配置 AD 信息。

D、需要在 AD 服务器上安装监控代理。

正确答案:A3.FusionCompute 分布式虚拟交换机一方面可以对多台服务器的虚拟交换机统配置、管理和监控。


A、TRUEB、FALSE正确答案:A4.关于 PCoIP 桌面云协议缺点的描述,不正确的是?A、该协议可以最大程度的利用网络带宽。

B、原生 PCoIP 没有串并口等外设重定向能力。


D、该协议属于主机端的渲染协议,兼容性较差正确答案:D5.数据恢复到备份服务器,需要选取对应组件的备份文件,备份文件的原则为?A、先查看相应组件故障告警的时间,选取故障时间之后体积最大的备份文件进行恢复B、先查看相应组件故障告警的时间,选取故障时间之前体积最大的备份文件进行恢复C、先查看相应组件故障告警的时间,选取故障时间之前最接近的备份文件进行恢复D、先查看相应组件故障告警的时间,选取故障时间之后最接近的备份文件进行恢复正确答案:C6.安装 FusionAccess 管理组件时,创建完 Linux 基础架构裸虚拟机后,对设置虚拟机自恢复属性的操作描述,不正确的是?A、只需要对 ITA 组件所在的虚拟机设置虚拟机自恢复属性操作。

B、重启完 VRM 进程后,需要重新登录 FusionCompute 界面。

casassertionauthenticationtoken的使用 -回复

casassertionauthenticationtoken的使用 -回复

casassertionauthenticationtoken的使用-回复Casassertionauthenticationtoken的使用Casassertionauthenticationtoken是CAS(Central Authentication Service)系统中的一个重要的认证凭证,用于简化用户在不同应用之间的单点登录过程。











authenticationprincipal注解 -回复

authenticationprincipal注解 -回复







1.1 认证(Authentication):认证是确认用户身份的过程。



1.2 授权(Authorization):授权是在用户经过认证后,系统根据用户的身份和权限对其进行访问控制的过程。



2.1 认证主体(Principal):认证主体是指已经通过认证的用户对象。



2.2 authenticationprincipal注解的作用authenticationprincipal注解的作用是将一个认证主体对象传递给一个被标记的类或方法。


authentication 和authorization

authentication 和authorization

authentication 和authorization Authentication 和Authorization 是现代网络安全中两个重要的概念。


在本文中,我们将一步一步回答有关Authentication 和Authorization 的问题,以便更好地理解它们的意义和区别。

第一部分:Authentication(认证)Authentication 是用于验证用户身份的过程。










第三个问题:认证的流程是怎样的?认证流程通常由以下步骤组成:1. 用户提供身份凭证:用户通过输入用户名和密码等身份凭证来开始认证过程。

2. 凭证验证:系统将用户提供的凭证与系统中存储的凭证进行比对,确定用户的身份是否有效。

3. 认证结果:认证结果将返回给用户,如果用户的身份验证成功,他们将被允许访问受保护资源。

4. 会话管理:认证成功后,系统会为用户创建一个会话,以便在一定时间内保持用户的登录状态。

第二部分:Authorization(授权)Authorization 是在通过认证之后,确定用户可以访问的资源和操作权限的过程。

issue authenticating ua cloud -回复

issue authenticating ua cloud -回复

issue authenticating ua cloud -回复Issue Authenticating UA CloudIntroduction:Authenticating UA Cloud is essential to ensure the secure access and use of this cloud computing service. However, some users may encounter issues while trying to authenticate UA Cloud. In this article, we will discuss step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot and resolve these authentication issues.1. Understanding UA Cloud Authentication:Before diving into the troubleshooting process, let's briefly understand how UA Cloud authentication works. UA Cloud uses various authentication methods, such as username-password authentication, two-factor authentication (2FA), and single sign-on (SSO). Each user is provided with a unique set of credentials to log in to the cloud service.2. Identify the Issue:The first step in resolving the authentication issue is to identify the problem. There can be several reasons for authentication failures, including incorrect credentials, issues with network connectivity,or problems with the authentication server. It's important to determine the root cause to address the problem effectively.3. Verify Credentials:The most common cause of authentication failure is incorrect credentials. Ensure that you have entered the correct username and password combination. Take note of character case sensitivity and any special characters in the password. If you are still unable to authenticate, consider resetting your password through the password recovery process provided by UA Cloud.4. Check Network Connectivity:A stable internet connection is crucial for successful authentication. Check if you can access other websites or services to ensure your network connectivity is working fine. If you are facing network connectivity issues, contact your internet service provider or IT department for assistance.5. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies:Sometimes, cached data or cookies stored in your web browser can interfere with the authentication process. Clearing these can often resolve authentication issues. To clear cache and cookies, goto your browser settings, locate the "Clear Browsing Data" option, and select the appropriate options for clearing cookies and cache.6. Disable Extensions or Add-ons:Browser extensions or add-ons may sometimes conflict with authentication processes. Temporarily disable any extensions or add-ons you have installed, and then try authenticating again. If the authentication is successful after disabling them, you may need to investigate further and determine which extension is causing the conflict.7. Check Authentication Server Status:If multiple users are experiencing authentication issues, the problem could be with the UA Cloud authentication server itself. Check the status of the authentication server by visiting the UA Cloud service status page or contacting the UA Cloud support team. If there is a known issue with the authentication server, you will need to wait until it is resolved.8. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):To enhance security, UA Cloud offers the option of enabling two-factor authentication. If you have enabled 2FA, ensure you havefollowed the correct authentication process, such as receiving an authentication code on your mobile device, or using an authentication app like Google Authenticator. In case of issues, verify that your device is connected to the internet and correctly synchronized with the authentication service.9. Contact Support:If you have followed all the above steps and are still unable to authenticate UA Cloud successfully, it's time to reach out to the UA Cloud support team. Provide them with details about the steps you have taken, the specific error messages you encountered, and any other relevant information. Support personnel should be able to guide you further and help resolve the authentication issue.Conclusion:Authenticating UA Cloud is crucial for a secure and seamless user experience. By following the step-by-step troubleshooting process outlined in this article, users can overcome authentication issues that may arise. Remember to verify credentials, check network connectivity, clear cache and cookies, disable extensions, check authentication server status, enable two-factor authentication ifapplicable, and finally, seek support if needed. With these measures, users can efficiently resolve authentication issues and enjoy all the benefits offered by UA Cloud.。


A dish made from marinated chicken pieces, it is often preserved with a sweet and sour sauce
Zhu Yuan Chicken
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Frying is a common cooking method in Henan cuisine, which can make the food crisis and deliciousness Fried dishes often include deep fried fish, chicken, and vegetables
Henan English Speech on the Tongue
Overview of Henan Cuisine Introduction to Henan Special Cuisine The cooking techniques and cultural inheritance of Henan cuisine Promotion and International Exchange of Henan Cuisine The Future Outlook of Henan Cuisine

authentication server 表说明

authentication server 表说明

authentication server 表说明认证服务器(Authentication Server)是一种安全服务器,用于验证用户的身份并授权其访问特定资源。










3.令牌生成(Token Generation):认证服务器还负责生成安全令牌(Token),用于在后续的请求中验证用户的身份和授权。










cas的accountdisabledexception-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述CAS(Central Authentication Service)是一种单点登录认证协议,它允许用户在访问多个应用程序或网站时,只需进行一次登录即可实现认证和授权。







1.2 文章结构本文将围绕CAS(Central Authentication Service)的AccountDisabledException 进行探讨。


正文:详细阐述CAS的AccountDisabledException 是什么,以及导致该异常产生的原因。


2.1 什么是CAS的AccountDisabledException:解释了CAS系统中的AccountDisabledException 是指用户帐户被禁用的异常类型。












与Authentication不同,Verification 通常涉及到对用户提供的凭据进行更深入的验证,以确认其真实性。








authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例 -回复

authenticationmanager 实例-回复一、什么是AuthenticationManager 实例?AuthenticationManager 实例是Spring Security 框架中的一个核心组件之一,用于处理身份认证相关的操作。


AuthenticationManager 实例封装了这些身份验证的逻辑,提供了一种统一的方式用来处理身份认证。

二、AuthenticationManager 实例的用途是什么?AuthenticationManager 实例的主要用途是进行身份认证,即验证用户的身份是否合法。


AuthenticationManager 实例通过与认证提供者进行交互,通过验证提供的凭证信息,判断用户是否合法。

三、如何创建一个AuthenticationManager 实例?要创建一个AuthenticationManager 实例,可以通过配置文件进行配置,也可以使用编程方式创建。


首先,在Spring Security 的配置文件中,添加以下代码片段:xml<authentication-manager><authentication-provider><user-service><user name="admin" password="admin"authorities="ROLE_ADMIN" /><user name="user" password="user"authorities="ROLE_USER" /></user-service></authentication-provider></authentication-manager>上述代码片段定义了两个用户,分别是admin 和user,admin 用户具有ROLE_ADMIN 角色,user 用户具有ROLE_USER 角色。



Basic authentication认证
Basic authentication是一种HTTP认证协议,用于在客户端和服务器之间进行身份验证。

1. 客户端向服务器发送HTTP请求。

2. 服务器返回一个401 Unauthorized响应。

3. 客户端将用户名和密码进行Base64编码,并在请求头Authorization字段中添加一个类似于"Basic username:password"的字符串。

4. 客户端重新发送HTTP请求,将授权信息包含在请求头中。

5. 服务器验证授权信息,如果成功认证则返回请求的资源,否则返回401 Unauthorized响应或其他错误信息。

需要注意的是,Basic authentication的缺点是用户名和密码以明文形式发送,缺乏安全性。

因此,通常建议在使用Basic authentication时要使用HTTPS协议来加密传输。

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An Authentication Service Against Dishonest Usersin Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksEdith C.H.Ngai and Michael R.Lyu Roland T.Chin Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shatin,NT,Hong Kong Clear Water Bay,Kowloon,Hong Kong chngai, roland@ust.hkAbstract—A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wire-less mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary networkwithout the use of any existing network infrastructure or cen-tralized administration.It is an emerging technology for civil-ian and military applications.However,security in mobile adhoc networks is hard to achieve due to the vulnerability of thelinks,the limited physical protection of the nodes,and the ab-sence of a certification authority or centralized managementpoint.Similar to other distributed systems,security in mo-bile ad hoc networks usually relies on the use of different keymanagement mechanisms.In this paper,we exploit character-istics of an ad hoc network and present our authentication ser-vice to protect network security in the presence of dishonestusers.Nodes originally trustable in the network may becomemalicious due to sudden attacks,so an adequate security sup-port for authentication to deal with dishonest users who issuefalse public key certificates is crucial.We describe a new au-thentication service with a well-defined network model anda trust model.These models allow nodes in the network tomonitor and rate each other with an authentication metric.We also propose a novel public key certificate operation,in-corporating with a trust value update algorithm in public keyauthentication.The authentication service we propose is ableto discover and isolate dishonest users in the network.Fi-nally,we evaluate the proposed solution through simulationto demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme.T ABLE OF C ONTENTS1I NTRODUCTION2R ELATED W ORK3M ODELS4S ECURITY O PERATIONS5S IMULATION R ESULTS6C ONCLUSIONS7A CKNOWLEDGMENTS1.I NTRODUCTIONA mobile ad hoc network is a collection of nodes that do notrely on afixed infrastructure.Every node in such a networkhas sufficient intelligence to continuously sense and discoverin mobile ad hoc networks,upon which we propose a new mechanism to perform authentication.The work aims at pro-viding a secure,scalable,and distributed authentication ser-vice that assures the correctness of public key certification from the attacks of dishonest users in an ad hoc network.The key features of our design are as follows.The system does not rely on any trusted third party.Authentication can be per-formed in a distributed manner,and new nodes can be intro-duced by any trustable nodes of the same group.Nodes in the network monitor each other’s behavior and update their trust tables accordingly.Our public key management mechanism identifies dishonest users and malicious nodes that issue false certificates,and prevents them from introducing nodes later. These features provide secure and highly available authenti-cation service in the ad hoc network,which is demonstrated through our experimentation.The remaining of this paper is organized as follows:Section 2discusses the related work on the current key management systems developed for ad hoc networks.Section3formal-izes the system architecture,the network model and the trust model which lay the foundation for our design.In Section 4,we propose the security operations on the public key cer-tification and the update of trust tables.Our new solution is evaluated through simulation and implementation,and the results are presented in Section5.Finally,we conclude the paper in Section6.2.R ELATED W ORKPublic key certificates employed by applications are created by Certificate Authorities(CAs)that vouch for the binding of various attributes to a public key.Security requirements for CAs are important with an exploration of the wide range of attackers that can be mounted against CAs[7].Popular network authentication architectures include X.509standard [8]and Kerberos[9].Another paper suggests making use of interoperation between many small,independent certificate authorities to build a global-scale public-key infrastructure [10].However,ad hoc networks are infrastructure-less,and there is no centralized server for key managements.Hence, traditional solutions do not meet the requirements of mobile ad hoc networks.On the other hand,Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)[3][4]is proposed by following a web of trust authen-tication model.PGP uses digital signatures as its form of introduction.When any user signs for another user’s key, he or she becomes an introducer of that key.As this pro-cess goes on,a web of trust is established.Another active research area is security function sharing[11],including a popular method for threshold secret sharing[12].The ba-sic idea is distributing the functionality of the centralized CA server among afixed group of servers.Zhou and Hass[13] propose a partially distributed certificate authority that makes use of a threshold scheme to distribute the services of the certificate authority to a set of specialized server nodes. Similar to the partially-distributed CA,the fully-distributed certificate authority proposed by Luo and Lu[14]extends the idea of the partially-distributed approach by distributing the certificate services to every node.Other solutions include the self-issued certificates proposed by Hubaux[5].It is-sues certificates by users themselves without the involvement of any certificate authority.As mentioned before,the authentication service we propose is based on a network model and a trust model.A mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructureless network that contains mobile units with a limited transmission range.Mobile hosts com-municate with each other by relaying packets from one node to other nodes when their distance is long in comparison with the transmission range.Hierarchical organization of a net-work is a well-studied subject in many distributed systems.In ad hoc networks,partitioning the nodes into groups or clus-ters is a similar function.Clustering has been proven effective in minimizing the amount of storage for communication in-formation,and in optimizing the use of network bandwidth. One class of existing clustering algorithms is based on inde-pendent dominating sets of graphs.Weight based clustering algorithms,on the other hand,are proposed in[15].These algorithms define a vertex with an optimal weight within its neighborhood as a clusterhead,and the neighborhood of the clusterhead as a cluster.The weight idea is generalized in [16],such that any meaningful parameter can be used as the weight to best exploit the network properties.Recent work is also performed on cluster formation such that a node is eithera clusterhead or is at most hops away from a clusterhead[17].A weakly-connected dominating set approach is pro-posed for clustering ad hoc networks in[18].Finally,a zonal algorithm for clustering ad hoc networks is proposed in[6] to divide the network into different regions and make adjust-ments along the borders of the regions,producing a weakly-connected dominating set of the entire graph.Our trust model follows a web of trust approach[19],in which any user can act as a certifying authority.The web of trust model is a cumulative trust model such that certificates may be trusted directly,through back-tracking a chain to a directly trusted root certificate,or by a group of introducers. Since our trust model does not have any trusted root certifi-cate,it relies on direct trust and groups of introducers in the certification.This model uses digital signatures as its form of introduction.Any node can sign another node’s public key with its own private key to establish a web of trust.Authen-tication in an ad hoc network without centralized certificate authorities generally depends on a path of trusted interme-diaries.To evaluate the trusts from the recommendation of other reliable entities,the relying node should be able to esti-mate their trustworthiness.Many metrics have been proposed to evaluate the confidence afforded by different paths.One of the proposed metrics represents a set of trust relationship by a directed graph[20].It introduces the semantics of direct trust values different from those of recommendation trust values. It shows that different values can be combined into a single value by considering the opinions from the respective recom-mending entities.Another metric is used in PGP,which has three levels of trust,including Complete trust,Marginal trust,and Notrust[21].This approach requires one Completely trusted signature or two Marginally trusted signatures to es-tablish a valid key[22].Another paper explores the use of multiple paths to redundantly authenticate a channel.It fo-cuses on two notions of path independence,the disjoint paths and the connective paths,which seem to increase assurance in the authentication[23].Finally,a distributed trust model is proposed based on recommendations in[24].This model uses discrete levels of trust,developing an algorithm for cal-culating trust and using values in recommendations.3.M ODELSIn this section,we describe the system model of our authen-tication service in mobile ad hoc networks.We present the architecture of our authentication service,and discuss its net-work model and trust model in detail.ArchitectureOur authentication service aims at providing secure public key certification despite the presence of dishonest users in the network.Dishonest users can be a node which issues false certificates to the other nodes.To deal with the problem, we design our authentication service as clustering-and trust-based.The clustering-based network model gives advantages on the behavior monitoring among the nodes.The monitoring power of the nodes in mobile ad hoc networks is usually lim-ited to their neighboring nodes,so nodes in the same cluster have relatively higher monitoring power with their short dis-tances.With this feature,we assume that any node can mon-itor and obtain public keys of the nodes in the same group accurately unless they are compromised in a sudden attack. Apart from the clustering model,we define a trust value as an authentication metric for indicating assurance.The chance for obtaining a correct public key certification increases if the node signs the certificate with a high trust value.The cluster-ing model and the trust value alone are not enough to prohibit dishonest users because a node with a high trust value can still suddenly become malicious when it is attacked.There-fore,we design each public key request on a new node with multiple replies,so that conclusion can be made on the basis of a majority votes.This operation improves the security for obtaining a correct public key and helps to discover dishonest users in the network.The trust value of the dishonest user will be reduced,so malicious nodes will be isolated in our authentication service.Figure1shows the architecture of our authentication service. Altogether there are four layers in this architecture,including the mobile hosts,the network model,the trust model,and the security operations.A mobile ad hoc network contains a large amount of mobile hosts,each with a transmission range that is relatively small to the network size.We divide the network into different regions,with nodes in the same region forming a cluster.A cluster,or as we call it,a group,is a connected sub-network usually with a smaller diameter.We define two kinds of trust relationship in the clustered network,including the trust relationship of two nodes within the same group and the trust relationship of two nodes in different groups.The security operations are performed at the highest layer.These operations include public key certification and trust value up-date,which will be presented in Section4.Figure1.Architecture of Our Authentication ServiceThe Network ModelAs a mobile ad hoc network is an infrastructureless wireless communication network that requires only mobile units to form the network;it can involve a great number of mobile units,each with a transmission range.Each mobile unit can only communicate directly with other subscriber units in the same range.An important feature in the mobile ad hoc net-work is multi-hopping,which is the ability of the mobile units to relay packets through radios from one another without the use of base stations.Obtaining a hierarchical organization of a network is a well-known and well-studied problem in distributed computing.In the case of ad hoc networks,par-titioning the nodes into groups or clusters is equally impor-tant.Clustering has been proven effective in minimizing the amount of storage for communication information and in op-timizing the use of network bandwidth.In addition to efficiency,we believe clustering improves the security of a network.In a mobile ad hoc network which lacks a centralized server for management and monitoring,secu-rity measure relies on individual nodes to monitor each other. However,the direct monitoring capability is normally limited to the neighboring nodes.On the other hand,nodes cluster-ing together allow the monitoring work to proceed more nat-urally,so as to improve the overall network security.In this paper,we propose an authentication service in the mobile ad hoc network with the use of trust and clustering techniques. There are a number of existing solutions for clustering in ad hoc networks.In our design,we divide the network into dif-ferent regions with a similar number of hosts in each region, as shown in Figure2.Nodes clustered together in the same region form a group and are assigned a unique group ID.We adopt the zonal algorithm for clustering ad hoc networks[6] in our network model.The zonal distributed algorithm parti-tions the network into different regions by an asynchronous distributed algorithm forfinding a minimum spanning tree (MST).The execution of the MST algorithm terminates when the size of components in the tree reaches a value,which isthe maximum group size in our network model.Once the net-work is divided into regions and a spanning tree is determined for each region,it computes the weakly connected dominat-ing sets of the regions.Finally,itfixes the borders of different regions by including some additional nodes from the borders of the regions.We assume that nodes in the network can know the group another node belongs to by exchangingmessages.Figure2.The Network ModelThe Trust ModelAuthentication in a network usually requires participation of trusted entities.Since a mobile ad hoc network has no central-ized server for trust and key management,we define a fully distributed trust management algorithm to maintain network security.In our trust model,any user can act as a certifying authority.Any node can sign the public key certificate of an-other node in the same group upon request.As mentioned in the last sub-section,we assume a node can obtain and store the correct public key of the nodes in the same group.Also, a node can observe and give a trust value to each of its group members by some monitoring components.We define a trust value as an authentication metric,which represents the as-surance with which a requesting node can obtain the correct public key of a target node.Each node in the network should have a trust table for storing the trust values and public keys of the nodes that they know in the network.In our authentication service,when a node wants to obtain the public key of another node,it checks which group node belongs to.Then,it looks up its trust table tofind thefirst nodes that belong to the group of node with the highest trust values.Node then selects these nodes as introducers and sends them request messages on the public key of node. Introducers are the nodes in the same group of the target nodeand are trusted by the requesting node.To evaluate the trusts from the recommendation of other reliable entities,a relying node should be able to estimate their trustworthiness. Many metrics have been proposed to evaluate the confidence afforded by different paths.In our trust model,we define the authentication metric as a continuous value between0.0and 1.0.This authentication metric,or trust value,from one node to another is assigned and stored in a subjective and localized way.A trust value represents the level of trust from node to node.The higher the value represents,the more node trusts node,and vice versa.With consideration to our network model,we define two types of trust relationship,including the direct trust relation-ship and the recommendation trust relationship in our trust model,as shown in Figure3.The direct trust relationship rep-resents the trust relationship between two nodes in the same group,while the recommendation trust represents the trust re-lationship between nodes of different groups.We apply the formula for combination of values from the direct trust and recommendation trust approach[20].Thefirst formula computes the trust relationship:(1) This formula can be used to calculate value of the new recom-mendation path.It is a result of the computation of the direct trust values and the semantics of the recommendation trust values.In our model,a new recommendation path involves a recommendation trust relationship between a relying node and an introducer,and a direct trust relationship between the introducer and the new node.Based on the above relation-ships,the formula is appropriate for our occasion.Another formula combines values of different trust relation-ships:Figure3.The Trust Modelthe public key certification and the trust value update.Fig-ure4shows the security operations of a requesting node. When node wants to obtain the public key of node,it se-lects a certain number of nodes that it trusts as the introducers. These introducers should be in the same group of node,so they can provide the public key and the trust value of node accurately.Then,node sends the request for the public key certificate to all the selected introducers.After node collects all the replies,it compares the received public key certificates and establishes the public key of node following the major-ity votes.If a malicious introducer providing a false public key certificate of node is discovered,it will be isolated by the reduction of its trust value to zero.Finally,the trust value of node will be calculated and inserted into the trust table of node.Detailed operations on public key certification and trust value update will be presented in the following subsec-tions.Public Key CertificationAuthentication in our network relies on the public key cer-tificates signed by some trustable nodes.Let be the node requesting a public key of a target node.Node has to ask for public key certificates signed by some introducing nodes, ,,,,as shown in Figure5.Every node is able to request public key certificates of any other new nodes.How-ever,nodes in the same group are assumed to know each other by means of their monitoring components and the short dis-tances among them.With the above assumptions,we focus on the public key certification where and belong to differ-ent groups.Nodes which are in the same group with and have already built up a trust relationship with can be the in-troducers.The requesting node selects a certain numberofFigure4.Security Operationsnodes with the highest trust values as introducers and sends them request messages.The introducers,,,,af-ter receiving the messages,will reply with the public key of the target node.In addition to the public key of,the trust values of are included as well.These values from,, ,will be used for calculating thefinal trust value of in when all the reply messages are received.The reply mes-sages should be signed with the introducers’private keys to make the certificates valid.Table1shows the operations of on obtaining public key cer-tificates of.To request the public key of,first looks up the group ID of node.Then,it sorts the trust values that belong to and selects the nodes with the highest trust val-ues as the introducers,,,and sends them request messages.After collecting the reply messages encrypted by introducers’secret keys,decrypts the messages with the cor-responding public keys.Next,it compares the public keys ob-tained from the reply messages and concludes the public key of as the one with the majority votes.It reduces the trustFigure5.Public Key Certificationvalues of the nodes which do not agree with that public key, so as to avoid selecting these assumed dishonest nodes as in-troducers in the future.Finally,calculates and updates the trust value of,.Trust Value UpdateAfter collecting and decrypting the reply messages,the rely-ing node obtains the trust values from different introducers to.These values can be used to calculate the ultimate trust value of in the view of as shown in Figure6.Figure6.Trust Value UpdateIn thisfigure,denotes the requesting node,and denotes Table1.Operations of Node in Public Key Certification2.Sorts the trust values of nodes belonging to groupin the trust table.Let,,,,where,,, denote nodes with the highest trust values in group.4.Collects the reply messages from,,,, where=.denotes the public key of node,denotes the trust value from to, and denotes the secret key of.The reply message is signed by the secret key of,.6.Reduces the trust values of to putes and updates the trust value of,,with these formulae:(3) and(4) where denotes the nodes in and denotes the number of nodes in.these introducers to.Finally,this value will be inserted to the trust table of.If is high,it indicates that can be a possible introducer when requests public keys for other nodes that belong to the same group as in the future.5.S IMULATION R ESULTSWe implemented our design in the network simulator Glo-mosim[25].We evaluate the performance of our system in suppressing false public keys in the replies.The simulation is used to evaluate the successful rate,failure rate and unreach-able rate on the requests of public key certificates.The suc-cessful rate is the percentage of public key requests that are made in which the relying nodes are able to establish correct public keys from the replies.The failure rate is the percentage of public key requests that are made where the relying nodes establish false public keys from the replies.The unreachable rate is the percentage of requests that cannot be made suc-cessfully because no introducer can be found in the network.We simulate a network that contains100nodes divided into 5groups.Table2details the parameters used in our simu-lations.At initialization,the network is assigned a certain percentage of trustable nodes and a certain percentage of malicious nodes.The maximum number of introducers se-lected in each request is3.At least one introducer should give a valid reply in a successful public key certification.The simulation runs for45000sec.and a total of4000public key requests are sent out from different nodes.Table2.Simulation ParametersNo.of nodesNo.of groups%of trustable nodes at initialization%of malicious introducers for each replies for each requestTimeNo.of query cyclesNo.of requests per cycleEvaluation on Ratings to Periods of TimeFigure7shows the successful rate,failure rate,and unreach-able rate on requests for public keys with the percentage of malicious nodes at initializationfixed at70%and the per-centage of trustable nodes at initializationfixed at40%.The ratings are shown in four different periods of time to demon-strate the changes.Each period of time involves1000pub-lic key certificate requests.After thefirst1000requests,the successful rate is the lowest and the failure rate is the highest among the four periods.This is mainly because70%of nodes become malicious in the network initially,replying with false public key certificates,but they are not yet discovered.After a certain number of requests,more nodes discover their mis-behavior and lower their trust values.These malicious nodes have a much lower chance of being selected as introducers af-terwards,so the successful rate rises and the failure rate drops in the following periods.Finally,all the ratings keep steady after most of the malicious nodes arediscovered.Figure7.Ratings to Number of Requests with=40%and =70%Evaluation on Ratings to Malicious NodesIn these experiments,we evaluate different ratings relative to the percentage of malicious nodes in the network with the per-centage of trustable nodes at initializationfixed at30%and 60%respectively.Figure8and Figure9show the successful rate,failure rate,and unreachable rate in the network with the percentage of malicious nodes varies from0%to100%.Wefind that the successful rate is high at the beginning and remains at over50%until the percentage of malicious nodes reaches80%.The failure rate keeps at a quite low level even when the percentage of malicious nodes in the network is high.However,the unreachable rate can be pretty high es-pecially when there are a lot of malicious nodes in the net-work.The high unreachable rate is due to the fact that most of the malicious nodes are identified,so the requesting nodes cannotfind any reliable introducers from which to request public key certificates.In comparing the twofigures,the per-formance of Figure9is better than that of Figure8,showing a relatively higher successful rate and a lower unreachable rate. This is because a larger set of introducers can be selected witha higher number of trustable nodes at initialization in Figure9.However,the failure rate in Figure9is higher than that of Figure8.Evaluation on Ratings to Trustable Nodes at InitializationIn this experiment,we compare the relationship among dif-ferent ratings to the percentage of trustable nodes at initializa-Figure8.Ratings to%of Malicious Nodes with=30%Figure9.Ratings to%of Malicious Nodes with=60% tion with the percentage of malicious nodesfixed at30%and 70%respectively.Figure10and Figure11show the success-ful rate,failure rate,and unreachable rate with the percentage of trustable nodes varying from0%to100%in the network. From thesefigures,we observe that the successful rate rises with the increase in the percentage of trustable nodes at ini-tialization.The increase in the successful rate is mainly due to the increased number of trustable nodes that can be selected as introducers.Similarly the unreachable rate drops with the increase in the percentage of trustable nodes at initialization. Bothfigures show that the successful rate remains steady af-ter the percentage of trustable nodes at initialization reaches 40%.This implies that nodes are able tofind enough number of trustable introducers to request public key certificates after reaches a certain value.The successful rate in Figure10is higher than that in Figure 11because it contains a lower percentage of malicious nodes. The network has a higher chance of receiving false public key certificates from dishonest introducers with a high percentage of malicious nodes.This also explains the failure rate in Fig-ure11is higher than that in Figure10.Figure10.Ratings to%of Trustable Nodes with=30%Figure11.Ratings to%of Trustable Nodes with=70%Comparison with the PGP ApproachIn this experiment,we compare different ratings of the au-thentication service we proposed with the Pretty Good Pri-vacy(PGP)approach.Again,these ratings include the suc-cessful rate,failure rate,and unreachable rate.Wefix the number of trustable nodes at initialization at60%and vary the percentage of malicious nodes from0%to100%.We try to compare our authentication service with the approach ap-plying Pretty Good Privacy[22]in the ad hoc network.In the PGP approach,a user verifies the public key of another user byfinding a certificate chain from to in their local certificate repository.Figure12compares the successful rates between the two mechanisms.In the PGP approach,a nodefinds a trust path for public key certification.If any nodes on the trust path are dishonest,the relying node will get a false public key certifi-cate in the reply.If our authentication service is applied,a node selects introducers only if the nodes are with high trust values.These nodes usually give high assurance on the pub-lic key and trust value of the target node.Also,dishonest。
