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Computer Simulation Helps Design Wearable Antennas for Future Force WarriorFuture Force Warrior (FFW) is the Army’s flagship science and technology initiative to develop a lightweight, fully integrated combat system including weapon, head-to-toe protection and netted communications. A key part of FFW is providing conformal body worn antennas that have sufficient gain regardless of the warrior’s position. In designing a wearable antenna for the FFW program, MegaWave Corporation found that one of the greatest challenges was simulating the impact of the human body on the antenna’s performance. MegaWave engineers simulated these effects with finite difference time domain (FDTD) software that accurately models the effects of the body by representing it with a material having the properties of a saltwater body as described by Siwiak [Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communication, Artech House, 1995]. The simulation determined impedance and radiation patterns of the initial design concepts. MegaWave engineers used the results to understand and improve their initial designs.MegaWave's engineering team brings over 80 years of combined experience in electromagnetic engineering, radio wave propagation and computational electromagnetics to the problem of designing antennas to meet the communications and end-user needs of the 21st century. The company’s military customers have included the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the United States Army Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM), the U.S. Army Natick Labs, the United States Navy, and the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM). The U.S. Army’s Communications and Electronics Research and Development Center (CERDEC) at Fort Monmouth enlisted MegaWave to assist with the development of new antennas for the FFW program which is intended to provide robust team communications during combat.Tough performance requirementsFFW antennas were required to provide approximately equal performance in all soldier positions, i.e. when the soldier is standing, and when the soldier is in the prone position. The wearable antennas also needed to be compatible with and fit on the FFW ensemble and not interfere with the soldier’s mobility. The antenna design was thus constrained by needing to be conformal to the FFW ensemble,to avoid any snagging hazard which might impede the soldier’s mobility and to operate in the presence of the warfighter’s ballistic armor plates.The tough performance requirements for the wearable antenna concept made simulation essential for quickly and inexpensively evaluating a wide range of designs. The challenge was simulating not just the performance of the antenna, but also the effects of the human body and the armor plates worn by the soldier. MegaWave engineers considered a number of modeling tools, but the requirement to include the human body and armor plates ruled out some approaches.FDTD simulation speeds antenna designMegaWave engineers decided to use XFdtd® software from Remcom Inc., State College, Pennsylvania, which incorporates a full-wave, three-dimensional solver based on the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. “MegaWave was one of Remcom’s first customers for XFdtd. We originally selected this program because it offered superior price and performance to other alternatives available at that time,” said Glynda Benham, President of MegaWave. “We have seen the software make steady improvements over the years. Version 6 made particularly important advancements such as the ability to generate and display the antenna VSWR in addition to S parameters. Another major new feature is adaptive meshing which automatically generates a finer mesh in areas where more accuracy is needed while using a coarser mesh in other areas to reduce computational requirements.”Adaptive meshing capabilities reduce solution times while maintaining high levels of accuracy by automatically adjusting the mesh to provide more cells in areas with high transients and reducing cells in areas where there is less variation. In addition, the use of a distributed memory parallel computational code allows for cluster computers to be utilized in order to perform calculations faster as well as allowing larger model sizes. While not providing the large memory of a cluster computer, another approach to providing very fast calculations is XFdtd’s XStream® hardware option. This utilizes the ability of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) in modern computer graphics cards to stream floating point calculations to achieve extremely fast calculation speeds. Results depend on the size of the FDTD mesh, but for calculations that fit within the memory constraints of the cards, calculation times are on the order of, or faster than, a 32 node computer cluster.XFdtd provides a wide range of features for modeling electromagnetic interactions with the human body. For example, Remcom provides a high fidelity male head and shoulders mesh, male body mesh, and female body mesh that provide highly accurate detail for modeling internal body structures. This is particularly useful when internal EM fields are important such as with implanted medical devices. MegaWave’s experience has been that the full body model is not necessary for many antenna computations and that computations based on the simplified body model agree very well with measured data.Modeling the new antenna designDeliang Wu, Senior Antenna Engineer for MegaWave, developed a simplified human body model by creating a geometry with the right proportions and modeling it as a saline solution with properties that closely match those of the human body. “We knew that the soldier’s body and armor plates would have a major effect on the antenna performance so we included them in our very first model,” Wu said. His first pass for the antenna consisted of a two element array with one element on the front of the ensemble and the other element on the back. Each wideband dipole element was sized to fit in the available area.In practice, the two antenna elements are fed in phase through a combiner. In the FDTD model, the isolated elements are excited by in-phase voltage sources. The coaxial feed cables and the combiner are not included in the model. XFdtd determines the impedance of the individual elements and the radiation patternsof the array as a function of frequency. The electromagnetic field in each cell is calculated by the software through time domain solution of Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic simulation takes only a small fraction of the time and expense involved in building and testing wearable antennas. Simulation also provides more information than physical experiments by yielding results at every point in the solution domain, far exceeding the results that can be achieved with physical measurements. Wu evaluated a large number of alternative designs in order to optimize the performance of the antenna relative to the customer’s requirements.Using XFdtd, MegaWave engineers can create and evaluate a number of design iterations per day, making it possible to reach an optimized design in a short period of time. Furthermore, simulation helps engineers gain an understanding of the sensitivity of various design parameters providing much faster optimization of design than in the past. Wu adjusted the detailed design parameters to match the feed point impedance of the two antenna elements, maximize the gain, and achieve a total field pattern that is nearly omnidirectional.Physical testing confirms simulation predictionsMegaWave then built a prototype of the antenna and measured it mounted on a salt water phantom. The antenna performance closely matched the simulation results as seen in Figures 1 and 2 (the radiation patterns are mirror images due to measured data being collected in the opposite rotational sense to the computed data). The final antenna system is shown below (Figure 3) and also installed on the FFW ensemble (Figure 4).90180270Figure 1: Measured azimuthal radiation patterns as a function of frequency 5frequency (vertical polarization)Figures 3 and 4: Antenna system and system mounted on chassisFor each new antenna, the company’s engineers will go back to the original XFdtd model and make changes to meet the new performance requirements. “FDTD simulation helped us evaluate a wide range of antenna designs in a fraction of the time that would have been required to build and test prototypes,” Benham concluded. “As a result, we were able to quickly iterate to a design that met the Army’s requirements.”。
Variable: 变量
Measurement: 测量
Sample: 样本
Population: 总体
Dependent Variable: 因变量
Independent Variable: 自变量
Control Variable: 控制变量
附件6作者姓名:卢滇楠论文题目:温敏型高分子辅助蛋白质体外折叠的实验和分子模拟研究作者简介:卢滇楠,男,1978年4月出生, 2000年9月师从清华大学化工系生物化工研究所刘铮教授,从事蛋白质体外折叠的分子模拟和实验研究,于2006年1月获博士学位。
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全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:探究物体在斜面上的运动实验英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1An Experimental Investigation into the Motion of Objects on an Inclined PlaneIntroductionIn our physics class, we were tasked with conducting an experiment to explore the motion of objects on an inclined plane. This concept is not only fascinating from a scientific standpoint but also has numerous real-world applications, from understanding the dynamics of vehicles on slopes to designing efficient ramps and conveyor belts. As a student passionate about understanding the natural world, I was excited to delve into this hands-on learning experience.Theoretical BackgroundBefore diving into the experiment, it was essential to understand the theoretical principles underpinning the motion of objects on an inclined plane. According to Newton's laws of motion, when an object is placed on an inclined surface, it experiences two primary forces: the force of gravity acting vertically downward, and the normal force exerted by the surface perpendicular to the plane.The component of the gravitational force acting parallel to the inclined surface is responsible for causing the object's acceleration down the plane. This component, known as the parallel force, is proportional to the sine of the angle of inclination (θ) m ultiplied by the object's mass (m) and theacceleration due to gravity (g). The equation governing this relationship is:Parallel Force = m × g × sin(θ)Additionally, the acceleration of the object down the inclined plane is independent of its mass and solely depends on the angle of inclination and the acceleration due to gravity. This acceleration can be calculated using the following equation:Acceleration = g × sin(θ)These fundamental principles provided the theoretical foundation for our experiment, allowing us to formulate hypotheses and design an appropriate methodology.Experimental SetupTo conduct the experiment, we assembled the following materials:A sturdy wooden plankVarious objects of different masses (e.g., wooden blocks, metal cylinders)A protractor to measure the angle of inclinationA stopwatch or timerMeter sticks or measuring tapesNotebook and pen for recording observationsThe experimental setup involved positioning the wooden plank on a flat surface and adjusting its angle of inclination using books or blocks as supports. We measured the angle using the protractor and ensured that the surface was smooth and free from obstructions.ProcedureWe started by setting the plank at a specific angle, let's say 30 degrees.One team member held the object at the top of the inclined plane, while another prepared to time its descent using the stopwatch.Upon releasing the object, we recorded the time it took to travel a predetermined distance along the inclined plane.We repeated this process multiple times for the same object and angle, calculating the average time and velocity.Next, we varied the angle of inclination, keeping the same object, and repeated the timing measurements.Finally, we swapped objects of different masses and repeated the entire process for each new object.Data Collection and AnalysisThroughout the experiment, we meticulously recorded our observations, including the angle of inclination, object mass, distance traveled, and time taken for each trial. We then computed the average velocities and accelerations for each combination of angle and mass.To analyze the data, we plotted graphs of velocity versus time and acceleration versus the sine of the angle of inclination. These visual representations allowed us to identify patterns and evaluate the validity of the theoretical equations.Results and DiscussionOur experimental results largely aligned with the theoretical predictions. We observed that the acceleration of an object down the inclined plane was indeed independent of its mass, as predicted by the equation Acceleration = g × sin(θ). The grap hs of acceleration versus sine of the angle followed a linear trend, further confirming this relationship.Moreover, we noted that objects with larger masses experienced greater parallel forces, as expected from theequation Parallel Force = m × g × sin(θ). However, their accelerations remained constant for a given angle, aligning with the theoretical principles.Interestingly, we encountered some minor discrepancies between our experimental data and the theoretical values, which could be attributed to factors such as air resistance, friction, and measurement uncertainties. These deviations highlighted the importance of controlling experimental conditions and accounting for potential sources of error.ConclusionThrough this hands-on experiment, we gained valuable insights into the motion of objects on an inclined plane. We observed firsthand the relationships between acceleration, mass, and the angle of inclination, solidifying our understanding of the theoretical concepts.The experimental process also taught us essential skills in data collection, analysis, and critical thinking. We learned to design controlled experiments, record precise measurements, and interpret results in the context of scientific theories.Moving forward, we can apply the knowledge gained from this experiment to various real-world scenarios, such asanalyzing the motion of vehicles on slopes, optimizing the design of ramps and conveyor belts, or even understanding the dynamics of certain sports and recreational activities.Overall, this experimental investigation into the motion of objects on an inclined plane was an enriching and rewarding experience. It not only deepened our comprehension of physics principles but also cultivated our scientific curiosity and problem-solving abilities, preparing us for future scientific endeavors.篇2Investigating the Motion of Objects on an Inclined PlaneIt was just another typical day in physics class when Mr. Davis announced we would be doing a hands-on experiment to explore the motion of objects on inclined planes. I have to admit, I wasn't exactly thrilled at first. Physics experiments can sometimes be tedious and dull. However, as Mr. Davis explained what we'd be doing, I became more intrigued and even a little excited.The core idea was straightforward enough – we'd be rolling objects down ramps set at different angles and measuring their speeds and acceleration. But Mr. Davis hinted there would besome twists that would make it more engaging than just watching things roll down slopes. He divided us into groups of four, and each group received a plastic ramp, a stopwatch, a meterstick, some masking tape, and two objects – a hollow plastic cylinder and a solid aluminum cylinder of the same size.Once we had our materials, Mr. Davis went over the procedure. First, we would use the masking tape to make evenly spaced lines every 20 cm along the ramp to mark intervals. Then, for each angle we tested, we'd release the hollow cylinder from rest at the top and use the stopwatch to measure its time over each 20 cm interval to determine its speed at different points. We'd repeat this three times and average the results.The first angle seemed fairly tame – just 10 degrees from horizontal. I figured the cylinder would trickle down slowly in that case. But I was in for a surprise! Even at that modest angle, the cylinder quickly built up pretty good speed about halfway down the ramp. Clearly, the old saying "objects in motion tend to stay in motion" wasn't kidding around.After recording temps for the 10 degree trials, we had to tilt the ramp to 20 degrees and repeat. This time, I could definitely notice some serious acceleration happening as the cylinder rolled along. Mr. Davis then went around and checked our data,offering suggestions on techniques like when to start and stop the stopwatch.Once we had successfully timed the hollow cylinder, the real fun began. We switched over to the solid aluminum cylinder of the same diameter and mass. In theory, it should have accelerated at the same rate, assuming we neglected air resistance. However, pretty much every group noticed clear disparities between the hollow and solid cylinders.No matter how carefully we performed the timings, the solid cylinder consistently traveled slower than its hollow counterpart. At first, I figured we must be doing something wrong with our methods. But Mr. Davis assured us this discrepancy was exactly what he expected to see emerge. He then launched into an explanation about rotational inertia and how objects need to expend energy to set spinning motions in addition to linear motions.With the aluminum cylinder's mass concentrated toward its outer edges, it experienced greater resistance to rotation compared to the hollow cylinder. Thus, more of the cylinder's kinetic energy went into overcoming rotational inertia rather than just linear motion, resulting in slower overall speeds. Mind officially blown!Mr. Davis then had us ramp things up further by tilting the ramp to 30 degrees to accentuate the acceleration. Sure enough, the speed disparities between the solid and hollow cylinders became even more pronounced. As we timing technicians sweated through running trials, I realized this experiment had transformed into an engaging exploration of some pretty profound physics concepts.After completing all the ramp angles, Mr. Davis had us process our data into velocity vs time graphs. Seeing the curved lines vividly depict the accelerated motion helped solidify the concepts in a visual way. We analyzed our graphs and used the velocity and position data to calculate the accelerations of the cylinders down the ramps.While Newton's second law specifies that acceleration should depend only on mass and force, not shape or distribution, our numbers confirmed that rotational inertia created real disparities between the hollow and solid cylinders. The temperature was rising in that physics room as our brains worked to connect the experiments to the core concepts!For the finale, Mr. Davis had us investigate how changing the mass affected the acceleration by adding weights to the hollow cylinder. As expected, increasing the mass did reduce theacceleration compared to the unweighted trials, beautifully confirming the force to mass ratio relationship.What started as a seemingly simple experiment turned into an engrossing journey hitting on key topics like kinematics, Newton's laws, energy, rotational dynamics, and data visualization. My eyes were opened to how deceivingly simple setups can provide profound insights when you start plugging in the physics. I'll never look at a hollow cylinder the same way again!As I walked out of class, surprisingly energized instead of drained like after many labs, I felt grateful for a professor committed to creating engaging hands-on experiences. Too often, physics can get bogged down in dry equations disconnected from reality. But Dr. Davis's inclined plane experiment brilliantly revealed how the world actually works through a deceptively simple scenario.I don't know if I'll become a physicist, but I gained an appreciation for the mindset of uncovering truths about nature through well-designed experiments and modeling. Looking back, I'm really glad I didn't just dismiss this as "another lame physics lab." Sometimes the most valuable lessons come from unexpected places if you're willing to lean in with an open mind.Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go roll myself down a few inclined planes to verify some newly sparked inquiries!篇3Investigating the Motion of Objects on an Inclined PlaneAs a high school physics student, one of the most intriguing experiments we conducted was exploring the motion of objects on an inclined plane. This hands-on activity allowed us to witness firsthand the principles of mechanics and gain a deeper understanding of the interplay between forces, acceleration, and motion.The setup was deceptively simple: a long, smooth ramp propped at various angles, a selection of objects with different masses and materials, and a set of timers and rulers to measure distances and durations. However, behind this straightforward apparatus lay a world of fascinating observations and revelations waiting to be uncovered.Our first task was to release a small wooden block from the top of the ramp and observe its behavior. At a shallow angle, the block sluggishly crept down the incline, its motion seemingly defying the laws of gravity. As we increased the angle, the block's descent accelerated, gathering speed with each passing second.This stark contrast piqued our curiosity, prompting us to delve deeper into the underlying principles governing this phenomenon.Through our teacher's guidance and supplementary readings, we learned about the intricate interplay between the forces acting on the block. The weight of the object, represented by its mass and the acceleration due to gravity, pulled it downward. Simultaneously, the normal force exerted by the ramp surface counteracted this downward pull, resolving into components parallel and perpendicular to the incline.The parallel component of the normal force, commonly referred to as the "force of friction," opposed the block's motion, acting as a resistive force. Conversely, the component of the weight force parallel to the ramp provided the driving force, propelling the block forward. As we increased the angle, the driving force grew stronger relative to the frictional force, resulting in the observed acceleration.Armed with this newfound knowledge, we eagerly dove into our next set of experiments. We systematically varied the ramp's angle, meticulously measuring the block's displacement over fixed time intervals. By plotting these data points on graphs, weunveiled the remarkable relationship between the angle of incline and the acceleration of the object.Our findings corroborated the theoretical predictions: the acceleration increased proportionally with the sine of the angle, a direct consequence of the geometric resolution of forces. This validation of mathematical models through empirical evidence filled us with a profound sense of awe and appreciation for the predictive power of physics.Undeterred by our initial success, we pushed our investigation further by introducing objects of varying masses and materials. We observed that while the acceleration remained consistent for objects of the same mass and material, it varied across different compositions. Heavier objects experienced slower accelerations due to the increased frictional forces, while lighter ones zipped down the ramp with greater ease.The concept of friction took on a new dimension when we experimented with different surface materials on the ramp. Rough surfaces, such as sandpaper, significantly impeded the motion, while smoother surfaces facilitated faster accelerations. This revelatory insight highlighted the crucial role of surface properties in determining frictional forces and their impact on motion.As we progressed through our experiments, we encountered instances where our results deviated from theoretical predictions. Rather than being discouraged, these discrepancies fueled our curiosity and sparked lively discussions within our group. We hypothesized potential sources of error, such as imperfections in the ramp surface, air resistance, or measurement inaccuracies, and devised strategies to minimize their impact.One particularly thought-provoking observation emerged when we attempted to release the block from different heights along the ramp. Contrary to our initial expectations, the acceleration remained unaffected by the starting position, as long as the angle of incline remained constant. This counterintuitive finding challenged our intuitive notions and prompted us to reevaluate our understanding of the principles governing motion on inclined planes.Throughout our investigations, we encountered moments of triumph and frustration, successes and setbacks. However, each experience served as a invaluable learning opportunity, sharpening our critical thinking skills, fostering teamwork, and instilling in us a deep appreciation for the scientific method.As we concluded our experiments, we couldn't help but reflect on the broader implications of our findings. The principlesgoverning motion on inclined planes extend far beyond the confines of our classroom, manifesting in diverse natural phenomena and engineering applications. From the design of roller coasters and ski slopes to the construction of ramps and conveyor belts, a thorough understanding of these principles is crucial for optimizing efficiency and ensuring safety.Moreover, our investigation highlighted the importance of empirical observation and experimentation in validating theoretical models. While mathematical equations and simulations provide invaluable insights, their true power lies in their ability to accurately describe and predict real-world phenomena. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we gained a deeper appreciation for the iterative nature of scientific inquiry and the continuous quest for knowledge.As I look back on this transformative experience, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning and exploratory investigations. The lessons learned transcended the confines of physics, instilling in me a passion for lifelong learning, a commitment to intellectual curiosity, and a profound respect for the elegance and complexity of the natural world.。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
静息态功能磁共振 样本量估算
静息态功能磁共振样本量估算静息态功能磁共振(Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging,简称rs-fMRI)是一种非侵入性的脑成像技术,可以测量大脑在静息状态下的功能连接和网络活动。
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近红外高光谱成像(Near infrared-hyperspectral imaging,NIR-HSI)技术结合化学计量学和机器学习算法可以检测奶粉中单一掺假物含量。
对基于像素点预处理后的高光谱图像划分感兴趣区域(Region of interest,ROI),提取ROI平均光谱。
基于经典的过滤式特征选择算法拉普拉斯分数(Laplacian score)(无监督)和ReliefF(有监督)挑选建模关键变量,建立偏最小二乘回归模型(Partial least squares,PLS)。
开发包含自定义选择层的一维卷积神经网络模型(One-dimensional convolutional neural networks,1DCNN)。
Laplacian score-PLS模型对预测集中奶粉、三聚氰胺、香兰素和淀粉质量分数预测结果均方根误差分别为0.1110%、0.0570%、0.0349%和0.3481%。
对Laplacian score、ReliefF和自定义选择层挑选出的前15个重要波长进行对比分析,不同特征选择方法挑选的特征波长子集有所区别,但都选择1210、1474、1524、1680 nm等附近波长。
Tangney 等于2004年发表的自我控制量表(Self-Control Scale,SCS )是目前世界范围内使用最为广泛的测量自我控制水平的量表[2]。
谭树华等于2008年对SCS 进行翻译和修订,形成了五个维度,19个条目的中文版[16]。
尽管该量表能对自我控制进行全面评估,但仍存在一定的局限性,如耗时较长,容易产生应答疲劳【基金项目】江西省自然科学基金面上项目(编号:20192BAB205037)通讯作者:肖水源,**************.cn简式自我控制量表中文版的信效度检验罗涛1,2,程李梅3,秦立霞4,肖水源2(1.江西省精神卫生中心,南昌330029;2.中南大学湘雅公共卫生学院社会医学与卫生事业管理学系,长沙410078;3.鹰潭市人民医院心理科,鹰潭335000;4.清华大学校医院,北京100084)【摘要】目的:检验简式自我控制量表(Brief Self-Control Scale,BSCS )中文版的信度和效度。
方法:用BSCS 中文版对1676名大学生、897名中专生和1771名中学生施测,同时测定简式Barratt 冲动量表(BBIS )、自尊量表(SES )及简式网络游戏障碍量表(IGDS9-SF )进行效标效度的验证。
ISO.20283.2 船舶振动测量
Disclosure to Promote the Right To InformationWhereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेटमानक“!ान$एकन'भारतका+नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”“प0रा1कोछोडन'5तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru“Step Out From the Old to the New”“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”“!ानएकऐसाखजाना>जोकभीच0रायानहB जासकताह”Bhart ṛhari—N īti śatakam“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”ge””हIS/ISO 20283-2 (2008): Mechanical Vibration – Measurement of Vibration on Ships, Part 2: Measurement of Structural Vibration [MED 28: Mechanical Vibration and Shock]IS/ISO 20283-2 : 2008(Superseding IS 14728 : 1999 and 14729 : 1999)Hkkjrh; ekud;k¡f=kd oa Q iu — tyiks r ks ij oa Q iu ekiuHkkx 2 la j pukxr oa Q iu dk ekiuIndian StandardMECHANICAL VIBRATION — MEASUREMENT OFVIBRATION ON SHIPSPART 2 MEASUREMENT OF STRUCTURAL VIBRATIONICS 17.140.30;47.020.01© BIS 2012B U R E A U O F I N D I A N S T A N D A R D SMANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARGNEW DELHI 110002August 2012Price Group 7Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee, MED 28NATIONAL FOREWORDThis Indian Standard (Part 2) which is identical with ISO 20283-2 : 2008 ‘Mechanical vibration —Measurement of vibration on ships — Part 2: Measurement of structural vibration’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Mechanical Vibration and Shock Sectional Committee and approval of the Mechanical Engineering Division Council.This standard supersedes both IS 14728 : 1999 ‘Code for the measurement and reporting of shipboard vibration data’ and IS 14729 : 1999 ‘Code for the measurement and reporting of local vibration data of ship structures and equipment’. After the publication of this standard IS 14728 : 1999 and IS 14729: 1999 shall be treated as withdrawn.The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain terminology and conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards. Attention is particularly drawn to the following:a)Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they shouldbe read as ‘Indian Standard’.b)Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the currentpractice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.In this adopted standard, reference appear to the following International Standard for which Indian Standard also exists. The corresponding Indian Standard which is to be situated in its place is listed below along with its degree of equivalence for the edition indicated:International Standard Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of EquivalenceISO 2041 : 19901) Vocabulary on vibration and shock IS 11717 : 2000 Vocabulary onvibration and shock (first revision )Identical 1) Since revised in 2009.For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules of rounding off numerical values (revised )’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.IS/ISO 20283-2 : 2008Indian StandardMECHANICAL VIBRATION — MEASUREMENT OFVIBRATION ON SHIPSPART 2 MEASUREMENT OF STRUCTURAL VIBRATION1 ScopeThis part of ISO 20283 gives guidelines, and specifies requirements and procedures for the measurement, diagnostic evaluation and reporting of structural vibration of ships, excited by the propulsion plant. Structural vibration can be of global or of local nature. Here, primarily global vibration is dealt with.Local vibration of deck structures from a habitability point of view is dealt with in ISO 6954. Occurrence of local vibration leading to fatigue damage is rare and strongly related to the individual configuration. Therefore, no general guideline for the measurement of such type of vibration is provided within the scope of ISO 20283 (all parts). For reference, some basic information regarding the design of structures with respect to local structural vibration is provided in Annex D.This part of ISO 20283 does not consider transient ship vibration phenomena, e.g., as excited by slamming. Even though torsional shaft or crankshaft vibration can in some cases cause relevant structural vibration, they are not considered here. In this connection, reference can be made to the relevant classification rules and ISO 20283-4.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 2041: Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring — Vocabulary 1)3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 2041 and the following apply.3.1global structural vibrationvibration deflection shapes involving major structural parts of the shipNOTE Major parts of a ship include: hull girder, superstructure, and aft body.1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 2041:1990)1IS/ISO 20283-2 : 20083.2local structural vibrationvibration deflection shapes which are limited to one structural part of the shipNOTE Local parts of a ship include: parts of the superstructure, mast, tank bulkheads, web frame, stiffener, and plate.3.3free routecondition achieved when the ship is proceeding at a constant speed and course with helm adjustment of ± 2° or less and no throttle adjustment3.4hull girderprimary hull structure contributing to flexural rigidity of the hull, the static and dynamic behaviour of which can be described by a free-free non-uniform beam approximationNOTE Primary hull structure includes: shell plating, continuous longitudinal strength members and stiffeners, and continuous strength decks.3.5operational vibration deflection shapevibration pattern reflecting the dynamic response of the hull structure to a vibration excitation (forced response)4 Measurement conditions and manoeuvresA set of measurements is recommended to be performed on the first ship of a series (if any) to show that it does not suffer from vibration deficiencies with respect to global vibration. These measurements are conducted for informational purposes and include comparison with results of theoretical prediction, and not with the aim to confirm compliance with any vibration level limit values. Nevertheless, measurement evaluation should include comparison with results of theoretical predictions and measurement results obtained for other ships.The water depth shall be more than 5 times the ship draught. If the ship is intended for service in shallow waters, the trial depth shall be chosen accordingly.The sea state shall be below 3. If greater than 3, the sea state shall be noted in the measurement report and the report should also contain a section with signal analysis applied to high-pass filtered measurement data (> 2 Hz).The ship shall be loaded so that, as a minimum, the propeller is fully immersed. This loading condition (test condition) during sea trial of the ship should preferably be a normal operating condition (ballast or loaded condition). It should be considered that for ships with larger variation in relevant displacements, global vibration characteristics may change significantly. Tendencies can be concluded from theoretical investigations, if available. If measurements during ship service conditions need to be carried out for further diagnosis, the procedures as provided in this guideline should be applied in analogy. In such cases, measurement transducers should be placed also at the bow into transverse and vertical directions to better capture the change of the natural frequencies of the global hull vibration modes with varying loading condition. For the determination of the main operational vibration deflection shapes and the associated natural vibration mode shapes and frequencies, measurements shall be conducted in free route runs in the speed range corresponding to approximately 30 % to 100 % of maximum continuous rated power. The following sequence is recommended.a) Fixed pitch propellers: measure at discrete constant rotational speed steps with increases ofapproximately 2 % of maximum continuous rated propeller shaft rotational speed. Alternatively, if a harmonic order tracking technique is applied for data acquisition and analysis, rotational propeller shaft speed (propulsion shaft speed) may be increased slowly and continuously over a period not less than45 min. An even lower rate of change of rotational speed or smaller steps should be used in or nearresonance conditions, allowing for approximately continuous quasi-stationary conditions.2IS/ISO 20283-2 : 2008 b) Controllable pitch propellers: the ship's standard combinatory curve for rotational speed and pitchincrements leading to at least 20 measurement sets over the ship's operational speed range. If resonances cannot be identified by this procedure, the pitch shall be kept constant at approximately 80 % and the rotational speed rate changed in such a way as to cover the frequency range of interest adequately.During each step, data should be recorded for at least 60 s.If quasi-continuous operating conditions have not been ensured during speed-up trials, the following rotational speed and pitch settings shall be measured at separate constant rotational speed over a duration of 3 min:⎯nominal rotational speed and pitch setting;⎯rotational speed and pitch setting for which maximum response on navigation bridge deck level is obtained and which is excited by the dominant propeller excitation order;⎯rotational speed and pitch setting for which maximum response on navigation bridge deck level is obtained and which is excited by the dominant main engine excitation order.In multiple-shaft ships, all shafts should be run at, or as close as possible to, the same rotational speed to determine total vibration levels.5 Measurement positionsThe focus is on the determination of the global operational deflection shapes, the indication of important natural vibration modes and on the identification of the dominant vibration excitation mechanisms. Consequently, measurement positions shall reflect the ship's deflection shape and the energy and frequency content of the main vibration excitation sources, as normally represented by propeller and main engine.For the determination of suitable measurement positions, reference to the theoretical global vibration analysis, if available, should be made. If no analysis is available, guidance for the selection of the measurement positions can be obtained from Annex A.For the evaluation of the magnitude and characteristic of propeller excitation, optionally, pressure pulse measurements in the shell area above the propeller may be made. The measured data may be used for validation of theoretical predictions and cavitation tank tests. Moreover, disadvantageous propeller cavitation phenomena, i.e., broad-band excitations or dominance of higher blade harmonics, can be identified. During the measurements, care shall be taken that the shell area above the propeller is fully immersed. See Annex B for guidance on the selection of the measurement positions.The measurement programme and positions should be agreed on between builder and purchaser before the performance of sea trials.6 Signal acquisition, processing and storageTransducers shall be calibrated in the laboratory. The total vibration measuring system including the cabling shall be checked in the field before and after performing the measurements.In order to perform the recommended diagnostic measurements in reasonable time and to allow for phase considerations and modal analysis, use of multi-channel equipment is recommended. If this is not possible, at least two-channel equipment shall be used with one channel reserved as reference channel.The vibration transducers and the signal processing equipment shall be capable of measurement from 1 Hz to 80 Hz with a magnitude accuracy for the entire system of at least ± 5 % and a frequency resolution of at least 0,125 Hz.3IS/ISO 20283-2 : 2008For the calculation of the frequency spectra from the time series, preferably a flat top (low level uncertainty) or Hanning (good frequency resolution) window should be used. Alternatively, an order tracking method can be applied.Since mean and not extreme values are of interest for Fourier transform, the stable mean averaging mode shall be used (i.e., not peak-hold).In case further analysis is required after the trials, measurement data shall be stored on an electronically reproducible medium.7 Test reportGeneral information on ship and propulsion plant characteristics, ambient and operating conditions during the measurements shall be provided. Guidance can be obtained from the measurement report form given in ISO 6954.Additionally, the following information shall be provided for proper comparison with theoretical prediction results:a) a reference to this part of ISO 20283;b) fore and aft draft during tests;c) estimated height of stern wave during tests or immersion state of the shell structure above the propeller,respectively;d) filling state of aft peak tank, if any;e) arrangement and type of transverse main engine stays, if any;f) arrangement and type of axial vibration damper, if any;g) arrangement and type of torsional vibration damper, if any;h) arrangement and type of vibration balancer, if any.Preferred units for the data presentation are:⎯acceleration: millimetres per second squared (mm/s2);⎯velocity: millimetres per second (mm/s);⎯displacement: millimetres (mm);⎯pressure: kilopascals (kPa).The measured vibration levels shall preferably be documented in terms of the peak value of the vibration velocity. If any frequency weighting is applied, this shall be clearly indicated.It is recommended also to list the vibration levels in terms of the overall frequency-weighted root mean square (r.m.s.) value as defined in ISO 6954 for a tentative assessment of the vibration levels from a habitability point of view.The measurement results shall be documented in such a way as to reflect the variation of vibration characteristics with changing rotational speed or pitch settings, respectively. It shall be possible to conclude on the level and frequency content of the vibration response at each relevant measurement step. Optionally, typical time series and graphs of vibration response versus rotational speed or pitch setting should be included for all relevant excitation orders.4IS/ISO 20283-2 : 2008 Also, schematic plots or bar model animations of the relevant natural and operational mode shapes provide additional useful information, e.g., for comparison with theoretical predictions.Generally, presentation in graphical form is preferred rather than tabular listings. Two examples of result presentation for two measurement positions are presented in Annex C.Any remarkable observations and phenomena having occurred during the measurements (e.g., beating, severe slamming induced vibration) shall be reported.Furthermore, a brief discussion of the results and a comparison with calculated figures, if available, and the main conclusions from the measurement should be included.Electronic format is preferred, but paper format is acceptable.5Annex A(informative)Typical extent of measurement positions for global ship vibrationFor ships characterized by a clear separation of hull and superstructure and equipped with slow or medium-speed engines, e.g., tankers, bulk carriers, multi-purpose and container ships, at least the measurement positions listed in Table A.1 and shown in Figure A.1 should be considered.KeydeckA navigationbridgeB superstructureC upper deck, main deckengineD mainNOTE For numbers, see Table A.1.Figure A.1 — Illustration of global vibration measurement positions for typical merchant ships6Table A.1 — Global vibration measurement positions for typical merchant shipsNo. Location Directionport Transverse1 Stern,port Vertical2 Stern,3 Navigation bridge deck forward, port Longitudinal4 Navigation bridge deck forward, port Transverse5 Navigation bridge deck forward, starboard Longitudinal6 Navigation bridge deck forward, port Vertical7 Superstructure fore, foundation, centre line Vertical8 Main engine top, aft cylinder frame Transverse9 Main engine top, fore cylinder frame Transverse10 Main engine top, fore cylinder frame Longitudinal11a Main mast top Longitudinal12a Main mast top Transversea It is recommended also to check the vibration characteristics of the main mast, measurement of the transverse andlongitudinal vibration level at the main mast top.Annex B(informative)Procedure for optional propeller pressure pulse measurementsB.1 Pressure transducersThe pressure transducers, signal conditioning and recording system should have a frequency response range which will measure the impulsive pressures arising from cavitation. An upper frequency response of about 5 kHz should be adequate for most purposes.Corrosion resistant pressure transducers should be used. Ideally the sensitive membrane of the transducer should be flush with the outer hull surface in order to avoid unwanted pressure harmonics. The design of available transducers and fitting sometimes make this difficult to achieve in practice.B.2 Pressure componentsThe hull surface pressure comprises two components. The first is the direct radiated pressure from the propulsor and the second is a self-induced pressure resulting from the vibration of the transducer mounted on the hull.To separate these two components, it is necessary to measure the vibration at the pressure transducer locations. These data, via suitable transformation methods, can be used to estimate the self-induced pressure components in terms of amplitude and phase at the transducer location.B.3 Measurement locationsThe number of pressure transducers should, ideally, be between five and seven. For a right-handed propeller of diameter, D, four pressure transducers should be placed at 0,05D to starboard of the shaft centre line (see Figure B.1). The longitudinal positions should be in the measurement reference plane at intervals of 0,15D, starting at 0,1D aft of the propeller tip plane. At the plane 0,05D ahead of the propeller tips additional transducers may ideally be placed at 0,1D to port and 0,15D and 0,25D to starboard. The mirror image of this pattern should be applied for a left-handed propeller.For ships with significant areas of shell plating aft of the propeller plane pressure transducers may also be required to be located at distances up to 2D aft of the propeller plane in line with the principal tip vortex activity in the wake peak.A phase marker or angular position indicator should be fitted to the inboard shafting. It is convenient if this coincides with a particular blade at a known angular position of the propeller.8Key1 measurement reference plane2 mid-chord3 portlinecentre4 shaft5 starboardNOTE The figure is drawn for right-handed propeller seen from above. Positions for left-handed propeller are mirrored on the shaft centre line.Figure B.1 — Measurement locations on a propeller with diameter, DAnnex C(informative)Examples for a result presentation of global vibration measurementC.1 Example 1Measurement position: navigation bridge deck, longitudinalKeyt timev velocityFigure C.1 — Time history, constant rotational speed, n= 108 r/minKeyf frequencyv velocityFigure C.2 — Fourier spectrum, constant rotational speed, n= 108 r/min10Keyf frequencyt timev velocityFigure C.3 — Waterfall diagram, rotational speed, n= 85 r/min to n= 108 r/minC.2 Example 2Measurement position: main engine top, transverseKeyt timev velocityFigure C.4 — Time historyKeyN orderv velocityFigure C.5 — Order spectrum, constant rotational speed, n= 103 r/min 12KeyN orderspeedn rotationalv velocityFigure C.6 — Waterfall diagramKeyN orderspeedn rotationalv velocitya overallpeakFigure C.7 — Order plot versus rotational speedAnnex D(informative)Local structural vibrationAt structural design stage, natural frequencies of local panels and stiffened panels especially in the superstructure, the engine room and the stern-end structure can be estimated by using simplified theoretical formulae or finite element analysis. These local panel scantlings are decided by setting these estimated natural frequencies apart from the exciting frequencies induced by propellers, main engines and so on to adequate extent to avoid resonance. The builder will decide the differences between these estimated natural frequencies and the exciting frequencies considering the results of measured frequencies of local panels and stiffened panels for former ships.During the performance trial of the ship, the vibration level of local panels in conspicuous areas should be checked visually by taking note of the noise and the overall vibration velocity values at the most representative spots for reference. These observations or measurements should be conducted at or close to the nominal rotational speed of the propulsion plant, and the frequency range 5 Hz to 100 Hz should be considered. To minimize the risk of structural damage, panels with values above 30 mm/s might need further attention. To assess the extent of introduction of structure-borne noise, e.g., at top plates of engine or gear foundations, other assessment criteria need to be used.14BibliographyMechanical vibration — Guidelines for the measurement, reporting and evaluation of 6954,[1] ISOvibration with regard to habitability on passenger and merchant shipsBureau of Indian StandardsBIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act , 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.CopyrightBIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in course of imple-menting the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.Review of Indian StandardsAmendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: MED 28 (1114).Amendments Issued Since Publication______________________________________________________________________________________Amendment No.Date of Issue Text Affected ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSHeadquarters:Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002Telephones : 2323 0131, 2323 3375, 2323 9402 Website : .inRegional Offices:Telephones Central :Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg2323 7617NEW DELHI 1100022323 3841Eastern :1/14, C.I.T. 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关键字:重量差别阈限恒定刺激法直线内差法韦伯定律1引言感觉阈限(sensory threshold)又称阈限,包括绝对阈限(absolute threshold)和差别阈限(difference threshol)。
Frontiers 前沿家电科技12力,曲折度和法向入射吸声率。
此外,本文所做的法向入射的吸声实验也和Johnson-Champoux-Allard 模型计算的结果进行了比较,以旁证本文所用到的简化数学模型的整体可靠性。
资料来源:Santoni et al 2019, Applied Acoustics Journal, iss. 150, pp 279–289.人工智能(AI )和虚拟现实(VR )技术是应对精神疾病的有用工具根据世界卫生组织(WHO )的报告,世界上约有四分之一的人受到了某种形式的精神障碍的困扰。
医学界越来越多地使用虚拟现实(VR ——Virtual Reality )和人工智能(AI )技术来治疗精神疾病。
目前虚拟现实技术多用于治疗创伤后的应激障碍(PTSD )、妄想症以及抑郁症。
虚拟现实技术已成功地用于治疗退伍军人,例如,带上VR 头盔设备的士兵可以重新访问他们曾经置身的危险区域。
VR 技术通过使患者体验到令人愉快和放松的环境,来缓解抑郁和焦虑。
例如,加利福尼亚的一些医院已成功实施了一项虚拟现实(VR )方案,该方案可以在虚拟环境中让人们与海豚一起在海中游泳,以帮助抑郁症患者舒缓情绪。
国际电工委员会(IEC )已与国际标准组织(ISO JTC 1-信息技术范畴)组成了联合技术委员会,负责制定信息技术标准。
其中的一个小组委员会发布了相关文件,这些文件规定了对增强现实(AR ——Augmented Reality )和虚拟现实(VR )的要求。
IEC TC 110还发布了电子显示器的标准。
随机对照试验通常由以下几个步骤组成:1. 研究设计:研究者需要设计试验的结构和设置。
2. 随机分配:参与者需要通过随机分配的方式被分为不同的组。
3. 实施干预:根据分组的结果,研究者开始实施新的治疗方法或干预措施,并将其与标准治疗方法或干预措施进行比较。
4. 数据收集和分析:研究者需要收集和记录参与者接受治疗方法或干预措施后的结果。
随机对照试验的设计和实施具有以下优势:1. 内部效度:通过随机分组,随机对照试验能够减少潜在的混杂变量的影响,从而提高研究结果的内部效度。
2. 外部效度:随机对照试验的结果能够更好地推广到整个人群中,因为参与者代表了特定人群的随机抽样。
3. 解释性:随机对照试验能够提供因果关系的证据,因为随机分组使得不同组的差异可以归因于治疗方法或干预措施。
4. 控制潜在偏倚:随机对照试验有助于控制潜在的偏倚,例如参与者选择偏倚、探查者偏倚和测量偏倚。
然而,随机对照试验也存在一些局限性:1. 道德问题:在某些情况下,随机对照试验可能涉及对参与者的伦理风险,例如,将一部分人群随机分配到不适合的治疗方法或干预措施中。
肌肉测试中恒电流与恒电压刺激的选择对于Aurora Scientific系统的新手用户来说,经常会出现的主要问题之一是针对特定实验类型该使用何种刺激设置。
电学最基本的物理原理之一是欧姆定律(V = I · R),这也是建议使用恒定电流进行体外收缩实验的核心原因。
孟德尔随机化 转换样本量
1. 确定所需的显著性水平(α)和统计功效(1-β)。
2. 根据研究的特点和先前的经验,估计所需的效应大小。
3. 使用适当的统计方法,根据以上信息计算所需的样本量。
4. 考虑实际可行性和资源限制,确定最终的样本量。
中国质量协会2015年注册黑带考试题一、单项选择题(84道题,84分)1.试验设计是质量改进的有效工具,最早基于农业试验提出方差分析与试验设计理论的是:A.休哈特(W.A.Shewhart)B.道奇和罗米格(H.F.Dodge and H.G.Romig)C.费希尔(R.A.Fisher)D.戴明(R.E.Deming)2.在六西格玛推进过程中,黑带的主要角色是:A.带领团队使用六西格玛方法完成项目B.合理分配资源C.确定公司发展战略D.核算六西格玛项目收益3.在对老产品改型的六西格玛设计(DMADV)项目中,测量阶段的主要工作是:A.测量产品新设计的关键质量特性(CTQ)B.基于关键质量特性(CTQ)确定测量对象C.识别顾客需求D.确定新过程能力4.SWOT分析是战略策划的基础性分析工具。
以下关于水平对比的说法中,错误..的是:A.水平对比可用于发现改进机会B.水平对比可以用于确定六西格玛项目的目标C.不同类型的企业也可以进行水平对比D.标杆企业或产品的选择应该随机6.在评价六西格玛项目的收益时,若收益率为10%,净现值为零,说明该项目:A.投资回报率低于10% B.项目收益为零,经济上不可行C.每年的净现金流量为零D.投资回报率等于10%7.以下关于六西格玛项目目标的描述,符合SMART原则是:A.公司产品的毛利率要在未来实现翻一番B.公司产品的市场占有率要达到行业第一C.公司某产品的终检不良率要在5个月内从1%降低到0.3%D.公司要通过技术创新,在未来三年使产品的市场占有率有突破性提高8.某六西格玛项目的目标是缩短生产周期,该项目涉及生产、检测、工艺等部门。
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a rXiv:as tr o-ph/51284v14Dec25In preparation for the Astrophysical Journal Testing Rotational Mixing Predictions with New Boron Abundances in Main Sequence B-type Stars J.T.Mendel 1and K.A.Venn 2Macalester College,1600Grand Avenue,Saint Paul,MN,55105;venn@ C.R.Proffitt 3Science Programs,Computer Sciences Corporation,3700San Martin Drive,Baltimore,MD 21218;proffitt@ A.M.Brooks Astronomy Department,University of Washington,Box 351580,Seattle,WA,98195;abrooks@ and mbert McDonald Observatory,University of Texas,1University Station,Austin,TX,78712-1083;dll@ ABSTRACTNew boron abundances for seven main-sequence B-type stars are determined from HST STIS spectroscopy around the B III 2066˚A line.Boron abundances provide a unique and critical test of stellar evolution models that include ro-tational mixing since boron is destroyed in the surface layers of stars through shallow mixing long before other elements are mixed from the stellar interiorthrough deep mixing.The stars in this study are all on or near the main-sequenceand are members of young Galactic clusters.They show no evidence of mixingwith gas from H-burning layers from their CNO abundances.Boron abundancesrange from12+log(B/H)≤1.0to2.2.The boron abundances are compared tothe published values of the stellar nitrogen abundances(all have12+log(N/H)≤7.8)and to their host cluster ages(4to16Myr)to investigate the predictionsfrom models of massive star evolution with rotational mixing effects.Wefindthat the variations in boron and nitrogen are generally within the range of thepredictions from the stellar evolution models with rotation(where predictions formodels with rotation rates from0to450km s−1andµ-barriers are examined),especially given their age and mass ranges.Three stars(out of34B-type stars with detailed boron abundance determina-tions),deviate from the model predictions,including HD36591,HD205021,andHD30836.Thefirst two of these stars have much larger boron depletions thanare predicted for their spectroscopic masses and very young ages,even adoptingthe highest rotation rates from the model predictions.HD36591also shows nosignificant nitrogen enhancement,as uniquely predicted by the rotating stellarevolution models.HD205021,however,has a small nitrogen enrichment whichcould be explained by stellar rotation or mass transfer since it is in a binarysystem.The spectroscopic mass for the third star,HD30836,is marginally lowerthan expected given the rotating model predictions for its age and boron abun-dance.This star also has no significant nitrogen enhancement,thus even thoughit is in a binary system it does not show the nitrogen enrichment expected if ithas undergone mass transfer.Therefore,the results from these three stars sug-gest that rotational mixing could be more efficient than currently modelled atthe highest rotation rates.Subject headings:stars:abundances–stars:evolution–stars:rotation1.IntroductionRotation is recognized as an important physical component in understanding the evo-lution of massive stars and yet is a theoretically challenging problem.Rotation affects the lifetimes,chemical yields,stellar evolution tracks,and the properties of supernova and com-pact remnants(Heger&Langer2000;Maeder&Meynet2000,2005).The new rotating stellar evolution models also address long standing problems such as the origin of the B[e] and WNL/Ofpe(slash)stars,the distribution of red to blue supergiants on the HR dia-gram,and the unseen post main-sequence gap predicted in all standard stellar evolution scenarios.With rotation,it is also possible to explain the variations in the surface helium, carbon,nitrogen,and oxygen(He and CNO)abundances in OB stars on and near the main sequence(e.g.,Gies&Lambert1992,Herrero et al.1992,Cunha&Lambert1994,Den-nisenkov1994,Lyubimkov1996,Lyubimkov et al.2004).Several of these observations have been used to constrain the various mixing prescriptions used in the new models of massive star evolution with rotation.Additional observations are now necessary to test the model predictions and provide new constraints for the transport of angular momentum and chem-ical species in rotating massive stars.One avenue of observational testing is to determine the helium and CNO abundances in massive stars in young star clusters in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds(Evans et al.2005).This tests the metallicity effects predicted by the models.Another line of research includes the determination of the light element abundances at the surface of massive stars.This tests the earliest stages of rotational mixing(timescales and mixing efficiencies),before hot gas from the stellar interior is observable at the surface (Fliegner et al.1996,Venn et al.2002).The abundances of the light elements,lithium,beryllium,and boron(LiBeB)are known to be sensitive to rotational mixing in both low and high mass stars.LiBeB is destroyed on exposure to protons at temperatures too low for H-burning to have occurred(≤6x106K), therefore even shallow mixing at the stellar surface induced by rotation can lead to LiBeB depletions.In low mass stars,variations in the surface abundances of all three elements have been traced to rotational mixing(e.g.,Boesgaard&Lavery1986;Pinsonneault1997). In high mass stars,only boron1has been available.Spectroscopy of the B III feature at λ2066using the International Ultraviolet Explorer(IUE)archived spectra or the Hubble Space Telescope(HST)Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph(STIS)or Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph(GHRS)have made boron abundance determinations possible in B-type stars.Significant variations in the boron abundances in hot,massive stars have been observed(e.g.,Proffitt&Quigley2001,Venn et al.2002).Boron depletions in B-type stars are predicted to be associated with nitrogen enhance-ments.This is because mechanisms that can deplete boron at the surface of a star will also mix the surface with CN-cycled gas,i.e.,gas from H-burning layers where the CN-cycle has converted carbon into nitrogen.This is true whether boron is destroyed through rotational mixing(where hot CN-cycled gas from the interior is mixed to the surface)or through bi-nary mass transfer(where CN-cycled gas is deposited on the surface of the star;Wellstein 2001).Simple initial abundance variations and mass loss from B-type stars are ruled out (see Venn et al.2002).However,there is one unique characteristic of the rotational mixing scenario that makes for an interesting and exciting new observational constraint.Boron depletion occurs before nitrogen enhancement.This is because rotational mixing taps the surface boron-free layersfirst,then subsequent deeper mixing can penetrate layers where H-burning has occured via the CN-cycle,converting carbon into nitrogen.Thus,the initial phases of rotational mixing in stars is revealed by depletions of boron,followed only later by nitrogen-enrichment and carbon-depletion,a different signature from binary mass transfer.Some B-type stars with boron depletions,but no nitrogen enrichments,were found by Venn et al.(2002)and intrepreted as concrete and unambiguous evidence for rotational mixing on the main sequence.However,two stars with masses of12-13M⊙showed unchar-acteristically large boron depletions.These two stars required models with higher masses (20M⊙)and the highest rotation rates(∼450km s−1)to reproduce the boron depletions (from Heger&Langer2000models).Since very few stars are expected to rotate at these high speeds,and because of the mass discrepancy,this suggested that rotational mixing may be even more efficient than currently predicted.Presently,32solar neighborhood(see Table9in Venn et al.2002)and two stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud(Brooks et al.2002)B-type stars have boron abundance de-terminations.Of these,only nine have been determined from high quality HST STIS or GHRS spectra of the relatively unblended B III2066line.In this paper,we present new boron abundances for seven additional B-type stars from HST STIS spectroscopy.These stars were selected from the group of B-type stars examined with International Ultraviolet Explorer(IUE)that may have low boron abundances(Proffitt&Quigley2001).They are also all in young galactic clusters(for age estimates),and they show no nitrogen enrichments (12+log(N/H)≤7.8).Therefore,the determination of boron abundances in these stars pro-vides a unique observational test for studying the earliest phases of massive star rotational mixing effects.2.Target Selection and ObservationsSeven B-type stars were observed using HST STIS spectroscopy of the B III feature at λ2066.Previous analyses of the target stars(Gies&Lambert1992;Cunha&Lambert1994) show that the targets have normal,unenriched nitrogen abundances in their atmospheres. Analyses of IUE spectra by Proffitt&Quigley(2001)indicate that these targets have very weak or absent B III lines,however the resolution of IUE and signal-to-noise of some ofthese spectra make quantitative boron abundances highly uncertain.These7stars were also selected from young galactic OB associations in order that effects of rotationally induced mixing could be examined with age.Data considered in the selection of these targets is listed in Table1.Spectra for six of the seven targets were gathered using the E230M grating and0.2x0.05ND slit with a neutral densityfilter(ND=2)to avoid the MAMA-NUV brightness limits.This grating choice is sufficient to resolve the B III line in all of our targets since the instrumen-tal broadening of this grating is9km s−1(given our slit choice),whereas the targets have rotational velocities≤40km s−1.To attain the best possible signal-to-noise spectra,three different configurations of the E230M grating were used,each with a slightly different central wavelength(λc of1978,2124,and2269˚A)so that the B III line landed on different regions of the MAMA detector and subsequent combinations could better reduce pixel noise variations. Echelle observations with the E230M grating included40orders;only those orders in the de-sired wavelength region(λλ2044-2145)were extracted and combined using standard IRAF2 packages.Spectra were then normalized using a low order spline3polynomial;wavelengths listed here are in air and at rest.Exposure times,central wavelengths,and observation dates are listed in Table2,as well as the signal-to-noise ratio of thefinal extracted spectra.The reductions for two stars,HD36285and HD214993,were conducted using procedures different from those described above.HD36285(V=6.32)was faint enough to be observed with the higher resolution E230H grating(31x0.05NDA slit),and HD214993is a known variable star.The observations and reductions for these two stars are described below.2.1.HD36285Observations of HD36285were done using the STIS E230H grating at theλ2013central wavelength setting.This star was too bright to be observed with any of the clear STIS apertures,but since we desired very high S/N in order to study the10B/11B isotope ratio (Proffitt et al.,in progress),we adopted the unsupported31X0.05NDA slit,which has an attenuation factor of about4.The global count rates were1.2x105to1.5x105cnts/s per observation,which is modestly under the2x105cnts/s upper limit allowed for the NUV-MAMA ing a long slit and dithering our subexposures in the cross-dispersion direction along the length of the aperture allowed for higher S/N.Nine different ditherpositions with a spacing between positions of about0.15”(or about5pixels)were used. This averages anyfixed pattern noise offlat-fielding errors,and removes any bad pixels or detector defects.Since the31X0.05NDA aperture is not a supported aperture,the standard reference files supplied by STScI cannot be used to produce extracted andflux calibrated1D spectra. While the measured throughput curve of the31X0.05NDA aperture was used for calculating the scattered light background,we adopted the parameters supplied for the0.3x0.05ND aperture.In addition,for some of the more extreme dither positions,the referencefile which specifies the default locations of spectral orders on the detector had to be edited so that the calstis software could correctly identify each order.In principle,the use of a long slit with the echelle could increase the amount of interorder scattered light and cause an error in the background subtraction.There are some modest S/N(15to20)E230H observations of HD39060(βPic)which were used to check for such effects(Program GO-7512,PI Lagrange;see Roberge et al.2000).Observation o4g002020 was taken at the2013central wavelength setting with the0.1X0.03aperture,while o4g002060 was taken at2263with the31X0.05NDA.Four echelle orders between2125and2155˚A are included in both observations.Uncertainties in the blaze function alignment at different central wavelength settings,and possible vignetting caused by the different locations of the orders on the detector in the two observations prevent an exact comparison,but when we reduce the31X0.05NDA aperture observations of HD39060in the same way as for the HD36285data,these observations show good agreement for the extractedfluxes and suggest that any error in the background subtraction amounts to no more than4%of the meanflux level.These observations also suggest that near this wavelength,the throughput of the 31X0.05DA slit is about20%lower than its tabulated value.2.2.HD214993HD214993(12Lac)is a complex multi-modeβCephei variable,with at least six distinct pulsational frequencies(Jerzykiewicz1978)with periods between0.095and0.236days.The interaction of the different modes leads to considerable variation in both the amplitude of the pulsation and in observed profiles of absorbtion lines.Periods and amplitudes of these modes were measured by Mathias et al.(1994)using the Si III triplet at4553,4568,and4575˚A.Hefit the velocity curves with a sum of sinusoidal functions,although thisfit does not perfectly track the velocity curve,possibly due to significant non-linearities in the pulsation amplitudes.Our11subexposures of this star spanned about0.195d,or about1full cycle of the largest amplitude mode(0.193d).We measured velocity shifts for each of the individual sub-exposures by cross-correlating the data in order99(≈2045–2080˚A)with our adopted synthetic spectrum for this star.The strong Zn II ISM line was excluded from this cross correlation.The measured velocities are plotted vs.observation time in Fig.1.The14year span between the Mathias et al.observations and our STIS data is much too long to allow us to predict the phases of individual modes.However,for illustrative purposes we have overplotted a velocity curve that adopts Mathias et al.’s mode frequen-cies,amplitudes,and system velocity,but with phases for the individual modes arbitrarily adjusted tofit our observed data.The rms residuals of thisfit are only about2km s−1.In Fig.2we show for each subexposure the observed spectrum in echelle order99. For our analysis we only used the data from subexposures4,5,and6which show the narrowest line profiles,which were taken when the star was near its maximum radius.We compare the coadded data for these subexposures to the coaddition of the other subexposures in Fig.3.Note that the optical analysis of Gies&Lambert(1992)did not comment on the pulsational phase at which their observations were taken.This may introduce some additional uncertainties into their results for this star.3.Abundance AnalysesElemental abundances have been determined from LTE spectrum syntheses and AT-LAS9model atmospheres(Kurucz1979,1989).Solar metallicity models were used through-out.The stellar temperature and gravity values were adopted from the literature;see Table 3.For HD36285,the temperature is from Cunha&Lambert(1994;CL94).For all other targets,temperatures are from Gies&Lambert(1992;GL92)scaled down by3.4%to bring them into agreement with the CL94temperature scale.LTE spectrum syntheses were constructed using the program LINFOR3.The spectral line list covers the region from2044to2145˚A,and was adopted from Brooks et al.(2002). This line list originated from the Kurucz(1993;CD-18)line list,including light elements,all lines in the iron-group,and heavy elements up to barium,and through the third ionization states.The line list was updated to include new wavelengths and/or oscillator strengths for ∼180Fe III lines(Proffitt et al.1999;Ekberg1993).Brooks et al.also included somefineadjustments to iron-group features after an examination of the synthesis of their sharpest lined stars;this included5Mn III lines and26Fe III lines.Thefinal linelist includes6685 features,although many are negligible contributors.Atomic data for the B III2s2S-2p2P resonance doublet with lines at2065.8˚A and2067.3˚A are taken from Proffitt et al.(1999).The weaker B III line at2067.3˚A is blended with a strong Fe III line and weaker Mn III line,and is not suitable for boron abundance determinations.For all syntheses,an isotopic ratio of11B/10B=4.0is adopted,the solar system ratio(Zhai&Sahw1994,Shima1963) which is consistent with the values determined by Proffitt et al.(1999)from their line profile analysis of two sharp-lined B-type stars.As discussed by Proffitt&Quigley(2001),interstellar(IS)lines must be addressed, particularly due to the capacity of one Cr II IS line atλ2065.50to be shifted into a blend with the boron feature.All of our stars have been examined for IS lines.In no instance does an IS line interfere with the B III features.All four of the IS lines near the B III feature are only observable in one star,HD22951(see Fig.4).3.1.Spectrum Syntheses:I.Line by Line AnalysisForfive of the seven targeted stars,the S/N of the reduced spectra and their broadening parameters(sharp lines)made it possible to identify andfit individual stellar features for a line-by-line analysis.The wavelengths and abundances from these(mostly iron-group) features are listed in Table4.Abundance results are listed relative to meteoritic values from Asplund,Grevesse&Sauval(2005),with12+log(Fe/H,Mn/H,Ni/H,Cr,H,Co/H) =(7.45,5.47,6.19,5.64,4.82).Not all iron-group features were used in thefinal iron-group abundances listed in Table5;due to poor atomic data in the UV and/or unrecognized blends, we iterated such that the average value includes only features within2σof the mean.Microturbulence values were calculated in this line-by-line analysis by requiring that iron-group abundances match for both strong and weak features(i.e.,the features in Table4 within2σof the mean).This analysis yields microturblence results significantly lower than ones determined using optical observations of these same stars(Gies&Lambert;1992). This same trend has been noted by both Venn et al.(1996)and Cunha et al.(1997),and is likely a reflection of differences in the atmospheric structure between the formation of the UV and optical spectral regions.Macroturbulence was taken as the instrumental broadening (9km s−1for the E230M grating and4km s−1for the E230H grating).Values for rotational broadening and radial velocities were calculated via line profilefitting for each star from the iron group features in Table4.Spectrum syntheses in Fig.4show the bestfit ironabundance.Boron abundances were determined from bestfit syntheses of theλ2065.8B III line, even though it is blended with a weak Mn III line atλ2065.9.The measurement of this Mn III line has been shown to be in good agreement with the overall iron-group abundance (Venn et al.2002=V02),thus the mean Fe group abundance was adopted for the Mn abundance prior to the boron abundance calculations.The bestfit boron abundances,and syntheses with[B/H]=±0.4dex,are shown in Fig.4.The broadening parameters,and LTE iron-group and boron abundances are summarized in Table5.In this analyses,all of the target stars result in lower iron-group abundances than an-ticipated for objects in the Orion star forming region or the solar neighborhood.Cunha, Smith&Lambert(1998)examined F and G-type stars in the Orion complex and found iron abundances from optical observations of Fe I and Fe II lines that were consistent with other stars in the solar neighborhood(log(Fe/H)∼−0.1).The fact that our analysis of B-stars results in iron-group abundances that are sub-solar by[Fe/H]=0.1to0.4appears to be partially due to the temperatures adopted.In V02,boron and iron-group abundances were determined using temperatures from the literature.The boron abundances were then scaled to a common temperature scale,but not the iron-group abundances.If the iron-group abun-dances had also been scaled(e.g.,reducing the Gies&Lambert1992temperatures by3.4%, as done in this paper from the beginning),then those abundances would have been reduced by∼0.1dex,in better agreement with the results in this paper.The iron-group abundances are also very sensitive to microturbulence for which there are very few constraints in our UV spectra.In V02,we showed that∆ξ=∓1km s−1results in∆[Fe/H]∼±0.20.If all of the microturbulence values in this paper are reduced by1km s−1(with no changes in tem-perature)then the mean iron-group abundance is solar.These changes in temperature and microturbulence have much smaller effects on boron,∆[B/H]≤0.05and0.02,respectively (see Section4).Thus,we do not expect that the low iron-group abundances found here affect the main science in this paper,i.e.,accurate boron abundances in B-type stars.3.2.Spectrum Synthesis:II.Two ExceptionsOf the seven target stars,two had spectra that prevented a detailed line-by-line study. Because only three of the subexposures for HD214993could be used,this resulted in a lower signal-to-noise spectrum,while HD30836has very broad features due to its high v sin i value.Lines that were determined to be“clean”in the high quality spectra(lines that do not deviate from the mean abundance by more that2σfor the5stars discussed above inSection3.1,see Table4)were used tofind the rotational and radial ing these parameters,a best metallicity and microturbulence was determined simultaneously(where the metallicity range examined ranged from solar and1/3solar).The best-fit spectrum syntheses are shown in Fig.5.In both cases,sub-solar metallicities were found tofit best (see Table5).For HD30836and HD214993the bestfit iron-group abundance was adopted for the Mn III abundance(blended with the boron line),and used to calculate the boron abundance or its upper limit(see Fig.5).3.3.Spectrum Synthesis:III.HD35299We have synthesised the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph(GHRS)spectrum of HD35299near2066˚A from Proffitt et al.(1999;see also Lemke et al.2000)to verify that our methods and models are consistent with previous analyses that found a solar boron abundance for this star.Temperature and gravity values are from CL94.Macroturbulence was set to the instrumental broadening,3.5km s−1,as calculated using FWHM(0.0246˚A) from Proffitt et al.(1999).Rotational broadening(8km s−1),and radial velocities were calculated here via line profilefitting of the iron features deemed best in Table4(although the spectral range is smallerλλ2059-2073).Microturbulence was taken as the bestfit value for each of the input abundances.The HD35299spectrum is plotted in Fig.6and shows the best-fit iron-group(log(Fe/H)=7.20)and boron(log(B/H)NLT E=2.55)abundance synthetic spectrum.For comparison,we also show the best-fit boron abundance±0.4dex.This iron-group abundance is consistent with the average of log(Fe/H)from the two“clean”(as described in Section3.1)iron lines that fall into the wavelength range of our observations. This value was used to set the abundance of the Mn III blend atλ2065.9.This NLTE boron abundance is in good agreement with the results from both Proffitt et al.(log(B/H)=2.41)4 and Lemke et al.(log(B/H)=2.70).3.4.Nitrogen and Oxygen AbundancesIn Table3,we have reduced the GL92temperatures by3.4%and applied their nitrogen and oxygen abundance corrections for this temperature change(the∆values in their Ta-ble9).We have also applied a correction to account for differences in the LTE abundances determined from their use of Gold as opposed to the more heavily line-blanketed Kuruczmodel atmospheres.These corrections have been calculated by CL94(their Table10).Note that CL94’s corrections are to the LTE abundances,and we assume that the same will apply to the NLTE abundances.For stars that have been studied only by CL94,similar correc-tions have been applied to account for the differences between LTE Gold and Kurucz model abundances.4.Boron and Iron-group Abundance UncertaintiesIn this analysis,we have listed the line-to-line scatter in the iron-group abundances in Table4.For all other iron-group uncertainties(atmospheric parameters,metallicities, spectral resolution,and S/N),we refer to Table7in V02since their targets stars,UV spectra,and methodology are similar to those in this paper.Most of these atmospheric effects result in iron-group uncertainties≤0.1dex,with the exception ofξwhich is larger (∼0.20dex).The macroturbulence and radial velocity measurements are estimated with uncertainties of±2km s−1based on the line profilefitting.Microturbulence is estimated as accurate to±1km s−1based on line strengths.Overall,the iron-group uncertainties are estimated as∆log(Fe/H)=0.25dex.To determine the uncertainties in the boron abundances,we have used similar meth-ods to those described in V02and Brooks et al.2002,calculating the offset in the boron abundance due to the uncertainties in temperature and gravity(as published),macroturbu-lence,microturbulence,and radial velocities(from our iron-group analysis),and location of the continuum(±1%).The abundance of the Mn III line blended with the B III line was maintained constant during the boron uncertainty calculations.Brooks et al.showed that the error determined when Mn remainsfixed is in good agreement with that determined by refitting the Mn line with each successive error calculation.The resulting boron uncer-tainties are listed in Table6;the total error for boron is taken as the sum of the squares of these values.As was found in Brooks et al.,the accuracy of the atmospheric parameters (temperature and gravity)is the greatest source of error in the boron abundance.The isotopic ratio of11B/10B can also have a small effect on the derived boron abun-dance.In V02,a ratio of2.0was found to change log(B/H)by≤0.12dex.4.1.The Lyubimkov et al.Temperature ScaleIn addition to the uncertainties in the atmospheric parameters,we also calculated the errors if we adopt a different temperature scale.Lyubimkov et al.(2002)report coolertemperatures for B-stars.The iron-group and boron abundances were calculated forfive of our stars(those that underwent the line-by-line analyses)with temperatures and gravities from both Lyubimkov et al.and GL92-3.4%,and are compared in Table7.Both the iron and boron abundances are lower by0.02to0.26dex using the Lyubimkov temperatures(and gravities).There is no obvious correlation between these corrections and temperature,unlike the results for oxygen from Daflon et al.(2004).The typical correction to the iron or boron abundances is∼−0.1dex,thus the change in temperature scale seems to have only a small effect on our abundance determinations.We also note that for this test,four(out of thefive)stars had values of T effand log g calculated directly by Lyubimkov et al.(2002).In order to correct thefifth star, HD22951,equations6and8from Lyubimkov et al.were used to calculate the new T eff. This choice of equations was based on a previous log g=4.4determination for HD22951. This new temperature was then used to estimate a new value for log g(from their Fig.13). Values for[c1],Q,andβwere obtained from Hauck&Mermilliod(1998).In order to confirm our methods,adjusted values of T effand log g were calculated for HD35337with the above described method and were found to be in excellent agreement with the values listed in Table1of Lyubimkov et al.(2002).We note this because the iron and boron abundance corrections for HD22951are the largest in Table7.5.DiscussionCurrent stellar evolution models that include rotation follow the evolution of the angular momentum distribution and associated mixing processes in massive stars from the pre-main sequence through core collapse.Rotational mixing can affect stellar surface abundances, stellar life times,and the evolution of a star across the HR diagram,thus stellar mass estimates.Generally,a rotating star has a lower effective gravity,thus it acts like it has less mass at core-H ignition.During core-H burning,rotationally induced mixing of protons from the envelope into the convective core and of helium from the core into the envelope will lead to higher luminosities compared to non-rotating models.Evolution on the main-sequence then depends on mass and rotation rate,as well as the efficiency of mixing in the upper convective core and stellar interior.Stellar evolution models by Heger&Langer(2000)follow the changes in the surface abundances of boron and nitrogen as a function of time(age)for a variety of stellar masses (8to25M⊙)and initial rotation rates(0to∼450km s−1).These relationships are impor-tant because they show that boron is a much more sensitive indicator of mixing processes in B-type stars than the more commonly examined CNO abundances.Two sets of models。