









当输入密码正确时,对应的指示灯亮,显示器上显示password ok;当密码输入错误的次数超过三次时,蜂鸣器发出报警信号同时显示器上显示password error。

关键字:密码锁,单片机,AT24C04存储器,LCD1602ABSTRACTAlong with the electronic product miniaturization to the intelligent and continuous development electronic password lock has been widely used in life, SCM has become the electronic product research and development in the preferred controller. Because the SCM has the advantages of small volume, low power consumption, high control precision, reliable operation and so on, so it is widely applied in actual production. In order to better promote the electronic lock in various fields of application, then according to the requirements of task design based on AT89C51MCU control of the electronic code lock. This paper introduces AT24C04memory and a 1602display and the principle of work, design concept and the hardware circuit and software program. Application of single chip microcomputer device AT89C51, through the program, and LCD1602 display code. The display can display the current input six numbers. When the input password is correct, the corresponding indicator light, display password OK; when the password input error more than three times, the buzzer sends out alarm signal at the same time display on password error.Key Words: Password lock, MCU, MemoryAT24C04, LCD16021目录摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (1)第一章绪论 (1)1.1课题的背景和意义 (1)1.2电子密码锁的趋势 (2)第二章系统总体设计方案 (3)2.1密码锁具体设计要求 (3)2.2总体设计方案选定 (3)第三章硬件系统设计 (5)3.1系统芯片介绍 (5)3.1.1单片机AT89C51功能介绍 (5)3.1.2存储芯片AT24C04介绍 (7)3.1.3LCD1602显示器介绍 (8)3.2硬件电路设计 (9)3.2.1键盘输入电路 (9)3.2.2电源输入电路 (10)3.2.3掉电存储电路 (10)3.2.4晶振电路 (11)3.2.5复位电路 (12)3.2.6显示电路 (12)3.2.7报警电路 (13)3.2.8开锁电路 (13)3.3电路设计总图 (14)第四章软件系统设计 (16)4.1主程序流程图 (16)4.2按键软件设计 (17)24.2.1按键功能程序流程图 (17)4.2.2按键功能子程序 (17)4.3密码设置软件设计 (18)4.3.1密码设置程序流程图 (18)4.3.2密码设置子程序 (18)4.4开锁软件设计 (19)4.4.1开锁程序流程图 (19)4.4.2开锁功能子程序 (19)第五章系统制作及调试 (20)5.1焊接注意事项 (20)5.2硬件调试问题及解决方法 (21)结论 (22)参考文献 (23)致谢 (24)附录A (25)附录B (39)3第一章绪论1.1课题的背景和意义随着电子技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,单片机性能不断完善,性能价格比显著提高,技术日趋完善。



目录摘要: (I)Abstract: ..................................................................................................................................... I I 第1章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 课题设计目标 (2)第2章系统方案论证 (4)2.1 主控部分的选择 (4)2.2 密码输入方式的选择 (5)第3章系统总体设计和主要芯片介绍 (6)3.1 系统总体设计 (6)3.2 主要芯片介绍 (6)3.2.1 AT89C51 (6)3.2.2 存储芯片AT24C02 (10)3.2.3 显示电路(LCD1602) (11)第4章系统硬件构成 (13)4.1 系统整体电路图 (13)4.2 单片机最小系统原理图 (13)4.3 复位电路 (14)4.4 时钟电路 (15)4.5 键盘输入部分 (16)4.6 密码存储部分 (17)4.7 显示部分 (18)4.8 报警部分 (19)第5章软件的设计与实现 (20)5.1 软件系统的总体设计 (20)5.2 主程序流程图 (20)5.3 键功能程序流程图 (22)第6章结论 (23)附录 (26)附件1:英文原文及中文翻译 (26)附件2:任务书 (40)附件3:开题报告 (41)附件4:原理图 (46)附件5:实物图 (47)附件6:程序 (48)附件7:元件清单 (66)基于单片机的智能密码锁的设计摘要:随着科学技术的不断发展,人们在日常生活与工作中对保险器件的要求越来越高。






基于单片机控制的电子密码锁设计目录摘要 (I)关键词 (I)Abstract ................................................................................................................... I I Key words ............................................................................................................... I I 1 绪论. (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 课题的目的和意义 (1)1.3 电子密码锁发展趋势 (1)1.4 本设计完成的工作 (2)2 总体方案设计 (2)2.1 电源模块 (3)2.2主控制器模块 (3)3 硬件实现及单元电路设计 (4)3.1 主控制模块 (4)3.2 单片机的时钟电路与复位电路设计 (4)3.3 单片机管脚说明 (5)3.4 键盘电路设计 (6)3.5 数码管显示电路设计 (6)3.6 存储芯片电路设计 (7)3.7 报警电路 (7)3.8 密码锁电路 (7)4 红外遥控电路设计 (8)4.1 红外通信基本原理 (8)4.2红外通信标准 (9)4.3 红外线遥控原理 (10)4.4 主要模块设计 (10)5 系统软件设计方案 (11)5.1 主程序流图 (11)5.2 开锁软件设计 (12)6 系统的安装与调试 (15)6.1硬件的安装 (15)6.2单片级密码锁的仿真 (16)结论 (16)致谢 ...................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

参考文献 (17)附录1 整机电路原理图 (18)附录2 部分源程序 (18)附录3:实物图 (27)基于单片机控制的电子密码锁设计摘要:本设计研究的对象是单片机密码锁,单片机密码锁由硬件和软件组成,硬件部分有电源输出电路、晶振电路、复位电路、键盘接口电路、开锁电路、报警电路、继电器、以及51单片机组成。



毕业设计论文基于单片机的电子密码锁设计目录1. 引言 (1)1.1课题背景和意义 (1)1.2 电子密码锁发展趋势 (1)2.总体设计方案 (1)2.1 电子密码锁设计的具体要求 (1)2.2总体设计方案 (2)2.3系统总体设计原理 (3)3.电子密码锁的硬件设计 (4)3.1 主控芯片STC89C52 (4)3.2存储电路 (5)3.3 LCD显示模块 (6)3.4 单片机最小系统 (7)3.5 报警电路 (8)3.6 开锁电路 (8)3.7 键盘输入模块 (9)4.电子密码锁的软件设计 (9)4.1 主程序 (9)4.2 按键软件设计 (10)4.3密码设置软件设计 (11)4.4 开锁软件设计 (12)5. 调试与实现 (13)5.1 软件调试 (13)5.2 Proteus仿真 (14)5.3 Protel99 SE 电路设计 (15)5.4 硬件调试 (16)6.结论 (19)参考文献 (21)1. 引言1.1课题背景和意义随着电子技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,单片机性能不断完善,性能价格比显著提高,技术日趋完善。










基于单⽚机的密码锁设计论⽂基于单⽚机的密码锁设计I 摘要随着电⼦产品向智能化和微型化的不断发展,电⼦密码锁已⼴泛⽤于⽣活中,单⽚机已成为电⼦产品研制和开发中⾸选的控制器。






当输⼊密码正确时,对应的指⽰灯亮,显⽰器上显⽰password ok ;当密码输⼊错误的次数超过三次时,蜂鸣器发出报警信号同时显⽰器上显⽰password error 。

关键字:密码锁,单⽚机,AT24C04存储器,LCD1602基于单⽚机的密码锁设计IIABSTRACTAlong with the electronic product miniaturization to the intelligent and continuous development electronic password lock has been widely used in life, SCM has become the electronic product research and development in the preferred controller. Because the SCM has the advantages of small volume, low power consumption, high control precision, reliable operation and so on, so it is widely applied in actual production. In order to better promote the electronic lock in various fields of application, then according to the requirements of task design based on AT89C51MCU control of the electronic code lock. This paper introduces AT24C04memory and a 1602display and the principle of work, design concept and the hardware circuit and software program. Application of single chip microcomputer device AT89C51, through the program, and LCD1602 display code. The display ca n display the current input six numbers. When the input password is correct, the corresponding indicator light, display password OK; when the password input error more than three times, the buzzer sends out alarm signal at the same time display on password error. Key W ords: Password lock, MCU, MemoryAT24C04, LCD1602基于单⽚机的密码锁设计1⽬录摘要 .............................................................................................................................................. I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... II 第⼀章绪论 .. (1)1.1课题的背景和意义 ....................................................................................................... 1 1.2电⼦密码锁的趋势....................................................................................................... 2 第⼆章系统总体设计⽅案 .. (3)2.1密码锁具体设计要求 ................................................................................................... 3 2.2总体设计⽅案选定....................................................................................................... 3 第三章硬件系统设计 . (5)3.1系统芯⽚介绍 (5)3.1.1单⽚机AT89C51功能介绍 ........................................................................... 5 3.1.2存储芯⽚AT24C04介绍............................................................................... 7 3.1.3LCD1602显⽰器介绍 . (8)3.2硬件电路设计 (9)3.2.1键盘输⼊电路 ................................................................................................. 9 3.2.2电源输⼊电路............................................................................................... 10 3.2.3掉电存储电路............................................................................................... 10 3.2.4晶振电路....................................................................................................... 11 3.2.5复位电路....................................................................................................... 12 3.2.6显⽰电路....................................................................................................... 12 3.2.7报警电路....................................................................................................... 13 3.2.8开锁电路....................................................................................................... 13 3.3电路设计总图............................................................................................................. 14 第四章软件系统设计 .. (16)4.1主程序流程图 ............................................................................................................. 16 4.2按键软件设计 . (17)4.2.1按键功能程序流程图 (17)基于单⽚机的密码锁设计2 4.2.2按键功能⼦程序 ........................................................................................... 17 4.3密码设置软件设计 .. (18)4.3.1密码设置程序流程图 ................................................................................... 18 4.3.2密码设置⼦程序........................................................................................... 18 4.4开锁软件设计 . (19)4.4.1开锁程序流程图 ........................................................................................... 19 4.4.2开锁功能⼦程序 . (19)第五章系统制作及调试 (20)5.1焊接注意事项 ............................................................................................................. 20 5.2硬件调试问题及解决⽅法......................................................................................... 21 结论......................................................................................................................................... 22 参考⽂献................................................................................................................................. 23 致谢......................................................................................................................................... 24 附录A ........................................................................................................................................... 25 附录B . (40)基于单⽚机的密码锁设计1第⼀章绪论1.1课题的背景和意义随着电⼦技术和计算机技术的飞速发展,单⽚机性能不断完善,性能价格⽐显著提⾼,技术⽇趋完善。



Voice of Electronic Password-lock Design(RIV9.PCW0RLD JUN E 200 6 )Abstract:The design is the use of voice recognition technology and keyboard input, Sunplus SPCE061A SCM in achieving a voice electronic password lock authentication system.V oice recognition and electronic password lock function of the ordinary locks, and dual role of security. The password lock safe, effective, reliable, but also , password Preferences, confidentiality strong, tips and other features of error.Key words:SPCE061A; voice recognition, electronic password lock; FLASH1 IntroductionAs people's living standards improve and strengthen the sense of security, safety locks system becomes essential, therefore a password lock, magnetic locks, electronic locks, laser lock, voice-activated lock locks, etc., they are On the basis of traditional keys, using one or more passwords, different voices, different magnetic field, different sound, different light beams of different images (such as fingerprints, retina retina, etc.) to control open the lock. In this paper, using speech recognition technology and keyboard to control the importation of the integration of SCM in Sunplus SPCE061A achieve a voice on the electronic certification system password lock.2 voice electronic password-lock systemThis system is mainly composed of Sunplus SPCE061A SCM, MIC input circuit, voice output circuit, 4 × 4 keyboard, six Qiduan LED display and output control and FLASH memory components. System is the main function: the training, the speaker's voice through a microphone into the speaker voice signal acquisition front-end circuit, by voice signal processing circuit on the acquisition of the characteristics of voice signals and voice processing, from the speaker's personality characteristics and parameters Store, a speaker parameters database. In recognition, will be voice recognition and speaker parameters database matching, voice recognition and complete control of the keyboard, and activate or release of locks, the final completion of the lock. System is relying on make comparison and identification of voice greatly improved3 systemThe system using a single kernel of Sunplus SPCE061A, the chip easily complete the design of module.SPCE061A is Sunplus microphone amplifier, AGC AGC function of the single voice of A D converter, and the audio output of the dual-channel 1 O-bit D A converter in the 2.6 V ~ - 3.6V operating range of frequency range of 0.32 MHz ~ - 49.152Mhz, system to support 1 O interrupt vector And l4 from the system can be a clock, timer counter, time benchmark generator, external interrupt, key wake-up call, Universal Asynchronous serial communication and software interruption interrupt source, Very suitable for real-time applications; u'nSPTM command system also provides instructions and directives within the plot operation, the DSP for the application of additional features in a complex digital signal processing both Very convenient than the DSP chip for much cheaper.✧ 3.1 voice input circuit✧SPCE061A built-in 8-channel 1 O-bit A D converter, which willbe seven channels for analog signals (such as voltage signal) converted to digital signals, a channel used only for voice input, through the built-in automatic gain control amplifier The microphone channels (MIC-IN) input. Therefore, it can be directly given to the voice signal input channels, the completion of 8 kHz voice signals in the collection, encoding and storage to off-chip FLASH, simplifying the circuit design.✧ 3.2 audio output circuit✧Sunplus SPCE061A MCU with audio output of dual-channel 1O-bit D A converters can complete user training, identification of various operations, such as the voice prompts. SPCE061A provide audio lose✧ A way for the dual-channel DAC, in this manner, DAC1 and DAC2conversion of analog current output signal passed AUD1 and AUD2-pin output, enter the number of volume into the P-DAC1 (write)(0 x7017) and P - DAC2 (write) (0 x7016) unit.✧ 3.3 six Qiduan display of digital circuits✧LED displays in each LED through 5 ~ 20mA current to achievethe normal brightness, and the IO I SPCEO61A output current up to 5 mA, do not order to meet the reliability of systems design, driven bya transistor circuit. The whole process showed that the use of dynamic,that is, six monitors each cycle, each sustained lms or 10 ms cycle again, can also be appropriate to make changes, but the refresh rate not less than 30 per second, so that temporary stay because of the visual phenomenon , Is six Qiduan see the LED display at the same time show.✧ 3.4 Matrix keyboard scan circuit✧Enter key part of a total of the number keys, passwords, keys set,the key shown password, to confirm removal of keys and passwords, and other key 16 keys, enter your password and for the realization of function keys. This design uses a wake-up function keys of the IO low eight IOA0 - ~ IOA7 to 4 ×4 as the control input of the keyboard, which can be rational use of keyboard keys are pressed whether the method is: Let all out lines are low, check the traffic on whether there is a no keys are pressed (Actual programming keys should be taken into account the impact of jitter, usually always use the software delay processing methods Consumers buffeting). Identify specific keys used scanning method: be sure this column cross-point Button is pressed.✧ 3.5 FLASH expansion of external circuit✧SPCEO61A FLASH memory chip of only 32 K, large number ofplayers in the voice of resources needs of expanding memory. The design Sunplus Technology, Inc., SPR4096 as a memory expansion, combined with SPCE061A broadcast voice. SPR4096 in use, the use of SPR4096 ResWriter to read and write operation, used to store the speaker's personality parameters reference template.✧ 3.6 the lock and lift activationSCM SPCE061A complete identification and display, the drive to realize the implementation of the electromagnetic lock function, and to detect its drive current value, to receive alarm signals sent by sensors, such as sending data. SCM receive the type code, and stored in FLASH in the password, if the correct password, the drive for the implementation of the electromagnetic lock, if your password is not correct, allowing operators to re-enter your password, can enter up to three If the three are not correct, the MCU through intelligent communication lines to monitor the police. SCM will unlock operation and each time the electromagnetic actuator drive current value as a status information sent to the smart monitor, willreceive the report from the sensor interface information is also sent to the intelligent monitoring, as smart Analysis of the basis. In the transmitter, electronic locks through the pulse transformer T will modulation good boost after data signals sent out in the receiver, pulse transformer T will receive the data signal demodulator buck evacuation to reduce the carrier signal transmission In the process of wear and tear. In order to reduce communication and mutual interference between the power supply, chokes L, the choice of coupling capacitance C to comprehensive considerations, shown in Figure 4, a carrier frequency f0-400kHz, in order to ensure that most of the energy transmission signal to the receiver Duan, L for a 33.7 H, C1-0.047 ~ F.Current surveillance function is to prevent the destruction of communication lines and electromagnetic actuator, for some reason the flow of electromagnetic coil currents too large burning coil. Current Monitor by MAXIM company's current voltage converter chip MAX471. The chip can be measured current I into pairs to the output voltage U, and is measured Wai, , and U output voltage proportional to the measured current I characteristics. Current monitor output voltage service A D converter, read through the single A D converter results in the current line was informed of the situation, through the timely detection of abnormal, issued its report.4 system software designSPCE061A the development of online debugger PROBE To achieve. It uses a built-in online SPCE061 Circuit Simulation ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) and Sunplus's online series Line programming. PROBE can work in Sunplus IDE Integrated Development Environmental software nSP (tm), with editing, compile, link, debug and simulation capabilities. Use IDE friendly interface, the drop-down menu, shortcuts and quickaccess to the list can be ordered so that the user's programming and commissioning work more convenient and efficient. In addition, IDE software simulation can not connect the simulation board under the simulated conditions of the various functions to the the system work, the main function of the call to complete a specific function of the voice training, training for the future success of voice recognition, according to the order to identify the implementation of the keyboard control operation, according to the different function keys, the implementation of the corresponding procedures, to complete Password changes settings, contrast, shows, and other functions.5 ConclusionThe system uses a SPCE061A 16-bit microcontrollers embedded voice processing and control system, easy to use, easy to use, but the speech recognition capabilities widely used in technology and computer technology and the constant development, voice, electronic password lock technology will —Circuit Emulator)和凌阳公司的在线串行编程技术。



单片机电子密码锁设计-论文————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:2单片机电子密码锁设计-论文单片机电子密码锁设计【Abstract】The electronic password lock is the collection computer technology,the electronic technology, the numerical ciphers technology is a bodyintegration of machinery high tech product, has the security to behigh, merit and so on easy to operate. The present paper locks thesystem from the electronic password the function, the hardware circuitdesign, the software design and the hardware debugs four partsseparately to elaborate this system. The electronic password locks the procedure is compiles with the Clanguage. When design procedure duplicate uses the subroutine to usethe technology, locks the secure aspect has used the encryptiontechnology, the main function by the pressed key input and therecognition, LED demonstrated, I2C read-write operation and so on. Hasalso adopted the encryption process in the secure aspect. Whenprogramming uses the C51 language, and carries on the translation withKeil software.This system electron password locks the hardware partial structuressimple, the cost is low, the software partial uses electron encryptionenhancement locks the security, has the quite good market prospect.【Key words】MCUAT89C51, LM386, electronic password lock. 目录摘要........................................3第一章单片机电子密码锁系统概述..............................41.电子密码锁的特点................................42.市场前景..................................43.新型安全密码锁的设计目标...........................44.工作原理................................5第二章单片机功能介绍...............................6 1.AT89C51的主要特性............................62.AT89C51的管脚说明..............................63.振荡器特性.................................7第三章密码锁硬件电路...............................8 1.硬件电路的组成................................82.硬件电路的连线................................83.硬件电路的电路图......................9第四章程序设计说明.............................10 1.程序设计内容.........................102.C语言源程序............................10结束语....................................15参考文献....................................163单片机电子密码锁设计【摘要】电子密码锁是集计算机技术、电子技术、数字密码技术为一体的机电一体化高科技产品,具有安全性高,使用方便等优点。












关键词:指纹密码锁;STC89C52单片机;矩阵键盘ABSTRACTThe locks we use are one of the important factors to protect the safety of our property. Traditional mechanical locks are simple in structure, easy to be pried open, and have a low safety factor. For this reason, this paper focuses on the research of anti-theft technology of fingerprint password lock to meet the actual needs.First of all, this paper expounds the research status of fingerprint combination lock at home and abroad. Secondly, this paper clarifies the technical foundation of fingerprint password lock. Again, the STC89C52 chip is used as the core of the fingerprint lock to design the hardware of the combination lock. Comprehensive consideration, fingerprint unlock and password unlock two ways, enter the fingerprint or password through the matrix keyboard. Combined with the software design, the LCD12864 liquid crystal display screen can display information. Finally, the feasibility of this design is verified through experimental debugging.The results show that when you press the wrong button when unlocking or changing the password, you can backspace or re-enter the operation. The system is smart, convenient, and has a high safety factor. It is suitable for families and organizations to use, and provides a reference for the future design of the password lock.Key words:Fingerprint password lock; STC89C52 single chip microcomputer; matrix keyboard目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... I I 1.引言 . (1)1.1前言 (1)1.2国内外指纹密码锁研究现状 (1)2.相关技术基础 (2)2.1系统功能描述 (2)2.2系统硬件方案选择 (3)2.2.1单片机的选择 (3)2.2.2 指纹识别模块的选择 (4)2.2.3 液晶显示器件的选择 (4)2.2.4 人机交互输入器件的选择 (5)2.3系统总体框架 (5)3.指纹锁设计 (6)3.1硬件电路设置 (6)3.1.1单片机及最小系统 (6)3.1.2液晶显示电路设计 (9)3.1.3指纹识别模块设计 (10)3.1.4 AS608指令介绍 (11)3.1.5 矩阵键盘的设计 (11)3.1.6蜂鸣器电路的设计 (12)3.2 系统软件部分设计 (13)3.2.1 AS608指纹搜索子函数的设计 (13)3.2.2主函数的设计 (14)3.2.3 LCD12864显示函数程序流程的设计 (15)3.2.4 矩阵键盘检测函数的设计 (16)3.2.5 Keil编程 (17)4 实物调试 (19)4.1小灯、继电器的调试 (19)4.2液晶的调试 (20)4.3矩阵键盘的调试 (20)5.总结与展望 (21)5.1总结 (21)5.2 展望 (21)致谢 (22)参考文献 (23)附件 (24)1.引言1.1前言如今科技发展很快,但相应的也带来了一系列问题。



目录单片机电子密码锁的设计 (1)第1章绪论 (3)1.1引言 (3)1.2电子密码锁的背景 (3)1.3电子锁设计的意义的本设计特点 (4)第2章系统总体方案设计 (5)第3章硬件电路设计 (8)3.1键盘电路设计 (8)3.2LED显示电路 (9)3.3开锁电路 (11)3.4报警电路 (12)第4章软件设计 (12)4.1软件设计思路 (12)4.2各子程序设计 (13)第5章系统调试 (18)第6章单片机电子密码锁的应用趋势 (19)第7章设计总结与展望 (19)附录 (23)源程序清单 (23)单片机电子密码锁的设计摘要:随着科技和人们的生活水平的提高,如何实现家庭防盗这一问题也变的尤其的突出,传统机械锁由于构造简单,被撬事件屡见不鲜;电子锁由于其保密性高,使用灵活性好,安全系数高,受到了广大用户的青睐。








The design of electronic locks SCMABSTRACT:Along with the exaltation of social science and the living level of people, how carry out the family to guard against theft, this problem also change particularly outstanding.Because of the simple construct of traditional machine lock,the affairs of theft is hackneyed.the electronics lock is safer because of its confidentiality, using the vivid good, the safe coefficient is high, being subjected to the large customer close.It can carry out the key information to register in the main on board initial attestation, the password information encrypt etc. Go to correspond by letter the principle according to the string between 51 machines, this is easy to encrypt and protect to the passwords information random. Adopt the numerical signal codes,not only can carry out many controls of the road information, raise the anti- interference that signal deliver, reduce the mistake action,but also the power consume is low,Respond quickly,the efficiency deliver is high, work stable credibility etc. The software design adoption the design thought from top to bottom, to make the system toward wear distribute type,turn to the direction development of small, strengthen the system and can expand the stability and circulate.Test the result enunciation, various functions of this system are already all request of this design.KEYWORD:singlechip;cryptogram lock;singlechip design; electronics lock.第1章绪论1.1 引言随着人们生活水平的提高,如何实现家庭防盗这一问题也变的尤其的突出,传统的机械锁由于其构造的简单,被撬的事件屡见不鲜,电子锁由于其保密性高,使用灵活性好,安全系数高,受到了广大用户的喜爱。



目录1引言 (1)1.1指纹识别简介 (1)1.1.1指纹识别原理 (1)1.1.2指纹识别应用 (2)1.1.3指纹识别技术的发展 (2)1.2系统设计的目的 (3)1.3课题背景 (3)2整体设计方案 (4)2.1系统总体设计 (4)2.1.1系统功能描述 (4)2.1.2系统总体框架 (4)2.2系统核心部件单片机 (5)2.2.1单片机的选择 (5)2.2.2ATMEG16单片机的介绍 (7)2.2.3单片机的复位电路 (9)2.2.4ATMEG16最小系统及晶振的选择 (10)2.3液晶显示模块 (11)2.3.1HS12864-15C系列液晶的特点 (11)2.3.2HS12864-15C系列液晶的引脚功能 (12)2.3.3液晶显示HS12864-15C的指令系统 (13)2.4电源和指纹模块 (13)2.4.1ZAZ-010系列独立式指纹识别模块引脚功能 (14)2.4.2ZAZ-010系列指纹识别模块指令系统 (15)2.4.3电源模块 (17)3系统软件的设计 (19)3.1系统程序工作分析 (19)3.2设计前准备工作 (19)3.3单片机的程序设计 (20)3.3.1键盘管理程序设计流程 (22)3.3.2LCD显示模块程序设计流程 (22)3.3.3指纹通信模块的程序设计流程 (23)4实物的制作与调试 (24)4.1电路的焊接 (24)4.2电路和程序的调试 (25)4.2.1单片机的程序下载 (25)4.2.2串口调试 (25)4.2.3液晶键盘调试 (26)结论 (27)参考文献 (28)附录1:串口调试子程序 (29)附录2:整体源程序 (31)附录3:硬件电路图 (48)致谢 (49)1引言我们今天的工作生活中,很多的场合都需要身份的认证,而传统的基于标志的身份认证技术由于受到证件伪造以及密码破解等手段的威胁,逐渐表现得有些力不从心。




目录第1章绪论 (3)1.1背景及意义 (3)1.2电子密码锁的设计要求 (3)1.3关键字 (4)第2章硬件电路 (4)2.1M I C-5简介 (4)2.2单片机控制方框图 (5)2.3开锁机构 (5)2 .4 按键电路设计 (7)2.5显示电路设计 (8)2. 6 AT24C01掉电存储单元的设计 (9)2.7密码锁的电源电路设计 (10)2.8设计的总体电路图 (11)第3章软件设计 (11)3.1软件设计流程图 (11)3.2程序代码 (13)心得体会 (26)参考文献 (27)单片机控制的电子密码锁设计第一章:绪论1.1背景及意义随着科技的发展,安全已成为人们关注的焦点之一,于是各种安全产品相继问世(如指纹防盗!红外防盗!GPS等)"虽然这类产品安全性高,但因其生产成本高,携带安装使用不方便,在一定程度上限制了这类产品的普及和推广" 本文介绍的是一种基于单片机智能锁的硬件和软件设计及实现方法"这种电路设计具有按键有效提示,输入错误提示,控制开锁电平,控制报警电路,修改密码等多种功能"可在意外泄密的情况下随时修改密码"4位数密码共一万组不重复组合,XX性强,灵活性高,特别适用于家庭,办公室,学生宿舍及宾馆等公开场所。







基于单片机的指纹密码锁设计 毕业论文

基于单片机的指纹密码锁设计 毕业论文

基于单片机的指纹密码锁设计毕业论文目录目录 (2)第一章概述 (1)1.1 系统设计目的及意义 (1)1.2 指纹识别原理及其前景 (1)1.3 系统设计流程 (2)第二章硬件系统设计 (4)2.1 硬件系统整体设计 (4)2.2 单片机最小系统设计 (7)2.3 液晶显示模块-FYD12864-0402B (11)2.4 按键控制部分电路 (15)2.5 指纹模块 (19)2.6 存储芯片AT24C02 (23)2.7 继电器模块 (27)2.8 报警电路 (28)第三章系统软件的设计 (30)3.1 主程序流程图 (30)3.2键盘检测扫描程序 (31)3.3 LCD12864显示流程图 (32)3.4指纹模块通信流程图 (33)3.5 定时器的设置 (33)3.6 串口初始化 (35)3.7 按键扫描程序 (37)3.8 主程序 (38)第四章系统调试 (40)4.1 功能模块的测试 (40)4.2 程序的烧写 (43)4.3 蜂鸣器、继电器调试 (44)4.4 液晶的调试 (44)4.5 按键的调试 (46)第五章总结与展望 (47)参考文献 (48)致谢 (49)第一章概述1.1 系统设计目的及意义在日常的生活和工作中,住宅、物业、单位、银行的财产以及一些重要的资料的安全都会选择用加锁的办法来保证其安全。








中文摘要摘要:在日常的生活和工作中, 住宅与部门的安全防、单位的文件档案、财务报表以及一些个人资料的保存多以加锁的办法来解决。

若使用传统的机械式钥匙开锁,人们常需携带多把钥匙, 使用极不方便, 且钥匙丢失后安全性即大打折扣。











基于以上思路,本次设计使用 ATMEL公司的 AT89C51 实现一基于单片机的电子密码锁的设计,其主要具有如下功能:(1)密码通过键盘输入,若密码正确,则将锁打开。


密码输入错误数码显示器会出现错误提示,若密码输入错误次数超过 3 次,蜂鸣器报警并且锁定键盘。

电子密码锁的设计主要由三部分组成:4×4 矩阵键盘接口电路、密码锁的控制电路、输出八段显示电路。

另外系统还有 LED 提示灯,报警蜂鸣器等。




基于单片机的电子安全密码锁的设计一、本文概述Overview of this article随着科技的不断发展,电子安全设备在我们的日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。




With the continuous development of technology, electronic security devices are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Among them, electronic password locks, as an important security device, have been widely used in homes, offices, banks, warehouses and other places. In order to meet the growing security needs, designing an efficient, stable, and reliable electronic password lock has become an important task at present. This article aims to explore the design scheme of electronic security password locks based on microcontrollers,aiming to provide a convenient, secure, and reliable password lock solution.本文首先介绍了电子密码锁的研究背景和意义,阐述了传统机械锁与电子密码锁相比的优势。



(完整版)基于51单⽚机的电⼦密码锁毕业设计论⽂⽬录第1章绪论 (1)1.1电⼦锁的发展状况 (1)1.2设计电⼦密码锁的意义及相关技术指标 (1)第2章总体设计及⽅案论证 (2)2.1单⽚机模块 (2)2.2输⼊键盘模块 (2)2.2.1独⽴式按键 (2)2.2.2矩阵式键盘 (3)2.3数码管显⽰模块 (3)2.3.1 LED静态显⽰⽅式 (3)2.3.2 LED动态显⽰⽅式 (3)2.4电源模块 (3)2.4.1蓄电池供电 (3)2.4.2双路电源供电 (3)2.5开锁电路模块 (4)2.6报警电路模块 (4)2.7最优⽅案 (4)第3章硬件电路设计 (4)3.1输⼊键盘 (4)3.2显⽰数码管 (5)3.3开锁电路 (6)3.4报警电路 (6)3.5电源电路 (7)3.6复位电路 (7)3.7振荡电路 (8)第4章软件设计 (9)4.1主程序流程图及程序 (9)4.2延时⼦程序 (11)4.3修改密码⼦程序 (11)4.4扫描键盘输⼊⼦程序 (11)4.5中断及报警⼦程序 (12)4.6显⽰⼦程序 (13)第5章设计总结 (15)参考⽂献 (16)附录Ⅰ (17)附录Ⅱ (18)第1章绪论1.1电⼦锁的发展状况随着科技的发展,传统的机械锁被破解的概率越来越⾼了,新型的盗贼也学会了与时俱进,通过各种技术⽅法和⼿段即会在短时间内开启结构复杂的机械锁,会不留痕迹的登堂⼊室,给失主和警⽅留下各种不易解惑的疑团。




单片机密码锁 论文

单片机密码锁 论文

编号:单片机实训 (论文)说明书题目:密码锁院(系):信息与通信学院专业:电子信息工程学生姓名:学号:指导教师:2012 年12 月26 日摘要在单片机向着大容量、多功能、高性能、高速度、低电压、低功耗及外围电路内装化的方向发展的时代,选择一种性价比最优的芯片显得尤为重要。








关键词: STC89C52RC单片机;数码管;密码锁;报警AbstractIn the single chip microcomputer to large capacity, multi-function, high performance, high speed, low voltage, low power consumption and peripheral circuit built in turn in the direction of the development of The Times, choose a ratio of optimal chip is particularly important.In this course design, programming optional assembly and C language. And the assembly efficiency high, the hardware can be handling more strong, small volume, but not easy maintenance, portability is very poor. C language efficiency is lower, hardware can be handling more bad, the target code is big, but easy to maintenance, portability is very good. The system USES C language program, and assembly language than has better portability and readability, easy to modify and increase or decrease function, so the curriculum design I chose C language.Electronic coded lock is a kind of through the password input to control the circuit or chip work, so as to control mechanical switch closed, complete the lock, lock the task of electronic products. It is a lot of more phyletic, has simple circuit products, also have based on chip high cost performance bination lock is a low cost, safe and effective, mass for family, hotel and hotels and other private or public places. The combination lock products are now more security, more environmentally friendly direction.Key words: STC89C52RC MCU; Digital tube; Coded lock; alarm目录引言 (2)1 系统硬件介绍 (2)1.1硬件主控芯片概述及功能介绍 (2)1.1.1 主控芯片 (2)1.1.2 89C52特性 (3)1.1.3 89C52功能结构 (3)1.2 硬件电路 (4)1.2.1LED数码管 (4)1.2.2矩阵键盘 (4)2 系统软件设计 (5)2.1 固态继电器驱动电路原理 (5)2.2 主程序流程图设计 (7)2.3 按键程序部分 (9)2.3.1按键的延时处理 (9)2.3.2按键的中断处理 (9)3 硬件制作与调试 (8)3.1 系统PCB板的设计 (8)3.2 系统硬件调试 (10)3.3 软件及联机调试 (10)3.4 主控程序调试 (9)4 实训心得体会 (10)谢辞 (10)参考文献 (12)附录 (13)引言随着当今社会的科技飞速发展,科技锁带给人们的益处处处可见,现代化的大都市正在向高科技的方向发展,人们从事的行业大部分已趋向于向脑力方面,从事体力劳动的人越来越少,体力劳动大多是由机器来代换人们来工作了。












关键词:电子密码锁;AT89C52;LCD液晶显示;PROTEUS;ABSTRACTIn the modern family security area, a lock with electronic alarm function will gradually replace traditional mechanical trick lock, overcome the disadvantages of mechanical trick lock ,such as the passwords digits less,safety performance poor. With the large scale integrated chip technology development, the electronic combination lock which designs based on single-chip microcomputer control of , not only increased the password digits, and intelligent passwords management,but also for the price is low, suitable for general family use, makes itwill be widely used.This paper introduces a kind of electronic combination lock,which based on AT89C52 as the master center,combine with keyboard input, LCD, having the function of password protection when power off and code alarm, against Password probe. Checked on the PROTEUS simulation software test , this design has the advantages of simplicity,low cost and strong practical properly ,suitable for most occasions.Key words:Electronic combination lock;AT89C52;LCD;PROTEUS;目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 锁的发展简介 (1)1.2 电子密码锁的基本原理 (1)1.3 电子密码锁的结构图 (2)2 电子密码锁的硬件模块介绍 (2)2.1 AT89C52主控模块 (2)2.1.1 AT89C52简介 (2)2.1.2主要特性 (3)2.1.3引脚介绍 (3)2.2键盘设计 (5)2.3电源电路设计 (5)2.4 LCD液晶显示 (6)2.4.1 LM016L简介 (6)2.4.2 引脚功能及时序选择 (7)2.5门锁驱动电路 (7)2.6报警器的设计 (8)2.7掉电密码保护部分 (9)2.8电子密码锁仿真电路图 (11)3 电子密码锁的软件部分 (11)3.1概述及主程序 (11)3.2各模块功能介绍 (13)3.2.1系统初始化模块: (13)3.2.2键盘扫描和识别子模块: (13)3.2.3开锁程序流程: (14)3.2.4密码设置 (15)3.2.3 显示子模块 (16)4仿真结果及程序 (17)4.1仿真平台介绍 (17)4.2仿真结果 (17)5 设计总结 (21)参考文献 (22)附录程序 (23)致谢 (41)1 绪论1.1 锁的发展简介随着社会的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们的安全防范意识不断提高,锁在人民日常生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。












关键词:AT89C51;单片机设计;密码锁;控制电路;The digital combination lock design based on single chip microcomputerAbstractIn the modern society, the electronic lock is not a strange noun. This paper will introduce an electronic lock, which is through the password input to control circuit or chips work, so as to control the closing or open of the mechanical switch, complete the lock that the task of electronic lock locking device. Electronic lock, due to its high secrecy, good flexibility of use, high safety coefficient, is liked by the majority of customers.The design on the single chip computer AT89C51 as a combination lock monitoring device of the detection and control the core, it is a kind of through the password input to control circuit or chips work, using the keyboard, and password changing, password detection, the lock circuit, executive circuit, alarm circuit, keyboard input frequency circuit to complete the lock, locking closure such tasks. Using password is correct recognition to replace or call the police. Through the keyboard input number to realize the keyboard to lock the record. The keyboard input electronic lock has higher advantage. Adopting digital signal encoding and secondary modulation mode, not only can achieve more road information control and improve the signal transmission of anti-jamming, reduce the wrong action, but also power consumption is low; Reaction speed is high,;and it is high transmission efficiency;it is stable on working,and so on. The software design uses top-down idea of modular design, which is in order to make the system be distributed, miniaturization, direction, and enhance the system configuration and the stability of the operation. In this paper,the design is high security locks, low cost, low power consumption, easy operation, etc.Keywords: AT89C51; The SCM design; Combination lock; Control circuit;第一章绪论1.1 引言在日常的生活和工作中,住宅与部门的安全防范、单位的文件档案、财务报表以及一些个人资料的保存多以加锁的办法来解决。

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作为32KB的SuperFlash EEPROM的片内程序存储器的补充,该器件可以寻址到64KB的外部程序存储器空间。作为1KB×8位的片内RAM空间的补充,该器件可以寻址64K字节的外部RAM空间。
SST的高可靠性,拥有专利的SuperFlash技术和存储器单元架(memorycellarchitecture)有一系列的设计和生产flash EEPROMs的重要的优势。这些优势转换成为重大的价值和使用户可靠地受益[2]。
Intelligence is one of the development trend of today's optical, mechanical, electrical integration products.Intelligence to achieve the main dependent on the core microcontroller for embedded systems.The emulator is not only an important means to develop single-chip system,but also is a necessary tool to learntheMCUknowledge.The paper describes the microcontroller simulation system hardware design and software implementation
The software part includes two procedures: lock procedures and calculator program.Lock program authorized operating functions in the 3-8 variable password input, modify and password to enter the correct password is incorrect after sound and light alarm.The calculator program signed floating-point add, subtract, multiply, and in addition to the square root function, designed to add the second function key to solve the key problem of limited.These two procedures are mainly applied to interrupt the microcontroller textbooks, dynamic display, keyboard input, the I / O interface of these important functions, with a good role model.
Hard ware design, including simulation of chip selection, application and expansion of the circuit of the microcontroller resources, such as: 8255 parallel port expansion, light-emitting diodes, seven-segment dynamic digital display 4 × 4 keyboard input, buzzer
This system not only can be applied to the microcontroller reference to teaching, most electronic enthusiasts to develop a simple emulator.
Keyword:Microcontroller; emulator; calculator; password lock;
主块0占用32KB字节的内部程序存储空间,次块1占用8K的内部程序存储空间。该8K字节的次块可以被映射到64/32K字节存储器空间的最低地址空间,同时该空间也可以通过程序计数器(Program counter) 被隐藏,同时可以作为独立的类EEPROM(EEPROM-LIKE)数据存储器。该存储块可以通过标准的87C5X的OTP EPROM编程器通过加装专为SST器件准备的特殊的适配器和FIRMWARE来编程。在上电复位器件,该器件可以被配置为下位机,作为外部主机的原始代码存储器,或者作要介绍SST89E58RD芯片、8255芯片、动态数码管和LED的接口和工作原理。
SST89E58RD属于FLASHFLEX51家族,以CMOS半导体处理技术设计和制造的8位SCM。器件使用与8051完全相同的指令集,并与标准的8051器件管脚对管脚兼容。32K字节的FLASH EEPROM程序存储器,这是基于SST的专利技术和专有的CMOSSUPERFLASH EEPROM技术将SuperFlash存储器分成两部分相对独立的程序存储块。