Trojans 剧本
101 Sex and the city aired"Once upon a time an English journal-ist came to New York.Elizabeth was attractive and bright, and right away she hooked up with one of the city's eligible bachelors.The question remains, is this a compa-ny we want to own?Tim was 42.A well-liked and respected banker, who made about two million a year.They met one evening, in typical New York fashion, at a gallery opening.Like it?Yes, actually I think it's quite interest-ing. What?I feel like I know you.Oh, doubtful.I just moved here from London.Really?That's my favorite city.It is?Absolutely.It was love at first sight.You know, I think perhapsI have met you somewhere before.For two weeks they snuggled... went to romantic restaurants... had wonderful sex... and shared the most intimate se-crets.One day, he took her to a house he saw in the New York Times.How about if we start at the top?There are four bedrooms upstairs.Do you have any children?Not yet.That day Tim popped the question.Would you like to meet my folks Tues-day night?I'd love to.On Tuesday he called with some bad news.My mother's not feeling very well.Oh, gosh, I'm sorry.Can we take a rain check?Of course.Tell your mumI hope she feels better.When she hadn't heard from him for two weeks, she called.Tim, it's Elizabeth.That's an awfully long rain check.He said he was up to his ears and that he'd call the next day.He never did call... Bastard.She told me one day over coffee.I don't understand. in England, look-ing at houses together would have meant something.I realized no one had told herabout the end of love in Manhattan.Welcome to the ''age of un-innocence''.No one has ''breakfast at Tiffany's'', and no one has ''affairs to remember''.instead, we have breakfast at 7:00am and affairs we try to forget as quickly as possible.Self-protection and closing the deal are paramount.Cupid has flown the co-op.How did we get into this mess?There are thousands of women like this in the city.We all know them and we all agree they're great.They travel, they pay taxes, they'll spend $400 on a pair of Manolo Blah-nik strappy sandals, and they're alone. It's like the riddle of the Sphinx.Why are there so many great unmar-ried women and no great unmarried men?I explore these issues in my column and I have terrific sources: my friends.When you're in your 20s, women con-trol the relationships.By the time you're in your 30s, you're being devoured by women.Suddenly the guys are holding all the chips.I call it ''the mid-thirties power flip''.It's all about age and biology.If you want to get married, it's to have kids, right?If you do it with someone older than 35, you have to have kids right away.And that's about it.These women should forget about marriage... and have a good time.I have a friend who'd always gone out-with extremely sexy guys and just had a good time.One day she woke up and she was 41 .She couldn't get any more dates.She had a breakdown, couldn't hold on to her job, and moved back to Wis-consin to live with her mother.Trust me, this is not a story that makes men feel bad.Most men are threatened by successful women.If you wanna get these guys, you have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules.I totally believe that love conquers all.Sometimes you just have to give it a little space.That's what's missing in Manhat-tan———the space for romance.The problem is expectations———older women won't accept what's available.By your mid thirties, you think why should I settle?You know?The older we get, the more we keep self-selecting down to a smaller group.What women really want is Alec Bald-win.There's not one woman in New York who hasn't turned down ten wonder-ful guys because they were too short,or too fat, or too poor.I've been out with short, fat and poor guys. It makes no difference.They are just as self-centered as the good-looking ones.Why don't these women marry a fat guy?Why don't they just marry a big fat tub of lard?Happy birthdayDear MirandaHappy birthday to youAnother thirty-something birthday with a group of unmarried female friends.We would all have preferred a cele-bratory conference call.You were saying?If you're a successful woman in this city, you can either struggle to find a relationship or just go out and have sex like a mean with dildos?No. I mean without feeling.Samantha was a New York inspiration,a public relations executive.She routinely slept with good-looking guys in their 20s.You know that guy that I was dating?What was his name?Drew.The sex god.Afterwards, I felt nothing.It was like, ''Gotta go, catch you later.''And I completely forgot about him af-ter that.That's because he didn't call you.Sweetheart, it's the first time in the his-tory of Manhattan that women have had as much power as men, plus the e-qual luxury of treating men like sex objects.Yeah, except men in this city don't want to be in a relationship with you, but if you only want them for sex they don't like it.Suddenly they can't perform.That's when you dump them.Come on, ladies, are we really that cynical?What about romance?Who needs it?It's like that guy, Jeremiah, the poet.The sex was incredible, but then he wanted to read me his poetry and go out to dinner and chat, and I'm like, ''Let's not even go there.''What are you saying? Are you saying you're just gonna give up on love?That's sick!Look, if the right guy comes along, this whole thing's right out the window.That's right!The right guy is an illusion.Start living your life!So you think it's possible to pull off this whole women having sex like men thing.You're forgetting The Last Seduction.You're obsessed with that movie.OK! Linda Florentine fucking that guy up against the chain-link fence.And never having one of those''God, what have I done?'' epiphanies.I hated that movie.Was it true? Were women in New York giving up on love and throttling up on power?What a tempting thought.I think the only place where one can still find love and romance in New York is the gay community. Straight love has become closeted.Stanford Blatch was a close friend.He owned a talent agency who was down to a single client.Are you telling me that you're in love?How could I possibly sustain a rela-tionship?Derek takes up like 1000% of my time.Don't you think that's a bit obsessive?Carrie, I'm a passionate person.His career is all I care about.When that's under control, then I canconcentrate on my personal life.Stanford, he's an underwear model.With a billboard in Times Square!Oh, my God, don't turn around.The loathe of your life is at the bar.It was Kurt Harrington.A mistake I made when I was 26...and 29...and 31 .Carrie, don't even go there.What do you think, I'm a masochist?The man is scum.Good. I don't have the patience to comfort you a fourth time.Relax. I don't have any feelings left.Thank god.Excuse me, I have to visit the ladies' room.It was true, I no longer felt a thing for Kurt.After all these years, I finally saw him for what he was - a self-centered with-holding creep, who was still the best sex I ever had in my life.However, I did have a little experi-ment in mind.Wow, What are you doing here?Hey, babe.God, you look gorgeous.Thanks.So, how's life?Not bad, can't complain. You?You know just writing the column, the usual.So, you seeing anyone special?Not really. You?Oh, just a couple of guys.But you look good though.So do you.So... What are you doing later?I thought you weren't talking to me for the rest of your life?Who said anything about talking?What do you say, my place, three o'clock?Alright. See you there.Are you out of your mind?What do you think you're doing?Calm down, it's research.Oh, God! Oh, Kurt!Kurt was just like I remembered.Better.Because there would be none of that messy emotional attachment.Alright.My turn.Oh, sorry. I have to go back to work.What are you kidding? you serious?Oh, yeah completely.But I'll give you a call.Maybe we can do it again some time?As I began to get dressed, I realized that I'd done it.I'd just had sex like a man.I left feeling powerful, potent, and in-credibly alive.I felt like I owned the city - nothing and no one could get in my way.Number one - he's very handsome.Number two - he's not wearing a wed-ding ring.Number three - he knows I carry a per-sonal supply of ultra textured Trojanswith the reservoir tip.Thanks a lot.any time.Later that night, Skipper Johnston met me for coffee and confessed a shocking intimate secret. Thank you.Do you know That it has been a year?Really? I don't understand that, you're such a nice guy.That's the problem.I'm too nice, you know?I'm a romantic.I just have so much feeling.Are you sure you're not gay?No!I'm sensitive and I don't objectify women.You know, most guys when they meet a girl, the first thing that they see is... you know.Pussy?Oh, God!I hate that word.Don't you have any friends that you can hook me up with?No, they're too old for you.I like older women.Maybe.Maybe My friend Miranda.When?Tomorrow night. We're all going downtown to this club, Chaos.Great.Don't tell her I'm nice.Miranda was gonna hate Skipper.She'd think he was mocking her with his sweet nature and decide he was an asshole.The way she had decided all men were assholes.Hello?Hey, Carrie, it's Charlotte.Hey, sweetie.I can't meet you for dinner tomorrow, because I have an amazing date.With who?Capote Duncan, a big shot in the pub-lishing world.Do you know him?He was one of the city's most un-get-table bachelors.Wait, wait. Don't answer that question, because I don't care.And I'm not buying into any of that women having sex like men crap.I didn't tell her about my afternoon of cheap sex and how good it felt.Alright. Listen, have a good time, and promise to tell me everything.If you're lucky. Bye.Alright, bye.Friday night at Chaos.It was just like that bar in Cheers where ''everybody knows your name''.Except here they were likely to forget It five minutes later.Still, it was the crème de la crème of New York, whipped into a frenzy.Sometimes you got a soufflé, some-times cottage cheese.It is like a model bomb exploded in this room tonight.Is there a woman here aside from me that weighs more than a 100 pounds?I know, it's like under-eaters anony-mous.That's funny, Skippy.Skipper.I have this theory that men secretly hate pretty girls because they feel that they're the ones who rejected them in high school.But if you're not in the beauty Olympics, you can still be a very inter-esting person.Are you saying that I'm not pretty?No, Of course you are.So ipso facto, I can't be interesting?Women fall into one of two categories,beautiful and boring, or homely and interesting? is that it, Skippy?No, that's not what I meant.Excuse me, is this your hand on my knee?No.Let's keep them where I can see them.I guess you must find me beautiful.Or interesting.I was about to rescue Skipper from a hopeless situation, when suddenly...Lucky me, twice in one week.You may Not be getting that lucky.I was pissed off the way you left.You were?Yeah. Then I thought how great!You finally understand that we can have sex without commitment.Yeah, right. Sure, I guess.So whenever I feel like it, I'll give you a call.Yeah, whenever you feel like it.I mean, if I'm alone, I'm all yours.Alright.I like this new you.Call me.Yup.I didn't understand, did men secretly want promiscuous and emotionally detached women?And if I was really having sex like a man, why didn't I feel more in control?You see that guy?He's the next Donald Trump, except he's younger and much better looking.Hi.Do you know him?No, I've never seen him in my life.He usually dates models, but, hey, I'm as good looking as a model, plus I own my own business. Samantha had the kind of deluded self-confidence that caused men like Ross Perot to run for President.And it usually got her what she want-ed.Well, if you're not gonna hit on him, I will.And there she went, off to take her best shot with Mr. Big.Meanwhile, Charlotte York was pass-ing the most splendid evening with Capote Duncan.Want to go back to my place and see the Ross Bleckner?I'd love to, but it's really getting late.No problem.What year was it painted again?89.Charlotte was playing hard to get, butshe didn't want to end it too abruptly.Well... Maybe just for a minute.This could easily go for a hundredgrand. Ross is so hot right now.It's beautiful.No, you're beautiful.Thank you...for tonight.I had a wonderful time.Well, it was my pleasure.I have to get up really early tomorrow.I'll get you a cab.Charlotte thought she'd played the en-tire evening flawlessly.So, what are you doing next Saturday?I'm having dinner with you.Hey, hey, you're going to the West Side, right?Right, West Fourth and Bank please.Scoot over, will you?Two stops, Fourth and Bank and west Broadway and Broome.You're going to Chaos?Oh, yeah.Why?I understand where you're coming from and I totally respect it.But I really need to have sex tonight.Back at Chaos, things were swinging into high gear and Samantha was putting the moves on Mr. Big. I've been smoking cigars for years, when they were terminally uncool.I've got a source that sends me Hon-durans. Do you want to try one?No, thank you.You can't find them anywhere.Cohabits - that's all I smoke.Look, I do the PR for this club and I have a key to the private room down-stairs.Really?You want a private tour?No thanks, but maybe another time.Meanwhile, Skipper was hopelessly smitten with Miranda Hobbes.Where are we going now?Listen, Skippy, you know, you really are a nice sweet guy, but...Oh, I understand.Goodnight.Miranda said she thought he was too nice, but she was willing to overlook one flaw.And Capote Duncan found his fix for the night.Where is it?I wanna see the Ross Bleckner.Later.Later.Oh, listen.I gotta get up really early, so you can't stay over.Cool?sure, I have to get up early, too.Taxi! Taxi!And so another Friday night in Man-hattan crept towards dawn.Taxi!And just when I thought I would have to do the unspeakable - walk home...Well, get in for Chris sakes.Where Can I drop you?And Street, Third Avenue.You got That, Al?Yes, sir.So what have you been doing lately?You mean besides going out every night?Yeah, I mean what do you do for work?Well, this is my work.I'm sort of a sexual anthropologist.You mean like a hooker?No. I write a column called Sex And The City.I'm researching an article about wom-en who have sex like men. They have sex and afterwards they feel nothing.But you're not like that.Well, aren't you?Not a drop. Not even half a drop.Wow. What's wrong with you?I get it.You've never been in love.Oh, yeah?Yeah.Suddenly I felt the wind knocked out of me.I wanted to crawl under the covers and go right to sleep. Thanks for The ride.Any time.Wait.Have you ever been in love?Abso-fucking-lutely.。
《11.22.63》前情提要Previously, on "11.22.63"...我才有话要说I have something to say!我他妈要杀死你I'll fucking kill you.11月12日我给了你一份On November 12th, I delivered to you a document 要交给霍斯蒂探员的极为重要的文件of the utmost importance for Agent Hosty.我想起了一切I remembered everything.我即将要做的事很危险This is dangerous, what I'm going to do.你要做什么What are you gonna do?我要去杀掉李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德I'm going to kill Lee Harvey Oswald.如果你们离开也许会好点It might be better if you guys go.你为什么要这么对我Why did you do this to me?比尔Bill!今天总统会乘车经过President's gonna drive right by.我们得行动了We gotta go.历史在反抗The past is pushing back.我扯线打火I'm gonna jumpstart it.11.22.63第一季第八集【季终】刺杀当日小心Look out!杰克整个达拉斯市都会被封锁的Jake, all of Dallas is gonna be closed down.我们只要接近些就好We just need to get closer.让路Move!-小心右边 -天哪- Watch it on the right. - Jesus!小心点Watch it.小心Watch out!不不这条路不该封锁的No, no, no! This road is not closed.本该是畅通的It's supposed to be clear.我们不能调头了We can't turn around.-这真是荒谬 -我的天啊- Oh, you gotta be kidding me. - Oh, my God.好吧快来我们不能停下来All right, come on. We can't stop.你怎么知道他会在那幢楼里How do you know he's in the building?因为李去了德州教科书仓库'Cause Lee goes to the Texas School Book Depository 胳膊下还夹着他的步♥枪♥with a rifle under his arm.一个在那里工作的家伙A guy that works there,名叫邦尼·雷的看到他了named Bonnie Ray, saw him.他会在六楼设置好一个狙击点He's gonna set up a shooter's nest on the sixth floor. 第一枪发射于12点30分The first shot goes off at 12:30.射偏了接下来的两枪没有偏It misses. The next two don't.我们能在12点30分赶到吗Can we get there by 12:30?快来我们必须在12点30分赶到Come on. We have to get there by 12:30.借过Excuse us.无论如何都要跟紧我Stay with me no matter what.抱歉抱歉不好意思Sorry, sorry. Excuse me.-肯尼迪 -走路小心点- Kennedy! - Hey, watch it.抱歉对不起Sorry. Sorry.欢迎来到达拉斯市总统先生对不起I'm sorry.赛迪Sadie!赛迪Sadie!赛迪Sadie!你好啊Hello, there.赛迪Sadie. Sadie.你还好吗You all right?杰克Jake.-你没事吧 -没事- You all right? - Yeah.你还好吗Hey, you all right?我很好来吧咱们走Yeah, yeah, come on. Let's go.快来这边走All right, come on. This way.好了All right.该死Shit.跟上迪利广场往这边走All right, come on. Dealey Plaza's this way. -你确定吗 -确定- Are you sure? - Yeah.我研究了三年I've been studying this for three years.赶紧All right. Come on.天哪Oh, my God!跟紧我快跑Stay with me. Run!小心Watch out.你还好吗You okay?好走吧All right. Come on.你们还好吗You folks all right?这是我们造成的吗We caused this?不是历史在阻止我们No, no, it's the past. It's trying to stop us.我们该走了All right, we gotta go.退后Just stay back.抱歉Sorry.伙计Man!赶快Come on.等等邦尼·雷Wait, wait, Bonnie Ray!等等邦...Wait. Wait, Bon...你怎么会知道我的名字How do you know my name?我们就...就需要一会儿时间可以吗We just... we need a minute, okay?梅纳德先生在里面我们要进去Mr. Maynard, uh, is in there. We need to get inside. 我不认识你先生I don't know you, sir.梅纳德先生让我在中午封锁大楼Mr. Maynard told me to close the building up at lunch. 不你不应该封锁的No, no, no, no, you're not supposed to close.今天大楼应该是开放的You're supposed to stay open today.那才是应该发生的That's what's supposed to happen.抱歉先生我要走了Sorry, sir, I need to go.听着今天李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德来工作了吗Look, did Lee Harvey Oswald come to work today?来了但我...Yes, but I don...那好他在六楼吗Okay, is he in there on the sixth floor?我不知道I don't know.-你知道的 -杰克...- You do know. - Jake...你知道的...你向华伦委员会作证过You do know... you testified for the Warren Commission. 华伦委员会是1963年为调查肯尼迪被刺而设-你知道的 -作证让我走- You know! - Testified? Let me go.-我什么都没干 -赛迪有些不对劲- I haven't done anything. - Sadie, something's wrong. -杰克 -不要伤害我- Jake! - Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!有些不对劲Something's wrong.他应该是知道的好吗He's supposed to know about this, okay?历史在改变一些事任何事都可能发生The past is changing things, and anything can happen.11.22.63第一季第八集【季终】他们会知道你的名字They will know your name.我不会伤害你好吗I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?你只需要按我说的去做I just need you to do what I say.你现在就去打开门You need to unlock that door right now.我只需要如此好吗That's all I need. Okay?李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德在六楼Lee Harvey Oswald is on the sixth floor.他要刺杀总统He's gonna try and kill the President.我需要你马上把警♥察♥带来I need you to get the police and bring them here right now. 好吗快去找警♥察♥Okay? Go on, get the police.快去Go.我们走赶快Let's go. Come on.赶快Come on.赶快Come on.你是个糊涂蛋这里不通往六楼This doesn't go the sixth floor.这边另一边会有楼梯This way. There'll be stairs on the other side.几点了What time is it?十二点二十九分Twelve twenty-nine.就是这了This is it.卡住了It's stuck.神枪手Sharpshooter.李Lee!李住手住手Stop!小心Watch out.枪骑兵安全再说一遍枪骑兵安全Lancer is safe. I repeat, Lancer is safe. 是从教科书仓库里射出来的It came from the Depository!他们躲过了They got away.为什么Why?你们来这做什么该死What are you doing here, God damn it? 赛迪Sadie...你待在这好吗I need you to stay here, okay?拜托待在这Please, just stay here.别动好吗Don't move. Okay?李Lee,把枪放下put your gun down.我不想伤害你I don't wanna hurt you.去死吧Fuck you!去死吧Fuck you!我是来成事的I came here to do something!来成大事的Something important!你知道我有怎样的潜力吗You know what kind of potential I have? 只要我下定决心就没有做不到的事I can do anything that I set my mind to.I know, Lee.你不用射杀任何人You don't have to shoot anyone.你不需要这么做You don't have to do this.你不可能知道You don't know that.你不理解我You don't know me.我要在这世界上留下我的印记I'm gonna make my mark on this world. 你不理解我You don't know me.没人理解我Nobody knows me.李回来李Lee, get back! Lee!-赛迪 -杰克- Sadie! - Jake?天啊Oh, my God.天啊Oh, my God.好了躺着别动好吗Okay, all right, just stay still, okay?总统安全了吗Is the president safe?是的Yeah.那我们成功了So we did it?听着你压住这里Now, listen, you just hold right there,我去找人来帮忙and I'm gonna go get some help.别别No. No.求你了让我去找人来帮忙Yes, please, let me go get some help.别离开我别离开我Don't leave me. Don't leave me.你能握住我的手吗Can you just hold my hand?好Okay.好我就在这Okay, I'm right here.你握住我的手了吗Are you holding my hand?我握着你的手I'm holding your hand.我哪也不去I'm not gonna go anywhere.我会坚守在这I'm staying right here,你也坚持住好吗and you stay right here, too, okay? 我跟你说了我们可以做到的I told you we could do it.赛迪Sadie...赛迪Sadie...赛迪我们本该在一起的Sadie, I'm supposed to be with you. 所以我来了That's why I'm here.赛迪这就是我在这的原因Sadie, that's why I'm here.这就是我回来的原因That's why I came back.赛迪求你了Sadie, please.我知道I know.赛迪求你撑住Sadie, please.赛迪Sadie!赛迪Sadie!-警♥察♥ -赛迪求你- This is the police. - Sadie, please!这里有一具尸体We have a body over here.举起手来Put up your hands!举起手来举起手来Put up your hands! Put up your hands!让我看见你的双手小子I wanna see your goddamn hands, boy!快把他铐起来Go on, now. Cuff him.你们能帮帮她吗Can you help her?求你了Please?拜托Please!求你了Please!帮帮她Help her!快点Come on, now.该死的你们帮帮她行吗Goddammit, will you just help her?你这条道可走远了小子You're going away for a long time, boy.的确很远Long time.死刑电椅正等着你呢Old Sparky waiting for you.你俩能闭嘴吗Can you both please shut up?真糟糕你的头撞上了门框孩子It's too bad you banged your head on that door frame, son. 等等小伙子们让一让Wait! Boys... boys come on now.退后退后Back it up. Back it up.-让开 -拜托- Back it way up. - Come on.这里没地方了拜托There's no room here, boys. Come on, now.退后快退后Back it up. Stand back, now.你知道他就是那个枪手吗Do you know he's the shooter?快点各位都退后Come on, everybody, get back.你是共♥产♥党员吗Are you a member of the Communist Party?你杀了那姑娘吗Did you kill the girl?别挡道快点小伙子们Out of the way here. Come on, now, fellas.脱掉你的衬衫Take off your shirt.为什么Why?需要检查血型作为证据Need to check the blood type for evidence.我是弗里茨上校(求校)I'm Captain Fritz.这是霍斯蒂探员This is Agent Hosty.你叫什么名字孩子What's your name, son?你知道我的名字You know my name.为什么你不亲口告诉我们呢走个流程Why don't you tell us yourself, just for the record? 杰克·安博森Jake Amberson.这么铐着很不舒服You know, these are pretty uncomfortable.我们可以把手铐换到前面We can put those in front.安博森先生Mr. Amberson,你能解释一下你今天can you explain what you were doing在德州教科书存放处所做的事吗at the Texas School Book Depository today?别漏了死的那姑娘And don't leave out the part about the dead girl还有那个死掉的小伙子and the dead fella.李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德Lee Harvey Oswald,你们在六楼发现的尸体就是他the man whose body you found on the sixth floor,他企图刺杀肯尼迪总统was attempting to kill President Kennedy.你是怎么知道的How'd you know that?是他告诉我的He told me.李的公♥寓♥在我家楼上Lee lived in the apartment above mine.两天前我听到他大喊着Two days ago, I heard him yelling,"联邦调查局别想耍我""The FBI isn't gonna mess with me.""我要让他们看看""I'm gonna show them,"然后他来到楼下and then he came downstairs.他砸着我的门He hammered on my door,说 "我要给所有人看看我的能耐and he said, "I'm gonna show everyone what I can do. 我要杀掉总统"I'm going to kill the president."你说了什么What did you say?我说 "你喝多了吧"I said, "You're drunk."我当时以为他不是认真的I didn't believe he was serious,然后今天早上醒来and then, when I woke up this morning,我一直放不下这件事I couldn't get it out of my head.我知道肯尼迪今天要来I knew that Kennedy was in town,有了种不祥的预感所以and I had this bad feeling, so...我去了李之前工作的地方I went to where I knew Lee worked.我想我I guess I...是希望自己能说服他不要做傻事I hoped that I could talk him out of doing something stupid. 我来看看自己是不是听明白了Mm, let me see if I got this right.你的邻居告诉你他要去杀掉总统Your neighbor told you he was gonna kill the President.你和女朋友跟踪他想说服他不要做You and your girl follow him to work to talk him out of it, 现在他死了and now he's dead.我知道这听起来很疯狂I realize it sounds crazy.这听起来更像狗屁It sounds more like horseshit.枪上全是你的指纹Your fingerprints are all over that rifle.我们知道奥斯瓦尔德是用We know that Oswald ordered that rifle阿列克·哈戴尔这个名字订的枪under the name Alek Hidell.那就是你真正的名字对不对Now, that's your real name, isn't it?不你别想捏造狗屁罪名No, and you're not gonna railroad me就让我认罪into some bullshit confession.小子我是达拉斯警♥察♥Son, I'm Dallas police.我没必要诬告任何人I don't have to railroad anybody.你为什么没能阻止奥斯瓦尔德Why didn't you stop Oswald?那可是你的工作That was your job.请你回避一下Excuse us.-霍斯蒂这是我的辖区 -出去- Hosty, this is my jurisdiction. - I'm gonna need the room. 马上Now.好吧All right.有什么想告诉我的吗安博森先生Is there anything that you'd like to tell me, Mr. Amberson... 还是埃平先生Or is it Mr. Epping?我是去阻止奥斯瓦尔德因为他想要I went there to stop Oswald because he was attempting... 不不不No, no, no, no.我听到了I heard that.我们敞开天窗说亮话吧We can speak freely now.什么意思What does that mean?我要你联络人的名字I want the name of your handler.供出那个让你做这件事的人Give up the man who put you in play我就保你出去and I can get you out of the spot you're in.我没有联络人我不是间谍I don't have a handler. I'm not a spy.杰克Jake,假身份false identity,在两个城市分别有房♥子还离得不远two houses in different cities minutes apart,一个你称之为弟弟的搭档a partner who you call your brother,事实上他并不是被你用假名字who isn't, who committed suicide送进精神病院后自杀after you put him away under a false name,在朱迪镇涉嫌谋杀a murder in Jodie...一个女孩的丈夫This girl's husband...她叫赛迪Her name was Sadie.对Right.还要我继续说说在1960年之前Should I, uh, proceed to the part你的身份根本不存在的事吗where you have no identity at all prior to 1960?那要我继续说Should I proceed to the part你的上级马上要进来where your superior's gonna come in here叫你把那封and tell you to burn that letter奥斯瓦尔德两天前写给你的信烧掉的事吗that Oswald wrote to you two days ago?信上写了什么And what did it say?说他要干一番改变世界的大事吗That he was gonna do something to change the world? 联调局每天都会收到莫名奇妙的信The FBI gets crazy letters every day.不你是在遮掩你的烂摊子No, you're covering your ass因为肯尼迪差点在胡佛的任内because Kennedy was almost shot in the street当街被杀on Hoover's watch,而你本该事先掌握情报的and you should've known about it.或是你根本就知情Or did you know about it,只是没当一回事and you just didn't take it seriously?是这样的吗Is that what happened?这理论编得真好That's a nice theory.试试这个说法Try this one on.杰克·安博森李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德Jake Amberson, Lee Harvey Oswald,和赛迪·邓希尔and Sadie Dunhill.三位俄♥国♥资助的杀手Three Russian-sponsored assassins在达拉斯住同一栋公♥寓♥living in the same Dallas apartment building在肯尼迪车队路线公布后are called to action the day你们就收到暗♥杀♥指令Kennedy's motorcade route is announced.一位联调局的狙击手阻止了暗♥杀♥ An FBI sharpshooter stops the attack.一阵混乱之中In the ensuing confusion,两名俄♥国♥间谍被杀two of the Russian spies are killed,但还留下一位接受庭审but one remains to stand trial.就是你That's you,安博森先生...埃平先生Mr. Amberson... Epping.一点也不合逻辑Doesn't even make sense.奥斯瓦尔德被他自己的步♥枪♥射杀Oswald was killed with his own rifle.我是不会让弹道逻辑这种小细节Oh, I'm not gonna let a little thing like ballistics掩盖事实真♥相♥的get in the way of the truth.人们爱约翰·肯尼迪People love JFK.美国人♥民♥要知道他们该责怪谁The American people need to know who to blame.要定罪很容易It's an easy conviction.说到责怪...Talk about blame...你让我上法庭You put me on the stand,我就把奥斯瓦尔德和联调局的事说出来I'm gonna talk about Oswald and the FBI.我会给他们一点I'll give 'em some details关于胡佛监视约翰·肯尼迪的细节about Hoover's surveillance of JFK还有他的黑帮情妇and his mob mistress.肯尼迪绯闻对象朱迪思·坎贝尔也是黑帮头目的情人然后我们可以聊聊玛丽莲·梦露和鲍比的事Then we could go on to Marilyn Monroe and Bobby.玛丽莲·梦露曾和约翰·肯尼迪及罗伯特·肯尼迪传绯闻你们在监视罗伯特·肯尼迪对吗I mean, you are spying on Robert Kennedy, right?你现在只会让自己的处境越来越糟You are not making this any easier.看着我Look at me.我没有企图刺杀总统I didn't try to kill the President.我知道我不在乎I know. I don't care.霍斯蒂探员Agent Hosty.-先生 -这位是你上司吗- Sir... - Is that your superior?真准时Right on time.那封信绝对不能曝光Under no circumstance is that letter to ever see daylight. 你懂吗You understand?把它烧了You burn it.你清楚接下来该怎么做吗Are you clear on how you are to proceed?是的先生Yes, sir.很好Good.你是谁Who are you?你想怎样And what do you want?我唯一想做的All I wanted to do是救肯尼迪was save Kennedy.全部退后Y'all fall back.安博森先生不发表评论Mr. Amberson has no comment.霍斯蒂Hosty,这是我的管辖范围this is my jurisdiction.现在不是了Not anymore.你觉得怎么办事还要联调局教我吗You think the feds are gonna tell me how to direct due process?-给我滚出去 -上校先生- Get the hell out of here! - Captain... sir,有电♥话♥打来找安博森先生there's a telephone call for Mr. Amberson.我他妈的不管是否有电♥话♥I don't give a good goddamn打来找安博森先生about a phone call for Mr. Amberson.就算是美♥利♥坚♥合众国总统打来的我也不管I don't care if it's the President of the United States.给我把百叶窗拉上Shut those goddamn blinds.-喂 -总统马上就来- Hello? - Hold for the President.安博森先生Mr. Amberson,杰克我是肯尼迪Jack, Kennedy here.特勤局告诉我The Secret Service tells me that, uh,是你救了我和我妻子my wife and I, uh, owe you our lives.谢谢你Thank you.不客气先生You're welcome, sir.第♥一♥夫♥人♥想和你说两句话The First Lady would like to speak with you.好的All right.-安博森先生 -我是夫人- Mr. Amberson? - Yes, ma'am.我不知道该怎么说I don't know how to say this,但是今天but I had a feeling that我有预感可能会发生可怕的事something terrible could've happened today.多亏了你才得以幸免Thanks to you, it didn't.是的夫人谢谢你夫人Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.我得知你的未婚妻因此而丧生了I know that you lost your fiancée.非常遗憾I'm so sorry.谢谢你Thank you.愿上帝保佑你God bless you.无私之人阻止了李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德的计划Lee Harvey Oswald's plans were interrupted by the selfless... 我已经能看到新闻标题了I can see the headlines now.教师歼灭间谍拯救了肯尼迪"Teacher Kills Spy, Saves Kennedy."达拉斯汽车站美国英雄不愿意透露姓名American hero has requested to remain anonymous.最后争辩结果为奥斯瓦尔德被同伙杀掉In the resulting altercation, Oswald was killed by his own...那So...你觉得奥斯瓦尔德为什么要刺杀肯尼迪why do you think Oswald wanted to kill JFK?他拥护卡斯特罗还是效力于俄♥罗♥斯♥人He loved Castro or he was working for the Russians?古巴领导人没人会知道了No one will ever know,我觉得不会了I don't think.你怎么知道那封信的事的How'd you know about the letter?-你烧了吗 -你告诉我我就告诉你- Did you burn it? - I'll tell you if you tell me.你有些不对劲安博森Something off about you, Amberson.你拯救了总统You save the President's life and...突然间poof...走进那个公车站消失了you walk into that bus station and disappear.我注重隐私I like privacy.我肯定不能去拆穿英雄的故事Far be it for me to pull the thread on the story of a hero.我要是查肯定让真♥相♥大白If I did, the whole thing would unravel.但这国家太需要个英雄了God knows this country wants a hero.美国英雄An American hero拯救了总统who saved the President's life而且很注重隐私and values his privacy.这就是我们的故事That's how our story's gonna go.安博森Amberson...你未婚妻的事我很遗憾sorry about your girl.今天当车队经过迪利广场时Chaos reigned in Dallas today有人瞄准肯尼迪总统并且开枪when a man aimed and shot at President Kennedy达拉斯市陷入混乱during a motorcade through Dealey Plaza.有人开枪Shots fired!刺杀未遂事件被一名当地市民拍摄了下来The assassination attempt was recorded by a local citizen, 至今为止尚未知晓其身份who at this time has been unidentified.刺杀嫌疑人名叫李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德The suspected assassin is one Lee Harvey Oswald.记者在位于达拉斯的家中采访了他的母亲Reporters spoke to his mother, Marguerite Oswald,玛格丽特·奥斯瓦尔德at her home in Dallas.李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德我的儿子Lee Harvey Oswald, my son,虽然他已死去even after his death,但他为他的国家做出的贡献has done more for his country要远多于其他所有活着的人than any other living human being.奥斯瓦尔德女士你儿子是共♥产♥主义者吗Mrs. Oswald, was your son a Communist?疯狂的一天Crazy day, huh?你要去哪Where y'all headed?缅因州里斯本Lisbon, Maine.Five bucks.《敬永垂不朽》缅因州里斯本我会补救一切的赛迪I'll fix this, Sadie.我马上回来I'll be right back.这家该死的餐厅出什么事了What happened to the fucking diner?对不起打扰一下Excuse me. Uh, sorry to bother you, 但...现在是哪一年but what... what year is it?2016年2016.那...那老艾的餐厅出什么事了And... and what happened to Al's Diner?-它它原来就在这的 -我不知道- It... it used to be right there. - I don't know. 别烦我你们这些小杂种Hey, don't mess with me, you little fucks. 过来Come on.你住在这吗Is this where you live?是的Yeah.还有其他人住在这吗Does anyone else live here?没有Nope.你是哪里人Where'd you come from?德克萨斯Texas.想来杯喝的吗德克萨斯人Want a drink, Texas?当然Sure.好烈这是你家人吗That your family?我觉得你知道I think you know.你什么意思What do you mean?你回到了过去You came back.是你救了我和我的家人It was you who saved me and my family在1960年in 1960.你杀了我的父亲You killed my dad.我记得你I remember you.我就知道我会再次见到你I knew I'd see you again.我以为你会变得很老I thought you'd be fucking old.你是天使吗You an angel?不不是No. No.我只是...这一切是在什么时候改变的I just... when did... When did everything change?只要告诉我...告诉我一件事Just answer me... answer me one thing.什么...What...约翰·肯尼迪在196♥4♥年Was John F. Kennedy reelected连任总统了吗in 196♥4♥?你为什么想知道肯尼迪的事What the fuck you want to know about Kennedy for?我就是想知道I just do.他在华♥莱♥士♥之前两次出任总统He was president two times before Wallace.华♥莱♥士♥Wallace?乔治·华♥莱♥士♥当选总统了George Wallace was President?越...越南怎么样了What... what about Vietnam?-发生过越南战争吗 -没有- Was there a Vietnam War? - No.罗伯特·肯尼迪呢他...And Robert Kennedy, was he...他是在1968年被刺杀的吗was he killed in 1968?我想不是I don't think so.911事件9/11.这词对你来说有什么意义吗Does that mean anything to you?肯尼迪当总统时做了哪些事What did Kennedy do when he was president?做了什么好事吗Anything good?你说的是难民营的事吗Oh, you talking about the camps?难民营The camps?我带着妈妈和弟弟妹妹I took my mama and my brother and sister去了一个肯尼迪难民营to a Kennedy refugee camp当时是1975年back in '75.第一次爆♥炸♥后After the first bombings,我们就无处可去了we didn't have no place else to go.难民营不是什么好地方The camps were bad places.那发生了很多糟糕的事Bad things happened there.埃伦被带走了Ellen got taken away,塔格15岁时加入了民兵组织and Tugga joined the militia when he was 15.我之后再没见过他I never seen him again.妈妈患流感而死When Mama died of the flu,我就逃离了那里I just ran away.为什么要叫做"肯尼迪难民营"Why were... why were they called "Kennedy camps"? 因为那是他创建的'Cause he founded 'em当时他已经不是总统when he wasn't President anymore发生过暴♥乱♥和...after the riots and the...爆♥炸♥后and the bombs.我不明白Uh, I don't understand.我以为约翰·肯尼迪会让世界变得更好的I thought JFK would've made things better.你不理解这个世界You don't understand this world.我本想扭转乾坤I wanted to make a difference.所以我才做了这些事That's why I did all this.我妈妈我...My mother, my...我的整个家庭 whole family...你为什么要救我们Why'd you save us?我想要帮助你们I wanted to help you.你的父亲...Yo... your father...我希望...I wish...他不是一个...He wasn't a...他是我的父亲He was my dad.对Yeah.没错Yeah.我从没想过I never thought that一切都会变得这么糟糕everything would get so screwed up.我必须要重置I have to reset it.重置什么Reset what?一切Everything.我得走了I have to go.再见哈利Bye, Harry.我不想惹麻烦我就是过一下好吗I don't want any trouble. Just passing through, okay? 我不想惹麻烦I don't want trouble.不想惹麻烦就是过一下"Don't want any trouble." "I'm just passing through." -别碰我 -别碰我- Get off me! - "Get off me."-别碰我 -别碰我- Get off! - "Get off me."别碰我"Get off!"赛迪Sadie!你好Hi.你好Hello.我们认识We know each other.是吗We do?没错你来这里看你表姐妹Uh, yeah. You're visiting your cousins here. -没错 -是的- That's right. - Yeah.你是图书管♥理♥员♥ You are a librarian,你喜欢约翰·斯坦贝克的书and you love John Steinbeck,你来自东德克萨斯and you're from East Texas,上过范德堡大学went to Vanderbilt.我们是在学校认识的吗Is that how we know each other?不是的No. Um...我不想看上去像疯子一样I don't want to seem crazy.你的确看上去有点像疯子...You seem a little crazy...我知道I know. I know. I know.而且你身上有点脏And you're a little dirty.-我知道 -打扰了先生- I know. - Excuse me, sir.他和你是一起的吗Is he with you?你能等我一下吗Um, will you just give me a second?请别...走开好吗Please don't... don't go anywhere, okay?好的Okay.关门干什么What?你到底要什么What? What?它骗到你了老兄你在自己的轮回里转圈It's got you, brother. You're in your own loop. 听我说我重置了一切Look, I-I-I reset everything.会不一样的It's gonna be different.我每次也都是这样想的That's what I think every time.但总是那样一个轮回It's always the same loop.循环往复It goes and it goes.我和赛迪应该在一起Sadie and I are supposed to be together.最后结局总是一样还是会悲剧It always ends the same. Still drowning.-不 -还是会...- No. - Still...听着我不会再用同样的方式Look, I'm not gonna do it the same way.我知道我不会救肯尼迪I know. I won't save JFK.也不会帮助哈利和他的家人I-I won't help Harry and his family.一件都不会I won't do any of that.我只想要赛迪求你了I-I just want Sadie. Please.-不可能 -求你了- No. - Please.-不可能的 -我爱她- No. No. - I love her.求你了Please Please!总是会以同样结局结束It ends the same,一遍over...一遍and over...又一遍and over.会不一样的It's gonna be different.她还是会死She'll always die.嗨Hey!没事吧Is everything okay?没事Yeah, uh...只是在叙旧而已Just having one of those days.你还没告诉我我们怎么遇见的You never told me how we met. 没错Right. Um...我的确认识你I do know you.你是谁Who are you?很抱歉I'm sorry.我I, uh...我犯了个错误I made a mistake.很高兴看到你或...Well, it was nice to meet you or... 遇见你不管是哪一个see you or whichever.我叫赛迪I'm Sadie.我知道I know.餐厅开店35载感谢支持时间到了All right.试♥卷♥交到这里Tests here.你没事吧埃平先生Are you okay, Mr. Epping?没事Yeah.我没事I'm Fine.老师再见Bye, sir.课上见See you in class.谢谢Thank you.再见See you later.埃平先生Mr. Epping?我没能升职I didn't get the promotion,但...but...我还是要谢谢你I wanted to thank you向校长推荐了我for putting in the word for me.对不起对不起我没能帮到你I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't help you.对不起对不起I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.没关系埃平先生That's okay, Mr. Epping.我对不起你I'm sorry.你是个好人You're a good man.对不起我没能帮到你I'm sorry I didn't help you.你是个好人You're a good man.赛迪·邓希尔小镇图书管♥理♥员♥荣获国家荣誉。
人物:沃尔特·怀特(Walter White)- 50多岁的化学教师,患有终末期肺癌。
杰西·平克曼(Jesse Pinkman)- 20多岁的毒品贩子,沃尔特的前学生。
人物:沃尔特,杰西,以及托德(Todd)- 杰西的朋友,后来成为他们的帮手。
人物:沃尔特,斯凯勒,以及汉克(Hank)- 斯凯勒的哥哥,同时也是一名警察。
历史剧特洛伊木马剧本角色扮演:海伦——梁水凤帕里斯——伍文婷墨涅拉俄斯——丁梓华阿加门农——李莹阿喀琉斯——张囿民赫克托尔——李嘉涛特洛伊人——刘翠芬希腊逃兵/奥德修斯——康金燕旁白——谭肖婷道具:长矛×2 弓×1 皇冠×2 假胡须×2引言旁白:相传,在古希腊,阿喀琉斯的父母举行婚礼时,没有邀请不和女神厄里斯,她来到席间扔下一个“不和的金苹果”,写着“赠给最美的女子”。
The Golden ApplePart 1Eris: What? Peleus and Thetis get married today?Servant1: Yes, my goddess. God Zeus hold the party in the golden palace.Eris: All the god are in the invitation ?Servant1:...Yes, my goddess, except you, my goddess.Eris: Okay, since I am not be invited, I should be more care for them. Go to the Hesperides now.Thetis and Peleus go to the god together giving the salute.Thetis and Peleus: God Zeus, Goddess Hera.Zeus: Now you two are the master of the ocean.Hera: Peleus, you are now the husband of Thetis. You should protect her with your whole life.Peleus: I will, my goddess.Zeus: Today`s celebration is for my beautiful daughter Thetis and the hero Peleus. Now I give the best bless from the sky for them.All gods: God bless.Poseidon: Bless for you Thetis.Thetis: Yes, my brother.Poseidon: I have heard from the fates god, Clotho. She says your son will be stronger than his father, Peleus. And he will be a famous hero. I`m looking forward to him. Here`s my present for him, the spear of the hero.Peleus: Thank you for your gift, he will be happy for this.Apollo: Eris, why are you late?Eris: Oh, my dear Apollo, I`m just not be invited. My dear Thetis and Peleus, I know I`m the goddess of discord, but I also take my present here. I`m really touched by myself.(servant come). This is the special present for all of you here. Bless you. Zeus: What`s that in the box?Athena: The golden , Oh, those are so rare. Hardly anyone comes acrossthose.Hera: Not very many people or gods know where they grow. How does Eris get this?Aphrodite: Anyway, look at the(reads) For the fairest of the fair."Athena: The fairest of the fair?Aph.: That`s on its back.Hera : Well, that`s ly means it is meant for me. I am the power of the world. No one will betray me.(look at Zeus)Athena: Probably, you are. But don`t you see that? This is for the fairest of fair, in fact, you are older than us.Hera: Shut up! That means I know more but not that kind of ancient, Athena.Aph. (exaggerated modesty) Stop joking. Why you two are arguing about that. It`s obviously that I`m the owner of this Golden Apple. I am the avatar of love and beauty. I am the most beautiful woman in the world, this is accurately for me. Thetis: Oh,My dear goddess, you are all special in the all gods. So we can ask others to vote for the fairest of the fair.Athena: That`s good. And then we will know who is the only one.Hera: My dear Zeus, you are the father god of the world, so who do you think is the only one to owe this Golden Apple?Aph: Zeus, I believe the words you said.Zeus: Hera, you are the goddess of woman. Athena, you are the goddess of the war. Aph, you are the goddess of the love. You all are really pretty.Hera: I just want the answer.Athena: My father, I am as beautiful as my mother.Apollo: I have a good idea. We can find the most charming man in the human world to judge this problem.Zeus: Who`s that?Apollo: He is the prince of Troy, Paris, the most charming man living on the mountain Ida.Zeus: Okay, let the Pairs give the answer.Part2Oenone: Paris, how are you today? If it`s too tired, you can have a rest today. Paris: No, Apollo has told me I was born to be a hero and I`m fighting for that. And then I will have the power to protect you.Oenone: You are my only hero of my whole life no matter what happened.Paris: I will fight for you till the last second.Oenone: What`s that in the sky?Paris: Don`t worry. That`s Apollo, my teacher.Apollo: Paris.Paris: Yes, my teacher.Apollo: The gods will come here to give you a problem to judge. Take care.Paris: Yes, my teacher.(to Oenone) Oenone, you can hide beside there, they won`t hurt you.Oenone: Take care, Paris. I love you.Zeus: Apollo, is he the most handsome man, Paris?Apollo: Yes, my god.Zeus: Paris, we need you to give an answer now.Aph.: Paris, we seem to be having some trouble making a decision and we were wondering if you could help us.Paris: I`m always willing to help a pretty lady.Athena & Hera: Eh-hem?Paris: Excuse me, pretty ladies. (Flirtatious)Athena: Do you see this apple?Paris: Mmmmm I “see” it.Hera: Stop your thought. This apple is not for you.Aph: What you have to do is to give this apple to whichever one you thinkis the fairest of the fair.Paris: The fairest of the fair? But you are all good looking.Athena: We know.Hera: But just one you can give this apple to.Athena: Paris! Do you know who am I?Paris: Sorry,My goddess.I`m just a human.Athena:Give the apple to me and you will be the only one hero in all the battles. Paris:So I will be the Mars?Athena: If you want.Hera: Paris. Can I have a word with you?Paris: My honor, pretty goddess.Hera: Now Paris, if you give that apple to me I will make you be the king of this world.Paris: You mean I have the power to control the whole world?Hera: I promise you can.Oenone:(quitely) Maybe Goddess Hera will get the apple.Aph.: Obviously, I`m the goddess of love and beauty. If you give me that golden apple I will get you a date with the most beautiful woman in the world. I will give you a beautiful love story.Paris: Would you really? So Oenone will be my wife, she is the only one in my mind. Aph.: Paris, I am a goddess..Zeus: Paris we waiting for your answer.Paris:I `m the prince of Troy so I will be the king in the future. And I can be the hero by myself. I know the answer, my god Zeus.Paris: The golden apple is yours ,Aphrodite! You are the fairest for fair.Aph.: Thank you Paris! You will get bless.Paris: I`m looking forward to the love story.Aph:I promise you it will be a really lovely story. And now, I am the fairest of fairest.Trojan HorsePart3Paris: My pretty goddess, since you have got the golden apple, when will you give me the love story?Aph: Now. Aeneas, come here.Aeneas: Yes, my dear mom.Aph:This is Paris, the prince of Troy. You go with him to make yourself a real hero. Aeneas: Yes, mom. My honor to meet you, dear prince.Paris: My honor, hero.Aph:Paris, go back your country to get all you should have. The fate is going on.Hecuba: Welcome back, my son. I`m looking forward to the day to see you again. Priams:You back, Paris.Paris:Yes, my father.Priams: You look much stronger than before.Paris: Yes, my father. A god teach me.Hecuba: Here is your brother Hector, he is the lord of our country.Hector: My honor to see you, brother.Paris: My honor, lord.Hecuba: This is your sister,Cassardra. She was born to be a prophet.Cassardra: No, no, no. You are the evil, you are the man who destroy our country. I see it. I see it.Paris: I was born to be a hero. I will take our country to the glories, my dear sister. Priams: Cassardra, you should be respectful to your brother.Casscrdra: Yes, my father. Sorry, my honor to see you, my dear brother.Paris: I love your ability, my sister.Priams: Who is he, Paris?Paris: He is my friend, with the god blood.Aeneas: My honor to see you, my king.Priams: My honor. You will take care of my son, yes?Aeneas: Yes, I will.Priams: Well, Paris, you go to the Sparta to attend the celebration tomorrow. Paris: Yes, my father.Oenone: My prince, I will miss you, take care of yourself.Paris: Trust me, Oenone. The day I come back, you will be my princess, I promise. Oenone:I`ll waiting for you.(Paris leave)Apollo: Oenone, do you know the queen of Sparta, Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world?Oenone: I know what you are worrying about, my god. But he won`t, he is my only hero,Paris.Apollo: Who knows? The fate is always full of surprise.YOUNG SOLDIER: Your majesty! A Trojan ship has landed. Their princeseeks an audience.MENELAUS: Send him in! (To helen) Don`t on the wrong side of the Trojans. We need to do a lot of business with the Trojans.Helen: I get it.YOUNG SOLDIER: Your majesty.I present Paris,the prince of Troy!MENELAUS: Yes, yes…PARIS: (to King Menelaus)I thank you for inviting us here.KING MENELAUS: Greece and Troy are old friends my boy. You are welcome here. Now –let me introduce my wife, Helen…(time stop)PARIS: It’s her! The woman of my dreams! She is so amazing. I haven`t seen a woman more beautiful than her. And here she is. Trouble is –she’salready married! Oh my god.Aph: Paris, she is the most beautiful woman in the world, if you want, she will be your wife. I promise.Paris: Can I? Oh, my dear goddess, I`d like her to be my wife.Aph:Okay, in one month, the king of Sparta, Menelaus will leave the palace. You can take her back to your country, but remember you just have a month.Paris: Thank you, my dear goddess.(time on)PARIS (Continued) Your majesty.KING MENELAUS Don’t often get royal visitors you know. S tay as long asyou like, Paris. We’ll have fun!PARIS Brilliant!MESSENGER Drink with me.Let us drink to peace.To peace between Troy and Sparta.Paris & Aeneas: For the gods.KING MENELAUS: Dear oh dear. A crisis, in Athens. I shall have to go, can’tavoid it.PARIS: That is a shame.PARIS (Continued): How long will you be gone?KING MENELAUS: Three weeks. One month at the most. Helen will look after you –won’t you my dear?HELEN:Yes, my king, I shall.KING MENELAUS: Won’t be as much fun as being with me, eh – Paris?PARIS (Looking at Helen.): oh no. Won`t be the same at all.(Menelaus leave)PARIS (Continued) Helen.HELEN Paris.PARIS:Do you want me to go?HELEN: Oh! No. But Menelaus would kill us both.PARIS: Don't be afraid of him.HELEN:I'm not afraid of dying.I'm afraid of tomorrow.I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you'll never come back.Before you came to Sparta, I was a ghost.I walked, and I ate, and I swam in the sea... ...but I was just a ghost.PARIS: You don't have to fear e with me.HELEN:Don't play with me. Don't play.PARIS: If you come, we'll never be safe. Men will hunt us, the gods will curse us. But I'll love you. Till the day they burn my body... ...I will love you.Helen: But how can we leave here? There are many soldiers in the palace.Paris: Don`t worry, the goddess will help us.Aeneas:My dear prince, my mother has told me, tonight Hypnos will come, and we can go back to Troy tonight.Paris: Who is Hypnos?Aeneas: The god of sleepy, my dear prince.Paris:Okay, we will have a happy life after this night,Helen.Helen: I love you, Paris.Paris: I love you,too.Part4HeavenHera:Athena, have you heard that? Aphrodite help Paris take the queen of Sparta, Helen.Athena: Sure, and now I know the reason why he give the apple to her.Hera: He is just the human. But the queen of Sparta......they have troubles now. Athena: But It seems that Aeneas is also in.Hera: Aphrodite`s son?Athena: Yes, but why? Aphrodite should know it is dangerous.Hera: Aphrodite wants her son to be the king of the Troy. She do not help Paris as her son.Athena: Poor guy. He still believes he gets bless from the goddess of love.Hera: Since she is now in the game, how about us?Athena: Sure, I am the goddess of war, it should be more interesting.Hera: Give them all a present from goddess`s bless.Athena: I love the idea, Hera. Since Aphrodite gets the golden apple, she should pay it off.(walk to Zeus)Athena: Zeus, my God. There is going to be a series war between the human beings. And some of the god are involved in it. I have to be on my duty.Zeus: Aphrodite and Apollo?Athena: Yes, my god.Zeus: I know. On your guard, Athena.(Athena leave)Zeus: Aphrodite is the guard of Troy now?Servant: Yes, my god. Aph`s son, Aeneas, is also in Troy now.Zeus: Tell Apollo, Help Paris and take this oracle to that sibyl in Troy, Cassandra. Servant: yes, my god.Hera: My dear Thetis, you look more beautiful than before.Thetis:My goddess, Hera. Welcome. This is my son Achilles.Achilles: My honor to see you, my goddess.Hera: oh, you are really stronger than your father. You are now sad with that, Peleus?Peleus: My goddess, how can I be sad with my son.Hera: Okay, Achilles, now I have a chance for you to be a really hero, will you come?Achilles: My honor, goddess.Hera: Go to find your friend, Patroclus, and you will get it.Achilles: Yes, my goddess, thank you.(leave)Thetis: Patroclus? The prince of Sparta?Hero:Don`t worry. He will be only one hero in the heaven after this war.(leave) Thetis: oh no, what can I do now?Peleus: what`s up, Thetis?Thetis: The god of fate, Clotho has told me, Achilles will dead on the war with Troy. Peleus: What? I have heard that not only our son is in this battle, Aphrodite and her son,Aeneas, Apollo are also in this war.Thetis: What can I do now? Apollo knows the only weakness of Achilles, he will die. Peleus: Don`t worry. We can find Poseidon to help us.Thetis: Yes, my brother. He can help us.(leave)Hera: I have told Achilles to help Sparta, Zeus.Zeus: Apollo is already on the mountain Ida, he will finish his mission.Hera:Yes, my god.Zeus: Only Apollo be the hero in the heaven is enough.Poseidon: My dear sister, why you look so series?Thetis: My brother, please, help me, help me.Poseidon: What`s going on?Thetis: Please stop the boat of Sparta or Achilles will die of the battlel.Poseidon: Achilles is the strongest hero, who can hurt him?Thetis:Apollo is in the battle, too. He knows the weakness of Achilles. Please, help me.Poseidon: Okay, I will. But what`s going on in the human`s world on earth? Aphrodite has also told me to stop the boat from the Sparta.Thetis: You mean the goddess of love, Aphrodite?Poseidon: Yes, she has told me a few days ago.Thetis: Whatever, please help me protect my boy.Poseidon: I will.Part5Aeneas: My honor to see you god, Poseidon. But why are you here?Poseidon: Aeneas, my lovely boy. I come to see the human beings who make the heaven in a mess.Paris: God Poseidon, could you please let us go?Poseidon: You are the prince of Troy?(looking at Paris) And you are the queen of Sparta, Helen?(looking at Helen)Helen: My honor, god Poseidon.Poseidon: Paris, if I tell you when you cross this sea, you will in the big trouble, will you give up?Paris: No one can desperate me from Helen.Poseidon: Okay, good luck.(Poseidon leave)Paris:Wow, we like totally ditched those Greeks. Eat our waves, dudes.HELEN:You were like, so totally brave.Paris: Our country is on the other side of this sea. Look at that huge castle. HELEN:It's pretty.PARIS:Not as pretty as you.HELEN :I know. Aren't your walls like totally... tall?PARIS:The tallest and the strongest. They say Poseidon himself helped build them.HELEN:No way...PARIS:Way!HELEN: So cool!PARIS:Want to see inside?HELEN:Do I ever.CASSANDRA:Beware!HELEN:Who's that?PARIS:My sister, Cassandra. What's wrong now? I am the disaster again. CASSANDRA:Don't bring this woman inside, Paris. She will only bring doom on our city. Dooooom!PARIS:Oh, come on, Cassandra. Get out of the way. She is going to be my princess.Cassandra: she is really a disaster.(PARIS pushes CASSANDRA out of the way and they go inside the wall.) HELEN:Freak girl.(CASSANDRA stomps her foot and gets all pouty. APOLLO appears down left and watches her.)APOLLO:What's with you?CASSANDRA:How come nobody ever listened to me?Apollo: What?CASSANDRA:I thought you gave me the power to see the future?APOLLO:I did.CASSANDRA:But nobody listened to me.Apollo: That`s your problem.CASSANDRA :And now I see the walls of Troy falling down. And no one will listen to me about that either.Apollo: That`s really sad. But now it seems someone is much worse than you. Cassandra: What? Oh, no. I mean who?Apollo: That pretty lady,Oenone.Cassandra: oh, my poor girl. How are you now? Are you okay?(take the Oenone) Oenone: How could he? He said I`m the only one in his heart. How could he betray me?Apollo: I have told you, the fate is always full of surprise.Cassandra: Apollo.Apollo: Okay, you please.Cassandra: Oenone, if you go to see my brother, maybe he will give her up. Oenone: Oh no, I have seen them. I don`t want to see them anymore.(run crying)Apollo: What a sad story!Cassandra: why are you here on earth?Apollo: This is the oracle from the god Zeus, when Paris is in the dangerous, you can open it.Cassandra: The god Zeus? For me.Apollo: Bless you, my sibyl.Paris: My dear father, mother. I come back. This is Helen.Helen: My honor to meet you, my king and queen.Priams: What? She is the queen? Helen of Sparta?Paris:Helen of Troy.Priams:I've heard rumors of your beauty.For once... ...the gossips were right. Hecuba:Welcome. you must be tired.Cassandra: No. She can`t be the Princess. She is the queen of Sparta. She will bring us fire and death.Paris: I will protect her, and protect our country.Hector: You fool! Do you know what you've done? Do you know how many years our father worked for peace?Paris:I love her.Hector:It's all a game to you, isn't it? You think you know something aboutlove?What about the love for your country? You'd let Troy burn for this woman? I won't let you start a war for her.Paris:May I speak? What you're saying is true. I've wronged you. I've wronged our country.If you want to take Helen back to Sparta, so be it. But I go with her. Hector: To Sparta? They'll kill you.Paris: Then I'll die fighting.Hector:Oh, and that sounds heroic to you, doesn't it? To die fighting. - Little brother, have you ever killed a man? - No.- Ever seen a man die in combat? - No.I've killed men, and I've heard them dying. And I've watched them dying. Andthere's nothing glorious about it. Nothing poetic. You say you want to die for love. You know nothing about dying.And you know nothing about love!Paris:All the same, I go with her. I won't ask you to fight my war.Hector: You already have.Aeneas: Calm down, my lord. Since the Sparta come, we can fight them back.I, Aeneas, will fight for Troy till the last.Priams: Paris, remember what you said today. Take Helen to your castle.Hector:Father...Priams:It is the will of the gods. Everything is in their hands.Hector:But I'm surprised you let him bring her. If I'd let him fight Menelaus for her...'d be burning a son's body, not welcoming a daughter.Priams:What would you have me do?Hector:Put her on a ship and send her home.Priams:Women have always loved Paris, and he has loved them back.But this is different. Something has changed in him. If we send her home to Menelaus, he will follow her.Hector:This is my country, and these are my countrymen. I don't want to see them suffer so my brother can have his prize. It's not just the Spartans coming after her. By now, Menelaus has gone to Agamemnon. And Agamemnon has wanted to destroy us for years.Priams: Enemies have been attacking us for centuries. Our walls still stand. Hector:Father, we can't win this war.Priams: Apollo watches over us.Hector:Father...Agamemnon:I must show you something.Helen left. With the young prince, Paris. She...Menelaus:Get my ship ready.Turn us round. Back to Sparta. High on the sail! Agamemnon: Calm down.MENELAUS:I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to raise an army,sail to Troy and get Helen back. Paris is going to pay for this. The whole of Troy is going to pay for this. Because this means WAR!!! YES! WAR!!! WAR!!!(The whole court joins in the chant)ALL WAR! WAR! WAR! WAR!MENELAUS:Palamedes ,Ready for war.I won't rest till I've burned Troy to the ground.AGAMEMNON: I thought you wanted peace with Troy.MENELAUS: I should have listened to you. Peace is for the women... ...and the weak.AGAMEMNON:Old King Priam thinks he's untouchable behind his high walls. He thinks the sun god will protect him. But the gods protect only... ...the strong! MENELAUS:of course.If Troy falls... ...I control the Aegean.AGAMEMNON Hector commands the finest army in the east.I'll attack them with the greatest force the world has ever seen.I want all the kings of Greece and their armies.MENELAUS:Palamedes, Send emissaries in the morning.Patroclus:Yes, my king.Agamemnon:One last thing. We need Achilles and his Myrmidons.Menelaus:He can't be controlled. He's as likely to fight us as the Trojans. Agamemnon: We don't need to control him, we need to unleash him. That man was born to end lives.Menelaus:There's only one man he'll listen to. Patroclus, my cousin.They are friends.Agamemnon: This will be the greatest war the world has ever seen.We need the greatest warrior.Palamedes: My king, Patroclus is in.Menelaus:Patroclus. I knew your parents well.Patroclus: I miss them. My dear king.Menelaus:Now you have this one watching over you,go to Achilles.Achilles: Are you here at Agamemnon's bidding?Patroclus: We need to talk.Achilles: I will not fight for him.Patroclus:I'm not asking you to fight for him.I'm asking you to fight for the Greeks. Achilles: The Trojans never harmed me.Patroclus:They insulted Greece.Achilles: They insulted a man who couldn't hold on to his wife. Is that my business?Patroclus:Your business is war, my friend.Achilles: Is it? The man has no honor.Patroclus:Let Achilles fight for honor. Let Agamemnon fight for power.And let the gods decide which man to glorify.Achilles: For the Greeks!Patroclus: Forget Agamemnon.Fight for me.Part6Menelaus: What`s going on?Soldier: Your majesty, there are waves in the sea suddenly. Please take care. Poseidon: Achilles!Achilles: My god, Poseidon. Why you stop us?Poseidon: Achilles, get out off the war.Achilles: No, my god. I can`t leave.Poseidon: They are all in this battle, including Apollo. You had better leave. Achilles: I will beat him whoever he is.Poseidon: Since I have promised your mother, and now, you should back.All: no, take care(ship over)Hera: Poseidon, stop.Poseidon: Yes, my goddess.Hera: God Zeus said no god can get involved in this war. This is the oracle.Agamemnon: If Poseidon still stop us from sailing on the sea, how could we fight them?Menelaus: Achilles is the mars of the world, we can`t win without him.Hera: Go towards.Menelaus: who are you?Hera: I`m the goddess Hera. I just sail to Troy tomorrow, no one will stop you. Menelaus: Hera, my goddess. I want to know the reason you come here.Hera: I`m the goddess of marriage. You are blessed by the oracle. That`s why I come here.Menelaus: Thank you my goddess. I will take Helen back and use her blood to consecrate you.(Hera leave)Palamedes: My king, we can divide into two groups to attack Troy. One for the front, one for back. And then they will get into danger even though they have the god fight for them, they won`t get the both well.Menelaus: Well, that good. Achilles, you come with me to the front of the Troy, we can have a great war with Hector. Agamemnon and Patroclus go to the back. Tomorrow, we will crate the new history.Ten years(fighting...所有人混战,Hector 杀死Patroclus,( Hector+Agamemnon+Patroclus+soldiers))Menelaus:Achilles.Someone has to lose.Achilles:What do you mean by that?Where's Patroclus?Patroclus!Menelaus:He is dead.Achilles:That`s impossible. He went back to the Troy city, how would he? Agamemnon, you do that?!Agamemnon:We thought he was strong as you. And he was killed by Hector, not me. You must take your words, I `m your lord!Achilles:Whoever killed him, I will finish him, but remember, Agamemnon, I will kill you someday.Agamemnon:If you can.(Achilles leave)(before fighting,beside the wall...所有人都在)Achilles:You must be Hector. Do you know who I am?Hector: Achilles, my honor to see you, but sorry in this way.Achilles:You killed Patroclus.Hector:You kill my people.Achilles:Fight me!Hector:All stay. This is only for our fight.Achilles:They'll be talking about this war for 1000 years.Hector:In 1000 years, the dust from our bones will be gone.Achilles:Yes, prince. But our names will remain.(Hector and Achilles fight only, A killed H)Paris: My brother. No.Fight for our lord!All: Fight for our lord.Priams:Apollo, our patron saint, our god. Please help us.Apollo:I can only take Achilles, only once.Priams:Thank you, my god.Athena:Apollo, the god Zeus has said no one can get in this war. You must go back. Aph: So why are you here, Athena?Athena: Aph, since you got the golden apple, you should take care of it. How can you come to humans so long?Aph:Why I have to tell you the reason? It`s none of your business, Athena, you`d better leave here.Athena: None of my business? I`m the god of the war. And now, I will take you the god as my duty to be the god.Aph:Good luck Athena, if you are alive.(fight)Hera: Apollo, take the time. You will be the only one hero if Achilles died.Apollo: Yes, my goddess. But it seems like there is no reason for you to help me. Hera: No, the reason is, I hate Thetis and Aph.Apollo: Okay I got it. Poor Achilles, good night.(Apollo kill射箭杀死Achilles)Priams:Paris. We have lost Hector, we can`t lose anyone now.The gods won't fight this war for us anymore. We must fight for Troy, for us all.Paris:Father... ...l'm sorry for the pain I've caused you.I don't want to see another Trojan die because of me. This is not a conflict of nations.It is a dispute between two men.Tomorrow morning, I will challenge Menelaus for the right to Helen.The winner will take her home. The loser will burn before nightfall.Priams:Do you love her?Paris:ou are a great king because you love your country so much. Every blade of grass. Every grain of sand. Every rock in the river. You love all of Troy. That is the way I love Helen. I've fought many wars in my time. Some were fought for land, some for power, some for glory. I suppose fighting for love makes more sense than all the rest.Priams:My father carried this sword, and his father before him... ...all the way back to the founding of Troy. The history of our people was written with this sword. Carry it with you tomorrow. The spirit of Troy is in that sword. So long as a Trojan carries it... ...our people have a future.Helen:Don't go tomorrow. - Please don't go.I can't lose you.I won't survive without you.Paris:I must go.Helen:That's my fault.Paris:No, that`s not.Helen:I'm giving myself back to MenelausParis:It's too late for that. Do you think Agamemnon cares about his brother's marriage? This is about power. Not love. I`ll be back, trust me.Helen:I`ll go with you tomorrow. I will see you back.Menelaus:Finally, this is our fight now. I will kill you and then kill Helen and all of the people in this city.Paris:I won`t let you go unless I die here. I promise.Menelaus:Let me see now.(fight)(Paris and Menelaus both hurt , Menelaus go back)Paris:We win. Troy win!All: win! Win! Win!Helen:oh, no! You get hurt. How are you now? Look at me, I`m Helen. Can you hear me?Priams:Paris, are you okay? Doctor! Doctor!Doctor: My king, the prince is poisoned, the sword of Menelaus is full of poison. I (I)don`t know this kind of poison.Priams:Poison? Menelaus, I must kill you. You now tell me how long will my son be alive?Doctor: If we don`t have the medicine of this poison, the prince can only live for three days.Priams: Menelaus, I kill him in three days. Keep my son alive in this three days, or you can go to the hell.Doctor: Yes, yes. My king.Cassandra: My father, Apollo has gave me a oracle. He says when Paris is in dangerous, I can open it.Priams: It1s now. Open it.Cassandra:My father, Oenone can save Paris. She is the only one who can save my brother in this world.Priams:Who is Oenone?Cassandra:She is the girl study with Paris when he was young. And she loves Paris. She will save Paris.Helen: we must find her, Cassandra. I will go with Paris.Cassandra:Oenone, are you here? I `m Cassandra. My brother hurts now. Help him please. Oenone.Oenone:Cassandra, I`m here.Cassandra:Please help Paris, he is going to die. You are the only one who can save him, please, please.Oenone:Paris gets hurt? Where is he?Helen: My pretty girl, please help him.Oenone:Who are you?Helen: I`m Helen, his wife.Oenone: Wife? You are his princess. You go now, I won`t help him.Helen:Please, please help him. I can do everything for you.Oenone:Everything? What about die? If you die, I will save him.Helen:What?Cassandra:Oenone, don`t. Please help my brother.Oenone:Just go now. I don`t want to you all anymore.Cassandra:I won`t go until you promise you will save Paris.Oenone: I won`t.Cassandra:Helen, you take Paris back now. I promise I will take Oenone back. Helen:Okay. Paris, let`s go home now.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!The Trojan War was a legendary conflict between the Greeks and the Trojans. It was sparked by the abduction of Helen, the wife of Menelaus, by Paris, the prince of Troy. The war lasted for ten years and ended with the Greeks' victory through a clever trick.The Greeks, led by Agamemnon, gathered a massive army to sail to Troy and rescue Helen. They believed that the city of Troy was impenetrable, so they devised a plan to deceive the Trojans. They built a giant wooden horse and hid a select group of soldiers inside it. Then, they left the horse outside the city walls and pretended to retreat.The Trojans, thinking that the Greeks had given up, celebrated their apparent victory. They brought the wooden horse inside the city as a trophy. Little did they know that the soldiers hidden inside were waiting for the right moment to strike. At nightfall, the Greek soldiers emerged from the horse and opened the city gates for the rest ofthe Greek army.A fierce battle ensued as the Greeks and Trojans clashed within the city walls. The Trojans fought valiantly to defend their homeland, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. In the end, the Greeks emerged victorious, and Troy was left in ruins.The Trojan War was not only a conflict between two armies but also a clash of gods and goddesses. The gods took sides and intervened in the war, influencing the outcome. Zeus, the king of the gods, favored the Greeks, while Aphrodite, the goddess of love, supported Paris and the Trojans.The war had a profound impact on both sides. The Greeks returned home triumphant but faced many challenges and hardships along the way. The Trojans, on the other hand, suffered a devastating loss and were scattered across different lands.The story of the Trojan War has been retold andreimagined countless times throughout history. It has inspired numerous works of literature, art, and film. The war represents the timeless themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of war.In conclusion, the Trojan War was a legendary conflict that captivated the imagination of people for centuries. It was a war of epic proportions, filled with heroism, tragedy, and divine intervention. The story of the Trojan War continues to resonate with audiences today, reminding us of the complexities of human nature and the consequences ofour actions.。
生活娱乐类短视频剧本机智小侦探的神秘案件Title: The Mysterious Case of the Clever Detective - A Script for a Live Entertainment Short VideoScene: Detective's OfficeCharacters:- Detective: Clever and observant, always dressed in a classic detective outfit- Assistant: Loyal and dedicated, always willing to help solve the case- Villain: Cunning and elusive, responsible for the mysterious case- Victim: Innocent party involved in the crime, seeking justice- Supporting Characters: Bystanders, witnesses, and other potential suspectsNote: The script can be adjusted and formatted based on the individual needs of the production, including camera angles, set description, and additional dialogue cues.---Scene 1: Detective's Office[Dimly lit office with shelves filled with books and various detective paraphernalia. The Detective is seated at a desk, poring over case files. The Assistant enters.]Assistant: Detective, there's a mysterious case I think you should hear about. It involves a stolen artifact from the city museum.Detective: Excellent! Let's get to the bottom of this. What do we know so far?Assistant: The stolen artifact is an ancient necklace of great historical value, known to grant immense power to its possessor. The museum curator received a mysterious note demanding a hefty ransom.Detective: Interesting. Any leads on the suspect?Assistant: The curator suspects Clifford, a renowned art collector, and rival of the museum. He has a motive for stealing the artifact.Scene 2: Investigating the Museum[The Detective and Assistant arrive at the museum, examining the area where the artifact was stolen.]Detective: Assistant, let's dive deep into this case. We need to find any clues left behind by the thief.Assistant: Look at this footprint near the display case. It seems different compared to the other footprints found in the museum.Detective: Good eye, Assistant! Send this footprint to the forensics department for analysis. Meanwhile, let's investigate Clifford's art gallery.Scene 3: The Art Gallery[The Detective and Assistant arrive at Clifford's art gallery, disguised as potential buyers.]Detective: We must be cautious, Assistant. Our disguise will help us blend in while gathering more information about Clifford's connection to the stolen artifact.Assistant: Agreed, Detective. Let's start by talking to the local artists here. They might know something crucial.Scene 4: Unmasking the Villain[The Detective and Assistant gather information, connecting the dots.]Detective: Assistant, listen carefully. I've discovered something intriguing. The ransom note contains a hidden message, disguised as a poem about Mozart's unfinished symphony.Assistant: How can we decipher the hidden message, Detective?Detective: It's all about the musical notes. Let's gather all the suspects, including Clifford, at the city's music hall tonight. I have a plan.Scene 5: The Final Confrontation[All the suspects, including Clifford, the Victim, and other supporting characters, are gathered in a concert hall.]Detective: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight. The stolen necklace has a hidden musical code within it. Only the true culprit would be able to play it correctly.[The Victim, who is a skilled pianist, plays the symphony flawlessly. All eyes fixate on Clifford, who looks stunned.]Clifford: How did you know it was me?Detective: The footprint, the hidden message, and the motive. It all pointed to you, Clifford. You underestimated the wit of this detective.[Clifford is apprehended by the police, and the stolen necklace is returned to the museum.]Scene 6: Wrap-Up[Back in the Detective's Office]Assistant: Another case solved, Detective. Your skills are unparalleled.Detective: Thank you, Assistant, but it was a team effort. Remember, every mystery has a solution; we just need to think outside the box.。
怪客汤马斯ODD THOMAS欢迎来到帕克曼多镇我叫汤马斯My name is Odd Thomas.虽然在这年代名声是大多数人崇拜的目标Though in this age when fame is the altar at which most people worship. 我不知道为什么你应该关心I'm not sure why you should care.我是个默默无闻的人我不是任何名人的小孩I'm not a celebrity. I'm not the child of a celebrity.我从来没滥情或结婚过I've never been married to, abused by,也没有捐赠过肾给名人or provided a kidney to a celebrity.绿月保龄球馆Green Moon Bowling但是我的确拥有不平凡的生活But I do lead an unusual life.潘妮·卡洛丝特Penny Kalisto.我名字其实是怪客My name really is Odd.据我老妈说其实是出生证明搞砸了According to my mother, it was a screw-up on my birth certificate.她说我本来是要被称为托德跟着立陶宛叔叔命名She says I was supposed to be called Todd, after a Lithuanian uncle.父亲坚持我的名字一直是怪客My father insists my name was always Odd...他记载着我所有的叔叔都是保加利亚人and he notes that all of my uncles are Bulgarian.我父亲声称我的母亲疯了My father claims my mother is insane.当然我的母亲坚持着相反意见My mother, of course, begs to differ.我的能力是来自上帝的礼物My abilities are a gift from God!我的父亲赢得了那场争论My father won that argument.我12岁那年他们终于把她关起来并扔掉了钥匙I was 12 years old when they finally locked her up and threw away the key.我相信我的母亲和我分享了共同I've come to believe that my mother and I share certain...能力abilities.因为我不希望被关起来然后钥匙被扔掉Since I don't want to be locked up with the key thrown away... 我努力隐藏着一个秘密在心底I've pretty much kept mine a secret.怪客汤马斯Odd Thomas.你好哈洛Hello, Harlo.好久不见Long time, no see.别这样伙计别碰别想去感觉Whoa! Whoa! Hey, hey. Come on, man. No touchy, no feely.-很抱歉但我喜欢这辆车 -我知道-Sorry, but I love this car. -I know.这太糟糕了车并不爱你It's too bad a car can't love you back.哪里不对劲怪客我能帮上些什么吗What's wrong, Odd? There anything I can do?不有些事你已经做了No, it's something you've already done.别这样怪客老兄别胡来Hey! Hey! Come on-oh, Odd. No fooling around, man.-把钥匙还给我 -你的口袋里有她的血-Give me my keys. -Her blood is in your pocket.大多数人会认为这样的讲♥法♥很诡异Most people would think that's a weird thing to say...但你不觉得这非常诡异是不是你哈洛but you don't think it's very weird, do you, Harlo?那天晚上On that night...你拿了一块白毡you took a piece of white felt...在杀死潘妮后and after killing Penny...你收集了一些她的血液you collected some of her blood.现在已经干透And now it's dry...并且僵硬的像块饼干一样的脆and stiff and brittle like a cracker...它仍然在你的口袋里and it's still in your pocket.这样的时刻我怜悯的泪水In moments like these, pity tears at me.有一种疯狂包围着我And a kind of madness comes over me...迫使我去抓捕像哈洛·连得森这样的人forcing me to hunt people like Harlo Landerson...那些我无法怜悯的人who I have no pity for whatsoever.对不起柯蒂丝小姐Sorry, Mrs. Curtees!对不起萨林Sorry, Saleen!你到底在干什么What the hell are you doing?妈妈这是怎么回事Mom, what's going on?史蒂维跑亲爱的快跑Stevie, run honey, run!过来Come here!我的生活充满了像哈洛·连得森这样的家伙My life is filled with guys like Harlo Landerson.而且因为我喜欢我的脸事情就是这样And since I like my face just the way it is...我学会了如何控制自己I learned how to handle myself.我能看见亡魂然后以上帝之名我做了一些事情I may see dead people, but then, by God, I do something about it. 低头伙计轻一点Shift down, man! Go easy.对不起先生但我没有"轻一点"的装备I'm sorry, sir, but I don't have a "go easy" gear.你应该注意一点的You should probably get that looked at.现在警官艾克利斯Now, Officer Eckles...做为一个警♥察♥does being a police officer是给你权力打人打到出屎的吗give you the right to beat the shit out of people?不全然是这样警官瓦讷Not at all, Officer Varner.但它算是一个工作上的津贴But it is one of the perks of the job.我深信有一个更高上的力量在来世I believe in a higher power and the afterlife.我有点奇怪Call me strange.别人都这么说Others do.他更是奇怪He's so strange.不要担心潘妮Don't worry, Penny.我认为你要去地方是属于灵魂的家I think where you're going is a home for the spirit...而那个地方充满着善良和奇迹and it's filled with kindness and wonder.我很难过潘妮I'm sorry, Penny.我很难过你的生命是如此短暂I'm sorry your life was so short.亡者从不说话The dead don't talk.我不知道为什么I don't know why.我们又见面了Here we are again.四处都是捣毁的家具和破碎的玻璃Busted furniture and shattered glass everywhere.大部分不是我弄的Most of it was not my fault.除了大熊猫灯和比菲小丑镜Except the panda bear lamp and the Biffy the Clown mirror. -是那家伙弄的 -为什么你不先来找我-That was this guy. -Why didn't you come to me first..给我机会然后找到方法将哈洛绳之以法give me a chance to find a way to get Harlo to entrap himself?每次我们那样做Whenever we do it that way,总是会有更高的效率以及较少的破坏it's always more efficient and less destructive.是的我知道但他必须马上被阻止Yes, I know but he had to be stopped right now...否则他很快的会再干一次or he was gonna do it again soon.这就是潘妮想告诉我的这就是为什么她还没有离开That's what Penny wanted to tell me. That's why she hadn't left yet. 小子你每次都让我的工作变得很复杂Son, you so complicate my life.瞧Look.除了她的血Besides her blood...哈洛的钱包里有潘妮验尸报告的照片Harlo had these photos of Penny post-mortem in his wallet.如果有任何人做文章说你怎么抓到哈洛的If there's any fuss about how you pegged Harlo...只要说他打开钱包还赌债just say he opened up his wallet to pay off a bet.五块钱赌昨天道奇队的比赛Five bucks on yesterday's Dodger's game...照片掉了出来你看到了照片the photos fell out, you saw em-他跑了当然我就追上去了He ran and naturally, I gave chase.就是这样Naturally.救救我Save me!救救我们Save us!-救救 -我们-Save -Us!-救救 -我们-Save.. -Us!从谁那救你呢Save you from who?那是谁Who is that?是谁呢Who is it?邪恶就要降临EviI is coming.将由我来决定着会是谁来握着枪And it's up to me to figure out who's gonna be holding the gun. 早安猫王Morning, Elvis.帕克曼多快餐店休息中Pico Mundo Grill CLOSED许多生活是我无法控制的So much of my life is out of my controI.如果我没有简化早就得了各种精神病I would have gone 7 kinds of crazy if I hadn't simplified.所以我没有车子没有房♥子So I have no motorized vehicles, no homeownership...没有保险没有豪情壮志no insurance, and no grand ambitions.女士们Ladies.蛋破坏它们和伸展它们Eggs! Wreck em and stretch em!"破坏它们"是指炒 "伸展它们"是指..."Wreck em" means scrambled, and "stretch em" means...添加额外鸡蛋add an extra egg.心脏带状疱疹和洋芋Cardiac shingles and hash browns!"心脏带状疱疹"是指用很多奶油去煎"Cardiac shingles" are toast with lots of butter.而"洋芋"And hash browns...只是洋芋are just hash browns.并不是每一个字我们都使用顾客的行话Not every word we use is diner lingo.正如不是每一位打工厨师Just as not every short-order cook都是为亡魂办案的卧底侦探is an undercover detective for dead people.烤鸭Duck.这位是史东蜜·路薇儿That is Stormy Lewellyn.史东蜜和我是注定永远在一起的Stormy and I are destined to be together forever.吉普赛木乃伊先知眼G YPS Y MUMMY ALL SEEING EYE你们注定永远在一起You are destined to be together forever.警长清腹的来了Hey, Chief. Tummy Tickler coming at ya.你知道我还是不高兴你昨天做的事怪客You know, I'm still not happy about what you did yesterday, Oddie. 你可能会让自己被杀的You could have gotten yourself killed.我才不怕死I am not afraid of death.当然我也还没准备好要去见上帝Of course, I'm not ready to go on a date with him, either.你会为了我跳下悬崖吗Would you throw yourself off a cliff for me?当然我会的Of course I would.上刀山下火海Into a river of razor blades and lemon juice?没问题Absolutely.当然我想知道怎样的理由会有这样要求Of course, I'd like to know the reasoning behind such a request..幸运之神眷顾着我but, fortunately for me...你恶心的情报和气节you reek of intelligence and integrity.而你恶心的桃精洗发水And you reek of peach shampoo.就是我喜欢你的原因Just the way I like you.-警长 -早安史东蜜-Chief. -Morning, Stormy.这是什么邪恶的微笑What's with the cat-ate-the-canary smile?今天晚上有约会Tonight is date night.所以你认为你会得到一些甜头是吧So you think you're gonna get yourself some, huh? -我不会往那方面想 -史东蜜特餐-I wouldn't put it quite that way. -Stormy SpeciaI. -女朋友 -早上好伙计-Girlfriend. -Morning, dude.我叫他们"波达斯"I call them bodachs.不是他们的脸我希望Well, not to their faces, I hope.我从来没有遇见任何人可以看到它们I never met anybody that could see em before.-我也没有 -每个人都告诉我它就在我脑中-Neither have I. -Everyone told me it's in my head. 那么你应该停止到处宣传Well, you should stop telling everyone.我试图告诉我的父母I tried telling my parents.如果我告诉我的父母我费尽所有生命If I told my parents, I'd ve spent my whole life...挑选乐透的中奖号♥码picking winning lottery numbers.你可以选出赢得乐透的号♥码吗You can pick winning lotto numbers?-不我不能回到主题上 -好的-No, I can't. Stay on point. -Right. Yeah.昨天我终于看到了一个Yesterday, when I finally saw one...我给他指了个方向回家I gave him the finger, Homes.难道你不知道吗Don't you know?如果他们发现你可以看到他们他们会杀了你If they find out you can see them, they will kill you. 他们会杀了你They will kill you.-一点建议吗 -是吗-Little advice? -Yeah?卡拉喜欢巧克力花Karla prefers chocolate to flowers然后你应该去弄一些蜡烛回来and you should get yourself some candles.蜡烛Candles?谢谢好主意Thanks. Good idea.好险Whew, close.差一点就尴尬了That would have been a little awkward.你们两个真是了不起You two are really something.我不知道是什么但就是有I don't know what, but something.我们是胡搞的怪人但我们很好We're weird and screwed up but we're okay.我不知道I don't know.你You are...真酷so cooI.所以你不同意我的古怪却同意我胡搞了So, you deny me my weirdness, but agree that I'm screwed up? 你说得对我知道你的问题You're right. I see your problem.古怪它可以很有趣它可以是一种酷Weirdness, it can be fun. It can be kind of cooI.胡搞就没有那么多Screwed-up-ness, not so much.你说的很怪异You are quite weird.-我接受道歉 -好了你们两个我得走了-Apology accepted. -I gotta go. Be good, you two.你不用担心我It's not me you have to worry about.难道我不知道这一点Don't I know it.我也得上班了怪客I gotta go to work, too, Oddie.-好吧 -晚点见我的爱-Okay. -Later, my love.史东蜜Stormy!开始想你了Miss you already.-以他的名字 -每一个该死的一天-Living up to his name. -Every damn day.晚点见Later.一个月过去再也没有看到"波达斯"Months often pass when I don't see a single bodach.当他们出现时When they do show up...代表着大屠♥杀♥和流血将随之而来it's a sure sign that carnage and bloodshed are not far behind. 早安Morning.它们不是祸因它们是依此维生They don't cause it. They feed on it.越多的"波达斯"代表着越严重的事故The more bodachs that show up, the bigger the eventuaI feast. 他们依附着邪恶就像花朵上的蜜蜂They're attracted to eviI like bees to flowers.他们知道什么时候死亡正在来临而且想要观看They know when death is coming and want to watch.他们不会现身在任何自然的死亡They don't show up for any ordinary death.他们要极端戏剧式的暴♥力♥和恐怖They want extreme, operatic violence and terror.潘妮·卡洛丝特的死没有足够的恐怖Penny Kalisto's death wasn't horrific enough...可以引来任何"波达斯"来到我们的世界to bring a single bodach into our world.这个镇有大♥麻♥烦了This town is in serious trouble.-再见怪客 -再见女士们-Bye, Oddie. -See you, ladies.妮可尼拉罗瓦娜Nicolina! Levanna!怪客我真的很糟糕在当"母亲"这件事上面吗Odd, am I really sucking at this whole "mother" thing?那么考虑到他们的最后父亲是一个毒虫Well, considering their last one was a junkie...那个当你未满18岁时在你膝下离开他们who left them in your lap when you were barely 18...我认为你做的很好薇I think you rather rock, Vi.等会见See you later.我正往这个方向努力I'm heading this way, too.要去见老板娘珍珠学读心Gonna go see Madame PearI, get myself read.就个人而言我不相信人们说Personally, I don't believe people who say...他们可以读心术或看手相相信我茶叶they can read minds or palms and, trust me, tea leaves...只会是个阻碍在处置垃圾上just cloggage in the garbage disposaI.我只是昨晚做了个你不会相信的梦It's just I had this dream last night you would not believe.那么任何短声警报的大屠♥杀♥ 我都会是第一个Well, anything short of a 9-alarm massacre, I can top.我之前从来没有梦见过自己的脸I'd never seen myself face-on in a dream before.你看到自己的脸吗You saw your own face?我和这家伙我们倒下死掉全部被催毁了Me and this guy, we were both Iying dead all busted up...像是我们已经中弹被穿刺或什么的like we'd been shot to pieces or something.薇你知道我不担忧那件事You know, I wouldn't worry about it, Vi.我的意思是有任何你的梦境成真过I mean, have any of your dreams ever come true?没有No.我知道大多数人认为你只是诡异或古怪怪客I know most people think you're just quirky or weird, Odd...除了史东蜜谁会认为你的屁♥股♥会飞出天使except Stormy who thinks angels fly out of your butt.但我知道的更多But I know there's more to it.你有一个秘密You have a secret.你要不是千里眼You're either a clairvoyant...就是灵媒先知预言家或什么的a psychic, a seer, a soothsayer, or something.不然就是你有特殊的能力更高上的力量Or you got yourself some juice with a higher power.我需要知道And I need to know.跟我说实话怪客Tell me the truth now, Odd.你看见死亡在我身上吗Do you see death in me?不我能看到的是我自己的感觉迟钝No. No, all I see is my own insensitivity...和你会有长久的幸福生活好吗and a long, happy life for you, okay?薇在你的梦里死掉的家伙他穿什样Hey, Vi, the the dead guy in your dream, what was he wearing?穿着我不知道Wearing? I don't know.等一下是啊Oh! Wait. Yeah...红黑色的衬衫上面有黑色的保龄球a red and black shirt with black bowling balls on it.我其中的一个异能就是当我需要找一个人时One of my stranger abilities is that when I need to find someone... 比如现在令人毛骨悚然在吃饭的那个家伙like right now, the creepy guy in the diner,我可以随意到处乱走很快的我会找到他I can randomly wander around, and pretty quickly, I'll run into him. 这一个天赋我并没命名This is a talent for which I have no name.史东蜜叫它通灵磁场Stormy calls it psychic magnetism.轮胎世界超级夏日特卖♥♥TIRE WORLD Super Summer Sale这是汤姆杰德他是我的小联盟教练That's Tom Jedd. He was my little league coach.多年徘徊在轮胎市场虽然我不知道为什么Been hanging around Tire World for years, although I don't know why. 他的死亡不是一个有缺陷的轮胎引起的His death was not caused by a defective tire.如此美丽的女孩Such a beautifuI girI-这是关于一个亡魂试图得到一个笑There is something about a dead man trying to get a laugh...只是那困惑了我that just bugs me.也许是它的建议就算死了Perhaps because it suggests that even in death...我们仍然可怜的需要被人喜欢we still have a pathetic need to be liked.就好像永远存在着羞辱自己的能力As well as the ever-present ability to humiliate ourselves.你在哪里Where are you?你在哪里Where are you?经理史东蜜MANAGER Stormy我终于有我自己的店面不再穿着愚蠢的制♥服♥ When I finally have my own shop, no stupid uniforms.我觉得你看起来很可爱I think you look adorable.可爱的真的吗Adorable? Really?小狗很可爱Puppies are adorable.你为什么这么早来你想念我吗Why are you here so early? You missing me?一直是但我来这里是找一个家伙Always. But I'm here looking for a guy.令人毛骨悚然的家伙A creepy guy.那么除了你不可能有其它的了Well, with you, there can be no other kind.我的通灵磁场把我带到这里My psychic magnetism brought me here.-那家伙 -那家伙-That guy? -That guy.你最好是比猎犬灵You are better than a bloodhound.在他的头上那是什么东西What is that thing on his head?头发Hair.看起来像是黄色的圆顶小帽It looks like a yellow yarmulke.不那是头发No, it's hair.有任何的"波达斯"跟着他Any of those bodachs with him?前所未见的数量More than I've ever seen before.你发抖不是因为冰淇淋是吧You're not shivering 'cause of cold ice cream, are you?我要去看看这家伙干什么I'm gonna see what this guy's up to.-史东蜜等等 -你坐着-Stormy, wait, wait. -You, sit.你认为这些鱼是在等什么东西You think those fish are up to something?所有鱼都是吃排泄和通奸都在同样的水里All fish do are eat, excrete, and fornicate all in the same water. 鱼是恶心Fish are disgusting.我从来没想过直到现在Oh, I never thought so till now.你毛骨悚然的朋友买♥♥了两加仑特制夏日口味Your creepy friend is buying two gallons of the summer speciaI. 口味是否不一样Are the flavors significant?那是你的部门我只负责报告That's your department. I'm just reporting in.樱桃巧克力椰子块Cherry chocolate coconut chunk?椰子樱桃巧克力块Coconut cherry chocolate chunk.我不知道到冰淇淋行业语法那么死板I didn't realize the grammar was so rigid in the ice-cream business.好了现在你知道了Well, now you know.这样对生意不好This is bad for business.为什么没有人能看到它们只有我Why? No one can see em but me.那么一堆滑行的邪灵Well, how could a bunch of slithering, eviI spirits...跟看起来像蘑菇的家伙如何对生意有帮助and guy who look like fungus be good for business?蘑菇让我害怕你不能别理他吗Fungus Man scares me. Can't you forget him?我有一个天赋I have a gift.如果我不应该使用它就不会一直给我It wouldn't have been given to me if I wasn't supposed to use it.-也许这不是一个天赋 -这是一个天赋-Maybe it's not a gift. -It's a gift.我依然拥有那天赋I still got the box it came in.这里拿着我的钥匙Here. Take my keys.并请在晚餐时活着出现And please show up for dinner alive...因为你记得我看不到亡魂的because, remember, I can't see the dead.如果有人要制♥造♥终极暴♥力♥If someone is going to cause extreme violence...特别是大规模性的开始时看起来很像especially on a massive scale, which this is starting to look like..."波达斯"不会离开他直到所有的血被洒尽bodachs will not leave him untiI the last ounce of blood has been spilled. 但他们对蘑菇失去了兴趣But they lost interest in Fungus Man.温斯顿骆驼和万宝路Winstons, Camels, and Marlboros.蘑菇的朋友们Fungus Man has friends.现在是最好逃跑的时机Oh, now would be a good time to run."波达斯"Bodachs.什么情况怪客Loop me in, odd one.我想我刚经历了人生最佳的"心惊胆跳"事件I think I just achieved a personaI best in the "jump and gasp" event. 不要像只吓坏了的猫Don't be such a scaredy-cat.我发现了一个通往地狱的通道I found a gateway to hell.我正往回走向那I'm walking back to it right now.大多数人都会有正确的逻辑观念远离它Most people would have the good sense to run away from it.-我与众不同 -一点也不-Well, I'm not like most people. -Not in the least.不见了It's gone now.或隐藏起来了Or hidden.那么蘑菇包博是一个人还是附近的新邻居So, is Fungus Bob a man or something new in the neighborhood? 我不清楚I don't know.这个地方看起来像某种祭坛This place looks like some kind of shrine.隐形炸♥弹♥客...逮捕西奥多·卡钦斯基... UNABOMBER... Theodore Kaczynski Arrested and...邦迪声称...警方相信该号♥码被...Bundy Claims... Police Believe The Number To Be...炮弹杀手断头隐形炸♥弹♥客CannibaI Killer DECAPITATED UNABOMBER祭坛的这家伙喜欢用女人的乳♥头♥做皮带Shrine of guys that like to make belts out of women's nipples.什么What?这家伙是谁Who is this guy?他的真名是罗伯特·罗宾森His reaI name is Robert Robertson.你好蘑菇包博Well, hello Fungus Bob.你是否检查了冰箱有没任何的人头Did you check the refrigerator for any severed heads?不我没有打开他的冰箱No, I didn't open his refrigerator.还有什么地方你期待能找到人头Where else would you expect to find severed heads?我不是来找人头的I wasn't looking for any.史东蜜史东蜜有人来了我得走了Stormy, Stormy, someone's here. I got to go.我们还不知道这家伙要计划做什么We don't know what this guy's planning to do yet.你知道吗我可以请他在门外等候直到我完成You know what? Let me ask him to wait outside untiI I'm finished. 我感觉的到I can feeI that.等一下今天几号♥Wait a minute. What's today's date?8月14日August 14th.8月15日的页面从他的日历被撕裂了The page to August 15th is torn out of his calendar.那就是明天明天会有什么That's tomorrow. What happens tomorrow?-等一下等一下 -离开那里怪客-Hold on. Hold on. -Get out of there, Oddie.你知道吗也许他会有自己的资料Maybe he has a file on himself, you know?未破案的谋杀和暴行Unsolved murders and atrocities.警长和我可以找出方法来抓住他Chief and I could figure out a way to entrap him.那么那里有什么他是连环杀人犯吗So, what's in it? Is he a mass murderer?不No.但我认为他想要当But I think he wants to be.包博我是罗伯特你在哪里Hey, Bob! Robert, where the hell are you?我想要回我的枪I want my gun back!糟糕该死的狗Oh, shit. Damn dogs.别叫了你听到了吗Shut up, you hear me?别叫了你个该死的狗Shut up you damn dogs!总有一天砰你听到了吗One of these days, bang! You hear me?怀亚特正在外面烤些上好的牛排Wyatt is out back here burning some perfectly good steaks.谢谢卡拉Thanks, Karla.警长Chief.怪客我希望你不是来这里破坏我的夜晚Odd, I hope you haven't come here to dampen my evening.我同意你的希望先生I share your hope, sir.跟亡魂联♥系♥上了Been communing with the dead?这跟谁死了无关先生It's not about who's dead, sir.这是关于有谁很快是It's about who soon might be.我们叫他蘑菇包博We call him Fungus Bob.是我有看见他走进快餐店但我不认为他是个嫌疑犯Yeah, I saw him enter the grill, but he didn't strike me as suspicious.只是不幸的Just unfortunate.你没看到他粉丝俱乐部的优点先生Oh, you don't have the advantage of seeing his fan club, sir.我向你保证全世界的地狱正往帕克曼多镇而来I guarantee you hell on earth is coming to Pico Mundo.你知道吗有时你希望我往危险的方向走You know sometimes you expect me to walk a dangerously narrow line. 因为我非常敬重你能权衡利害关系先生That's just because I've got such great respect for your balance, sir. 小子这话听起来根本是胡扯Son that sounds perilously close to being bullshit.是有一点胡扯一点点There's a little bit of bullshit in it. A little.但它大部分是真诚的But it's mostly sincere.怪客这位是我们新来的警员Odd this is one of our newer officers...-伯尔尼·艾克利斯 -嗨我们昨天见过面-Bern Eckles. -Oh, hi. We met yesterday.那个哈洛抓的好Good collar, that Harlo character.我无法相信我曾跟那败类约会过一次I can't believe I once dated that perv.然后你应该认识莱莎特And of course you know Lysette.伯尔尼我要你做些身家调查Bern, I want you to do a little DMV check on..怪客刚刚告诉我有关于这家伙的事this guy Odd was telling me about.我觉得警官艾克利斯有点担心I think Officer Eckles is a little worried我会跟你搭讪I might try to hook up with you.卡拉及警长试着凑合我们Karla and the chief are trying to set us up...他正成为新的警力就这样him being new to the force and all.这饮料像是清洗液掺了糖It's like cleaning fluid with sugar in it.这让我想起你♥爸♥爸现在如何Which reminds me, how's your dad?他经营少部分的月球在线度假屋网站He's selling pieces of the moon online, vacation home sites.合法的Is that legaI?他当然不保证空气的品质He certainly doesn't guarantee the quality of the air.那么布朗温最近如何And how's it going with Bronwen?她比较喜欢"史东蜜"She prefers "Stormy. "谁不喜欢呢Who wouldn't?你是不是弹过钢琴Did you used to play piano?我是的是呀很多年了你怎么知道I did, yeah, for years. How'd you know that?因为你有一双很漂亮的手'Cause you have really beautifuI hands.我敢打赌你弹的很好I bet you play like a dream.你知道怪客你是个怪人You know Odd, you're a strange one.是啊我不能再同意这一点Yeah, I can't disagree with that.有点古怪Bit of an oddball.这是我高中时的绰号♥That was my nickname all through high schooI.不过你有你的魅力But you do have your charms.史东蜜也是这么说That's what Stormy says.就个人而言我觉得可信度很不高Personally, I find it rather dubious.你知道如果你决定教烹饪课You know, if you ever decide to give cooking lessons... 你可以给我打个电♥话♥you should give me a call.我打赌你知道如何真正的拂扫I bet you really know how to whisk.当然知道炒蛋这东西Sure, yeah, with scrambled eggs and stuff.但是煎煮时你会需要折迭它们But, pancakes, you really, you got to fold em.但是大多数情况下我只是炒煎炒你知道的But, mostly, I just fry, fry, fry, you know?怪客我有事跟你说Hey, Odd. We got to talk.罗宾森5个月前搬到这里Robertson moved here five months ago.在此之前他跟母亲一起生活Before that, he was living with his mother.当她去年去世后继承了庞大的财产Inherited a shitload when she died last year.没有前科甚至没有半张超速罚单Clean record, though. Not even a speeding ticket.他的母亲怎么死的How'd his mother die?警官艾克利斯现在正在调查Officer Eckles is checking on that right now.但除此之外我派了一组人监视蘑菇包博But otherwise, I got squat on your Fungus Bob.我不能逮捕他I can't hold him.好吧好吧你同意他是奇怪和可疑的对不对All right, well, you do agree that he's strange and suspicious, right? 如果奇怪和可疑就可以把人送进监狱If strange and suspicious were enough to put someone in jaiI...你早就被关了you'd already be there.你会看着他对吧You're gonna watch him right?只因你从来没有错过Only because you're never wrong,我会帮他装上尾巴并监视他的房♥子I'll put on a taiI on him and watch his house.你去跟史东蜜晚餐吧You go and have your dinner with Stormy.就是她She's the one.你是个聪明的操控者怪客You are one smooth operator, Odd.她一定很喜欢听你这样说She must love to hear you say that.我喜欢听我自己说I love to hear me say it.你最好不要在我的速克达上牵着亡魂You better not be hauling any dead guys on my scooter.-亡魂不骑摩托车的 -我随口说说的-Dead don't ride scooters. -Just saying.。
------------------------------------------01-------------------------------------------Oi!No petting!The swimming pool is just that way.And make sure you go throughthe disinfectant pool.- We don't want any verrucas.- Hello.- One for the ladies slipperbaths, love? - Yes, please.A touch more hot water, please.From Archimedes' Sand Reckoner tothe Torquetum of Jabir ibn Aflah,man has sought to createa "thinking machine"that equals and even outstripsthe capabilities of his own mind.Now, with the creation of the Joint Computing Nexus, or JCN for short,that dream comes onestep closer to reality.Good evening, JASON.And we look forward totomorrow's historic chess matchbetween JASON and Professor Gradenko.I think I speak for the whole teamwhen I say we're all lookingforward to meeting Yuri immensely. Unless there are any further questions...? - Yes?- What does it eat?Journalists."An ormolu clock lay amongst the wreckage, its hands forever stilled at 10:28.A pair of welted Broguesbetrayed the presenceof the late Eduardo Sanchez.The body was already cooling, takingon the familiar stiffness of death.The blood, settling to the lowerreaches of the circulatory system,had long fled the fine, aquiline features, lending them that translucent,alabaster aspect he knew all too well. "What a piece of work is a man?"mused Superintendent Jolliphant."Winning in straight sets, theAmerican No.1 seed Billie Jean King. Science now, and excitementis mounting in Oxfordon the eve of an historicencounter between man and machineas Russian computer scientist Professor Yuri Gradenkoprepares to take on theJoint Computing Nexus,also known as JASON, in a game of chess. Morning.- Mrs Thursday.- Come on through.He won't be a minute.Morning, sir.Morse.A body's come up below Magdalen Bridge. The clothes match the description ofa missing person from a month ago. Professor Neilsen from Lovelace College. Angler. Uniform are on scene, butthey'd like us to take a look. Suspicious?You never know.Well, you can handle that, can't you? Drop me by the tobacconist on your way. Don't forget I'm out tonight.- Oh. Are you?- I told you. Keep fit.- I'll leave you somethingto warm through. - Right.I should hear about mySergeant's exam today.Results are out.- You'll be off, then.- Well, no. Not altogether.There's a vacancy coming up on Nights. Don't wait. I can walk in from here. Morning.Who found him?Oh, Beaufort hearty, outfor a run just before seven.This floated loose when we were bringing the body to shore.Forensics might be ableto make something of it.Big day today, isn't it?Just don't expect me to salute.Good luck.Morning.Keep upwind if I were you.Four weeks in the drink makesfor a very slippery customer.This one's as ripe and runnyas a rancid Roquefort.Is it him?It's a him.Further, I shouldn't care to hazard.For whom were you hoping?Dr Richard Nielsen, ResearchFellow up at Lovelace.Keen fisherman. Went missingaround the end of term.That would certainly accordwith the condition of the corpus. Contents of the walletare pulp, I'm afraid.This, though. It isn't engraved,but someone might recognise it.Foul play?I need to get him back and pophim on the radiator for a bitbefore I can give you a definitive answer. Stones in his pockets.Suicide, most likely.I don't suppose there's a note?Oh, he'll have had his reasons, I expect. Love's very popular.The want of it. A broken heart.Where do you stand with all that? Suicide?Love.Bit early in the day for metaphysics, isn't it?"And one was fond ofme and all are slain."Love and fishing.Sooner or later, it allcomes down to the same thing.The one that got away.Not bad for a jumped up letter-sorter, eh? - How's that? - Well, that'swhat JASON was built for.Mr Benn's nationwidesix-figure postal coding system.Dad, there you are!Oh, will you excuse me? Professor Amory.My daughter Patricia.Detective Constable Morse, CityPolice, Professor, Miss Amory.Actually, it's Dr Amory, but I prefer Pat.What can we do for you, Constable?I believe Richard Nielsenis a colleague of yours.Yes, certainly, an integralmember of the team.Is there news?I'm afraid a body was recoveredfrom just below MagdalenBridge about an hour ago.The clothes on the body match the description we have of those he was last seen wearing. Sorry to have to tell you.Well, we knew his fishingtackle had been found.I-I-I suppose we hoped thathe had some kind of breakdownand-and wandered off somewhere.The scientific world will belooking at us, especially Russia.- I'm just telling you how it is.- If JASON breaks downbecause you're too tightto run to a pack of fuses,we're all going to look prettybloody stupid, aren't we?Do excuse my colleagues.Passions are inclined to run a little high onthe eve of an important experiment such as ours. That's right. The rest of the time,we're just one big happy family.This gentleman is from thepolice. He's here about Richard.They've found a body in the Cherwell.- What?- Good God, no!It's a mistake, surely?You're... sure it's him?We recovered this from the body.It's Richard's.I gave it to him.Had anything been troubling him?Well, he was under enormous pressurewith work, but, er, otherwise...You think he killed himself?No.No, I won't believe it. Not Richard.What about money worries?Well, if he had got intopecuniary difficulties,it's certainly not somethinghe shared with any of us.Dr Neilsen's office isjust along here, sir.Thank you.That's a splendid backhand pass...What's all that?It's the personal effectsof Dr Richard Nielsen.Been in the property store fourweeks. Thought I'd take a look.- Suicide, isn't it?- Supposedly. Where's, uh...?Gone to lunch.Ah, Morse...- Good heavens! What's this?- Wimbledon, sir.Ladies highlights incolour. It's quite lifelike.As may be, but this is a policestation, not a television showroom.Fell off the back of a lorry, sir.Just making sure it's still working.Yes, well...- Morse, when youhave a moment... - Sir.Don't suppose there's any need to askwhat that's about, with the new suit.- Fingers crossed.- Thanks.Failed?The Board notes with regret that a number of examination papers never arrived for marking and were, therefore, classedan automatic failure.Better luck next time, yes?One more thing. There's a Russianarriving at Lovelace Collegetomorrow for the chess tournament.It's Special Branch's bailiwick,but Division want thelocal force represented.You've some Russian, I believe,from your time in Signals.The barest smattering, sir.That still puts youahead of the rest of us.I want you to act as my ADC and local liaison with our colleagues in London. Division has also asked that news ofDr Neilsen's death is for the moment withheld from the press forreasons of political sensitivity.How many papers went astray?You said "a number".If there were any way to findout, I'd be interested to know.Hello?Number two?Mick! Mick!That's a waste of good luncheon meat. Not today.It will be. Tuesday.I don't know what it is,but it's not luncheon meat.Well, erm, I'm off to see Dr deBryn. The body we took out ofthe river this morning..... I'd be glad of your eye over it.No, you're all right.When you've seen one drowning, you... I've a few things to do of myown. I'll see you back at the nick.No underlying signs of violence.I'm waiting on dental records toput his identity beyond doubt. Meantime, I'm hoping to be able to lift a set of prints from the underlying dermis, but it's a slow process.Afternoon, Doc. Matey.- Ah, my three o'clock.- That's right, Doc.The body found in the slipperbaths at Cowley Pool, Miss Palfrey. Yes. No sign of heart attack,but there is a sizeablecontusion on the back of her headand a few bruises thatlook to be perimortem.So, what? She's slipped in thebath, hit her head and gone under? She's drowned, then?Looks that way.Anything out of the ordinary?One or two points of interest.There were traces of anoil-based lotion on her face.Some kind of beauty treatment maybe? - And the other?- Well, it's turned mostly to liquid,but she had some sort of alkali residue in her ears and up her nose. Face pack, perhaps?Women do use them, I believe. Thanks, Doc.There wasn't anything like thatin the cubicle, and it's not likethey'd had a chance to tidy it.Have you been to her home yet?Not yet. Why?I'll take it off your handsif you like, save you the job.I've nothing else on.Yeah, all right.Suppose I'd better make the most before we lose you to Nights.When do you reckon you'll start?My exam paper never reached Division. "Automatic failure".Oh. Bad luck, matey.Still, what was it you said?"If at first...", eh?Hello. Detective Constable Morse.- City Police. Miss...?- Er, Tessa Knight, Oxford Mail.I'm on a death knock.Give me a break or myeditor'll have my guts.I know Miss Frazil of old.Tell her you ran into Morseand he was very unhelpful.She'll understand.If you'll excuse me...Miss Palfrey had been in service, according to the neighbours. Spinster. She was a regular member of the congregation at St Cecilia's. Straightforward "accidental", then. Make a nice change for the coroner. Two drownings in one day.- That's unusual, don't you think?- Not specially.He might been found today, but Dr Nielsen's been dead a month.How many die on the roads in a day?- Doesn't make it murder.- Not by itself, perhaps.Why would Miss Palfrey go to the slipper baths if she had a bathroom at home?Not everyone grew up with indoor plumbing. Maybe she thought it was cheaper to go there once a week than heat the tank. Who knows? "Who knows?" Sure youdon't mean "Who cares?"- Look, the world doesn't stopjust because... - Because what?- You mind your place.- What is that, exactly? My place?Your place is where I sayit is. No more and no less.Right. Right.Just don't go making somethingout of nothing, that's all.- It's what we do, isn't it?- It's what you do!Didn't have your head in the clouds,you might've gone better with your Sergeant's. Mr Bright mentioned.Did he mention I could've revised till Ragnarok for all the good it would've done me? If my exam doesn't arrive,it's automatic failure.Right. Home time.Home!Richard should've been herefor the final preparations.I know. We all miss him.Do you?And what does that mean?Nothing to do with me.Gremlins.- I'll let it settle.- We can't take any chances.General reset. JASON breaks down tomorrow, we'll be laughed out of college.- Stick the kettle on, make a brew.- No, no. It's all right.No point us both missing a night's sleep. Sure?I'll come in early.I thought you said hewas a seasoned angler.A Minister's Dog is eccentric,even by our standards.The name of the fly.There are more vulgar appellations.- Such as?- The Vicar's Bitch, for one.Legend has it the fly was fashioned using hairs from a cleric's Labrador.- Why eccentric?- You can take trout on it,but traditionally it's a salmon fly.No salmon in this neck of the woods. No salmon in any of the rivers in Oxford. I'm sorry, the pool's closed,love. I'm just cashing up.Detective Constable Morse, City Police. There was a woman founddead in the slipper baths.Which cubicle would that have been?It was cubicle two.Professor Gradenko, mayI introduce my driver,- Woman Police Constable Trewlove?- How do you do?And Detective Constable Morse.If you're ready, Professor... Excellent, Morse. Excellent.- What's wrong with your breakfast?- There's nothing wrong with it.Just not in the mood this morning.I miss her too.I know you do.Two weeks. It's not our Joan.Not to keep us in the dark like this.Not a word.- Oh, Fred...- She's all right.I know she is. She... She just needs time. She'll get in touch when she's ready. Here, what's all thiswith last night's paper?Situations vacant.I thought I might get a little job. Skivvying?Cleaning, offices.No shame in it.Never said there is.It's all right for you.You've got work to go to.I'm just here.Mornings are all right, I'vegot enough to keep me busy,but after lunch...It's the afternoons.You're not going to be cleaning inthe afternoons, if it's offices.No, it's earlies, but I'llsee your sandwiches are done.Ladies and gentleman,Professor Yuri Gradenko.I meant to say...commiserations.Your Sergeant's. It's rotten luck.Well, I'm not sure howmuch luck was involved.Look, can you cover for me later?I have to call InspectorThursday at the station.Of course. What's up?Oh, just something I came acrossat Cowley Baths last night.- I didn't know your enthusiasms ran to chess. - They don't, usually.I'm here in an official capacity.Not seen much of yousince the Wessex raid.When are you gonna giveme the inside story?I'm sure you've spoken to everybody else.All bar you and InspectorThursday's daughter.The bank couldn't tellme when she'll be in.She's gone away, I believe, to recuperate. You all right?You don't look as though you'vebeen sleeping. You've lost weight.You're not in love, are you?On my wages?Gentlemen, if you take yourplaces, the tournament can begin.Pawn to Queen's four.There will now be a short break.Dr Amory, do you have a moment?- Have you heard any news on Richard?- What's this?Oh...Miss Knight from theOxford Mail, Dr Amory...So I...?Would you excuse us?Morse, this is a friend of mine.Hi. Kent Finn. Hello.- Kent writes whodunits.- Crime fiction, Doe, please.A bastard form ofliterature, but mine own.He'd like to pick your brains. Well... such as they are.Don't be deceived. He hides it well, but Morse is the cleverest man in Oxford. Oh! I'm cut to the quick.Second-cleverest, then, now you're here. You play?Er, yes, a little.- You?- Some. Er, it's why I'm here. Research for the next novel.I've rented a place for the summer.You must come over. Dorotheatells me you were at Lonsdale.I'm a Lowlands man, myself.Red brick and chippy with everything. But, seriously, you must come over.I keep a pretty descent cellar.I'm sure whatever state it'sin it's better than my own.Nice to meet you.Oh, well, listen, how about eight o'clock? - Oh, do you mean this evening?- Well, that'll be nice.Well, look, perhaps wecould have a blitz after.You know, in honour of our respective almae matres.I think you'd find mea very poor woodpusher.Oxford winning? Splendid, hm?- Actually, it's pretty evenlypoised, sir. - Oh, is it?- You play a little, Officer?- Oh, I used to, sir.At school, for my house.Ah, well, I'm sure weall played at school.The opening appears to have beenthe Kronsteen variation of the Queen's Gambit declined.Black sacrificed materialfor positional advantage.The question now is whetherhe's prepared to accept the exchange of knights in a bid to develop the centre. Yes, of course. I didn't mean...Four five six from Information Room. More to my officers than a...- Pretty face?- .. appears.I was going to say. Appears.Ladies and gentlemen, ifyou'd please take your seats,the tournament is about to continue. Morse, we've been requested toattend Cowley Baths immediately. Drowned, within the last 12 hours. Almighty lump on the back of his head too, hour or two before he died. Suspicious, then?He could've injured himselfearlier in the evening.Slow subdural haemorrhage.He comes for a swim,pressure builds on the cerebralcortex and good night, Vienna.Give you the definitive prixfixe once I've had a rootle. Gentlemen...Who was he?Don't know. Not a regular,according to the lifeguard.What about his clothes?He should have a rubber band,around his ankle, or his wrist,- with a key and locker number.- E4, according to the band.The key doesn't fit, so we'regetting a master from reception.Well, whoever he is, hewasn't here last night.How do you know that?Because I'd have seen him.I came in here to seewhere Miss Palfrey died.I found a crucifix on the door.Then this caught my eye."Denial"?Denial of what?- Writing on the mirror?- What's it say?We're more interested in whenit could have been put there.Well, could've been done any time. Well, the place iscleaned daily, isn't it?Usually, but we've been a bitshort-handed this last month.So how many people used cubicletwo after Miss Palfrey died?Nobody. We shut it up, out of respect. And of course, the bath neededa full hygienic, you know...It's, er, it's standard procedure.Get a lot of people die in there, do you? Our safety records are spotless.I've been here eight years, and we've never had nothing like this happen before. In 1959, nobody died.- In 1960, nobody died. In 1961...- All right we get the picture.So, what about this "full hygienic"?I was gonna do it before we opened up, only he said we weren't to open up.So how could somebody have got infor a swim if the place is locked?- I don't know.- Who's got keys?Well, we have.- A set each. - What about past employees? We'll need a list.I'll talk to Mr Smedley. Staffrecords are held up at the council.Any case, that lockerkey you were after...Edison D Smalls, sir.Summertown address.And a pass for his work.Looks to be the pump station.- How's he locked his keyin his locker? - He hasn't.This isn't E4, it's E5.F4.What's this? Somebody'sidea of Take Your Pick?E4..... and a bunch of envelopes, empty.- Swimming pool address.- Sick joke.I'll see if the staffknow anything about it.This boy, connected to theother two, do you think?It's not my place to say.Who knows? Right?Don't come the old acid. It don't suit. You didn't listen. I toldyou it was suspicious.- About your business, Constable.- I don't have any orders, sir.Find out how he got inwhen the place was shut.So the boiler's inspected a coupleof times a year by the council.I don't bother with it otherwise.It's their responsibility to makesure that the service hatch is secure. And when were they last here?Er, four months, maybe?What were your movements last night, after you closed up?I went home.- Can anyone vouch for you?- Mona on reception.Mona by name... Yeah, she'll vouch. All right, Mr Mitcham, I cantake it from here. Thank you.There's a route through the boiler room to an unsecured service hatch. Recent footprints in the dust,how Edison got in, presumably.I'll get a photographer down there. Finish up here, then you and Trewlove bring his parents in.I'll see you back at the station.You weren't concernedwhen he didn't come home?He's always late on a Tuesday, sir.He helps out down at the youth club. He's been going theresince he was a boy, sir.A lot of his friends from school were always getting in trouble with the law. - I mean, nothing serious.- No, sir. Nothing serious. Temperament and high-spirited.There were that teacher that used tohelp out at the youth club of an evening.- He took him under his wing,taught him chess. - Chess?- Yes, and he was so good at it.- Played it at the club all the time.Edison always said it was that clubthat kept him on the straight and narrow. When he got older, he wanted to help other youngsters, like himself, to keep out of trouble. He got on all right withhis mates, did he, at work?Oh, yes, sir. Everybody liked Edison.Does my boy look all right? Because Idon't want his mother seeing him if he's... Like he's sleeping, Mr Smalls.Just like he's sleeping.You think somebody did this to Edison?If they did, sir, we'll have 'em.No stone unturned, you have my word.I just can't understandwhat he was doing there.Why?Edison couldn't swim.Right, gentlemen, I'm fairly confidentthis will be of interest to you both.Some kind of plaster would be my best guess, recovered from his nostrils.Most of it had washed out,but this was packed towards theupper part of the nasal cavity.Was it the same thing youfound with Miss Palfrey?Whatever hers was had turned to liquid,but I'm sending this off for comparison.He had traces of the sameoil-based lotion on his face.I don't suppose there was anythingfound like that on Dr Nielsen?No.He was drowned, though, the Smalls lad? Oh, yes.I've drained the lungs, but witha drowning in a swimming poolI'd expect to find chlorine.- And that isn't the case?- No.Initial tests suggest traces of fluoride.Tap water?All I can tell you isthat wherever he drowned,it wasn't in Cowley Baths.A case of this magnitude, multiplevictims and a motive as yet unknown,I'm sure I don't have to impress onyou the need for absolute discretion.It's imperative that no detail of this investigation be divulged beyond these walls, either at home with one's family or amongst yourselves while off-duty.Control of information in a caselike this gives us the upper hand.Careless talk may very well cost lives.All right, that's all.- So, this latest victim...- Edison Smalls, sir.If he didn't die in theswimming pool, where did he die? Tuesday nights, he helped out at Wilkins Youth Club, sir. They've been spoken to. Smalls left about half-ten.Nobody saw him again.No-one except the killer, at least.What about the staff at the baths?Clean as a whistle, sir.All alibied and no previous on anyof 'em, as with the ex-employees. Anything to connect the victims?An academic, a retiredservant of some sortand a worker at the pumping station. Unlikely to move in thesame social circle.Maybe they're just random -- strangers' names picked out of a phone book.Well, if that's the case, his nextvictim could be anyone in Oxford.Morse, any thoughts? Not like youto be backward in coming forwards.I couldn't say, sir.Morse was onto it from the start, sir.- Well, it was just a feeling.- And now?The link is how they died, surely. Drowning... I mean, it's all alittle baroque, don't you think?And for those of us in the cheap seats? Overly-ornamented.The wrong fly on Dr Nielsen's fishing rod. This message on the mirror.The post in the lockers.That's not random. That's design.- So what does it mean?- Whatever it means, it's his rules, his game. He's telling us what he wants us to know. So what doesn't he want us to know?Why the first victim? That's thekey. What made Dr Nielsen special?That's the King's Gambit.- How's this?- E4, E5, F4...That's the lockers at Cowley Baths, sir.It's algebraic chess notation, sir.The King's Gambit was a popular sequence of opening moves in the 19th century.So the killer's some sort of chess expert? There was a chess set at MissPalfrey's house, set out mid-game.What about these boffins atLovelace? That's all chess.Dr Nielsen was one of their outfit.Well, they're computerexperts, not chess enthusiasts,but, yes, I could take a look.- Very well. Carry on.- Well done.JASON's been thinking about hisnext move for nearly 40 minutes.Yuri's got us beaten by time alone.Bad luck.Good heavens.Knight takes rook.That's check mate in 15.Thank you. Thank you.Cheers!And again. Cheers!Cheers!- One, two, three. Cheers!- Cheers!Yuri!Oh, come on, old chap. Napoleon's dictum. Dr Amory.This cigarette case thatyou gave Dr Nielsen...It was his birthday.I just wanted to dosomething nice for him.Nothing more than that?It's always sex with the police, isn't it?A girl can't just be friendswith a chap. It's has to be sex.Or love. In my experience, asmany kill for love as desire.It stirs up the mud, requited or not. Could anyone have misread your friendship with Dr Nielsen?Look, my only role hereand my only interest islooking after my father.No-one's bought me flowersor made a pass at meor sent me billets-doux.Beautiful, yes?Richard was fond of water lilies.You knew Dr Nielsen?A remarkable young man.I was very sad to hear of his death.We exchanged letters for several years. Chess, you understand.It is your responsibilityto find out who killed him.He drowned.In my country, people drown also. Sometimes, even by accident.You have to catch the personwho killed Richard Nielsen.His last letter he sent, he saidthere were problems within his group. What kind of problems?He didn't say, but you should knowour opinions were simpaticoupon certain important matters.Such as?The threat to the world posed by the ideologies of our respective governments. Professor Gradenko!I have to go.- Dr Castle.- Oh, hello.- Do you have a moment?- Of course.We're just... We're anxiousto get a better pictureof Dr Nielsen's relationshipwith the rest of the team.- Had he fallen out with anyone?。
拥有命运之矛者将掌控整个世界的命运第二次世界大战后命运之矛不知所踪墨西哥曼纽尔Manuel.曼纽尔Manuel!曼纽尔Manuel.康斯坦丁洛杉矶我觉得I think...我给你找了一个不得了的东西I think I found you one.我给你打电♥话♥了对吧Look, I called you, right?我一发现自驱除不了就给你打了电♥话♥ 约翰Soon as I couldn't pull it out myself, I called you, John.没事了没事了It's okay, it's okay.我们是被迫把她绑在床上的明白吗We had to tie her down, okay?没事的It's okay.我是康斯坦丁This is Constantine.约翰·康斯坦丁混♥蛋♥John Constantine, asshole.当然Sure.怎么回事What the hell?我需要一面镜子I need a mirror.马上至少要3英尺高Now. At least 3 feet high.快去马上去Move! Go, now!我是克莱默This is Kramer.查斯·克莱默混♥蛋♥Chas Kramer, asshole.混♥蛋♥Asshole.什么我是克莱默查斯·克莱默混♥蛋♥ What? Oh, this is Kramer. Chas Kramer, asshole.-查斯 -什么事- Chas! - What?-把车挪走为什么- Move the car. - Why?把那该死的车挪走Move the damn car!查斯把车挪走Chas, move the car.好了挪走了There, car's moved.把它举到床的正上方Lift it up over the bed.在那端打上结轩尼斯从上面绕一圈Tie that end off. Hennessy, over the top.都闭上眼不管发生了什么都不要看Close your eyes. And whatever happens, don't look. 不No!现身吧Show yourself.好好笑吧没用的蠢货Smile pretty, you vain prick.这是给你老大的For your boss.快拉Pull it!妈妈Ma? Ma?我跟你说过的我给你找到了好东西Like I said, I found you something,是不是约翰是不是didn't l, John? Didn't l?那边是怎么回事What happened in there?开了很多会我明白Going to a lot of meetings, l see.躲开那些声音我才能睡觉Keeps the voices out so I can sleep.我需要睡觉约翰I have to sleep, John.我需要你帮忙神父I need some help, Father.是吗You do?要我帮忙吗From me?是什么What kind of...-听着我 -刚刚的驱魔很不对劲- Hey, listen, I... - That exorcism wasn't right.亚里士多德设想的一种物质 19世纪物理学家曾认为是电磁波的传播媒质替我监听以太里的信息Listen to the ether.有任何不对劲的就告诉我Anything unusual, you let me know.拜托你不需要这种东西保护Come on, you don't need its protection.跟原来一样It'll be like back in the day.只要几天就行A few days.好吧Okay.好吧为了你约翰Okay. For you, John.约翰你知道这不是我的车你还那么做John, why would you do that if you know it's not my car?-我跟你说过要挪车了 -你确实这么说过- I told you to move it. - You did tell me to move it.但如果你当时说清楚But if you'd said you你要往下扔个带着恶魔300磅重的镜子were dropping a 300-pound mirror with a demon,我肯定再挪远一点约翰I would've moved it further, John.走阿尔瓦拉多街Take Alvarado.对谢谢我知道走那条路Yeah, thank you. I know what to take.你有没有想过You ever think if you如果你多跟我说一点没准我能帮点忙told me more now that maybe l could help out?-没想过吗 -没有- No? - Nope.没有吗Nope?你当然没想过Of course it's a nope.保佑我神父我有罪Bless me, Father, for l have sinned.自从It's been我上次来忏悔已经过了两周了two weeks since my last confession.今天我杀了个人I killed a man today.又杀了一个Another one.我连他的脸都没有看到就I didn't even see his face, I just...扣了扳机他就死了Pulled the trigger, and he went away.大多数警♥察♥从警20年都没有开过枪Most cops go 20 years without firing their guns.为什么我总能知道那些家伙的藏身之处Why do I always know where these guys are?知道瞄准的方向开枪的时机Where to aim, when to fire.我很疑惑是不是我有什么问题神父I'm wondering, is there something wrong with me, Father? 是不是有不好的东西Something damned?主对你自♥由♥安排他对我们所有人都有安排God has a plan for you. He has a plan for us all.你不应让罪责掩盖你对主的信仰You mustn't let your faith be overshadowed by guilt.是的我正在努力Yeah, I'm trying.我真的非常努力I'm trying real hard.伊莎贝尔Isabel.伊莎贝尔Isabel.我修理的那些东西Things I've beaten.大多数人甚至都没听说过Things most people never even heard of.而现在我却要因为这种东西而死And now l'm gonna be done in by this.你不是第一个约翰Wouldn't be the first, John.拜托莱斯Come on, Les.你救过我的命还能再救一次对吧You saved me before, you can do it again, right? 这是恶性的This is aggressive.20年前你不想来这里Twenty years ago, you didn't wanna be here. 现在你却不想走了Now you don't wanna leave.还抽烟抽得好Yeah, that's a good idea.约翰你真的得做好准备John, you really need to prepare.-准备后事 -不需要- Make arrangements. - No need.我已经知道我要到什么地方去了I already know exactly where I'm going.-早啊 -早上好- Morning. - Good morning.-早上好 -探员- Good morning. - Detective.-不不不 -安吉拉等等- No, no, no. - Angela, wait.你不用看这种东西的好吗别去You don't need to see this, okay? No.请给我们点私人空间Give us the room, please.伊莎贝尔lsabel.她是不是从房♥顶跌下来的She fell from the roof?是跳楼She jumped.-不 -听着- No. - Look...我知道这种事很难接受但她有病I know it's hard to accept. She was sick.-伊莎贝尔不会自杀的 -安吉- lsabel wouldn't kill herself. - Angie.-她绝不会自杀 -探员- She wouldn't kill herself. - Detective.-不用说了 -探员- Period. - Detective.到此为止Period!安吉有监控录像的Angie, there were security cameras.-扶一下门下楼吗 -我帮不上你的忙- Hold the door. You going down? - Not if I can help it.新案子吗A new case?大事件主要线索是你一直等的那个吗The big score? The mother lode? The one you've been waiting for? -逗死我了 -我一直都是- Humor me. - Don't I always?这个是太令人感激了谢谢Oh, yeah, that's... Much obliged. Thank you.你感觉怎么样约翰How you feeling, John?有什么新货吗So, what's new?从教皇身上取下来的暗♥杀♥时的弹片Bullet shavings from the assassination attempt on the pope,从约旦河采集的几小瓶圣水Holy-water ampoules from the River Jordan,还有你会爱死这个的And, Oh, you'll love this.阿米蒂维尔的尖叫甲虫screech beetle from Amityville.你虽然觉得滑稽但对那些堕落者来说Yeah, it's funny to you, but to the fallen,就像是用指甲刮黑板的声音that's like nails on a chalkboard.你和虫子到底是怎么回事What is it, exactly, with you and bugs?我就是喜欢它们I just like them.是啊谁不喜欢呢Yeah. Who doesn't?小心点大英雄Yeah, easy there, hero.-那是龙息枪 -我以为你再也搞不到它了- That's dragon's breath. - I thought you couldn't get it anymore. 我认识的一个人认识一个人Yeah, well, I know a guy who knows a guy.有什么行动So, what's the action?我刚给一个小女孩驱除了个恶魔士兵I just pulled a soldier demon out of a little girl.看起来它像是试图到透过那个躯体到人间来Looked like it was trying to come through.我知道你听到这话的感觉Yeah, I know how it sounds.不对他们来说我们就像是扯线木偶No, we're finger puppets to them约翰而不是通道John. Not doorways.他们能操纵我们但不能越到我们这个维度They can work us, but they can't come through onto our plane. 总而言之检查一下卷轴看看有没有先例Check the scrolls anyway. See if there's any precedent.当然约翰Sure thing, John.还有别的吗Anything else?你会不会恰好带来了Wouldn't happen to have anything for a...止咳药免费提供On the house.好了提个问题All right, question.我还得做你的奴隶多久约翰How much longer do l have to be your slave, John?你不是我的奴隶查斯You're not my slave, Chas.你是我非常倚仗的徒弟You're my very appreciated apprentice.唐托为独行侠的伙伴罗宾为蝙蝠侠的弟♥子♥ 就像唐托和罗宾一样Like Tonto or Robin.或者是瘦人旁边总有个胖子朋友Or that skinny fellow with the fat friend.你说得对那为什么Right. So then why don't I我不学点除了开车以外的东西呢约翰apprentice something besides driving, then, John?约翰约翰John? John.我喜欢和你聊几句约翰I love our little talks, John.我能替您拿外套吗康斯坦丁先生May I take your coat, Mr. Constantine?不用谢谢我不会待很久No, thanks, l'm not gonna be staying long.-您呢女士 -不用了我也不会待很久- How about you, ma'am? - Oh, no, l'm not staying long either. 我真的要跟他谈谈很重要的事I really need to speak with him. It's important.先来后到First come, first served.看来你不管在哪都这么无礼So you're rude no matter where you are.-神父 -你好- Father. - Hi.-你得到消息了吧 -对我已经和主教谈过了- You have news. - Yes, I spoke with the bishop.我知道你的要求是什么孩子I know what you want, son.又名上帝之眼上帝用于监视人类的法眼还在用你的全知之眼监视我吗加百列Still keeping your all-seeing eye on me, Gabriel?我受宠若惊I'm flattered.我倒可以给你提供点Well, I could offer something关于牧羊人如何指挥羊群的建议about how a shepherd让最不羁的那些羊也乖乖听话leads even the most wayward of his flock.但是这样做未免假惺惺的But it might sound disingenuous.必须得给她举办天主教葬礼神父一定要She has to have a Catholic funeral, Father. She has to. 安吉拉那是一个不可饶恕的罪过Angela, it's still considered a mortal sin.她没有自杀She didn't commit suicide.但是主教不这么认为你知道规矩的The bishop believes otherwise. You know the rules. 规矩Oh, rules.神父Father.戴维David.她可是伊莎贝尔This is lsabel.她相信只有上帝是爱她的God was the only one she ever believed loved her.拜托Please.我很抱歉I'm sorry.我最近看到了一些不对劲的灵魂出现I've been seeing some unusual soul traffic lately.也许你会考虑给我点宽限You might consider giving me an extension.我这段时间就会给你们这方做点好事I could do your side some good these days.你还在试图为了进天堂做好事吗You still trying to buy your way into heaven?那么那些我送回去的地狱走狗呢What about the minions I've sent back?只算那些就够我进天堂了That alone should guarantee my entry.我已经跟你说了多少次了How many times have I told you?因果关系并没有这么简单That's not the way this works.为什么我对上帝的侍奉还不够多吗Why, haven't I served him enough?-他想从我身上得到什么 -不过是老一套的东西- What does he want from me? - Only the usual.献身信仰Self-sacrifice, belief.我当然有信仰老天Oh, I believe, for chrissake.不不你心知肚明No, no, you know.而且还有区别你已经看过了And there's a difference. You've seen.我自己从没想看这个诅咒与生俱来I never asked to see. I was born with this curse.是天赋约翰A gift, John.是你自己把它挥霍到了自私的用途上One that you've squandered on selfish endeavors.我给小女孩们驱魔I'm pulling demons out of little girls.那又是为了谁Who's that for?你所做的所有事情都只是为了你自己Everything you've ever done, you've only ever done for yourself. 为了做好事从而回到他圣洁的光辉之下To earn your way back into his good graces.苛刻无尽的清规戒律Impossible rules, endless regulations...谁能上天堂谁又下地狱以及各种原由Who goes up, who goes down and why.你根本不了解我们这种人You don't even understand us.你才是那个该下地狱的你这个杂种You're the one who should go to hell, half-breed.为什么是我加百列Why me, Gabriel?私人恩怨对吗It's personal, isn't it?我的礼拜做得少祷告也不够多I didn't go to church enough, I didn't pray enough.还是少捐了5块香火钱到底为什么I was 5 bucks short in the collection plate. Why?你将英年早逝You are going to die young是因为你自15岁以来每天抽30根烟because you smoked 30 cigarettes a day since you were 15.由于你的所作所为And you're going to go to hell你也注定会坠入地狱because of the life you took.你没救了You're fucked.就算下雨也还是外面好At least it's nice out.上帝的幽默感可是够臭的He always had a rotten sense of humor.他开的玩笑简直要人命And his punch lines are killers.约翰John!康斯坦丁下雨了约翰Constantine, it's raining! John! Hey!在罪犯的后院挖出22具女尸Twenty-two women were found buried in the assailant's back yard. 尸体伤痕累累残缺不全So much damage had been done to the bodies,警方需要拼接police had to match警方报告称其曾被利刃Police report she had been physically penetrated刺中100余次后活埋over 100 times and buried alive.藏尸于冷藏库中found locked in a storage freezer,头部被斩下其器官也his head severed and his organs他将霍莉的尸体塞入He stuffed Holly's body into尸体上发现曾被强♥奸♥的痕迹The bodies ravished by the unknown嫌疑人使用一把小手锯He used a small handsaw....头部几乎被割下眼球也被挖出had nearly decapitated.Even his eyes were gouged out. 伊莎贝尔Isabel.精神病院自杀案件对不起小伊I'm so sorry, Izzy.康斯坦丁Constantine.我是道森Dodson.你好Hello?找谁Hello.你好Hello?你的时间不多了快来买♥♥新雪弗兰吧兄弟借个火Hey, buddy, got a light?别多管闲事驱魔人Should've minded your own business, exorcist.我知道你要去哪约翰I know where you're going, John.你要去午夜俱乐部You're going to Midnite's.我不是让你在车上等吗You're supposed to wait in the cab.那里是天使和恶魔的庇护所It's a haven for those who rise and fall.我在书上读过约翰I remember reading about this, John.你读书读傻了只是个酒吧You read too much, kid. It's a bar.只是酒吧吗就算是吧It's a bar? It's a bar.午夜老爹是正义的使者Papa Midnite is a crusader for good.坚守着保持中立的誓言He swore the oath of neutrality.-约翰这个人很传奇 -是的-John, the man's a legend. -Yeah.你能把我带进去吗约翰Can you please get me into this bar, John, please? 求求你了约翰I'm begging you, John, please?-行你可以进去 -真的吗-Sure, you can get in. -I can get in?能进去算你厉害If you can get in.能进去暗号♥是头熊对吗If I can get... It's a bear, though, right?还是两只入云鸭Or two ducks in a cloud?长椅双蛙Two frogs on a bench.长椅双蛙Two frogs on a bench.不不我是前面那个人的No, no, I'm with the guy you just约翰约翰John! John!我真是和他一起的I'm with him, though.盛装的老鼠Rat in a dress.当然是这样盛装的老鼠Of course it is. Rat in a dress.我就试一下没别的意思I'm just testing. I'm just testing.免礼平身Don't get up.你有日子没来了You've been absent some time.又想来我这推销圣物吗Have you come here with relics to sell?最近忙得很我金盆洗手了No, I'm out of that now. I've been too busy.也许你的病是Perhaps peddling forgeries贩卖♥♥赝品的报应has ended up being bad for your health.午夜老天Midnite, Jesus.我真不知道那是赝品I thought the thing was authentic.我明白了I see now.你病得这么重有其它原因多久了Your health is bad for other reasons. How long?几个月了将近一年A few months, maybe a year.昨晚我好像听到了雷声I thought I heard thunder last night.一定是撒旦饥肠辘辘的声音Must have been Satan's stomach growling.他会亲自来收割你的灵魂You're the one soul he'd come up here himself to collect.我也有所耳闻So I've heard.我敢肯定你到我这里Well, I am most certain you did not come here并不是来寻求慰藉的for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.我刚被恶魔袭击就在大街上A demon just attacked me, right out in the open on Figueroa. 他们厌恶你约翰They don't like you, John.你已经将多少恶魔放逐回地狱了How many have you deported back to hell?那不是什么杂种恶魔午夜Not some angry half-breed, Midnite.那是彻头彻尾的魔鬼就在我们的世界A full-fledged demon, here, on our plane.我想我不需要提醒你此事的荒谬Clearly I do not have to remind you that is impossible. 昨天我还目睹了一个鬼兵And yesterday I saw a soldier demon试图从一个小姑娘的体内开膛破肚而出trying to chew its way out through a little girl.约翰恶魔居地狱天使归天堂Listen, John, demons stay in hell, angels in heaven.这是两界势力的平衡The great detente of the original superpowers.谢谢你给我普及历史Thanks for the history lesson,午夜你帮过我很多Midnite. You've been a tremendous help.现在Now,我要用一下那把椅子I need to use the chair.约翰就算你忘了John, forgetting the fact那东西能要了你的命that it would almost certainly kill you,你也应该知道我是中立的you know I am neutral.只要平衡不被打破我就不会插手And as long as the balance is maintained, I take no sides. 在你开这个酒吧之前Before you were a bartender,你曾是位独力对抗30只恶魔的巫医you were one witch doctor against, what, 30 Ashgar?-而我...-你曾是康斯坦丁- And I... - You were Constantine.大名鼎鼎的约翰·康斯坦丁The John Constantine.现在已成过眼云烟了Once.目前情况严峻我是认真的This isn't the usual game, I can feel it.有东西在逼近Something's coming.真可怕Spooky.巴尔萨扎Balthazar.光是你刚刚的话就能让我兴奋一整夜That expression alone has made my entire night.我让你兴奋个够I'll make your night.我要把你这个下♥贱♥的东西I'll deport your sorry ass打回你该去的地方杂种right where you stand, you half-breed shit!你们知道这的规矩You know the rules of my house.不准在我的地盘上撒野While here, you will abide by them.约翰老弟Johnny boy.听说你时日无多了Word is you're on your way down.有鲜肉吃了Fresh meat.真让我垂涎欲滴Finger-licking good.我有话要和他说约翰We have a meeting now, John.你说什么我没听见What? I didn't catch that.让你也过过我的日子Welcome to my life.康斯坦丁先生Mr. Constantine.-我见过你 -我记得- I saw you... - I remember.-后来我还在 -真是缘分- And then I saw you at the... -Regular kismet.如果可以我想请教几个问题I'd like to ask you a few questions, if that would be okay.我现在不太想说话I'm not really in the talking mood right now.那你听着就好了Well, maybe you could just listen then.拜托了Please?总有麻烦事Always a catch.我妹妹昨天遇害了My sister was murdered yesterday.-节哀顺变 -谢谢-Sorry to hear. -Thanks.她出事前在雷文斯坎精神病院接受治疗She was a patient at Ravenscar.从那里的楼顶跳下She jumped off the roof.我记得你刚刚说她遇害了Thought you said she was murdered.伊莎贝尔不会自杀的Yeah, well, Isabel wouldn't have taken her own life.没错精神病人怎么会自杀呢Yeah, what kind of mental patient kills herself?简直是疯了That's just crazy.我听说过你在这片辖区的大名Look, I've heard your name around the precinct.也知道你涉足的领域I know the circles you travel in.神秘学魔鬼学驱魔术The occult, demonology, exorcisms.我妹妹死前曾患上深度妄想症Just before my sister was committed, she became deeply paranoid. 开始谈论恶魔和天使She started talking about demons, angels.我觉得她是被蛊惑了康斯坦丁先生Now, I think someone got to her, Mr. Constantine.有人将她洗♥脑♥ 驱使她坠楼I think they brainwashed her into stepping off that roof.可能是邪教或者什么帮会干的Some kind of legion or cult.分♥析♥的不错侦探Sounds like a theory, detective.祝你好运Good luck.我以为以你的经验I thought with your background,至少能够帮我指明方向you could at least point me in the right direction.当然没问题Yeah, okay, sure.我妹妹不是自杀It wasn't a suicide.她是虔诚的天主教♥徒♥My sister was a devout Catholic.你知道那意味着什么吗Do you understand that?假如她自杀If she took her own life...灵魂将直落地狱Her soul would go straight to hell在那里她将被五马分尸Where she'd be ripped apart在惨叫与苦痛中无尽地挣扎over and over in screaming, brutal agony永世不得超升对吗for all eternity. That it?我说的对吗That about right?你真该死Goddamn you.侦探Detective.假如我告诉你上帝和恶魔定下赌约What if I told you that God and the devil made a wager, 以人类灵魂作为赌注你怎么想A kind of standing bet for the souls of all mankind?你该吃药了I'd tell you to stay on your meds.听我说Humor me.规则是谁都不能直接插足人间No direct contact with humans. That would be the rule.只施加影响看谁能赢Just influence. See who would win.好吧我信了Okay, I'm humoring you.-为什么 -无人知晓- Why? - Who knows.-也许仅为取乐而已 -原来是取乐- Maybe just for the fun of it. No telling. - Oh, so it's fun. 丈夫把妻子活活打死是在取乐It's fun when a man beats his wife to death母亲溺死孩子是在取乐when a mother drowns her baby.而你却把这一切都归咎于魔鬼And you think the devil is responsible?人性本恶康斯坦丁是人性People are evil, Mr. Constantine. People.你说得对人性本恶You're right. We're born capable of terrible things.然而有时一些其它的力量Then sometimes something else也会恰到好处地蛊惑我们comes along and gives us just the right nudge.真让我大开眼界Well, this has been real educational.不过我不相信魔鬼的存在But I don't believe in the devil.你应该相信因为他相信你You should. He believes in you.断电了It's a power outage.不太像Not likely.-什么 -赶紧走快- What? - We should go. Now.那是什么What is that?飞翼Wings.也许还有利爪Maybe talons.别开玩笑了什么的利爪You're kidding. Of what?本不该属于此间的异类Something that's not supposed to be here.枪可派不上什么用场That's really not going to help.-闭眼 -为什么- Close your eyes. - Why?随你便Suit yourself.魔鬼就该待在地狱对吧Demons stay in hell, huh?这话跟它们讲吧Tell them that.别担心第一次都这样Don't worry. Happens to everyone the first time.硫磺味而已It's the sulfur.硫磺Sulfur.刚才是什么东西What were those things?恶魔Demons.-地狱清道夫 -不这不可能- Scavengers of the damned. - No, no. It's impossible. 爱信不信而且它们并不是冲我来的Yeah. And I don't think they were after me.你真♥相♥信她不是自杀You really believe she wouldn't commit suicide.伊莎贝尔吗Isabel?她永远不会自杀Never in a million years.那就来证实一下吧Well, let's be sure.看看她是不是在地狱里Let's see if she's in hell.凉水还是热水Oh, was it supposed to be hot or cold?放在椅子前就好In front of the chair.真不敢相信我在做这种事情I can't believe I'm doing this.-这些都是伊莎贝尔的遗物吗 -对- These are all Isabel's things? - Yeah.-猫也是她的吗 -小鸭吗- How about the cat? - Duck?没错怎么了Yeah, why?小鸭Duck.你觉得这名字奇怪Oh, you think that's strange.猫是很好的动物Cats are good.能游走天地两界还能行于人间Half in, half out anyway.如果这是某种仪式的话If this is some kind of spell or something...你不需要摆个蜡烛画个五芒星吗Don't you need candles and a pentagram for it to work? 怎么难道你有吗Why, do you have any?-太荒唐了 -没错- This is crazy. - Yes.你需要离开一会I need you to leave.-你说什么 -安吉拉配合一下- I'm sorry? - Angela, please.离开公♥寓♥The apartment.好的Okay.小心那只猫Be careful with that cat.老天我讨厌这样God, I hate this part.-伊莎贝尔 -康斯坦丁- Isabel. - Constantine.安吉拉Angela.老天Jesus.-康斯坦丁怎么了 -双生子- Constantine, what? - Twins.老天你说什么Jesus. What?-你们是双生子 -你在说什么- You were twins. - What did you say?-她是自杀的 -什么- She killed herself. - What?所以她被罚下地狱了And she's damned for it.伊莎贝尔·道森这怎么可能How is this possible?我要吃东西I need to eat.伊莎贝尔 ·道森你在这做什么Hey! Hey, what are you doing in here?别紧张伙计Relax, man.慢点Slow down!老天这是什么鬼地方Oh God, what the hell is this?约翰John.我还小的时候就能看到那些东西When I was a kid, I could see things.人类本来无法看到的东西Things humans aren't supposed to see.本来不应该看到的东西Things you shouldn 't have to see.我父母看不到他们跟多数家长一样My parents were normal. They did what most parents would do. 火上浇油They made it worse.一个人被折磨得无法承受的时候You think you're crazy long enough...会寻求解脱You find a way out.-你试着自杀了 -我并不是试着自杀- You tried to kill yourself. - I didn 't try anything.严格来说我死了两分钟Officially, I was dead for two minutes.但是当我越过界限But when you cross over...时间停止了Time stops.相信我Take it from me,在地狱的两分钟就像一生那么漫长two minutes in hell is a lifetime.当我从地狱回来时When I came back...我知道了I knew...我看到的那些都是真实的All the things I could see were real.天堂和地狱就在我们身边Heaven and hell are right here.藏在每扇门每扇窗后面Behind every wall, every window.一个世界背后有另一个世界The world behind the world,而我们就生活在狭缝之中and we're smack in the middle.天使和魔鬼无法穿越到达我们的世界Angels and demons can't cross over onto our plane.所以我们能看到的就是所谓的混血So instead we get what I call half-breeds.暗示者The influence peddlers.他们只会在你耳边低语They can only whisper in our ears,但是眈眈一个词就能给予你勇气but a single word can give you courage...或是把你从云端拉入梦魇的深渊or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare. 那些拥有魔鬼之力的Those with the demon's touch...或是那些半天使就生活在我们周围like those part angel, living alongside us.他们美其名曰平衡They call it the balance.但我称之为狗屎般的虚伪I call it hypocritical bullshit.所以如果有混血破坏了规矩So when a half-breed breaks the rules...我会把他们踹回地狱I deport their sorry ass straight back to hell.我抓不到全部的破坏规矩者I don't get them all...但我想尽我所能以便于能早点But I've been hoping to get enough to ensure my... -退休 -我没明白你的意思- Retirement. - I don't understand.我是个自杀者安吉拉I'm a suicide, Angela.按照规矩我死后只有一个地方可以去When I die, the rules say I've got just one place to go. 你在通过赎罪来增加去天堂的筹码You're trying to buy your way into heaven.如果你被关进监狱What would you do而里面半数的犯人都是被你送进去的if you were sentenced to a prison...你会怎么做where half the inmates were put there by you?我相信上帝为每个人都有安排I guess God has a plan for all of us.上帝就是个把我们玩弄于股掌的孩子小姐God's a kid with an ant farm, lady.他完全是随心所欲He's not planning anything.我们都还小的时候When we were little...伊莎贝尔也能看到那些东西Isabel saw things too.我是道森Dodson.警卫说他当时在查探尸体Guard spotted him groping the body,然后就跑去街对面then he ran across the street.到了这家店喝遍了所有柜子里的酒Came in here, and he had a go at the entire stock.一分钟之内就酒精中毒死了He drowned himself in alcohol in under a minute.可能是我兄弟会的成员Could've been a member of my fraternity.他来这做什么Hey, what the hell is he doing here?他跟我一起的He's okay.为什么不打我电♥话♥ 混球Why didn't you call me, you son of a bitch?什么事Yes?什么意思What do you mean?你说什么What?怎么会How?明白了再见Got it. Bye.我要去伊莎贝尔死的地方看看I need to see where Isabel died.降神会占卜盘通灵Seances, Ouija boards, Channeling.爸爸觉得她只是想得到关注Our father thought she was just trying to get attention. 不过的确是这样She certainly did that.她把看到的那些东西告诉所有人She'd tell everyone about the things she said she saw. 把我妈吓得半死She'd scare my mother half to death.后来差不多有一年时间她都没有说话And then she stopped talking for almost a year.于是你就把她送来医院了So you had her committed.没错Yeah.待了多久How long?两周Two weeks.我是说这一次This time.她时好时坏She'd get better, and then she'd get worse.最近尤其严重Recently, a lot worse.那个死掉的家伙手上刻的符号♥That symbol that was cut in the dead guy's hand...跟这件事有关系吗Does it have something to do with this?我是个警♥察♥ 约翰别忘了I'm a cop, John, remember?一个人不会什么都没留下You don't walk off the roof of a building就从屋顶跳下去的without leaving something behind.她留下来的东西我都放在箱子里了And I showed you everything she left behind in that box,不过你可以随便找but feel free.也许她留了些别的警♥察♥找不到的东西Maybe she left something else. Not something a cop would find. 只留给你的东西Something just for you.你是她的双生姐妹安吉拉You were her twin, Angela.双生子都会心意相通Twins tend to think alike.-我跟她不像 -但你们曾经相像- I'm not like my sister. - But you were once.还是小孩子的时候When you were kids.你们每分每秒都待在一起When you'd spend every second with each other.你话刚说出口她就能明白You'd start a sentence, she'd finish it.。
美国的头号♥公敌...public enemy number one in the United States...打击就是毒品 drug abuse.毒品尼克松发誓为了打击这个敌人In order to fight and defeat this enemy...海♥洛♥因♥还在流通尽管尼克松"严厉打击"我们必须发动新的全面战争 is necessary to wage a new, all-out offensive.尼克松想制订严苛大♥麻♥法令我近年来将越来越关注For nearly a year, I have been devoting increasing attention...福特计划重创国人福祉核心的问题 a problem which strikes at the very heart of our national well-being: 药物滥用药物滥用Drug abuse.我无法饶恕药物滥用问题I did not condone any drug abuse,我们会竭尽所能去降低and we'll do everything possible to reduce...卡特打击毒品强调严抓交易者吸毒对我国社会的严重威胁...this serious threat to our society.毒品困扰着我们的社会Drugs are menacing our society.威胁我们的价值观和削弱我国的体制They're threatening our values and undercutting our institutions.里根许诺战旗打击毒品残害我们的子孙They're killing our children.杀死信使谢谢大家Thank you very much.若提到毒品和酒直接拒绝吧...and when it comes to drugs and alcohol, just say"no."里根说他在总统任期内会优先Reagan says he will make it a priority of his presidency...杜绝美国的药物滥用问题 stop drug abuse in the United States.这是你吸毒后的大脑This is your brain on drugs.药物滥用走私贩卖♥♥毒品的人和恐♥怖♥份♥子♥ Those who smuggle and sell drugs are as dangerous to our national security...不宣而战的战争或外国独♥裁♥者一样威胁国♥家♥安♥全♥ any terrorist or foreign dictatorship.里根政♥府♥花数十亿美元打两场仗The Reagan administration is spending billions on two wars...尼加拉瓜国内的毒品战争和尼加拉瓜战争...the war on drugs at home and the struggle for Nicaragua abroad.尼加拉瓜如果我们再不果断地扞卫自♥由♥If we do not act decisively in defense of freedom...尼加拉瓜的民♥主♥和平的关键里根说道新古巴就会从今日的战事中再起 Cubas will arise from the ruins of today's conflicts.我们要和自♥由♥斗士们密切商谈We will consult closely with the Freedom Fighters.称尼加拉瓜叛军是"自♥由♥斗士"名为"康特拉"的反♥共♥产叛军The anti-communist rebels known as the "contras"...是由中情局资助成立的军队 army founded and funded by the CIA.可♥卡♥因♥Crack cocaine...是全球史上...a drug epidemic unlike any蔓延最强大的毒品瘟疫that's ever probably existed in the history of the world.可♥卡♥因♥一旦沾染终身难戒只要五美元就能开始让人成瘾For five dollars, you can begin the process of addicting people.过去十年的打击毒品行动Waging the war on drugs has ...花费了纳税人高达一千亿美元one hundred billion dollars over the last ten years.可♥卡♥因♥交易在洛杉矶中南部The crack trade has triggered a spasm of gang突然引发了帮派斗争warfare in south-central L.A...缉毒署探员从各地蜂拥而至...and DEA agents are swarming throughout.有多少人住家附近有毒窟How many of you have crack your neighborhood?可♥卡♥因♥缺口向小城镇扩展任何♥勇♥敢的执法警官No brave law enforcement officer...老师或医生 teacher, no doctor,都知道美国毒品问题变得多严重和残酷need be told how hard and cruel America's drug problem has become. 在洛杉矶谋杀案件增发到了1984年By nineteen eighty-four,国会准备断绝"康特拉"的资金Congress was preparing to cut off funds to the Contras.政♥府♥高层官员开始寻找High-level government officials began looking for other ways里根获10票对反援助存在顾虑继续金援的其他方法to continue the aid program.中美洲不能有任何苏联据点There must be no Soviet beachhead in Central America.里根称尼加拉瓜是一个"毒瘤"真人实事改编加州 1996年早上好Good morning.你是谁Who the fuck are you?盖瑞·韦伯圣荷西水星报Gary Webb. San Jose Mercury-News.有何贵干What do you want?我打电♥话♥跟你提过I called you about the government seizure of property政♥府♥查封贩毒嫌犯财产的事of accused narcotics dealers?对嫌犯Yeah. The accused.就是我请进Yeah, that's me. Come on in.好的谢谢Okay, great. Thanks.-我在拉古纳的最后一栋豪♥宅♥ -怎样-My last house, this sweet pad in Laguna. -Yeah?罪名不成立政♥府♥却不归还Charges didn't stick and the feds still didn't give it back.-你有做吗 -做什么-But you did it? -Did what?我私下问你你有贩毒吗Well, off the record, I mean, you sold the dope.有但这不是重点他们没收了我的房♥子Yeah, but you're missing the point. They took the freaking roof over my head. 等一下Look, wait a sec...你用贩毒的钱买♥♥来的东西All this stuff that you bought with the drug money...房♥子和车子等等the houses, the cars, what have you...你失去了是因为犯罪要付出代价 lose it because it's the crime that paid for it, right?我有做或没做又怎样Did it, didn't do it... Who gives a shit?反正不能没收我的房♥子他们无法证明我有罪Can't take a man's shelter. Anyway, they didn't prove it,他们要证明...did they?洛杉矶警局统统不许动LA Sheriff's Department... nobody move!-双手举高 -缉毒署-Let me see your hands! -DEA天哪又来了Christ. Here we go again.-趴在地上 -去抓那个女的-Down, motherfucker down! -Get the girl!抓住那个女的Secure the girl!听着我是记者Look, I'm a reporter.闭嘴Shut the fuck up!你要记得报导Better get that story out there.-圣荷西水星报 -嘿-San Jose Mercury News... -Hey!我是记者I'm a reporter!真是一团乱Quite a ruckus over there, huh?那个王八蛋差点扭断我的手臂Yeah, this guy almost broke my fucking arm, the prick.没收财产引起骚动好了All right.等一下Hey, wait a minute.最后...Where...安娜最后一段呢Anna, where is last paragraph?对不起空间不够了Yeah, I'm sorry. We ran outta inches.漏了最重要的一段就没重点了Look, you cut the kicker and you're gonna blow the whole point to this thing. 政♥府♥没收了这些人的财产The government takes these people's shit, all right?他们的车子和房♥子都被查扣了Their cars, their houses, they take everything forever.还没被定罪就被查扣This is before they're convicted.就算他们被无罪开释也拿不回来Even if they're acquitted, they don't get it back.盖瑞他们是毒贩They're drug dealers. Gary贩毒嫌犯也有人♥权♥ 因为这是美国Alleged drug dealers, with rights. Because this is America. 再过四分钟截稿Four minutes until deadline.拿掉我的名字Well, take my name off the story.天哪你很烦耶God, you can be such an asshole.我很烦是因为我相信既定程序I'm an asshole because I believe in due process?够了这是我们职责所在Come on. This is ourjob.快没时间了Clock's ticking.没时间了It's ticking.时间快到了It's still ticking.别再打电♥话♥给我And...don't call back.他刚被人拿猎枪威吓饶了他吧This guy just had a shotgun in his ear. Give him a break. 没有猎枪啦鲍伯好吧你看No, there was no shotgun. All right, look,你等着看报导就知道了you're gonna have to wait to read the article.你儿子才16岁你不知道吗Your son is sixteen. Just FYI.我看到了别让他喝酒I see you! Get rid of it. Honey?好嘛别这样Come on, don't do that.-太恶劣了 -不尽责的老爸-That's bad. -That's amazing parenting.-还叫我别这样 -别这样-"Don't do that." -Don't do that.没啥大不了的啦It's really not a big deal.谁来顾一下Would somebody watch this?我有东西要给你们看I gotta show you guys something.我们家的新成员New addition to the family...天哪Oh my god!爸Dad!天啊Holy...这是1971年的经典车款This is a '71 Tiger Sports Triumph.很帅的摩托车至少以前很帅It's a beautiful bike or it was a beautiful bike... 我们一定要重新把它变帅...and we're going to make it beautiful again. 那就说定了This is the only deal.-你和我 -嘿老公-You and I -Hey, hotshot.一起搞定好吗have to rebuild it together, okay?-好的爸我爱你Okay. I love you, Dad.盖瑞Gary.真是够了God dammit.怎么啦Yes?-我们讨论过的 -别这样嘛-We talked about this. -Come on...-少来这一套 -你看看他-No, "come on." No. -Look at him.-你看看这辆摩托车 -我看到了-Look at this. Look at the bike... -I see it.你看看他的表情Look at this face.我想了十六年早就想送他了Sixteen years I think. Inside my head.咱们父子一起骑车上山顶Me and my boy riding side by side, to the mountaintops...-直达天际 -对不对-Touching the sky. -Isn't that right?他骑车要是出了事...我就趁你睡着把你阉掉Anything happens to him while he's on that bike他不会出事啦Nothing's going to happen to him.我会在你睡着的时候切掉阉掉...I will cut these off while you are sleeping.-哇 -我还以为你早就把我阉掉了-Wow. -I thought you already cut those off.还趁我睡着咧While I'm sleeping!爸你经常和一些大坏蛋来往Dad, you hang out with some insanely bad people.缉毒战中武器伤及无辜不要吃头发Don't eat your hair.坏人通常比好人更诚实...bad guys are usually more honest than good guys.也更风趣And more fun.-听盖瑞·韦伯畅谈人生 -妈你一定要看看这篇-Life lessons by Gary Webb. -No, Mom. You actually have to read this. 我看过了写得很好I did already. It's great.你们该走了快点You guys gotta go, come on.听见没You heard the lady!快点谁想坐绿色的车Come on! Who wants to ride in the green machine?-爸爸要送我们去 -我送你去-Dad's taking us? -I'm taking you.你该不会想穿睡衣去吧You're not going in your PJ's, are you?大家动作快点Come on, guys!-我们出发了 -我坐这个位子-Let's get smushed. -That's where I sit.好了吗挤沙丁鱼吧Got it? Step in like sardines.妈妈再见Bye, Momma!妈妈再见Bye Momma!-妈妈再见 -再见-Bye, Momma! -Bye.妈妈再见Bye Momma!-一二三 -妈妈再见-One, two, three... -Bye, Mom!萨克拉门托新闻局华♥盛♥顿♥邮♥报♥洛杉矶时报洛杉矶时报圣荷西水星报雷诺葛塞特奥克兰时报期刊给你Here you go.-可能冷掉了 -谢谢-It's probably cold. -Thank you.我知道你今天有多想采访州长Hey, I know how bad you want to do the Guv today.-这是记者的梦想 -对-Some real reporter work. -Yea.不知道这种事怎么能让你满足Yeah. How that shit gives you satisfaction, I'll never know. 今天早上的那篇报导Hey, that story this morning?搞得很大That was a big one.-还不够大 -你还想怎样-But not "the" big one. -Yeah, what would that be?逮到克♥林♥顿♥闯进水门Catching Clinton breaking into Watergate?嗨Hey...洛杉矶时报的瑞奇·克兰你好吗Rich Kline, LA Times. How you doing?错过毒贩没收报导编辑们很生气My editors are pissed that we missed the drug forfeiture story.我想也是I'm sure they are.对了这份工作很棒你有什么忠告要给我吗It's an amazing job, by the way. You got any advice for me, or...?别让浑球赢我也不知道Ah, yeah. Don't let the assholes win? I don't know.卡洛儿巴卡是谁干嘛一直打来Hey, who's Coral Baca and why does she keep calling me?没人知道Nobody?她打了五个电♥话♥She called five times...?-喂 -嗨我是盖瑞·韦伯-Hello? -Hi, this is Gary Webb.你终于打来了我喜欢你写的报导He finally calls. I like your work.你在注意我写的文章You follow my work?现在有在注意了I do now.好吧我能为你效劳吗Okay, what can I do for you?是我能为你效劳It's what I can do for you.你能为我效什么劳Okay, what can you do for me?我男友拉斐尔在坐牢贩卖♥♥可♥卡♥因♥ My boyfriend Raffie 's in prison, for cocaine trafficking.他叫拉斐尔·科尔内霍That's Rafael Cornejo.是哥伦比亚人吗Was that Columbian?尼加拉瓜人尼加拉瓜人Nicaraguan.他有一栋豪♥宅♥刚被政♥府♥查封了He has this gorgeous house the government just took.这新闻不错吧Good story, no?是不错我才刚写过Yes, it is. I just wrote it.但拉斐尔的故事不一样他是替政♥府♥贩毒的But Raffie's story is different. He sold drugs for the government. 能不能再说一次You want to say that again?他走私四吨♥可♥卡♥因♥He brought four tons of cocaine into the country...给美国政♥府♥...for the U.S. government.你的声音很好听卡洛儿Look, you have a very lovely voice. Coral-谢谢你...-每篇剪报我都留着-Thank you--I've copied every piece of paper.为政♥府♥贩毒Selling drugs for the government.你有写过这种报导吗Have you written that story?这是你要看的东西This is the thing you need to see.司法部机密文件司法部机密文件等一下Wait a minute.你在开玩笑吧You gotta be kidding me.大陪审团记录誊本Grand Jury transcript?你是怎么拿到的How'd you get ahold of it?政♥府♥不小心放在资源中被发现了The government turned it over on discovery by mistake.最好是不小心Yeah, some mistake.It was Russell Dodson.联邦检察官罗素·道森Federal prosecutor Russell Dodson?那个王八蛋我有一次还报♥警♥举发他The little bitch. I called the cops on him once.报♥警♥举发联邦官员Called the cops on the feds?他还派打手来我家His goons were sneaking around my house.说不定是强♥奸♥犯Could have been rapists.我觉得我会喜欢你I think I'm gonna like you.这个丹尼洛·布兰登是谁So who's this Danilo Blandon?等一下Wait.好我看看Ok. Let's see.丹尼洛·布兰登他就是为政♥府♥贩毒的人That's who sold drugs for the government.他是我的朋友He was a friend.经常陪我小孩玩He played with my kid.然后他去告密Then he rats.他可能是国内最大的毒贩He's probably the biggest trafficker in the whole country.比拉斐尔更大Way bigger than Raffie.杀鸡何必用牛刀Why use whale to catch catfish?-你觉得合理吗盖瑞·韦伯 -是不太合理-That make sense to you Gary Webb? -Not very much sense. No it doesn't. 你还有别的文件吗You have more documents?都在我家Everything is at my house.You want to come over?不如你把文件送去我办公室吧Why don't you just send the documents to my office? How's that? 事有先后顺序盖瑞·韦伯First things first, Gary Webb.拉斐尔明天要出庭Raffie's got court tomorrow.-然后呢 -你也要去-Yeah? -Be there.丹尼洛·布兰登旧金山联邦法♥院♥我迟到了吗Am I late?法官提前休庭了The judge called an early recess.可能休息个十五分钟左右It could be fifteen minutes or so.-好还有时间 -他就是我男友拉斐尔-Right. Yeah. So we've got time. -There's my boyfriend, Raffie...看起来很友善嘛He looks friendly.他不喜欢看到我和别的男人一起He doesn't like seeing me with other men.他就是那个王八蛋And there is the little bitch.罗素·道森Russell Dodson.我马上回来Be right back.道森我是圣荷西水星报的盖瑞·韦伯So, Dodson. Gary Webb, San Jose Mercury News.-你经常跟踪别人进厕所吗 -没有啊-You always follow people into bathrooms? -No. Not really.地方报社怎么对这案子感兴趣So why is the local news interested in this case?我没兴趣I'm not.但我对丹尼洛·布兰登感兴趣But I am interested in Danilo Blandon.没听过这个人Never heard of him.那你的证人名单上为何有他Then why is he on your witness list?你以重大贩毒罪名起诉他You had this guy cold on major narcotics trafficking却让他无罪开释and you let him walk.为什么Why?我有他的大陪审团记录誊本I have his grand jury transcript.我知道I know.我看过你们犯过一些错I've seen some screw ups outta you guys但这是重大疏失but boy is that a big one.这是什么报导联邦探员用坏蛋来抓别的坏蛋So what's the story? Feds use a bad guy to catch other bad guy?-你知不知道这是什么情况 -我清楚得很-Do you even know what you have there? -Yes, I know what this is. 听都没听过这是天赐良机Well, it's unheard of. It's a gift.我四处打听丹尼洛·布兰登And I asked around about Danilo Blandon.-似乎没人...-我们在谈事情-No one has seemed-... -We're talking here.告诉你I'm telling you...不管我查什么事都会让他很紧张...whatever I got near, it made him very nervous.我知道自己看到什么I know what I saw.-我♥干♥这一行很久了 -算了吧-And I've been doing this a long time, -okay? So...少倚老卖♥♥老了我讨厌这样Don't do old and wise. I hate that.我又不老I'm not old.够了你雇用我Come on. It's why you brought me in here.就是要查这些事To go after stories like this.-我们又不是洛杉矶时报 -也不是二流小报社-But we're not the LA Times. -We're not small-time, either. 我保证还会有更多内♥幕♥There's more here, I promise you.继续追查布兰登然后交给杰瑞Get more info on Blandon and then we'll take it to Jerry. 我要回去圣荷西了I gotta get back to San Jose.好Okay.大家好Hello, hello!好香啊Smells good.卡洛儿是谁Who's Coral?她好辣She's hot.她开大黄蜂耶She drove a Camaro.对啊Of course she did.这是她送来的She left this?-快吃 -妈可以开饭了吗-Eat it. -Mom, can we start?-好 -好香啊-Yes. -Yes. That looks so good.-好吃 -两位先生好-Yummy. -Hello, gents.-嗨 -她怎么知道你住哪儿-Hi. -Why does she know where you live?我不知道I don't know.-她是消息来源 -是吗你要报导脱衣舞娘-She's a source. -Yeah? For a story about strippers?不是但这个点子不错No. But that's a good one, though.是毒贩啦Drug dealers.那就好多了Okay. That's better.又来了吗Is it happening again?-没有 -又来什么-No. -Is what happening again?别闹了Come on.没事啦Nothing.-盒子里装什么 -吃你的饭-What's in the box? -Eat your food.-你和她怎么了 -没事-What happened with her? -Nothing.你和她怎么了What happened with her?没事Nothing.我不想再来一次了I mean, I'm not going to do this again.我就是因为这样才离开家人朋友It's why we left my family, my friends...离开克里夫兰搬来我讨厌的加州left Cleveland, moved out to California,我讨厌which I hate...所有的阳光和阳光笑脸...all this stupid sunshine and shiny happy faces...-阳光并不讨厌是讨厌死了 -我是认真的-Sunshine is so dumb. It's terrible. -I'm being serious. 我知道我也是I know; well so am I.宝贝...Babym这次我不会搞砸的I'm not going to screw this up.知道吗Understand?不要笑啦Don't smile.她说明天还有公听会我他妈的恨死你了She said there's another hearing tomorrow. Seriously, I fucking hate you. 我爱你I love you....撤销科尔内霍先生的所有罪名...dismiss all charges against Mr.Cornejo.这个案子就到此为止法官大人We are no longer proceeding with the case, you Honor.嗨Hey...嗨Hi.情况如何So what's going on?不知道他们密谈了好一会儿I don't know. They've been up there for a while.科尔内霍先生的罪名都撤销了The charges against Mr, Cornejo are dismissed.你可以走了You are free to go.什么What?了不起盖瑞·韦伯Very impressive, Gary Webb.这是怎么回事What just happened?你吓坏他们了You terrified them.他们把丹尼洛·布兰登藏起来了They just stuffed Danilo Blandon under a rug.从证人名单上删除没有布兰登案子就不成立He's off their witness list. No Blandon, no case.拉斐尔被无罪开释了Raffie walks.嘿嘿嘿Hey, hey, hey...你利用我让这个案子被撤销So you used me to get this fucking case dropped?我只是个胸大无脑妹记得吗I'm just the bimbo, remember?去你的Yeah, fuck you.开心一点盖瑞·韦伯Be happy, Gary Webb.你以为自己得到的起司You thought you were getting a piece of cheese,但我给你的是老鼠but I just gave you the mouse.你的新闻在那里There's your story.丹尼洛·布兰登Danilo Blandon.诺文·曼尼塞斯和他的搭档丹尼洛·布兰登联邦调查局西海岸...West coast...联邦调查局丹尼洛·布兰登可♥卡♥因♥配销网丹尼洛·布兰登可♥卡♥因♥配销网加州洛杉矶瑞奇·罗斯被免职的可♥卡♥因♥之王坐牢五年之后这位销♥售♥大♥师♥是洛杉矶毒品泛滥的关键被免职的可♥卡♥因♥之王坐牢五年之后这位销♥售♥大♥师♥是洛杉矶毒品泛滥的关键被免职的可♥卡♥因♥之王坐牢五年之后这位销♥售♥大♥师♥是洛杉矶毒品泛滥的关键加州洛杉矶很抱歉空调坏了Sorry about the air conditioning.请进Come on in.亚伦芬斯特法律事务所-你好吗 -很好-How you doing? -Pretty well.你是可♥卡♥因♥毒贩瑞奇·罗斯的律师You represent Ricky Ross, the crack dealer?是卖♥♥毒嫌疑犯Alleged crack dealer."瑞奇·罗斯高速公路洛杉矶的头号♥毒贩""Freeway Ricky Ross. Biggest dealer in Los Angeles..."全国可♥卡♥因♥瘟疫的中枢" 洛杉矶时报...the epicenter of the national crack epidemic" L.A. Times.你是哪一家报社Who do you write for?-圣荷西水星报 -没听过-San Jose Mercury News. -Never heard of them.你这案子的检察官是罗素·道森Russell Dodson is the prosecutor on your case?公开的记录是这样写的That's public record. Yes.那丹尼洛·布兰登呢What about Danilo Blandon?有听过吗Did You heared him?可能有他明天要出庭指控你的委托人Maybe. Because I think he's going to testify gainst your client tomorrow. 你搞错了吧No, you've got that backwards.布兰登和我委托人是好友兼同事Blandon and my client are friends and associates.就算要出庭也是为瑞奇作证If he's going to testify, he'll be testifying for Ricky.那就尴尬了That would be awkward.怎么说Why's that?因为他是政♥府♥的线民Because he's a government informant.胡说八道That's bullshit.我这里有份罗素·道森不小心I have a Grand Jury transcript released on discovery by mistake...泄露的大陪审团记录誊本 our Russell Dodson.内含布兰登指控其他毒贩的证据In it is evidence of Blandon testifying against other drug dealers.布兰登先生目前你处于联邦管制之中对吗布兰登先生目前你处于联邦管制之中对吗布兰登先生目前你处于联邦管制之中对吗他妈的Goddammit!怎么会这样Jesus, does that make sense.你不会相信我每次问道森他的秘密武器是什么You would not believe the horseshit that Dodson puts me through...他都用什么废话来搪塞我...every time I ask him who his secret weapon is.不只是瑞奇Well it's not just Ricky,他可能还会指控另外十几个人it's probably half a dozen guys he's going to testify against...他妈的他们唬弄我Fuck me! They block me!我每次要求什么东西Every time I ask for something.他们都说事关Claiming... get this...国♥家♥安♥全♥National Security.国♥家♥安♥全♥和可♥卡♥因♥摆一起National security and crack cocaine in the same sentence?你不觉得很奇怪吗Does that not sound strange to you?好吧你到底想干嘛Ok, what exactly do you want?他是谁Who's this?他是个记者He's a reporter.你对丹尼洛·布兰登了解多少So what do you know about Danilo Blandon?我不认识他I don't know him.别装蒜了瑞奇丹尼洛明天要出庭指控你Come on Ricky. Danilo's going to testify against you tomorrow.他是他们暗藏的证人He's the witness they've been hiding.丹尼洛不可能被他们说服出♥卖♥♥♥我Man, there ain't no way they flipped Danilo!坐下仔细听他说完Sit down, and listen to what he has to say.他们没说服任何人They didn't flip anyone.听着Ricky,布兰登一直都在为政♥府♥效力Blandon was working for the government the entire time. -真的假的 -真的-You for real? -Yeah.真的假的He for real?布兰登是告密者Blandon a snitch?他贩毒的规模是我的Look here, man, he was a thousand time heavier than上千倍之大I'll ever be.从洛杉矶纽约到亚特兰大都是He's LA, New York, Atlanta, He's everywhere.我卖♥♥的速度根本赶不上供货I couldn't sell it fast enough to keep up with supply.-慢着 -等一下你指的是需求吧-Slow down. -Wait. You mean demand.不是供货No. I mean supply.我一星期进货一百公斤I was buying a hundred kilos a week.一天卖♥♥三百万美元Selling three million dollars a day.出清存货的速度还是不够快And still couldn't get rid of that inventory fast enough, man. 可♥卡♥因♥太多了It was raining coke.-据说啦瑞奇 -据说-Allegedly, Ricky. -Allegedly.据说Allegedly.据说Allegedly.听好了伙计据说我一星期给他六百万美元Look here, man. I gave him...six million a week. Allegedly. -不可能 -是吗-That's impossible. -Is it?-我有夸大吗芬斯特 -我倒是希望有-I'm exaggerating, Fenster? -Yeah, I hope so.你在街头怎么卖♥♥那么多可♥卡♥因♥ How do you sell that much cocaine on the street?我们以前都混着小苏打粉Look here, man, we used to cook it.一起煮With baking soda.我们称之为"方便毒" 粉末是给有钱人吸的We called it Ready Rock. Powder was for rich folks.我的老天Holy shit.我只是个小矮人布兰登才是圣诞老公公Look here, man, I was just the elf. Blandon was Santa Claus.洛杉矶中南部瑞奇就是在这里贩毒的This is where Ricky ran his operation.不不要下车No, don't get out of the car!你♥他♥妈♥的是脑子坏了吗Are you out of your fucking mind?怎么会这样How did this happen?没错所以我们要赶快离开这里Exactly. Which is why we're going to get the hell out of here.这种情况你看了怎么会不发火What about this doesn't piss you off?对我而言很复杂It's complicated for me.无论如何情况都在走下坡Whatever the hell happened, all this shit has run downhill,这里的right here.我要找布兰登谈谈I need to speak with Blandon.他是保护证人你怎么找他谈He's a protected witness. How are you going to do that?我知道我不能找他Yes, I know. I can't.但你可以But you can.布兰登先生Mr. Blandon.在你收钱当美国政♥府♥线民的During the years when you were acting as a paid informant of期间the U.S. government.你说你在洛杉矶批发可♥卡♥因♥ 给我委托人的那些年The years you say you wholesaled cocaine to my client in Los Angeles...政♥府♥知不知道你走私...was the government aware that you were好几吨♥的可♥卡♥因♥到美国smuggling tons of cocaine into the United States.抗♥议♥ 与案情无关煽动人心Objection. Relevance. Inflammatory.政♥府♥打电♥话♥给这位证人法官大人The government called this witness, your honor.他是领钱办事的保密线民He is a paid confidential informant.陪审团有权知道他的专业范围The jury has a right to know the scope of his expertise.抗♥议♥驳回Overruled.-上前讨论法官大人 -待会儿吧-Approach, your honor? -Later.布兰登先生Mr. Blandon?对Yes.-对什么 -政♥府♥知情-Yes what? -The government knew.-什么都知道 -抗♥议♥ 这是臆测-Knew everything? -Objection. Speculation.抗♥议♥成立Sustained.布兰登先生...Mr. Blandon...你为美国政♥府♥效力期间 much money did you take in from cocaine sales贩毒可♥卡♥因♥赚了多少钱while you were working for the U.S. government?十五亿美元One and a half billion dollars.十五亿美元One and a half billion dollars.没错That's correct.这些钱你如何处置What did you do with that money?我们赚的钱多到要租一间公♥寓♥来囤放现金We made so much money we had to keep an apartment just to keep the cash. 中情局缉毒署美金钞票从地板堆到天花板It was floor to ceiling dollars.还得从底下抽出钞票堆到最上面We had to rotate the money from the top to the bottom...免得钞票因为潮湿而发霉 prevent mold from coming on the money from the humidity.这上面写什么What the fuck does this say?有搭档或政♥府♥机关Did he have a partner or a government agency he和他合作吗was working with?布兰登先生当时你有搭档吗Mr. Blandon, were you working with a partner at that time?有Yes.诺文·曼尼塞斯Norwin Meneses.诺文·曼尼塞斯Norwin Meneses.-打断一下 -是的-Excuse me -That's correct.等一下这是怎么回事法官大人Wait a second, what exactly is happening here, your honor?显然这名记者在给律师下指令Clearly, this reporter is giving direction to counsel.-上前讨论 -谢谢-Approach. -Thank you.法官大人坐在第一排这个人是记者Your honor, this man in the first row is a reporter他把问题写下来交给律师。
以敌攻敌为最上策尼釆 1844一1900联域购物中心罗马尼亚布加勒斯特撒莫俱乐部我要敬酒I want to propose a toast.今天对我是很特别的日子Today is a very special day for me...所以我很紧张特别把要讲的话写下来so I'm nervous, and I wrote down my speech.敬世上最慈祥最温柔A toast to the kindest, most gentle...也最好的人and most wonderful man in the world:爸爸Papa.谢谢你让我梦想成真Thank you for making my dream come true.大家来跳舞吧And now maybe let's dance.别动Stop.他没问题He's okay.-你搞什么东西 -抱歉抱歉-Hey! What are you doing? -Sorry. I'm so sorry.我再去多拿些毛巾马上回来I'll get more towels. Be right back.伊凡波里索维奇Ivan Borisovich?伊凡波里索维奇Ivan Borisovich!老板倒地杀手着侍者服装The boss is down! The hitter's dressed like a waiter! 出口全面封锁Cover all exits! Cover all exits!沙夏他朝你那边去了Sasha! Sasha! He's heading your way!沙夏Sasha!沙夏听到吗Sasha, you hear me?沙夏Sasha?贪渎层级升高官员持续入狱你原本说万无一失的You told me there'll be no loose ends.-已经全归给一个人 -谁-We got it down to one. -Who?佛林特Flint.你握有世上最好的科技You have access to the best technology...带着昏迷妻子的人却有办法避过你and yet a man with a comatose wife in tow can elude you for--消失多少年了For how many years now?这是他最拿手的技俩他可是个中翘楚This is what he does best, and he is the best.他也是房♥中这群人以外唯一有本事干掉我们的人He's also the only one outside this room who can bury us.各位想一想Okay, guys, look, let's think.佛林特真的有这么麻烦吗Is Flint really that much of a problem?要是他现身我们不费吹灰之力就可以干掉他I mean, look, if he shows, we can easily take him out.你的发想原本不赖干掉坏人You had a good idea to start. Get rid of the bad guys.找专家来做很好我都支持Hire professionals for the job. Fine. I backed you.但你们两个白♥痴♥太爱钱竟然把武器卖♥♥回给罪犯But then you two idiots got greedy selling weapons back to criminals.赃款你也有拿喔Hey, you got your share.闭嘴Shut up.联♥合♥国♥就你们这笔烂帐所开的听证会The U.N. hearings about this whole mess of yours...这月底就会召开start at the end of the month.要是稍有牵连不论是任何麻烦If there's any fallout, any problem whatsoever...我保证一定会把责任全都怪到你们头上I promise I will land this clusterfuck squarely on your shoulders.到时候你们就只能到牢里渡过残生了And you both will spend the rest of your natural lives behind bars.好懂了Okay. We get it.为你们好最好是真的懂了For your sake, I hope you do.因为听说牢里犯人最爱长相可爱贪污的警♥察♥入狱了Because I hear they just love cute, dirty cops in prison.-浑蛋 -但却是聪明的浑蛋-Asshole. -But he's a smart asshole.拿我们去保他这件事他做起来绝不会手软And he'll waste no time burying us to protect himself.-那怎么办 -找出佛林特-So, what do we do? -Find Flint.干掉他Take him out.用什么办法How?他是我们这伙人里最厉害的He was the best on our payroll.-你自己都这么说过 -用诱饵-You said so yourself. -We use bait.你是说保罗You mean Polo.贿赂乌克兰相关单位放出保罗再悬赏他的人头We pay off the Ukrainians, release Polo, put a price on his head.你凭什么认为佛林特会现身What makes you think Flint'll show?他有切身之痛对此深恶痛绝可以利用It's personal, he's obsessed. Let's use that.只有这条路行得通It's our only play.乌克兰境内喀尔巴阡山早安佛林特先生Good morning, Mr. Flint.诊所今天我轮早班I've got the morning shift at the clinic.等等帕太太Hang on, Mrs. Pavlescu.我想给你这个I just wanted to give you this.谢谢你真客气Oh, thank you. You are much too kind.-都没变 -别这么说-As always. -Please. Anna and I...我和安娜亏欠你太多了We owe you a lot more than that.说实话没有你帮忙真不知该怎么办Honestly, I don't know what we'd do without you. -祝你工作顺利 -谢谢-Have a good day. -Thank you.喔差点忘了Oh, almost forgot.昨天我去杂货店I was getting groceries yesterday...店里的嘉比说镇上来了一个人and Gabi at the store said there was a man in town. -什么样的人 -外国人-What man? -A foreigner.现在住在汽车旅棺He's staying at the motel.我觉得你可能会想知道I thought you'd like to know.好谢谢你帕太太Okay, thanks, Mrs. Pavlescu.再见Bye.你怎么找到我的How did you find me?-幸会 -怎么找到的-Good to see you too. -How did you find me?我不会再问第三遍I'm not gonna ask you again.凭直觉It was just a hunch.不会有人跟来There's no way I could have been followed.安娜Anna...安娜说过你们初认识时有多爱来这里Anna told me how much you two loved coming up here when you first met.所以我就找遍这里和奥地利边界每座吉普赛小镇找你I've been driving through every village between here and the Austrian border. 你想怎样What do you want'?-有份工作 -我金盆洗手了-There's a job. -I'm out of the business.-有一百万美金 -我不缺钱-Ticket's a million. -I don't need the money.再让我看到你I see you again...就等着装在棺材里回老家I'm sending you home in a box.目标是保罗Target's Polo.他出狱了He's being released.出狱Released?乌克兰政♥府♥放他走了The Ukrainians are letting him go.他肯定是跟那边谈了什么条件或当抓耙子I'm willing to bet he either out a deal or snitched on someone. Whatever.-或者是被当成诱饵了 -抓你用的-Or he's bait. -For you?新官上任三把火可能是国际刑♥警♥组织要清理门户New administration. Maybe Interpol cleaning house.或者他们想拿回那笔钱毕竟你They still want their money back. I mean, you did--罗兰别开枪Roland, don't.给个理由Why not?因为没人跟踪我因为我不会陷害你Because I wasn't followed. Because I'm not setting you up.我只是想和你合作发笔财I just thought we could make a few bucks together, you know?放音乐Turn on the music.-什么 -收音机-What? -The radio.大声点Louden罗兰拜托Roland, come on.眼睛闭上Close your eyes.-你在森林里待太久了 -闭上眼-You've been in these woods too long. -Close your eyes now.罗兰想想后果吧Roland, think about what you're doing, man.拜托你想一想Just think about it, will you?我又没有要害你这些年我一句话也没说I mean, I'm not setting you up. All these years I didn't say nothing. 拜托你想想我们交情这么久I mean, come on, man, just think. We've got a history here.罗兰Roland?欢迎你朋友Welcome, my friend.俄♥国♥计划很完美The Russian project went perfectly.保加利亚方面相当感谢The Bulgarians send their thanks.-吃点巧克力吗 -太肥-Chocolate? -Too fattening.很好但我有好东西你一定无法拒绝Very well, but I have goodies you cannot refuse.你常点的南非产特别切割Your usual. South African, special cut.今天的市值是Today's value exactly...五十五万美金550,000.多出来的五万是奖金The extra 5O is a bonus.因为客户非常满意The clients are extremely happy.客户满意是我的目标I aim to please.还有更好的消息另一桩大案子And even better news, another potential contract.这次比平常多一倍Double your usual fee.目标是谁Who's the mark?保罗雅可关系很好但名声不好的家伙Polo Yakur. A well-connected gentleman of some reputation. 他在牢里He's in prison.-这不好办 -今天就要出狱了-It will be a difficult job. -He's being released today.晚点再告诉你细节I'll have more details shortly.-客户是谁 -不想透露身份-And the client? -Wishes to remain anonymous.我接I'll take it.就希望听你这样说I was hoping you'd say that.不知道哪天你会觉得赚够了I wonder if one day you'll feel you've made enough money... 想搬到好点的社区to move to a better neighborhood.我喜欢现在的地方I like my neighborhood.大家都自扫门前雪People mind their own business.当然Of course.兄弟们Hey, boys.欢迎出狱Welcome home.我哥人呢Where's my brother?-抱歉老板他被抓了 -何时的事-Sorry, boss. He got picked up. -When?上礼拜有人告密Last week. Some guy talked too much.走吧Let's drive.罗兰Roland.罗兰Roland.罗兰Roland, help. Roland!罗兰Roland.罗兰Roland. Roland.罗兰Roland, help!罗兰Roland.罗兰Roland.鬼扯等我回来时这些东西都要在里头折好Bullshit. When I'm back all this shit better be inside, unpacked. 你最好给我装戴整齐去上班懂吗And you'd better be dressed to go to work, understand?听懂没Do you understand?你好Hey, how you doing?我们新搬来的我和欧朵贝We're your new neighbors. October and me.那间就是你家吗That your place?对Yeah.我想要拓展事业See, I'm looking into expanding my business...想买♥♥下整个楼层and I'm thinking about buying the whole floor.会付你满意的金额I'd make it worth your while, huh?就怕你付不起I doubt it.还在发什么呆快搬东西What the fuck you looking at? Move the boxes.来电号♥码未显示-喂 -是我我想加入-Hello. -it's me. I want in.-干掉保罗的工作我接 -找到人了-I'll take the Polo job. -it's off the market.一百万很多人抢着要的A million bucks is a tough ticket to keep open.多少钱我不介意I don't care about the money.提供我线索和工具就可以Just get me the intel, maybe some gear.你这打算不好It's a bad idea.不要挡人家的路We don't want to get in someone's way.会做这种生意的都是大咖This type of money, there's serious people involved. 考利你欠我人情Culley. You owe me.很抱歉我找过你好吗Look, I'm sorry for looking for you, all right?你低调点Just lay low.你没事安娜也平安You're safe. Anna's safe.还能这样多久How long is that gonna last?我♥干♥掉他半数人马还害保罗入狱I took out half his outfit and put Polo away.他不干掉我绝不罢休He's gonna come after me to finish the job.所以我先下手为强No, it's better if I hit him first.拜托帮我个忙Come on, man. I need your help here.好吧All right, all right.-你来住我这里 -很好-You can come stay here. -That's good.-很快再见 -好-See you soon. -Yeah.我脑袋大概有毛病I should have my head examined.好保罗的哥哥丹佐Here. Looks like Polo's brother, Danzo...明天要审判了is gonna walk at the trial tomorrow.检方的证人却神秘失踪The prosecution's witness is mysteriously missing.这是大好良机要是保罗亲自来接他就算我们好运That's our shot. Now, if we're lucky, Polo comes to get him in person. 把消息放出去Okay, let's leak it out.好主意佛林特一定张大耳朵在等消息Good idea. Flint'll have his ears to the ground.线报说对象明天My sources say our friend might be visiting...会到城里的法♥院♥a downtown courthouse tomorrow.将军Checkmate.你真是让人猜不透You are full of surprises, my friend.市立法♥院♥Municipal courthouse.好Yup.-线索可靠吗 -很可靠-How good's the intel? -Solid.一如往常两边都不知道他身份Double-blind, the usual.可能是你国际刑♥警♥组织里的老同事Could be your old friends from Interpol.确定要行动吗Sure you wanna go through with it?别担心我了婆娘Don't worry about me, Mom.这种事我以前做过一两次I've done this once or twice before.有你喜欢的吗You see something you like?丹住Danzo.丹住听得到我说话吗Danzo. Danzo. Can you hear me?看着我丹佐Look at me. Look at me, Danzo. Danzo.杀手在车里Shooter in the van. Shooter in the van.那该死的家伙杀了我哥The motherfucker shot my brother.冷静点Please settle down.你说冷静点什么意思What the fuck you mean "settle down"?可恶Fuck.丹住小心他的头Danzo. Careful. Watch his head.快点救护车呢Come on. Where's the ambulance?快点Come on. Come on.有枪Gun.快走GO, go!不准动你别动Stop. Hey you, freeze.-不准动 -不准动-Stop, stop, Stop--Stop, stop.快走开Move, move, move.-我们完了 -还没-We're dead. -No, we're not.奏效了引出佛林特了It's working. We drew Flint out.-这不算打草惊蛇吗 -他的眼神你没看到-You don't think we spooked him? -You see his face? 他上钩了不杀保罗他绝不罢手We've got him hooked. He won't quit till Polo's dead. 多调些枪和武器We need more guns, hardware.-我们没法单干 -说得对是时候去找哈罗德了-We can't do this alone. -Good point. Time to call Herrod.我跟医生谈过I talked to the doctor.箭尖沾过毒毒效很快It was poison-tipped. Very fast-acting.使毒的人很懂毒性He said whoever did this knows his toxins.帮我保管好Keep it safe...要是让我找到杀我哥的畜生so when I find the animal that killed my brother...我要用它挖出他的眼睛I can use it to carve out his eyes.我才不信神话故事I don't believe in fairy tales.他们说我要出狱时The minute they told me I was being released...我就知道事情不对劲I smelled something rotten.不管是误杀还是蓄意I don't think either the sniper that missed...我相信他是有目的而来or Robin Hood was there by coincidence.或许该低调点晚上就搭船偷渡Maybe you should lay low. We could be on a boat tonight.我哪都不去除非找到杀丹佐的人I'm not going anywhere until I find who killed Danzo.走吧有得忙了Come on, we have work to do.这下知道被人设局了Now we know it was a setup.我打几通电♥话♥ 今晚送你出境I'll make calls, have you out of the country by tonight.-交给我来办 -不要-I'll handle it. -No.你去查码头是否还是保罗表亲的地盘Find out if Polo's cousin still owns those factories by the docks. 确定要这样You sure about that?-对 -那好我打电♥话♥问-Yeah. -All right. I'll make some calls.别想唬我Nobody talks shit to me.你总是有藉口You always got something to say.再扯啊臭婊♥子♥Talk some more shit to me. Stupid bitch.-别打了 -够了-Stop it. -That's enough.看你还有什么好说You still got something to say?你打扰到我了You're disturbing me.去冷静冷静Go and cool off.去啊Go.你还好吗You Okay?不好No.不好意思Excuse me.我要练琴I'm trying to practice.我进不去I'm locked out.请坐Sit.擦这个会舒服些Put this on. It will help.-喂 -虽然困难重重-Hello? -Despite your unforeseen difficulties...-合约依然有效 -等等-the contract remains open. -Wait.别动待在这里Don't move. Stay there. Okay?还有另一名杀手我以为你只找我There was another shooter. I thought it was exclusive.是没错客户说可能有第三方介入It is. The client has confirmed that a third party may be involved.可能是有私怨A third party with personal issues.我有关于保罗的线索I also have a possible location for our polo-playing friend. 你得离开了You need to leave now.我进不去I'm locked out.那在走廊等吧You can wait in the hallway.拜托你Please.好了你该走了Come on, you have to go now.拜托今晚让我待这里Please, can I stay here just for tonight?不行出去Come on, out.他要到明天才会冷静下来It'll take him till tomorrow to calm down.现在再见到我会打到我进医院He sees me now, he'll put me in the hospital again.那一早就得走好吗You need to be gone in the morning, okay?别乱碰And don't touch anything.保罗这案子是我独门的生意The Polo contract is mine. Exclusive.钱我不在意是私人恩怨I don't care about the money. It's personal.你害我赔钱这也是私人恩怨You lose me my fee, it's personal to me.那些老古董还管用吗Sure those antiques still work?-想知道只有一个办法 -法庭外的家伙就是你-One way to find out. -You're the guy from the courthouse. -就是你挡到我 -是你害我没射中-Blocked my shot. -You made me miss.没错Touché.我们都是专业杀手Look, we're both professionals.应该可以了解彼此的立场Sure we can come to some sort of understanding.我只知道你很碍事What I understand is you're getting in my way.我就是这意思我们要是一直追同一个目标Exactly my point. We keep chasing the same target...就会一直碍到对方we'll keep getting in each other's way.那你退出Then stay out of it.经过法庭外那一役保罗已经有警觉了After that mess at the courthouse, Polo's gonna be on full guard. 要下手最好的办法就是合作The best way for us to get him is if we work together.反正不管怎样钱都归你不是吗You get the money either way, pal. All right?一百万一毛不少还不劳你动手The whole million. And a free pair of hands.这世界没东西是免费的你图什么Nothing in life is for free. What's in it for you?我和保罗有深仇大恨I got history with Polo.太好了满腹恨意的搭档Oh, great. A partner with a vendetta.再好不过Just what I need.你找不到他的我可以You'll never find him. I will.这行我♥干♥很久了I've been doing this for a long time, my friend.你找会很久我今晚就找得到Oh, you'll find him eventually. I'll find him tonight.我刚说了我跟他是宿怨Like I said, I got history with Polo.先前花了两年时间渗透到他的党羽里I spent two years of my life infiltrating his crew.他不会回来这里He's never gonna come back here.会先断掉所有对外联络只和一个联络He will sever all his usual contacts except for one.-哪个 -那我们谈妥了吗-Who? -We got a deal?你的线索如果正确谁提供你线索的If your intel's for real. Who's your lead?帮他造枪的人The guy who makes his hardware.保罗对自己的玩具很宝贝的Polo loves his toys.这东西我在书上看过介绍I read about these things.很酷Very cool.当心Careful.那器材可是值五十万美金的Careful, that's a half-a-million-dollar piece of equipment. 还真是生意人口吻Spoken like a true businessman.但你真正应该担心的是But the question you should be asking...这枪有没有装子弹is whether the weapon is loaded.等等别开枪Wait, wait, wait. No, don't.天啊好啦God, okay. Hey. Okay.你想要什么What do you want'?老天爷Holy shit.罗兰佛林特Roland Flint.你还记得我太好了You remember me, that's good.那就不用我多说了And you know what I want.电♥话♥是你打的You're the one who called.-那桩生意没了 -少顾左右而言他-So there's no job? -Quit stalling.我不知道他在哪I have no idea where he is.听说这种枪还可以记忆射击模式You know, I read these things can even memorize a pattern. 住手No, no, stop. Hey, stop. No, hey. Stop.好吧别怕不会杀你的All right, all right. Calm down. I'm not gonna kill you.只会把你手脚一只只卸下来Just gonna blow you apart limb by limb.拜托我有家室Please, I have a family.我当初也是有家室的你这浑蛋I had a family too, you piece of shit.好啦我说Okay, okay, hey. I'll tell you.别吞吞吐吐Talk fast.我说I'll tell you.他知道有人开价要他的命He knows he's got a price on his head.他会在自己作为掩护的几间饭店间换来换去He's moving around hotels he once used as a front.-地址给我 -我不知道他现在在哪间-Give me an address. -I don't know where he is right now. 但礼拜四和礼拜五他会在皇家大饭店But Thursday and Friday he'll be at the Royal Grand.要是你说谎If you're lying to me...我知道你做什么的求求你I understand. I know what you do. Please.很好Good.你搞什么What the hell was that?怎样What the hell was what?干嘛要杀他我想留他活口Why did you kill him? I wanted the guy alive.我都设想好了I had a plan.还打算给你引见让他跑去保罗那里I was gonna introduce you. He was gonna run off to Polo... 报信说他知道杀他哥的人是谁with a line on the guy that killed his brother...再用这当作诱饵引他入壳and I was gonna use that to lure him in.你事先又没讲You didn't tell me that.因为我才刚想到好吗Because it was a new idea, all right?还在脑子里盘算I was thinking on the fly.既然想找人合作If you want a partner...就要懂得沟通you've got to learn how to communicate better.还好还有条线索You know, you're lucky we have a lead.-他说的话能信吗 -你们半斤八两-You trust him? -As much as I trust you.我找我的人确认一下吧I'll get my people to confirm his info, okay?好你去问我去找皇家大饭店的平面图Yeah, you do that. I'll get the layout for the Royal Grand. 晚点见面时再来讨论We'll meet, figure it out.这东西真的值五十万Half a million for this?或许应该带走You know, we should just take that.弄成是遭人闯入的样子Probably better to make it look like a break-in anyway.可以拿轻一点的东西吗Can we take something lighter?什么事What?我找了法庭里的人帮忙I reached out to a guy at the courthouse.弄到监视录影带拍到的画面Got this off a security camera.发下去给所有人看Get this out to everybody. I mean everybody.找出这浑蛋杀了他Let's find this fucker and bury him.醒醒Wake up.-起来出去 -抱歉-Come on. Get out. -Sorry.你门没关我看到桌上有水果You left the door open. I saw the fruit.刚好肚子饿I got hungry.好睡也睡了吃也吃了可以走了起来Okay, you ate, you slept. Now you're going out. Come on. 起来出去Come on. Get out.-出去 -好啦-Get out. -Fine.你干嘛What are you doing?好好活下去小乌龟Have a good life, turtle.你怎么弄的How did you do that?-弄什么 -怎么让他伸出头来的-Do what? -How did you get him to come out?过来我教你Come here. I'll show you.只要拍拍他这里You just have to pet him right here.好神奇Amazing.等等Wait.你背得擦点东西You should put something on your back.痛不痛It hurt?干嘛What?去找安娜Go get Anna.离开这里Get out of the country.最好是到美国去Better yet, go to the States.我要把这件事办成I gotta see this through.你想要办成You gotta see it through?还是你想亲自扣扳机Or you wanna be the one who pulls the trigger?你不是说你搭档很行吗I mean, you said this other guy's good, right? Good.他是人家请来杀他的又是职业杀手由他来杀很合理He's got the contract. He's a pro, he's motivated.就让他去杀保罗Let him take care of Polo.涉入这件事的不只保罗对吧It's not just Polo though, is it?是国际刑♥警♥组织那些脏警♥察♥设的局非杀我不可It's those dirty Interpol cops that set me up. They want my head on a stick.想把钱要回去不到手誓不罢休They want their money back. They're gonna keep coming till they get it.那你想怎样一个人对付他们全部吗So, what are you gonna do? You take them all on?你疯了You're insane.你可以选择批评我或助我一臂之力You can sit there insulting me or you can help.看你怎么选择What's it gonna be?好吧怎样All right. What?我要睡了你要睡了吗I'm going to bed. You coming up?马上来In a minute.我知道你不喜欢弄脏手I know you like to keep your hands clean.我保证But I promise...要是你不叫手下撒手我一定会找上门if you don't get your pit bulls off my back, I'm gonna come back here. 我会把你太太的心脏挖出来让你吞下去听懂没I'll carve your wife's heart out and make you eat it. Understand?我没I'm not...你没听懂No, you're not listening.-再见 -别开枪-Goodbye. -Don't.在我家In my home!他登门入户到我家来威胁我家人He threatened me in my own home with my family upstairs!他只是吓吓你Well, he's just trying to psych you out.你要增援好You want resources, fine.我加派人手和武器给你都给你I'll give you extra men, weapons, whatever.但一定要置他于死地不计任何代价But I want him dead. I don't care what it takes.两天内一定要除掉他I just want him dead in the next 48 hours.不然我亲自把你们两个供出来Or I will personally turn the two of you in.我们这个计划的问题或许出在You know, maybe the problem with our plan is that...没把保罗拉进来一起做Polo isn't in on it.你想找这个头痛人物合伙You wanna make that headcase our partner?久候大驾了I've been expecting you.你就是纳邦狄安You Nalbandian?任凭差遣At your service.我要知道哪些人参与这件事是谁设的局I want to know who the players are. Who set it up.刺客是谁来龙去脉Who the hitters are. Everything.我知道你了解内情And I know that you know.那就假设你猜的没错那又怎样Let's imagine that you are right. Now what?你一五一十招来不然有你苦头吃Now you tell me before I start hurting you.你果然不是浪得虚名Your reputation is well-deserved.但我也不差现身吧各位So is mine. Gentlemen.葛富莱警探Agent Godfrey.看来你的技俩还是没进步I see that your schemes aren't getting any smarter.所以才需要你出手相助Which is why we need your help.此话当真Really?凭什么我要帮你Why would I help you?除罪豁免权终生不追究Immunity. Lifetime guarantee...由欧盟和美国政♥府♥承诺by both the E.U. and the U.S. governments.没有附带条件除了一张单程机票No strings attached except a one-way ticket...只要你永不踏入欧洲和美国to anywhere outside of Europe and North America.交换条件呢In exchange for...?帮我们拦截罗兰佛林特Helping to intercept Roland Flint.佛林特Flint.这下我有点头绪了Things begin to make a little more sense.这桩买♥♥卖♥♥有限期说你的决定吧It's a limited-time offer. We need to know.现在给答案Now.-我只要求一个条件 -什么条件-One condition. -What?杀我哥的人我要I want the man who killed my brother.办不到Impossible.除非你开的价合我意Unless the price is right.好点了吗You feel better?看来有新的泰利宝宝了I guess I got new Tellys now.什么意思What?伤疤啊My scars.我都依打伤我的人的名字给伤疤取名I name them after the man who gave them to me.你看不起我You're judging me.你就有比较高尚吗Like you're so much better.如果付你够多钱你是否连我也杀Would you kill me if someone offered you enough money? 此话何意What do you want'?没什么Nothing.人们选择自己的生活方式时就决定如何死去People choose their death when they choose how they live. 这道理有让你比较好睡吗Does that let you sleep at night?我睡得很好I sleep fine.我是人体凶器I'm a weapon.要杀谁不由我决定I don't choose where I'm pointed.是啊你都是听人摆布Of course. You just follow orders.我这工作和医生或侍者没有两样I'm not different than a doctor or a waiter.都是为特定职责而生I serve a function.懂了I get it.我也是服务业I'm in the service industry too.你说我是妓男You calling me a whore?服务供应商A service provider.我跟你其实不一样Actually I'm nothing like you.我没得挑没人可以靠又一无所有I don't have a choice. I have nothing and no one.你有钱有力量You have money, power.想何时脱离这种生活可以由你选择You can get out of the life anytime you want.只是你不想而已You choose not to.我出去了I'm going out.喂你害我生意受损Hey. You cost me business.她跟你玩完了She's done with you.跟我敌对你不会好过的You don't want me as an enemy.这种话只能拿来吓小女孩I bet that scares the girls.他是谁Who is he?在附近打探你消息的人Some guy we found snooping around, asking about you. 应该不是警♥察♥I don't think he's a cop.你什么来头Who are you?圣诞老公公Santa Claus.很好Oh, good.搞笑咖A comedian.再问你一遍Once more.你什么来头Who are you?你聋子啊我是圣诞老公公Are you deaf? I'm Santa Claus.说我是聋子Deaf.怎么回事What's going on?有个新工作We have a new offer.照平常收费加倍给你但工作量比平常少很多The client will double your usual fee for a fraction of the work. 只要把新朋友带来What you need to do is bring your new friend...在特定时间带到特定地点to a specific place at a specific time.行不通的It will never work.-他会发现是陷阱 -保罗会在那里这够吸引他了-He will smell the trap. -Polo would be there as an incentive. 你只要带他进去让他松懈You will lead him in. Put him at ease.你只要做到这里接下来的事都和你无关That's all you have to do. Once it starts, you're out.知交虽难逢It's good to have friends.但麻烦人物就不适合当知交了But this is a dangerous friend to have.他搞不好会伤到你因为这事是私人恩怨He's a loose cannon. For him, it's personal.佛林特当年是给保罗的组织带来很大的伤害Flint did a lot of damage to Polo's organization.但他犯的最大错误在于打蛇没有打在七寸But his mistake was leaving the snake's head for last.后来给保罗逮到佛林特的要害Polo got Flint where it hurt most.他的家人保罗要给敌人最严正的警告Family. Wanted to send a strong message to his enemies.所以他当着佛林特的面So he made Flint watch...和手下一起轮♥暴♥他太太while he and his men gang-raped his wife...还把她打成植物人and beat her into a coma.算他命大当地宪警有派盯梢跟踪保罗Lucky for your new friend, the local gendarmes had a tail on Polo...适时插手才救了佛林特一命and intervened before Flint was killed.之后佛林特就人间蒸发Then Flint vanished.还干走国际刑♥警♥组织一大笔黑钱Along with a sizable chunk of lnterpol's dirty money.所以这桩暗♥杀♥保罗的生意只是烟雾弹So this whole job on Polo is a smoke screen.是那群坏警♥察♥利用保罗当诱饵目的是要抓佛林特对吧It's dirty cops using Polo as bait to get Mr. Flint, right?付你的酬劳是真的The money is real.先付三分之一其余等事成再给A third now. The rest on completion.很好Good.我担心佛林特复仇的心态感染到你I was worried Mr. Flint's personal vendetta was infectious.-要我带他到哪里 -市政厅-Where do I take him? -City hall.明早九点Tomorrow, 9:00.明早九点市政厅City hall tomorrow at 9:00.线索说保罗要去见一名拿他钱的议员My source says Polo's meeting a councilman he's got on his payroll.来源可靠吗Trust your source?你可靠他就可靠As much as I trust you.-我担心你 -什么事。
他们Oh, they, uh,他们几年前在一次破门而入案后they put that system in a few years ago 就安装了这个系统after a break-in.别担心Oh, don't worry.附近现在安全多了Neighborhood's a lot safer now.很高兴认识你Enchantée!很高兴认识你Enchantée.你还好吗Are you okay?噢Oh.你还好吗斯坦霍普女士Are you all right, Miss Stanhope?谢谢你我很好Thank you, I'm fine, I'm fine.我只是只是有点重心不稳I just... just a little wobbly.谢谢你亲爱的Thank you, my dear.你太好了Too kind.不用客气Of course.我们不是先到先得的We're not first-come, first-serve.看一眼也无妨Doesn't hurt to take a look.我叫杰瑞是这里的经理I'm Jerry. I'm the manager.你有问题叫我就行Just give a shout if you have a question. 大楼里有很多狗吗Are there a lot of dogs in the building? 我们这里是禁养宠物以及禁烟场所Yeah, it's a pet-free, smoke-free complex.好的All righty.有当地联♥系♥人吗Local contact?我刚搬到这里谁也不认识Yeah, I just moved here. I don't really know anyone. 好的这不是问题Okay, that's no problem.为什么到洛杉矶来What brought you to LA?大概是因为想开始一段新生活I guess I'm trying to start a new life.这听起来很可笑我也不知道是什么原因That sounds ridiculous. I don't know.没有不会No, not at all.这座城市是一个好选择It's a good city for that.你漏填了一项在这里Oh, you, uh, missed one here.有宠物吗Any pets?没有No.好的Okay.贾尔斯你真是帮了大忙Very helpful, Giles.去吧Okay.嗨Hi你接电♥话♥了There you are.你没看到我的电♥话♥吗Haven't you been getting my calls?我很忙I've been busy.你什么时候回家When are you coming home?我决定留下来I'm staying.我找到了一份工作I got a job.做服装吗Making costumes?你准备好了Already?不是的爸爸我No, Dad, I'm...我在做临时工I'm working as a temp.暂时在一家律师事务所工作At a law firm. It's just for now.下个季度我会开始上拓展课I'm gonna start taking extension classes next quarter.我不知道你是不是想惩罚我You know, I don't know if you're trying to punish me或者是想惩罚黛安or punish Diane.-但你的妈妈一定不希望你 -别说了- But your mother certainly would not have wanted you... - Don't. 爸爸请不要再说了Dad, please don't.宝贝我只是很担心你I just worry about you, sweetie.你真的觉得你可以一个人能做到吗Do you really think you can do this all by yourself?我不知道或许我可以找到办法吧I don't know. I guess I'll find out.该死我Well, dammit, I'm...得了你知道我不是这个意思Come on, you know I didn't mean that...爸爸我得挂电♥话♥了Dad, I have to go.我以后再打给你好吗再见I'll talk to you later, okay? Bye.莉莎Lisa.莉莎我让你给每个部分的脚注Lisa, I asked you to renumber the footnotes 重新编号♥for each section.没有你没说过No, you didn't.你意思是说我在撒谎Are you calling me a liar?你要我重新给它们编号♥You want me to renumber them?直接说就好Just ask.你不必假装是我搞砸了You don't have to pretend I fucked up.给我半个钟头Give me half an hour.还有我三点就要走了Oh, and I'm leaving at three.我打算去看一场情景喜剧I'm up for a sitcom.好戏看的如何Enjoy the Show?抱歉Sorry.甜心我只是在和你开玩笑Sweetie, I'm just fucking with you.我叫莉莎I'm Lisa.你是新来的临时工吗You the new temp?-我叫萨拉 -很高兴遇见你- Sarah. - Good to meet you.我稍后带你认识周围的人I'll introduce you around later.每个人我都认识I know everyone.谢谢Thanks.你好Hello?是的我是Yes, this is she.真的Really?闭上嘴好吗Shut up, okay?我们就要到了We're almost there.嘿Hey!你住进来了我们现在是邻居了You got it! We're neighbors.我我是布莱恩Oh, I'm... I'm Brian.我是萨拉I'm Sarah. Um...我们来用肘部打个招呼Let's do an elbow bump.-很高兴认识你 -我也是- Good to meet you. - Good to meet you. 我们马上要进行一场烧烤Um, hey listen, we're having a barbecue. 你应该一起来参加You should come.好的我会尽量过来的Yeah, I'll try.我有一大堆东西要搬进来Um, I got a bunch of stuff to bring in.等一下Hang on.嘿各位Hey, guys,-你们想要搭把手吗 -当然可以- you wanna give us a hand? - Yeah, sure! 好吧我这就动起来我马上Um, yeah, let me just run... I'll...等我一下好吗Give me a second, okay?好吧Okay.太棒了我们的烧烤晚会How lovely our barbecue变成了你的欢迎派对has turned out to be a welcome party for you.很高兴认识你Enchantée.在这儿我们的模范夫妻Here they are. Our power couple.奥利弗是个一流的律师Oliver is a big-time attorney,埃丝特则是一位更有名的医生and Esther is an even bigger-time doctor.这是杰西卡This is Jessica.她刚搬进第二层楼She just moved in on the second floor.我叫萨拉Sarah.哦Oh.对不起萨拉我只是I'm sorry, Sarah. I just...没关系我记名字也很糟糕No, I'm terrible with names, too.很高兴认识你们二位It's nice to meet you both.欢迎入住Welcome.我们很高兴你能住进来We're so glad to have you in the building.都安顿下来了吗Gettin' settled in okay?-确定你不需要任何帮忙吗 -别烦她- Sure you don't need anything? - Leave her alone. 她不需要我们一直烦着她She doesn't need us pestering her.抱歉Sorry.我们不会打扰你的We'll stay out of your hair.没有你很亲切Oh, no, it's okay.这里的每个人都很亲切Everyone's been really nice.太棒了Good. Good.我们想使这个地方感觉像是真正的社区We like to make this place feel like a real neighborhood. 太棒了Mm. It's great.如今在大多数地方Yeah, it seems like most places these days,人们都懒得知道邻居的名字people don't even bother to learn each other's names. 说到这个我们的女儿娜塔莉Oh, speaking of which, our daughter Natalie...娜塔莉Natalie!我看见了I saw that.我们第一条规则是什么What's the first rule?对不起Sorry.孩子Kids.三分熟Medium rare?你应该读一下这个You should read this.我为什么I.. What?这个改变了我的生活It changed my life.不用了Oh, um. That's okay.谢谢Thanks.嘿Hey.今晚开心吗Did you have a good time?是的Yeah.不敢相信我居然住进来了I still can't believe I got it.从这些人中选中了我Out of all those people.怎么了What?可能是因为我和杰瑞说了句好话I might have, uh, put in a good word with Jerry.我只是告诉他你是如何对待斯坦霍普女士All I did is tell him what you did for Miss Stanhope. 她有家人吗Does she have family?只有我们Just us.我们在这里都是互相照顾的We all kind of take care of each other here.我很喜欢这样I love that.生活在洛杉矶是很LA can be so...孤单的Lonely.我得走了拆行李去了I should go. Unpacking.是的Of course.晚安我的邻居Well, um, good night, neighbor.晚安邻居Good night, neighbor.斯坦霍普女士Miss Stanhope?我可以送你回家吗Can I walk you home?可以除非你叫我伊迪Well, only if you'll call me Edie.我们是朋友不是吗We're friends, aren't we?这是你吗This is you?主演伊迪斯·斯坦霍普·史蒂夫你好美You're beautiful.你看过Di... did you see it?这是一张糟糕的照片It was a terrible picture.我曾经是一位糟糕的演员I was an awful actress.我现在比以前快乐多了I'm so much happier now.我拥有这么多好邻居I have such wonderful neighbors.我也这么觉得You and me both.左洛复Zoloft.主要用于治疗抑郁和相关症状的处方药50毫克Fifty milligrams.那我什么时候能拿到Well, when can I get a refill?好吧多谢Okay, thanks.我来我来帮你Hey, I got it, I got it, I got it.不用你不必帮我Oh, no, you don't... you don't have to... 搬家会让人精疲力竭Moving is exhausting.是的我昨晚睡得不好Yeah, I didn't sleep well.是吗Oh, yeah?水管每晚都这么响吗Does the plumbing do that every night? 什么响Do what?你要开个门吗Do you wanna open the door?不用这里我来就好Oh, no. No. I.. I got from here.-谢谢 -你确定可以- Thanks. - You... you sure?好吧Um, uh, okay.我就在楼下Um, I'm just down the hall.贾尔斯你可真是扰乱了我的爱情Giles, you are really messing with my love life.蠢猫Stupid cat.贾尔斯Giles?贾尔斯来吧伙计我需要拥抱Giles, come on, buddy. I need cuddles.贾尔斯Giles?伊迪Edie!伊迪Edie?伊迪你在干什么Edie, what are you doing?我没事I.. I'm okay.谢谢你Thank you.我每周都会帮你装满I'll refill this every week所以你不用为此担心so you don't have to worry about it.你确定不介意Are you sure you don't mind?我可是这方面的专家I'm an expert.我过去常为我的妈妈做这些I used to do this for my mom.我把这些放在哪里好让你记得拿Where can I put these so you'll remember to take them? 把它们放在柜台上就好Oh, just put 'em up on the counter.是那个男人给你的这本书吗Did that guy give you this?《社区的力量》嗯Hmm?什么男人What guy?那个带着眼镜的怪人That creepy guy with the weird glasses.那天的聚会上他想要给我这本书You know, he tried to give me this at the party.你是说莱斯特Oh, you mean Lester.他并不吓人他只是有些低沉Oh, he's not creepy, he's just a little bit sad.他妻子前不久因为癌症过世了He recently lost his wife to cancer.是个非常可爱的女士Just lovely, lovely lady.我很抱歉我不知道这件事儿I'm sorry. I didn't know.我不是故意的I didn't mean to...我只是累了而已I'm just tired is all.你晚上有没有听到管道发出的噪音Do you hear that noise that the pipes make at night? 亲爱的我现在听力不如以前了Oh, honey, I don't hear anything very well anymore. 你♥他♥妈♥一定在逗我吧Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me.萨拉是爸爸Sarah, it's Dad.收到语♥音♥留言后给我回话Give me a call back when you get this.听着我很高兴你找到了住处Listen, I'm glad you found a place.我只是担心关于这些拓展课程I'm concerned, you don't seem to have much of a plan 你看起来没有什么计划beyond these extension classes.我会找个时间All right, listen, I'm gonna find time,飞过去I'll fly out...住所内禁止养宠物有人可讨厌死你这个自私的婊♥子♥了你好Hey.嘿Hey!嘿Hey!很高兴我抓到你了I'm, uh, glad I caught you.你还好吗You okay?只是有点儿累有事吗Just tired. Uh, what's up?今晚7点左右有一个晚宴Um, I'm having a dinner party later tonight around seven. 你想参加吗Uh, you wanna join us?我不确定I.. I don't know.哦好的不要有压力Oh. Um, o-o-okay. Uh, no pressure.就是告诉你一声I... it was, uh, short notice.不是那个晚宴听起来很棒No, it sounds... it sounds really great.-我会去的 -真的吗- I'll be there. - Yeah?那太好了Well, all right.那今晚晚宴见邻居Then I'll see you tonight then, neighbor.萨拉看看你的邮箱Sarah. Check your e-mail.会计又给我发了两份报表I got two more reports from accounting.我可以明天一早做吗Uh, could I do them first thing in the morning?-我今天 -不行就今晚- I just... - No, today.但是先打卡下班But, clock out first.我们不能为这个付加班费We can't pay overtime on this.没问题吧Mm-kay?没有Sure.嘿Hey.还好吗Hey.别理这个尖酸刻薄的婊♥子♥ Fuck that hatchet-faced bitch.我不知道我为什么不能I don't know why I can't just...天啊我太累了God, I'm so tired.你确实看起来像狗屎一样丧You do look like dog shit.我谢谢你Thanks.都怪我那个公♥寓♥It's my fucking apartment.我以为你喜欢那个地方I thought you loved that place.性感邻居Hot neighbor guy?你喜欢泰式料理吗You like Thai food?是的我Yeah, I..哦糟糕Oh, shit.我本身该参加这个晚宴的I was supposed to go to this.没关系没事的Doesn't matter. It's fine.你回来了There you are.嘿Hey.我很抱歉I'm sorry.我忘了我有其他的事情要做I forgot I already had other plans.别担心Uh, don't worry about it.我们一会儿要上甜点Uh, we're gonna be having dessert a little later如果你想过来看看的话if you wanna stop by.好的那一会儿Yeah. Maybe.好Okay.这就是那个性感邻居吗Is that the guy?他很可爱He's cute.GilesOh, Giles.太恶心了That's disgusting.-你觉得我疯了 -没有- You think I'm crazy. - No.我不知道I don't know.也许Maybe?这里看起来很棒It looks kinda great.我知道No, I know.-就是这里的管道常常 -这是你做的吗- It's just normally the pipes would be... - Did you do these? 你做的真好They're really good.糟糕Oh, shit.怎么了What?我应该要I was supposed to...天啊我完全忘了God, I completely forgot.我忘了拓展项目的到期日了I.. I missed the deadline for the extension program. 我他妈的太累了最近I'm so fucking tired all the time,我还拿不到我的处方and I can't get my prescription,我一直头疼and I keep getting these headaches, and...我邻居还要举报我养的猫and my neighbor is gonna report my cat,这样的话我就找不到人可以说话了so then I'll have no one left to talk to.别担心没事的Hey, it's okay.你也可以摸我的头啊You can always pet my head.也许我那个混♥蛋♥老爸说得对Maybe fucking asshole Dad is right,我应该回家and I should just go home.不是的No.真是胡扯That's some horseshit.我不知道I don't know.我过去就是一个乖乖女I was always such a daddy's girl.你一定会讨厌那时的我You would've hated me.可能吧Probably.他给你买♥♥了一辆雷克萨斯He bought you a Lexus.对但我为那个付了代价Yeah, well, I paid for it.他让我忍♥受的那些屁事儿The shit he put me through.背叛了你妈妈Cheatin' on your mom?不止如此There was more to it than that.你知道吗You know what?不重要去你♥爸♥的Doesn't matter. Fuck your dad.他没法告诉你你能做什么He doesn't get to tell you what you're capable of.你要鼓起勇气You just gotta sack up做任何你想做的事然后努力实现它and do whatever it takes to make it."鼓起勇气"吗小心性别歧视哦Sack up? Hashtag sexist.sack也有麻质女士睡裙的意思我还鼓起卵巢呢怕啥呢Ovary up, whatever.鼓起输卵管Fallopian up.鼓起阴♥道♥Vag up.你♥他♥妈♥的该振作起来了好吗You gotta fucking vag up, okay?你不喜欢这个地方吗You don't like this place?那就别管他妈的合约Break the fucking lease.靠你和我应该合租Shit, you and I should get a place together.总是有无数个爸爸和无数个克里斯蒂娜There's always gonna be dads and Cristinas说"你不能做这个""你得做这个"who say "You can't do this" and "You gotta do that."你不能让他们You just can't let them get...如果你是那个克里斯蒂娜你会怎么做Hey, how do you do that with Cristina?勇敢的面对她Stand up to her?我只是我会非常的害怕I would just... I would be so afraid.非常简单It's pretty simple.我会提醒自己这是我他妈的生活I just remind myself that it's my fucking life. 我的操蛋的人生My fucking life.对就是这样朋友Yeah, it is, girlfriend.住所内禁止养宠物救命救命Help! Help!求求你停下来Please stop!不要不要No, no, no, no!莱斯特Lester?求求你Please.莱斯特拜托你不要这样做Lester, please don't do this.等等你要干什么Wait, what are you doing?救命救命Help! Help!救救我Help!救命Help! Help!真♥他♥妈♥的麻烦God damn it.去他妈的宜家Fucking Ikea.救命Help!我需要帮助I need help!-萨拉 -埃丝特求求你- Sarah? - Esther, please!你需要跑You have to... run.快跑Run!-布莱恩到底怎么回事 -没什么- Brian, what the hell is going on? - Nothing!一切都很好Everything's fine.不要让他接近我们Oh, no don't let him get close to you.一切都在掌握之中她哪里都去不了It's all under control. She's not going anywhere. 救救我求你们Help me! Please!有人可以帮帮我吗Somebody help me!这就是我们为什要办晚宴This is Why we do the dinner party.这样开始太糟糕了It's such a bad way to start.又不是我的错她说她会来的It's not my fault. She said she would come.-我告诉过你我们赶时间 -必须得这样- I told you we were rushing things. - We had to. -她就要搬出去了 -好了别吵了- She was about to move out. - That's enough. 没受伤No harm done.一切都好回去睡觉Everything's fine. Go back to bed.到底怎么了What's happening?为什么没人帮我Why won't anybody help me?我们在帮你We are helping you.救命救救我Help! Help!有人吗Hello?有人可以帮帮我吗Somebody please help!保护你的嗓子Save your voice.没人可以听见的Nobody can hear you.求求你让我离开吧Please, please just let me go.你不能这样做你不能把我关在这里You can't do this. You can't just keep me here.我们当然可以Of course we can.你昨天辞职了Yesterday, you quit your job.你注销了你的银行卡信♥用♥卡♥ You closed your bank account, your credit cards.你和一些关心你去哪里的人You cut ties with the few people切断了联♥系♥who might care that you're gone.嘿Hey!最近怎么样啊萨拉你知道吗What's goin' on Sarah? You know what?我非常明白你的意思了I got your message loud and clear.恭喜你And congratulations.你对克里斯蒂娜说的话也差点让我被开除Whatever you said to Cristina almost got me fired, too. 你想让我别管你的事You want me out of your business?离我的生活远点儿Stay the fuck out of mine,你这个两面三刀的贱you two-faced, crazy ass bI..萨拉没有人会来找你的Sarah, no one's coming for you.你为什么要这样对我Why are you doing this to me?我们开始吧Let's get on with it.面对墙Face the wall.把你的双手放在墙上Put your hands on the wall.就放在那儿Right there.哦不要求求你们Oh, no. No, no. Please.布莱恩求求你你没必要做这些Brian, please, no. You don't have to do this.求求你Please. Please.等等Wait.我给你看点东西Let me show you something.这个项目非常简单This program's very simple.你顺从你就会得到奖赏You comply, you get rewarded.如果你不顺从If you don't...你就会得到惩罚You get punished.所以一切都取决于你So, it's really up to you how it goes.大多数人马上都可以进入状态Most people take to the conditioning right away. 一部分人例如莱斯特过去很抗拒Lester, on the other hand, was resistant.这是因为袭击我That was for attacking me.这是因为试图逃跑And that was for trying to escape.我想你懂了You get the idea.你准备好了吗You ready to do what you're told?很好Good.面对墙Face the wall.把双手放在墙上Put your hands on the wall.往后退Step back.再退一些Further.再远点Further.看着墙Look at the wall.这是一个让人感到有压力的姿势This is a stress position.它被设计成痛苦的It's designed to be painful.几分钟之内就会产生疼痛In a few minutes it'll start to hurt.一个小时后它会让人难以忍♥受In an hour, it'll seem unbearable.当那些灯光亮起来When those lights are on,你无论如何不要动you do not move, no matter what.当灯光熄灭你就可以休息When they turn off, you can rest.你看到那个了吗在上面You see that? Up there?我们会看着你We'll be watching you.这是对你好This is for your own good.你总有一天会明白的Someday you'll understand.然后你会感谢我And you'll thank me.我一定要摆脱Gonna get out.我这糟糕的人生My fucking life.♪这里有个声音♪♪ There's a certain sound ♪♪总是围绕着我♪♪ Always follows me around ♪♪当你靠近我时你便会听到♪♪ When you're close to me You will hear it ♪♪这是爱人们的声音♪♪ It's the sound that lovers ♪♪你听到的是我快乐的心♪♪ It's my happy heart you hear ♪♪唱得响亮且唱得清晰♪♪ Singing loud and singing clear ♪♪这都是因为你在我身边我的爱人♪♪ And it's all because you're near me, my love ♪♪带走我快乐的心♪♪ Take my happy heart away ♪♪让我日夜爱你♪♪ Let me love you night and day ♪♪在你的臂膀里♪♪ In your arms ♪♪音乐充实了我的灵魂♪♪ Music fills my soul now ♪♪我已经失去控制了♪♪ I've lost all control now ♪你感觉怎么样亲爱的How you holding up, dear?这是什么What is this?杰瑞说你需要一个朋友Jerry said that you needed a friend.他的疗程非常没意思His process isn't a lot of fun.但是如果我坚持下来了任何人都可以But if I got through it, anyone can.你You?是的当然Well, of course.这里的每个人都是从你现在的位置开始的Everyone here started exactly where you are right now.伊迪这太疯狂了Edie, this is crazy.不不是的小姑娘No, it isn't, missy.疯狂是在不顾你的邻居的情况下Crazy is hiding an animal where it doesn't belong 把动物藏在不属于它的地方with no regard for your neighbors.疯狂就是用酒精和药片毒害自己Crazy is poisoning yourself with alcohol and pills 只为忘记你自己的孤独to forget your loneliness.疯狂是抛弃自己唯一的家庭Crazy is throwing away your only family只为了一个自私的幻想for a selfish fantasy.这不是疯狂It's not crazy.这是科学It's science.杰瑞知道该怎么处理不良的条件反射Jerry knows exactly how to fix bad conditioning. ♪你听到的是我快乐的心♪♪ It's my happy heart you hear ♪♪唱得响亮且唱得清晰♪♪ Singing loud and singing clear ♪♪这都是因为你在我身边我的爱人♪♪ And it's all because you're near me, my love ♪你必须停止反抗You've gotta stop fighting.你只是在让情况变得更糟糕You're just making it worse.这是科学It's science.一个自私的幻想自私的幻想A selfish fantasy. Selfish fantasy.杰瑞知道Jerry knows exactly怎么处理不良的条件反射how to fix bad conditioning.可怜的孩子Poor baby.你越早放弃The sooner you give up,你就越早获得自♥由♥ the sooner you'll be free.灯还亮着The light is still on.求求你了不要Oh, please, no.我坚持不下去了I can't do this anymore.求求你了Please.我只想结束这一切I just want it to be over.我们可以现在就结束We can end it right now.不不要求求你了Oh, no. No, ple... please.不要No.我以为你想结束这一切I thought you wanted it to be over.既然你不想自己保持这个姿势Since you won't stay put on your own, 我们来帮助你we're gonna help you.-把你的手放回去 -不要- Put your hand back. - Oh, no.求求你了Please!-放回去 -我保证我会乖乖的- Put it back. - I promise I'll be good. 不要求求你了Oh, no. Please.求求你了我只想回家Please. I just wanna go home.这就是你的家This is your home.这个项目很简单This program's very simple.面对墙一切都由你来决定Face the wall. It's really up to you how it goes.它被设计成痛苦的It's designed to be painful.这就是你的家This is your home.你必须停止反抗这是为了你自己好You've gotta stop fighting. It's for your own good. 感觉怎么样亲爱的你服从How you holding up, dear? You comply...面对墙你会获得奖励Face the wall. get rewarded.如果不这样做你会受到惩罚If you don't, you get punished.他的疗程被设计为痛苦的His process is... ...designed to be painful.萨拉既然你不想自己保持这个姿势Sarah? Since you won't stay put on your own...面对墙停止反抗Face the wall. Stop fighting.这就是你的家它被设计为This is your home. It's designed...我们会帮助你萨拉We're gonna help you. Sarah.萨拉Sarah.爸爸Dad?是你吗Is that... Shh.-你还好吗 -没事不要动- How are you... - It's all right. Don't move.我在这里I'm here.我在管道里I'm using the pipes.我从来不相信他们的谎言I never believed their lies.我会带你回家的宝贝I'm taking you home, honey.好了做好准备All right, get ready.做好准备准备跑Get ready... get ready to run.走Go加油亲爱的你能做到Come on, sweetie, you can do it!对Yes.对就是这样加油亲爱的Yes, that's it. Come on, sweetheart.我相信你I believe in you.你快到家了You're almost home!停下Stop.转身Turn around.做得好萨拉Well done, Sarah.我为你感到骄傲I'm proud of you.你很完美You were perfect.两只手的第三和第四掌骨之间Both hands clean都很干净between the third and fourth metacarpals. 她把手拉出来的时候She did do a little tendon damage确实有点肌腱损伤when she pulled them out.你不会有事的You'll be fine.我们会悉心照顾你亲爱的We'll take such good care of you, my dear. 怎么了Well?来吧Come on.过来Come on in.你的性取向是什么What's your sexual preference?男性Um, men.异性恋Heterosexual.告诉我们你的第一次性经验Tell us about your first sexual experience.萨拉Sarah.开放是我们社区的基础之一Openness is one of the foundations of our community. 我们没有秘密We don't keep secrets.所以告诉我们你的第一次性经验So, tell us about your first sexual experience.集中注意力Pay attention.观察就好Just observe.看看我们是怎么生活的See what we're all about.你得记住外面是什么样子You have to remember what it's like out there.每个人都生活在各自的世界里Everybody in their own separate world,在他们自己的设定里on their little devices.沉迷于自己Obsessed with themselves.我们要做的比现在更好We have to be better than that.我们必须互相支持We have to be there for each other.我们的社区必须足够强壮Our community has to be strong enough,强大到足以治愈那个世界powerful enough to heal that world.没有冒险涉世我们不能改变世界We can't change the world without venturing into it. 一旦我们准备好掌控世界Once we're ready to handle it.你能说出四个基础的名字吗Can you name the four foundations for me?无私开放Selflessness, openness,接纳安全acceptance, security.很好Excellent.非常好萨拉Very good, Sarah.我们来谈谈你父亲吧Let's talk about your father.你们之间发生了什么What happened between you two?你从来没有跟任何人说过或发过邮件You never talked or e-mailed anybody about it.至少我们没有找到Least not that we could find.我发现他背叛了我的母亲I caught him cheating on my mother在她快要去世的时候while she was dying.是的我们推断出了Yes, we inferred that.是与她的护士With her nurse.我说我会揭发他们如果他们不停止I said I'd tell her if they didn't stop.然后呢And did they?他知道我做不到He knew I couldn't do it.她已经很虚弱了如果我再She was already so weak, it would've...她死的时候还以为他是个圣人She died thinking he was a saint.莎拉你想成为社区的一份子吗Sarah, do you want to be a part of this community?想Yes.萨拉Sarah.不No.不对不起杰瑞我想成为其中的一员No, I'm sorry, Jerry. I want to want it.我在努力I.. I'm trying.我保证拜托I promise. Please, pl...没关系你会成功的It's all right. You'll get there.让我们继续Let's move on.是时候开始做出贡献了It's time to start contributing.这边This way.现代社会是病态的Modern society is sick.贪婪嫉妒欺诈淫欲Greed, envy, dishonesty, lust.这些侵蚀社会的罪恶都来自一个地方The vices that corrode society all spring from one source. 自私Selfishness.这不是人类的本能吗Well, isn't that just human nature?当然是的Of course it is.但是我们有改变自己天性的科技But we have the technology to change our nature.我们已经拥有几十年了We... we've had it for decades.桑戴克华生巴甫洛夫斯金纳Thorndike, Watson, Pavlov, Skinner.我们缺少的只是对All we've lacked is an understanding改变的目标的理解of what to change to.直到现在Until now.好了Okay.假设我想成为新的Uh, let's say I wanna become this new,改善了的人类improved human.我需要做什么What do I do?我们依靠四个基础生活You live by four foundations.首先且是最重要的无私First, and most importantly, selflessness.你总是以社区的最大利益为出发点You always act in the best interest of the community. 第二开放Second, openness.秘密滋生冲突Secrets breed discord.第三接纳Third, acceptance.一旦错误被改正Once an error has been corrected...就被原谅了it's already forgiven.最后安全Finally, security.我们是最好的自己We're our best selves当我们知道我们的邻居在看着我们when we know our neighbors are watching.好吧Well, fine,但平凡的乔but how is the ordinary Joe要如何成为完美的公民supposed to become this perfect citizen?跟童年的成长有关It's not unlike childhood.首先我们只能遵守规则At first, we only follow the rules我们才不会挨打so we don't get spanked.但很快But soon enough,生活在这种基础下会成为一个习惯living the foundations becomes a habit.它会成就我们Then it becomes who we are.当这些发生时And when that happens,我们将会让这个世界成为一个独♥立♥ we will make of this world a single,完美的社区perfect community.没有孤独Free of loneliness,没有贫穷free of poverty,没有冲突free of strife.为什么你选择了我Why did you choose me?因为你需要我们Because you needed us.我可以说就在我们相遇的那一刻I could tell the moment we met.我们需要你And, we needed you.每个人在这里都有一个角色要扮演Everybody here has a role to play.我的角色是什么What's my role?那要看我们走了多远Let's see how far we've come.你想成为我们社区的一员吗Do you want to be a part of this community?我I...我不知道。
2007年 11月2日阿曼达·诺克斯2016年华盛顿西雅图诺克斯家庭录像2007年阿曼达和她的妹妹意大利佩鲁贾帕特里克·鲁姆巴别致酒吧老板凶杀案前一周拉法埃莱·索雷契朵2007年 11月2日朱利亚诺·米尼尼首席检察官尼克·比萨每日邮报自♥由♥撰稿人梅雷迪思·克尔彻的家人史蒂芬妮·克尔彻梅雷迪思的妹妹杀手放荡梅雷迪思因拒绝性关系而被杀梅雷迪思因性而死作者尼克·比萨你在佩鲁贾所有的朋友深深地爱你再见梅雷迪思索雷契朵报♥警♥录音案发后的几小时案发后第二天案发后第三天警方监听了阿曼达和拉法埃莱的电♥话♥ 声音来源布雷特童年伙伴佩鲁贾警局电♥话♥小队拉法埃莱索雷契朵帕特里克鲁姆巴拉法埃莱索雷契朵阿曼达诺克斯卡潘内监狱监狱内录音帕特里克·鲁姆巴被逮捕三周后他提出了不在场证明并释放'狐女诺克斯'在手♥机♥中写的日记"狐女诺克斯"的秘密日记性变态很多情人被感染"我不想死. 我想要自己的人生"诺克斯的 DNA克尔彻的 DNA诺克斯的 DNA"狐女诺克斯"的DNA"狐女诺克斯"参与性谋杀朵契雷索的DNA意大利巴里案发后第三周追捕!另一名可能的凶手克尔彻索雷契朵盖德鲁迪·盖德和警方卧底网络电♥话♥鲁迪:有一件事鲁迪:阿曼达和这件事无关鲁迪:她不在场监狱内录音瓦尔特·比斯科蒂鲁迪·盖德的律师鲁迪·盖德因为参与谋杀被判有罪并判三十年有期徒刑上诉后减为十六年有期徒刑案发后一年半死亡女孩害怕成为"狐女诺克斯"的性玩具台♥湾♥新闻动画模拟克尔彻的 DNA诺克斯的 DNA撒旦一样邪恶的恶魔一样的残忍♥的... 满口谎言的巫婆案发两年后裁决日克尔彻家的记者招待会案发三年后阿曼达和索雷契朵的上诉开庭审理意大利罗马斯特凡诺·康迪医生独♥立♥法医卡拉·维奇奥蒂医生独♥立♥法医索雷契朵的DNA未知男性DNA克尔彻的DNA诺克斯的 DNA诺克斯的 DNA匹配克尔彻的 DNA不确定匹配不确定专家称刀上没有诺克斯的DNA 有被害人的DNA瓦尔特·比斯科蒂鲁迪·盖德的律师克尔彻盖德性谋杀梅雷迪思克尔彻被诺克斯歌♥喉案发四年后控方结辩陈词柯特·诺克斯阿曼达的父亲案发六年后意大利法♥院♥否决了阿曼达和索雷契朵的无罪赦免两人再度被判有罪判决依据着重于旁证其中包括诺克斯的行为和情感关系新的判决被上诉至最高法♥院♥案发八年后终审诺克斯家华盛顿西雅图2015年九月意大利最高法♥院♥公布了诺克斯和索雷契朵一案的无罪释放理由法♥院♥指责调查中有"惊人的缺陷"并对有罪一方的当事人作出"疯狂的搜索"从而引导媒体关注法官认为"生物痕迹不足"无法证明诺克斯和索雷契朵有罪法♥院♥称所有证据还是指向鲁迪·盖德阿琳·克尔彻梅雷迪思的母亲梅雷迪思 "邪教仪式的受害人""狐女诺克斯"参与性谋杀死亡女孩害怕成为"狐女诺克斯"的性玩具梅雷迪思:可能有六名凶手"狐女诺克斯"因家务事产生的摩擦被诺克斯引导的人祭大学毕业她现在为被误判者伸张正义拉法埃莱·索雷契朵在意大利巴里经营了自己的电脑公♥司♥ 同时也为一档意大利节目做犯罪专家朱利亚诺·米尼尼晋升为检察长尼克·比萨依然在当记者鲁迪·盖德最近被批准出狱他坚持自己无罪佩鲁贾警♥察♥局Perugia Police Department.地址是凉亭街七号♥The address is 7 Via della Pergola.马尔科听着Marco, listen.你知道这里有个女孩不幸身亡了吗Do you understand there's a dead girl here?报案人是阿曼达The request is from Amanda.阿曼达·诺克斯Amanda Knox.文胸Bra.他们把她盖住了They covered her.见鬼Shit.见鬼Shit.有些人相信我是无辜的There are those who believe in my innocence.而有些人却坚信我是凶手And there are those who believe in my guilt.没有人保持中立There's no in between.如果我确实是凶手And if I'm guilty...那就意味着我就是那种最恐怖的角色it means that I am the ultimate figure to fear.因为我隐藏的那么好Because I'm not the obvious one.但另一方面如果我是无辜的But on the other hand, if I'm innocent,那就意味着所有人都可能是下一个我it means that everyone's vulnerable.而对大家来说那是最可怕的And that's everyone's nightmare.要么我就是披着羊皮的狼Either I'm a psychopath in sheep's clothing,要么我就是你or I am you.你能发现从中完全看不出任何悲伤You can see that this does not look like grief,没有任何悲痛does not read as grief.我认为每个人对恐怖的反应是不一样的I think everyone's reaction to something horrible is different. 你的室友们你的男友Your roommates, your boyfriend,以及警方他们的说法都很类似the cops, they all say the same thing.他们认为你的反应非常诡异They thought you were responding weird.奇怪不寻常有什么原因吗Odd. Strange. What makes you strange?如果你搜索"阿曼达·诺克斯"If you google the name "Amanda Knox,"会得到710万条结果You get 7.1 million hits.你比任何人都清楚You all know better than anybody其中大部分都是恶意评论that hundreds of thousands of those are not kind."天使的面庞蛇蝎的心肠"She-devil with an angel face.冷血且善于摆布他人Heartless manipulator.性♥爱♥技巧高超"Concertante of sex."你曾热衷于非正常的性♥爱♥吗Were you into deviant sex?这是个冒昧的问题但我们总得讨论这个Insensitive question, but, hey, we gotta get to what it is. 这会助长大家的疑惑This fuels the doubt.你是否有过任何经历体验Did you have any type of experimental activities there 让你羞于启齿呢you're embarrassed to talk about?是你杀了梅雷迪思·克尔彻吗Did you kill Meredith Kercher?不是No.- 当晚你在那里吗 - 不在- Were you there that night? - No.你是否对警方有所隐瞒呢Do you know anything you have not told police?- 任何事情 - 没有- Do you know anything? - No.在去意大利之前我的生活非常幸福Before Italy, I had a happy life.好了阿曼达要见到大卫了激动吗All right, Amanda. Are you excited to see David? 大卫哪个大卫David? David?大卫那个雕像David, the statue of David.- 天哪 - 这个笑话不错- God damn. - Good one.我曾为人古怪但我觉得挺好的I was quirky and I was okay with that.也曾滑稽可笑但我也觉得没问题And I was ridiculous and I was okay with that.我曾觉得自己就像是<u>武神公主</u>I thought of myself as, like, a warrior princess.就像茜娜I'm like Xena!这是位传说中的古世纪骁勇善战女英雄我记得自己曾认为 "好吧我与众不同I remember thinking, "Okay, I'm different.我特立独行但还是会找到自己的归属"I'm my own person, but I'm gonna find my place." 我知道我知道Yeah, I know, I know.我知道I know.进入大学之后Going into college,我觉得有点吃力I felt a little behind.只是一杯一杯而已阿曼达One shot. One shot, Amanda.你敢吗Don't you dare.- 那是一杯半好吗 - 那只有一杯- It was one and a half, okay? - It was one shot.一杯半One and a half.我没有过多地依赖自己I didn't depend on myself much.我觉得重要的是And I felt like it was very要从自己的安乐窝中走出来important for me to get out of my comfort zone看是否能让自己成熟起来and see if that made me turn into an adult.意大利历史悠久Italy has so much history.遗迹艺术葡萄酒庄随处可见Ruins, art, vineyards.我当时就想And I thought,"在这个全新的地方我会找回自我""I will find myself in this new place."所以对于能去意大利你非常激动吗So are you excited to go live in Italy?当然了贱♥人♥Fuckin' yeah, bitch.最初的几周我都在探索这所城市Those first weeks, I was discovering what the city was.当时和我同住的是几个意大利女人I was living with these Italian women和一个跟我年纪相仿见多识广的英国女孩and a British girl my age, who was super sophisticated.我们住的房♥子十分漂亮And we had this beautiful可以俯视整个山谷感觉就像house that overlooked this valley, like,我拥有这片土地I was owning it.我曾希望I was expecting that I was自己能加入这个学术交流计划going to be part of this scholarly program.但却无功而返And it was zero work.所以我想 "好吧我也许能找份工作"And so I thought, "Okay, I might as well get a job."帕特里克·鲁姆巴的酒吧当时刚刚开业Patrick Lumumba was trying to get his bar off the ground. 他雇佣了我希望能招揽更多的顾客And he hired me hoping it would bring in customers.我发誓I swear to God,我不知道那些人是怎么想的I don't know what it is about people他们居然认为who think that那些家伙身材不够诱人但...guys are not attractive physically, but...在西雅图我长相只能算可爱In Seattle, I was cute.在意大利我却是艳丽的金发美国妞In Italy, I was the beautiful, blonde American girl.我从没有过这种待遇That, I had never been before.在一场古典音乐会上I went to a classical music concert我发现有个女孩孤身一人and there was this girl alone.她非常非常漂亮She was very, very pretty.当我看着她时她正好也看到了我When I looked at her, she looked at me back.我当时非常害羞即使她看着我I was so shy that even if she looked at me,冲我微笑she smiled at me,我也只是扭头看向身后心想I was turning back and said,"她是在看我身后的人吗""Is she looking at somebody in my back?"不她就是在看着我It was not. It was me.当我意识到后心想 "为什么不去搭讪呢"So after I realized it, I said, "Why not talking?"从我的口音中He immediately recognized from他立刻判断出我是个美国人或者会说英语my accent that I was American or spoke English所以他立即改用英语和我交谈因为他会说and so he started speaking to me in English, because he can. 至少会说一些Um, or at least, kinda.我带她去看了美轮美奂的佩鲁贾全景I showed her a beautiful panorama of Perugia,这对我而言非常的浪漫which, for me, was very romantic, and...我的心跳动的非常快就像I had my heart beating so fast, like...就像 "此刻真是太浪漫了"You know, like, "Oh, there's the romance now."然后我亲了她And... I kissed her.别的那些人Compared to so many other guys他们只会机械地说 "亲爱的"who were just automatically, like, "Hey, baby."而他却非常温柔我完全被他迷住了Like, he was super nice and I was completely charmed. 然后And... yeah.我们回了家Well, we went to home.我开始抽烟I started to smoke,试着找一些共同话题之类的to try to prepare a joint or something like that,但随后我们想到其他特别的事情but then we thought about something different.那个夜晚非常美妙And the night closed with a happy ending.我以前从没谈过恋爱I had never been in love before.从那以后只要我一下课From there on out, like as soon as I got out of class,我们就会一起去散步去吃披萨we were going on walks together, and getting pizza,去露天集贸市场and going to the outdoor market.他想给我买♥♥瓶香水And he wanted to get me a perfume,因为在意大利每位女士都用香水because all Italian ladies have perfumes.虽然只有短短的一周It was just a week,但我们每天都厮混在一起拍照but we spent every single day with each other taking pictures... 抽大♥麻♥smoking pot...还有亲热and making love.各位观众晚上好这是翁布里亚新闻台Good evening from the Umbria TV news,为您播报这则惨案which opens with sad news.梅雷迪思·克尔彻二十二岁的英国公民Meredith Kercher, an English 22-year-old,在其位于凉亭街的住所中不幸身亡was found dead in her house on Via della Pergola.从目前的种种迹象判断她是死于谋杀Everything discovered so far suggests she's been murdered.凶案现场The crime scene.那一幕我将永生难忘It's a memory that will always be with me.血迹随处可见There was blood everywhere.那个女孩赤♥裸♥的尸体已经被盖住了The girl's naked body had been covered.有迹象表明她曾经被人用力按住There were signs that she'd been violently held down.主要是按住了她的胳膊Mostly on her arms.颈部有道非常深的伤口Her throat had an extremely deep wound.其深度让我都很吃惊It struck me because of how deep it was.我问道 "难道是个怪物干的吗"I asked, "Is a monster responsible for this?"在屋外我见到两个年轻人Outside, I saw two young people.他们深情地相互安慰They were comforting each other with an affection显得非常不合时宜inappropriate for the moment.要确保在出来的时候拍到裹尸袋Make sure to shoot the body bag if it comes out.够了请不要拍了Enough, please stop it.请礼貌点不要拍了对死者表示点尊重As a courtesy, please stop! Have some dignity.凶案总是能吸引人们的注意力A murder always gets people going.阴谋神秘Bit of intrigue. Bit of mystery.像侦探小说A whodunit.我们是个位于意大利中部And we have here this beautiful, picturesque hilltop town 风景如画的山巅小镇in the middle of Italy.这简直是骇人听闻的惨案It was a particularly gruesome murder.割喉半裸血流满地Throat slit, semi-naked, blood everywhere.还能有比这更好的故事吗I mean... what more do you want in a story?如果你还缺点什么我不知道I mean, all you're missing is maybe, I don't know,就只能是皇室教皇这类的故事了the Royal Family and the Pope or something like that as well. 这是我第一次在佩鲁贾追踪报道案件This was the first time I'd ever covered a case in Perugia.显然你需要做的第一件事So obviously the first thing就是找到主要当事人you need to do is get to the main players.因为显然要想了解真♥相♥'Cause obviously to get the facts,你就必须要到现场you've gotta be on the scene, really.必须要随叫随到You've gotta be Johnny-on-the-spot.佩鲁贾当局The authorities in Perugia承受了巨大的压力were under an intense amount of pressure.在意大利我们有这种说法As we say in Italy, there's this phrase,"美形主义" 要有美好的形象和印象"Bella figura," A beautiful figure, a beautiful impression. 要保持体面Keeping up appearances.他们发现自己成为了全球媒体的焦点They found themselves on the international media map 他们想要展示and they just wanted to自己有能力处理show that they were capable of dealing with这种... 大案something of this... of this scale.对于周五晚接到的消息Nothing can prepare you for the news我们都没有任何心理准备we received on Friday evening.对于痛失爱女以及姐姐梅雷迪思的我们Words can't even describe how we feel right now除了悲痛欲绝other than utterly devastated没有任何语言能描述我们此刻的感受at the tragic loss of our daughter and sister Meredith. 我们可以毫不夸张地说We feel it's no exaggeration to say梅雷迪思用自己极富感染力积极向上的个性that Meredith touched the lives of everyone she met以及微笑和幽默感with her infectious, upbeat personality,感动了她认识的每个人smile, and sense of humor.无论过去现在我们都挚爱梅雷迪思We loved Meredith then. We love her still.而她也将永远是我们家族中的一员And she's still very much a part of our family forever. 梅雷迪思的母亲来了Meredith's mother came.要求见她女儿And she asked to see her daughter.我记得她沉默不语And I remember she was absorbed in silence.然后她示意And then she made a gesture.能否亲吻她女儿一下She asked if she could give her a kiss.我也有家庭有四个女儿I have a family, I'm the father of four girls.所以我能理解她的悲痛Therefore, I understood her immense pain.我是个天主教♥徒♥I am Catholic.所以我坚信有两件事情是很难调和的So I believe in two things that are hard to reconcile.上帝主宰这个世界That God runs the world.但同时人们却有自♥由♥的意志...But also that man has free will...并且必须为他们的行为负责and must be held responsible for their actions.探员们夜以继日地Investigators are working around the clock调查作案动机to figure out the motive,调查她认识的人可能存在的恋爱关系people she knew, and possible romantic relationships.探员们没有排除任何动机Investigators are not ruling out any motive.他们将在明天进行尸检Tomorrow, they'll do the autopsy.整个地方都布满了记者The whole place was just awash with journalists.任何有价值的情报小消息或是新进展So any nugget, any scrap, anything new,你只想在你的竞争者之前搞到手you were just trying to get it out ahead of your competitor. 我们都等在停尸房♥外面We were all camped outside the等待验尸官出来mortuary waiting for the pathologist to come out.我意大利语说得很好我觉得他们也喜欢这样I spoke good Italian and I think also they liked the fact that,"有一个英国记者正在跟我交谈"Wow, I've got a British journalist talking to me.我现在也是大明星了"I'm now a big star as well."他们允许我来报道该事And I was allowed to come report the facts.验尸结果总结道The post-mortem concluded that there had been梅雷迪思的身体受到了性侵犯some sort of sexual interference with Meredith's body.她体内有男性DNA的痕迹Traces of male DNA in her body.我记得他告诉我And I remember him telling me她下巴处也有小的伤口that there were also little nicks in her chin,就像是有人曾戏弄过她折磨过她as if someone had been taunting her, sort of torturing her. 警♥察♥和检查官就是从那时起That's when the police and the开始认为这是团伙罪案prosecution started saying that it was a group crime.是一场性♥爱♥游戏出了岔子A sex game gone wrong.我们抢在所有人之前And we managed to get it在英国媒体上报道了这件事out to the British press before anyone else.我们抢到了这条独家新闻And that was the scoop that we had,它登上了全世界的头条and it made headlines all over the world.看着你的名字出现在头版To see your name on the front page大家都在新闻下面讨论...with a great story that everyone's talking about...那实在是太爽了it's just a fantastic buzz.不得不承认I mean, I'd like to say那就像在做♥爱♥一样it's like having sex or something like that.你懂吗You know?我和梅雷迪思刚认识几周Meredith was my friend of a few weeks.我们不是最好的朋友We weren't lifetime best friends.但她出的事情我感到非常震惊But I was so shocked by what happened to her.这毫无道理It made no sense.太残忍♥了It was brutal.而且本来我也会遭殃And it could've happened to me.但谋杀发生当晚我在拉法埃莱的公♥寓♥ But I was at Raffaele's apartment the night of the murder. 我们看了<u>《天使爱美丽》</u> 看到中途的时候We watched Amélie, and in the middle of watching Amélie, 2001年法国的一部爱情电影我收到了帕特里克的短♥信♥I got a text message from Patrick说我不用去上班了saying that I didn't have to come into work,我当时觉得 "太好了"and I was like, "Yes!"我们看完了电影做了晚饭We finished watching the movie. We made dinner.然后我给他读了德语版的《哈利·波特》And I read to him from a German Harry Potter book.在那之后我们就在待在他床上聊天And after that we just hung out on his bed and talked互相做鬼脸and made goofy faces at each other.最后就开始接吻And eventually that turned into kissing然后做♥爱♥ 最后就睡过去了which turned into the making love and then passing out. 第二天早晨我醒来后The next morning, I wake up,告诉他我要回我的住处I told him that I was gonna go back to my place.然后我就回去了走回去的So I went there. Um, I just walked down.我第一眼看到的是And the first thing that I我住处的前门是开着的saw was that my front door was already open.公共区域很正常The common area was normal.我的房♥间也很正常和往常一样乱但很正常My room was normal, normal messy, but normal.我脱了衣服走进了卫生间And I got undressed and I walked into the bathroom.我注意到水槽里有几滴血And I noticed that there was some drops of blood in the sink. 但是只是有几滴血而已But... I mean, there were just a few drops of blood.那又怎么样呢Whatever. Um...我刷了牙I brushed my teeth.然后去冲了个澡And then I took a shower.当我冲完澡出来踩在浴室防滑垫上时When I stepped out of the shower onto the bath mat,我才注意到that's when I noticed the防滑垫上有一块更大的血迹larger splotch of blood on the bath mat.但那只是几处血迹而已But there's only some spots of blood and then that,可能是有人划伤了自己之类的so maybe someone cut themselves, something like that.就在我吹干我的头发之后It was right after I was done blow-drying my hair我碰巧看了一眼马桶that I just happened to look over into the toilet看到了里面没被冲走的粪便and saw that feces had been left there.那让我毛骨悚然That gave me the creeps.好像忽然间我有种Like, all of a sudden I got this creepy feeling还有外人在这房♥里的怪异感觉like someone was in the house with me.我当时想 "妈的"And I was just like, "Oh, shit."所以我去拉法埃莱那里告诉了他这事So, I went to Raffaele and I talked to him about it.我回到那地方I went back there.看到了混乱的场景I saw all this mess.这非常的奇怪It was very weird.我有点惊讶And I was a little bit她居然可以毫不焦虑地surprised that she took a shower inside her house在房♥子里冲澡without having the anxiety of it.我们试着开梅雷迪思的房♥门We tried Meredith's room但锁上了这很奇怪and the door was locked, which was very strange.我轻轻地敲门叫着梅雷迪思的名字And so I knocked gently and called for Meredith.然后我敲得重了一些并叫着她的名字And then I knocked louder and I called for Meredith.最后我说And finally I was like,"拉法埃莱能不能麻烦你试着撞开房♥门"Raffaele, can you please, like, try to break open this door? 我不知道梅雷迪思在不在里面"I don't know if Meredith's in there or not."然后他踢了两次门但并没有踢开And he tried kicking it down twice, but it didn't work.你好早上好听着Hello, good morning, listen...有人把房♥子搞得一团糟还有个门被锁上了someone made a mess and there is a door closed.卫生间里还有几处血迹And there are also blood marks in the bathroom.哪个房♥门被锁了Which door is closed?一个室友的房♥门我们不知道她在哪里One of the roommates. We don't know where she is.我会派一辆警车来调查情况I am sending a police car so that we can inspect the situation. 警♥察♥把我们都赶出了房♥子The police, like, kicked us all out of the house.踹开了梅雷迪思的房♥门Kicked down Meredith's door.然后他们说她...And they were saying that her...到处都是血Like, there was blood她的喉咙被割开了everywhere and that her throat had been slit and...然后我被告知梅雷迪思就是那样死的And so that's how I was told that Meredith was dead.我一向对调查案件极有热情I have always had a great passion for investigating.我非常喜欢侦探电影I like detective movies a lot.比如夏洛克·福尔摩斯Sherlock Holmes, for example.他能从看似不重要的事情中得到线索He was able to get clues from seemingly insignificant events. 为什么那个女孩会被毯子盖着Why was the girl covered with the blanket?一个杀了人的女人A woman who has killed会想把女性受害者的尸体盖住tends to cover the body of female victims.而男人绝对不会这么做A man would never think to do this.让我印象最深的一件事就是非法入室The thing that struck me the most was the break-in.什么都没有被偷Nothing had been stolen.没有任何迹象表明有人爬过墙And there was no evidence that someone had climbed the wall.我马上就判定这是一次伪造的非法入室Immediately, I could tell it was a staged break-in.没有比这更好的方法It could have no other function than this,让跟这个房♥子有联♥系♥的人throw off suspicion from someone摆脱嫌疑了who has a connection to the house.第二天他们带我回了我的住处The next day, they brought me back to my place.在公♥寓♥被当作犯罪现场封锁起来后It was the first time I was back in my apartment这是我第一次回到来after it had been closed off as a crime scene.然后他们让我去检查放刀的抽屉And they were having me go through the knife drawer去看看是否有刀具不见了to see if any of the knives were missing.基本上他们就是要我去看So basically they were asking me to see凶器是不是这个抽屉里的if there was the murder weapon missing from this drawer. 突然间所有的事都向我涌来And it just all hit me all at once,我的情绪失控了and I became hysterical.她开始用双手捂住双耳She started hitting the palms of her hands on her ears.就像是回忆起了As if there was the memory喧闹声嘈杂声还有尖叫声of a noise, a sound, a scream.梅雷迪思的尖叫声Meredith's scream.毋庸置疑我开始Undoubtedly, I started怀疑阿曼达了to suspect Amanda.你好Pronto.阿曼达我是布雷特你在做什么Amanda, it's Brett. What are you doing?我正准备从I'm just about to head拉法埃莱一个朋友的住处回家home from one of Raffaele's friend's places.那这个拉法埃莱是你的男朋友吗So, is Raffaele, like, your, like, boyfriend?是的Yeah.他很正吗He's super hot?我给你发张照片I'll send you a picture.快发快发Do it now. Do it now.阿曼达我想死你了Amanda, I miss you so much.是的我知道Yeah, I know...我今天过得非常糟糕妈的I had a really bad day today. Fuck, man.在警♥察♥局的时候我超级紧张Like, being in the police station, I'm incredibly nervous, 我都觉得自己要哭出来了and I always feel like I'm about to burst into crying,因为我就是太难过了但是...'cause I'm just, like, so upset, but, um...现在跟你聊天感觉好多了Like, I feel good now talking to you.亲爱的Oh, honey...别担心Don't worry about it.记住再发生这种情况你就想 "等等Remember, when that happens, go, "Wait.我在意大利我和拉法埃莱在一起I'm in Italy and I'm with Raffaele.我现在二十岁And I'm 20,等以后我回想起这一年会觉得and I'm gonna look back on this year as, like,这是我人生中最棒的一年"the best year of my life."第五天晚上The night of the 5th,我们的调查有了突破we had a breakthrough in the investigation.索雷契朵被召进了警♥察♥局Sollecito is called into the police station.没召阿曼达但她还是跟着来了Amanda was not called in, but she follows him anyway.她在警♥察♥局的走廊里等着She was waiting in the corridor of the police station,他们开始非常粗鲁地对待我and they were starting to be very rude to me问我一些这样的问题and asking me questions about, um..."那天晚上发生了什么""What happened that night?"那天晚上我知道我在自己的公♥寓♥里That night, I know that I was in my apartment.我知道那晚我跟阿曼达在一起I know that I spent the night with Amanda.我知道她跟我睡一起I know she slept with me.但警方并不满意But they were not satisfied.他们开始向我施压态度强硬And they were pushing, and aggressive,他们变得极其可怕and they became the worst of the worst.有个警♥察♥告诉我阿曼达一直都在撒谎This policeman told me that Amanda lied all the time,她是个愚蠢的婊♥子♥ 娼妇她一点都不在乎我she was a stupid slut, a cow, that didn't care about me. "你的处境非常非常得糟糕""Your situation is very, very bad."很长一段时间以后After a long time...围绕着你的真实the reality around you都开始变得扭曲且模糊。
看电影学英语G.I.Joe.The.Rise.Of.Cobra 《特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起》-Man: James McCullen, you Scottish pig,James McCullen你这只苏格兰猪。
You’ve been found guilty of treason for the sale of military arms.guilty: 有罪的treason : 叛国罪sale : 销售military: 军事的arm: 武器你因向我们法兰西国王Louis XIII的敌人。
to the enemies of our Lord, King Louis XIII,……贩卖军火而被裁定为叛国罪。
Even whilst you sold arms to our Lord himself.whilst: 当……时甚至同时你也在向吾王出售军火。
-James: Your king is a vile bag of filth who murders his own allies.vile: 恶劣的filth: 污秽,肮脏murder: 谋杀ally: 盟友你们的国王只是个连盟友都杀害的无耻渣滓。
I should have charged him double.charge: 控告,控诉我应当将他加倍控诉。
-Man: You tried to overthrow the Crown in conspiracy with its enemies.overthrow: 推翻conspiracy: 阴谋你企图和吾王的敌人合谋颠覆他的统治。
-James: Unlike your simpleton king, his enemies know.simpleton: 笨蛋和你们的蠢蛋国王不同,他的敌人们明白。
That it is the true McCullen destiny not simply to supply arms, but to run the wars!destiny: 命运supply: 补给,提供……McCullen的真正使命,并不是简单的兜售军火,而是引发战争!-Man: Do you have anything else to say before the sentence is carried out?sentence: 宣判carry out: 实行你在刑罚执行之前还有别的话说吗?-James: Yes, I do. Clan McCullen is far greater and more powerful than any of you could ever imagine.powerful: 强有力的,强大的imagine: 想象,设想对,我有,Clan McCullen比你们当中任何人想象的都要伟大和强大。
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Trojans 剧本
-Screen 1-
旁白1: A long time ago, there was a story between the Trojans and the Greeks. They fought for the queen of Greek. Many people died, and the blood became river. The country was shrouded in death. And today, we want to let you know the beginning of the big war and the power of love.
旁白2:The two princes came back to the city. Paris walked into the main gates with Helen. When they entered the city, people were cheering happily. They loved this beautiful lady. Soon they went to see the king. (众人一起从后门走进,Hector走在前面,Paris 和Helen站在一起,跟随其后)
King: My dear sons.
King:(看着他的儿子们)I thank the gods for your safe return.
老国王,帕里斯,赫克托耳:For the gods!
Paris: Father, this is--- Helen.
King: Helen?Helen of Sparta?
(Helen & The King 看向Paris)
Paris: Helen of Troy.
(King 拉过Helen的手,仔细地打量她)
King: I’ve heard rumors of your beauty. For once, the gossips were right. Welcome.
Helen: Thank you, good king.
King: Come, you must be tired.
(Paris & Helen离开)
King: Look. He's grown. He is strong. But to my surprised, you let him bring her.
Hector: Or he will fight Menelaus for her. You don’t want to see this. But Menelaus will come soon. How about my people? How to keep the city peaceful?
King: What would you have me do?(站起来)
Hector: Put her on a ship and send her home. Women have always loved Paris, and he has loved them back.
King: But this is different. Something has changed in him. If we send her home to Menelaus, he will follow her.
Hector: This is my country, and these are my countrymen. They mustn’t such fight for a woman!
King: Don’t say any more, my son. Paris is my son, and also the prince of Trojans. We’ll win the war. The god will help us.Apollo watches over us.
旁白3: the king and lots of the ministers were ready for the war. Hector loved his brother and his country. He must fight for him. Fight for the city.
旁白4: At that time, Helen was standing at the window, looking at the sea sadly.
-Screen 2-
旁白5:Paris paces about the room. Helen stands in the archway looking out to the dark sea. The wind blows through her hair.
Helen: They're coming for me. The wind is bringing them closer. Paris: What if we left? Tonight, Right now, what if we went down to the stables, took two horses and left. Ride east, keep riding.
Helen: And go where? –
Paris: Away from here. I could hunt deer, rabbit. I could feed us. Helen: But this is your home.
Paris: You left your home for me.
Helen: Sparta was never my home. My parents sent my there when I was 16 to marry Menelaus. But it was never my home.
Paris: We'll live off the land. No more palaces for us. No more servants.
We don't need any of that.
Helen: And your family?
Paris: We'd be protecting my family. If we're not here, what's the need for war.
Helen: Menelaus won't give up. He'll track us to the end of the world. Paris: He doesn't know these lands. We can lose ourselves in a day. Helen: You don't know Menelaus. You don't know his brother. They'll burn every house in Troy to find us. They'll never believe we've left.
And even if they do, they'll burn it for spite.
Paris: I'll walk right up to him and tell him you're mine.
Helen: You're very young, my love.
Paris: We’re the same age!
Helen: You’re younger than I ever was.
旁白6:The sun rises above Troy and the Trojan countryside.Prepare a series of fortifications at the beach. Men carrying torches ignite giant pumice urns filled with burning pitch. Others hammer long spikes deep into the sand to hinder enemies rushing up from the beach.
旁白7:The war was coming soon.
This story because of love. The war because of love. Helen loved Paris, so her left and stayed with him. Paris loved Helen, He made a big mistake because of her. Hector loved his brother and his people. So he fought for them. Even paid life……
We can see that how great love is.
Our world also full of love. Remember: use your own way to love, and be brave and strong.。