Hourly Analyses of Hydrological and Water Quality Simulations Using the ESWAT Model









小波变换通过将时间系列分解到时间频率域内,从而得出时间系列的显著的波动模式,即周期变化动态,以及周期变化动态的时间格局(Torrence and Compo, 1998)。




小波分析将信号分解成一系列小波函数的叠加,而这些小波函数都是由一个母小波(mother wavelet)函数经过平移与尺度伸缩得来的。


小波分析这种局部分析的特性使其成为对非稳态、不连续时间序列进行量化的一个有效工具(Stoy et al., 2005)。

小波是一个具有零均值且可以在频率域与时间域内进行局部化的数学函数(Grinsted et al., 2004)。

一个小波被称为母小波(mother wavelet),母小波可沿着时间指数经过平移与尺度伸缩得到一系列子小波。



武汉大学学报 (工学版)
劣”的法则 ,将适者生存与自然界基因变异 、繁衍等 相结合 ,从各参数的若干可能取值中 , 逐步求得最 优值[5 ] .
目前在水文模型参数优选中应用最为广泛的 方法是基因法 , 罗森布瑞克法和单纯形法. 三种优 化方法中以罗森布瑞克法的运算速度最快 ,单纯形 法次之 ,基因法略差 ; 参数初值的选定对基因法的 影响较小 ,而对罗森布瑞克法和单纯形法的影响较 大 ;各方法以单纯形法的精度最高 , 罗森布瑞克法 次之 ,基因法略差. 综合上述三种方法的优点 ,建议 以基因法的优选结果作为参数初值 ,然后采用罗森 布瑞克法 ,最后再采用单纯形法进一步优化 , 一般 可得到模型参数的最佳值[2 ,6 ] .
1 概 述
概念性流域水文模型广泛应用于洪水预报和 水资源管理等众多领域 ,它可以帮助我们分析各种 不同的信息 ,解决一些复杂的水资源和水环境问 题. 模型的模拟结果与模型结构以及模型的参数值 密切相关 ,为此我们面临两个问题 : ①如何选取一 个适用于所选流域的水文模型 ; ②如何选择一组模 型参数使得模拟结果与实测资料尽可能接近. 从理 论上讲 ,模型参数可以从流域直接或间接获得 ,但 由于概念性水文模型参数既有其物理意义 ,又有其
Nash 与 Sutcliffe 在 1970 年提出了模型效率
系数 (也称确定性系数) 来评价模型模拟结果的精
度 ,确定性系数是式 (2) 的另一种表现形式 ,它更直
观的体 现 了 实 测 与 模 拟 流 量 过 程 拟 合 程 度 的 好
坏[4 ] ,确定性系数公式如下 :
∑ Qobs , i - Q sim , i 2
在第一层中 , 增大 W U M 、W L M 的值会对 K 产生影响 , 但由于 W U M 、W L M 的值有一定的变 化范围 ,因此这种影响是有限的 , 图 1 绘出了不同 的蒸散发折算系数 K 对与不同的上层土壤蓄水容 量系数 x x = W U M/ W M ,0 < x < 1. 0 条件下 , 模拟结果的水量相对误差 R E , 可以看出 K 对 水量相对误差的影响较大 , 而 W U M 的影响很小 , 同理可证明 W L M , W M 对模拟结果的影响也不 显著. 在第三层中 , 对表层土自由水容量 S M 与表 层土自由水蓄水库对地下水的出流系数 KG 分别 取不同的值作网格交叉计算 , 结果见图 2 , 可以看 出 S M 与 KG 对模型确定性系数 R2 的影响都较 大 ,属于敏感参数. 同理对其他参数进行分析 ,发现 表层土自由水蓄水库对地下水的出流系数 KI 、地 下水库的消退系数 CG 、壤中流的消退系数 CI 对 模拟结果的影响也较大 , 需要仔细优选 ; 其他参数 的影响不显著 , 可根据一般经验确定 , 不必参加仔 细优选[2 ,7 ] .



水文学原理Principle of hydrologyChapter 1 绪论绪论:introduction大气圈(aerosphere)水圈(hydrosphere)岩石圈(lithosphere)生物圈(biosphere)人类圈(anthroposphere)中国四大水问题(four major water issues in China)水多(more):洪水(floods)水少(less):干旱(droughts)水浑(turbid):水土流失(soil and water losses)水脏(dirty):水污染(water pollution)水平/垂直结构(horizontal/vertical structure)河流学(potamology/river hydrology) 湖沼学(limnology/lake hydrology) 水库(reservoir)冰川水文学(glacier hydrology) 地下水水文学(groundwater hydrology)水文气象学(hydrometeorology) 积云(cumulus) 河口水文学(estuary hydrology)流域水文学(basin hydrology) 全球水文学(global hydrology)水文学中的环境同位素(environmental isotopes in hydrology)Chapter 2 水文循环水文循环:hydrological cycle海洋蓄水(water storage in oceans) 蒸发(evaporation)凝结(condensation)大气蓄水(water storage in the atmosphere)冰雪蓄水(water storage in ice and snow)降水(precipitation)散发(transpiration)蒸散发(evapotranspiration)升华(sublimation)凝华(desublimation)地表径流(surface/direct runoff)融雪径流(snow melt runoff to streams)河川径流(streamflow)泉水(spring)淡水储存(freshwater storage)下渗(infiltration)地下水出流(groundwater discharge)地下水储存(groundwater storage)大/中/小尺度(macro-scale/mesoscale/microscale)开放/封闭系统(open/closed system)截留(interception)洼地储蓄(depression storage)地下径流(groundflow)壤中流(interflow)总水量(total water)海洋/大陆(oceans/continent)咸水/淡水(saline/fresh water)沼泽(marish)大气水(atmospheric water)生物水(biological water)土壤水(soil water)Chapter 3 流域与水系流域与水系:Watershed & Drainage NetworksPart 1 基本概念分水线(watershed divide) 闭合流域(closed watershed)非闭合流域(unclosed watershed) 水系(Drainage Networks)羽毛状水系(Elongated shape) 平行状水系(fan shape)混合状水系(mixed shape) 坡地(Slope) 倾斜面(inclined plane)收敛曲面(Convergent Camber) 发散曲面(Divergent Camber流域基本单元(Unit)P art 2 水系的地貌特征河源(headwater) 节点(node) 出口(outlet)外链(External links) 内链(Internal links) 干流(main river)支流(tributary river) Strahler分级法河流长度(stream length)河数定律(the law of stream numbers) 河长定律(the law of stream lengths)链长度(Link Length) 横断面(Cross section) 纵断面(longitudinal section)大断面(flood cross-section) 弯曲率(Sinuosity)河底比降(Slope of stream bed)Part 3 流域的地貌特征流域形状(Shape of watershed)流域坡度(Slope of watershed)流域面积及面积定律(Drainage area and the law of drainage areas)流域长度和宽度(Width and length of watershed)形态因子(Shape factor)圆度(Circularity ratio) 伸长比(Elongation ratio)河网密度和河道维持常数(Drainage density & constant of channel maintenance)河流频度和链频度(Stream frequency & link frequency)面积--河长曲线(Drainage area-stream length curve )高程曲线(Elevation curve)Chapter 4 降水降水(Precipitation)Part 1 降水要素及其时空变化表示方法(Precipitation elements & Temporal and spatial variation)降雨的基本要素(Rainfall Elements)降雨量(深) Rainfall (depth)降雨历时(Rainfall duration) 降雨强度(Rainfall intensity)降雨面积(Rainfall area) 暴雨中心(Storm center)降雨强度与历时曲线(Rainfall intensity-duration curve)降雨深与面积关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area curve)降雨深与面积和历时关系曲线(Rainfall depth-area-duration curve)Part 2 降雨类型及其影响因素(Types of rainfall and Affecting factors)气旋雨(Cyclonic rain) 对流雨(Convectional/Convective rain)台风雨(Typhoons/Hurricanes) 地形雨(Orographic rain)锋面雨(Frontal rain) 非锋面雨(Non-frontal rain)Part 3 区域(流域)平均降雨量计算方法(Calculation method of Average rainfall over an area)算术平均法(Arithmetic mean method) 泰森多边形法(Thiessen polygon method)等雨量线法(Isohyetal method) 距离平方倒数法(Inverse distance-squared method)雷达测雨(Radar measurement of rainfall) 卫星测雨(Satellitic measurement of rainfall) Part4 降雨资料的检验(Test of rainfall data)Chapter 5 土壤水土壤水(Soil Water)水文循环(Hydrologic Cycle)土壤颗粒(soil particles)过滤(leach)蒸发(evaporation)蒸发,散发(transpiration)水分(moisture)Part 1土壤的质地结构及“三相”关系土壤质地(Soil texture) 粘粒(clay)粉粒(silt)砂粒(sand)土壤结构(Soil configuration) 土壤中的“三相”关系(Three phases within a soil)固体(Solids)液体(Liquids)空气(Vapor)固体密度(solid density) 干容重(Dry bulk density) 孔隙度(Porosity)质量含水率(Gravimetric water content) 容积含水率(volumetric water content)饱和度(the degree of saturation) 充气孔隙度(Aeration porosity)孔隙比(Void ratio)Part 2土壤水的存在形态土壤水作用力(Forces governing soil water) 分子力(Molecular force)毛管力(Capillary force) 粘着力(Adhesion)粘结力(Cohesion)重力(Gravitational force) 土壤水类型(Soil water classification)束缚水(bound water)吸湿水(Hygroscopic Water) 膜状水(Film water)毛管上升水(Ascending water in capillary tube) 渗透重力水(percolating water)毛管悬着水(Suspended capillary water) sustained gravitational water(支持重力水) 土壤水分常数(Soil water constants) 田间持水量(field capacity)Saturation(饱和状态)Part 3土壤水的能量状态土水势(Soil water potential) 影响因素(Affect the factors)土壤水分特性曲线(Soil water characteristic curve)Chapter 6 下渗下渗: InfiltrationPart 1 引言(Introduction)土壤水分剖面(soil moisture profile) 下渗(infiltration)下渗率(infiltration intensity) 下渗容量(infiltration capacity)下渗曲线(infiltration capacity curve)累积下渗曲线(accumulative infiltration capacity curve)下渗机理(mechanism of infiltration)Part 2 非饱和下渗理论()下渗方程的导出(deduction of infiltration equation)忽略重力作用的下渗方程的解(solution under gravity neglected)完全下渗方程的解(solution under whole condition)Part 3饱和下渗理论()基本方程的建立establishment of basic equation下渗曲线的导出(deduction of infiltration curve)Chapter 7 蒸发与散发蒸发与散发(Evaporation & Transpiration)Part 1蒸发现象及其控制条件(evaporation and control conditions)基本概念(basic concepts)蒸发潜热(heat of vaporization) 蒸发率(evaporation rate) 凝结潜热(condensation latent) 蒸发能力(evaporation capacity) 蒸发分类classification of evaporation 控制蒸发率的条件controlling conditions for evaporation 动力条件(dynamic) 气象条件meteorological condition 供水条件(water supply) Part 2 水面蒸发(water surface evaporation)太阳辐射(solar radiation) 气压(air pressure) 风速(wind velocity) 温度(temperature) 湿度(humidity) 水面大小(water surface area) 水面形状(shape of water body) 水深(water depth) 水质(water quality) 理论方法(theoretical method)热量平衡法(heat balance method)空气动力学法(aerodynamic method) 混合法(mixed method) 水量平衡法(water balance method) 经验公式(empirical equation)器测法(instrument-measurement method )水面蒸发的时空分布特点temporal spatial distribution characteristicsPart 3 土壤蒸发土壤蒸发过程(soil water evaporation processes)土壤蒸发规律(soil water evaporation rules)Part 4 植物散发散发现象(phenomena of plant transpiration) 植物散发规律(plant transpiration rules)植物散发的确定(determination of transpiration)Part 5 流域蒸散发(watershed evapotranspiration)上层(Upper Layer)下层(Lower Layer)深层(Deep Layer)Chapter 8 产流机制产流机制:mechanism of runoff generation径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 1包气带及其结构(Aeration (vadose) zone and its structure)包气带和饱水带(aeration zone or vadose zone and Saturdayed zone)特殊包气带(Special aeration zone)三相系统(three-phase system(liquid,gaseous,solid))土壤结构(soil structure)包气带结构(The structure of aeration zone)高寒地带的包气带(aeration zone in a high and cold area)Part 2包气带的水分动态及对降雨的再分配作用(Soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone and its roles in partitioning rainfall)A、包气带水分动态(soil moisture dynamics in aeration zone)包气带水分的增长(Soil moisture increase in aeration zone)包气带水分的消退(Recession of soil moisture in aeration zone)B、包气带对降雨的再分配作用(The role of aeration zone in redistributing rainfall)筛子(sieve)门槛(threshold)C、包气带水量平衡方程式(Water balance equation for aeration zone)Part 3 产流的物理条件(Physical conditions for runoff generation)超渗地面径流(Hortonian overland flow)(Rainfall excess)壤中水径流产流(through flow / subsurface flow / interflow)饱和地面径流条件(saturated overland flow)回归流(return flow)Part 4 基本产流模式(Basic modes of runoff generation)Chapter 9 地表水流地表水流:surface flowPart 1 洪水波的形成及传播(Formation and propagation of flood wave)A、洪水波运动(movement wave)a、几何特征(geomtric characteristics)波体(main body of flood wave)波高(wave height)波长(wave length)b、附加比降(additional slope)c、相应流量与相应水位(Corresponding discharge (water levels, stages) )d、波速(wave velocity)e、坦化(attenuation)扭曲(distortion)B、洪水运动的水力学描述(Hydraulic description of flood wave movement)圣维南方程组(Saint-Venant Equations)连续方程(Continuity equation or mass conservation equation)动力方程(Momentum equation)C、洪水波的分类(Classification of flood wave)空间惯性迁移惯性项(convective inertia term)重力(gravity)时间惯性力局地惯性项(local inertia term)压力(pressure )阻力(friction)D、运动波(Kinematic wave)E、扩散波(Diffusion wave)Part 2(Storage theory & storage equation)A、河槽调节作用和河段水量平衡方程(Storage effects of a river channel and water balanceequation for a reach)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、槽蓄方程(Storage equation)C、洪水波运动的水文学方法(Hydrological method of flood wave movementD 、特征河长(Characteristic river length)F、槽蓄曲线的特性(Nature of Storage-discharge curve)Chapter 10 洪水演算洪水演算(Flood Routing)Part 1 引言(Introduction)具有物理基础的洪水演算法(Physically-based flood routing method)质量守恒(mass conservation)动量守恒(momentum conservation)Part 2 线性扩散波演算法(Linear diffusion wave routing method)定解问题的构成(Composition of solution problems) 基本解(Basic solution)出流过程的计算(Derivation of outflow hydrograph) 扩散波(Diffusion wave)入流过程(Processing of inflow hydrograph) 稳定流(Steady flow)参数的确定(Determination of parameters) 卷积公式(Convolution formula)上断面洪水过程(inflow hydrograph at upper section)半无限长,自由下边界(semi—infinite long, free lower boundary)简单入流过程(Simple inflow hydrograph) 单位入流过程(Unit Inflow hydrograph) 单位矩形入流过程(Unit Rectangular Pulse Input)单位瞬时脉冲入流(Unit instantaneous Pulse Input)入流过程离散化(Discretizing inflow hydrograph) 汇流曲线(flow concentration curve) Part 3 线性特征河长演算法(Linear characteristic length routing method)描述洪水波运动的基本微分方程式(Basic differential equations of flood wave movement)汇流曲线的确定(Determination of flow concentration curve)Part 4 线性运动波演算法(Linear kinematic wave routing method)运动波差分方程的建立(Difference equation of kinematic wave)数值扩散的概念(Numerical diffusion) 连续演算问题(successive routing)汇流系数的计算(Calculation of flow concentration coefficient)泰勒公式(Taylor formula) 汇流系数(flow concentration coefficient)Chapter 11 流域产流流域产流:Watershed Runoff Generation/ProductionPart 1 引言(Introduction)径流(Runoff) 径流形成过程(Rainfall-Runoff Process)径流深(Runoff Depth) 径流量的时程分配(Temporal distribution of runoff)Part 2流域产流面积的变化(Variations in runoff producing area)A、现象及原因(Phenomena & Causes)蓄满产流(Runoff generation on repletion of storage)超渗产流(Runoff generation in excess of infiltration)B、蓄满产流条件下总径流的产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)蓄水容量曲线(Watershed Capacity Curve)流域蓄水容量曲线(Watershed water capacity curve)在降雨空间分布均匀的情况下(Spatial distribution of rainfall is even)C、超渗产流地面径流产流面积变化(Variations in the runoff producing area of surface runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Part 3 蓄满产流的流域产流量的计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation on repletion of storage)总径流量的计算(Computation of total runoff)径流成分的划分(Separation of runoff components)降雨空间分布不均匀情况(Spatial distribution of rainfall being uneven)Part 4超渗产流的流域产流量计算(Computation of total runoff under runoff formation in excess of infiltration)Chapter 12 流域汇流流域汇流:Watershed flow concentrationPart 1 基本概念及数学描述Basic Concepts and mathematical descriptionA、流域汇流的路径Watershed flow paths几何路径(Geometric paths) 状态路径(State paths)B、流域汇流时间Watershed flow time of concentration平均流域汇流时间(Average watershed flow time of concentration)最大流域汇流时间(Maximum Watershed flow time of concentration)C、径流成因公式Formula for computing the discharge at the watershed outletD、流域调蓄作用Watershed storage effectsPart 2流域汇流系统分析Analysis of watershed flow concentration system 基于流域调蓄作用的流域汇流系统的数学表达式(Mathematical description of storage-effect-based watershed flow system)流域瞬时单位线(Watershed Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph)卷积公式(Convolution formula)流域单位线的识别(Determination of unit hydrograph)Part 3面积—时间曲线Time-area histogram等流时线和等流时面积(Isochrones and Inter-isochrone areas)等流时线法(Isochrones Method)Part 4概念性流域汇流模型Conceptual watershed flow concentration models 概念性元件(Conceptual components)“渠道”型(Canal type) b. “水库”型(Reservoir type)概念性元件的组合及其瞬时单位线(Combination of conceptual components and the corresponding instantaneous unit hydrograph)。



水文与水资源工程专业英语Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines the principles of engineering, environmental science, and hydrology toaddress the complex issues related to water. This field is critical in managing and conserving water resources, mitigating water-related disasters, and ensuringsustainable water supply for various applications,including agriculture, industry, and domestic use.1. Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.Hydrology, the science of water, deals with the origin, distribution, movement, and quality of water on Earth.Water Resources Engineering, on the other hand, focuses on the planning, design, construction, and management ofwater-related infrastructure to meet the demands of society.Together, these two fields form the backbone of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.2. Importance of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.The importance of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering cannot be overstated. Water is a critical resource that supports all forms of life on Earth. However, with the increasing global population and urbanization, the demand for water is rapidly growing, leading to water scarcity and water crises in many regions.Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering professionals are essential in addressing these challenges. They usetheir knowledge and skills to develop sustainable water management strategies, ensure the efficient use of water resources, and mitigate the impact of water-related disasters such as floods and droughts.3. Key Aspects of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering.3.1 Water Resources Assessment and Management.Water resources assessment involves evaluating the availability, quality, and sustainability of waterresources in a given region. This assessment helps in determining the optimal allocation of water resources to meet the demands of various sectors while considering environmental and social impacts. Water resources management, on the other hand, focuses on the planning and implementation of strategies to conserve, protect, and enhance water resources.3.2 Hydrologic Modeling.Hydrologic modeling is a key aspect of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. It involves the use of mathematical models and computer simulations to predict and understand the behavior of water in the natural environment. These models are used to analyze water flow, water quality, and water availability, among other hydrologic processes.3.3 Water Supply and Sanitation.Water Supply and Sanitation is a crucial aspect of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. It involves the planning, design, and operation of water supply systems to ensure the provision of safe and potable water to communities. Additionally, sanitation engineering focuses on the design and management of wastewater treatment facilities and sewer systems to prevent water pollution and protect public health.3.4 Flood Control and Waterway Management.Flood control and waterway management are essential components of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. These activities involve the design and implementation of flood protection measures, such as dams, levees, and floodwalls, to reduce the impact of floods on communities. Additionally, waterway management involves maintaining the navigability and ecological health of rivers, lakes, and other water bodies.3.5 Environmental Impact Assessment.Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a crucial aspect of Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. It involves evaluating the potential environmental impacts of water-related projects, such as dams, reservoirs, and irrigation systems, on the natural environment and local communities. The objective of EIA is to identify and mitigate any negative impacts and ensure that water-related projects are developed in an environmentally responsible manner.4. Conclusion.In conclusion, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering is a critical field that addresses the complex issues related to water. It combines the principles of engineering, environmental science, and hydrology to manage and conserve water resources, mitigate water-related disasters, and ensure sustainable water supply for various applications. The importance of this field cannot be overstated, as water is a critical resource that supportsall forms of life on Earth. By developing sustainable water management strategies and implementing effective water resource management measures, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering professionals can help mitigate water scarcity and water crises and ensure a sustainable future for all.。



刘容旭,李春雨,王语聪,等. 超高压辅助酶解法改性汉麻分离蛋白及其理化性质的研究[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(19):99−107.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010016LIU Rongxu, LI Chunyu, WANG Yucong, et al. Study on the Modification and Physicochemical Properties of Hemp Protein Isolate by Ultra-High Pressure Assisted Enzymatic Hydrolysis[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(19): 99−107. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023010016· 研究与探讨 ·超高压辅助酶解法改性汉麻分离蛋白及其理化性质的研究刘容旭1,李春雨2,王语聪2,谢智鑫2,谢宜桐2,李双鹏2,刘丹怡1, *,韩建春2,*(1.黑龙江省绿色食品科学研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150028;2.东北农业大学 食品学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030)摘 要:本研究以汉麻分离蛋白(Hemp Protein Isolate ,HPI )为原料,通过超高压辅助酶解反应对HPI 进行改性,以溶解度和水解度为判定指标筛选酶解改性反应最佳条件,并探究超高压辅助酶解反应对酶解产物溶解性、起泡性、乳化性、持水性、持油性的影响。

结果表明,HPI 酶解反应最适条件为:加酶量(复合蛋白酶)5000 U/g 、酶解改性pH8.0、酶解改性温度55 ℃、酶解改性时间50 min 。

以HPI 为对照,当压力为200 MPa 时,酶解产物的溶解度、起泡性、乳化性、持油性最高,压力为100 MPa 时,泡沫稳定性最好,酶解后的乳化稳定性存在不同程度的下降,压力为0.1 MPa 时其持水性达到最大值。



水文学介绍用,英语翻译第一篇:水文学介绍用,英语翻译Hydrology 水文学historyThe first hydraulic project has been lost in the mists of prehistory.Perhaps some prehistoric man found that pile of rocks across a stream would raise the water level sufficiently to overflow the land that was the source of his wild food plants and water them during a drought.Whatever the early history of hydraulics, abundant evidence exists to show that the builders understood little hydrology.Early Greek and Roman writings indicated that these people could accept the oceans as the ultimate source of all water but could not visualize precipitation equaling or exceeding stream-flow.Typical of the ideas of the time was a view that seawater moved underground to the base of the mountains.There a natural still desalted water, and the vapor rose through conduits to the mountain tops, where it condensed and escaped at the source springs of the streams.Marcus Vitruvius Pollio(ca.100 B.C.)seems to have been one of the first to recognize the role of precipitation as we accept it today.最早的水利工程在有史以前就已经销声匿迹了。



第49卷第3期2021年5月河海大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences)Vol.49No.3May 2021DOI :10.3876/j.issn.10001980.2021.03.001 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1508102);国家自然科学基金(41775111,41875131)作者简介:包红军(1980 ),男,正高级工程师,博士,主要从事水文气象预报与气象灾害风险预警研究㊂E⁃mail:baohongjun@通信作者:曹勇,高级工程师㊂E⁃mail:caoyong@引用本文:包红军,曹勇,曹爽,等.基于短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报研究[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(3):197⁃203.BAO Hongjun,CAO Yong,CAO Shuang,et al.Flood forecasting of small and medium⁃sized rivers based on short⁃term nowcasting and ensemble precipitation forecasts [J].Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences),2021,49(3):197⁃203.基于短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报研究包红军1,2,曹 勇1,2,曹 爽1,2,王 蒙1,2(1.国家气象中心,北京 100081;2.中国气象局-河海大学水文气象研究联合实验室,北京 100081)摘要:为了延长中小河流洪水预报预见期,建立了基于短时临近精细化网格降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报模型㊂模型采用百分位映射订正技术,发展数值模式降水预报场与实况场映射关系,结合Bayesian 模型,构建基于GRAPES⁃3KM 模式和Time⁃Lag⁃Ensemble 融合技术的短时临近降水集合预报(最优集成㊁最大(95%分位数)㊁最小(5%分位数))格点场,作为GMKHM (Grid⁃and⁃Mixed⁃runoff⁃generation⁃and⁃Kinematic⁃wave⁃based Hydrological Model )的降水驱动,进行中小河流洪水逐小时实时滚动预报㊂选择新安江屯溪流域作为试验流域,对2020年汛期流域大洪水进行实时预报㊂检验结果表明,基于短时临近最优降水预报的中小河流洪水预报模型提前了7h 预报出屯溪断面洪峰,洪峰误差为5.6%,峰现时差为-1h ,比不考虑预见期降水的中小河流洪水预报提前了4h ;基于短时临近最大㊁最小降水预报的中小河流洪水预报模型提前了13h 预报出洪峰区间,并且自7月7日9时起滚动预报最大与最小预报跨度呈逐渐减少趋势㊂在中小河流洪水预报中引入短时临近集合预报降水,对提升中小河流洪水风险防控能力有重要意义㊂关键词:中小河流洪水预报;短时临近降水预报;GRAPES⁃3KM 模式;Time⁃Lag⁃Ensemble ;分布式水文模型;屯溪流域中图分类号:P338 文献标志码:A 文章编号:10001980(2021)03019707Flood forecasting of small and medium⁃sized rivers based on short⁃termnowcasting and ensemble precipitation forecastsBAO Hongjun 1,2,CAO Yong 1,2,CAO Shuang 1,2,WANG Meng 1,2(1.National Meteorological Center ,Beijing 100081,China ;2.CMA⁃HHU Joint Laboratory for Hydrometeorological Studies ,Beijing 100081,China )Abstract :A flood forecasting model for small and medium⁃sized rivers,based on the short⁃term nowcasting and fine ensemble gridded precipitation forecasts,is established for increasing the flood foresight period.The model adopts the percentile correction method to develop the mapping relationship between the precipitation forecast field of numerical model and the observed field.Based on the GRAPES⁃3KM model and the Time⁃Lag⁃Ensemble fusion technique,a short⁃term ensemble precipitation forecasting that is consist of three members (the optimal,maximum (95%quantile)and minimum (5%quantile))is developed with the Bayesian model.Taking the developed ensemble precipitation forecasts as the driving force of GMKHM,the hourly real⁃time rolling forecasting of flood for small to medium⁃sized basin is performed.The Tunxi Basin of the Xin’anjiang River is selected as the experimental basin to test the real⁃time flood forecasting in 2020flood season.Results show that the developed model performed well,the peak discharge of the Tunxi hydrological station was forecasted with 7hours in advance,the relative error was 5.6%,and the peak time difference was pared with that without considering the precipitation in lead⁃time period,the flood forecast lead⁃time can be increased by 4hours with the optional precipitation forecasts and 13hours with the maximum and minimum precipitation forecasts.The developed model has certain reference significance for the flood forecast of similar basin.The span between maximum and minimum forecasts presented the trend of decreasing gradually since 9:00on July 7th.It is of great significance to improve the flood risk prevention and control ability of small and medium⁃sized rivers with introducing the ensemble nowcasting and short⁃term precipitation forecasts.Key words :flood forecasting of small and medium⁃sized rivers;short⁃term nowcasting precipitation forecasts;GRAPES⁃3KM model;Time⁃Lag⁃Ensemble;distributed hydrological model;Tunxi Basin891河海大学学报(自然科学版)第49卷我国中小河流众多,洪水频发,灾害严重,已经成为当前洪水防控的薄弱环节[1]㊂根据国务院‘全国山洪灾害防治规划“,中小流域面积在200~3000km2之间,流域面积小,灾害突发性强,基础与观测资料不全,坡陡流急㊁汇流快㊁预见期短,预报预警难度大[2]㊂目前,国内外中小河流洪水预报主要有精细化分布式水文模型预报法和致洪临界雨量阈值预警预报法两种[3⁃5]㊂为了获得更长时效的预报预见期,引入预见期内的降水预报是提升中小河流洪水防控与减灾救灾的重要途径之一[6]㊂中小河流汇流一般在12h以内,如何提升面向中小流域0~12h的短时临近降水精准性预报,成为中小河流洪水精细化预报与风险防控研究的重要前沿问题[7⁃8]㊂根据中国气象局2017年‘全国短时临近预报业务规定“,短时临近降水预报分为0~2h临近降水预报和2~12h短时降水预报,不同时效的降水预报技术不尽相同[9]㊂目前,国内外的临近降水预报主要是以观测信息或分析数据进行外推,外推方法以卢卡斯卡纳德(Lucas⁃Kanade)光流法(简称LK光流法)为主,目前在天气业务中应用广泛[10]㊂中小尺度天气系统短时降水预报能力的提升主要依赖于数值天气预报模式,特别是快速滚动更新的高分辨率中尺度模式[11]㊂在国内,中国气象局GPAPES⁃3KM模式[11]㊁华东中尺度模型(SMB⁃WARMS)[12]和北京RMAPS模式[13]是提升短时降水预报能力的主要途径之一㊂但中小尺度天气系统降水局地性㊁突发性强,确定性数值模式难以考虑其不确定性,而传统基于初始场扰动㊁多物理过程等的集合数值预报,耗时费力,时效性难以满足需求[8]㊂本文面向中小流域,构建基于短时临近精细化网格降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报模型㊂模型以中国气象局雷达组网和GRAPES⁃3KM模式为基础,发展基于金字塔架构的LK光流技术和强度守恒约束的Semi⁃Lagrangian平流技术的雷达外推临近降水预报技术,提出基于GRAPES⁃3KM模式和Time⁃Lag融合的短时降水集成预报和集合预报方法,实现0~12h逐小时降水集成与集合预报,驱动GMKHM(Grid⁃and⁃Mixed⁃runoff⁃generation⁃and⁃Kinematic⁃wave⁃based Hydrological Model)[14⁃16],建立中小河流洪水预报模型㊂以皖南山区新安江江屯溪以上流域(简称屯溪流域)为例,将洪水预报模型应用于2020年7月汛期洪水中进行实时预报,以探讨其对中小河流洪水预报精度与预见期延长的效果㊂1 短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报模型建立基于短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报模型包括短时临近降水集合预报和GMKHM两部分㊂基于多雷达组网和GRAPES⁃3KM模式,结合Time⁃Lag⁃Ensemble技术,发展短时临近降水三成员(最优集成㊁最大和最小)集合预报技术,以短时临近集合降水预报作为分布式水文模型的雨量驱动场,实现中小河流洪水预报㊂1.1 短时临近降水集合预报1.1.1 最优集成预报短时临近降水最优集成预报包括改进的雷达LK临近(0~2h)降水预报和基于GRAPES⁃3KM模式的短时(2~12h)降水集成预报两部分㊂1.1.1.1 改进的LK临近降水预报技术目前,国内外主要应用LK光流技术进行雷达外推临近降水预报㊂传统的LK光流法难以解决估计无降水区域的最优风场㊁雨强衰减计算误差以及系统生效问题,这是制约降水临近预报精度提升的重要因素之一㊂本文基于金字塔架构改进传统的LK光流法,利用空间升尺度技术,构建金字塔结构物理量场,生成8种空间尺度的降水预报场,从底层到高层逐渐分辨率降低(自底层起5km×5km至最高层30km×30km),再由上至下逐层利用LK光流技术获取当层的平流背景风场,并作为下一层的平流背景风场的初始场,实现最优估计无降水区域背景平流风场和有降水区域背景平流风场的精细结构㊂用于降水临近外推的Semi⁃Lagrangian技术,往往由于降水的非网格点插值易导致计算的外推降水强度逐渐减弱㊂本文利用插值前后两时刻降水累积百分位匹配技术,保持降水强度守恒,并结合GRAPES⁃3KM 模式环境场预报,建立前两个时次的降水生消变化及热力不稳定环境场定量关系,实时构建降水强度增减幅统计经验关系模型,实现在外推过程中降水强度订正计算㊂结合实时Z鄄R关系动态反演降水技术[10],实现基于改进LK光流法的雷达外推临近降水预报㊂第3期包红军,等 基于短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报研究1.1.1.2 基于GRAPES⁃3KM 模式和Time⁃Lag 融合的短时降水最优集成预报GRAPES⁃3KM 模式是中国气象局国家级区域数值天气预报业务模式,自应用以来,大大提升了中央气象台中小尺度天气预报能力[11]㊂目前,GRAPES⁃3KM 快速更新同化系统实现了逐3h 快速滚动更新预报,并实时同化最新观测资料,在短时降水预报中小尺度系统强降水预报中准确率高㊂将GRAPES⁃3KM 模式预报作为短时定量降水预报的基础场,采用实时频率匹配订正技术,利用待订正量以及观测量样本资料,分别计算待订正量经验累积概率分布函数以及观测量经验累积概率分布函数,并利用两者在经验累积概率分布函数之间的差异,进行待订正量的数值订正,最终使得订正后待订正量的经验累积概率分布函数与观测量经验累积概率分布函数一致,具体计算公式如下:x c =F -1o (F m (x m ))(1)式中:x m 待订正量;F m (x m ) 待订正量的经验累积概率分布函数;F -1o (F m (x m )) 观测量经验累积概率分布函数的逆函数;x c x m 对应的订正值㊂Time⁃Lag 技术是针对某个预报时效㊁不同起报时刻的短时定量降水预报;Bayesian 模型根据前期降水预报与实况对应关系,计算出对应于某个预报时效各个起报时刻的短时定量降水预报融合权重系数,进行集成得到短时降水最优集成预报㊂基于GRAPES⁃3KM 模式的预报实时偏差订正技术流程见图1㊂图1 基于GRAPES⁃3KM 模式的预报实时偏差订正技术流程Fig.1 Flow chart of forecast real⁃time error correction technique based on GRAPES⁃3KM mode1.1.2 最大、最小预报考虑到天气过程固有的混沌效应以及预报技术对初始场的敏感性,相邻时刻起报的临近降水预报往往会有差异,这种差异表现为预报不确定㊂利用该特点,构建基于多起报时刻的时间滞后集合降水预报(Time⁃Lag Ensemble Forecast)㊂时间滞后集合降水预报的核心是基于快速更新同化系统构建集合成员,每一次循环更新将产生高频次的预报场,贡献新的集合成员,这一过程并不占用额外的计算机资源,成为一种经济实用的集合预报方案㊂考虑到不同起报时刻的临近降水预报成员不多,一般使用6个成员㊂由于直接使用概率预报以及求解分位数极值存在跳跃误差,为此采用一致性排序技术以及线性插值技术,拟合集合概率分布曲线,并利用该曲线,构建最小可能降水(5%分位)和最大可能降水(95%分位),与最优集成降水预报,形成3个集合预报成员,提供短时临近降水预报的最优预报和最大㊁最小预报㊂1.2 GMKHM 分布式水文模型Bao 等[14]在新安江水文模型的基础上,结合DEM 和RS 技术,构建基于DEM 网格的分布式混合产流水文模型(GMKHM)㊂模型是将流域内的DEM 网格作为水文响应过程的基本单元,并假设单元网格内地形地貌㊁陆面植被覆盖和土壤组成类型等下垫面条件和降水强迫空间分布一致,GMKHM 中只考虑DEM 网格间水文要素的变异性㊂在网格水文单元中,植被冠层截留和蒸散发计算后得到的净雨量,经过混合产流计算与划分水源,根据河网逐网格汇流演算次序,依次将地表径流㊁壤中流与地下径流演算至流域出口断面,得到其水文过程㊂在单元网格垂直方向上分为4层:植被层㊁上层土壤㊁下层土壤㊁深层土壤㊂在植被层考虑植被截留,对3层土壤层采用新安江水文模型的3层蒸散发模型进行蒸散发计算㊂应用考虑蓄满与超渗两种产流机制的混合产流模型进行网格内产流计算;坡面汇流和河道汇流均采用逐网格的一维运动波水流演算模型㊂在逐网格分布式汇流模型中,将上游网格入流作为当前网格单元产流计算中降水量的一部分处理,当此网格为河道网格,径流量将按比例汇入河道[15]㊂2 模型应用2.1 流域介绍及主要数据选取新安江屯溪流域作为模型应用检验流域㊂屯溪流域位于新安江流域上游皖南山区,属于副热带季991002河海大学学报(自然科学版)第49卷风气候区,多年平均降水量约为1800mm,为典型的湿润中小流域㊂屯溪水文站是新安江干流上游主要控制站,流域面积2693km2,地势西高东低,坡陡流急,最大落差达1018m,极易形成洪水㊂流域内植被良好,主要包括常绿针叶林㊁落叶阔叶林㊁混合林㊁灌木林㊁牧草地与耕地,土壤类型主要为壤土㊁砂质黏壤土㊁砂壤土和壤砂土㊂新安江流域为山区型河流,雨期集中在4 7月,洪水暴涨暴落,洪峰持续时间短,汛期与降水量一致,其降水量占年降水总量的65%㊂屯溪流域面积占整个新安江流域面积的24.4%㊂屯溪水文站实测最大洪峰流量5780m3/s(1969年5月5日)㊂屯溪流域1980 2013年间共34场次洪水,其中2008年的洪水最大,洪峰流量达5250m3/s;用于中小河流实时洪水预报的2020年汛期洪水,洪峰流量为5040m3/s㊂本文使用的气象数据来自中国气象数据网,水文数据摘自‘中华人民共和国水文年鉴“[17],DEM数据来自美国地质调查局(USGS)提供的全球30″×30″分辨率的DEM数据[18]㊂流域下垫面覆盖数据采用美国地质调查局提供的全球30″×30″土地覆盖数据[19]㊂2.2 模型参数空间估计GMKHM参数呈现空间网格上的不均匀分布,如直接应用传统流域出口断面水文过程难以进行模型参数率定㊂GMKHM依据参数的物理意义,建立与流域地貌特征㊁土壤类型以及植被覆盖等之间的定量关系,减少了模型参数对流域出口断面水文资料的依赖,可以获得参数合理的空间分布[19]㊂GMKHM蒸散发参数中叶面指数㊁最大叶面指数㊁作物高度通过每个栅格单元的LADS直接获取[20];深层蒸散发系数与栅格单元的植被覆盖率有关,在植被密集地区可取0.18,因此可假定其与植被覆盖率的比值为0.18[21];蒸散发折算系数主要与测量水面蒸发所用的蒸发器有关,对于国内普遍采用的E⁃601蒸发皿而言,一般取1;地表曼宁糙率系数可由陆面地表覆盖类型得到[22]㊂产流模型(含分水源)参数包括蓄满产流与超渗产流两类参数㊂单元栅格张力水容量㊁自由水蓄水容量根据赵人俊等[23]比较新安江模型与SACRAMENTO模型后得出㊂壤中流的出流系数和地下水的出流系数根据赵人俊等[23]的研究成果,其和表示自由水出流的快慢,与土壤类型有关㊂超渗产流计算中,Green⁃Ampt下渗方法参数的有效水力传导度㊁湿润锋面土壤吸力均根据水文学手册[24]取值,饱和含水率由栅格单元的土壤类型获取[25]㊂由于新安江屯溪流域为典型湿润流域,以蓄满产流为主,模型运行时关闭超渗产流计算模块㊂汇流参数包括河道曼宁糙率系数㊁地表坡度㊁河道坡度㊂河道曼宁糙率系数和河道坡度与上游汇水面积有关,地表坡度㊁河道坡度均可通过DEM数据求得[17]㊂2.3 模型应用与分析2.3.1 对历史典型洪水的验证选取1980 2013年间34场屯溪流域历史典型洪水,时间步长取为1h,用GMKHM对其进行洪水模拟,探求模型的适用性㊂根据DEM与下垫面覆盖数据的分辨率(30″×30″),屯溪流域划分为3605个30″×30″的水文计算单元网格,流域降水资料采用反距离权重法插值到网格计算单元㊂表1为34场洪水模拟结果特征值㊂GMKHM参数直接由空间估计获取,减少了对历史资料的依赖㊂从预报结果可以看出,与新安江模型相比,GMKHM在屯溪流域洪水模拟效果评估中,根据GBT22482 2008‘水文情报预报规范“,均为甲等预报方案,应用效果良好:GMKHM与新安江模型模拟精度相当,径流量相对误差和峰现时差平均值GMKHM稍优,洪峰相对误差平均值相近㊂GMKHM是在新安江模型基础上发展的,应用于屯溪流域时,只保留蓄满产流,从1986⁃06⁃11㊁1989⁃05⁃01㊁1994⁃05⁃01㊁1999⁃05⁃21㊁2008⁃06⁃09㊁2013⁃06⁃27等模拟结果可以看出,模型对流域洪水预报精度良好,也证明了GMKHM应用的合理性和可靠性㊂2.3.2 2020年汛期洪水实时预报2020年6月23日至7月11日,屯溪流域历经13场较强降水过程,流域累计面雨量为710.4mm,持续强降水致使屯溪水文站在7月7日16时流量达5040m3/s,中小河流洪水灾害严重㊂本文以发展的短时临近降水逐小时滚动集合(最优㊁最大㊁最小)预报驱动GMKHM,对本次洪水过程进行逐小时实时滚动预报,探求对中小河流洪水预报预见期的延长效果㊂其中,洪水起报时间从7月7日2时开始,起报时间前使用实况降水,起报时间至峰现时间预见期内使用降水集合预报;以较强降水(5mm/h以上)量级进行检验评估,0~ 2h临近定量降水预报逐小时Threat Scores(TS)评分平均为0.15,高于传统LK光流法的0.07;2~12h短时定量降水预报逐小时TS评分平均为0.12;12h累计定量降水预报TS评分达0.51,高于GRAPES⁃3KM同预第3期包红军,等 基于短时临近降水集合预报的中小河流洪水预报研究表1 屯溪流域洪水模拟特征值对比Table1 Characteristic comparison of flood simulation results in Tunxi Basin序号洪水起始日期累计降水量/mm实测洪峰流量/(m3㊃s-1)径流量相对误差/%洪峰相对误差/%峰现时差/h确定性系数G X G X G X G X11982⁃05⁃01191.324280-1.33 1.99-0.2 2.8100.980.97 21983⁃05⁃1174.151300-7.137.28-10.1 2.50-10.920.96 31983⁃05⁃1474.591510 3.8612.57-15.3-1.70-10.980.95 41983⁃05⁃29125.6124908.7215.4711.118.7-2-30.950.85 51983⁃06⁃0997.352170-3.99 2.94 4.5-6.0-300.90.97 61984⁃05⁃0189.615708.2510.66-26.0-24.9-1-20.860.79 71984⁃08⁃26135.932513-4.48-14.68 1.4-0.7440.970.96 81986⁃06⁃1191.5722600.73-1.27 6.3 5.70-10.940.92 91987⁃06⁃1927.0394519.9329.6916.725.0450.80.78 101988⁃05⁃0777.301390-6.65-5.91-16.1-13.6-1-20.850.81 111988⁃06⁃1140.191000 6.0424.91 1.919.3-1-20.880.83 121989⁃05⁃0178.92174010.207.49 1.8-8.20-30.970.84 131989⁃06⁃12113.472274 1.71 6.59-10.8-0.40-10.970.98 141989⁃06⁃3071.451740 2.3117.36 1.413.50-20.970.93 151989⁃07⁃2289.21470-6.53-29.60 2.20.8-2-40.870.76 161990⁃05⁃0152.671700-9.41 3.3414.815.8-1-20.960.93 171990⁃06⁃11126.942500 5.327.66-12.7-6.8310.940.98 181991⁃05⁃18130.3722208.96 3.96-19.3-14.6-3-40.90.84 191991⁃06⁃3054.552060 2.7910.4622.630.7-1-20.870.84 201992⁃06⁃20114.8531509.10-12.76-2.2-6.4-1-20.960.83 211993⁃05⁃27193.614700 1.5111.49-18.0 4.70-20.950.91 221994⁃05⁃01154.6841607.660.53-0.8-19.4-1-20.970.83 231995⁃05⁃15113.244070 6.62 6.3312.7 3.4-3-20.890.95 241996⁃06⁃01180.696490 3.83-5.2814.3-3.11-30.960.87 251997⁃06⁃06116.272730-6.15-1.830.918.9-3-40.950.84 261998⁃05⁃01132.32427015.69-3.0719.18.7-1-40.930.91 271999⁃05⁃2191.262960-2.5016.26 4.3 3.61-10.980.91 281999⁃06⁃22131.2337809.7625.099.419.80-40.960.82 291999⁃08⁃24118.4128900.2411.28-19.49.0000.960.92 302001⁃05⁃0172.361410-25.7314.41-19.210.80-10.870.88 312001⁃06⁃20134.523640-9.23-15.33-1.50-3-20.890.92 322002⁃05⁃13123.812120-8.319.40-4.3-1.2010.860.94 332008⁃06⁃09154.315250-1.33 1.62-0.20.3110.980.98 342013⁃06⁃27137.213980-7.137.82-10.19.1000.920.93绝对值平均 6.9010.509.89.7 1.2 1.90.920.89 注:G代表GMKHM,X代表新安江水文模型㊂报时效评分;以洪峰误差20%㊁峰现时间误差为1h衡量洪峰预报准确性㊂从表2和图2可以看出,7月7日2 7时起报的降水预报精度相对不高,导致最优预报洪峰效果越来越差,但随着7时之后起报的降水预报精度逐步提升,洪水最优预报精度随着预见期临近越来越高;自9时起报的洪峰误差均在10%,最优预报的峰现时间误差均小于1h,而不考虑预见期降水的中小河流洪水预报直到13时才预报出洪峰,且峰现时间误差为1h,对比预见期提前了4h;且自2时起报的最大预报与最小预报很好地包含了实况流量过程线,之间的跨度(最大与最小预报之差)越来越小,接近于实况过程㊂3 结 语为了延长中小河流洪水预报的预报预见期,发展了短时临近精细化网格降水集合预报(3个成员:最优预报㊁最大预报㊁最小预报)技术,驱动GMKHM,建立基于短时临近集合预报的中小河流洪水预报模型㊂以皖南山区新安江上游屯溪流域为验证流域,对流域2020年汛期大洪水进行实时滚动预报㊂结果表明,基于短时临近最优降水预报的中小河流洪水预报模型提前了7h预报出屯溪洪峰,洪峰误差为5.6%,峰现时差为-1h,比不考虑预见期降水的中小河流洪水预报提前了4h;基于短时临近最大㊁最小降水预报的中小河流102河海大学学报(自然科学版)第49卷表2 屯溪流域2020年实时预报洪水洪峰Table 2 Flood peak of Tunxi Basin by real⁃time forecasting in 2020序号洪水起报时间预报洪峰/(m 3㊃s -1)最优最大最小跨度最优预报峰现时间/h17月7日2时5333.39040.53242.05798.5-427月7日3时5488.96169.32529.23640.1-337月7日4时4537.35893.92663.63230.3-347月7日5时3943.16400.12964.53435.6-257月7日6时3433.75694.12867.92826.2-267月7日7时2967.14721.52134.82586.7-277月7日8时4360.54647.43459.91187.5-287月7日9时4777.95586.74063.31523.4-197月7日10时4887.95281.84089.21192.6-1107月7日11时4910.05588.14414.61173.5-1117月7日12时5085.85187.14456731.10127月7日13时5017.35481.34816.2665.1雨量实况场(6月23日17时至7月7日9时)㊁雨量预报场(7月7日9 16时)图2 2020年屯溪流域基于降水最优预报的洪水预报结果Fig.2 Flood forecasting result based on optimal precipitation forecasts in Tunxi Basin in 2020洪水预报模型提前13h 预报出洪峰区间,并自7月7日9时起,最大与最小预报之间跨度逐渐减少㊂笔者认为,针对面向中小河流洪水预报的流域雨量场构建,仍需要进一步的研究㊂a.流域雨量实况场㊂中小流域水文气象监测不足,呈 东密西疏” 大密小疏”,空间代表性不够,基于天气雷达回波反演特别是在复杂地形地区的降水反演精度不够,难以准确捕捉中小河流致洪强降水的精细化分布㊂随着多源遥感技术的快速发展,基于天基㊁空基㊁地基等多源监测资料,研发复杂地形影响下不同水文气象分区基于大数据识别与融合同化技术的三维降水监测技术,是提升面向中小河流洪水预报的流域雨量场精度的重要手段之一㊂b.流域雨量预报场㊂降水是决定中小河流洪水预报精度和预见期的关键因素,目前,面向中小流域的高分辨率雨量预报场构建技术亟须加强㊂构建不同水文气象分区降水特征条件下多源信息融合的高时空分辨率雨量场,发展基于人工智能与数值模式的雷达智能外推短时临近降水预报技术,构建面向中小流域的无缝隙精细化智能网格降水预报,是中小河流洪水预报下一步要解决的关键技术㊂参考文献:[1]李致家,朱跃龙,刘志雨,等.中小河流洪水防控与应急管理关键技术的思考[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021,49(1):13⁃18.(LI Zhijia,ZHU Yuelong,LIU Zhiyu,et al.Thoughts on key technologies of flood prevention and emergencymanagement in small and medium⁃sized rivers[J].Journal of Hohai University (Natural Sciences),2021,49(1):13⁃18.(in Chinese))[2]WAN Y,KONYHA K.A simple hydrologic model for rapid prediction of runoff from ungauged coastal catchments[J].Journal of Hydrology,2015,528:571⁃583.[3]REED S,SCHAAKE J,ZHANG Z.A distributed hydrologic model and threshold frequency⁃based method for flash 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【Chapter 5】 Runoff and Streamflow

【Chapter 5】 Runoff and Streamflow

CHAPTER5RUNOFF AND STREAMFLOWRivers have served as the lifeline for mankind and continue to do so.Streamflow data are the most important hydrological data for surface water analysis.Streamflow records are primarily continuous records of flow passing through a particular section of the stream.These data are analysed to determine the magnitude and variability of surface waters.They constitute input in planning,design,and operation of surface water projects and are also used in design of bridges and culverts,flood forecasting systems,and flood plain delineation.Before describing the use of streamflow data, it is helpful to know how these are observed.5.1.ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING OF STREAMFLOW DATAA network of stream gauging stations is established to collect data about surface water resources.The location of gauging sites depends on the purpose of data collection.If the site is needed for a specific project,the general location is in the vicinity of the project.However,if the objective is to study the general hydrology of a region,careful planning is required to identify locations so that optimum information is obtained for the resources deployed.The number of gauging sites depends on the cost of installation and operation, the value of the data,watershed size,degree of development,objective of data collection,accuracy,hydrologic characteristics,etc.Some of these factors are inter-related.For example,large watersheds involve costlier projects and more data are needed.River water level(gauge)and discharge are of immense use in water resources management.Gauge or river stage is the water level of a river at a given location and time measured with respect to some datum.A continuous observation of the river water level or stage can be made with comparative ease and economy.Discharge is the volume of flow passing through a section per unit time.Measurement of discharge in a natural channel is comparatively difficult,time consuming,expensive and requires special skills.Therefore,the discharge at a site is measured less ually,the stage is measured at short intervals while discharge is measured once each day.A relation between stage and discharge at a section, termed as rating curve,is used to transform the observed stages into discharges.193194Chapter5 The Bureau of International Standards(BIS)has brought out standards dealing with measurement of flow in rivers.WMO and ISO have also brought out many publications related to streamflow measurement.5.2.STREAM GAUGING NETWORKSEvery major stream should be gauged at or near its mouth and its major tributaries should also be gauged.According to WMO,the first gauging station is selected at the most upstream location where the drainage area is about1,300km2.The second station is located at a point in the downstream direction where the drainage area is approximately doubled.The WMO recommendations for a minimum density of hydrometric stations are given in Table1.Stream gauging stations can be classified in the following categories:Primary stationsPrimary stations or key stations are the stations where measurements are continued for a long time to generate representative flow series of the river system and provide general coverage of a region.Secondary stationsSecondary stations are essentially short duration stations that are set up only for such a length of period,which is sufficient to establish the flow characteristics of the river relative to those of a basin gauged by a primary station.Special purpose stationsSpecial purpose stations are usually set up required for planning and design of projects or special investigations and are discontinued when their purpose is served.5.2.1.Hydrological ObservationsIn India,Central Water Commission(CWC)is the central agency which operates a network of877hydrological observation stations all over the country.These stations are mostly located on major rivers of the country.The data measured at these stations are used for a variety of purposes such as estimation of yield of the river,water allocation,project planning and management,and flood forecasting. The data observed by field units is processed at various levels and then archived.Table1.WMO recommended minimum density ofstreamflow stationsPhysiographic unit Minimum densities per station(area in km2per station)Coastal2 750Mountainous1 000Interior plains1 875Hilly/undulating1 875Small islands300Polar/arid20 000Runoff and Streamflow195 For various national needs,several parameters are being monitored as described in Table2.Regarding the frequency of observations,in larger rivers,hourly observation of stage is usually sufficient.For small upland catchments whose data is needed used for special purposes or research,15or30minute observations may be used to adequately define the hydrograph shape.For the design of minor irrigation schemes and bridge/culvert on small catchments,15minute observations may be necessary. The frequency of observation also depends on the type of equipment–data at shorter time intervals may be obtained with automatic equipment while those at longer intervals are obtained at stations where gauging is manual.5.2.2.Selection of Gauging SitesAfter the general location of a gauging station has been determined,its precise location is selected to get the best conditions for stage and discharge measurement Table2.Basin-wise hydrological and sediment observation sites of CWCStates/Regions Gauge Gaugedischarge(GD)Gaugedischargeand siltGD andwaterqualityGD,silt,andwaterqualityTotalEast-coast rivers ofAndhra Pradesh245902450157 Brahmaputra basin642714012117 East-coast rivers ofTamil Nadu030131430 East-coast-rivers ofOrissa and WestBengal2715012467Ganga basin,Damodar basin andKangsabati9211062989326Indus basin11590025 West-coast rivers ofKerala00031619 Rivers of Meghalaya040004 West-coast rivers ofGujarat1825093284 Rivers of Mizoramand Manipur5510011Barak and other riversof Tripura411110026 West-coast rivers ofMaharashtra,Goa andKarnataka1701211 Total2362814180239877 Source:Central Water Commission.196Chapter5 and to develop a stable discharge rating.The ideal gauge site should satisfy the following criteria:(a)The general course of the stream is straight for about100m upstream anddownstream from the gauge site;(b)The river should not be braided at the gauge site and all the flow must beconfined to single stream at all stages;(c)The stream-bed is not subject to scour and fill and is free of weeds;(d)Banks are permanent,high enough to contain floods;(e)The gauge site is far enough upstream from the confluence or from tidal effectto avoid any variable influence on the stage at the gauge site;(f)A satisfactory reach for measuring discharge at all stages is available withinreasonable proximity of the gauge site;and(g)The site is readily accessible for ease in installation and operation of the gaugingstation.An ideal site is rarely found for a gauging station and judgment has to be exercised in finalizing the site.The detailed guidelines for selection of sites are given in the BIS standard IS:2,752and IS:5,119(Part1).5.2.3.Measurement of StageStages are measured with reference to a recognized datum,such as the mean sea level.The gauge height is usually expressed in thousandths of a meter.The water level is commonly measured using staff gauges;of late,autographic water level (chart)recorders,and digital type water level recorders have been installed at many sites.The non-recording gauges have low initial cost and are easy to install,but these require an observer and are less accurate.Sometimes,an automatic gauge and a non-recording gauge are maintained together.According to the recommendations of Code IS:1,192,depth shall be measured at intervals close enough to define the cross-sectional profile e of15 verticals means risking introducing errors of importance and it would be safe to use 25verticals to observe depth.Velocity observations,particularly with current meter, should be made simultaneously with the depth observations.IS:1,192prescribes the detailed procedure to use current meters,their calibration,measurements in unsteady flow,etc.,specifications and use of floats,computation of discharge,and determining uncertainties.Staff GaugeStaff gauges are either vertical or inclined.Vertical staff gauges are normally porcelain enameled iron sections,graduated every10mm.If river stage varies over a large range,the gauge consists of stepped sections(Figure1)installed at different locations in a line normal to the flow.An inclined staff gauge is usually a graduated surface attached securely to a permanent foundation.The rock outcrops on the river bank also make good base for inclined staff gauge.The gauges should be located as close to the measuring section as possible,without affecting the flow conditions.Runoff and Streamflow197Figure1.Sectional staff gaugeStaff gauges are manually read,generally each day in the morning in lean season and at(multi)hourly intervals during high flows.Water Level RecorderA water level recorder senses and records water level.The recorders can be classified as either analogue type or digital type,depending on the way the data are recorded. The analogue type recorders produce a graphic record of fluctuations of the water level with time.The water level recorders are generally of shaft-angular-input type,and the angular rotation of the shaft is recorded.The depth of water surface is sensed for automatic recording by a float in a stilling well(Figure2)which follows the rise and fall of the water level.A gas-purge system that transmits the pressure head of water in a stream to a manometer is known as a bubble gauge.A water level recorder gives a continuous record of the water level on a chart from which values are manually extracted at desired intervals.The data from a digital water level recorder can either be at equal intervals of time,say at fraction of an hour,or only when there is a change in water level by more than a pre-set amount.The digital recorders store data in an electronic memory unit and these are downloaded to a computer.A large number of gauging stations have been provided with automatic water level recorders in the recent years.5.2.4.Measurement of DischargeDischarge is commonly expressed in cubic metres per second(m3/s or cumec). The discharge at a site is a function of the cross-section area and flow velocity. The cross-section area is a function of the river stage.At most stations, discharge is measured once a day.Discharge measurement techniques can be198Chapter5Figure2.Stilling well for the float-type recorderbroadly classified as:(i)direct determination and(ii)indirect determination. There are many methods under each category.i Direct Determination of DischargeThese are the methods,in which either discharge is directly measured or some variable on which discharge depends is measured.The commonly used methods are: velocity-area methods,dilution techniques,electromagnetic method,and ultrasonic method.The first two are described here.Velocity-Area Methods:These methods involve measuring the flow area and velocity and these are multiplied to get discharge.Depending on the accuracy required,the width of the stream is divided into a number of vertical portions (Figure3).In each of these,the velocity is measured at one or more points along the depth to get a representative velocity in that portion.The area of the individual portion can be easily calculated if the bed profile and stage are known.The velocity may be measured by a float,current meter,or by a moving boat.A float is an article that floats on water,such as a wooden log,a bottle partly filled with water,or branch of a tree.For a float measurement,two cross-sections sufficiently far apart on a straight reach of channel are selected.A number of floatsRunoff and Streamflow199Figure3.Schematic sketch for a velocity-area stationare introduced uniformly across the stream width a short distance before the actual upstream cross-section so that they loose inertia and move with the velocity of water when they reach the upstream cross-section.The position of each float with respect to distance from the bank is noted.A stopwatch is used to measure their travel time between the end cross-sections of the reach.The velocity of the float is equal to the distance between the two cross-sections divided by the time taken by the float to cover this distance.The mean velocity in the vertical is equal to the float velocity multiplied by a coefficient whose value depends on the shape of the vertical-velocity profile of the stream and on the depth of immersion of the float with respect to depth.A coefficient of0.85to0.90is commonly used.The float method is not very reliable and its use is normally restricted when other methods can’t be used.Current meter is the most commonly used instrument to measure the velocity of flowing water.It consists of rotating element(rotor)whose movement is due to the reaction of the stream current.The angular velocity acquired by the rotor is proportional to the velocity of water.By placing a current meter at a point in a stream and counting the number of revolutions of the rotor during a time interval, the velocity of water at that point is determined.Current meters are of two types: those having a propeller rotating around a horizontal axis and those having a series of conical cups mounted around a vertical axis.Both types of current meters are used in India.Horizontal-axis meters consist of a propeller mounted at the end of a horizontal shaft(Figure4).The horizontal axis rotor with valves causes fewer disturbances to flow than vertical axis rotors.Furthermore,due to axial symmetry with the flow direction,the rotor is less likely to be entangled by debris than vertical axis rotors and the bearing friction is less compared to the vertical axis rotors.The vertical axis rotor with cups or valves can operate in lower velocities than the horizontal axis meters.200Chapter5Figure4.Price current meterThe current meter measurements are usually classified in terms of the means used to cross the stream during measurements,such as wading,cableway,bridge, or boat.Wading is possible in small streams of shallow depth only;the current meter is held at the requisite depth below the surface by an observer who stands in the water.In narrow well-defined channels,a cableway is stretched from bank to bank well above the flood level.A carriage moving over the cableway serves as the observation platform.Bridges are advantageous from the viewpoint of accessibility and transportation,although these are not the best locations hydraulically.The velocity measurement is performed on the downstream of the bridge to minimize the instrument damage due to drift and knock against bridge piers.Boats are most satisfactory for measurements in wide rivers.In addition to the main current meter,a miniature(Pygmy)meter is used which is best suited for gauging when flow depth is less than0.5m and velocity is less than about1m/sec.For rivers greater than10m wide,at least20verticals be used for observation such that the discharge in any one segment does not exceed 10%of the total.Four to five verticals are preferred when channel width is about 1.0m.Generally for most Indian conditions,an exposure time of60seconds can be adopted.If the velocities are very low,the exposure time should be increased to100seconds.Alternatively the time it takes to record20revolutions should be measured.Moving Boat Method:In the moving boat technique,data are collected while the observer is aboard a boat traversing the stream along a pre-selected path, generally normal to the direction of flow.During the traverse,an echo sounderRunoff and Streamflow 201records the geometry of the cross-section and a continuously operating current meter senses the combined stream and boat velocities.The angle between the current meter,which aligns itself in a direction parallel to the movement of the water past and the pre-selected path,is also measured.Thevelocity observed at each of the observation points in the cross-section (Figure 5),v v ,is the velocity of water past the current meter resulting from both stream flow and boat movement.It is the vector sum of the velocity of water with respect to the stream bed (v)and the velocity of the boat with respect to the stream bed v b .The velocity of streamflow can be obtained by measuring the angle between the selected path of the boat and a vertical vane which aligns itself in a direction parallel to the movement of the water past it.The flow velocity v,perpendicular to the boat path (true course)at each obser-vation point 1 2 3 ,can be determined from the relationshipv =v v sin (1)Equation (1)yields that component of the stream velocity which is perpen-dicular to the true course even though the direction of flow may not be perpen-dicular.Since the current meter is usually immersed at a depth of 0.5m from the water surface,the velocity v corresponds to the surface velocity and not the average velocity in the vertical.This surface velocity is multiplied by a coeffi-cient ranging from 0.85to 0.95to obtain the average velocity of flow at the section.Computation of Discharge :After the cross-section has been selected,the width of the stream is divided into an adequate number of partial sections so as to have lesser variation between two adjacent verticals.If previous measurements have shown uniformity of cross-sections and the velocity distribution then fewer verticals may be taken.It is better if no partial section carries more than 5to 10percent of the total discharge.Figure 5shows the cross section of a river in which verticals are drawn.Figure 5.Moving boat method of discharge measurement202Chapter5 The velocity averaged over the vertical at each section is known.Considering the total area to be divided into(n–1)segments,the total discharge is calculated by the method of mid-section as:Q=ni=1v i a i (2)where Q is the total discharge,a i is an individual partial cross-section area,and v i is the mean velocity in that area.The area extends laterally from half the distance from the preceding observation vertical to half the distance to the next and vertically from the water surface to the sounded depth.ii.Indirect Determination of DischargeThese methods make use of the relationship between the flow discharge and the depth at specified locations.The field measurement is restricted to the measurements of depths only.Two important indirect methods are flow measuring structures and slope-area method.Flow measuring structures,such as notches,weirs,flumes,and sluice gates,are commonly used in laboratories or in field conditions.A typical setup consists of a reasonably straight approach channel,a downstream channel,and the structure itself.The structure having smooth surfaces should be rigid,water-tight,normal to the flow direction,and capable of withstanding peak flows without any damage to its body.The basic principle behind the flow measuring structures is that these structures produce a unique control section in the flow.At these structures,the discharge Q is a function of the water-surface elevation measured at a nearby upstream location:Q=f H (3) where Q is discharge m3/s ,and H is the head of water(m)at the structure.The equation for weirs,for example,isQ=K H n(4) where K and n are constants.The flows unaffected by the downstream water are known as free flows.The flow that is affected by tail water conditions is known as drowned or submerged flow.Discharge under drowned conditions is obtained by applying a reduction factor to the free flow discharge.For a two-dimensional weir, the discharge is estimated asQ=C d √g b H1 5(5)where C d is the discharge coefficient,g is the acceleration due to gravity,and b is the crest width(m).Runoff and Streamflow203 Slope-Area Method:In the slope-area method,discharge is estimated by observing the water surface slope and cross-section area.It is an indirect method of discharge estimation which is used when measurement by more accurate methods,such as the velocity-area method,is not possible.The accuracy of the slope-area method is less compared to the velocity-area methods.A measurement reach is chosen for which three things are known:(i)The cross-sectional geometry and properties at its ends,(ii)the value of Manning’s n,and (iii)water-surface elevations at the end sections.In the selected reach,a minimum of three cross-sections are generally desirable.As far as possible,the length of the reach should be such that the difference between water levels at the upstream and downstream gauges is not less than ten times the uncertainty in the difference. Slope is computed from the gauge observations at either end of the reach.The mean velocity is established by using known empirical formulae which relate the velocity to the hydraulic mean depth,the surface slope corrected for the kinetic energy of the flowing water and the roughness characteristics.The discharge is computed as the product of the mean velocity and the mean cross-sectional area of the flow.The resistance equation for uniform flow in an open channel,e.g.,Manning’s formula,can be used to relate the depths at either ends of a reach to the discharge. Figure6shows the longitudinal section of a river between two sections,1and2. The head at a section consists of water surface elevation and the velocity head.The head loss is made up of two parts:(i)frictional loss and(ii)energy loss due to expansion or contraction.The friction slope can be written asS f= h1−h2 +V21−V221−kL(6)where L is the reach length,k is the coefficient for energy loss;its value is1for contractions and0.5for expansions.According to Manning’s formula,the mean velocity in reach1–2is calculated asv1−2= 1/n R2/3S1/2(7) where R is the hydraulic mean depth,n is Manning’s roughness coefficient,and S is the friction slope.If A is the cross-section area,then the discharge Q isQ= 1/n AR2/3S1/2=K S1/2(8) The term 1/n AR2/3is known as conveyance(K)of the channel and it depends on channel characteristics.As the flow in the reach may not be truly uniform, the average conveyance of the reach is expressed as the geometric mean of the conveyances of the two end sections K1and K2 :K=K1K2(9)204Chapter 5Figure 6.Channel reach for the slope-area methodThe discharge can be calculated byQ =K √S = K 1K 2S (10)The slope-area method can be used with some degree of accuracy in open channels with stable boundaries,or in channels with relatively coarse bed material.This method may also be used in other cases,such as alluvial channels including channels with over-bank flow or non-uniform channel cross-sections,subject to the accep-tance of large uncertainties involved in the selection of the value of the rugosity coefficient,such as Manning’s roughness coefficient n.The streamflow data are used for a variety of purposes.Some of these are computation of flow duration curves,unit hydrograph analysis,flood or low-flow frequency analysis,computation of the inflow to a reservoir,flow routing,and flood forecasting.5.2.5.Stage-Discharge RelationshipStream flow measurement normally involves:1)obtaining a continuous record of river stage (water level)above a datum,2)establishing the relationship betweenRunoff and Streamflow205 stage and discharge and3)transforming the record of stage into a record of discharge.The measurement of discharge at a gauging station is costly and requires trained manpower,time,and special equipment,and therefore,usually discharge is not measured.The measurement of river stage is much easier and therefore, observations of river stage are commonly taken.Equipment are widely available to automatically measure and store river stage data at pre-determined intervals.The techniques for measurement of stage and discharge are discussed at length in books by Herschey(1978)and Rantz(1982),among others.Most countries including India have developed standards detailing the steps to be followed for such measure-ments.In addition,several international organizations such as ISO,WMO have also prepared standards and guidelines for the same.Fortunately,there exists a relation between river stage and discharge at a cross section and this relation is known as rating curve or stage-discharge relation.A rating curve is developed by using the concurrent data of stage and discharge observed over a period of time.It is important that the data covers the range of stages that are likely to occur at the gauging station.At many stations,discharge is a function of river stage as well as other variables,including water surface slope,rate of change of stage,and bed features.If the stage-discharge relation is presented in tabular form,it is known as rating table.The quality of computed stream flow data is determined by the quality of the stage-discharge relation.Since most hydrologic analyses,such as assessment of water yield and design of projects,are based on discharge data,the rating curve has important bearing on water resources planning and management.Therefore, the establishment of rating curve is important and requires familiarity with basic principles of stream flow hydraulics.A channel whose flow characteristics do not change with time is termed as a stable channel.When these change with time,the channel is termed unstable.The stage-discharge relation changes in unstable channels.Therefore,sites without a stable control should be avoided,as far as possible.At a new site,initially discharge is measured over the expected range of stage to establish a rating ter, discharge is measured at periodic intervals mainly to verify the established rating curve.The factors that influence the rating curve can be broadly classified in two groups: natural and artificial.The natural factors include the geometry of the cross-section, the properties of bed and banks,the alignment of channel upstream of the gauging station,the properties of sediment being transported by the river,etc.The artificial factors include flow regulation structures,such as a weir,channel improvement works,a bridge,river training works,etc.The combination of element(s)that control stage-discharge relation at a station is known as control.There are different types of controls:section and channel controls; natural and artificial controls;and complete,partial,and compound controls.When the geometry of a cross-section downstream of a gage constricts the flow or there is a break in bed slope(e.g.,a fall),a section control is said to be effective.The constriction of flow may be due to a local rise of stream bed,due to a weir or206Chapter 5dam,or due to reduced width (e.g.,a bridge).If the relation is controlled by the geometry and roughness of a reach downstream,a channel control is said to exist.The length of the channel reach is directly proportional to discharge and inversely proportional to slope.A complete control governs the stage-discharge relation over the entire range of stages at the gauging station.This is a rare occurrence.More common is a compound control in which a section control dominates lower discharges and another channel control dominates higher discharges.A weir or dam that does not get submerged at high discharges is a complete control.A partialcontrol acts in concert with another control to influence the stage-discharge relation (Rantz,1982).Artificial controls,as the name suggests,are man-made structures.These are section controls,expensive improvements in a long channel reach just to stabilize the rating curve are not justifiable.The stability of a rating curve depends on the attributes of controls –the relationship is stable if the control is stable.These attributes may change due to change in cross-section (e.g.,erosion or deposition),and growth of vegetation.Most natural channels do not have a unique control for all stages.It is common to find section control for low-stages of flow and channel control for high stages.When the stage is uniquely related to discharge,this is known as simple rating curve.In a compound rating curve,more than one curve is required.To establish a rating curve,the stage and discharge data are plotted on a graph paper,as shown in Figure 7,wherein stage is plotted on the Y-axis and discharge on the X-axis.Ideally,there should be a sufficient number of points,well distributed over the entire stage and discharge range.If the scatter of the plot is small,a smooth curve can be drawn through the points.The scatter in the data can be due to several reasons,including backwater effect,unsteady flow at the gauging site,scour of the bed and banks at the gauging site,or errors in observations.A simple rating curve is commonly represented by a power equation that has the formQ =a H −c b (11)where Q is the discharge m 3/s H is the river stage (m),a and b are constants,and c is the stage (m)at which discharge is nil (known as the datum correction).This290292294296298300Discharge (m 3/s)S t a g e (m )Figure 7.Plot of stage and discharge at a gauging station。



水文与水资源英语English:Hydrology is the science that studies the movement, distribution,and quality of water on Earth. It involves examining the occurrence, circulation, and properties of water in the atmosphere, on the surface, and below the ground. Hydrologists use various techniques such as remote sensing, laboratory analysis, and computer modeling to understand how water behaves in different environments. Understanding the water cycle, the impact of climate change on water resources, and the management of water for agriculture, industry, and urban areas are key aspects of hydrology. It also plays a crucial role in predicting floods, droughts, and water-related disasters, and in developing sustainable water management strategies.中文翻译:水文学是研究地球上水的运动、分布和质量的科学。






Hydrological Cycle and Budget1。

水文循环与预算Hydrology is an earth science。

It encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement, and properties of the waters of the earth and their environmental relations. Closely allied fields include geology, climatology, meteorology and oceanography。




The hydrologic cycle is a continuous process by which water is transported from the oceans to the atmosphere to the land and back to the sea。

Many sub-cycles exist。

The evaporation of inland water and its subsequent precipitation over land before returning to the ocean is one example. The driving force for the global water transport system is provided by the sun,which furnishes the energy required for evaporation。

Note that the water quality also changes during passage through the cycle;for example, sea water is converted to fresh water through evaporation。

Hydrological process

Hydrological process
Hydrologic Processes
A catchment is a basic unit of landscape particularly for investigations of hydrologic processes. Typically,the topographic boundary of a catchment coincides with the hydrologic boundary causing any precipitation falling on to the catchment to be routed to a stream where it is transported out of the catchment. Fundamental components of the hydrologic cycle, such as precipitation, runoff and evapotranspiration (computed by difference between precipitation and runoff over long periods), have been documented from water balance studies on small catchments. Observations and time series data collected from small catchments provide a basis for the development of hydrologic models, and many such models have been used for flood forecasting. However, one of the more recent goals of hydrologic investigations in small catchments is to understand better how streamflow is generated and how this process relates to water quality genesis. Prior to the last few decades, studies of the sources of streamflow during storms or snowmelt were concerned primarily with the physics of the processes involved. Horton (1933) developed a hypothesis stating that the source of runoff during storms is the excess rainfall over infiltration capacity of basin surficial materials and that the water infiltrated would become groundwater which was the source of the baseflow part of the hydrograph. Horton's thesis is effectively a two-component mixing model. However, Hewlett (1961) showed that water draining from the soil, i.e. unsaturated flow, also contributed to baseflow. Betson (1964) suggested that only certain parts of drainage basins contributed runoff during most storms (the partial-area concept), which was supported by a study by Dunne and Black (1970) in the humid northeastern USA. In addition, Hewlett and Hibbert (1967) proposed that during storms, ephemeral streams expand upstream by collecting overland flow and shallow subsurface runoff along their channels (the variablesource area concept). On the whole, these physically based models came to the quite reasonable conclusion that new rainwater was the dominant source of runoff and several techniques, graphical and mathematical, were developed to subdivide the hydrograph into corresponding source waters (e.g. see Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967). Recently, the use of environmental tracers, such as naturally-occurring isotopes (180, D), solutes (Cl-, Br-) and other physical and chemical characteristics (temBiogeochemistry of Small Catchments: A Toolfor Environmental Edited by B. Moldan and J. CernY @ 1994 SCOPE Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Research


The Journal of Hydrology publishes original research papers and comprehensive reviews in all the subfields of the hydrological sciences including water based management and policy issues that impact on economics and society. These comprise, but are not limited to the physical, chemical, biogeochemical, stochastic and systems aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology, hydrometeorology and hydrogeology. Relevant topics incorporating the insights and methodologies of disciplines such as climatology, water resource systems, hydraulics, agrohydrology, geomorphology, soil science, instrumentation and remote sensing, civil and environmental engineering are included. Social science perspectives on hydrological problems such as resource and ecological economics, environmental sociology, psychology and behavioural science, management and policy analysis are also invited. Multi-and interdisciplinary analyses of hydrological problems are within scope.



从2003年开始, 关于怒江水电开发的争议就从未
停止, 成为了环保与要受阻于环保因素的
Ethical analysis—Ecological problems
怒江不仅生物种类多样、自然景观独特, 而且 水资源丰富, 具有国际战略意义。因此, 开发利用 水资源的同时, 如何保护怒江原始生态环境不被破 坏、如何给当地带来良好的经济社会效益, 使得开 发与保护双管齐下、开发造福当地人民, 做到合理 开发和科学开发就显得至关重要。
对于水电开发生态影响问题的讨论, 仅仅是抽象的建议和 理论上的议论不足以使人信服, 要有专家来进行具体的现 场观测和分析工作, 以及定量的数值模拟和科学试验, 从 而对于怒江水电开发的生态影响进行全面、深入的预测 和评估, 从而在水电开发的同时将对生态环境的负面影响 降到最低。
Ethical analysis—Immigration problems
怒江梯级电 站开发规划
怒江中下游水电 开发将淹没耕地 约 4000km2
人口数量 最大数量为11012 人, 最少数量为 587 人
。从移民总量及单个区域的移民数量来看, 怒江 水电移民对人口的影响相对较小
可安置土地面积 全部进行州内安置并不理想, 大部分移民需
怒江水电开发的工 程伦理案例分析
01 背景介绍 02 伦理分析
责任及保护 04 小 结
Background Informmation
怒江是中国西南地区的大河流之一, 发源于青藏高原 唐古拉山南麓。它穿行于怒山和高黎贡山之间, 几乎与澜 沧江平行, 流经云南、缅甸, 最后注入印度洋。



专业术语中英文对照表傍河水源地 riverside source field包气带 aeration zone饱和度 degree of saturation饱和流 saturated flow饱水带 saturated zone边界井 boundary well边界条件 boundary condition边界元法 boundary element method标准曲线法(配线法) type-curve method补给区 recharge area补给疏干法 compensation-dewatering method部分排泄型泉 local drainage spring采区充水性图 geologic map of potential flooding in mining area 测压高度 piezometric head层流laminar flow常量元素 common element in groundwater (macroelement )沉积水(埋藏水) connate water(buried water)成垢作用 boiler scaling成井工艺 well completion technology承压含水层 confined aquifer承压含水层厚度 thickness of confined aquifer承压水 confined water承压水盆地 confined water basin承压水位(头) confining water level持水度 water-holding capacity/ specific retension充水岩层 flooding layer抽水孔 pumping well抽水孔流量 discharge of a pump well抽水孔组 jumping well group抽水量历时曲线图 flow-duration curve抽水试验 pumping test初见(始)水位 initial water level初始条件 initial condition次生盐渍土 secondary salinized soil达西定律Darcy’s law大肠菌群指数 index of coliform organisms大口井 large-diameter wd1大气降水渗入补给量 precipitation infiltration rate单井出水量 yield of single well单孔抽水试验 single well pumping test弹性储存量 elastic storage淡水 fresh groundwater导水系数 transmissivity等降深线 equiodrawdown line等势线 equipotential line等水头面 equipotential surface低频电磁法 very low frequency electromagnetic method 地表疏干 surface draining地表水 surface water地表水补给 surface water recharge地方病 endemic disease地方性氟中毒 endemic fluorosis地面沉降 subsidence地面开裂 land crack地面塌陷 ground surface collapse地下肥水 nutritive groundwater地下集水建筑物 groundwater collecting structure地下径流 underground runoff地下径流模数法 modulus method of groundwater runoff 地下库容 capacity of groundwater reservoir地下卤水 underground brine地下热水 geothermal water地下疏干 underground draining地下水 groundwater地下水补给量 groundwater recharge地下水补给条件 condition of groundwater recharge地下水超采 overdevelopment of groundwater地下水成矿作用 ore-forming process in groundwater地下水储存量(地下水储存资源) groundwater storage地下水的pH值 pH Value of groundwater地下水的碱度 alkalinity of groundwater地下水的酸度 acidity of groundwater地下水的总硬度 total hardness of groundwater地下水等水头线图 map of isopiestic level of confined water地下水等水位线图 groundwater level contour map地下水动力学 groundwater dynamics地下水动态 groundwater regime地下水动态成因类型 genetic types of groundwater regime地下水动态曲线 curve of groundwater regime地下水动态要素 element of groundwater regime地下水分水岭 grot1udwater divide地下水赋存条件 groundwater occurrence地下水化学成分 chemical constituents of groundwater地下水化学类型 chemical type of groundwater地下水环境质量评价groundwater environmental quality assessment 地下水径流量(地下水动储量) groundwater runoff地下水径流流出量 groundwater outflow地下水径流流入量 groundwater inflow地下水均衡 groundwater balance地下水均衡场 experimental field of groundwater balance地下水均衡方程 equation of groundwater balance地下水开采量 groundwater withdrawal地下水开采资源 exploitable groundwater resources地下水可开采量(地下水允许开采量) allowable withdrawal of groundwater 2地下水库 groundwater reservoir地下水埋藏深度 buried depth of groundwater table地下水埋藏深度图 map of buried depth of groundwater地下水模型 groundwater model地下水年龄 age of groundwater地下水年龄测定 dating of groundwater地下水排泄 groundwater discharge地下水盆地 groundwater basin地下水侵蚀性 Corrosiveness of groundwater地下水人工补给 artificial recharge of groundwater地下水人工补给资源 artificial-recharged groundwater resources 地下水设计开采量 designed groundwater withdrawal地下水实际流速 actual velocity of groundwater flow地下水实际流速测定 groundwater actual velocity measurement 地下水数据库 groundwater database地下水数学模型 mathematical model of groundwater地下水水化学图 hydrogeochemical map of groundwater地下水水量模型 groundwater flow model地下水水量评价 evaluation of groundwater quantity地下水水位动态曲线图 hydrograph of groundwater level地下水水质 groundwater quality地下水水质类型 type of groundwater quality地下水水质模型 groundwater quality model地下水天然资源 natural resources of groundwater地下水同位素测定 isotope assaying of groundwater地下水位持续下降 continuously drawndown of groundwater level 地下水污染 groundwater pollution地下水污染评价 groundwater pollution assessment地下水污染物 groundwater pollutants地下水物理模型 physical model of groundwater地下水物理性质 physical properties of groundwater地下水系统 groundwater system地下水预报模型 groundwater prediction model地下水源地 groundwater source field地下水质评价 evaluation of groundwater quality地下水资源 groundwater resources.地下水资源保护 groundwater resources protection地下水资源分布图 map of groundwater resources地下水资源管理区 groundwater resources management地下水资源枯竭 groundwater resources depletion地下水资源评价方法 methods of groundwater resource evaluation地下水总矿化度 total mineralization degree of groundwater地下微咸水 weak mineralized groundwater地下咸水 middle mineralized groundwater地下盐水 salt groundwater地中渗透仪 lysimeter电导率 specific conductance电法测井 electric logging电法勘探 electrical prospecting顶板裂隙带 fissure zone of top wall顶板冒落带 caving zone of top wall定降深抽水试验 constant-drawdown pumping test定解条件 definite condition定流量边界 boundary of fixed flow /constant flow定流量抽水试验 constant-discharge pumping test定水头边界 boundary of fixed water level动水位 dynamic water level断层泉 fault spring断裂带水压导升高度(潜越高度) height of water pressure in fault zone 断面流量 cross-sectional flow对流弥散 convective dispersion多孔抽水试验 multipe wells pumping test多孔介质 porous medium二维流 two-dimensional flow放射性测井 radioactivity logging放射性水文地质图 radio hydrogeological map放射性找水法 radioactive method for groundwater search放水试验 dewatering test非饱和流 unsaturated flow非均匀介质 inhomogeneous medium非均匀流 non-uniform flow非完整井 partially penetrating well非稳定流 unsteady flow非稳定流抽水试验 unsteady-flow pumping test分层抽水试验 separate interval pumping test分层止水 interval plugging分子扩散 molecular diffusion .分子扩散系数 coefficient of molecular diffusion福希海默定律 Forchheimer law辐射井 radial well腐蚀作用 corroding process负均衡 negative balance负硬度 negative hardness富水系数 water content coefficient of mine富水性 water yield property干扰抽水试验 interference-well pumping test干扰井出水量 yield from Interference wells干扰系数(涌水量减少系数) interference coefficient隔水边界 confining boundary隔水层 aquifuge隔水底板 lower confining bed隔水顶板 upper confining bed各向同性介质 isotropic medium各向异性介质 anisotropic medium给水度 specific yield供水水文地质勘查 hydrogeological investigation for water supply 供水水文地质学 water supply hydrogeology拐点法 inflected point method观测孔 observation well管井 tube well灌溉回归系数 irrigation return flow rate灌溉机井 pumping-well for irrigation灌溉系数 irrigation coefficient过水断面 water-carrying section海水入侵 sea-water intrusion3含水层 aquifer含水层储能 energy storage of aquifer含水层弹性释放 elasticity release of aquifers含水层等高线图 contour map of aquifer含水层等厚线图 aquifer impact map含水层等埋深图 isobaths map of aquifer含水层调节能力 regulation capacity of aquifer含水层自净能力 self-purification capability of aquifer含水率 moisture content化学需氧量(COD) chemical oxygen demand环境水文地质勘查 environmental hydrogeological investigation 环境水文地质图 environmental hydyogeologic map环境水文地质学 environmental hydrogeology环境自净作用 environmental self-purification恢复水位 recovering water level回灌井 injection well回灌量 quantity of water recharge回灌水源 recharge water source混合抽水试验 mixed-layer pumping test混合模拟 mixing analog混合作用 mixing hydrochemical action in groundwater激发补给量 induced recharge of groundwater极硬水 hardest water集中供水水源地 well field for concentrated water supply间歇泉 geyser简易抽水试验 simple pumping test降落漏斗 cone of depression降落漏斗法 depression cone method降落曲线 depression curve降水补给 precipitation recharge降水入渗试验 test of precipitation infiltration降水入渗系数 infiltration coefficient of precipitation接触泉 contact spring结构水(化合水) constitutional water (chemical water)结合水 bound water结晶水 crystallization water解逆问题(反演计算) solving of inverse problem解析法 analytic method解正问题(正演计算) solving of direct problem井下供水孔 water supply borehole in mines井中电视(超声成相测井) borehole television(BHTV)径流区 runoff area静止水位(天然水位) static water level (Natural water level)均衡期 balance period均衡区 balance area均匀介质 homogeneous medium均匀流 uniform flow开采模数法 evaluation method of employing groundwater extraction modulus 开采强度法 mining intensity method开采试验法 exploitation pumping test method开采性抽水试验 trail-exploitation pumping test坎儿井 karez空隙 void孔洞 pore space孔隙 pore孔隙比 pore ratio孔隙度(孔隙率) porosity(pore rate)孔隙含水层 porous aquifer孔隙介质 pore medium孔隙水 pore water库尔洛夫式 Kurllov formation矿床充水 flooding of ore deposit矿床充水水源 water source of ore deposit boding矿床充水通道 flooding passage in ore deposit矿床疏干 mine draining矿床疏干深度(疏干水平) dewatering level of mines矿床水文地质 mine hydrogeology矿床水文地质图 mine hydrogeological map矿床水文地质学 mine hydrogeology矿井水文地质调查 survey of mine hydrogeology矿井突水 water bursting in mines矿井涌水 water discharge into mine矿坑水 mine water矿坑突泥 mud gushing in mines矿坑突水量 bursting water quantity of mines矿坑涌砂 sand gushing in mines矿坑涌水量 water yield of mine矿坑正常涌水量 normal water yield of mines矿坑最大涌水量 maximum water yield of mines矿区水文地质勘查 mine hydrogeological investigation 矿泉 mineral spring雷诺数 Reynolds number连通试验 connecting test裂隙 fissure裂隙含水层 fissured aquifer裂隙介质 fissure medium裂隙率 fissure ratio裂隙水 fissure water临界深度 critical depth流量测井 flowmeter logging流量计 flowmeter流网 flow net流线 streamline滤料(填料) gravel pack滤水管(过滤器) screen pipe裸井 barefoot well毛细带 capillary zone毛细管测压水头 capillary piezometric head毛细上升高度 height of capillary rise毛细水 capillary water毛细性 capillarity弥散 dispersion弥散试验 dispersion test钠吸附比(SAR) sodium adsorption ratio拟稳定流 quasi-steady flow凝结水 condensation water凝结水补给 condensation recharge排泄区 discharge area平均布井法 method of well uniform4configuration起泡作用 forming process气体成分分析 gas analysis潜水 phreatic water /unconfined water潜水含水层厚度 thickness of water-table aquifer潜水位 water table潜水溢出量 groundwater overflow onto surface潜水蒸发量 evaporation discharge of phreatic water浅层地震勘探 shallow seismic prospecting强结合水(吸着水) strongly bound water adsorptive water 侵蚀泉 erosional spring侵蚀性二氧化碳 corrosive carbon dioxide裘布依公式 Dupuit formula区域地下水位下降漏斗 regional groundwater depression cone 区域水文地质普查 regional hydrogeological survey区域水文地质学 regional hydrogeology全排泄型泉 complete drainage spring泉 spring泉华 sinter泉流量衰减方程法 method of spring flow attenuation泉水不稳定系数 instability ratio of Spring discharge泉水流量过程曲线 hydrograph of spring discharge泉域 spring area确定性模型 deterministic model扰动土样 disturbed soil sample容积储存量 volumetric storage容水度(饱和含水率) water capacity溶洞 cave cavern溶解他固体总量 total dissolved solids溶解氧(DO) dissolved oxygen溶滤水 lixiviation water溶滤作用 lixiviation软水 soft water弱含水层 aquitard弱结合水(薄膜水) weakly bound water (film water)弱透水边界 weakly-permeable boundary三维流 three-dimensional flow上层滞水 perched water上升泉 ascending spring设汁水位降深 designed drawdown渗流场 seepage field渗流场剖分(单元划分) dissection of seepage field渗流速度 seepage velocity渗入水 infiltration water渗水试验 pit permeability test渗透 seepage渗透率 specific permeability渗透水流(渗流) seepage flow渗透系数(水力传导系数) hydraulic conductivity/ permeability 生化需氧量(BOD) biochemical oxygen demand声波测井 acoustic logging声频大地电场法 audio-frequency telluric method湿地 wet land实井 real well试验抽水 trail pumping手压井 manual-operated pumping well疏干工程排水量 discharge of dewatering excavation疏干巷道 draining tunnel疏干因数 factor of drainage数学模型法 method of mathematical model数学模型检验 verification of mathematical model数学模型识别 calibration d mathematical model数值法 numerical method水文地质勘查报告 report of hydrogeologicai investigation 水动力弥散系数 coefficient of dispersion.水分散晕 water dispersion halo水化学 hydrochemistry水解作用 hydrolytic dissociation水井布局 wafer well arrangement水均衡法 water balance method水均衡方程 equation of water balance水均衡要素 element of water balance水均衡原理 principle of water balance水力坡度 hydraulic gradient水力削减法 hydraulic cut method水流迭加原理 principle of flow superpersitiom水流折射定律 law of seepage flow refraction水圈 hydrosphere水头场 water head field水头场的拟合 fitting of water-head field水头降深场 fieId6f water head drawdown水头降深场的拟合 fitting of water head drawdown field水头损失 water head loss水位计 wellhead water-level gauge水位降深值 drawdown水文地球化学 hydrogeochemistry水文地球化学分带 hydrogeodenml zonality水文地球化学环境 hydrogeochemical environment水文地球化学作用 hydrogeochemical process水文地质比拟法 hydrogeologic analogy method水文地质参数 Hydrogeological parameters水文地质测绘 hydrogeological mapping水文地质单元 hydrogeologic unit水文地质地球物理勘探 hydrogeophysical prospecting水文地质分区 hydrogeological division水文地质概念模型 conceptual hydrogeological model水文地质勘查 hydrogeological investigation水文地质勘查成果 result of hydrogeological investigation 水文地质勘查阶段 hydrogeological investigation stage水文地质勘探孔 hydrogeological exploration borehole水文地质剖面图 hydrogeological profile水文地质试验 hydrogeological test水文地质试验孔 hydrogeological test borehole水文地质条件 hydrogeological condition水文地质学 hydrogeology水文地质学原理 principles of hydrogeology5水文地质钻探 hydrogeological drilling水文水井钻机 hydrogeologic drilling rig水文物探测井 hydrogeological well logging水循环 water cycle水盐均衡 water-salt balance水样 water sample水跃值 hydraulic jump value水质标准 water quality standard水质分析 chemical analysis of water速度水头 velocity head随机模型 stochastic model泰斯公式 Theis formula探采结合孔 exploration-production well同位素水文地质学 isotopic hydrogeology透水边界 permeable boundary透水层 permeable bed透水性 permeability突水水源 source of water bursting突水系数 water bursting coefficient突水预测图 water bursting prediction map土(岩)样 soil (rock)sample土的颗粒分析 grading analysis of soil土壤改良 soil reclamation土壤水 soil water土壤盐渍化 soil salinization脱硫酸作用 desulphidation脱碳酸作用 decarbonation脱硝(氮)作用 denitration完整井 completely penetrating well微量元素 microelement温泉 thermal spring紊流 turbulent flow稳定流 steady flow稳定流抽水试验 steady-flow pumping test稳定水位 steady water level污染通道 pollution channel污染源 pollution source污水资源化 water resources from sewage renewal无压含水层 unconfined aquifer物理模型法 method of physical model细菌总数 bacterial amount下降泉 descending spring咸淡水界面 interface of salt-fresh water相关分析法(回归分析法)correlation analysis method(regression analysis method)硝化作用 nitrification斜井 inclined well虚井 real well悬浮物 suspended solids悬挂泉(季节泉) suspended spring压力传导系数 hydraulic diffusivity压力水头 pressure head雅可布公式 Jacob formula延迟给水(滞后给水) delayed drainage延迟指数 delayed index岩溶含水层 karst aquifer岩溶含水系统 karst water-bring system岩溶介质 karst medium岩溶水 karst water岩石圈 lithosphere岩石渗透性测定 permeability determination of rock盐碱土 saline allkaline soil盐渍土 salinized soil阳离子交替吸附作用cation exchange and adsorption氧化还原电位 oxidation-reduction potential样品采集 sampling遥感技术 remote sensing technology一维流 one-dimensional flow溢流泉 overflow spring影响半径 radius of influence映射法 image method硬水 hard water涌水量方程外推法(试验推断法) discharge equation extrapolation method 游离性二氧化碳 free carbon dioxide有限差分法 finite-difference method有限单元法 finite element method有效降水量 effective precipitation有效孔隙度 effective porosity元素迁移 element migration原生水(初生水) juvenile water(native water)原生盐渍土 primary salinized soil原状土样 undisturbed soil sample越流 leakage越流补给 leakage recharge越流系数 leaky coefficient越流系统 leaky system越流因数(阻越流系数) leaky factor允许水位降深 allowable drawdown蒸发浓缩作用 evaporation-concentration process正均衡 positive balance直线法 linear method重力疏干 gravity drainage重力水 gravity water注水孔 injecting well注水试验 injecting test贮存量变化量 variation of groundwater storage贮水系数(释水系数) storage coefficient专门水文地质学 applied hydrogeology专门性水文地质勘查applied hydrogeclogic investigation专门性水文地质图 special hydrogeological map自流水 artesian water综合水文地质图 synthetic hydrogeoiogical map总水头(渗流水头) total head钻孔流速测 borehole flow-velocity measurement最佳开采量 optimal yield最佳控制水位 optimal controlled water level最佳配水方案 optimal water distribution scheme7.3.2.13斜井 inclined well一般断面尺寸1.8m×2.0 m、倾角20°~40°的倾斜坑道集水工程,适用于开采坚硬岩石、埋深较大的裂隙岩溶水。

GPR study of pore water content and salinity in sand

GPR study of pore water content and salinity in sand

S.A. al Hagrey and C. Mu ¨ller
Introduction The demand for high-resolution studies of hydrological problems in both unsaturated vadose soil zones and the underlying aquifer layers is increasing rapidly. Applications are currently found in both conventional groundwater prospecting and in new environmental and geotechnical fields. These include mapping, monitoring and quality evaluation of pore water salinity and contamination as well as studying flow processes in the unsaturated and saturated zones. In coastal and island environments, the freshwater aquifer is typically of small extent with irregular form and occurs as a thin lens floating on dense saline water, known as the Ghyben–Herzberg fresh-water lens (Ghyben 1888; Herzberg 1901; Bugg and Lloyd 1976; Cant and Weech 1986) (Fig. 1). A transition zone, with salinity increasing gradually with depth, separates the freshwater lens from the underlying saline zone. Evaluating water resources in such settings is difficult because of time-varying hydrological conditions (e.g. through water exploitation) and aquifer heterogeneity. Electrical resistivity techniques are traditionally used for evaluating groundwater potentials (e.g. Fretwell and Stewart 1981), but results are often uncertain. Besides the well-known ambiguity of data interpretation, resistivity techniques have a limited resolving power in mapping subsurface aquifers of small and variable size. Also, the possible trade-off between several parameters (water and matrix resistivity, porosity) in Archie’s equation (Archie 1942) renders the evaluation of reservoir salinity difficult (Worthington 1976). In a granular aquifer (free of clay) Archie’s equation (Archie 1942) states that r w ¼ a ¹1 r b f m ; ð1Þ



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第20卷第6期2011年12月自然灾害学报JOURNAL OF NATURAL DISASTERS Vol.20No.6Dec.2011收稿日期:2010-07-04;修回日期:2010-12-20基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAC03B02);国家自然科学基金资助项目(41076128,41006115);国家南北极环境综合考察专项资助作者简介:许淙(1957-),男,高级工程师,主要从事南极天气预报研究.E-mail :xucongbeijing@qq.com 文章编号:1004-4574(2011)06-0112-05南极长城站夏季海雾预报的初步研究许淙,杨清华,薛振和(国家海洋环境预报中心,北京100081)摘要:基于南极长城站的气象观测(1985-2006年)和NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Pre-diction )的再分析数据,分析了该地区海雾的天气气候特征、海雾与气象要素的关系以及有利于海雾发生的3种典型天气形势,并据此初步建立了长城站夏季海雾预报系统。


关键词:海雾;天气形势;南极;长城站中图分类号:P426.4文献标志码:ASea fog forecast for Great Wall Station ,Antarctica in summerXU Cong ,YANG Qing-hua ,XUE Zhen-he(National Marine Environment Forecasting Center ,Beijing 100081,China )Abstract :Based on the observed data from Great Wall Station and NCEP (National Center for Environment Predic-tion )reanalysis data from 1985to 2006,the meteorological and hydrological characteristics of sea fog was analyzed and three typical synoptic patterns were found out.Finally a forecast system for sea fog at Great Wall Station in summer was developed and the forecasting experiments show a rather nice result.Key words :sea fog ;synoptic situation ;Antarctic ;Great Wall Station中国南极长城站位于南极半岛南端的乔治王岛,属典型的亚南极海洋性气候,长年低温潮湿。



第49卷第1期2021年2月Vol.49No.lFeb.2021煤田地质与勘探COAL GEOLOGY&EXPLORATION回瀝回郭艳,桂和荣,魏久传,等,注浆工程扰动下煤系砂岩含水层水岩作用机理——以桃园煤矿为例[几煤田地质与勘探,2021,49(1):232-240.doi:10.3969/j.issn.l001-1986.2021.01.025GUO Yan,GUI Herong,WEI Jiuchuan,et al.Mechanism of water rock interaction in coal measure sandstone aquiferdisturbed by grouting engineering:A case study of Taoyuan Coal Mine[J],Coal Geology&Exploration,2021,49(1):232-240.doi:10.3969/j.issn.l001-1986.2021.01.025注浆工程扰动下煤系砂岩含水层水岩作用机理----以桃园燦驴为例郭艳桂和荣1,魏久传2,倪建明彳,成荣发3,庞迎春3,张治3,洪荒4,胡满聪彳,崔亚利餐梁展役李俊5,陈家玉6,李晨6(1.宿州学院资源与土木工程学院,国家煤矿水害防治工程技术研究中心,安徽宿州234000; 2.山东科技大学地球科学与工程学院,山东青岛266590; 3.淮北矿业股份有限公司,安徽淮北235000;4.安徽恒源煤电股份有限公司煤矿,安徽宿州234000;5.合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽合肥230000; 6.安徽理工大学地球与环境学院,安徽淮南232000)摘要:煤系砂岩裂隙水是煤矿重要的充水水源之一,以淮北煤田桃园煤矿二叠纪煤系为研究对象,在分析该矿水害注浆治理以来煤系水水化学特征的基础上,阐明了地下水水文地球化学作用机理及其控制因素。



Research and System Development of Offshore Wind PowerOperation Window Period Management*Ming Zhang 1Yu Zhang 2,3Qi-hui Yan 2,3Jun-jiao Shi 2,3Bo Zhang 1Xin Liu 1(1.China Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute;2.Huaneng Yancheng Dafeng New Energy Power Generation Co.,Ltd.;3.Huaneng International Power Jiangsu Energy Development Co.,Ltd.Clean Energy Branch)Abstract:Due to the complexity of the marine environment,offshore wind power faces many challenges in construction,operation and maintenance.The research and development of offshore wind power operation window period management system can reduce operating risks,improve operating efficiency,and save operating costs.This paper first summarizes the current situation demand for window period management,analyzes the factors of affecting offshore wind power window period from operation procedures,and meteorology and hydrology two aspects.Taking the demand of infrastructure construction period as the goal,efficiency priority as the strategy,a multi-element window period management model is proposed,and the window period management system for offshore wind power operations is developed to realize the meteorological and hydrological forecasting and window period fine management.Finally,the functions and application effects of the system are briefly introduced.Keywords:Offshore Wind Farm;Window Period Management;Meteorology and Hydrology摘要:因海洋环境的复杂性,海上风电在施工、运行、维护等方面面临着众多挑战,研究与开发海上风电作业窗口期管理系统,可降低作业风险、提高作业效率、节约作业成本。



在数据稳定性、时效性、精细度及数据接口上较其他两套资料有优势;在 SAR 影像中新增水体明显区域与 FloodArea 模拟
结果匹配较好,模拟水深与 4 个验证点的实际水深的误差均在±22%以内。
关键词: 台风暴雨;三源融合实况格点降水;洪涝淹没模拟;哨兵 1 号数据;临海
中图法分类号: X43
文献标志码: A
Simulation and verification of a flood inundation event in Linhai induced by super severe typhoon based on CMPAS data
基于 CMPAS 的临海市超强台风洪涝淹没个例模拟及检验
高大伟 1,吴利红 1,马浩 1,姚益平 1,方贺 1,朱占云 2,魏爽 3
(1. 浙江省气候中心,杭州 310017;2. 浙江省气象服务中心,杭州 310017; 3. 浙江省气象信息网络中心,杭州 310017)
摘 要:以 2019 年 09 号超强台风“利奇马”引发的浙江省台州临海市受淹为例,利用浙江省水文站和气象站降水量观测
表明: CMPAS-5km 降水与站点降水的时空一致性较好,与水文站、“水文站+气象站”两套资料的过程降水量相关系数均

达 0.89,与水文站逐小时平均降水的相关系数为 0.79、均方根误差为 1.7 mm·h-1;在台州受淹模拟区,CMPAS-5km、水文
站及气象站三者的小时面雨量变化趋势较为一致,过程累积面雨量分别为 305.5 mm、304.1 mm 和 283.7 mm;CMPAS-5km
第 40 卷 第 5 期 2021 年 10 月
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Water Resour Manage(2009)23:303–324DOI10.1007/s11269-008-9276-2Hourly Analyses of Hydrological and Water Quality Simulations Using the ESWAT ModelBekele Debele·R.Srinivasan·J-Yves ParlangeReceived:11May2006/Accepted:23May2008/Published online:11July2008©Springer Science+Business Media B.V.2008Abstract Detailed analyses of hydrological and water quality variables are very important to study the dynamic processes in a river basin.In this study,we have further modified the Enhanced Soil and Water Assessment Tool(ESWAT)model by incorporating hourly evapotranspiration and overlandflow routing modules.Results from comparison of the performances by two ESWAT versions indicate that the modified version performed better than the original model.The modified ESWAT model has reasonably reproduced observed time series runoff and most commonly collected water quality data.In addition,input data availability at required spatial and temporal resolutions is the major bottleneck in implementing many detailed hydrological models.In this paper,we have also developed a robust methodology to successfully disaggregate daily rainfall data into hourly datasets.Furthermore, we have assessed the implications of such daily rainfall disaggregation schemes on subsequent simulation of hydrological and water quality variables at river basin level. The outcomes suggest that the multivariate rainfall disaggregation scheme better reproduced observed rainfall and runoff data.Keywords ESWAT·Multivariate·Rainfall disaggregation·RWQM·SWATB.Debele·J-Y.ParlangeDepartment of Biological and Environmental Engineering,Cornell University,Ithaca,NY14853,USAB.Debele(B)8750Georgia AV#802B,Silver Spring,MD20910,USAe-mail:bd58@R.SrinivasanSpatial Sciences Laboratory,Texas A&M University,304 B.Debele et al. 1IntroductionDetailed analyses of hydrological and water quality variables are very important to manage environmental health in a river basin.However,not many models are available to reproduce both water quality and hydrodynamic variables at required spatial and temporal scales.Many models in thefield of civil engineering,such as HEC-RAS,RIVER-2D and CH3D emphasize on the hydraulic part of the problem.On the other hand,models such as WASP,CE-QUAL-W2and EPDRIV1 emphasize on the simulation of hydrodynamic and water quality variables in larger waterbodies,such as large rivers,reservoirs and lakes without making any reference to the processes in the upland watershed.Unfortunately,the majority of water quality problems emanate from upstream agricultural and residential areas.The latest National Water Quality Inventory(US EPA2000)indicates that agriculture is the leading contributor to water quality impairments in the US,degrading60%of the impaired river miles and half of the impaired lake acreage surveyed by states, territories,and tribes.This reinforces the need for the development of hydrological and water quality models that can successfully simulate both hydrodynamic and water quality variables at required temporal and spatial resolutions in the upstream watershed and riverine system combined.The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT)model(Arnold et al.1996;Neitsch et al.2001)is a compromise between the spatial and temporal characteristics needed to monitor and manage environmental health within the basin.SWAT is a widely ap-plied and proven public domain model used to manage the health of a watershed,and hence water quality.Many modifications have been introduced since its inception in terms of enabling the model to mimic observedfield conditions spatially and tempo-rally.One of the major changes was made by Van Griensven(Vandenberghe et al. 2001;Van Griensven et al.2001;Van Griensven and Bauwens2003)who called it the Enhanced SWAT(ESWAT)model.The ESWAT model facilitates hydrological and water quality simulations on an hourly basis in addition to other advantages,such as auto-calibration and parameters’sensitivity analysis.Also,the ESWAT model has addressed many limitations reported by the International Association of Water Quality task group on QUAL2E for river water quality processes(Henze et al.1995; Masliev et al.1995;Shanahan et al.1998;Reichert et al.2001).Masliev et al.(1995), Fronteau et al.(1999)and Shanahan et al.(1998)conducted a comparative analysis of activated sludge model and QUAL2E equations to create a river water quality model(RWQM)that can be used in an integrated urban modeling.They concluded that QUAL2E was poorly appropriate for this purpose.Some of the critics with QUAL2E include(after Masliev et al.1995;Shanahan et al.1998,2001):(1)Failure to close mass balances involving interaction of the sediments;(2)Pelagic bacteria are not considered;(3)Lack of sessile microbiota;(4)Lack of different rates of hydrolysis and settlement for various organic fractions;and(5)Use of a biological oxygen demand(BOD)as a measure of organic ing BOD as a measure of organic carbon is hard to handle as it is not a quantitative mass value but only has a biological meaning(Masliev et al.1995).BOD is also harder to estimate,compared to chemical oxygen demand.Most of the drawbacks mentioned above with respect to QUAL2E are addressed in the RWQM(Rauch et al.2002).Van Griensven(2002)incorporated the RWQM methodology into ESWAT,and one can choose to use either QUAL2E(BrownHourly analyses of simulations using the ESWAT model305 and Barnwell1987)or RWQM(Rauch et al.2002)to simulate in-stream water quality processes.She also made thorough analyses of comparisons between the performances by QUAL2E and RWQM,but failed short of conclusion due to comparable results by both models.However,she argues that,from theoretical viewpoint,the RWQM is well founded and should be used instead of QUAL2E in integrated urban river water quality modeling.Although the current ESWAT model version performs hydrological and water quality simulations on hourly bases,there is still room available for improvement. ESWAT assumes that diurnal evapotranspiration and temperature distributions (influential forces in hydrological and water quality processes)are uniform.For example,hourly ET is computed by equally dividing the daily ET amount over 24h.Similarly,ESWAT assumes that hourly average temperature is the same as average daily temperature,which will have a significant implication on algae activity that can subsequently play a significant role determining river water quality(e.g., photosynthesis,respiration,combined sewer overflows,etc.).Another drawback with the current ESWAT modeling approach is the lack of spatial connectivity of hydrologic response units(HRUs)in each sub-basin to one another or to the main channel,and hence one cannot explicitly indicate the HRUs that are directly connected to the main channel and that are not.Currently ESWAT assumes that all HRUs are directly connected to the main channel in the subbasin,and thus contribute runoff and pollutant loads directly,which is not always true—some HRUs are connected to the main channel of the subbasin through other HRUs,which requires an overlandflow routing or some sort of time convolution to properly mimic the reality.In addition to developing robust and yet detailed hydrological and water quality models,we also recognize that input data availability at required timescales is one of the major constraints in applying these and similar models(Socolofsky et al.2001; Ireson et al.2006;Holvoet et al.2007).Precipitation and evapotranspiration(ET) are the major driving forces in any hydrological modeling(Abulohom et al.2001; Mishra et al.2007;Cao et al.2008).Therefore,the objectives of this work were to:(1) modify the original ESWAT model by including hourly ET and overlandflow routing modules and evaluate their consequent effects on hydrological and water quality simulations,and(2)develop a robust methodology that successfully disaggregates daily rainfall data into hourly datasets and evaluate the implications of such rainfall disaggregation schemes on subsequent hydrological and water quality processes. Objective2is specifically designed to make a better use of the largely available daily precipitation data in the study areas to provide the much needed hydrological and water quality information at hourly timescales.Although our study focuses on river basins in Texas,the same procedures could also be applied elsewhere.1.1The Study AreasWe used data from the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watersheds to examine the applicability of daily rainfall disaggregation schemes and the modified ESWAT model.Both the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watersheds are located in the Trinity River basin at the northeastern part of the State of Texas(Figs.1and2).According to the geographic boundaries for SCS rainfall distributions,the watersheds are located within type III rainfall distribution(US SCS1986).The major land use/land cover306 B.Debele et al.Fig.1Land use/land cover map and stream network of the Cedar Creek watershedin the Cedar Creek watershed is agriculture(64%)followed by forest(12%)and residential(11%).Similarly,the major land use category in the Upper Trinity basin is agriculture(58%),followed by pastureland(21%)and forest(16%)(Figs.1and2; Table1).The Cedar Creek watershed feeds into Cedar Creek Reservoir(Fig.1). Excess nutrient and sediment loads are the major water quality problems in the Cedar Creek reservoir.The algae blossoms due to excess phosphorus and other nutrients’loads is a major concern in the reservoir water quality(Ernst2004—personal communication).General characteristics of the watersheds are also given in Table2.1.2Input Data1.2.1Weather DataTable3shows the sources of input data used in this study.Similarly,Table4depicts the temporal resolution of measured data;length of years of data availability;and number of gauge stations from where rainfall,runoff and water quality data were used.We checked the primary precipitation data for errors,and missing values were replaced by running a separate weather generator(WXGEN:Sharpley and Williams1990).To make use of the largely available daily precipitation data inHourly analyses of simulations using the ESWAT model307Fig.2Land use/land cover and stream network of the Upper Trinity watersheddataset following:(a)uniform,(b)univariate,and(c)multivariate disaggregation schemes.The univariate disaggregation method focuses only on temporal stochastic rainfall disaggregation while the multivariate disaggregation scheme uses availableTable1Land use/land cover distribution by area in the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watersheds Cedar Creek watershed Upper Trinity watershedLand use/land cover type Area[%]Land use/land cover type Area[%] Water 6.38Water/wetland 2.1 Urban10.89Residential0.9 Forest11.91Forest16.4 Rangeland/pastureland 6.81Rangeland/grass21.0 Agriculture63.97Agriculture59.4308 B.Debele et al.Table2General descriptions of the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watershedsWatershed Cedar Creek Upper Trinity Mean annual RF(mm)1,018.1(25year)676.3(5year) Mean annual runoff(106m3)99.09(25year)212.8(5year) Basin area a(km2)504.81,663.0a Drainage area contributing runoff to the outlets at respective USGS stations(USGS2800for Cedar Creek and USGS08044500for Upper Trinity basin)hourly rainfall distribution from the nearby weather stations and turns the spatial correlation that exists between precipitation data at pilot stations(stations with hourly precipitation records)and other gauge stations(stations where only daily rainfall data exist)to its advantage.Conversely,the uniform rainfall distribution approach assumes that hourly rainfall distribution is uniform—daily rainfall amount divided by24.Daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the same length of years(25years in the Cedar Creek and5years in the upper Trinity basins)were distributed over24h following the sinusoidal relationship(Neitsch et al.2001;Debele et al.2007).Missing and unavailable daily weather data values(e.g.,for wind speed and relative humidity)were generated by running a separate weather generator model(WXGEN:Sharpley and Williams1990).Daily wind speed and relative humidity data were distributed over24h using methods described in Waichler and Wigmosta(2003)and Debele et al.(2007),and were used in hourly ET calculations.1.2.2Soils and Land Use/Land Cover DataSources of data for soils,land use/land cover,and digital elevation model(DEM) are shown in Table3.The DEMs were used for determiningflow direction and accumulation,and stream network generation.The soils and land use/land cover data were overlaid to form distinct hydrologic units called Hydrologic Response Units. These HRUs were used as units of computation for upland hydrologic and water quality processes.Table3Sources of input data for the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watershedsData type SourcesSoils /products/datasets/statsgo/data/index.html(STATSGO—1:250,000)Land use/land cover /zones/zones_info.asp(NLCD—30m horizontal grid)Topography /catalog/US/sublist.html(DEM—1:24,000)Weather data /oa/ncdc.html(NCDC—precipitation,temperature,solar radiation,relative humidity) Streamflow /nwis/rt(USGS—daily streamflows at the gauge stations)Water quality /storet/dbtop.html(EPA—most commonly collected water quality data)Hourly analyses of simulations using the ESWAT model309 Table4Number of gauge stations and length of years of input data used at different time-steps for rainfall,runoff and water quality at Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity watershedsWatershed name Rainfall Runoff Water qualityHourly Daily Hourly Daily Weekly/bi-weekly Cedar Creek2a9a1a1a1a1997–20011963–19871997–20011963–19871997–2001 Upper Trinity4a14a1a1a N/A1999–20031999–20031999–20031999–2003N/Aa Number of gauge stations from where rainfall,runoff and water quality data were obtained1.2.3Runoff and Water QualityHourly runoff data at USGS08044500(Upper Trinity,Fig.2),and daily runoff data and grab sample water quality data at USGS2800(Cedar Creek,Fig.1)were avail-able for our model parameters’calibrations(Table4).Water quality data(sediments and nutrients)from grab samples were available for the Cedar Creek watershed on weekly(sometimes bi-weekly)basis.We used the LOADEST2program(Runkel et al.2004;White and Chaubey2005)to generate daily water quality data.The LOADEST2program wasfirst trained with measured water quality andflow datasets at weekly timescales,and the trained model was later used to generate daily water quality data based on corresponding dailyflow data(readers are referred to Runkel et al.(2004)for more information regarding the LOADEST2program and the underlying theory).2Approaches2.1Rainfall Disaggregation2.1.1Univariate Rainfall DisaggregationBuilding on our previous work(Debele2005;Debele et al.2007)and simplifying the more complex procedures in similar studies,we developed a robust procedure to stochastically disaggregate daily rainfall data into hourly data at a single station.We used the following assumptions and procedures to disaggregate daily rainfall data into hourly distributions using a univariate approach:1.There is only one storm in a day.Similar assumptions have been successfullyused in rainfall distribution studies in the US(Hershfield1961;Frederick et al.1977;Hershernhorn and Woolhiser1987);2.Storm beginnings follow a uniform distribution over24h.Debele(2005)fromhis study on daily rainfall disaggregation methods in the Cedar Creek watershed reported that over the years,rainfall contributed by each hour of the day followsa uniform distribution.Assumption of Poisson distributions to characterizestorm beginnings has also been used in different rainfall distribution studies310 B.Debele et al.3.Storm durations follow a two-parameter gamma distribution;and,4.Storm intensity can be chosen to follow either of the methods(exponential orgamma distribution)based on rainfall intensity distributions in the area.We developed a methodology to generate a unit hyetograph that would serve just like a unit hydrograph in runoff calculations.The following procedures were employed to generate storm unit hyetographs:a)Draw a random number between0and24from a uniform distribution.Thenumber drawn at this point represents the beginning of a storm.b)Draw a random number from a two-parameter gamma distribution(the gammaparameters should be estimated from observed hourly rainfall characteristics in the area).This number represents the duration of the storm[h]whose beginning was selected under step(a).c)Add random numbers drawn in steps(a)and(b).If the sum is greater than24,repeat steps(a)through(c).Otherwise,go to step(d).This is done to make sure that the storm duration is still within the24h-day mark after being added to the beginning of the storm.d)Draw a random number from either exponential or gamma distributions basedon the user’s choice for‘X’number of times,where‘X’is the nearest integer number generated under step(b).Add the generated random numbers.If the sum of the generated numbers is greater than one,multiply each generated random number by the inverse of the sum,which produces a unit hyetograph.That is,the area under the curve representing rainfall intensities over the duration of a storm is unity—unit hyetograph.After the unit hyetograph is generated,hourly rainfall data for the simulated duration is the product of ordinates in the unit hyetograph and total daily rainfall.To generate random numbers for steps b,c and d,variables’estimates are required.We estimated the parameters from5-year(1997–2001)hourly rainfall data in the Cedar Creek watershed and5-year(1999–2003)hourly rainfall data for the Upper Trinity basin(Tables4and5).We used the same parameters in Table5to disaggregate daily rainfall records into hourly dataset at the Cedar Creek watershed for years between1963and1987.Our hourly rainfall data suggested that storm intensities Table5Statistical parameters used to disaggregate daily rainfall data into hourly data and their estimatesStorm property Distribution ParametersCedar Creek a Upper Trinity b Storm duration Two parameter gamma Shape=0.736053Shape=0.747243Scale=0.278795Scale=0.487645 Storm intensity Exponential Shape=1.4Shape=1.3‘Shape’and‘scale’are the shape and scale parameters of respective distributions,respectivelya Data,hourly rainfall from1997–2001bHourly analyses of simulations using the ESWAT model311Fig.3A stochastic daily rainfall disaggregation schemeflowchartfollow exponential distribution(Debele2005).Steps followed for random number generation and unit hyetograph creation are also represented in aflowchart(Fig.3).2.1.2Multivariate Rainfall DisaggregationA multivariate scheme accounts for both spatial and temporal rainfall disaggregation approaches.It combines the stochastic temporal disaggregation scheme employed in the univariate disaggregation method with the spatial correlation that exists between rainfall characteristics at different gauge stations.The number of gauge stations with hourly and daily rainfall data at the Cedar Creek and Upper Trinity basins is shown in Table4.To examine the spatial relationships that exist between rainfall distributions at different gauge stations,wefirst aggregated the hourly rainfall data at gauge stations with hourly rainfall records(two stations at Cedar Creek and four stations at Upper Trinity)into daily rainfall datasets.We then calculated lag-zero cross-correlations between daily rainfall data at all gauge stations(two Vs nine in Cedar Creek and four stations Vs14in Upper Trinity)in both watersheds.Daily rainfall data at each of the nine daily stations in the Cedar Creek watershed were cross-correlated at lag-zero with the daily rainfall data at the two hourly gauge stations. Each of the daily stations(gauges1through9)was assigned either hourly gauge1 or gauge2as a pilot station based on the values of the lag-zero cross-correlations. We used similar approaches for the Upper Trinity basin where daily rainfall data at each of the14daily stations were cross-correlated at lag-zero with daily rainfall data at all four hourly stations.Each daily station(gauges1through14)was assigned to one of four hourly gauges(gauges1through4)as its pilot station based on the values of the lag-zero cross-correlation.We then disaggregated daily rainfall amounts312 B.Debele et al. Trinity)into hourly values based on the hourly rainfall characteristics at the assigned pilot stations,but conditioned on its total daily rainfall data(Koutsoyiannis et al. 2001;Debele2005;Debele et al.2007).At times when there were data collected at daily stations but not at the assigned pilot stations(which was very rare),we used a univariate approach to disaggregate daily rainfall data into hourly dataset.2.2Modification of the ESWAT ModelThe ESWAT model has been further modified to incorporate hourly potential evap-otranspiration(PET)and overlandflow routing modules.The modified ESWAT version calculates PET based on hourly weather data following two approaches: the Priestley–Taylor and Penman–Monteith equations(see FAO paper56:Allen et al.1998,for more information).Hourly weather data needed in the computation of hourly PET,for example,solar radiation,air temperature,wind speed and relative humidity were distributed from daily corresponding data of solar radiation, maximum and minimum temperature,wind speed and relative humidity data,re-spectively,based on a combination of sinusoidal and random functions(Waichler and Wigmosta2003;Debele2005;Debele et al.2007).Although we incorporated both methods of calculating hourly ET in the modified ESWAT model,we used the Penman–Monteith equations for this study due to its superior application in the area (Debele2005;Debele et al.2007).In addition,hourly overlandflow routing was also incorporated into the new ESWAT version by subjecting all runoff variables to undergo a time convolution before reaching the main channel.We used the Nash cascade algorithm(Nash1958; Szilagyi2003)assuming four virtual reservoirs to transform the runoff variables.We optimized for the number of virtual reservoirs that produced better runoff results, and that number for the Upper Trinity basin was four.The Nash Cascade algorithm (Nash1958)is represented by the following equations:Q t=RF EXCESS∗U t(1) Where Q t is the rate of outflow[m3/s],RF EXCESS is rainfall excess[m3/s],and U t is the instantaneous unit hydrograph,given by:U t=1K (N)tKN−1e−t/K(2)Where K is the retention coefficient,N is the number of reservoirs in the series, and t is time[h].The instantaneous unit hydrograph in Eq.2is assumed to follow a gamma distribution—Γ(N).In the modified ESWAT model,we also used the RWQM(as introduced by Shanahan et al.2001and Van Griensven2002)to simulate the in-stream water quality processes.2.3Goodness-of-fit StatisticsVarious methods of model efficiency testing are available.We used the most com-correlation coefficient and the Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient(Nash and Sutcliffe1970).They are given by:a)Percent bias(bias):bias=x−yy∗100(3)b)Spearman correlation coefficient(r)r=nxy−xynx2−x2ny2−y2 (4)c)Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient(NS)NS=1−(x−y)2(y−¯y)2(5)Where x and y are simulated and measured observations,respectively;n is the number of paired observations and y is the mean of measured observations,given by:¯y=yn(6)The value of r varies between-1and+1(the closer the values to+1,the better the model predictions are).Whereas,for the NS the value can vary between −∞and+1(the closer the values to+1,the better the model performances are).In addition,we also used most commonly employed statistics for regression analyses and significance testing of the regression parameters(R2,standard error of estimate—SEE,T-test and probability level)for performance evaluations of the original and modified ESWAT models,and water quality simulations.3Results and Discussions3.1Rainfall Disaggregation MethodsThe overall analyses of performances by each rainfall disaggregation scheme are depicted in Fig.4and Table6.Figure4shows the results of sample storm events achieved by various daily rainfall disaggregation schemes at two gauge stations(Stn3 and Stn4).Both the univariate and multivariate approaches reproduced observed peaks very well except that the univariate approach estimated hourly rainfall dis-tribution whose peak is10h in front of the actual peak.The multivariate rainfall disaggregation approach produced observed hourly rainfall distribution(including time to peak)relatively well.Similar results were obtained with many more storm events(Table6).The statistical values computed under each column depict how close the different daily rainfall disaggregation schemes reproduced the actual rainfall distribution.Higher correlation(0.785)and model efficiency coefficients(0.803) under multivariate approach,compared with univariate(r=0.204,NS=0.198)and121620Time starting from 02/16/2001 [hr]p r e c i p i t a t i o n [m m /h r ]121620p r e c i p i t a t i o n [m m /h r ]Fig.4Observed Vs generated hourly rainfall data at two weather stations in the Upper Trinity basin:Stn3(a )and stn4(b ).Obs ,Unif ,Univ ,and Mult are the observed,and generated hourly precipitation data following uniform,univariate and multivariate disaggregation schemes,respectivelythe importance of not just the stochasticity of diurnal rainfall distributions,but also the spatial correlations that exist among neighboring rain gauge stations.Comparisons of hourly observed versus simulated runoff data are shown in Fig.5and Table 7.Hydrographs in Fig.5are simulated using the modified ESWAT model based on the rainfall distributions shown in Fig.4.Runoff hydrographs estimated using rainfall data disaggregated based on uniform distribution,univariate and mul-tivariate disaggregation methods are depicted in Fig.5.Also,Fig.5shows the runoff hydrographs computed from observed rainfall and measured runoff time series data.None of the daily rainfall disaggregation schemes,including observed rainfall data,exactly reproduced the observed runoff hydrograph.However,the multivariate rainfall disaggregation scheme reproduced the runoff hydrograph simulated using observed rainfall data very well.The two curves in Fig.5(Mult and Obs_RF)Table 6Results of the statistical analyses preformed between observed and simulated hourly rainfall data produced using different rainfall disaggregation techniques;data from the Upper Trinity basin,1999–2003DescriptionRainfall data disaggregated following Uniform Univariate Multivariate Correlation coefficient 0.2370.2040.785Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient0.2120.1980.803020*********1200255075100125150175Time starting from 02/16/2001 [hr]R u n o f f r a t e [c m s ]Fig.5Observed Vs simulated hourly runoff distributions in the Upper Trinity watershed using the modified ESWAT model.Mult ,Univ ,and Unif are the simulated hourly runoff distributions using hourly rainfall data that were disaggregated from daily data using multivariate,univariate,and uniform rainfall disaggregation techniques,respectively;Obs_Runoff and Obs_RF are the measured and simulated (using observed hourly rainfall data)hourly runoff distributions,respectivelyoverlaid for most of the runoff durations.On the other hand,although the peak runoff was reproduced using the univariate disaggregation scheme,the center of the hydrograph peak was shifted by about 18h in front of the actual observed peak (Fig.5).The implications of the above assessments are that the multivariate rainfall disaggregation scheme not only reproduced observed peak runoff rate,but also the time to peak,which is one of the requirements in flood control studies.On the other hand,the univariate approach did not reproduce the time to peak,which makes it not a method of choice for flood management in watersheds with a time of concentration of less than a day.However,if time of peak is not the main concern,or if there are no hourly rainfall data in the nearby stations,the univariate approach can be used just as effectively.Also,Fig.5and Table 7show that the uniform distribution of daily rainfall over 24h significantly undermined the amount of runoff produced.The uniform rainfall distribution method resulted in a bias of about 9.8%in total runoff overTable 7Results of the statistical analyses achieved between observed and simulated runoff data using the modified ESWAT model;data from the Upper Trinity basin,1999–2003DescriptionObserved Runoff estimated using hourly rainfall data (a)observed,and runoff a(b)disaggregated from daily rainfall data using some schemes Observed rainfallUniform UnivariateMultivariateCorrelation 1.000.7130.1870.1540.651coefficient Nash–Sutcliffe 1.000.6840.1420.1140.635coefficientTotal runoff over 1,0641,063.29601,0501,062.35years (106m 3)Percent bias0.00−0.08−9.8−1.32−0.16a Statisticalvalues under this column were obtained by comparing against itself (Observed Vs。
