另外一部与《阿凡达》很相似的影片《泰若星球》与《阿凡达》拥有相同的主旨,由Arrestments Tsirbas导演的《泰若星球》:《泰若星球》是一部综合的、复杂的电影,确切的来说,它是一部关于人性和选择的电影。
电影的分类有很多,基本分为:Action动作片、Drama剧情片、Comedy 喜剧片、Romance爱情片、Thriller惊悚片、Sci-Fi科幻片、Animation动画片、Mystery悬念片、Crime犯罪片、Adult成人片、Adventure冒险片、Documentary纪录片、Family家庭片、Film-Noir黑色片、Horror恐怖片、Music音乐片、Musical歌舞片、Short超短片、War战争片、Western西部片、Ghost鬼片、. 贺岁片(New Year Celebration)2、现在电影的3D化3D电影巧妙地利用了“偏光”。
片名‘American Beauty’实际上是玫瑰家族的一种。导演门德斯用这种玫瑰象征生命中的完美。莱斯特对Angela的性幻想永远在铺天盖地的玫瑰花瓣中展开,其久旱逢甘露一般的铺张想象充分喻示了他的生命中是如何的缺少"美"。还有他的妻子卡罗琳,也要通过料理花园弥补与家庭的缝隙,从中找寻填充自己的意义和美。
《American Beauty》是一幅美国风情画,它包含的很多社会问题都是欧美等发达资本主义国家普遍存在的症结。诸如拜金主义造成的精神压力,生活的单调乏味,个人的挫败感,性,毒品,暴力等等。感同身受的美国观众会处处与影片的细节产生共鸣。在这里,我们把它看作一部特殊的情色电影,着重考察影片在描写不伦关系时的独特视角。
H ow Andy Obtain His “Redemption”—Analysis of The Movie The Shawshank RedemptionIntroductionThe movie The Shawshank Redemption is adapted from American famous writer Stephen King’s gothic novel “The Shawshank Redemption”.It is a profound implication of fine arts. Andy Dufresne is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. The movie shows us Andy, with the help of his friends, obtains his greatest redemption.1I. Subjective ReasonsIn the court, Andy Dufresne claims that he is innocent. However, all the evidences indicate that he is the murder who must be punished. At last, Andy is sentenced to a lifelong imprisonment. Since the fair law cannot help him, Andy is doomed to save himself. The redemption is really a harsh task, which needs a person to equip himself. Andy Dufresne, as it is, is just the one who can receive his own redemption.A.Professional skills and wisdomThe society is not a world of fairy-tale. Man who wants to realize his dreams must have his special and professional skills rather than blank words and illusion. Originated from the traditional agriculture, traditional American spirit did not emphasize people’s knowledge in the society. Yet, after the industrial revolution, the American society gradually changed into capitalism.2 Industrialization altered the way Americans thought at the same time that it transformed their ways of making a living.3As the society became more complex, the need for specialized training increased.3 One have to own skills to achieve what he wants. Just as British philosopher, Francis Bacon says “Knowledge is power”. A free man can gain knowledge from different sources to fulfill his mind, while one can be wretched if he is ignorant. Andy Dufersne is an educated man full of skills and wisdom. With his excellent work, he comes to be a promising vice-president of a bank. Even though he is in prison, his knowledge makes him extraordinary. First, he helps his fellows gain a moment of being respected. With his professional skills, he assisted Mr. Hadly, the captain of the guards, to get the huge inheritance. In return, Mr. Hadly gave them beer to drink. After work, these prisoners sat and drank on the roof “felt like free man”. At that moment, just as Red says they were “the lords of all the creation”. Second, professional skills protect Andy against hard work and the Sisters’ harassment. In Shawshank, the homosexual Sisters always keeps at Andy. Meanwhile, the serious situation has been changed since Andy’s skills are known. In the movie, the warden Mr. Norton tells Andy “Man should have a skill”. In order to make Andy laundry his money, Mr. Norton gives the Sisters a big lesson. From then on, no one can lay afinger on Andy. At the same time, he is busy with the filtering process. Though he is only “a wonderful pet to have”, he gets his peaceful time in Shawshank. Third, wisdom is the key reason why Andy succeeds in escaping from the prison. First of all, Andy makes everybody think his hobby is shaping and polishing rocks so that he can tunnel under the wall. Besides, he covers the wall with a big poster of a sexy lady. Almost every man likes beauties, Andy knows it very well. He uses the big poster to hide his great tunnel easily. Moreover, Andy hides his rock hammer in the Holy Bible and the guards cannot find it. Mr. Norton once tells Andy “Salvation lies within”. The Holy Bible indicates Mr. Norton’s hypocrisy, while Andy Dufresne makes it to conceal the to ol of his tunneling. After Andy’s escape, Mr. Norton finally opens the Bible and finds there is hammer-shaped hole right in the chart “Exodus”, which tells how Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt.4 From the whole movie, the strategy of Andy’s redemption is full of careful thoughts and plans. He is “Rem b rant”.B.HopeHope is one of American spirits.5 In the movie, Andy redeems the spirit of those prisoners and himself. Time can make people get used to anything. Just as the old Brooks, they were all “institutionalized”. “These walls are funny. First you hate them. Then you get used to them. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalized”. Their hearts are numb and desperate. Nevertheless, Andy tells them “There is something inside t hat they cannot get to, that they cannot touch. That’s yours—hope”. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies”. With hope, he has waited in Shawshank about 20years. Although he is trapped in destiny, Andy has the desire for freedom. In his eyes, people should live in hope. “Get busy living or get busy dying”, Andy chooses the first one.C.Great patience, Equanimity and bravenessAs wonderful hope is, Andy Dufresne does not have enthusiastic hope. His hope is relevant with great patience and equanimity. Hope does not need passion, the enthusiasm of hope is just a casual impulse of the soul. In prison, where life must be measured by time, any enthusiasm is only helpless disappointment, which makes people accept the fate. Only man who has clear heart can see the ridiculousness of life. Otherwise, they may be furious and hopeless.6 At the beginning of the movie, Andy shows his specialty. On the first night in Shawshank, while the fat man cries and then hit by Mr. Hadly, Andy is si lent and “he never made a sound”. His calmness makes Red lose two packs of cigarette. No body could know how strong Andy is, because it looks like “a stiff breeze could blow him over”. However, he lives in his own quiet and hopeful world. In the exercise y ard, “he strolled, like a man in the yard without a care or a worry in the world”. He does not care and worry about the prison life in Shawshank. What he behaves does not belong to a man who must be kept in prison for the rest of the whole life. In the whole movie, he keeps calm all the time except the day he asks for a retrial. First, he answers and retorts the lawyer unflappably in the court. He appears to be very silent and all he says are from careful thinking. Second, though receiving a fatal sentence, Andy does not feel hopeless and desperate. He makes himself get used to the prison life and treats the Sisters’ harassment as “routine”. Third, he is extremely composed when facing Mr. Norton. As the guardsfirst check his ward, they turn his small room up and down. At that situation, Andy does not appear to be nervous and frightened. They find the rock blanket and rocks, which turn to be tools in Andy’s little hobby. Also, they see the big poster of Rita Hayworth, still, Mr. Norton says “exceptions can be made”. In the small room, he hides all his unspoken secrets. To everybody’s surprise, he looks so peaceful and answers the warden’s questions in a logical way. He is really full of equanimity and braveness. Fourth, once Andy has a chance, he plays the beautiful music to all his fellows. He dares to lock the guard and close the door of the office. He and all the prisoners are addicted to the music of the outer world. “It was something so beautiful, it can’t be expressed in words and makes your heart ache because of it…Those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like a beautiful bird flagged into our drab cage and made those walls dissolve away. And for the briefest of moments every last man at Shawshank felt fr ee”. Music is a universal language. Whether you can understand it or not, the emotion in music can touch your deep heart. In Shawshank, there is no music instead of high walls and hard work. However, Andy is brave enough to bring them music. At the moment Mr. Norton tries to break into t he office, there is an impression of hesitation on Andy’ face. But, immediately, he smiles, turns up the radio and closed his eyes to enjoy the music. Absolutely, he knows he would get a heavy punishment if he did not stop playing the music. In fact, he does it on purpose. For those in prison, music is the sound from the real society, which stands for freedom.7 Obviously, Andy cannot miss the chance to fresh the prisoners’ minds. He is the real warrior. At last, he spends 19 years in escaping from Shawshank. He is excellent and optimistic and why does not he leave the prison earlier? He needs time. During those 19 years, he has to prepare for his redemption. Firstly, he must tunnel through the wall without others’ notice. Seco nd, he tries to collect the evidences of Mr. Norton’s corruption. Third, Andy managed to collect money for his rest life. Fourth, he does his best to expand the prison library and improve other prisoners’ education background. With so much things to do, he has waited 19 years patiently and hopefully. Nineteen years is not a short time for anyone. However, with his great patience, Andy Dufresne achieves his redemption finally.II. Objective ReasonsA. OpportuniyChances became more imptant.7 An ambitious man can do nothing if there is no opportunity. Likewise, chance favors only the prepared mind. Fortunately, Andy Dufresne gains both of them. Accidentally, he found the rocks on the wall can be cast when he is trying to carve his name on the wall. This is the very step for him to find his way to salvation. Second, helping Mr. Norton laundry money gave him an access to the corruption. He can grasp every evidence to charge the warden. At the same time, he can accumulate his own life fund by the name of helping M r. Norton. What’s more, the death of Tommy stimulates his escape process. If Tommy had not been killed by Mr. Norton, Andy could have waited a little longer. The death lit the fire of Andy’s heart so that he realizes his redemption on the raining night. In a word, opportunitiesare very necessary to Andy.B.Others’ helpHuman beings make up a big society, and no one can stand without the support of nature, environment and other people.Andy cannot make his project come true in case there were no others’ hel p. First of all, with the help of Red, he got a rock hammer, which is the only tool for him to tunnel under the wall. Second, Red and his friends try their best to bring him some rocks so that he can do his little hobby. Third, the big poster from Red covers his hole under the wall. Fourth, his friends assist him to expand and manage the prison library. All the physical aids of his redemption come from his friends in prison. Andy helps them to obtain knowledge and become hopeful. In return, they help Andy to fulfill his dream. During those 19 years in prison, they have built deep friendship with each other. Friendship is also an important part in the movie.C.The warden’s arrogance and ignoranceAt the first day in Shawshank, Mr. Norton told them “I believe in two things: Discipline and the Holy Bible. Here, you’ll receive both. Put your trust in the lord, your ass belongs to me”. From that, we can know he is really a cruel warden and there is no easy life here. When he checks Andy’s ward and asks which are his favorite passages, Andy answers “Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh”. Then he says “But I prefer ‘I am the light of the world. Yet that followeth me shall have the light of life”. Mr. Norton thinks he is the lord of Shawshank and nobody could rebel him. All his behaviors indicate that he is arrogant and he always looks down upon others. He does not think there would be someone who manages to escape from his cage. Thanks to his arrogance, Andy realizes his plan step by step just under his eyes. Mr. Norton thinks he is great, in fact, he is really innocent. The step he forces Andy to laundry his money tells us how foolish and innocent he is. He himself let Andy deal with his credits and corruption evidences. Namely, Andy helps Mr. Norton, while he is killing the warden slowly. To some degree, Andy is a good killer. When Mr. Norton shoots himself, he still dose not know how Andy defeats him.D.PressureRed once says “It would take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it”, but Andy “did it less than 20”. How does he succeed? “Geology is the study of pressure and time. That’s all. It takes, really. Pressure and time.Pressure and time force him to tunnel under the wall because there is no other choice for him. We all know Andy is innocent but he must accept the unfair sentence. Before that, he is a standard banker and could have a bright future. However, all his achievements disappear in one night. He must stay in Shawshank, bear the control of the guards and the harassment of the Sisters. All his life is very dark and hopeless in the prison. Sometimes, pressure can be great power to stimulate you to get what you want. Andy must make himself to tunnel the wall with the pain we cannot imagine.E.FateBecause of a murder, Andy Dufresne turns to be a lifelong prisoner. We can say it is a joke made by fate. Since then on, he has to do his best to change his unfortunatefate. Finally, he succeeds. From the whole story, trying to change his fate of imprisonment and his success in escaping are both his fates. He is doomed to fight against fate and the succeed in the battle.8Just as Red says “Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright”.ConclusionThe movie The Shawshank Redemption is a mirror of the black part of the society, in which there are oppression and abnormal treatments. Nevertheless, Andy Dufresne is full of hope. Though trapped in prison, he never give up the opportunity to be a free man. Besides, he does his best to achieve his redemption. We should learn to be optimistic in face of any difficulties.。
用我们的心去聆听【黑鹰坠落】Only the dead have seen the end of the war 。
《The reader》论爱情与人性欧美爱情大片中有很多经典之作,例如《罗马假日》,《泰坦尼克号》,《美丽人生》,《廊桥遗梦》,《魂断蓝桥》,《乱世佳人》,《人鬼情未了》,《西雅图未眠》等等。
《The Reader》在81届奥斯卡颁奖典礼中荣获了四个奖项,最佳女主演,最佳导演,最佳剧本改编以及最佳艺术指导。
其中,Kate Winslet在她获得六次奥斯卡奖项提名后终于首次获得了最佳女主演这一奖项,她本人是一个非常有天赋的女演员,成功演绎了多个性格饱满而丰富的角色,如《泰坦尼克号》,《身为人母》,《天堂造物》等等,她在《The Reader》里面的表演也无可挑剔,塑造了一个内心简单而又内敛的战犯。
西方电影鉴赏论文 影评
《影视英语与文化》The Construction of the Devil Wears Prada and his Influence on American Feminism CultureAbstract: This movie is about a girl who has entered the workplace. After entering a top magazine business, she has been a fashionable person after pained exercises. In the film the “devil” wears Prada is Andy's boss, who is the representative of feminism in the United States, and entering the workplace of Andy is a potential feminist. This film is very helpful for us to explore the feminism in the United States. This paper begins with the basic cultural connotation of the film, and further explores the American feminist culture behind it.Key words: Feminism, American culture, the queen of Prada1.The American culture behind Prada's QueenThe film is very American, and its whole narrative is compact but interesting. The humor is the core of American culture which emphasizes the personality of the people. The character of the film is distinct and has a strong personal color. From the view of the whole film, it is full of gorgeous and fashionable elements, which embody the pragmatism and materialism of the American. What they advocate is the abundance of material and encouraging people to make progress. For example, in the 38 Letters Rockefeller Wrote to His Son, "Attitude is our best partner, and the most difficult enemy we have." (Rockefeller, 2012, p.5) this is the representative of the American entrepreneurial spirit, which embodies the brave and enterprising of the Americans for their own goals. American culture grew up in the war. They worshipped the strong,whether superman or Spiderman, whether Washington or Roosevelt, they were looking for a hero for themselves. In the film the devil wears Prada, Miranda is a hero that she never fears. She can summ on wind and call for rain, the film was a big success but also conforms to the American aesthetic psychology. Secondly, it reveals the dark side of the power struggle within the United States. The fight for power in the film is full of money. No friendship in the manager's eyes, they don't care about the feelings of Miranda, seeking to maximize the interests of. This is actually a reflection of the malpractice of capitalism. The naked relationship of money is an important reason for Andy to choose to leave. But the other kind of sentiment shown in the film, the humanistic care in the United States, is also reflected at the end of the film. Miranda wrote an exuberant letter of recommendation for Andy, and she finally affirmed Andy. This warmth leaves the film at the end of the temperature.2.The history of American feminist cultureThe American culture just mentioned is only part of the film. The core of the film is from feminism. Around the end of the nineteenth Century, it was the first wave of the women's liberation movement. At that time, the focus of the debate was gender equality, including equality between men and women. The most important goal is to strive for the equivalence of labor and social labor and the same value of political rights, which is often called the "feminist movement". It was believed that the second women's liberation movement originated in the United States as early as the 20th 60s and 70s, and the movement continued until 80s. Its keynote is to emphasize the natural nature of the division of labor between the sexes and eliminate the phenomenon of equal remuneration for men and women. It is required to ignore the view that the difference between the sexes is seen as the basis of a male in the relationship between the sexes. They are required to be open to the public, and so on. Another result of the second feminist movement is the rise of gender studies and feminist academic studies. In fact, there is no lack of work on feminism in history, and many wonderful films are also novels adapted from female subjects. As early as in nineteenth Century, the Englishwriter Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre which once said, "Do you think I am poor, humble, not beautiful or small, do I have no heart? You are wrong, I have as much soul as you, as full heart."(Charlotte Bronte, 2016, p.352). This is in line with the content of Andy's constant struggle for the value of his own. American culture is largely a combination of the essence of Europe. The novel Gone with the wind which created by the American writer Margaret Mitchell in 1930's, is also the core of the female growth. When Scarlett grew up in the war and said, "After all, tomorrow is another day" (Margaret Mitchell, 2012, p.694), which touched me by the strength of the women. As Miranda in the film faced the crisis, she was not afraid but prepared for it. She abandoned her friends for years and finally won the competition. Andy is also the same, from the beginning of the work to the later independent thinking, she has the courage to give up her own decent work, then pursuits the real happiness. It embodies the independence and strength of women. It is not difficult to find that this film is telling a story of a feminine transformation. The process of growing up is the process of feminism.3.ConclusionThe film has become a classic, in essence it has moved us with its cultural connotations. Our hearts admire heroes, especially women. Americans have been pursuing the emancipation and independence of the personality, especially the growing up women. They pursue equality and freedom and pursue their own value. American feminist culture is influenced by Simone de Beauvoir, especially her book secondary, which was published in France in 1949, comprehensive discussion since ancient times a woman in a male dominated world reduced to other secondary situation, challenge all the essence of feminism and anti-Feminism, "Women are not born, but the day after tomorrow is brought up." (Simone de Beauvoir, p.205) advocating that there is no permanent fixed femininity or the fate of women. Although such a woman "same to all human beings who is free and independent existence, but found herself forced in this world as a man, had to take the other identity" (Simone de Beauvoir, p.308), but stressedby existential honest with yourself and the situation, bravely choices, efforts to change the situation, women still can redefine their existence, and full participation in the past. The Devil Wears Prada told us that being a queen of her owns need not care for the eyes of others. Depending on yourself, women can live well and happily. This will be the future direction of the United States, and the rise of women is no longer a novel. You see, Hilary Clinton is going to move to the presidency again!Reference:Rockefeller. 38 Letters Rockefeller Wrote to His Son. 2012Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre. 2016Margaret Mitchell. Gone with the wind. 2012Simone de Beauvoir. Secondary. 2009。
A Study ofThe Dark Style of The seven deadly sinsAbstract:This paper first gives the definition of The seven deadly sins, the reason why it is put forward and the influence it brings to people in the modern society. It then introduces some information about the film Seven, including the content, the techniques of representation which mainly include the use of symbolism and the description of details and the environment, and also the purport of this film, which refers to the analysis of the mentality of the modern people and the anxieties to all kinds of abuses. It finally discusses the amalgamation of the film and religion. From the theme, the plot and the characters, the religious factors in the film make the purport known better.Key Words: religion; film; amalgamation;abuses浅析《七宗罪》的黑暗风格摘要:本文首先结合宗教经典,给出七宗罪的定义,其最初的教诲意义及其对现代人生活的影响;然后介绍了电影《七宗罪》的相关信息,包括电影的基本内容,表现手法,包括象征、细节描写和环境衬托,及电影所要传达的思想内容,即对现代社会人们心理的剖析及种种弊端的担忧。
关于西方电影分析的作文英文回答:Western films have always been a significant part of the global film industry. They often portray the American frontier, cowboys, and the Wild West. Western films have their own unique characteristics and themes that make them distinct from other genres.One of the main themes in Western films is the concept of the frontier. The frontier represents the untamed and lawless land beyond the settled areas. It symbolizes the struggle between civilization and the wilderness. Western films often depict the challenges faced by settlers as they try to establish order and bring civilization to the frontier.Another common theme in Western films is the figure of the cowboy. Cowboys are often portrayed as rugged, independent, and skilled horsemen. They are the heroes ofthe Wild West, fighting against outlaws, protecting the innocent, and upholding justice. The cowboy archetype has become an iconic symbol of American culture.Furthermore, Western films often explore themes of morality and justice. They often depict the conflict between good and evil, with the protagonist fighting against corrupt individuals or lawless gangs. The moral dilemmas faced by the characters in Western films reflect the challenges of living in a lawless and chaotic environment.In addition to themes, Western films also have distinct visual and narrative styles. The landscapes of the American West, with its vast deserts, canyons, and mountains, provide a stunning backdrop for the stories. The use of wide-angle shots and panoramic views captures the grandeur and beauty of the frontier. The narrative structure of Western films often follows a linear and straightforward plot, with clear-cut heroes and villains.中文回答:西方电影一直是全球电影业的重要组成部分。
下文是店铺为大家搜集整理的关于好莱坞电影论文范文发表的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!好莱坞电影论文范文发表篇1浅谈好莱坞电影中的文化透视[摘要] 电影不仅仅是一门视觉传达艺术,更是一种有效的文化传播途径。
[关键词] 好莱坞;__文化;“美国梦”作为美国电影的代名词,好莱坞也是美国意识形态艺术化的加工地,无数电影从这里产出、走向全世界,把美国人的思想、精神和观念传输到全世界。
What Can We See From the Movie: T he Day After TomorrowThis term, I saw the movie The day after tomorrow in English classes, actually, it is the second time that I saw this movie. This is a disaster movie, kind of a blockbuster. It describes an awful catastrophe that was caused by human beings themselves. Because mankind ’s activities led to the global temperature to go up constantly, which is known as ‘global warming warming’’nowadays in real life, the ever giant ice in polar regions melted and was released into the sea in the form of water, which broke the initial balance between fresh water and salt water. As a result, human beings was attacked by the cold ocean current resulting from the imbalance of water, and we mankind went into a ice age. Frankly speaking, leave the reasonability behind, I myself has seen a lot from the movie, some of which may be what the writer or director want to convey and I would like to share it with you. To begin with, there is no denying that it aroused the consciousness of environment protection among viewers. As we know, nowadays the global warming has become a serious problem which entails our mutual concentration and efforts to tackle it. In the movie, we can see that the natural power just devastated everything that it went through, houses , landmarks, living creatures with mankind no exception. In In order order order to to to avoid avoid avoid this this this kind kind kind of of of disaster, disaster, disaster, we we we need need need to to to be be be aware aware aware of of of the the the balance balance balance of of eco-system. Furthermore, we need to take actions to make a contribution. Not only for ourselves, ourselves, but but but also also also for for for our our our offspring. offspring. offspring. Just Just Just as as as the the the saying saying saying goes: goes: goes: we we we didn didn didn’’t t inherit inherit inherit the the earth from our ancestor, instead we borrowed it from our descendants. Secondly, the movie just reminded how unpredictable the future is. In the movie, it was only several days after the one of the main role, the paleoclimatologist, Jack Hall predicted the likely result of the ongoing temperature that the nightmare really happened. happened. I I I think think think nobody nobody nobody including including including Jack Jack Jack hadn hadn hadn’’t t expected expected expected the the the disaster disaster disaster to to to come come come so so quickly. quickly. What What What’’s s more, more, more, we we we human human human beings beings beings are are are just just just so so so fragile fragile fragile in in in the the the face face face of of of disaster. disaster. From the movie, we can vividly notice that we can almost do nothing but to submit to the subversive power of nature. So cherish what we own today and lead a happy and meaningful meaningful life, life, life, you you you never never never know know know what what what will will will happen happen happen tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, but but but what what what you you you can can choose is to keep a peaceful and positive mind and never waste your limited time. As someone once put it: If tomorrow is the end of the world, I will still plant roses in my garden today. Thirdly, I want to say that we should always possess hope in our heart. In the movie, movie, when when when Jack Jack Jack and and and his his his colleague colleague colleague were were were on on on the the the way way way to to to rescuing rescuing rescuing his his his son, son, son, the the colleague asked if Jack thought they could survive the ice age, Jack replied: mankind survived the last ice age, we can also survive this time. But we need to learn a lesson from it. I think keeping hopeful must be one reason that we can survive catastrophes and continue our civilization. Also, the unity counts when faced with disasters. It is with with unity unity unity that that that Sam Sam Sam and and and other other other people people people in in in the the the library library library finally finally finally hold hold hold out out out until until until being being rescued. In addition, there are many other aspects that can’t be left out. When people in the library started to go out in groups, Sam asked them not to do so because if they went out they would be frozen to death according to his father Jack. Actually, Sam could just have let the crowds go and never let out one word. Since one more person stayed in the library, the slighter their hope of existing will be because more people need need more more more energy energy energy considering considering considering the the the limited limited limited resources resources resources in in in the the the library. library. library. However However However , , , Sam Sam tried his best to save his compatriot ’s lives regardless of his own safety. Isn Isn’’t it the demonstration of the brightness in us human? Besides, when the cold ocean current had already caused losses to some cities, the vice president asked for Jack ’s proposal, and and Jack Jack Jack drew drew drew a a a line line line crossing crossing crossing the the the American American American territory territory territory on on on the the the map map map and and and advised advised advised the the government to evacuate people in the south of the line to more distant areas such as Mexico but to leave people in the north of the line aside. Needless to say ,it took great courage for Jack to decided on this. It is to be mentioned that his son Sam was in the north north of of of the the the line. line. line. From From From this this this action, action, action, we we we can can can also also also see see see that that that Jack Jack Jack sacrificed sacrificed sacrificed his his his own own interests for more people ’s benefit. Last but not least, politicians should focus more on environment protection and it is unsuitable to care only about economic development. 。
英文电影赏析5篇第一篇:英文电影赏析《危情谍战》与《亡命天涯》比较分析电影简介 1.1《危情谍战》简介特工罗伊·米勒将茱恩的平凡生活搞得一团乱,但是茱恩也闯入罗伊的生活。
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肖申克的救赎(The Shawshank Redemption),保守稳重的银行家Andy因谋杀罪被判入狱,实际上是被冤枉,两个无期徒刑将他后半生推入无底深渊,他没有就此沦落,却通过自己的智慧,在贪婪、残暴的狱卒手下为犯人们赢得了冰啤酒、图书馆以及与尊严和自由更为靠近的牢笼生活;用一把小石槌在美女海报后面凿了二十年,凿开了Red认为六百年都无法凿穿的隧洞,爬过500码的下水道,在电闪雷鸣的大雨中轻笑着拥抱久违的自由。
亮光之下,我们懦弱的灵魂纷纷在Andy 张开的双臂下现形并且颤抖。
Red 和Andy 的那种友谊置放在高墙之下,似乎比我们纷繁俗世中的友情来得更加纯粹和干净。
Busy for living, or busy for dying。
These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalizing.电影给了体制化一个很形象的比喻。
可是Brooks 却早已经被监狱的规则之
影片中当Red “因没有报告而撒不出一滴尿”时,伴我的不是发笑而是颤栗:体制可怕啊!Brooks在光明到来时因无法承受阳光的照耀而选择死亡,那一幕,我看到的不是Brooks悬挂着的身躯,而是个性与思想的死亡。
Get busy living or get busy dying,步履匆匆的人们也许规则的人们将付出巨大代价来习惯本来属于每一个人的自由。