计划维护4.3 TCard Activity Board ex








二、APP项目运营维护的内容1. 用户留存用户留存是指用户在第一次安装APP之后,继续使用该APP的比例。













2. 用户活跃用户活跃是指用户在一段时间内(比如一周、一个月)内登录APP的频次。









Sample pages of theTEMPLATE FOR A SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE PLANIntroductionBackgroundThe hype surrounding the Year 2000 (Y2K) software crisis identified the need for solid software maintenance policies and practices. Many organizations were forced to deal with significant changes to their software inventory and expended considerable funds accomplishing the needed tasks. Software systems are developed and evolve; they are not static. The last phase of the software engineering lifecycle, operation and maintenance, often takes the majority of life cycle funds. It is therefore prudent to possess software maintenance plans and procedures to contain life cycle costs, and to operate an efficient organization.Software Engineering Process Technology (SEPT) in conjunction with the noted Software Maintenance expert Thomas Pigoski has developed this template for a Software Maintenance Plan to aid the software engineer in implementing software maintenance requirements. This template is easy to use, self-explanatory, and does not require expensive training or extensive experience.About Software MaintenanceSoftware maintenance is the totality of activities required to provide cost-effective support to a software system. Activities are performed during the pre-delivery stage as well as the post-delivery stage. Pre-delivery activities include planning for post-delivery operations, supportability, and logistics determination. Post-delivery activities include software modification, training, and operating a help desk.How to use this DocumentThis document is designed to aid a person with limited knowledge of software maintenance requirements and methods to plan for software maintenance of a project or system. This template may be applied to manual or automated (computer processes) methods and can be easily implemented by one or more persons. It is applicable to small, highly critical 10-line software programs and to programs over 1 million lines of code. Organizational RequirementsMaintenance is performed by the developer, a separate maintainer, or by a third-party organization. It is important that the organization responsible for maintenance be identified in writing with full responsibilities. The Maintenance Plan accomplishes this. The maintainer should develop the Maintenance Plan as well as the supporting procedures. Since software maintenance activities invoke the use of organizational resources, it is recommended that the highest level of management in the organization approves of this undertaking and approves the final version of the plan and the procedures. Other functions that should also review and approve this plan include Software Quality Assurance, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Project Management (when applicable), the organization’s Software Configuration Management Function (when applicable), and the customer (when applicable).This template’s illustrative text is designed for use as is, by stripping the tutorial notations underlined in the text. The text can also be modified for requirements and guidance to meet organizational needs, and unique environments. It is not a requirement to use the paragraph numbers contained in this document and additional comments are encouraged whenever appropriate to fully comply with an organizations’ specific requirements. This template is applicable to all types of software from information technology, commercial, scientific, and other non-business applications (such as creating a complex web site). The user of this template should spell out all of the issues that are prevailing regarding the need for software maintenance prior to tailoring the template to ascertain that all such organizational issues are addressed.Reference Software Configuration Management Standards International Standards• ISO/IEC 12207 – 1995. Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes. • ISO/IEC 14764 – 1999. Software Engineering -Software MaintenanceUSA Standards – (International application)• IEEE/EIA 12207.0 – 1996, 12207.1, 12207.2,• IEEE 1219 - 1998. Software MaintenanceDefense Standards (USA)• J-STD-16-1998 (30 Sept 95), Standard for Information Technology, Software Life Cycle Processes.Standards and Specifications may be procured through SEPT at . Reference BooksPractical Software Maintenance: Best Practices for Managing Your Software Investment, Thomas M. Pigoski, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1997. To order this book click on to .Guide to Software Engineering Standards and Specifications, S. Magee and L Tripp. Artech House, 1997. To order this book click on to .Warranties and LiabilitySEPT makes no warranties, implied or stated with respect to this template and it is provided on an “as is basis”. SEPT will have no liability for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or any loss of revenue or profits arising under, or with respect to the use of this document.5.0 General RequirementsThis section should describe the policies and responsibilities of the program/project team as it plans for software maintenance. Policies and responsibilities are usually spelled out in an organization policy/directives manual and may be referenced here. It is highly recommended, however, that such doctrine be summarized in the plan as illustrated below.5.1 IntroductionThis section describes the system to be supported and identifies the initial status of the system. Complete identification of the system should include formal and common names, nomenclature, identification number and system abbreviations. Subsystems and interfacing systems should be identified.This plan describes the processes and procedures necessary to provide software maintenance for the XYZ system. System XYZ, Version 1.0 is being developed by the Software Development of Company ABC and the Software Maintenance Department of Company ABC will perform all software maintenance functions. NOTE: If the developer will perform maintenance, the following would be used. The Software Development Department of Company ABC is developing SYSTEM XYZ Version 1.0. Software maintenance will also be performed by the Software Development Department. NOTE: If maintenance were outsourced to another company, the following would be used. System XYZ, Version 1.0 is being developed by Company ABC and will transition to Company DEF for software maintenance support. System XYZ contains subsystems COLLECTION, PROCESSING, and REPORTING. System XYZ interfaces with systems QRS and STU. This plan details the activities required and specifies the various responsibilities in order to provide software maintenance for System XYZ.5.1.1. System. Describe the mission of the system to include mission need and employment. Identify interoperability requirements. Describe system functions. Describe the system to include descriptions of: system architecture, components and interfaces; hardware and software. Use separate subparagraphs to describe each subsystem and major hardware/software component.System XYZ provides payroll processing for a small business. It provides input to a third party payroll company called ADP Inc. The data provided must be in a format compatible with ADP Inc. requirements. System XYZ takes input from timecards, aggregates them, and formats the data to be forwarded to ADP Inc.5.1.2. Status. Identify the initial status of the system. System XYZ is under development and replaces System XY. System XY is a semi-automated system that is not integrated into corporate operations. System XYZ will provide that integration and additional functionality.5.1.3. Support. Describe why support is needed. System XYZ has a projected life of 3 years. During that period, corrections and enhancements will be required. Corrective maintenance will accommodate latent defects as reported by users. Enhancements, orimprovements will be submitted in order to improve performance and provide additional functionality for the users. As a result, maintenance support is required.5.1.4. Maintainer. Identify the maintainer. The maintainer for System XYZ is the Software Maintenance Department of the ABC Company. (NOTE: or the Software Maintenance Department of the DEF company if maintenance is provided by an outside source. Or the Software Development Department if there is no transition to a separate maintenance organization.)5.1.5. Contracts. Describe any contractual protocols between customer and supplier. The Software Development Department of Company ABC has a signed Memorandum of Agreement with the Software Maintenance Department of Company ABC to provide software maintenance for system XYZ. Through a Configuration Control Board (CCB), agreement will be reached on what corrections and enhancements will be provided in the next release. Emergency support is on an hourly basis. NOTE: For outside support use the following: Company ABC has a signed Memorandum of Agreement with Company DEF to provide software maintenance for system XYZ. Through a Configuration Control Board, agreement will be reached on which corrections and enhancements will be provided in the next release. Emergency support is on an hourly basis.5.2 Maintenance ConceptDescribe the concept. The maintenance concept addresses: The scope of software maintenance; the tailoring of the post-delivery process; the designation of who will provide maintenance; and an estimate of life-cycle costs. The customer should develop it early in the development effort with help from the maintainer. Defining the scope of maintenance helps the customer determine exactly how much support the maintainer will give to the customer. Scope relates to how responsive the maintainer will be to the users. The maintenance concept also addresses the activities of post-delivery software maintenance. Different organizations often perform different activities in the post-delivery process. An early attempt should be made to identify these organizations and to document them in the maintenance concept. In many cases, a separate maintenance organization performs the maintenance functions.Figuring out who or which maintenance organization should perform maintenance for a particular system involves many factors. If the system only has a lifespan of two years, perhaps the developer should maintain it.5.2.1. Concept. Responsiveness to the user community is the primary consideration in determining the scope of software maintenance. The scope of software maintenance should be tailored to satisfy operational response requirements. Scope relates to how responsive the Maintainer will be to proposed changes. For example, a full scope software maintenance concept suggests that the Maintainer will provide full support for the entire deployment phase. This includes responding to all approved software change categories (i.e., corrections and enhancements) within a reasonable period. Software maintenance concepts that limit the scope of software maintenance are referred to as“limited scope concepts.” Limited scope concepts limit the support period, the support level, or both.The Software Maintenance objective for System XYZ is to release two operational versions during each year. The Configuration Control Board will determine the target dates and the content of each release. Support for Version 1.0 will be limited to priority one (cannot operate the system) corrective actions. All other problems will be saved and included in the next release. All enhancements will be held until a scheduled release. 5.2.2. Level of support. Describe the level of support for the system. Support will be provided for 3 years and will include support for two major releases each year. All corrective and enhancements approved by the Configuration Control Board will be included in releases. Tracking of all change requests is required. A Help Desk will be maintained and technical support will be provided as needed.5.2.3 Support period. Describe the support period from pre-delivery to post-delivery support. The maintainer will provide support during the development phase. This support will be on an on-call basis to review requirements, plans, etc. The post-delivery support period will be 3 years.5.2.4 Tailoring the maintenance process. Tailor the maintenance process by referring to the maintainer’s software maintenance process manual. Any activities and/or task in the process manual that will not be performed for System XYZ must be specifically tailored out, i.e., deleted. In this section, identify the specific sections of the process manual that will be deleted. Software Maintenance for System XYZ will be performed in accordance with Company ABC’s “Organization Software Maintenance Process Manual.” Or, for outside support, in accordance with Company DEF’s “Software Maintenance Process Manual.” As an example, System XYZ may not require sections 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 of the Process Manual. Thus, the following might be used. Specific activities tailored out for System XYZ are items: 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 of the “Organization Software Maintenance Process Manual.”5.3 Organization and Maintenance ActivitiesOnce the maintenance organization, i.e., the maintainer, is identified, the specific maintenance activities are specified. General software engineering activities are performed during pre-delivery and post-delivery. The role of the user is defined as well as any interfaces with other organizations.Modification Request。






二、运营维护策略(一)监控策略1. 确定监控的目标和指标,例如系统性能、可用性、安全性等。

2. 选择合适的监控工具和技术,例如 Nagios、Zabbix、Prometheus 等。

3. 制定监控的频率和阈值,及时发现和解决问题。

(二)故障处理策略1. 建立故障处理流程,包括故障报告、故障分类、故障处理、故障恢复等环节。

2. 制定故障应急预案,确保在紧急情况下能够快速恢复系统。

3. 定期进行故障演练,提高故障处理能力。

(三)性能优化策略1. 分析系统性能瓶颈,例如 CPU、内存、磁盘 I/O 等。

2. 采取相应的优化措施,例如调整系统参数、优化数据库查询、增加缓存等。

3. 定期进行性能测试和评估,确保系统性能满足业务需求。

(四)安全管理策略1. 建立安全管理制度,包括用户认证、授权、访问控制等。

2. 定期进行安全漏洞扫描和修复,确保系统安全。



计算机软件维护计划模板Computer Software Maintenance Plan Template.Introduction:A computer software maintenance plan is a document that outlines the activities and procedures necessary to maintain a software system in a stable and operational state. It should include details such as the scope of maintenance, responsibilities, schedules, and reporting mechanisms. A well-defined maintenance plan helps ensure that software remains reliable, secure, and meets user requirements.Sections:1. Maintenance Overview.Scope: Define the scope of the maintenance plan, including the software systems and components covered.Goals: Specify the overall goals of the maintenance plan, such as improving stability, performance, or security.Responsibilities: Assign responsibilities fordifferent maintenance activities, such as monitoring, troubleshooting, and updating.2. Maintenance Activities.Corrective Maintenance: Procedures for addressing software defects and issues reported by users.Preventive Maintenance: Activities performed regularly to identify and mitigate potential problems, such as code reviews and performance monitoring.Adaptive Maintenance: Changes made to the software to accommodate new requirements or changes in the operating environment.Perfective Maintenance: Enhancements and improvementsto the software to meet changing user needs.3. Maintenance Schedule.Frequency: Establish a schedule for regular maintenance activities, such as daily monitoring and weekly code reviews.Response Time: Define the expected response time for addressing software issues or defects.Escalation Process: Outline the process for escalating unresolved issues to the appropriate level of support.4. Reporting and Monitoring.Metrics: Identify key metrics that will be used to measure the effectiveness of maintenance activities.Reporting: Establish regular reporting mechanisms to provide updates on maintenance progress and issues identified.Monitoring: Define the systems and tools used to monitor software performance and identify potential problems.5. Change Management.Change Request Process: Describe the process for submitting and reviewing change requests to the software.Change Impact Assessment: Outline the steps for assessing the impact of proposed changes on the software system.Change Authorization: Define the process for authorizing and implementing software changes.6. Documentation.Maintenance Manual: Provide a comprehensive manual that documents all maintenance activities and procedures.Software Changelog: Maintain a record of all software changes, updates, and fixes.User Documentation: Update user documentation to reflect software changes and maintenance activities.Conclusion:A well-defined computer software maintenance plan is essential for ensuring the stability and reliability of software systems. By following the steps outlined in this template, organizations can establish a comprehensive maintenance plan that aligns with their specific software requirements and business objectives.中文回答:计算机软件维护计划模板。










注意Windows Management Instrumentation不能尝试关闭,关闭后将无法设置,只能改注册表了。




(禁止,一般家用计算机根本不需要传送或接收计算机系统管理来的警示) application layer gateway service—给与第三者网络共享/防火墙支持的服务,有些防火墙/网络共享软件需要。

(例如瑞星某版本的防火墙等) ,可设为手动。

application management—用于设定、发布和删除软件服务。

(不要改动它)automatic updates—windows自动打补丁! (正版windows开启自动。


手工升级windows点击“开始”-windos update,或者利用360补漏洞)background intelligent transfer service—打补丁时需要用它来传输。


(禁止,等于打开你电脑中的后门让黑客和木马程序攻击你的电脑)com+Event system—建议设置手动。

维维电子 T-BERD 5800v2 软件更新指南说明书

维维电子 T-BERD 5800v2 软件更新指南说明书

Viavi MTS/T-BERD 5800v2Software Update InstructionsSeptember 27, 2017Table of ContentsScope (2)work Upgrade (2)B Upgrade (5)3.StrataSync (8)ScopeThere are three methods to update T-BERD 5800v2 software:work upgrade - Use this method to update your T-BERD via an Internet connection.B upgrade - Use this method to update your T-BERD with a USB thumb drive.3.StrataSync upgrade - Use this method if your T-BERD 5800v2 is managed using Viavi’s StrataSyncAsset Management system.The T-BERD must be connected to AC Power, regardless of update method.work UpgradeStep Action Details1.Power On Press and hold the ON/OFF button to turn on the T-BERD 5800v2.2.AC Power Connect the AC power adapter to thepower connector on the side of theT-BERD 5800v2.N Connection Connect the Ethernet ManagementPort on the side of T-BERD 5800v2to a network connection with internetaccess, using CAT 5E or better cable.4.System Press the System icon, , at the top of the start-up screen, to display theSystem Menu.work Settings Press the Network icon,, to display LAN Settings. Set IP Mode to“DHCP” for automatic IP address assignment or “Static” for manual input.After configuring LAN settings, press the System icon, , to redisplaythe System Menu.6. Upgrade Press the Upgrade icon,, to display upgrade methods.Network Upgrade Pressto displayupgrade settings. Ensure that Server Address= “”7.Connect Press to showthe upgrade versions available at . Start Upgrade P ress, and press to initiate the upgrade.B UpgradeStep Action Details Using an internet browser on your PC or laptop, go to /2.5800v2 Click onto display the T-BERD 5800v2 upgrade portal.3.Download Click on the US/Canadian Flag, , and click to downloadthe current software revision from the North American download server.There are choices for EMEA and APAC Save it to your desktop.B Stick Insert a USB thumb drive into the USB port on your PC or laptop.5.Extract Open and run the downloaded file, enter the path of the USB stick, and pressto extract files.6.Eject Safely eject the USB drive from your PC or Laptop7.Power on T-BERD Press and hold the ON/OFF button to turn on the T-BERD 5800v2.8.AC Power Connect the AC power adapter to thepower connector on the side of theT-BERD 5800v2.B Connect the USB Thumb Drive to oneof the USB ports on the side of theT-BERD 5800v2. An 8GB or smallerdrive is recommended.10.System Press the System icon, , at the top of the start-up screen, to display theSystem Menu.11.Upgrade Press the Upgrade icon,, to display upgrade methods.B Upgrade Press to display upgrade versionsavailable on the USB stick.13.Start Upgrade Press . Press to initiate the upgrade.3.StrataSyncStep Action Details1.Power On Press and hold the ON/OFF button to turn on the T-BERD 5800v2.2.AC Power Connect the AC power adapter to thepower connector on the side of theT-BERD 5800v2.N Connection Connect the Ethernet ManagementPort on the side of T-BERD 5800v2to a network connection with internetaccess, using CAT 5E or better cable.4.System Press the System icon, , at the top of the start-up screen, to display theSystem Menu.work Settings Press the Network icon,, to display LAN Settings. Set IP Mode to“DHCP”for automatic IP address assignment or “Static” for manual input.After configuring LAN settings, press the System icon, , to redisplaythe System Menu.6.StrataSync Press the StrataSync icon,, to display StrataSync Settings. Ensurethat Account ID and Technician ID match those of your StrataSync account.7.Sync Press to sync your T-BERD 5800v2 and initiate upgradesauthorized by your StrataSync System Administrator. If an upgrade has beenassigned you will receive a message box telling you that an upgrade isavailable and prompting you to OK or Cancel. If you were expecting ancontact your company’s Stratasync Admin.。

Umoja维护 服务订单创建指南说明书

Umoja维护 服务订单创建指南说明书

PurposeThe purpose of this guide is to provide a quick summary for how to create a Service Orders. Umoja Maintenance/Service Order can be created with or without reference to a Notification.This document describes the process for Maintenance/Service Orders for internal entities only for maintaining equipment, and assumes no cost recovery.TriggerPerform this process whenever a Service Order is required to track labour, activities, and spare parts used in the providing of services.Enterprise RoleSD.01 – Notification UserSD.02 – Notification ApproverSD.03 – Services Delivery PlannerSD.04 – Services Delivery Order ReleaseSD.10 – Services Delivery Equipment Master Data MaintainerSD.11 – Services Delivery Equipment Master Data Maintainer – LocalOverviewThere are five different types of Maintenance/Service Orders used in service delivery. For internal services, use ZM01 (if Service Order is not part of the Preventative Maintenance module).Create ZM01 Service Order1.To create a Service Order from a Notification, follow steps in A. (Green Box).To create a service Order without a Notification, follow steps in B. (Orange Box).*For Service Orders created from Notifications, some of the information below may be derived from the Notification2.The Fund must be entered. This refers to who is “paying” for the service/maintaince:∙Select Goto from the menu (at the top) -> Assignment -> Funds management∙Enter the FundIn the HeaderData tab, enter:MANDATORY∙Planner Group: Who plans the services/maintenance? SD Planner should enter their Planner Group∙Main Work Center: the operational unit that carries out workOPTIONAL∙Basic Start Date/Finish Date∙Priority∙Under Reference objecta. Functional location – Real Estate Object where the service will take place - Optionalb. Equipment – Should be derived from selection in previous screen. Otherwise, enter equipmentnumber.∙Under Malfunction Data: Enter the Malf. Start date/time∙Under Damage tab: This is where the current mileage/hours can be entered. PLEASTE NOTE that this will not update the Equipment Master Measuring Point.∙Under Damage field, click the matchbox, and click on UNVEHICLE or UNGENRT. Select 006 – Failure to Start∙In the field on the right, type the mileage (free text)4.The Operations tab is where to enter all the activities that are tobe performed:∙Work Center: This is defaulted from the Main Work Centerfrom the header tab. If another work center is doing the workactivity, please change the work center here.∙Plant: This should be derived by entering the Equipment∙Control Key: This field specifies the type of service. The valueshould be SM00 for internal services, for example if stafftechnicians are performing the service. The value should be when the service is provided by an external vendor. When using SM02, after entering the values, click External button. EnterMaterial Group, Purchasing Group and Purchasing Organization 1000. Enter Operational Quantity and Price (i.e. Requisition Value)∙Operation short text: Enter description of service.∙Work: This tells you how much work is estimated for the activity. Ensure the C.Key field is set to 2 Calculate. Then the Work will be calculated automatically. See note below.∙Un: Unit of Measure based on the activity type selected. Check & enter the Unit of Measure for both Number and Duration. Typically the Unit of Measure should be H for hours∙Number: Quantity of unit of measure. For example, enter the estimated number of individuals for this activity.∙Dur.: Duration for the activity. If using H, enter the estimated number of hours (per individual) for this activity∙ C.Key: This specifies the calculation. Ensure the C.Key field is set to 2 Calculate.*NOTE: Number x Duration = Work.Eg. For an repair activity, there are 2 technicians working on the equipment for an estimated 8 hours.Then enter: Un = H, Number = 2, Duration = 8, Un = H. Work = 8 x 2 = 16 hours∙ActTyp: This is where to enter Activity Type.a.Click the Matchcode to search for Activity Type, which is limited by the selected Work Centerb.Statistical Activity Type should be used when there is no cost recovery but the activity recordis required for statistical purpose∙To Assign Technicians to the Activity Types:a.After all the activities required have been listed, select an Activity and click the Internalbutton at the bottom of the screen. For that Activity (Line item), you can assign a technicianAHMED below), click the matchcode to search. Use the tab that says UN Last name - FirstName.3.The Components tab is where to enter the spare parts/materials used in performing the maintenance/service:∙Component: Select item by material master number. If the number is unknown, click the matchcode to search.∙Reqmt Qty: Enter the required quantity∙IC: Item Category – Specifies whether items come from stock or a shopping cart is required ∙Z - Stock Item Non budget: Material only comes from own stock (Storage location associated to the cost center). The movement type 261. Creates a Reservation∙L - Stock Item Budget Relevant: Creates a Reservation. movement type ZO1.∙N - Non-Stock Item: Item not in stock. DO NOT USE THIS. Contact your Requisitioners to create a shopping cart and delete this component from the Service Order. Selecting this creates aPurchase Requisition( which generates a Shopping Cart), which is not recommended.∙Press Enter on the keyboard. A window will pop-up. In this window, enter the Storage Location.a.SLOC: Enter Storage Location from where the materials will be selected. Can check stockavailability of materials by clicking on SLOC Search box.∙PLNT – Refers to the Plant. This field should default based on the equipment selected.∙OpAc – Enter the Line Number from the Operations Tab that will use this material for this line. This refers to the Activity that will use this spare part/material.∙NOTES:a.Reservation: To see the details of the Reservation, click the Gen. Data button at the bottom ofthe screen.i.From there, you can see the Reservation Number, Requirement Data & Time,Requirement Quantity & UoM, Committed Quantity (reserved qty) , Withdrawal Quantity(issued qty), Movement Type4.In the Costs tab:a.To review the planned Cost of the Order, click on the Determine Cost button (calculator icon)b.Click Rep. Plan/Act. Button to see the plan vs actual cost comparison5.In the Partners tab, this lists the persons associated with the Service Ordera.Select Functional Roleb.Enter/search the User ID or BP numberc.Unlmited number of functional roles can be entered. For informational purposes only.6.Optional, in the Additional Data tab:a.Check the Responsible Cost Center (should be the CC that is doing the work and corresponds tothe Work Center)7.In the Location Data tab, enter details about who is paying!a.On the main screen under Account Assignment, enter the Cost Center (the one that’s paying!)b.To enter the FUND: look at the menu bar at the top: Goto>Assignment > Funds Management8.Save & note down the Service Order numberApprove/Release Service OrderAll Service Orders must be released before any work can begin.If there are no cost recovery activities∙The SD order releaser Releases the Service Order .If the Service order is for Cost Recovery, then∙The Funds Center/ Budget approver will approve the Service Order, then the SD Order Releaser releases the Service Order∙Use “Real” not statistical activitiesApprove Service OrderThese steps are only valid if there is Cost Recovery. Use these steps if you are going to approving the payment. Steps:1. Use IW32 t-code2. Order: Enter Order Number3. Costs tab: Review the total costs4. Location tab: Review the following fields• Asset• Cost Center/WBS Element/ Internal Order (which ever one applies)5. In the top menu: Goto > Assignments > Funds Management Review the coding block.6. Click the Change Statu s icon7. Select 3 APPR Order Approved radio button8. SaveRelease Service OrderIt is mandatory to release the Service Order before any work can begin.Steps:All steps are the same as “Approve Service Order”, except at Step 6, click the “Release Icon”e IW32 t-code2.Order: Enter Order Number3.Costs tab: Review the total costs4.Location tab: Review the following fields• Asset• Cost Center/WBS Element/ Internal Order (which ever one applies)5.In the top menu: Goto > Assignments > Funds Management. Review the coding block.6.Click the Change Statu s icon . Can change the status.7.SaveThe SD Planner confirms the services and enters the “actual” hours worked, etc. If the activity is statistical, the SD Planner can confirm the quantity of activity (hours) beyond what was estimated when the Service Order was created.Steps:e IW44 t-code2.Order: Enter Order Number3.Select all the line items.4.Click the “Actual Data” icon . The “Enter PM5.Enter the following:∙Actual Work: enter the actual hours worked∙Remaining Work: enter any hours of remaining workthat exists∙if all services are complete, you can click on “Final confirmation” and “No remain work” check boxes ∙Repeat for each service by clicking the next icon6.SaveComplete Service OrderComplete the Service Order when all the activities are completed and all used spare parts/materials have been entered.e IW32 t-code2.Order: Enter Order Number3.Click Complete icon4.The Complete window pop-ups. Enter Reference Date and Reference time5.Click Technically Complete check box6.Click EnterHow to Print Service Order(if not in the Service Order already, use t-code IW33 and enter the Service Order Number)1.From the menu at the top, select Order>Print2.Click Order button (“Select Shop Papers” window pops up)3.Select the appropriate Shop Paper. Check OutputDeviceClick Print/Fax buttonLinks to User Guide:https:///sites//files/sd390_umoja_service_and_maintenance_order_management_u serguide_v1.12.pdf。

进度式手动启动组合维护单元 MSB4-1 4 C3J3D1A1F3-WP说明书

进度式手动启动组合维护单元 MSB4-1 4 C3J3D1A1F3-WP说明书
2 -10 ... 60 °C Aire comprimido según ISO8573-1:2010 [6:4:4] -10 ... 60 °C -10 ... 60 °C 2.000 g con accesorios G1/4 G1/4 G1/4 Fundición inyectada de aluminio PC
Hoja de datos
Caracter. Tamañoición de montaje Grado de filtración Evacuación del condensado Construcción
Función del regulador
Combinación de unidades de mantenimiento MSB4-1/4:C3J3D1A1F3-WP
Número pieza: 542305
Compuesto de válvula manual de arranque progresivo, unidad de filtro y regulador, válvula eléctrica de arranque progresivo, módulo de derivación con presostato sin indicación, placa para el montaje en la pared. Presión inicial máxima 12 bar, filtro de 5 µm, con manómetro, botón regulador con llave, depósito y funda de material plástico, evacuación manual del condensado, sentido del flujo de izquierda a derecha



维护作业计划的英语英文回答:Maintenance Work Plan.A maintenance work plan is a document that outlines the maintenance tasks that need to be performed on a particular asset, such as a machine, building, or facility. The work plan should include the following information:A description of the asset.A list of the maintenance tasks that need to be performed.The frequency with which each task should be performed.The resources that will be required to perform each task.The estimated cost of each task.The maintenance work plan should be developed by a qualified maintenance professional who is familiar with the asset and its maintenance requirements. The work plan should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it is current and accurate.The maintenance work plan is an essential tool for ensuring that an asset is properly maintained and operated. By following the work plan, maintenance personnel can help to prevent costly breakdowns and extend the life of the asset.中文回答:维护作业计划。

activity book翻译

activity book翻译

activity book翻译activity book翻译是:活动手册。


This activity book provides interesting games,intellectual challenges and various activities to keep mykids learning with joy.2.活动手册能让我们的孩子发挥想象力,拓展知识面,学习技能,同时增加孩子们与家庭成员或朋友之间的团结与愉悦。

Activity books can help our kids to develop their imagination, expand their knowledge, learn new skills, andalso to strengthen the ties and promote joy between the kids and their family members or friends.3.我们正在考虑购买一个活动手册,让我们的孩子在家里玩游戏和智力挑战,同时学习新技能。

We are considering buying an activity book so that our kids can have fun playing games and intellectual challenges at home, while learning new skills.4.我们喜欢用活动手册教孩子新的东西,因为它们使他们的学习更加有趣,更加有益。

We like to teach our kids new things with activity books as they make learning more fun and beneficial for them.5.活动手册能够帮助孩子们更快地学习新的技能,比如算术、英语、艺术和科学。



网点业务员三段码维护流程英文回答:The process for maintaining the three-digit code for branch salespeople involves several steps. Here is an outline of the process:1. Identification and Verification: The first step is to identify the branch salesperson who needs to have their three-digit code updated or maintained. This can be done through the employee database or by directly contacting the salesperson.2. Code Generation: Once the salesperson is identified,a new three-digit code needs to be generated for them. This code should be unique and not already assigned to another salesperson in the system. The code can be randomly generated or based on certain criteria, such as the salesperson's initials or employee ID.3. Code Assignment: After the code is generated, it needs to be assigned to the salesperson. This can be done by updating the salesperson's profile in the system or by providing them with a physical card or document containing the code.4. Communication and Training: It is essential to communicate the new code to the salesperson and provide them with any necessary training or instructions on how to use it. This can be done through email, a company-wide announcement, or in-person training sessions.5. Code Maintenance: Once the code is assigned, it needs to be regularly maintained to ensure its accuracy and relevance. This includes updating the code if the salesperson changes positions or leaves the company, as well as periodically reviewing and refreshing the codes to prevent any potential security breaches.中文回答:网点业务员三段码维护流程包括以下几个步骤:1. 身份验证,首先需要确定需要更新或维护三段码的网点业务员。













4.3 厂牌的停用员工离职或请长假时,需及时将厂牌收回,待返岗时再予以发放。



4.3.3访客证号码必须记录于《来访人员登记表》上,结束来访程后保安必须核对和收回“访客证”,如果有回收需在“来访证”编号打“√”表示;4.4 厂证及访客证的检查:4.4.1保安人员必须履行好检查的职责,凡未佩戴厂牌及访客证者一律拒绝进入,检查结果应上报人事部作相关处理。



planboard - free lesson planner for teachers -回复

planboard - free lesson planner for teachers -回复

planboard - free lesson planner for teachers -回复如何使用免费的Planboard教师课程计划工具。


























SnapAV MMS Firmware Update Guide

SnapAV MMS Firmware Update Guide

Upda te GuideTo apply a Firmware update to the MMS, you may either:1. If the MMS is an eSeries device, claim it on OvrC.2. Log in to DealerZone and search for your device. If online and running a supported firmware,you will be able to update the firmware online. Expand the device arrow and select "Manage"->"Update Firmware"3. If you have a computer on the same network as the MMS, you may use a telnet client such asWindows Telnet.To update using Windows Telnet:• Open a command prompt.• In the command window that appears, enter telnet <server-ip> <port> where <server-ip> isthe IP address of the server and <port> is the target port (usually Port 23) and hit Enter. Forexample, telnet 23• If telnet is not available, follow the steps below to install itTo install Telnet Server on Windows 7 and Windows Vista:• Click Start, and then click Control Panel.• On the Control Panel Home page, click Programs.• Under the section titled Programs and Features, click Turn Windows features on or off.• If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action displayed is correct, and then click Continue.• In the Windows Features list, select Telnet Server, and then click OK.To install Telnet Server on Windows 10• Click the Cortana Search Function and search Turn Windows features on or off.• The Windows Features dialog box appears, scroll down to Telnet Client, and then click OK.• Once the Telnet command window is open, continue to step 4.4. You will see the Autonomic Controls banner displaying the firmware version. Press enter.5. To update to the latest release type "autoupdate" and hit Enter.6. You should see the update process begin with a download of the firmware.7. Once the firmware is downloaded, the install process will begin.8. The system will restart and you will lose connection to the server. Continue to step 9.Upda te Guide9. The system should restart and become available again after 3-5 minutes.10. Depending on the MMS system you have, you may hear a BEEP when the server reboots.11. Once the device has rebooted completely, navigate to the configuration web interface and checkthe firmware version to ensure the update completed successfully.12. For Mac, open the Terminal application, and follow the same steps as Windows starting at step 2(skipping step 3).。



WETABWETAB: An Innovative Tablet for Enhanced ProductivityIntroductionIn recent years, tablets have become an essential tool for many professionals and students alike due to their portability, versatility, and ease of use. However, the market is flooded with numerous tablet options, making it challenging for consumers to find one that meets their specific needs. In this document, we will explore the features and benefits of a unique tablet called WETAB, which stands out from the competition with its innovative design and exceptional productivity-enhancing features.1. HardwareThe WETAB tablet boasts impressive hardware specifications that make it a suitable choice for demanding tasks. It is powered by an advanced processor, ensuring smooth multitasking and effortless performance. With a generous amount of RAM and onboard storage, users can comfortablyrun resource-intensive applications and store all their files without worrying about running out of space.The 10-inch high-definition display is vibrant and offers excellent color accuracy, ensuring an enjoyable media consumption experience. The touch sensitivity is extremely responsive, allowing users to navigate effortlessly through various applications, documents, and websites.2. Operating SystemThe WETAB tablet operates on a customized version of the popular Android operating system, optimized to offer superior productivity features. While maintaining a user-friendly interface, it also introduces various enhancements that cater specifically to professionals and students.One notable feature is the split-screen multitasking capability, enabling users to work simultaneously on two applications side by side. This feature is particularly useful for multitasking professionals who need to reference multiple documents or applications simultaneously. Moreover, the operating system offers smooth integration with popular productivity tools, such as Microsoft Office and cloud-based storage services, allowing seamless collaboration and access to files on-the-go.3. Stylus SupportTo further enhance productivity, the WETAB tablet comes with stylus support, providing a natural writing experience for note-taking, drawing, and editing tasks. The stylus offers precise touch sensitivity and pressure sensitivity, allowing users to write or draw with fine details, just like using a pen or pencil on paper.In addition, the tablet's operating system offers handwriting recognition technology, providing the ability to convert handwritten notes into digital text. This feature not only saves time but also makes it easier to search for specific information within the notes.4. Battery Life and ConnectivityThe WETAB tablet offers an impressive battery life, ensuring that users can work or play without constantly worrying about running out of power. With its efficient power management system, the tablet can last for an entire workday on a single charge.In terms of connectivity, the WETAB tablet supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, allowing users to seamlessly connect to the internet and transfer files wirelessly. It also includes USB and HDMI ports, enabling users to connect external devices such as keyboards, mice, or external displays for enhanced productivity.5. Security and PrivacySecurity is a paramount concern for many tablet users, especially professionals dealing with sensitive data. The WETAB tablet addresses these concerns by incorporating robust security features, including biometric authentication such as fingerprint or facial recognition, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the device and its contents.Additionally, the tablet comes preloaded with security software that protects against malware and unauthorized access, providing peace of mind to users when accessing the internet or downloading applications.ConclusionIn conclusion, the WETAB tablet offers a range of innovative features and capabilities that set it apart from its competitors. From its powerful hardware to the customized operating system and stylus support, the tablet is designed with productivity in mind. Its long battery life, versatile connectivity options, and robust security features make it an ideal choice for professionals and students who require a portable device that can keep up with their demanding workload.Whether you are a professional working on-the-go, a student taking notes during lectures, or simply someone who values efficiency and convenience, the WETAB tablet is sure to enhance your productivity and provide an enjoyable user experience.。

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