




提取的盈余公积金;200X10%=20(万元)可供分派利润=200—20=180(万元)应支付优先股股利=5 000X6%=300(万元)则实际支付优先股股利=180(万元) .未分派的优先股股利=300—180=120(万元)20X8年。

提取的盈余公积金=2 875X10%=(万元)可供分派利润=2 875—=2 (万元)补付20X7年优先股股利=120(万元)20X8年优先股股利=5 000X6%=300(万元)剩余可供分派利润=2 —120—300=(万元)则普通股每股股利=+300)÷(30000+5 000)=5(元)普通股股利总额= 5X30 000=2115(万元)优先股剩余股利= 5X5 000—300=(万元)优先股股利总额=120+300+=(万元)优先股每股股利=÷5 000=5(元)年1月1日。

公司估计支付股分应负担的费用=lOXl000X200=2 000000(元)不作会计处置。

20X6年12月31 H。

公司估计:支付股分:应负担的费用=2 000 000X(1—10%)=1 800 000(元)20X6年应负担的费用=1 800000÷3=600000(元)借:管理费用600 000贷:资本公积——其他资本公积600 00020X7年工2月31日。

公司估计支付股分应负担的费用=2 000 000X(1—8%)=1 840 000(元) 20X7年累计应负担妁费用=1 840000X2/3x1 226 667(元)20X7年应负担的费用=1 226 667—600 000=626 667(元)借:管理费用626 667贷:资本公积——其他资本公积626 66720X8年12月31日。

公司实际支付股分应负担的费用昌lOXl000X(200—3—3—1)=1 930 000(元)20X8年应负担的费用=1 930000-226 667=703 333(元)借:管理费用703 333贷:资本公积——其他资本公积703 33320X9年1月1日。







得分/总分A.按票面金额乘以实际利率计算的利息减去应摊销的溢价B.按票面金额乘以票面利率计算的利息减去应摊销的溢价1.50/1.50C.按票面金额乘以实际利率计算的利息加上应摊销的溢价D.按票面金额乘以票面利率计算的利息加上应摊销的溢价正确答案:B你选对了5单选(1.5分)A公司于2018年1月1日发行面值总额为1 000万元,期限为5年的债券,该债券票面利率为6%,每年年初付息、到期一次还本,发行价格总额为1 043.27万元,利息调整采用实际利率法摊销,实际利率为5%。


得分/总分A.1 000B.1 060C.1 095.43D.1 035.431.50/1.50正确答案:D你选对了6单选(1.5分)以现金清偿债务的,债务人应当在满足金融负债终止确认条件时,终止确认重组债务,并将重组债务的账面价值与实际支付现金之间的差额计入()。








1. What is the English term for "资产负债表"?A. Balance SheetB. Income StatementC. Cash Flow StatementD. Statement of Retained Earnings2. Which of the following is not an expense?A. RentB. SalaryC. Accounts ReceivableD. Utilities3. What is the English term for "总账"?A. General LedgerB. Trial BalanceC. Income StatementD. Cash Flow Statement4. What is the English term for "应收账款"?A. Accounts PayableB. Accounts ReceivableC. InventoryD. Prepaid Expenses5. What is the English term for "固定资产"?A. Current AssetsB. Fixed AssetsC. Intangible AssetsD. Accounts Payable6. What is the English term for "净利润"?A. Gross ProfitB. Operating IncomeC. Net IncomeD. Retained Earnings7. What is the English term for "应付账款"?A. Accounts PayableB. Accounts ReceivableC. Accrued ExpensesD. Prepaid Expenses8. What is the English term for "现金流量表"?A. Balance SheetB. Income StatementC. Cash Flow StatementD. Statement of Retained Earnings9. What is the English term for "财务报表分析"?A. Financial Statement AnalysisB. Cost AccountingC. TaxationD. Budgeting10. What is the English term for "税务"?A. Financial Statement AnalysisB. Cost AccountingC. TaxationD. Budgeting以上是一些关于会计英语的练习题,希望大家能够认真思考并给出正确答案。

葛家澍《会计学》(财务会计分册)配套题库-课后习题-第1章~第12 章【圣才出品】

葛家澍《会计学》(财务会计分册)配套题库-课后习题-第1章~第12 章【圣才出品】













管理会计学 第10版 第12章 管理会计报告

管理会计学 第10版 第12章 管理会计报告
虽然摘要式报告没有提供所有的细节,但正是摘要保证了重要信息不被淹没在 细节之中。
➢ 表格式报告
表格式报告集中于提供详细的数据,注重从数据出发来说明经营管理中的问题, 它不追求直观,也不仅停留于大的概要方面,而是通过详尽的数据来说明问题。
12.4.1 成本类管理会计报告运用举例
开展战略规划、决策、 控制和

评价以及其他方面的管理活动提 理
会 计

(1)战略管理报告 (2)综合业绩报告 (3)价值创造报告 (4)经营分析报告 (5)风险分析报告 (6)重大事项报告 (7)例外事项报告
12.2.2 经营层管理会计报告

经营层管理会计报告是为经营管理 层
本年 预算
本月 实际
本年 累计 实际 平均
按上年 实际平 均单位 成本计

按本年 预算单 位成本
质设定报告期间。一般应以日历期间(月度、 季度、年度)作为企业管理会计报 告期间, 也可以根据特定需要设定企业管理会计报
定期编制,以月份、季度、年度作为会计 报告期间
数据信息与非数据信息并重,根据管理决策 主要披露财务会计的数据信息, 非数据信
图表可以让读者比较容易把握主要因素之间的关系,或者直接切中要害之处。 但图表往往不能准确测定数据。 在希望给报告阅读者对某个事件深刻印象时,以及报告阅读者更关注大的趋
➢ 摘要式报告
在向战略层提供管理会计报告时,需要有针对性选择他们关心的重要数据进行 摘要报告。



会计专业英语教程课后练习参考答案Chapter 1Solutions to Self-TestST1-1 ABCDST1-2 BCDST1-3 CDSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesOmittedChapter 2Solutions to Self-TestST2-1 CST2-2 CST2-3 AST2-4 DST2-5 BST2-6 BST2-7 ABDSolutions to ExercisesEx2-1 A.S B.W C.W D.W E.S F.W G.W H.SEx2-2A. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 51,840Accounts Receivable 51,840B. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 15,660Accounts Receivable 14,850Interest Receivable 810C. Accounts Receivable 7,020Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 7,020Cash 7,020Accounts Receivable 7,020D. Bad Debts Expense 20,520Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 20,520Ex2-3A. Jan. 4, Inventory 23,900Accounts Payable 23,900Jan. 9, Accounts Receivable 36,800Sales 36,800Cost of Goods Sold 27,200Inventory 27,200B. 124,600+23,900-27, 200=121,300C. Omitted.Chapter 3Solutions to Self-TestST3-1 CST3-2 CST3-3 DChapter 4Solutions to Self-TestST4-1 ABST4-2 ACST4-3 ABCDSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx4-1 OmittedEx4-2 OmittedEx4-3A. 1,000,000×7.2%×5=360,000B. 1,000,000×7.2%=72,000C. 1,000,000×7.2%×1/12=6,000Ex4-4A. June 1, Cash 20,000Notes Payable (Holden Investments) 20,000 July 19, Office Equipment 18,000Notes Payable (Western Supply) 18,000 Sept. 1, Cash 240,000Discount on Notes Payable 4,800Notes Payable (Midwest Bank) 244,800 Oct. 1, Inventory 162,000Discount on Notes Payable 405Notes Payable (Earthware Imports) 162,405Oct. 19, Interest Payable 350Interest Expense 100Cash 450For the replacement of an old note with a new one, the company needs to take notes in the memo records.B. Oct. 31, Interest Expense 195Discount on Notes Payable 135Interest Payable 60Oct. 31, Interest Expense 3,200Discount on Notes Payable 3,200Ex4-5 20,000,000×12%-(20,000,000×12%×35%)=2,400,000-840,000=1,560,000 Or 20,000,000×12%×(1-35%)=1,560,000Chapter 5Solutions to Self-TestST5-1 CST5-2 BST5-3 BST5-4 CST5-5 DST5-6 CST5-7 AST5-8 DST5-9 DSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx5-1 BEx5-2 AEx5-3 CEx5-4 DEx5-5 AEx5-6 DEx5-7 CEx5-8 BEx5-9 AEx5-10 BEx5-11 CEx5-12 BEx5-13 CEx5-14 DEx5-15 CChapter 6Solutions to Self-TestST6-1 AST6-2 CSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx6-1a. The balance sheetThe balance sheetAssets LiabilitiesCash 100,000 Accounts payable 55,000 Buildings and equipment 600,000 Notes payable 400,000Owner’s EquityShare capital 150,000Retained earnings 95,000 Total assets 700,000 Total liabilities and owner’s equity 700,000 b. No, because most businesses have more transactions.Ex6-2Pale CompanyIncome StatementItem Amount of this periodI. Total sales 591,762 Including: Sales 591,762 II. Total cost of salesIncluding: Cost of sales 482,355 Taxes and associate chargesSelling expenses and distribution 98,576 Administrative expenses 1,257 Financial expenseImpairment lossGain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)11,218III. Business pr ofit (“-” means loss) 20,792 Add: non-business income 9,033 Less: non-business expenseIV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 29,825 Less: Tax expense 522 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 29,303Chapter 7Solutions to Self-TestST7-1 Direct-labor-hour basisOverhead recovery rate = £12000/1,600=£7.50 per direct-labor-hourMachine-hour basisOverhead recovery rate = £8000/1,000=£8.00 per direct-labor-hourOverheads charged to jobsJob 1 Job 2££Direct-labor-hour basis£7.5×800 6,000£7.5×800 6,000Machine-hour basis£8.0×700 5,600£8.0×300 2,400Total 11,600 8,400Solutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx7-1 (a) Direct-labor-hour baissOverhead recovery rate=£50,000/2000=£25 per machine-hour.A £25×1500=£37500B £25×500=£12500(b) Machine-hour basisOverhead recovery rate=£50,000/1200=£41.6667 per machine-hour.A £41.6667×800=£33333B £41.6667×400=£16667Ex7-2The budget may be summarized as:Sales revenue £196,000Direct materials £38,000Direct labor £32,000Total overheads £77,000 (2,400+3,000+27,600+36,000+8,000)Profit £49,000The job may be priced on the basis that both overheads and profit should be apportioned to it on the basis of direct labor cost, as follows:Direct materials £4,000Direct labor £3,600Overheads £8,663 (£77,000×3,600/32,000)Profit £5,513 (£49,000×3,600/32,000)£21,776This answer assumes that variable overheads vary in proportion to direct labor cost.Various other bases of charging overheads and profit loading the job could have been adopted. For example, materials cost could have been included (with direct labor) as the basis for profit-loading, or even apportioning overheads.Ex7-3Sales price per unitAunit OutputB£Total sales revenueC=A×B£Variable costD=B×£20£Total costE=£2500+D£Profit/lossH£100 0 0 0 2500 -250095 10 950 200 2700 -175090 20 1800 400 2900 -110085 30 2550 600 3100 -55080 40 3200 800 3300 -10075 50 3750 1000 3500 25070 60 4200 1200 3700 50065 70 4550 1400 3900 65060 80 4800 1600 4100 70055 90 4950 1800 4300 65050 100 5000 2000 4500 500 An output of 80 units each week will maximize profit at £700 a week. The sales price per units is £60.Chapter 8Solutions to Self-TestST8-1The minimum price is:£Opportunity cost of the car 3,500Cost of the reconditioned engine 300Total 3,800The original cost of the car is irrelevant. The cost of the new engine is relevant because, if thework is done, the garage will have to pay £300 for the engine.The labor cost 15 irrelevant because the same cost will be incurred whether the mechanic undertakes the work or not. This is because the mechanic is being paid to do nothing if this job is not undertaken; thus the additional labor cost arising from this job is zero.ST8-2Product (code name) B14 B17 B22 (£)Selling price per unit 25 20 23Variable cost per unit (10) (8) (12)Contribution per unit 15 12 11Machine time per unit(hours) 4 3 4Contribution per machine-hour 3.75 4.00 2.75Order of priority 2nd1st3rdLabor time per unit (hours) 5 3 6Therefore:Produce 20 unit of product B17 using 60 hours22unit of product B14 using 88 hours148 hoursSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx8-1The minimum price is:Opportunity cost of the car £3,500Cost of the reconditioned engine £300Labor cost (7×£20)£140Total £3,940Ex8-2The relevant costs to be included in the minimum price are:Stock item: A1 £6×500=£3,000B2 £8×800=£6,400We are told that the stock of item A1 is in frequent use and so, if it is used on the contract, it will need to be replaced. We are told the stock of item B2 will never be used by the business unless the contract is undertaken. Thus, if the contract is not undertaken, the only reasonable thing for the business to do is sell the stock. This means that the opportunity cost is £8 a unit.Ex8-3(a) Estimated monthly profit from basket making:Without the machine With the machine££Sales (500×£14) 7,000 7000 Less Materials (500×£2)1000 1000 Labor(500×2×£5) 5000 (500×1×£5) 2500 Fix costs 500 3000 Profit 500500(b) The BEP with the machine:unitper ts Variable unit per revenus Sales tsFixed - =cos cos=)+-(5214000,3=429 baskets per month.There seems to be nothing to choose between the two manufacturing strategies regarding profit, at the estimated sales volume. There is, however, a distinct difference between the two strategies regarding the BEP. Without the machine, the actual volume of sales could fall by a half of that which is expected (from 500 to 250) before the business would fail to make a profit. With the machine, however, a 14 per cent fall (from 500 to 429) would be enough to cause the business to fail to make a profit.Ex8-4 (a) BEP =unitper ts Variable unit per revenus Sales tsFixed - =cos cos==++++)3121420(60)000,60000,80(-=12,127 radiosSales value is £763,620 (12,127×£60).(b) The margin of safety is 7,273 radios (that is, 20,000-12,727).The margin would have a sales value of £436,380 (that is, 7,273×£60).Chapter 9Solutions to Self-TestST9-1 (a) and (b)(c) Feasible explanations include the following:Sales volumeSales priceMaterials usageLabor rateLabor efficiencyOverheads(d)£Planning variance(10%×4000) ×£2.24 896 ‘New’ sales volume variance[4000-(10%×4000)-3500] ×£2.24224 Original sales volume variance 1120Solutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx9-1The original budget, the flexed budget and the actual re as follows:Budget Actual Flexed budgetOutput (production and sales) 1,000 units 1050 units 1050 units£££Sale revenue 100,000 104,300 105,000Raw materials 40,000 41,200 42,000Labor 20,000 12,300 21,000Fixed overheads 20,000 19,400 20,000Operating profit 20,000 22,400 22,000 Reconciliation of the budgeted and actual operating profits for JulyBudgeted profit 20,000Add favorable variances:Sales volume (22,000-20,000) 2,000Direct materials usage {[(1050×40)-40,500]×£1} 1,500Direct labor efficiency{[(1050×2.5)-2,600]×£8} 200Fixed overhead spending (20,000-19,400) 60024,300Less Adverse variances:Sales price variance (105,000-104,300) 700Direct materials price[(40,500×£1)-41,200] 700Direct labor rate[(2,600×£8) -21,300] 500Actual profit 22,400Ex9-2Pilot Ltd(a)and (b)BudgetActualOriginal FlexedOutput (units)(production and sales)5,000 5,400 5,400£££Sales revenue 25,000 27,000 26,460Raw materials (7,500) (8,100) (2,700 kg) (8,770) (2,830 kg) Labor (6,250) (6,750) (1,350 hr) 6,885 (1,300 hr) Fixed overheads (6,000) (6,000) (6,350)Operating profit 5,250 6,150 4,455£Manager accountableSales volume varianceSales price variance Materials usage variance Materials price variance Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance Fixed overhead variance5250-615027000-26460[(5400×0.5)-2830]×£3(2830×3)-8770[(5400×0.25)-1300]×£5(1300×5)-68856000-6350900 (F)(540) (A)(280) (A)(390) (A)(385) (A)250(F)(350) (A)SalesSalesBuyerProductionPersonnelProductionDepends on the natureof the overheadsTotal net variances 795(A)Note: F-favorable; A-adverseChapter 10Solutions to Self-TestST10-1A. stock price ¥112.00-5% underpricing 5.60Issue price ¥106.40-6% spread 7.45Net to company ¥98.95Number of shares=¥200 million/¥98.95=2.02 millionB. Investment bankers’ revenue=¥7.45×2.02 million=¥15.01 millionC. Underpricing is not a cash flow. It is, however, an opportunity cost to current owners because it means that more shares must be sold to raise ¥200 million and each share will represent a smaller ownership interest in the company.ST10-2Let X equals the end-of-year payment. ¥100,000=X(3.791); X=¥26,378.26. With this annual payment, the NPV on the loan from the bank’s perspective is 0, so its IRR is 10 percent.Solutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx10-1A.The holding period return is -2.9 percent.B.The bond’s price might have fallen because investor perceptions of its risk rose or becauseinterest rates rose.Ex10-2A.PV=1,000(0.507)=¥507B.PV=1,000(0.257)=¥257. Present value is less because the present sum has more time togrow into ¥1,000.C.PV=5,000(0.893)+3,000(0.797)+10,000(0.322)=¥10,076D.PV=80(6.628)+1,000(0.205)=¥735.24Chapter 11Solutions to Self-TestST11-1 TrueST11-2 TrueST11-3 FalseST11-4 TrueST11-5 FalseST11-6 FalseSolutions to Questions for DiscussionOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEX11-1A.ROE will undoubtedly fall. The numerator of the ratio, net income, will decline because theacquired company is losing money.B.This, however, is not important to the decision. This is another example of the timing problem.If the Internet company has great promise, it may make complete sense to acquire the business even though it is currently losing money. The proper way to evaluate the acquisition is to calculate a time-adjusted figure of merit that takes into account the company’s future performance.EX11-2Leverage ratios provide information about the degree of financial risk management faces in levering the business. Liquidity ratios offer information about the ready financial reserves the company has available to meet unanticipated needs. Control ratios provide insight into the management of important operating assets and liabilities. Finally, the fixed-asset turnover ratio indicates the degree of operating leverage the firm employs and its vulnerability to sales declines. Largely missing from this list is information about the business risks inherent in the markets in which the firm competes.EX11-3Collection period=Accounts receivable/Sales per dayAccounts receivable= Collection perio d×Sales per day=45×¥52 million/365=¥6.4 millio nChapter 12Solutions to Self-TestOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx12-1A.(3)B.dC.bD.bEx12-2A.dB.dEx12-3A.bB.cC.aChapter 13Solutions to Self-TestOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx13-1 OmittedEx13-2 OmittedEx13-3 OmittedEx13-4 OmittedEx13-5A.aB.aC.bD.cE.aF.cChapter 14Solutions to Self-TestOmittedSolutions to ExercisesEx14-1A.dB.cC.aD.cEx14-2A.aB.cC.d。






一、财务报表1. Balance Sheet(资产负债表)The balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a particular point in time.2. Income Statement(损益表)The income statement shows a company's revenues, expenses, and net income or loss over a specific period of time.3. Cash Flow Statement(现金流量表)The cash flow statement provides information about a company's cash inflows and outflows during a specific period of time.4. Statement of Retained Earnings(留存收益表)The statement of retained earnings shows changes in a company's retained earnings over a specific period of time.二、会计原则1. Accrual Basis(权责发生制)Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues and expenses are recognized when they are earned or incurred, regardless of when cash is received or paid.2. Matching Principle(配比原则)The matching principle requires that expenses be matched with the revenues they help generate in the same accounting period.3. Historical Cost Principle(历史成本原则)The historical cost principle requires that assets be recorded at their original cost, regardless of their current market value.4. Materiality Principle(重要性原则)The materiality principle states that an item should be recorded or disclosed if it is likely to influence the decisions of financial statement users.三、财务分析1. Liquidity Ratio(流动性比率)Liquidity ratios measure a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations. Examples include the current ratio and the quick ratio.2. Profitability Ratio(盈利能力比率)Profitability ratios measure a company's ability to generate profits. Examples include the gross profit margin and the return on equity.3. Solvency Ratio(偿债能力比率)Solvency ratios measure a company's ability to meet its long-term obligations. Examples include the debt-to-equity ratio and the interest coverage ratio.4. Efficiency Ratio(效率比率)Efficiency ratios measure how effectively a company utilizes its assets. Examples include the inventory turnover ratio and the accounts receivable turnover ratio.四、税务管理1. Tax Deduction(税务减免)A tax deduction is an expense that can be subtracted from a taxpayer's gross income to reduce their taxable income.2. Tax Credit(税务抵免)A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in a taxpayer's tax liability. It directly reduces the amount of tax owed.3. Taxable Income(应纳税所得额)Taxable income is the amount of income that is subject to taxation after deductions and exemptions have been taken into account.4. Tax Audit(税务审计)A tax audit is an examination of a taxpayer's financial records and accounts to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.以上是一些常用的会计英语参考答案,希望能对大家在学习和应用会计英语时有所帮助。



会计学英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. Which of the following is not a financial statement?A. Balance SheetB. Income StatementC. Cash Flow StatementD. Tax Return2. The process of recording all financial transactions in a company is known as:A. BudgetingB. ForecastingC. BookkeepingD. Auditing3. What does the term "Depreciation" refer to?A. The increase in value of an asset over timeB. The decrease in value of an asset over timeC. The sale of an assetD. The purchase of an asset4. Which of the following is not a type of receivable?A. Accounts ReceivableB. Notes ReceivableC. InventoryD. Trade Receivables5. What is the purpose of an audit?A. To ensure compliance with tax lawsB. To verify the accuracy of financial recordsC. To prepare financial statementsD. To manage the company's budget6. The term "Equity" in accounting refers to:A. The total assets of a companyB. The total liabilities of a companyC. The owner's investment in the companyD. The company's net income7. Which of the following is not a component of a balance sheet?A. AssetsB. LiabilitiesC. EquityD. Revenue8. The accounting equation is represented as:A. Assets = Liabilities + EquityB. Assets = Liabilities - EquityC. Assets - Liabilities = EquityD. Assets + Equity = Liabilities9. What is the term used to describe the conversion of cash into other assets?A. InvestingB. FinancingC. OperatingD. Spending10. Which of the following is a non-current asset?A. CashB. InventoryC. LandD. Office Supplies二、多项选择题(每题3分,共5题)1. Which of the following are considered as current assets?A. CashB. Accounts ReceivableC. InventoryD. Land2. The following are examples of liabilities except:A. Accounts PayableB. Long-term DebtC. Common StockD. Retained Earnings3. The following are types of expenses in an income statement except:A. Cost of Goods SoldB. Salaries and WagesC. DividendsD. Depreciation4. Which of the following are considered as equity transactions?A. Issuance of SharesB. Declaration of DividendsC. EarningsD. Payment of Dividends5. The following are true statements about accountingprinciples except:A. The going concern assumptionB. The matching principleC. The cash basis of accountingD. The accrual basis of accounting三、判断题(每题1分,共5题)1. True or False: The accounting cycle includes the processof closing the books at the end of an accounting period.2. True or False: All prepaid expenses are considered current assets.3. True or False: Revenue recognition is based on the cash received.4. True or False: The statement of cash flows is preparedusing the cash basis of accounting.5. True or False: The accounting equation must always balance.四、简答题(每题5分,共2题)1. Explain the difference between revenue and profit.2. Describe the role of the statement of cash flows infinancial reporting.五、计算题(每题10分,共1题)A company has the following transactions during the month:- Cash sales: $10,000- Accounts receivable: $5,000- Accounts payable: $3,000- Inventory purchased on credit: $2,000- Cash paid for expenses: $1,500Calculate the company's cash flow from operating activities for the month.答案:一、单项选择题1. D2. C3. B4. C5. B6. C7. D8. A9. A10. C二、多项选择题1. A, B, C2. C, D3. C4. A, D5. C三、判断题1. True2. True3. False4. False5. True四、简答题1. Revenue is the income generated from the normal business activities of a company over a specific period, before any expenses are deducted. Profit, on the other hand, is the amount of money remaining after all expenses have been deducted from the revenue. It represents the net income or net loss of a company.2. The statement of cash flows is a financial statement that provides information about the cash receipts。



英文版会计学考试题及答案English Accounting Exam Questions and AnswersQuestion 1: Define the term "Double Entry Bookkeeping" and explain its significance in accounting.Answer 1: Double Entry Bookkeeping is a system of recording financial transactions in which every entry to an account requires a corresponding and opposite entry to a different account. This ensures that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity) remains in balance. The significance of double entry bookkeeping lies in its ability to provide an accurate and comprehensive picture of a business's financial status, facilitating better decision-making and financial control.Question 2: What is the purpose of a trial balance, and how does it help in the preparation of financial statements?Answer 2: A trial balance is a report that lists the balances of all general ledger accounts at a particular point in time, with debit and credit amounts. It is used to ensure that the debits and credits have been recorded correctly. The trial balance helps in the preparation of financial statements by identifying any discrepancies in the accounting records, which can then be rectified before finalizing the statements.Question 3: Explain the difference between "AccrualAccounting" and "Cash Accounting."Answer 3: Accrual Accounting is a method of accounting where revenues and expenses are recognized when they are earned or incurred, not necessarily when cash is received or paid. This method provides a more accurate representation of a company's financial performance over a period. Cash Accounting, on the other hand, records transactions only when cash is exchanged. It is simpler and is often used by small businesses or those that operate on a cash basis.Question 4: Describe the process of preparing an income statement.Answer 4: Preparing an income statement involves several steps:1. List all the revenues for the period, such as sales and service income.2. Deduct all the expenses incurred to generate those revenues, including cost of goods sold, operating expenses, and taxes.3. Calculate the net income by subtracting total expenses from total revenues.4. The income statement should reflect the company's profitability over a specified period, typically a month, quarter, or year.Question 5: What are the main components of a balance sheet, and how do they relate to each other?Answer 5: The main components of a balance sheet are:1. Assets: What the company owns or controls with future economic benefit, divided into current assets (short-term) and non-current assets (long-term).2. Liabilities: Obligations the company owes to others, classified as current liabilities (due within one year) and long-term liabilities (due after one year).3. Owner's Equity: The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting liabilities, also known as shareholders' equity or net assets.These components are related through the fundamental accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity.Question 6: How does depreciation affect a company'sfinancial statements?Answer 6: Depreciation is a non-cash accounting method used to allocate the cost of tangible assets over their useful lives. It affects a company's financial statements in the following ways:1. It reduces the book value of the asset on the balance sheet.2. It increases the accumulated depreciation account, whichis a contra-asset account.3. It decreases net income on the income statement, as depreciation is an expense.4. It can lower taxable income, potentially reducing the company's tax liability.Question 7: What is the purpose of the statement of cash flows, and how does it differ from the income statement?Answer 7: The purpose of the statement of cash flows is to provide information about a company's cash receipts and payments during a period, showing how these cash flows affect the company's financial position. It differs from the income statement in that:1. It focuses on cash transactions, not accrual-basis accounting.2. It categorizes cash flows into operating, investing, and financing activities.3. It does not report net income but rather the net change in cash and cash equivalents.Question 8: Explain the concept of "Going Concern" and its importance in financial reporting.Answer 8: The Going Concern concept assumes that a businesswill continue to operate for the foreseeable future, allowing it to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. It is important in financial reporting because it underpins the accrual basis of accounting, which assumes that the business will continue to operate and therefore can recognize revenues and expensesover time.Question 9: What are the ethical considerations in accounting, and why are they important?Answer 9: Ethical considerations in accounting include honesty, integrity, objectivity, and confidentiality. Theyare important because they ensure the reliability andcredibility of financial information, which is crucial for stakeholders to make informed decisions. Ethical behavior also helps maintain public trust。

unit 12会计英语

unit 12会计英语

Contributions to the business will increase this account.
contribution n.捐献,贡献
contribute v.捐献, 贡献 【例句】 The girl contributed food and clothing to the poor
Task 1Βιβλιοθήκη Task 1Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
investment n.投资 【例句】He made a profit by careful investment. 【搭配】fixed investment 固定投资 foreign investment 外 国投资 financial investment 金融投资 net investment 净投资
The Owner’s Equity Accounts
Special Terms
Paid-in Capital Additional Paid-in Capital Retained Earnings
Reading The Owner’s Equity Accounts
Equity comes from investment in the business by the owners, plus accumulated net profits of the business that have not been paid out to the owners.
accumulate v. 积聚 【例句】He acc fortune.
umulated a large
pay out 付(钱);付出(巨额款项) 【例句】We have paid out nearly 5000 yuan this month.



会计英语课后练习题含答案一、选择题1.Which of the following is an example of a current asset?A. LandB. BuildingsC. Accounts payableD. Long-term bonds payableAnswer: C2.Which of the following is an example of a non-current asset?A. InventoryB. Accounts receivableC. EquipmentD. Prepd expensesAnswer: C3.Which of the following is an example of a current liability?A. Long-term loans payableB. Owner’s equityC. Accounts receivableD. Accounts payableAnswer: D4.Which of the following is an example of a non-currentliability?A. Accounts payableB. Salaries payableC. Long-term loans payableD. Rent payableAnswer: C5.Which of the following is not included in the calculation ofreturn on equity (ROE)?A. Net incomeB. Total assetsC. Average stockholders’ equityD. SalesAnswer: D二、填空题1._________ is the process of recording, classifying, andsummarizing financial transactions to produce financial statements.Answer: Accounting2.The balance sheet reports the financial position of acompany as of a specific __________.Answer: Date3.The __________ principle states that expenses should berecognized when they are incurred, regardless of when they are pd.Answer: Expense recognition4.The __________ principle states that expenses should bematched to the revenues they help generate.Answer: Matching5.The __________ is the excess of total assets over totalliabilities.Answer: Stockholders’ equity三、简答题1.What is the difference between a current asset and a non-current asset?Answer: A current asset is an asset that is expected to beconverted to cash within one year or during the normal operating cycle of the business, whichever is longer. A non-current asset is an asset that is expected to be held for more than one year and is not expected to be converted to cash during the normal operating cycle of the business.2.What is the difference between a current liability and anon-current liability?Answer: A current liability is a liability that is expected to be pd off within one year or during the normal operating cycle of the business, whichever is longer. A non-current liability is aliability that is expected to be pd off more than one year in the future and is not expected to be pd off during the normaloperating cycle of the business.3.How is the income statement different from the balance sheet?Answer: The income statement reports a company’s revenues,expenses, and net income or net loss for a specific period of time, usually one year or a quarter. The balance sheet reports acompany’s financial position as of a specific date, showing it s assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity.4.What is the equation for the balance sheet?Answer: Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ equity5.What is the purpose of financial accounting?Answer: The purpose of financial accounting is to provide useful information to external users, such as investors, creditors, and regulators, to help them make informed decisions about the company. It does this by recording and reporting a company’s financial activities in a standardized format.。



2007 年 7 月 1 日,债券溢价摊销时
2008 年 1 月 1 日、2008 年 7 月 1 日,溢价摊销和支付利息费用同上。
1.ABCD 2.AC 3.AC 10.AC 11.AB 12.ABC 19.AC 20.ACD
4.ABC 5.AB 6.ABD 7.ABCD 13.ABC 14.AB 15.ABD 16.AB
8.BCD 9.ABC 17.BC 18.ACD
三、是非题 1.对 2.对 3.错 4.对 5.对 6.对 7.错 8.对 9.错 10.错 11.错 12.对 13.错
600000 300000 1200000 300000
206000 86000
应交税费—应交增值税(进项税额) 10200
(2)借:盈余公积 贷:利润分配—其他转入
(3)借:盈余公积 贷:股本
1200000 300000
(1)借:固定资产 贷:实收资本



第一章答案:自测题一、A 、C 、A、B、B 、C二、ABCD、AB、AB、ABCD、BD、AC第二章答案:自测题一、B、D、C、B、D、B二、ABC、ABC、ABCD、ACD、BD、BC第三章答案:自测题一、A、D、D、B、A、B二、ABC、AD、BC、ABCD、BCD、BC、AB第四章答案:自测题一、A、C、C、C、A、D、D、B、B、B二、ABCD、BCD、ABC、AB、AC、ABD、ABD、ABC、ABCD 练习题一、某公司2008年9月发生下列业务:(1)购入零星办公用品120元,以库存现金支付;(2)以库存现金2000元预借职工李某差旅费;(3)从银行提取现金5000元以备零星开支;(4)收回购货方前欠货款30000元存入银行;(5) 以银行存款100 000元归还银行借款;(6)职工李某报销差旅费1800元,余款以现金收回;(7)以银行存款支付管理部门电话费3500元;(8)将现金3000元存入银行;(9)以银行存款8 000元支付业务招待费;(10)收到投资人投资款100 000元存入银行。


答案:(1)借:管理费用120贷:库存现金120(2)借:其他应收款2000贷:库存现金2000(3)借:库存现金5000贷:银行存款5000(4)借:银行存款30000贷:应收账款30000(5) 借:短期借款100000贷:银行存款100000(6)借:管理费用1800库存现金200贷:其他应收款2000(7)借:管理费用3500贷:银行存款3500(8)借:银行存款3000贷:库存现金3000(9)借:管理费用8000贷:银行存款8 000(10)借:银行存款100 000贷:实收资本100 000二、略三、某公司2008年9月份发生下列业务:(1)5日采用赊销的方式销售一批商品,赊销期20天,该批商品的售价100 000元,适用的增值税率17%,产品交付并办妥托收手续(2)10日公司销售一批产品,发票注明的价款80 000元,增值税13 600元,收到一张已承兑的期限为60天的不带息商业汇票。

会计英语Unit 12

会计英语Unit 12
of capturing the elements (i.e., revenues, expenses,
gains and losses) that make up income.
Unit Twelve
IV. Translation the following into Chinese.
费用是指企业在生产或销售商品、提供劳务或其他日常主 要经营活动中所发生地资产的外流或消耗费或债务的增加 (或两者的结合)。
Unit Twelve
II. Terms Study.
Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.
The tuition you pay at the beginning of each term is an example of a deferred expense to you, as a student.
Unit Twelve
Expenses are outflows or other using up of assets or increase of liabilities (or a combination of both) during a period from producing or delivering goods, rendering services, or carrying out other activities that constitute the entity’s major or central operations.
to explain the revenue recognition principle.

CPA会计学习笔记: 第12章 财务报告

CPA会计学习笔记: 第12章 财务报告









金融资产和金融负债不能相互抵销的主要情形1. 将几项金融工具组合在一起模仿成某项金融资产或金融负债,例如将浮动利率长期债券与收取浮动利息、支付固定利息的互换组合在一起,模仿或“合成”为一项固定利率长期债券。










1. What is accounting?(会计是什么?)Accounting is the process of recording, summarizing, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions of a business or organization. It provides information about the financial position and performance of a company.2. What are the basic accounting principles?(基本会计原则有哪些?)The basic accounting principles include the accrual principle, the consistency principle, the materiality principle, the prudence principle, the going concern principle, the cost principle, and the matching principle. These principles guide accountants in preparing financial statements and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial information.3. What is the difference between financial accounting and managerial accounting?(财务会计和管理会计的区别是什么?)Financial accounting focuses on the preparation of financial statements for external users, such as investors, creditors, and government agencies. It provides information about the financial performance and position of a company. Managerial accounting, on the other hand, is concerned with providing financial information for internal users, such as managers and decision-makers, tosupport planning, controlling, and decision-making processes within the organization.4. What is the double-entry accounting system?(什么是复式记账系统?)The double-entry accounting system is a method of recording financial transactions that requires every transaction to have equal and opposite effects on at least two accounts. It follows the principle that for every debit, there must be a corresponding credit, and vice versa. This system ensures that the accounting equation (assets = liabilities + equity) is always in balance.5. What is the difference between assets and liabilities?(资产和负债的区别是什么?)Assets are resources owned by a company that have economic value and can be used to generate future benefits. They include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property, and equipment. Liabilities, on the other hand, are obligations or debts owed by a company to external parties, such as loans, accounts payable, and accrued expenses.6. What is the purpose of financial statements?(财务报表的目的是什么?)The purpose of financial statements is to provide information about the financial performance, position, and cash flows of a company. The main financial statements include the income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, and statement of changes in equity. These statements help users, such as investors, creditors, and management, to evaluate the financial health and make informed decisions.7. What is depreciation?(什么是折旧?)Depreciation is the systematic allocation of the cost of a tangible asset over its useful life. It represents the decrease in value of an asset due to wear and tear, obsolescence, or other factors. Depreciation expense is recorded on the income statement and reduces the net income of a company.8. What is the difference between gross profit and net profit?(毛利和净利的区别是什么?)Gross profit is the difference between net sales revenue and the cost of goods sold. It represents the profit generated from the core operations of a business before deducting other expenses. Net profit, on the other hand, is the residual profit after deducting all expenses, including operating expenses, interest expenses, and taxes, from gross profit.以上是一些常见的会计英语参考答案。

大学会计英语 unit 12

大学会计英语   unit 12

Is budgeting important and necessary for a business? What reasons can you give to support your answer?
Suggested Answers
What are the major types of budgets prepared by accounting staff of an organization or business?
The chief budgets prepared by the accountants of an organization or business are: sales budget, capital budget, cash budget, and master budget. Budgets are set for different business areas.
Suggested Answers
Is budgeting important and necessary for a business? What reasons can you give to support your answer?
Setting budgets for different business is very necessary and important due to the following reasons.
12.1 Budgeting
Definition of Budget
A budget can be defined as a quantitative expression of a plan of action, and an aid to coordinating and implementing the plan. Some financial experts also define it as detailed statement of estimated receipts and expenditure for a period of time in the future, usually one year.
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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
1. Which of the following is NOT a use of cash flow information? A. B. C. D. Help predict future cash flows Evaluate management decisions Help predict ability to pay debts Measure accrual-based profit
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
6. How does depreciation appear on the Cash Flow Statement using the indirect method? A. As a subtraction in the operating section B. As an addition in the operating section C. As a subtraction in the investing section D. As an addition in the financing section
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
8. A company sells a plant asset with a book value of $15,000 at a loss of $3,000. What amount would be reported in the investing section of the Cash Flow Statement? A. B. C. D. An outflow of $15,000 An inflow of $12,000 An outflow of $3,000 An inflow of $3,000
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as ws that reflect day-to-day activities of a company are categorized as: A. B. C. D. operating. investing. financing. marketing.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
The Statement of Cash Flows
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
2. Cash flows that reflect day-to-day activities of a company are categorized as: A. B. C. D. operating. investing. financing. marketing.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
3. Borrowing money on long-term notes payable and issuing stock for cash are examples of: A. B. C. D. operating inflows. investing inflows. financing inflows. financing outflows.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
7. Which of the following best describes the
C. D.
relationship between a change in a current liability account and the operating section (indirect method)? A direct relationship – an increase in a current liability is added to net income An indirect relationship – an increase in a current liability is subtracted from net income No relationship Depends on type of current liability
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
7. Which of the following best describes the
A. B.
C. D.
relationship between a change in a current liability account and the operating section (indirect method)? A direct relationship – an increase in a current liability is added to net income An indirect relationship – an increase in a current liability is subtracted from net income No relationship Depends on type of current liability
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
4. A company sells land at a gain. How would the cash received be reported on the Statement of Cash Flows? A. B. C. D. As an operating inflow As an investing inflow As a financing inflow As a noncash investing activity
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
8. A company sells a plant asset with a book value of $15,000 at a loss of $3,000. What amount would be reported in the investing section of the Cash Flow Statement? A. B. C. D. An outflow of $15,000 An inflow of $12,000 An outflow of $3,000 An inflow of $3,000
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
5. A company sells land at a gain. How would the gain be reported on the Statement of Cash Flows using the indirect method? A. B. C. D. As an operating inflow As an investing inflow As a financing inflow As a noncash investing activity
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
3. Borrowing money on long-term notes payable and issuing stock for cash are examples of: A. B. C. D. operating inflows. investing inflows. financing inflows. financing outflows.
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.
5. A company sells land at a gain. How would the gain be reported on the Statement of Cash Flows using the indirect method? A. B. C. D. As an operating inflow As an investing inflow As a financing inflow As a noncash investing activity
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall.