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China’s Ancient Music Styles

Second,I’ll introduce another kind of style——Shang music. Shangmusiciscloselyrelatedtowarandhero.Itisusedtoshowthegallantmen’s heroism. Shang music sounds resonant and carefree.“Suwu grazessheep”which spreads far and wide among people is an example of

Sha ngmusic.ThemusicspeakshighlyofSuwu’sloyaltyandrighteousness.Suwu isan emissaryfromHanEmpiretoXiongnu.TheChanyuwantsSuwu to work for Xiongnu. However, Suwu takes on a hunger strike andthe Chanyu can do nothing about it. Suwu is ordered to graze a group ofmale sheep in remote clearing north sea. The Chanyu promises to SuwuthathecanbacktoHanEmpireifthesemalesheepbreed.Timeflies,with the Han Empire’s effort, Suwu backs home 19 years later. He keepshis loyalty for Han until his hair turned white. As“Suwu grazes

sheep”,mostShangmusicissentimental,movedandsomewhattragic.Why?Ithinkitisbeca useofwar.Everythingrelatedtowarisabhorrenttohuman’s gentle nature, isn’t it?

Forth,themostmelancholyfeelingusuallyexpressedthroughZhimusic. Zhi music specially shows people’s year ning for hometown. So itsounds very anxious and eager. Though many Chinese traditional

culturesmaydisappear,missinghomealwaysbeChineseunchangeablespirit.Therearema nypoemsandworkstoexpressthehomesickinclassicliteral. The most famous modern poem to express t his emotion issurelythe“homesick”written by Yu guangzhong. The poem expresses Yu’s loveand missing for his hometown in different period in his life.

Last, Yu music is the paean of youth, so it is genuine, pure, resonant,lively, smooth, simple and natural i n character. Youth may be the happiesttime in one’s life.

I guess that everyone is willing to rember his or herjoyful and relaxed music only belonging to young time.So if you haveenjoyed a piece of unforgettable music, sing it again while you read thisparagraph.

Five types of Chinese classical music——Gong, Shang, Jue, Zhi andYu are as beautiful as other arts, we may can’t understand it very well, butit has no effect on us enjoying music. Just as most people have no

abilitytoreadmusicbook,theyareabletoenjoymusicwell.Ihopethatmypapercouldhelpyo uknowchina’sancientmusiccultureandfireyourinterest to have it.
