经贸系《市场营销专业英语》课程教学大纲课程性质:专业必修课总学时数:48学时适合专业:09级经贸系市场营销专业(一)课程教学目标通过本课程的学习,要求掌握以下知识目标: 1. 了解市场营销的运行平台、基本理念、主要类型。
2. 运用所学知识分析和指导企业、事业单位的营销实践活动。
学生应掌握市场营销相关的词汇和具体运行流程,具体要求如下: 1. 掌握足够的与市场营销相关的词汇和表达方式。
2. 熟悉市场营销的基本交易类型的操作原理、方法和步骤。
3. 了解其它与市场营销相关的话题并能通过网上交流拓展学业与职业空间。
(四)实践教学的基本要求实训一实验(实训)学时 10 应开实验(实训)5 个数序实验(实训)名称实验实学时实验(实备注号训要求分配训)类型 Customer value and satisfaction 1 必做 2 综合性Consumer purchase decision process 2 必做2 综合性How to set a price on a product 3 必做 2 综合性Sales promotion 4 必做 2 综合性 Advertising 5 必做 2 综合性实践教学目的:培养学生的实际营销活动能力,将所学的英语知识和市场营销知识结合起来,通过实际和模拟营销活动场景给学生更多实践机会。
九、教材:教师自编讲义十、主要参考书目:Philip Kotler,Gary Armstrong «,《科特勒市场营销教程》,华夏出版社,2004S.马杰罗,《市场营销》,中信出版社,2000乔尔·埃文斯,《市场营销教程(第七版)(上)》,华夏出版社,2001。
《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:060651课程名称:商务英语英文名称:Specialized English in Marketing课程类别:专业选修课学时:36学分:2适用对象:市场营销专业考核方式:考查先修课程:市场营销原理,管理学原理二、课程简介《商务英语》(市场营销专业英语)培养学生在市场营销的实际工作以及研究工作中运用英语的能力,课程通过阅读和分析内容广泛的材料,扩大学生的知识面,加深学生对商务英语的理解,培养学生对国际商务活动(主要指市场营销活动)的了解和熟悉程度,提高分析能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力,巩固和提高学生在商务领域(主要指市场营销)里运用英语语言技能的能力。
四、教学内容及要求第一讲营销概述(Unit 1 Introduction to Marketing)(一)目的与要求1.本讲要求学生掌握市场营销的一些基本概念,如市场营销、市场营销战略、4P等;2.要求熟悉市场营销的历史发展阶段;3.要求了解市场营销每个历史发展阶段的特点。
(二)教学内容1.主要内容:1)S ome concepts in marketing;2)The evolution of marketing:production era,sales era, marketing era, relationship marketing era3)Case study: strategic issues in Chinese marketing2.基本概念和知识点:基本概念:marketing,marketing strategy,position,segmentation,target market, 4Ps(product, place, price, promotion ), brand value知识点:have some knowledge of the 4Ps in Chinese market3.问题与应用(能力要求): 无。
营销英语教学 大纲
《营销英语》课程教学大纲课程代码:9900589课程类型:专业必修课开课部门:应用外语系学时: 64 其中实训学时: 16(课内实践)学分: 4授课对象:工商管理系营销专业与连锁专业的高职学生一、课程的性质和任务随着社会经济的不断发展,商品生产和贸易在经济生活中的地位日益重要,市场营销的重要性日益突出,而经济全球化的趋势也使得市场营销专业的毕业生必须具备一定的专业外语知识,能够较好地进行企业内部外部的有效的沟通。
四、教学方法与重点、难点教学方法:1. 案例教学法通过提供实际案例,引导学生分析和研究这些实际案例,学生能够接触和感受实际工作中将会遇到的真实境况,使行业实际与课堂讲学的距离大大缩短。
《国际市场营销学(英文)》课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:16134003课程名称:国际市场营销学(英文)英文名称:International Marketing课程类别:专业必修课学时:48学分:3适用对象:国际贸易本科学士考核方式:考试先修课程:国际贸易二、课程简介As global economic growth occurs, understanding marketing in all cultures is increasingly important. This course is a theoretical and practical course, in the interpretation of the basic theory of marketing at the same time, combined with the actual business case analysis. International Marketing addresses global issues and describes concepts relevant to all international marketers, regardless of the extent of their international involvement. Not all firms engaged in overseas marketing have a global perspective, nor do they need to.It is with this future that the sixteenth edition of International Marketing is concerned. Emphasis is on the strategic implications of competition in different country markets. An environmental∕cultural approach to international marketing permits a truly global orientation. The text is designed to stimulate curiosity about management practices of companies, large and small, seeking market opportunities outside the home country and to raise the reader’s consciousness about the importance of viewing internat ional marketing management strategies from a global perspective. Although this revised edition is infused throughout with a global orientation, export marketing and the operations of smaller companies are also included. Issues specifc to exporting are discussed where strategies applicable to exporting arise, and examples of marketing practices of smaller companies are examined.三、课程性质与教学目的本课程是一门全英课程,是专门针对国际贸易的本科学士开设的一门专业必修课。
《市场营销学》课程教学大纲课程名称(中文/英文):市场营销学/Marketing课程编码:12033014 课程类别:专业必修课课程性质:专业基础课适用范围:04资源环境与城乡规划管理学时数:54 其中:课堂讨论8学时学分数: 3 先修课程:管理学原理考核方式:考试制订日期:2004年制订单位:广州大学地理科学学院审核者:林媚珍执笔者: 谢献春一、教学大纲说明课程的目的市场营销学是伴随商品经济高度发展而逐步形成的一门学科,它属于工商企业管理学的范畴。
x4063391市场营销英语课程教学大纲课程名称:市场营销英语英文名称:Marketing English课程编号:x4063391学时数:32其中实践学时数:0 课外学时数:0学分数:2.0适用专业:市场营销一、课程简介市场营销英语是市场营销专业开设的一门专业选修课,其主要内容包含Marketing Basics、Research、Product、Positioning and branding、People-customers and staff、Price、Place、Publicity and promotion、Packaging、Public relations.其核心内容为市场营销学,要求学生掌握专业营销词汇及营销的习惯用语,通过读写听说训练,为后续学习国际市场营销学打下基础。
二、课程目标与毕业要求关系表三、教学内容、基本要求、重点和难点(一)Marketing Basics1、The basic knowledge about Marketing.2、The marketing mix13、The marketing mix24、SWOT analysis5、Marketing strategy and the plan marketing plan6、Marketing ethics7、The market environment8、Legal aspects of marketing重点:Marketing Ethics难点:The Marketing Mix(二) Research1、Some research methods that can be used in Marketing research.2、Research 13、Research 2重点:Research methodology难点:Research methodology(三) Product1、Product develop and brainstorming, product life cycles.2、New product development13、New product development24、Brainstorming5、Product and service types6、Product of life cycles7、Selling products and services重点:Product life cycles难点:Product life cycles(四) Positioning and branding1、Brand management and strategy2、Branding13、Branding 24、Brand values重点:Branding难点:Branding(五)People-customers and staff1、Market segmentation2、Customer needs and behavior3、Loyalty programs4、Motivation marketing5、Customer relationship management重点:Motivation marketing难点:Motivation marketing(六)Price1、The marketing budget2、Price strategy重点:Price难点:The marketing budget(七)Place1、Logistics and the distribution chain2、Merchandising3、Trade shows4、Telemarketing5、Online shopping and mail order,6、Personal selling重点:Merchandising难点:Logistics and the distribution chain(八) Publicity and promotion1、Above, below and through the line2、Media strategy3、TV and radio4、Outdoor advertising5、The press6、Printed documents7、Branded content8、The internet9、Buss marketing10、Sales promotions and displays11、D irect mail and email12、Street marketing and sampling重点:Above, below and through the line难点:Above, below and through the line (九)Packaging1、Logo2、Materials and containers重点:Logos难点:Logos(十)Public relations1、Corporate communications2、Public relations and lobbying3、Event and sports sponsorship4、Crisis communication5、Corporate blogging重点:Public relations and lobbying难点:Crisis communication四、教学方式及学时分配五、课程其他教学环节要求要求学生积极参与课堂口语练习中,并认真完成课后思考题,投入到团队讨论中。
Teaching and Learning Outline of the Principles ofMarketing(市场学教学大纲)Name(名称): Principles of MarketingPrevious courses needed(先修课程): Economics, Organizational Behavior, Management, etc. Application(适用专业): Undergraduates and postgraduates specialized in business management and marketing, etc.Course Brief Introduction(课程简介)This course aims at introducing the concept and connotation of the latest theories for the marketing, the means of the transformation between the theory and the practices of marketing and the marketing tools and their use in the practical operation. In the meanwhile, it tries to make students get familiar with the tracks to promote the function of marketing through the customer profitable relationship management so that a better, quick-reaction and more competitive organization by modern marketing management practices should be established. What’s more, it shows the theories and the operational style of the marketing strategy and the global marketing and their relations to the students in order that they will become qualified marketers.Features and Targets of the Course(课程性质和目的)This course belongs to the professional one, by which the students can bathe in the advanced marketing ideas, master the basic principles of the last marketing, its connotation and tools and resolve the actual problems by them.Course Contents(课程内容)Chapter 1 Production and Development of Marketing1.Production of Marketing2.Development of MarketingChapter 2 Marketing Philosophy1.Production Concept2.Product Concept3.Selling Concept4.Marketing Concept5.Social Marketing Concept6.Mega-Marketing ConceptChapter 3 Analysis of Marketplace and Marketing Environment1.Implication and Classification of Marketplace2.Implication and Features of Marketing Environment3.Analysis of Macro-Marketing Environment4.Analysis of Micro-EnvironmentChapter 4 Analysis of Market Behavior1.Analysis of Competitors2.Analysis of Consumer Market Purchasing Behavior3.Purchasing Behavior Analysis of Organizational MarketChapter 5 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning1.Market Segmentation2.Market Targeting3.Market PositioningChapter 6 Marketing Strategies1.Generalities2.Business Determination Adapt to the Marketing Strategy3.Varieties of the Marketing StrategyChapter 7 Marketing Competitive Strategies1. Five Basic Competitive Forces2.Basic Competitive Strategiespetitor Ranking and Marketing Competitive StrategyChapter 8 Marketing Engineering1.Origin and Development of the Marketing Engineering2.Connotation and Elements of the Marketing Engineering3.Marketing Engineering MethodsChapter 9 Marketing Investigation and Market Forecast1. Marketing Information Systems2.Marketing Research3.Marketing ForecastingChapter 10 Product Strategie1. Generalities2.Product Policies3.Product Positioning4.Product Strategies5.BrandsChapter 11 Price Strategies1. Factors Affecting Pricing2.Elementary Pricing Methods3.Basic Pricing StrategyChapter 12 Place Strategies1.Basic Types and Features of Place2.Choice Tactics of Place3.Wholesalers and RetailorsChapter 13 Promotional Strategies1.Generalities2.Sales Promotion3.Public Relation4.AdvertisingChapter 14 Marketing Management1.Marketing Planning2.Marketing Organization3.Marketing Control4.Marketing AuditChapter 15 Other Marketing Orientations1.Service Marketing2.Experiential Marketing3.International Marketing4.Social MarketingTeaching Materials and Reference[1] Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong.Principles of Marketing, Eleventh Edition, 清华大学出版社, October, 2007[2] 梁东、刘建堤、孙安彬、谭学英等,《市场营销学》,清华大学出版社, 2007年6月。
《国际市场营销(英)》课程教学大纲The Course Syllabus of Marketing一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information)课程代码:16051702Course Code: 16051702课程名称:国际市场营销(英)Course Name : International Marketing课程类别:专业方向课Course Type : Specialized Course学时: 32Period:32学分:2Credit:2适用对象:英语专业本科高年级学生Target Students: Undergraduate in High Grade Majoring in English考核方式:考查Assessment: Examination先修课程:当代商学概论I , IIPreparatory Course: Introduction to Contemporary Business I , II二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction)本课程是外国语学院商务英语(国际商务与管理方向)本科高年级学生的专业方向必修课。
This course is offered to Business English majors (with an International Business and Management orientation) as a compulsory course in the 7th semester. This course includes fourbasic modules of marketing: the meaning, process and environment of marketing, the pursuing of marketing opportunities and the designing of marketing strategies , the development of marketing mix and the management of marketingThis course will also be using many examples, past and up-to-date, to provide Ss with necessary principles and know-how in marketing; to introduce the development of businesses in various fields in China, to raise Ss’ awareness of business and economic achievements in China and its contribution to the world economy, especially into the 21st century; to build Ss’confidence and pride in themselves as well as in the nation; to encourage Ss to think critically not only in matters of marketing and business, but also in life and future career, and to help Ss to develop initiatives in their life and study, preparing them for future contributions to larger purposes of the nation.本课程是外国语学院商务英语专业及英语专业(国际商务与管理方向)本科高年级学生的专业方向选修课。
二、课程教学目标( 一)知识目标1. 培养和提高市场营销专业本科生在营销活动中英语的听、说、读、写等实际应用能力,2. 使学生了解和掌握营销专业英语词汇,通过课文阅读训练使学生能够用英文描述营销活动,熟悉营销用语,并提高实际翻译的能力( 二)能力目标1. 培养学生对国际商务活动(主要指市场营销活动)的了解和熟悉程度2.提高分析能力、逻辑思维与独立思考的能力3.巩固和提高学生在商务领域(主要指市场营销)里运用英语语言技能的能力三、课程基本要求本课程分为掌握、熟悉、了解三种层次要求。
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经贸系《市场营销专业英语》课程教学大纲课程性质:专业必修课总学时数:48学时适合专业:09级经贸系市场营销专业(一)课程教学目标通过本课程的学习,要求掌握以下知识目标: 1. 了解市场营销的运行平台、基本理念、主要类型。
2. 运用所学知识分析和指导企业、事业单位的营销实践活动。
学生应掌握市场营销相关的词汇和具体运行流程,具体要求如下: 1. 掌握足够的与市场营销相关的词汇和表达方式。
2. 熟悉市场营销的基本交易类型的操作原理、方法和步骤。
3. 了解其它与市场营销相关的话题并能通过网上交流拓展学业与职业空间。
(四)实践教学的基本要求实训一实验(实训)学时 10 应开实验(实训)5 个数序实验(实训)名称实验实学时实验(实备注号训要求分配训)类型Customer value and satisfaction 1 必做 2 综合性 Consumer purchase decision process 2 必做2 综合性How to set a price on a product 3 必做 2 综合性Sales promotion 4 必做 2 综合性Advertising 5 必做 2 综合性实践教学目的:培养学生的实际营销活动能力,将所学的英语知识和市场营销知识结合起来,通过实际和模拟营销活动场景给学生更多实践机会。
(五)教学学时分配市场营销专业英语学时分配章次各章名称总学时讲课实验实训习题 1 Introduction to core 3 2 1 marketing concepts 2 Marketing Environment 3 2 1 3 Customer Value 2 1 and 3 Satisfaction 4 Types of Marketing 3 2 1 Research 5 Consumer Purchase 3 2 1 Decision Process 6 A Model of Business 3 2 1 Buyer Behavior 7 Market 2 1 Segmentation, 3 Targeting, and Positioning 8 Product Classification and 3 2 1 Product Decisions 9 Product Life Cycle and Its 3 2 1 Marketing Implications 10 How to Set a Price on a 3 2 1 Product 11 Retailer Marketing 3 2 1 Decisions 12 Integrated Logistics 3 2 1 Management 13 Sales Promotion 3 2 114 Functions of the 3 2 1 Advertising 15 Characteristics of Services 3 2 1 and the Related Marketing Strategies 45 30 8 7 合计(六)大纲内容Unit 1 Introduction to core marketing concepts 1.主要内容:a. marketing offers b. valueand satisfaction c. markets d marketing 2.教学重点:a. key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:Make clear the process of marketing 4.教学要求:Require teacher to analyze the related information of marketing 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after thetext. Require students to summarize marketing related terms or useful sentences in this Unit. Unit2 Marketing Environment 1.主要内容:a. company’s micro-environment b. competitors c. publics 2.教学重点: a. key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:What is marketing environment? Can companies change their marketing environment according to theirwill? 4.教学要求:Require teacher to introduce the important premise and condition ofmarketing Environment. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions after the text. Unit 3 Customer Value and Satisfaction 1.主要内容:a. definition of Customer Value and Satisfaction b. delivering customer value and satisfaction 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:The real understanding of customer value and satisfaction . 4.教学要求:Require teacher to introduce customer value and satisfaction . 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions after the text. Require students to summarize customer value and satisfaction related terms or useful sentences in this Unit. Unit 4 Types of Marketing Research 1.主要内容:a. exploratory research b. descriptive research c. casual research 2.教学重点 a. key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:How to classify the marketing research? 4.教学要求:Require teacher to explain the difficult sentence firstly, next analyze the text 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions after the text. Unit 5 Consumer Purchase Decision Process 1.主要内容:a. need recognition b. information search b. alternative evaluation 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点: Try to explain clearly how to decide the marketing strategies according to the features of customers.4.教学要求:Require teacher to lead the students tolearn customer purchase decision process. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions after the text. Require students to conclude the on-line marketing strategies. Unit 6 A Model of Business Buyer Behavior 1.主要内容:a. major types of buying situations b. participants in the business buying process 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:How to describethe eight stages in the business buying process. 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence soas to make students know these knowledge about business buyer behavior. 5.习题要求:Require studentsto finish some questions after the text. Unit 7 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning 1.主要内容:a. segmenting markets b. target marketing 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:the clear understanding of market segmentation, targeting, and positioning 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge about market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions after the text. Unit 8 Product Classification and Product Decisions 1.主要内容:a.productclassifications b.product decisions 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:the clear understanding of product classifications product decisions.4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge about product classifications product decisions.5.习题要求:Require students to finish some questions afterthe text. Unit 9 Product Life Cycle and Its Marketing Implications 1.主要内容:. introduction stage ab.growth stagec. maturity staged. decline stage 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:the limitations of product life cycle concept. 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge about product life cycle. 5.习题要求:Require studentsto finish some exercises after the text. Unit 10 How toSet a Price on a Product 1.主要内容:. establishing pricing goals a b.estimate demand,costs,and profits c. choose a price strategy d. fine-tune the baseprice 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:How to choose a price strategy? 4.教学要求:Requireteachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge about how to set a price on a product. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after the text. Unit 11 Retailer Marketing Decisions 1.主要内容:. target market and positioning decision a b.product assortment and services decision c. price decisiond. promoting decisione. place decision 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:developing a positioning strategy 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge aboutretailer marketing decisions. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after the text. Unit 12 Integrated Logistics Management 1.主要内容:. cross-functional teamwork inside the company a b.building channel partnerships 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:managing the channel 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge aboutintegrated logistics management. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after the text.Unit 13 Sales Promotion 1.主要内容:.major formsof sales promotion a2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:promotion and advertising 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentenceso as to make students know these knowledge aboutsales promotion. 5.习题要求:Require studentsto finish some exercises after the text. Unit 14 Functions of the Advertising 1.主要内容:. marketing function a munication function c. education function d. economic functione. social function 2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:functions of media 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge aboutadvertising.5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after the text. Unit 15 Characteristics of Services and the Related Marketing Strategies1.主要内容:. the characteristics of services a2.教学重点:key terms and concepts 3.教学难点:relationship marketing 4.教学要求:Require teachers to explain difficult sentence so as to make students know these knowledge aboutrelated marketing strategies. 5.习题要求:Require students to finish some exercises after the text.。